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tulasihealthcare · 4 years ago
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There are a lot of myths around Obsessive-compulsive disorder and what the sufferers are really going through. Some myths and facts about OCD. Connect with our healthcare professional to know more. Call us at +91-8800000255                
psychiatrist in gurgaon
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hopeisreal42 · 5 years ago
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These little memo pads were on clearance at Target so I bought them. They look really boring now but I thought I could decorate them with blackout poetry. See if they sell. I’ve decided I’ve been approaching my mornings all wrong. Last week, I would begin my day by reading and it calmed me. This week I’ve been beginning my day with to do lists and its been making anxious. To do lists are good but I think they’re only good if I start out from a place of calm rather than chaos, so I’m going back reading first and then tackling The day. #blackoutpoetry #mindfulness #anxietyrelief #focusonwhatworks #anxietywarrior #anxietyfighter #ocdwarrior #ocdrecovery #ocdfighter #alifeworthliving #hopeisreal #supportlocalartists #georgiaartist #relax #booksheal #bpdrecovery #routine #wisemind https://www.instagram.com/p/B8wZxd6lZTR/?igshid=1u9tg0qwbpi4p
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ocdthebuginmybrain · 4 years ago
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So many times I've made that mind body connection where I've touched something "contaminated" and could physically feel contamination. Video link in bio. #contaminationocd #contaminationfear #ocd #obsessivecompulsivedisorder #ocdfighters #ocdsupport #helpforocd #itsnotreal https://www.instagram.com/p/CLM7mNOjnlI/?igshid=24m2iakjni9t
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oumaimaougrige · 5 years ago
It's been a year!!
Hell yeah! A year since I got medically diagnosed with OCD, my bullying monster.
A year of paradoxical thinking, but it did worth! I couldn't imagine that one day in my entire life since the age of six that I would be able to control that monster. But I can proudly say that I did! I didn't beat it but I figured out how to live with it.
18 years of self battle, shame and anxiety, having the most distressing thoughts at any time of the day, being ashamed of them and disgusted!
You know when you get the thought and you simply can't avoid it. It pops into your head unconsciously and tears you apart into pieces and throws you to the anxiety fire!
That how was my life! And it stills but in an alleviating way.
A lot of people could come and say that all of us have endured intrusive thoughts and they weren’t affected at all. So what can I truly say is that it differentiates from a person to another, an OCD sufferer can suffer in a major way from these distressing intrusive thoughts.
Let me explain this in a more scientific way; what does OCD mean scientifically? OCD can be caused generally by serotonin decreasing level in the brain because as we can see most of medications in OCD treatment tend to increase this hormone level which will lead to alleviate the symptoms of this mental disorder.
What is serotonin: it's basically a neurotransmitter or a hormone, this one actually has a massive control over the human psychology and body. So it can widely regulate the mood, social behavior appetite ext...
So as we can see people with intrusive thoughts are not actually lunatics or anything, they are just affected by a mental illness that is manageable with time called OCD.
Also during the treatment you will have to rely on medications by 75percent, and then comes other psychological treatment that involves mindfulness and other stuff that I basically don't have a huge amount of information about.
So as an individual who’s being dealing with all kinds of intrusive thoughts, I can say that these thoughts are not going to fade away with a simple click. You have to work harder on yourself and build that confidence wall between you and your brain! Because the whole OCD net, doesn’t represent who you are!!
You are absolutely a special person but not different!!!
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avatarashleyrae · 9 years ago
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I want to wish a very special happy birthday to Sidney Crosby! Thanks for being an inspiration to me. For someone who has OCD it's inspirational to see someone with quirks to be so strong and be able to follow your dreams and do what you love! For someone with OCD that's very inspiring, at least for me it is! Hope you have a wonderful birthday with your friends and family! Maybe someday I'll get the chance to share my story with you! God bless you!💜 My cat Josefina also shares your birthday 😊#SidneyCrosby #sidthekid #penguins #ocdfighter #hockey #pittsburgh #pittsburghpenguins @penguins
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tulasihealthcare · 4 years ago
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Obsessive-compulsive disorder usually includes both obsessions and compulsions. Here are some of the Compulsion Symptoms. Instead of ignoring or trying to force stop your compulsions, seek professional help. Connect with our healthcare professional to know more. Call us at +91-8800000255
psychiatrist in gurgaon psychiatry hospital in gurgaon
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hopeisreal42 · 5 years ago
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“I believe in my own ability.” From one of the journals I use. I think I’m going to give each peer a handout of this tomorrow. The theme will be that you can do it! Peer support is being a type of cheerleader-you have to believe in people even when others don’t. You can do it! #peersupport #journaling #positivity #recovery #mentalhealth #youcandoit #hopeisreal #alifeworthliving #bpdwarrior #bpdfighter #bpdrecovery #edrecovery #edwarrior #edfighter #ocdrecovery #ocdfighter #ocdwarrior #anxietywarrior #schizoawesome #goodvibrations #selftalk #begentlewithyourself #ibelieveinyou https://www.instagram.com/p/B7yaR-JF3dQ/?igshid=1wvnjfxrj62gn
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ocdthebuginmybrain · 3 years ago
Over the years I've noticed that I become free of one #ocd theme because I've become trapped in another. 😞.
#ocdawarenessweek #ocd2021 #surviving #survivingmentalillness #ocdbrain #ocdhelp #livingwithocd #lifewithanxiety #phobias #irrationalthoughts #fuckocd #ocdprobs #ocdproblems #ocdweek #ocdfighter #realocdproblems #ocdtruths #realeventocd #falsememoryocd #contaminationocd #justrightocd #pureocd #hocd #pocd
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oumaimaougrige · 5 years ago
you’re not different, you’re just special
You might think that you’re a weird person, different from the others.
You always find yourself stuck in that miserable zone of depression and anxiety; well you seem to hurt yourself a lot. You always have those dark eyes shadows.
Well, believe me; you haven’t lived the half of what people had endured. Yeah, I’m talking about people with psychotic disorders.
I know the story of someone that is closer to me then you can ever imagine, she is a young lady now. But her torture started at an early age when she was 6 years old. She had the weirdest thoughts that a person can get, she was feeling tormented by them. She was only a child who wanted to have a normal life like other children in her age.
This girl was suffering in silence, all alone with that burden in her heart. She wasn’t capable of explaining what was happening inside her, because she herself didn’t get the real deal of it.
She always tried to figure it out, but hopelessly she couldn’t.
After spending nights in appalling, she decided to tell her mother.
Every time she told her mother what was happening in her mind, she would feel reassured that it was nothing, and she has to knock it off because it was just devilish thoughts.
She didn’t realize that feeling reassured was only emphasizing the circle of her inner torment. After years and years, that thing kept developing itself more and more and it starts to suffocate our little girl.
There were some years that were good for her but she would always be attacked by them at some point. But the amazing thing is that she always looked happy from the outside and people used to envy her about a lot of things.
But she always kept a unique idea for her torment; it’s that she was punished by God for something she didn’t really know.
As a young girl, she always confessed to her mother that she was a bad girl and that she will enter hell because she felt it inside.
Now our young girl is a young lady who accomplished a lot of good things and fought her thoughts for a long time. She kept living with them and she promised herself to tell no one, maybe because she was ashamed of them or because no one seemed to understand the real deal of it.
But getting to the edge of things, she started looking for a meaning for all that chaos that didn’t seem to stop.
Intrusive thoughts which can involve a lot of kinds like blasphemy, negative thoughts about you, sexual thought, incest and that could be dragged with lack of self-esteem and confidence. But the problem was not in getting these kinds of intrusive thoughts, actually, the anxiety storm that made it difficult.
Feeling guilty and ashamed, always blaming yourself for something you have nothing to do with. Or thinking that you’re the person existing in your mind because of your thoughts, which was the hardest thing to deal with is to think that your morals had vaporized with your thoughts.
So after being locked in the same chaos for a long time, our girl decides she wants to get some help, real help. By the encouragement of her mother, she decided to go to a psychiatrist to find out the real reason why she was different from the others.
After revealing her inner thoughts for someone who really did understand her, she found herself relieved.
She discovered that she was diagnosed with OCD (obsession compulsive disorder), it might look complicated by its name but it was harder to withstand it in real life.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder in which people get intrusive thoughts (unwanted ones), ideas or sensations that make them feel terrible about themselves. Also, this could drive them to do something repetitively (compulsions); these compulsions differ from one person to another. But the most known ones are hand-washing, cleaning and organizing.
But we can mention a specific type of OCD, the one our girl suffer from. it’s pure OCD, this one engages its sufferer in hidden compulsions, I mean instead of dealing with their intrusive thoughts dragged by visible rituals such as the ones mentioned above, they actually perform repetitive, mental rituals to minimize the stress.
Now by knowing this, she stopped crying in front of the doctor, and we could say that she kind felt relieved to know that all that was happening was not because of her and she will not be punished by God because of these thoughts.
The biggest dilemma of her life was solved, and the period of getting cured started up.
She thought that everything would be easy from now on, but actually, the treatment was harder than she expected.
I mean taking medications didn’t stop the flow of thoughts. It did help her to manage her anxiety a little bit, but at some days she would surrender to the thoughts and their dark zone all over again. Yet the good thing about all this amazing experience is that she didn’t feel ashamed anymore she can talk freely about her illness with friends and family and that made her confident about herself and stronger to face this dilemma.
after months and months, she decided that she would give herself another chance to beat the bully monster in her mind (OCD), whenever having a thoughts she would give herself two options: either she wants to be stuck for the rest of her life in that dark zone made by her stupid thoughts or she would move on and live life to the fullest.
You see what I want to say is that each one of us has its own dilemma, his own chaos that he wants to get rid of or fight back because life simply is not simple to live. God had created too many obstacles for us to see if we can really manage to overcome them.
I mean life is a big test that needs to be solved sooner or later. And this girl who kept herself locked for almost 18 years because of something was meant to be her test. A test that should be solved by her power and determination, this girl never felt that this whole OCD experience should be kept away from her life, and be forgotten to move on because simply this whole one actually made significance to her life and goals. You may ask how I know this girl…
Well, simply this girl is me, and I would like to mention that the aim of me writing this is to make clear for people that mental illness is an ordinary one just like physical illness that it needs to be treated of course.
come on people I mean how many of you do know someone who suffers in silence, you should encourage them to seek help and never underestimate themselves because we all deserve a chance to live happily on this earth.
Seek help and make your voice heard….. And be sure that you’re not different but you’re just special…
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ocdthebuginmybrain · 3 years ago
I finally did something I feared for soooooo long due to #contaminationocd and my extreme #phobia of HIV for the past 30 years. This #tattoo is still in progress... But this just shows that #ocdrecovery is a lifelong process.... Takes work and a lot of #erp SO HAPPY to be able to do this thanks to #exposuretherapy
#ocdisaparasite #mentalillnessrecovery #itispossible #toimproveyourself #livelife #ocd #ocdfighter
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hopeisreal42 · 5 years ago
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Over the weekend when I was sick, I did some research on coloring pencils techniques and I learned a little about shading. This is the first time I’ve really tried to do more than just color a page and I’m really proud. I’m sure I’ll get better and better. Come tonight to the open mic and blackout poetry event to practice your poetry! Poetry and the arts heal and bring us home. Go to thehomexp.com for more info #artheals #poetryheals #coloredpencils #adultcoloring #mindfulness #progressnotperfection #creativityheals #alifeworthliving #hopeisreal #recovery #mentalhealthrecovery #mentalhealth #sisterhood #edwarrior #edfighter #bpdwarrior #bpdfighter #bpdrecovery #edrecovery #ocdrecovery #ocdfighter #ocdwarrior #depressionwarrior #anxietywarrior #anxietyrelief #gratitude #selfcare #selflove #growth #innerhealing https://www.instagram.com/p/B6_agGeF9yu/?igshid=dw2g19lfpgmn
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oumaimaougrige · 5 years ago
you’re not different, you’re just special 2
After posting my first article about my mental illness, I didn’t think that I would get that much feedback. But I was astonished by the support of stranger people, how many comments and msgs that I received it was really a blessing, they made my day.
I felt so thrilled to read those beautiful supporting words. Thank you all!!
But the most unexpected thing is to know that there are millions out there who suffer from the same thing, or even they are worst. I’ve got messages from people who had the same symptoms as the one I mentioned and they weren’t aware of their illness. And that’s a hard thing because I went through that.
I know it’s hard to start a clinical treatment because of the fees and all that stuff and you might even be afraid to go through this step because of what people might think of you. You might say to yourself; I don’t want to be seen as a lunatic by others, and that is the awful truth, a lot of us and by a lot, I mean most of the Moroccan people think that only lunatics go to a psychiatrist.
What a wrong perspective to put yourself in, we’re not crazy or anything, it’s all in our neuro system guys, don’t let those kinds of people ruin your optimistic life.
And today I would go through some of the intrusive thoughts types, there are too many, these stupid thoughts can take many different aspects. The hardest one is sexual; it’s when you get some sexual thought about something or seeing something taboo inside your head that could lead to some strange sensation in the groin area which automatically leads the OCD sufferer to a panic wave. But what I really want for people with OCD to know is that these feelings or whatever cross their mind are just OCD pranks! Yeah! Your mind would try to prank you at any time, especially when you are at your best moments. Believe me!
What can distress you more often, is to have incestual thoughts, you might wish to die just to stop them flow inside. It might even cause you a breakdown.
Then comes another type which involves religion, yeah! It will absolutely attack your faith side by giving you the worst kinds of thoughts about God and religion.
Yet the funniest part about all this is when you have one of these types you would wish to have the other one because you’ll think that it would be easier than the former.
Believe me! This whole thing is more complicated than what I’m trying to explain here.
And there are other types but I wouldn’t write anything about them, because they are much like the ones above.
But I would like to share something with you, is to do not interact with people that will not seem to understand the complicated side of you. Because there are some people who often mistake our ideas.
I would like to share with you one experience, I was in the middle of the treatment period, and my doctor had found that I was doing okay with my anxiety, so he decided to stop the anxiety pills for a while. After days I would honestly say that my life had vaguely changed, I had a breakdown and I went through some difficult moments and had the worst thoughts which I couldn’t control. My mom was bewildered back then she didn’t know what to do.
While being in that state, a dear friend of mine had visited me and we were talking and I decided to open my heart for her but I wish I hadn’t, her reaction was depressing for me! I told her I was getting weird thoughts about incest and all these stuff and her words were simply: oh my God control your mind, I was shocked back then, I mean seriously I told her I was sick and she gave me that amazing information, control your mind!! If I was capable of controlling my mind, I wouldn’t be in such case for years.
So do not interact with these kinds of people even if they were your friends.
To make an honest conclusion, I know that a lot of people are not aware of mental illness but it’s time to change that. We are the new generation who can make a change in this world but this one can only be done by starting the change from within.
So my call for today is: let’s help each other, let us put a hand in hand and face the unbearable. We can simply start by talking to each other, I know it’s a relief to find someone like you and talk to him about your worst fears and it’s more encouraging to know that you’re not going to be judged by the person you’re confessing to.
You don’t only need money to have help, but you need determination and desire to overcome this unknown.
Let’s make a change because we deserve to live!!!!!!
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