#ofc he can eat my corpse
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"your cat will eat you when you die"
brother my cat could freeze dry me and eat my remains for months and id just be cheering him on as a ghost for figuring out to cook me
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thatfreshi · 2 years ago
Hi! Can I request a story about Tav having trouble fighting cause Astarion just fed on her and so he gets worried and protective ofc. Maybe they were ambushed at camp or something? Thank you so much for your work! I really like how you write Astarion
Tw - animal attack, lots of gore, themes of death
Recommended Song: Seek and Destroy - SZA
Against better judgment, you let Astarion feed on you almost every night. It's just one of those things, a sacrifice you make, an act of love. After decades of disrespect, scavenging for next to nothing, you thought it'd be nice for him to have something better than animals. While he always insists it isn't necessary, he never passes you up on the offer. A ritual before bed every night, like a lover's embrace, you've come to adore the feeling of his teeth.
This evening in particular, he took quite a bit. You don't mind, considering you go to bed almost right after. Light-headed, woozy, you're wrapped up in his arms.
"Thank you darling."
His embrace almost feels warm when you're this drained. You almost drift off, but he keeps you awake.
"Tav, you need to eat something first."
You groan, absolutely exhausted, trying to keep him in the bedroll.
"Nooo, I'll just do it tomorrow."
He smiles, moving your hair out of your eyes.
"That's not how it works my sweet. Now, let me get up so I can-"
Goblin war drums. The sound of the percussive rhythms bouncing off all the trees, they're not far off, and Astarion knows they're on the way. Karlach starts making her way to every tent, telling your companions to get their asses in gear.
"Tav, Astarion, let's go!"
Astarion whispers to himself. You're still not fully there, in and out of sleep.
"What's going on?"
Double vision, you see two of your vampire lover get up and start rummaging around for his daggers.
"Just- just stay here Tav. It's alright."
You try to rub at your eyes, desperately wanting to figure out what's going on. Before you can ask again, he's gone, and you hear more war drums outside. You quickly realize it's goblins. They must've found where you've been hiding, but your head is still spinning. Trying to get up and grab your blade, you almost fall back to the ground. Steadying yourself for a moment, you try your best to listen to what's going on outside. It sounds deadly, metal, screams. You hear Shadowheart casting left and right.
When you manage to stumble out of the tent, you're tackled by one of their dogs, or whatever wretched things they are. A scream rips out of your throat, trying to hold the thing off. It bites rabidly at your arm, leaving numerous gashes, until it's thrown off of you and stabbed to death, relentlessly.
"Gods damnit, I told you to stay in the tent Tav!"
You're too worried about your arm throbbing in pain to care about the validity of his argument. He's angry, and perhaps both of you aren't entirely certain why. It's your dominant arm, you can barely move it. Astarion goes to wrap your arm, but is quickly overpowered by the numbers again. They must've sent a large party after the lot of you. Halsin and Shadowheart are running out of magic, already drained. It's bad, but it'll end soon. With a couple more fights and a thunderwave from Gale, the rest of the goblins scurry off, knowing they're fighting a losing battle. Astarion doesn't even stop to loot their corpses, running to your side.
"You're a fucking idiot Tav, you know that?"
Gods, he could sound so mean when he wanted to. You know he says those things out of fear, but they still hurt. Despite how angry he is, he starts ripping pieces of cloth from his shirt, wrapping your arm, which is bleeding far too fast. Shadowheart and Halsin come over to supervise, both out of arcana until they get some rest.
"Yes, the two of you standing over my shoulder is quite helpful. Might as well cheer me on while you're at it!"
His movements are ragged, furious, only making your arm hurt more than it does. He's lost though, somewhere in his head, unable to hear the cries of pain as he's wrapping your arm. You're even more lost than before, your blood leaving rapidly.
"Aster, I-"
He then realizes you were going to tell him you were about to pass out, because you almost immediately fall over.
He holds you in his arms, your limb still not fully wrapped.
"If the two of you want to be helpful, get me some actual bandages instead of gawking at me!"
Sure, Astarion hates doing things that require hard work, but he knows how. How many times did he have to do something like this to himself, when no one was there to help wrap his wounds? Shadowheart quickly returns with all of the bandage wraps she has.
"We have to clean it or it'll get infected."
"Well, Shadowheart, I don't know how you think you're going to clean it if Tav bleeds to death."
The two healers decide it's best if he handles this himself. While he obsessively wraps your arm, the rest of the camp watches on, knowing he's too possessive to let them help. He doesn't trust them like he trusts you.
And I trusted you to stay put.
There's no way to give you more blood, not in a way that would work for you. For a moment, he simply thinks that he'll feed you some of his blood, and then he remembers. All he can do is hope you retained enough, that he didn't preemptively kill you by feeding on you tonight. Your pulse is still going, but it's slow, and you're paler than usual.
Astarion begins to think to himself, asking why he ever fell in love, why he ever let himself think twice about you. It's easy to play the game when you have nothing to lose. Second thoughts, always, he's always thinking for two people now. It's been his survival, for as long as he can remember, and now you're lodged in his brain.
"Damn you Tav, I can't do this. I can't lose you like this."
He begins to sob as he holds you, still unconscious. This beckons Gale to come over, often a voice of reason for the vampire.
"You've done all you can. Perhaps we should get Tav back inside? Away from the elements?"
Astarion is too distraught to argue, helping Gale carry you back into the tent.
"The second Shadowheart is awake, she'll be back to check on Tav."
"Yeah, if they don't die from blood loss in the middle of the night."
Gale simply sighs, knowing there's no point in fighting with him. He leaves your pale lover to wallow in his misery. Hours pass, you're still clinging on, and Astarion watches over you, panicking every time he can't see your chest rise and fall, constantly checking your pulse. You're cold, your heartbeat dangerously slow, and he keeps wracking his brain about what else he could possibly do. But there's nothing, only fate, only the gods. He sadly chuckles to himself at the thought of even trying to pray, knowing there's no higher power out there, at least one that cares about him.
"W... what are you... laughing at?"
You ask weakly, oblivious to the horrific stress he's been through. Astarion whips around quickly, wondering if perhaps he's imagining your voice. When he sees your eyes fluttering, lost somewhere between dreams and reality, he rushes to your side.
"Oh gods Tav... you- you really scared me there."
He tries to hold back tears, failing miserably. You try to speak again, but groan in pain as the feeling in your arm starts to come back.
"I know, I know it hurts. It's okay my darling, you'll be alright."
He begins fully sobbing, and you have no idea why, without being awake enough to comprehend the situation. Astarion always tries to be strong when you're weak, but watching you teeter on the line between life and death, it was simply too much to bear.
"You can't pull that shit, ever again my love, I'm so serious. I know I'm normally quite serious, but ever more so right now."
Then, a joyful, tiny laugh. Happiness. Happy that you're alive. The memories of the fight slowly start coming back, the beast that ripped up your arm, Astarion yelling.
"Yes my dear?"
You start to tear up a little, still a tad delirious.
"I'm sorry."
And then remembers as well, the things he said, the tone he spoke to you in.
"No, no my love I'm sorry. You weren't yourself, I was being entirely unreasonable. I just..."
He almost can't finish his sentence.
"I'm just happy you're okay. That's enough for me."
Your lover slowly and carefully lays down beside you, pulling you into him, being sure not to let your wounded arm drag on the ground. He holds you for a long time, until Shadowheart wakes at dawn, fully rested and ready to fix your wounds. Astarion vows silently that he'll never let it come that close, ever again.
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darylbae · 10 months ago
i wanna request another vampire Daryl x fem reader pretty pleaseee
I would write this myself but I do not trust my writing skills LOL. A basic summary would be a lone reader who kinda just travels around, and one night when seeking shelter from a thunderstorm she finds this guy named Daryl, barely alive, and nurses him back to health (as much as she can by feeding him rabbit and meat barely cooked per his request), before realizing that Daryl is a vampire but couldn't really care less ("There's dead people walking around and you think a guy sucking blood and being deathly allergic to garlic will astonish me?").
Maybe for some backstory the reader is looking for their dad (or something like that) who got taken by raiders, so she's traveling around trying to find him and killing anyone who gets in her way, so by the end Daryl and the reader make a deal that Daryl will help her, and she just has to provide the corpses.
Ofc, don't feel obligated to write this, I'm sure you get so many requests anyway 😭😭 Again, love your fics!
sweet thing — daryl dixon
in which you meet you make a deal with vamp!daryl, hoping to benefit each other
note: i hope this is what you wanted anon, and u are too kind! i am so grateful for every lovely comment i get, it really keeps me motivated to write.
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The rain was pricking at your cold skin, eyes almost closed to keep the droplets from invading your sight, and there wasn't an end in sight. You had to find him. Your dad, the only familiar sight left in this damned world, was gone. You'd sat around a fire one night, sharing a can of beans, giggling about another guess the song game you'd been playing. Then you'd woken up, and he was gone. You knew he'd been taken, it wasn't hard to realize, his stuff still surrounded you as you cried into his jacket that morning. There had been raiders on your trail for a while, it was actually a group you'd split away from a while ago. Looking to drag you back in. Why hadn't they taken you too? You wondered every day since, all thoughts leading to you feeling too useless to anyone. So now you wander, hoping to find a lead to get you back on track to finding your dad again. You'd spotted a metal panel propped between two trees, it had almost resembled a hut, and it seemed the only shelter for miles. It'll do for tonight.
You'd lost count of the days now, it all consisted of walking, stopping to eat and drink, kill walkers. Still in the same God forsaken woods that you lost your dad in. The raiders typically stayed in wooded areas, easier to conceal themselves, which was proving to be true. Leaning against the coarse bark of the tree beside you, you'd sighed deeply and readjusted the gun on your hip. Another stolen prize from the raiders which had helped you immensely in escaping. It was time to search for a place to stay. It had started raining again, however much worse than it had last time. Thunder was booming around you, the rain quick to soak your clothes and your hair becoming stuck to your skin. In the distance you could see a shed, or what looked like a small house. Your brain had squeezed onto the hope of shelter, picking up the pace as you broke free of the woods. It was, in fact, a small home. A bungalow of sorts, good enough for you for a few nights. It didn't seem occupied, but you were still cautious, so you'd equipped your blade and held it up as you breached the door. It was worn down, seemingly vacant since outbreak. But in the corner, by a fireplace, you had spotted a shadow. A moving shadow. You hadn't thought it through, you just rushed over to the person, in hopes it would have been your dad. It wasn't. But it was a man, who seemed to be on Death's door. Wheezing in and out, shivering as his coat laid over his body, ghastly pale. You'd thrown your bag off your shoulder, ripping it open to find your makeshift First Aid kit. "Hey, you still awake over there?" You asked, incredibly surprised at your confidence around a stranger. A wounded stranger. He grumbled, giving you enough confirmation to keep administering First Aid. "This is gonna hurt like a bitch."
Turns out he'd been stabbed, too weak to patch himself up. These were all just guesses, as he'd remained silent in the corner ever since you'd gotten here. However, he stayed. Even as you went out to find some dry firewood, after the rain had stopped, he was still sprawled out in the corner of the room. You'd started a fire, and sat comfortably in front of it as you let your food cook and clothes dry. "Do you have a name?" You asked, glancing over to the man. He met your eyes for one second, pulling them away from yours in the next. He remained quiet. "If we're going to inhabit the same home for a while then the least I expect is some information." You spoke, stabbing the bits of rabbit with a stick on your improvised grill made of wire and clothing hangers. "Daryl." He mumbled, taking the coat down from his face and sitting up. It was nice to see more of his face now, and strands of his hair stuck on his face. His voice was smoky, gruff, kinda hot. You hadn't thought about someone like that since before the world ended. It had just been you and your dad, except for the group of raiders you'd abandoned. You smiled into the fire, happy you were making progress. "Want some rabbit?" You offered, waving the end of the stick over at him with a cooked chunk of rabbit meat. He shook his head. "I'll find my own food." "Come on," you huffed, "eat some damn food. You need it if you want to heal." "I like it rare." "How rare?" You asked, ready to chuck some more on the grill. "Not touched the fire kinda rare." You grimaced, gesturing towards the cut up meat on the floor next to you. He leaned forward, wincing as he held his stitches, and stole a few pieces for himself. It didn't satisfy him like you probably would, but this was unbeknownst to you, he had to sit in the corner and control himself. You'd been nice enough to keep him alive, so he owed you that much. "So why do you eat raw meat? Won't you get sick from that?" You questioned, done with your food for the night and just using the fire for warmth. He shook his head. Guess that was too far. Silence lay heavily on the pair of you, Daryl too interested in a crack on the wall, and you watching the flames dance in front of you. It was you making all the conversation, so you had assumed that was it for the night. You'd climbed onto the couch, laying as comfortably as you could, and closing your eyes, hoping to have a dreamless night. "Ya won't believe me. You'll run." You heard, and you'd sat up, facing Daryl who was now sat up, arms resting on his knees with his head dipped down slightly. "Why?" You asked. "Why would I run?" Daryl paused. He didn't want to be alone again. As new as you were to his life, he liked company above all else. Even if you were pushy. "I prefer humans." "You're a cannibal?" You shivered, sat up properly now, ready to make a run for it. "NO." Daryl answered, "well, kinda." "Vampire?" You asked. Judging by his silence, you were right. And it shocked you how... normal you were about it. "Okay." You laid back down, clothes still damp and uncomfortable. But sleep was catching up quick. "Ya ain't gonna run?" He asked, and there was a hint of innocence you could hear. Like a child that had been walked out on one too many times. "No," you answered, still laid down but eyes open and looking at him, "the world has ended, the dead are alive, and you think a guy sucking blood and being deathly allergic to garlic will astonish me?" "Myth." You smiled, happy to close your eyes again. "You gonna suck my blood?" He wanted to, so bad. He wanted to taste that sweet blood pumping around that pretty body. "No. Don't wanna hurt ya." Your heart quickened, and you were embarrassed how much of an effect this stranger was having on you. You needed some action. Bad.
The fire was out when you'd woken up, and the man in the corner, Daryl, was gone. You lifted your head, noticing the coat that had once covered him, was now covering you. Your cheeks tinged pink at the sentiment, as you'd sat up fully now, still keeping the coat nicely snug around you. He hadn't left, surely? You'd made your way outside, the heavy thud of your boots alerting him of your presence, as you'd found him on the porch smoking. "So you can still smoke, huh?" You asked, sitting down next to him and observing his demeanor. Even the way he moved was hot. "Same as you are, just different diet." "Guess that answers my question of how you're in the sunlight." You giggled, and you could almost see a smirk threatening to show on his face. "Want your coat back?" "Nah," he croaked, mid-inhale, "looks better on ya." You couldn't quite believe your life had come to flirting with a vampire in the apocalypse. "Going somewhere?" He asked, and he was a lot more talkative than yesterday. You shook your head. "All I've done is wander the woods for God only knows how long, I plan on staying for a while." Daryl knew it was a topic for another night. So he stayed silent. "Gonna find some dinner. Stay inside." He instructed, standing up and stubbing the end of his smoke. You nodded your head at him, planning on making this home a bit more homely.
Daryl had been gone a while, and you'd cleaned up the place a bit. Making it look not-so-run-down. And you'd even found a book, to accompany you as you waited on dinner. He'd returned back after sunset, having been gone all day. And you were becoming ravenously hungry. "Took you a while." You commented, slamming the book closed and getting up to get the fire lit. "Yeah, sorry," he grumbled, "see ya kept ya'self busy." He looked around at the space you were sharing, seeing it didn't look nearly as bad as it did when he found it. You had only just looked up at him, seeing a sleeveless shirt and being more interested in that than the deer slung around his neck. His toned arms, patches of blood and debris from hunting all day, it was enough to drive you mad. "Hey," he clicked at you, and you felt shameful, "eyes are up here." He joked, and you smiled awkwardly at him. "Ready to eat?"
You'd eaten a good amount of meat, both of you now sharing the couch. Shoulders touching, thighs touching, your heart was beating loudly in your ears. "What's got ya out here?" He asked, his gruff voice sending goosebumps up your arms. But the question was something you didn't know if you were ready to share the answer to. But Daryl could help, he could get you closer to him. Finding your dad again was all that matters. "It's been me and my dad for the longest time. We'd met up with a group of raiders a while ago, who did things we just weren't okay with, so we up and left in the middle of the night." You sighed, heart aching for your dad and wherever he was. "They've been hunting us since. And we settled down one night, and when I woke up, he was gone. Taken. I've been trying to find him ever since." Daryl's hand found your thigh, and you almost jumped at the contact. "I'm sorry." He offered his condolences, and the feeling of his hand on your leg was starting to catch fire. "Not your fault, unless you were a raider." You turned to him, and he shook his head, that smirk appearing once more. "What's your plan next?" "I'm not sure, I just needed shelter for a few nights so I could conjure a plan, until I found you." You admitted, a sweet smile upon your lips and you looked at him. Friendships tended to form a lot faster in the apocalypse, but you weren't sure what this was. Daryl was silent for a moment. "You given up?" "No. Never." "Well let's look for him, together." He suggested. "I'll rip through that whole group if I have to." "You'd help me?" You asked in disbelief. "I like ya company," he confessed, like a dirty truth, "wanna keep ya around. Gotta help each other out." You were beaming on the inside, if this wasn't confirmation of a friendship, then you didn't know what was. "What do I do for you?" Daryl looked at you, your sweet, innocent features, eyes full of curiosity and hope. You'd seen things, but you were truly broken yet. "Help me find bodies, people, not worthy of life, and I'll help ya find ya dad." He demanded, but his voice was low. You found yourselves inching closer together, and Daryl's thumb delicately dragged over your cheekbone. "Sweet thing. I'll help ya."
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samaraxmorgan · 3 months ago
With it bein revealed that Wasuke (grandpa Itadori) and Sukuna shared a soul (at least in the English translation we have atm lmao) I wanna talk abt some now disproved headcanons I had abt Wasuke!!
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With the reveal we got of Jin being the reincarnation of Sukuna’s dead twin brother, I headcanoned that Wasuke’s death was the catalyst for the events of jjk, which DOES seem like it was correct, but my reasons for thinking that were totally off lmao
I thought that Wasuke was cursed in some type of way!! The main idea that I had was that him and his wife maybe had trouble conceiving, so he made a pact with Kenjaku to be able to have a child. And with Kenny being Kenny, he ofc had ulterior motives and gave them Jin!!
But maybe the catch was that once Wasuke dies his living successor(s) would be cursed? Or Wasuke just unintentionally cursed Yuuji when he told him to save as many people as he can? Obviously now with the info we have it makes way more sense that Wasuke was possibly one of several reincarnations of Sukuna over the course of him being sealed as a cursed object!! And with his latest reincarnation dying and Yuuji eating the finger that he reincarnationed as a curse this time
But back to the trouble conceiving part!! I thought Jin could have possibly ALSO had the same issue and that Kenjaku took advantage of that! Wasuke specifically tells Jin “if you stay with that woman you’ll die” implying he was aware of it being Kenjaku which would make sense if he’d made a pact with him before
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I had assumed that he knew from personal experience who she really was!! I thought that Kenjaku possibly had taken over Wasuke’s wife’s corpse as well, but now with Yuko’s epilogue we know that headcanon of mine was wrong bc she’s still alive!!
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(But if she WASNT alive and I would be able to assume that Kenjaku took over her as well… the implications for poor Yuko would be VERY unsettling lmfao)
Obviously this whole headcanon was nuts and takes a lot of pulling at straws which is why I never mentioned it before, but now that everything has come to a close it’s fun to look back and see what assumptions I had made! :)
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tapenessa · 26 days ago
on my knees very sweetly. vanessa fnaf hcs? perhaps? either ness is fine
—she’s tall! about six feet
—she first put rainbow highlights in her hair as a dare, but grew to love them
—she says she loves sweets but will eat one cookie and will spend an hour laying on her side willing the stomach pain to go away
—pre-Glitchtrap she had a decent sense of self-esteem. Afterwards she doubted everything about herself
—even before being glitchtrapped she sometimes doubted what things were real and what wasn’t
—her relationship with her dad wasn’t great but he never abused her. When glitch got into her head however he warped her perception of her father
—she does love kids but she doesn’t know how to interact with them. she gets more socially anxious around them then she gets around people her age
—she’s a lesbian butch TO ME (tapenessa butch x femme mayhaps)
—she was a decent student in school. she attended all her classes because she didn’t have the guts to skip but thought all her teachers hated her. they actually liked her a lot.
—after being freed, she became an extremely anxious and self-conscious person
—she takes care of gregory out of obligation in the beginning. she has no clue how to interact with him. at first she’s very short-tempered with him because of all her stress. she snaps at him a lot and then locks herself away in her room feeling like the worst person in the world. she sometimes feels like he’s the more mature one, because while she’s breaking down all the time, gregory is just… fine. what is actually happening is that greg is just better at keeping his horror over everything that has happened to himself. they gradually learn to open up to each other.
—she never gets back in contact with her dad. she lets him know she’s okay, and that she loves him, but she doesn’t think she can ever be around him again.
—lesbian ofc but she’s the embodiment of “im probably into girls but i can’t really think about that rn” or whatever that post is
—actually thinks mike is a huge fucking weirdo. and then she looks at herself and goes ‘okay maybe that’s a bit hypocritical’
—her favorite season is summer because of the longer days
—hates HATES dark and cramped spaces. pretty sure this is canon for game vanessa?? idk i haven’t listened to the therapist tapes in a while BUT she doesn’t like them either
—this is pretty much canon, but she’s a bit morally grey (was ok with the robber guys who broke into freddy’s dying when they didn’t really deserve it)
—is very good with kids but being near them makes her feel sick because they often trust her so much, and she’s taken advantage of kids’ trust before
—MORE ON THAT very very common headcanon that she was the one who led the MCI to william. she was very young and didn’t know that they were going to die, but when they were killed she froze up and didn’t know what to do.
—HATES being a cop. she hates all of her coworkers and everything the badge stands for. is only a cop because william needs a buddy to help him cover up his crimes.
—also a very common headcanon, pretty sure it’s canon?? but william made her kill some of the guards who “got too close” she convinces herself they deserved it so she doesn’t go crazy
—hallucinates the dead kids all the time. kinda like how mike dreams of them, but she sees them all the time, and they’re usually like walking corpses, bleeding and still inflicted with the wounds william gave them
—cleans down the animatronics all the time. she can’t take the bodies out, but she keeps them clean. it makes the kids happy.
—she doesn’t talk to the kids, but they like her. she’s the only adult they trust and won’t attack
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dw19791967 · 6 months ago
That Feeling Part 3
Pairing: Dean x reader (eventual), OFC Tyler
Y/N POV and Dean POV
Warnings: language, unrequited love, angst, unwanted kissing, depression, anxiety, and feelings.
Trigger Warning: This fic contains discussions of depression and anxiety and feelings that go along with those. If that could be triggering for you I would skip out on this one. It is based on some experiences I have had in real life.
*All mistakes are my own!
I'm back (kinda) here's part 3. I'm thinking possibly two more parts. Let me know what you think!
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*I do not own this gif
Y/N’s POV:
It has been 5 months since one of the worst nights of my life. I started therapy and have been doing a lot better. It was kinda weird at first talking to someone about my life issues and past traumas, I spent a lot of time just sitting there trying to figure out what to say, especially since I can’t mention anything about hunting. But overall it’s been good. I’ve been taking better care of myself, spending more time with the boys, mostly Sam. Dean has been distant lately but I figured it was because he has spent so much one on one time with me the last few months. Sam has helped me start exercising daily (even though I hate it with every fiber of my being). I’ve lost around 10 pounds which is great considering I still eat a ton of take out. I’m starting to feel like my old self again. I took a break from hunting and started writing, that lasted a hot minute before I was tired of staying home. 
Being back in a routine was good, I feel good.
We are on the road currently Sam caught a case about missing bodies. One of my favorite things. They think I’m weird for enjoying the quiet of cemeteries, but I know it’s because the dead are easier to deal with than the living some days.
“Ok, we got four missing corpses. Gladis Bramford was the first, mid 80’s when she passed. They found her head a few counties over, still missing the rest.” Sam was typing away on his computer.
“Who the hell takes a head only?” Dean had a grossed out look on his face.
I laughed.
“Evidently someone had big plans, poor Gladis.” I poked Dean in the shoulder.
Sam rolled his eyes. “The strangest part was her eyes were replaced with red glass, they haven’t been able to figure out which funeral home she was housed at before entering her final resting place.” 
“So what do we think, grave robbers, ghouls, demons?” I asked Sam.
“Not sure, we will have to see after we check the head out.” 
Sam went to check out the head while Dean and I looked over the case files.
“You doing ok sweetheart? I know I haven’t really checked in on you lately.” Dean looked at me.
“For the most part yeah, I feel a lot better than I did. I think taking time to get my head on straight helped a lot, plus therapy.” 
“I’m glad to hear it.” Dean smiled at me.
I missed spending time with Dean. But I hadn’t pushed him, I figured he needed a break from me and I understood that. I can be a lot sometimes and he has his own stuff to deal with. It’s not easy being my friend. Plus after everything I realized I probably will never be comfortable enough with myself to be with someone. I’m in love with him and probably will always be. Knowing he’s here but I can’t have him is a hard pill to swallow but I’m working everyday to move past it. I know he deserves better and I know I’m not it. 
“You haven’t heard anything from that douchebag right?” he continued reading over the files. 
“He actually messaged me a few weeks ago from his facebook account. Asked how I was and hoped I was doing better. I ignored it and he kept sending messages, saying he was sorry and he was a dick, blah, blah, blah. I blocked him.” 
“What an asshat, he must have balls the size of Texas to reach out to you after the stunt he pulled.” 
“I guess so, I was upset by it but I’m moving on.” I smiled at him.
“I’m sorry sweetheart, you didn’t deserve that, any of it.”
“It’s ok Dean, I’ve accepted what has happened and I’m moving on. Choosing between a man and a bear, I’d choose the bear.”
“You don’t mean that, you just haven't found the right man yet.”
I scoffed. “Dean… I’m an overweight, loud mouthed, cursing, strong willed woman, who has extreme trust issues. I doubt I will ever find a man who is ok with that, plus I don’t think I want to put myself out there again, who knows what will happen.”
“Just have me greet them with my glock, I’m sure it will go great after that.”
I laughed.
“In all seriousness I hope you do find someone someday Y/N, you deserve the world whether you believe you do or not.”
My heart sank. The only man I want is right in front of me and he will never want me.
“Thanks De.” I got up to pat him on the shoulder.
“Where are you going?” 
“I just need some air.” 
“Y/N I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“You didn’t, I just have a lot on my mind and need a break.”
He frowned.
“It’s ok Dean, really.” I gave him a small smile.
Once I was outside and had the door closed I broke down, I can’t keep doing this to myself.
Dean’s POV:
I didn’t mean to upset her. I was trying to give her hope. 
It has been five months since I saw Y/N break. I’ve never been so scared in my life seeing her crumble under the weight of the world. I had to step back, let her get her head on straight without me. I don’t want to get used to relying on her to make me feel better. She needs to take care of herself, not me. I missed spending time with her but I knew it was for the best. Plus I know Sam is a better influence. I’m no good for her.
My phone was buzzing.
“Hey man.”
“Dean hey, is Y/N with you?”
“Nah, she’s taking a break.”
“Oh, ok. I was going to let you guys know the cops think it’s a serial grave robber, evidently this has happened before. From everything I’ve checked out, I don’t see a relation to a monster. Maybe we should just let the cops handle it?”
I sighed. “Yeah that’s fine, we can stick around for a few days to see if anything happens.” 
“You ok dude?” 
“Yeah, I’m fine. I just worry about her.”
“I know you do, but she’s doing better.”
“I know man, I just feel like I’m losing her. I know I stopped hanging with her but I wanted her to be able to heal without me looming over her.”
“Dean, she probably thinks you need a break from her, you know how she thinks.”
“You’re right Sam, I didn’t think about that. God, I messed up.”
“She’ll be back man and you can talk to her, I’ll go grab us some food before I head back.” 
As Dean was finishing his call with Sam, she sneaked back in.
“She’s here now, talk to you soon.”
“Everything ok?” she asked.
Her eyes were red, she had been crying.
Shit, I’m an asshole.
“Uh yeah, Sam said cops think it’s a serial grave robber, it’s happened before. Told him we could stick around for a few days and see if anything happens. He’s grabbing food, and should be back soon.”
She nodded.
“Y/N I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.” I got up to go towards her.
She backed away.
“It’s ok Dean, I’m just being over sensitive right now.” 
“No you’re not, I shouldn't have brought it up.”
“Dean it’s fine really, let’s just drop it.”
“I don’t want to drop it Y/N, I’ve been awful to you these last few months. I was trying to give you space to heal and it backfired. You think I hate you or can’t stand you. Neither is the case.”
“I understand Dean, I know I can be a lot. It’s ok.”
I raised my voice “But it’s not, I feel like I’m losing you!”
She began to cry. 
“Dean, I was doing fine, great even. Until I realized the biggest part of me was missing you. Sam was great at helping me, sure, but you told me you would stick by my side and you didn’t. I really get it. I’m annoying as hell. Everyone deserves a break. But you know I would do anything for you, hell I have and I know you have done a lot for me. And the fact is, I’m not yours to lose. So stop apologizing, put your big boy pants on, and move on. I’m not going to keep doing this!”
Y/N’s POV:
Dean took a step back and sighed.
He can’t keep doing this to me and I can’t keep doing this to myself.
I could tell I upset him.
I rubbed my head and sighed. “Look, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have snapped at you. I just don’t need to keep hearing your apologies alright, I get it Dean. You forget I know you better than you know yourself. I’ll be ok, please don’t beat yourself up.”
I moved to hug him. 
He held me in his arms.
Then spoke, “You know I can’t do that sweetheart, beating myself up is my number one hobby.” He laughed.
“Well you need to stop, especially when it comes to me.” I moved back.
“I just need to know it’s going to be ok Y/N, I know I messed up but I will be better. Promise.”
“I know Dean, I know.”
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copperboom82 · 9 days ago
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Pairing: Fred Weasley/OFC (Lorelai)
Word Count: 2,176
Summary: Lorelai and Fred spend a quiet Saturday morning together.
Set in OotP. Written so it can be read on its own but fits a larger body of work I'll start posting soon.
Rating: T
A/N: This is my first submission for @fandom-free-bingo Dream Edition, using the prompt Reading Together and also my first HP fic over here
Thank you @justwhisperingfantasies for being my beta and for all your support! ❤️
Warnings: Uh, this is pretty much just fluff. Established relationship. Some cursing. Vague reference to corpses/death and monsters. As always, if I missed anything let me know, but that should be it.
Lorelai Baudelaire missed Lytton.
It was only a few weeks into the start of the school term, but life at Hogwarts was turning out to be grating. She’d already known coming in that it was going to be different - that it was a more restrictive environment than what she was used to.
What she hadn’t counted on was Dolores Umbridge, or the Ministry denying the truth of what had happened at the end of the tournament in June and the insane… divide it would create. Harry had it worst, with at least half of the school seeming to have decided he belonged in an insane asylum, but as his sister, the whispers and stares Lorelai found herself on the receiving end of weren’t much better.
That she stuck out like a sore thumb didn’t help matters - she was the only new kid that wasn’t a first year and an American to boot. Then being Fred Weasley’s girlfriend seemed to come with its own notoriety too. Lorelai had overheard more than one snide comment wondering what he was doing, wasting his time on her, or that he could do better, and there’d been plenty of glares leveled in her direction that had nothing to do with her connection to Harry.
The added pressure of having to keep her damn nose clean was the cherry on top of the crap sundae. Even with her best efforts to behave, she’d managed to get herself sent to McGonagall’s office twice in that first week, which prompted a sit down with Dumbledore and her own Headmaster. It had been Fred, of all people, who’d had to regularly rein her in and remind her of the fact that she was on disciplinary probation, and that she couldn’t afford anymore trouble if she wanted to keep the internship she’d busted her ass for, or earn the degree she’d been aiming for since before they’d met.
All of it was exhausting. And Lorelai found herself missing the sunny island her own school was located on, and the messy but cozy apartment she shared with Olivia, even more than she’d expected to.
Of course, Hogwarts wasn’t all bad, and despite everything, Lorelai found the corners of her mouth twitching into a smile as Fred collapsed dramatically onto the window seat she’d taken up residence in, sprawling out so that his head landed in her lap and his arm knocked into the text book she was holding.
“Fred!” she half laughed, half scolded, and Fred only twisted to look up at her, a shit eating grin on his face and mischievous twinkle in his eye.
“What?” he asked innocently. “Aren’t you happy to see me?”
It was mid morning on a Saturday, and Lorelai had been holed up in the Common Room since breakfast. She’d largely been alone - most of the student body had ventured outside, interested in making the most of what was likely to be the last of the good weather before it turned truly cold. Lorelai, who was used to tropical weather, had been content to instead take advantage of deserted Gryffindor Tower and curl up with her mountain of homework with a good view of the grounds.
“You’re an absolute menace.”
“You’re one to talk,” he scoffed. “Pretty sure you’re the definition of one - it’s why I love you so much. Or one of the reasons, anyway.”
Lorelai rolled her eyes affectionately but let her book fall shut, leaving her thumb between the pages to keep her spot.
“You’re such a sap,” she teased. Fred only grinned wider, stretching up to kiss her.
“Only for you,” he murmured as he pulled away. Lorelai, though, scrunched her face.
“You need a shower,” she pointed out, noticing he was still in his Quidditch robes. “You smell and you’re covered in dirt.“
“And here I thought you liked when I got sweaty and dirty,” he quipped back, but he was already pushing back to his feet, only lingering for one last kiss. “You think you’ll still be here when I’m done?”
Lorelai looked up in time to watch him run a hand through his short hair, making it look even more windswept than before. She unconsciously wet her lips but nodded and halfheartedly lifted her textbook before letting it fall back open.
“Oh yeah,” she admitted ruefully. “I’ll be here all fucking day at this rate.”
Fred chuckled. “That’s my girl,” he mused, giving a small shake of his head. “I’ll see you in a bit then. Don’t have too much fun without me.”
And without waiting for a response, he was heading towards the staircase leading up to the boys’ dormitories. Lorelai found herself watching before shifting her focus back to the text in front of her as he disappeared from sight.
She got about halfway through the chapter before he returned, this time hovering next to her instead of sitting, and she craned her neck back to look up. He was now dressed in jeans and a green shirt that brought out his eyes. That trademark grin of his was still in place and his hair was spiked up the way he and George had been wearing it lately.
Lorelai silently quirked an eyebrow in question and Fred nodded towards the portrait hole. “C’mon, let’s go sneak into the village. Maybe today’ll be the day we finally find somewhere to get coffee that passes your ridiculous standards.”
“They’re not ridiculous!” she defended, promptly forgetting the protest she’d been about to voice in the face of the attack on her favorite beverage. “You Brits just wouldn’t know a good cup of coffee if it bit you on the nose.”
Fred chucked, quite clearly amused he’d been able to get a rise out of her, and reached for her hand.
“Right. Whatever you say, love. Let’s go.”
And he tugged gently at her hand, but Lorelai stayed put, leveling a skeptical look in his direction and gesturing to the book still in her hands. “I can’t go to Hogsmeade, I’m studying.”
Fred stared back, somewhat dumbfounded, and looked between her and the castle grounds - visible through the window.
“But it’s Saturday,” he pointed out, as if that changed everything. Lorelai sighed wistfully and nodded, her own eyes darting towards the outside world for a moment too.
“Yeah, and I’ve got this paper on how to properly identify various monster attacks via autopsy due Monday, which I haven’t even finished the fucking reading for. Not to mention the essay for Potions, or the case study I have for my business class, both of which are also due on Monday.”
Fred grimaced but dropped into the window seat next to her, grabbing for one of her hands and twining their fingers together.
“I suppose this is the downside of dating a bird with actual career ambitions, huh,” he mused, and Lorelai rolled her eyes affectionately.
“As if you don't.”
“Ah, yes, but see, mine don’t require any kind of marks, so I can do whatever I bloody well please with my Saturday.”
“How lucky for you,” Lorelai deadpanned. Fred caught her tone and sent her a smile.
“Come on,” he cajoled. “What’s the harm in a break? We can skip Hogsmeade, but how’s about we do a little exploring? I think I might have found another hidden passageway down by the kitchens - maybe we’ll get lucky and it’ll be another place we can add to our list of getaways.”
It was a tempting offer, even if the suggestive wag of his eyebrows prompted her to lightly shove him. It was tempting enough that it had Lorelai looking at her scattered study materials with a contemplative frown. But after justifying to herself all week that she’d catch up over the weekend, she was out of time, and the pressure was on. She knew how it would go if she said yes, too - she’d follow Fred, he’d try and stay true to his word, but they’d both get distracted, and in the blink of an eye, it would be past dinnertime.
“I can’t,” she bemoaned. “Why don’t you go find George and Lee? I’m sure at the very least, Geroge will be similarly… unburdened. I’ll catch up with you after dinner and we can cause whatever mayhem you want. You still owe me a demonstration of those new fireworks you two’ve been finishing up, anyway.”
Fred pouted, something that months ago would have likely broken her, and scanned her face searchingly. “Is that a promise for after dinner?” he asked. Lorelai briefly caught her bottom lip with her teeth, still wishing she could say fuck it to the mountain of crap now, and nodded. Done or not, she knew by dinnertime she’d need a break.
Fred seemed to consider her answer for a moment, and ultimately shrugged. “Alright then.”
She expected him to push back to his feet, kiss her in that way that always took her breath away, and throw one of those ridiculous winks of his in her direction before meandering back out of the Common Room to find his usual co-conspirators. What she didn’t expect him to do was shift in the window seat and flop back into a lying position, dropping his head into her lap.
“Fred, what are you doing?”
He twisted to smile up at her, the look in his eye still spelling trouble. “Well, I thought that was rather obvious. Spending time with you.”
“Yes,” Lorelai sighed, mild exasperation now starting to edge into her voice, “but I told you, I have to study. If I don’t finish this stupid reading -”
“So read to me -” he cut over her simply, not so much as blinking when she stared back at him in absolute confusion.
“You want me to read to you?” she repeated back blankly, and Fred shrugged.
“Why not? I just want to spend time with you. I don’t particularly give a shit what we do, that’s not the important part.”
She scoffed, but Fred showed no signs of joking, and Lorelai arched an eyebrow challengingly.
“You know I’m reading for my forensics classes, right? The ones that have all the skeletons and dead stuff you like to tease me about? You really want to know what a Wraith does to your insides when it kills you? Or whether Vetala venom will kill you without the blood loss from them feeding?”
Fred only settled into her further.
“Humor me. Besides, you never know when inspiration might strike. Maybe, I’ll think of a way for George and I to use Vetala venom in one of our products, and your reading to me will keep me from making a stupid mistake liable to kill us both. Or maybe there’s something to be learned about how Wraiths dope people up we can use on those Daydream charms we’ve been working on - maybe something nightmarish instead. See? You’ve already got me thinking. So get to it.”
“You’re insane,” she muttered fondly, and Fred smiled, even as he closed his eyes. Lorelai’s hand found it’s way to his hair, her fingers threading through the short ginger locks in the way she knew he loved.
“’Course I am,” he murmured. “You find me a single sane person that could keep up with you the way I can, and I’ll eat my own shirt.”
Lorelai didn’t bother to argue - they both knew he was right, just as much as they both knew it was exactly the same the other way around. Instead she just settled back deeper into the window seat, letting Fred get comfortable, while she adjusted her book and continued combing her fingers through his hair.
“Alright, you ready?”
“Born ready.”
“And you’re not just going to get bored five minutes in and try to distract me?” At that, Fred opened his eyes again, fixing her with a rare but serious expression.
“Cross my heart and hope to die. I could never get bored listening to your voice, Lor.” The intensity of the moment made her breath catch in her throat, eyes drawn to his like a magnet. Fred held her gaze briefly but then, seeming to sense what he’d done, in true Fred Weasley fashion, he cracked a smile and brought them both crashing back down to reality. “Now will you quit second guessing my very pure motives here, and just get on with it? Merlin, woman, you’d think I have a reputation or something.”
Lorelai couldn’t help but chuckle, with Fred joining in while she finally cracked the spine of her book once more and finally began to read.
And as time continued to tick by, sun beaming in through the window and kissing their skin while the occasional student milled about, Lorelai couldn’t help but reflect a little further. It was true that she missed Lytton, but she was pretty sure she’d miss this place too if she weren’t there.
Hogwarts, after all, had its perks, and moments like this made all the rest of it just a bit easier to carry.
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miss-multi45 · 1 year ago
HII! Do you think you could do the ghouls and ghoulettes with a reader who was getting yelled at by either another sibling of sin or maybe another member or ministry or the church for messing something up. After a long day of getting yelled and scolded out they just immediately go to the ghouls or ghoulettes, (i’m just in the mood for so comfort. i’m awkward with requests but i think ur a amazing author!)
ofc i can!! hope you're doing well now, darling ♡♡
don't you worry, baby he's got you.
swiss lifts you up bridal style and plops you down in his nest.
the sibling of sin went mysteriously missing after that.
ghouls need to eat, don't they?
"oh hey babygirl/babyboy/baby i- who the fuck made you cry?"
he heats his hands up reader to burn this motherfucker.
listens to everything you have to say, then hunts down the sibling of sin.
"baby shark. who did this to you?"
one of the only times he's in a hunting/murderous mood
he drowned the sibling of sin.
i'm not even gonna try to leave it to the imagination.
he knew somebody messed with your emotions, he could smell it. and he didn't like it.
"little ghost..who did this? tell me."
he calls you 'little ghost' because his name is phantom.
he gave the sibling of sin a physical warning.
he could smell it too.
brought you into a hug and sniffed you to sense which sibling of sin hurt you.
he scented you again, to take that disgusting siblings smell off your gorgeous body.
scared the sibling half to death.
he came to you, effortlessly scooped you into his arms and sniffed you.
you unfortunately did smell of the sibling, so he promised to scent you after he (poisoned) took care of the sibling.
he marked you, too.
"prince/princess, what happened?" he purred as you ran into his arms.
less than pleased when you told him what happened.
that same sibling has more than a few strikes in his book.
don't worry your pretty little head about what he did to them.
"lamb? what happened?"
you appeared at his door in the middle of the night, almost sobbing.
he let out a guttural growl when you told him.
him and the sibling are sworn enemies, and he knew one day they would go after you.
he dealt with them, and once he was done he left them in the dense woodland around to ministry to be eaten by the animals.
"aw, puppy. please tell me what happened, i hate it when you're like this."
after 4 minutes of constant nagging and him rubbing your thighs to calm you down, you cracked.
he was fuming when those words escaped your lips.
left for a few hours, came back covered in blood and reeking of fresh corpse, and kissed you like normal.
"hi baby- oh. why are you crying?"
lil cutie goes rabid.
she's always had a bad feeling about them, and it's now worsened because they had the audacity to go after you.
tears them apart with her pretty pink claws.
"my darling, please, answer me. what's wrong?"
2 seconds after she said that, she smelt the revolting scent of the sibling.
left you with snacks for 20 minutes, and came back completely clean.
you knew she killed them though.
"babe. baby. tell me what happened."
won't stop bugging you until you spill it.
sits you on her lap to make you more comfortable.
remained calm when you told her, but inside she was livid.
next time you saw the sibling, they avoided all contact with you.
"hey beautiful, say it right now. just say the word, and i'll murder them."
she'll gladly kill them if you want her to.
you said no, so she snapped their arm instead.
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ryndicate · 2 years ago
Hypothermic ⨳ Todoroki Touya
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“Still thinkin’ about running?”
warnings: fem body/pronouns, zombie apoc au (ofc), assault, enemies to not quite enemies, gun mentions, choking, quirkless au (no scars), blood mentions, dry humping, make out, starts out dubcon as in he doesnt ask first but she doesnt tell him to stop, and a semi ungodly pov switch but let’s run with it
event: @medusashima’s Rise of the Dead collab! Click the link for similiar lovely works!
notes: thank you for being so accommodating of me Dusa!! this came right from my soul. Love how its somehow a zombie au fic with no direct contact with zombies but like.... it works. and im over the moon about it (himmm)
By expanding, you are consenting to viewing adult/dark content, and all warnings listed above. 18+ Minors DNI
Blog Rules/DNI
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The first thing Touya notices, besides the glaringly obvious there’s an intruder—is that somehow, you’re both pretty and don’t look like much. Pretty in a way that wiggles old thoughts into his brain, old from long gone time where’d hesitate to hurt a little thing like you. But there’s a more prominent, high prevailing relief that he’s confident he can, because he has to. Because of that stupid little ramen cup that you’re helping yourself to right now. Because there’s no way you’d have that right now now unless—unless…
The undead corpses on his front lawn had been his first clue to something being wrong. Shoto doesn’t leave the zombie fuckers to rot if he can help it, an annoyance Touya’s barked at plenty of times as a waste of time and energy, only for his words to be met with quiet disapproval. So to find four of the disgusting things still pouring putrid black and stenching up the frost on his front porch…well, it gave Touya reason to be cautious. Swallowing a burst of nostalgia, he quietly opens the kitchen window—the back door squeaks loud enough to wake the dead—and climbs through with perfect silence, a skill earned in a long forgotten world that had been nothing but a blessing in the world it had turned into. The slow movements it requires give his swirling panicking mind a moment to gauge all the what if's, but when he discovers that the person sitting in his house is not his little brother it's impossible not to come to a single grim conclusion. 
That’s how he was lucky enough to get the drop on you, sitting in front of the makeshift fireplace in his beaten up living room, slurping up that ramen cup like it’s the only thing you’ve eaten in days—and given how his last run went, it’s pretty fucking likely that's how it is. Touya had already been in a pretty foul mood on his return to the safehouse, leaving to find the one thing they’re always running out of. And for the first time, he had nothing to fucking show for it. Clouds on the horizon sent him trekking home empty-handed. Scavengers fearing the approaching cold probably cleared everything out before he could get a look in. Everything they had left to eat, which wasn't much, he’d left with Shoto—who'd promised him that stupid instant ramen on his return. Said he'd save it for last. And damn it all if he couldn’t trust everything that came from his brother’s mouth, even in a world like this. 
The seconds are dragging past in Touya's mind but he knows in real time you'll notice him any moment now. By luck or skill, you've survived this long, and that counts for something. He can't give you the benefit of the doubt. He’s got a gun, secured in the waist of his jeans, but it’s been out of bullets for ages now. It’s mainly been a deterrent for strangers, kept in vain hope that he finds more ammo one day. He’d use it now, if he wanted to scare you.
But he doesn’t. Touya’s past that now. His knife comes off his belt just as silently as he came through the window. Stepping quickly on the balls of his feet, Touya crosses the room towards you, and you react a mere breath before the blade finds a new home in your neck.
Your body twists, and his reach slashes too wide. Before he can redirect the arc you’ve got your hands braced on his arm, forcing it straight with a strength he couldn’t have expected from you. Touya snarls at the combination of anger and fear on your face. You have no right. 
“The fuck’re you doing?” you growl at him through grit teeth. There’s evident strain in your voice so Touya doubles down and your wince sends a blistering satisfaction tearing through his body. When your grip weakens, he lets the blade fall and tackles you to the carpet. 
You let out a muffled yell as your back hits the ground hard, and Touya is quick to plant himself over your center mass, hands bearing down on your throat. You buck and thrash, trying to dislodge his weight, movements limited as you try to block him from cutting off your air. Touya spits a curse down at you as your nails shred at his wrists and the back of his hands. It’s incredibly difficult to keep hold of you. You’re like a fucking animal, choking and wheezing and hissing and fucking growling at him as you fight him off. With ridiculous effort, you manage to shove one of his hands off and get leverage with your feet on the ground, using his own weight to send him in an ungainly tumble to the floor.
It’s startling how quickly you react after that, gasping for air and lunging for him, putting a fist in his gut. The force of it shoves air and spittle from his lungs and has him sucking in air desperately. He rolls away from you as you pounce at him again, your shoulder checking his chin and giving him the taste of blood in his mouth before he gets a solid shove at your chest, resulting in a moan of pain. There’s a brief pause as he staggers to his feet and he freezes as his eyes lock with the gun you now have pointed at him.
You seem to have frozen as well, joints locked and chest heaving.
After a long moment Touya scoffs. “What? You just gonna point the thing at m—”
The gun clicks; time shifts; Touya jerks. 
There’s no gunshot, and your eyes fly wide in obvious fear. Time slows down just enough for him to realize that he recognizes that gun, patting his waistband. His eyes narrow, and you react, whipping the gun right at him.
Touya dodges and you turn and sprint from the living room. He lunges after you, skidding nimbly into the hall as you make a run for it. He grabs at the back your jacket, howling a curse as you jerk out of his grip, the material making an audible ripping sound and snagging at one of his nails instead, forcing him to falter. Blood wells up out of the cuticle and drips down his hand; Touya grips it tightly, hissing through his teeth and tearing after you again, catching up with you right as you start slamming a door on him. He gets his weight against the door and there’s a mad struggle as you both become opposing forces, but there’s a moment where he loses traction, the blood from his finger making his hand slide.
The door slams shut and Touya slams his fist against the wood as fury overtakes him.
“Where’s my brother, you fucking bitch!” 
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Fucker was carrying an empty gun!
You wildly look around the small space that you despairingly realize is a bathroom. The man is still pounding on the door, shouting, and shaking the handle. You have no idea what he’s talking about and you need a fix before he stops being pissed enough to figure out that a few solid kicks is all it would take to get through the flimsy wood. You rip down the grimy plastic shower curtain and twist it tightly around the handle, looping it through the towel bar above the sink, hosting a pair of decrepit floral washcloths that look like they haven’t been used since patient zero. You continue weaving the figure eight until you’re forced to tie it off as you run out of length. It’s not much, but it’ll buy you an extra minute or two if you’re lucky. 
The handle creaks with one last aggravated twist. There’s a short silence that follows as you stare at the door, heart beating out of your chest. Then his voice filters through the door, a throaty rasp full of a rage that makes you quake with adrenaline and fear.
“Ain’t nowhere for you to go, lady. Get the fuck out here and maybe I won’t kill ‘ya.”
This not what you’d bargained for. “Like I’m gonna trust the guy who tried to stab me without so much as a hello.”
He chuckles, a soft sound that you’d find pretty if it weren’t for the way your skin breaks out in goosebumps that have nothing to do with the cold. “You want a hello? Come get one.”
Ignoring him—and the way your body tremors—you turn and start trying to peel away the board covering what must be a small window. If you’re lucky enough to get it off, maybe you can drop out through the window. 
But after a solid half hour of tugging, scraping and peeling, and nothing more to show for it than torn and bloody fingernails, you admit defeat. Wincing, you carefully wipe away the blood on your jeans and listen to see if he’s still outside the door. It’s hard to tell anything over your thumping pulse in your own ears, but it sounds quiet. 
It’s better not to risk it. You settle against the back of the tub and sit; if you wait long enough, he’ll pass out and you can slip out quietly. Moving quietly and disappearing is the only thing that’s kept you alive this far, especially after the last group you left. The last thing you want to do is be out at night, between the cold and poor visibility—that’s just asking to get killed. But no part of you can deny that facing that deranged stranger outside this door would be doing more than just asking. 
Time passes slowly, painfully. Ever since the turn, dozing off idly became a thing of the past, something dangerous. You’re stuck being alert and aware of every little creak, every little sigh this house can produce. The wind tears around outside and your fingertips have become numb. It’s gotten much colder tonight that it has in the past few days, and you dig your arms from your sleeves into the body of your clothing in an attempt to keep warm.
A light tapping puts you on edge before you realize you’re shaking so hard that the buttons on your jacket are clacking against the floor. You clench your jaw. You have to try now; if you wait any longer it’ll be too cold to make it down the street, let alone how far you’ll need to get away from this place to feel comfortable ever again. Your joints protest as you stand as silently as you can, after sitting for so long. It’s much more painstaking to get the shower curtain from the door; it’s like trying to tiptoe with a windbreaker, but eventually you manage and crack the door open. 
The house is dark, but even after a few moments no one shoves the door open, so pull it wider and peek out. There’s no sign of him. You step quietly out and feel your way down the wall, back towards the living room. There’s no chance you’ll get your pack back, not much in it besides clothes and water anyways, but you’ll have to make do. You inch into the kitchen where you remember seeing a backdoor, and gently turn the lock before pulling the door open. The hinges squeak so painfully loud that you suck in a breath, heart thudding in panic, but that’s not what has you frozen, shivering in the doorway.
What you heard from the bathroom floor wasn’t just wind, but a full blown snowstorm. It’s too early for snow, at least you’d thought, but here it is swirling so thick that you can’t see more than a couple of feet into the yard, and there’s already about a foot of snow. The moon highlights your breath getting swept away in the wind.
“Still thinkin’ about running?”
You shut the door and warily face him, not deigning to answer. The chances of making it more than a couple of blocks without freezing to death are slim. You can’t see much but his silhouette and a mess of pale hair, so it’s hard to make out what he’s thinking. All you know is that he hasn’t wrapped his hands around your neck yet.
He sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Don’t go pointing a gun at me again, and I won’t kill you tonight.”
“Try not to stab me then.”
You think he’s smiling. “No promises.” 
Another shudder wracks through you and you try to tighten your jacket around your body. There’s a tear somewhere near the underarm seam—another reason why running is a terrible option.
“C’mon. It won’t last the night, but I’ve got a small fire going.” He turns his back on you, and you have no choice but to follow him. “Name’s Touya, by the way.”
The “fire” Touya’s got up is nothing but a few table legs crumbling into ember, but you have to admit it’s much warmer in here than it was in the bathroom. The soft light gives you your best look at him yet, and you notice he’s far more handsome than he should be. Hair a bright white, his skin is fair beneath the light grime, and he has piercing green, maybe blue eyes—it’s hard to tell in the flickering orange glow. 
He glances at your raised eyebrow and scoffs. “Look, it’s all I had left. Shoto was supposed to be gathering wood while I was gone.”
You sit slowly a small distance away from him, as close to the fire as you can get. He tosses you a ratty blanket that had been hanging off the back of the couch. “Is Shoto your brother?”
He looks at you and scowls. “Yeah he is, and the only reason I haven’t come after you again is because I have no leads if you’re dead. I need you, if I’m gonna find out what happened to him.”
“Is that why you attacked me?” you ask him quietly. He’s throwing a couple of torn book covers into the embers, light flickering brighter as they catch and blaze. “You think I—”
“An eye for an eye,” Touya chuckles, his expression hardening into something devoid, something frightening. 
“I didn’t kill your brother.” You tell him softly, wondering how you’re supposed to convince him when he’s already convinced himself. You have no idea who he is. He simply stares at you.
“Look when I got here, there were a bunch of zoms in the yard. I barely got past them, my knife broke in one of their heads. I figured the place was empty and needed somewhere to hole up. I never saw your brother, I swear.” Touya’s expression is still hard, but his eyes have begun to flicker with doubt. “Bet you went through my bag already. You know I don’t have any weapons. I’ve got no reason to lie.”
“Other than to save your own neck.”
“Isn’t that what we’re all trying to do?” You glare at him. “Look, if he was here, I would’ve asked him to let me in. I’ve never… I’ve never killed someone like that before.”
“Like what?” He looks at you now, eyebrows slackening at the tremble in your voice. “You were all too willing to pull the trigger on me.”
“Self-defense is different.” You look away, curling your legs to your chest. “I’ve never…murdered someone. I’ve seen it happen before, but I can’t. That’s why I’m so good at running.”
Touya stills, seemingly taking in your words, sifting through them like one would examine sand through a looking a glass. Finally, he sighs.  
“He’s not dead.” You glance at him; that didn’t really seem like he was talking to you, so you let it rest in the air like that. His eyes shine in the dying fire before they flicker and pin themselves to you.
“So that’s why’re you alone, then? Couldn’t kill someone?”
Your lips twist into a frown, and you look away from him, resting your chin on your knees. Your mind is a swirl of blazing violet eyes, crimson full of rage, viridian vexed of indecision. “My last group was falling apart. Left before things got ugly, been on my own since.”
“How long ago was that?” Touya asks quietly.
You peek at him warily. “Long enough.”
He nods at you at that, grunting as he lays down and gets comfortable. You take that as his signal that conversation is over and follow suit, inching closer to the tiny flames that you vainly pray will last the night.
The night passes but sleep does not come for you, held at bay by memories that you wish would fade as quickly as the fire seems to, a deep cold settling over you as the embers turn to smoke. You pull the blanket tighter around you, now scared to sleep in case you don’t wake up.
“Well fuck,” Touya sighs, sitting up and leaning on his palms. You can hear his teeth chattering. With the fire gone you can’t see his face, there’s no lighting coming through the covered windows either. “Daylight’s still a few hours off. That sucks, ain’t nothing for it.”
He rolls into your space and you try to scramble away from him, only for him to yank you to his chest and curl and arm around your back.
“You’re fucking insane.”
“No, I’m fucking freezing, and not interested in dying. You interested in dying? Or I don’t know, losing a few fingers and toes?”
You glare into his chest, clenching your jaw to keep your teeth from echoing his own chattering.
“That’s what I thought.”
After your racing heart settles, you hate to admit that it’s the only way. Wrapped up in his arms, tugged tight to his chest like this…it’s still cold, but an endurable kind of cold, the kind that has you worming your way closer to him to make it less uncomfortable. 
“Don’t,” you warn him as you feel his cheek stretch into a grin against your temple.
“Alright, alright. Fine. Could make this nicer, you know. Just sayin’.”
Suspicion blooms in your chest at his cheeky attempt at charm. “What are you talking about?”
A growl tears up your throat as he rolls you onto your back, ready to shove him off but you tense in shock as he leans down and closes his lips on the spot right beneath your ear. You exhale sharply on instinct. You haven’t been touched like this since—you slam your mind closed on those thoughts and try to think through his tongue tracing over your pulse point.
“Wh– what are you doing?”
“‘M gonna make you warm,” he whispers, nosing up and nipping lightly at the shell of your ear.
“Holy fuck, you are crazy. I’m not sleeping with you,” you hiss sharply, trying to wiggle away from him.
Touya tosses his head back in a wry laugh. “Sweetheart, if you think I’m dropping my pants in a blizzard, you’re crazier than me.”
“Then, then wh—”
“Shut up and stop thinking for a minute, won’tcha?” Touya grumbles and lowers himself back towards you, capturing your lips and working your mouth open with a little rumble of approval when you relax back to the floor. One hand comes up to hold your cheek, fingers cradled around the back of your head and the way he groans into your mouth sends a heatwave of embarrassment and arousal crackling across your body.
He paws at your covered chest, something warm and hard digging into your thigh as he grinds against you, and you resist the insane urge to wrap your legs around his waist.
Like he’s reading your mind, long fingers dig into one of your thighs and hike it up, and you gasp into his mouth as he shifts and suddenly his clothed dick is pressed hard against your core.
“Oh, you ain’t so hard are you?” Touya chuckles as you bite his lower lip in retaliation. You can almost imagine his eyes flashing at you as he begins to grind against you in slow, controlled motions. Your clit throbs underneath the rub of denim, and you can feel yourself slowly soaking through the material of your panties. “Still fiesty though. ‘S nice.”
“Fuck you.”
Touya groans, fingers digging into your hips as if trying to pull you up into him. “Don’t make me think about that, darlin’”
“Not your darling.”
“Yeah, yeah. Keep reminding me darlin’.”
He moans low and sweet into into your neck, suckling softly in one spot and continually moving to the next. It’s maddening and you keep shifting and rocking your body into to his, feeling pleasure unfurl in you so hot and deep, clit pulsing and sensitive, sparking until you’re sure it’s going to take you apart.
Touya stiffens, hips jumping before he grits his teeth and collapses gently over your chest, fists curled tight on either side of your head. The swirling ball of pleasure that had been moments from reach boils and begins to fade, leaving you gasping in frustration.
“Seriously, you’re stopping now?” you whine, squirming when he holds you in place. 
“‘M not interest in finding out how fast my pants would freeze to my dick with spunk all twisted up in there,” he snarls under his breath, biting back the urge to keep rutting against your body. “Believe me, sweetheart. Blueballing myself is not the end goal here. Fuck. You’re warm now, yeah?”
You’re struggling to get your heavy breaths under control, not giving him the satisfaction of a response. You’re warm all over, but you don’t know how long that’s gonna last. 
Touya grabs the ends of the blankets and makes sure they’re tucked around you both, shifting so that he’s no longer on top of you, but on his side next to you. “Then fucking sleep, okay? I know you haven’t yet. We’ll figure it out later. Deal?”
You snort. By figure it out, you wonder if he’s talking about the thing still twitching against your hip, or the whole mess of a situation. But either way, you’re heeding him. As the rush slowly drifts from your system, exhaustion takes over and you find yourself dead asleep, tucked under his arm. 
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inked-pigeon-feet · 3 months ago
s7 ep8 - dying light
this is callum's episode, isn't it?
oh we're starting off in lux aurea cool, cool
oh so we're setting off a bomb?! oh!
ofc karim would betray you last minute
oh he's all clean now :)
oh he's gonna eat you karim, i have a feeling he's gonna eat you
poor janai
oooh zym, sweet zym
uh oh he's bitten off more than he can chew
thanos snapped
so do you know where the nova blade is??
omg it's a black hole
that's a sick ass staff ngl
"an instrument of pain. of torment" a recorder
well damn, get em rex ingeous
he runs like a dog
omg it's like the storm from the very first episode oh my god
i love this show
"eternal night" tryna copy nightmare moon???
ok the nova blade is not gold but I like that the gem is still red
oh no claudia the nose bleed :(
OH SHIT! Is she dead?? I think I would be
dragon fight!!
beam battle!!
well there goes rex ingeous what the fuck
honey you cannot get through to your husband he is a walking corpse! A ZOMBIE I TELL YOU
the other baitlings!
callum does not have good news to bear, he really does not
oh no, oh no, oh no
are you going to do that by imprisoning yourself??? there is still one quasar left right?
welp that's the timeline we're in
oh i didn't know you could do that stella
SHE CAN FLY??? I didn't know she knew how to do that…
love to see aaravos be a little hater :3
oh no callum, how is this going to work?????? how???????
die a hero, live to be a villain
oh no it is gonna end with him dying
and this time callum is right
and claudia is not dead
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dystopicjumpsuit · 1 year ago
Stars Beyond Number - Chapter 8
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In the Wind's Singing
Rating: M - Minors DNI
Pairings: Echo x Riyo Chuchi; Gregor x OFC Cerra Kilian
Wordcount: 2.6k
Warnings and tags: fluff; bonding; discussions of autopsy/corpses; Coca-Cola is canon in Star Wars; no, I'm not joking; SMUT; masturbation
Suggested Listening:
Summary: The strike team returns from scouting Balmorra.
A/N: This story shares continuity with Martyrs and Kings and "Do It Again," but all three fics can be read as stand-alones.
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Voices are in the wind's singing
More distant and more solemn than a fading star.
—T. S. Eliot, “The Hollow Men”
The hologram flickered off, and Rex stared thoughtfully at the empty space where it had projected. Slowly, he said, “I want you to start looking into the clone assassin’s identifying code. Find out how it was wiped, and see if you can replicate the process.”
Cerra  wrinkled her nose. “Does that mean I’m going to have to dissect his arm?”
“That’s for you to find out. I know you’ll do whatever it takes,” Rex said. “In the meantime, I’m grounding you for a few days. No sparring, no supply runs, no missions until your hand is healed.”
She felt a surge of impatience, but his tone brooked no argument, so she simply nodded. Some battles were simply not worth fighting, and she knew Rex would win this one anyway. 
“I need to leave this afternoon to meet with a contact,” Rex continued. “Will you be all right alone?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Hand isn’t that bad.”
“Good,” he said. “Then you can get started on that ID code today.”
“Aye, aye, Cap,” she said with a mock salute.
Once Rex was gone, Cerra opened the stasis pod and examined the dead clone assassin’s forearm. Unlike the inhibitor chips, the identifying codes were not an implant; instead, the data was coded directly into the clones’ wrists. Nothing on the surface indicated how the ID data had been wiped. There was no scar, no wound—nothing except cold, smooth, brown skin. When she scanned it, a hologram appeared, but the contents were empty. She had a sinking feeling that she was going to need to remove the skin and examine it under a microscope to learn more.
Mechanical repairs were no problem for Cerra, but she was wildly unqualified to undertake any kind of medical examination, let alone an autopsy. For the thousandth time, she wished Kix were there. She worried that she would compromise the evidence, and the longer she had the stasis pod open, the more the clone assassin’s body would degrade. With that in mind, she sealed the pod again and began researching autopsy techniques on the Holonet. She watched autopsy vids for what felt like hours with a kind of gruesome fascination, barely noticing when the proximity sensor alerted her that the freighter had returned.
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Echo, Fireball, and Gregor entered the garage to find Cerra sitting cross-legged on the couch, utterly engrossed by a vid projected from the holotable as she ate from a promising-looking container. Echo’s stomach rumbled.
“Boys,” she greeted them without looking up.
“Something smells good,” Echo said.
“I got takeout from Dex’s,” she said. “There’s more in the kitchen.”
“Is that brualki brisket?” Gregor asked.
“Yeah, I got extra for you,” she said. “There’s also brakkenback stew, nerfburgers, and two orders of each kind of protato on the menu.”
A woman of taste, Echo thought, heading to the kitchen to examine the options.
“Ugh, what are you watching?” Fireball demanded.
“Autopsy vids,” she mumbled around a bite of brisket.
“While you’re eating? Gross,” Fireball said.
“Gotta figure out what to do with our friend over there,” Cerra said, pointing at the stasis pod. “Besides, it’s not like I’m eating directly off a corpse.”
Echo pulled a face. Gregor went to the kitchen and rummaged through the cabinets until he found a small medkit. Then he swiped the remaining container of brisket and a bag of fried protato wedges and flopped down next to Cerra on the sofa. 
“Next time, you can buy dinner, and then you get to pick the holovid, Fireball,” Gregor said. “Cerra, did you take your antibiotics?”
“What antibiotics?” she asked distractedly.
“That’s what I thought,” Gregor said drily. He extracted a couple of pills from the medkit and handed them to her. “Take these.”
Cerra automatically took the pills and swallowed them, then handed Gregor a tub of glockaw sauce without taking her eyes off the holovid. “Ooh, look, they’re about to peel off the skin!”
Fireball gagged. Gregor dipped a protato wedge into the sauce and popped it into his mouth, chewing happily. Echo looked down at the container of stew he’d selected, and his stomach lurched, cheeks going even grayer than usual.
“I, uh, think I’ll hit the shower,” he said, setting the stew back on the countertop.
Cerra and Gregor didn’t respond, too immersed in the holovid. Despite himself, Fireball drifted closer, leaning over the back of the sofa with his eyes glued to the vid. He absentmindedly reached for a protato wedge, and Gregor slapped his hand away. Cerra wordlessly handed her half-empty bag of shoestring fries to Fireball. 
Echo shrugged and headed to the refresher. He took his time in the shower, knowing that the rest of the group was likely to be distracted. The hot water relaxed the muscles in his back and soothed his aching limbs where his prosthetics connected. His mind drifted to Senator Chuchi—Riyo, as she’d insisted he call her. He couldn’t imagine the beautiful, gentle Pantoran watching holovids of corpse dissections. When Rex had opened the stasis pod to show Echo and the Batch the clone assassin, Riyo had carefully avoided looking at the man’s face. She hadn’t become desensitized to death and violence the way Cerra and his fellow clones had, but she was fearless, even in the face of Rampart’s attempts on her life.
She was so lovely. Sweet, but strong. As he pictured her smooth, cerulean skin, her soft lilac hair, and the subtle curves of her body, he felt his cock stiffen. Seizing the rare moment of privacy, Echo soaped up his hand and began to stroke himself, careful to keep silent. He braced himself against the shower stall with his scomp arm, tilting his head back to let the warm water flow over his neck and chest. 
He envisioned Riyo around him—her mouth, her body, her sighs of passion and her enveloping warmth, her wide golden eyes glazed with need. His breath became ragged. It had been months since he’d been with a woman, he was acutely conscious that any of the team could walk in at any moment. Gritting his teeth to hold back his groans, he squeezed harder and increased the speed of his hand. Before long, the surging pleasure overwhelmed his control, and he spilled hot, white jets of cum onto the shower floor.
All his breath left him in a rush, and his head sagged to rest on the arm that braced against the shower wall. The water started to run cold, so he finished washing and toweled off, dressing quickly and returning to join the others.
Echo suppressed a laugh when he saw Fireball sprawled on the sofa with the other two. The two clones had removed their armor and now wore only their black body gloves. The holotable was cluttered with empty wrappers and takeout containers, and somebody had filled a bucket with ice and several bottles of ale, two of which Gregor and Fireball were already drinking. Echo noticed that the bulky bandage on Cerra’s hand had been replaced with a neat bacta patch, and the medkit had been put away. The group had turned raucous, and Fireball kept up a running commentary on the vid.
“You call that a primary incision?” he jeered. “I could do better blindfolded, with a vibrosword!”
“If you’re so confident, maybe you should do the autopsy,” Cerra said.
“No thanks,” Fireball said. “It’s one thing to watch a holovid. It’s something else when it’s a brother.”
“I know,” Cerra said. “That’s why I’m not drinking. Gotta keep my head clear so I can focus on the techniques.”
Echo grunted as he heated up a bowl of stew. “I can’t believe you’re still watching that. Why not put on something like the Great Galactic Bake Off instead?”
Cerra twisted around to look at him. “You’re a Bake Off fan? Have you seen this week’s episode yet?”
“No. I usually watch it with Omega,” Echo replied.
“Hmph, Charo Intan was robbed last week,” Gregor grumbled.
“You’re just saying that because the Sullustan got Galaxy Baker,” Cerra teased.
“His technical bake was a disaster!” Gregor exclaimed. “The judges are out of their minds.”
Fireball listened to the exchange with a look of utter bewilderment. “What are you even talking about?”
Three heads swiveled to stare at Fireball.
“You haven’t heard of the Bake Off?” Gregor asked incredulously. “Do you live under an asteroid?”
Fireball shrugged.
“Oh, my sweet summer child,” Cerra said, punching the control panel of the holotable. “Prepare to lose your sanity and any hope of a social life.”
Echo was surprised at how nonchalant Cerra seemed, especially after the previous night’s disaster. He took his bowl of stew to the sofa and nudged Fireball out of the way as he sat down. It was a tight squeeze with the four of them, so Cerra scooted onto Gregor’s lap to make room. Fireball picked up her legs to drape across his thighs.
Echo couldn’t quite figure out what was going on between Cerra and Gregor. He had assumed they were a couple when he’d first arrived, but he had second-guessed himself when their obvious affection for each other never seemed to go beyond platonic demonstrations. But Gregor’s reaction to Cerra’s distress the previous night; the tender, intimate words he’d whispered as he comforted her; and in particular his anomalous hostility toward Rex made Echo reevaluate his assumptions yet again. But now the commando seemed utterly unfazed as Fireball joined their little snuggle pile, even as the younger clone settled in cozily beneath Cerra’s calves.
Fireball rolled up one of Cerra’s pant legs and began to doodle on her skin with a marker, drawing complex, abstract swirls in black ink. The familiar opening jingle of the Bake Off started to play, and Echo gave up on trying to unravel the complexities of—kriff—whatever was going on at the other end of the sofa, turning his attention instead to the holovid.
Once again, it seemed Echo was the odd man out. It seemed strange and wrong to watch the show without Omega, and he missed his brothers’ familiar camaraderie. He didn’t think Cerra was intentionally excluding him, but he couldn’t help feeling a little stab of envy at how easily she and Gregor had allowed Fireball into their little circle. The younger clone hadn’t needed to work for it at all; they’d simply absorbed him. Echo frowned as he wondered if he had done something to make Cerra hold him at a distance.
As if on cue, she rummaged through the bucket of ice, retrieving two bottles of ale and cracking them open. To Echo’s surprise, though, she held one out to him, and when he took it with a silent nod of thanks, she clinked her bottle against his and took a sip. Echo reflexively drank his as well, watching out of the corner of his eye as Cerra settled back against Gregor. The commando shifted to wrap his arm around her, tugging her closer to him and easing her head onto his shoulder.
“This is the week that useless Garr Tevv goes home,” Gregor declared. “I can feel it.”
“I don’t know, buddy,” Cerra said. “The judges don’t seem to share your opinion of Sullustans. I think he’ll make it to the finale.”
“What’s wrong with Sullustans?” Fireball asked.
“Heh, it’s a long story,” Gregor chuckled.
“You can’t judge all Sullustans by what Borkus did,” Echo said.
“Oh, can’t I?” Gregor asked. “How do you feel about Skakoans?”
“Fair point,” Echo conceded. 
“Why are there so many contestants from Separatist worlds?” Fireball asked.
“Something about bringing the galaxy together after the turmoil of war,” Gregor said. 
“By making them compete against each other?” Fireball sounded confused.
“Friendly competition,” Echo clarified. “Although it hardly seemed friendly when Timi Riniath stole Runa Mone’s conservator and left her custard out to curdle.”
“Ugh, I can’t believe they let Timi stay in after that,” Cerra complained. “Such a cheater.”
“I still think it was an honest mistake,” Gregor said.
“No way,” Echo and Cerra retorted in unison.
“Jinx, you owe me a Coke,” Cerra said automatically.
Echo inhaled sharply, and Cerra’s face went rigid as they both realized what she’d said. How many times had Fives repeated that sentence? He and Echo spoke jointly so often that it was practically their catchphrase. Fives and Cerra must have shared the same tendency for her to have picked up the habit.
“Kriff,” she whispered. “Sorry, Echo. I wasn’t thinking. It just slipped out.”
“That’s all right,” Echo said uncomfortably. “It was bound to happen sometime.”
Gregor rubbed a soothing hand on Cerra’s back. Fireball looked more confused than ever, but he wisely didn’t ask questions and went back to his drawing. 
“Good to know you shared the same brain cell with Fives as I did,” Echo said to diffuse the tension. “Feels like there’s still part of him with us.”
For once, it seemed he’d said the right thing, because Cerra visibly relaxed, and a small smile crept over her face. “Yeah, it does, doesn’t it?”
The recap segment of the show ended, and they all turned to the holovid. Fireball occasionally asked questions about how the competition worked, which Gregor answered enthusiastically, and soon the group became fully captivated. They cheered for their favorites and booed the contestants they disliked. At some point, a second round of beers was passed around, and by the end of the show, Fireball had already downloaded the old episodes onto his datapad so he could watch them next time he was on a long hyperspace jump.
Cerra looked haggard and was probably feeling the lingering effects of the sedative Gregor had administered as well as the aftermath of everything else that had happened the previous night. She didn’t manage to stay awake through the whole episode, lulled to sleep by the way Gregor absentmindedly rubbed her shoulders and the soft drag of Fireball’s marker against her leg. 
“I’ll take first watch,” Fireball said quietly.
Gregor nodded, standing cautiously with Cerra in his arms and staggering a little under their combined weight. Cerra jostled awake with a startled grunt.
“Shh, go back to sleep,” Gregor said. “I’ve got you.”
She blinked owlishly at him and looked around.
“Good night, Cerra,” Fireball said.
“G’night, Tup,” she murmured as she burrowed her face into Gregor’s shoulder.
Fireball and Echo exchanged confused looks with Gregor, who just shrugged and turned away to carry Cerra to the barracks. Echo and Fireball cleaned up the detritus of their impromptu watch party, and then Echo headed for the barracks as well. 
“I’ll take the second watch,” Echo told Fireball. “I don’t think Gregor has slept at all in the last two days.”
Inside the barracks, Gregor had already tucked Cerra into her bunk and was changing out of his body glove into a pair of sweatpants. Echo eased down onto his bunk and detached his leg prosthetics with a sigh of relief. Gregor climbed into his own bunk, and the barracks descended into silence.
By some miracle of fate or the Force, Echo slept. When Fireball shook him awake to stand watch, Echo flinched away, his heart racing. Fireball held up his hands placatingly and returned to the main room. Echo dressed quickly and reattached his legs, then went to join him.
“All quiet?” Echo asked.
“So far,” Fireball said. “But I got a comm from my brother Nemec. He wants out. Do you think Rex will help?”
“I know he will,” Echo said firmly. “We’ll start planning the extraction as soon as Rex gets back.”
The anxiety in the younger clone’s face eased, and he nodded gratefully when Echo told him to get some rest. Before he returned to the barracks, though, Fireball had one more question.
“Echo?” he asked hesitantly. “Who’s Tup?”
“No idea,” Echo said.
Next chapter
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moooooolnp · 7 months ago
TW: mentions of d3ath, mentions of mvrder, and eating raw m3at. Don’t read this if these would trigger you!! Have a lovely day!!
Okay so basically dio awakens 2 years earlier than expected and (for some reason that I will figure out) Jotaros stand won’t awaken until he’s 17. So he sends a couple stand users to kill him and he dies. UNTIL it’s when SDC would start. Instead of having a stand, he is a living corpse and (bc of the nature of his death) has his emo personality. Replacing SP, he is kinda like Sally from the nightmare before Christmas in that he can detach limbs and doesn’t feel pain (at least not in the same way living people would.) If he WANTED (which, considering part 3 Jotaro being stubborn and a contrarian prob wouldn’t on his own fruition) he could eat raw meat/raw food in general (not human flesh) to look alive. I’m also considering giving him this (kinda gross) ability but idk yet. He would be able to bite people (around where their neck and shoulders meet) and look like that person, however, only look like that person in a state of rigor mortis (don’t look it up, it’s a stage of death) and he would have to be mute cus he wouldn’t sound like them. I have stories like this for Kakyoin and Polnareff but not for Avdol and Joseph cus I’m not sure what I should make their traumatic backstory or interesting way of making them gorey creatures. I also don’t think old Joseph being one of them would really make sense in the context of everyone else. Esp cus Holly would be like a mourning mother WHILE being sick AND just now getting her son back and him being in a constant state of being, well, dead. I just think I would keep Joseph the same since there would be stands in this universe ofc. have settled on Polnareff being kinda like Edward schissor hands, and Kakyoin being a full on ghost and making ppl go crazy. I literally just had this idea listening to music today so it’s not rlly developed yet but if it’s worth developing I have it STUCK IN MY BRAIN.
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grainstealingthot · 13 hours ago
MDZS Novel Notes
Aggression - Part One (Exiled Rebels Version)
before we get into this, i'm going to shorted Exiled Rebels as ERS. because this is my blog and i do what i want. I've heard that they translate WWX's cultivation name better in this one. And also it's easier for me to read and type at the same time like this lol.
Anyways, obligatory spoiler warning. I am making note of my thoughts while reading through the MDZS novels. If you have not read them, you will see spoilers below the cut.
No water in the room. Only basin-like container is probably meant for toilet purposes and not cleaning.
Door is latched from the outside to keep him in.
WWX: "None of these things made him feel the joy of reincarnation at all!" (he's literally so dramatic in an intentionally funny way lol. i really do love him)
He meditates for a full day. HE MEDITATES FOR A FULL DAY. Without being forced into it, even. Stop making it seem as if he's incapable of performing the most fundamental part of culitivation.
After cultivation for a literal day, nonstop, he stands up and gets lightheaded (happens to me too dw wwx)
WWX - mxy's spiritual powers are so insignificant they shouldn't be affecting my control of this body. so why's it not working right??
WWX: literally forgets that he needs to eat to function normally (...same)
"If the didn't scavenge for food, he might become the first villainous ghoul who starved to death upon arrival." (ERS)
(i ofc know that he specifies that the body hasn't practiced inedia, and that's why it feels hunger, but it's really funny to know that he forgets he's supposed to eat lol)
Door of room has a mini door at the bottom so food can be pushed through.
Food is unpleasant looking, and the servants are rude as fuck to mxy (now wwx)
wwx feels quite bitter about all of this lol
my fave quote so far:
"The Yiling Patriarch had just returned to the mortal world, but the first thing he came upon was a kick and a scolding, not to mention the leftovers that served as his welcoming-meal. Where were the blood and gore? The ruthless slaughter? The absolute destruction? Who would believe him? He was like the tiger in a flatland, the dragon in shallow water, the phoenix without feathers, losing his advantage and belittled by those weaker than him." (ERS)
i just know he's pouting while thinking this and picking at the food passive-aggressively lol
name of the servant bringing him food - A-Tong
2nd servant - A-Ding
A-Ding remarks that A-Tong only has to deliver one meal a day. (... man i really feel so bad for mxy...)
They mention that there a lot of walking corpses about.
usually dull-eyed and sluggish, unless the dead person held a lot of resentment, but they are enough to harm the average person, esp their awful smell
WWX literally thinks of them as the most obeying puppets, and feels a sense of familiarity when he hears about them. (weirdo /affectionate)
A-Ding mentions cultivators from a prominent clan came to Mo Village to deal with the corpses.
Madam is talking w them in the main hall, and everyone in town is watching.
WWX listens attentively, ponders for a moment, this stands and kicks the door down (lmao love him)
Scares the two servants badly enough that they start screaming lmao
A-Tong tries to save face in front of the girl he likes, by waving his hands about like he's shooing a dog away. (noted that by narrator that "A-Tong treated [MXY] even worse than he treated a beggar or a fly" (ERS) and that most of the servants also treated mxy like this bc he never resisted)
WWX gives him a light kick and knocks him over, then laughs "How daring of a mere errand-running child to humiliate others like this." (ugh i love him)
WWX interrupts the meeting with the cultivators, and he seems to do a great job at playing the lunatic lmao
Notices that the cultivators are older teens, from Gusu Lan, and that they all were blood-relations to the Lan family, as their ribbons all had cloud patters sewn onto them.
"Wei Wuxian got toothaches whenever he saw anybody from the Lan clan." (ERS) (...yeah buddy, i bet you do. you sure have a lot to say about the lans lol)
Madam Mo gets her husband to try and remove WWX. And WWX drops to the ground and tightly clings to the floor. Nobody can get him up, even when they call for more help (lmao #1 tantrum thrower)
ppl in the crowd know that Mo family had a "young master who lost his marbles"(ERS), and that mxy hid in that dark room for a cpl of years, scared to go outside.
WWX confront MZY about him stealing his(mxy's) things
MZY tries to kick WWX again, but one of the Lan boys stops him ("moved his fingers slightly, and Mo Ziyuan's feet slipped" (ERS))
WWX stills acts like he was actually kicks, and shows off the footprint MZY made the day before
The crowd, while enjoying the show, begins to think that MXY wasn't this insane when he first came back and that the abuse he faces made him worse
Madam Mo seems to realize that MXY(wwx) is doing this on purpose, and remarks that he's clearheaded
The also refers to MZY and MXY as being brothers and that as the older brother, MXY should share (ugh i HATED hearing this growing up. idc if i'm the older sibling, i shouldn't be forced to give my things away just to get destroyed)
WWX.... really plays up MXY being into men here lmao. "Everyone knows that I am into men. Even if he was not ashamed, I knew to not look suspicious."(ERS)
he is... really loving not having to worry about his status here XD how freeing this must feel. able to act like the gremlin he really is and not have to worry about anyone but himself
"I don't care about your reputation, but don't ruin my innocence! I still want to find a good man!"(ERS) -WWX (don't worry bby, you will soon)
WWX successfully provokes MZY into more violence, then hides behind the Lan boys, who stop MZY.
Mdm Mo tries to convince the Lans that MXY is insane and shouldn't be taken seriously, to which WWX responds "Who said that my words shouldn't be taken seriously? Next time, try stealing anything from me again. You steal once, and I cut off one of your hands!" (ERS) -wwx... babe... foreshadowing loves you...
WWX makes a hasty escape, and one of the Lans tells Mdm Mo that they'll be in the West Courtyard for the night, and for them to not go outside at night, close all windows, and avoid that courtyard.
WWX, walking around the village, "finally realized the delight of being a lunatic" (ERS) and was even starting to like the makeup resembling a hanged ghost. (he's the number 1 brat for sure lmao)
WWX notes that the cuts on his arm haven't healed, so the humiliation of the family isn't enough to satisfy the ritual.
He heads back to the Mo family's West Courtyard, where the Lan discipled are standing on the roofs and walls.
another great quote here:
"Although the Gusu Lan contributed greatly during the siege on him, at that time, these juniors were either not born yet or still young children. He shouldn't direct his hate towards them, so Wei Wuxian decided to linger around and observe what they were going to do."(ERS)
>he's a gremlin, but he's a good person. A lesser man would have taken this opportunity to harm/kill the kids to get back at the clan that participated his death. But he acknowledges that they were probably literal babies when it happened, so it wouldn't be right to be angry at them. And then he proceeds to assign himself as their babysitter lol
WWX notices that they're using Phantom Attraction Flags/Black Wind Flags (and also notes what they do and stuff)
How does he recognize them? Bc he was the creator. So although the cultivation world hated him, they sure were eager to use his inventions.
One of the Lans tries to send him away (WWX notes that the disciple is using a kind tone)
WWX steals one of the flags and starts acting out again
disciple catches him and threatens to hit him
leader of the boys comes over and scolds the disciple, telling him to not make a fuss and take the flag (this disciple being scolded is ofc Jingyi, our precious loudmouthed Lan)
and the leader of the disciples is none other than Lan Sizhui, goodest boy ever.
anyways, wwx manages to look over the flag and verifies that it was drawn correctly, and that whoever drew it was lacking experience so it wouldn't draw in from too far away (seriously... kids are part of a clan that helped kill him and here he is making sure they're being safe on a nighthunt! wwx they can never make me hate you)
LSZ gently tries to ask him to leave, believing ofc that MXY is MXY. WWX notes he is "fair and refined, with a dignified appearance and smiling faintly." (ERS). wwx silently approves of him.
The flag formation was set well, and his mannerisms were respectful, making him a "disciple with astonishing potential" (ERS)
"He didn't know that, at a conservative clan such as the Lan clan, who on Earth brought up such a junior."(ERS) (wow.... i wonder who among the Lan could possibly raised him. who could it be???? /s)
WWX gives the flag back, and wanders around before heading back to MXY's room. And what does he do?????? He sits down to MEDITATE again.
before daylight comes, he's pulled out of meditation by people coming to MXY's courtyard yelling about notifying officers, dragging him out, and possibly beating him to death.
ch ends on someone yelling "Drag the insane murderer to the Main Hall and make him pay for it with his life!"
wwx... your luck is truly spectacular lol
SO. some fanon stuff being disproven, only 3 chapters in.
Honestly.. where did the idea that "WWX can't do regular meditation easily" come from and why is so popular? 3 chapters in, and he's meditated twice already - the first time for 24hrs straight, and the 2nd time he fully intended to meditate all night! And he does this easily! Doesn't mention difficulty sitting still or anything like that.
Also. Again, we're shown in here that he's not someone who acts without thinking. He's acting the lunatic, but he's doing everything intentionally.
He's also remarkably willing to let go of grudges, easily. I noted it above, but this would have been the prime opportunity to get revenge on Gusu Lan for helping to kill him, but instead he makes sure these kids set up the flags correctly and are being safe.
He also tries to just humiliate the Mo family, rather than jumping straight to murder, though I will admit he doesn't seem too fazed about possibly having to kill them.
So he's someone who can and will resort to violence, but really only as a last resort.
Also he is a very dramatic and chaotic gremlin at heart, and I imagine getting to mess around like this is very liberating in a way. (remember, I watched the donghua all the way through. i know it's not perfect, but still) After his last life went the way it did, having no responsibilities and no one who's life depends on his behavior and not showing any weakness, this has got to be so fun.
Of course, once he does have his fun, he goes and assigns himself as basically the babysitter for the Lan juniors lol
okay that's probably all for tonight. if you've made it this far - thanks. sorry you had to put up with my formatting but I just can't be bothered to make it look pretty lol
feel free to leave your own thoughts in stuff in the comments as well!
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lovesickval3ntine · 1 year ago
SOOO I finally finished this damn thing, Im working on getting it on my ao3 (but tags r so fucking UHGG) so I'm gonna post it here! tw for saw stuff ofc, also title recs r welcome! cuz I suck at titles.
The odor of blood and decay suffocates Adam as it radiates throughout the pitch-black bathroom.
Zep's lifeless body lies a few feet in front of him, his body bloated and discolored, he vaguely feels maggots squirm on his ankle, eating away at the dying flesh around the raw welts but he can't bring himself to care. 
Adam shivers as he leans against the cold pipe of the bathroom, the bullet wound on his shoulder burns as it rubs against the fabric of his shirt, causing him to groan and squeeze his eyes shut in pain. 
In his feverish daze, he wonders if Lawrence will return for him.
He promised, Lawrence promised, he wouldn't lie to him. 
Would he?
Adam stares at his hands in front of him as he flickers in and out of consciousness, they shake violently.
Adam feels his hunger deep in his bones, leaving him aching and weak. He lets his head fall into his weak hands, furiously shaking as he begins to hear an all too familiar voice. 
"I wouldn't lie to you” a familiar voice whispers harshly against his ear. Despite the words being said, the voice makes every muscle in Adam tense in fear.
"You're not real, shut up!" Adam grits out between clenched teeth, his voice dry and strained as it echoes throughout the empty bathroom, his fingers itch for a cigarette now more than ever.
“It doesn't matter now, does it? You're dying Adam” The doctor's calm voice says, devoid of any emotion.
As Adam attempts to hold back the tears that threaten to fall, he clamps his hands over his ears roughly to muffle the echoing whispers of Lawrence.
It doesn't help, his voice sounds just as close and clear as it did before. 
Tears start to fall off Adam's sunken cheeks and sharp jaw as he finally breaks out in sobs, strained apologies, and confessions are whispered frantically. 
“I'm sorry, I'm so sorry” Adam cries as his wails echo around the bathroom, “I want to live, please let me live, please come back” he whispers as his grip around his ears tightens.
Adam passes out with his head in between his arms for what has to be hours before he jumps up, woken up to bloodcurdling screams echoing all around him, his skull vibrates from the volume as he recognizes Zep's screams, the screams he caused.
But Zep was dead.
Wasn't he?
Adam slowly opens his eyes (when did he close them?) and looks a few feet in front of him where Zep’s corpse is supposed to be, he can smell the decaying flesh and the metallic blood covering them but Zep's body is gone, even in the dark bathroom he can tell that Zep’s body is gone.
Adam strains his eyes to make out the details in the darkness, he frantically looks around as things come into focus, Zep had to be in the bathroom with him. 
He remembers the feeling of warm blood splattering onto him, covering him in the sticky red substance. He remembers when Zepp’s skull cracked under him as his adrenaline-filled body smashed, smashed, smashed away Zep’s only chance at life. 
Adam looked around the bathroom as best as he could when he noticed a glint of metal in the bathtub, and sure enough, Zep's rotting corpse lay at the bottom of the bathtub with his gun lying in his left hand and his tape on top of his chest. Adam reaches his arm towards Zep's gun and just as his fingers whisper over the handle of the pistol Zep's rotting arm reaches up and grabs the small of his wrist with bruising strength. 
“There are rules” Zep’s corpse whispers as he yanks Adam by the wrist roughly, making him hiss. 
“you should be dead,” the corpse whispers calmly, “You wanted to die” Zep digs his blood-covered fingernails deep into Adam’s wrist, Adam winces and uses the rest of his strength to rip his wrist out of Zep's hold and sink back into the corner, laying his head against the chilled pipe behind him.
Zep continues to whisper nonsense Adam can't quite make out through the pounding of his head, bright hot pain shocks him as it runs through his body in a wave.
Adam shivers and tries to hold down the bile that attempts to work its way up his throat, if he keeps losing fluids he knows he won't be able to stay conscious much longer. Adam screws his eyes shut in an attempt to catch to stop the violent hallucinations and flashbacks.
Adam shakes as he claws at his ears, the desperate screams of Lawrence and Zep echo throughout the bathroom, shaking him to his core. His tears roll off his cheeks freely as he shakes from the force of his sobs, blood drips down the sides of his jaw, mixing with the tears and dried blood on his face.
Despite the blood and tears running down his face and hands, he continues the painful grip around his ears, despite how it doesn't dampen the cries and shrieks that echo around him.
Adam pukes, bile and stomach acid splatter across the floor beside him, far too exhausted to move from his spot. Adam gags as the putrid smell reaches his nose and reminds him of all the decay around him.
Adam is the cause of it, he is the cause of all the decay and death that surrounds him, the decay that suffocates him and makes it next to impossible to breathe. 
Adam finally releases his tight grip around his ears and wraps them around his stomach, which is oh-so empty, and squeezes at his sides slightly. 
He knew he was most likely going to die alone, a nobody, someone who would rot in his apartment till his body started to decompose, rotting and melting until someone complained about the smell or something. Even in death, he would be a bothersome nobody.
Adam didn't want to die alone, he truly didn't want to die at all, he just wanted something to change. He got his wish in the end though, didn't he?
He lets out a choked sob and curls into himself more, his game was rigged from the start, he was destined to fail from the moment he drained that damn bathtub, and who knows, he might be dead right now and this is all a part of some post-death hallucination.
What Adam would give to see the light beyond the bathroom door, know he wasn't forgotten,  know Lawrence will return to him. 
He knows that he won't live long despite the running water in the tub, water won’t calm the burning infection running through him, or the hunger that pains him deep down in his bones.
Adam claws at his sides as he trembles, the pain providing some sort of clarity in his hazy thoughts so he can catch his breath, which is harder than it should be, every breath is shallow and wet as he tries to even it out. Adam doesn't want to die here, he wants to go back to his shithole apartment make sure the cat that wanders outside of it is ok and fed, call his mom back, and apologize for not answering her calls.
The first couple of days he was locked in the bathroom he screamed and wailed for what seemed like hours on end before he eventually passed out in exhaustion, once he woke up the cycle repeated until the hallucinations started.
Once he started hearing Lawrence and Zep whispering into his ear, he would wake up screaming and flailing around before the pain in his shoulder or leg knocked him out of his panic. 
He can't even remember the last time he slept without waking up screaming because of a nightmare or a hallucination, hell sometimes it was a combination of both, this combination made sure he never got much rest.
Adam is used to being sleep deprived, hell half the time he would only get a few hours a night, developing the number of photos he takes is time consuming, to say the least.
But the exhaustion he is feeling is like none other he has felt before, it takes so much energy to do something as simple as breathing, he would do anything to sleep interrupted. 
As Adam's eyes droop he is shaken awake by a piercing noise, the sound of metal grinding against the floor vibrates him to his bones.
The door, Lawrence must have kept his promise. Adam almost cries as the dull yellow light from outside the door shines in and illuminates the blood and decay that is splattered all over the bathroom.
A small figure walks in, their boots clicking against the ground as they walk closer to Adam, the shadowy figure sits on the edge of the bathtub and stares down at him. Now that Adam can see them better he can see their spiky, unkept hair.
“I have a question for you Adam,” The strained feminine voice echoes throughout the bathroom, it sounds like they have been crying, “do you appreciate your life?” they ask, voice wavering.
Adam coughs wetly as he tries to find his voice, it seems so long since he last spoke. He opens his mouth before snapping it shut quickly, trying to find the right words for what he wants to say.
“I-I think in the past I didn't,” he pauses and catches his breath before speaking again, only this time much softer “but now a-all I want to do is get home and get better, move on with my life and stop being afraid of every damn thing,” he says angrily with tears building in his eyes.
Adam grips his stained shirt tightly in his fists as he stares at the mysterious figure, his fever riddled brain isn't thinking straight as he reaches out with a kind hand and places it on her knee, hell she could been the one that brought him into this hellhole but the pain in her eyes is too similar to what he sees every day in the mirror.
The girl freezes and looks down at him with soft eyes, “Don't worry Adam, I'm going to help you get out of here” she whispers with glossy eyes as she places her delicate hand on top of his, rubbing her thumb across his boney knuckles comfortingly.
“P-please” he pleads as his grip on her tightens, “don't leave me just yet?” he asks as his voice breaks and tears start to fall from his eyes. 
The woman simply nods and sinks off the bathtub and onto the bloodied cold floor to sit next to Adam. He looks at her with tired eyes as she brushes his sweaty hair out of his face and holds his jaw lightly
“You're real right?” he whimpers out pitifully, leaning into the woman's touch.
“Yea Adam, I'm real, I promise” she giggles wetly before pulling him in for a hug, careful of his injuries.
Adam leans into the warm hug and wraps his arms around her waist gently, it's been so long since he last had a hug. His body shakes as he sobs into her neck, and his tears fall onto her shirt but neither of them cares, they stay like this for a while until the woman breaks apart the hug, she wipes his tears with her thumb before grabbing a water bottle behind her (when did that get there?) and handing it to him, urging him to drink some.
Adam grabs the plastic water bottle with a tight grip and chugs it quickly before handing it back to her, he wipes his mouth as he watches her stand up.
“I have to go now Adam, hang in there, I promise help is coming,” she says confidently before walking towards the metal door, her combat boots clicking against the tile as she walks away from Adam. Once she gets outside of the door she waves awkwardly before shoving the door shut roughly, plunging the bathroom into darkness once again.
As unlikely as it is, Adam hopes and prays that the woman is real, and that he will get help and survive.
As he finally drifts off to sleep, he thinks of the cat outside of his apartment, maybe he can finally take it in and care for it.
Such non-judgemental creatures they are. 
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coff-in · 8 months ago
Hiiii insect anon here to ramble to you about my tcoaal oc I’ve been working on while reading everything you write, you can do anything with this like maybe talk about if your ocs would get along with mine? Idk i don’t mind anything
He’s mostly inspired by my asks “trans sibling reader” and “dead sibling reader”
His name is Magpie, deadname being Altaria. He’s the youngest Graves sibling, being 18. He was supposed to start taking testosterone when he turned 18 but ofc because of the quarantine he wasn’t able to :(
When he was a kid, he was very energetic, rolling around on the mud and constantly getting wounds (and picking his skin when no one was looking which gave him some scars), but of course Renee didn’t like her “daughter” being so energetic so she yelled at him a lot, which made him start becoming more reserved and stop being so energetic, but could still be annoying when he wanted to, making Andy and Leyley start saying that he “acted like a dove” gaining him the nickname dove. Young adult Magpie pretends to be very laid back, and he doesn’t talk much, but he’s internally always bouncing with energy and wanting to talk people’s ears off about stuff he likes. The game is confirmed to happen in the late 90’s/early 00’s, but if we move the date a bit (probably 2010, just anywhere after/during 2007) I can confirm he’d be a master at Rhythm Heaven Tengoku (Ashley and Andrew tried playing too but they sucked at it). Talking about Andrew, he has a really good relationship with them. Andrew helps him feel more masculine, style his hair like his, and he lends him his clothes. He’s very proud of his younger brother. Ashley is also very proud of him! But she constantly manipulates him saying that everyone will just use him because of how similar he is to Andrew, or as Ashley would call it “pocket size Andy”
He’d be hesitant at first about eating the neighbor, but would end up going along with it. They escape the building, blah blah blah that’s not interesting. They reach the motel, and the night arrives. Ashley wakes up before the vision is finished, so she totally misses the part where Magpie dies. She wakes up Andrew, and since it was so late at night the thought of waking Magpie up doesn’t cross their head, so they leave without him. They go to that cultist place, they go back to the motel, and-
… well shit
They never expected to find their brother’s gutted corpse in front of them
Andrew has a panic attack, and Ashley really doesn’t know how to feel
They deal with the hitman, and then they start a new quest: “Andy and Leyley and the burial of the dove”, which is just them finding the perfect place to bury their now dead brother, which is somewhere in the park in between the trees because birds live in trees
I don’t have much to say about the last part because I’m tired and I should sleep
oh wow, insect anon, very neat! :D
it makes me sad knowing that magpie would die :( hopefully they will feel at peace now, being dead... unless--
what if dead people/souls could effect the human world? magpie's soul could solve puzzles in the afterlife to help andrew and ashley in the human world, or ashley could interact and possible talk to magpie like she tried to do with her "parents" and (presumably) andrew's soul in chapter two. but this is just me throwing ideas out there, of course. your oc is your own character, and you should treat them as you see fit :D
when it comes to them interacting with my sibling ocs:
alexis would be protective of him. he likes to follow mrs graves' house rules as to not anger her, but he's willing to turn an older brother blind eye to any mischief he causes. he would also try his best to be a good male role model to magpie, since he's one of the only other guys in the family.
amber's chill with magpie. they're making sure to watch over magpie and provide comfort to him. they seem to be distant with their siblings or detached but please be sure that they do care about magpie and the rest of their siblings, like a dragon protective of their hoard.
amy sees magpie and a. as like... her students or her scholars <3 she's happy to provide them with guidance and protect them from bullies when it comes to trans issues. she's especially fixated on magpie's chosen name and will talk his ear off about the bird's behaviors and the mythology surrounding them.
aria sees magpie a lot like she sees a., another sibling for her to toy around with an protect! if you need a baseline for aria's personality, she's inspired by the devious little sister headcanons i helped devious anon came up with (but i have recently seen her adapt more to ashley's personality, like a mini leyley!). aria babies magpie even though him and her aren't that far apart in age. she's supportive of him, and gender doesn't play too big of a role with her affection. as long as she has him and her siblings, she's fine with him.
a. is extremely happy to have another transmasc in the family! they hope to help each other out, even if they're a bit cagey at times. they don't like renee and honestly never will, and they rebel against her by helping magpie cause whatever mischief he feels like doing (only when they can avoid the consequences though...). they'll go clothes shopping with magpie and style their hair with him in the morning.
i'm happy you decided to share your oc with me and i'm THRILLED that my writing inspired you! if feels so odd hearing that something of mine inspires people... <3 but again, thank you.
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theclownjesterhouse · 3 months ago
Dark and Anti HCS bc they're living in my head rent-free
{This is what boredom does to a person take notes peeps}
{ofc im starting with glitchy turtle alphebetical order people}
• Purrs
• Can control electronic/mobile devices
• Suprisngly warm bc of the amount of electricity being produced from him
• Oh he 𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 hisses
•F a n g s
• Demon tail because I said so
• The tail works similiar to a dog's/cat's (E.G: Wagging when happy, lashing when mad, ect)
• My boy will eat ANYTHING edible(except those muscle-shell things those suck ass)
• Can accidentally cause static shocks w̶h̶o̶s̶a̶y̶s̶i̶t̶s̶a̶n̶a̶c̶c̶i̶d̶e̶n̶t̶
• Has a sorta reddish gradient from the tips of his claws down to around half of his forearms
• Bring up any of his intrests. You'll never shut him up
• God help anyone who tries to hurt his friends or S/O.
• Make fun of his intrests. I dare you.
• Surprisingly loves cuddles? Because yes?
• Curls up like a cat bc yes.
• Actually loves turtles. Won't admit it but he loves them.
• t̶o̶t̶a̶l̶l̶y̶d̶i̶d̶n̶t̶b̶e̶g̶m̶a̶r̶v̶i̶n̶t̶o̶m̶a̶g̶i̶c̶a̶t̶u̶r̶t̶l̶e̶f̶o̶r̶h̶i̶s̶b̶i̶r̶t̶h̶d̶a̶y̶
• He 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 find any sugar you're hiding.
Ok onto Dark now I've yapped enough abt Glitch turtle time 4 monochrome boi
{Probs won't have as much as Anti but yk we'll see}
• Oh yeah defintely purrs too
• Also has demon tail bc yes
• Aura changes colour based on who's taking "control" of the body. Blue if it's Damien, Red if it's Celine(my wife fr trust🙏)
• Naturally cold bc well they're basically a 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 messed up corpse and will cuddle for warmth
• Bc he's naturally cold he absoloutley DESPISES Winter. Heat's turned all the way up, 50 layers of weighted blankets, you get the idea
• f a n g s
• Doesn't really get sick but there's still that icky feeling hanging around
• Two of almost every organ bc its two peeps in a body so yeah
• If the black cat was a person
• I like the idea of EldritchHorror!Dark and that how we see Dark in WKM, ADWM, AHWM, ect is the form he uses so that they don't scare us or anyone in the manor accidentally.
All for now {how 2 change text colour on mobile yall help}
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