#of much help so I just bought whatever thing was described as calming and I think that'll be that for today
iwonderwh0 · 13 days
You think if I go to ER after work and ask to give me something for anxiety instead of sleep (which I kinda already tried when the last time they decided to call me an ambulance just to be completely unhelpful) I have a chance of receiving any kind of medical intervention in what appears to be another long strike? I don't believe it, but maybe I should try anyway
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milaisreading · 8 months
5th times the charm?
Pairings: Itoshi Sae x Isagi's sister!Yn
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open. This is just a small Valentine's Day idea I had, since the day is approaching us quickly.
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura ⚽️
Ever since he could remember, Yoichi thought of of his sister as someone who could be described as a hopeless romantic at heart. And while that was something he really admired in (Y/n), her faith in love and finding the right person, it also worried him. He loved his sister a lot, she was a kind and very caring person, so he always wanted the best for her. He mainly wanted her to have a good partner, since finding one was always one of her goals, but Yoichi noted one thing about her crush and dating history. And that was, (Y/n) always seemed to find assholes as love interests. While he doesn't remember much about (Y/n)'s pre-school and elementary school, he would sometimes hear his mom and her talk about those things in the kitchen, a random memory popping out here and there. Middle school and high school was something he does remember pretty vividly the two times she would come home crying. Sure, back then he didn't know much about these things and would try to cheer (Y/n) up, but now that he is older he is more aware of these things. That's why he took it upon himself to keep his teammates away from (Y/n). They were good football players and friends, don't get Yoichi wrong, but he couldn't imagine them with his sister.
Then, to his horror, when his career took of in Re Al, he was confronted with the harsh truth that Sae Itoshi of all people asked (Y/n) out, to which she ended up agreeing! Yoichi tried to keep his opinion at the time to himself, not wanting to offend Sae. But, once the siblings were left alone, he warned his sister about dating him.
'Don't worry. I am sure this time it will be different.' Yoichi recalled her words, and he just hopes she was right. And if she wasn't, an accidental kick of the ball into Sae's face will help him calm down.
Looking at the digital clock, (Y/n) yawned as she read the time.
"Already 23:30... and I am not even done decorating this. I shouldn't have waited till last minute." She muttered to herself, looking down at the homemade chocolate and at some of the decorative items she bought the day before. It was the night before Valentine's Day and (Y/n) was doing her absolute best for the chocolate to turn out as good as possible. She really wanted to impress Sae with it, but also see his reaction. It's something she would do ever since she was little. Her mom would tell her to always look at how a guy will react to the little gifts, and make her judgement based on that. And well, so far (Y/n) faced disappointment after disappointment.
'Eww. The card looks stupid, and pink isn't even my favorite color! I am a boy, are you stupid?!'
(Y/n) flinched as she remembered one of the first boys she liked rip her Valentine's Day card into two and throw it at her. That was disappointment #1.
'I don't like this chocolate brand. Next time get me something else.' Safe to say she never looked at disappointment #2 again. Why were elementary school boys so into brand named chocolate? (Y/n) hummed as she mixed some blue and green into the white chocolate.
'The chocolate tastes nice, I didn't know you could cook or whatever. But, you aren't my type, thanks for the chocolate, tho.' Disappointment #3 came up in middle school. (Y/n) wasn't sure why she cried that day, possibly because he was the first guy she had a serious crush on? It was a mystery to her.
'I don't like girls like you. You are way too much of a high maintenance. And besides, I found someone else. She looks more like a football players girlfriend.' Disappointment #4 came along in her final year of high school. Oliver was someone she met by chance, he wasn't her classmate or anything. Just a boy she met at a local café she met and secretly dated for a while. (Y/n) knew je was someone who liked women, a lot, but she held out hope that he might change for her. Well, she came to realize that the hope was foolish.
(Y/n) bit back her tears as she put the chocolate into the fridge, her heart pounding in fear.
'Please, please be different.' She thought, praying that the 5th time will do the trick.
Now, Sae wasn't a romantic person and never really saw the appeal in relationships or acting all lovesick for another person. In his mind football and practice were the only things that should occupy him... until he became one of those lovesick individuals. Although he tried to hide it, and failed according to Rin and Yoichi, Sae was completely in love with the older Isagi sibling. Always being more gentle and mindful of his words around (Y/n), and doing his best to show off his skills in front of her when she would watch a Re Al match. So, to nobody's surprise, Sae spent 2 weeks preparing a gift for Valentine's Day for (Y/n), something Rin wouldn't let him live down if he found out.
'Hope she likes this.' Sae thought as he finished wrapping up the plush toy he found. It was a limited edition item he saw (Y/n) eyeing for a while, so he had to be fast and get it before it was sold out.
The next day, the two met up in a nearby park to exchange the gifts and go for a stroll through Madrid later.
"Happy Valentine's Day!" The two said at the same time, presenting their gifts in front of each other.
"Huh? You got me a gift as well?" (Y/n) raised an eyebrow as her heartbeat quickened, earning a nod from Sae.
"Of course."
"But, White day is-"
"I don't care. I will get you a gift for Valentine's Day and White Day." Sae shrugged as (Y/n)'s face turned red.
"You... you shouldn't do that." She argued, but the redhead shook his head to her words.
"No. I want to."
"O-oh..." (Y/n) felt like her heart was about to explode as she handed Sae the chocolate. Neatly wrapped in a pink and white package with a few heart stickers here and there. Sae kept quiet as he inspected the box after handing (Y/n) the gift he got her. The girl felt her heart sink for a moment when he didn't say anything, already fearing the worst.
'The colors are probably wrong-' Her thoughts got interrupted as she saw Sae smile softly and unwrapped the gift.
'He... He doesn't mind the colors?!' She gulped, hugging the gift closer to her form, watching as he took a bite from the chocolate.
"It's not much and not a brand-named item, but I hope you like it." (Y/n) said timidly as Sae raised an eyebrow.
"I don't care. This chocolate is better than any store bought I ever had. Can you make more when you have time?" Sae wondered, eating more as (Y/n) eyes widened in surprise.
"Y-you like it?! You want me to make more?" She asked, face getting redder as her heart was close to burst out of her chest.
"Of course. You made it. Why wouldn't I like it? I love it, actually." Sae smiled at the girl. There was a silence for a moment and (Y/n) felt a few tears escape her eyes, which caused Sae to panic and move closer to see what the issue was.
"Are you alright? I am sorry. Did I say something wrong?-"
"I love you." (Y/n) sobbed out, hugging Sae tightly. The player was taken aback for a moment, but quickly recovered and hugged her back as a small smile was formed on his face.
"Love you, too."
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paperweight91 · 1 month
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Promise Not to Promise Anymore
Pairing: Andy Barber x reader
Warnings: Drinking, mentions of cheating, angst
Word count: 2448
A/N: This is an idea that I’ve been struggling with for a while, I’m so glad I’ve finally been able to get the words to sort themselves out. Special thank you to @krirebr for helping me so much with the process. Without you literally nothing would ever be posted here 😂. (Yes I am aware that I barely post…I’m working on it!) Any feedback that you could leave would be really appreciated. ❤️
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The day had been uneventful, boring, normal. But something about the day had your skin crawling. You weren’t sure what had set you off, and yet here you were pacing. Something you only did when you were anxious.
Your phone chirped with another notification, probably one of your socials. Your anxiety had you reaching for it immediately. Seeing the name of your ex pop up on the screen had your stomach dropping immediately. Neither of you had reached out in months. The man who had blustered out of your life as fast as he had blustered in was texting you.
You threw the phone onto the couch without reading the notification. Sure you could find out immediately what he wanted if you actually read the text, instead you screamed into the throw pillow. Your mind began to run with all of the possibilities of why this man would choose now to text you. Did he want money? Was he dying? Was he texting just to let you know how little you meant to him?
The last one, it was definitely the last one.
You stood from the couch and glared at the small black rectangle that had ruined your otherwise boring day. Your phone chirped again, and you physically recoiled from the sound. Deciding a drink would help with whatever it was your ex wanted you dazedly walked to the kitchen. When you opened the fridge, your gaze immediately found the bottle of wine you had bought on a whim on the weekend. Something the lady at the grocery store had recommended since you looked so lost in the wine section. Grabbing the bottle and bypassing a glass was the best way to handle this conversation you decided.
You sat on the couch, taking a long pull from the neck of the bottle before reaching for your phone. Taking a deep breath to calm your nerves you unlocked the phone screen and tapped on the messages icon. There was his name in big bold letters: Andy. You hesitated as your finger hovered over the message, you could see his second message clearly Are you too busy to talk now? Maybe you could just not read it. Or read them and never respond. Or read them and respond later.
You hated every single one of those options, because you knew as soon as you opened these messages you’d be responding immediately. You took another long pull from your bottle, and placed the phone back down beside you. You needed your mind to stop. The thinking, the over-thinking, it was too much. You flipped on the TV to distract yourself and curled up like a cat. Your phone chirped again from under a throw pillow, and you pointedly ignored it.
You weren’t ready to deal with Andy. You had thought when he ended things that you would never hear from him again. Devastated. That was the only word you could use to describe how you felt after he left. You still didn’t even understand why he had ended things, only that he clearly hadn’t felt as strongly as you did about him.
There was another chirp that had you sighing and grabbing for your phone. You had to deal with it, or he wouldn’t stop. That was Andy. You pulled up the messages anticipating at least a double text, but completely unprepared for all the messages he had sent you,
I know this is out of the blue, but I need to speak to you.
Are you too busy to talk now?
Please Honey, I need to talk to you.
It’s important.
Of course, the man could double text you, but would refuse to supply what he actually wanted to speak to you about. You typed out several potential responses before deciding on something polite but to the point.
Andy, I can talk. What’s going on?
You didn’t have to wait long for Andy’s equally to the point response.
Can I call you?
You stared at the message for a moment. You knew you couldn’t hear his voice, it would take you right back to where you were. All those months ago when he broke your heart. All the hurt, and the anger, it would be right there.
As you debated what to say, your phone began to ring. The man had absolutely no patience. You stared at his name, and without thinking answered the phone.
“Hello…” You sat and waited for him to say his peace, how bad could it be.
”Honey, I’m sorry.” You shuddered as Andy’s voice came through the phone. You forgot how his deep timbre had always made you feel comforted, and safe, and warm. “How are you doing? I know I shouldn’t be…I don’t…Are you okay?”
You hesitated before you answered. Months ago you would’ve known exactly what to say to Andy to make him feel better. Now it felt like you were talking to a stranger. “I’m fine Andy. Why are you hammer messaging me?”
Andy chuckled lightly, and you smiled at the lilting notes. “You haven’t changed.” Your eye twitched at that comment. “I just, I needed to hear your voice, Honey.”
”So you messaged me repeatedly?” You could hear the annoyance in your tone, which meant that Andy could hear it ten times louder.
“You’re right, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done this…” Andy trailed off and sighed. You huffed and pulled the phone away from your ear for a moment so you could murmur your annoyance to yourself.
”Just say it Andy, why did you reach out? Why are we on the phone?” You pulled at the threads on the throw pillow under your arm.
“I miss you.”
You felt the air leave your lungs. You couldn’t have heard him right. He missed you? No, no he was dying, or broke, or literally anything else.
“You-what?” You spluttered out the only thought that came to your mind.
Andy chuckled nervously, “I miss you. I miss your smile, and your laugh. I miss the way your forehead pinches when you’re focused. I miss the way you would take care of me. The moment I ended things? I knew I had made a mistake, and so I told myself that it was kinder to you, to just move on.”
You sat there in silence, shocked at his sudden declarations. “Why, why did you end things? What happened? Andy, I loved you so much, and then out of nowhere you just up and ended things.”
You heard Andy sigh on the other end of the phone. You could picture him scrubbing his hand down his face and scratching at the beard hairs on his chin. His nervous habit. “I got scared, I think.” He chuckled again, “I know it’s not a good excuse…”
You rolled your eyes. “That’s a terrible excuse Andy. What scared you? That I loved you? That I wanted to be a part of your life? Please tell me, what exactly scared you so badly that you ended the best relationship I’ve ever had?”
You slapped a hand over your mouth. You hadn’t meant to let all of that out.
There was a long drawn out silence. “I think it was how strongly I felt about you. I was…scared of what that meant. Before I met you I thought I knew what love was. I was sure I had felt it. But once that feeling truly hit me? I couldn’t actually function.” Andy sighed again, “This isn’t coming out right.”
You took another long pull off of your bottle of wine. You let Andy’s words roll over in your mind. Could he actually be telling the truth? His love for you was so strong that he got scared. It just didn’t seem right, there was something else, there had to be.
“So what you’re saying is, our love was too much for you?” Your tone rang with annoyance and a little bit of desperation. You remembered any time you had tried to get something out of Andy that he didn’t want to tell you, how carefully you’d have to tread, otherwise he would shut down. As much as you wanted to tell him off, end the call and block his number forever. There was still a part of you that needed to know the real reason, so before Andy could respond you continued. “Andy, as much as I love this game of cat and mouse we’re playing, where it’s like pulling teeth to get information out of you,” You heard him softly chuckle on the other end of the line, “I just need the truth, maybe it will hurt me, maybe it won’t but I need it.”
There was a long silence on the line. Although it made you nervous and want to say something to fill it, you sat and sipped on your slowly warming wine while you waited for his response. Your bluntness would have one of two effects: either he would fold and tell you what you wanted, no needed to know, or he would shut down and it would be months, if ever, before you heard from him again.
His heavy sigh preceded his response, “You’re right, and wrong.” He paused as if he was gathering his thoughts. “It is true that the feeling of love between us scared me, but it’s also that it scared me so much that…”
”That what?” You knew what he was going to say, felt it deep within your soul. Your heart was about to be broken by Andy Barber once again, and what was worse, you had practically asked him to do it this time.
”I slept with someone else. It only happened once, but it was before I ended things.”
“I see.” It was all you could get out. You could feel the twisting in your chest again, the anger burning behind your eyes, the tears welling and choking you with their strength.
”I’m so sorry Honey. As soon as it was over I knew I had fucked up. But I also knew if that I couldn’t be with you still, it wasn’t fair to you.” You could hear the pleading in his voice, and it only made the anger burn stronger. Like his words had lit a match and poured kerosene over top.
“So you called me now, to…what? Make yourself feel better?” Your breathing was hard, almost panting in your anger.
”I don’t know why I’m calling. I just know that I’ve regretted that decision ever since. I miss what you brought to my life: the pure joy, the love I could feel down to my core.” Andy’s voice was strained. It was only then that you realized he was crying.
”Are you drunk Andy?” It was the only time you had ever seen him cry, when he had one too many with the boys after work.
”No, I swear. I promise Honey, I haven’t had a drink tonight.”
You took another sip of wine. Contemplating the truth in Andy’s words, the burn of his betrayal. This was just too much.
“Well I’m glad you’ve finally told me the truth Andy. Even if it is months later.” You hugged your throw pillow to your chest as you prepared yourself to say the words that you knew would hurt him as much as they would hurt you. “I can’t forgive you, for any of it. Please, just leave me alone.”
Before you could second guess your decision, you hung up the phone. You stared blankly at the TV screen, not even remembering what you had put on in the first place. What shook you from your reverie was a dull thud from your door. Like someone had just planted their forehead against it.
You stood and quickly crossed the room to check what the noise was. It was only once your hand was on the handle you knew: Andy. You unlocked the door, and twisted the handle slowly, knowing the man who had destroyed you not once, but twice was standing on the other side.
When your eyes connected with his, you could feel all of the love, joy and affection come flooding back. It took everything within you to not jump into his arms and sob until you had nothing left. Instead you gripped the doorframe like it was the only thing holding you up.
”Honey…” Andy’s voice was just above a whisper, so quiet that you weren’t even sure you heard it. His hands reached out and thumbed at the tears quietly streaming down your face. “Oh Honey, I’m so sorry.”
With that he pulled you against his chest. You could smell the high end cologne he wore to work, and the underlying scent of pure Andy. The warmth of his chest and his arms wrapping around your back had you losing all control. You sobbed with abandon into his neck, no words leaving your lips. Andy scooped you up and walked you both into your apartment. Using his foot to shut the door behind him.
He sat down on your couch, with you tucked against his chest and began murmuring quietly to you. You couldn’t make out most of it, but did catch the odd word. “Shh Honey.” “I know, I’m so sorry.” “Just let it out, okay?”
When you finally felt like you could cry no more, you pulled your face from Andy’s neck. You could feel how swollen your eyes were, in fact your whole face felt puffy. “I still don’t forgive you.”
Andy let out a full belly laugh at your meekly spoken words. To which you glared at him and crossed your arms across your chest.
”Okay, okay.” He wheezed in a breath, “I’m sorry Honey. Please just give me a chance to make it up to you. Even if that means I don’t get to feel your love again, let me just try to make this right.”
You reached out and stroked his cheek. Feeling his soft skin contrast with the roughness of his beard. You could see the dark circles under his eyes, see the grayness of his skin. “I need time Andy.”
He sighed, and let his eyes flutter shut. “Of course Honey, whatever you need.”
You reluctantly stood from his embrace, “Please leave Andy, I’ll call you when I’m ready.”
He nodded solemnly. Andy stood, he moved to hug you, but you took a few steps out of his reach. He nodded again before heading for the door.
”Honey?” His back was still to you.
”I still love you, more than anything. And I promise to do everything I can to show you that.”
”Andy, maybe we should both promise not to promise anymore.”
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Taglist: @stargazingfangirl18 @krirebr @rebeccapineapple @precious1610 @bval-1 @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @thezombieprostitute
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movedtolilmouzee · 1 year
Sup, how are you? Are your requests open? If so can I request a NSFW+Fluff with Suga, Asahi, Tendou and Nishinoya with a s/o who adore and worship every part of them and want to make them feel loved?
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𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔬𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱?
𝘚𝘮𝘶𝘵, 𝘍𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧, 𝘕𝘢𝘩𝘰𝘺𝘢 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘩 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱, 𝘈𝘴𝘢𝘩𝘪 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘣𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘰𝘮, 𝘉𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘫𝘰𝘳.
(Zee's note- Hello, Hello. I'm ok, I started my new job and have been absolutely busy for the past few weeks but I'm using the time off I have to catch up with requests, but anyway hope your well and hydrated. Enjoy <3.)
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Suga is loved by everyone in the community, he's seen as such a sweet person, always kind and caring and all around the perfect person if you need someone to cheer to you up. Many describe suga as the perfect dream boyfriend to have and you can confirm that. Even though suga can seem to be shy and like he wouldn't know where to begin with sex but suga loves keeping that image about himself and surprising whoever his current partner.
Surprise you is exactly what suga did, he seemed to know every weak spot on your body. Placing soft kisses on your neck trailing them down your stomach, all around your thighs. Suga loves oral, mainly giving but he doesn't mind receiving. Suga thrives on the sounds you make, you sound so angelic, moaning sugas name while he pushes his fingers inside you, slowly dragging them against your gummy walls, his tongue making quick work until you cum in his mouth, spitting apologies as suga smiles watching you.
Suga loves coming home from practice and tournaments to just relax with you. Candles light around the house, making it smell of whatever new one you bought. Suga loves going on adventures. Getting out of the house and going where ever but at tines he'd rather just sit at home and let his body recalculate.
It's even better when you snuggle up next to him, ask him if he needs anything or just sit by him and play on your phone. Even if you and suga sit in silence for hours, he's happy just having having near him. During these more calming days suga will find a short new series to binge watch with you, having snacks and drinks ready and available, suga almost always falls asleep either before or after you do.
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It's no secret Asahi has some anxiety and worries pretty much everyday, it could be about the simplest things that he can't control but will stress about. The only times Asahi isn't worrying is when you happily agree to top him, letting him lay on the couch, looking up at you with a soft smile. Now don't get me wrong, Asahi is a soft service dom, he loves being in control but it's nice to switch up the routine, a nice breath of fresh air. Asahi is such a loud moaner too, he used to hate it and hide it until you asked him to you hear and now he's like a radio for you.
Now as I said, it's not surprise Asahi gets nervous a lot, and most of time he can't help but wonder if you ever get tired of him and his brain. Asahi doesn't like asking you if you've ever gotten annoyed with him because you could give him a pity answer but he finds so much comfort in you. Anytime you offer ideas, plans, dates, even ask him something that redirects his way of thinking gives him comfort. Asahi will have the confidence to tell you someday, don't worry.
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This absolute little shithead demon has such an obsession with stuffing every hole possible with his cum. He doesn't care if he's gonna be late, hasn't eaten yet, nothing can stop this man from getting what he wants. It's even worse when you've you've bratty and practically demanded for his attention, he'll force you to walk around with his cum dripping onto your clothes, even going as far to make you send pictures just so he knows you've behaved.
Now tendou is like chaotic neutral in my opinion, always being the life of the party, trying to lighten anyone who may be in a mood. He's often found weird, too loud, noisey and not liked by many which may seem like it doesn't bother him but at the end of the day the words do stick with him.
He doesn't tell anyone of these worries and how it affects him but he finds a lot pf comfort when you start to match how excited, goofy, or happy he is. Adding onto the jokes, making stupid poses, makes tendou happy that someone doesn't just find him too outgoing or crazy.
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Nishinoya has so much energy and stamina. Too much for his own good and this follows him even into sex. He can go for hours, while just having small breaks. He understands when you say no and can't keep going, a bit sad he'll happily clean you up, cuddle and give you all the forehead kisses you can ask for.
Offering to let him use your thighs while you fall asleep makes him the happiest person alive, he ask you if your sure a thousand times before pulling his boxers down and quickly laying your plush thighs around his cock, trying to keep a slow pace but almost immediately speeding up feeling the pleasure it's giving him.
Now volleyball is an important part of his life, he knows it could lead him to something bigger then he could dream of, so he often finds himself getting so focused in the sport that he neglects every other important aspect in his life, school being one of them.
Nahoya is so so so thankful when you offer to help him catch up with things. Helping him study for test and all around just being with him for support. He feels awful when you stay up late and pass our from exhaustion but he's so thankful for you and will happily go to the ends of the earth just to find whatever you want.
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🤔🕸️🍭 please
Honey and Syrup - Sweet Bob Taylor Headcanons
Warnings: Too much sweetness to handle (I hope!) 🥰
Notes: This boy needs more love and the movie should've shown him more it's criminal- anyway these ended up being a bit romantic-coded and readery at times so I hope that's okay, thanks so much for the request 💗💗💗
despite growing up tasting poison on his tongue all his life, kissing him tastes like honey and syrup, something he doesn't understand
his touches are gentle, careful, afraid to hurt the way he was even though he could never hurt a fly
he loves rubbing his thumb over wherever his hand is resting on you, or combing his fingers lightly through your hair, the movements keeping them and his brain busy from things that might upset him and focusing on what matters to him
if you're close enough he can never help but let his lips brush over whichever part of you is closest, not to kiss but to just feel you there and get a taste of the calmness you radiate
he always asks permission before doing anything even if it's just sharing space on the couch, although if it's something he does enough times it starts to come more naturally
he commits everything he likes to memory, and although sometimes it gets a little lost when his anxiety starts to flare up he'll just shut his eyes and find his way back again until he calms down
this includes info about you, like how you like your tea and what your favourite movie is, which he bought the last time he was out so you could watch together when you visit
he enjoys the moments when his compulsion fades away, when the need to just hold a pencil in his hand or trace shapes on his leg is enough to stop him from adding more to the walls
he finds comfort in routine, something familiar he can do without thinking, and having someone there with him to help never fails to bring a smile to his face
he's afraid of cuddling at first, not wanting to be clingy and scare you away, but after a while he opens up more, wraps his arms around you and holds you tight until he feels safe
he feels safest in your arms though, his hand always finding your own and lacing your fingers together to let him know you're still there
he's used to flavourless things, buying whatever protein-filled thing is cheapest to stockpile because it's easy and cooking can become too much for him, so getting to steal your snacks becomes a guilty pleasure (you don't mind but he's always convinced he shouldn't be eating this much sugar before dinner)
he doesn't enjoy being outside unless he has to be, but a trip to the lake far away from town where the water is just warm enough to swim and the air is filled with the scents of the surrounding food trucks and the salty air of the beach makes him realize that maybe it isn't so bad, but that could also be because you're there to make sure he knows how it feels to live, not just exist
when he's at his most content he can't help but smile to himself over nothing, hands still for once as he gets a moment of reprieve from his past
shopping with him for things to fill his apartment with is almost a hassle, he can talk himself out of anything that doesn't aid the public illusion that He's Okay and Functional, but after he impulse buys a mug that makes him think of you he starts to get it, just a little bit
he's thankful every day that you don't have a problem with his mazes or his compulsion, even when he's at his worst and he draws until his fingers are darkly stained with smudged ink he can't help but thank you for not getting mad, for patiently letting him finish
he doesn't have his own taste in music, preferring to listen to whatever you recommend to him because it reminds him of you while everything else can always loop around to something unpleasant in his brain
he loves the slow songs the most, the ones that sing about love and how they all seem to perfectly describe how he feels about you, but the fast ones that get you both to hold hands and dance around the room are a lot of fun too, you're the only one who can get him to dance and enjoy himself freely
buying and sleeping in a proper bed makes him feel small for the first few nights, like he doesn't fill the space despite his size, but having you next to him and getting to smell your presence left behind on your pillow and in the blankets makes it feel more like home
he thinks that you might be the reason why his mouth stops tasting like poison and more like honey and syrup as he cups your cheek and kisses you, savouring the way your smile spreads to his own lips along with your sweetly flavoured chapstick
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afyrian · 5 months
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ch. seven - the underwater savior masterlist
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    you secure goggles around your nose and eyes, setting the snorkel in your mouth and dunking your head under the water. it feels refreshing as the water surrounds you. covering you from head to toe, and giving you a view that so many could only wish to see.
  seaweed covers the sandy floor, a patch of coral a few meters down from you. you let out a breath as you look at the fish swimming around the reef. some are an orange, some blue, but all eye catching. 
  like instinct, you grab the disposable, waterproof camera from your wrist. you start to take some photos of the sea life, hoping you could even catch sight of a sea turtle. the camera in your hands just bring you back to when you used to do so with your dad. him having bought your first camera, first snorkeling set. he was part of a lot of your firsts on your journey to become a marine biologist.
  even if you can't smile with the mouthpiece in, you can't help but love the time you spent together. so much so that you didn't even notice how far out you had swam. the coral reefs are larger and from afar you can see a whitetip reef shark. it's relatively small right now, likely young and in search of some food. it seems so peaceful right now, you staring out as you hope to calm yourself down a little. 
  even if you are a bit farther out, you know that anything at this level is something you've seen. if it's a shark, you know that your likelihood of being attacked is rather fairly low. and the rest of the fish in your area are rather sweet towards you every time you go snorkeling. with these reminders, your heartbeat slowing as you begin to swim back towards the shallower parts. 
  however, you don't get very far before feeling a sharp sting along your leg, pain shooting from your ankle to your knee. as an instinct, you let out a scream, forgetting about the snorkel that is in your mouth. water sucks into your mouth as the snorkel is sucked into the waves. you try to paddle out of the water, the extreme pain in your leg causing your swimming to become erratic.
  your able to bring your head up out of the water, "help!"
  the thrashing only seems to attract the sea life as your body weight seemingly doubles under the pain of the sting. and for moment, your eyes open under the water, a large fish tail seemingly swimming around you. it's swift, moving around you quickly. however, it doesn't take you long to close your eyes, the water's composition burning your eyes. 
  you don't remember passing out, losing sight of whatever is around you. but you certainly do remember waking up to someone kneeling over you. his eyes are focused on yours and his face is fairly close. you remember coughing up what can only be described as a burning sensation. your ears fill like they're still filled and your nose is filled with water. 
  "you're gonna be okay, really, you're gonna be okay," he says over and over, grappling his phone as he calls for the emergency services. 
  "you just gotta wait, they'll be here any time," you can finally tell who's standing over you, akaashi.
  his hair is only slightly damp, still looking as it normally does. the light runs around his head like an angelic halo that only makes you think of the light at the end of the tunnel. truthfully, it would be nice to see his face before dying. "akaashi.."
  "an ambulance is on its way, you're going to be okay l/n. trust me, it's going to be okay. you took on a lot of water, and your leg will need to be checked out. but you'll be okay," your mind clears up as he explains the situation, his eyes the only thing you can focus on.
  you lean up, feeling more water and whatever was in your lunch expelling into the sand. you hunch over the sand and let yourself cough up any other nasty stuff that you hope to no longer have within. "thank.." you try to thank akaashi, but the words are hoarse and it just leads to more coughing. 
  "it's okay, i'm just happy i was here to help," he goes to soothe you by rubbing your back, but notices the precipitation on your back and instead looks in the direction of the paramedics, "they're here, i can come with if you want me to."
  you nod quickly, knowing that you want someone familiar with you. someone who you now know will save your life if they can. "she was drowning after being stung, so i was able to resuscitate, but it's still affecting her," akaashi tries to explain to the paramedics, watching as they carry you onto a stretcher.
  as they start carrying you towards the ambulance, you reach your hand out and grab akaashi's. only barely noticing the dryness of his clothing. not a drop of water seems to be on the item of clothing, your eyes squinting quickly from a heavy migraine.
  "thank you," you try to get out once more, only stopping when the paramedics set an oxygen mask on you.
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a/n: don’t know how i feel about it but, i hope you like it! taglist: @zombriesworld
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Thoughts on doing an euphoria make up on j
Kurt while sitting in his lap (can be nsfw or sfw)
I don’t really know what euphoria make up means sorry, but doing Kurt’s make up? Hell yeah!
Also lmfao halfway through doing this I was like ‘hmm this feels familiar’ and I had a whole drabble already done, just not edited, about this exact thing 😂
He’d probably want you to do it as a ‘girlfriend does my make up challenge’ for his YouTube. Promoting it constantly on his socials, with tiktoks of all the make up you two bought. Instagram posts teasing his looks.
Kurt loves it, because not only does he get to be super close to you, and having you touching him at all times. But the entire session is just filled with you praising him! Telling him how pretty he looks before. Telling him how pretty he looks as you’re working. Telling him how pretty he is when you’re done! “Pretty boy..!” Becomes his new lifestyle. And you praise him for being so good the entire time. Not moving, even when you have to sit on him, or lay on him. Not being too ticklish, even as you brush at his nose. Calling him brave for keeping his eyes open and steady as you applied eyeliner and mascara, since you knew he was nervous about having you poking about near his eyes.
Kurt thinks your eyelash extender is scary though, says he always thinks it looks like a torture device whenever you pick it up. You decide to go with fake lashes instead. Kurt really wants jewels though! He wants those ones people put at the corner of their eyes, and when you suggest some glitter on the eyeshadow, he gets so excited! You put in your own opinions, on what might work, but Kurt’s the one to come in with all the ideas of what he wants to look like, by the end of his video. He really did plan it out! And, you very much enjoyed yours and Kurt’s shopping spree to go buy all the make up things you two could think of. He bought whatever you wanted, for your personal make up use, too of course. Just throw it in the basket! No problem babe, that’s what he does. You two are a couple! :)
It is very cute the way Kurt scrunches his face up when you tickle him. You’re laughing even as you tell him to hold still, applying maybe more setting power to his nose than necessary, because it was just too precious.
When he wrinkles his nose, you ‘aww’ down at him, asking “Are you gonna sneeze? Like a cute little kitten?” Kurt’s lightly shoving your hand away, delicately brushing at his nose, as he laughs at you to “Shut up.” Both of you laughing in front of the camera. Even though he won’t lie, having you on top of him cooingly calling him a kitten was doing things to his poor heart.
Kurt tries to describe what you’re doing, although he sort of gives up and let’s you take the reigns in the technical department, when he keeps getting things wrong. Although he always covers it with a “-the thingy! Yeah I knew- that’s what I meant, totally. Glad we’re on the same page babe!” His never ceasing enthusiasm always charming you.
Kurt almost falls asleep at your soft touches, as you’re constantly holding his face. Your hands even on his shoulders, or hair. Stroking his hair when you place your hand there, as you work. It takes everything in him, if he’s consciously aware he wants to doze off, not to collapse into your neck and nuzzle reverently into you, so he can nap.
Although at one point, when you were on top of him and he was flat on his back, you genuinely only rested your hand on his neck for balance, and to hold him still, with an authoritative “Quit moving” then a crooning “Good boy.” You only kinda realised what you’d just done, as you were holding him by the neck, when Kurt was staring up at you, so awed, and eyes massive.
That was the point he suggested you two take a small break, turning off his camera for just five minutes to calm down. He knew if he asked for your help down there instead, he probably wouldn’t get the video done, or he’d by tearing up and washing your beautiful make up away. So he had to focus on his video, his work! He knew you were going to fuck him when he was all dolled up in his pretty make up anyway, so he was able to calm himself down well enough.
Whenever you lick your finger to get rid of smudged make up, it makes him go red every time. You just don’t want him to burn and melt off your masterpiece, before it’s even done. Swiping your licked thumb over the edge of his lips though, you should’ve known would’ve caused him to whine. Maybe with some slight audio editing skills, that clip can still be useable. You’re sure Kurt will love it, not only as shipping bait for his fans to make edits of and such, but to also show off you, getting your spit on his lips on purpose! He thought people would go wild.
It’s intimate in many ways. An act of love, as you share this skill with him, help him out, do something to him you do nearly every day yourself. He can feel what you feel, understand your thoughts behind it, how and why you do certain things. Intimate because he’s so close and touchy with you. Domestic yes, and in a ‘one of Kurt’s top love languages is physical touch for a multitude of reasons’ way. Also he tries not to think of your boobs, resting against him a lot. He doesn’t normally think about when they are, in every instance of a hug or close touch, simply since he’s so used to your touch by now, now you two are a couple. Which is just a normal thing, since you’re together! But when you’re there for ageeees, with your chest pressed against him for minutes and minutes at a time, because you’re focusing hard on his make up, the thought does pop into his mind.
But there’s also so much praise back at you! “B-baby you are so good at this. I don’t know how I’d remember all this stuff.” Trying to hold your free hand that you’re tying to pin him down with. Getting fidgety when you keep moving your hand away to hold him and get better angles. Although while he is whining a little because you keep taking your hand out of his! ...You do always place your hand right back on his body. So maybe swapping a hand hold, so you can pick up his chin between your thumb and forefinger, and start breathing down his neck, as you start his lip liner, is an okay compromise. He’ll still whimper, when his lips are free from your reign, since he doesn’t want to get menacingly stared down by you again (not right now anyway, that can be saved for later), and give you a “Thank you for helping me. You’re doing such a coo- good job. You really th- are the best girlfriend, ever.”
At least he gets to hold you back, the entire time. His hands are free! He can hold you however he wants, and you’re still so close to him! Chest to chest in some positions, while he can’t help but hug your waist, and try not to sway in happiness at the same time.
He tells all his viewers how skilled you are. How he sees you do your make up nearly every day, and how he always just likes watching you, being so proud of your skills. A fact that makes you blush, biting down on your own lipstick. Quickly followed up by Kurt, half smoothly, even with the cringy statement, telling you “You’re beautiful, with or without make up.” And even though it is cheesy, your laugh doesn’t change his lovestruck but serious face. So you just have to peck him anyway! You can’t mess up his lipstick though. Might as well give him another peck before you reapply it. Although Kurt asks, in a stammering suavey way, if it’s possible for you to just put lipstick on him by transferring it from your lips? Something that gets another laugh, and kiss, out of you.
But although Kurt doesn’t really care much about make up, outside of videos, he definitely wants you sometimes to just sit on his lap and use those blank brushes and sponges against his face. He likes the feeling, the peace, holding you close as you focus just so purely on him. And they really do feel kinda nice.
He might ask for funny face paint if he wants an excuse for the feeling, maybe he can do a scary prank video with zombie make up? Although you do warn him that’s not exactly your forte. And you do... lightly question if he thinks certain ‘scary pranks’ are the best idea. He still credits you as ‘make up artist’ in his videos with make up effects though, and in the description he links your socials. Which makes you smile because he didn’t tell you he was gonna do that, he clearly just thought of it. In a scenario where you’re happy for him to share them, of course.
Kurt gets a little more into experimenting though. Not his top priority, and not something he’s that much into, but he doesn’t mind being curious if something makes him tilt his head first. He’ll see guys with certain make up additions, and ask you to try it out on him. He might have you manicure his nails, and paint them clear, or one or two on each hand painted a certain colour, like a yellow or blue of his brand, but it’s not an everyday occurrence. (Especially if he’s constantly scrubbing blood out those fingernails what.)
Of course, Kurt would do any make up you’d like, on you too! You don’t ask a lot, but he enjoys painting your nails for you if you ask. And he’s giggling the entire time. Kicking his feet and chatting with you, as he gets to hold your hands, and carefully focuses. Doing such a good job and being such a good boyfriend, as he makes your nails look all pretty! Just like you asked of him!
He thinks the black eyeliner you do makes him look kinda cool, maybe he could’ve worn it to fit in with some of the punks in high school. Those guys were never that cruel or ignorant towards Kurt, compared to some others. He uses it for skits occasionally when he’s playing the badass, since that’s apparently how he sees them. But he always insists you do his make up for him, no matter what it is. Even if he has to put his video off for a day or two.
Even before the first time you did his make up, Kurt has half of your used lip balms in the pockets of his jacket that he always rewears, the glovebox of his car, on his person, etc. He likes using chapstick, he likes the way they make his lips feel, and the flavoured ones, but especially knowing you’ve used it. You do get kinda annoyed when you can never find them though. You gave Kurt one of yours when he mentioned his lips being dry (that was after kissing him, because you thought it was a flirty way of him asking), but you didn’t know he kept collecting them.
One thing is a definite, however. And that is you two will be recreating that picture. With you on top, of course.
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kurisus · 2 years
Chapter 101 thoughts
I found this chapter to be kinda uneventful (which is great for me seeing as I'm still reeling from the last two), but I still have a few things I wanted to talk about. Spoilers under the cut.
It seems like Kazuma has calmed down and shaken off GGS for the time being, but I don't think we're totally out of the woods yet. His numerous death flags aside, he got smacked at the end of a pretty big chapter. Not only was it the 100th, it was the start of the final arc. Plus Mizuchi said she meant business when she got him, which also means...She wasn't aiming to kill when she attacked heaven? Even though she's covered in blood from that? She put her hand through a whole guy.
I think Kazuma's bought himself some time, so while I'm less worried I'm not ready to be optimistic about his future. Because in thinking about it, more occurs to me: Whatever happens to Kazuma at the end of the series may likely indirectly affect Yukine and Nana, as well. They're all hafuri, they're all nora, they've all been hit by GGS. If Yato has to unname Kazuma to save his life, what will happen if trash dad revokes the name of Hagusa? The name Yato gave Yukine is cracked through, so it follows he'd also have to release Yukine to save him. If Nana isn't impervious to GGS like we previously assumed, Bishamon would have to unname her to save her life.
For now, it's kind of looking like the three of them will all share the same fate, whether that's a good or bad thing. I can't explain it, really, but they're all pretty similar to one another and all going through the same thing. In any case, I'm 99.9% confident Yukine won't be dying (again) in this series as it would serve no purpose, narratively or otherwise, so with any luck neither will Kazuma :^)
Anyway, considering trash dad's reaction to Mizuchi implying she was holding back, can't wait for him to find out she's been getting the Hiyori Therapy Treatment. I'm sure he's going to be thrilled to hear that. Kick his ass, girl.
"This has been quite a day" "And it's about to get worse" reminded me that the events of the last, like...15 chapters have all been happening in a single day, and probably the rest of the series will continue to happen on this day. Oh, boy. That makes me exhausted to think about. Everyone needs a nice, long nap. Even trash dad! But his can be in hell <3
Speaking of, more Father backstory crumbs, and they're just as confusing as the last few times. It looks like Kaya was someone who helped heal him after he nearly died, and he returned the favor to the rest of the village after coming back from Yomi, so they all started worshipping him.
I guess the thing that's confusing me is that this story is being told by someone who (a) wasn't there for any of the events he's describing and (b) views Father in a much more positive light than the rest of the cast. How do we know that this is true, and not just what Father has made them believe?
I know we're all pointing and laughing at bald Father but I really do wonder why he didn't have hair. Did he shave it because of his faith? Yet it doesn't seem like he really believes in Buddhism, despite dressing the part. Maybe it was just a way to make himself seem harmless/trustworthy, yet he seemed to have dropped the disguise at some point anyhow because he was shown with a full head of hair in Yomi.
Anyway, Take has finally grown bored of listening and wants to hit things with his sword. (Relatable.) I think either he will be physically stopped, by Ebisu or the gravekeeper, or his attack will trigger some kind of booby trap. They're in a very weird, liminal space, and I would not at all be surprised if Father had something in place to prevent people from killing him once they found it--after all, a previous incarnation of Ebisu visited there and died.
I also wonder if Father could be alerted to someone trying to attack his grave and make his way there. Guess we'll see!
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themorphine · 3 years
A Shot of Love (Feysand)
Fandom: ACOTAR
Ship: Feysand
Type: Fluff and a tiny tiny bit of angst <33
Premise: Feyre gets a flu shot and Rhys is the doctor :))
TW: mentions and kinda describing? of needles
Goddamnit how could I be so stupid?
This was a question that Feyre asked herself many times, but this time she really meant it. Today was her appointment for her flu shot.
Her parents who were now dead hadn’t even bothered to come when she was younger, so she and her sisters had to go get the shots themselves.
She had partied all night with her friends Mor and Lucien, celebrating surviving the fucking week. She hadn’t had that much fun in a really long time, but the aftermath was not fun at all.
She had woken tangled with Mor and Lucien, a pounding headache, and she could feel her pulse in her right eyelid. Just fucking great. She managed to disentangle herself from the two and padded toward the kitchen.
It was while she was getting some milk for her coffee that she saw the post-it note on the fridge door:
Flu Shot appointment on Nov 11 at 3 pm DON’T BE LATE FEYRE OML- Past Feyre
Feyre scrambled to find her watch; it was the first thing she had bought when she left Tamlin. It reminded her that time was hers now, that she could do whatever she wanted in the day now that she was finally free from that asshole.
2:00 pm.
Shit fucking shit-.
Feyre scrambled as she tried to shower and dress quickly, shrugging on some sweats and a random t-shirt that probably smelled like shit. Oh well, she thought, it's better than nothing.
She could hear Mor and Lucien groaning as they were beginning to wake, so Feyre put some Advil and water on her side table for them and rushed out the door.
It was 2:20 by the time Feyre was out the door, the wind biting around her skin. She had forgotten to check the weather and was severely underdressed. She could feel the pedestrians staring at her, some of them with admiration. She snorted and walked on in the chilly November air, praying to god that she would get to her appointment on time.
Feyre barely made it to her appointment.
It was 2:58 and the receptionist was glaring daggers at her but led a huffing Feyre to the room where she was to wait from the doctor. She sank onto the stool, noticing it was a bit wobbly. She tried to even out her breath. Just because she had started training after leaving Tamlin, it didn’t mean her legs were used to running non-stop. She made a mental note to talk to trainer Cassian about running.
She checked her found, and found millions of messages from Mor and Lucien, asking where the hell she was. Getting a Flu-Shot she replied, and their group chat exploded with needle and random emojis and Feyre rolled her eyes. She loved her friends.
As she was putting her phone in her pocket when the door opened, and a man she presumed started talking.
“Hello- “
Feyre’s stool broke the minute their eyes met. She fell to the floor, the cheap IKEA stool falling apart. It was kind of ironic that the stool collapsing could perfectly capture where her mind was the minute she saw the doctor's face.
She felt the pain shooting up her legs a second later, and she hissed. Tiles were not the ideal floor to fall on. She could feel her cheeks flaming.
He was all high cheekbones and strong jaw, with inky blue hair and gods those made Feyre’s knees weak. Well, weaker than they were from the fall. They were an impossible violet, like a night sky, calm and quiet.
His smirk, however, did not radiate calm in quiet. The feelings that aroused from Feyre were neither calm nor quiet as well. It aroused annoyance.
She scowled and purposefully ignored the hand the doctor had held out; she didn’t need the prick's help. She didn’t need anyone’s help.
“Well, I’ve never had a patient fall for me.” The man said in a voice as smooth as silk. Bastard.
“I’ve never had a doctor be so rude to their patients. Where is Doctor Nuit? She’s my usual doctor.” Feyre replied, her voice full of annoyance and a hint of curiosity. Doctor Nuit was her usual doctor, why wasn’t she here?
The man’s face instantly crumpled for a split second before he recomposed himself. Feyre wondered if she imagined his face looking sad, the impossible white flecks in his eyes, like stars, winking out.
“Dr. Nuit was my mother, but she passed away one year ago.” He said it in a polite monotone, but Feyre could see the sadness in his eyes. She wanted to hold his hand, hug him, do something to make him feel better, but she didn’t know what.
“I’m sorry. If it makes you feel better, I can relate, both my parents died some time ago.” She didn’t know why she said the last bit, that was something she kept close and guarded. But this man was loosening her heart up bit by bit, and she didn’t know if she liked or hated it. Probably like hate.
“I’m sorry to hear that Ms. Archeron.” She suppressed a shiver at the way his voice curled around her last name. Damn this prick/doctor was driving Feyre mad.
“Feyre. Feyre Archeron.” She blurted out, and mentally cursed herself.
Dr. Nuit smiled and responded with “Rhysand. Rhysand Nuit. But my friends call me Rhys.” Rhysand. That name fit him. He was li-
JUST GET THE FLU SHOT FEYRE, she told herself. All she was here for was a flu shot. Simple.
“Now can we get on with the doctoring stuff? I have stuff to do.” Feyre added impatiently. Admittedly she did not, but he didn’t have to know that.
Rhysand chuckled and started preparing the needle.
Feyre didn’t mind needles; she has iron deficiency, so the frequent blood tests made her indifferent to them.
“Left or right arm?” he asked, his voice pulling Feyre out of her thoughts. His voice was smoo-
Um. What?
“Left or right arm? For the flu shot.” Shit. She must have said that aloud as well as in her mind. Damn this man.
“Left,�� Feyre replied curtly, but Dr. Nuit kept on staring at her like there was something else she had to say.
“What?” she responded, her voice clipped.
“Now darling, shouldn’t you say please? We must maintain our manners.” He impossible purred, his voice dripping with humour.
Feyre was dripping with annoyance for this prick.
“First of all, don’t call me darling. Secondly, I’m paying for this shot even though it really should be free, so, no I do not need to say please.”
She had been told to say please too many times with Tamlin, told to be grateful for what he had given her and if she ever felt unhappy, she would be called “ungrateful” by him. Dr. Nuit may mean no harm, but she was done playing the doll.
Surprisingly Dr. Nuit saw that something was wrong, that what he had said had struck a chord. She expected that silence that everyone gave, that reminded her too much of her time in Tamlin’s manor. The silence was deafening.
“That’s all-right darling, but that means you won’t get a Cars 2 Band-Aid.” He shrugged. He wasn’t silent. A quiet laugh bubbled out of Feyre, unexpected to both of them. He smiled a warm, true smile, not the usual smirk.
He began the process of disinfecting the area, getting cotton pads, and a Band-Aid. He gently rolled her sleeve a bit up, and she shivered internally. Fuck.
“This ok?” he asked, voice a bit breathy.
“Yes.” She replied, her voice breathier than she liked.
She felt him put in the needle, but she couldn’t stop watching him. She studied his features, his strong jaw, a nose that from far looked straight but, looked like it had taken a few blows. His high and sweeping cheekbones, and those eyes. Gods those eyes. Just like the night sky.
“All done.” He said but didn’t move away. Neither did Feyre. He looked at her lips and then back up at her eyes, a blush tinging on his cheeks.
Oh, hell with it
Feyre kissed him.
She surged toward him, kissing a surprised but pleased Rhys. Before they could take it any further she pulled away and hopped off the bed.
“If you want a real kiss, you’ll have to take me on a proper date first.” She said nonchalantly, but there was a nervousness buzzing under her. He chuckled, before replying with “Of course darling. Next time you won’t be able to think of anything else.” “We’ll see.” She responded, and left the room, a smile tugging at her lips.
It was when Feyre went to take the Band-Aid off when she was about to go to bed that she realized it was a Cars 2 Band-Aid, with a phone number on it. Rhysand’s number.
She smiled and went to get her phone to dial the number.
lmk if you want to be added :))
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yuta-nakamots · 3 years
only human - d.sc
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Pairing - Boyfriend!Sicheng x Fem!Reader
Genre - Angst, Smut, Fluff, Established Relationship!AU
Warnings - implied character death, description of having a stroke, unprotected sex, creampie, cock warming
Summary - You dream about Sicheng all the time and love telling him about them when you wake up. But this one, you hope to never see again even if it did give you a happy ending.
Word Count - 2.1k 
A/N - I really did dream this about Sicheng but without the smut lmao I was so freaked out when it was happening 
Written for the Dreams Unfold Event hosted by @neosmutcollective​. Check out the masterlist here.
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You were driving on the freeway to a destination unknown, accompanied by your boyfriend Sicheng and his close friend Lucas. The reason why Lucas was with you was also unknown. There were hardly any other cars on the road, your headlights casting a desolate glow in front of you.
It was almost completely silent aside from the quiet lo-fi music that Lucas was playing through the sound system until suddenly from beside you, “where is my arm?” Sicheng muttered. You paid it no thought, thinking he was just drowsy from sleep. “How is the road?” His voice rose at the end, as if he didn’t know what the word ‘road’ meant.
“It’s good babe, it’s not too bumpy or anything,” you answered, playing along with whatever charade he was putting on.
“My head...hurts,” he groaned, “and we spin?” At this rate you were getting really concerned. Looking over at him, his face was contorted in pain as he was curled against the door, showing that he wasn’t just spouting nonsense.
“Lucas,” you whispered, checking into the rear-view mirror for him, “call the ambulance,” you ask of him once you see that he’s awake. He did what he was told as you pulled over to the shoulder of the road. “Give me the phone,” you commanded anxiously, which Lucas gladly obliged to, probably because he had no idea what to say anyways.
“911, what’s your emergency?” The operator began.
Your focus was on Sicheng again as you tried to describe his state. “Hi, I was driving on the I-205 and my boyfriend began saying weird things and saying his head hurts and something is spinning.”
There was a slight pause as the operator took note of the situation. “Ma’am, did he mentioned anything else.”
You knew he had said other things but couldn’t remember exactly what they were. You watched as his right hand flew to his left bicep before he whimpered pathetically, “arm gone.”
“He keeps saying that his arm is gone, but it’s clearly not.” You relayed.
“And these statements, are they in full, coherent sentences?” The operator asked.
“No, not really.”
“Ma’am I believe he is having a stroke. Please give me an address or approximate area so I can send an ambulance your way.”
“Uh, we just passed exit 288 I believe, we’re pulled over on the right hand side of the road on the I-205.”
“Alright thank you, medical support will be there soon. Please stay on the line with me until they arrive.” You nodded as if they could see you. “Where were you traveling to?”
“I-I don’t really know…”
“Uh-huh,” the operator acknowledged as if you had said a real location, “and who are you traveling with?”
“It’s me, my boyfriend, and our close friend.”
“May I ask for all your names and your phone number?”
By the time you had given the operator all the information, you could already see the flashing lights of the ambulance as it approached. “I think I see the ambulance.”
“Alright ma’am, thank you for your cooperation and I wish you the best.” With that the line went dead. How odd.
You stepped out of the car and motioned for Lucas to do the same. As the paramedics came to greet you with a stretcher, you led them to the passenger door, opening it as gently as possible so Sicheng wouldn’t fall out. He kept moaning and muttering things incoherently though he was clearly in even more pain and was more confused than before as the paramedics situated him onto the stretcher.
You and Lucas followed them as they loaded him onto the ambulance and allowed them to do their job. They were hooking him up to machines to take his vitals and you must’ve looked awfully distraught for Lucas to speak up. “He’ll be okay, you know.”
“How do you know that?” You question.
Lucas shrugged, “I don’t know for sure but it’s better than saying he won’t be okay, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” you sighed apprehensively, “I guess.”
There was a commotion coming from inside the ambulance and you saw them beginning to do CPR on Sicheng and his heart rate flat-lined. Something about this didn’t seem quite right. If he is experiencing a stroke, why would they be doing compressions? As far as you knew, a stroke dealt with the brain while CPR was meant for the heart. And weren’t they supposed to be doing all this on the way to the hospital?
After what seemed like only a few seconds, the paramedics stopped assisting him and their leader came up to you, “he is dead but we will take him to the hospital for clearance.”
“W-what?!” You exclaimed as the paramedic walked away. Lucas had to hold you back from going after them and only released you once the ambulance started to pull away. “He’s dead? He can’t be, there’s no way! I swear humans can survive a few minutes without a pulse...they didn’t even try to restart it with the AED!”
As you stormed over to get into your car and follow the ambulance, Lucas held you once again, bringing you into a hug. “Y/n, it’s okay,” he whispered, grasping onto you firmly, the rumble of his voice spreading through you.
“But Sicheng isn’t okay! You can’t just let him go like that!”
“It’s okay,” Lucas repeated, though this time you felt his grasp on your arm get tighter and almost as if he was shaking you. “It’s okay,” he said once more, “y/n, wake up,” he pleaded. Though the voice wasn’t his, it was Sicheng’s.
“Wake up,” you heard once more and you felt your realities shift as your eyes sprung open staring straight into Sicheng’s from where he laid next to you, your limbs flailing at your sudden consciousness. “Hey, calm down, it’s just a dream,” he told you, one of his hands coming to rest on your cheek.
“It was- You were- Th-they said you were dead! You had a stroke and died but they didn’t even help you!” You spewed.
“Baby, it’s okay, I’m right here,” Sicheng assured you, “look, we’re in our room, in our bed, and it’s 4am in the morning.” He could tell you still didn’t believe him entirely. “We are not in a hospital, trust me. This is our apartment, the one we bought together last year.”
As your sense started to return to normal, your brain finally wrapped itself around the situation and you swung a leg over Sicheng, straddling him before leaning down and kissing him. “I though you were gone,” you confessed, tears welling up in your eyes at the thought of losing him.
“I’m right here,” he promised between kisses, “I’m not going anywhere.”
You basked in the feeling of his lips on yours, your tongues entertwining as Sicheng deepened the kiss. He wrapped an arm around your waist before sitting up, both of your torsos pressed tightly together. As you settled back into his lap, you felt something poking into your thigh. You broke the kiss to look down and saw the clear bulge in his athletic shorts, confirming your suspicions. “Dong Sicheng, I can’t believe you’re hard right now, at this very moment.” He pursed his lips, his eyes going wide as they bore into yours, waiting for your next move. “I had a nightmare that you died and you’re turned on by that?”
“No no, I’m not turned on by that-”
“Then what is it?”
“I don’t know,” his hands flew up in exasperation, “I just woke up from you tossing and turning and it was like this.”
Resting your arms around his shoulders and bringing your forehead to his, you brought your bodies impossibly closer while ever so slightly shifting around in his lap to tease him. “I don’t believe you,” you told him with a smirk.
“Well are you going to help me or not?” He nearly pleaded, his hips pushing up against yours.
You snuck a hand past the waistband of his shorts, unsurprised at his lack of underwear. “I guess I have to,” you complied, grabbing ahold of his warm and pulsing length. You began pumping a hand up and down his cock, causing his head to fall to the crook of your neck. Sicheng left messy kisses across the expanse of your neck, and exposed collar, his hands going up your shirt to gently cup your breasts until he decided his was tired of it and began puling your shirt off.
The second it was off past your chest, Sicheng’s lips were already on you, covering the untouched areas of your chest, latching onto a nipple while his hand played with the other. You cradled his head almost as if he were a baby, with both of your hands getting lost in his soft brown hair. You let him suck and fondle at your breasts for a little while longer until the ache in your core grew to be too much.
After sliding your bottoms and near-soaked underwear off, you repositioned yourself above the head of his cock, using a hand to help guide his member into you. As you lowered yourself onto his length, Sicheng busied himself with kissing along your jaw, his hands moving to hold your hips once you were fully seated in his lap. Ever so slowly, you let yourself rise and fall on his cock, making him moan and lean backwards against the headboard of the bed.
Placing your hands on his broad chest, you used it to gain leverage as you began bouncing on his dick. Sicheng looked so pretty beneath you, his cheeks flushed a light shade of pink, his lips plump and slick, his skin covered in the slightest sheen of sweat. You continued your movements until you felt your legs growing tired, opting instead to draw mindless shapes in his lap. You relished in the way his slick member slid in and out of you, feeling so good when it stretched you out.
This tempo wasn’t all to Sicheng’s liking though, but he took matters into his own hands, his arms coming up from behind you, his fingers gripping onto your shoulders as he rolled the two of you over and began rocking his hips into yours. You wrapped your legs around him, allowing him to push deeper into you as he gradually started to go at a steady pace.
He let go of your frame in exchange for planting his forearms on either side of your head so he could watch your expressions as he got high off of his cock. Your eyes closed at the feeling of overwhelming pleasure when he hit the deeper parts of you, filling you up ever so perfectly. “Yes, just like that,” you told him as your walls were clenched around him, so soft and warm whenever he thrusted into you.
Sicheng started to let out little whimpers as he continued thrusting, a sign that he was getting close. You reached a hand down to stimulate your clit, wanting to come with him while he moved to sit back on his knees, pulling your body further down the bed. In this position, he began drilling into you as he desperately chased his high. “Let me do it,” he breathed when he saw your hand between your legs. He pushed it away and quickly replaced it with his own, his thumb drawing circles onto your clit.
You heard his breath hitch and felt his hips stutter as his length twitched inside of you. Sicheng pushed himself to be fully connected with you as he released in your walls, shallowly thrusting as if to milk his own dick, “I love you,” you quietly blurted. The feeling of his hot cum spreading in your core brought you to your own orgasm, your muscles fluttering and spasming around him. Sicheng held you as you powered through your own release on his member, not wanting to lose the feeling of warmth around him just yet.
“Fuck, I love you too,” you answered as you started coming down off your high. You could feel the mix of your juices start to spill out when Sicheng set your hip back down onto the bed and moved to lie on top of you. His cock was softening inside of you but you didn’t mind it all that much since you were already on you way to sleep again though hopefully with a more pleasant dream this time.
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bakugohoex · 4 years
Can I request Bakugo’s s/o having a major sweet tooth, like for some reason every time he thinks he got rid of her candy he just finds a handful in her pocket
“you bought more, didn’t you”
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pairing: katsuki bakugo x female reader
cw: fluff, language
word count: 1100+
a/n: i dont even know what this is, it is so stupidly funny because it doesnt even make sense, like what the fuck, bruh but i know we all had a faze where toast would just become amazing and avidly eat it 24/7
summary:  in which your sweet tooth becomes the bane of bakugo’s life, finding out you house even more sweets in your pockets, his only way to finally get you stop seems to be a bit more different than his initial plan
↞ back to my hero academia masterlist
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Lollipops were definitely your go to sweets, you loved sucking on them and the different flavours you had each day brought joy to your mouth. It was easier to suck on them then bite your nails when you became anxious, so you always kept a lollypop with you.
Of course you told Bakugo about it, your reasonings being evident and he had been fine with it, not really caring and as long as you had something to help your anxiety then he was fine with it.
That’s what he thought it had been, until he found the wrappers, the containers filled with different sweets, from the sour worms to the gumdrops. 
He seriously could feel his heart ache at the mountains of containers you had, he seriously had to take a double take thinking he’d walked into Charlie and the Chocolate factory.
Surprisingly, there was no chocolate, but the sweets littered your new dorm, your bin filled with wrappers. 
That's when he knew he had to sort this problem out, he couldn't watch you eat anymore knowing how much you had already eaten. 
He got scary not gonna lie, shouting at the side effects off excessive sugar, made a presentation of just rotting teeth, he made you watch the whole thing with his stupid laser pen as he went around the rotted teeth.
It was gross as fuck, very traumatic.
He helped you a lot to cut down on the sugar with your sweets, wanting you to try and get down to one lollypop a day and that was it. 
He tried, but you’d end up buying some more, hell knows where you got the money from.
Threatens you but in the end, it gets to you after he finds the wrappers again and confesses how he just wants the best for you.
You ask for a substitute and this man brings you the worst substitute ever. 
It’s when he leaves something that it seems your excessive sugar intake may have finally gone down.
Bakugo had been left waiting outside your dorm as you wore your UA uniform, he never understood how you could wake up so late. But he didn’t question it seeing you walk out happily, your mouth sucking a sweet to calm you down. You had described it like marijuana but without the consequences of it, which he glared at you for saying. Even then your avid sweet tooth had become an insane problem, you may have cut down on the sweets, but you always seemed to get your hands on some. 
“Want to try?” You popped the lollypop out from your mouth, your saliva sticking to the purple sweet. Bakugo would regret agreeing knowing having a sugar rush in the morning was not the best bet but if it stopped you from eating it all he’d take it. 
He nodded, watching as you put the sweet in his mouth, the white stick being the only thing visible as he sucked on the grape flavouring, still being able to taste your spit mixed in with it. 
Walking into class hand in hand, he kept the lollypop in his mouth watching you leave without a trace of sweets on you. You seemed calmer as he watched you sit beside him, well that's until he saw your stuffed pockets. Aizawa had been running late and everybody began conversing with each other, “you bought more, didn’t you.” He mutters stuffing his hand in your grey blazer to find small hard sweets inside the pocket. “Y/n, really, even after my presentation.”
“I just love them so much.” You pouted grabbing them and stuffing them in your pocket. 
“Fuck Y/n, please can you calm down with your sugar intake, I don’t want you to die or get rotten teeth.” He threw the lollypop into the bin, just missing Mineta who had bent over to sharpen his pencil. “I want you to be healthy.”
“I am healthy, I just love it so much.” 
He gave a glare turning to face you properly, you put your head to side watching his cold red eyes warm at your features. “Just find something else to help you instead, you can't live off sweet things forever.”
“You find me something else and then I'll give it up.” You muttered, popping a hard candy in your mouth just as Aizawa walked in. 
Bakugo thought for a while, throughout the whole day event, thinking of foods he knew you liked. Of course having a sweet tooth wasn't a bad thing but you needed a balance to not have type 2 diabetes when you grow old. He continued to think until he found the basic things on google as replacements, by the end of the day, he had sought out what was needed and called you into the kitchen. 
“Fruit.” He pushed the bananas and apples into your arms, you gave a confused look taking an apple and biting into it. “I read it’s good or whatever.”
“You read?” You mock.
He glares back at you, “shut up, idiot.” He grabs your hand with the bitten apple and stuffs it back into your face. “Eat it all.”
He seemed content with what he had done, pushing the 3 apples and 2 bananas onto you, not even letting you get a word in. He goes to put some bread in the toaster, hungry after a long day and keeping an eye on your fruits, watching as you just stared at it as if it was some unknown thing. 
“Oi Bakugo, help move this.” Kirishima shouts from the common area.
Bakugo gives a scowl before staring at you, “eat.” You mutter profanity before taking another bite, watching as the man leaves for Kirishima. The sound of the toaster finally letting the toast out, even the smell of toast almost became intoxicating, how could you not refuse.
Going over to the two toasts you butter them and that's when it starts, toasting more as you went through the two toast with such ease. It seemed like hours since Bakugo left and with that you had already eaten 5 toasts going onto the sixth. 
“What the fuck?” Bakugo stares at the toast in your hand and the missing six slices, staring between you and the toaster. You take another bite, and he continues to give such a blank look, “fruit?”
“Toast?” You question back taking another bite, Bakugo comes up to you grabbing one of the fruits after you'd eaten all the bread and gives a glare. “I like bread now. 
“Of course you do baby.” He mutters ruffling your head as you continue to chew on the toast happily. He might hate how you’d gotten onto another food craving but at least you had variety and weren't going to die of a heart attack from it all. “You really are an idiot.”
“Shut up, want some?” You spoke like a child with only one bite left he opened his mouth, watching as you put the buttered toast in his mouth, your fingers graving against his lips as he was to just lick the butter off your fingers, a satisfied face that he had finally gotten to you.
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It’s Just a Movie: Part 10 (Poly!Lost Boys x Fem!Reader)
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Warnings: cursing
Word Count: 1849
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You and the boys had been discussing their plan for the past two weeks, having kept track on your notes app in your phone. The first few days had just been with what their ending 'goal' was, which turned out to be harder than you thought for them to agree. Well, for you and them to agree. When you proposed their desired ending, Dwayne had quickly said,
"Kill Sam and the Frogs." And Marko was quick to second him. It seemed that neither of them were quick to forget their killers, even if you were sure the only reason Dwayne wanted the Frogs dead was because they went after Laddie. You, however, were quick to argue,
"They're kids, guys." And, before they could appall you with any loose morals, you added, "Plus, Max is gonna tell you to turn Sam, remember?" But neither of them seemed too bothered by only being able to kill the Frogs. So, you reminded them, "They haven't done anything yet. They might not even suspect vampires exist yet." You pointed out, and the boys frowned. After a few days, you got them to agree to only kill them if they attempted to kill them first. Quickly, you tried to steer them in a different direction.
It was decided fairly quickly that the boys wouldn't be able to disobey Max once he ordered them to turn the boys, and it would be near impossible to get to them beforehand. So, you suggested,
"Well, why don't we just try to make Max's plan work? I mean, it wouldn't be too bad having Lucy for a mom, right?" You offered, but the boys exchanged a glance as they mulled it over. Lucy was sweet, kind to her boys, and probably wouldn't force them to change. And, with how much freedom she gave Michael and Sam, they could imagine that their lives wouldn't be all that affected. You tried to defend her case, but, as David eloquently put, 
"That's exactly why she shouldn't end up with Max." He said, and you frowned. 
“He can’t be that bad...right?” But even you didn’t really know. You remembered the ending, where he didn’t even bat an eye, let alone shed a tear, at the death of one of his ‘sons’. Without missing a beat, Paul said, 
“He’s a dick.” You expected a slap of the head from Dwayne or a look from David. When neither came, you let out an uneasy breath. So, it seemed that Max's 'Blood-sucking Brady Bunch' was out of the question. When you pushed the topic of Max, it was decided that perhaps his ending shouldn't be all that changed. By the end of the first couple of days, it was decided that Max would die, and that David would take his place as the head vampire. You had to admit that it seemed to make more sense, with how detached the boys already were from their sire. And because it had technically been Maxs fault for their deaths in the first place. But, making sure Max bit it and they didn't was definitely going to make things more difficult. Especially when you factored in Star and Laddie. 
“Wait, why are we turning Star again?” Marko asked. It was a couple days later and the five of you were eating pizza in the cave, having already visited the boardwalk. You, Marko, and Paul sat on the floor while Dwayne laid sprawled out on the couch and David sat in his chair. You were revisiting your ideas for how they were going to change the future, and you were doing a rebriefing of what the five of you had agreed on. Really, with having been there for two weeks, it was the only thing to keep your mind off of the improbability of you ever going home.
“She’s the one that’s gonna lure Michael in.” Paul reminded him, reaching over to snag one of your fries. You batted his hand away, and he gave you a grin as he popped it into his mouth. Marko scoffed, shaking his head.
“And why do we need to lure him in again? I mean, we already saw how that goes.” He grumbled, and you tried to choose your words carefully. He was always a little tense during these discussions, as his death would be the first you’d need to avoid.
“If we stray too far from the movie, then we have no idea how the events will turn out. And no idea how to prevent any near-death experiences.” You reminded. It was the exact reason that you had crossed out the potential of keeping the Emersons away completely. “We’re only gonna change some minor things, so Michael still needs to be turned into a half for everything to work.” You said calmly, and he let out a long sigh. He pushed the pizza box away from him, and your fries away from you before he laid your head in your lap. Over the past week, the boys had gotten comfortable with you. Almost a little too comfortable. While you hadn’t done anything with any of them yet, platonic affection didn’t seem to bother any of them. Even if Paul constantly offered otherwise. You already knew what he expected, and you gently began twirling his curls and scratching his scalp.
“But he’s such a poser.” Marko said, and you couldn’t help your smile at the use of slang. Your mind instantly flashed to when he bought the leather jacket, and then the earring. He seemed to try so hard to fit in, or perhaps impress, that you hadn’t even considered that that might describe him perfectly. You watched as his face relaxed, his eyes fluttering closed as you used your nails to scratch one of his sweet spots.
“Yeah, but he’ll be human again when Grandpa kills Max, and then you won’t have to worry about him anymore.” You said, and you didn’t notice the small smile on David’s face as he watched you calm the blonde vampire. Marko let out another sigh, before wriggling his way further into your lap. He let out a small grunt, apparently satisfied enough to stop his arguing. For the meantime. After a moment, you added, “Plus, you won’t have to watch Laddie all the time with Star.” You said, giving Dwayne a look. He had been reading a book, and he perked up at the mention of the little boys name. When he looked over and saw that you were already looking at him, he was quick to look back down at the piece of literature in his hands. Paul let out a small snicker, and you smiled.
You knew that, while he would never admit it, Dwayne was eager to meet the little boy that had become so close to him during the movie. It was like he was awaiting the birth of his younger brother, even if the little boy was already walking around somewhere. Though, you and David had silently agreed not to discuss the fate of the young boy. While the five of you could plan your ideal ending all you wanted, the most important thing was being able to roll with the punches and to be realistic. And, well, Laddie had stuck to Star more than he had stuck to the brunette haired boy. 
With keeping most of the story-line and only a fraction of the ending the same, there was only one part of your plan left undecided. 
“So, how are you gonna stop Sam from coming down here with the Frogs?” You asked. There was, of course, the expected chorus of,
“Kill the frogs.” From Dwayne and Marko. It was a frequently revisited issue, and the five of you had yet to agree. You had to make sure you spent their nights with them after Paul, surprisingly, had suggested finding their comic book store earlier that week. But, before you could argue your usual point over again, David said,
“We don’t have to kill them. We don’t even have to stop Sam from meeting them.” And you were quick to arch a brow. Paul let out an audible,
“Huh?” And Marko and Dwayne both sat up to look at their leader. It was an undiscussed idea, but, from the way David said it, you guessed that he’d been sitting on it for a few days now. It seemed that whatever ideas he had, he was finally willing to share them. He took a drag of his cigarette, before he began to elaborate. 
“You said it yourself, y/n. We can’t risk going too far from the movie. We just have to make sure that Sam and the Frogs think that Max is the head vampire, and a few other things.” He added the last part vaguely, and you stared at him. With the way the edges of his lips curled, you were positive he was leaving you in suspense on purpose. You sighed, giving him a look. Finally, you asked,
“Like what?” And you watched the way his smile grew. He seemed to love whenever you gave in to his egging, and he supplied you with,
“Like thinking that by killing him it’ll turn all his children back to being human. Including us.” He said, and you felt your jaw fall for a moment before you quickly recovered. You didn’t want to inflate his ego, even if he already looked immensely satisfied with your reaction. Paul let out a low whistle before he said,
“Shit. That’s perfect. Michael will totally-”
“He’ll treat us like Star and Laddie. Same with Sam.” Marko finished for him, even if Paul went on rambling. He rambled about how they could blame the murders on vampire instinct, lack of human memory, or play into the thirst for sympathy. Or how they could make it almost hero-like by saying they only went after assholes. Dwayne, his deep voice cutting through Pauls chatter, said, 
“And Grandpa won’t go after us. Not if we could be saved.” And you stared at all of them. It was a good plan. A great one. But, you could only think of one fatal flaw in it, and it was staring you in the face. 
“Do you really expect them to believe you though?” You asked David. No matter how charming they could be, you didn’t expect them to really be that stupid. And it wasn’t something that they could just naturally bring up to Star and Michael without it raising some sort of suspicion from the pair. Especially when the Frogs were so hell-bent on killing all vampires, even if said vampire was only a half and a child. Davids smile turned into a smirk, and he gave you a small shake of his head as he said,
“Oh, not at all.” And confusion filled your face. You stared at the pale boy, his stubble dusting his cheeks and his hair practically glowing in the light. The smoke from the end of his cigarette curled and floated towards the ceiling as he said, “I expect them to believe you.”
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fandomficsnstuff · 4 years
Spanish Lessons
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Javier Escuella x Reader
Warnings: Micah being Micah
Mi amor, estás muy distraída - My love, you are very distracted
Hermosa - Beautiful
Princesa - Princess
You tried to concentrate, you really did, but it didn't exactly help that Micah was trying to sour your mood no matter what. So lost in thought were you that you only heard Javier when he gently shoved your shoulder ”aye, hermosa, you lost somewhere in that pretty head of yours?” he gave you one of those cheeky smirks that made you smile and feel better, no matter what.
Gently shaking your head with a small smile, you looked at your hands, your soft smile fading slowly ”I guess...”
Javier hummed low ”do you want to talk about it or continue our lessons?” he gave you a slightly worried look, but you shook your head ”no, sorry, where did we come to?” you forced a smile, and you almost thought he bought it, if it wasn't for him narrowing his eyes at you slightly, before going back to teaching you spanish. A few days ago you had finally gathered up the courage and asked him to teach you, you wanted to know what he sang about in his song, they were so beautiful even though you had no idea what he said. And he luckily agreed. So here you were, sitting on a rock by the water at Clemen’s Point, the gang’s new camp, for now.
“‘Kay, now we’re working on simple questions, such as ‘where can I buy some fruit?’ Can be helpful to know and it’s a good starting point” you nodded as you listened, you maybe focused a bit too much on his lips moving. They looked so soft… but Javier noticed you spacing off again and chuckled lightly.
“Mi amor, estás muy distraída” he held back a laugh at your confused expression, furrowing your brows at him as you tried to remember what word meant what. 
“I’m.. sorry?” you looked at him in utter confusion and he just smirked “see, hermosa, if you’d only been paying attention to my lessons” his casual smirk grew into a mischievous one.
“I was paying attention! I was just… not… acting like it” you mumbled the last part as you blushed and looked back down at your hands in your lap “princesa, can you please tell me what has you so distracted?” he moved a bit closer and you bit your lip, contemplating if you should tell him, he would kill Micah, for sure. After a few seconds you sighed and looked further away from him “it was just something Micah said, I’m a big girl I can handle it Javier” you looked back at him and saw a mix of confusion and anger, the first because he wanted to know what Micah said, and the second because he wanted to know what Micah said.
“What did he say, mi amor?” he spoke in a very gentle tone despite the anger in his eyes over whatever Micah would have done, again.
“He was just rude, Javi, nothing else, as I said I’m a big gi-”
“What was it?” he interrupted, and you knew he just wanted to know instead of going around not knowing.
“He… he called me some nasty things.. nothing more, I told him off” you frowned when Javier looked oddly calm “it’s really not worth repeating” you added quickly, worried about his calm state as he looked at the ground. Maybe he was gonna relax about this, maybe he wouldn’t go to Micah and do somethi-whoops he got up, suddenly walking towards Micah, his knife spinning effortlessly between his fingers. You quickly got up and tried to catch up to him “Javier! Don’t!” you whispered harshly as you almost reached him, but he had already reached Micah who sat at a table, laughing as he had just finished insulting Miss Grimshaw, who sadly hadn’t shot him.
“Hey sheep-fucker!” Javier yelled to catch Micah’s attention, and catch it he did. Just as Micah was about to respond, probably with something that involved the word ‘greaser’, Javier plunged his knife into the table, the blade between Micah’s fingers, slightly having cut the skin, causing him to bleed. Micah stared at Javier with what you could only describe as a moment of pure fear.
“Next time you wanna talk to my princesa, think again, I don’t ever wanna hear you speak another word to her again unless it’s respectful, if you otherwise know how to do that” Javier hissed in a frighteningly low and calm sounding voice. Micah just stared at Javier with wide eyes, finally, for once, speechless as Javier simply removed his knife and went back to you, placing his arm on your lower back as he led you back to the spot you were in before. 
“Javier!” You meant to try and scold him, but it came out more as a small laugh. Javier simply shrugged and sat you down before sitting himself back down on the rock.
“Now” he smirked at you “where were we, princesa?”
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blackbat05 · 3 years
I just watched Shang-Chi so here’s my review! It may be on the spoiler-y side so don’t read if you don’t want to get spoiled! If you want to talk about the movie feel free to slide in and chat! :)
1) Visuals
It was so breathtaking watching this masterpiece on the big screen. If you can, watch it in the cinema, I promise you won’t be disappointed.
2) Cast
Like so many of the MCU castings, Simu Liu as Shang-Chi is a bulls-eye. Being Asian and Chinese, my parents grew up watching Hong Kong films and although I respected what it bought to the table, I never really understood it. But seeing Tony Leung as Wenwu, it was such a balanced and nuanced character, considering he’s supposed to be the “villain” of the film. I would really love to say more but all I would say is that a villain doesn’t have to be outrageous to be fearful and Mr Tony Leung showed that perfectly. The father-son relationship was also beautifully crafted where there seemed to be some fear from Shang-Chi against his father but at the end there’s no trace of it. I’ll just say that with the experiences that I went through, I could really relate to that dynamic. Nevertheless, Wenwu’s method of upbringing was toxic, I will not deny that.
The girls also took the film to a different level in my opinion and I’m so grateful that Katy and Xialing are so different but so powerful in their own ways. In the beginning, Katy seems to be portrayed as someone who didn’t know what she wanted in life. But as we find out that she has a degree from a prestigious and respected university, it allows us to think there’s more that meets the eye. I can safely say, in the Asian context, I have seen so many close friends of mine doing what their doing now because their parents wanted them to and you can kind of predict the outcome. It’s still an existing problem in our society today and there will never be a quick solution to it. All I can say is that I’m grateful that my parents are supportive of whatever I’m doing.
On the other hand, Xialing grew up in an environment where girls weren’t allowed to do things that boys do but she didn’t let that define her. I for one have heard too many times in the classroom or just during my daily life: “can I have a few strong guys to carry so and so”. You have no idea how annoyed I was. I still hear that until today. To give you reference, I’ve been playing tennis competitively for 10 years, I grew up in an athletic family where I was trained by my father and my mother did athletics when she was younger. Anyways, like thank god my father isn’t Wenwu or remotely anything like him. He told me this one phrase and it describes Xialing perfectly. ‘STRONG IS BEAUTIFUL.’ Thank you Xu Xialing for being a role model for young Chinese girls. It’s been a long time coming.
Also, note to all directors. This is how you do a platonic friendship. God if the two friends continue into the MCU please please remember Director Daniel’s vision!
3) Action sequences
The fight scenes were so smooth, fluid and graceful. I’m not kidding you when I meant I could see every hit, every punch, every kick. Maybe skeptics would say that some were in slo-mo so I’ll leave it there but I’ve never felt so mesmerized and so calm by watching a fight scene. I would say that it is up there with Cap TWS as they are both equally action packed but in their own way.
4) Impactful part
Ying Nan with Shang-Chi! Where she simply just grabbed his hand and basically told him to relax as that’s the key to doing better. I think that spoke so much to me as I always had a problem relaxing when I was still active as a tennis player. I wish I realized sooner so that I didn’t have to go through so much confusion and emotional turmoil. Even now, I still find myself reminding that whatever I do, I have to be relaxed to give my best performance. So I’m glad this film reminded me again.
5) A bit dodgy
Haha ok well my friend pointed this out to me but I guess it’s film right so it’s all for the plot. But wow Katy really following her friend to stop his dad from potentially releasing soul sucking monsters into the world and then picking up some Katniss-level archery skills within a day(?) and practically saving Shang-Chi and Xialing (help I had serious Natasha-Vormir flashbacks during the film and this point)? But I guess I’ll close a blind eye to it hehe.
Overall stars: 4.5/5 ⭐️
If you’ve read till the end, I thank you sincerely with all my heart because this was hella long to type but I enjoyed doing so! Shang-Chi, you were such a pleasant ride and I hope to see more Asian (and POC) superheroes in the future of Marvel!
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fanmoose12 · 4 years
What if in the time skip Hange had to travel during the timeskip to learn about technology or strategy with Yelena and Levihan keep on talking by letters during the time apart? Started with passionate ramblings and ended with both talking about the 104thkids, life and themselves🥺
I'm writing you to inform that I've safely arrived to Marley. Yelena provided me with housing and food. She guarantees I'd be safe here. Tomorrow I'll meet with their engineers. They're all Paradis’ sympathetisers so I'm totally safe here. Besides, Yelena and Onyakopon are keeping an eye on me. So don't worry and take care of everything while I'm gone.
I promise to return as quick as possible. Say hi to the kids.
Take care, 
Is it safe for you to write letters? You're not using our code, so I guess no one is reading it, but you and me. Or did you just forget that someone can intercept our letters? Please, don't tell me that you did.
Also, do you understand that by writing that Yelena and Onyakopon are watching over you, you're making me worry even more? I know you want to trust them, but be cautious around them. Don't let your guard down.
We're doing just fine, the construction of railroad is going well.
How is your work going? How many death tools you've devised already?
Don't forget to eat and sleep, 
Of course, sending letters is safe. Onyakopon is the one who takes care of my correspondence. I know you're still wary of them, I admit, I don't trust Yelena too, but Onyakopon is a good man, I can trust him on this. So don't you worry, I'm not accidentally endangering myself or the fate of our operation. I have everything under control.
Speaking of things under my control, the development of new weapons is going great! Using, the information and instruments I've been provided with, I was able to achieve a lot. I'm not going to tell you about it, I'll need more than one page for that, and I don't have a lot of time for letters, but I'm sure you're going to love our new weapons. Of course, I'll need to modify them a bit, to accommodate for scout's fighting style, but I'm feeling good about this.
How are you doing? How are the others? Did something peculiar happen? If so, please write to me about this. These Marleyans are boring as hell, I can use some laugh right now. Take care and be safe.
Lots of love, 
So you're making lots of progress. That's good. Don't overwork yourself, though. Take all the time you need, we'll be fine without you.
You asked for a story about brats, and I do have something to tell. I’m sure you’ll love it. 
You've told me many times to stop checking on them during the night and I was following your advice. But yesterday I was heading to the kitchen to brew myself a cup of tea, and I heard some commotion upstairs. I hurried there, worried that something had happened, and you never guess what was going on. The brats were chasing each other through the hallway with pillows in their hands. Even Mikasa was involved in this, I expected better from her. They were so into their stupid game, it took them a full minute to notice me. Once they did, they had enough sense to look ashamed. I ordered them to go sleep, but even afterwards I heard their whisperings. They grew so tall, but, goddamn it, they're still little, annoying brats.
Hope this story is enough to make you cackle, Hange, because I can't remember anything else they've done. They're strangely calm without you. Makes me uneasy, to be honest.
Maybe, they'll be back to normal, once you return.
I hope you'll come home soon.
Until the next letter.
What did you cross out? I'm really curious! I've tried to use different sources of light to see through it, but you've done a good job of hiding it.
By the way, are you saying that the kids miss me? Tell them I miss them too.
I do have a question - are they the only ones who miss me? Feel free not to answer it, I know you're too shy to do it.
The work has been doing fine, maybe, I'll be able to finish in the next few weeks, but who knows how long I'm going to stay here. Yelena and Onyakopon can't just let me fly back home, they need to devise a safe route for me first. They say it may take another month or two, before I can return. Try not to forget about me in the meantime, yeah?
Sending you hugs!
Two more months? What the fuck?
Everything is alright. There is nothing to report.
Dear Armin,
I hope you and Jean are doing everything in your power to keep your friends in line. I know you're busy as it is and I know I'm asking too much of you, but can you please keep an eye on Levi? I worry about him a bit, and it'll make feel better if you check up on him.
Thanks for all the hard work you do!
Take care,
Commander Hange
Please, don't worry about us, you have enough on your plate as it is. Captain is a bit melancholic, it's true, but I'm sure he'll get better once you return.
In the meantime, I'll think of a way to cheer up our Captain! You can count on me!
The others had asked to pass their best wishes to you. We're eagerly awaiting your return.
P.S. Sasha just told me that she convinced Niccolo to prepare a celebratory dinner for you. So, as you can see, everyone misses you. The corps are not the same without you. I'm hoping for your swift return.
What the fuck? Why do you send letters to the brat, while I received no response to my last one?
And what was in that letter, by the way? Armin refused to show me. Are you keeping secrets from me, Hange?
Hopefully, you'll answer this letter.
My dearest Captain Grump,
I'm so sorry if I hurt your feelings, but there was something I needed to discuss with Armin. It's boring stuff, you wouldn't like it. Do tell me how you're doing, I'm very curious about it. Are you sleeping well? I hope the nightmares don't bring you too much trouble. If they do, then I'm sorry that I can't be by your side to help.
If something bothers you, please tell me about it. I'll try to help in whatever way I can.
Sincerely yours,
Everything is fine, don't worry. You have more important stuff right now.
The brats act really weird. Today they asked me to accompany them to a trip into town. I can't even imagine their reason for it, but they practically begged me to join, I had no other choice than to agree.
The walk through town was... Nice. The weather was good, sunny but not too hot, just as you like it. Something was wrong with the brats, however. They kept staring at me, Iike I've grown a second head. It annoyed me, although I do have to admit I was feeling strangely too. During the whole day, I kept looking back as though something was missing. Maybe, I'm just exhausted.
We visited my favorite café and then went to a marketplace. The cleaning supplies were running low, so it was fortunate that the brats were with me, they helped me carry everything I needed. I bought something for you too, it already waits for you at your table. I hope it won't be covered in dust by the time you come back.
Take care,
Your Levi
Dear Levi,
Oh nooo, you went for a walk with kids? I'm so envious! I'm cooped up here all the time, Onyakopon doesn't even let me leave my room during daytime. I'm feeling like a wilted flower. The sun here is so bleak, I can't figure the reason for it, but it's nearly not as bright as in Paradis. It's too cold there as well.
On the bright side, they have lots of meat here, (see, I'm eating healthily). Although, it's a bit dry for my taste. You're going to laugh at me, but I'm actually missing the broth from our cafeteria. Maybe, I'm just going crazy with boredom.
I'm finished with the work, and now I'm waiting for the signal from Yelena. Onyakopon says it could take a few weeks, but I'm getting impatient. I can't wait to be back home. Hopefully, you're waiting for me too.
Sincerely yours,
P.S. I just reread your letter and what? You bought me a gift? What is it, Levi? Tell me what is it! You know me, I won't be able to sleep until you tell me.
If I find out that you're not getting enough sleep, I'll kick Yelena's and Onyakopon's asses. Then I'll kick yours.
You'll see it when you get home. So quell your curiosity.
Wish you all the best, miss you so much
Yelena just came back, she told that everything is ready for my departure! I'm so excited! I can't wait to see all of you, I missed you so much!
I'm going to warn you, though, once I return, I'm going to hug you, and no, you can't refuse or run away from me. It's commander's orders.
Lots of love,
Your Hange
P.S. there is a second part of this letter. It describes the details of my trip. For safety reasons, I've used our code to write it. See? I do take precautions.
Thanks for your letter. I showed it to Jean and Armin (only the coded part), they're getting ready for your arrival.
Have a safe trip.
The brats and I are waiting.
Hopefully this is the last letter I ever write to you, don’t leave me alone again
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
Dining Out with the Akatsuki
The Pein-body doesn’t need food to sustain itself, but Nagato has made it so that he can taste and experience eating through the body. Surprisingly his favorite dish is a simple fish stew, which he enjoys several bowls full of, paired with a beer or two and a few pieces of delightfully crusty bread. But more so than the food, Nagato enjoys “being” with the others, especially Konan. When they were younger he and the blue haired beauty were often on the brink of total starvation, so to be able to afford the luxury of eating prepared foods in a nice establishment, and to do so with FRIENDS, is a dream that he’d never have dared to dream. Is a very tidy eater, and constantly makes sure the others are keeping their areas clean, so as not to make too much work for their waiter/waitress. The type to, if he thinks the server has too many empty plates and glasses to take back, will get to and help that person carry the empties back to the kitchen. Also makes sure everyone tips, even Kakuzu.
When going out to eat, Konan will always order a salad. That’s it. And it’s not because she’s a dainty eater; it’s because she knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that every other member of the Akatsuki will be sharing large portions of THEIR food with her. Even Kakuzu will push whatever cheap dinner he’s bought across the table to her and gruffly tell her to take some of whatever’s there. The waiter or waitress will come back to the table to refill drinks and be confused that the delicate-looking salad girl is elbows deep in fries, ribs, steak, and anything else the group has pressed on her. And dessert is another matter entirely. ALL of them (with the exception of Kakuzu because he feels sharing his dinner was more than enough) will fight over who gets to buy Konan dessert. Usually settled with spirited games of rock-paper-scissors, and the winner gets to pick (and buy, of course) what sweet treat Konan gets. Also she never ends up paying for the salad she initially ordered, either, as the one buying her dessert will usually go ahead and spring for that, as well.
Hidan is a big meat-eater, so when they go out to eat will typically order several pork, chicken, or beef-based dishes. His favorite is spare ribs, and he’s such an aggressive eater that the sauce will ruin whatever shirt he’s been made to wear for the evening. Watching him eat things like steak is always a bit gross, as he orders it cooked as rare as possible and always makes a big production out of licking the excess blood from his arms/the plate. He isn’t really a fan of sides, though, in particular vegetables; and will always push off the undesirables on his plate to whoever’s sitting closest to him (most often Kakuzu who will take whatever’s offered because hey, free food). He’s also one of the few who won’t order any sort of alcoholic drink with his meal, as he claims Jashinism prohibits the consumption of such things. Sodas or sweet fruit punches are his thing, and he drinks so much of this that he’ll end up rushing to the bathroom to pee a bunch before the meal is over. Is the fastest eater in the bunch so will try and start arguments or have arm wrestling contests with the others to pass the time along. If the waitress is pretty, he’ll flirt shamelessly and leave a big enough tip to make Kakuzu faint.
It takes a LOT to get Kakuzu to go out and eat with everyone; he’s the epitome of the “we have food at home” mantra. When he does, he’ll always go for the absolute cheapest meal on the menu, even if the dish isn’t something he particularly likes. Also isn’t shy about using his advanced age to his advantage, to make use of senior specials and coupons. Always requests for there to be no salt in his meal because “too much sodium raises blood pressure which is bad for the heart”, and after all he’s got several hearts to take care of. Doesn’t really partake in the conversations at the table except to occasionally comment to the others about food being left on their plates; yes, even with the others paying for their own meals, he’s still hyper concerned about wasting money. The only time he likes going out to eat is his birthday, when everyone else will chip in to buy his meal for him. A big Sake drinker and will have almost an entire bottle ((of the cheapest kind)) with his meal, but he holds his liquor so well that he never seems drunk.
Doesn’t eat but going out with the others is one of the few things he enjoys. He is someone who prefers elegant, quiet atmospheres, therefore favors going to smaller, somewhat exclusive restaurants. Since his attention isn’t focused on food, he’ll get up and wander from the table a lot, taking in the artwork (if any) on the walls. Has a special (and unexpected) talent, in calming down the fussy children of other diners. Because he’s curious about everything, he’ll ask Deidara or Itachi to describe their meals to him in heavy detail.
This guy can eat. He, Hidan and Tobi are the biggest eaters in the company, so when everyone goes to a restaurant or cafe together, separate checks are a necessity ((Kakuzu: All I had was tea! Why should we split the bill when those fucks had 12 plates each?!)) Shares a slight commonality with Kakuzu in that his favorite meal is fish-based, and Kisame has taught him well in regards to knowing whether a fish is fresh or not. He isn’t the neatest diner, and will constantly be reminded by Pein or Konan to tidy up his area before the waiter/waitress comes back to the table. Will ALWAYS ask the server about the specials of the day, even though 9 times out of 10 he already knows what he’s going to order. Deidara has the ability to taste food through his hands, and will sometimes make a show of eating with all three mouths at once (which fascinates the other diners but leaves his own team disenchanted, to say the least). Can easily be goaded into eating “competitions” with Hidan, which almost always results in severe stomachaches and a need to be carried back to the hideout by their respective partners.
What’s an entree? This guy will always go straight for the dessert menu. At first Pein and the others tried to stop him, telling him dessert was only to be had after a balanced meal; but Tobi’s tendency to eat a single bite of an expensively-priced steak quickly convinced the others to mind their own business. Whether at home or out to dinner, meal times are the only times he removes his mask; he still wears a rough black cloth over his eyes but without the mask everyone can see the (slightly scarred) bottom half of his face — and his smile. Which he does a lot; it’s obvious that spending time with the others means a great deal to him. His voice changes just slightly too — he still says the most out of place, goofy things, only in a much deeper tone of voice. Deidara especially is completely thunderstruck by how calm and quiet and NORMAL Tobi seems without the mask, and comes up with the (correct) theory that Tobi literally becomes a different person with that orange monstrosity on. Can be goaded into eating contests with Deidara and Hidan, although his food tolerance isn’t as high as these two and will more than likely spend all night in the bathroom.
Never ever joins the others when they dine out. Like never. Will occasionally use his exceptional scouting skills to scope out new venues for the group, but that’s as far as it goes.
Restaurants aren’t really his thing, so (as in many other circumstances) will only accompany the others if Itachi goes as well. Like Pein and Deidara, goes mostly for fish-based meals, although he does enjoy an extra rare steak on occasion. Doesn’t drink alcohol but will order many cups of tea or, in the winter, cocoa. Is one of the few in the group who knows just how bad Itachi’s eyesight has gotten, so will always lean close and quietly whisper to him things on the menu that he thinks he’d like to eat. Enjoys eating establishments where they play soft music; it always puts him in a relaxed state of mind. Kisame is like Pein in that he abhors rudeness towards servers and restaurant staff, and will jump in quickly (and often very harshly) to “reprimand” anyone he feels is being an ass, whether it be another customer or his own team mates. Has gotten into a fistfight with Hidan twice over some of the more lewd things he’s said to waitresses, one of which got the whole group banned from that particular place. Doesn’t like desserts but will ask both Itachi and Konan what THEY would get for dessert, orders both things, and gives it to them.
Like Kisame, dining out isn’t really his deal, but will go every now and then when the “persuasion” of the others wears him down (Deidara: You antisocial asshole; are you too good to spend time with us or what, hm?!). Prefers places that are small and dimly lit; bright lights hurts his eyes immensely and he’s never been comfortable in large crowds of people. A trick his father taught him when he was younger was that, when eating in a public place, always go with somebody you can trust to keep an eye on the entrance for possible enemies; so Itachi will always sit in a spot where he’s facing the door, to protect the rest of the group. Eats his food slower than the others (everyone thinks it’s because he savors his meal but really it’s because he has trouble seeing it), and, like Tobi, is a bigger fan of desserts than the entree. Also has a thing with napkins; will sit and tear one napkin up into dozens of tiny strips while the others talk to each other, or sometimes shows off Konan’s origami lessons by turning them into little flowers or birds. Hidan gets easily annoyed by him because Hidan flirts mercilessly with every female in sight — but Itachi simply sits there quietly and has every female in the restaurant staring at him with wide eyes and lovesick faces. Hasn’t once left a restaurant without being asked out by at least 3 women (all of whom be very politely turns down, but still).
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