#office chari
royaloak-furniture · 3 months
What are the best ways to clean an office chair?
Cleaning an office chair is vital for maintaining its beauty and ensuring a healthy work environment. Here are some of the most effective techniques to clean an office chair:
Dust Regularly: Using a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment, remove dust and debris from the chair, especially in hard-to-reach areas.
Spot Clean Stains: Gently wipe any stains on fabric chairs using a moderate soap and water solution. Clean leather or faux leather seats using a damp cloth and a small amount of mild detergent, then wipe dry.
Wipe Down Hard Surfaces: With a microfiber cloth and a light cleaning solution, wipe down the chair's armrests, legs, and any other hard surfaces.
Deep Clean Fabric: Use an upholstery cleaner or steam cleaner to freshen the fabric and remove any imbedded grime.
Maintain Wheels and Mechanisms: Remove and clean the wheels to avoid dirt buildup. Lubricate any moving parts to ensure the chair runs smoothly.
Regular cleaning not only keeps your office chair in good condition but also extends its life. If you're seeking high-quality office chairs, visit Royaloak, an online furniture store that offers a variety of fashionable and comfy solutions.
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kitkat-the-muffin · 9 months
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nhpnews1 · 2 years
MP IPS Officer Transfer: 12 IPS officers transferred, Makrand Deuskar Indore and Harinarayan Chari sent to Bhopal - NHP NEWS
IPS Officer Transfer. Election gathering has started in Madhya Pradesh. Today 12 police officers of the state have been transferred from here to there. In these, the police commissioners of Bhopal and Indore have also been affected. The first police commissioner of Bhopal, Makrand Deoskar, has been given the command of Indore while Hari Narayan Chari Mishra, the first police commissioner of…
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seramilla · 3 months
Hi, I really like the crack/college AU. Can we have something for it?
Thanks 💚
When the group gets back to Hell from the year or so they spent on Earth, Charie decides to up the ante on her redemption program. Her father Lucifer is literally the king of Hell. He has all the money and resources she could ever need for her pet projects. So in her efforts to expand the scope of her redemption program, and to use some of what she and Vaggie had learned about human motivations on that college campus on Earth, she decides to open a first-of-its-kind university in the Pride ring. Found exclusively for Sinners to better themselves, or learn a trade. So they can make lives for themselves, whether they choose to go to Heaven or not.
Charlie is the head honcho and president in charge. She oversees every major aspect of running a university. Vaggie oversees the sports programs and recruitment for various teams -- they need to attract new Sinners with sports talent for scholarships. Carmilla and Sera are brought back on to adopt similar roles to the ones they had at the Earth college: Sera as Chief Financial Officer in charge of university funds; Carmilla coordinating the actual planning and construction of the school, and then overseeing its manufacturing and engineering programs for students, like before.
Odette and Clara move to more cushy positions in charge of the entire College of Engineering and Sciences. Emily oversees the university's Health and Education programs. Charlie also picks up part-time roles in various programs that interest her: Hospitality Management, the Business School, Musical Theater and Arts, etc. They also bring on other Sinners to teach other courses -- usually those who have gone through Charlie's redemption program, and are specialized in some field or another, but who also decided they didn't want to enter Heaven, for whatever reason.
Time will tell if this new venture pans out, but Charlie is hopeful. Lucifer is just proud his little girl is pursuing her dreams -- of helping Earthlings and Sinners alike.
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Charis Hoard at MMFA:
Throughout President Joe Biden’s time in office, right-wing media have shared misleading videos of him, calling into question Biden’s mental and physical fitness. These videos have often originated from the Republican National Committee’s rapid response team, which posts on social media as “RNC Research.” Right-wing media figures have repeatedly used the RNC’s deceptively edited content to claim, among other smears, that Biden is “mentally and physically unfit” to be president, that he “froze in a geriatric trance” during a fundraiser, and admitted he “sold a lot of state secrets.”
Right-wing media keep pushing deceptively edited clips from RNC Research to push baseless attacks on President Biden’s cognitive abilities.
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navcommrelay · 5 months
Time: D-Day + 68 hours
Location: KINSHIP Forward Operating Base
Forces On Station: CFRI, Silver Wing
Forces En Route: Barghest Company (ETA 4h)
Objective: Set up initial defenses and prepare for enemy attack.
After-Action Report:
SWMC Alpha Lance, with SWMC Bravo Lance as support, conducted a sabotage action against the bridge southeast of Kinship FOB, in an attempt to slow the enemy advance. The action was a success, and the bridge was collapsed on the far end. However in the ensuing firefight, SWA3 was damaged beyond repair and the pilot was forced to eject. Following a short engagement by the rest of the lance, the pilot was recovered. Both lances then retreated to join up with main forces.
All Unassigned Forces on site at Kinship FOB finalized a defensive trench system surrounding the FOB. The system consists of a continuous shallow infantry trench on the South and West sides of the base. The outer edge is reinforced with sandbags, and there are deeper sections dug in anticipation of entrenching CAMG armor returning to base. Additionally, a fallback trenchline built in the same pattern as the primary protects and supports the most defensible location at the facility- the central courtyard, sheltered on three sides by the structure itself and with service entry points to enable the movement of personnel and supplies through the building. 
CFRI Logistics elements set up a number of field Repair Bay stations inside the southeast vehicle entry points to the primary structure. On completion, the Portable Command Module was installed behind the fallback trenchline in front of the main complex, as notated on-map. Delivery of ammunition and medical supplies via DropShip concluded, with available materiel stored in shipping containers east of the main encampment. Those available support personnel who volunteered were issued infantry small arms and equipment procured from allied elements and moved to occupy the fallback trenchline. Officers on the ground noted that this location could be supported by the -MOD series IndustrialMechs assisting in the Repair Bays as a last-ditch effort. Currently, logistics personnel are occupied coordinating the storage of a shipment of Clan-spec Class-10 Rotary Autocannon ammunition requisitioned for advance delivery by Barghest Company.
Silver Wing Comms Log: 
SWMC FR: Can someone go ask the captain if these orders are serious?
SWMC Holk: What's the problem, Gemi? Not cut out for some manual labor?
SWMC FR: You can actually fuck off, Rey, lazing about in orbit while we risk our lives.
SWMC Holk: Ok, just got word from the Captain that yes, you have to do the thing he told you to do.
SWMC FR: I'm saving one of these sandbags to dump onto your bunk.
SWMC Holk: Hey, hey, come on now. Let's not be rash!
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mioplaces · 5 days
Leader: It's a good thing no one asks.
Chen: Not that they need to know.
Leader: Not now Chen.
Chen: Why?
Leader: It's not the time or place.
Chen: Oh!
Chari: Will you two stop this or will I have to call the rest of the council?
Leader: I'm the one who sent you here, besides, this is my office! Don't you know how to knock on the door Chari?
Chari: Sorry, but we have a meeting to attend, and you guys being all cute and cuddly isn't helping.
Chen: Stop being annoying.
Chari: Get off the leader, we need to go.
Chen: No way! I'll stay here.
Leader: Chen, get up, we need to go.
Chen jumps off the leader's lap.
Chen: Thanks Chari, now it'll take days for the leader to let me be like this with her again.
Chari: Shame on you, man.
Leader: Come on you two, we're late.
They walk out the door and head towards the meeting room.
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aristotle97 · 4 months
The insurmountable urge to write a Kaiju no.8 fanfic with a random ass idea I came up with
~ Rant Time... I guess? ~
(FT. a bunch of home-made lore... imma say this is an au so ya'll don't yell at me.)
So the UN takes note of Japan's issues with the Humanoid Kaiju (8, 9, 10) and Greece offers one of their divisions (known as the Amazon Divison) to assist.
Japan takes the offer and the Amazon Unit comes to Japan to assist.
There are 2 captains and 14 officers
Captain Ioaniss Gabris (Codename: Angel)
Vice Captain Iris Gabris (Codename: Iris)
^ The Captain and Vice Captain are siblings. They bicker quite often during recreational time, but the second a Kaiju shows up they're in battle mode.
Officer Asterios Ariti (Codename: Zeus)
^ Despite what his codename suggests, he's actually a pretty nice guy, albeit very serious in battle, and a bit girl crazy. He wields a spear made from the Kaiju codenamed Cronos.
Officer Marinos Ariti (Codename: Poseidon)
^ He's the oldest of the Ariti siblings. He specializes in handling seaborne Kaiju. He wields a trident made from the Kaiju codenamed Typhon.
Officer Orfeas Ariti (Codename: Pluto)
^ He codenamed himself the Roman Version of Hades because he wanted to be different. Unlike the actual mythology (Where Zeus is the youngest), Orfeas is the youngest. He wields a bident made from the Kaiju codenamed Cronos.
Officer Eirini Athanasiou (Codename: Hera)
^ Unlike the actual mythology, no. She is not married to Zeus. She actually hates the dude. Since Hera has no confirmed weapon in mythology, I settled for her using a rifle with rounds that secrete a scent that spooks the Kaiju. She's more of a back fighter.
Officer Kore Chloros (Codename: Demeter)
^ A very formidable fighter in battle, but outside of it you can bet this woman is giving everyone flowers. She loves plants. She wields a staff made from the Kaiju codenamed Cronos.
Officer Charis Chronis (Codename: Hestia)
^ Mostly a Combat Medic. The eldest out of all of these officers. Very motherly. Would probably scold Kafka for staying up late studying. Also dabbles into research regarding eating Kaiju. Wields a regulation rifle with Flamethrower rounds.
Officer Ermis Hannas (Codename: Hermes)
^ The youngest of these officers (aged 19). He wields a staff made from the Kaiju codenamed Mousiki (ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗ). His suit is much different than the others in his unit. His suit is built with extra speed in mind, thanks to the law implemented in May of 20__, the year he joined, which saw the Greek Defense Force being forced to make all new Officers and etc. able to escape alive.
Officer Sofia Manos (Codename: Athena)
^ The best of the best when it comes to battle strategy. Did 6 years in the Hellenic Armed Forces before being reccomended for the Greek Kaiju Defense Force. She is one who is mainly focused on removing civillians who were unable to evacuate. In a pinch, she has a shield she can use to deflect attacks. She does not currently have a Kaiju Weapon, but has expressed a want for one. She is equipped with a standard regulation rifle.
Officer Alkemini (Codename: Ares)
^ What can I say? She's earned the codename. She's the most ruthless fighter on the Greek force. Also a single queen. This is just in my au, but Soshiro was the only one able to tame this wild beast (If you get what I mean–). She carries a machine gun.
Officer Foteini Agnes (Codename: Artemis)
^ An Aro/Ace queen. The elder of the Agnes twins. Wields a bow made of the Kaiju codenamed Python. So does Officer Apollo.
Officer Heliodoros "Helios" Agnes (Codename: Apollo)
^ A gay king. Probably has dressed in drag at least once. The younger of the Agnes twins. He is the ex boyfriend of two officers from one of the other Greek Units (Hyacinthus and Daphne). Much like his sister, he wields a bow made from the Kaiju codenamed Python. In a pinch, he can switch to a close range rifle equipped with either sonic or stun rounds.
Officer Argyris Martis (Codename: Dionysus)
^ A heavy drinker outside of batttle. Nearly always has alchol on him. Recently, Hestia and Aphrodite have forced him to start drinking less of it. He gets the shakes easily. Some believe the reason he was so good in battle was because of the drinking. Currently in the process of being prescribed anxiety medication. Wields a standard regulation rifle with poison rounds.
Officer (Dr.) Eftychia Eliades (Codename: Aphrodite)
^ This officer has a doctorate in experimenting with Kaiju. She uses pheromones from Kaiju to confuse enemy Kaiju and open them up for the others to attack. She does these all with her own lab made Pheremone Rounds (Patent Pending). Her two titles as Officer and Doctor are used interchangeably.
Officer Miltiadis Eliades (Codename: Hepheastus)
^ This guy is a total bottom. Unlike in the mythology, him and Eftychia are happy to be married. He took her last name. He made his own warhammer from the Kaiju codenamed Mimas.
If- if you read this far. Thanks. You're a real champ. Would you mind commenting or something? I wanna know if you liked it more than just hitting like. I wanna know if I should make something out of this.
P.S - If you use this, credit me.
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petrikovvy · 1 year
hello, world!
call me charis! i’m an ESTP 7w8, i like sitcoms, animation and classic rock and i dislike bigotry, any kind of math and spicy foods.
- south park (fav KENNY McCORMICK)
- bang dream/bandori (fav MAYA YAMATO)
- yu yu hakusho (fav HIEI)
- queen (fav FREDDIE MERCURY)
- bayonetta (whos fav would be anyone other than bayo tbh)
- persona 5 (fav FUTABA SAKURA)
- the office (fav JIM HALPERT)
- arrested development (fav TOBIAS FÜNKE)
- do NOT DM me if you are over 18.
- if you are a homophobe/transphobe.
- if you ROMANTICALLY/SEXUALLY SHIP mclennon, harristarr, maylor, deacury, ANY ADULT/MINOR SHIP, STYLE, anything that’s just really weird
- if you are ableist/otherwise discriminatory
i hope to have a lot of fun with not only this blog but tumblr as a whole!!! <3
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green-blue-heller · 2 years
Do we know what Vicki is doing atm? Like what sort of projects is she working on and stuff or what does she do as a job atm? I know she’s apparently exec producer for a Darryl Davis project ?
I honestly have no idea.
I assume maybe she is working on a new book??
I don’t know what she does for a job outside of that. (I think I saw somewhere at some point she was teaching at a university?? But that could have been before the move to Washington or while they were in Washington. Either way, no idea since she moved back to California…)
Her and Misha were both EPs on the project because they co-owned the production company producing it.
And they’re both inactive directors/officers with no one actively listed except the agent. So all co-owned businesses are being/have been dissolved.
So I honestly have no idea what is going on with the Darryl Davis project.
As neither of them have an active production company (because no, despite the name, Chari Productions is not a production company).
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wiredlyrelatable · 11 months
W/O Ram movie review...
It's a 2018 tollywood movie
The movie didn't get much recognition maybe because the climax of the movie goes a little off track but the story was good.
In the story Deeksha investigates her husband Ram's murder on her own as the police closes the case due to lack of evidence. Another police officer named Chari supports her in this investigation. In the climax as she finds Rocky the person involved in the crime, makes him confess it and kills him. I fell instead of this if she would get Rocky arrested by Chari so that his and Ram's crime (the rape they did) would get public in the media so that awareness would spread about it and people would get a little scared to do that to any other woman in the future.
The story is about investigating thriller and the climax twist in which we get know that RAM is also killed by Deeksha as she already knew about his crime is amazing.
The title is apt to the story as the wife investigates the murder of her husband and even murders him like a punishment for his crime is too cool. The BGM, story, the characters, the thrill...all are good.
#one time watchable
#good attempt
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copblaster · 1 year
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LAPD Officer Charis R. Simmons https://copblaster.com/blast/52402/lapd-officer-charis-r-simmons?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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Charis Hoard at MMFA:
As right-wing media continue throwing attacks at the wall to see what sticks, some outlets are now trying to vilify Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz as “radical” by falsely claiming that he “made it legal to coerce women into abortions” or that he has supported abortion “until the moment of birth” during his time as governor of Minnesota.
After Dobbs, Walz signed bills removing procedural roadblocks for pregnant people seeking abortion care
Minnesota became one of the first states to enshrine abortion access into law after the overturning of Roe v. Wade when Walz signed the Protect Reproductive Options Act in January 2023. The bill included provisions to make existing protections harder for future courts to strike down and “prohibits local units of government from regulating a person’s ability to freely exercise their fundamental right to reproductive health care.” The Minnesota Supreme Court had already ruled in 1995 that abortion is a fundamental right protected by the state’s constitution. [The Associated Press, 1/31/23; MN.gov, 1/31/23; CNN, 1/31/23]
The Protect Reproductive Options, or PRO, Act repealed requirements for those seeking abortion to endure a 24-hour waiting period, receive descriptions of the fetus, and be given “information on ‘fetal pain,’ as well as a list of agencies offering alternatives to abortion services.” According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, “a human fetus does not have the capacity to experience pain until after at least 24–25 weeks,” well beyond the first trimester (the first 13 weeks of gestation) during which the vast majority of abortions are performed. [The Office of Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, accessed 8/7/24; American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, accessed 8/7/24; Pew Research Center, 3/25/24]
Mischaracterizations of Walz's record misconstrue the facts on seeking abortion care
In response to Walz's record on abortion, right-wing media figures falsely accused the vice presidential candidate of allowing “abortion until the moment of birth” or legalizing “coercive abortion” with the passage of the PRO Act. These misleading accusations misconstrue the facts of the reproductive care protections Walz enshrined in Minnesota law.
Right-wing media creating a nontroversy over Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s actions to protect abortion access and reproductive rights in the wake of the overturning of Roe in Dobbs.
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7crowsinadress · 1 year
*lightly knocks on the door* Hello hi I'm here to ask you about your larp characters
thank you, please step into my office! I have two (Liza and Thatch) for the same game :) Enjoy blorbos from my brain!
I'm including tws in the tags just to be safe.
Currently active is Miss Elizabeth "Liza" Fisher. She was a debutant who was supposed to have a very cookie-cutter high-society life. Her father was their district's respected preacher, she had just graduated (top of her class) from finishing school. Unfortunately, her whole family disappeared under mysterious circumstances, leaving Liza with an empty wreck of a house. In her confusion trying to search the house for them, she fell down the basement steps and blacked out. So began the year of crime. She fled their district and found a job at a general store in a different area. She pretty quickly realized she was good at getting into places unnoticed, which turned into robbing places unnoticed. Her gang (known in black market circles as "The 7") quickly formed around her: Lora, Cross, Andre, Vee, Galen, Buck, and Liza. Buck was the son of the general store owner, serving alongside Galen as Liza's right and left hands. The 7 pulled off numerous heists, with Liza and Buck fencing the stolen goods out of the general store. Of course, all good things must come to an end. The 7's last job went wrong. Someone had tipped off law enforcement, someone who knew what their plans were, and there was no time for all of them to escape. Liza dealt judgment to Galen, cursing him for betraying the family they had created before striking her first deal: she would take the fall (alone) for the actions of The 7. In exchange, Lora, Cross, Andre, Vee, and Buck would dispatch Galen and live as law-abiding citizens. They agreed and Liza was captured.
After being exiled from The City (a lore thing for this game), she discovered her father had been exiled from the city after becoming an apostate and using ritual sacrifice to gain power with the goal of reuniting their family. They do not know what force caused them to be scattered. She was also chosen as the champion of a hunt god ("The One That Chases") and is currently trying to redeem herself in Its eyes for failing in a test of champions against a rival god.
The other character is Thatch Limuli! They aren't in play yet because they're my backup character for this game and aren't quite as fleshed out. They own an inn-type place. the town ranger/town watch group often frequents their inn because it's a nice spot to chill in. Thatch definitely has a favorite (his name is Basil and they have a crush on him that they refuse to acknowledge). Some changes in town politics led to Big City corruption leaking into town. Obviously, the ranger gang isn't cool with that but Thatch minds their business and offers their space as a place for the ranger squad to organize and try to protect the townsfolk from this corruption. The New Criminal Mayor (NCM) is not pleased with this and attempts to take out the rangers by trapping them in a burning barn. The issue is that Basil is the only one who actually gets trapped. Thatch tries to help somehow but is held back, only finding Basil's Charys pendant in the wreckage when they are released to search for him (it is always slightly warm as if he was just wearing it. It may contain a ghost). They know NCM is behind this so they hatch a plan to kill him (painfully, slowly, terribly). Montage of scheming later, they burn his compound to the ground. In an attempt to push NCM into the inferno, their hand slips and he is able to shove them off and escape (NCM was wearing metal gauntlets so Thatch now has a handprint burned up their face where they were shoved). Peacekeepers show up and Thatch is arrested.
Sorry that's long! I am very excited about them both :) please ask if you want to know more and tysm for giving me an excuse to infodump about them!!
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razorblogz · 1 year
Massive Fire At Bhopal Building Put Out After Army Intervention
Sources said all the offices located there bore the brunt of the fire, including the health department office.
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Bhopal: A massive fire at Satpura Bhawan in Bhopal, which houses offices of several government departments, was doused after a nearly 14-hour long operation involving the Indian Air Force, Indian Army and local authorities.
The building was evacuated in time and no one was injured.
Sources said the fire started around 4 pm from the third floor of the government building, housing the regional office of Tribal Welfare Department. From the third floor, the fire had spread fast to three upper floors. As the raging inferno came in contact with air conditioners and some gas cylinders, there were multiple blasts.
Sources said all the offices located there bore the brunt of the fire, including the health department office, where files have been destroyed.
Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan had apprised Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and Home Minister Amit Shah about the fire and sought assistance for dousing it, an official said.
Bhopal Police Commissioner, Harinarayan Chari Mishra said that primarily it has come to the fore that the cause of the fire is a short circuit, but a team has been formed to investigate it.
"The flames have been controlled but there is a cloud of smoke at different places, due to which there is a possibility that it may catch fire later but teams are working. As of now, there is no need (for IAF helicopters). Primarily it has come to the fore that the cause of the fire is due to a short circuit, but a team of experts has been formed to investigate it," said Harinarayan Chari Mishra.
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thesociallibrarian · 2 years
Pros and Cons of User-Generated Content
In chapter three of Privacy and Freedom of Information in 21st Century Libraries, chapter author, Eli Neiburger, discusses all the potential pitfalls of user-generated content (UGC). While these concerns are valid the chapter neglects to mention all the benefits of cultivating user-generated content.
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Upsides of UGC
UGC is Effective
Many studies have found that positive or neutral UGC positively impacts many business metrics such as sales and purchase intention (Duan, 2022) (Tang et al., 2014). Potential consumers that see UGC are more likely to trust UGC compared to traditional marketing (Chari et al., 2016).
UGC is FREE and Not Time Consuming
UGC is Free and not time-consuming to gather! In fact, studies have proven that adding money into the equation actually reduces the chances that people will give UGC (Sun et al., 2017). They also found that UGC is rarely given in response to an advertising campaign and even less so in response to marketing messages (Roma & Aloini, 2019).
UGC Creates a Greater Sense of Community
Many people contribute to UGC because they want to help their fellow community members (Huang et al., 2019). Several studies have found this is one of main reasons people contribute UGC, but other motivators are audience size, popularity, and even jealousy (Zhang & Wang, 2012; Zhang & Zhu, 2011).
Downsides of UGC
Data Privacy Concerns
With data privacy being a part of the ALA code of Ethics (Association, May 19, 2017), it is important for libraries to be able to protect the privacy of the patrons even in the realm of UGC. In many social media cases there is no expectation of privacy since users understand it to be a public forum. In cases where they can comment anonymously or even if they’re using an account under a fake name, other users still may be able to find out their identity through tracking their IP address (Griffey et al., 2010). This is something the library is powerless to stop.
Copyright Concerns
When using UGC there are some concerns that those who contributed it may feel as though their copyright was violated if it is used in marketing materials or used in more public places than its already was (Griffey et al., 2010). The chances of this happening are low, but it is still a possibility.
People Can Be Plain Mean
The National Center for Education Statistics found that approximately 16% of students age 12-17 had experience cyberbullying and this is not a problem that goes away with age (Statistics, 2021). We would like to think that people would not use a library’s media presence to bully others but it is a real possibility (Griffey et al., 2010).
Best Practices for UGC
From all this information we can suggest the following best practices for cultivating and using UGC:
Create a social media policy that outlines appropriate behavior for the library and patrons.
Always ask the contributor for permission before reusing UGC
Cultivate community to cultivate UGC.
Association, A. L. (May 19, 2017). Professional Ethics. http://www.ala.org/tools/ethics
Chari, S., Christodoulides, G., Presi, C., Wenhold, J., & Casaletto, J. P. (2016). Consumer Trust in User-Generated Brand Recommendations on Facebook. Psychology & marketing, 33(12), 1071-1081. https://doi.org/10.1002/mar.20941
Duan, J. (2022). The Impact of Positive Purchase-Centered UGC on Audience’s Purchase Intention: Roles of Tie Strength, Benign Envy and Purchase Type. Journal of Internet Commerce, 21(4), 393-417. https://doi.org/10.1080/15332861.2021.2001737
Griffey, J., Houghton-Jan, S., Neiburger, E., & Office for Intellectual, F. (2010). Privacy and Freedom of Information in 21st-Century Libraries : A Library Technology Report. American Library Association. http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/utk/detail.action?docID=680166
Huang, N., Burtch, G., Gu, B., Hong, Y., Liang, C., Wang, K., Fu, D., & Yang, B. (2019). Motivating User-Generated Content with Performance Feedback: Evidence from Randomized Field Experiments. Management science, 65(1), 327-345. https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2017.2944
Roma, P., & Aloini, D. (2019). How does brand-related user-generated content differ across social media? Evidence reloaded. Journal of business research, 96, 322-339. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.11.055
Statistics, N. C. f. E. (2021, May 2021). Bullying at School and Electronic Bullying. National Center for Education Statistics. https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/a10#suggested-citation
Sun, Y., Dong, X., & McIntyre, S. (2017). Motivation of User-Generated Content: Social Connectedness Moderates the Effects of Monetary Rewards. Marketing science (Providence, R.I.), 36(3), 329-337. https://doi.org/10.1287/mksc.2016.1022
Tang, T., Fang, E., & Wang, F. (2014). Is Neutral Really Neutral? The Effects of Neutral User-Generated Content on Product Sales. Journal of Marketing, 78(4), 41-58. https://doi.org/10.1509/jm.13.0301
Zhang, X., & Wang, C. (2012). Network Positions and Contributions to Online Public Goods: The Case of Chinese Wikipedia [Article]. Journal of Management Information Systems, 29(2), 11-40. https://doi.org/10.2753/MIS0742-1222290202
Zhang, X., & Zhu, F. (2011). Group Size and Incentives to Contribute: A Natural Experiment at Chinese Wikipedia. American Economic Review, 101(4), 1601-1615. https://doi.org/10.1257/aer.101.4.1601
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