#of course Umbra was there to 'take away her pain'
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adylote · 2 months ago
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I had to listen my year-ago-self (?) and DON'T force myself to draw complex stuff BUT NOOO, I want more content of my ship. Sigh
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newbiespud · 3 months ago
Okay, I lied. One last set of Warframe 1999 spoiler thoughts to get them out of my system:
Bookending the story with Transference into Arthur (once very rudely without permission to start off on the wrong foot, once begrudgingly with permission to bring them home) is just great theming structure. Building thematic parallels into your story isn't hard, it's just so much better when the characters' and their growth reinforce their meaning.
On the surface, the Drifter's "help" to the Hex looks like a mere cheerleading pep talk, but that's not how I took it. Who knows more about fully matured Warframe powers than the Tenno? How can they lend that expertise to the Hex in their desperate moments? Eleanor can wrangle the Infestation within with a little willpower boost; Tenno do it all the time, or else their Warframes would be out of control. "Quincy, remember, your frame has the Seek power and it's busted." Aoi especially just needed a bit of support from someone who's used a fully kitted-out Mag before and mastered her magnetic powers. "Amir, here's something you would have never found out on your own: Your Warframe body has a Parazon, which doubles as a hidden blade AND a data-link!" And, of course, Arthur - if your body can't move, then I can move it for you. It's all the Tenno being an experienced Tenno to help the Hex.
I was definitely in the camp of "wait, I thought Albrecht shot Amir- OH THANK GOODNESS WE STOPPED THAT."
It's so incredibly great that the instant-messenger stuff allows us to discuss and digest a lot of Warframe's weirder lore in an in-character way, on top of all the other ways it's great. Love me a game system that accomplishes multiple goals at once for different player interests.
My absolute favorite thing overall? Thematically, this is a mirror-image of The Sacrifice. Somehow, through sheer empathy if nothing else, the Tenno have the power to share their inner strength with troubled, broken, hopeless beings, take away their pain, and unlock their full potential. The Operator did it with Umbra (and by extension every other fully converted Warframe), and now the Drifter's done something arguably even more impressive - using that power on partially still-living humans, with understanding, consent, and mercy.
Look, I'm arguably a writer by trade. I love analyzing story structure, and I especially love seeing action genres take a stab at being emotional, vulnerable, and empathetic while still being kickass action. That's a delicate balance, but oh boy does it make for a delicious dish for my particular palette.
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Lag hisses in pain as he presses a hand to the cut over his arm. He feels a hand on his back and he looks up to see CPU. He looks as injured as him, and the green Admin gratefully takes the offered hand and stands up.
"Are you alright?" CPU asks, voice soft, his eyes overlooking the other.
"I'm fine." Lag shakes his head, though he quickly turns it in the direction of the fallen Umbra. "But.. is he-"
"Vitality's coming." CPU cuts him off because Lag's thoughts can spiral. "She's going to get him, and he won't die."
Lag released a breath he didn't know he had been holding.
As CPU places a hand on his shoulder, and begins talking to some nearby Admins (Sora's Admins, he believed. They were the first ones here after Abyssal sent that message), Lag glances around with a small frown.
Why did she suddenly start screaming? Lag thinks, eye narrowing as he remembers Abyssal's brutal fight with whatever that.. thing was. She looked like she was in pain all of a sudden.
Lag gently pushes CPU's hand off his shoulder before looking around. His eye still narrowed, spotting a black blob scurrying away. He blinks before lurching forward and grabbing the blob.
It screeches so loudly that he nearly drops it. Attention turns to him as he grits his teeth but holds it. Still, he doesn't let go and holds the writhing blob in his hand.
"What is that?" CPU rubs his ears, wincing.
Lag doesn't answer, staring down the blob. It almost seems to wither under his intense gaze. It's shine reminds him of something, but what?
"The hell is that?!" An Admin behind him shouted, Lag was pretty sure was Crash, drew his attention. He faltered for just a moment, seeing a black sort of sludge seeping from cracks in the wall and shooting directly towards them.
Two shots rang out, coming from the guns of Antivirus and Crash, and suddenly, a sharp scream rang through the air. He whipped his head around to see Abyssal writhing in the air. She was clawing at her hair, wings shaking and shuddering. Abyssal looked.. in pain.
Lag frowns. "This is what tried to attack us earlier."
"That mutant thing?" Buffer walks over.
"No. That strange sludge." Lag holds the blob up to get a better look at it, rolling it between his fingers. "And I think it's the reason why Abyssal snapped on us."
"That blob?" Cursor's snark makes him nearly crush the blob. "Ah, yes, of course. Because a blob would make that thing attack us."
Lag glares at her, and it makes her flinch. He takes a small bit of satisfaction before he returns his attention to the blob. "When Antivirus and Crash attacked the sludge coming towards us, do you remember how Abyssal began writhing in pain? It was as if she was connected to it.
"That, and it has a similar sheen to that mutated thing that she was protecting the Avatars from." Lag continues, eye narrowing.
"Shadow of Doubt." Sora supplies from behind him, turning attention to the Avatar. "He was pretty similar to the Heartless, Nobodies, and Darkness. He was feeding off of the other's negativity."
Lag looks back down at the blob he was holding. It almost seemed scared down, with how he was glaring at it.
"Well, I guess there's no time than the present to start figuring out what this is."
Shadow of Doubt screams in pain as he rolls around the ground of his small space. He claws at the ground, body shaking. His form changes and warps between the Avatars, and some animals.
You will make a good vessel! Stop screaming!
"Get out of my head!" Shadow screams. "Fuck, is this how that pink brat feels?!"
Shadow of Doubt continues to roll around in pain, screaming in pain. His body felt like it was on fire, and something was clawing at his insides. Fuck, he was so stupid! Is this how he died?
Suddenly, it all stops, and he gasps, trying to breath.
You win for now. I must make sure the green one doesn't harm that piece!
Shadow feels something retreat from him, and he rolls onto his back, panting. In the form of Sora, he groans as he rests his arm over his face. "Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck."
He grits his teeth. "That damn pink brat.. when I find her.."
"I'll make her watch as I rip her friends apart."
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thespiritualfives · 2 years ago
Espionage | HunterxOC Story: Ch 5
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Chapter 5 - Grief
Only Warning is emotions... A lot of emotions
Pfp by @gt13tbbart
Character Artwork by xleintje
She cant believe it, one of her closest friends, who she believed to be dead, is standing right in front of her. She walks up to the former arc trooper, his facial expression is mixed with nervousness, sorrow, Pain and relief. Once Widow makes her way to Echo she slowly places her hands on both sides of his hollowed face, brown eyes staring into each other. After a moment she directs Echos head to lean forward a bit as she is leaning her head forward, their foreheads meet in the middle with both of their eyes closed. "Hey Echo." She says in a low tone with a Smile, Echo silently snorts "Hey Wid, miss me?" He smiles back at her.
Widow laughs as they pull away from another "I mean I spent the last almost two years thinking you were dead you di'kut, of course I missed you." Widows says as she grabs her gear, Echo holds his hand out motioning for her to hand him the gear bag. Widow shakes her head "no its alright Echo, Im more than capable to bring this onto the ship" she states calmly  "Im not saying youre not capable I just want to have some sort of normalcy and to not be treated like some fragile Cadet, who is afraid of being broken." Echo states firmly as he takes her bag from her making his way up the ramp.
She looks over to Hunter with a shocked, confused and grateful look on her face. "H-how?" She asked as she walked back over to him. Hunter sighs  "apparently the explosion did not kill him, and when the separatist found out, they sold him to the technical union." He pauses rubbing his face before continuing  "he looks better than when we found him, Im glad you werent there to witness it. We werent sure if he were a corpse or a severely malnourished man" he finishes. Widow nods in understanding of the severity of the situation. "Thank you" she says as she looks up to the Sergeant , she carefully decides her next move as she places a hand  against the sergeant's shoulder and gives him a small kiss on his cheek. "I mean it, thank you." She says as she steps away to head onto the ship. Leaving Hunter standing on the platform looking out to the horizon of Ryloth.
Later That Night
Widow is sitting with Echo telling him of the events that have transpired since his absence. Echo is absorbing every story she has told him from Umbra all the way to recent trip to Ryloth. She takes a long deep sigh "Did Rex happen to tell you what happened to Fives?" She questions the ARC trooper, "Not much except for the fact he died" Echo responded. Widow drops her head  and looks back up to Echo, "I didn't think Rex would tell you what happened. I was there that night it happened" Widow pauses as she closes her eyes to recall the memory "Fives investigated the circumstances of Tup's death, apparently Tup killed a jedi on the mission they were on together. Tup was sent back to Tipoca City for further investigation but he did not survive the procedure from my understanding" She sighs "Its hard to recall because fives wasn't okay when he came by my apartment to explain what was happening."
She looks down once again not opening her eyes because of tears threatening to fill her eyes "He tried to tell me about how there are these inhibitor chips that are placed in every clone, but he wasn't able to go into full detail. He had received word that Rex and General Skywalker wanted to speak with him." She looks back up and opens her eyes, tears involuntarily leave her eyes as she starts to sniffle. Echo is looking at her in shock, he has never seen her in this emotional state before, he reaches out to hold her hand with his flesh hand, he grabs it and holds it firmly squeezing it to urge her to continue.
She smiles gently but sadly  at him "He didn't tell me where he was going, so me being me I decided to follow him. Once I was able to find him I saw Rex and Skywalker in a ray shield. I heard how Fives was trying to explain himself but from the tones of their voices both Rex and Anakin didn't believe him, or even understand where he was coming from!" Her voice gradually gets louder as she continues to talk about it. Her anger is boiling at this point. She feels another gentle squeeze on her hand for reassurance. "He was gunned down by the Coruscant guards who had also followed him. They had gunned him down once he reached for his weapons Echo." She breaks down falling out of her chair loudly sobbing recalling the memory, she never grieved for Fives, she ran instead of confronting Rex and Anakin about this.
She wasn't aware that Echos hand had left hers and then his arms were wrapped around her tightly, he pulled her close to him as he settled on the floor next to her. He guides her to where her head is in the crook of his neck, she buries her head in the area trying to hide her cries but is failing since everyone had heard her break down and one other who had tried not to listen to conversation but he heard every single word, making him happy that Widow won't have to repeat it for him later.
Hunters heart broke hearing her break down like that, he had known her to not have her guard down, shes that bright light of the team who takes an interest in everyone's activities, she treats them like normal human beings, not like troopers, clones or anything. That is what he admires most about her, among many other things.
He gives them a moment before he gets up to check on her, he was able to find them in the Gunners seat. He saw Echo holding Widow closely to himself, Hunter can tell Echo is having a hard time containing his own emotions in order to keep the red headed agent from losing it even more. Hunter walks up to Echo quietly "Do you need me to take over?" He mouths and motions to her, Echo looks down at her and sees she calmed down slightly but clinging onto him. He shakes his head no "I cant leave her like this, her and I have been through a lot together. She's my sister Hunter and I won't leave her  like this." The arc trooper says quietly as Widow and slowing drifting off to sleep. Hunter nods and walks away leaving them alone to grieve.
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shelbysdevil · 2 years ago
The artifact. He just came here to find the damn artifact that should help to increase elemental powers. That tonight the black market was holding another bidding of gifted girls used to be sex slaves was just an incidence Tommy had to ignore like he had so many times before. Of course he didn’t agree on any of this, but he also had more important things to do than save every poor soul he crossed. It helped to keep his eyes away, to shove that ugly face of humanity away for a moment to focus on something bigger. With his hat lowly hanging on his head he squeezed his way through the masses, always making sure that no one would see his face and recognize him from the resistance. He was their leader after all now, wasn’t he? Or at least that’s what Arthur said.
Whatever, Tommy didn’t care about leadership. He just did what he could to live a little longer and maybe take revenge on the ones that destroyed homes and families. Sadly some individual destinies didn’t find much space in that. Just a night like any other, he told himself and tried to focus his eyes on the salesman standing in the corner away from the pit. “Excuse me.” Another time Tommy pushed himself forward but suddenly a sharp piercing pain rushed through his chest like a knife and let his dark mark burn as if it was sinking deeper into his skin. What the fuck was happening? Voices…visions… blurred pictures of people screaming for him and a face he couldn’t recognize that reached with her hand for him to built a shining light around them. It all went so fast and felt so slow, his breath still heavy as he lifted his eyes to find the gaze of the woman they were bidding on. Could it be?
Tommy couldn’t bid in here. Not only because he had another duty, but because his name and face shouldn’t be seen around here. No, he needed another way and watched the bidding for a moment to be sure which way they would take her until he disappeared to the salesman to get the promised artifact. With that one hidden in his black coat he sneaked his way into the same room the bidder just went and waited for a moment around the corner to make sure they were alone with that one man. Her spirit must be unbroken since she was talking back like a maniac and somehow it impressed Tommy but the confusion about the dark pulsating glow in his chest didn’t disappear. He needed answers.
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As soon as the stranger reached for the girl Tommy lifted his hand and let the shadow that crawled from his palm lay its veil over the room. Darkness spread and Tommy could sneak up to the guy, a knife hold to his throat while his other hand slipped a bag of coins into his pockets without him seeing his face. “I pay double. Take another and leave.” Before the man could react properly Tommy pushed him away to let him run, the warning cut on his throat spreading some blood to Tommy’s neck and hand what he didn’t notice. His hand raised again to let the dark disappear into his palm before his hands folded and the stranger sent a last long stare to Tommy. “Umbra.” His alias left the mans lips in fear but only made him run faster while Tommy’s chin raised again in pride. “Scum.”
After a deep breath he turnt around, seeing the girl still on the floor and feeling that weird pulsating under his skin. “Who are you?” He first said calmly but then he hunkered down in front of her and snapped his hand around her jaw to take a closer look at her. “You’re a simple whore, are you not? Healer? Calmer?” In a rush he opened the first buttons of his plaid to show her his dark full moon mark on his sternum, the knife now pressed to her throat. “Then tell me why my skin is fucking ripping itself off since I entered the room with you. Why is my heart running when you are made to soothe, huh? Speak.”
Eden was pushed into a ring, a room that was circular, a small stage that she was pulled up onto. They did not present her well, they didn't present any of the girls well. She looked tired, a little dream that couldn't find her own rest, yet she'd give it to other people. She would lull them to sleep, sweet and steady, provide that comfort... but perhaps the worst problem with those calm souls who fell into this trade, was that they'd burn away their moon marking.
You could see hers, or at least where it should be. Eden had once bore a crescent moon, delicate and lovely on the middle of her chest, upturned and dainty and they'd made a mess of her skin, scarring it with the unnecessary burn mark. They said it made it known they were not worthy, that their purpose was not for their power but for their body. Who'd ever find their half, without the evidence of it?
They'd shone lights on her, let the bidding go on and on, even shoved her when she stood perfectly still to show herself more, twirl, do as they asked as some terrified puppet. They mistreated these girls, it was plain to see. The fear that danced in her eyes, the trauma response to stay quiet after years of this. The way she dare not move her arms and cover her body, dressed in skimpy lace under garments.
The number increased and increased until it came to a stand still and by her bound hands they pulled her with them. It was moments later that she was pushed into a room, it'd just been a hallway of many doors. This establishment had come under hard times, to sell their most valuable. They advertised her as such, a girl that can calm you, ease your nights, before they'd even brought her on stage. She was the star of the show and yet this little thing with hair as dark as night itself, did not know her worth. They pushed her to the floor, slammed the door behind her and left her as a crumpled mess. Money taken, sale made. They didn't even unbind her goddamn hands, instead choosing to reduce her with one last cruel act.
Her first reaction wasn't to be scared at him, it was to scowl and shove herself away. He'd call her something, a degrading title like they all did, man handle her, drag her. In all her years, there'd not been one that ever asked her name, not one that surprised her or just.. treated her as if she was human. Hell, did she remember her own name anymore? Yes, she thought, don't ever let them take that away.
Her green hues were spring meadows, thought they weren't cast in bright light, they were softly lit meadows, twinkling with starlight in a night sky, a calm night. They bore into him, staring as if she expected him to throttle her. "What do you want from me." Sex, she imagined the answer, to be a live in pet, sex slave, the sorts. "I'll do nothing for you." she growled, or tried to, it wasn't very intimidating but she was.. scared. She was just reacting as anyone in her caged position might.
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reilliane · 3 years ago
Wherever ★ Aether
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— ★ Scry: Ecliptic Umbra + Aether + Soulmate AU + Reader's Prompt (Reincarnation AU) — ★ Genre: Romance + Fluff & Angst — ★ Concept: Love transcends worlds. Even death cannot part it. — ★ Words: 4k A/N: I utterly adore this piece as much as I adore the sweet anon who scried :sobsobsob:
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Bliss exists and blooms from little to grand things. Anything and anyone are capable of blossoming such a wonderful feeling of joy.
For some people, even waking up on the right side of the bed is set to have them optimistic, bright, and mirthful for the rest of the day. To others, just eating their favorite meal is more than enough.
But to a certain Traveler, there’s more than just the little things that make him happy.
There’s more than having his twin sibling by his side and having each other’s backs.
What is it, one may ask?
It’s the [c] cursive writing of a name on his wrist, glowing with a pulse of its own, in tune with the synchronicity of two beating hearts. It’s the reminder of a love capable of transcending through time.
It’s the very existence of his darling soulmate.
Quite the amusing prelude to their tale, really, how in the first place it was Lumine who found her and brought her to meet him.
It only takes a few moments of stunned gazing and marks blazing—and he knows he’s found his life-long partner.
[Name] streams her way in their journey without any complication, easily forming a wonderful bond with Lumine the same way her relationship with him grew.
They’ve been together for so long—wherever one may be, the other will follow.
Aether is thankful that his soulmate has otherworldly abilities, all that is essential to joining him and his twin in their adventures.
Albeit she’s never been that much of a fighter, she proves her tenacity in healing and support.
He’s lost count of the times he’ll deliberately get himself harmed—not to a critical extent, of course—just so he can feel the comfortable cold brought by his lover’s healing touch.
Lumine is never entertained with his behavior but lets it slide knowing that he’s in good hands.
Their days are encapsulated in euphoria.
They aren’t just a group of three, either—they’re family.
He can still remember the time Lumine deemed all of them together as one. Aether has no complaints, and neither does [Name].
And so, they traveled far and wide, in and out of multiple worlds, hand in hand with a story to reminisce.
They are happy.
But the universe exists to balance fortune and misfortune, good and bad, eternity and change. And all good things are fleeting—they do not last forever.
To Aether, he’s always been accepting of the natural order. It’s life.
But not this one.
“Keep your eyes open, [Name],” nothing can surmount the fear gnawing in his chest as his hands push against the large, gaping wound. He chokes.
The lady only stares at him, [c] eyes dulling. “Love..”
Not this one—he can’t accept this.
Aether shudders with a whimper as he squeezes his soulmate’s hands over the wound, desperately hoping for it to emanate the [c] healing glow. But it doesn’t.
He hears another urgent shout of his name, but he can’t be bothered to look towards it now—not when his lover is leaving him.
“Aether, [Name], we need to—!” Lumine’s horrified gasp is a painful and harsh reminder that all good things truly don’t last long.
[Name], in her labored whispers, says, “You need to leave… this world… is unmerciful.”
“We’re taking you with us.” Firmly responds the blond as he hooks his arms under the back of his lover’s knees and her back, trying to let his tears fall despite knowing the inevitable outcome.
Both the girls offer no consolation, also aware of the ending result.
But hope delays denial and grief.
So, with the appearance of their wings, the twin siblings take flight towards the skies painted with the color of flames and blood, away from the destructing world they called home.
The three knows—they know very well that one of them won’t even last through the travel.
To course past the elements upholding this world takes energy, what more to leave one and enter someplace new?
Although the cataclysm they’ve witnessed is more than enough to scar and wound their hearts, it pales to the harsh truth that [Name] is dying.
And as they start to be coated with an ethereal glow of gold—a kind of protective layer as they pass through space and time—much like a falling star… as the blond feels his soulmate in his arms start to disintegrate…
He wishes nothing more but to be blessed with the ability to not feel.
But he is someone with a still beating heart.
And no matter how much he tries to reassure himself that it’s alright—that at least he experienced how to love—he feels the pain. The desperation and the anguish.
“I love you, Aether,” he does not look, but still, he sees the manner in how his lover begins to chip away into stardust, her voice fading. “Take care, the both of you.”
He can feel himself losing consciousness in the process—who knows how long it’ll be until they arrive at a new world?—and oh, the desperation that comes with wishing to stay awake is superlative.
But he loses, anyway, and as his tear slips away with his consciousness, so does the lady in his arms.
“I love you, too,” Aether manages to whisper, “You’ll still be my one and only. Whenever,”
[Name] smiles, “Wherever.”
The name on his wrist disappears.
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“Oh, Paimon didn’t know you had someone so special,” the floating pixie all but says with a faint whimper, doe eyes collecting gloss and water, “Paimon’s sorry for asking!”
“It’s fine,” reassures the blond Traveler with a smile, his eyes continuing to fixate on his now bare wrist.
He tries to remember the neat curls, strokes, and serifs that once adorned his skin—and his mind graces him with a blurry memory of it.
The comfortable warmth on his wrist that he thought will last an eternity can no longer be felt nowadays, so he finds himself keeping his gloves on for hours longer than necessary.
It remains as one of the few methods he has to indulge and relive the retrospection of days spent drowning in ardor.
If only he knows it to be a sojourn… maybe he wouldn’t have let himself fall so hard.
Because now he is all alone without even a reminder of her to get by. Not even the mark that is once embedded in his spirit.
Even his dear twin sibling, the one he’s hoping to lean onto after arriving in Teyvat, has left his side.
And when he finally found her, after nearly a year of journeying and learning of the new world… he realizes that there’s a turbulent surge of a long war underneath the surface.
Waiting to tear through the abyss and rise in retrospect of an antiquated battle.
And he’s left to learn the story of how it all began, alone.
“Oh, don’t be so sad! Paimon will leave the whole sweet madame alone for you to eat!”
Ah, right, technically he’s not alone.
Aether works up a smile, one laced with sincere gratitude.
The sentiment runs deep, complex, and thus a little difficult to express in words alone, so he hopes his smile is more than enough.
He figures it to be successful when his companion snuggles to his side, her words of assurance and comfort enough to dispel the raincloud over his head.
Taking another good look at his wrist, the Traveler takes a couple of moments to brush the pad of his thumb over it.
Back then, there lies the bump of a written name, now there isn’t.
Although the sight strives to bring about a timid frost of wistfulness within, he knows that with time, it’ll eventually thaw into one of acceptance.
After all, just because he lost a paradigm for the existence of a darling soulmate, doesn’t mean she is lost forever.
What cannot be seen on the surface of his skin will always be felt in the crevices of his heart.
The sway of the glaze lily overlooking the whole of Liyue Harbor makes him recall how his lover used to look over him and Lumine at the back, much like a guardian.
He thus cannot help but think of her in relative similarity.
Aether closes his eyes and opens his arms a little to invite the night’s breeze, prompting himself into thinking that the wrapping air is the figure of the lady he wishes to embrace again.
Wherever you are now… he breathes in with a sigh. Look after me, [Name].
He doesn’t think he’ll ever learn to love again, not when he has already given his heart to someone. And that’s fine by him.
Acceptance, the slightest bit of it, weaves through his chest, planting a seed yet to bloom—and he knows not to rush it.
It feels like it’s only been a blink of an eye ever since the passing of his soulmate, and everything has turned into shambles.
No one fancies this kind of aftermath… this lonely recollection and the tragic separation, but with bad comes good.
[Name] might not be at his side any longer, Lumine may have traversed an unforeseen path on her own, and things look so bleak and grey, but…
In turn for the new rounds of cards played by the universe, he knows he has gained something invaluable along the way, too.
“Traveler, let’s go! It’s almost time for Xiangling’s treat!” Paimon tugs at the ends of his cape, and he chuckles, nodding.
“Alright, let’s go,” he jumps off the cliff and flicks his glider out, laughing at the distressed shriek of the floating girl who rushes after him.
Amid the spinous journey of loss and zemblanity, he has acquired a wonderful number of people he can call his friends, and is on another adventure.
He glances at the firmament with plans to whisper all of the things he come across to the stars. In due time, he’ll talk to the stars again.
After all… [Name] always liked hearing a story.
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Tumult proceeds to be the rage and apex of his journey, the Outlander later realizes, after he steps out of the realm of consciousness where another Sacred Sakura has found root.
He realizes that, although in its own league, Teyvat is a place that does not shy away from the cruelty its universe ought to bring.
He is reminded of his own homeworld in such a way that Teyvat is on the crux of destruction, obstructed only by divine laws that the Seven are upholding.
Or was upholding, presently speaking.
Maybe this is the reason why Lumine wished to stay—wished to fight.
Perhaps she saw that this world carried the paradigm for injustice and apathy, and wished to do right upon it, for she failed to do so in their homeland.
And hence, [Name] was lost.
He thinks he can understand a little now, but he knows he’s nowhere close to reaching erudition. Still, comprehension is knowledge, and he’ll take it no matter how big or small it is.
The rush of the battle keeps his blood pumping and lively, still dwelling in the adrenaline brought from the fight against the Shogun.
He’s excused himself from the conversation between two friends, feeling the need to have some time alone.
Ever since he has stepped foot in Inazuma, things have been escalating so quickly he feels like he’s left behind. It isn’t a lie by any means, but it’s almost as if he’s pressed to do things posthaste.
Lost in the tides of a livid ocean, the Traveler attempts to surface and make sense of everything, but he is being washed under, defenseless.
The murkiness refuses to clear despite knowing the reason behind the ocean’s rage.
And he’s so, so lost.
Aether sits by the Sakura Tree, his sight already moving to fixate on the starry night.
“[Name],” he says in a whisper, “It was another exhausting day… but the Electro Archon, she’s gotten the closure she deserved.”
The faintest recollection of Ei’s conversation with her sister pricks his heart with ease. Truly, catharsis brought with making amends and resolidifying a once fickle bond is supreme and comforting.
Subtle change permeates in the behavior and decision of the Archon, one that without a doubt will flabbergast the citizens—in a good way, of course.
The abolishment of the Sakoku Decree means to liberate Inazuma from the strict barrier of a supposed eternity.
A wish from the people that eventually sees enlightenment as of tonight.
Exhaustion is seen in the way the Outlander fights the drooping of his heavy eyelids. He pinches himself in the arm to fight it off.
Now is not the time to fall asleep… not when he’s yet to relay this day’s events to the sky in hopes of it being heard by his soulmate—and perhaps, maybe even his sister.
“Sometimes I wish I had it, too. Closure, I mean,”
They had nothing, after all, because they were in the middle of fleeing.
He can only reminisce the way he held his lady close as she eventually turned into stardust, waning from existence along with the eternal love she professed.
It leads the blond to gaze at his gloved hands, the warmth it provides reminiscent of the one previously emanating from his mark.
It can never replicate such an otherworldly sensation, but it’s close enough. Comforting enough.
“But it’s alright… it…”
His smile is small, morose yet accepting.
“It doesn’t hurt that much anymore.”
And it isn’t a lie. He means it.
Before he fell asleep for another five hundred years, when Lumine woke him up so they can flee to yet another world, he was so sore.
The wound left by the loss of his other half remains open and raw, a rupture in his heart that now beats alone.
And it only grew the second he lost his sister, as well.
Waking up without someone at his side feels like he’s been swept under by a crashing wave of reality.
He’s been scarred so deep, and it pulses with agony for the continuing months.
But nowadays, after saving Paimon and traveling Teyvat, after seeing Lumine and understanding that he must continue his journey alone… the pain has lessened.
Long ago, when he stares at the stellar firmament with a fragile composure, he’ll shatter midway—and his storytelling will be prolonged for he had to try and keep his tears at bay.
Now, he can freely speak of his days without regret and grief weighing him down.
It hurt, but it’s tolerable.
Aether stays at the shrine by the Sakura Tree with the permission of Yae, only nodding off to a blank dream when he finished speaking of everything that has gone down.
Letting exhaustion get the best of him, he sleeps through the night, waking only to the chirping of the birds and the sunlight caressing his face.
His back and neck are stiff, but nothing beats having a good night’s sleep.
He stretches his arms up after standing, popping his joints, and twisting himself to relieve the stiffness.
“Well, good morning,” he turns to see Yae walking towards him, amused, “The Shrine welcomes all kinds of people—but having someone sleep here is rather insulting, don’t you think so?”
The horror in his face must’ve looked ridiculous because the fox envoy is already laughing in presumable jest.
She sighs, splaying her hand towards the sight of Inazuma.
“Worry not, Traveler, you’re welcomed here. It’s the least I could do as thanks for bringing back Ei, now, don’t you have a ship to catch?”
Oh, right—he’s meant to leave Inazuma today, setting sail for Sumeru. Or perhaps he’d pay a visit to Mondstadt first, he doesn’t know yet—but he knows his job here has met its end.
After bidding adieu to the friends he made in the city as well as the Electro Archon—who sent him off with the assurance that he’s free to return to her nation anytime—he makes his way to the plains leading to faraway Ritou.
Paimon, who has appeared at his side as they bid goodbye to the people—he became well known—is talking about all sorts of adventures once they’re out of the islands and the Traveler can’t help but be entertained.
It is a nice thing that Beidou’s ship is anchored and she’s willing to give them another voyage through the seas.
The enormous vessel can already be seen even from afar, its size comparable to the strength it possesses.
With the sequence of steps leading to the Alcor, the more Aether begins to ponder about the new chapters of his journey ahead.
It’s time again, [Name], his voice is clear in his head as he maneuvers through the busy crowd with Paimon overhead. His wrist is emitting a tender warmth. I’m leaving now, to enter another place.
The people are a blur of colors, but he can make out the clear figure of Beidou ordering the crew by the docking bridge, turning in their direction when Paimon flies ahead to greet her.
Look after me.
“Hey there, can I bother you to bring this up? We’ll leave soon,” greets the Captain.
“It’s no problem,” the Outlander responds, heading to the pile of crates the other crew members are taking.
Beidou pats his back in thanks as she steps aside to speak to someone else.
Aether moves to bend over and pick up a filled crate of herbs so he can load it in the Alcor. He huffs a little, feeling his hands sting for some reason as he tests the weight before hoisting it into his arms.
He begins to move to the bridge, and he feels an odd tremor rake through him, followed by a pulse of warmth on his hand.
Before he knows it, a blazing heat is pressing on his whole body, like lava has been doused from above.
A choking gasp of pain rips through his throat in surprise, almost making him fall into the water had he not maintained his balance.
The burn on his wrist is so strong.
So, so strong and it’s scalding… !
It has him dropping the crate, unable to tolerate the feeling of being eaten whole by flames.
He rips his glove away, seeing the skin of his wrist a shade of red. Paimon flutters to his side in worry, exclaiming his name.
But it doesn’t sound like his little companion at all.
His heart misses a beat. That voice… isn’t that—?
Duties long forgotten, he looks up, his arm still clutched by his free hand as it continues to pulse hotly—like the beat of a heart.
“.. [Name]?”
Whispering it out loud eases the burn. His heart twists at the familiar roll of his tongue, but he pays no mind to it, nor to Paimon’s frantic calls. He didn’t mishear anything, did he?
He’s certain he heard her… !
“Traveler, are you okay?!” his companion’s cry is again ignored, eyes of aurum searching the crowd for any sign of—he stops breathing.
The rest of the colors splash into a dull grey, but not one.
[C] can be seen perforating past the monochromatic canvas, emphasized amid the lusterless tints. It’s much like a single flower blooming in a bare land.
His world only starts moving when a body collides against his, trembling with relieved sobs.
“I finally found you, oh, thank heavens,”
Am I dreaming… ? the blond stays still, frozen as he blinks repetitively. The burn is no longer there.
He looks down, seeing a familiar face pressed against his chest, and he swallows thickly.
This is a dream.
“I could hear you, you know? Your stories, everything, but I—I couldn’t find you anywhere and Inazuma was closed off and I didn’t know where to go-“
He seizes her by the shoulders, creating some distance between them. What the Traveler sees is enough to compel his hidden tears to spill, but he keeps himself firm.
Denial and grief—hope and desperation, all have returned in the luster of his eyes, glossed with water as he searches the face of his lover.
He will embed it in his mind for one last time because after so long, he’s finally dreamt of her.
Finally, he can see her face again even if it’s just for a sliver of a moment and he’ll wake—
The hand that moves to take his sends electricity within his being, jolting with a sensation that he can only feel around…
Ah… I… he staggers back, reality crashing. This… !
The perturbed and distracted faces of those nearby do not even register in his head and do not process the possibility that they’ve made a scene.
In a blink of an eye, the Outlander races forward, capturing the girl—his muse, his soulmate—back in his arms.
He cannot control the onrush of hysteria as he tightens his hold.
“You’re here,” he breaks into a small cry, voice raw, “You’re really here…”
There is silence all around him—probably because this is the weakest they’ve seen of the Hero. But he does not care.
He doesn’t care that he shakes, doesn’t care that he cries, doesn’t care that he’s displaying such vulnerability to everyone because just like them, he has a heart capable of breaking.
So there, under the light of the smiling sun, caressing his skin with the sensation and love that’s unable to be brought back until now, the Hero weeps.
He stays in his sanctuary, picking up the pieces of his heart to rebuild it whole.
“It was surreal, being born again,” [Name] reveals after they part, just so the blond can indulge in looking at her once more, “Teyvat is lonely, but when I started to hear you.. I felt so happy.”
He thinks he can cry again, but he’s certain he no longer has any more tears to spill. Paimon is crying in his stead now, having connected the dots herself.
Aether lifts his ungloved hand, the soft skin of his soulmate’s cheek meeting his palm, and he stammers out a breath.
[Name] nuzzles into that hand, [c] eyes containing the same fondness she’s held in her previous life.
The way she holds onto him so dearly brings back memories he thought he wouldn’t ever be able to live through again. He remembers all the times he held her cheek, her figure, her soul, her heart.
And he remembers the day he embraced her—just like this one—as she turns into stardust.
The little dread continues to burn like embers in his chest, making him cup his soulmate’s face as if he’s afraid that she’ll disappear again.
Understanding flickers in [c]s, and the lady tenderly caresses the hands on her cheeks, “Hey, it’s alright, I’m here now. You couldn’t have forgotten it, right?”
[Name] smiles. “I’ll be with you,”
I love you.
He can never forget it. Never.
Another burn starts on his wrist, but no longer is it agonizing. It is soft, like a cozy flame by the hearth, and he knows it to be his mark returning.
After all—even if death manages to separate them, he knows it now, that separation is but a momentary inconvenience. Because a joined heart can’t ever be split for eternity.
A soulmate’s bond transcends space and time—and the love that follows it will persist to defy all that endeavors to keep it asunder.
Aether realizes this after he seals the reunion with a kiss that told of woe and eunoia; that whenever there is separation, there is no need to dwell in the grief of loss.
For in the finale, he will remain hers, and she is his. Whenever.
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a/n: HH, academic term is back and things have gotten busy- so i'm glad i was able to release this! ah, writing such a comforting piece eases me heart :')) HHH I WANNA GIVE AETHER A HUG WAHHH
@cherryflushz @e7t3 @scarlet-halos @lordbugs @nebulaera @annoying-and-upset @hanniejji @applepi1415 @tjjjrsj @azirajane @uwu-dreams @yvechu
𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭'𝐬 𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬
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justaduckarts · 2 years ago
Thank You, Sir.
Lore for Star Holder :) This is pretty LONG.
Been heavy thinking on Julian lately. He’s a funny fella.
Spoilers? Ish.
TW: Aftermath of a fire, Blood Mentions, Injuries (not descriptive)
Billowing black smoke curled into the early morning sky. Cottages were reduced to smoldering rubble. A lone figure stood in the ruined village.
"Well." Eclipse glanced around, "seems I won't be finding anything useful here..."
Turning, the god of darkness started back towards the lone horse waiting for him. It was, of course, a rather unusual horse. Entirely black, save for a fiery orange mane and tail. And far larger than the average horse.
"Come along, Umbra," Eclipse called for his familiar. The black fox slipped out of the shadows and towards her owner. Just as Eclipse grasped his horse's reigns, a sound cut through the soft crackle of embers.
"Change of plans." Eclipse's head turned back in the direction of the destroyed village. "Look for survivors."
Nodding, the fox scampered back into the ruins. Eclipse dropped his bag and stormed towards the rubble himself.
Yipping pulled Eclipse from the building he was inspecting.
"Did you find something?" Eclipse approached quickly. He watched Umbra dig at some rubble a moment before he caught sight of a pair of legs sticking out from beneath some debris.
Dropping to his knees, the god carefully removed the ash and wood splinters from the young man. He was still alive, by some miracle. The man took a gasping breath, latching onto Eclipse with both hands. 
“Try not to speak,” Eclipse said, taking note of the man’s extensive injuries. Injuries that couldn’t have been made simply by being caught in a house fire. The man’s fingers dug further into the fabric of Eclipse’s blouse. The poor human seemed desperate to survive.
“You’re bleeding quite a bit there,” he noted, eyeing a particularly large chest wound, “we’ll have to close this, or you won’t make it.” Brilliant fire filled Eclipse’s palm. 
“...This is going to hurt,” Eclipse looked the man in the eye, “it will likely be the worst pain you’ve ever known. But you have to hold on. You will live.” 
Moments ago, Julian couldn’t even find the strength to utter ‘help’. Now, however, he seemed to have found the strength. And he was screaming. He writhed under Eclipse’s searing touch for several agonizing seconds. 
“It’s done,” Eclipse drew his hands away, “breathe. You’re going to live.” The man gasped. Dark hair clung to his sweating face. Wide brown eyes took in Eclipse’s face and seemed to finally understand just who they were looking at. 
“You,” he said, heaving another breath. 
“...Me?” Eclipse tilted his head, confused. 
“You saved me,” Julian rasped, “why? Aren’t you...?” 
“Ah, my reputation precedes me,” Eclipse got to his feet, pulling the young man along with him. “Come, let’s get you some water.” 
“Why are you helping me?” 
“Would you prefer I leave you in the ashes, then?” Eclipse frowned down at Julian. 
“...No.” Julian leaned heavily onto Eclipse as the two made their way to the large horse. 
“Perhaps you could tell me about what’s happened here?” Eclipse glanced down at Julian. 
“...They came looking for the star holder,” Julian’s brow knit, “claimed they’d heard the child had been here. They were right- the child was here. Weeks ago.” 
“Child?” Eclipse’s brow creased. His frown deepened. So the star had fallen into the hands of a child? The very thing created to stop Eclipse? 
“A child,” Julian nodded, “the temple says that they were blessed by the gods. A star fell from heaven just for them. Granted them the gift of healing.” 
“Is that so?” Eclipse offered Julian a canteen of water, “how interesting.” But Eclipse knew better. Sun had dropped that star. Julian drank heavily for a moment. Then, he looked up at Eclipse, confused.
“Wouldn’t you know about this, your grace? You are a god- 
“Please, don’t regard me with such formality,” Eclipse shook his head, “just Eclipse is fine. And no, I would not know. The sun god and I are not on friendly terms.” 
“Right...” Julian looked up at Eclipse questioningly. “Why did you save me?” 
Eclipse looked over Julian once more. A scrappy young man. He had the worn hands of a laborer- carpenter, perhaps? 
“Would you like to hear the truth? Or would you like to hear something that will bring you comfort?” Eclipse quirked a brow. 
“I want the truth,” Julian frowned. 
“You are the only survivor. You had information I wanted. It seemed only fair I let you live in return.” Eclipse shrugged. 
“And if there had been other survivors?” Julian clenched his fists. 
“I’d have sent for help,” Eclipse mused, “but I cannot stay. Besides, given that I am known for the gift of fire... how do you think this might look?” 
“You’d leave to save your reputation? Even if there were people here suffering?”
“I am not a healer,” Eclipse gathered his bag from the ground and slung it over his shoulder, “as much as I wish that I could be. I did not heal you. I burned you. Do not forget that.” 
“Did you even learn anything useful from me? Or did you save me for nothing?” 
“Oh, I learned plenty,” Eclipse grinned, “if the star holder is still a child, though, that does complicate things.” Eclipse took up his horse’s reigns. 
“You’re after the star holder?” Julian took a confident step towards Eclipse, despite the clear exhaustion in his movements. “I won’t let you hurt- 
“I wouldn’t hunt down a child- that’s despicable. I am after information. And only information. It is imperative that a man be well-prepared when he knows his enemies are plotting.” Eclipse gave Julian an impressed smile, “but your determination to protect the young is admirable. Even if you wouldn’t stand a chance, especially not in your state.” 
Julian squared his shoulders. He huffed. 
“How is it that you can compliment and insult me in the same breath?” He crossed his arms. 
“It was easy,” Eclipse mounted his horse, “the nearest village is quite a distance. Will you make it there on foot?” 
“I will.” Julian looked down the long road. 
“Do not let your pride cloud your judgement. The consequences can be quite deadly,” Eclipse chided, “I have seen so first-hand.” Sun... 
“If I remain here, I will only waste away,” Julian said stubbornly. Eclipse rolled his eyes. He bent and snatched Julian up under the arms. 
“Just get on the damn horse, you stubborn ass.” Eclipse settled Julian on the horse before grasping the reigns. Julian felt a tidal wave of emotions crash over him. Most notably, embarrassment. 
The ride to the next village was filled with rather venomous arguing. Mostly from Julian, but Eclipse seemed amused to play into it. 
“You are by far the worst god I’ve ever met,” Julian hissed as they rode into town. 
“So you’ve met other gods?” 
“Then I have time to change your mind,” Eclipse chuckled. 
“How can you be so casual? I swear when I am well- 
“You’ll come and fight me? I’d love to see it.” Eclipse continued to laugh. 
“You’re mocking me.” Julian scoffed.
“Yes, quite openly.” 
“I despise you.” 
“Most do,” Eclipse pulled at the reigns, stopping the horse. He slipped off and then pulled Julian down. “Thank you, Pepper.” Eclipse stroked at his horse’s smooth side. The horse huffed softly, tail flicking. 
“You’ll find a doctor here,” Eclipse turned to Julian, “I hope he can fix your attitude as well as your wounds.” Julian’s eye twitched. 
“I am going to find you,” Julian swore, “and when I do, you will apologize.” 
“I look forward to it,” Eclipse mounted the horse once more, patting her neck, “what did you say your name was, young man?” 
“Julian,” Eclipse nodded, “it was nice to meet you.” 
“The sentiment is not shared. Not at all.” Julian glared up at the god of darkness. Eclipse laughed. 
“I hear that quite often. Well. Good luck, Julian. I hope to meet you again, when you’re stronger.” Eclipse flicked the reigns, “so long.” Pepper started trotting along. 
Julian stared after Eclipse for a long moment. Suddenly, he became grossly aware of his injuries. He stumbled. Thankfully, people in the village had seen him. They carted him to the village doctor. 
Days turned to weeks. And weeks to months. 
Julian intended to keep his promise. But as time went on, and Julian grieved the loss of his home and his family, he had time to reflect. 
Eclipse claimed to cave him for information. But if that were all, then why had Eclipse bothered to take him to get treatment for his wounds? There seemed to be more to the god of darkness than Julian initially thought. 
And as he grew strong, Julian’s reason for finding the temple of darkness changed. 
The journey to the temple of darkness was long and exhaustive. And when Julian arrived, he found Eclipse waiting. 
“Hello, Julian.” Eclipse smiled down at the young man.
“Hello, Eclipse.” Julian nodded to the enigmatic god of darkness.
“I take it you’ve come to fight me? Kill me, perhaps?” Eclipse crossed his arms over his broad chest, looking rather amused. 
“...I’ve come to thank you, sir.” 
“Thank me?” Eclipse tilted his head. 
“Forgive me for my... admittedly poor attitude when you found me. I was grief-stricken. And I responded with anger. I’ve had time to reflect on this.” Julian knelt. “You saved my life. And I don’t think you did so just for information.” Eclipse shifted. Ah. Caught being soft again. 
“...You’re right,” Eclipse shrugged, “I do not enjoy the needless suffering of mortals. But there is nothing to forgive. I understand that grief can cause us to do things we might regret.” Eclipse did his best not to reflect on the many terrible things he’d done in his grief. 
“I would like to make it up to you,” Julian stood, fists clenched, “I owe you my life.” 
“You owe me nothing,” Eclipse corrected, “the best thing you can do now is live on. Perhaps settle down, humans seem to like that kind of thing.” 
“I’m not interested in settling down,” Julian shook his head, “I want to help you. I want to be useful.” 
“...You understand that I mean to oppose the sun god, yes? We will fight someday.” 
“I’ve come to learn that a god’s reputation means little about their character,” Julian said, a determined look on his face, “you taught me that.” 
“Did I?” Eclipse looked off to the side. Well, he’d really done it this time. Sighing, Eclipse turned back to Julian. 
“...Julian.” Eclipse took a step, “I am not a good person. Whatever you think of me for aiding you, I have done and will continue to do terrible things. I will tear this world asunder if that is what it takes to dethrone Sun. You understand that, don’t you?” 
“They say a forest grows stronger after a fire,” Julian stood tall. Confident. The last time Eclipse had seen him, he’d been barely clinging to life. Now, he looked quite alive. Long dark hair pulled back, brown eyes alight with a fire Eclipse almost recognized. 
“They say a lot of things,” Eclipse shook his head, “are you prepared to serve someone like me? I may ask you to do something terrible some day. I may require you to kill someone. If you work beside me, your life will always be at risk.” 
“I’m not a fool,” Julian crossed his arms, “and I’m not delicate, either. I’ve worked in my father’s forge since I was big enough to hold a hammer.” 
Eclipse shifted. He tore his gaze from Julian. No. Being kind to Julian would not make up for... that. 
“...One month,” Eclipse looked back at Julian, “I will allow you to remain here and work along side me for one month. And if you impress me, you may remain. But if you cannot handle everything that comes with serving me, then you leave. And never return.” 
“When do we begin?” Julian’s posture relaxed just a touch. 
“Right now. There’s work to do.” Eclipse turned and strolled further into the temple. “Come along.” 
“Thank you, sir.” 
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whimsicallyreading · 4 years ago
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Who Cares
Hunt was soaked in blood.
From beneath his chin, to the toes of his heavy, leather boots. It coated him like a second layer of crimson skin, and Hunt was aware that anyone who came across him would think he was a walking nightmare.
This wasn’t the first or last time he’d walked around publicly in such a state. The Umbra Mortis was no fairy tale told to keep children in bed. He was a living, breathing male that walked the streets of Lunathion daily.
Bryce’s new public status meant that cameras followed her everywhere. Hunt’s name was elevated with hers, but people hesitated pointing their lenses at him. They still cleared the sidewalks when he passed by.
It stung.
Hunt landed on the roof of their apartment and made the slow descent to his floor. Red foot prints followed his wake but he didn’t look back at those. He would leave a tip for the janitor later.
He stepped through the door and kicked off his shoes. Bryce, on the other hand, would murder him if they ruined her rugs.
A low, rumbling ground broke through the silence and Syrinx came barreling from his crate. The little beast charged at the intruder prepared to chew their bones with his need-like teeth.
“Syrinx,” Hunt huffed and got down on his knees. “If you bite my ass again I’m going to turn you into a pair of socks.”
Syrinx skidded to a halt, taking Hunt in with his amber eyes. Once he recognized the male under the blood, his tongue flopped out and his disposition sweetened.
“There you are, Beastie.” Hunt scratched Syrinx’s ears. “Bryce will be home soon and I need to go wash off before she sees me. I’ll take you on a walk after. How is that?”
Syrinx made happy, snuffling sounds and pranced back to his bed. Content to finish his nap and wait for all of his friends to arrive.
Hunt opened the door to his bathroom. Bryce had all but moved him into her room, but claimed this room still belonged to him. She wanted him to have the autonomy of his own space.
Hel, he loved her.
They also shared her bathroom now. Conserving water was her rational for that. Hunt didn’t want the blood to stain her tub, though, so he would use this shower.
Isaiah had called to inform him of a couple shifter radicals, intent on usurping the Wolves of the city and attempting to plant bombs in Moonwood. His friend was loathe to ask, but Hunt understood the request.
Dispatch them quietly.
Hunt wouldn’t deny that was his forte, and Isaiah asking out of respect was different than doing it because Micah ordered.
He is was halfway through cleaning the feathers of his left wing when he heard the apartment door slam open.
“Hunt,” Bryce’s voice screamed, filled with pain and terror.
Leaping from the shower, Hunt barely wrapped a towel around his waist before bursting into the living room.
Bryce was standing by the front door next to his bloodied boots. Her face was pale, legs trembling, and tears were running down her freckled cheeks.
“Bryce, what the Hel is wrong?” He gripped her shoulders and scanned her body for damage. Nothing was out of place besides the tears ruining her makeup.
Mentally he was swearing, if one of those fae bastards had harassed her again on her way home he would-
“There was blood-“ Bryce choked between sobs. “All the way down the hallway. On the walls. The floor, I thought, I thought-“
Shit. He was an idiot.
Hunt pulled her to his chest, neither caring that he was wet or that one wing was still stained and dirty. He could feel Bryce’s heart racing, and her whole body shook in his arms.
He carded his fingers through her hair. “Shit. I’m so sorry, Sweetheart.”
Bryce thought she was walking into another massacre. Another body. Another friend and another love death. He must have made a bigger mess than he’d thought.
“I didn’t know you had a job today,” she cried, her face stilled pressed into his chest. “You can’t do that to me.”
“I’m really freaking sorry,” Hunt apologized, feeling more like a bastard with every sob. “Isaiah called and I didn’t even think to call you.”
Bryce leans back and slams a fist again his chest, and damn if it didn’t hurt. “You moron! You didn’t even consider letting me know?”
Her sorrow was replaced with a burning rage that confused Hunt. “It wasn’t a serious job. Just messy. I didn’t think it was important. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“I don’t care if you think it’s important,” Bryce growled, her freckles scrunched as her face contorted in anger. “It doesn’t have to be important. I care about you. I want to know because I care if you come home looking like a freaking reaper.”
Hunts eyebrows drew together, “It’s just my job, Bryce. I’m lucky to have one.”
“I know it’s your job,” her voice becomes quiet and her eyes look pained. “But don’t lie and say it doesn’t take a toll on you. We are mirrors, remember? You can’t lie to me. If I’d known I would have been here waiting for you.”
Hunt takes a risk and dips in to kiss Bryce. Nothing like the swift pecks they often exchanged, this was deep and passionate. He gripped the back of her hand in his fist and pulled Bryce closer to him.
When they pulled back, she looked flustered.
“I know you care,” Hunt chokes around the emotion building inside him. “It just surprises me how much sometimes.”
Bryce sighs and takes his hand, leading him back to the shower he left running. He sits on the side of the tub, still in his towel as she picks up a loofa and gets to work on his other wing.
They are silent as she works. Hunt can scent the fear that’s still leeching its way from her system. When she finishes, Hunt wets a rag and wipes the makeup and tears from under her eyes. He presses a kiss to each one when they are cleaned.
“You have a different kind of love Bryce,” He whispers foreheads pressed together. “I’ve never met a heart like yours. Sometimes the honor that you’ve made a place for me inside of it still hits me. I’m truly sorry for scaring you.”
Bryce looks up at him, her red lashes brushing against her eyebrows. “I wish you would stop forgetting that you aren’t alone anymore. You won’t ever be alone again, Hunt. I care if you are okay.”
Tears sting his eyes and he blinks them back. What a foreign concept. He’d spent most of his life in servitude but here was this girl, a literal princess who cared if he came home in a good mental state. Who’d washed him more than once. Who got a spark in her eyes whenever she saw him experiencing or enjoying something new.
Bryce, who made sure he had autonomy in their home, their relationship, their things. Because she wanted his freedom for him even when Hunt didn’t think he needed it.
“You aren’t alone either,” Hunt kisses her again. Deeper. More frantically.
Her hair is damp from the steam and sticks to his skin but he couldn’t care less as her arms wrap around his shoulders. Bryce cups both sides of his face in an iron grip.
Hunt lifts her off her feet and they stumble into the hall when they hear a gasp.
They rip apart and Bryce’s eyes widen in mortification at the couple standing at the door. “Mom! What the hel are you doing here?”
Ember and Randall are staring at them from the doorway. The latter looks like he wants to run back at the door or decapitate Hunt. Ember seems unbothered, her hands resting on her hips and a tight grin.
“Did you forget we were coming? Of course you did,” Ember sighs. “Tell your Angel to go put some clothes on, and perhaps clean yourself up as well?”
“I’m going to kill him,” Randall manages to strangle out, he looks to his wife. “Ember, I’m going to kill him.”
Ember rolls her eyes, “You can kill him later.” Her steely look turns towards Bryce. “We’ve had a long trip and I can assume you don’t have a room ready for us?”
Bryce murmurs under her breath away as she ushers Hunt out of sight. “Give me twenty minutes and I’ll have Hunt’s room ready.”
“We will be waiting,” Ember sings as she and Randall drop their bags by the front door.
Bryce’s bedroom door shuts behind them and Hung runs a stressed hand through his damp hair. “That’s not how I wanted to officially meet your parents.”
“Well get over it,” Bryce throws a pair of shorts at him. “Nothing ever goes as planned with them.”
Hunt can’t help but think being almost naked and making out with their daughter had to at least be on the worst end of that spectrum. Still, he was resolved to try and fix this. He wants to exceed their expectations of a boyfriend.
For Bryce? There wasn’t much he wouldn’t do. How hard could impressing her human parents be? They’d chatted over video call before. He liked both of them. Hunt can rectify this situation, he assures himself.
At least, he hopes he can.
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What happens when Val’s client never arrived for their appointment? She stress writes quinlar fluff on her phone while sitting on a grooming table. Hope you guys enjoy <3 
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alice-angel12x · 4 years ago
💗Fairy!Deku x wingless!Reader x Fairy!Prince!Shouto
In a faraway long in a world we know lies Aquafidia. Each of the six kingdoms is watched over by a guardian, but the king himself watches overall. King All Might, was a powerful fairy king who watched over the land.
But our story takes place in a faraway land not too far from the rest of Aquafidia, this land was known as Seris.
The king known as Endeavor ruled over the land. He too was a powerful fairy, for when night came evil twisted creatures would come. Creatures called Umbra would come into the night and eat the fairies of Seris. So Endeavor created the Royal guard, made up of fairies with special powers and magic.
At the edge of Seris sat a wingless fairy with her lonesome. Gazing at the beautiful fields of flowers. Till a special flower caught her eye.
"Yes, a flutter flower!" Y/n cheered as she plucked the flower.
"Y/n!" called a familiar voice.
Y/n turned to see her long time friend Izuku calling out to her. She smiled and waved at her friend as he quickly flew over to her.
"What are you doing out here?! how many times do I have to tell you not to go so close to the edge of Seris? Again!" He said in a panicked tone. " What are you even doing out here?"
"I'm looking for flutter flowers," Y/n answered shyly. As she created a crystal sphere around the flower.
       " At this time?! it's almost dark. The Umbra could come out at any moment!" Izuku said in a worried tone.
Suddenly the ground erupted and a long black snake-like creature with a wide mouth of spinning teeth emerged. Izuku quickly activated his magic and fight the Umbra with incredible speed and power. Y/n focused her magic on the crystallized flowers, causing them to give off a blinding glow.
       The Umbra screeched in pain as it sunk back down into the ground.
"W-we need to go now," Izuku said as he quickly picked Y/n up bridal style.
He quickly flew her back into the kingdom, the guards were evacuating everyone into their homes. Or somewhere deeper into the kingdom. Izuku quickly got Y/n home and quickly entered as she pulled Izuku inside. Outside was empty and lifeless as the Umbra slithered about the kingdom.
"We're safe now," Y/n sighed as she sat next to Izuku on the floor.
"Hey Y/n, how did you do that?" Izuku asked as he pointed to the glowing orb.
"I might be flightless, but I still have magic Izuku," Y/n giggled as she handed Izuku the orb.
"Amazing," Izuku said in awe as his eyelids started to get heavy. As his head leaned onto Y/n's shoulder.
"Goodnight Izuku," Y/n yawned as she kissed Izuku's cheek.
"Izuku It's time to wake up!" A voice shouted.
Izuku shot awake as he quickly realized how close Y/n's face was to his.
"Y-Y/n! I'm awake!" Izuku squeaked with a cherry-red face.
"Were Going to be late, could you give me a lift to the Castle?!" Y/n asked in a panicked voice.
"O-of course," Izuku stuttered as he picked her up bridal style.
Using his magic the two zipped through the air and straight for the palace. Izuku is part of the Royal Guard, while Y/n was a simple maid in the castle.
"Thank you for the Lift Izuku," Y/n thanked as she waved him goodbye.
"I'll pick you up later!" Izuku called out as he flew off.
With haste, Y/n quickly ran through the Palace to the kitchen and servant's common room. The head Mistress was already going over today's schedule. With all the servent and maids hovering over her. Y/n silently entered the room and pretended she was present the entire time. As she listened She could hear whispering and giggles she knew all too well. Fairies and the smaller pixies would always pick on her for being a wingless fairy. It was just all too easy to poke fun of her try and sometimes fail to get around the palace. Since it was built with only winged beings in mind.
"And Y/n sadly we can't spare anyone, a ball is being prepared for. And we need all of our umm, Winged servents, but Corte is sick and can't watch over the prince. Yet our King demands someone watch him, so sadly we have to send you," The head Mistress said with disappointment in her voice.
The others couldn't hold back their laughter as everyone was dismissed. With a sigh she climbed and parkoured her way through the castle, all the while the others just laughed. Eventually, she made it to the Prince's chambers, she only fell once this time.
She quickly dusted herself and knocked on the door. Soon another fairy answered.
"Good you're here, the prince got himself injured again. He went out against the king's order, I sure hope this rebellious phase passes soon," the elder servant sighed.
"Because Corte is out we can't rely on her healing magic. So we have to make do with herbal remedies. The Prince sneaked out again and got himself hurt again, go see to him," the elder ordered.
"Oh just a heads up, you must be by the prince's side always. and he tends to run off. So good luck,"
With a sad sigh, she entered the room. In the room was a large bed, on it lay the prince faced down on his pillow. On his back was many large slash wounds, on the nightstand next to him was a bowl of healing goo. As Y/n approached her eyes landed on the prince's beautiful red and Bluewings.
"Who are you? Where is Corte?" The prince asked with a groan.
"Uh um. She is sick, so I will take her place for the time being. My name is Y/n," Y/n answered as she applied the goo to the wounds.
Prince Shouto simply groaned as Y/n wrapped him in bandages. Shouto slowly pushed himself up and took in his new handmaiden. He got up from his bed and inspected the maid shocked to see that she had no wings.
"You don't have wings," he said as he inspected Y/n's back.
"No, your highness,"
So my first day with the prince wasn't the best. It was pretty difficult to keep up with him since he could fly and I couldn't. There would be times I tried to ask him to slow down, only for him to speed away from me. Anytime he was still he didn't really like to talk, and he would completely ignore my existence. Other times he would talk down to me or insult me for many things, but mostly not being able to keep up with him. This went on for weeks. When one night.
"Your highness what are you doing? It's dangerous to go out at night," I warned him as I watched him stand on the balcony railing.
" And what's a burden like you going to do to stop me?" He teased coldly as the temperature in the room dropped.
"I.. Just at least take this with you," I suggested as I handed him a glowing crystal.
He simply scoffed and tossed it aside, quickly flying off. With a sigh, I quickly left the castle, and waiting for me was Izuku.
"Ready to head home?" he asked with his hand extended to me, like a gentleman.
As he flew me home I told him about everything. Yet when I'm with Izuku I could feel all my frustration and worries fade away. He is the best roommate, yet one thing stayed on my mind.
"Hey, Izuku... Am I a burden to you?" I asked him.
"WHAT! No! Y/n you are the best thing that happened to me. Y/n you were the only one who believed in me when I didn't have control over my magic yet. When my magic would break my bones, you stayed and cheered me on. If it weren't for you I would have given up," Izuku said as he held her bridal style.
"I care about you Y/n," He stuttered. " who called you a burden?"
"Prince Shouto,"
"Oh don't worry about him too much, everyone is a burden to him," Izuku sighed as he entered our house.
"Thanks, Izuku,"
Let me know if you want part 2 of this story. If you do please tell me what you liked about this story?
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kimvvantae · 3 years ago
You know, I know you are a great writer. I mean you wrote TML which I adore so much. And then Umbra please it’s so amazing💕 (I will scream in a separate ask about it in the future) but yesterday I read saudade after I saw that you are currently writing it and I couldn’t stop. I had to finish it late at night. And let me tell those are the best fics. I was so into this world. It’s so intriguing, so special, so well written. I am so in love💖
These two captured my heart. I mean it aches just to think about their tragic lovestory. I don’t know if it can get more sad then this. I am a sucker for it but please how much sadness can they bear. After every lightly fluffy moment, a wave of sadness washes over me. And I felt, I felt it in my bones. It tells a lot about your writing. I love your world building. The fusion between fantasy and non fantasy was excellent. A lot of times I was overwhelmed by the turns this story took. I love how I didn’t know what to expect when I started. And I love how you pulled the strings.
And of course I love the characters. They are the cherry on top. I can’t emphasize enough how glorious they are. They are so special. Not comparable to other ones I read about. A more special pair then them, hard to find if you ask me. They just match. In their sadness, in their stubbornness, in their willingness to help others even if they are hurting so deeply. The way they don’t give up even if the world is against them. They haven’t lost the last spark of hope yet. And while being similar in many ways, they are still their own person. They have flaws, I love how you pictured characters who are real. Humans or vampires👀 but they remain flawed no matter what. Chaeyoung wasn’t afraid to call her a selfish bitch and it felt so good to see real interactions. And their backstories, I love that we got to see why they are who they are. It’s great that we got the whole picture (I am so curious if we get two perspectives on the last chapter). And of course Chaeyoung, please she is such a cutie. She and Lisa are such an adorable pair.
It’s so worth it. I have no idea how it continues but I know that you will do an amazing job, no matter what. I just hope they have their happy ending. I don’t know how much I can bear. And take all the time you need to finish this masterpiece. It will be hard to say goodbye but I need to know what is still in store for them. Imam so excited. As previously mentioned I loved it so much. Thank you so much for spending so much time on it. The effort you put into it is seen, even if I can only imagine how much work it actually is. So if nobody told you this today. You are doing amazing. I hope you have a great week. Lots of love from me❤️‍🔥 Take care
🎀 (I don’t know if you remember me, it’s been an eternity tbh but I am still here and I still love giving long reviews about your amazing stories)
yes i remember you!!!!!!! glad to see you here again!!! so happy that you liked saudade too 😭😭 yes i'm working HARDDD to make a good ending for this series and i'm already excited to know your reactions about it!!!
yeah you made a good question - how much sadness can they bear? this is basically the main theme for the last part. can they bear more pain? can they stay away from each other? HOW can they be together considering everything seems to be against them? bro i want to answer these questions so bad 😭 i already spent too much damn time in character developing now it's time for RESOLUTIONS
i'm so happy that you mentioned chaeyoung bc she's like my fav character in this fic 🥺 she's the friend anyone would want to have! she'll be by your side when you need her, but she'll also call you out on your bullshit when you deserve it 😌 i really wanted the characters to feel flawed and real and i appreciate that you noticed it! adding flaws to characters is one of the most fun parts about writing (up there with world building imo) - flaws that make sense for them. i'll dive deeper into this aspect next chapter, but tae DEFINITELY has a controlling/possessive problem, because during his human life, everything was out of his control. he'll have to learn that he CAN'T control everything and that he MUST trust others sometimes. also oc still is a bit spoiled and selfish, and she'll also have to overcome these issues 😗
i don't want to spoil much more but uhhh i'm so excited to finish the last part already 😭😭 thank you so much for your review, it definitely motivated me to keep writing!!! tysm for reading & i hope you have a great week too 💗💗💗
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lettersnorth · 4 years ago
Flowers for Wyda
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Cravendy had left another letter on Lin’s door - meandering paragraphs that asked about how she was doing, what she was up to, and then letting her know how Dirtpatch was faring. As the paper was running out of space, Cravs had fit what she really wanted to ask in a narrow sliver sandwiched between small talk and the edge of the page. ‘I’m going to visit the Isles of Umbra to visit Wyda. Meet me at Aleport if you want to come along, and bring flowers.’
Cravendy waits by the docks, the sun burning high in the clear skies. In her right hand, she holds a bouquet of slightly wilted wildflowers, though at the center of it is a metal rose twisted from wire.
For the whole length of the letter that Lin found on her door, it was the last few lines, squished in along the bottom of the parchment that packed the punch and scatter the rest of the words like so much chaff. Not to take anything away from the work done to Dirtpatch or the strides the villagers had made. But some things simply hit harder than others. And this, Aislinn had learned, would always be one of them. So at the appointed time she arrives on Aleport's dock, her own bundle of flowers, a collection of pastels, held in the crook of her arm. Bright, happy, cheerful colors someone like her had no business holding but did nevertheless. Catching sight of Cravendy, she makes her way over to the woman and manages a sort of smile. A sketch of one, anyroads. "Got your letter." she says by way of greeting.
Cravendy turns at the sound of Lin’s voice and similarly forces a smile onto her own face. Ever present was an anxiety hooked between her heart and her throat, one that pushed her to expect the worst. To expect Lin to not show up. But it was often proven wrong, and seeing Lin brought a sense of relief to Cravs.
“Aye, and I see ye brought flowers. Are ye ready to push off?” Cravs gestures to a boat behind her. It’s the same one that had delivered them to Dirtpatch several times before, though this time, it would embark on a voyage to somewhere darkly familiar.
Aislinn glances at the boat, the question settling like lead in the pit of her stomach though for Cravendy's sake she bravely attempts to hold her barely there smile in place. Something very dark flickered in the back of the woman's eyes. She hadn't stepped foot on Umbra since that day. "Ready as a person can be." she said with a bright patch of honesty. Nevertheless, she nods. "Let's head out."
Cravendy nods and goes to step down onto the boat, balance naturally found on the rocking vessel. She can tell Lin is nervous, because Cravs is as well. The Isles had only been regarded at a safe distance, as shadows on the horizon since that day. But today, they would walk back into that place. Once the anchor is raised and the sails are drawn, she turns to offer a hand to Lin to help her step onto the boat as well. To go on this journey, together.
Inhaling a breath, Aislinn takes Cravendy's offered hand briefly. Her hop into the boat feeling filled with a sense of finality. A tacit agreement that yes, she would do this and no, there would be no turning back. She sets her bundle of flowers down carefully in one of the ship's holds, along with Cravendy's own and goes about helping the Seawolf shove off and make way. She thinks about making small talk but she never was very good at that sort of thing even at the best of times. So she settles for something direct. "Was it the lanterns Dirtpatch released that brought this to mind?"
“That was the trigger. But...I’ve always wanted to come back here. Been too scared to do so until now, but...” Cravs trails off, careful to not let her worries soak into her voice.
The ride over is quiet, the winds calm. Just saltwater splashing gently against the wooden body of the boat. And the Isles are, as usual, an eerily haunted place. Like stepping into an old overgrown garden that had once been loved...though the memories attached to this place were not of love, but of pain.
The exact spot where the battle had taken place is untouched. Where a fireball had turned sand into glass pincushion, where sections of the cliff had been chipped off - it’s all still there, though worn by time. However, one thing is different. To the side is a pile of sand with blue forget-me-nots growing around it in spirals. At its center is a stick with a red ribbon tied to it, blowing slightly in the wind.
Cravendy fidgets with her bunch of flowers. Now that she’s here...now that she’s here? Maybe she wasn’t ready to face this.
By now Aislinn was no stranger to stepping into difficult situations. This was all at once no different and nowhere near the same. As they moved in tandem across the gloaming beach, she breathed easy, slow breaths, her footsteps moving almost of their own accord until suddenly, they were there. She froze then, staring at the battle-scarred cliff face, the crater of glass and for a moment she can feel the heat of the fire, the rush as the aether leaves her and her shields shatter, Rising and Rolanda yelling and then...darkenss. Swiftly, she shakes her head as though tossing off something truly unpleasant. She refocuses on Cravendy, noting her shifting movements. "Not exactly easy to stand here, is it?" she murmurs. "With it all almost the same way we left it." she pauses and notes the flowers and ribbon with a furrowed brow. "Except for that. Where did that come from?" She approaches the spiral of blue flowers slowly, the sight of them by far a greater comfort to look at than anything else here.
Cravendy focuses on the shape of the fluttering ribbon and brings a hand up to her own. Of course, they had been here to clean up. Cravs had known that Percy and Barnable, old crewmates, were cured of their tempering, that they went to the east to chase down their errant captain. If only she was strong enough to be here earlier. “I think my old crewmates came ‘ere. This is both Wyda’s and Dot’s resting spot, after all,” she says, and the sound of her own voice surprises her. That there’s any voice at all. She steps over and kneels down to observe the flowers. It was unusual for these to be growing in sand and salt water.
Aislinn is quiet a moment as she lets that sink in, a tumult of emotion barely contained beneath a tightening of her lips. Nothing more. She understood she only knew a small fraction of Red Argos story and it was likely the poorest part. Instead, she reaches down and settles her bundle of flowers next to the stake. Cravendy shadows Lin’s movement, placing her own bouquet next to the other woman’s. The silence of the Isles unsettles her, like it ought to be filled with something other than cold sand. That she needs to fill the air with something warm. Cravs leans back and takes a seat, as if having a picnic with the marker. “I’m sorry it came to this, and that I came so late. I was so scared of makin’ a mistake, it was like I was paralyzed. Wouldn’t do anythin’, or worse, I’d...” Cravs swallows, mouth feeling dry all of the sudden. But she carries on talking to the grave. “But bein’ scared doesn’t change the outcome. That by not makin’ a choice, I was makin’ one anyway. One where I did nothin’.”
Cravendy sighs and shifts her head to the left, now addressing Lin. “I’ve been tryin’ to do good with this life I’ve got. The one Wyda gave to me. And I’ve been tryin’ to come to terms with everythin’ that’s ‘appened. I still remember what ye said that day. Accept that it ‘appened, move on. There’s only did and didn’t ‘appen. Maybe it’s the only way of ‘ealin’. To accept that they’re gone, that it was bad. To accept the...permanence of the past.”
Aislinn stands silent as Cravendy addressed the grave, her gaze fixed on the red ribbon fluttering softly in the breeze. Her head turns ever so slighty in Cravendy's direction as the Seawolf speaks to her. The churning depth of feeling forcing her to press her hands to her stomach, to take measure and try to translate the ache within into words. "It's not so easy as that though, is it?" she replies. "Acceptance and moving on. Like I can stuff it in a box, lock the lid and never look back on it. You weren't wrong either, that day on the range. That's what I was trying to do. But acceptance doesn't mean forgetting."
She sighs softly and sits down next to Cravendy, shifting in her seat. "I miss her. I know she'd have a lot to say about some of the things I'd catch her up on. Things I'd confide in her." her gaze flickered to Cravendy and then away, embarrassed. "Sometimes I try to imagine what advice she would give me. What jest she might come up with to make it all seem silly. How she'd laugh in delight and tease me about some things right about now." Another soft sigh escapes her. "I'll admit my imagination is a poor substitute. I'm too serious by half."
“At first, I thought healin’ was meant forgettin’. That otherwise, ye’d be burnin’ with the full pain of it all, forever. And that was the only way ye could pay back the fallen,,” Cravs notes. A pang of shame stings her, as denial had brought Wyda into existence. She shakes her head, disappointment weighing heavily on her shoulders. “But it’s not like that. Ye never forget or stop missin’ someone, and healin’ is simply...well. It’s just like ‘ow Dirtpatch rebuilt itself, but the scars are still there. Ye may as well refer to it as existin’ instead. We live and carry on.”
Cravendy Hound catches the small look Lin sends her way. “Ye really are too serious for yer own good. I’ll be sure to grab ye on whatever bullshitery I get myself into, to mix things up for ye. To remind ye I’m ‘ere.” She grins slightly. “Oh, and, I’ve been meanin’ to ask...’ow ‘ave ye farin’? Somethin’ keepin’ ye busy as of late?”
Aislinn nods slowly. "I think I like that way of looking at it. People we lose leave a scar and we're changed. But we don't forget where the scar came from." As Cravendy affirms her earlier observation, she puffs out a breath. "Suppose if another person sees it, it must be true. Some bullshittery might do me good." As for the question, she pauses unsure how Cravendy would respond to her idea she feared she was becoming akin to a bad luck charm. She shakes her head. "Office work for Heartwood's been keeping me at the House. That and the clinic. I'm sorry I missed the last bit of work at Dirtpatch. But they're up and running now?"
Cravendy Hound: “Aye, better than before, really. The place has become quite the fishin’ ‘ub, and the docks ‘ave never been busier. Although I told them it was fine, they were adamant about payin’ ‘eartwood back financially for the rebuildin’ support. So expect a check from them every now and again.” Cravendy sniffs, and it's followed by a shiver. Lin was just Lin, and she looked fine. But something seemed off. Cravs can’t put a finger on what she’s feeling though. “Are ye sure yer okay? Don’t ‘ave a fever or somethin’?”
Aislinn's 'tsk' sounds sharp in the soft silence surrounding them. It's in response to hearing Dirtpatch is going to be sending gil Heartwood's way. "Suppose we can turn around and take that money to buy fish or somesuch from them, maybe twice above asking or do you think they'd see that coming?" she pauses and sends a calculating look Cravendy's way. "Maybe ask Bertram to do the buying. That way it doesn't look like its coming from Heartwood."
As Cravendy presses, Lin leans back a bit. As if doing so could keep the Seawolf from sensing what she knows the woman must be sensing. The corrupted aether she's storing like some living, breathing cursed relic. "Maybe I'm a bit off considering where we are and all." it wasn't exactly a lie, she told herself. Therefore she wasn't -exactly- a hypocrite and it still would never come as easy to her as some people she knew. She comforted herself with this logic. This was different!
Cravendy Hound: “And what would we do with all that fish? If we eat it day in day out, I’m sure someone’ll file a complaint,” Cravs jests, a smile spreading on her face as she imagines the halls being filled with buckets of excess seafood. “And Dirtpatch’ll see what we’re doin’ anyway. Maybe, we could...buy their fish, and sell it in Gridania for them. That way it’ll ‘elp get them more customers. But I do like the idea of sendin’ Bertram to do it. Full time fish courier, heh. What a job title.”
Cravendy plainly takes what Lin says at face value. It seemed a reasonable explanation, and who wouldn’t feel off given the circumstances surrounding this place? Cravs nods. “Aye well. If whatever yer feelin’ gets worse, let me know, alright? Ain’t good to let somethin’ bad fester...believe me. I know.” Aislinn finds she can't look directly at Cravendy as she nods in what should be a wordless agreement to not let something like this fester. Affirming it with words seemed a step too far into 'definite lies' territory.
Cravendy sighs, eyes fixed to the flowers they’ve left on the sand. The truth was, Cravs felt there was something off with herself as well. She had chalked it up to being primal-puppeted for the past year, and had always assumed it’d go away eventually. But it didn’t. “Maybe I’m the one who’s off, and not ye? I know we’ve been talkin’ about ‘ealin’ and everything, but there’s something...wrong.” "Wrong how?" Aislinn asks, shifting her attention to Cravendy once more. "With you?"
Cravendy Hound: “Funnily enough, not with me, but...” Cravs hesitates, After all this talk of carrying on, to bring this up would be like ripping the wound open again. Or, at the very least, would make her sound like a broken record. “Okay, just so ye don’t think I’m crazy. All this stuff we’ve said? It sunk in, alright? Ye can’t bring back the dead, nor should ye.”
Cravendy scratches the back of her head, deciding to just go for it. “But no, not with me. But with...Wyda? I get that she’s gone, but...I don’t know. I can’t put my finger on it.”
Cravendy Hound: “Ye know what, there’s definitely somethin’ wrong with me. I definitely ‘ave more than a few marbles loose,” Cravs jokes as she kicks her legs out and leans back.
Aislinn didn't think it needed to be said. "Of course you don't bring back the dead." Whether or not one -could-, well, that was a different story and Lin knew very well what black magic could do. She felt a shudder slide all the way down her spine. "What do you mean...wrong with Wyda? How...why do you think its something to do with her and not...I don't know." Aislinn was traveling into deep waters she knew next to nothing about. "You shared the same space, didn't you? Could it be something residual to do with that?"
Aislinn North shifted to face Cravendy fully now.
Cravendy Hound: “I...never really put this into words. I don’t really know, it’s just a feelin’, and it’s ‘ard to tease out when exactly it started. When yer ‘ands are full from keepin’ yerself together, ye don’t keep track of the details.” Cravs shrugs to herself. “But now that things ‘ave gotten better on my side, I noticed it. Kinda like when ye can sometimes ‘ear a ‘igh pitched sound ringin’ in yer ears, and other times, not ‘ear it at all.”
Cravendy meets eyes with Lin for a second, but finds the stare a little too intense to hold for too long. “I’m probably just bein’ paranoid.”
Aislinn doesn't know what to make of what Cravendy is telling her. Logically, -logically-, she knows it can't be Wyda and she tamps down any wild speculation before it can even begin. She won't let herself go there. She turns and watches the ribbon tethered to the stake dance in the breeze. But then again, Wyda herself was impossible, wasn't she? A primal. "I...don't know what to say to that. Other than to say intuition is a hell of a thing. You said something's off. Don't ignore that. I'm...just not sure what it would have to do with Wyda."
Cravendy‘s gaze falls to the small blue flowers dotted around the grave. “Yer right. I just don’t know ‘ow to act on this feelin’ yet, since it’s so vague and all. And maybe this is just what it’s like to miss someone.” But missing someone didn’t mean their skills were transferred to you. And if the person was dead, it didn’t usually entail worrying about their well being. Cravs grumbles something about sleeping earlier today and gets up.
Cravendy Hound: “Ye know, now that we’ve been ‘ere awhile, it’s not as dauntin’ anymore. Still sad, but that’s fine.” Cravs brushes the sand off of her arms and legs, then holds a hand out to Lin to help her up. “Time to ‘ead back?”
A low noise comes from Aislinn's throat that says that though she couldn't agree entirely with Cravendy, as long as she remained focused on the flowers and the ribbon, she could see how it might not appear to be so bad. Taking the Seawolf's hand, she heaves herself up with a word of thanks. "Yeah...time to head back." she agrees as she likewise brushes the sand from her clothes.
"This was a good idea, Cravendy. Coming out here. I think she would have liked it." She takes one last look at the spiral of forget-me-nots and the ribboned stake with the addition of the flowers they had brought. With a breath, she nods to the makeshift grave and turns to join Cravendy on their way back to the ship.
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echoes-of-the-clockwork · 4 years ago
Book One: Gold (Prompto x Reader) Chapter XVII
The following day, the royal retinue and guardian left Lestallum. With Gladio now back with them and the mythril refined, they were ready to head back to Cape Caem. It was a two-hour drive and once they arrived, they headed straight for the lighthouse. As they were about to step into the elevator, a dog with black and white fur ran up to Noctis. The boy kneels down, patting the canine's head. He then checks the notebook it's carrying.
While Noctis read Lunafreya's message, the golden-eyed dog trotted over to (Y/n). The spirit glanced down at the animal, wondering what it wanted when it barked at her. Squatting down, she held out her hand. The canine licked her hand, then nuzzled its nose against her palm.
"Hey, Umbra likes you!" Prompto stated excitedly.
"Umbra?" The girl reiterated.
"That's his name. He's a divine messenger of the Astrals." Prompto kneeled beside her and petted the top of Umbra's head. He abruptly stopped his ministrations when a thought crossed his mind. "Wait, wouldn't you be considered a divine messenger too? Y'know, since you can talk to an Astral?"
"Doubtful," she scoffed. "I'm not a divine being like Umbra. All I am is a vessel."
"Still, it's pretty cool."
After Noctis writes his reply in the book, Umbra moves away from (Y/n) and Prompto. He sits and waits patiently for the raven-haired boy to put the book back in the bag. With the book now back in his possession, the canine takes off. Everyone then boards the lighthouse elevator and rides it down to a basement area in a seaside cave. There, they find the hidden harbor and a makeshift living room area. The boat they'd be using to cross the ocean was docked nearby. Talcott, Iris, Cid and Cor appeared to have been waiting for them.
The little boy stepped forward with an excited gleam in his eyes. "Look, Prince Noctis! Even the marshal came to say goodbye!"
When the group reached the bottom of the stairs, Cor spoke up. "Something I gotta get off my chest."
Noctis met the marshal's somewhat melancholic gaze. "What's that?"
"I'm sorry. Sorry I wasn't there for your father. I swore an oath to protect the king, but I wasn't strong enough to uphold it." Cor lowered his head in shame.
Cid, who'd been silent until now, spoke up. "Ain't nothin' nobody could've done to stop what happened."
Noctis was quiet for a second before responding. "Yeah, I realize that."
"But you need to realize just what you mean to the boys by your side."
"I do."
"Even if they can't solve your problems, you can't hide what's goin' on from 'em. It hurts like hell. Remember—those ain't your bodyguards, they're your brothers. Trust in 'em. Always."
As Noctis glanced at his three closest friends, Cor finally took notice of the (h/c)-haired girl standing behind Prompto. He saw her slitted eyes and the golden gemstone embedded in her upper right arm. After recognizing her as a spirit, he approached her. "You..."
(Y/n) met the marshal's gaze. She felt a somewhat familiar sensation when staring into his eyes. The moment she went to speak, Prompto beat her to it. "Is there a problem, marshal?"
Cor's gaze never left the guardian. "May I speak in private with her, Prompto?"
"Um..." The blonde glanced over at the girl. "I...don't see why not."
"Then let's head topside."
(Y/n) followed Cor up the stairs and into the elevator. They rode it back to the top and stepped off. He leaned against the wall of the lighthouse, eyes still focused on the guardian. "It's been a while since I've met a spirit."
"You're familiar with my kind?" She asked. The marshal slipped one of his hands into his pocket and pulled out a necklace. The jewel adorning it was black, cracked, and had a silver phoenix wrapped around it. The guardian easily recognized the gem. "Marshal, you...?"
"I once had a guardian. Viola was my entire world until the empire killed her. Her death was entirely my fault." Cor gripped the necklace tightly. "Before I became a full-fledged member of the Crownsguard, I was nothing but a punk. During my training, I was sent on a mission outside the city. Damn imperials swooped in out of nowhere and ambushed my squadron. She protected me and lost her life in the process. I truly never knew pain until I lost her."
(Y/n) hung her head with a sorrowful frown. "I'm sorry for your loss, marshal."
"Even though it was over 20 years ago, the pain has never faded."
"Was Viola the one to tell you about the conduit?"
"Yeah. She learned about it from an elder guardian and told me about it during our final mission together." The marshal put the necklace back into his pocket. "So tell me, are you the conduit she spoke of?"
"I am. I only learned the truth after leaving the city and encountering the Archaean," she stated.
"Then our gamble paid off."
(Y/n) blinked in bewilderment. "What gamble?"
"The Crownsguard was aware of your presence within the city. You were only four years old when you and a baby were brought to Insomnia by one of our spies. We've kept tabs on you and the child in secret to ensure you weren't a threat to Lucis. Turns out, neither of you are." Cor analyzes the girl's face, but was slightly taken aback when her expression mellowed out. "You're not surprised by this news?"
"I'd be lying if I said I was," she confessed. "I never knew how I got to Insomnia, but I was aware of who I truly was. Verstael Besithia is my true master, not Prompto. I'm not the real (Y/n), I'm just a reproduction."
"So your memories of your creation are intact," Cor muttered. "Remember anything else?"
"Of course I do," she sneered. "That bastard is the one who killed the real (Y/n). I was made to replace her after she betrayed him. He thought making a perfect replica would erase the memories of the past, but he was wrong. I remembered everything when I turned 12."
Cor was thoroughly intrigued by the revelation. "Why did the real (Y/n) betray him?"
"His mind became corrupt and she no longer wanted to support his twisted experiments. She was set on leaving and sharing his secrets with Lucis, but he killed her before she could." She turned her back to the marshal. "I'm but a mere imitation of her with her memories. I'm a false guardian. Why the hell would Brahma choose me to be his vessel?"
"You might be a copy, but you're still a guardian nonetheless. If an Astral deems you worthy to wield his power, don't question it." Cor took a few steps back towards the elevator. "I've kept you long enough. You need to be on that boat with His Majesty."
(Y/n) stopped him before he could call the lift. "Wait, I want to ask you one last question. How'd you know who I was?"
A smirk appeared on the marshal's face. "You threw a fireball at me when you were five. Guess you don't remember."
"That was you?" She gasped. "So this isn't our first meeting."
"I was impressed by your power for a guardian your age. I'm the one who told His Majesty to keep you and Prompto together. We gave the bracelet to him once he was taken in by a family."
She rubbed her arm with a smile. "And I'm grateful you did."
"You kept your presence hidden well from the family. I'm surprised."
"Yeah, well, I was slumbering in the gemstone until Prompto turned five. How would I explain my situation to his adoptive family in a way they would understand?"
"You got me there." Cor summoned the elevator. When it arrived, they both rode it back down to the hidden dock. When the two stepped off the lift, they saw the boys and Cid were already aboard the boat. Seeing they were waiting for (Y/n), she said farewell to the marshal before quickly making her way to the boat. She climbed aboard just as the vessel came to life.
As the boat pulls away from the dock, Talcott suddenly shouts out to Noctis. "Hey! Your Majesty!"
"What's up?" Noctis replied.
"Please come back soon! We need our king!"
He nodded with a faint smile. "Yeah. Count on it."
Talcott and Iris wave goodbye and Noctis waves back. The boat leaves Cape Caem and soon enters open waters. (Y/n) stood near the stern of the boat. While the boys chatted, she leaned against the metal railing and stared across the glistening sea. Her (h/c) locks blew through the salty breeze, washing away the weariness in her body. She sighed contently and closed her eyes for a few seconds before reopening them.
Spotting a multi-colored reflection on the surface of the ocean, the guardian's eyes traveled up to the sky. There, she saw the Celestial Crescent glowing radiantly with an array of beautiful colors. Her blissful smile fell as she recalled her conversation with Cor. Curious, she spoke to the god of creation. "Can you hear me, Brahma?"
Yes, Child. I am always with you.
"You said I have a pure heart and hold no ill-will, but I'm a fake. How can a replica be a pure spirit?" She inquired.
You are no mere replica. You are a pure Child of Pneuma regardless of your fabricated body. No other spirit has proven themselves to be as pure as you. Cast your doubts aside for they will only cloud your mind.
She hung her head with a heavy sigh. "I understand, but that still doesn't mean I'm okay being a fake. The real (Y/n) died years ago."
Believe in yourself. That is all you can do. Whether you are a replica or not, you must see your worth. You are the inheritor of my power and none shall take your place. Hold your head high and walk tall, Child of Pneuma.
The god was right. She needed to stop calling herself a replica and believe she was her own individual. Her powers and experiences were her own and no one could ever tell her otherwise. The belief she had in herself that she extinguished was burning brighter than ever. She smiled up at the sky. "Thank you, Brahma." Pushing herself off the railing, she walked towards the plush bench Noctis, Prompto, and Ignis were sitting on.
"Nice of you to join us, short stuff," Gladio commented as she came to a stop in front of the bench.
"Sorry, had to clear my head," she said.
"You've been doing that a lot lately. Gil for your thoughts?"
"I'd rather not talk about it. It's more of an inner turmoil that I need to deal with myself."
Prompto was too curious and pried further. "Does it have to do with what the marshal said to you?"
She shook her head. "Not really, no."
"What did you two talk about, anyway?" Noctis inquired.
"He told me about Viola, his guardian. He lost her over 20 years ago. She's the reason why he knew about the conduit. That's...all we talked about." It wasn't the whole truth, but only a portion of it. The rest of the conversation she had with Cor would remain between her and him until she was ready to spill her darkest secret.
"The marshal had a guardian...?" Prompto gasped.
"He still carries around the necklace with her gemstone."
"He must've truly cherished her," Ignis commented.
Unconsciously, the marksman fiddled with the bracelet containing (Y/n)'s gemstone. "Yeah..."
Everyone fell silent. They enjoyed the sea breeze for a while until Cid sparked a conversation with Noctis. "So, soon you'll have yer old man's ring back."
Noctis nodded slightly. "Yeah. When we arrive in Altissia."
"Good thing. To him, it was his heritage."
"Is that what my dad said?" The raven-haired boy asked.
"Carrying a royal line ain't a task to be taken lightly," Cid explained. "For a small thing, that ring can sure weigh heavy. After he became king, I only ever saw his face in the paper."
"Wait—weren't you at the coronation?" Gladio questioned, interjecting into the conversation.
"Nah, I was long gone from the city."
"Must've been invited at least," Noctis commented.
"Had a fallin' out o' sorts with your old man. Right at the end of the trip," the old man said.
Prompto was taken aback at the revelation. "You did?"
Ignis then spoke up. "I was given to understand you stayed in touch."
"We buried the hatchet years later, but never talked face to face again. Shoulda paid a visit while I had the chance," Cid sighed sorrowfully. "Well, no use dwellin' on it now. Got the Regalia in the hold, but y'all gonna stay in Altissia for a good while, right?"
"Yes, we believe so."
"In that case, I'll tune her up for y'all. Not that I'll have much to do, though, what with Cindy lookin' after the old girl."
"If you say she's good, she must be great," Prompto said.
"She was never afraid o' hard work. Heaven knows she had a hard childhood."
""A hard childhood"?"
"He means her parents," Gladio clarified.
"Lost 'em both when she was little. Was big enough to understand, though...an' to hurt. But ya wouldn't guess that, seein' her now," Cid stated.
"Not at all. She's always so cheerful," Prompto said.
"Well, that oughta tell ya how far she's come."
(Y/n) decided to remain silent and listen to the conversation. She clasped her hands together behind her back, admiring Cindy from just how Cid talked about her.
After the conversation about Cindy died down, Gladio changed the subject. "Man, you must have seen your fair share of Altissia by now."
"Yeah... Only done been the once. Stayed a good while, though," Cid said.
Prompto leant forward, curiosity written all over his face. "What's it like?"
"Big ol' city."
""Big." Okay." Noctis was expecting more than just the word "big" and was clearly unamused.
"Well, it ain't the Crown City," Cid stated.
""Different." Got it."
"You'll see for yourself: foreign lands seldom lend themselves to trite explanations," the strategist claimed.
"Change o' scenery oughta do you good," Cid added.
Gladio huffed out a sigh. "Well, I'm all talked out. Can't be far to Altissia now, right?"
"We'll be there in no time. Nice having the wind at our backs."
"What should we do first when we arrive?" (Y/n) asked, glancing around at the boys.
"Lodging is our first order of business," Ignis answered.
Prompto sighed. "All work and no play..."
"Makes Ignis a dull boy," Noctis said, finishing his best friend's sentence.
"Someone has to babysit you two," Gladio stated. "Well, Noct still needs a babysitter. Prompto's already got one." His amber eyes landed on (Y/n).
The blonde went to retort, but then an idea came to mind. "You and Iggy can babysit Noct. I'm taking my special lady on a date!"
"It's not a date if she has to babysit your ass."
Prompto pursed his lips. "Hmph, you're just jealous I've got a beautiful goddess to walk around with."
"We're not good enough for you?" Noctis asked.
"I don't wanna walk around a city with a romantic atmosphere with three guys," the blonde groaned.
Gladio walked over and smacked (Y/n) on the back. "Good luck with this one, short stuff."
"I think a date would be nice," she confessed.
Prompto flew to his feet, pumping his fist into the air. "All right! This is gonna be so much fun!"
Once the blonde calmed down and sat back down on the cushy bench, Cid spoke up and mentioned he knew someone by the name of Weskham who runs a place by the name of Maagho. The group made note to visit the place after securing lodging.
A few minutes later, they enter Altissia waterways. The boat's radio came to life as a newscaster began broadcasting. "The government issued a statement promising that the reasons behind awakening the Hydraean would be clarified in the ceremonial address."
"Got a signal!" Prompto cheered.
"Delivering the address will be Lady Lunafreya, who was previously reported dead. This will mark her first public appearance since the violence that befell the signing ceremony."
"Lady Lunafreya's gonna give a speech?"
"Sounds like it," Gladio said.
"Lord knows—this world could use some wisdom," Cid sighed.
Ignis looked over at the raven-haired boy. "Won't be much longer now, Noct."
Noctis nodded. "Yeah."
Eventually, the boat pulls up to a guard who stands along the waterway. He asked the old man, "Does this vessel have an entry permit?"
Prompto was beginning to worry. "Uh, entry permit?"
"Relax. I got one." Cid holds up the entry permit the guard was asking for. "Here."
The Altissian guard examined the permit and nodded. "That's as old as they get. Seems in order. You may pass."
Cid drives the boat on ahead. Ignis eyed the old man and asked, "Prepared in advance?"
"You could say that. Thirty-odd years ago," Cid said.
"That's what the guy meant by "old"," Gladio remarked.
"Lucky us, eh?"
"That could've ended badly," Noctis commented.
"We could've always done some persuasion if it did," (Y/n) stated.
The prince met the girl's golden gaze. "You talking about bribery?"
"Something like that."
"Dude, that'd be sick!" Prompto chuckled. "Bribing our way into Altissia would totally be an amazing story to tell the others."
"I'm afraid we lack the funds for such a heinous act," Ignis said.
"Aw..." He hung his head with a dramatic sigh.
Cid slowly brings the boat into the docks. Everyone makes their way off the sea vessel and towards the city. Noctis walks up to a queue where some gatekeepers await. He was immediately stopped by one. "Sir! What is the purpose of your visit?"
"Purpose? Uh..." Noctis immediately looked at his advisor. "Ignis, a little help."
Ignis stepped forward and came up with the perfect excuse for them to enter the city. "We are scholars of the culinary arts, and we've come to study the renowned cuisine of your fair nation."
The gatekeeper believed the strategist. "Is that so? I wish you an enlightening stay."
The bespectacled man adjusted his glasses, turning to face Noctis. "Another one you owe me."
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theinfiknight · 4 years ago
This is a lil piece of poetry I wrote because Hollow Knight made me feel so many things, so feel free to read it if you like
A land apart did he arrive Empty of life and yet alive Mind and soul he gave to keep A king is made, rejoice and weep
Thought and self given to all Stand above to answer his call Eternity, a promise made to last The king looks forward, forgotten is past
Light left behind, a cast off shell Changing, growing, kingdom doth swell Stag to beast, mushroom to moth The king rules supreme, light is forgot
Light is forgot Light is forgot Awry strays the minds of the glow hungry moths Grievously will they pay For their sins that day To forget creator til they can remember naught
One great shell of eclipsed might One fierce, one mysterious, one kindly knight One malodorous brave that stains the air The king is great, his famed five, fair
All among all acknowledge his reign Pale king, White Queen, land lives again Great doors left open to all who seek The king shines radiant, for mighty and meek
Higher beings, these words are for you alone Welcome to the kingdom that gods call home Enter this land of creator and god The king permits it, obey our laws
Welcome to Hallownest, of legend and story! Welcome to the Eternal Kingdom! Share in its glory!
Make your fortune at crystal peak! Where unearthly stone seems to sing Else in the city find that which you seek Prosperity and fortune, promises the king
Wander along down the Pilgrim's Way Take in the beauty of greenkin tamed Behold the queen's gardens, wild and fey The king shines, supremity claimed
Explore the crossroads that wind afar Where trade and life does pulse and ebb Witness it thrive, a kingdom grown large The king at the center, of the living web
Rejoice to witness his light in person In thrall lies mortal bug stood before him Misery cannot exist, nor Kingdom worsen While in his radiance. All adore him! . . . . Memory lost shall remember again Light shines through in hearts of woe Eternity crumbles, ruin begun The king is fractured by forgotten foe
Unity offered, self removed Power and might in exchange for will Join something bigger, it behooves The king is shadowed, light shines still
Oh pale one, great one! oh glorious! They beg, they cry out, they despairingly call Scorching, radiant, bright but odious The king is helpless, light takes all
No cost too great, no act too low Of root and soul, in void will they grow Empty, mindless, to cage that which shines The king will act, against power divine
No will to break, no mind to think To gaze into blackest void, and not blink No voice to cry, no soul to die All light casts shadow, and shadowed they lie
A container to hold void enslaved Vessels of purity, the umbra's shade Birthed, shaped, and left to rot The king needs them not, they are forgot
Massive birthplace of void unmade Deep and dark does the abyss go Buried within do his children fade The king closes it off, they need not know
Chosen vessel, pure and empty Son and hero made, hope renewed Tarnished forever, by love aplenty The king mistakes, purity is skewed
Despair no more! Behold in awe! Palest God's most silent son! Empty, its core, without flaw! Our Hollow Saviour, the war is won!
Peace and heart, for a time return As silent Prince does grow and learn To think, to be, to feel and to fight Light and dark in a single shell, a Hollow Knight
Greater still is surety required Firmer still must the lock hold Three chosen to ascend ever higher The king is eternal, but time grows old
A lock for diversity, of the archive's halls A scholar, the teacher, wise and prepared Mask entrusted away, the endless calls The king requires the it, the dream Monomon shares
A lock for king, for dream, for monarch Loyalty and life, given for the throne Watcher on high, spire so dark The king demands it, Lurien sleeps alone
A lock for union between high and low A deal is made, a dalliance to keep The 'beast' is tamed and seeds are sown The king's work is finished, Herrah sleeps
Beloved of beast, daughter of Wyrm Raised by root, fierce and strong Hive trained to strike true and firm The king gives life, child of silk and song
Strength misjudged, bonds created A broken vessel to chain light unbound Eternity imprisoned, no end awaited The king imposes, sacrifice enshrouds
Willingly does it rise to meet it Freely does it sacrifice its soul For only by dark is light defeated But how so is it hollow, with no hole?
Where emptiness once lay, dreams persist Ideas and love and a life to give Kindness in its brow, restraint in its fist Never meant to die, but also never to live
Unknowing, the deed is done Unwilling, the king buries his son Unfeeling, it goes away to burn Never again may it return
Never again will light release. Never again will Hallownest know peace . The seal is set, the lock is done Our knight is chained, the war is won Light fades away, Kingdom secure All hail the king, eternity is here!
Eternity is here! Forget that fear! Forget that scorching glow! Bask now in pale glory of The kingdom that eternal grows! . . . .
Fading, fading Mind and soul awake Hurting, hurting Love and heart to take Empty, so empty Hollow, he is not Foolish, so foolish Hallownest begins to rot
Shame. Sorrow. Love, Light... and another Do not think. Do not feel. Do not... Father?
Light burns harsh, angry and proud Vengeance shines through Hollow shroud Forgotten she will not be, first and brightest The king needs understand, it is no foe he might best
Orange, virulent, infection spreads Mindless, soulless, unity takes Fear the living, strong and mad, fear the mindless dead The king regrets, low and sad, strongest of wills can break
Brother turns on brother, burning, burning Madness, a frenzy, churning, churning Carnage, rage, bodies flying, flying Massacred and broken, dying, dying
Gone is the promise, left has the dream Only echoes and shadows, acid and steam Kingdom of glory, left now for dead The king is silent, low bends his head
Greenkin lost, Unn hides away Bloated fungi disfigured like clay Bound in the garden, the white lady withdraws The king has failed. Lost is the war . It's over, it's here, the doom that I feared It's done, they've won, all I hold dear Is gone, by spawn, of blight divine I've failed, oh jailed, Hollow son of mine.
Fate will not deny its course I cannot see the way, and fear the worst An end has reached its time to die Shame drowns in sorrow. Goodbye. . . . Gone is the king, cry in lament! Abandoning the very ones that he swore To protect, tearing open a mighty rent In his own heart, shut like the great doors
Dear king, how, why have you left us?! We wander and we search for you still Into darkness we stumble, for it yet does Hurt in our hearts where once was your will
They still call out your name with despair and regret For none could tame their savage souls, yet you the challenge met What you gave to bug and beast was unfathomable, and yet Foolish it was to make them, their first light, forget
The fading town reduces and dies Kingdom and city now, in ruin lies No dream, no mind, only light and pain The king is gone. What now remains?
Palace vanished, knights five, disbanded Monarch but a memory, stagways abandoned Limbo sleeps forever, mourn the paradise lost The king's love severed, this is eternity's cost
One by one the last souls burn In search of glory that will not return Enter the darkness and succumb to light The king is long gone, for he lost the fight
He lost the fight! He lost the fight! Give your self up to blinding light! Take all your dreams and hold them close The light calls out, and your willingness shows
Give in to light! Give in to light! Forget that foolish king! Forget his insolent attempt to close what never should have been!
Power, knowledge, and all that your heart desires Come to me, become greater, burn in the cosmic fire! . . .
Fools gather at kingdoms edge Drown their fear in violence and blood Ancient sorrows do they dredge The king shadows in shell molt flood
Buried in green, a hunter wastes away Closed, angry, mantis warriors stand proud Deeper, hungry, the beast's devout, decay Bereft, lost , kingdom withers in the ground
Ancient nailmasters mourn in solitude Remnants of greatness from a better age Nailsage's legacy, once strong and shrewd Now faint as marks on a torn off page
Mossmen remain in puddles of leaf Awaiting a return ever unreturning Wishing like all else, drowning in grief For a lost god that vanished after the burning
The light seeks out even those who hide Tempting the brave, proud and the mighty Even the unbending mantis lords' pride Do not blind themselves to it lightly
Even among the proud, traitors emerge Valuing strength above mind and skill Petras and warriors, lost to the scourge Caring not for the battle, only for the kill
The queen's gardens are lost to those Invaders who, expelled from their lands Enraged, swarm that thorned repose Executing the will of their light's command
Seeking palest root, bound and blind Solitude in exile, like her beloved But of the mighty, the mysterious, and kind The fierce of the five still guards what they covet
The mysterious, the heartbroken withers alone Distant from her love, far from her home Brave Ogrim slowly loses his mind, His faith and the the very life of the Kind
Outsiders, few, still sparingly appear A strange fool who thinks himself mighty A masked bug lured by memory unclear And a haughty warrior approaching doom lightly
Very few now remain in the fading town The old bug who stands by and advises The mapmaker who ever heads further down But on a distant hill, a figure rises!
A diminutive echo of deep silence That approaches unceasingly, toward The great door that does Kingdom fence, Holding aloft the ghost of a sword
That strikes at the great portal, with nail Cracked and grown old with wear With strength unseeming for one so frail Shattering the door as if it were never there
Small and weak seems the knight As it enters the land plagued bright Can an entire kingdom's fate Rest on the silhouette in the gate That enters so boldly and unafraid Unfeeling as void in which it was made Drawn once more by phantom's call Returning to the land of light's fall
No mighty strength does it seem To wield as it walks as if in dream Down the dusty, ashen road That leads to lonely, fading abode . . . . A land apart did it arrive Empty of life and yet alive Blood and corruption now does seep A kingdom is dead, sorrow and weep
Higher beings, heed well this writing Focus soul to heal crack and seam Through twisted spell or vulgar fighting You will achieve that which others can only dream
Every footstep hangs heavy with fate Into the kingdom that burns in light The speck that will confound even the great The unceasing march of the Hollow Knight
That’s all, hope you liked it. Do reblog if you did
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maple-writes · 4 years ago
WHG 15: Post Games part 9
Tagging @concealeddarkness13 (thanks for Nesri and Shine) @ratracechronicler @pen-of-roses and @thoughts-of-nora
(maybe not super plot relevant but was a good time to write)
A knock on his door woke Richard up, blinking and yawning as he crossed the room to see who it was. He opened the door and smiled. Shine and Nesri stood waiting
Shine beamed, signing with barely restrained excitement. “Hi! If it’s ok, would I be able to start reparing your machines? I’ve prepared.” They leaned down and picked up a little kit a moment to show him before setting it down and continuing. “And I have an assistant.” They gestured at Nesri, watching with a tired smile.
Right, they had said something about repairs hadn’t they? He smiled and stepped out of the doorway, signing back, “Come in.” He nodded at Nesri when she passed, speaking gently. “And good to have you too.” At the very least this would keep her out of trouble for a little while. Thankfully she was starting to look a little less pained than when she arrived.
Nesri laughed. “Shine just says I’m here for manual labour. But it’s fine. I’d still like to spar with you at some point.”
“We’ll have to find a time then.” Richard laughed along with her, despite the heaviness on his eyelids and reached out to mess up her hair. She was still on that fighting thing, how cute. He turned back to Shine, taking a second to remember the right signs. “Where would you like me?”
“Wherever you are most comfortable.” They signed in between setting up their toolkit. “I think I will start with your arm. There are probably worn-down joints in your limbs.”
Oh no doubt. Every joint in his body was worn down at this point. He gave Shine a thumbs up and settled back down on the bed. The old technicians always seemed to lay him down when they worked on him so maybe that was just the best position. From there they’d take him and re-position him as needed as they made their cuts and adjusted the mechanics. He frowned, propping himself up to see Shine again. They were a mechanic. What were the odds any of the machines they’d worked with were hidden living tissue?
He waited until Shine looked up before signing, “are you okay with making the incision or do you want a hand?” They were just a kid, and he’d seen it—and felt it—to know where the skin was meant to split.
They grimaced. “Help would be appreciated. I have not really worked with the biological side of things.”
Richard nodded. Of course they hadn’t, and why would they? He pointed at a scalpel blade poking out of their kit. “Pass that over and let me know when you’re ready to start.”
They passed it over and Richard took it carefully. It felt strange, to be the one holding the blade instead of laying there with no choice but to let them do whatever they wished. In the corner of his eye he could see Nesri pretending to pout, and he couldn’t help but smile.
Eventually Shine seemed satisfied with their set up, and quickly signed, “I am ready.”
Richard slipped the blade out of it’s packaging. It was cold, and hard, and smooth in his hand. He stretched his arm out and squinted until he found the little section of slightly discoloured skin where the technicians usually made their cut. With a deep breath he steadied his hand and pressed the blade into the skin. He winced and it stung but it cut cleanly, blood shunting automatically away from the wound and paling the tissue. Wiring and mechanical elements laced the surface of the thin, translucent membrane separating the abiotic from his muscle and bone.
The cut made, he eased himself down to his back and took his phone in his other hand to text Shine, “Most of the blood flow’s shunted away from this part for now.” He turned his head and gave them a little smile, trying to ignore the burning already warming the area. “Don’t be nervous.”
Shine returned the text with a quick, “thanks,” and got to work.
They waved for Nesri’s help and tools in hand started to work their way through the network of implants and tissues. Richard stared up at the ceiling, still as he could as every nudge and touch Shine sent pain running up his arm. It was bearable, and far more gentle than he was used to, but he could still feel that knot in his stomach and that tightness in his chest that reminded him to breathe.
“So, how did you learn their sign language?”
Nesri’s question made him blink, and he turned his head to face her. No one really spoke to him during maintenance before and it took him a second to find his voice again. “Oh, Dr. Carmine taught me. It was a long time ago now so I’m a little rough.” He chuckled. He’d had to go and refresh everything since he found out Shine knew it too. It’d been years since he last had anyone else to speak it with.
“The Carmine Triel talked about in her interview?” Nesri frowned. “How was she?”
He’d almost forgotten about that interview. Triel clearly knew what she was talking about. It wasn’t a stretch that she would have told Nesri all about it too. “Right, yeah, the same Dr. Carmine.” He glanced down at Shine as a sharp pain shot out from where they worked, then let his head fall back down. “She was one of the people who would handle me once I was operational.” He smiled, face softening. “She was the only one who seemed to care if I was tired, hungry, in pain after an assignment instead of ignoring me until we got back to hand me over to the technicians. She was the only one who’d tell me I did a good job and bring something nice as a treat when I was done.”
None of the others checked his wounds on the flight back with bandages on hand. No one else ever had a blanket for him when he was tired, or brought him something to eat if it was going to be a long flight… No one else really spoke to him unless they wanted him to do something, let alone ask how he was feeling.
He sighed, smile fading. “Then one day she was just… Gone.” She left one day like she always did when it was time for her to go home and she never came back. No one would tell him what happened or where she was. Just that she was no longer a part of the team.
Shine grimaced, looking down a moment later as they continued their work and Nesri mumbled a response. “Well that sounds… nice. I’m glad she was nice to you.”
“She was then. I don’t know what she’s like now.” Richard turned his head to look back up at the ceiling. Nesri probably only heard about how she was with Umbra Ursi if Triel’s speech was any clue. No wonder she sounded so hesitant. “After I found out it was her who put Skyler through all that, I don’t know…” He paused. Even now a familiar longing crept it’s way up his chest only to be twisted in with anger, and guilt, and he didn’t know how to feel. “She doesn’t know I’m here, with Volt.” He knew Volt had her contact, from way back when she used to transport things for Umbra Ursi, but he’d never tried to contact her. It wouldn’t be fair to Skyler.
Shine laughed a little, and Richard only then noticed they’d been watching him as they signed, “Hopefully she will not figure it out after she finds the file missing.” They sat back. “Could I look at the other arm?”
How long had they been done for? “Right.” He sat up and winced as his arm shifted.
It would be a while yet until he knew if it was any better than before, one the tension and the deep ache faded enough to try it out properly. It hurt to move, even when he carefully pulled the cut back together with a series of butterfly bandages. Thankfully it would heal over soon. That was one system that still seemed to be working as it should, probably because it wasn’t mechanical. He cut the other arm and leaned back the other way for Shine to get at it. The second arm hurt just as much as the first.
He shifted his head to face Nesri again. “Even if she does figure it out, I don’t know what she would do about it. As far as I know she doesn’t work with them anymore anyway.” It wasn’t likely she’d suddenly rejoined them after he’d gotten away.
Nesri nodded, eyes wandering as if she was starting to slip into her own thoughts. “So, she doesn’t seem to be one of those people who wouldn’t let someone they had control over escape?”
“I don’t think so. She never seemed to be the kind to obsess over power.” Shine hit too close to a nerve and he stiffened, biting back a small cry and waiting for it to fade before speaking again. “She wasn’t like the others that leaned on force to control me anyway. She was stern and sometimes had high demands but not outright cruel. Now that I think of it, she never even laid a hand on me to get me to comply.” Not like the others, who’d grab him and force him where they wanted him, or hit him when he didn’t do exactly what they wanted. He shook his head out. It didn’t do anyone any good to praise her now. “But no, to answer your question. And besides, I’m pretty sure she’s known for a long time Skyler’s with Volt and hasn’t made a move to get him back in ages.”
“That’s good.” Nesri rubbed her hands over her arms, making herself small in her chair until Shine snapped at her for another tool. “I mean, not actually good, but at least she isn’t trying to take you back.” She paused, looking down and away and dropping her voice to a whisper. “Not like Churi. He won’t stop until he gets me back.”
Poor girl. “You’ll just have to keep a step ahead of him then.” Richard tried to catch her eye. His old handlers, they never believed he would be capable of making his own choices even if he did get out of their grip. They always seemed to think of him as no smarter than a well trained dog. “I bet you’re smarter than he thinks you are. All he has to do is underestimate you and you’ve won.” And the very fact she was here instead of with him meant he’d already underestimated her once.
She nodded and managed a weak half smile. “Thanks.”
Shine nudged him and waited for him to turn before signing. “Want me to work on your legs at all? Or your eye next? I should be able to make your eye functional again. But for the other large repairs, I do not have enough time to repair them. I will give you the blueprints so you can find someone else you trust to help repair.”
Richard pulled himself to sit up again, his signing awkward and clunky now that his arms hurt with the movements. “Legs maybe if you’re up for it.”
They nodded. “And then I’ll work on your eye.”
“Perfect.” He patched up the second arm and made an incision on one of his legs. If he were smarter he would have asked to start with the leg now that it was harder to hold the scalpel still in his shaky hand. In case Shine noticed though, he took his phone and texted, “You’re pretty good at this, especially for your first try.” It would hurt no matter who did it.
“Thanks. I studied the blueprints, so I know how your machines are supposed to look. That helps a lot.” They waved for Nesri to hand them something and ducked their head down to get back to work.
Despite the new pain in his leg, he couldn’t help but laugh just a little and text back, “I don’t think I want to know how far off they look compared to what they’re supposed to.”
“It’s a mess.” Shine signed back, barely holding back a laugh. “But it’s really not hard to fix. I had it worse when Triel first got her airship. She didn’t have enough money, so her old captain let her have an old one of hers. Now that took months.”
“You’re probably more than qualified then.” He gave them a nod as they wrote up the next text, typing slower now that the little movements in his arm made the new parts burn and ache, not yet calibrated. “We were lucky enough that the ship Volt snagged had been well cared for before she took it.”
Nesri grinned, leaning forward in her chair. “It’s beautiful!”
“Isn’t it?” He propped himself up a little bit to see her better. “Volt’s pretty strict on upkeep and so far it’s been nothing but reliable for us.” Only a few snags here and there, all because of her dedication to keeping it in top shape. Now that she’d been able to teach Skyler too the schedule ran even smoother.
“I’d…” She was blushing now and doing her best to not meet his eyes. “I’d love to fly in it sometime.”
Richard smiled, wide and mischievous. She’d almost spilled her secret there, hadn’t she? Volt had sighed and grumbled when she checked on the ship to find out it’s been taken out, and even more when she checked the surveillance and found out who did it. At the same time it was nice to see Skyler making friends.
“You must really want to with how red you’re getting.” He mocked.
Nesri curled up on herself, flushing deeper. “I just really love the idea of flying.” She mumbled now, guilty as charged. How sweet.
“Looks like we’ll have to have a full day sometime if you still want to fight me too.” He flopped back down. “Though I might be out a little while.”
She relaxed a little bit at that. “Hey, I wanted to fight with a cut up leg, and…” She took a pause and a sharp breath. “I failed. You rest as long as you need to, and I’ll wait.”
“Well,” Richard shot her a sneaky, sidelong look and put on a tone of mock arrogance. “Even if your legs were fine I don’t expect you to win.” She seemed like the type who’d get a kick out of teasing.
She laughed, making Richard smile again. “Shine’s just helping you get closer to my level.”
Shine shook their head and signaled for his other leg.
“I see, maybe I’ll have a chance then with them on my side.” He nodded at Shine and sat up again, getting the other leg ready for them. “But I wouldn’t be it on.” He winked, only realizing too late that he only had one eye.
She seemed to get it though, grinning like a little kid in her chair until Volt stepped in and leaned against the doorframe.
“What’s going on here?”
Nesri’s blush came back in full force, and Shine grinned up at Volt. They added her to the chat and texted with one hand. “I’m working on Richard’s machines.”
Very matter of fact, wasn’t that? Volt’s eyes snapped to his leg, split open on his bed. “Is,” She glanced between him and Shine now. “Are you sure that’s safe?”
Richard shrugged, regretting it when his muscles ached. “So far so good.”
Permanent grin on their face, Shine glanced between their work, Volt, and their phone. “As safe as I can be. I’ve been able to fix the wear on his joints, so they shouldn’t bother him as much.”
She seemed to relax, slouching into her lean. “If it works, then well done.” She sighed, long and deep. The kind Richard had heard a thousand times before and suggested she was deciding to pick her battles. “Just be careful, okay?”
Shine’s message came in an instant: “When have I not?”
“In the time I’ve known you?” Volt raised her eyebrows. “More often than not.”
“And when has it worked out in our favour anyway?”
Richard smiled at their text exchange, looking up at Volt as she finally conceded. “I can see why Triel wanted you on her crew.” Somehow Richard didn’t think she was only referring to their skill.
“I’ll take that as a complement.” They set their phone down and switched to signing. “Could I see your eye now?”
He nodded, fixed up the leg and settled down with his broken infrared eye on Shine’s side. He watched as they leaned over with their instruments and started with pulling out old, busted shards of glass and wires. It sounded like Volt and Nesri were talking now, but Richard didn’t pay them much attention. His strength was waning, sapped by the pain in his limbs and the new tugs and scraping in his eye. It felt like it was so far deeper than it really was, shooting through his head.
But even as he had to remember to breathe deeply, and try not to tense himself up too much, there was something about how carefully Shine worked. Eyes right up to his face, they worked in the socket like he was something too precious to damage. Even when the technicians would do their work he knew they would do their job, but he’d never felt quite this safe. Quite this cared for.
The eye took longer than the limbs and by the time Shine leaned back he could barely keep the other open as they signed, “how are you feeling?”
He blinked, turning his head already feeling too heavy with the replacement infrared sensors. Lifting one hand he spelled out, “O.W.” He shifted a little and brought his other shaky hand up. “But it should be alright. Thanks.”
“I am sorry. Thanks for letting me help.”
How sweet. Richard smiled, head foggy and biological eye half closed already. His signs grew sloppy and slow. “Don’t worry. The technicians were never so gentle.” Between the two of them he’d choose Shine again in a heartbeat.
Shine bowed their head and headed out with Nesri, handing something to Volt as they left. Richard closed his eye and let himself sink into the bed, giving in to the dead weight in his limbs and the low pound in his head. He squinted though, when Volt’s hand brushed his hair back from his face.
“Looks like you’re going to have to cut your hair now.” She took a strand of his overgrown bang between her fingers and tucked it behind his ear. “Want a blanket?”
Richard gave a soft mmhmm and she reached over him to grab the blanket shoved aside to lay it overtop him. He closed his eye again, letting his head fall to the side as he mumbled a thanks. She said something else but he didn’t really hear it as he slipped into sleep.
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whitherliliesbloom · 4 years ago
will you love me even when the sun sets?
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[ ffxivwrite2020 ] ★ [ masterlist ] ★ [ prompt #27 (free write) - esteem ]
[ alphinaud/wol ]  ★ [ 1,386 words ]  ★ [ some time in shb ]
illya skawi & alphinaud leveilleur with heavy mentions of fray / dark illya. the other scions are there in the background too. warning for some talks about self harm and of course, lots of depression. this is illya we’re talking about here.
the first step in coming to terms with yourself is the unconditional support of the one you love most.
The eclipse is unsightly against the bright, radiant backdrop of everlasting light, dark, distant and uncaring as the moon as it seeks to engulf the sky in cold darkness. But that was what Norvrandt needed - what the people deserved... a Warrior of Darkness that could bring them the beauty of stars and cold midnight air back into their lives.
They needed a hero - as the people of Eorzea did - a hero that was dark but not evil, a sinner who was rebellious but not malicious. And a savior who was strong, valiant, and ready to bear the torch that was the people’s wishes upon her own two shoulders.
She didn’t fit the mold at all, at least not in her own eyes.. And with every swing of her great sword, and the howling of the pitch in her soul as an unforgiven sorrow within herself constantly fought to burst out, she felt the weight of her responsibilities, the pain of unresolved hurt and years of nonexistent self-esteem begin to take its toll upon her frail, battered body and mind. Not that she was ever perfectly intact in the first place.
She hated for them to see this side of her - her shadow, her inner beast and stubborn to no end tormentor. She hated the color red on herself - hated the way her eyes would burn in their sockets as they changed from a warm glowing amethyst.. full of hope, vigor and life.. to one of a dark crimson that held nothing but disdain for the world. And she hated, with every fiber of her being, the way her other side would speak to them.. as if they were strangers no more deserving of attention as an insect on the side of a dirt road, when it was she who was worth nothing - worthless to even save herself, let alone the world she has been entrusted to. 
Illya hated Esteem more than anything else she could ever loathe in the world combined - because she knew it to be the perfect reflection of herself. 
Amidst the dark of the night, away from the judging eyes of her friends and found family who she feared of scaring away, she wielded her broad sword with a brutal, yet uncannily elegant stance. And Sidurgu had been among the first besides the lie that was Fray Myste to point that out. 
He’d commented with much awe, and yet to the utter dismay and horror of the Warrior of Light herself of the way she harnessed and tapped into the shadows so naturally, and fought so mercilessly upon the battlefield that it’d been akin to watching her perform a grim, but beautiful dance. Even among torn flesh and blood, regardless whether it was that of her enemy or her own, the shadow in her soul flourished most when she, no matter how temporarily, accepted it as a part of herself. 
But she never wanted to be a dark knight, never wanted to be in possession of Fray Myste’s soul crystal. And to this very day, she laments ever allowing her own naivety and kindness, the very thing Fray constantly mocked her for, to lead her to his lifeless body in the brume. 
What cruel irony was it then, that the only way she could save the First right now, bring back the night to the scorching sky above - was to finally embrace the dark within herself. 
It’s the longest she’s used her broad sword, the warmest she’s ever felt the scarlet soul crystal within her breast pocket, and the most she’s seem the scions look at her with a wariness that only served to tear her consciousness apart.
Esteem ever lacked in tact when it came to both fighting and speaking, though Illya would arguably prefer if she’d done the latter way less. And the extent of Esteem’s hostility towards her own allies would only occur to her when Alphinaud, of all people, had asked her if that was naught she or the others could do about the heinous, disgusting creature that possessed her body. 
And in that moment, she’d felt a gut wrenching anguish, one that she has foolishly allowed to fester over the course of the past few weeks as they carried on their mission to wipe out the lightwardens of Norvrandt. 
He’ll never accept you.
Sineaters stood no match against the abyss she spewed forth from palm of her hand and the slash of her sword. But she also stood no match against her own fragile mental fortitude, and in all her weakness, allowed herself to call his name - to ask him, against her better judgement. 
She’d hoped fruitlessly with each lightwarden she slayed that the light she absorbed would cleanse her soul, even when she knew better than anyone else that light can never exist without dark. 
Even if it destroyed who you were, even if it meant losing what made you whole, you would deny me?
If that’s what it took for them to accept me - for him to accept me.
Oh how she longed to rip herself apart, tear open her heart and crush it betwixt her already bloody, dirty hands.  It wouldn’t be the first time her blood would be drawn by her own blade or nails, and she feared that as long as she kept living this selfish, ignorant life, she would never see a last. And how many times has she wondered just how much brighter the world would be if she were to not exist? How many times would she have to endure having her heart carved and split apart?
If it can stop the hurt, she would. If it would stop herself from being so ugly, so utterly and completely irredeemable as a person. 
The screeches of the sineaters that her blade plunged into intermingled with the pained grunts of the warrior, as sweat trickled down her brow and caused her hair of moonbeam to stick to the sides of her neck and armor. The stench of purity wafts into her nose and she grimaces with a deep furrowed scowl. After hanging on for as long as she could, she’s beginning to slip again, and she curses beneath her breath before driving the end of the sword into the ground beneath her so hard, it forms cracks in the earth. Her vision’s growing foggy, with the voices of the scions that caught beside her echoing distantly as if she were slipping beneath water.
She can just barely hear Alisaie’s voice of concern, and Ryne’s expression of horror as Illya raises her left hand up to claw at her face, leaving hideous red lines down her eye and cheek. 
Not again. Not again, dammit! Not in front of everyone!
And when Illya dares herself to look up, she sees Alphinaud, crouched in front of her with his hands raised, eyes glazed over with worry that she was sure would twist into hate soon enough.
And the years of her own ability to accept herself, fear of being cast out by the people she loved, and the many many scars of trauma she carried after fighting with no respite for herself for so long finally crashes onto her. Like a wave of self-realization, she finally understands that no matter how much she fought, no matter how much light she’d absorb, there would never be a way to salvage her. 
She didn’t know why she’d decided to break now, and she was sure she had an exceptional talent for holding back herself. But for the first time in a long while, she feels tears pouring down her face from her eyes as they begin to shift in hue. The woman shuffles forward a few steps before collapsing onto her knees, sobbing uncontrollably.
“P-Please...please.. don’t look at me.”
And against her expectations, Alphinaud falls too, and embraces her tightly in his arms, pulling her against his chest even as a ruinous shadow begins to seep from her skin, pooling around them and threatening to blind his sight too. 
She hears him whisper in her ear, and it’s her sole salvation against the setting sun and the umbra of the shadowy moonlight. 
“Illya, I’ll always love you. Every part of you. Even if you can’t love yourself.”
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concealeddarkness13 · 4 years ago
WHG 15 Imposter Syndrome Part 12
Here's day 5! Tagging: @sparkles-and-hens, @knmartinshouldbewriting, @maple-writes (also thanks for Volt!), @pen-of-roses, @thoughts-of-nora, and @ratracechronicler (also thanks for Hugo!)!
The next night, it was time for Atwater, no, Hugo to have his tracker taken out. We were friends now, so I should probably actually call him by his first name. I walked over to him with a smile. Volt was sitting off to the side watching out into the forest. “So, about when I said I wouldn’t bother you, there is one thing…”
“I’m shocked,” he said as he kept a completely straight face and didn’t change his inflection at all. “What?”
“Would you like to get rid of that tracker? Then the Capitol would think you’re dead! I could get it out!”
He smiled. “Ah. So in this case, ‘bother you’ has the meaning of ‘jab something pointy into your arm where lots of major arteries are.’ Have I mentioned I have this quaint hobby where I collect heartbeats? I’d like to keep doing that, thanks. I had another way of getting rid of the trackers.”
Had? I tried to match his humor and eyed his pockets. “How many hearts do you have in those pockets, then?” My smile slipped away. “I’ve successfully extracted three trackers, one of which I did without a prior wound on the tracker arm! As you have seen, all three of the tributes are still alive. I promise I won’t do anything stupid!”
Volt sighed. “I think that ship has sailed.” Rude. She turned to Hugo. “Though she’s right this time. It’s probably for the best to get that out.”
He cringed and ground his teeth, but he eventually hung his head and held out his right arm for me. “Keep in mind, I got a nasty left hook, so don’t try anything,” he muttered, flexing his left hand’s fingers. “…Please.” Quieter.
Noted. I just needed to get out my handy knife and…Wait. I didn’t have it. Again. Well, shit. I guess I’d have to reveal my magic then. Good thing there weren’t any cameras around here. I pulled out my flask of emergency water with a grimace and took a shuddering breath. “So, just to warn you, I have this magic where I can crystallize liquids around me. I’m going to crystallize this water to cut out the tracker. It’s very sharp and strong, so it will make a clean cut.” I paused, bracing for his response.
“…Magic. Oh. We, uh, didn’t ever get fancy stuff like that in District 11. I guess I’ll believe it when I see it. As long as it’s clean water…” He grabbed his water bottle and held it out to me. “Do you want to use this instead? Or do you need…special water?” He sounded suspicious. Brilliant.
I shook my head. “I can use whichever water you’d rather me use.” I pocketed the flask and took the bottle instead. I took a deep breath and activated my magic, which meant I started to glow. I waved my hand, and the water in the bottle rose up and crystallized into a sharp knife. I grabbed the knife and deactivated my magic. “I’ll be quick.”
I was keenly aware of their stares as I cut out the tracker, bandaged the wound from the remains of my tattered sleeves, and pulled an ice flower from my pockets (it somehow didn’t melt) and put it on top of the bandage to help the wound feel a little better. I laughed nervously as I started shaking. “Scorpio suggested something to numb the pain for the next time I took out a tracker.”
“Considerate.” Hugo’s voice wavered a little. The cannon went off, and his eyebrows went up. “Oh. So…okay. Thanks.” A smile played on his lips, but it went away quickly.
Volt shifted to lean against a rock instead. “Glad that worked.”
I…I actually showed someone my magic. I had actually confessed that I had magic. What was wrong with me? Shit. I nodded. “No problem. Don’t mention it.” Now, my voiced wavered.
“…So, is that, like, a technical implant, or—how’s that work?” Hugo asked, but then he shifted away. “Ah. Never mind. ‘Don’t mention it.’ Got it. Forget I asked.”
Well, I had already given away a big secret. Might as well continue. I nodded, but I couldn’t look at either of them. “It’s fine. No, I was born with it. My mother had the magic, and I wasn’t supposed to be born, but she hid me. But then the Capitol found out, and they had me disposed of, but that didn’t work, as you can tell.” I could barely stop myself from talking.
“Bastards,” Volt mumbled. “Good thing they failed.”
Okay. Okay. Subject change. I laughed nervously. “Thanks. But, enough about me. Is the ice working?” I glanced over at Hugo before looking away again.
“Uh���I guess…I mean, I think it should probably get stitched, but there’s not an ambulance of surgeons in here, and you managed it with a pretty small cut, so I think it’s fine.” He was rambling too.
“Try not to get it infected.” Volt nodded towards him. “Try to keep it out of anything dirty until it scabs over.”
If I let myself speak, I’d probably tell them my whole life story, so I just nodded. Hugo seemed to have a better grip on the situation. “Alright.” He paused and smiled, holding his arm away from himself. “I’ll just keep it away from my damn mouth, then, eh?”
It was just getting colder, and I wanted to keep the subject away from my magic right now. I sighed and rubbed my arms. “You better be grateful for the sleeves I shredded for you. I’m going to freeze now.”
Hugo started to say something a few times but couldn’t get it out until he managed: “Thank you, sleeves.”
“It’s late.” Volt stood up and gathered some blankets to get us to go to sleep.
I grumbled. I wasn’t even tired. “Okay, mom.” In a lighthearted tone, of course.
 “Do we gotta set up a watch rotation? I saw they did that in other Games.” Hugo paused. “They, uh, usually didn’t end well, but…”
I nodded. “Sure. I can take first watch, if you’d like.”
“Good plan.” Volt cleared her area and settled down. “Seems like it’s gearing up to be a cold night, though, you might not want to wander off too far.”
Wow. Aunt Reeves had never been so worried. I laughed and sat down on the sturdy rock Volt had vacated. “Sure thing, mom.” I winked, if she could see me.
She sighed and mumbled to herself. “I’m no mother.” While Hugo laid down in the most uncomfortable position imaginable.
I laughed. “Well, what a coincidence, I had no mother. So, I can think of you as a mother if I want.”
Volt looked over at me and opened her mouth to say something but decided not to. She stared back upwards. “If you insist, I guess I can’t stop you.”
I leaned forward. I needed to keep my mind off some things, and I had some questions. “I know this is completely opposite of helping you fall asleep, but I am curious. Why don’t you see yourself as a mother? You did adopt that boy, didn’t you? Wasn’t his name Skyler?”
“If we get out of here, you’re going to have to hook me up with your informant.” She groaned. “But it’s complicated. Umbra Ursi hadn’t counted on me double checking the cargo and I couldn’t just ignore him when I did.”
I smirked. She hadn’t answered my first question. Sneaky. “But you’re basically a mother to him, I’d think. So why do you want to insist you’re not? Anyway, you’ve got all the concerned mother phrases down!” Hugo turned to his side so his back was facing us.
She huffed, putting her hands behind her head. “It’s not my fault the both of you keep running around like little kids. It’s a miracle you’re both still alive.”
“I don’t believe in miracles. If I’m still alive, it’s my own damn fault,” Hugo muttered.
She glanced over at him. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“Some’d say so.”
She still hadn’t answered my question, but I wasn’t going to nag. I turned to Hugo. “And some wouldn’t say so. Like us.” I stuck my tongue out at him, even though he probably couldn’t see it.
“You sure say a lot for someone who’s supposed to be sleeping.” He didn’t sound like he believed a word of what I said.
“Hey, I’m supposed to be keeping watch, so I’m actually supposed to be staying awake.”
“……………….Oh. Right. Well. Don’t let me distract you.”
I shook my head. “Also, we’ll need to work on your trust issues and low self esteem once this is all over,” I mumbled.
There was silence before Volt took a deep breath. “For what it’s worth, I went into this resigned to having to kill you both. Seems that didn’t quite work out.”
Hugo sat up. “Wait, really?” He laid back down quickly, though. “Never mind. Not surprised.”
Me neither. I smiled. “Well, for what it’s worth, I’m thankful it didn’t work out.”
“I don’t know why I thought it would,” she mumbled. “Seems I still can’t convince myself to be cold enough.”
I decided to channel Hugo. “What, you’re not cold enough now?” As I rubbed my arms to make them warmer. Damn Shine not being able to make the coat collapsible too.
…And I shouldn’t have thought of them. Worries about my crew pushed to the surface. What was going on? Had they really all been captured? What was Churi doing to them? What could I have done to stop that? What should I have done?
Hugo’s voice broke me out of my thoughts. “Hey, Volt. Thanks for not killing us. Or pushing me off that chariot. I thought you were gonna. I don’t know why…It’s just…the world sucks. And you gotta…I just have to stand there and wait for it to kick my legs out from under me. Again and again. I don’t…but…You’re okay. Even you, hat lady.” I was flattered by the nickname. “You kick the world. Not my knees. Maybe I’m wrong. But you guys’re alright.”
Shit. I was going to start crying. Should they really think that of me when I’d screwed up so much? I gave a wobbly smile. “Well, you two were the first ones I met here, and I’m glad I did. You’ve just gone along with my shenanigans, and I’m so grateful. Thank you for believing in me.” Even if all your belief is misplaced.
Volt raised her eyebrows at him. “Push you? I was scared you were going to fall off almost the entire time.” She yawned and pointed at me. “And your technique needs work, but you do have talent. You both do.”
Shit, shit, shit. I stared out into the darkness, since I was supposed to be keeping watch anyway. “‘Needs work’? More like it doesn’t exist at all. I…I’m not nearly as good as you seem to think.”
Hugo buried his head in his arms. “Define ‘good’,” he muttered. “Bar’s too damn high. Seems like you’re trying…in the…right direction. Can’t that be enough? Better than me, anyway. I gave up trying a long time ago. I was just gonna get myself out. You at least thought of literally anyone else.”
“But none of that matters if I can’t follow through on my promises. Luckily, Reine will be able to get everyone out because my crew—” Shit, I was crying. “I’ve lost contact with my crew, and they’ve probably gotten captured, and they’re being hurt because I was foolish enough to try this plan, and if it wasn’t for Reine, everyone would have died because I’m not smart enough to do it right.” My voice cracked, and I started sobbing. I had let them down.
Volt sat up and waved me over, which I could barely see through the blur of tears. “Come here, Triel.” I hesitated, but complied, leaning up against her as tears continued to fall. She wrapped an arm around my shoulders, and it was just some comforting. It felt like home. “You did your best. If your crew is anything like mine they wouldn’t fault you for it. They’re probably worried about you too.”
I took a shaky breath. I just felt so responsible for everything that had gone wrong. “I’m sorry. It’s all my fault if something happens.”
“We were going to die anyway.” Volt shrugged and glanced at Hugo. “And what are you talking about giving up long ago?”
“Wait, wait, go back to that hasty generalization of ‘something’,” he said instead. “I’m no expert, but that doesn’t sound healthy.”
I frowned as my own thoughts chased away. “Something…goes wrong? I guess?”
Volt still watched Hugo. “You should give yourself more credit, Hugo, that’s all.”
“Oh, for what? Snooping around while everyone else is doing the real work trying to change the fuckedupedness of all this?” he snapped, then he curled up a little more. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to yell. Just tired. I’m gonna get us overheard…just wanted to join the pity party, I guess.” He sighed and said woodenly, “I will take what you said into consideration. They should really use more emotionally stable people than teenagers for this.”
Well, dang. He was awesome, and he still was so hard on himself? “We really have to work on your low self esteem,” I mumbled. 
“Better than nothing.” Volt shifted, opening her other arm if Hugo wanted to take it.
“Ditto, asshole.” That was certainly directed toward me. Affectionately, though. Ha. He hesitated but shuffled closer to Volt, but he didn’t hug like I had. Yeah, he didn’t like hugs. Good to know. “We can all go to group therapy once this’s over.”
I settled into Volt's arm a little more. She was just such a comforting presence. After a little while of quiet, she whispered, "I got married after the Reaping. It might have been our only chance, and I might never see them again." 
Hugo didn't say anything, but I sniffled. Great more tears. "That's so sweet," I whispered back. You didn't even let the damn Games stop you. You must love them so much."
  She nodded, gently fiddling with the watch around her wrist. "I do. We've been apart before for months and months but it was different. We both knew I would be alright and I'd be able to come back and see them eventually but not this time. This time it was goodbye." Her breath caught. "I can't imagine what this is like for them."
I just hugged her tighter as Hugo spoke. "...I'm sorry."
"They'll be alright." She sighed. "Eventually. They're tougher than they think. It's the others I'm worried about." She paused. "Rick's clever and the most reliable partner I could hope for but he's not a decision maker and I don't know how he's going to do on his own and Skyler's still so young and he doesn't handle his feelings very well and I…" She leaned forward and pressed her hand to her forehead, propped on a bent knee. "I don't know what they're going to do now that I'm gone."
 "Hopefully, you won't have to find out. But…" I paused, trying to find the right words. "I'm sure they'd do fine because you helped them and taught them what you could."
 "Yeah. We're doing our best to get people out of here.  There's got to be at least a chance, right?" 
Look at Hugo, having hope, or at least trying to! Volt leaned back again with a deep breath. "I hope you're right, both of you. She glanced at me. "Are you still awake enough to keep watch or is it my turn?"
I yawned but shook my head. I had stayed up way later than this before. "I can stay awake a few more hours at least." I got up and say back down on the rock from before.
 "Well, wake me when it's my shift, alright?" Hugo said. "G'night." He settled down again.
I just smiled a little as I kept watch. We were good friends now, and I hoped we could stay in touch after the arena
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