#oggi killed
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primepaginequotidiani · 4 months ago
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PRIMA PAGINA The Times di Oggi giovedì, 05 settembre 2024
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stygmatus · 2 years ago
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‘what’s your favorite food, ogata?’
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nathanialhowe · 1 month ago
ricky blog is sio tempting for wangst but also to gauge who would sidestepcalling him ricky cus they have no whimsy
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nihilisticlinguistics · 1 year ago
it's not that I wasn't expecting to feel emotional about the approaching end of a D&D campaign. it's been nearly five years, after all. it's that it has come on like a weird malaise, a sort of quiet heartache feeling.
I think I was imagining a more cathartic feeling. maybe that comes when I close the last door and turn out the last light. there are still final battles to complete, one more mission to finish. but we've reached the end of something, nevertheless. three player characters, with whom I have spent five years, have left mortality behind and that's a kind of dying, right?
I think I'm mourning something, but it's not a regretful feeling. I helped to bring them here. They have been transformed. And maybe the catharsis of this tragedy comes when, in the end, they win, having already lost everything.
(I hope so.)
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Having Higgs thoughts.
First of all, it's absolutely hilarious that Oggie calls him kid even though Higgs is literally a first-generation Jager. Incredible. This must be the Jeger equivalent of being 40 but having such a bad case of baby face that you look like a teenager and no one takes you seriously.
Secondly. I read a fic with one (1) interaction between Higgs and Lilith/Judy and decided it would be very interesting if Higgs had been the one to 'raise' her (and Punch/Adam too I guess?). But then I really thought about it and it makes at least a bit of sense. Visibly they were created as adults, but the emotional and mental maturity and humanity had to take a while to set in. And who better to teach them how to act human, how to be human, and how to fake being a socially acceptable non-mechanicsburg person than the guy who's not human but whose job is literally to blend in with them? Plus, Dimo said that Bill and Barry didn't like the Jagers being with them because it was bad for their reputation or something but Higgs doesn't look like a Jager so he was probably on Heterodyne-sitting duty way more than the rest of them because he's way more subtle and less réputation-damaging than the others.
Point is. Higgs being the one to teach Punch and Judy How To Be Human When You're Not, Really and then he ends up catching parental feelings which is... Interesting. Never happened before. When Punch and Judy are good enough at passing for human and don't really need him for that anymore he goes back to his job but they keep in touch sporadically. He's really worried when they "disappear" but he can't search for them because he's in a deep cover operation. Plus, signs points to Punch and Judy being very good at hiding if no one found them and Agatha in all those years.
Higgs learning that Judy and Punch were 'killed' and just..... Disappearing from the airship for a while to destroy a forest or two. Only to discover them in Gil's secret lab during his routine patrol of all the secret places in the airship. From then on he tries to visit them as often as he can without compromising his cover.
Obviously he probably learns about the Agatha thing early, but then he learns who raised her and gets confusing grandfatherly feelings. Give him a break, he's just gotten used to the idea of having children, he wasn't expecting a grandkid :/ he goes to Oggie (grandfather many times over) about it. Oggie, surprisingly, takes him absolutely seriously, gives him advice, and only teases him a little ("out ov all de grandkeeds hyu chust had to get de most troublesome one uh ?")
It still takes a while for Agatha to learn that she's got a sort of adopted grandpa (who isn't evil !) who looks barely 20 years older than her and is one of her subordinates oh that's awkward..... But at least he's very trustworthy and now she has to adapt to the idea of her best friend dating her grandpa (Zeetha thinks it's absolutely hilarious).
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nottidasuicidio · 7 months ago
Dovrei smetterla di rifugiarmi nei social per combattere la mia depressione, dico davvero. Inganno la mia mente riempiendomi il cervello di stupidi video che sono una vera e propria serotonina artificiale, scappo dai miei problemi e da quei pensieri costanti. E poi, tra stupidaggini, mi appare “how to kill yourself in fourteen days”: inizialmente sussulto, non ero su tumblr, nascondevo quel mio desiderio. Decido di leggere, leggo giorno per giorno, ho un nodo allo stomaco enorme quando leggo dei tagli sui polsi. “È la cosa da fare, ma non risolverà niente, non lo ha mai risolto”. Ho cicatrici su tutto il corpo, segni di un sollievo temporaneo che non è mai durato più di 10 minuti. Ho le lacrime agli occhi mentre continuo a leggere, è esattamente quello che ho passato in quel periodo infernale, penso ancora a suicidarmi. Ci penso sempre, ogni giorno, mi sento un fallimento, continuo ad andare avanti per inerzia ma non ho nessun interesse nella vita. Potrei morire adesso, non mi importerebbe. Continuo a leggere, con la consapevolezza che ignorare i miei pensieri non mi farà guarire, che non è normale fingere di stare bene e pensare che un giorno mi suiciderò. Non è oggi, non lo sto pianificando, ma morirò a causa della mia mente malata. “Alla fine ti farai male, l’odio verso te stesso è la tua malattia più incurabile”. Sono devastato, travolto da emozioni che avevo imparato a reprimere. Sono solo, non ho nessuno a cui dirlo: nessun amico a cui dire che sono triste o dirgli quello che penso, nessun famigliare che realmente si interessi a me. Sono solo, sono sempre stato solo. Sto sopravvivendo e lo so bene, nonostante cerchi di non darlo a vedere.
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diceriadelluntore · 8 months ago
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Storia Di Musica #322 - Spoon, Kill The Moonlight, 2002
Alla cabina del mixer di The Stage Names dei Okkervil River c'era un ragazzo musicista, un batterista per la precisione: Jim Eno. Che all'uscita di quel disco era una sorta di celebrità della musica indie per via del gruppo che aveva fondato, circa dieci anni prima, con il cantante e chitarrista Britt Daniel. Ad Austin infatti agli inzi degli anni '90 fondano un gruppo che prende nome da una canzone dei leggendari Can, il famoso gruppo tedesco della Kosmik Music degli anni '70, che si chiama Spoon (da quel disco meraviglioso che fu Ege Bamyasi del 1972) e che faceva parte della colonna sonora di un film amato dai due ragazzi, Doppio Taglio (Jagged Edge), del 1985. Nel 1994 come duo con musicisti sessionisti incidono le prime canzoni: vanno in un EP, Nefarious (1994) e poi, assodati dalla etichetta Matador, in un LP, del 1996, Telephono, che vende poco ma viene notato da una certa critica come qualcosa di molto interessante. Nel 1997 un nuovo EP, Soft Effects, mostra l'embrione della loro musica futura: poco noisy, una musica geometrica che si rifà alla New Wave più illuminate (i Wire soprattutto) e una passione, soprattutto di Daniel, per Elvis Costello. Durante un concerto del 1996, invitano sul palco Josh Zarbo, bassista tra il pubblico, e finirà per suonare con loro per oltre dieci anni, fino al 2007. Nel 1998 hanno una grande occasione: li mette sotto contratto la Elektra, la leggendaria casa discografica dei The Doors, dei Love, centrale nella musica degli anni '70 negli Stati Uniti: esce persino un disco, A Series Of Sneaks, ma una serie di incomprensioni con il loro referente, Ron Laffitte, porterà ad una distribuzione scadente e persino a scelte produttive non concordate, tanto che la casa discografica li licenzia dopo un solo disco e gli Spoon dedicheranno a Laffitte una suite di sue brani, molto ironici ma potentissimi per la critica nei confronti dei suoi comportamenti, The Agony Of Laffitte e Laffitte Don't Fail Me Now che saranno incluse nella ristampa di A Series Of Sneaks del 2002, quando la band è sotto contratto con la Merge. Una delle etichette più importanti per la musica indipendente crede moltissimo in questo duo, che in tre anni scrive tre dischi bellissimi: Girls Can Tell del 2001 è l'antipasto per il disco di oggi, scelto per il misterioso motivo comune ai dischi di Aprile (che sono sicuro avete ormai capito).
Kill The Moonlight esce il 20 Agosto del 2002. È un disco che fa della semplicità sonora il suo fulcro, che non vuol dire affatto che sia un disco banale: anzi se ne apprezzano le idee, le influenze, le scelte degli arrangiamenti in modo più facile ed incisivo. È un disco che lascia da parte gli stili prefissati, meno dolente di Girls Can Tell, più gioioso e divertente, un omaggio alle loro passioni musicali. Il disco è trascinato da The Way We Get By, che diventerà molto famosa per l'uso in serie cult come The O.C., Scrubs e persino nella colonna sonora di Shameless (e di molti altri film). Il suono è semplice ma variopinto, con addirittura occasionali puntate di fiati, e per la prima volta il fulcro sonoro è di chitarra e pianoforte, quest'ultimo strumento mai usato precedentemente, nei crediti affidato al misterioso Eggo Johanson, in realtà lo stesso Britt Daniel (tra gli altri musicisti, il fido Zarbo e Mike McCarthy alla chitarra, altri due bassisti, Roman Kuebler e John Clayton, Matt Brown al sassofono e Brad Shenfield al Darbuka, che è un tamburo a cesto tipico della musica mediterranea, soprattutto lato africano). Meravigliosi gli intro di Small Stakes, molto rock, e quello quasi dadaista di Stay Don't Go. Someone To Look Foward To è più "sporca" e groove, salendo nei toni alti del canto tanto amati da Daniel. Jonathan Fisk è ritmica e sa di anni '80 (soprattutto nel timbro della batteria di Eno), ed è il più chiaro omaggio a Costello, anche nella tematica del brano (ricordi di bullismo da cortile, religione e politica di destra con "bombe atomiche e rasoi smussati"). C'è anche sufficiente angoscia in brani come All The Pretty Girls Go To The City. Ma è musicalmente che il disco sorprende: sono uno dei pochi gruppi rock indie del periodo che non "abusano" della chitarra ritmica fuzz, ricorrendo alle tastiere, che sono davvero la novità musicale nel loro stile, e anche ai campionatori. Chiude il disco un altro gioiello, Vittorio E., 3 minuti di malinconica e potente "anti-ballata".
Il disco viene osannato dalla critica, e finalmente anche dalle vendite: rientra in tutte le classifiche dei migliori dischi dell'anno 2002, del decennio 2000-2010 e persino nelle posizioni alte delle classifiche specialistiche dei migliori dischi indipendenti di sempre. Diventerà presto uno dei titoli migliori del catalogo Merge, dopo In the Aeroplane Over the Sea dei Neutral Milk Hotel e 69 Love Songs dei Magnetic Fields (li trovate tutte e due nelle Storie Di Musica). Ma il vero boom lo fece il disco successivo per gli Spoon: Gimme Fiction venderà centinaia di migliaia di copie, trascinato da un'altra canzone stupende, I Turn The Camera On, anch'essa usata in serie Tv (Veronica Mars, Bones e persino in una puntata de I Simpson), che segna il successo di una band che ha sempre fatto musica interessante, alla faccia di quel Ron Laffitte che non credette in loro.
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cloudfonerepublic · 1 month ago
Story so far: from @chocorry-ding -> @exrt7 -> Resistance Villain by @cloudfonerepublic
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That's my art when she turns to 24
Nora Butterfly Carter was created since October 30 2020 which means she was born in October 30 2060 in Resistance Villain Timeline.
After his elder brother Agent Oggy Alcasid was killed by Jack or by Glitch ERROR and also Nora was infected by unknown Dark of Abbys from Guardian Tales.
Instead it use against to her sister she has no villain arc purpose and she entered the world of Navy Seals universe and she destroyed one of Star Trek fleets
And her purpose was to stop the CLOUDNET's The Operation Judgment Day to avoid the Nuclear Fallout just happened before from previous ancestors.
Which means the story of King Solom Patron in Resistance Villain Ruins of Dawn Arc.
But instead I create the Queen's Throne comic series for Nora Butterfly Carter I decide to start from Oggy Alcasid's storyline which from
Oggy and the cockroaches: The Secret Agents
Agent Oggy Prime was led and starring by Chito Miranda which is the father of Oggy Alcasid.
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verita-lapalissiana · 4 months ago
ho un po' d'erba e oggi giocano cagliari e milan killing myself postponed
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dolce-fiore · 1 year ago
⠀ ⠀ ⠀𝐵𝑢𝑜𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑜, 𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎 𝑚𝑖𝑎 𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑎.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀♚
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀Grateful.
Oggi è un giorno speciale. La persona più preziosa della mia vita è nata 34 anni fa e non potrei essere più grata di poter trascorrere questo giorno speciale con te, @brutalcharm. I can hardly express how grateful I am that our paths have crossed and that I am able to experience you, your love and this special day with you. I wish that all your dreams come true. Every dream that I am allowed to share with you. Each of these dreams is also mine, and I want to fulfill not only them, but above all, you.
I have never experienced a love like ours. A love that shows unbridled passion, seeking and finding in each other, trying to understand each other, even if it is not that easy sometimes, openness. A love in which we help each other to accept ourselves, in which we learn to love our dark and light sides, our inner devil and inner angel, equally. A love in which we reach out to each other and don't let go, in which we challenge us and try to get the best out of each other with the greatest love we can give. Even while arguing and trying to kill the other one, we do it passionately, because our love is deeper than every ocean.
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I love you for you. For everything you were, you are and you are becoming. Past, present and future. Being a part of it, seeing you grow, seeing you allow your feelings, learning to accept yourself, letting go in my presence and letting me participate in your world and your life is the most beautiful thing I can experience. Next to be able to grow our little baby in my belly. Thank you for your patience, thank you for listening to me and accepting me the way I am. Thank you for helping me find myself and thank you that I will experience you being a papai to our little ervilha. It is an honor to watch you as a father. You have such love and care for your children that it makes my heart explode into a thousand pieces everytime I am around you and them. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of not only your life, but also theirs. You are incredibly strong, tesoro mio. Definitely stronger than you think you are. You deserve the world and I want to show it to you every single day. You are imperfect perfect. Ervilha and I are absolutely proud of everything you are.
But most of all: Thank you for loving me. It is not a secret that I love staring at you, expecially while I listen to you talk. You change me by allowing me to be who I want to be with you. I enjoy you, your world view, your passions, your anger, your tenderness, your wildness, your good-natured heart, your being. You are the most incredible person to me and you have no idea how much I admire you, Jovan. Today we are going to celebrate another year of you being the most genuine smartass that is wandering around on this planet. Today it is all about you. Well, in my life everyday is all about you.
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Non vedo l'ora di sposarti e di far parte del tuo per sempre. Expecially spending every night and day in your arms. My love for you is endless. You will always have my heart. Ti sento più profondamente di quanto gli altri possano comprendere e non intendo lasciarti andare nemmeno per un secondo. Tu mi appartieni, così come io appartengo a te. Ti amo con tutto il mio cuore e molto di più.
Only yours, forever. I love you more than life.
♛ Your fiancée, Eloise.
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theworldbrewery · 9 months ago
how do the characters end up? any cool epilogue-esque ideas?
The characters, in session 147, completed a ritual to ascend three of them to godhood. Oggie, the cleric, had set out from the beginning to replace his father, the god Cyric. Alice the sorcerer and Blue the bard had joined him on his journey, severing their connections to their fates as well. Only the fighter, a warforged named Nasseff, was left behind.
Instead of breaking with his fate, Nasseff had chosen to make a deal with an Erinyes to have a successful company (because Nasseff was a shitty capitalist) -- in exchange for not sabotaging the Erinyes' plans. Due to some time shenanigans, he retroactively violated the terms of the contract and his soul was forfeit.
As the three ascendant engaged in their ritual, Nasseff was beset by the Erinyes who was trying to drag him to Minauros in the Nine Hells. Alice, Oggie, and Blue finished most of the ritual and did their best to help Nasseff survive the solo fight.
To finish the ritual required the sacrifice of a mortal life. Their planned sacrifice, a member of Oggie's cult, had been freed by Oggie like 20 minutes prior when he realized he didn't want to perpetuate the cycle of violence.
Oggie sacrificed himself instead. In the last moment before ascension, Blue used a ring of spell storing to Revivify him. Alice was livid -- she had assumed he would sacrifice her, and when he killed himself instead it felt like he was saying she didn't mean enough to him.
Alice became a goddess of spite and self-pity. Blue became the god of loyalty and betrayal. Oggie...was dead, but something of his essence still ascended thanks to the revivify, and he became the god of devotion. Cyric's re-mortal-ified soul was placed in Oggie's dead body, and the Erinyes fled the scene upon realizing that there were about to be 3 gods in that room.
Now, the thing is that Alice had missed her opportunity to drink the mead of the fey, a brew that would have prepared her body for ascension. She became a goddess on the verge of a nuclear disaster, unable to contain the power she held.
They went to the capital city of their country to complete their task: to kill Bane, god of Tyranny, and take his essence so he couldn't re-form.
There were some intermediate steps along the way, but Nasseff finally realized he couldn't run from confrontation with the Erinyes any longer, fought him, and won. He was brought down to Minauros by Mammon and promptly promoted for defeating the Erinyes, then returned to the material plane to wreak havoc.
He rejoined the party of gods, now a devil in his own right.
The four of them confronted Bane and his angels in a bloody battle. Nasseff was killed in the fight. The god that was Oggie contacted Mammon and exchanged a spell tome that held secrets of magically damning souls for Nasseff's life. The god that was Oggie restored Nasseff to life, and he finished the battle with them.
In the end, the god of tyranny was killed and the three new gods absorbed his essence as planned, but Alice had used all her legendary resistances, which set her on a path to full nuclear meltdown.
In the final moments of the campaign, they said their goodbyes and Alice transported herself to the ethereal plane to explode.
Our epilogue unfolded.
Alice re-formed, after a few hundred years, though there wasn't much of "Alice" left.
Blue wandered the material plane until the deaths of their former seafaring crew, and documented the story of their adventuring party and the method of ascension -- then hid it away in an ivory tower, a replica of the tower that was the party's namesake.
The god that was Oggie spent a long time trying to play politics with his fellow gods, to make them change how they interacted with the mortal world -- but he could not make them care. He couldn't make them act with kindness on the behalf of mortals. So, in the end, it is believed he will rise up against them.
At his side is the devil once known as Nasseff, a fiend in service to a divinity, always trying to push him a little closer to becoming some kind of tyrannical evil god.
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alinalioness · 2 months ago
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"She called herself that because she wants to take revenge on the killer who killed her and her friends"
Gender: Female
View: Mixed animatronic from different parts (Alina's head and hair, pieces from kikoriki, Leo's and Emma's hair, a necklace made of SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward, Mr. Krabs and Sandy. The body of Cristine, Julia and Katya. Inhabitants's hands, costumes's legs, Balan's top hat with Lance's eyes, Tom and Jerry's Ears, Oggy's and Jack's Eyes, Julia's wings, Jelly's tail, Redhead's nose)
1. The character is the same as Alina's, but more serious and combative.
2. The top hat and necklace are just jewelry, but a memory of her friends.
3. Some parts are erroneous, which were taken from the workshop.
4. Strangely enough, she can fly.
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killiancormac · 7 months ago
🍎🖤 😊 for blake & 😞 🍝 🐷 for jane !
For Blake:
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
boston born and raised! he's never really put much thought into moving somewhere else, he's sort of a homebody, and that's true even after the bombs fell. when he was a part of the brotherhood the idea of moving from place to place made him feel kind of anxious, but he always ignored it.
🖤 BLACK HEART — has your oc killed or seriously wounded anyone before? have they broken someone's heart and/or broken someone's trust?
he's no stranger to death, or killing. he's seen plenty of it overseas, and it changed him for the worse, left a really deep impact on him after he was discharged. after the bombs, after time, it wears on his mind less and less. he goes from agonizing over shooting someone in self defense to seeking out raider camps to clear out <- granted, he was doing this when he was in a really bad place. he doesnt really have good coping mechanisms lmfao 😭
😊 SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES — what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life?
hmmm.... i think that's something even he's never really been sure of. it's always been situational. when he was a child, he wanted to be an astronaut. when he was a teenager up until an adult, he wanted to be an engineer. when he was overseas, he wanted to go home. when the bombs dropped, he wanted things to go back to normal. he's certainly in a happier place now than he ever was before, ironically, and i think what he wants the most right now is to simply live in peace with his husband at the castle.
For Jane:
😞 DISAPPOINTED FACE — does your oc attract others, or do they tend to be left alone?
she definitely attracts people, and when she doesn't, she seeks them out. she's very social, very easy to talk to. people are attracted to her for a multitude of reasons, but the most common reason being because she's become something of an icon in the mojave. people like hearing what she has to say, her any adventures or stories she has to share.
🍝 SPAGHETTI — what is/are your oc's favorite food(s)?
she likes meat. brahmin steaks, iguana on a stick, the likes. nothing beats her mama's homemade big horner casserole, though. it's always been her favorite.
🐷 PIG FACE — what is your oc's favorite animal?
she's definitely a dog person :] her family has had a few over the years, mainly strays they've taken in. she loves rex with all her heart, sorry to the king but thats her oggy now!!
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ficbrish · 1 year ago
WIP Wednesday
This is from a one shot that's part of my Kinktober collection
"The Cave"
“Ugh, jus’ leave it, Vis,” Karlach groaned.
The cave dripped with echoes and stalactites; its wet air swallowing Karlach’s booming voice within layers of soft stone. Her frustration burned hot enough to cast dancing shadows across the others’ faces.
She spoke directly to Vistri’s wriggling butt. There was something shiny she’d spotted behind a spiderweb that Vistri just had to have. Karlach almost regretted mentioning it.
“Hang on,” Vistri said with reaching effort.
Astarion sighed, “You know just how she has to get her hands on everything. We’ll get out of here faster if we don’t argue.”
Gale shot an eyebrow over at Astarion, “You’d know that, wouldn’t you?”
Karlach threw her head back and howled. Her laughter shook the cave.
“Do you want to get us all killed?” Gale shushed her urgently.
“Spiders are fucked mate. We’re the only ones left.”
“We don’t know that for sure though, and I’d rather not be taken by surprise.”
“Astarion, darling?” Vistri called, still a floating butt to the three of them, “Do me a favor and hold my bum? If I could reach just a little further…”
Gale wiggled his brows again, “Go on, Astarion. The bum awaits!”
“Grab her bum!” Karlach chanted, “Grab her bum!”
He rolled his eyes at them before walking over to take hold of her hips.
“Aaaaay!” Karlach and Gale cheered.
Astarion pouted, standing behind her. There was no way to steady her that wasn’t suggestive.
“Now, really!”
The other two were losing it.
“Ah HAH!” Vistri cried out triumphantly.
She shot up so fast, and so completely covered in spiderweb, that webbing splattered all over Astarion.
He spat, “Augh! That went inside my mouth!”
“Worth it!” Vistri said, showing everyone her prize: Forearm wraps that were embroidered all over with silver thread. They were made of a hard, dark leather and laced up along the sides.
“Oh, those are quite lovely,” Gale commented, stepping closer.
“No!” Vistri pulled them back, “I won’t let you eat these!”
“I wasn’t!—I wasn’t going to eat them. And I don’t eat magical items, I absorb them.”
“These aren’t magical anyway, they’re just pretty.”
Gale sighed, “I wasn’t…”
Astarion grinned, “Not as pretty as you, my dear.”
Vistri flipped one of her braids, “Aw, stop!”
Karlach frowned, “Eugh, they’re being all mushy again! Gale, tell them to stop. It’s too much cuteness, I can’t take it.”
“Why do I have to tell them to stop?”
“Cuz you’re like a dad.”
“I’m not—“
“You are!” Vistri laughed, “You’re just like someone’s dad.”
“Not the Daddy vibes you hoped to give off, eh?” Astarion teased.
Needless to say, Gale pouted the whole way back to camp.
When they got there, Karlach announced, “Gale is everyone’s dad!”
“Oggy! Oggy! Oggy!” Wyll chanted.
Karlach pumped her fist in the air, and Gale had to duck as she shouted back, “Oi! Oi! Oi!”
Astarion noticed the way Vistri made a beeline for Shadowheart. He watched them chat as he “tidied up” his tent area.
“You’ll never guess what I found inside of a spider web,” she said as the others fussed over Gale.
Shadowheart raised a brow, “Lolth’s chosen?”
“No, and how dare you,” she brought the armor out from her pack, “I found these beautiful things.”
She didn’t look too impressed.
“They’re… Nice.”
Vistri narrowed her eyes, “Well, thank goodness they’re not for you.”
Astarion watched her leave to show off her new find to Lae’zel, and then Wyll and even Halsin. She started to walk towards Withers but seemed to think better of it halfway and doubled-back to him.
“It’s because of the undead thing, isn’t it?” Astarion smirked as Vistri approached him.
“Right. Do you sew?”
Vistri held up one of the arm bands, “The thread is loose here. Look!”
Astarion smirked, “Are you asking me to fix it?”
She rolled her eyes, “No.”
“It seems to me that your new treasure is soiled and I’m the only one you trust to mend it.”
“That isn’t un-true.”
“So you’re asking me to fix it?”
“No, silly!” Vistri looked into his eyes, “You’re going to offer.”
Insolence was the word that came to mind. Her blinking grin said, I have a need you’re lucky enough to fulfill, but her eyes were not so sure. There was something weak in them, like slipping fingers. They were on a precipice that hung on his answer, Was she worth it?
“Would you like me to fix it?”
Vistri smiled warmly. It reached her eyes, “Oh, darling! How kind of you! Of course.”
She shoved the object into his hands. He didn’t let her go just yet.
“Say thank you,” he demanded softly.
Vistri held her breath, her eyes grazed over his lips.
“Thank you.”
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ptbf2002 · 1 year ago
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Everyone Hate Warner Bros. Discovery
Oh my god, this company sucks. You know what this company has done?! Well, hear what i'm gonna tell you why the WarnerMedia And Discovery Merger Was One Of The Worst Mergers In The Media Industry Of The United States.
1. They removed and cancelled shows From HBO Max, like Aquaman: King of Atlantis, Close Enough, Elliott From Earth, The Fungies! Infinity Train, Mao Mao, Heroes of Pure Heart, Mighty Magiswords, OK K-O, Let's Be Heroes, Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures, Summer Camp Island, Tig n' Seek, Victor and Valentino, And Several Others. Like The What The Fuck! It Seems That Someone Doesn't Gives A Shit About Any Animation At All, Warner Bros Discovery Is Being So Not Fair To All Of Us! And all they care about is the stupid live action and reality shit. So Yeah, I Guess We Need A Marathon On Either Cartoon Network, Boomerang, Adult Swim, Or Discovery Family.
2. They cancelled Scoob! Holiday Haunt, Batgirl, And Other Movies That Warner Bros Is Planning To Make. What The Fuck! I Just Waited For Those Movies To Come, But This Pile Of Shit Has Came And Ruined It. Despite the fact that they have cancelled Batgirl Just Because They Don't want to get criticized.
3: The Creators That Are Making Shows For Cartoon Network, Boomerang, Adult Swim, HBO, And Several Others Have Been Fired Because Of That Shitty company that i'm talking about.
4: They replaced Boomerang with Cartoonito in Europe.
5: they are also merged HBO Max and Discovery Plus into Max, And removed some shows. Which Was Stupid.
6: They Have Shutted Down CNN Plus.
7: In 2024 it's been announced that NBC Universal will be merging with it. Are You Kidding Me?! That would be a questionable decision, As my big concern was that it would seriously damage the mass media industry in the United States. Why can't they separate both of the media companies. And Do you know what's worse?
THEY'VE SHUTTED DOWN CARTOON NETWORK STUDIOS HEADQUARTERS IN BURBANK CALIFORNIA IN AUGUST 1ST. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! GOD MOTHERFUCKING DAMMIT!!! this is complete bullshit 100%, thanks to that pile of shit! Cartoon Network Studios Has Moved To Warner Bros Animation Headquarters. But Good Thing That Cartoon Network Studios Is Alive. and yes, Discovery is completely killing Warner Bros, Cartoon Network, And DC Comics. It's Like A Living Shit With Their Actions. Whoever made this chaos should get fired some day. I Really Hope That Warner Bros Discovery Get Shutted Down For Good, And I Really Hope That WarnerMedia And Discovery Break Up Very Soon.
Original Template: https://www.deviantart.com/tagirovo/art/My-Characters-Hate-is-Who-983985997
SpongeBob SquarePants Belongs To Stephen Hillenburg, Rough Draft Studios, Inc. Carbunkle Cartoons, SEK Animation Studio, Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Rough Draft Korea Co., Ltd. United Plankton Pictures Inc. Joe Murray Productions Inc. Nickelodeon Animation Studios, Nickelodeon Productions, Nickelodeon, Nicktoons, Nickelodeon Group, Paramount Global Content Distribution, Paramount International Networks, Paramount Domestic Media Networks, Paramount Media Networks, Inc. And Paramount Global
Oggy and the Cockroaches Belongs To Jean-Yves Raimbaud, Big Star Enterprise, Armada TMT, Digital Emation, Inc. Neon Pumpkin, DongWoo Animation Co. Ltd. Gaumont Multimedia, The Gaumont Film Company, Xilam Animation, France 3, France Télévisions S.A. CANAL+ Family, CANAL+ S.A. Groupe CANAL+ S.A. Vivendi SE, Gulli, Canal J, Metropole Télévision S.A. And Groupe M6
Hilda Belongs To Luke Pearson, Mercury Filmworks, Atomic Cartoons Inc. Thunderbird Entertainment Group Inc. Nobrow Press, Flying Eye Books, Silvergate Media Limited, Sony Pictures Television Kids, Sony Pictures Television Studios, Sony Pictures Television Inc. Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. Sony Entertainment, Inc. Sony Corporation of America, Sony Group Corporation, And Netflix, Inc.
The Simpsons Belongs To Matt Groening, Anivision, DR Movie, Film Roman, LLC Hanho Heung-Up Company, Klasky-Csupo, Inc. Rough Draft Korea Co., Ltd. Toon Boom Animation, Toonzone Entertainment, Wild Horse Animation Group, Gracie Films, 20th Television Animation, 20th Television, Disney Television Studios, Disney General Entertainment Content, Disney Entertainment, FOX Broadcasting Company, FOX Entertainment, FOX Corporation, And The Walt Disney Company
The Woody Woodpecker Show Belongs To Walter Lantz, Walter Lantz Productions, Universal Cartoon Studios, Universal Animation Studios LLC, Universal Television LLC, Universal Pictures, Universal City Studios LLC, NBCUniversal Film and Entertainment, NBCUniversal Syndication Studios, NBCUniversal Television and Streaming, NBCUniversal Media Group, NBCUniversal Media, LLC, Comcast Corporation
Animaniacs (2020 Reboot) Belongs To Tom Ruegger, Wellesley Wild, Steven Spielberg, Digital eMation, Inc. Saerom Animation, Inc. Snipple Animation Studios, Tiger Animation, Titmouse Animation, Inc. Tonic DNA Animation, Toon City Animation, Inc. Yowza! Animation, Giant Ant Animation, Studio Yotta, Birdo Studio, Flystudio, Screen Novelties, Amblin Television, Amblin Entertainment, Inc. Amblin Partners, LLC. Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Hulu, LLC. Disney Streaming, Disney Entertainment, The Walt Disney Company, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Danger Mouse (2015 TV series) Belongs To Brian Cosgrove, Mark Hall, Cosgrove Hall Fitzpatrick Entertainment, CHF Entertainment, FremantleMedia Kids & Family Entertainment, Fremantle Limited, Boulder Media Limited, Boat Rocker Media Inc. CBBC Production, Windmill Lane Studios, CBBC, BBC Television, BBC Worldwide Ltd. BBC Studios Ltd. And British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Rocko's Modern Life Belongs To Joe Murray, Animal-Ya, Klasky-Csupo, Inc. Pacific Rim Productions, Inc. Rough Draft Korea Co., Ltd. Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Sunwoo Entertainment, Co., Ltd. Shanghai Rainbow Animation Tama Production, Wang Film Productions Company, Joe Murray Productions Inc. Games Animation Inc. Nickelodeon Animation Studio, Nickelodeon, Nickelodeon Group, Paramount Global Content Distribution, Paramount International Networks, Paramount Domestic Media Networks, Paramount Media Networks, Inc. And Paramount Global
Pink Panther and Pals Belongs To Friz Freleng, Toon City Animation, Inc. DQ Entertainment Animation Studio, DQ Entertainment International Limited, Rubicon Studios, Rubicon Group Holding, MGM Television, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc. MGM Holdings, Inc. Amazon MGM Studios, Amazon.com, Inc. Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Avatar: The Last Airbender Belongs To Michael Dante DiMartino, Bryan Konietzko, DR Movie Co., Ltd. JM Animation Co., Ltd. MOI Animation, Inc. Nickelodeon Animation Studios, Nickelodeon Productions, Nickelodeon, Paramount+ Nickelodeon Group, Paramount Global Content Distribution, Paramount International Networks, Paramount Domestic Media Networks, Paramount Media Networks, Inc. Paramount Streaming And Paramount Global
The Legend of Korra Belongs To Michael Dante DiMartino, Bryan Konietzko, Studio Mir Co., Ltd. Pierrot Co., Ltd. Nickelodeon Animation Studios, Nickelodeon Productions, Nickelodeon, Nickelodeon Group, Paramount Global Content Distribution, Paramount International Networks, Paramount Domestic Media Networks, Paramount Media Networks, Inc. And Paramount Global
Cleopatra in Space (TV series) Belongs To Doug Langdale, Fitzy Fitzmaurice, Titmouse, Inc. Inspidea Sdn. Bhd. Digitoonz Media & Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. DreamWorks Animation Television, DreamWorks Animation LLC, Hulu, LLC. Disney Streaming, Disney Entertainment, The Walt Disney Company, Universal Pictures, Universal City Studios LLC, NBCUniversal Film and Entertainment, NBCUniversal Syndication Studios, NBCUniversal Television and Streaming, NBCUniversal Media Group, NBCUniversal Media, LLC, Comcast Corporation
Sonic Prime Belongs To Yuji Naka, Naoto Ohshima, Hirokazu Yasuhara, Joe Kelly, Joe Casey, Duncan Rouleau, Steven T. Seagle, Jam Filled Entertainment, Boat Rocker Media Inc. Flixzilla Aura, Sonic Team, SEGA of America, SEGA Corporation, SEGA Sammy Holdings Inc. Man of Action Entertainment, WildBrain Studios, WildBrain Ltd. Netflix Animation Studios, Netflix Worldwide Entertainment, LLC, And Netflix, Inc.
Star vs the Forces of Evil Belongs To Daron Nefcy, Mercury Filmworks Toon City Animation, Inc. Rough Draft Korea Co, Ltd. Sugarcube Animation, Disney Television Animation, Disney Channel, Disney XD, Disney Branded Television, Disney–ABC Home Entertainment and Television Distribution, Disney General Entertainment Content, Disney Media and Entertainment Distribution, Disney Entertainment, Disney Enterprises, Inc. And The Walt Disney Company
Family Guy Belongs To Seth MacFarlane, Film Roman, LLC CNK International, Grimsaem Animation Co. Ltd., Seoul, Korea, Sunwoo Entertainment, Co., Ltd. Rough Draft Studios, Inc. Yeson Entertainment, Yearim Productions Co., Ltd Fuzzy Door Productions, 20th Television Animation, 20th Television, Disney Television Studios, Disney General Entertainment Content, Disney Entertainment, FOX Broadcasting Company, FOX Entertainment, FOX Corporation, And The Walt Disney Company
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Belongs To Kevin Eastman, Peter Laird, Andy Suriano, Ant Ward, Digitoonz Media & Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. Flying Bark Productions Pty. Ltd. Studio 100 N.V. Mirage Studios, Image Comics, Nickelodeon Animation Studios, Nickelodeon Productions, Nickelodeon, Nicktoons, Nickelodeon Group, Paramount Global Content Distribution, Paramount International Networks, Paramount Domestic Media Networks, Paramount Media Networks, Inc. And Paramount Global
Amphibia Belongs To Matt Braly, Saerom Animation, Inc. Sunmin Image Pictures Co., Ltd. Sugarcube Animation Studio, Rough Draft Korea Co., Ltd. Disney Television Animation, Disney Channel, Disney Branded Television, Disney–ABC Home Entertainment and Television Distribution, Disney General Entertainment Content, Disney Media and Entertainment Distribution, Disney Entertainment, Disney Enterprises, Inc. And The Walt Disney Company
Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight Belongs To Mitch Watson, Peter Hastings, Technicolor Animation Productions, Mikros Animation, Dave Enterprises, Stellar Creative Labs, 88 Pictures, DreamWorks Animation Television, DreamWorks Animation LLC, Universal Pictures, Universal City Studios LLC, NBCUniversal Film and Entertainment, NBCUniversal Syndication Studios, NBCUniversal Television and Streaming, NBCUniversal Media Group, NBCUniversal Media, LLC, Comcast Corporation And Netflix Inc.
Heroes of Goo Jit Zu (TV Series 2019) Belongs To Bang Zoom! Entertainment, Pixel Zoo, And Moose Toys
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newsintheshell · 7 months ago
Per chi ha già visto il season finale uscito proprio oggi su Netflix, non sarà una grande sorpresa, visto che la puntata 24 non ha molto di conclusivo, anzi. Questo è perché Yoshihiro Miyajima e Trigger (Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, Kill la Kill) ci hanno raccontato poco più che metà della fantastica storia creata da Ryoko Kui!
Non si sa ancora quando lo rivedremo, ma il party più sgangherato, determinato e affamato dell'Isola, già mi manca. 🥹
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