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kadexenoprince · 2 months ago
saw this on Pinterest
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wooly-ids · 4 months ago
weirdcore / dream core ID pack for ...
a discord user
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ANIMALS : Chev (Short for chevrotain), Moss (or Mo), mothy, hare, fawnly, birdee, beetle, buggy, bugby, sparrow, sprite, frog, froggy, froge, foxy, larkling, pup, kit, snak, snake, snek, fisshu, fish, PLANTS & LOCATIONS : Oceana, mossy, twilight, rainy, rain, stormy, storm, meadow, meddy, thunder, thunderly, frost, hoarfrost, lichen, lichy, frosty, snowy, icey, tide, ocina, sky, ripple, rippel, stream, lily, rose, mushy, mush EMOTIONS N ITEMS : dreamy, achey, teeth, velvet, yearn, glitchy, pulse, heartbeat, heartbreak, haunt, fady, fading, faid, shivver, doubt, worry, love, oddling, drift, phantom, faint, liminal, nostal, Key, static, Compass, silver, spoon, Forky, locket, echo, phone, post, cardee, ghosty, ghost, spooks, pin, murmur, mug, vinyl, ticket, pale, mirror, thread
Weird/weirdself, odd/oddself, key/keyself, nos/nosself, nox/noxself, stat/statself, static/staticself, ap/apself, fru/fruself, mush/mushself, Moss/moss-self, pop/popself, shrooms/shroomself, ghost/ghostself, echo/echoself, strange/strangeself, winde/windeself, clock/clock self, stone/stone self, creep/creep self, liminal/liminalself, lim/limself, ina/inaself, film/filmself, noir/noirself, mist/mist self, mystery/mysteryself.
MascTVthing -- 4 of the listica type -- dreamcoredollic & Weirdcoredollic -- blendreamic -- Liminalspacestalgic -- Snowyroadic -- Oddcoric (Fandom wiki) -- Emptic -- fishteleveisic -- Oldreamsgender (Pinterest) -- Parantoboy/girl (PInterest) -- Nyctobscurthing (PINTEREST) -- Stickerdecorated (Pinterest) --ghostvitic (Pinterest) -- Spiaircea (Pinterest) -- Flowieeamic (pinterest) -- Staticgender (Pinterest) -- Scribblegender (Pinterest) -- dollcorpsic (Pinterest) -- Gremlingender (Pinterest) -- Marainotroic (Pinterest) -- existinaut (Pinterest) --
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obnebulant-mogai · 1 year ago
dreampunkaesic - a (xeno)gender connected to the dreamy and/or ethereal aesthetic and the punk subculture!
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[ID: Three images. The first image is a flag with four equal horizontal stripes. In descending order, the stripes are light pink, pastel blue, pastel purple, and dark grey. The second image is a flag with six equal horizontal stripes. In descending order, the stripes are light pink, pale red, pastel yellow, pastel blue, plum purple, and dark grey. The third image is a flag with eleven equal horizontal stripes. In descending order, the stripes are light pink, pastel pink, pale red, pastel orange, pastel yellow, mint green, pastel blue, pastel purple, plum purple, dark plum purple, and dark grey. End ID.]
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radiomogai · 1 year ago
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[ID: a rectangular flag with six equal horizontal stripes of various shades of green, starting with light green at the top and progressing to dark green at the bottom. in the middle of the flag is the logo for The Magnus Archives, which depicts a gray feather pen, a green skull and tape recorder behind it, a gear, and words reading, "The Magnus Archives" in capital letters, all on a black square background. end ID]
quote, "a xenogender related to the aesthetics of the magnus archives. this often includes greens and greys, paranoia and surveillance imagery, eye imagery, uncanny imagery, library imagery, and more."
we did not coin this. this was coined here (https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/790381803378145946/) on Pinterest by soapy230, and it is crossposted with permission. we'll edit an archived link to it when we can, unfortunately archive.ph has glitched for the moment
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pearlgender · 2 years ago
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»👑« ⇢ ˗ˏˋ cutestarric !! ࿐ྂ
for one who is cutecoric : an aesthetigender related to cutecore
and stargender : a xenogender in which one ' s gender is or is like a star / an other - worldly , non - human gender which is beyond comprehension in earthly term / a gender that cannot be defined no matter how many other terms are coined .
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[ PT : cutestarric!! for one who is cutecoric: an aesthetigender related to cutecore and stargender: a xenogender in which one's gender is or is like a star/an other-wordly, non-human gender which is beyond comprehension in an earthly term / a gender that cannot be defined no matter how many other terms are coined. end PT ]
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radiomogai · 1 month ago
[PT: kiddiekitty
kiddiepuppic. End PT]
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a kidcore gender related to rainbows, cats, stickers, crayons, clouds and colouring. a childish, playful gender. can also be related to age regression, but does not have to be. can be applied to anything - examples are boykiddiekitty, prikiddiekitty, etc.
a kidcore gender related to rainbows, wolves, stickers, crayons, clouds and colouring. a childish, playful gender. can also be related to age regression, but does not have to be. can be applied to anything - examples are boykiddiewolfic, prikiddiewolfic, etc.
a kidcore gender related to rainbows, ducklings, stickers, crayons, clouds and colouring. a childish, playful gender. can also be related to age regression, but does not have to be. can be applied to anything - examples are boykiddieduckic, prikiddieduckic, etc.
a kidcore gender related to rainbows, dogs, stickers, crayons, clouds and colouring. a childish, playful gender. can also be related to age regression, but does not have to be. can be applied to anything - examples are boykiddiepuppic, prikiddiepuppic, etc.
coined by me. kiddiekitty requested by @felisdae​. kiddiewolfic requested by anon. absolutely no credit required.
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xxcalicofemmexx · 23 days ago
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dhddmods · 8 months ago
Non-binary is an umbrella term.
It feels like a lot of people forget that non-binary is an umbrella term for anyone that is not strictly a binary man or binary woman.
Yes, it can be used as a lone identity, and people don't have to call themselves non-binary if they'd rather use their more specific label under the non-binary umbrella, but it doesn't really make much sense to us when people say they are "not non-binary" while also having a non-binary gender. Its like saying you are omnisexual, but not m-spec.
It seems some people even in the queer community itself are under the impression that non-binary is synonymous with androgyne or neutrois, when thats really not the case.
Fenby, galby, lunarian, menby, enboy, solarian - its all non-binary.
Androgyne, neugender, neufem, neumasc, neuwoman, neuman, neuandrogyne, neuaporine, neuxenine, neutrois, agender, gendervoid, genderless, maverique, aporagender, stellarian, outherine - its all non-binary.
Xenogenders, aesthetigenders, noungenders - its all non-binary.
Multigenders, bigender, trigender, quadgender, quintgender, hexagender, septagender, octagender, enneagender, decagender, pangender, genderfluid, mutogender - its all non-binary.
Genderflux, girlflux, femflux, mascflux, boyflux, androgyneflux, neuflux, neutroisflux, agenderflux, maveriqueflux, aporaflux, outherineflux, xenoflux - its all non-binary.
Demigender, demigirl, demifem, duskian/demilunarian, demiboy, demimasc, dawnian/demisolarian, demiandrogyne, demineutral, demineutrois, demiagender, demimaverique, demiaporine, celestian/demistellarian, demioutherine, demix/demixenogender, demifluid, demiflux - its all non-binary.
A lot of people seem to separate these genders from the spectrum, and as a result, misinform people about what non-binary means, and water down its meaning until its hardly comprehensible. Its counterintuitive to turn a catch-all term into a singular conceptual gender. It is not a word for one singular type of gender.
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vlada-slavik · 8 months ago
Free to use, just credit if you can!
Don't see yours? Check the #lgbtcatpfp !
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dethkrypt · 2 months ago
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MLGGENDER - a xenogender/label related to the concept of mlg dating back to the 2000s-early 2010s era. this label is heavily inspired by mlg meme culture, such as 420/weed, 360-no-scope, doritos, pixel sunglasses and the illuminati.
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chronicallyqueercoining2 · 1 month ago
[Pt : Chaincoric end pt]
A gender related to chains, punk styles, goth styles, and emo styles. It may feel dark and gloomy or metallic. It relates to gray/silver colors and the overall aesthetic of chains.
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Repost from my old account
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flutteringwings-coining · 3 months ago
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A gender related to alchemy, the colours purple and green, plants, leaves, potions, night/nighttime, the moon(s), candles, bookshelves, books, dark woods, glass, magic, enchantedness, and the aesthetics of all or any of the above.
Coined by Arlo!
Tagging @dixons-mogai, @radiomogai
Etymology: "al" - alchemy, "ig" - light, "en" - enchanted, "on" - moon, "ant" - plant", "gic" - magic
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radiomogai · 10 months ago
[PT: Loverboy. end PT]
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" a term for anyone who is a romance crazed boy. can also be for boys who heavily associate w lovecore. its related to the deep infatuation with everything romance, from wanting a partner to maybe enjoying romance and fictional pairings. related to the 90s sorta boyband 'dramatic outfits w the unbuttoned shirt' and flirty type of vibe. kinda like playboy but minus the money and more focused on the romance !! however, libido and sexual drive can also play a role in it if the person using the label desires !! "
coined by me ★ requested by n/a
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its-me-renmimi · 3 months ago
[pt: Edgycuteduadaesic]
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Edgycuteduadaesic - A gender that has 2 contradictory aesthetics, that is sweet and cute but also edgy. One part relates to rainbow, pastels, lace, gemstones, stars, bows. The other relates to blacks & greys, eye imagery, spikes, metal, fishnets, showing off. 
Day 4 (Dec 13th): A term for your blorbo's aesthetic | @mousesquared Tagging: @thecoffeecrew404 @radiomogai
This is a bonus term! Not related to this year's choice of blorbos but instead one of mine from a previous year ~!!
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losergendered · 3 months ago
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ID: two flags with 11 stripes. they are bright red, red, dark red, magenta, black, gray, and mirrored colors. the first flag has a noise filter and a pixelation effect on it. END ID
DARKERRORCORIC: a gender related to the aesthetic DarkErrorcore, (link) aka triggercore, lonecore, meltcore. This gender can also be called triggercoric, lonecoric, or meltcoric.
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ID: two flags with 11 stripes. they are very dark red, dark red, red, light gray, black, tan, and mirrored colors. the first flag has an intense pixelation effection on it and a noise filter. END ID
WEBGOREAESIC: a gender related to the aesthetic Webgore (link)
For @mousesquared 's event!
Day 3: A term that is the exact opposite of your blorbo's "vibes"
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cheshiire-warper · 3 months ago
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Flag id: A rectangular flag with 7 even horizontal stripes, colored from top to bottom; Black, dark navy blue, red, bright green, red, dark navy blue, and black. /end id
Olderbrothercoric — Gender related to Olderbrothercore (link)
Coined on 12/11/2024 | Colors based loosely on this collage (link) | For day 4 of Blorbosquared 3 (link) "A term for your blorbo's aesthetic"
[Tagging] @radiomogai @obscurian & @mousesquared
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