#odin shuumatsu no valkyrie
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dragologist · 2 months ago
RoR spoilers of the day:
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snowmantita · 1 month ago
What are your opinions of the Norse gods (Thor, Loki, Odin)
To Persephone :>
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Of the Norse, the only one Persephone likes is Thor, although he seems cold and indifferent, they have exchanged a word or two, showing that they get along relatively well.
But when it comes to Odin, Persephone shows a greater dislike for him, and even more so after what happened in Tartarus. And of Loki, because he doesn't give her good vibes and less than when he approached Heracles before the fourth round.
It may have some errors, as I could only see translations in other languages.
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bones4thecats · 5 months ago
➸ Fear Deity! S/O; Record of Ragnarok
Character: Hermes, Aphrodite, Odin, and Buddha A/N: This was fun to write. By the way, I might allow requests to be open tomorrow. No promises though! Disclaimer(s): Nothing wrong, just fluffy shit
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╚═════ Hermes ═══════════════════════════════╝
📨 As the Greek Deity of Fear, you were hailed for many centuries for your ability to torture someone with visions and dreams of their worst nightmares happening. Because of how bad some of them got, many began calling you Deitas Interni Nocendi, or Deity of the Internal Harm
📨 Hermes gained interest in you after the whole Adamas incident. He had asked if you sided with his uncle, to which you smiled and asked if he thought you feared such a pathetic man so much. He just smiled back and chuckled before evolving into a deeper conversation with you
📨 Years later, you guys stood by one another's side as you were married and began to make your own branch of the Greek Pantheon grow larger and larger. This was especially true when your children of fear from your previous bond with a human warrior, the Terrors, began to see Hermes like a father
📨 During Ragnarok, you stood alongside your husband and now adult-children. While he admired the fights with his father, you merely sat with your head on your hand in boredom. It wasn't until Poseidon lost and Jack the Ripper came on stage that you could feel the fear that flowed through everyone's frames, feeding you amazingly
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╚═════ Aphrodite ═════════════════════════════╝
💐 Aphrodite has always been an alluring woman, and she knows that. She looks at herself so much that she can perfectly draw her body without any issue. But, with breasts that big, how hard would it be to remember your figure?
💐 When you arrived at a meeting with the other Gods, she was shocked to see just how dark you were. Even the God of the Dead, Hades, dressed in more color than you did! You walked in with your children following you, all in cute little color-coded cloaks, while you had a large thorn-made crown on top of your head with some thorns poking out of your skin amazingly
💐 She was entranced with how you held yourself. Many feared you, and the small few who didn't ended up succumbing to your ability to instill fear in all you wish too. Aphrodite was surprised that you seemed to have little animosity with her, and when she asked, she was happy to hear you actually enjoyed her more 'peppy-look'
💐 It was after you guys married and began ruling your realm together that everyone began to notice just how much more joyful you were to be around. You started dressing with more color and plants on you, she even got your little Terrors to dress more colorfully and child-like, despite how they aged to be more mature. It honestly made even the toughest Gods smile on the inside
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╚═════ Odin ═════════════════════════════════╝
🪶 Odin respected you from afar. He knew of your abilities and always decided to stray away from asking you for any insights on the issues inside of your Pantheon
🪶 But, when a couple incidents with Loki grew into including your youngest Terror, Kenaz, he had no choice but to have you come to a meeting. Everyone was internally weary that you would pull something and end up forcing their Pantheon to go into war against you and your seven little fear-monster children. Thankfully, that did not happen and you ended up surprising them by being quite nice to be around
🪶 Ever since that day, you spoke more and more to the Head God of the Norse Pantheon. As he spoke to you more and more, Odin had started to mentally record every tiny event you guys had where you made his heart start beating faster. This led to you guys becoming close allies, then courting, before settling on marrying one another years later
🪶 When your only biological son, Thor, was born, everyone feared you more. Not only could you instill fear and make someone scared so much that they had a heart attack and just drop dead like nothing, you were also married to the Odin, and had the Thor as your son. You were quite the surprise to all
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╚═════ Buddha ═══════════════════════════════╝
🍭 Buddha had always heard of a Deity that lived in Heaven that could control the fear that someone, even an immortal, had inside of them. He never encountered you for quite some time, but when he did, he wasn't that surprised with how you behaved
🍭 He guessed you'd be a quiet and threatening type, which you were. But, you only shocked him when you seemed to be more sunshine and rainbows with your Terror-children. You would kneel to their height, pat them on their shadow-like head, and kiss them goodbye as they went to speak to another mortal on the path to be a better person
🍭 When you guys actually started bonding, everyone who knew you just wanted to know why you were around the 'Human-God knockoff' all the time. You would just smiled and laugh before looking at them with a dead expression and telling them he made you laugh more than anyone else had ever
🍭 Buddha does love being around you, especially after you guys got together. He also loves being around your children. Your oldest Terror, Shui, was more of a shy-type, but when Buddha came around? That just fell faster than a loose rock on the mountain that Sun Wukong was stuck underneath years ago! He was the perfect choice for you and the perfect choice for your children. And you wouldn't have it any other way
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luxthestrange · 25 days ago
RoR Incorrect quotes#133 Still tired y'all-
Loki: So... you like cats? Tired!Y/n*Is playing with the local cat's beans...the source of your only happiness* Yeah... Loki*tries to impress them by slowly pushing a glass off the table*
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Loki: How long do you reckon it’ll be until Y/n finally snaps and commits murder?~ Thor: I’ve been going through life assuming it’s already happened at some point and it’s just that no one was ever able to trace it back to them
Tired!Y/n: I’m sick and tired of being called 'mortal' like, you don’t know that. Neither do I- I have never died even ONCE. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It’s rude-
Loki: Well, remember when Y/n made a romantic dinner for me?~ Brunhilde: Loki, they microwaved you a pizza-
Part 2 of:
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kanroji-san · 10 months ago
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All relationships in Ror AU (Part 1)
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vandal-flower · 6 months ago
Professional Attitude
Finding a female reader who's on break at her job crying her eyes out and then all of a sudden an alarm on her phone goes off and she immediately stops crying and then introduces herself and asks them how she can help them like nothing's wrong.
Requested Characters: Odin, Thor and Susanoo.
Notes: Please take this as an apology.🙏
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Not gonna lie, this man is impressed at your ability to control your emotions, especially at work. (Congratulations you made Odin proud.👏)
But seriously though, he is worried to a certain degree. Yes, even he can display emotions.
He might not show it, due to his stone face and reputation, but he thinks you should take a break.
He's even more surprised that you went all this time with a job. You're literally with a Chief God. Why are you working?
He's going to take your phone, decline it, and take you back to his palace.
Your days of working and taking calls are over, now that you're with him.
Just sit back and relax, and try to ignore his nosy birds.
"Rest. You need not to go back. As long as I am with you, you'll be fine."
He doesn't see the problem at first. I like to think that he was raised into not showing his emotions, since it will be seen as a weakness.
However, overtime he does realize such thinking should be abandoned at certain times.
He believes that you should take a break and should not overwork yourself. Even warriors like him relax when needed.
He waits for you to take the call before comforting you, and assigning the work to someone else.
He may not be good at comforting you, but it's better than doing nothing when je knows you are hurt.
He holds you as you cry and complain about your struggles. He's impressed how you kept it up for so long.
He plans to gave a "talk" with your employer, but doesn't tell you. What he's focused on right now is comforting you.
"Tell me everything. I'll listen to whatever you have to say."
He's ready to clash blades with whoever you are on the phone with. Pray you're fast enough to dodge his blade before he cuts your phone in half.
You have to get off the phone to calm him down, because no one is allowed to make his beloved stressed.
He sits you down to explain to him all the things you have been going through and even lectures you on why you didn't tell him.
You try to reason with him, but he refuses to listen! (He's more stubborn than other beings.)
He believes that even though you should work, you shouldn't push yourself too hard to the point you repress your emotions.
You're going to be watched like an eagle by him, in case you ever go back to work, or try to escape his line of sight.
From now on, you're no longer going to work even if you try to convince him. They won't do anything to you, for he is known as the Godslayer.
"Just remember that I'm here for you, don't let anyone treat you like some kind of slave ever again."
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Can you keep your emotions in check?
My inbox is open. Check out my Rules.
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nameless-flame · 1 year ago
RoR gods reactions to you calling Poseidon a 💅Drama Queen💅
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RoR and fem!Reader crack below the cut
Seated along the round table, various prominent figures of each pantheon waited, some more patiently than others, for the mortal standing before them to reveal what she had summoned them for.
[Name] cleared her throat, putting an end to the idle chatter that had previously filled the walls of the old-fashioned conference room. "I have called you to this meeting to discuss a matter of utmost importance."
Shiva rolled his neck, allowing his eyes to freely wander between the faces of the gods – all deemed to be high figures in their respective pantheon – some even belonging to the same one. And yet, there was one man missing.
Leaning his chair back, the God of Destruction balanced himself with two hands holding onto the edge of the table, whilst his remaining two rested behind his head. "Where's that sea deity?"
Shooting a glare in Shiva’s direction, [Name] resumed talking. “If you had not so rudely interrupted me you would have known why.”
The blue man merely rolled his eyes. He had long before grown used to her more… unmannerly way of addressing them. Her disrespectful attitude had at first irked him, and many other deities, but eventually whatever ill feelings they initially harboured toward her soon evolved into intrigue, and later friendship. Some even more than that.
Seeing how the god had not argued back, the human continued. "As for why Sea Boy isn’t here with us today, I didn’t invite him.”
Hades’ brows flickered and he paused his chess match with Zeus. “I presume this meeting concerns my brother?”
[Name] gave the God of the Underworld a curt nod. “I’ll just get straight to the point so to not further waste our time. Can we all come to common agreement that Poseidon is the biggest drama queen in history?"
Hades didn’t know what was more worrisome; her odd exclaim, or the fact that no one had so much as reacted to it. Have things like this truly become the norm?
Most eyes darted to Apollo, and then lingered there, before returning to her, obviously questioning her statement. However, [Name] did not yield under their distrustful stares but continued speaking without any less conviction. "Yes, sure. Some might argue that the twink has some dramatic traits as well."
Apollo craned his neck in her direction, no longer staring in the reflection of his hand mirror. "Why are we listening to her, again?"
“Because they’d rather be here than at one more of your lame parties.” Apollo furrowed his brows, but ultimately decided to just massage the tense muscles of his temples, not desiring to start a fruitless dispute with her.
“But we are not here to talk about Apollo, but Poseidon – the biggest drama queen I have ever encountered in my entire life.”
Beelzebub sighed, tapping his foot impatiently against the marble floor. He just wanted to return to his research. “How did you even come to such an irrational conclusion?”
Standing tall, [Name] placed her hands on her hips. “Irrational? Do you guys truly not see it?” Blank stares were shot in her direction, only Heracles and Ares had the decency to shake their heads.
“Well then, allow me to provide you with an example; If a fly were to land on that drama queen’s shoulder, he would not hesitate to drown all their villages, slaughter their children, and then feed their corpses to the nearest animal.”
Loki snickered, obviously finding some amusement in what he deemed to be an exaggerated story. [Name] ignored him and continued. “And then, to truly top it off, after exterminating an entire species he would just act as normal, as if his reaction was more than justifiable.”
“She does have a point,” the serene voice of Aphrodite spoke. “Poseidon’s reactions do tend to be quite… overbearing at times.”
[Name] dragged a hand through her hair in hope that the motion would soothe her racing mind. “And I know this to be true because that fly is a metaphor for us humans. I literally bumped into him just the other day, and this bitch-”
A warning glare from Hades.
“This very fine gentleman acted like I gave him the bubonic plague.” Loki and Shiva broke into a fit of laughter. The Hindu god even toppled off his chair, but that didn’t seem to encourage him from continuously laughing his ass off.
[Name] rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, continue howling all day long you buffoons, but I think I singlehandedly made him wish for a second Ragnarok.” This only made the duo double over, trying to choose between drying their tears or holding their stomachs. It was a good day for Shiva to have four arms.
Hermes, however, coaxed his brows. “Do you mean to tell us that you came in contact with Lord Poseidon without invoking his wrath?”
[Name] cocked her head to the side. “Didn’t I just tell you that he looked like he wanted to pierce me into a shish kebab?”
Hades moved his king one square forward on the chessboard, the slight click when the piece hit the wood gaining her attention. “That is not what he meant, my dear. If our brother is truly angry, he will not hesitate to kill whoever is around him. The fact that you are still alive indicates that he had no desire of ending your life.”
Odin nodded from the seat beside his son, who was staring out of the window, wishing for this conversation to come to an end.
"This!” [Name]’s sudden outburst caught the attention of everyone in the room, including the socially withdrawn God of Thunder. “This is what I mean when I call him dramatic! You have just grown used to his actions. Look, I don't mind his exaggerated reactions, but he needs a bit of variation.”
[Name] began pacing around the room, her back straight and chin held high, while holding a stick in her hand. Where did she even get that?
“Someone breathes the same air as me? Dead.” Everyone’s eyes widened.
She was imitating Poseidon.
“Someone accidentally steps on my foot? Dead. Someone has the audacity to look me straight in the eye? Dead.” She stopped and heaved a heavy sigh, “Like, come on. Try something new for once, please."
Zeus stroked his long beard. "Wait, let me get this straight. You mean to tell us that your problem with Poseidon is not his behaviour, but that it has grown old?"
[Name] slammed her hands against the table, making the glasses along the wine bottles on it shake with the sudden force. “Yes!”
“This meeting is over.” Hades declared, already walking away. It did not take long for the other deities to follow him, Loki and Shiva needing to crawl out from all their excessive laughing.
“Fine, go! But don’t come crying to me when you guys realize I was right!”
“We won’t,” cooed Zeus.
“Yes, Zeus?”
The King of the Gods blinked, not believing his eyes. “Why is Poseidon drowning that entire meadow?”
Before the two deities stood their brother, sending wave after wave into a beautiful landscape of green hills and the most gorgeous of flowers.
Hades sighed, running a hand through his white hair. “To kill the flies.”
Zeus turned his head to his brother, already dreading his next answer. “Why?”
The King of the Underworld gulped, cursing that mortal for how correct she had been. “Because a fly had landed on his shoulder.”
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sparklesandpudding · 8 months ago
Heyy how are you? I want to make a request of Anubis with a mortal child-Reader (platonically) that accidentally got lost around Valhalla. I just need something sweet for my day, Thank you👋
Hello! This is so cute 💕 writing this at night and I'm so close to passing out. I'm so sorry if it's too short.
°•Platonic Anubis and lost!child!reader•°
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- Anubis had been walking to the meeting room of the gods, before stumbling across a mini creature. What was a small little thing doing, wandering around such a dangerous place like this? Any normal person would try to alert the nymphs or servants, but not Anubis!
- This mini human was his buddy bestie now. No room for objection. He's always wanted a mini baby human sibling! Okay, maybe he only realized he wanted one after seeing you. I bet he'd pick you up curiously, tilting his head and smelling you like he was an actual dog. Before he quickly lit up and started jumping around with you in his grasp.
"whoa!! A mini human!! Hey there little buddy!!! I'm Anubis! What's your name??"
- He brought you with him to the meeting room, just to boast about you. Receiving comments from the other gods to put you away or maybe even kill you. But he growled at them angrily, making them back off.
*growling noises*....no! This mini human is my baby sibling!! We are related from this point on!!"
- Odin just sighed in defeat, while Loki joined in the fun and poked you tiny cheeks. Even manipulating the liquid in his cup to float around for you to watch and giggle about.
- So now, you have two big brother figures, who have no idea where the hell you came from, but still decided to take care of you anyway
- I can just imagine them having no clue on how to tend to your needs, especially as a kid. While thor just chas you sit on his arm and buys you icecream 😭.
Anubis randomly goes on all fours and asks you to play catch with him, making you throw a stick for him to catch. Like, wow, okay. He'd bring you to saunas or hot bath's, yapping about all the cool things he can do with the bubbles and how he can make a huge bubble with his mouth.
You just gotta sit there and listen. Mf is just really happy right now you need to accept it. This is your life now. Just try to savour the good moments where you can sleep well at night without some grown man barking and acting up at night. Like an actual dog.
The gods have tried to tell him multiple times to return you to your caretaker or whoever was in charge of you, but he would not budge, and refused to give you back.
He really liked having a baby sibling to play catch with. And look after. Cause he is a very cool and amazing big brother. So don't expect to go home any time soon. --
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rukia-writes · 1 month ago
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Opening the chapter with a shirtless Odin? Baby, this chapter was 100/5 🥵
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mr-yuugo · 5 months ago
Fallen Soul
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-Record Of Ragnarok × Fem!Reader-
Summary: You are a god who is recruited to fight for Mankind. A god whose soul had fallen to earth, a human version of themselves was born. Will you be able to help save humanity?
You can read this on Wattpad and AO3! There is currently 17 chapters!
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[CHAPTER 1] Contender
Faint footsteps could be heard as you lifted your head. "Lady Y/N, there is someone here who wishes to speak with you," Virgo said as they bowed down. Their short pink hair covered their face as their right hand was placed on their chest.
You hummed in acknowledgment. "Let them in," You spoke as you rested your chin in the palm of your hand. Virgo was quick to stand up straight. Going to the doors of your throne room to open them. Opening them, Virgo moved to the side to let the person walk in. You smiled as you recognized that it was the Valkyrie from earlier.
"Well, then. Everyone, it's been 1000 years since the last time we gathered. Let us start the conference shall we?" Zeus said.
"Now, let me ask. In regard to the survival of mankind for the next 1,000 years. Should we forgive them? Or should we just put an end to them?" Zeus asked and two signs appeared beside him. One is a circle and another being an X symbol.
Besides where you sat, you heard someone speak. "Yep! Heeeere!" Shiva, who was sitting next to you was smiling. He was holding up two of the X signs.
"Let's just give them the doomsday already, Alright? From what I've seen these past 1,000 years, mankind doesn't seem to have any intent to repent at all. Trying to guide them is such a pain in the ass." Having said that, he looked over at you and smirked. "Once we erase them all, let's try evolving some other animal!"
Just a few feet away you saw Aphrodite nod her head. "True..." Aphrodite muttered. "It's just as Shiva-sama said, in the last 1000 years the earth has become too ugly." You were certain you could hear the inner disgust in her voice.
"Seas are filled with waste and oil, forests are disappearing and living beings have become extinct one after another. So to speak...Humans are the most dangerous living cancer on earth. A disaster that will bring the earth to its end. Isn't that right?"
At her words, multiple of the other gods present had begun to agree with her. "Aphrodite is right!"
"Mankind is awful and will bring only despair." As even more gods began to speak their minds, Shiva turned to you and spoke. "Tell me, Y/N, you also think we should end them right?" He lazily smiled.
Looking at him, you smiled. Putting a finger up to your lips as if you were shushing him, you chuckled dryly. "Just wait Shiva, I'm sure the humans will not be ones to give up without a fight."
Zeus cleared his throat, gaining the attention of those around him. "I guess we have come to an agreement!" Zeus said, raising his gavel. "Then, the end of mankind is decided-!" Just before he slammed his gavel down, someone interrupted him.
"Please wait for a second!" Near the higher seats, you spotted a Valkyrie standing boldly and another who seemed scared.
"Huh?" Zeus mumbled. "A Valkyrie...? That's a Valkyrie right?" Someone asked. "What's up with her?" Another questioned as murmurs began to rise. "Parden my intrusion Gods, there is one thing I must say." The Valkyrie spoke loudly.
"Sister! Y-you can't s-speak to the Gods like that!" The smaller girl beside her said while trembling as she hurried to shush her sister.
"Mind your business, Brunhilde!" The crows that sit on Odin's shoulders yelled at her. "You imbecile half God! How dare you open your filthy mouth in the conference of the Gods!"
Brunhilde didn't seem fazed by their words. "It is true that mankind is unbelievably vulgar and violent. But to destroy them like that...Isn't that a bit...boring?" She shrugged. "Whether the survival of mankind has any value or not. With the mighty mercy of the Gods, why don't we test them?"
"Test them?! How, do you wish to flood them?!" Huginn asked Brunhilde as he continued to yell. "Or do you think we should send them into an ice age?"
Brundilde turned her head left to right in disagreement. "No, but I have the most effective way to test them.""Oh?" Zeus hummed. "What is it!? Say it now you imbecile!" Huggin yelled as he grew impatient. "Say it now!"
"Gods vs. Mankind's final struggle, Ragnarok!" Brunhilde spoke loudly as she held a book in her hands. "Valhalla constitution, article 62." She said while flipping through a book. "It is explained in paragraph 15 of the super special clause. 1 vs. 1 showdown, between both Gods and Mankind."
"It seems you Valkyrie really don't understand! Mankind vs. Gods? They simply don't stand a chance against us!" Huginn said. "They simply stand no chance!" Both crows yelled out in unison.
At the crow's words, the other gods present began to agree with them. "That's right!" They all yelled out. "It would be child's play!"The gods roared. "I don't even remember such a law."
Brundilde looked displeased, "So the will of the Gods is to destroy mankind and also....to avoid complete conflict?" Brunhilde said, mockery laced in her words. "Heh?!" Huginn glared.
"We want to destroy mankind without fighting them. We don't want to be put in the same ring as them. That's I'll I'm hearing, hmm don't tell me....." She stopped for a second. "You're chickening out?" Her voice echoed. "If so, I'm terribly sorry for interrupting you. Please forgive me. Well anyway go ahead don't listen to me. Let's just forget all about the Ragnarok stuff."
Soon laughter could be heard from all directions, but after that laughter, anger was clearly present. "How dare you!" The Gods yelled out in anger, throwing poisonous words at her. "Do you know what you just did you damn half-breed!"
"Are you making fun of us you bastard!!?"You simply stared at the girl with amazement in your eyes. "How bold!" You gushed as you smiled in her direction.
"Hohoho..." Zeus chuckled. "Ragnarok, quite an interesting proposal. Well said! Though, your proposal it's such a fucking unit! Besides don't you think it's been a long time since we have seen the might of the Gods!!"
"Everyone! What do you think? Should we hold a showdown between God and Mankind!?" He laughed. "Here!" Saying that he slammed his gavel down.
"Lady Y/N, thank you for allowing me to speak with you." Brunhilde bowed down in front of you. Motioning over to her to stand up, she soon stood confidently. "It's my pleasure dear, so why are you here?" You chuckled.
Placing a hand near her heart she looked up at you with determination. "I'm here to ask you, will you fight in Ragnarok?" You tilted your head in confusion, a quiet humm leaving your lips. "Hm? But I'm a God, why would you want me to fight against your cause?"
Brunhilde smirked. "You would fight....in your human form. Your soul, fell to earth correct? You were once a human, so according to the rules, you'll be able to participate for mankind. I've seen your skills as a human, I have no doubt you'll win!" Her smirked widened.
"Yes, I suppose that's true..." You mumbled, sighing you continued. "You are a very smart woman Brunhilde! Of course, such a bold request as yours can't be turned down. I accept! I'll be more than happy to battle in Ragnarok."
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[CHAPTER 2] Ragnarok Begins!
The first round of Ragnarok had begun. You had decided to stay in your estate and watch the round on your TV. Footsteps could be heard from outside the doors of your room and knocking was heard soon after.
"Come in!" You said loudly. Opening the door you saw Virgo. They quickly rushed up to you and stood beside you. "My lady! The official roster for the candidates who will participate in Ragnarok is out!" They said, handing you an electronic device showing various names.
"It seems that you and young master Ruiru will be participating!" They spoke with enthusiasm. Handing the device back to them you kept watching the TV in front of you.
"It's alright Virgo. I have no need to see it. I would rather be surprised when the contenders come up to fight. I want to see it myself."
Their mouth formed an "o" shape and they looked down in shame. "Ah I see, I apologize then. I'm sorry I spoiled part of it for you..."
Glancing at Virgo you smiled as your eyes met. "No need to apologize, you were only excited to show the news that your very own master was going to show off her skills. I'm very much grateful for that!"
Noticing how their eyes teared up you quickly stood up from your seat. "Uh! D-don't cry! Did I say something weird!?" Freaking out you began to apologize. Virgo sniffled as they stood up straight, their hands behind their back.
"My lady, I'm so happy I'm able to work for you. I promise to do my very best!" Virgo said as they grabbed your hands. You were surprised for a second before smiling at them. "I'm glad," You told them as you gave their hand a firm squeeze.
At that moment you swore some arrow shot through Virgo's heart as their face began to flush. Excusing themselves, Virgo quickly left the room. "Huh-" Looking at the door they left through you just laughed. Sitting back down you continued to watch how Thor had a wonderful smirk on his face as he fought with Lu Bu.
A few minutes passed until you began to process the information Virgo had told you. "Ryubu's name was also on the list. I really do hope we don't end up fighting each other." You sighed. "I wonder how he is, I haven't seen him or Raijin in a very long time. I wish the best for them."
You frowned as you thought about them. "I wonder if they have changed at all..."
Focusing on the TV it seemed that the battle had come to an end. "The first battle of Ragnarok, between the God Thor and Lu Bu...has come to a close, with Thor as its victor...! Humanity has taken its first steps into extinction!!" Heimdall announcedStanding up you decided to make your way to the Arena to go see Thor.
"Heaven's door," You called out. A small portal opened up in front of you, passing by it you were immediately at the doors of the arena. Watching a nurse run by you quickly stopped her. "Excuse me but do you know where Thor currently is?"
The nurse looked at you, her eyes quick to widen as she recognized you. "Ah, Lady Y/N! Yes, I do know please follow me I'll lead you to it!" She smiled, her cheeks blushing a faint pink. She quickly walked in the direction of Thor's room. Passing a few halls she stopped at one of the doors.
"Here we are, Lady Y/N! I am very happy to have had the chance to be around you today!" She said as she bowed down to show her respect.
"Oh please you're going to make me blush!" You said as you also bowed down slightly. Standing up straight she told you goodbye as she quickly left in the direction you both came from in a hurry.
Opening the door to his room you saw him sitting on a chair, his eyes focused on the screen in front of him awaiting for the second round to start. Hearing the door open, Thor snapped his eyes over in your direction. "Y/N, have you never learned to knock?" He asked.
"Wow! Ironic you're saying I should knock!" You laughed. You heard him mumble something under his breath. "Excuse me? I don't think I heard you." You asked almost mockingly.
Sighing Thor spoke. "Sorry..." He said looking anywhere but your eyes. It seemed he was still beating himself up about your first meeting.
"That's better! Anyways I'm just here to ask if you're alright."
He hummed as he motioned over to you to get closer with his hands. "Did you really come all this way just to ask me that?"
"Yep!" You said clapping your hands together. "Can't you just use that ability of yours? You could have just seen into the future. You probably already knew the outcome of my match." He said.
You laughed and let out a sigh. "I suppose I could but, I made a promise to myself not to. Knowing what is bound to happen is...no fun!" You admitted as you shrugged. "I haven't seen anything future-related since Brunhilde came to speak with me."
Saying that Thor looked puzzled. "That Valkyrie came to speak with you? Why?" He asked to which you nodded.
"I will be fighting in Ragnarok, for the future of mankind." His eyes widened slightly but quickly regained their cold look.
"Can't say I'm surprised....." Thor muttered. "Y/N, wouldn't that mean you are a traitor to the Gods? What will happen to you if others find out?"
"Well, I guess....I'll just have to kill them before they kill me!" You smirked. "Are you going to try to kill me?" You asked, your eyes lighting up as your smirk widened. He stared at you for a moment before chuckling.
"Why would I kill the only God I have...that is worthy of fighting me." He said as he let out a quiet chuckle. "Though I am confused. If you fighting in Ragnarok, why wasn't your name on the list of contenders?"
"Well...as rules say, it will be a showdown between mankind and god. I simply can't break the rules! I'll be fighting as a human."
"A human?"
"Yes! Once upon a time, Dear old Y/N lost her soul! Her soul fell to earth and found itself within a human child. That child was given a chance to follow their own path, one without assistance from any god." You said as if telling a children's book.
Thor froze as you told him the small story. "When did that happen?" He thought but didn't say anything about it.
"My name given by the love of mankind is Hoshiko Hanae."
"Ah...I see. Hoshiko Hanae, I remember seeing that name on the list of fighters. Though, are you really sure you will win? I fear that you will be far weaker as a human as you are a God." He spoke with genuine concern.
"Just because I will be "weaker" than I am now, does not mean I'll be weaker than my opponent. I trained my ass off from what I remember. I hold no fear of losing, I will win." You smiled. "Oh, and you won't tell anyone about what we just talked about right? I'm kinda hoping everyone finds out when the moment happens."
"Of course, though why did you tell me? You didn't gain anything from it."
"Huh? Well, I don't need to gain anything. I just trust you, talking to you makes me happy. Do I really need a reason?" You said as your smile didn't falter. His mouth opened slightly and having found no words to say he looked down.
A smirk appeared on his face. "Do you maybe want to stay here and watch the next battle?" He asked still staring down. Feeling a presence next to him he looked up and was met by your smile.
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dolche-tejada · 10 months ago
Record of Ragnarok : Early designs
Brunhilde and Goll
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Zeus and Shiva
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Aphrodite and Odin
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Thor, God of Thunder
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dragologist · 2 years ago
Odin FINALLY getting his revenge:
Original clip from: Pee Mak
@brokensenseofhumor (request💀)
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snvlokiframes · 9 days ago
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bones4thecats · 6 months ago
What If Their S/O Died During Ragnarok?
Characters: Thor, Odin, Loki, and Heimdall Inspired By: My wish to write angst A/N: I have nothing to say so read the angst. ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Death, fighting, details in death, murder, and just pure angst no fluff. ⚠️
Disclaimer: F! Reader in Odin's part because of Thor being his son
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╚═════ Thor ═════════════════════════════════╝
🌩️ Thor always adored your strength. You weren't as strong as him but you were quite a threat when you needed to be, so when you were called for Ragnarok, he wasn't surprised
🌩️ You stood before the human named Julius Caesar, and if you were being honest, his cunning nature was starting to annoy you even before your fight began, but now that you were far more advanced into it, it was beginning to make your anger come out
"I'm gonna tear your arms off your body and use them to beat you senseless!" You screamed, raising your weapons to strike him down.
"Bring it!" He yelled back.
🌩️ As you swung downwards, the male disappeared, making your eyes widen and you feel a pain hitting your midsection. Staring downwards, a large gladius blade poking through your body
🌩️ The sound of everyone gasping made Thor look up from his hammer in the private room. His eyes locked with the screen and his grip tightened around the handle, launching up from his seat, he began to practically run outside to the ring
🌩️ Thor ran as fast as he could go up the stairs, his sudden stop between you and the former Roman dictator causing a mass amount of sand to fall upon him. He looked back at you and saw how you fell to the ground
"I love you, Thor... after death does us part..."
🌩️ Your body began to shatter as your husband kept his grip on your body, trembling as you died. You, the love of his life, died in his arms
🌩️ He turned around as your green-shattered body began to float away, he then dug his fingers into his weapon, it almost shattering the object he held onto. Thor then looked back at the human, rage in his eyes as he let out a deep warning as thunder wrapped around them all
"You'll pay for this, human."
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╚═════ Odin ═════════════════════════════════╝
🪶 Vlad the Impaler, former Voivode of Wallachia, well-known blood-thirsty monster, and current-opponent against the co-leader of the Norse Pantheon, Goddess of the Afterlife, Y/N stood before one another, weapons drawn as Heimdall yelled for the round to start
🪶 Thor watched as his mother walked to the human, shook his hand, and readied to fight. Normally he would be just as calm as his father, but after the loss of Poseidon in the third round, it was worrying that they could possibly lose another God, specifically his own mother
🪶 Odin, his father and your husband, just sat there with a blank face as saw how your weapons clashed, leaving sparks behind as you danced around him
🪶 During your time ruling over those who have passed on in Valhalla, Hel, Fólkvangr, and Landscape, you would be able to move around their wispy-like forms with ease, as if you were a dancer. And while it was beautiful in those times, right now it was helping you survive
🪶 Odin's eyes narrowed as Vlad lifted his kilij and sent it smashing down onto your own spear, successfully smashing it in half while you flew back and sent attack after attack at the human who tried killing you multiple times
🪶 It only lasted 20 minutes when you knocked Vlad the Impaler down, causing him to cough up blood and see his blade get smashed underneath your foot. While he did have a Völundr, it was of no use, your skill in battle rose far above his own
🪶 Holding your blade to his throat as he pressed against the wall, he took the final attempt at hitting you by throwing his blade at you, though you dodged and allowed it to fly past you. You scoffed and chuckled at the action of the human
"How amusing, even after so long of trying to stay alive you still don't understand that I cannot and will not allow myself to be taken down by a man with longer hair than my nutcase-nephew. Now, accept your fate. Any final words for your fellow parasites?"
"Yes... I made sure I got my final head."
"Y/N, look out!"
🪶 In the matter of a second, time stopped. A large mount of black hair launched in the air with shock while the rest of the beings all froze in fear. It was the leader of the Norse Pantheon, it was Odin who had gone blind in rage so quickly
🪶 Jumping down from his seat, Huginn and Muninn swarmed around your body, now holding a blade within the head and squawked in agony. Loki and Thor stood in complete shock as Odin held his hand up and sent a blast at the human male, killing him slowly and painfully while he picked up your body without any emotion and carried you away
🪶 All Gods watched silently as the humans just looked down or stayed with their eyes glued on the events. The Gods felt ashamed at the loss, yes. But seeing such a kind and loving part of their society fall in such a hurtful manner broke some hearts while Humanity just shook their heads with either shame or pity for the Norse Family
🪶 When Odin fought soon, everyone knew that he wasn't going to go down easy... not after this...
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╚═════ Loki ═════════════════════════════════╝
🐍 Loki and you have been amused watching the humans and Gods fight. At first, the fights went by smoothly, the loss of Lü Bu and Adam not fazing either of you, but as the humans began to rise in power, resulting in the loses of Heracles, Poseidon, and Hades, your nerves slightly grew when your name was called
🐍 Walking around the ring amusing yourself was easy, but standing in front of those they called 'History's Greatest Military Mind', did bring your ego down slightly, much to his surprise
🐍 As you clashed in the arena, your husband of many years, Loki, floated around and laughed at the futile attempts against you. It was pointless, with your mindset and similar, to his, abilities, you were practically invincible
🐍 Loki smirked as you fought, ignoring the calls of his Uncle Odin's birds. And while they were annoying, if he had to endure them to see his lovely spouse win, then so be it
🐍 His face only began to darken the Alexander began to advance with his Valkyrie-bond. Now his attacks were starting to land more often, and that was not good at all
🐍 You were a Deity who has fought in many wars, you knew how opponent's thought, but every time you knew what he was going to do, he'd switch it up on the spot. Now you understood his nickname to the fullest
🐍 Loki's eyes narrowed in worry as you lunged forward to stab him in the head, only for him to dodge, go behind you, wrap his legs around your neck, pin you to the ground, and speak his final words to you
"You were an amazing opponent, Deity of Order. And I wish you no pain."
"Why you-"
🐍 Dead silence.
🐍 With one blow, you had died. A stab wound to your heart, causing your once glowing, glimmering eyes to drown in a pool of darkness. Loki watched as your arms slumped down and as Humanity cheered for their heroine
🐍 But what he didn't know is that the Trickster God from the Norse Pantheon was standing right behind him, ready to make him feel the same pain he made his lover feel a couple seconds ago
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╚═════ Heimdall ══════════════════════════════╝
📯 He has seen all either fall or stand in this tournament, but there was one that he did not wish to witness end with a Gods' non-victory, and that is Round 5 of Ragnarok, Hannibal Barca vs Norse-Deity of the Sound, Y/N
📯 You two have been together since the very beginning, growing from friends to full-on romance in just a matter of a couple thousand years, which is fast for any average Deity-relationship, which normally appears after around four-times that!
📯 He watched you two look at one another blankly, but he knew how you thought. You were coming up with every angle you could hit this guy and he could go down like a fly, and he hoped those plans worked
📯 Heimdall blew into his horn and the match began, the sound of metal clashing and grunts being all he could hear whilst everyone else conversed and made their own sounds in reaction to everything
📯 You could hear everything better than anyone, and using your daggers, you tossed them in the air before they came flying down, making the loudest screeching anyone could ever hear. After doing this many times and having Hannibal come back with his own attacks unique to himself, which made you smirk and laugh
"If you believe such minor attacks with a Valkyrie could kill me, you're wrong human."
📯 Hannibal smirked and raised his weapon once again for an attack set like a joust. You just scoffed and aimed your sword for his heart, but before you could hit him, a pain was felt the back of your head... a shield had come flying down and smashed your head down
📯 You fell to the ground in pain as he grabbed the shield and hit you once again in your head, making you wail in agony from the pain. Like mentioned earlier, your hearing was exquisite, so having this crashing your head while he hit it with his sword wasn't very nice
📯 He then pierced your head with his sword, causing everyone to freeze slightly. Humanity then broke out into a cheer of celebration while the Gods stood in shock... how did he bring you down in a matter of 32 minutes?! What had he done?!
📯 Nobody was more shocked than Heimdall. He had just witnessed his spouse of over four-thousand years die before him. Everyone knew he wasn't going to speak, so, in an effort to help the man, Zeus came down and yelled out the rounds' results
📯 While Humanity celebrated and the Gods just stayed silent with either rage or pain for you, Zeus looked back at the Norse God and spoke gently as to usher him into a room to relax
"Heimdall, wait for me in the room with a soundwave on it. I'll be there in a little bit and we can speak of this."
📯 Heimdall nodded as he rushed away, tears threatening to spill from his eyes as he ran. Why did you have to die... why did Zeus have to choose you... why was life such a pain...
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luxthestrange · 4 months ago
RoR Incorrect quotes#125 That his war paint now-
Adam*Is putting some aftershave, humming the tv show song you made him watch* I'm Stan and I was wrong, and I'm singing the...
Thrud tackles Adam to the ground, as Goll takes out the lipstick and Reginleif starts putting mascara on him
Adam* AAAAAH! What's happening?!
F!Y/n*Holding his other arm looking at the camera as the twins capture the moment* BEAUTY IS HAPPENING!
Adam*Trying to break free*-Aaaah! No! Girls!
Static, Cut to Adam with makeup, Goll shows him a hand mirror
Adam*Looks at himself frowning,grabs the mirror but looks proud at the valkyries and you*...I'd be pretty mad at you girls if I didn't look so fantastic!
F!Y/n: Success! Take it to the streets, girls! 
-Adam walking through the arena with his usual stoic face... Zeus, Odin, Shiva, looking at him... Adam looks back with an...almost pitiful look at them-
Adam:...Jealous of my daughter's genius, much?
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kanroji-san · 3 months ago
Can you do part 2 of reactions to genderswap versions of their lovers?
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Okita: ... My apologies, but where's the difference?
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Kana: I feel like an enigma in this family tbh...
Chigiri: Just because you have a short hair doesn't mean you are enigma, Kana.
Kioko: Are we not going to talk about how mother looks awesome or what? Dad, what do you think?
Thor: *With adoration in his eyes* ...
Chigiri: ... I think he likes it.
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QSH: *shamelessly looking at the chest with a goofy smile*...
What a nasty dog... Get it?👉
(It was cringe, sorry)
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Odin: They looks so fragile there...
Thor: Kanroji also looks fragile but one of the psychically strongest pillars.
Loki: *popping out of nowhere* Who cares about that?!! Mother looks super pretty and cute!!!!
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