#odl writes
onedemoniclilly · 2 years
Inspired by prompts by corvase
(TW: mentions of Hiromi’s child abuse, canon-type injuries/violence (kinda) (no big deep details, it’s a ramble after all), Karma’s arc is also mentioned (cliff thingy) and although its not a big big spotlight on it ig its a trigger???)
They’re in high school but it's not like they (class 3E) never talk to each other - none of them would dare not to. Not after everything they went through together. But things are getting busy, university entrance exams are approaching and they’re throwing their everything into this cause the whole point of a second knife (and a third, a fourth, a fifth…) is not to use it - it’s to push forwards with your absolute best until you break every single barrier in your way and you succeed. It’s to keep going forwards, keep striving up what seems like an endless uphill path cause you are the only one who can keep his memory and life for him.
Some of them are dating, the obvious couples got together at the beginning - some splitting because although the initial spark was there, they quickly realised it was built on the painfully sharp memory of their sensei and not any substantial feelings. Kanzaki actually asked Sugino out first, but unlike Chiba and Hayami nothing tangible actually came out of it. There was definitely something between Isogai and Maehara but neither of them had officially announced it however others could speculate whatever closer relationship they had needed to be shoved between the cracks of time between work, school and family.
Nagisa and Karma… well the less said about those two the better. In the beginning, there was the whole mess with Nagisa and Kayano - as much as Kayano wanted Nagisa, no one could tell if he was too dense, not interested or busy mooning over Karma. And then there was another entire thing going on between Gakushuu and Karma. People swore up and down the walls that they were dating: “Nothing going between the two- pshh, I swear they were practically sitting on top of each other- I don’t care that they were having a go at each other you can’t deny that there’s something!” And there were always rumours going about over the friendly ‘chat’ the boys had during their Kyoto trip and if Karma was really pulling one over them or not.
One could argue that, unlike Isogai and Maehara, neither of them had a part-time job, nor the pressures of their family disapproving of any single relationship they had. They just had university to worry about and although many couples had agreed to take a break or give each other more space during this time, with the foundation Koro-Sensei had given them and their previous experiences with working to the point of exhaustion despite their results, they weren’t as stressed nor lagging behind in their work. Nagisa’s mother… well their father had caught wind of the whole situation and in a surprising ownership of backbone, had driven from Nagoya back to Tokyo. The anime can say all they want but drugging your son because he won’t listen is not alright and the unnamed father at least can recognise this is blatant child abuse (even looking past the obvious physical, emotional and psychological abuse towards Nagisa).
Hiromi dodged a mental facility but is mandated with a restraining order and obligatory therapy sessions and Nagisa lives with his father now. And although it was a result of some incredibly stressful and terrifying events, Nagisa can’t deny that he does like the freedom his father’s guilt gives him.
Does he care about his appearance? Yes, he cut his hair the moment he got out of his mother's clutches and despite the crawling feeling over his skin every time he feels the ghostly swish of airy fabric over his thighs, he does appreciate the confidence and power a pair of well-fitted jeans, blouse and wig give him when he can turn around and talk back to whatever stuck-up egoistical person decided to hit on him for the night and not worry about the learnt fear a woman has or the fact that they would recognise him next time he walks by with his school friends.
Karma’s parents just don’t turn up ever. There’s the occasional postcard and good job sent via email in response to his latest report card but those are rarer than a successful purchase during the Sunday markets or a cool day during the hot humid days in August.
But there was a wedge driven between the two. Nagisa attends the Keisetsu Daigaku Fuzoku High School whilst Karma returns to his stomping ground at Kunugigaoka High School, having fun antagonising Gakushuu and the school staff because, honestly, who didn’t know about the massive highlighter-yellow sentient octopus up the hill.
But that doesn’t matter right now. All that matters is Nagisa was walking back at 3 am to Karma’s and not his dad’s place. He had been drinking with friends cause who doesn’t try it at high school - especially with his friend group at the high school with his newfound confidence in both his own skills (academically and physically - come on they all must excel at gym class now) and his appearance. He’s dressed in a pair of black jeans, the straight leg hanging over a pair of well-worn boots and a graphic t-shirt tucked into the waistband. It would be a well-put-together look for a casual get-together with friends to destress before the final month in the run-up to their exams but a bruise was starting to bloom on his upper shoulder and the back of his jeans was sticking to the back of his calf. His dad would freak at the sight of his injuries and that’s why he was walking the slightly longer trek to Karma’s despite the fact that the only form of communication they’d had in three weeks was over text.
He finally walks up the apartment stairs, sweat beading on his forehead at the exertion and pain he’s in. He considered calling the other boy at some point but ‘why make him wake up just to help him up a couple steps’ he thinks. He stands outside the door, the white paint matching every other apartment along the block debating his options before he lets his head fall forward, a loud and long triiiiiiiiing ring out from the doorbell.
He stays like that for a moment, having managed to shift away from the doorbell and onto the spyhole by the door - unconsciously hoping his blue hair gave him away.
On Karma’s side of things, he’s awake but close to drifting off to sleep. As much as their time in 3E had given them good study habits and he was confident enough in his own abilities to pass the upcoming exams, the amount of revision material his teacher provided that he had to slog through, otherwise prompting an unnecessary video call between his parents and teachers, was a stupidly large amount. And so he was here, a Saturday night, hoping to work early into the morning before passing out for 6 hours, waking for a quick dinner and then sleeping straight to a Monday morning he knew there was a high likelihood he’d skip anyway.
Well, he had let his eyes shut for another moment, enjoying the rocking motion and sweet bliss of nothingness sleep deprivation gave him before his incredibly unexpected doorbell went off.
Now Karma could be your average Joe and go “Now who could that be?” but this is Karma we’re talking about and he goes something more along the lines of “Ughhhsahdhsaarghhhh” cause not only does he have to actually stand up but he has to walk to the door, open it and engage in some random socialisation at…. 3 am????
Now does he spot Nagisa’s strikingly bright hair colour in the spy hole? No. Cause who goes and checks that first before actually opening the door? Instead, he opens the door and gets a tumbling Nagisa tripping over the doorframe into his hallway and himself too.
At first, he’s really really confused cause why is Nagisa here, why at this time, why did he not make the excellent decision to sleep earlier and why- Why Is There Blood Soaking His Jeans.
“Why is there blood soaking your jeans?” He says, admittedly softer (no less concerned) than his inside thoughts. He doesn't receive the answer he really wants but he does get a frustrated huff against his neck (‘So fucking warm- omg Akabane Karma no you should not be thinking about this’) and a “My jeans?” from the smaller boy now in his arms.
They somehow make it to his living space, Nagisa on his sofa (wow it’s used for more than the gaming nights he has with his friends) now half jean-less and Karma inspecting the wound. They haven’t talked yet, just the sound of clothes rustling and the occasional huff of pain as the disinfectant is applied and the injury dressed filling the empty presence of the early morning silence as the sky starts to shift in preparation for the 4 am dawn.
In the end, it’s one of Karma’s intrusive thoughts that managed to make its way to his voicebox and into the living room audio. He doesn’t realise it at first, but he does find out pretty quick that it probably wasn’t something for this moment and time when Nagisa looks up with a quick “What.”
It’s cold, and exactly like the jagged edge of a serrated knife and Karma starts to backpedal (which is pretty hard when you don’t actually know what you’ve said)
“I uh- take that back? Just an intrusive thought, didn’t mean to say it out loud-” And he realises he sounds absolutely delirious but that doesn’t matter all too much to Nagisa right now and here.
“You think… You think I can’t handle myself? Karma you know-”
‘Ah fuck’ Is all Karma could think. And yet, his mouth kept on running stupid stupid words.
“No you can’t! You can’t say that not when you’re on my couch with bloody tissues over in a pile and a bruise over your arm and shoulder.”
“And what gives you the right to lecture me about my choices and my skills and my abilities” cause damn Nagisa spent so long shackled to his own worries and anxieties eating away at him over Was He Good Enough, Would She Be Mad, What Do I Do, to stand being accused of this. “What about you, and how you came in with bruises and cuts, how you got sent down the ladder because you-” and now he’s pouring salt into old wounds and attacking it with a scrubbing brush now, “-because you basically Fucking Asked For It!” And he’s sitting up, one leg still in his jeans, the other he’s trying to keep still and relaxed ‘less the dressing loses its hold and his wound reopens.
“And if I’m a hypocrite, then what about you?” The logical side of Karma’s brain starts to just Go and the more emotional side (maybe its cause wow the guy I’ve been pining over for years is injured and I don’t like that, or maybe it's just can’t he just know that I’m concerned - but there’s zero worry for his own choices Nagisa is accusing him of (he’s accepted his own consequences a long time ago)) takes over.
“You just keep coming back to these things, you’re worse- it’s been going on for Years.” The azure-headed gestures to his own injuries, “It’s not just that- it’s…”
“It’s what?”
“The cliff.”
And the two words start Karma spiralling. But he doesn’t spiral in silence, Karma just keeps talking and talking and the emotions keep building up underneath the rushing memories of falling and darkness and the crashing relief of Alive.
“No fuck you, I know about the bomb - you stupid martyr - I know you are capable; I saw you take down Takaoka fucking twice now but it doesn’t take away from the fact that you were ready to fight the Reaper just for an opening for us to attack” His voice just kept getting louder and louder- he hopes the neighbours aren’t awake.
“Why do you care about me? Why not care about yourself just a bit more?”
“Because I do” and that’s true, he just does. It’s a fact of life - he doesn't know why-
“But why?!”
“Because I love you!” Oh.
They return to the silence they had held before sans the sounds of movement. The words registered in Nagisa’s brain before they did in Karma’s but both of them left the confession hanging in the air.
“...you should probably change into something else.” Karma got out, mind making the decision to escape this instead of confronting the words.
“I- yes. I’ll take a shower first.” Nagisa leaves the room, knowing his way around Karma’s apartment, one leg still in his jeans.
Unbeknownst to Karma, currently still standing in his living room, Nagisa practically crumbles; clinging to the wall as he makes his way towards Karma’s bathroom. His mind is reeling, thoughts going absolutely crazy as he peels off his other jeans leg and t-shirt and starts up the shower. The water jets out cold, the hum of the generator leading into a warm spray as he lathers up soap - avoiding his calf as much as he can - before rinsing off and stealing a towel from Karma’s cupboard.
He wanders into Karma’s room, holding his towel up in some form of privacy despite their many onsen trips, and raids his closet and drawers; pulling on a soft pair of joggers that he either has to roll up or risk looking like a penguin and a well-worn t-shirt. Despite the warm summer weather, the apartment is cold and looking at Karma’s study materials on his desk tells Nagisa that he wasn’t asleep when he came ringing his doorbell.
Before he steps into the living room, Karma’s words finally hit him. He stands in front of the bedroom door, contemplating if he’s willing to bypass the etiquette drilled into his very nature and simply just fall asleep in Karma’s bed and deal with everything tomorrow. But no, it’s Nagisa we’re talking about and so he steps into the living room and tentatively asks:
“Do you… do you want to talk about it? Or should I just take the sofa and we can talk in the morning?”
And Karma is just standing there, in the same position as Nagisa left him in and now he’s worried “...Karma?”
The single word tinged with enough concern worry, sadness??? To get his attention and Karma just sits on the couch and Nagisa pads over to sit next to him.
“I just- If you just want to forget everything and stay friends then we can just sleep and wake up in the morning and continue and ignore this-”
Nagisa just nudges Karma and it shuts up his ramble. The boys just sit there for a bit longer, before Nagisa continues, “I don’t know if it’s love for me. But it does feel very natural for me just to flow into… Something closer”
And it isn’t love yet for Nagisa, and maybe not for Karma either because Nagisa still carries the hurt when Karma drifted that one school year and Karma carries the guilt of being scared. And yes, they’ve talked about this but it's still a significant part of their lives. They’ll work things out, they’ve already talked about it once and now the topic is less hard to breach but right now Karma will let Nagisa have the option of the sofa and the bed and Nagisa will shoot a “Well the bed’s big enough for two enough, might as well make the most of your parent’s money” and they do sleep in the same bed, backs together but hearts going slightly faster before their breathing evens out.
They don’t sleep long enough to complete Karma’s plans to wake up just for dinner but Nagisa does start lunch which in turn wakes Karma. And they eat a simple lunch of rice, veg and meat then spend time looking over Karma’s revision sheets cause even though Nagisa plans to go into education in university, he’ll never turn down free knowledge cause that’s not what Koro-Sensei would have done nor wanted.
And maybe Karma struggles writing a text a few weeks later with the simple “Cafe for Lunch - Sun?” On a Saturday evening but Nagisa beats him to it with a “Sunday - Lunch/dinner???” And it's a horrid affair cause both of them are menaces to society when paired together but they leave the premise laughing and go back to Karma’s for dinner and when Nagisa leaves to head back home Karma leans against the doorway and asks “After exams, wanna go camping?”
And Nagisa knows deep down that this will all work out.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
#🌙.vent#i hate sharing these here but i need to write to myself#oh tmrrw's friday already huh....#i hate the way failure seeps in my head#i hate how it touches an aspect of myself that#my self-love is weak yet for that#it's always been hard to forgive myself regarding anything related to success#whether it be keeping up a routine or staying true to my word or doing more than what is required of me#maybe it feels like i always have pressure to do so much#only then will i be deserving and worthy#not really entirely sure what's made me like this#one may be when i've made mistakes in the past#i'm not sure but i don't think i really had the environment or support to#feels like i'm not allowed to make mistakes#i guess it hurts even more when i think of how well i used to perform#it's only ever since hs n odl that i've submitted assignments late#it's disappointing n i can't bring myself to forgive me for it bcs#i could've done so much better if. if there wasn't wtvr the fuck is wrong with me rn#whatever makes it hard to sleep. whatever makes me constantly just. in every waking moment. have the need to be productive#it hurts when even that mindset of working n all seeps in the things i love#i love learning but. academic pressure makes it lose part of that passion#being too meticulous about writing actually made me burntout n i still haven't recovered really. it's been years#when it comes to socially i just want to be me. i shouldn't have to change who i am#i've always held unto the belief that so long as i stay true to myself i'll eventually have ppl that'll. really yk appreciate me for#who i am at heart.#but then hmm bcs often i'm torn between staying true to being authentic like that or. being 'perfect'#ffxiv w endwalker n hermes w perfectionion n all that. that rlly touched me sm#alphinaud w his character development. his regrets n mistakes but. his friends....#i'm afraid of failure huh. whether it be failing literally or failing others. i have to be enough i need to be better....#i don't know what's happened to me ? i used to be so responsible n all but everything started falling apart ever since 2020 w the pandemic
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amandapalmer · 24 days
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Ready to write the musical based on this Spite House in Massachusetts.
“According to town lore, the house was built while a local couple was in the process of finalizing their divorce in the 1920s. As part of the divorce agreement, the wife required her husband to build an exact replica of their family home for her. But unfortunately for her, she didn’t specify exactly where.
Her soon-to-be-ex went along with her stipulations and built a home identical to the one they once shared. It would’ve been a sweet, amicable gesture—had he not purposely built it atop an isolated salt marsh. Even the plumbing used salt water instead of fresh water, making the abode allegedly uninhabitable.”
I mean, the musical writes itself.
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thegamingcatmom · 4 months
Helloo its the same anon from before xD I read your reply and I just wanted to let you know that I, who eats Fanfictions for breakfast, did read the tags and I know what I was getting into when I opened the link to the story so do not worry because I am not giving up the story, I love your writing style and I am honestly curious so I am excited for it, is just yk questions come to mind and odl what to do with them so... I ask them.
I am grateful you don't see them as heartless etc and I guess I feared they would be this kind of soulless monsters. Truth be told despite not knowing shit about poly relationships and never really been in one I sometimes get confused and curious about how this ships works and stuff is always interesting. A little of backstory on my part is I came obsessed with the sisters in a very bad period in my life, really struggling and yk they became my comfort characters, thry have a special place in my heart. That is what i meant everyone sees the characters differently.
I see them as loving, soft gfs etc because back then when I wrote stuff its what I needed so that is why I am sad when in stories they come out as this toxic people because it is not what I have in my mind but yet again everyone is free to do and write what they want and how they want so is totally fine, we all have different opinions and points of view.
ANYWAY I am rambling and repeating myself sorry! 🫣
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Then you´re living a very healthy and nutritious life indeed. ;3
Tysm, love to hear it. ♥ ♥
I absolutely don´t see them as heart- or soulless - on the contrary. They´re complex creatures and very layered. Just not with someone they consider food. 🙃
(MC gets to experience the mere tip of the iceberg in the next chapter.)
To be honest, I don´t know a lot about poly relationships either. I´ve read about them ofc, but never written about it or experienced it myself. I´m going based on what we´ve seen on screen and my own HCs ofc. No matter whether you´ve experienced it or not, or have any kind of knowledge about it, in the end it comes down to how you see them and how you´d like for them to handle this complex dynamic. I just go with what feels natural with them. ^^
Ah, I totally get the part with comfort characters. They can do wonders for your mind and soul. I´m glad they helped you through trying times and I hope you´re doing just great now. ❤️
I won´t lie: The sisters will have toxic traits. I mean, they´re kidnapping you, lol. But they´re defo not gonna be cruel to MC in any way. Not in a physical way, at least. (I´d watch out for Irina though. Just in case. 👀)
I guess you could call them...mean? In a very haughty and hot way. xD
Think of it this way: This is them at their (morally) worst. 😈
Oh and about seeing them as loving, well...they will have some "tame" moments. Especially Tanya has lots of love to give. 💋 😉
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She´s gonna eat you up. If only you´d let her.
Thanks again for your ask and for reaching out once more! ❤️🫶
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factionzero · 7 months
soft relaunch part 2
So it's been while Overlord fandom! a bunch of new seasons and a movie coming out its exciting times!
so I wanted to reintroduce myself! I am Factionzero a serial fanfic writer for many different fandoms. now stepping back into writing for Overlord.
White Lamb is my largest passion project by far and features my OC Ulma Alain Odle as Ainz's right hand friend as they journey through the new world, following the events of the anime and some new retellings to keep it spicy.
I can't wait to get back into the swing of things with writing and to show you all my hard work!
first off to show is some art I made (with the help of some bases) of Ulma herself <3
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newsalvations · 7 months
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andré lamoglia, pansexual + panromantic, genderfluid + he/they → isn’t that icarus lovelace? i’ve seen them hanging out with the cupids. i hear they’re one hundred & twenty eight years odl, but they’ve only been in alexandria for twenty years. they seem to be ardent + vivacious, but also heedless + oblivious.
full name: icarus lovelace
nickname(s): ikkie
age: one hundred & twenty-eight
date of birth: february 14
hometown: sao paulo, brazil
current location: alexandria, louisiana
species: cupid
ethnicity: brazilian
nationality: american, brazilian
gender: gender fluid
pronouns: he/him, they/them
orientation: pansexual + panromantic
occupation: bartender + singer at the grotto
living arrangements: the chateau
language(s): english, portuegese, spanish, italian, latin
accent: brazilian
face claim: andre lamoglia
hair color: brunette
eye color: brown
height: 5'10"
weight: 165 lb
build: athletic
tattoos: multiple small hearts that go from his heart down along his left side
usual expression: smiling
distinguishing characteristics: strong jawline, smile, eyes
positive traits: ardent, vivacious, engaging
negative traits: heedless, oblivious, naive
myers brigg: esfp
zodiac sign: aquarius
element: air
enneagram: the enthusiast
temperament: sanguine
hogwarts house: gryffindor
moral alignment: chaotic good
primary vice: lust
primary virtue: charity
fears: dying with a broken heart
hobbies: singing, playing various instruments
father: daedalus lovelace
mother: acantha cardosa
sibling(s): althea lovelace, thalia lovelace, paris lovelace, pegasus lovelace, megaera lovelace, elara lovelace, nereus lovelace, hemera lovelace, theseus lovelace, chloe lovelace, zephyr lovelace
pet(s): none
weather: sunny
season: spring
color: pink
music: alternative / indie
movies: romance
beverage: red wine
food: pastries
animal: birds
preference: versatile, submissive
kinks: breeding, public sex, marking, roleplay, light dom/sub, open
anti kinks: scat, vomit, blood play, etc
daedalus and acantha met while they were both visiting brazil and quickly fell in love. the two cupids liked the area so they decided to settle down there and start a family, having several children with icarus being their youngest.
most of icarus' early life was running around the city, trying to help people fall in love though he wasn't ready to do this on his own so one of his parents or older siblings were always chasing the young cupid to try and stop him from creating chaos. his earliest works involved seeing two people who he thought were in love and tried to intervene though he didn't realize one of them was the richest man in sao paulo who had a wife at home.
being trained under his parents, icarus would eventually grow bored and desperately want to explore the world like so many of his older siblings had done decades before. his parents worried icarus wasn't ready but they eventually gave in and let him explore if he promised to write.
the next few decades, icarus would explore the world to try and help people fall in love and during this period he met his first true love. an older man who had a more scorned and negative outlook on the world. the two spent years together and icarus thought he'd met the one, though like most first loves… it didn't last forever and the two went their separate ways. icarus was broken hearted and reclused himself for a period of time, though he'd eventually bounce back. despite the smile on his face, he hasn't fully moved on from this love.
twenty years ago the cupid discovered alexandria, a beautiful town with so much life to it and instantly fell in love. he decided to stay for awhile, occasionally leaving for a few months but always coming back. it's been his most consistent home since sao paulo.
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captain-wereduck · 8 months
Sometimes I'm tempted to write a time travel with old fart Lex regressing back to his Smallville self.
I absolutely adore writing odl fart Lex, he's a fucking riot, buuuuuut...
He would just break the plot with a brick and a healthy dose of patricide.
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lexstellaris · 1 year
Daily Draw - 1/5/23 - Sacred Rebels Oracle (Alana Fairchild)
43 - Come To Life
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Not a card I've drawn before, but I do rather love the imagery. She's painting herself in colour, using her own agency to make herself alive. I can't help but see the monkey as an avatar of Djehuty, and the crow/bird as Hekate. I love the detail of the small tufts of grass poking up through the tiles. The butterflies, too, are a common symbol of transformation.
There's a lot of challenge in this card for me, bc I am often good at putting off things I ought to do out of dumb fears my brain has about things not going well, or going too well, so I just don't do them. But at least this card pull has spurred me on to do a couple of things I've been putting off, and it does remind me that I'm the one in charge of my life. If it's shit, well, what are you going to do about that to make it not shit? Sure, some things are outside of my control, but there's still some things I can control, and tbh, even though I did have a bit of a low period today for various reasons *gestures at the world* I still feel good about where I'm going.
I feel good about the routine I'm making, too. My brain doesn't want to push against it. Even though we had ppl over for tea, and maybe I got to my rites later than I would have liked, I still did them. I wanted to do them. And that, to me, is a sign I've got this working right.
For so long over the past four years, I've often felt so disconnected from my gods and my practice. And to feel that connection again? To feel daily rites finally come easy to me again after so many years of it just failing on me? That's a good feeling. Fandom can keep me going, but the gods are what truly nourish me.
And this card, like so many things in my life right now, is just poking at me to Do The Things. bc sometimes I do need poking. But this card in particular talks about letting everything just flow, and expressing myself through journalling or other creative expressions. To let the emotions be felt. And I def think that's part of why I wanted to do my daily draws this way. To actually sit down and write out my own thoughts and reflections on the cards and their meanings, bc I am so frequently shit at this kind of thing on my own. Ask me to journal my feels, and I won't be able to manage it. But having a prompt in the form of a card is definitely the framework I needed. And being able to just share these on tumblr as well makes it easy. I don't need a fancy notebook. Don't need to fret about what happens when I fill up a notebook and where to store them. Just post here, and write, and let everything flow out as it wants to.
The oracle finishes with this:
"The message of this card is 'Be alive!" Don't imagine you can go back to sleep. You are too awake for that now. There is no falling back into odl ways. If you do so, it will be short lived and won't feel the same as it used to. You may grieve this. You will certainly (eventually) celebrate it. You have crossed the threshold from an old way of being in an old life and try as you might, you cannot return. It is better to let it go. Grieve if needs be, celebrate if needs be or do both and move on into thei moment. Ther eis another adventure awaiting you now. You need a deeper connection to your own instincts, body, feelings, and intuitions so that you can receive this new calling. You can trust in it, too. Embrace it and it will embrace you."
And like, if that doesn't sum up the entirety of where I am now, well. I do feel this has been in progress since the pandemic hit, though. It brought on necessary changes that I'd been too scared to adopt or to try for, things that I needed to be forced into doing. It's why I call myself Lex now. I'd grown out of Sasha. They served me well for a very long time, but it's not who I am anymore.
And I keep thinking of a line I wrote in a transfic a while ago, "I don't know how to be that version of me yet." bc that's still so true for me. I'm in this odd place of knowing, and not knowing, and fighting against barriers not of my own making that make it difficult for me to really thrive. I don't know how to be me yet. But I can't go back. I am who I am now, and that's just how things are.
And I do feel that. I feel those urges to Do Things and push and get myself unstuck. It just sometimes feels like the hardest thing in the world to do. Maybe, with time, it won't feel so hard. idk.
(also that transfic linked about is like, allllll my pandemic gender feels compressed into like 4k words of fic about block game men so. *throws hands up*) (I also think it's arguably one of the best things I've ever written)
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xosannie · 10 days
me again! just saw ODLS. Okay, so... you are great at writing! And also, how tf are you a virg!n and describe s3x that well? I'm 9 years older than you (one of the reasons this is anon) and i've been reading fics, smuts and all of that for a whiiiiile now and wow, the ones that i read from you are so good.
I’m glad you think it’s good :3 there are times I feel a little insecure about my writing so hearing your praise is nice :) I’ve read a lot of fics (and watch a lot of p0rn lmao) I guess I just have a wild imagination :p
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marioboring · 3 months
bejknt kaf saunam nasj bashj sokle klaok sanbaet hanberkr kar jutb hajkd sakjnj bjkjnj kle tsdojno kloarjj tanku kitr hanj kokajm kartom jsham haram tfansjsm muham maratom motsafela
e,many f,know an,like/love b,house a,go s,time hj,small k,no aa,up
j,take tr,information jta,line doj,all be,meat ela,soft o,silent
n ob,different ar,water af,white bj,cold sa,hot/blue ka,red r,yellow bsa,circle sat,satan t,ball/official han,bread orkr,inside sjs,only
kle,sweet so,brown d,wall lo,line odl,fake ra,illegal u,peace na,place la,latin
et,useless sj,more djs,feel bu,remove san,dirty lk,write fu,surprise klo,thousand jj,gram sl,believe
ok,possible jn,out fjt,healty no,use de,own jes,first dojo,indo rb,europe ukl,hide ts,cheese h,? ha,islam to,face ut,video ad,?
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onedemoniclilly · 7 months
There's a day I can't say the names of my feelings I try to greet them like old friends They turn me away from the door And I shiver in the abyssal maw
There's a time tissue shines like butterfly wings Dampened with the midnight mist Frozen solid with the morning frost Crunching beneath the trembling fingers of the dead
There's a moment weeps rip into the silence And silence engulfs the birds once more My mouth yearns for the sound to return To let the unknown define itself
Sometimes I have no name Nothing I respond to Sometimes I have plenty Yet not one that feels like me
0 notes
adrieanespiritu · 6 months
My name is Adriean Espiritu, 18 years old, born in December 31, 2005, in Manila. I am now living with my father, because my mother is separated with my two brothers in other place. I am the only child of my father and that is why I always alone in house. I also do daily workout at home and running in the morning to lessen my stress or other thing that trigger my happiness.
Since I born, I always ask questions for something that I did not know to have a knowledge of it. Also, I manage to become more sociable since me and my father lived in Santa Ana, Manila, where the all kids outside of the house is playing and that trigger my attention to play with them. However, we move house when I am sixth grade of elementary in Imus, Cavite, and there where I continue to study. Furthermore, I gain a lot of friends from Manila buy I must continue and meet another friends in Cavite. Because my father buy a house.
I graduated in Malagasang 1-G Elementary and I moved to Imus National High School to continue my learning. In this school I meet many friends that make me happy whilee studying here. However, since the COVID-19 pandemic started, the way how I study has been changed. This where I get depressed due to the Online Distance Learning (ODL), where I did not literally know who are my classmates, because I did not have closer interaction with them. I become more lazy due to not able myself to study harder even it is online classes.
Furthermore, when the Corona Virus Disease pandemic wipe out, I graduated in Junior High School and that day I feel I accomplished something that I will never forget. Afterwards, I continue studying my senior high in General Pantaleon Garcia, and there where I took HUMSS strand to improve my reading, writing, and speaking skill. This school is a place where I love it, I meet many classmates who help me build my confident and other aspect of being student.
0 notes
Are you an ambitious student looking to boost your managerial skills and business acumen? The IGNOU MMPP-1 Project is here to revolutionize your MBA journey! This program is crafted for professionals and students like you who are eager to dive deep into the world of leadership, business strategies, and professional excellence.
The primary objective of this course is to equip learners with the skills necessary to analyse and systematically tackle organizational issues using a variety of interdisciplinary concepts, tools, and methods. The project should centre on a topic that aligns with the learner's area of focus within their MBA program, if possible.
This project, part of the updated IGNOU MBA curriculum, carries a credit value of two and typically requires around 180 hours to complete. IGNOU expects that the MMPP-1 Project Report will be presented in a typed and bound format for ease of evaluation. As you embark on writing your MMPP-1 project report, it's important to aim for a comprehensive exposition, generally ranging between 15,000 to 20,000 words (equivalent to about 80-100 pages). This word count should be a guiding factor in selecting an appropriate and manageable project topic within the MBA program, ensuring that you can comprehensively articulate your findings and insights within the prescribed limit.
New Guidelines, Same Excellence
IGNOU has same format for synopsis and report as previous MBA program had, but with new guideline has been added to submit synopsis and your final report for ODL Students of MBA, MBAFM (Financial Management), MBAHM (Human resources), MBAMM (Marketing Management), MBAOM (Operational Management), MBF (Banking & Finance), MBASM (Service Management) MBA (Online) Programmes.
Flexible Submission, Strict Deadlines
Learners enrolled in the program have the flexibility to submit their Synopsis at any time throughout the year. However, it's important to note that the submission of the Project Proposal to the Regional Centre should be done only after registering for MMPP-001. This procedure is designed to ensure that students have a sufficient timeframe, typically around 8-9 months, to complete and submit their project work before the end of the 4th semester. If the project is not submitted within this time, students may be required to re-register for MMPP-01 and pay the associated fee again.
There are some critical deadlines to be aware of:
Project Proposals should ideally be submitted to the Regional Centre within 6 months of registering for MMPP-001. If the submission happens later than this, the Regional Centre cannot guarantee timely processing of the proposals. Consequently, students who delay beyond this period risk missing the timeline for the submission of their final Project Report.
Furthermore, regarding the acceptance of the Project Proposals:
Once the Project Proposal is received at the regional centre, it undergoes a review process. If it is deemed complete in all aspects and includes all necessary documents, it will be accepted. Upon acceptance, a unique Project Proposal number (PP. No.) is assigned to each learner's synopsis. This number is significant as it will be used for any future correspondence with the Regional Centre regarding the project.
It's crucial for learners to adhere to these guidelines and timeframes to ensure a smooth and successful completion of their project work within the stipulated academic schedule.
Selection of topic by the student: Select any topic of your choice, preferably in their area of specialisation, Comprehensive case study (covering single organisation/multifunctional area problem formulation, analysis and recommendations) or Field study (empirical study).
Selection of Guide: Contact a person who has experience in that area and is interested in guiding and provide fulfils the specified eligibility criteria. A person can be Management Faculty in the School of Management Studies/Academic Counsellors at study centre (Management Programme) or anyone outside person who have experience in particular area (HR, FINANCE, MARKETING OR OPERATIONAL) with experience of 5+ years and Masters’ degree in Management (Like MBA) or allied disciplines having a minimum of 5 years of experience in the relevant area (for example, if you are taking up a marketing topic then the supervisor should have 5 years’ experience in marketing area, after her/his Masters). However, if you choose to identify your own guide, then the bio-data of proposed guide is to be attached along with synopsis for approval.
Preparation of Synopsis: After selection of the guide and finalising the topic, the Project Proposal (Synopsis) should be prepared in consultation with the guide. The proposal of the proposed project should essentially have the following:
(i)              Introduction: a brief background about the subject chosen for study.
(ii)            Rationale: why a particular topic has been chosen for the project work.
(iii)          Objectives: This is the most important aspect of any project. It should mention clearly and precisely the things which you hope will be able to know/achieve at the end of the study. These may be clearly stated in behavioural terms.
Objectives need to be expressed in a neutral manner, without any implicit assumptions about the findings of the research.
Objectives of the Study (Sample)
The objectives of this study are:
To study the financial performance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
To explore the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
To analyse the factors affecting _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
To investigate the influence _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(iv)           Research Methodology:
Research Design
Nature and source of data/information.
Sample and sampling technique.
Rationale of chosen organisation and the sample.
Tools and Techniques to be used for data collection.
Method/s to be used for data collection.
Data handling and analysis.
Statistical tools to be used for analysis.
Limitation of the proposed project, if any.
The process for submitting the synopsis involves specific components to ensure proper evaluation and approval:
Required Components:
Performa for Approval of Synopsis: This must be duly filled, signed by both the student and the guide, and dated. The Performa can be downloaded from the IGNOU website under 'PROFORMA FOR APPROVAL OF PROJECT PROPOSAL (MMPP-001)'  (https://bit.ly/3HfjrQr)
Bio-data of the Guide: A detailed and signed bio-data of the guide, along with the date, is required. However, this is not necessary if the guide is an approved counsellor.
Submission Process:
The student should prepare the synopsis in the specified format and send the 'Performa for Approval of Project Proposal (MMPP-001)' along with one copy of the proposal and the guide's signed bio-data.
For ODL Students: The submission should be made to 'The Regional Director' of the respective Regional Centre. Addresses can be found in the Student Handbook & Prospectus on IGNOU's website (http://www.ignou.ac.in/).
To seek approval, the project proposal can also be forwarded to the concerned Regional Centre. The email IDs of all Regional Centres are available at http://www.ignou.ac.in/ignou/aboutignou/regional/website.
For MBA (Online) Students: Submissions should be made to 'The Regional Director' of their designated Regional Centre through the LMS Portal at https://lms.ignouonline.ac.in/.
After the Approval of synopsis received, the Project work may be undertaken;
Preparation of Project Report: Once you have carried out the study as envisaged in the approved synopsis then a report of the work done needs to be prepared. The length of the report may be about 50 to 60 double spaced typed pages not exceeding approximately 18,000 words (excluding appendices and exhibits).
Structure of Project Report (CHAPTERIZATION):
Cover Page:must have the Name and Enrolment No. of the Student and the Name of the Guide, along with the Title of the Project.
Approved Proposal (i.e., Project Proposal, approved proforma and bio-data of the guide) properly bound in the project.
Certificateof Originality- duly signed by the student and the guide with date
Acknowledgement page (whom you want to acknowledge who guided you and others who inspired you to complete your final project report).
Detailed Table of Contents with Page Nos.
Introduction:to the Project and Review of Literature along with brief details of the organisation/s under study. It may give details about Rationale, Statement of problem, Objectives of the Project, and Scope of the study.
Research Methodology:It may give details about Research Design, Nature and Source of data/information collected, Sample and Sampling method with rationale, Details of the tools (Questionnaire OR Interview schedule), Data collection, Statistical tools used for Data Analysis.
Result and Discussion: This should present the results in tabular or graphical format. The Interpretation of the data and results/findings may be given elaborately.
Summary and Conclusion
Limitations of the Project, Direction for further research (optional)
Annexures/Appendices (Questionnaire used etc.)
One typed copy of the Project Report is to be submitted to the Registrar (SED), IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068. As soon as, you submit the Project Report, a PR. No. would be allotted. Student should quote this PR. No. while corresponding with Registrar (SED) regarding Project Report thereafter.
Project Report can be submitted any time throughout the year. If a Project Report is submitted between 1st December to 31st May, then the result will be declared along with June Term-end Examinations. If a Project Report is submitted between 1st June to 30th November, then the result will be declared along with December Term-end Examinations.
If you have any further questions or concerns regarding this MBA program, we encourage you to reach out to us for more information. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the support and guidance you need to make informed decisions about your education and career. We understand that pursuing an MBA is a significant investment, and we want to ensure that you have all the information you need to feel confident in your decision. Whether you have questions about the curriculum, the application process, or financing options, our team is here to assist you. Don't hesitate to contact us and let us know how we can help!
Contact us: Gullybaba Publishing House Pvt. Ltd
Mail 📩: [email protected]
Call 📞: 9350849407
Address: 2525 / 193, Tota Ram Bazar, Near Hanuman Mandir, Tri Nagar, Delhi, India, Delhi
Website: https://www.gullybaba.com/
Get perfect MBA Project synopsis and Report with viva support
Will be approved with 100% Guaranteed (if Not approved, money will be refunded).
Around 10-20 Pages for synopsis and 70-150 Pages for final report
No Repeated Synopsis/Proposal (Topics as per your choice)
As per Project Guidelines
Our devotedGullybaba team of professional writers is wholeheartedly committed to delivering the finest MBA projects for you. We have team of experienced writers from various fields who are specialize in helping out with IGNOU projects and synopsis for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. We understand the ins and outs of IGNOU requirements, making sure our support is top-notch for students. What sets us apart is our commitment to always get better. We actively listen to feedback and use it to improve our services continuously. This means that our help with IGNOU project reports is always up-to-date and aligned with the latest academic standards. We're not just here to meet expectations but to exceed them by constantly improving and providing the best assistance for students.
For the last 23 years, Gullybaba have proudly held the top spot in the publishing industry. Our commitment shines through as we supply a diverse range of materials, such as IGNOU Reference Books, IGNOU Study Materials, IGNOU Guide Books, Solved Assignments, and Project Report Synopses for various courses. Serving as a reliable friend, advisor, and mentor, we're thrilled to be the preferred resource for students on their academic journey.
Q1: How do I choose a topic for my project synopsis?
A1: You can select any topic of your interest, ideally within your area of specialization. This could be a comprehensive case study focusing on a single organization or multifunctional area, involving problem formulation, analysis, and recommendations, or an empirical field study.
Q2: What are the guidelines for selecting a guide for my project?
A2: Your guide should have expertise in the chosen topic area and meet specific eligibility criteria. They can be a Management Faculty from the School of Management Studies, an Academic Counsellor at a study centre, or an external person with over 5 years of experience in a relevant field (e.g., HR, Finance, Marketing, Operations) and a Master's degree in Management or allied disciplines. If you identify your own guide, attach their bio-data with the synopsis for approval.
Q3: How do I know if my guide is suitable for my project?
A3: Ensure that your guide has relevant experience (at least 5 years) in the specific area of your project topic and possesses a Master’s degree in a related field. Their experience should align with your project's focus area.
Q4: What are the required components for submitting my project synopsis?
A4: The submission must include:
A duly filled, signed, and dated 'Performa for Approval of Synopsis', which you can download from the IGNOU website under 'PROFORMA FOR APPROVAL OF PROJECT PROPOSAL (MMPP-001)'.
The bio-data of your guide, also signed and dated. This is not required if your guide is an approved counsellor.
Q5: How do I submit my project synopsis?
A5: Prepare your synopsis in the specified format and send it along with the 'Performa for Approval of Project Proposal (MMPP-001)' and your guide's signed bio-data. For ODL students, submissions should be made to 'The Regional Director' of your respective Regional Centre. The addresses are available in the Student Handbook & Prospectus on the IGNOU website. For MBA (Online) students, submit through the LMS Portal at https://lms.ignouonline.ac.in/.
Q6: What happens after I submit my synopsis?
A6: Your synopsis will be evaluated by an expert. You will receive written communication about the status of approval or non-approval within two to three months from the Regional Centre.
Q7: What should I do if my proposed guide is not approved?
A7: If your proposed guide is not approved, you will be notified by the Regional Centre. In such a case, you must select a new guide and resubmit the proposal with the new guide's signature. This will be considered a new proposal.
Q8: Can I change my guide after submitting my synopsis?
A8: Yes, if you wish to change your guide for any reason, you must submit a new project proposal with the signature of the new guide on a new project proposal proforma. This will be treated as a new submission.
Q9: Where can I find the email IDs of the Regional Centres?
A9: The email IDs of all Regional Centres are available on the IGNOU website at this link.
Q10: How long does it take to receive feedback on my synopsis?
A10: It typically takes two to three months to receive feedback after the synopsis is received by the Regional Centre.
Q11: Is it mandatory to submit the bio-data of my guide?
A11: Yes, unless your guide is an approved counsellor. In that case, submitting their bio-data is not necessary.
Q12: How long should my final project report be?
A12: The project report should be about 80 to 100+ double-spaced typed pages, not exceeding approximately 18,000 words, excluding appendices and exhibits.
Q13: Where should I submit my typed project report?
A1: You should submit one typed copy of your project report to the Registrar (SED), IGNOU, at Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068.
Q14: Will I receive any acknowledgment or number after submitting my project report? A2: Yes, once you submit your project report, a Project Report Number (PR. No.) will be allotted to you. You should use this number in all future correspondence with the Registrar (SED) regarding your project report.
Q15: Can I submit my project report at any time of the year?
A15: Yes, the project report can be submitted at any time throughout the year.
Q16: When will the results of my project report be declared?
A16: If your project report is submitted between 1st December and 31st May, the results will be declared along with the June Term-end Examinations. If it's submitted between 1st June and 30th November, results will be declared with the December Term-end Examinations.
Q17: Is there a specific format for the project report?
A17: The project report should be typed, but specific formatting guidelines (other than what has been previously provided for the structure and content) should be obtained from your program handbook or academic advisor.
Q18: Do I need to send any additional documents along with my project report?
A18: Generally, only the project report is required. However, it's advisable to check the latest guidelines provided by IGNOU or consult with your academic advisor for any additional requirements.
Q19: How can I ensure that my project report has been successfully received and processed?
A19: After submission, you will receive a PR. No. as acknowledgment. You can use this number to follow up with the Registrar (SED) if needed.
Q20: Is there an option for online submission of the project report?
A20: The standard procedure requires submission to the Registrar (SED) at the specified address. For any online submission options, you should check the latest guidelines on the IGNOU website or contact your regional centre.
Q21: What if I need to make changes to my project report after submission?
A21: Once submitted, changes to the project report are typically not allowed. Ensure that your report is final and complete before submission.
Gullybaba.com Your first choice for project and synopsis
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ailtrahq · 1 year
October is starting on a stellar note for XRP as American blockchain payments company Ripple Labs Inc. has just released more than 1 billion tokens from escrow. The XRP Release in Tranches According to data shared by the crypto analytics platform, Whale Alert, the released XRP is being made in succession including four different tranches. While the biggest release in the past 24 hours featured 500,000,000 XRP tokens, the market has also welcomed the unlocking of 400,000,000, 100,000,000, and 70,000,000 XRP coins respectively. 🔓 🔓 🔓 🔓 🔓 🔓 🔓 🔓 🔓 🔓 500,000,000 #XRP (257,393,344 USD) unlocked from escrow at #Ripple — Whale Alert (@whale_alert) October 1, 2023 The XRP release has somewhat spelled a good omen for the digital currency which appears to be gaining a major facelift today with its price up by 1.55% at the time of writing to $0.5214. Starting October on a stellar note is a positive trend for XRP as the market overall has been relatively unfair to the digital currency. With many underlying factors and strains ahead for the coin to navigate in the short term including the trends in the ongoing legal battle between Ripple and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), a positive start to October might form a bullish pathway to trail overall. With the short-term price level showing optimism, the mid-term price trend is notably showing some forms of optimism as well. Per on-chain data, the long-term price of XRP is now up by 2.2%, paring off its losses as it ended the previous month on a bullish note. Banking on Fundamentals for Growth At the moment, XRP is a token with many underlying protocols of interest associated with it. While it remains the payment token of interest in the On-Demand Liquidity (ODL) program that is being administered by Ripple Labs, its role in the XRP Ledger (XRPL) is also one that has placed it in the limelight across the board. With more tokens set to be released from escrow according to the coin’s historic trends with Ripple Labs, we can expect there to be enough circulating liquidity to fulfill all of its obligations in the market today.
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sarkarijobtech · 1 year
IGNOU Admission July 2023 Session | Apply At ignou.ac.in
IGNOU Admission July 2023 Session
IGNOU Solve Assignment के लिए कांटेक्ट करे 9955172079
IGNOU Admission January 2023 Session Details
Article NameIGNOU Admission July 2023 SessionCategoryOnline Admission 
Apply Fee DetailsClick HereApply Start Date for New Session15-05-2023Apply Last Date21-08-2023Official Websiteignouadmission.samarth.edu.in
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Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) invites online applications form for taking admission into Master’s degree, bachelor’s degree, diploma & certificates courses for January 2023 cycle. All eligible and willing candidates can apply online at IGNOU official website www.ignou.ac.in for admission session 2023. The application may be start in the last week of December 2022, exact date of application opening will be intimated soon.
Interested candidates read the full notification carefully, before applying online.
Important Document for Apply Admission :-
10th मार्कशीट12th मार्कशीटआधार कार्ड जाती प्रमाण पत्रमोबाइलईमेलफोटोसिग्नेचर
Indira Gandhi National Open University
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Application Start Date: 15-05-2023
Application Last Date: 30-06-2023
Fee Structure :-  All interested applicants can view program wise fee structure details: Click Here For Admission Fee Structure
Whatsapp GroupWhatsapp me
Important Dates
Eligibility Criteria For IGNOU Admission
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Bachelor’s Degree Programmes
10+2 or its equivalent.
Master’s Degree Programmes
Bachelor’s Degree or a higher degree from a recognized University.
Post Graduate Diploma Programmes
Bachelor’s Degree.
Certificate Programmes
8th/ 10th/ 10+2/ Degree as per course.
 View IGNOU Admission Course Wise Full Qualification Details.
IGNOU Admission 2023 Available Programme's
(Click Here To View Open and Distance Learning [ODL] Programmes)
(Academic Programmes On Offer Through Online Mode)CategoryProgramme's Name With DurationBachelor's Degree Programmes
Bachelor of Social Work (BSWOL) - 3 Years
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCAOL)
Bachelor of Commerce (BCOMOL)- 3 Years
Bachelor of Library and Information Sciences (BLISOL) - 1 Year
Bachelor of Tourism (BTSOL) - 3 Years
Master's Degree Programmes
Master of Arts Journalism and Mass Communication (MAJMCOL) - 2 Years
Master of Business Administration (MBAOL) - 2 Years
Master of Computer Applications (MCAOL) - 2 Years
Master of Arts in Translation Studies (MATSOL) - 2 Years
Master of Arts (Hindi) (MHDOL) - 2 Years
Master of Arts in Gandhi and Peace Studies (MAGPSOL) - 2 Years
Master of Arts in Rural Development (MARDOL) - 2 Years
Master of Arts in English (MEGOL) - 2 Years
Master of Arts in Distance Education (MADEOL) - 2 Years
Master of Commerce (MCOMOL) - 2 Years
Post Graduate Diploma Programmes
Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental and Occupational Health (PGDEOHOL) - 1 Year
Post Graduate Diploma in Sustainability Science (PGDSSOL) - 1 Year
Post Graduate Diploma in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PGDGPSOL) - 1 Year
Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development (PGDRDOL) - Years
Post Graduate Diploma in Distance Education (PGDDEOL) - 1 Year
Post Graduate Diploma in Development Communication (PGDDCOL) - 1 Year
Post Graduate Diploma in Digital Media (PGDIDMOL) - 1 Year
Diploma Programmes
Diploma in Tourism Studies (DTSOL) - 1 Year
Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education (DNHEOL) - 1 Year
Diploma in Urdu Language (DULOL) - 1 Year
Diploma in Creative Writing in English (DCEOL) - 1 Year
Post Graduate Certificate Programmes
Post Graduate Certificate in Agriculture Policy (PGCAPOL) - 06 Months
Post Graduate Certificate in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PGCGPSOL) - 06 Months
Certificate Programmes
Certificate in Tribal Studies (CTRBSOL) - 06 Months
Certificate Programme In Peace Studies and Conflict Management (CPSCMOL) - 06 Months
Certificate Programme in Library and Information Science (CLISOL) - 06 Months
Certificate in Information Technology (CITOL) - 06 Months
Certificate in Tourism Studies (CTSOL) - 06 Months
Certificate in Arabic Language (CALOL) - 06 Months
Certificate in French Language (CFLOL) - 06 Months
Certificate in Russian Language (CRULOL) - 06 Months
Certificate in Spanish Language and Culture (CSLCOL) - 06 Months
Certificate in Food and Nutrition (CFNOL) - 06 Months
Certificate in Urdu Language (CULOL) - 06 Months
Certificate in Rural Development (CRDOL) - 06 Months
Certificate in Sanskrit Sambhshan (SSBOL) - 06 Months
Important Links
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IGNOU के बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए संपर्क करें +919955172079
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etiennekissborlase · 1 year
Already 13 African Countries Utilize Ripple And XRP: Report
Already 13 African Countries Utilize Ripple And XRP: Report https://bitcoinist.com/already-13-african-countries-utilize-ripple-xrp/ The “African Blockchain Report 2022” report by CV VC in collaboration with South Africa’s Standard Bank reveals that Ripple and XRP are already utilized in 13 African countries. In the report, which was released in late April 2023 but has gone unnoticed in the XRP community, an entire page is dedicated to the technology of Ripple. According to the report, the opportunities for digital payment service providers like Ripple in Africa are overwhelming. While the region has already made significant progress in recent years, much of the potential is still untapped, it says. By 2025 alone, electronic payments revenue is expected to grow 20% to $40 billion. However, there are still gaps in the continent’s financial system that leave countless people unbanked and many African businesses. Crypto is also the solution due to the high penetration of cell phones. Yet, less than 10% of total payments in Africa are currently made digitally. According to the report authors, blockchain and crypto-enabled remittances can save an average of 6.3%, and in sub-Saharan Africa, 8.46% in fees compared to traditional methods. Ripple Already Well-Positioned In Africa The report effectively provides a pitch for Ripple and its XRP based On-Demand Liquidity (ODL) solution. It also unveils a map of the countries in which the company is already active: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Egypt, Ghana, Kenia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Togo and Uganda. The authors write that both financial institutions and individuals will benefit from Ripple’s modernization of the African payments system: Ripple’s payments solution, On-Demand Liquidity, enables organizations to settle global payments in real-time at a fraction of the cost without tying up working capital in destination accounts. By leveraging the digital asset XRP as a bridge currency, funds can be sent and received in local currency on either side of a transaction. Thanks to Ripple’s growing global network, multinational financial institutions can also benefit, according to the report. They can reduce costs by eliminating upfront funding while gaining access to payout rails around the globe. As digital payments innovation and crypto adoption broaden, Ripple is partnering with local financial institutions and fintechs to bring the benefits of better cross-border remittances to the region, including regional payment interoperability and seamless money movement across the continent. A special mention is also made of Ripple’s partnership with MFS Africa, which was announced in the first quarter of 2023. According to the report, the South Africa-based provider is using ODL to create ISO20022-compliant payment services with blockchain-based payment rails. XRP Price Needs To Hold Crucial Support At press time, the XRP price stood at $0.4259. Price needs to hold support at $0.41 to avoid falling back into the November 2022 to mid-March 2023 trading range. On the upside, $0.44 is the most important resistance, while the 200-day EMA at $0.4354 could also provide stronger headwinds. via Bitcoinist.com https://bitcoinist.com May 09, 2023 at 10:20AM
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