dokuzo · 1 year
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I have reopened my entire store @ http://dokuzo.com! Everything is currently available to order ♥ I unfortunately can't offer shipping to the EU yet on this site, so if you're from the EU please contact me and I will give you an alternative for the time being!
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wirecat · 1 year
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rattyexplores · 2 years
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Not too exciting, but still standing tall
Jalina ocularis
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squawkoverflow · 1 year
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A new variant has been added!
Radde's Accentor (Prunella ocularis) © Ani Sarkisyan
It hatches from black, clear, cold, high, ochre, rocky, shy, similar, white, and whitish eggs.
squawkoverflow - the ultimate bird collecting game          🥚 hatch    ❤️ collect     🤝 connect
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radioves · 1 year
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doom aspect lookin frog
[ID : a screenshot from the game pocket frogs of an olive green frog with a black skull pattern on the top half of its body, with text in a box below it reading “You have found a gift containing a NEW Olive Picea Calvaria* Would you like it shipped to your Mailbox?” there are buttons below reading “No Thanks”, “Accept”. END ID]
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geekztour · 1 year
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Durham Region Comic Con is a great show!
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ilragliodelmulo · 1 year
Dionisyan - Garden of lost shades
“Last Millenium” (Decibel Productions), l’ultima fatica della cult band italiana Dionisyan, è stato l’ottimo pretesto per ripercorre, grazie all’intercessione della Ocularis Infernum Booking&Promotion, con il poliedrico Tregor Russo tutte le tappe della carriera di una delle più entusiasmanti band del panorama doom metal italiano… Benvenuto Tregor, ammetto che quando Andred di Ocularis Infernum,…
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View On WordPress
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artie-doko · 9 months
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They got matching outfits (sorta)
Ocularis Hoodie by Dokuzo Apparel & Abyss Cardigan by Nyahallo Shop
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megalomari · 6 months
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made some questionable oculary decisions on my first run lol
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polarisdelphi · 8 months
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Nyx Protocol Character Sheets
A. Alastor
Last year, I have worked on some character sheets of characters from the cyberpunk book thing I'm writing.
For now it's called Nyx Protocol, but it's a very bad provisory name :')
Soooo, I decided to post some of them!
First and one of the main characters, Alastor - founder and leader of the Shield of Achilles.
(Lore and more on the character, worldbuilding and all under the cut \o/)
Alsoooo the art, design, writing, character, all that, by me, so please be nice :) don't steal
Olympia is a *perfect* city - like the Matrix, it's a simulation where humans, called Organics, can only access through the Ocularis. The Organics who know of Olympia and who can access it, though, are very few: the ones who have power or money - or both.
It wouldn't feel like a city without people, though. The Programmer made it to feel perfectly like the organic world - or even better - programming people who are their very own beings in Olympia; independent, intelligent, with their own dreams and emotions, the Artificials are as human as Organics... Even if the Organics don't think so and always feel superior - like gods who own Olympia.
Alastor, an Artificial resident, has had his own issues with Organics - the tipping point being the Bergsten Incident, where he lost a lot more than one of his legs - leading him to create a resistance group to bring down the Organics and make them see they are not gods as they think they are; and they cannot treat Artificials like numbers like they always do.
The Shield of Achilles - a lost piece of art and war that shows that in the face of death all men, king or peasent, are the same - is now in Olympia synonym of troube: and so is Alastor, the vicious leader of the group seen by rebel saviours by some and terrorists by others.
There you go, that's a little background on all the story I'm writing and my dear Alastor - he's a piece of work and unlikeable most of the time, but he's efficient at what he does. There's no time for being nice in Olympia - a city that, if your steps hesitate and your will trembles, it'll eat you alive.
"No time for being nice, babe. You shoot 'em down or they'll shot you - and they won't think twice like you do." - Alastor, probably, smiling like an asshat and looking at you over his aviator sunglasses while smoking one of his neon cigarettes.
Told you the man is insufferable.
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simbrilliance · 22 days
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✨a cupcake date✨
quen and rhian are often times having to travel for work with obscura ocularis, investigating magical mysteries and disturbances throughout the world. but they’re also not shy about taking a little time for themselves mid-mission. they still have to eat! what’s wrong with stopping for a few minutes to have a miniature cute cupcake date?
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isteric4 · 1 year
amo gli uomini 🥰 così tanto che oggi vorrei scavarmi nei bulbi oculari con un cucchiaio
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idettaglihere · 7 months
ho dolori OVUNQUE
a tanto così 🤏🏻 dal prenotare sul serio un massaggio total body che mi massaggiano pure i bulbi oculari q
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squawkoverflow · 1 year
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A new variant has been added!
Radde's Accentor (Prunella ocularis) © Ani Sarkisyan
It hatches from black, clear, cold, high, ochre, rocky, shy, similar, white, and whitish eggs.
squawkoverflow - the ultimate bird collecting game          🥚 hatch    ❤️ collect     🤝 connect
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superfuji · 2 months
Così, trovandomi in viaggio in Giappone, non ho potuto fare a meno di recarmi al Memoriale della Pace di Hiroshima. E’ un parco pubblico, molto essenziale nell’architettura, come a voler dare il senso dello spazio che si apre, a superare e trascendere quel trauma. Ma al contempo, in modalità perfettamente giapponese, dà estrema cura ai particolari, dalle aiuole ai simboli di pace, agli origami delle gru per Sadoku, piccole teche trasparenti dove si possono lasciare origami, ma anche messaggi. Io uno l’ho scritto e l’ho lasciato lì: MAI PIU’ BOMBE NUCLEARI, DISARMO E PACE, in italiano e in sardo. Forse un piccolo atto dal sapore rituale, ma sentivo di farlo. Sadoku è la bambina simbolo di Hiroshima che per salvarsi aveva giurato di fare gli origami di mille gru, per la pace nel mondo. Morì prima di completare la sua opera, ma tutte le persone possono ancora, stringendosi accanto al monumento per i bambini, esprimere un pensiero, o solo meditare in silenzio. Visitando il Museo del Memoriale della Pace di Hiroshima, si torna indietro nel tempo e ci si ritrova immersi in quell’immane tragedia. L’esplosione dell’atomica trasformò in pochi istanti la città in un vero e proprio inferno. Un inferno descritto dalle poche fotografie esistenti, dai disegni e dai dipinti dei testimoni oculari, dai racconti dei sopravvissuti. La temperatura al suolo divenne così alta da incendiare non solo gli alberi, le case e le strutture in legno e in cemento, ma da staccare la pelle delle persone, scioglier loro gli occhi, squagliare gli organi interni. I cavalli, che guidavano le carrozze nei viali, impazzirono e si tuffarono nei fiumi, per annegar lì. Anche molte persone si gettavano nel fiume, per spegnere le fiamme che le avevano avvolte, o cercare di trovare ristoro all’enorme calore. Chi non era morto sul colpo si trascinava ferito ed ustionato, con la pelle a brandelli, con le carni che bruciavano dentro, alla ricerca d’acqua per spegnere quel fuoco. Quell’acqua stessa, che ne avrebbe solo accelerato la morte. Così come la pioggia che cadde nei giorni successivi, descritta dai testimoni come “la pioggia nera”, altamente radioattiva. 
Ricordare Hiroshima per prevenire la catastrofe
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geekztour · 1 year
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