#ofc im crying
not me actually crying at mdjds and team brazil's reaction
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cheesy-two-liner · 18 days
So you know how in the show, Annabeth is a black girl? Annabeth in the books is always mentioned to not be very careful of her appearance. She has curly blonde hair that she never really takes much care of and stuff, for instance. But in the show, she has really nice braids, etc. Now mind you, annabeth ran away from home when she was 7 years old, and her stepmom is Asian in the books and canonically wasn’t the most caring to annabeth for the years they spent together. This means, to me, that show-Annabeth never had anybody to teach her how to do her hair. She gets to camp half blood at 7 little years of age and is obliviously running around with a messy head of hair that she has no idea (and also probably doesn’t really care) how to take care of. My headcanon is that some black girl from the Aphrodite cabin saw her and was like “not on my watch” and took it upon herself to both braid annabeth’s hair and to teach her how to do it herself.
I also like to think Percy 100% learns how to braid hair just for Annabeth. And she doesn’t even know it because it happens during some school year. He stepped inside a braiding salon a couple of blocks from his apartment one day and was like “hi, sorry to bother, I wanna learn how to braid my friends hair” and the ladies at the salon where enchanted with this weird kid who came out of nowhere and who would NOT stop yapping about this cute black girl at summer camp who he absolutely was in love with but none of the ladies had the heart to tell him that because he seemed oblivious to his own feelings. So they taught him for free as long as he helped around the salon. And then one day at camp, he goes to get her at the athena cabin and Annabeth is sitting in her bed with a couple of mirror and a cloud of hair all around her and Percy’s like “need a hand?” And Annabeth’s like “as if you could help, seaweed brain” and percy just goes “is that a challenge?” And he helps her part her hair which can be a pain to do by yourself and then they both sit on her bed for hours doing knotless braids (Annabeth was wholly unconvinced he knew how to do them until he started working on a section of hair and it was all she could do to not hang her mouth open in surprise). Percy wasn’t quite as fast as annabeth had gotten after so many years of doing her own hair, but with his help it took half the time it would’ve taken her alone. The other kids of the athena cabin would stare at them from the door of the cabin and proceed to hightail it out of there. The amount of gossip going around camp that day was astronomical. But the two of them were oblivious in their little hyperfixated adhd bubble. After that it became tradition, as long as he could, Percy would help Annabeth braid her hair.
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bread-that-draws · 1 year
Flowey’s so funny and has me so fucked up like he’s a talking flower. He tries to kill you upon your first interaction. He is ten years old. He is damaged beyond repair. He’s a flower named Flowey. He’s become friends with every single character. He’s killed all of them countless times. He knows everything about everyone. He doesn’t care anymore. He takes care of his mom when she can’t take care of herself. He’s killed her before. He doesn’t care if you kill her. He thinks she’s trying to replace him. He just wants to be himself again. He wants to destroy everything. He hates you. You’re the only one who understands him. He wants his best friend back. He’s terrified of them. He believes in kill or be killed because he died by giving mercy to the wrong person. He believes himself to be the wrong person. He doesn’t understand when you show him that kindness he showed others, even when you know he could kill you for it. He’s tried every route. He asks you if you have anything better to do when you try to do the same. He’s a direct reflection of the player. He’s a fucking talking flower named flowey and his only voice line is by Ronald McDonald and his officially licensed plush does a little dance for you
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lovexmemonster · 6 months
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ratatatastic · 4 months
"Good morning, Matt. I'm over here." *proceeds to look around widly like a dog being told a special word like b-a-l-l*
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he looks so disgruntled having to locate people he must've been shit at the I SPY books as a kid
media availability | 6.14.24 (x)
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justanotheryellowsoul · 3 months
Oh. Oh.
Siffrin isn't just missing the trap switch or keys because they suck at their assigned job. He doesn't. Or at least- didn't.
They miss them because they only have one eye now. Siffrin has bad depth perception. He can't tell if a space in a drawer or book is a bit bigger than it's supposed to be. They can't tell if something is sitting oddly-
He keeps hitting that one table, because he clearly hasn't adjusted to the new depth perception. It's not their fault.
It was never their fault.
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mynonclicheblog · 3 months
There's something so special about s2-3 Rory and Luke being uniquely united in their love for Jess. If no one else is going to care for their boy, at least they know the other will.
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winchestermylove · 3 months
my favorite thing ever is if sam and dean somehow get through their entire lives without crossing the line into sexual acts, until they move into the bunker.
like maybe sometime from s11-s14, they've been toxic codependent freaks since childhood but they haven't kissed, fucked, or done much else beyond a slightly-longer-than-normal hug after a near death experience.
but one night they're in the dean cave watching reruns of some show from when they were kids, both slightly tipsier than they'd like to be.
sam of course being the lightweight of the two, gets touchier and cuddlier in the darkness of the room, just the two of them, and all is right with the world.
sam doesn't know what comes over him, but he looks at dean, the light from the tv illuminating his face, and leans in. surprisingly (or not so much), dean follows suit.
their lips press together, ever so lightly, just a graze at first because both of them are still hesitant. but after a second or two, dean takes the leap and fully leans in, reaching up to rest one of his hands at the nape of sam's neck and the other on his hip. sam grips onto deans flannel, fearful that he'll pull away.
it's as if the final puzzle piece is falling into place. dean feels at peace for the first time in over a decade, and sam is overwhelmed with emotion, his eyes welling up as he reluctantly pulls himself away.
"dean," sam chokes out.
"sammy..." dean pulls sam even closer, pressing him up against his front, and brings his right hand up from his neck to push some of sam's bangs out of his eyes.
"i-i'm so sorry, dean-i didn't-"
"sam, sammy, shhh. it's okay, i know. you don't h've to say anything, i know." sam's eyes are shining with unshed tears, and dean notices he's ever-so-slightly shaking, so he pulls him in for a second sweet press of their lips, this one only barely longer than a peck.
"it's just you and me, sammy. we don't have to talk about it."
sam closes his eyes and leans his forehead against dean's, bringing both of his hands from dean's chest to cup his cheeks, "are you sure, de?"
"why didn't we do this sooner?" dean asks as he leans in once again. sammy is dean's everything, the one person that he would choose over everyone and everything. their lives are already fucked up, so why not one more thing to add to the winchester resume?
it's the most natural thing in the world; they already own every other part of each other, so sharing a kiss or two here and there is rightfully the next step.
but of course, it doesn't stop at kissing. sam and dean curl up next to each other on the couch for the rest of the night, and they haven't slept in separate beds since.
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xxplastic-cubexx · 1 month
eternally grateful that no matter the verse within cherik either one of them will always have long lushish hair the other can lovingly comb through
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sunspearesque · 8 months
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OHHHHHH MYYYYYY GOD you guys 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ look at oberyn and nala !!!!!!!!! I LITERALLY HAVE TEARS IN MY EYES
@kenobiwanx thank u thank u THANK U so much talented gorgeous amazing human !!!! i’m so very glad i stumbled upon your account in a random Tuesday afternoon and fell in love with your work. thank u for making my vision come true <3
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silouvertongues · 5 months
something about the sort of immortalization of louis' voice with the fans voices on an official album is making me so emotional
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microtyalm13 · 6 months
everything about Gavriil feels suffocating.
how his presence alone can be almost overwhelming, how his massive body cages you everytime without a chance to escape. you wouldn't dare to try anyway, knowing that you don't even have a say against a creature of his caliber. he will find you. in your dreams, in your nightmares. in your room.
how he will be intense and vague about everything just for the sake of it; to confuse you further, to see the conflict of emotions in your eyes merge with arousal. eventually your hesitance turns into acceptance, a desperate need to feel his hands all over you. and he will be oh so grateful to fulfill that desire.
how his thick tongue pushes past your lips and into your mouth, reaching almost the back of your throat, relishing in the muffled little sounds you make. your drool mixed with his saliva drips down your chin, and your hazy eyes look up at him when he finally pulls away, giving you a second to breathe.
how his hips are slamming into you relentlessly, your wetness and lack of resistance allowing him to move almost effortlessly. forced to hold onto him for dear life instead of pushing away. all of your morals and principles are being tossed out of the window every single time he comes to you. he has you where he wants you, and will not stop until he feels like you can't take it anymore.
and how in the morning he vanishes away, leaving you guessing: was it just another wet dream? but the cold stickiness between your legs tells you more than you need to know.
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54prowl · 8 months
arranged marriage to a reformed womanizer husband on your wedding night. and he scares you at how adept he is with his fingers in unbuttoning your dress. each clasp released is a relief from a long day of celebrations. reformed womanizer husband who suddenly feels ashamed about it all when you freeze under his touch, face flushed and breathing ragged, but he promises it'll feel good. he promises this with wine in his breath and a worry on his brow. it'll be special because it's you. he promises this because you're the only girl he cares for. the prettiest in the world. and he means it this time.
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imagine-to-be-a-pike · 3 months
Me when he has an abusive parent,Whom he wants to impress,good at fighting ,went from a soft child to an asshole golden child but he's still like a child in the fog sometimes, probably neurodivergent,had a sister,likes men and his name starts with A
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blusandbirds · 1 month
eli moskowitz - "am i making you feel sick?"
#blu edits#cobra kai#eli hawk moskowitz#demetri alexopoulos#hawkmetri#binary boyfriends#binary brothers#sorry randomly got bonkers about their dynamic in my head again#i love when demetri is spiteful give him edge give him that streak of pettiness he's always been secretly proud of#hes 17 his only sources of true joy are schadenfreude and free food#he humiliated eli at that party and he enjoyed it and yea they make up but he gets his licks now bc he's owed and eli lets him bc he's owed#and eli's approach to redemption is all roll over puppy eyes im sorry i'll do anything 'just tell me im yours' like thatll make it better#like thats productive. but he cant build demetri a sparring deck out of this so if demetri says jump... if demetri says join my dojo...#and so demetri will run him through his paces ragged for penance but it doesnt make it better and he looks at hawk and still feels sick#(and yes he loves him ofc he loves eli but that just adds to his turning stomach every time he sees those eyes looking up at him like that)#(its worse bc its eli making him feel this. not hawk doing something evil but eli trying to do something good and demetri still feels sick)#(because who does that shit and then comes back belly up like letting demetri claw his guts out makes them even)#(because who can claim to love someone and still get a kick of satisfaction out of making eli bleed <- verbally emotionally metaphorically)#(not physically. never physically. obviously. that's eli's thing. and so demetri's a leg up on him.)#^ im promise im a fan of interpreting them where theyre happy too#this derailed from the edit#if ur for some reason reading this then however you first interpreted this is prolly correct. i went a little rogue here in the tags#anyways please affirm my font choice in the notes or ill cry#jkjk#but lemme tell u i struggled i fought i serifed italicized bolded olbiqued until my head spun
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solargeist · 6 months
i think one of the main things that causes Grian to lean more into the Watchers, is visiting Evo again..
He practically has to beg to visit, just to look around ! He can't talk to anyone anyway, he just wants to see what they've done without him, what changed ? Who changed ? Curiosity kills the..
She already knows its an empty server, She already knows everyones left. Its been shut down, but it still lays there, static, dead.
She agrees to bring him, he's so stubborn sometimes, its a good trait to have sometimes. She tells him to go get dressed, its cold out, you need a jacket.
Grian notices right away that things are weird, but swallows those feelings quickly and takes off, unable to tell if hes anxious or excited.
She sits on a nearby bench, reads, and waits.
He checks every building, every room, and even every chest hoping for a note. Instead, a broken mirror sits at the bottom of the otherwise empty chest, reflecting back dozens of eyes across its shards, reminding him of what he's chose, what he's left. How many years bad luck, again ?
"I want to go back home." is all he tells Her when he walks back.
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