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ESP/ENG. WarFrame stuff, and maybe a few other things too!
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adylote · 12 days ago
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adylote · 15 days ago
I don't usually do this, but I'm creating a playlist on youtube for my Operator and Umbra. Songs that I feel that fit them, and can help to understand their feelings and motivations (individual ones) and their bond (as it; the love that both feel for each other, not just romantically, but in every possible way).
A friend is going to write me a request about them so I want to make it as easy as possible for her. I really hope she won't struggle so bad with all the lore. She was asking permission to write a fanfic for me and I finally accepted her offer (I was ashamed to do it), but gosh, WF lore is so messy hahan't
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adylote · 19 days ago
Wrote something stupid for now because I needed it xd
Just imagine this:
Drifter talking with the Operator because they try to get closer to Kaya (non romantically ofcourse). She looks like a teenage and makes them remember to their own child-version, so, it makes sense, isn't it?
And the Operator making a tantrum becase "there're teenages in 1999 too!"
"No kid, it's just Kaya—"
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adylote · 19 days ago
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quick broken sketch im so sorry my back hurts BUT I HAD 0 FREE TIME AND A DREAM
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adylote · 19 days ago
Love being into Warframe and Starset fandom and work as a freelancer because, when they upload content on the same day, THE HYPE GIVES ME THOUSAND YEARS OF LIFE AAAHH
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adylote · 19 days ago
Just imagine this:
Drifter talking with the Operator because they try to get closer to Kaya (non romantically ofcourse). She looks like a teenage and makes them remember to their own child-version, so, it makes sense, isn't it?
And the Operator making a tantrum becase "there're teenages in 1999 too!"
"No kid, it's just Kaya—"
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adylote · 20 days ago
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I love them. DE cooked so fucking well!
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adylote · 20 days ago
GOSH I want to write about my Tenno SO BAD. I have a really extense chronological order for everything in her lore before and after during the Zariman. It was polished thanks to Angels of Zariman's and The Hex's Quests, especially, but MAN I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TIME ARHG.
So, here we go (again) because yes (I mean, because I don't want to forget it anything):
Dylan's lore while being on the Zariman involves Rell and Cavalero, because my Operator was a shy kid, so she felt okay being just with Rell and Danyal (There's the option that, if you chat with Eleanor: drifter/operator confesses they used to have a sibling. Dayn/My Drifter's name is an anagram of Danyal's name :( in honor to her sister AND her own name ofc).
Worst of all: Dylan had a crush on Cavalero!
Ok, so... Danyal was the little crazy, cheerful extrovert sun with a peculiar group of friends (the ones who Melica mentiones ocasionally because I don't wanna name anyone anymore xd), while Dylan was the shy moon, always hidden when classrooms ended, her nose between tons and tons of books, prefering to read than play with the other kids.
Of course, Dylan tried her best to be the perfect big sister for her lil sibling because her parents taught them to always see for each other. They used to be a happy family, having a regular status on the Orokin Empire, nothing so special except for their strong bonds. Due this, Dylan was fierce towards anyone who bully Dany or Rell, but not her, for some reason.
Perhaps because Cavalero—one of the guards aboard the Zariman, one day saw her fighting, Danyal clapping happily, Rell uncomfortable…
Since that day, Dylan became like a little mouse, always hidden, trying to see him at the distance, afraid of being recognized by him because "how embarrasing!" (aaand because she was scolded by his fault xd).
Anyways, he was like a hero for her and didn't even know why, but she had a strong crush on him since the first time she saw him aboard. Cavalero was so… wonderful for her, Dylan's type (sorta): tall, strong, impositive, shalala. Teenage things I guess.
However, Danyal tried to help her when she discovered her sister's crush.
She was always running behind Cavalero, making questions and pointing hidden places telling "Dy is there! C'mon Dy, get out and say hi or Mister Cavalero won't believe me!" while Dylan was crying ashamed "Dany stop! You brat! *Internally panic*".
Children's things you know.
Just fluff stuff, a little bittersweet sometimes for what Executor Tuvul did as punishment for "settlers"' having fears (sonofabitch! His speeches was so ugh), but nothing so cruel until... the jump.
Danyal died first, crying for her parents because "what happened to you, mommy, daddy?! Dy, do something!", but Dylan was unable to stop her for running to them and then—
She and the others were discovered no-one-know how many time after. Quinn was murdered by their void powers first, confused by one of the mad adults onboard. Dylan didn't see Cavalero again during the disaster, but it was obvious that he died too.
Cavalero, Hombask, her parents, Danyal…
(Dylan didn't know Yonta personally as Cavalero and Hombask, she used to feel uneasy towards "authority figures" so only know Yonta by "the Archimidean Yonta" nickname, just as Quinn, the "leader" and nothing more, idk, I still polishing Dylan's interactions with these two because I like Cavalero more than anyone xd)
The trauma was unbearable. Being forced by the Orokin to be the "Tenno", their warriors, using the Void for their own sake, erased the last memories of her childhood.
Then, Margulis became her only family. Her only and true ally. Her mother, friend—everything that the Tenno needed.
Until Lotus, and Ordis, came to her life.
During TNW's travel in time, the Operator (because she forgot her name and almost everything about the Zariman thanks to the trauma) was there not just before the Void jump, but days before the accident.
She didn't understand a fuck about that feeling of dejavu, neither why saw that girl who called her "Dy" with such a familiar tone was so painful, her heart crushed second by second because of something she can't put into words. Of course she remember something about her parents, cause everyone have parents, right? But a sibling… that was so out of sign for her.
Drifter/Dayn didn't tell her nor her name, neither her past life when they meet on the Dormizone. She needed to know it by herself, on her own time. But the Void didn't forgive, and, as soon as the Zariman returned, Dylan was forced to endure everything she didn't know she left behind.
That is, not just the Void Angels, but her own personal hell, with three Void Angels who she recognize by the worst way, and all the memories she didn't remember anymore. The good, the real ones, not just about her Tenno-self, but the kid she used to be.
this post makes more sense now, didn't it? Because Dylan was too shocked/fucked up for finally remember Danyal and her dead that her Angel Void almost killed Umbra and injured her so bad that she needed a new arm and eye.
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adylote · 21 days ago
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Genderbend twins thoughts lol
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adylote · 22 days ago
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And they were coworkers~!
Some drifter and stalker doodles between classes. I feel like although they were only working together by necessity at first, they might be able to be actual friends, if not more. Why else would the stalker trust the drifter fully enough to let himself get dragged into and used in the drifter’s pocket dimension.
Also him being able to genuinely talk instead of just whispering hate backwards is massive. Hope for Umbra!
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adylote · 28 days ago
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adylote · 1 month ago
My sibling drew my Operator along with a few of my fav characters' chibis (such a Umbra ofc, Konig and Venom) and omg, I almost cried! Fucking best lil sibling ever. I love them so much <3
In exchange (?) I made them a dish with poblano cream and potatoes, and "panela a la mexicana" too because seems that they love my cooking (anyway, I always cook what they want when they come to the apartment)
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adylote · 1 month ago
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WIP Vome
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adylote · 2 months ago
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Such a cutieeee! I love how the skin turned out.
Now is turn of her eyes
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adylote · 2 months ago
I can see Lettie pushing Drifter too!, love that "you want some chingadazos" and "madrazo" sajhdah ♥ xD.
and with these last three, all of the hex has now been pushed down the stairs :]
and then because i sent five people to her medbay, lettie has now pushed me down the stairs too
family guy death posing as i post this
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adylote · 2 months ago
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Tried to recreate my sister's OC but being a Tenno, and dude, what a mess I did! I demand more anime-ish hairstyles (?)
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adylote · 2 months ago
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Such a goddes ♥
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