#odin asks
lokisgoodgirl · 1 year
What are your real thoughts on Odin? Like, you think the MCU made him a genuinely terrible dad, or do you think Ragnarok redeemed him enough? I just ask because i feel like he gets vilified so much in fanfic but didn't he call Loki his son too and say he loved him before he died?
When I think of Odin, I think of the Narcissist's Prayer:
That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did,
you deserved it.
Suffice to say, I think he's a bonafide arsehole. To be fair, he's a dick to Thor too. The bad dad trope isn't unique to Odin though, @lokischambermaid and I were laughing the other eve about how Marcus Aurelias in Gladiator has suspiciously Odin-esque qualities.
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Not captioned: "Son, you're a failure and I hate you"
So basically, yes I think he was a bad father, and a pretty shitty person. But then, he had nine realms to run. Somethings gotta give. Also I don't personally think Ragnarok redeemed him at all? 🤣🤣 that fade to death on a bombshell like Hela is the coldest shit I've ever seen.
@ijuststareatstuffhereok89 idk if this falls in your rant categories but feel free
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reegis · 8 months
Odin was just girl bossing and stimming she did nothing wrong, okay she ALLEGEDLY fucked with Loki's brain, but you have no proof!
odin i know this was you, dont hide behind anon /j
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vexwerewolf · 1 month
How much does Odin actually understand of Norse mythology? Does he have it just completely wrong? Does he have only an superficial/pop culture understanding of it? Or does he actually know the most faithful to the original interpretation that we have to day from the Eddas?
Because the names he gave his children, although fitting from a Doylian perspective, from a Watsonian perspective point to him either not knowing the dire implications attached to them, not caring and just using the theme because he likes it, or most worrying of all wanting to convey exactly that meaning.
I mostly ask so in Act 2 I can know if I'll be able to get under his skin by pointing out one of his sons is going to be mpregged with a horse.
CW: Parental abuse, self-harm
I'm not sure I have a comprehensive answer to all of this, but...
It is, in my mind, highly probable that the MCU has poisoned understanding of Norse mythology so much that "Loki is one of Odin's sons" was just something that the interpreters of the Massif Vaults believed, and thus passed into five thousand years of Union understanding of pre-Fall mythology.
As for the dire implications of the names he gave his kids - yes, he was fully aware of it. He was doing it on purpose. He wasn't born to the name Odin. He chose it. He's a delusional fanatic trying to raise his sons to kill God, and he is not at all convinced that magic doesn't exist. Naming himself and his sons after gods was a part of his Magnum Opus, his Great Work - he may be dooming them to misery, but he's also elevating them to the status of gods, for who else can kill God but the gods?
Did you notice that Odin's left eye is cybernetic?
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Odin, the mythic father, who traded an eye for sight beyond sight - and does this crafted eye not see more than any flesh-eye ever could?
You have to understand that for all his cruelty, Odin isn't a hypocrite. He'll gladly torture his children, but he's not hesitant to subject himself to the same tortures or worse to get what he wants. He put his own eye out with a screwdriver. In his twisted understanding of the world, having it painlessly replaced under anaesthetic would be cheating - true knowledge requires pain, requires sacrifice.
By this measure, though, this lack of hypocrisy, he justifies the cruelty to which his children were subjected. He was willing to suffer so much for this great and terrible project - why shouldn't they?
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finngualart · 9 months
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Gáttir allar áður gangi fram um skoðast skyli, um skyggnast skyli, því að óvíst er að vita hvar óvinir sitja á fleti fyrir.
At every door-way, ere one enters, one should spy round, one should pry round for uncertain is the witting that there be no foeman sitting, within, before one on the floor
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 5 months
Surprise Visit Pt 2 (Thor X Son!Reader)
Characters: Thor Odinson X Son!Reader
Universe: Marvel, Avengers
Warnings: None
Pt 1
Request: Hi, I'm just finish Poco's udon world, and right of the batch I thought what if Poco is Thor's son, Poco has some of his feature too and I remember your fic Surprise Visit. Can you please do a Part 2 of it?🥺 reader is like Thor but he quite shy and always bring with books that his mother read before bed they bonding by activities together Thor bring him to Asgard to meet his grandparents Loki read them books, tell them stories, show and teach them magic (Harry Potter) with Freyaa and all fluff❤
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The first few days after finally meeting your dad had been awkward to say the least. You were spending almost every waking moment either with him, or your uncle. You had expected that Loki would be a lot more awkward with you- or straight up wouldn’t like you from the get go, but it ended up being kind of the opposite. Thor had been a bit too eager from the get go to play the fatherly role, and you found it unnerving, and when Thor realised that (with help from Clint and Steve pointing it out for him) he backed up and started to just try and get to know you, your interests, your dislikes, and take things a little slower. Loki, on the other hand, was nowhere near as pushy, gave you space, and didn’t force conversation on to you. Eventually though, you ended up finding something to bond with Loki over; Books. 
You had been interested in the books he read, even if you couldn’t read the language, and worked up the courage to ask him about it, and after an explanation, he asked what kind of books you liked, and it was a start of an actual long and meaningful conversation. Loki took that, and hinted that Thor should look into those books. The next day, Thor showed up to your room with a pile of books in his arms and a grin on his face. 
Things since then had got a lot better between you and your dad. Instead of forcing it, or acting the part for the sake of it, Thor had naturally fallen into the father role that made it a comfortable change for you. Thor had little interest in books, but you had the ritual with him now of him buying a book for you, you read it, and after every chapter, you give him a rundown of what happened in detail, and you’d discuss it. You’d opened up a bit with him over the weeks, about what your life was like growing up with mum, holidays, key memories for you, and the rituals you two had- including reading books before bed together, which was where your love for books came from. Thor soon got you some of the books you mentioned, so you could do it with him. You got into a nice rhythm of living with and being around your dad and uncle, to the point where you were expecting it when an advancement was suggested. 
“How do you feel about going to Asgard with Loki and I, tomorrow?” Thor asked, as you were tidying up after another late night discussion about a book you had been reading- this one actually a recommendation from your Uncle Loki. You stopped what you were doing, and looked over at Thor, who waited patiently. 
“Uh… sure. Okay.” You agreed hesitantly, and immediately his face lit up. You had long guessed this conversation would happen, so you had time to prepare for it, though you knew that was actually impossible. What could prepare you for going to the land of gods- where you know you didn’t belong, even if Thor was your father? “Do… Do they know about me?” You asked cautiously. 
“Of course!” He immediately answered. “As soon as I returned to Agard after we met, I told mother and father about you, and my friends! I wanted to tell the entire kingdom, but mother- your grandmother, insisted we wait till you met them all first before telling the rest of Asgard. Freya, your grandmother, is the most eager to meet you.” He gushed to you. You’d heard a lot about your grandparents through both Thor and Loki. Admittedly, Thor was the only one who talked about Odin, and while Loki didn’t talk much about them, when he did, it was always about Freya, about how she was also a bit of a bookworm, and how she taught him magic.
You got up early the next morning, mostly due to struggling to sleep from the anticipation, and you didn’t have to wait for either your dad or uncle to be ready either, though you couldn’t tell if it was due to excitement or nerves, or maybe they were both feeling those things- your dad the excitement, and Loki the nerves. It didn’t help that your dad was a raving optimist, and your uncle was a pessimist, so you couldn’t tell who was feeling the right way, so you just adopted a bit of each of their emotions. Cautiously excited.
You honestly wasn’t sure what to expect when you actually got there, or even the process of getting there in the first place, but as soon as you left the Bifrost, you were in awe. Sure, they had told you all about Asguard- the rainbow path that led to it, the great kingdom, the beauty of it all, but none of that was in comparison to what you were actually seeing. You remained in stunned silence the entire walk up the bridge, actually entering into Asguard, past the several hundred people who came to welcome them back and ask about you, up until your father actually called for you, after seeing you distracted by something else further away. You turned, seeing several people stood with your father and uncle, looking at you smiling. “Y/N, these are my friends, Fandrall, Hogun, Volstagg, and Sif.” Your father introduced you.
“So this is the little prince?” Sif questioned with a smile. 
“Little? Thor, you said he was a boy! Give it a few years and he’ll be ready to be king!” Volstagg laughed, though the mention of such a role made you look at Loki quickly, and then your dad. 
“He is a boy! The very idea of being king is still a long way away- you make it sound like he’ll outlive me.” Thor defended. 
“Speaking of Kings.” Loki spoke up, placing  hand on Thor’s shoulder. 
“Right! Haven’t had the chance to introduce him to the rest of his family. We’ll pick this up later, promise.” Thor told them motioning you over, and guiding you deeper into the kingdom, down several expansive corridors, before you turned a corner, and spotted a group of women talking in the hallway ahead, and your father and uncle stopped. “Loki, stay here with Y/N.” Thor requested, before going towards the group, and you looked up at Loki confused, who patted you on the shoulder. You watched as your father approached the group, made some small talk, before all the women except one left down another hallway, and Thor stepped to the side, motioning the woman towards you and Loki, and you realised who she must be. Freya. Your grandmother. 
As soon as she saw you properly, she smiled warmly, hands clasped and pressed against her chest with excitement, and any fear you had- fear of not being liked, or not meeting their standards, of being a disappointment, being looked down on for being half human- it all faded. You could feel the love and acceptance radiating off the woman as she reached out her hands, and took your own. “Y/N, words cannot describe the absolute joy I feel to finally be in your presence finally after all of Thor’s descriptions.” Freya told you, gently squeezing your hands, and you couldn’t help but smile too. 
“I’ve heard so many wonderful things about you too from dad and uncle Loki.” You told her, and her smile grew, before she pulled you closer and wrapped an arm around you. 
“Thor- Loki, go tell your father that you’re here with Y/N- I’ll give Y/N a tour of the palace- we’ll be in the library when you’re done. We have a lot to talk about.” Freya decided, already walking away with you, and you didn’t fight it, leaving with her. 
Thor and Loki did as ordered, finding their father, letting them know they’d also brought you, and after a bit of back and forth questioning where exactly you were, and Loki explaining their mother had already stolen you away herself, and Odin simply sighed, and got up to follow his sons to head to the Library. 
By the time they met back up with you and Freya, you and her were already getting along like a house on fire- she’d asked about your mother, her health, your childhood, her own expieriences that related when raising Thor and Loki, and when she heard about your little tradition with Thor with books, she picked out a book for you to take home to read, and to keep. You felt comfortable enough with her to ask about Loki and Odin’s relationship, the comment Thor’s friends made about being King one day and how you weren’t big on the idea, and also how according to how your dad and Loki talked about Odin, you were much more worried about meeting him than her. Freya had answers your questions, reassured you of your worries, and promised Odin would be on his best behaviour, and she helped your first meeting with Odin a lot from the get go. 
As soon as Freya saw her husband, she stood first, smiling. “Odin, thank you for joining us. I was just about to ask Y/N if they’d like a private family dinner. What do you think?” Freya asked him, wrapping an arm around you again, and you smiled nervously at your grandfather, who was a lot more intimidating than you had anticipated. Odin didn’t talk at first, stepping a little closer, and you panicked internally, not knowing what to do, if you were supposed to do something- but Freya had kept her arm around you, gently rubbing your arm in reassurance. 
“That can certainly be arranged. It’ll let us get to know our grandson. Thor, will you come with me to make the arrangements?” He asked, of his oldest, who nodded. “See you at dinner, Y/N.” He told you, before making his leave, Thor smiling at you, before following after him. 
“In the meantime.” Freya spoke up once the two were quite a distance away. “Y/N, want to learn some magic?” She asked. 
“Mother, I don’t know about that…” Loki fussed. 
“Just beginning spells, nothing serious… we’ll save that for later. Maybe you could mentor Y/N as well when back on Midgard.” She suggested, and you realised that maybe, just maybe… Loki got some of his mischief from his mother. 
“Am I able to do magic? Since I’m half human?” You questioned. 
“I believe so, it’s worth a try. You coming Loki?” Freya questioned her son, who simply sighed, and followed after, deciding to be apart of his mother’s antics, knowing that Thor might lose his mind when he finds out about this. 
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in!
*Not my Gif
TAGS: @insanityismysanity12345 @klanceiscannon14 @marvelhoeingismyhobby @bellamyblakemorley @dummiesshort  @freyathehuntress @abbybills22-blog @mutantjediavenger @theoraekensnotsosecretlover @alicedanganh @sleutherclaw @sleepy-coffee-bean @stawwpp @rebellionofthecattle @hello-love-youre-pretty @werosemagic @courtneychicken  @graysonmalfoy @bellero @originalpottervengerlock @supernatural-pan @esoltis280 @lady-of-lies @lenaswritingandstuff @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980 @cdwmtjb8 @caswinchester2000 @determinedpines @huntheimpossible @automaticbakeryfreakshoe
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lacm-ac · 2 years
Tyr and Týr are in the same room and have to convince Freya that the other one is Odin and HE'S the real Týr.
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Odin got got.
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stupidrant · 4 months
olympics au
where Kratos is a wrestler in the Greco Roman style
and Atreus is an archer
and everyone else is...?
Angrboda is a figure skater 😍😍😍
Freya is a gymnast
Thrud is a runner
Thor is a weightlifter
Sif is a synchronized swimmer
Tyr is a fencer
Skjoldr is a Cyclist
Baldur is a ice hockey player
0din is a golfer
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ikuzeminna · 4 months
What's up with the wolves?
This post made me want to talk about Duo and how he was initially conceived as Gundam Wing's protagonist, but instead of derailing OP’s post with my ramblings, I thought it better to make them a separate post.
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We all know this shot of Duo in the first opening, and like many others I, too, have wondered why on Earth the American street urchin character would be sporting heraldic wolves on his jacket as though he’s European nobility.
They never show up in the series proper, just the opening. And there is absolutely nothing about Duo that could remotely relate him to nobility. He's pretty much the furthest thing from it.
...unless we count Deathscythe H's design, which does sport a strong romantic death theme. But that's about as European as Duo gets.
So what if this is the creators being cheeky and including it as a nod to his initial protagonist status before it was given to Heero? Because if Duo was the protagonist, that would mean he would have been Relena's foil, who is of royal blood. And then we would have had the same juxtaposition as this:
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Oh, look, another orphan wearing fancy clothing.
But back to Duo. The precise term for what Duo has emblazoned on his jacket is a wolf rampant. Well, two actually. Would that make them combatant..?
When they're mirrored like that, you expect them to hold a shield. Like these two unicorns here:
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Do you recognize it? It's Romefeller's crest. Romefeller has two white unicorns rampant on a red background while the guy who fights them gets two golden wolves rampant on a black background.
Wait a minute. White, red, gold, black?
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Someone must have had a field trip with the designs.
Back to the wolves. According to Wikiwand, wolves in heraldry "typically symbolised the rewards of perseverance in long sieges or hard industry." A long siege is definitely what the colonists were going through. Doubly so regarding Duo's crappy childhood.
So is Duo really connected to wolves?
Well, here's a fun fact.
The wolf (French: loup) is often used for canting (meaning heraldic bearings that represent the bearer's name in a visual pun or rebus) by families whose names feature some variant of the word 'lou/wolf'. Examples include Videlou, de Lou, Lupus, Wolferston, Wolseley, Lovett, Lowe, Lovell, Lupton or Wolfe.
Lowe. As in, Odin Lowe. This dude:
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Heero got cheated out of fancy wolf crests.
And here you have it. Before Heero stole Deathscythe's parts for Wing, Duo had gotten Heero's wolf crest. Then again, they would have been wasted on Heero's green tank top anyway, so good for Duo.
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worstloki · 6 months
AU where Loki gets banished for Thor/Warriors 4 going to Jotunheim and he just settles down on Earth. Copes with the blue arm by ignoring it completely since he's been disowned and dumped on Earth anyway. There's probably a way to 'prove himself worthy' and 'get back to Asgard' but he never bothers with it.
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strandedinmidgard · 11 months
What do you do when you're feeling lonely, Loki?
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reegis · 1 year
✨ mechanisms character designs ✨
(part 3)
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top 10 photos taken moments before disaster-
(part 1)
(part 2)
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vexwerewolf · 1 month
Howdy! If you’re still taking lancer build requests, I could use some help. I’m stumped on how to build my Sunzi for support with a pinch of controller, and find myself asking “How would Dr. Valentinian do it?”
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I was informed that you requested my advice on loadouts. Having now read your request, I feel as if you may be labouring under the misapprehension that I believe there's one correct loadout for all situations - allow me to assure you that no such loadout exists, nor do I believe that it does.
My ethos as regards the equipment choice for a mechanised chassis depends entirely upon the mission briefing and available intelligence. Who are we fighting? What chassis do they pilot? Are we outnumbered, or do we outnumber them? What are the strengths and weaknesses of both individuals within the opposing force and the opposing force as a whole? It goes without saying that these considerations will drastically affect my decisions as regards what equipment I bring with me.
Additionally, I am by no means an expert pilot. My speciality is blinkspace physics, with a secondary expertise in developing mechanised chassis. The majority of my children outpace me in piloting skill; I'm sure they could give you a far more comprehensive answer on this subject than I could.
All of this being said, I doubt you'd be satisfied without a straight answer, so allow me to humour you with the following loadout. I suppose you'll want me to name it as well, won't you? Very well - call this Sleipnir.
-- HA Sunzi @ LL6 -- [ LICENSES ] HA Sunzi 3, HORUS Minotaur 2, HORUS Goblin 1 [ CORE BONUSES ] The Lesson of the Open Door, Improved Armament [ TALENTS ] Skirmisher 3, Demolitionist 3, Grease Monkey 2, House Guard 1 [ STATS ] HULL:2 AGI:2 SYS:2 ENGI:2 STRUCTURE:4 HP:16 ARMOR:1 STRESS:4 HEATCAP:9 REPAIR:4 TECH ATK:+3 LIMITED:+1 SPD:5 EVA:9 EDEF:10 SENSE:15 SAVE:16 [ WEAPONS ] FLEX MOUNT: Warp Rifle MAIN/AUX MOUNT: Assault Rifle / Nexus (Light) [ SYSTEMS ] Personalizations, Blink Charges x4, Metafold Carver, H0R_OS System Upgrade I, Final Secret
Oh, you want me to explain it to you as well? I suppose I have time.
Sleipnir leverages synergies between the crude but effective blinkspace technologies developed by HORUS and the far more refined technologies I developed for the Sunzi frame. Metafold Carver's "Ophidian Trek" is an infinitely repeatable teleport that can be used to instantly rescue an ally from danger at up to range 15 simply by targeting them.
This revolves around the fact that you can target an ally with an invade and they can choose to make it automatically succeed; you don't even bother rolling dice to see how far you teleport them, because your Safe Harbor trait allows you to designate spaces adjacent to you (and this area expanded by the first rank of House Guard) as the endpoint of any teleport that affects an ally.
If you wish to pull an enemy out of position, you can use the same trick with your Blink Anchor; simply invade them using "Ophidian Trek," and then redirect them. This allows you to continue pulling enemies out of position even when your Blink Charges have been expended.
Speaking of Blink Charges, the Demolitionist talent also makes them more versatile, as they can now push enemies around (you choose the order of effects, meaning you can teleport an enemy and then push them back, allowing you to decide the exact direction of the knockback) and you can use them as mines without fear of losing limited charges.
I shouldn't need to explain to you the raw utility of the H0R_OS v1 system. If I do, you probably aren't competent enough to be piloting a mech.
That's all for now. I hope this was illuminating for you. As for me, I must get back to work.
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infinitelilith · 11 months
It's always a little weird to me when people are confused by Tumblr KH fans loving Dark Road so much because like... it's essentially an extremely angsty Xehaqus high school AU. Tumblr users had been dreaming about that since like 2015. Nomura made DR for the they/thems
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mythos-soup · 10 months
Frigg [walking into her room]: Hi Odin Odin [in bed with some random icelandic priest]: Hi honey Frigg: hi random dude my husband is boinking The random guy: hi
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percheduphere · 9 months
Hi, do you have any ideas about how Odin would react to Loki's sacrifice? Specifically Dark World Odin, the one who's judging Loki's actions after the battle of NY, how do you think he'd react to the news of his son sacrificing his autonomy and freedom to power the multiverse tree and therefore allowing infinite realites to exist? Do you think he'd be surprised bc he never expected anything heroic from Loki or he'd be proud to know that there's a version of Loki who's truly a hero and is more than whorthy? How about Frigga? and Thor? (remember, specifically the dw version of them)
Honestly, Odin and Thor are at their most hostile and disillusioned with Loki in Thor: The Dark World.
Only Frigga would believe it and would be proud.
Odin and Thor would accuse Loki of more trickery. They both may even become concerned for the safety of the Nine Realms if they witness the true extent of Loki's power.
They may start to believe in Loki's heroism if Loki proves he can lift Mjolnir, but here's the rub: I don't think it's in-character for Loki, especially GoS Loki, to request the opportunity to lift the hammer. No, it would have to be Mobius to suggest it. Even then, Loki would demure and likely be tense with Mobius about suggesting such a thing. Despite everything he's sacrificed, Loki still wouldn't believe he could lift Mjolnir, but Mobius would absolutely know he could.
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therese-lokidottir · 11 days
Something in my gut tells me, Loki would be a better father than Thor and Odin if given a chance . I don’t know I feel like he’ll be good with kids.
It’ll be really funny to see how he handles teenagers though.
I think Loki would be much better than Odin any day of the week. Personally, I think in norse mythology Loki is more likely than not a better dad than Odin is.
That's not to say I don't think Loki would have flaws. I do think he runs the risk of being a pushover and would let his children do whatever they want. But a strong aspect I think Loki would have been caring about his children emotional wellbeing and letting them be their authentic selves.
I will say when it comes to Thor, I think under better circumstances he would have made a good dad, but not in Love and Thunder where he puts a child in the battlefield
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