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hedgehog-troops · 2 days ago
do i follow my thought out plan for the next part or do i make them have a shit time? decisions. decisions.
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hedgehog-troops · 11 months ago
since like practically everybodys doing this:
if this gets 100 notes, ill draw and write instead of marinating in my thoughts.
if this gets 200 notes, I'll stop eating sugar for a week.
if this gets 300 notes, I'll start posting my work (oneshots and fics) again.
if this gets 400 notes, I'll tell the toxic friends i have at my dad's place that im not interested in talking to them anymore.
if this gets 500 notes, I'll take atleast half a day, off of social media to just relax and be more accepting of myself.
if this gets 1000 notes, ill try coming out to my cousin.
if this gets 5000 notes, within this month, ill try coming out to my bsf (who claims she'd love me unconditionally?)
(yes these are unrealistic in purpose bcz im scared of doing alot of the stuff on this list<3)
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hedgehog-troops · 9 months ago
i want james potter who just when he starts dating regulus/lily, is so surprised when the actually want to hang out with him, have dates with him which dont just lead to having sex.
the first time the decide to have a sleepover, things begin to escalate, and after james declines, he makes out to leave, hes told that its fine if they dont have sex, not everything has to end with sex.
and james is just like 🧍‍♂️ when hes told that his worth is not defined by his body. hes so confused because his previous partners always complimented his toned body as they traced their fingers all over them, but when now hes praised for his mind, eyes, heart and soul, he finds that once empty feeling replaced by an ooey gooey one, and he realised oh. this is what love is supposed to feel like.
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hedgehog-troops · 27 days ago
me because: "Potter." "It's James, but okay."
and "Reg." "It's Regulus, but okay."
Tumblr media
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hedgehog-troops · 11 months ago
bother me even if we're not.
pls bother me<3
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hedgehog-troops · 10 months ago
can we talk about how genuinely disappointed lily would be with herself when she realises she found the quidditch captain hot.
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hedgehog-troops · 2 months ago
fuck boy regulus x fuck boy james😫😫😫🙏🙏🛐🛐
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hedgehog-troops · 11 months ago
au where remus descirbes his crush to sirius and sirius thinks hes describing reg so he starts tryung to set them up and both remus and reg are like what... the heck and james is like :( and sirius is like :D externally and :(( internally and its takes them a long while but they figure it out eventually🫶🏽
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hedgehog-troops · 10 months ago
honey they're killing everyone there anyways. its not like isnotreal is askih people omg are you queer? and then sparing them???
also how do you guys expect a country who's been being bombed since the 1970s to progress to that level???
and if y'all are saying its because palestine is a Muslim country. literally does not matter, there's so many queers in muslim countries, yes sometimes they get shunned by specific societies but nobodys killing or physically harming them.
couldnt say the same about america tho.
I'm very tired of this "queer college students should stop supporting Palestine, they'd kill you there!" I watched a hijabi ask a trans man, "but what name do you want to go by?" A butch giving a woman their hoodie so that she could keep her hair covered after the cops took her scarf. Muslim girls making sure the lesbian couple got through the system together. Religious men making sure purple haired protestors got out safe. I don't want to hear it. Solidarity forever, free Palestine.
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hedgehog-troops · 3 months ago
"which marauders ship do you hate the most" "which marauders headcannon do you hate the most" "which sirius headcannon do you–"
why cant we just be happy??? WHY cant we just let pther enjoy ehat they enjoy, and enjoy what we enjoy???
"hot take but i didnt like atyd" "hot take but i didnt like choices" AND NOBODY GAVE A FLYING FUCK!!! TAKE YOUR NEGATIVE ASS BEHAVIOUR SOMEHWERE ELSE OH MY GOSH.
"jegulus is SO weird" "jily is stupid" "wolfstar doesnt make sense"
"you guys gave regulus lilys personality" "you guys gave regulus snapes personality"
get a life. get an actual fucking life BECAUSE NONE OF THESE SHITS ARE REAL!!!! LET PEOPLE DO WHAT THEY PLEASE.
"idk why snapes worst memory was that, it wasnt that serious"
"snape was a good person"
he bullied little kids!!! he can br a traumatised bullied person ehilst also being a traumatising bullying person!!!!.
james assulted and bullied someone
sirius tried to kill a kid because of petty rivalry
remus watched it happen whilst having the power to stop them
severus called his bsf a racist slur and bullied children
peter outed his bsf to het him killed
sure they all did SOME good things but theyre still shitty people.
also, fan artists, fanfic writers are a fucking BLESSING!!! theyre not paid to write shit for you guys, they're not REQUIRED TO DO ANYTHING!!!
keep your opinions to yourself because if i see one more person bashing a fic im going to crash tf out cz it seems as if everyone has forgotten about the handy dandy BACK BUTTON ON EVERYONES FUCKING PHONES.
anyways rant over, thankyou all.
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hedgehog-troops · 2 months ago
going down moonchaser right now and just.
please give me post prank moonchaser where james takes care of remus, is by his side day in and out, he tends to the boy hes had a crush on for forever. and then, remus finds himself falling, slowly and slowly, he begins to see james in a different light
and just as theyre getting closer to being what james has dreamed about since he was 12, sirius apologises, he lays himself bare and apologises deeply and irrevocably.
remus forgives him and the two are back to being as inseparable as they were, sirius remains unaware of what was blossoming between remus and james.
james lays awake every night, vrying softly into his pillow and into peter's shoulder, he'd known this would happen and yet let himself believe for a moment.
for a very long time, james remains remus' biggest what if, and he spends the rest of his life regretting what he let grow between him and james knowing that what he felt for james would shrivel in comparison to what he felt for sirius.
his indulgence cost him his closest friend.
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hedgehog-troops · 11 months ago
the lgbt tags being colorfull makes me SO happy.
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hedgehog-troops · 2 months ago
james who was so afraid to call sirius his BEST friend because his entire life, he has had best friends but would always get so embarrassed because hed always only be the friend. like people would go to him if there was nobody else to go to, or if they needed help with something.
then one day sirius calls james his best friend and james lowkey tears up and sirius is so happy because this boy who makes him so happy was so excited to be his best friend. sirius'!!! sirius who has always been told that nobody would ever want to be close to him because he is reckless and he destroys everything.
so from then on, sirius and james are always like my BEST friend when referring to each other.
(and what if i say eventually the lines blur and that 'best' turns into 'boy' and now with the wide grins, a dusting of pink rests on their cheeks. what if, what if.)
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hedgehog-troops · 3 months ago
hear me out...
first generation child of immigrant parents james potter. like his parents are never home, when he was a kid they lived in a small house and hed often be alone as his parents would pick up double triple shifts. then when hes like 7/8 his parents start a conpany which starts doing pretty well so they move into a bigger house and they get james a house elf to keep him company.
james who is spoiled ROTTEN with anything but time. he has a big ass tv in his home (his parents sent someone who figured out the kiggle to wizard bit) and watfher cartoons and stuff.
james whos parents are only ever home on holidays or on weekeneds amd even then when james talks for quite a bit they tell him to stop because theyre tired and their heads hurt.
effie who cooks homemade meals every night but james never has anyon3 to share them with.
as jkes grows older his parents are like well hes old enough now, so they stop clearing up schedules for his birthday and other important events.
james who watched shows on tv where everyone would get these big partoes and always wanted that so when he goes to hogwarts he makes sure his friends get it.
his friends automatically assume that his parents must've done that for him seeing as he does so for others. everyone just assumes that james has the most wonderful and amazing parents in the world so he just nods along.
he always gets something quidditch related, and its always his dads favorite team because as a kid who so wanted to be liked by his dad, hed agreed with his dad, claimed his dads favorite player and team as his own.
it doesn't matter that he liked an entirely different team.
his friends envy the presents james gets through the owls on his birthday, the handwritten letter, but james just shoves it in his bag because he knows whats inside, he knows who wrote it, he knows the only thing they've changed in it is the age hes turning.
its only when sirius and reg run away to his house and find the house empty bar for james and the house elf that they question. and james simply says, "they're out"
they observe the relationship he has with the house elf, how nicely he treats her and she treats him.
and then they see how when his parents finally come on Christmas eve, james is rushing to change out of his funky clothes into a normal tshirt and trouser, how he takes off his jewelry except for the signet ring and rushes to clear up what may seem like a normal mess in the house.
how rhe doesbt smile with the prideful show of his teeth that he usually does, how reserved he gets when talking to sirius and regulus even, how he keeps out of the kitchen. how when he makes tea for his parents the first rhing they say is "add less elaichi next time, but thankyou."
and then when gifts are exchanged, regulus and sirius even get gifts addressed from monty and effie and they're grateful for the generic gifts. but what surprises them is that in james' gift, where he must've asked for tickets to go watch quidditch, theres tickets of a team he rarely mentions.
his dad looks at him, with pride, and says that its his favorite team. regulus is about ready to pipe up and mention that its not but a glance from james makes him quiet.
james asks his dad if hell go with james and he just says I'll see ehich james has learned is his way of saying no.
what horrifies them the most is james coming out to his parents and their reactions.
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hedgehog-troops · 10 months ago
"prongsfoot doesnt make sense"
what does history call two same-sex lovers? bestfriends. what were james and sirius "never one without another" potter and black? BEST FRIVKING FRIENDS.
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hedgehog-troops · 2 months ago
lord please bless fanfic writers with immense ease and rid them of all their problems, pain, and misery so they can update every single day.
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