#october 1st 1997
hockeytown-gifs · 2 years
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Close-ups  -  Wings @ Flames  -  October 1, 1997
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spookyfoxdreamer · 5 months
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bloodyymaryyy · 1 month
The fortunate one
Charles Leclerc x goddess reader
Side note : this took not as long as I expected but yeah it took a little under a week so I am proud of it for the time it took and the whole thing ,I like it and I hope you like it too . Please don't be a ghost reader if you like my work because it motivates me to write more and more with each like , comment or even a repost 💞
Also this is inspired by the one and only @strwbrryfire. Thanks for letting me do that , also hello
Warnings : gore and blood : in a scene I have it marked so if you want you can skip .
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It was 16 October 1997 in Monte Carlo, Monaco where a baby was born , born to be a star for sure , they just didn't know it yet , it was way to early to tell either way. That boy had a great potential and a talent few got to have , he was destined for greatness, no matter what .
He didn't wait for long to discover his passion and talent , January 1st 2005 he started racing for a team and from that year he won his first title until 2008 . Moving on the year after January 1st 2009 won another title: the youngest ever french cadet champion.
Charles Leclerc wins Monaco Kart Cup in October 17th 2010 in 2010, Charles Leclerc moved up to the KF3 class and won the Junior Monaco Kart Cup.
Lorenzo's best friend Jules Bianchi was already mentoring him and helping him in his racing career while establishing his own which was cut short in 2015 when he sadly passed away without being able to carry on with his dream to drive for the elite team Scuderia Ferrari in formula one .
Sadnesses veiled all of the families in Monaco and especially the Bianchi's and the Leclerc's , being so close and with a bond like no other , grief took over them Charles significantly more in his family .
Grief t made him seek out for anything that could help him , he tried therapy which didn't work , tried so many things up until one is ay he happened to be in a library browsing through books that peaked his interest even a little because anyone that knew him could say he is not a person to read books especially non school related.
A book with a pretty cover grabbed his attention and took it off the shelf, upon further inspection he understood what it was , a book about a goddess ? They weren't really religious, also not learning it at school got him thinking that maybe it's fictional.
He did decide to buy it though just so he could see what it was about he had a proclivity towards it , a weird attraction like a magnet of sorts.
He delivered a powerful soliloquy reflecting his choice of buying that book which most likely will be left to collect dust in a shelf where all of his books were stored.
After he was done with the errands that holded him up from reading the heavy book that weighted his bag down and returned home , it was lunch time , helping his mum with the food they all it as a family and everyone separated to do their own thing and he did too .
Opening his new book he found that the pages were old , wrinkly , brown and a little torn up just enough so you will be able to read the contents of those pages , just because he had the day free of everything he sat down and read the book starting to believe in the goddess that the book was talking about , there was directions on how to find her , it was rumored that he brought luck , success and granted logical wishes at a cost .
He studied the steps of where to find her and how so he prepared himself and the stuff he had to take with him and a deep slumber took him after his head touched his soft pillow , with excitement for the next day's adventure on seeing if this goddess is actually in existence ,and dreaming of what he could ask her for .
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When he awoke in the morning, he felt inexplicably rejuvenated and vivified, as if a whole decade had elapsed since he had experienced such a nourishing night's slumber.
Getting up and ready for a day full of adventure, he was excited to see it the book is real and had solid information on the divine being, it could be nice to see if it really is of existence or just a waste of time which won't really be a waste of time because he could connect with nature.
When he got downstairs to eat breakfast with his family he told them about him going to hang out with Pierre Gasly his best friend which was a lie , he was not about to let him know of the cosmic enchantress , if she didn't exist he would call him crazy or if she did exist he wanted to have her all to himself even tho it wasn't fair and he was being selfish for gatekeeping it , but what the world doesn't know can't hurt them .
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After getting ready, preparing his backpack with a few last time things like tree bottles of water and some snacks , the book , his phone and his headphones because it would be a very long walk from his house to the forest where the little abandoned temple where the statue of the majestic empress is .
Normal people would just brush it off but not Charles young and stupid doesn't always work in your favor but the sixteen years old boy with nothing to do and what seems nothing to loose he went for it anyway because he was in line to get a Ferrari seat now , a few weeks ago winning the f2 championship and talking with haas in f1 for a seat which was his dream and legacy as Jules got quiescent and wanting Jules to live through him and live his dream also , because they were supposed to drive along side with each other but god and the universe had got another plans for him .
Drawing a map to where he needs to go in his head , he put on his headphones blasting his music , the walk was painful even for an athlete, the sun shown brightly and every second that past the sun got hotter , he was sweating by the time he got to the forest and now the actual problem began . Having to climb small mountains , jump over fallen trees , go down on the way and having to grab into trees to keep him for tumbling down but he somehow made it , worry overtook him for a while for how he is gonna get back up but the moment he felt something else more powerful in him the worry just left his body and something new came about .
Taking two turns and a few minutes in a straight.
There is was
Or so he thought, getting his book out just to be sure it was the correct building and it was ! He actually found it ! He jumped in place a few times in his excitement and headed to the door , knocking just to be sure nothing happened and so he just opened it putting on his whole body because it wouldn't budge and got in the first thing he saw was small pillars Greek like with the details and all there were a few skulls and different bones which freaked him out but didn't back down because that would mean he just did a three hour walk to just leave immediately so no either way he was not that much of a wuss to leave just because there was a few bones most likely humans.... Right?... No he had too much of adrenaline to leave .
Continuing further into the temple the door which he left open slammed shut with so much force that it woke the dead for sure , getting a glimpse of the statue of the beautiful woman that somehow radiated gold , her body glowing gold with a red cloth hiding the lower part of her body , her waist , her privet area and the back of her legs and pooling down at her feet.
She stood proudly with her hands open the left one pointing down and the other upwards , her eyes closed as if she was having a peaceful sleep , her hair fall beautifully around her , there was candles everywhere other lit with a soft glow and others half way done .
Opening up his book to the page where a few spells for summoning her were he thought of what he would ask her for .
In the book it said to kneel Infront of her and place your hands in her stomach and start chanting her name with pauses every three times and she started to move , her fingers started twitching , her eyelids Open and closing finally she opened her eyes and looked down at him , expecting an old creepy guy that had only greed in his heart and eyes but what you saw shocked you , it was a young man , a teenager, kneeling before you with brown hair , green eyes and a beautiful face in general, he finally looked up at her and saw that she was looking at him he jumped up and created space between them and he spoke up .
"You are actually real" he said in awe
" I am indeed" she said monotonously and continued " what is it that you need for me to call me up here ?" She questioned raising an eyebrow at him .
There was a long pause , " I actually don't know , I mean I could ask you for my friend back , but I won't be logical, can I ask you a question first ?"
" go ahead" and with the freedom of speech that she gave him he picked carefully his next words .
"what do you do actually?"
" I can do pretty much everything other than give you back your friend as you said "
"so if I asked you for a little help with my career would you do it ? "
"okay that was easy, I will take that , I need it right now "
" Okay it will cost you mortal "
" Charles my name is Charles" there was again a pause and an awkward silence until he spoke again " what do you want ?"
" I want you to bring me a human alive here and sacrifice them so I can roam the earth again " as she said that her eyes glowed red and her voice got deeper " but for now I will take half of your soul so I can make sure you do that and then I will help you "
Fuck he thought it was gonna be something more simple that kidnapping a human so he could sacrifice it to her but he mentally agreed the moment she uttered the words but so he could make himself feel better he pretended to think about it .
" Okay I will do it , who do you want I will bring them"
" I want (whoever you want) and everything so desire will be yours "
" when ?"
"in a week , this exact hour and day "
" okay I will " as he said that and was about to take a step back to turn on his heel and leave a pain burst throughout his body and a shadow flow out of his body to hers .
" you will take your soul back when you bring her here "
He didn't say anything and left as fast as possible to make a research on the woman the radiant majesty wanted . A voice inside his head spoke that he knew it wasn't his .
" no need I will guide you to her and lend you invisibility for you to get it done without a trace back to you "
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After getting home , nobody was at home because of different reasons and it was great so they couldn't see him like this , dirty clothes, mud everywhere and his hair wild but covered by a Ferrari cap .
He ate whatever was made for dinner because they always ate early dinner , he didn't like that but he had to eat it anyway his headphones on again trying to avoid the fact that he had to do all that and his soul was stolen, a piece of him was missing, it bothered him he didn't know what to do with himself so he sat and played video games until his family come home or until he feels like going to sleep which will be soon so he send a message to the family group chat that he is home for a while now and that he will go to sleep so he won't worry his family.
Tomorrow he had to train anyway so it was perfect, him going to sleep early, he could be well rested for the training. Falling asleep an hour after he thought of how is he going to get the woman because the guilt will eat him alive he knew it , he had this feeling for almost every, either he was in the wrong or not for things that didn't matter much it was like a big monster loitering around, weighting him down and with the urge to vomit out everything, secrets , sins , mistakes and regrets . But with the divine sovereign taking over his soul that monster has gone away and he almost didn't want her to leave at all.
He actually wanted to talk to her , ask her questions about her , everything but he was afraid.
His thoughts now are not his own anymore, there was someone listening to everything he thought, did , talked , it was gonna be hard to even talk to his family, but it wasn't like she is gonna talk to anyone about everything she heard but to have a person hear , see and feel the same thing as you it was one of the oodest experience of his life ever .
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The week went by too fast for him so he was anxious about everything, the moment his family left in an early morning and he was at home he left too , seeking the woman that would be his victim.
He actually was a puppet, nothing he did was of his own move the spirit inside of him just guided him where to go and how to do something so in his conscience it wasn't like he did anything so he was not guilty.
(gore scene)
Getting again to the temple it went by a second or so he thought but it got done after lying her in the bed like piler the sovereign one did the rest , cut up her hands and gathering her blood for the ritual, drawing shapes in her body and crushing her skull with her hands, there was pieces everywhere of meat and blood scattered around the room and on her face , hands and body .
(end gore )
Her soul flew out of her and the timeless paragon left her place off the step and walked towards Charles the red soul left her body and flew right in into him , he felt something fantastic, he felt complete and something new , he couldn't describe what but it was amazing.
" I think we are good here mortal , it was a pleasure making business with you , you know where to find me if you want anything more "
" did you do what I asked ?"
"yes and a little more actually because you deserve it "
" like what ?" He said confused
" you will know when it's time , now leave "
Without uttering anything but a mind full of questions he left hoping it was actually what he wanted but time only will tell from now on .
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After years he thought of going to her again , he couldn't get rid of the thought of her standing in front of him all mighty and powerful, he thought of going to get some help again as he was about to race again for his home country and after years of misfortune either his own fault and many others of wrong calls and strategies from his team he actually found himself days before the race to the very place he stood ten years ago .
The door opened up without having to knock a random stranger that he found on the way there in his arms unconscious his white fireproof and his race suit pooling down in his hips , sweaty, hair messy he went in and laid the body the way he did that day a decade ago kneeling down again in front of her , placing his hands in her stomach as he did before this time with more confidence and determined he repeated her name three times then pausing , then again , then again , then again at this rate his heart beat picked up with the sight of her moving again back to life .
She woke up again , knowing exactly what he needed without having him say it by himself . After getting it done he sat on a bench and she actually sat down with him and talked about everything
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After winning the race he sat in his car , thinking about everything while crying in his helmet, he got out of the car with a newfound strength. His family cheering and crying waiting to congratulate their son and brother, his newest girlfriend shedding a tear , his brothers crying and clapping .
It all was surreal
He done it !
He won
Getting out of his car he stood on his knees and looking up as if praying for her praying for y/n the one that helped him throughout his career, hitting his chest and opening his arms as if welcoming a hug which welcomed one but the world didn't have to know that it was his y/n .
Getting up he jumped into the arms of his family and team everyone celebrated his win even his rival max hugged him where the world didn't know that he had a close friendship with .
The end
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darkpeacemusic · 2 months
ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕡𝕪𝕡𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕒 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤: 𝔹𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕙𝕕𝕒𝕪𝕤 (+𝔸𝕘𝕖𝕤)
Jeff the Killer - June 2nd, 2000 (Age: 24)
Homicidal Liu - December 21st, 1991 (Age: 33)
Sully - December 21st, 1991 (Age: 33, though he's seven minutes younger than his twin, Liu)
Randy - July 25th, 1990 (Age: 34)
Keith - September 23rd, 1991 (Age: 33)
Troy - July 27th, 1991 (Age: 33)
Jane - September 1st, 1993 (Age: 31)
Mary - May 10th, 1992 (Age: 30)
Ben Drowned - April 23rd, 1990, died April 23rd 2002 (Age: Permanently 12, 34 if he were still alive today)
Ticci Toby - April 28th, 1994 (Age: 30)
Masky/Tim - June 19th, 1988 (Age: 36)
Hoodie/Brian - April 18th, 1989 (Age: 35)
Kate the Chaser - June 25th, 1995 (Age: 29)
Laughing Jack - Unknown but he was created on Christmas Eve, 1800s (Age: 200+)
Eyeless Jack - November 13th, 1994, died May 20th, 2011 (Age: 17 physically, actually in his 30s)
Slenderman and his brothers - Honestly no one ones. Some say they've been around since the 1600-1700s (Ages: 1000+)
Sally - April 5th, 1958, died April 5th, 1966 (Age: Permanently 8, 66 if she were alive today)
Dr Smiley - October 20th, 1984 (Age: 40)
Nurse Ann - October 31st, 1983 (Age: 41)
Nina - February 2nd, 1997 (Age: 27)
Candy Pop - Unknown but is said to have been created sometime in the 1400s (Age: 500-600+)
Jason the Toymaker - November 15th, 1940, died August 2nd, 1959 (Age: 19 by the time of his death, 84 if he were alive today)
The Puppeteer - July 25th, 1974, died November 30th, 1994 (Age: Permanently 20, 50 if he were still alive today)
Clockwork - November 6th, 1996 (Age: 28)
Rouge - January 7th, 1990 (Age: 34)
Wilson - August 27th, 1988 (Age: 36)
Zalgo - Unknown. He's been around since the beginning of time. (Age: Millions of years old)
Nathan - October 29th, 1990 (Age: 34)
Bloody Painter - October 1st, 1992 (Age: 32)
Kagekao - December 29th, 1994 (Age: 30)
Laughing Jill - Unknown, possibly around the same time as Jack (Age: 200+)
Sadie - October 21st, 1996, died March 12th, 2014 (Age: Permanently 18, 28 if she were alive today)
Hobo Heart - August 31st, 1900s (Age: 100+)
Cat Hunter - January 16th, 1990 (Age: 34)
Chris the Revenant - December 28th, 1999 (Age: 25)
X-Virus - December 12th, 1996 (Age: 28)
Dollmaker - June 13th, 2001 (Age: 23)
Frankie the Undead - September 13th, 1924, died sometime in 1974 (Age: Permanently 50, 100 if he were still alive today)
Judge Angels - April 2nd, 1998 (Age: 26)
Lifeless Lucy - April 5th, 1987, died April 5th, 1997 (Age: Permanently 10, 37 if she were alive today)
Lost Silver - June 21st, 1992, died sometime in August 2004 (Age: Permanently 12, 32 if he were still alive)
Glitchy Red - Unknown, is said to have been created sometime in 1990-1994 during the early stages of Pokemon Red/Blue (Age: Likely somewhere in his his late 20s-early 30s)
Dr. Locklear - March 7th, 1634, died sometime in 1665 during the Great Plague (Age: 30 by the time of his death, 390 if he were still alive today)
Lulu - February 15th, 1999, died sometime in 2013 (Age: Permanently 14, 25 if she were still alive)
Killing Kate - October 29th, 1996 (Age: 28)
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ferie-anon · 11 months
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Wayv dissection of birth-chart (Big 5 placements)
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Note: Wayv’s group synastry is very compatible or balanced in a way, which also makes sense why their teamwork is great and their bond as a family.
Kun: January 1st 1996
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Capricorn sun • Taurus moon • Capricorn mercury • Aquarius venus • Capricorn mars
With a capricorn stellium in his big 6, he rlly embodies the discipline and maturity of that energy, him being the leader and also caring for the members like a dad. He is strict yet knows when to have fun or let the members fool around, as his taurus moon paired with his capricorn sun makes him more chill yet draws the line at certain things. The way he conveys himself and leads is evident in his capricorn mercury, as he is responsible and practical. The members trust and rely on Kun for his reliability and sense of responsibility.
Ten: February 27th 1996
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Pisces sun • Gemini moon • Aquarius mercury • Aries venus • Pisces mars
Chaotic energy and creativity 100x in his big 6 lol. He has a lot of ideas and creative vision that he can unleash thru projects such as his solo songs, his dance, and on top of that he can draw and etc. He’s also witty, sassy, and can make a killer comeback line, which Ten having all the star quality to capture the public’s attention. He does well on variety shows with tidbits and tea on other members which helps with the comedic timing of things. His placements also make sense for his free-spirited nature, how he follows his heart and has so many creative ideas to go with. He goes with how he feels on how to artistically convey the songs, appeal to the audience, and that makes him a great artist in the idol industry. A strong breeze thru kpop industry is wut Ten is.
Winwin: October 28th 1997
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Scorpio sun • Virgo moon • Scorpio mercury • Sagittarius venus • Sagittarius mars
Quiet yet hardworking and sharp, Winwin is adored for how hard he works for what he is passionate for (eg. Acting, performing in nct). Also pretty witty and sarcastic with his wayv members and nct. He wants to show his mature and cool sides a lot but also he is seen as endearing and adorable on the way he practices and tries earnestly. Sagittarius venus and mars individuals are naturally athletic and have a knack for dancing and learning the key points of dance moves, it can explain why winwin is rlly good at dancing and grooving, plus predebut he was in a dance school in china I believe. His sag mars makes sense for why he delves into multiple hobbies or interests, this can be expressed thru his career or as a side-skill he would develop. Its probably why hes interested in acting career too. With his scorpio sun and virgo moon perfectionistic yet passionate nature, he’s able to express his artistic and musical expression and perfect it naturally.
Xiaojun: August 8th 1999
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Leo sun • Cancer moon • Cancer mercury • Virgo venus • Scorpio mars
Sensitive yet thoughtful, he is usually the one receiving pranks and jokes from the other members yet he has a high eq (emotional intelligence) and the members usually joke with him becuz he’s quite expressive and they like seeing his reactions. He’s understanding and thinks about things genuinely which is why he can get worked up sometimes but in a endearing way to fans. He cares for his members and is very pure in the sense he does his best with passion and love, performing and singing - he’s good at expressing or getting into emotions (leo sun and cancer moon) which is why he also acted in a c-drama. Since he’s good at expressions and etc, when he’s performing his stage presence and key moves are very eye-catching.
Hendery: September 28th 1999
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Libra sun • Taurus moon • Libra mercury • Leo venus • Sagittarius mars
His big 6 screams chaotic energy and expressiveness. He has a lot of fun or ideas in him which he can bring to light on stage and thru other creative endeavors. With his taurus moon paired with his libra sun, he may be grounded depending on his environment as seen between interactions with wayv vs. other nct units. He was more shy or quiet when with the other nct units during make a wish promotions and etc since that was the first the wayv members were introduced to the nct units comebacks. He is understanding and conscious of how to interact and once navigating the waters he’ll adapt and show himself more. His comedic timing is gold with libra mercury + leo venus + sag mars, so making other people laugh and being dramatic is his love language in a way. He is witty, knows when and wut to say, overall the spot of entertainment. He goes with the flow at times and hits up with a comedic line or dialogue that matches up with the situation or mood.
Yangyang: October 10th 2000
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Libra sun • Pisces moon • Scorpio mercury • Scorpio venus • Virgo mars
All rounder prankster maknae is wut his big 6 screams. Yangyang being a libra sun with water energy of scorpio and a pisces moon makes him very creative and passionate. His pisces moon makes him sensitive to others reactions or aware of it, he’s understanding and receptive of others reactions and dynamics. His scorpio mercury paired with his pisces moon makes him playful and loves to joke with his loved ones, whether thats thru witty lines or roasting them. His scorpio mercury paired with his sun and moon placement makes him inquisitive and one to get to the bottom of things if he wanted to, which can contrast his duality of being playful and all but then he can be very “sharp” when focused on something. His venus and mars placement would further refute his work ethic with his attention to detail and organized approach paired with passion and drive to complete something when he wants to, whether thats thru solo projects, dance performances, etc. Yangyang puts his all, passion, thru wa lot of things, which is why he can rap, dance, and sing — and works to hone his skills which is why he’s well rounded in most of the skills an idol needs.
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jeremy-blogs · 1 month
Britpop. One of the most iconic genres in history. It may be dead but it’s not forgotten. Here’s a timeline (from my opinion) of the genre from start to finish:
Britpop (October 1st, 1990 - January 1st, 2004)
Before Britpop: February 20th, 1984 - May 27th, 1990
Beginning of Britpop: October 1st, 1990 - May 11th, 1992
Rise of Britpop: March 29th, 1993 - May 15th, 1995
Peak of Britpop: August 14th, 1995 - August 11th, 1996
Fall of Britpop: February 10th, 1997 - June 8th, 1998
Post-Britpop: March 8th, 1999 - August 6th, 2001
Death of Britpop: February 1st, 2002 - January 1st, 2004
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kellyvela · 8 months
Sophie's Hon 💋
If you want to know more about the guy Sophie Turner is smooching lately, you know, that very tall, very very rich, British aristocrat with a fantasy novel name, this post is for you . . . . lol
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His full name is The Hon Peregrine John Dickinson Pearson, but he goes by “Perry.” And the photo above is his company profile picture.
Born on October 27th, 1994, he's 29 years old and the future 5th Viscount Cowdray.
Perry is from Midhurst, West Sussex, and now lives in a £5million house in Chelsea, West London.
The Hon before his name means The Honourable, a title used for all sons and daughters of viscounts and barons. Hon also works for 'honey' and 'sweetheart', hence this post's title.
Peregrine may come from Henry Winston Peregrine Spencer-Churchill, nephew of former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill.
Yes, Churchill, you read it right! Perry's grandfather Weetman John Churchill Pearson, 3rd Viscount Cowdray, was the son of Agnes Beryl Spencer-Churchill, who was the granddaughter of George Spencer-Churchill, 6th Duke of Marlborough.
So Perry is distant related to Winston Churchill and Diana Spencer, The Lady D . . . . In fact, he has already introduced Sophie to some of the current Spencer-Churchills (they are cousins with Perry, I guess 🤷‍♀️).
Now, I have no idea why his parents opted to name him Peregrine over Weetman, since each of the four former Viscounts Cowdray were all named Weetman; but his peculiar fantasy novel/bird-like name inmmediately made me think of House Arryn and Harry Hardyng. More on this later.
But since he's not named Weetman, he fixed that by naming his own property investment and development company 'Weetman'.
John is for both grandfathers: Weetman John Churchill Pearson, 3rd Viscount Cowdray, and John Howard Cordle. 
Dickinson is for his great-great-grandfather: Weetman Dickinson Pearson, 1st Viscount Cowdray.
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The seat of the Pearson Family is Cowdray Estate, Cowdray Park, Midhurst, West Sussex. The picture of the family above was taken at Buck Hall, the atrium of Cowdray House.
The name Cowdray comes from Coudreye, the Norman word for the nearby hazel woods.
Perry is the son and heir of Michael Orlando Weetman Pearson, 4th Viscount Cowdray, and Marina Rose Cordle.
His dad produced the documentary "Sympathy for the Devil," directed and written by Jean-Luc Godard, documenting the creative evolution of the song "Sympathy for the Devil" as the Rolling Stones developed it during recording sessions at Olympic Studios in London.
His mom is an artist, sculptress, interior designer and mindfulness coach, she's keenly interested in spiritual matters, she practises Transcendental Meditation (a form of silent meditation) and Qigong.
His parents separated in August 2023, after 36 years of marriage.
Perry has three older sisters and a younger brother:
Eliza Anne Venetia Pearson (born 31 May 1988). She married her first husband at 21. Later he left her for the Kate Winslet . . . . She remarried, had children and lives in Ibiza now.
Emily Jane Marina Pearson (born 13 December 1989). Tatler Magazine included her as one of the 10 perfect potential brides for Prince Harry . . . . She she studied Plant-based Nutrition and is one of the founders of the vegan restaurant "Farmacy" in Notting Hill.
Catrina Sophie Lavinia Pearson (born 13 March 1991). She goes by "Catty." She's a musician and a film-school graduate.
Montague Orlando William Pearson (born 17 May 1997). He goes by "Monty". Wee brother is 6'4. He's a helicopter pilot, enjoys flying drones and studied film production and graphic design. He was named after the former owners of Cowdray Estate, the Viscounts of Montague.
Perry also has an older half brother:
Sebastian William Orlando Pearson (born 1970).
As you can see, Perry is privileged to be the heir above his older half brother Sebastian, since he was born out of wedlock, and above his older sisters: Eliza, Emily and Catrina, since they were born women . . . . Where have I heard this before???
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Sometimes I'm glad I'm an only child . . . .
As any other younger brother of three older sisters, he was annoying. According to Tatler Magazine, Perry liked to wind up his sisters (then vegan) by scoffing meat.
Perry is also an uncle, his sisters Eliza and Emily are mothers of cute babies, but sadly I can't show you pictures. He looks cute holding a baby tho.
Talking about cute babies, that little curly blonde boy sat in a chair next to his standing father in one of the portraits in the picture above, is Perry. His portrait was painted by Chinese artist Chen Yanning, who also painted Queen Elizabeth II's portrait:
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Here a few more childhood pics:
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That picture of of him as a baby peeing on a plant, is his Instagram profile picture . . . .
Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services at the University of West London, UK.
Not Oxford or Cambridge? Shocking!
UX Desing at General Assembly in New York, NY, US.
Dear Perry, you can improve my user experience by making your instagram account public. That would do!
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In January 2015, it was reported by Tatler Magazine that he was working for Aylesford International Estate Agents in London.
He also worked as an assistant site manager for Cordles, a London based contractor company founded by his maternal uncle Rupert Cordle.
He started working at Cowdray Estate in West Sussex, his family estate and heirdom, since 2016 to this day.
He's also the founder, partner and director of Weetman Developments, his own property investment and development company in London, since 2019 to this day.
Perry is also a Le Chameau – the wellington boot brand – ambassador.
As you can see, Perry is basically a nepo baby lol
But that doesn't mean he doesn't work, Cowdray Estate is huge (16,500 acre), and offers a vast variety of activities like golf, clay-pigeon shooting, fly fishing on the river Rother, walking, cycling, riding, polo, truffle hunting, hospitality at the farm shop & café, holiday cottages, tree houses, wedding venues, private stays and events at Cowdray House, filming locations (the Cowdray Ruins were used during the filming of Margot Robbie and Saoirse Ronan’s film, "Mary Queen of Scots"), among others, and Perry is/will be in charge of all of that.
According to his mom, back in 2019 he was pioneering aquaponic farming on a commercial scale [The Telegraph - June, 2019].
In an interview for The Gentleman's Journal, Perry said that he's working to pass the estate on to his heir in better conditions: “But the dream is to pass it on to my son or daughter in better nick than it’s in now. That’s the mentality when it comes to estates,” “You’re so grateful that you’ve been given this opportunity, you want others to have the same opportunity that you had.”
I don't know if Perry will try to change the primogeniture rules, but it was really nice to read that he thinks his heir could be a son or a daughter.
Perry's family was always wealthy (construction and petroleum in the past, publishing nowadays); but not always aristocrats.
His great-great-grandfather, Weetman Dickinson Pearson, was made a Baronet of Paddockhurst in 1894, then he purchased Cowdray Estate in 1909. Later he was made Baron Cowdray first, in 1910, and then the 1st Viscount Cowdray in 1917.
Viscount, is a European title of nobility, ranking immediately below a count, or earl. It is one of the five ranks of British nobility and peerage, which, in descending order, are duke, marquess, earl, viscount, and baron.
So, when Perry becomes the 5th Viscount Cowdray, he won't be on top of the british nobility; but he will be richer. At present, Perry's family is thought to be worth £224million, and one day, he will inherit all of that.
Riding (Not Polo)
His family estate includes Cowdray Park Polo Club, dubbed The Home of British Polo, but Perry doesn't play Polo.
His parents never pushed him to, perhaps fearing that he could get hurt by falling from a horse. "Michael (Perry's father) never sought polo glory after a fall from a horse at the age of 13" [standard.co.uk - 2010].
In 2018 he said: “Cowdray is to polo what Goodwood is to racing and Glyndebourne to opera.” “I’m getting lessons.” “I grew up riding and over the next few years it’s something I can see myself doing a lot more” [The Telegraph - August, 2018].
Later, in an interview for The Gentleman's Journal, he joked by saying that "he’s not particularly good at it".
So far, I only saw him presenting Polo trophies and congratulating the champions, so I guess the lessons didn't work . . . . lol
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Maybe is better that way, if he doesn't play polo he wont smell of horses. Sophie is asthmatic and allergic to horses.
He plays golf for some charity and corporate events. No idea if he's good at it.
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Clay-pigeon shooting
Not sure if he really shoots at flying clay targets or he only modeled to promote the shooting school at his family estate.
He likes to attend posh huntings wearing tweed, baker boy caps and suspenders.
He already took Sophie to one of those last December, but she didn't wear tweed, she defied the rules by wearing a Zara black jacket and a pair of acid washed jeans. . . . She would look great wearing tweed, tho . . . .
(There have been hunters in my family, so I can't judge much)
Here some pics:
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He seems very skilled at it.
Meribel in France seems to be his family favorite destination to enjoy the snow.
He already took Sophie to ski & “après ski” there, and they were having the time of their lives!
Going to the beach
Ibiza is a favorite destination for his family, his dad used to live there, and now his eldest sister established there with her own family.
Can't wait to see Sophie enjoying the sun in Ibiza next . . . .
Enjoy some pics:
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Fuck yeah!
"Like all the Cowdrays, he loves a party" [Tatler Magazine, January 2015].
"(...) the Hon Peregrine Pearson (the Cowdray heir), known for throwing ‘wild afterparties’ at his house in Chelsea, which he shares with Ella (Richards)’s boyfriend, Sascha von Bismarck" [Tatler Magazine, March 2023]. 
Here abundant evidence:
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Perry enjoyed spending time in his mom's pottery studio in the garden: “We were brought up being quite creative – spending time in her studio was very bonding” [The Telegraph - August, 2018].
I would love to see one of those creative pieces made by Perry 👀
Like his mom, Perry practises meditation as well. [The Telegraph - June, 2019].
From pictures, it seems he usually wears a silver Meditator pendant. The Meditator is a seated figure, with a pointed head, a heart and a hole in its middle. His mom designed it herself, as a reminder to live in the present moment, rather than fretting about the past or future.
Previous relationships
His only known/famous relationship was with Princess Maria Olympia of Greece and Denmark.
He dated Olympia for three years, since 2020 to 2023.
She seemed really into Perry during the relationship:
But shortly after their break up was official, she was reported being in a relationship with an older, married with children man . . . .
His wife kicked him out of the house after the news. Good for her! [Read more about it here]
So far, this is all I learnt about Sophie's Hon Perry Pearson. I love that he's so tall and the way he can hug her being so tall, I bet Sophie loves it too.
But I kinda hate that the press only uses his most unflattering pictures, when is easy to find public pictures where he actually looks good.
Also, my friend told me that he reminds her a bit of Paul Mescal, and now I can't unsee it . . . .
What more can I say about him after my research? Oh, maybe that he has met the Dalai Lama and sat next to Kim Kardashian and Kimora Lee Simmons at Paris Hilton's wedding lol
He also loves to wear sunglasses, even indoors . . . .
Anyways, now to the point of this post!
Romance with Sophie Turner
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Perry is a Scorpio and Sophie is a Pisces, like Scorpio Ryan Gosling and Pisces Eva Mendes . . . .
I have no idea how they met, where they met, or when they met, but we have evidence that they spent the last part of October 2023 together.
2023 was a rough year for both of them, with her divorce and custody battle, and with his own break up with his ex, and the separation of his parents after 36 years of marriage.
The first time we saw him next to Sophie, we have no idea who he was. It was during the Rugby World Cup final on October 28th 2023, just before Sophie unveiled the trophy:
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Perry was there with Sophie, but we had no idea they were together until October 31th 2023, when a couple of pictures of them sharing a kiss outside Paris’s Gare du Nord train station were made public and got viral:
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The pictures were taken on the same day as the Rugby World Cup final. It was reported that they arrived together in Paris from London via the Eurostar, and said goodbye with a kiss before meeting again later at the Stade de France.
When their Paris kiss pictures were all over the press, someone claimed that their friend had seen them together the week before:
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So, if the Rugby World Cup final was on October 28th 2023 and Perry's 29th birthday was the day before, I bet the lovebirds spent his birthday together in London.
I wonder what Sophie got Perry for his birthday??? An appointment with a fashion stylist, I hope!
(Perry, honey, burn those double breasted suits in your closet, please! They don't fit your large body 🙏 King Felipe II of Spain, has a similar body and his tailoring is👌)
I also believe they spent the last days of October together in Paris, since they were seen all cozy during a romantic dinner at some fancy Parisian restaurant:
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After that Sophie was seen back in New York on November 3th 2023. We don't know if Perry travelled with her to New York, but some anon claims he saw them holding hands in West Village:
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Back in London, they were seen making out in a famous spot on November 2023 . . . .
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. . . . And having dinner with friends on early December 2023:
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Later, we have graphic evidence of them spending time together from the 7th to the 10th of December 2023, at least.
December 7th 2023:
They went to Hyde Park Winter Wonderland at night, where they walked around, hugged and kissed:
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December 8th 2023:
They had brunch in West London and walked around hand in hand, eventually stopping so Perry could gently caress Sophie's face and kiss her:
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That day, this also happened . . . . 🤨
December 9th 2023:
They attended a posh hunting weekend at Blenheim Palace in Woodstock, Oxfordshire, held by some of the current Spencer-Churchills: George Spencer-Churchill and his wife Camilla Thorp, Marquess and Marchioness of Blandford (they will be Duke and Duchess of Marlborough one day).
The event was full of Perry's aristocrat friends like Alexander Spencer-Churchill, Lady Jemima Herbert, the Earl of Pembroke’s daughter, and Eleanor Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington’s niece, among others.
So, Perry has basically already introduced Sophie to some relative and close friends:
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Can someone please explain to me why is Perry wearing a pink ribbon around his neck in the last picture? Is a mystery I need to resolve in this lifetime.
Here a few more pics:
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After that, I suspect they spent the holidays together in London, or, at least, that they saw each other for a few hours during those days. I'm not saying she introduced him to her family and daughters, but it's obvious that they are dating and Christmas and the New Year are festivities you want to share with the people you care for.
I wonder what Perry got Sophie for Christmas? A handmade ceramic vase? A basket full of hydroponic vegetables that he grew himself?Diamonds?
And most recently, on January 17, 2024, they were seen walking around London at night all cozied up:
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I want her UGGS!!!
Also, are those really mini liquor bottles at Perry's hand??? At first I thought they were Sophie's nail polish bottles 💅🏼
Someone spotted them skiing in Meribel, France. It was reported on January 28th, 2024, but it was probably before that date. Deuixmoi titled the stories as "let's see what your fave celebs have been up to the past week"
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She's having the time of her life with Perry? GOOD FOR HER!
OK, today January 29th 2024, Sophie herself posted pics of them skiing in Meribel together with a couple of Perry's friends:
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Lol at Perry not looking at the camera in the first pic 🤭
So, I suppose they are official now, right? Maybe it's time to post this post . . . .
Now, in the beginning of this post I said that after knowing Perry's fantasy novel/bird-like name, I immediately thought about ASOIAF's House Arryn and Harry Hardyng, you know, since House Arryn's sigil is a falcon, Harry Hardyng is dubbed the Young Falcon, and the peregrine is literally a species of falcon.
And since Harry Hardyng is the current Sansa's suitor in the ASOIAF incomplete series, I joked with my friends by saying that Sophie has entered his Harry Hardyng era . . . .
Perry also made me remember that passage in A Storm of Swords where Margaery's peregrine took a heron in full flight the day she and Sansa went hawking.
Peregrine is also the name of a ship that Arianne Martell boards in one of the few chapters of The Winds of Winter that GRRM released in advance.
Perry's name also reminds me of Pippin from The Lord of the Rings, since his full name is Peregrin Tuk, but this is a story for another day.
But if the Pearsons of Cowdray were a House from Westeros, they would be the Arryns enemies, since the Pearson's sigil is a gryphon:
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And thanks to Sansa/Alayne we all know that the Winged Knight and the Griffin King were mortal enemies:
The Winged Knight was Ser Artys Arryn. Legend said that he had driven the First Men from the Vale and flown to the top of the Giant's Lance on a huge falcon to slay the Griffin King.  —A Feast for Crows - Alayne II
You know, in some ancient mythologies, the creature known as gryphon is depicted as fire-belching: "winged, tailed, and taloned dragon which spat fire." 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 Just saying . . . .
House Pearson motto is:
'Do it with thy might'
These words are carved on the stone fireplace in Buck Hall, the atrium at the heart of Cowdray House.
According to The Gentleman's Journal, Perry translates his family motto to simpler words: “Just do it — that might be a more modern approximation.”
But he's more into Adidas and North Star. Sorry Nike . . . . lol
Anyways, GRRM has the opportunity to do the funniest thing . . . .
And talking about GRRM, it's time to tell you that Perry's family are the founders and large share holders of Pearson plc, a British multinational publishing and education company headquartered in London.
Pearson plc owns Penguin Random House, you know, GRRM's publishers, the ones that publish the ASOIAF series . . . .
And I recently came to know that Penguin Random House is going to republish Joan Hannington’s autobiography “I Am What I Am” under the title ‘Joan.’ And, you know, Sophie's upcoming project is precisely a tv series called ‘Joan,’ with Sophie taking the role of Joan Hannington . . . .
Some will say that this is part of the j word agenda, lol
Again, GRRM has the opportunity to do the funniest thing . . . .
Finally, we need to answer an important question!
So . . . .
A match made in heaven? Or maybe we won't see his face again?
Only time will tell. I only hope that he makes Sophie super happy as long as they are together.
I will probably update this post with time or make a part 2, because Tumblr doesn't let me add more pictures 😢
Thanks for reading!
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alyygx · 11 months
Easy Company Members Sorted Between Surviving and Not Surviving WWII:
Died During the War:
Company Commanders:
First Lieutenant Thomas Meehan III (July 8th, 1921 - June 6th, 1944)
Non-commissioned Officers:
Sergeant Warren Harold "Skip" Muck (January 31st, 1922 - January 10th, 1945)
Enlisted Men:
Corporal Donald B. "Hoob" Hoobler (June 28th, 1922 - January 3rd, 1945)
Private First Class Alex Mike Penkala (August 30th, 1924 - January 10th, 1945)
Survived the War:
Company Commanders:
Captain Herbert Maxwell Sobel (January 26th, 1912 - September 30th, 1987)
Major Richard Davis "Dick" Winters (January 21st, 1918 - January 2nd, 2011)
First Lieutenant Frederick Theodore "Moose" Heyliger (June 23rd, 1916 - November 3rd, 2001)
First Lieutenant Norman Staunton "Foxhole Norman" Dike Jr. (May 19th, 1918 - June 23rd, 1989)
Captain Ronald Charles Speirs (April 20th, 1920 - April 11th, 2007)
Junior Officers:
Captain Lewis Nixon (September 30th, 1918 - January 11th, 1995)
First Lieutenant Lynn Davis "Buck" Compton (December 31st, 1921 - February 25th, 2012)
First Lieutenant Edward David "Ed" Shames (June 13th, 1922 - December 3rd, 2021)
Second Lieutenant Robert Burnham "Bob" Brewer (January 31st, 1924 - December 5th, 1996)
Second Lieutenant Clifford Carwood "Lip" Lipton (January 30th, 1920 - December 16th, 2001)
Non-commissioned Officers:
Technical Sergeant Donald George "Don" Malarkey (July 30th, 1920 - September 30th, 2017)
Staff Sergeant William J. "Wild Bill" Guarnere Sr. (April 28th, 1923 - March 8th, 2014)
Staff Sergeant Herman "Hank, Hack" Hanson (January 3rd, 1918 - May 15th, 1971)
Staff Sergeant Denver "Bull" Randleman (November 20th, 1920 - June 26th, 2003)
Staff Sergeant Darrell Cecil "Shifty" Powers (March 13th, 1923 - June 17th, 2009)
Staff Sergeant John W. "Johnny" Martin (December 8th, 1921 - December 31st, 2012)
Staff Sergeant Floyd "Tab" Talbert (August 26th, 1923 - October 10th, 1982)
Staff Sergeant Charles E. "Chuck" Grant (March 1922 - October 12th, 1982)
Staff Sergeant Joseph John "Joe" Toye (March 14th, 1919 - September 3rd, 1995)
Sergeant Robert Emory "Popeye" Wynn Jr. (July 10th, 1921 - March 18th, 2000)
Sergeant James H. "Moe" Alley (July 20th, 1922 - March 14th, 2008)
Sergeant Wayne "Skinny" Sisk (March 4th, 1922 - July 13th, 1999)
Corporal Walter Scott "Smokey" Gordon Jr. (April 15th, 1920 - April 19th, 1997)
Enlisted Men:
Technician Fourth Grade George Luz (June 17th, 1921 - October 15th, 1998)
Technician Fourth Grade Eugene Gilbert "Doc" Roe Sr. (October 17th, 1922 - December 30th, 1998)
Technician Fifth Grade Joseph David "Joe" Liebgott (May 17th, 1915 - June 28th, 1992)
Private First Class Edward James "Babe" Heffron (May 16th, 1923 - December 1st, 2013)
Private First Class Edward Joseph "Tip" Tipper (August 3rd, 1921 - February 1st, 2017)
Private First Class David Kenyon Webster (June 2nd, 1922 - September 9th, 1961)
*This is not all of Easy Co. just some of the more recognizable names. If I missed anyone that you would like to see listed please message me and I would be glad to add him.
**I was also thinking about adding more info to this list and/or making a separate post with additional details like awards/medals, how and where they were wounded (if at all), and maybe some personal details like where they were born/died, their family (parents, siblings, spouse, children), what they did after the war (if they survived) stuff like that (though that might be a separate list idk yet). I would love to hear your opinion and if you'd like to see something like this. Basically just one large masterpost! Message me and tell me your thoughts!!!! I'm open to ideas!
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hockeytown-gifs · 2 years
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Power Play Winning  -  Wings @ Flames  -  October 1, 1997
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spookyfoxdreamer · 10 days
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grlthngs · 10 months
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✩࿐ GIRL THING is a four-member girl group under catchfly creative. consisting of DOAH, HYEIN, LI, and JINA, the girls were revealed over the course of four months. one by one, a member was revealed each month with a series of content – including her very own single album – introducing each member and her signature style to the public.
alongside the style-defining single album, various content was produced to help introduce each member to fans. fashion magazines were produced to further explore each girl's signature style, alongside documentary-style interviews to make the fans feel closer to each member. extensive profiles were included in each magazine to introduce each member's signature symbol, color, and nickname. in a press release explaining the predebut project, catchfly creative explained the intention behind the group was to "encourage girls to explore their own signature style" by showcasing four girls with unique, individual styles. they further explained that they "hoped everyone could find themselves within one of the members" and that GIRL THING strived to show how "four different girls could blend beautifully as one."
throughout their career, each girl has maintained the same "signature style". their dedication to the "individualist" concept has led to the group garnering a significant amount of akages and antis. fans of the group accuse catchfly creative of not doing much to "prevent" the intensity of solo stanning within the fandom. in fact, many speculate this is the outcome catchfly intended as solo schedules and comebacks are often prioritized over full group activities. solo comebacks often have longer albums, longer promotional periods, and member-specific merchandise is higher quality and in variety compared to the merchandise available for the group as a whole. speculation has risen in recent years as to whether or not the "styles" the girls represent are truly what they want to represent, and fans accuse the company of seeing the girls as "merchandise" to sell instead of human beings.
despite dissatisfaction around mismanagement, speculation of discord between the members and the company, and a recent uptick in scandals, GIRL THING remains one of the top-selling girl groups and is praised for the innovative marketing, merchandise, and for creating trends within the industry.
company : catchfly creative.
debut : october 1st, 2018.
debut album : it's a girl thing.
concept : individuality & self - expression, fashion, girl power & self - love.
fandom name : trendsetters.
fandom color : diamondz ( a7b6be )
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YOO DOAH, 1997
KANG HYEIN, 1997 ( leader )
WONG ' LI ' LIHUA, 1999
SON JINA, 1996
HOT ISSUE, 2019.
FUNK OUT!, 2019.
ICONZ, 2020.
PRETTY 'N' PUNK, 2021.
WANNABE ME?, 2022.
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xmencovered · 1 year
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Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 350 / Published: October 1st 1997 / Artist: Joe Madureira
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snapeaddict · 1 year
Snapetober day 1 - Foliage
Written in participation to Momo's unofficial 2023 Snapetober - thanks @momo-t-daye for the earthy prompt list! Will try to be consistent this year.
October 1st, 1997
Though he had cast more than a generous amount of spells on himself, some of his own making, the rustling produced by each of his movements seemed to him as though they echoed through the whole valley: they traveled to the far off mountains and then back to him with intolerable noise.
Severus glowered at the trees around him; their thinning foliage were responsible for this lack of discretion. He then lowered his gaze to the ground, stepping only on the gold, orange and red leaves, avoiding with striking expertise all the brown ones which, having had time to dry, produced the loudest sounds.
It was silly, of course. No one could hear him. But it kept his mind busy: it felt good, if frustrating.
He started counting his steps. He focused on the numbers, and the leaves. He had played these games more times than he could count these last few months, and had always lost: no effort of the mind, no challenge of the intellect was ever strong enough to conceal his aching heart to himself.
He halted.
There was the grave, tall and white and majestic. Severus was almost blinded by it – the sun shone bright that day, and the lake was, as usual, pitch black; the trees, all crimson red, detached themselves quite sharply from the sky behind them, too blue, much too bright too.
It was not beautiful, for there was no harmony between all those shades. But it was all meant to be joyful: that alone hurt terribly.
To conceal himself, Severus had circumvented the lake using a path that crossed the forest and led directly to the back of the grave, on the far left of the shore. He was about to step out onto the grass when a sound stopped him in his tracks: he froze, and his hand, below his cloak, squeezed his wand with disproportionate strength.
“I don’t know what to tell you”, a voice said, and he recognized it instantly.
It was coming from the front of the grave, not far from him.
Slowly, he leaned against the back of the monument, his expression hard and cold. He was pale, and his hands were trembling slightly.
“Every time I come here, and I don’t know what to tell you. I have cried, I have yelled, I – for Merlin’s sake, I have even pleaded with you. Now that I think of it, I do hope you have not heard or seen any of that. You know how I forget myself, when my emotions get the better of me.”
There was a pause. Severus’ gaze rested on the trees before him; it followed, with obsessive intensity, the fall of each leaf that had surrendered to the sweet autumnal breeze.
“The students are back. They have been forced to. That tells us everything we need to know about the ministry's current state of affairs. Sev-Severus… Severus is headmaster.”
He stopped breathing at the mention of his name. His eyes reverted from the trees to where Minerva’s voice was emanating from, to the left of the marble wall. He blinked several times, rapidly: the pain in his chest was, for a moment, all he could feel or think of.
“I am still… I am still waiting, Albus”, Minerva went on, and her voice was weak, fragile, completely unlike her. “I will take anything.” There was a strange noise, almost like a strangled sob. She cleared her throat. “The smallest sign. The smallest proof that you… and Severus… have some sort of greater plan.”
He was only vaguely aware of the scene before him, of the wind and the screaming buzzards above him. They were flying in a circle – he didn’t wonder why. He simply stared at the trees and saw nothing but colourful, suffocating chaos, a blurriness he did not realise was unnatural.
“I looked at him, Albus… I tried to look him in the eyes, but he avoided me… he has brought death-eaters into the castle… he says nothing. Albus; he says nothing. Why is that? You cannot have been fooled that easily. You cannot have made that sort of mistake. That would be unlike you – and what he has done, it is unlike him. I know him. I know you. I – I -”
All so red… melting and mingling and filled with a strange perfume of petrichor…
“Albus, I need you to be lying to me. The both of you.”
She let out a small whimper, and it echoed through the marble walls, unashamed. It reached Severus, and its vibration gently passed through his body.
Tears dropped to the floor, on brown leaves. He did not register their sound.
“I would survive a lie. I would survive deceit, and cunning schemes, and foolish martyrdom – I can go through it all. But, Albus…”
She rested her head against the cold white stone, and so did he, on the other side of the grave.
“I cannot bear this truth.”
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Hi everyone,
I figured instead of cluttering my intro page with the links for my MC profiles, I would make a separate post for it, along with the status of my choices playthroughs, and whether or not I will be making MC profiles for them. (inspired by @cadybear420 's MC masterlist).
Note: The ones I marked TBD it's still to be determined.
Completed with full profiles:
The Elementalists: Anitha Russell
Birthday: December 26, 1999
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Bisexual (with a higher preference to guys)
LI: Griffin Langley
High School Story (Original Trilogy) : Ria Monero
Birthday: 7th September, 2000
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Lesbian
LI: Maria Flores
High School Story (Original Trilogy): Jeremy Rin
Birthday: 21st December, 2000
Gender: Cis-Man (he/him)
Sexuality: TBD (thinking bi-curious)
LI: Emma Hawkins
High School Story (Class Act) : Mila Delgado
Birthday: 15th April, 2002
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Biromantic and Bisexual
LI: Skye Crandall
Open Heart: Harshith Sharma
Birthday: 20th March, 1994
Gender: Cis-Man (He/Him)
Sexuality: Biromantic and Bisexual
LI: Aurora Emery
Veil of Secrets: Tanya Sharma
Birthday: 17th May, 1997
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Demisexual (with only preference to men)
LI: Flynn O'Malley
Completed with In-progress Profiles:
Blades of Light and Shadow: Halor (Last Name TBD)
Birthday: TBD
Species: Elf (the blue sprite)
Gender: Cis-Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Multisexual
LI: TBD (Im planning to pair him with Tyril, but also want to go for the Valax Route)
Bloodbound: Lexi Wong
Birthday: April 20th, 1996
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Pansexual
LI: TBD (Im thinking to pair her up with Jax, but Lily is also great!)
Crimes of Passion: Lauren Rose
Birthday: June 10th, 1995
Gender: TBD
Sexuality: TBD
LI: Trystan Thorne
Desire & Decorum: Jenny Mills
Birthday: November 2nd, 1795
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Lesbian
LI: Annabelle Parsons
Endless Summer: Alicia (no last name)
Birthday: 1st January, 1996 (but realistically undetermined- You know why)
Gender: TBD
Sexuality: Biromantic and Bisexual
LI: TBD (all of them are good!)
The Freshman Series: Audrey Jones
Birthday: 5th May, 1996
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Straight
LI: TBD (I have played the James route once and I really liked it, so mostly Im thinking to stick to it)
The Heist: Monaco: Ari (no last name)
Birthday: July 10th, 1993
Gender: GNC Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Polysexual
LI: TBD (Im leaning more towards Eris or Sonia)
Hero: Lucas Sanders
Birthday: 2nd January, 1996 (well, it may not be the real birth date, but that was the day his adoptive mom found him so it became his birthday)
Gender: Cis-Man (he/him)
Sexuality: Gay
LI: TBD (Still conflicted between Grayson and Kenji)
Hot Couture: Janice Moore
Birthday: 7th February, 1994
Gender: Trans-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: wlw
LI: Luz Estrada
Immortal Desires: Megan Reese
Birthday: 12th August, 2005
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Biromantic and Bisexual
LI: Gabriela Adalhard & Cassius Harlow
It Lives in the Woods: Jenna Salem
Birthday: 18th October, 2000
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Lesbian
LI: Ava Cunningham
It Lives Beneath: Melissa Vance
Birthday: 21st November, 1998
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Straight
LI: Tom Soto
It Lives Within: Prem Rathore
Birthday: 30th August, 1998
Gender: Cis-Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Demiromantic and Demisexual
LI: Amalia de Leon
Laws of Attraction: Dylan Parker
Birthday: 18th December, 1990
Gender: Trans-Man (he/him)
Sexuality: Bisexual
LI: Aslinn Tanaka
Mother of the Year: Andrea Kim
Birthday: 22nd January, 1981
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Straight
LI: Thomas Mendez
Murder at Homecoming: Valentine Daniel Stone
Birthday: 15th September, 2004
Gender: Cis-Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Gay
LI: Tyler Woods
Nightbound: Kate Williams
Birthday: 20th September, 1993
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Bisexual
LI: Vera Reimonenq
With Every Heartbeat: Willow Woods
Birthday: 2nd March, 2000
Gender: Cis-Woman (She/Her)
Sexuality: Lesbian
LI: Dakota Winchester (female hispanic sprite)
Replay for an MC profile:
Across The Void
America's Most Eligible
The Crown & The Flame
A courtesan of Rome
The Cursed Heart (bk 2)
Distant Shores
Foreign Affairs
The Haunting of Braidwood Manor
Passport to Romance
The Royal Romance + The Royal Heir + The Royal Finale
The Unexpected Heiress
Wake the Dead
Haven't Played yet (But may create MC profile):
Baby Bump
Bachelorette Party
Big Sky Country
The Deadliest game
Dirty Little Secrets
Getaway Girls
Most Wanted
Perfect Match
The Phantom Agent
Queen B (bk 2)
Red Carpet Diaries
Ride or Die
The Royal Masquerade
Haven't Played yet/Jury Still out for MC profile:
Along Came Treble
A Very Scandalous Proposal
The Billionaire's Baby
The Duchess Affair
Filthy Rich
First Comes Love
Hearts on Fire
Home for the Holidays
Hot Shot
Kiss of Death
Make That Date!
Ms. Match
My Two First Loves
The Nanny Affair
The Princess Swap
The Promise of Forever
Rising Tides
Roommates With Benefit
Rivals with Benefits
Save the Date
Ship of Dreams
Slow Burn
Untamable + Unbridled
Wishful thinking
Wolf Bride
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doamarierose-honoka · 3 months
Sega’s back to raid your email with news once again for free cosmetic DLC. If you’re a fan of how Sonic was presented in the Sega Saturn days, you’ll wanna sign up for the Sonic X Shadow Generations email newsletter for this free Sonic Jam Legacy Skin for our favorite boy in blue. As the name suggests, this is directly based on how Sonic appeared in the 3D Sonic World hub from Sonic Jam (1997), only in much sharper detail than a Saturn could present. Sign up by November 1st and you’ll receive the above skin to use when playing as Sonic absolutely free. So check your email storage capacity, change your password if you haven’t for a long time, and come on in past the break for the link to sign up.
Head over to this link to sign up as well as select the console you plan on buying Sonic X Shadow Generations for to make sure you get the correct code for your console of choice. Once you do, you’ll receive your download code as we get closer to the release date of Sonic X Shadow Generations on October 25th, 2024. Be sure to also check out the official website for news that’s already been revealed thus far.
The last time Sega gave away free gifts to email subscribers was when they gave out a special Shinobi costume for Aiai for Super Monkey Ball: Banana Rumble. You can still sign up for that one right now just for the free download code if you haven’t already.
Are you excited for Sonic X Shadow Generations? Do you like the look of this Sonic Jam Legacy skin? We wanna hear about it in the comments below.
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superwingshine-world · 4 months
Super Wings Birthday by their Zodiac
Start from today, I won't make "Happy Birthday" content anymore because I'm very busy (also lazy af) so I will make this to sum up all Super Wings birthday by their zodiac with the day and month in order (I'll add S8 characters too)
1. Jett: March 23th, 2004 (20 years old)
2. Poppa Wheel: April 1st, 1979 (45 years old)
3. Marc: April 2nd, 1999 (25 years old) (Earth age)
4. Tony: April 5th, 2004 (20 years old)
5. Tino: April 15th (3540 years old)
(Tino doesn't know his birthday so Super Wings decided to take the date he was found are April 15th as his birthday)
1. Scoop: April 25th, 2005 (19 years old)
2. Jerome: April 26th, 2004 (20 years old)
3. Crystal: April 28th, 2004 (20 years old)
4. Roy: May 6th, 2004 (20 years old)
1. Bello: May 27th, 2004 (20 years old)
2. Leo: June 1st, 2004 (20 years old)
3. Sally: June 5th (3540 years old) (I don't know exactly her age but in a episode of S8, Sally said that her birthday are the day she was found in this place by Jimbo and in an episode that Tino and Sally team up, she said she born along with Tino so I think she same age as Tino)
4. Badge: June 20th, 1986 (38 years old)
1. Mira: June 27th, 2004 (20 years old)
2. Sky: July 5th, 1997 (27 years old)
3. Taki & Tiki: July 8th, 2008 (15 years old) (cuz they're from parallel universe so they 3 years old younger, if they're in original universe, they're 19)
4. Sunny: July 13th, 2004 (20 years old)
1. Zoey: July 29th, 2003 (21 years old)
2. Chase: August 5th, 2002 (22 years old)
3. Big Wing: August 12th, 1987 (37 years old)
1. Dizzy: August 26th, 2004 (20 years old)
2. Remi: September 2nd, 1998 (26 years old)
3. Shine: September 11th, 2002 (22 years old) (Earth age)
4. Lime: September 17th, 2004 (20 years old)
1. Donnie: September 23th, 2004 (20 years old)
2. Marty: October 10th, 2007 (17 years old) (20 years old in original universe)
3. Ellie: October 15th, 2004 (20 years old)
4. Jimbo: October 17th, 1981 (43 years old)
5. Rover: October 19th, 1979 (45 years old)
1. Swampy: October 29th, 2002 (22 years old)
2. Traver: November 10th, 2005 (19 years old) (22 years old in original universe)
3. Todd: November 12th, 2004 (20 years old)
1. Paul: November 29th, 1986 (38 years old)
2. Willy: December 5th, 1973 (51 years old)
1. Grand Albert: December 22th, 1946 (78 years old)
2. Neo: December 29th, 2002 (22 years old)
3. Golden Boy: January 4th, 2004 (20 years old) (Earth age)
4. Bucky: January 7th, 2004 (20 years old)
5. Narae: January 12th, 2000 (24 years old)
1. Astra: January 22th, 2004 (20 years old)
2. Sparky: February 17th, 1994 (30 years old)
1. Storm: February 27th, 2001 (23 years old)
2. Lucie: March 5th, 2008 (16 years old) (19 years old in original universe)
3. Kim: March 10th, 2006 (18 years old)
4. Golden Girl: March 14th, 2005 (19 years old) (Earth age )
(Golden Girl also from original universe like Tino and Golden Boy so I will take her age in original universe)
5. Flip: March 20th, 2005 (19 years old)
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