#og op oh fuck
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cantagirldrawinpeace · 2 months
Oda when I catch you Oda 🙂🔪
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coockie8 · 11 months
Does tumblr inform you if a post you've reported actually gets taken down?
'Cause I've gotten the "this extremely detailed death threat where OP describes wanting to cook and eat your organs while you're still alive somehow doesn't violate our TOS uwu" email, but that's literally all I've ever gotten, and I've only gotten it for around 5 of the posts I've reported...
I've reported way more than 5 posts, so do I just not get an update if the report is actually actionable?
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there was literally a fire yesterday and today my coworker was complaining about feeling dizzy in their classroom and my other coworker said he overheard a bunch of staff deliberating over whether to pull the fire alarm (again) (guess which one they chose). Lol Lmao
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aachria · 8 months
hello !!! do you have any fav one piece oc fics that you've read?
This is so embarrassing but I've been reading basically nothing but Harry Potter fics I've betrayed my principles T-T
Anyway I’ve got a list of some fic recs here (yes the ask also asked for oc recs and I didn’t read it right and just put fucking everything no I don’t want to talk about it)
Out of those for OC stuff definitely Dive|rgence and This Bites! the OG.
You could also check out:
Oh, Mama, Mama
It’s pretty funny, completed oneshot about reincarnated Big Mom. Tbh I was half asleep when I read this but I remember laughing a lot so that’s probably good.
what joy will it bring?
I'm going to be so for real with you I can't remember anything about this one rn but it's in my bookmarks and I think it had an awesome concept? Man I read too much I can't keep this shit straight. Basically some guys get reincarnated as Luffy. This is ongoing.
Water Lily
I do actually remember stuff about this one lmao. It's quite good and their DF is interesting. I can't for the life of me figure out if there's a romantic subplot but I'm here for the SIBLING CONTENT. Also ongoing.
Isekai'd into being a Strawhat
This is also P good. We love a songfic. The title is self explanatory. Also also ongoing
The real question is do Y'ALL have good OP OC recs?
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mrhyde-mrseek · 2 months
Okay y’all… I’m about to show you one of my oldest, most beloved OCs, she’s my baby and I love her so very much
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This is Loreley, her original design (2019-2022) is on the left, her redesign (2022-now) is on the right. I honestly think I’ve had her even longer than that, though, 2019 was just when I actually wrote her into a story, either way she’s gone through a FUCK TON of changes over 5 years:
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First design Loreley:
Little baby writer Nikki threw her into the first fully developed fanfic I ever wrote
Because I was thirteen at the time, I of course made her thirteen as well
I don’t remember what name I gave for her species, but as you can probably tell from her design, she was a werewolf-dragon hybrid thing
She ended up as the queen of hell in the story (at thirteen? Babe what were you thinking she’s barely a teenager chill out)
That necklace was supposed to make her werewolf transformations less, like, violent somehow??
Oh yeah she could also turn into a dragon
The bleached blonde tips were a staple, as were the combat boots
Speaking of design I could’ve chosen any other color scheme, like the red, purple, and gold aren’t bad but the blue clashes SO BAD
Tbh I still think that hair is kinda cute just not on her
She’s just a little baby OP monster girl and I love her
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Current design Loreley:
I changed up her backstory and put her into a WIP that ACTUALLY MAKES SENSE FOR HER TO BE IN
She’s a full-fledged demon, not a werewolf-dragon hybrid thing
Instead of being queen of hell she’s a normal soldier in one of the rings
She’s a lesbian!!!
Soldiers need armor, so I have her armor (this was my first time drawing it and I think I did pretty good!), I kept her sword but made it look a little better. Kinda sad the armor covers her muscles though
The. Colors. Are. Cohesive
Bottom row fangs >>>>>>>
She looks like an actual adult now, which is significantly less weird considering she’s a thousands-year-old demon presenting as a 20-something-year-old and not a 300-year-old monster presenting as a TEENAGER
My first time drawing locs!! I think I did a good job!!
OG Loreley would LOVE her and follow her around like a lost puppy, current Loreley would probably get annoyed fast because she’s kind of a bitch to everyone
She is my GIRL
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transingthoseformers · 4 months
Dot is torn between momma bear rage mode and shocked aproval because "My kids got Stranger Danger from a moderately to heavily injured 'maybe not a Decepticon anymore' after he escorted them to Bumblebee once he varified with them that Bumblebee was actually one of their designated adults."
Optimist Optimus Prime, sensing a potential redemption arc, is enthusiastic about helping another mech with their personal journy. Even Damus. Perhaps especially Damus, whom he feels he failed. After all Megatron rubed quite a bit of salt in to that particular wound. Megatron looks mildly panicked at how excited OP is at the prospect. Honestly most of the bots do just not for Megatron's specific reason.
Tarantulas when Damus of Tarn just slumps over and tells him there is no more List. There is no more DJD. "PRAISE PRIMUS! Wait, then why are you here?" And he gets trauma dumped on. A lot. He's legit patching up the tank and building him a solar energon convertor so He'll go away. When Damus tenively asked for not just his OG Paint colors restored but the code patch to cure his Transformation addiction Tara reckoned the mech is suicidal and therefore a terible liability to share a hideout with. Gets him out the door with seguestions on the processor benifits of meditation
Meanwhile Starscream just found the wreckage of the Peaceful Tyrany and is fliping out because the DJD is here on planet. He has no way to know Tarn is the only member of the team alive and has basicaly given up the concept. Not to mention is quietly having a personal crisis thanks to Megatron's brutal truth telling.
It's a race to see who reaches him first in his crisis of faith. Optimus, Soundwave or human forces folowing the news of a brightly colored tank rolling/strolling along.
As she should be, oh Dot
Makes sense tfe Optimus would jump at this idea, like. Yeah.
Love the idea that while Tarantulas isn't a medic he's good enough for Damus
Tarantulas: (fuck this shittttt)
Tarantulas: yeah that does not sound ideal
Wreckage? Did we kill of the DJD with a starshipwreck? Or something else?
Of course Starscream would be who finds The Peaceful Tyranny, which I'm expecting is all fucked up?
This makes me wonder what happened, exactly, that lead to this version of Tarn arriving on earth? What lead him here?
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zhansww · 6 months
The first ~28 episodes of War of Faith are so good. So fucking good. And definitely recommendable. But the drop in the quality of the writing after that is... jarring. The pacing runs wild, the plot gets ridiculously contrived and a good character turns evil for no reason. Basically, the best way I’d recommend this show is to watch until about episode 28 and after that, just skip to the finale. Spare yourself all the nonsense in between. Although I will say that the character of Wei Ruolai, at least, stayed pretty consistent and mostly well-written until the very end. He’s easily become my favorite of all the characters I’ve watched Yibo play. Oh and there is definitely potential for a second season. As long as it has the same quality as the first two acts of season one, I would totally welcome it.
spoilers under the cut
As much as I appreciated what they did to redeem Tunan at the end, my biggest issue is that Tunan should not have turned evil in the first place. He shouldn’t have fucking needed redemption. It (still) makes no sense. And it’s the worst mistake of the third act. I could literally condone anything else. The fact that Tunan turns into a warlord, even though he is banker. The fact that everyone suddenly knows how to wield guns and fight. The ridiculous plot armor for certain characters and how conveniently important things constantly happen at the same time. Like, I’m fine with all that. But changing characters to move the plot in a certain direction instead of having characters move the plot naturally... that’s where I draw the line. And I know what they did it for. To make it more angsty. To make us, viewers, feel some type of way. But nope, the only thing bad writing makes me feel is annoyance.
Even if I take my shipping glasses off for a moment, I think it’s safe to say that Tunan and Ruolai are the heart and soul of this story. Heck, this show literally starts off with Ruolai, trying to get a place at Central Bank, where his beloved Tunan works. That’s what kicks off the entire story. Honestly, their relationship is gayer than the only canonically gay c drama I watched. And even though the third act is a mess, their relationship is still probably what I liked the most on this show. And I’m glad that they, somehow, got a sort of happy ending. I assume the implication in the end is that Tunan is the comrade Ruolai was supposed to meet... And since they’re finally (belatedly) on the same side again, they get to work together again, too. It’s a bit bittersweet but oh well. Better than if Tunan had died, at least. Ruolai has this really endearing and whole-hearted devotion to Tunan. They very much have a master/servant dynamic at the beginning. But the more Ruolai grows into his own, the more he steps out of Tunan’s shadow and at the very end, they meet each other as equals. I really liked what Yibo himself said about their relationship, that they started as master and disciple but gradually came to consider each other family.
I’m really fucking glad that Yibo chose this role and that he played it the way that he did. I don’t even know how long it’s been since the last time I was this invested in a show (not counting the OP live action cuz I’ve been invested in the og for a decade lol) so I’m ultimately quite happy that I watched this which I wouldn’t have done if it weren’t for dd, tho. My man really chooses the best roles and his performances keep getting better. I’m super proud of him and to be his fan~
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corvidae-corvus · 7 months
Itadori Yuuji x MHA fanfic Idea Prompt #1:
Summary of overall fic idea:
Yuuji gets transported to the MHA verse after defeating the king of curses.
Depressed and incredibly lonely, Yuji tries to find a way back home. In his failure to do so, Yuji despairs.
It isn't until he comes across a hero that Yuji thinks about his grandfather's last words (his curse).
Despite never wanting to sacrifice his life again for the sake of others, he enters the U.A entrance exam for one sole purpose: himself.
To use his powers freely, without punishment. (to help others, cause at the end of the day, Yuji likes to help people)
And perhaps even.....going against the hero commission!?
So yeah that's the summary (WIP) to a fanfic Idea I had. I imagine the story to take place after Yuji sacrifices himself to defeat Sukuna. Now this is just based on my theories and headcanons. Like in my mind, this fanfic would take place after Yuji eats Sukuna. (Crazy ik)
Like y'know how twins are important in the JJK verse? And how people speculate that Sukuna ate his twin? And how there are theories that Yuji is somehow Sukuna's descendant?
Well my headcanon is that Sukuna had a twin brother who had a wife and many children (or just a child) and Sukuna ate his twin and killed his brother's family. But he failed to kill all of his brother's kids and so Yuji is like his great grand nephew X30 or something.
Basically Yuji and Sukuna aren't twins as in actual twins but twins as in their fates? Like They're the complete opposite of one another. Yuji is a good and kind person and Sukuna is the fucking worst. Yuji represents just everything that Sukuna hates. Literally Yuji hates pure evil (Sukuna lol) and Sukuna hates Yuji who is in his eyes a weakling that doesn't give up and has an unshakable will which is disgusting to him because how can someone so weak have such determination and will power. He hates Yuji lol. Sukuna is yuji's number one hater.
And in my fic the only way to defeat Sukuna is to eat all of him or something. Not his fingers but like his soul. (Ok thinking back on this maybe not eat Sukuna? Maybe he and Sukuna just have a soul battle or whatever. And Yuji just destroys Sukuna's soul without having to resort to eating him. Idk I want some sort of cannibalism to be involved in the fic but I don't know why.)
For example Yuji and Sukuna were trying to eat each other, because Sukuna realized that if he ate Yuji he'd get stronger or something. Something, something, power or whatever. And obv Yuji ate Sukuna when Sukuna left Magumi's body after Yuji forcefully separated Sukuna from megumi. At that point Sukuna was able to fight Yuji in his og form without a body, and he couldn't use mahoraga or whatever.
Anyways Yuji beats the ever loving shit outta Sukuna cause honestly fuck that guy (love him tho <3) and well Yuji fucking dies and yuji's soul is kinda shit rn cause he ate the king of fucking curses and so his soul leaves the JJK verse and gets stranded in MHA. and since dimensial travel cleansed his soul or whatever he's no longer in danger of combusting into himself and dying. Yuji is alive and he has all his powers and Sukuna's powers too! >:)
Now since the MHA verse doesn't have cursed energy he just has to supply the cursed energy himself. Which is easy to do since Yuji has a large amount of cursed energy. And he gathers cursed energy with his own emotions and yeah Yuji is experiencing a lot of emotions rn.
Yeah Yuji is pretty op in this fic (WIP).
It'll make this story more of Yuji walking around destroying villains while having an existential crisis. All while toppling hero society. Lmao
Like in this fic, if I were to start to write it, I'd have it so we skip a lot of stuff. Maybe it can be written in an outsider pov. With occasional Yuji pov. Just people's reactions or thoughts on Yuji. A lot of him exploring off campus and meeting with villains, hell I love it when crossover fanfics that involve MHA introduce the broker guy.
Oh the fic can have a little horror/thriller/supernatural vibe. With Yuji being described as just plain weird. Or scary from other MHA characters. Some tiger symbolism for Yuji.
Just a crossover fic where UA isn't the only setting. Cause I've read a lot of MHA crossovers and although I absolutely love the characters becoming UA students and all the author's ideas changing the whole story because of a characters' involvement. I just need another setting. Or maybe new characters other than Bakugou, Deku, Todoroki, All Might and Aizawa. (Especially Aizawa lol. He's always the first hero that is introduced and is immediately speculative of the main character other than maybe principal nezu).
Hell maybe a two year time skip. I'll be honest the way horikoshi wrote about mutant discrimination with Shoji was kinda ass and I also feel like the Hero commission needed more punishment.
Damn I might write this fic idea...maybe...
I just needed to vomit this idea. It was painful not writing it down. Actually I feel like this post would be hard to understand cause I was writing this a certain way and if I didn't write this post in a specific way with specific words It would make me have this painful feeling in my gut that I'm not properly conveying what I'm trying to say.
Anyways thank u for reading.
P.S. I never read the jjk manga and I only watched like 9 episodes of the JJK anime. I just read leaks and watch people's analysis of JJK on Tik tok. So if I get something wrong about a character.... I'm sorry. I promise I'll read the manga one day 😭
P.P.S- if you couldn't already tell, Yuji is my fav JJK character
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hotwheelsandhighheels · 2 months
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Working through writers block by translating Mexican songs to English 💕
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dootplusone · 8 months
(OG post has Reblogs turned off. You can find it here!)
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(OG post has Reblogs turned off. You can find it here!)
(If the OP would prefer this post not link back to the OG post or is otherwise is not okay w/ this post in reference to theirs, please let me know in some form so I can delete/edit it as needed.)
Thinking. Abt this but with Bones. Like. Post-Tholian Web? Post-Mirror Mirror?
For AOS, could be after Into Darkness and/or Beyond.
A Bones who's just. So anxious. So stressed. So overwhelmed that it starts taking a toll on his health. Maybe he doesn't even realise - or maybe he does and tries his best to push through it until it knocks him on his ass. Kind of in the vein of "You don't actually know how tired you are until you stop. And then you just physically cannot start again." It becomes his new baseline, a problem that just brews and storms in the distance.
And he just carries on. And keeps going and going and going until one day he realises that 'Oh fuck, I'm not okay' and has about 5 seconds of warning before he straight up collapses, doesn't matter if it's on the bridge, in the madbay, on a planet - he's going down. (Maybe a repeat of Tholian Web where he just straight up faints into Spock's arms? Full whammy, why not)
Maybe it's a high-tension situation getting resolved that does it. The pure relief of it reminds him of how tired he is. How tired he's been for a while. His body sees that momentary rest and goes "More of that, please. And I'm not asking."
And he's so rendered by it that he doesn't grumble about being coddled like he normally would when he wakes up. He knows not to fuck with the medbay staff - they're just as firm as he is on recovery, and that's not by accident - and he knows that Spock and Kirk will be hovering, because they see any problem as something they, too, should shoulder the burden of.
...And because they're some of the most protective people in the damned universe. And that goes for pretty much all the people on board the Enterprise.
In some scenarios, it's just a case of letting his body and mind rest properly. In others, there's a lot more recovery involved than anyone initially expects. Luckily for him, he has a found family who are determined to be there with him at every step. It just takes a couple reminders, every once in a while.
#leonard bones mccoy#star trek tos#star trek aos#whump#back on my bullshit#aos bones fretting over Jim and Spock and their injuries; completely forgetting that hes also a little worse for wear#thinking back to dustykneed's post abt him being fucked up and grieving after ST:ID and. Lets just make it even more physical#After the issues they face from that; Spirk are more aware of Bones' tendency to brush things off. are more equipped to take care of him#when he needs it; just as he does for them. He's so stubbornly self sufficient and it worries them. But they're equally as stubborn and#loving. Unstoppable Force meets Immovable Object. I feel like post ST:ID is where they kind of Learn that Bones keeps shit on the down low#Because like. Bones will complain. Unless it's smth that's just affecting him. And then he suddenly keeps it to himself. When he complains#abt that whole fiasco he complains abt Jim dying. Abt Spock almost dying on that planet. About how they all almost died. But he doesn't tal#about how HE almost died from that fucking torpedo almost blowing up on him. Not a word. Jim forgot it had even happened until like. Carol#brings it up in passing. Maybe she has nightmares on the incident. But he realises Bones has just NEVER fucking mentioned it despite him#being the master complainer. That sets off the first alarm bells. And then maybe Uhura asks Jim how Bones is doing bc she knows that Bones#would just say he's fine. But Jim is like ??? Bc why wouldn't Bones be okay. And then she realises that HE HASN'T realised that Bones is th#kind of motherfucker to suffer in silence. and she's like Jim. Jim he literally ran himself to the ground trying to revive you. Jim. Are yo#kidding me have you NOT TALKED ABOUT THAT??? ANY OF IT??? Thus... Jim realises or maybe even Remembers what Bones is like#bc maybe at some point he DID know Bones well enough to know when he's fucking himself over. But all the Bullshit that theyve gone through#and the fact they work in entirely different parts of the ship kind of. Alienated them a bit. And suddenly hes like. Oh. Oh No. Oh FUCK.#because Jesus how the FUCK does he even approach this. But he manages it. And Spock gets in on it too as he slowly gets to know the doctor#And then post-beyond its like. Yeah. All three of them gang up on each other. That includes Spock and Kirk making sure Bones is as Fine as#he always says he is.#anyway. Yeah. I just think Bones probably stresses and overthinks too much but god forbid anyone comfort him. Self sacrificing bastard#wow this is a lot of alphabet soup im so sorry AHAHA
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moonpool-system · 5 months
OP we saw some posts on your dash and, we COULD be wrong here but we are like between 90% ane 98% sure @solipsistful coined quoigenic specifically as a fuck you to the binary of endogenic and traumagenic. We're pretty sure specifically in the way mixed origins systems often use the term mixed origin.
We wanted to send well wishes and say we are very sorry for all of the mixed origin systems who feel they've gotten pushed out of using quoigenic for whatever reason. It's completely bullshit the OG term that was made SPECIFICALLY for systems like mixed origin systems is being lumped under endogenic and that is why people don't use it.
Oh hello! thank u for bringing up terminology history! We often see quoigenic used as a term for uncertain origins and couldn't think up any other terms that don't specifically fall under either for the life of us, so we went and checked out its history in more depth and it's really fascinating!
Pluralpedia defines quoigenic as an origin term used to indicate that the user does not know their origin, does not want to share their origin, does not think their origin is relevant, or thinks it's the wrong question to ask.
the two sources linked in the wiki from the creator are here and here; the first is an archive of the coining post, and the second is elaboration from an ask response. We find these quotes from the second one to be striking;
"I Don’t Know Why I’m This Way And It’s Not Important To Me To Ask, among other rejections of definition and origin story"
"included in this, potentially though not necessarily: frustration/discomfort with a sharp line being drawn between spiritual and psychological otherkin, between traumagenic and endogenic (”natural”) multiple systems [...]"
I have to admit, probably the only reason we ID as traumaendo rather than quoigenic is because we have a fixation on identifying our intricacies and understanding them. We use traumaendo as a defiance of the binary proudly as well ^^ ty again!
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krakenkakes · 4 days
idk we just did this for fun or whatever. the usernames were bitches to come up with iidc if they're trash atp ,, just sillying
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🍞 bowenbaker Follow
Please stop by down to our little bakery in Faraway Town,we sell very nice bread. Please I need money immediately
✨ thealmightymaverick Follow
I swear to the great heavens above this isn't how you promote a business.
🍞 bowenbaker Follow
Come start work here and promote it yourself then.
✨ thealmightymaverick Follow
🍞 bowenbaker Follow
✨ thealmightymaverick Follow
?????????? HEY???
(10 notes)
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☕ tealeaves Follow
woodlice infestation again:(
✨ thealmightymaverick Follow
pardon??? again???
☕ tealeaves Follow
🍫 arielgarciaoffical Follow
the woodlicerrrrrr
☕ tealeaves Follow
I went to nap for 2 hours and Ariel Garcia has somehow blown up my unimportant Tumblr rant. sigh
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hotwheelz 🔁 tentacool
| Anonymous asked
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🐚 tentacool Follow
#IVE RECIEVED 20 IMAGES OF THEIS SMAE SKULL IN MY ASKS <- og tag #rbs #op might be going through it #this is hilarious #thanks anon #20???
(20 notes)
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🍭 hotwheelz Follow
happy 3 month anniversary of when someone logged into my Tumblr and changed my username to hotwheelz and nothing else. I've kept it because it's too good to lose
🦜somewhereovertherainbow Follow
btw op is apart of a gang irl please block
🍭 hotwheelz Follow
huhwhat. who even is this
(47 notes)
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arielgarciaoffical 🔁 thealmightymaverick
✨ thealmightymaverick Follow
Just got so excited I threw up do my adoring followers ever do this also. of course you do I'm such an amazing idol that people can relate to!!!
✨ thealmightymaverick Follow
I think I hauve mental illness
#yeah you do #seek help this isn't normal
(203 notes)
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🧁 candyland Follow
I really hate working I hate my job
🧁 candyland Follow
stuop reblogging this I think my boss has Tumblr it might be over
(10,204 notes)
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🥖 daphnebaker Follow
Was it casual when we used to sneak out and have picnics under the moon with nothing but a hardly lit lamp and eachother. Was it casual when you stayed by my side despite the things I wrote about you in my diary, even though you never actually found out about it. Was it casual when you held my hand when no one was around and told me you loved me all the time.
🖌️ beauberries Follow
oh my!
🔮 crystallizedballs Follow
uhm girlie no it wasn't are you like actually genuinely OKAY.
✨ thealmightymaverick Follow
(14 notes)
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🍬 dinogummies Follow
✨ thealmightymaverick Follow
🍭 hotwheelz Follow
☕ tealeaves Follow
🐚 tentacool Follow
very very true!
🥖 daphnebaker Follow
🍞 bowenbaker Follow
🍫 arielgarciaoffical Follow
✨ thealmightymaverick Follow
reblog this post for patsta ❤️
🍬 dinogummies Follow
fuck yeah!
(8,579 notes)
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beauberries 🔁 kaleidoscopes
🌈 kaleidoscopes Follow
Katie your outfit to colourful your shoes too swag, they'll kill you!
🧁 candyland Follow
WHAT who is THEY.
🌈 kaleidoscopes Follow
god forbid women have hobbies
#this made me laugh out loud #who is they will be in my vocab for the next week #god forbid!!!! #rbs #i thimk I know both of these guys. also
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punks-never-die205 · 5 months
Hey 😊, thanks alot. I really enjoy reading your answers. They're so much fun. 🥰😁 A very different question: would you tell us sth about yourself? I mean your age, your profession (are you a professional writer would interest me) for example and how you get to like the Kid Pirates so much. 😊
Awww how sweet, sure anon - I’m pretty open about my age on my main blog, which is linked in the pinned post for this, so I don’t mind sharing some stuff.
I am an Ancient Internet Being - I was a netizen in 1993, when my dad got a home computer for me for Christmas. AOL was the new big deal, and yeah. It was a time.
Anyway, I was 12 then and I’m 42 now - gonna have a big birthday request bash again this year on the main blog to celebrate hitting 43 this July. (I celebrate my age without shame because “old” is a privilege and I look forward to actually getting there in 20 years)
By day I’m a mild-mannered pun slinging tech liaison of sorts for my team. I do a lot of translating between IT and Business, and I do some tech work too. I have down time at work cause when things compile or meetings stall out there’s not much else to do.
I’m a rock star though, by my boss’ own admission, so I have the great luck of not being stressed and being able to write a bit during work.
I was once a professional writer, but that was… not my best time, honestly. I’m not cut out for it xD I’d rather write fanfic honestly, or do a re-write of my OG story and have it be what I wanted.
Fun fact, I guess, I don’t have a degree of any kind. I was working toward a criminal psychology degree out of high school, dropped out, worked, went back to college to get an IT degree - ended up with cancer, withdrew and spent all my college savings money on surgery instead of school and ended up finding a solid job.
Went back to college a THIRD time, had a 4.0, was rocking being on the dean’s list and then work changed our hours, and I had to withdraw again. (I had 12 credit hours and was working 56 hours a week - don’t do that. It’s fucking nuts.)
Just wasn’t in the cards.
I almost got denied a job because the hiring manager thought no degree meant I wouldn’t be able to compose emails, despite two published books….
But things are good now \o/
Oh! And the Eustass Kid - ah I got into OP April 2022 (my return to fan fic was October 2022 \o/ ) and fell in love with the entire show. My focus moved from Luffy to Zoro to Law at Shabody.
Sir Crocodile coming back in at Marineford got my full and undivided attention, but then I read a reader insert story with Kid in it. Went back and rewatched scenes for him and really paid attention and was hooked.
I loved everything alluded to about him, the personality, the view point he had. Post time skip he bulked out and that voice just grabbed me by the throat.
I couldn’t ignore him xD
Marco, Kid, Crocodile we’re pretty much it, but I love writing so many characters 😄 hell I have like 8 sideblogs to keep all the stories organized.
Kid is a beast of a character though, and I love him, and then I met people because of that and that love grew. Seriously Check out @swampstew - she’s passionate about the crew even more than me and I love what she writes.
@wyvernslovecake has an amazingly cute OC for the crew and lots of stuff about them.
I could list a dozen more, but you asked about me so I’ll reign it in for now. 🥰
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bengiyo · 8 months
Ossan's Love Returns Ep 4 Stray Thoughts
Last time, Kurosawa committed to his role of mother-in-law and immediately ran into a scare that both Haruta and Maki were having affairs, Haruta with Izumi and Maki with Takegawa. Takegawa is worried about aging alone, and took his final shot with Maki. Izumi randomly kissed Haruta, so Kurosawa used his cleaning job to get a peak inside their house. However, because he is a professional, he did not open the forbidden doors to see the money and guns. We had an incredibly emotional scene where Kurosawa expressed how he's tied his happiness to the boys', who when had a necessary conversation that featured the cotton candy from the movie (shout-out to @twig-tea for pointing that out). We left at Haruta noticing his picture in Izumi's locket.
If this Akito is a dead doppelganger...
It is so important to me that Haruta and Maki are flirting over the dishes as they talk about upcoming events in their lives. So glad Haruta is stepping up his household chores participation like he said he would.
OG fans have earned a cute shopping date for Haruta and Maki after all these years.
Choko runs this dojo! Good for her! I love the way she treats Izumi. I hope I don't have to nate him.
Like, this is actually a huge deal that Moonlight Chicken is here. This is TV Asahi acknowledging how popular that must have been, and MLC is more of a gay family drama than a BL, not unlike Ossan's Love.
I also love the idea that Jim and Wen went to Japan after Li Ming moved to America. Jim and Wen could have witnessed a DISPATCH 👍 moment.
Maki speaking Thai feels like a really huge acknowledgement of Thai contributions to the genre.
Episode 4: I Can't Go Home Until I Wipe Your Butt
I'm so excited to see Haruta have to fill this role because Maki is unavailable.
It's so restorative to see Maki and Haruta so comfortable with kissing that they tease about it now.
There right, Kurosawa, stay suspicious.
Now this Kuki dude is receiving ominous coded messages. WTF.
Okay, I like Kurosawa hesitating and looking around. I'll let him take a bite behind Haruta. He's doing his best. He can have this.
Takegawa really went on this dating show. Amazing.
Ope! Name is the episode! Finish your drinks!
Well, they are cops, and this is tragic.
I love that none of them have taken Kiku's bribes.
I'm glad Izumi's advice worked out and Papa Maki opened up a bit. Haruta is so open with his feelings that he'll say plainly that he's excited to gain a dad even as they tease Ryota a little bit.
Only Haruta would cheer about being able to wipe someone else's shit.
I really like the pacing of this softening between Maki and Kurosawa. I love how the professional relationships of the first season are all maturing into something more.
Oh damn next episode looks dramatic.
This show continues to be excellent. I'm so sorry that I've only recently come to this series. I could have had this in my heart alongside WDYEY for years. This new season is so gentle to us. They give us so much physical intimacy and domesticity between Maki and Haruta. They really feel like they're building a home together.
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chained-sweater · 1 month
remake of my angieboy headcanons because my last post was BAD.
uhh, tagging @fictionalcharactergraveyard bc on my og post they asked for these hcs, and since i like, uh..deleted my old post i need to like—let them see this one.
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· angela has a lot of nicknames for ponyboy, and vice versa. they're either very cute/sappy or it sounds like they're insulting each other. there is no in between.
· very, very cuddly couple. they're always cuddling. ya walk into the room and boom: pony and angela are snuggled up on the couch.
· the reaction their siblings had when they found out they were dating, oh lordy loo.
· tim gave pony the classic 'older-brother-talking-to-his-little-sister's-boyfriend' talk, but other than that, he's fine with them being together. ponyboy is intimidated by him and every time he tells angela 'i think your brother hates me' angela's like, 'which brother?' pony says, 'tim' and angela responds with, 'you're fine, he likes you.' yeah, tim's pretty chill w/ it.
↑ let's just say pony's lucky to be alive. curly's their #1 op, fr.
· darry doesn't care, tbh. he's just glad pony's in a happy relationship.
· sodapop, however, is very wary of angela. he was still recovering over sandy at the time and he's worried that pony would go through something similar to what he went through with sandy.
· don't even get me started on the gang, oh jesus.
· two-bit literally starting cheering and gave ponyboy a big bear hug. he then proceeded to start gushing about how adorable they were 'n stuff. (i can't, i love two-bit sm.)
· steve was just like, 'yeah, whatever.'
· dallas was all, 'ooh, you go horseman.' ponyboy threw a book at his head.
· johnny was still recovering at the hospital (yes, ofc he and dally live), and when he found out, he was SO jealous. *heather by conan gray starts playing in the background.*
· pony and angela never get past the puppy-love stage of their relationship. that is their relationship. (they're so cute, omg.)
· ponyboy gives angela some of their drawings he made (they're of her) and she keeps every single one. she pins them on the wall above her bed in her and curly's bedroom.
· curly's all, 'FOR FUCK'S SAKE, ANGIE, TAKE THEM DOWN' and angela's just like, 'no.'
· you do not want to see these two on a date, sweet jesus christ.
· dally once went to a restaurant to grab some dinner and when he walked in he found angela sitting on pony's lap and they were feeding each other and giggling 'n shit and istg dallas gagged. (tbh, i don't blame him, i would of done the same. 💀)
· angela made them matching bracelets. ponyboy (and angela, ofc) never takes theirs off.
· holding hands is like, their lifeline. they're always holding hands. (i'm making myself feel single writing this, smh.)
· it's basically your average middle-school relationship, but it's actually successful.
[■■■■■■■■■■] 100%
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