#chara council
mioplaces · 8 days
Does the leader of the Charas have an actual face behind that silhouette or is she really just pitch black? (I'm not trying to sound racist here.)
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by Tooth Wu
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antianakin · 3 months
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I found this on Tumblr and wanted to get your thoughts on it. So, that quote was from The Acolyte that the head witch lady says to Sol, and I knew that some would reference Anakin and Order 66 because of that line. But, I wasn't expecting them to mention that scene with Qui-Gonn.
Also, I don't know why some would compare Qui-Gonn to Sol cause Sol was overly emotional. He was impulsive, insistant on Osha to be his padawan, and wasn't composed. Qui-Gonn was more put together, and he spoke with reason even when he was denied by the council. I just can't wrap my head around this. The jedi aren't supposed to be emotionless. They just can't let their emotions mess with their judgment, right? So, why make Sol like this?
I have no idea what the "choice" thing is about lol, I'm not sure I want to know given everything I already know about this show.
I feel like I've made my thoughts about Acolyte fairly clear at this point. It's not shocking that there's a direct reference to Order 66 that condemns the Jedi and blames them for their own genocide. Headland has made herself EXTREMELY clear in basically every interview I've seen of hers where she discusses the Jedi and her ultimate thesis about them in this story. This is why I boycotted it and will never try to watch it even after it ends. Nothing in this show is meant for fans like me because I am not going to find it compelling or interesting or enjoyable to watch. I'm willing to bet every single person who loves Acolyte and thinks it's incredible probably hated the Obi-Wan Kenobi show (a show that was intentionally trying to feel like the Prequels and refuses to place the blame on the Jedi instead of Anakin himself), so whatever. I got mine.
As for Sol and Qui-Gon, they're not basing him on CANON Qui-Gon, they're basing him on FANON Qui-Gon. They obviously think that it's canon Qui-Gon, but it's not. Sol is based on Filoni's Qui-Gon, the Enlightened One, the man who was the embodiment of What a Jedi Should Be specifically because he "defied the Council" and was labeled a "maverick" as a result. People have taken the fact that Qui-Gon questions the Council somewhat regularly and decided this means that Qui-Gon like... understood what being a Jedi meant BETTER than the rest of the Council and that the Council's version of being a Jedi involves suppressing/repressing your emotions, so therefore Qui-Gon doesn't do that.
Some of this is also based on the fact that Qui-Gon believes Anakin was the Chosen One and the Council seems a little skeptical about that, but Qui-Gon is obviously right about this and so the assumption is that Qui-Gon is more connected to the Force or more clued in to its will than the rest of the Council.
This takes the whole "the point of the Prequels is that the Jedi were corrupt" interpretation and the conflict seen between Qui-Gon and the Council and makes some assumptions about Qui-Gon's character as a result. If the Jedi Council represents everything WRONG with the Jedi in this era, and the Council is in opposition to Qui-Gon, then naturally Qui-Gon must be everything RIGHT with the Jedi.
So when you take all of this together, despite the fact that Qui-Gon in TPM is actually pretty reserved himself, it leads to this interpretation of Qui-Gon as someone who just trusts his emotions above everything else and feels them more than any other Jedi does, which leads us to Sol, who is more visibly emotional. Since I haven't watched the show, I can't speak very well to how he's intended to come across, whether those emotions are meant to make us believe he's more enlightened than anybody else or not. I do know that the actor himself has said he explicitly based his character on Qui-Gon, so take from that what you will I guess.
Headland's views on the Jedi would impact her views on the Council as well, and a LOT of Jedi critical fans tend to laud Qui-Gon as some kind of enlightened messiah, so it doesn't shock me that she views Qui-Gon this way herself and made a character in her show that sort-of emulates her interpretation of Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon is VERY important for fans who interpret the Prequels as being about the Jedi's failure, so since Headland is writing a story about the beginning of the Jedi's downfall, it makes sense that she'd include a character based on someone she interprets as the last remnant of "what the Jedi should've been."
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songwolfwildblogs · 22 days
Info dump!!!
Admin killer au!!!! (Also dadmare)
Warning it is long and has themes of violence and the like! (Very brief but still there)
There are two killers in this au og and admin, admin will be referred to as killer (after he becomes killer) and og as OG.
The multiverse has 3 levels of power, normal aus, the council and the admin. When I say power I don’t fully mean strength I mean where they place in the hierarchy of the multiverse. The council consists of gods like reaper, life, the reapertale cast basically, guardians/protectors like ink, dream, core frisk and nightmare technically, and those that don’t fall into either category like error. The council works to manage the nitty gritty of the multiverse like the balance and such. The admin at the top of the hierarchy, the only person surpassing them being the owner of the multiverse who disappeared ages ago. The admin works to maintain the back end of the multiverse like the scripts and code but function as sort of the leader of the council being allowed to veto any decisions they make if they deem them too risky or pointless. Normal aus function under the council and admin without being able to give much input unless someone on the council seeks it (dream and core frisk being the main ones to do so)
If you can’t tell, none of these council members are elected. The admin solely over time began abusing his power, worsening the lives of everyone but his own. He had favorites, letting error disrupt the balance by destroying hundreds of aus and get away with it while bringing down his iron fist whenever the other council members stepped even slightly out of line.at one point reaper and him got into a fight which ended with reaper getting his skull torn open.
After stars knows how long the council planned a revolt (error did not join) leading the charge was dream and reaper. Reaper distracted the admin long enough that dream could get a bullet through the admin’s ribs (his bow is replaced with a gun in this au because why not). The admin fled to an undertale timeline replacing the sans there he didn’t blend in perfectly but it was good enough. The council decide to recovine and decided to go after the admin after they rebuild the multiverse to a point where people weren’t constantly suffering. (nightmare only joined in the project because it got to the point where all the negativity was making strong enough where he could not control himself at times)
Years passed, and the multiverse had recovered, all statues of the admin and anything that really showed him in a positive light were destroyed and left to rot. Nightmare had his gang but OG had retired and went to live with color… and nightmare let him. Nightmare at this point has developed into a more dadmare version of himself (even made a truce with dream) and although sad to watch OG leave he was glad that he had somewhere he felt safe. Meanwhile admin realizes he entered a timeline that turns into a something new timeline so that’s FUN. It takes him many less resets to accept chara’s deal but after killing everybody it takes him much less time to turn on chara. Admin, now killer is left alone when nightmare finally notices the new something new timeline. He goes to the timeline and without a second thought not yet realizing who killer is offers him out of the timeline. Killer takes the offer deciding to keep his identity a secret.
Killer doesn’t exactly fill the role of killer perfectly, his ego is large and doesn’t understand what he did wrong, but he tries his best to blend in. After a while he thinks he’s blended in enough that he can get away with a little bit of admin fuckery (mainly trying to figure out what the council has been up to while he was gone) but of course, nightmare catches him using admin magic. Nightmare doesn’t know how to respond considering he was one the key players in the revolt and he’s now found out he’s been harboring the very man he helped overthrow. At this point he had been keeping a journal about everything Killer was doing that was different from og to try and understand what this killer needed (He has care journals for each of his boys) so he went back and reread it turns out killer had been showing some very admin like behaviors (mainly the ego and dislike of touch) he doesn't really do anything at first other than act more cautious around killer and warning the rest of the gang “Hey this killer is a bit more unstable than the last one”
Cross doesn’t really care thinking “all these fuckers are unstable” while horror and dust begin to exercise a little bit of caution around killer. Nightmare considers telling the council about what he’s figured out but he decides to hold off to see what killer does while thinking he’s being slick. Turns out not that much other than being salty and trying to fix destroyed items of his admin form but after a bit he stops realizing that he’ll look suspicious if he starts fixing shit.
Whenever killer visits an au he sees the struggle to fix what he messed up, whether that be defending itself from threats that killer said were “to miniscule to lead to anything” or supplies issues due to killer not accepting their trade license and how the council is struggling to undo his mistakes. Killer doesn’t change immediately instead he just gets a weird feeling in his metaphorical gut. Then killer follows nightmare to the omega timeline where he visits OG and color, Killer is confused but OG is pretty chill toward the whole situation even making the joke of “You have a weird habit of adopting traumatized sanses” to nightmare who just replies with “I suppose I do” which mildly pisses off Killer which OG picks up pretty quickly making the joke of “ah we aren’t the adoption phase yet huh?” anyway. Killer feels mildly jealous for some reason, he doesn’t know why but to know he isn’t the first killer just pisses him off and the fact that this killer is happy and healthy while he’s constantly annoyed and having to deal with people mocking him in passing without realizing he’s literally the guy their talking about.
So the visit just turns from nightmare visiting og and his boyfriend to, killer glaring at OG while nightmare tries to have a conversation and it has to end early. Nightmare asks “why the hell were you glaring at him the entire time?” and Killer just goes silent not wanting to admit to being jealous. Nightmare just sighs and pats him on the shoulder then leaves not sure what to do
Meanwhile OG and color are just chatting in the omega timeline when Core frsk shows up outta fuckin nowhere and asks about killer which OG just says “Don’t know don’t really care” while color just shrugs says “He was odd but he’s most likely just a variant of our killer nightmare ‘adopted’ as our killer puts it” core frisk just nodded along before saying goodbye and disappearing.
Killer starts thinking about what he is, about who he is. He misses the feeling of editing code and playing God but… this new life of his felt almost safe and freeing but he still misses his old life. He remembered something ink once said to him during a meeting, probably trying to backhandedly tell him to take a chill pill “have you tried painting? It could help you out” so killer scoured the castle finding painting supplies and setting up a small painting set up in his room
Nightmare walks in on killer painting and doesn't say anything. Just leaving and letting him paint. Killer begins to reflect as he paints everything he's gone through from his time as admin to the hell that was the something new timeline and through that he paints… and paints…. and paints. His room becomes filled with paintings slowly but surely getting better, Killer found himself hyper focused.
He takes a Step back and sees what he's done… he had painted mostly landscapes and cabins, it wasn't the best but he had fun… he… had fun! He had forgotten the last time he had fun…
But he quickly began to become confused. Why had he been having fun? He didn't get it. He thought he wasn't supposed to feel Anything… but he realized he hadn't left his room in a bit so he went out of his room… he began to wander around the castle, eventually he came across Cross who asks “where have ya been?” killer just says “painting” Cross asks to see the paintings
Killer shows him them. Cross seems pretty surprised and the two begin to talk about art then about other things like their interests and killer can't really come up with anything other than cats, painting and weaponry…. Cross asks him about a few other things
“What about music? I know classic sans plays trombone”
“I'm not classic.”
“Ok… do you have any type of music you enjoy?”
“Well I have a playlist we can listen too.”
Cross and Killer begin listening to the playlist and it just sort of makes something click in Killer’s mind. He’s enjoying something… he didn't know how or why but he was enjoying himself…
Things like this happen every now again, killer begins talking to one of the gang and he learns about something he likes and dislikes… he begins to develop. Over time as he visits more aus he starts feeling… well he doesn't know what he's feeling but he doesn't like it, he feels a dragging feeling when looks at statues of his admin form and the consequences of his actions…
He visits OG again with nightmare… he doesn't feel jealous anymore… he and OG have a talk. Killer asks about all these things he's feeling and OG simply asks “your running from something aren't cha?” Killer just freezes… he is running from something but he can't admit that he'd risk getting found by the council.
“Listen tiny me. I don't know what's gotcha so worked up whether it's the whole murdering your timeline thing or something else, it doesn't affect me. But if ya want to get better ya have to face it”
That stuck with Killer. He looked at his hands And then when he got home he began to think… he's spent who knows how long away from what he thought made him… him. He needed to tell someone… to face the consequences head on.
So… he went to nightmare.
He went into Nightmare's office when the others were out… and after a moment of chit Chat… he got to the point. He admitted to Nightmare who he was but then Nightmare said simply “I know.” before telling him that he's known for a bit but he didn't know whether or not to confront him, after all… killer was part of the gang now.
Nightmare admits that he still held a grudge for the whole causing so much negativity nightmare lost control of himself but that isn't what killer should be focusing on. If killer truly wants to face the consequences… he has to admit to EVERYONE who he is… but nightmare advised against it, the gang… sure but the entire multiverse would most likely hunt killer down the moment everyone knew who he was.
Then a familiar omnipresent core frisk appeared in the office saying that it won't be necessary. The council already knows… and that killer will be coming with them…
Killer's fate is undecided. there are 3 possible endings all start the same… killer is on trial for his actions as admin.
Killer is executed. Usually in this ending killer accepts it thinking that this is the proper ending to his story
Killer is exiled. Killer also accepts this, in some versions of this ending the gang visits killer
The gang argue for killer, arguing that he has realized his wrongs and should work to attone and never be in the admin position again but to not executed or exiled.
There's also the ending were killer regains his role as admin but that ending is extremely bloody
You can choose whatever ending you think fits or make your own! I don't mind!
This doesn't even cover most of the brain rot I have over this au like admin Killer’s weird family relationship with Fresh and Error with the latter two being his sons and I don't know where to start with that. Let alone the council's plights and the plights of the people of the multiverse
Maybe I’ll go on a rant about that one day but for now I bid you adieu
(Also if you have your own idea let me know!!!!! I might draw some stuff for this later.)
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pillowdrawz · 2 years
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So in conclusion the Underground is actually the hidden city in the rottmnt universe or Risetale. There is no resets. There are still children falling through the underground.
The monsters are actually Yokai. Yes King Asgore is a ruler But also the head council. There are still magic.
Chara is still the first human who fall but actually stayed in the hidden city and part of the family Dreemur.
Sans and Paps meet the turtles at a young age they became more like cousins to the Rise fam.
I told you i would pull an Unexpected crack ship.
Since Miles x Mikey exsist well Why not Hueso x Gaster?
Like Gaster is depicted as a Skeleton? Why not both skeleton be together.
Sans and paps are Experiment children with a little ritual BOOM they are born of course sans was born first.
Hueso Jr. SANS ,G is Sans full name yes I am making Hueso jr. Older and Sans.
Fun fact i was searching for a Undertale x Rise of the tmnt crossover in ao3 saw a Hueso and Gaster ship and i was like fuck it why not do it But have drama-
And funnies.
And angst.
I always did my stuff FOR FUN JUST A REMINDER.
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toffeebrew · 25 days
Hello!! How tall is Vigil? is she as tall as canon Toriel or is she another height? also what is the thing on her cheek? is that a scar (how did she get it then?) or some other mark? and how does she handle murderous Floweys? does she have hard times killing those? does she try to convince them otherwise? does she ignore them? how about human children, like Charas and Frisks?
I'm so sorry if these are a lot of questions but you have no idea how much i waited for someone to make a Toriel outcode!!! she deserves so much attention...
I appreciate the enthusiasm! Part of the reason I made her in the first place is Toriel and other characters from undertale are kinda unexplored in the utmv :D! I was kinda scared at first at it being ooc but then I realized most of the sanses of the multiverse are ooc anyway so... (no hate btw)
She's probably slightly taller than normal toriel, something like 6"5"? assuming Toriel is 6"3".
Yes, that's a scar! They're supposed to reflect the injuries she gets in a genocide route because she comes from one :) The one on her hip area is there as well, just not seen.
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Floweys? Partially yeah. Especially once she learned Flowey and asriel are one in the same. But she has enough of a buffer that it may not bother her in the same way as say killing someone whos an Asirel.
Depending on the circumstances she may just attempt to council. Say, if they've only
Frisk, Chara or any other children she would struggle to kill. Given her belief of inherent murderers. She would believe these children are doomed to a dark path. I think Vigil would attempt to ignore or simply find a way to confine or cage them in some way. Is there like .. multiverseal jail? Yeah something like that. So they can't hurt others and she doesn't have to kill them. The only way i could see her actually killing them is on accident which is entirely possible .
She would kill a child only as a last resort and they're actively in the moment trying to kill someone. Maybe thats a difference between her and normal toriel idk shrug. She would bury herself in "that wasn't a child anymore" or "it was for the protection of the multiverse." She would pretend it didn't happen.
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thecourtjester12 · 2 months
Frenenens! Random silly question! For writing purposes and sillies
Do I have y'alls permission to maybeeeee add ya in as a cameo/bg chara (that may or may not be...indisposed) forrrrr my silly LSAU fic? :3
No guarantee on EVERYONE getting a cameo butttttt....I wont put anyone as a cameo unless they say they're ok with it, I just think it would be a fun little thing to do ^-^
(....I do have a specific one in mind for you Sun but it can be easily excluded if you dont feel comfy with a cameo of you included :3) And I know not EVERYONE knows what LSAU is outside The Council (and....mayhaps some people recognize the name otherwise) but its just Lonely Star au a silly FNAF (DCA) au that I'm finally around to getting to the main chunk of writing ^-^
(If you're ok with a potential cameo just lemme know somehow ,someway, anyway will do ^-^)
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I apologize in advance for how long this is but I've been so disappointed in this season and my only consolation is knowing other fans share my feelings. Going through your blog has been a relief. I honestly can't believe how badly they've mishandled Aemond this season.
I don't even think it's the plot itself, it's how they execute it that's so frustrating. If you insist on having these moments at least make them make sense for the character. I could see a rift forming between him and Alicent, pushing Aemond into being more cold and distant, but making that happen off screen makes it much less believable. Have him come home still shaken from what he's done and seeking comfort from the only person who's ever given him any. Only for that person to reject him in anger, forcing him to bottle up his own vulnerabilities. If you have to make him dismiss Alicent from the council, make it a misguided attempt to make it up to her, to 'save' her because she looks so miserable. A 'you can rest now mother, I will handle this' kind of thing. It's another form of the misogyny they tirelessly insist on pushing but it works better for his character. Make him try to bargain with Aegon for his silence, telling him that it's crucial for the stability of the realm if the truth doesn't come out, that Aemond only did what was necessary you see. It would be so interesting to see him try and pontificate while Aegon is just lying there whimpering and scared out of his mind. Add the threats in there but have Aemond provide some justification for his actions even though he once again let the monster in him take over in that battle.
I've always felt like the difference between Daemon and Aemond was that Deamon shamelessly pursued his own interests while Aemond had this angry righteousness to him. He felt slighted and mistreated all while seeing himself better than those around him. Seeing him try to justify his mounting cruelty while slowly spiraling and becoming more and more like his impulsive, selfish uncle would have been so interesting to see.
Alas, all we get is a shell of a once interesting character. It's such a shame to see him stripped of his only redeeming qualities. They've practically removed all the nuance from his character and I'll forever be disappointed by that.
Hello, and thank you for your message!
No need to apologize, I'm grateful to you for sharing your opinion - and glad that me doing the same on my blog could be of some help to you.
I loved the expression you used - "angry righteousness". In season 1 Aemond was built up as a dutiful son who is ready to do what is needed for his family in spite of his own ambition - that he has in spades - and that made his loyalty even more remarkable. I believe it would have been more in accordance with that characterization if Aemond had been actually shown to yearn for power because he truly believes he is the one that could wield it to the maximum advantage of his family. And the saddest thing is that it is exactly the angle Ewan has on Aemond's motivation, according to his interviews, but the script gave us nothing to support it with. Once again, the actor understands and cherishes his character way more and way better than the writers.
I also completely agree with you on the matter of poor execution. However much I dislike the fact of Aemond distancing himself from his family as a plot move (not giving any thought to Jaehaerys' murder, attacking Aegon, dismissing Alicent), the worst part is that his actions (or inaction) are kind of disconnected from each other - we can see the "what"- and we are kind of supposed to see the "why", I guess - but the pieces of the puzzle are not coming together. Aemond mostly remains closed off not only from other characters but from the audience as well, and the few vulnerable moments the script gave him work mostly thanks to Ewan's acting. And in general - there is not nearly enough of Aemond in this season where he was supposed to be one of the main characters.
Overall, this season is a huge disappointment (and not only because of what has been done to Aemond's character) but at least the acting has been top notch (from Ewan in particular and from pretty much everyone else) just as it was in season 1. It doesn't make up for all the flaws (if only in part) but I, for one, am going to take every crumb of goodness this excuse of a show will give.
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dark-arts-stuff · 4 months
Copper Hearth
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Copper Hearth is the rewritten version of Copper Lightvale of UT:AGT. He was known as the leader of the Wizard Council and responsible to take care of the kingdom. When he was alive, Copper was known as a fighter and actively participated in the Human Monster War, even killing a few himself in the process. He's not particularly innocent like his original counterpart.
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However after taking in Amber Pureé, They slowly changes their mind about monsterkind and confines in Agate Lightvale who is enraged by this, so much so that when she points a spear at them, the council believes she is trying to kill Copper (they weren't in the room when the argument happened) and banished her. Copper didn't say anything cause he knew if he did, the plan wouldn't work so he stayed quiet.
Later when Amber is killed and they have the big fight, Agate tricks Copper with a illusion that Amber is there alive, but it causes Copper to be stabbed straight through him. But when Agate turned to shout victory, Copper summoned all his strength and stabbed Agate as well, killing her. He also dies that night.
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But Copper plays a much bigger role later, coming back as a ghost to continue their mission, believing only a red trait, like themselves, could break monsters free. In fact, THEY were the one whispering suggestions to Chara and Frisk to go to Mt. Ebott (Though Chara didn't trust him cause one he was a human, two he killed monsters in past, and three Chara went instead to off themselves before being found by Asriel)
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Now he's Frisk's "Knight Buddy" along side Chara, who still doesn't like him.
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paintedkinzy-88 · 11 months
I had a mental image and it won't let me go. Basically, Stretch sees how stressed out Blue is because he is constantly having to out his life on pause to play out some random role in a Reset over and over, and while it's comforting to know Stretch isn't the only one dealing with Resets and he has someone he can not only trust but go to for comfort (strange as it is to imagine with it being Sans, whom he hates having to burden especially now that he knows just how cool his brother actually is, he always knew Sans was the most magnificent monster but learning he's an interdimentional hero working alongside literal gods does soemthign to a guy).
So basically, Papyrus works double time to stop the Resets. And eventually he succeeds! So Sans is now clear to live his life and, like you said, finally tell everyone about his true self and his real job!
Problem is... multiverse shenanigans keep interrupting him every time he tries so while everyone knows something weird is up and it involves Sans, there is no context for the suddenly appearing skeletons that constantly interrupted their day and Sans somehow knows them all and is slowly getting more and more frustrated by the day because he very clearly wants to tell them something.
It blows down to Sans literally sitting everyone down and just saying it outright that the multiverse exists and when Killer comes running in on a supply run, Sans bodily tackles him, sits on him, and forces him to help him explain because,
"So help me if I get interrupted while explaining what the multiverse is one more time I'm gonna spike all of your favorite foods with laxatives!!"
"That'd be funny, actually..."
Idk jsut funny shenanigans with Blueberry getting more and more frustrated because he wants to tell people and finally is allowed to tell people but apparently the multiverse decided that moment to be the biggest nuisance
(He find out later it was Ink's fault)
Saving this saving this sAVING THIS—
Everything and everyone is just constantly against him in the most unfortunately comedic ways. And it starts out small! Little inconveniences, maybe not even at the fault of outside influences. He’s trying to tell Chara and Frisk, but no, Asgore says it’s their bed time, it’ll have to wait. Tries to explain it to Undyne and Alphys, hoping Undyne would maybe be help in explaining it to everyone else, but oops something in her lab exploded, they have to deal with that real quick.
Then it’s the Stars needing his help in another world, so he has to dip for a day or too, leaving Paps to be like “uh he’ll explain later.” Later comes, and a very apologetic Dream needs his help pulling Noots and Error apart cuz Ink’s no help, he’s just watching their argument and eating popcorn. So he has to leave again, far more frustrated than before, which baffles all his friends and family.
Then it’s like actual trouble; a world is falling apart and they need to evacuate it. There’s a council meeting and they’re introducing a new Sans. The Gang’s on an LV spree and needs someone to spare with so they don’t rip apart more Underfell copies. Just, every time he comes in saying he has an announcement to make, planning around his schedule and everyone else’s to get a family night together and finally come clean, SOMETHING has to get in the way and ruffle his feathers.
Meanwhile his family is so concerned. They’ve never seen Sans so tired and annoyed before. The dude just is done with the innocent bean performance pretty much as soon as they’d stopped the resets and is, to them, acting strangely. He clearly wants to talk but just can never get the chance. And who are these other skeletons that are popping up to talk to him?? To whisk him away with stern, worried looks?? Does he have long lost relatives they never talked about? Is he involved in something bad? Is he safe, is he trying to escape something he doesn’t wanna be a part of??
(Paps takes a bit of pity on him and asks if Blue just wants him to explain it, but Blue really really wants to be the one to tell them of his adventures and his job and all of his progress and achievements. He’s waited SO LONG for this he wants it so badly!!)
Eventually he manages to get Lust to just cover for him for a single day, a DAY that’s all he needs, but NO. Killer’s just gotta swoop in last second and Blue’s SO at the end of his patience why is this so DIFFICULT—
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mioplaces · 4 days
*Ðr. Chara arrives slightly late to the meeting*
Apologies, I was in the middle of seeing a patient, a Chara, getting fitted with an artificial soul.
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banqanas · 3 months
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And it was also funny to wake up and see my fantaro TL going crazy and making up POVs about this Sawanatsu interview & photoshoot www
*Sawanatsu is currently appearing on Nagano broadcasting tv show, Gakkou TV and is acting as the student council president (kaichou)
Some of my fave POVs:
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When you and your friend were talking about the tv show you watched yesterday, the president suddenly joined the conversation. "I watched that show last night too."
When you're bored in class and poked him from the back until he turns around. "Hey, cut it out. (lol)."
The president who looks back at you and asked, "We have a test in the next class, right? Did you study?"
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When the student council was looking for the president and you found him skipping out on the job.
"Oh geez, busted already. (lol)"
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"This is my favourite spot. Don't tell anyone else, okay?"
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A mob chara that admires from afar, "Sawamoto kaichou looks cool today too..."
The student council president who is waiting for an after school date.
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mxmaneater · 9 months
How do you see Gortash as queer coded?
Oh, it would be my genuine delight to explain.
Alright, so I have several lines of reasoning, so I’ll start with the low-hanging fruit first.  
Gortash’s obsession with his appearance
Okay, so we all know about Gortash’s eccentricities when it comes to the way he looks.  He wears an ostentatious villain coat, bedecked with golden bits and bobs, matching pants, and a matching shirt (that he wears provocatively low and can’t seem to ever lace properly).  He also clearly styles his hair, which given its length, takes a non-significant amount of time each morning. 
Now.  Am I saying these things on their own make him queer?  No, of course not.  The assumption that gay men take more care with their appearance is a stereotype, though I would argue that there is a subset of people for which this is true.  However, stereotypes also form the context for which we interpret characters and situations, and that social context is very real (even in cases when a stereotype is not), which is why I don’t discount these details either.  
Additionally, when it comes to the Netherstone, Gortash could have easily stuck it in the middle of a suit of armor like Ketheric and called it a day.  But as a politician (and someone who likely doesn’t see a lot of combat), I get that a suit of armor wouldn’t be his first choice.  Nonetheless, the option he goes with (and presumably takes the time and effort to craft and construct himself) is the pair of gauntlets, which are essentially ornate jewelry.  Jewelry that’s functional and dangerous, yes - but also needlessly beautiful.  And he really only needed one of them, but - again - his attention to detail with appearances drove him to build a matching set to become part of his Signature Look. 
Cool.  So let’s move on to:
Gortash’s political career
Alright, so I like to view Faerun as a fairly equitable place in terms of gender distribution in positions of power (at least compared to reality).  From what I can find on forgotten realms sources, it seems like the Council of Four was composed of 2 men and 2 women (at least until Stelmane is murdered); therefore, I think it’s not a stretch to assume that power is pretty evenly divided.  Great - love that for Baldur’s Gate.  Which it was true out here as well.
Even still, that means that 50% of the high-ranking government officials and patriars that Gortash is charming and manipulating as part of his rise to power are men.  As a devout follower of the God of Tyranny, I find it hard to believe that he would just pass up on the opportunity to use sex as a form of manipulation with men, when we have canon evidence that he uses this tactic to gain power with women (hello Lady Jannath).  Why would he - someone who views ascending in power as a holy mission - suddenly be squeamish when it comes to seducing (both literally and metaphorically) the other 50% of his targets?  
Also, like I mentioned earlier, although Faerun may be a veritable gender utopia, the social contexts that influence us in reality don’t suddenly go away when we boot up bg3.  The writers of the game as well as the consumers - us - are very much bound by the social contexts within which we operate, meaning that certain character traits can be queer-coded for us, even if they wouldn’t necessarily look that way to someone who lives in the world of the game (if they suddenly became sentient and engaged in discourse).  
What does that mean?  Okay, so we live in a society that is highly patriarchal and run by men (read: politicians as well as all other highly influential positions of power).  Within these circles, men are forced into “compulsory relationships” with other men (because remember, women don’t hold the clout they desire, and therefore don’t matter) in order to exert and obtain power; relationships such as “male friendship, mentorship, admiring identification, bureaucratic subordination, and heterosexual rivalry” (Sedgwick, Epistemology of the Closet) characterize these spaces.  Now, as Sedgwick - one of the mainstays of queer literary theory - explains, men enter into these “male homosocial” relationships because they must if they wish to gain power and ascend the ranks; however, the very necessity of these close, male relationships (to the exclusion of, or in superiority to relationships with women) also puts men in the dangerous social position of making it easy to become too close with other men and therefore jeopardizing their access to the very power they sought.  This is the foundation of her argument about forces that keep men in the proverbial “closet.” 
Okay.  So back to Gortash.  Gortash is not driven by fear of stepping over that line - he seems utterly unbothered by professing his connections to whoever he views as influential, regardless of gender (see: default Durge, which I’ll get to later).  He is not scared of stepping beyond this larger, societal “closet” that most men get defensive about in order to protect their relative power.  Sure Faerun is less homophobic than our reality, but again, the coding of these characters doesn’t change drastically based on the in-game setting, because it is ultimately people in our reality who are interpreting and interacting with the game and its characters.  
Also, I make a distinction between Gortash being “queer-coded” and not “gay-coded”; if anything, examples from the game would have me characterize Gortash as bisexual - if he even conceives of sex as an identity factor and not just a means of gaining power over someone, which is a big assumption.  I definitely view him as someone who thinks more along the lines of the latter - and wouldn’t it benefit him, in that case, to be an equal-opportunity manipulator?
This is getting long, so I’ll jump to my final point: 
Gortash’s devotion to the Dark Urge
Whether you read the past relationship between Gortash and the Dark Urge as sexual/romantic or purely a business dealing, the fact remains that Durge is the one character Gortash views as his equal.  And yes, you can customize Durge’s appearance and gender, etc, but the default origin character is male, so a certain amount of “canon”, I believe, can assume at least the possibility of a male Durge.  Gortash - the Chosen of Bane, who loves nothing more than domineering over others - wants to willingly share his Empire with Durge, once he’s conquered the city; that is not a level of devotion that you could expect Gortash to hold for anyone but his “nearest and dearest.”  
And from the letters you can find, it’s apparent that Gortash specifically sought Durge out - tempting him with information about Bhaalist artifacts that had been “stolen” and displayed in a museum in order to form a connection.  This, combined with his desperation to regain Durge as a partner in Act 3 (to the point he’s weirdly forgiving of insult and refusal), offer queer subtext, if not text-text, confirming his particular interest in Durge as a person.  After all, he only “tolerates” Orin, who, despite her own eccentricities, is only trying to accomplish the will of Bhaal, just like Durge presumably was as well.  In fact, most of the characters dismiss Orin as just some “crazy bitch”, which I find hard to believe isn’t rooted, at least partially, in sexism - especially since people forgive Durge very easily for similar crimes.  (I could write my own dissertation about Orin, but I’ll save that for another time).  
In conclusion, there is enough queer-coding between Gortash’s appearance, habits, career, known manipulation tactics, and special relationship with the Dark Urge to at least make the case that he isn’t super straight.  Even without the letter in which he wrote his penpal Franc that he loved him for bringing “wet, slithering malice” into the world.
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shadouge01 · 9 months
I’m back.
My discombobulated thoughts now that I have finished Sonic Prime SPOLIERS!!!!!!!
Okay so I watched season 1 in parts and season 2 when it came out and just watched season 3 today. I binged everything, so if I don’t remember something 100% correctly, that’s why.
Sonic prime is good.
I know, shocker.
Okay, I haven’t watched any of the other shows so I can’t compare it to X or Boom or whatever. But this seemed to have a darker tone than most other sonic media and I enjoyed that a lot. (I know I need to watch SATAM, don’t yell at me.)I’ve dipped in and out of this fandom a lot. And my participation is all over the place (I won’t be posting about Ken spenders anymore, I took my Kenspiracies too far when I had that stupid twitter account yeah, that was me) but ANYWAY
This show was great. Not perfect, the main flaw I found was the pacing is very fact paced and action heavy which is good for a Sonic show and good for a person with ADHD like me. However I found the first season took awhile to get going and was more episodic. I know it was to introduce the characters but I got bored a bit. I’ll say again I liked the episode in Season 1 with Thorn Rose but the Boscage Maze and especially No Place never felt that fleshed out to me. I still wanted them to be saved because I cared about Sonic and his friends, but the worlds weren’t very interesting.
I. Love. New. Yoke. The aesthetic of this place is perfect and VERY Sonic CD bad future-seque which is PERFECT. I only wish we spent more time there. Especially in season 3 which takes place entirely in the Grim after the first two episodes, which I get, I do, but the pacing again, I felt was too fast and too much action and not enough character moments. The he ending felt rushed, because I really wanted to see the rebels rebuild New Yoke after the Egg Council was gone (assuming the other shatterspaces didn’t freeze in time like Green Hill did, but I got the implication that was a unique case.) and I wanted to see the others return home as well. I guess this leaves it open to a sequel or expansion of some kind, comics, some kind of spin off media, I’d even love an animated movie if they fixed the pacing issues, but yeah, that was my only gripe. I guess I wanted more time with Sonic and Nine reconciled too before everything happened but that’s the painful thing in life, sometimes you don’t get that. We know the prism still exists so then interacting again some way in the future might be possible, if they know how to control portals and such, hell with the chaos emerald they might be able to go to other worlds anyway. I wonder where Shadow is keeping the prism. I wonder if Nine stays on the Grim by himself or if he goes back to New Yoke. He deserves friends, and I’m sure some of the others would come around to him given time. renegade Knucks was up there fighting with Sonic after all. It could work. I just want him to be happy :((
I guess those are small nitpicks in the grand scheme of things because I want to say that the tone and storytelling was GREAT, the music was epic and cinematic and fit the tone of the show very well, the contrasting color palettes of different worlds really helped make it pop. The 3D animation was fantastic and felt perfect for a show like this. Characters were VERY expressive. (Hey Sega, can you update your in game models please thanks, you know it’s bad when the SA2 models have more dynamic facial expressions). Anyway, I thought the voice acting was great. Shadow’s voice felt a little wrong but I’m probably just used to Humphrey and Griffith, I don’t like his voice in forces either but I digress. It worked for this. Sonic’s VA was amazing and really able to convey a wide range of emotions and I thought the other characters had good VAs. Nine was great. I do wish maybe he’d had a redemption earlier against a greater threat a la Zuko style but one can dream. Nine is still easily the best version of Tails, ever. I was lukewarm on Tails as a character before and Nine made me appreciate everything about all versions of Tails. Incredible. What I love about Nine is he takes things too far because he has serious trust issues and him and Sonic fail to communicate which as a neurodivergent person is very relatable. I think Tails in general and especially Nine, is very autistic coded, and I love that. I just wish season 3 Nine had more development before the end because his arc was perfect until the end of season 2 but I’m at least glad he did realize and did the right thing. He’s really just a scared kid who wants a safe place, don’t we all? Again I REALLY want to see more material with him in the future and what becomes of him with Sonic gone.
My other favorite side characters were Thorn Rose, Rusty Rose, and Dread, but I thought they were all great. I loved that the roses had a great character moment, as did Dread when he finally realized that saving his friends was more important than treasure. The Egg council was awesome, taking different traits of Eggman and turning them into a squabbling family was PERFECT. The fact that they met their demise because they were arguing over the prism was so real. Great stuff.
I want to talk about Sonic himself because this is one of the best Sonics I’ve seen. I haven’t decided if this is better than Movie Sonic, but I love both a ton along with Adventure. This Sonic is one of the most expressive Sonics with the most emotional range. Yeah, he’s still overly cocky and hilarious, and mostly always optimistic, but I love that he actually learns from his mistakes and comes up with new ideas. The fact he even took inspiration from the Egg Council to never give up was great. I loved the robots of all the main characters as well. Sonic was well written, VERY in character but still serious when he needs to be (unlike Archie Sonic (sometimes) and 06, which is bad).
Speaking of 06, this is the best written Shadow we have gotten since 06. I mentioned very early on in this blog how I love his arc through Shadow 05 and Sonic 06. Sonic is way out of character and the Elise thing is stupid, BUT, Team Dark was perfect in 06. It’s sad we don’t have Team Dark anymore, but Rouge on team sonic was cool, I just like Rouge in general and if they’re gonna make her part of the main cast, good. Okay, back to Shadow. His development in game is that he goes from being angry at the world and wanting revenge, to being emotionally numb and trying to figure out the truth, to finally realizing his purpose and knowing not to give up and kicking the bad guys when it hurts. He’s hard to crack, but he DOES care about his friends, as you can see through subtle actions, rather it be Team Dark, Sonic, whatever. He’d never ADMIT to Sonic that they’re friends, but I do genuinely think he cares for Sonic.
Anyway, Shadow has been stagnant as a character since then, the best writing was in Forces with him vs. Infinite but it didn’t do much to further his character. He hasn’t been in a lot of media lately like Frontiers (although maybe they knew they couldn’t write him well for games and wanted to see how he went over in prime and the upcoming movie). Prime Shadow made me more excited for Movie Shadow, because if we got one of, if not THE best Sonics ever in Prime as well as the movie, I’m expecting good things from Shadow in the movie, considering they really nailed Tails and Knuckles in Sonic 2, imo, and now knowing that Shadow is allowed to have feelings again is so good. He’s very in character, overly serious, and cold, but he is incredibly dedicated to the cause and unquestionably a hero, like 06 Shadow. Prime Shadow reminds me a LOT of 06 Shadow and that’s GOOD. He’s also just great with his subtle nod to Sonic when Sonic talks about his friends, their excellent back and forthing with Sonic cracking jokes “I didn’t know you were a hugger” and Shadow responding with his straight man persona “do you want me to save you or not?” It was great stuff all the way through. I thought he was decent in Season 2, but Season 3 was AWESOME. I guess I had to trade Nine for Shadow, sigh. Nine did come back around in the end which GOOD, if they kept him as a villain the whole time I would’ve been pissed, but I digress. This might be the best Shadow since SA2, he’s SO GOOD YALL and I could keep raving about Prime Shadow all day. I loved when Dr. Deep called him an edge lord, it’s great meta humor, and in character for Deep who actually is an edge lord. Really hope SEGA takes the positive feedback from this and makes Shadow better in upcoming games/comics. LET FLYNN WRITE A GOOD SHADOW FOR GOD’S SAKE!
Anyway, I’m glad I watched Prime, it gave us the best Sonic Shadow and Tails maybe ever and it took the darker tone that Forces tried and really fleshed it out. Good job guys.
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anchesann0 · 1 month
Why I think Amu isn't a Type 3 or Type 4
I decided to split my last post into 2 parts because I realized it was all over the place and that it's my blog I can do what I want.
And the very reason why I do ALL of this is because the votes on the enneagram on personality database (PDB) just don't sit right with me.
So why I think Amu's character arc isn't a Type 3:
The Type 3 arc is the arc to authenticity and finding their true self. It is the journey of letting go of preconceived notions that Type 3s have to act a certain way to be loved. And yes, Amu's journey in Shugo Chara aligns with that, however:
Type 3s fear being worthless so they pursue achievement and recognition to feel valuable
They over-identify with this idea of success that lead to them questioning whether they truly feel this way or if they're living up to others' expectations
Type 3s work hard to keep up this false identity
Their journey is letting go of this identity
The best example of this journey is: Cars
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Lightning McQueen holds onto this belief that being a winner is everything. He believes that winning the Piston Cup is the key to all of his dreams and aspirations coming true.
However, this goal is threatened when a mishap leaves him stuck in Radiator Springs.
There, he is confronted with the things he is afraid of: becoming nothing. This leads to his Type 6 growth of confronting the things he fears. Losing his opportunity to win, the odds of getting into an accident, and (in Cars 3) being too old to race.
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It is through the confrontation of this fear that he understands that being a winner isn't everything and does the thing he was always afraid of:
He loses.
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By choice.
Why? Because realized that he could be happy without winning. The growth to Type 6 loyalist is facing your fears and connecting to the people around you, understanding that happiness comes from more than one place.
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It's a lessons he consistently learns in some way or form. That's why he's a type 3.
I don't know about you but...
That's not really Amu's journey.
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She doesn't hold onto her outer cool & spicy character by choice or live up to it. She's trying to let go of it, understanding that it's her obstacle not her life-line. She doesn't work to keep up her character, she just has a unique style that she likes to express. She doesn't pursue being part of the guardians, the student council of the school. In fact, she actually tries to avoid being part of it in order to NOT lose her newfound connection with the other girls.
The Type 3 arc actually aligns with Tadase because he has to go through consistently letting go of preconceived notions within himself. Like being strong or that Ikuto is bad.
I've already explained the Type 4 arc of growth to Type 1 discipline to refinement in my Shugo Chara is a Type 4 theme.
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Again, Amu doesn't grow to refine a certain skill of hers like Jo March laying out all of her pages of writing or 500 days of Summer Tom refining his architecture portfolio. It's not the reason why Amu's Shugo Chara disappear and it's not what she constantly faces.
So when scouring what her journey was, I instinctively went to a basis with an expansive amount of story types: Disney.
And it did help me figure out certain types.
The skeptical Type 8 who are afraid of being controlled and grow to being vulnerable despite being hurt before:
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The fun-loving Type 7 who never really take anything seriously, refuse to deal with the weight of responsibility, and never really change:
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The hard-working Type 3 who desire to be more than they are & fear not living up to their own ideal of happiness:
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The self-effacing Type 9 that numb themselves out to protect a semblance of inner peace to endure their circumstances:
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When I really racked my head about what type Amu was, I really searched about the thing she was consistently facing in the series (manga & anime) and I ultimately found this conclusion:
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The anxious Type 6 who desire courage and support thrust into a journey to ultimately learn how to trust and believe in themselves. (Which I will explain in better detail in a separate post!)
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probably-ace-ok · 1 year
Unusual or Unique Crossovers
A small collection of fanfictions that either crossover pieces of media that are completely different, or does so in an interesting and unique way. Many are unfinished or seemingly abandoned, but I think they’re worth checking out anyway.
stand in the ashes (ask the ghosts)
My Hero Academia/Mass Effect
Izuku transported to Mass Effect universe before meeting All Might, gets adopted by Shepard. In progress.
Ghost's space adventures.
Hollow Knight/Mass Effect
Ghost gets sent to the Mass Effect universe and is pretty OP. Complete.
Diamond in the Rough
Steven Universe/Worm
Post-Future Steven gets transported to the grimdark superpower setting of Worm. In progress.
Child of the Sun (or, The Return of the Avatar)
Star Wars/Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Force stops working normally, and everyone who uses it becomes a bender instead. The Jedi Council does not approve. In progress.
Tilly Death Do Us Part
Double Life SMP/Attack on Titan
Minecraft players get accidentally sent into Attack on Titan… but can still use the Minecraft mechanics. In progress.
A Tale of Spirits
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Avatar: The Last Airbender
The turtles get send into the AtLA world and are mistaken for spirits due to their appearances and abilities. In progress.
see you in the dark
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K./Worm
Saiki gets sent to Brockton Bay and complains about not being in a comedy show anymore. In progress but hasn’t updated since 2021.
Stacked Deck (Or, Colin Wallis vs. Single Parenting)
Persona 4/Worm
Armsmaster has to deal with his brothers wife’s nephew being suddenly dumped on him. Yu has to deal with his uncle being a humanoid cactus. Also superpowers. In progress but hasn’t been updated since 2018.
Pray For the Children You Lost Along the Way
Miraculous Ladybug/Silent Hill
I actually haven’t read this one, although it got into my bookmarks at some point, but I’m putting it on the list for that crossover alone. In progress but hasn’t been updated since 2019.
Magic, not materia
Final Fantasy VII/Harry Potter
Was a bit hesitant about adding a HP fic to this list, but from what I remember, this fic respects HP about as much as I do — that is to say, not at all. Cloud shows up and stabs the Basilisk during Chamber of Secrets. In progress, last updated in 2021.
Once Again
Naruto/Gravity Falls
Mabel is reincarnated as Sasuke Uchiha, and that’s really all you need to know. In progress, hasn’t updated since 2019.
The Addams Family Thief
Persona 5/The Addams Family
Akechi gets adopted by the Addams family and fits in quite well. Complete.
All That Glitters Must Be A Rock
Kingdom Hearts/Steven Universe
Only a crossover in the loosest sense of the word, this fic is set in a world where people from the Destiny Islands are similar to Gems. Effectively complete.
More Than One Hero
My Hero Academia/The Legend of Zelda
Bakugou is a Link, and that changes everything. In progress, hasn’t been updated since 2018.
it's dangerous to go alone
Majora’s Mask/Undertale
Link falls into the Underground and meets Chara. Oneshot.
in the shadows of history (is where we roam)
Little Nightmares/Pokémon: Legends Arceus
Six is going to kill Arceus — and possibly eat what’s left. In progress, last updated in late 2022.
Batman/Attack on Titan
Eren Yeager in Gotham, what will he do? Adopt a child and befriend the local murderous vigilante apparently. In progress.
The Wheatley Parable
Portal 2/The Stanley Parable
Wheatley feels bad about what happened with Chell, but then he gets a second chance. Things go wrong immediately. In progress, hasn’t updated since late 2022.
Teen Titans: Morph
Teen Titans (2003)/Animorphs
Earth has been invaded by mind-controlling aliens, and the Teen Titans are some of the few heroes who know about it — along with the original Animorphs of course. Also, Starfire has a secret friend. Technically unfinished but satisfying to read anyway, hasn’t updated since 2014.
The Odd Duo of Blue and Pink
Persona 5/Kirby
Kirby and Meta Knight are reincarnated as humans in the Tokyo of Persona 5. In progress, hasn’t updated since 2019.
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