#occult tips
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koscheys-skull · 2 days ago
Bullying, Mean, and Honest Truths About Spirituality
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Under the cut is an honest and crude description based off of my own bias and opinion of new people joining Spiritual practises, the occult, or seeking magic and mysticism.
So you want to start practising the Occult.
You are drawn to the idea of Mysticism, Magic, the Occult, and “Witchcraft”. Let me say that again, but louder.
Are Drawn.
To the IDEA Of Mysticism, Magic, the Occult and “Witchcraft.
A lot of people like the idea of pets.
Pets are fun! You get a cat or a dog and they hang around and you imagine yourself going for long walks or hikes with a canine companion, or sitting at home and enjoying the company of a furry feline. Maybe it isn’t a dog or a cat or a common household pet. Maybe you want a bird! They are fun, right?
You see people on the internet through videos on whatever platform you’re wasting your hours on. You fantasize about what you would do or have. You spend hours entertaining this fantasy while looking at everyone else’s lives and situations.
You are drawn to the idea of something.
And then you ignore the important detail that these things require work, time, and dedication.
The Occult is just like people and pets.
There’s more people that i know that should not have pets than people that I know are responsible pet owners.
This, for me, is the same with the occult. Only, if you choose to neglect the Occult practise you claim to be drawn to, there isn’t really a penalty like a vet bill or a dead creature that you were supposed to be responsible for, for your negligence.
“Oh, I’ll just pick a “class” like an RPG and I’ll roll with it.”
Will you though? Will you dedicate the time and energy to do research on the subject matter you claim to be interested in? And not only will you give it the time and energy to just begin with the research, but will you also put in the dedication to put it into practice?
Be realistic with yourself. What are you actually going to do? Are you capable of maintaining routines and managing yourself and keeping up with the demands of the occult? Or are you just whimsically interested in it because it sounds “cool” and you had some friends in school that played with some tarot cards so now you think you’re a witch.
Let’s pretend you do actually have the self control and discipline to dedicate yourself to a spiritual path and practise. Let’s pretend you have that kind of integrity (but let’s be honest, you and I both know that’s a load of wash.)
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Most likely, you’re coming from an Abrahamic Background, aren’t you? In the least, you’ve spent a lot of your life surrounded by vaguely misshapen ideas of “some sort of binary system where there’s good and bad spirits” or something or another and demons might be a thing? You don’t really know. But you took a class once that talked about Greek and Roman gods or maybe the Norse and Celtic gods, so you know there’s Gods out there! So that’s a START! Let’s go!!!!!!!!
You can just pick a god and run with it, right? Like, who cares? Just pick what makes you go “Yeah that’s neat and cool. I’ll take this out for a spin.” and pretend that you’re somehow deeply connected to this being. You read something or another about this deity or this pantheon at some point or another (or something like that). Just google search and read the Wikipedia page and waste a few more hours on it till you’re a Reddixpert on it! You have everything you need and a few days later you throw down a candle and incense and you’re blown away by feeling a strong connection to this god! HOLY COW! It’s working?! Let’s face it, you’ve not been connected to anything at all in your self obsessed life for a long time. So you think it’s “Special” when you get an answer. It’s not.
Sorry, sugar. You’re not special. You’re not a little special little sugar plum fairy that is adored by the gods. Because, believe it or not, you have to build relationships. But not just that, you’ve just pulled a “White Person” move. Most likely, you didn’t consult with or have any discussions with practitioners of the ethnicity and belief system you are interested in. Nor did you research the culture and how the religious and spiritual beliefs of those people manifest. I would suggest you learned some or a little bit or even all of the language of the people that the religion belonged to, but let’s be honest again with one another, you don’t have that in you for sure. You chose to take a God from a Pantheon and chose to take it entirely out of context. Congratulations! You pulled a White Colonialism Move so good that you took it to a spiritual level!
What? You thought you could just pick whoever from wherever and just rip them out of their culture, place, language, and people and water it down till it suited you? What is this, Wicca?
It might be! If this sounds like your idea of fun, check out Wicca. They’re full of it. You have gods from across all seas (Except for some reason the Pacific? Not sure if it’s a weird Asian racism problem or if they’re just focusing on everything the British Empire stole from) being Shipped together like smutty fanfiction. It’s insane. Anubis and the Morrigan are having babies every year, I guess, and their child, who’s always a Son, is the next Cernunnos who is also Pan but also Hades and also is Thor every third life (or something, I don’t know I’m not Wiccan).
What, you didn’t think that you actually had to respect a culture and the people that a religion belongs to? What are you, a pilfering bandit? There’s a right way and a wrong way to do these things. But what’s important is that you have to be honest.
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Yeah that’s a big word. “Honesty”.
How honest are you with yourself? How true are you to what you think you can achieve and accomplish? Are you really going to read all of those books and write notes and document things? Are you really going to make a whole entire lifestyle change that surrounds and accommodates the culture, belief systems, and structures of a culture’s religion and beliefs? Are you? Are you really? If you make the change, are you going to commit to the change? Or, in a few weeks or months are you going to revert right back to the way you’ve always lived your life?
Again. This is the difference between enjoying the idea of something versus actually doing the work. And that is what the occult is. It is work.
Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. It is putting you on the grindstone and making you both rethink, reshape, and re-evaluate your entire being. It is going to make you uncomfortable. It is going to challenge you. It is meant to help you grow and be better. And growth doesn’t happen when you’re being spoon fed off of a lace spoon. Your idea of what things are is going to be challenged.
That’s another word that has a tendency to throw people out of the Occult. Challenge.
If you’re new to the Occult, you’re going to have to learn a critical skill that, in my opinion, very few possess.
Everyone wants to be “right”. It sucks when you’re wrong. How well do you handle it when someone corrects you. Let’s be honest. It’s awkward. It’s embarrassing. Everyone wants to be right. YOUR PRIDE IS SENSITIVE DAMNIT!
You’re a sensitive snowflake and you need to be swaddled in soft cashmere and reassured that you’re perfect because of course you are, sugar-pie.
But we have to touch some grass and live in reality. Yeah, I know the occult feels like you’re indulging a fantasy, but it’s not. Spiritual practises and spiritual beliefs are real things that have real people of many different cultures and languages and walks of life. And these practises are not just little badges and stickers you can throw on a water bottle and make yourself feel like a “Validated Witchy Bitch, Baby! ‘Cause we’re Feminist and COOL.”
(And by the way, you are not “The Daughters of the Witches you Couldn’t Burn”. Get fucked, you uneducated slut.)
You are going to have to approach everything, and yes I mean everything, with the air of caution in your heart and mind that says “Maybe I do not know what I am talking about.”
This is almost impossible for some (haha just kidding it’s pretty much everyone. I’m guilty of failing at this sometimes myself), to approach everything that someone says with an air of “Maybe this person knows more than me.”
When you engage with other people and you give them the space to speak about a subject that they are educated in, always be open. You must be so open that you automatically assume that you know nothing about the subject that someone is going to educate you on. Assume you have no education at all. And then listen. Yeah, I said it. You have to listen.
Listening??? To someone else??? Telling you what’s what???? Are you kidding me? What is this, a Learning Experience?
Yes, Yes it is you poor summer child. It is a learning experience. And if you can’t be bothered to learn and to try and learn then you’re not going to make it.
And if you can’t be bothered to listen, to read, to do work, to give effort, and to re-evaluate yourself constantly, you are not going to make it.
So make the choice.
Commit. Or walk away.
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No one is going to think poorly of you for admitting that you’re not cut out for this.
But everyone. Everyone you interact with that is a real practitioner with a real lifestyle that encompasses their spiritual practise (because, surprise! The spiritual and the Mundane are intertwined in a very close and intimate way for practitioners) will be able to sniff you out from a mile away and know that you’re not worth your own salt.
It’s okay to be “casual” in some circumstances. It’s okay to be “subtle” or to follow paths that are more accommodating to your needs. That’s fine. Don’t get me wrong. This is a high energy and very taxing experience. There are paths that are accommodating to your needs and your degree or spoons, your laziness, or your life conditions. (I’m inclusive, dammit. Some people are disabled. Some are just fucking lazy. Some are kids with a fantasy fetish. I don’t know. I don’t care. Figure out which you are and make choices like an adult).
But don’t go picking a path or integrate yourself to a spiritual lifestyle that has high demands or you cannot adhere to. Not only is it disrespectful to the culture, the people, and the beings involved. But it’s not good for yourself, either. You will not benefit from the experience. You won’t make it anywhere and you’ll be left constantly feeling like a failure because you cannot accommodate the demands of a lifestyle and belief system that has expectations that are outside of your parameters to accommodate.
But back to YOU! Because let’s be honest, this is mostly about YOU. Everything is mostly about you and yourself. That’s just how a massive amount of people think. Which isn’t wrong, don’t get me wrong. But you have to be Self Aware. (I know most of you are not self aware. Get over it). When you set yourself up with all these fantastical expectations and then nothing progressive and fantastic happens with your practise, it is mostly because you failed to follow through with your own work. Something happened along the way where you struggled for some reason or another and you didn’t have the discipline and the integrity to keep up with something. And that feeling sucks. You feel “Let Down” by the Occult. But you let yourself down. In some way shape or form, you let yourself down. Because everything is about you, this means you have to be responsible for YOU. Yeah. I said it. You have to be responsible for yourself. No one’s wiping your Spiritual Ass for you. You have to do your own work and wipe your own spiritual butthole, and that also means cleaning up your own spiritual messes and doing the spiritual work and dedicating the time and dedicating the energy and making the changes to your life you need to make and then committing to them. It’s all Change, baby! And if you can’t handle change, then you can’t handle commitment to the occult.
And that’s okay! If you can’t handle some things, then DON’T FUCKING DO THEM?????
Maybe step away from that. And yeah, it’s okay to “try” some things to a degree. But please. For the love of fuck, approach them with the respect, dignity, and understanding that they deserve. Always approach a practise (And 99% of all practises have roots in SOME sort of ethnic culture!) with the respect it deserves. Do your best to adhere to those cultures and their beliefs and be as strict as you can while accommodating those traditions. They’re called “Traditions” for a reason. Treat them like they are sacred because they are. I shouldn’t have to explain to people that “Traditions of Spiritual Cultures are Sacred”, yet this post is being made because, quite clearly, this is a common issue.
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I’m not “Gatekeeping” anything by saying this. I’m telling you to explore as much as you can. But when you do so, don’t explore different spiritual practises and traditions like the tourists that make the locals want to commit a homicide. Which is how so many people getting into the occult treat Traditions they are exploring.
You want to be a good and a welcome guest. You can’t just trample whatever you feel like because you’re too self centred with your selfie stick in Greece to be aware that you’re disrupting people trying to live their daily lives. The locals should want you. Try to connect to the people and their language and culture. Don’t just stand in their ways and think their society should accommodate you because you’re visiting.
It is okay if something turns out that it isn’t for you. Be honest about it. Be respectful about it. Thank the people and the culture and those gods for their time for being Gracious Enough to Host you. And then move on. A little respect goes a long, long way.
The Occult and Spiritual practises opens the way for you to re-think everything that you believe and to apply new ideas, beliefs and principles to yourself to help you grow and explore yourself and your connection to people and places with deeper understanding.
Be honest.
Be open.
You have to grow. And if you are interested in the Occult, Spirituality and Mysticism, get ready because there’s going to be so many growing pains.
And if you can’t handle that,
Then why are you here?
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witchboxco · 1 year ago
2024 Witch's Calendar
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11th: New Moon
25th: Full Moon (Cold Moon)
2nd: Imbolc
9th: New Moon
24th: Full Moon (Quickening Moon)
10th: New Moon
19th: Ostara / Spring Equinox
25th: Full Moon (Storm Moon) / Lunar Eclipse
1st: Mercury Retrograde
8th: New Moon / Solar Eclipse
22nd: Earth Day
23rd: Full Moon (Wind Moon)
25th: Mercury Direct
1st: Beltane/May Day
7th: New Moon
23rd: Full Moon (Flower Moon)
6th: New Moon
20th: Litha / Summer Solstice
21st: Full Moon (Strong Sun Moon)
2nd: New Moon
21st: Full Moon (Blessing Moon)
1st: Lammas/Lughnasadh
4th: New Moon
5th: Mercury Retrograde
19th: Full Moon (Corn Moon)
28th: Mercury Direct
2nd: New Moon
17th: Full Moon (Harvest Moon) / Lunar Eclipse
22nd: Mabon / Fall Equinox
2nd: New Moon / Solar Eclipse
17th: Full Moon (Blood Moon)
31st: Samhain
1st: New Moon
15th: Full Moon (Mourning Moon)
25th: Mercury Retrograde
1st: New Moon
15th: Full Moon (Long Nights Moon) / Mercury Direct
21st: Yule / Winter Solstice
30th: New Moon
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ts-witchy-archive · 1 year ago
Witchy Self-Care
*pulls out draft from over a year ago* ENJOY
Hi! this is a list of witchy self-care things you can do. Most of these are pretty basic on account that i wrote this ages ago but they definitely still work. Anyways, I hope these help :)
Do the dishes and dedicate it to your house spirit (if you have one) or a deity (if you're religious)
sweep/mop your floor in the shape of sigils
add rosemary (or rosemary water/essential oils) to the water you mop with to set an intention of cleansing
taking ritual a bath/shower
cleansing your energy. it's so basic but I forget more than i'd like to admit
dedicating time to yourself. it's just as important as dedicating time to your deities/other spirits
light shadow work or going to therapy. bettering your mental health also betters your spiritual.
go outside and ground yourself
take a nap (less witchy, more, I love naps. rest is important)
work out/stretch and dedicate it to an entity
do some gratitude
take 5 minutes to just sit and turn off your devices. you can use this time for anything, just take a second to get off screens and connect with the world around you
meditate. if you can't sit still long enough to meditate, just focus on taking 3 deep breathes
when you wash your face, draw sigils on your face with the cleanser and moisturiser
^do the same as above but with your body wash and when you wash your hair
say some affirmations/manifestations while brushing your teeth
just check in with yourself and see how you're feeling spiritually, psychically and emotionally. sometimes we don't actually know how we're feeling until we sit down and actually ask ourselves.
If anyone has any more to add please comment. I'll add them to the list (with credit of course)
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nephritebabie · 1 month ago
do not go and see that mf yall it’s a trap
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witchyandbitchyandgay · 6 months ago
Carry rosemary in your pocket when you need help remembering something.
Chew mint or mint gum to help you focus.
Tie a green ribbon in your hair for good luck and fortune. Tie a red one for confidence and fiery energy.
Put some dirt from work in a bottle with a penny to get more money.
Offer morning dew to your spirits/deities/fae.
Add honey in your coffee or tea to sweeten and clean your day.
Sweep with salt to refresh your energy.
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astra-ravana · 13 days ago
Tips, Fun Facts & Guidelines: From The Grimoire Of Deathful Wombs
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☠If you summon a spirit for one purpose, abandon that purpose once the spirit manifests, and then ask for something else instead, the spirit will be furious. Making an additional request impromptu can go alright, so long as the additional request is not too much of a tangent from the original request.
☠The Ars Goetia, which contains 72 demons, was a rewrite of an older grimoire containing 69 spirits. The Ars Goetia included four additional demons and excluded one named Pruflas. 72 relates to the muliebral current of magickal energy, total magickal empowerment, and the Ophidian (draconian/serpentine) current.
☠If you disrespect the demons thoroughly enough, they might attack you, even to the point of having deathly intent. Even when that happens, it is still entirely possible for the deities to forgive you and continue to further your ascent.
☠Forgiveness is easy to get from most spirits, but sometimes forgiveness is partial. Articulated apologies and offerings both make forgiveness easier to get, and making spiritual progress is a big way to regain their favor.
☠Each of us will resonate better with some demons than others from the very beginning of our work. This is based partially upon the idiosyncracies of our physis- you will get the strongest manifestations by working with a demon whose physis is comparable to yours. Invocations of various demons will help you identify which types of spirits you resonate with. The ones most divorced from your physis will be difficult to invoke. By deliberately working with those spirits, you have become gradually attuned to their physis. Not only will this give you the ability to effectively access greater portions of the Numinous, it will strengthen the weak points in your spirituality and balance your own physis. The more balanced your energy is, the more powerful it is.
☠All the deities have their own character, preferences, values, etc. Ra hates psychic vampyres to the extent that he is liable to attack entire covens of them unprovoked, but Tiamat, Qingu, and Absu all love vampyres and are quite interested in their success, evolution, and well-being. Shugara judges people based on character, deeds, and potential. Samael is more strict than most deities.
☠You don't get over shit, you get through it- grieve normally. If you still have an emotional attachment to a bad memory, that means there's something about it you still haven't processed. Spells for emotional healing don't make you weak, they just allow you to cooperate with the spirits who care about you. To rephrase that last sentence: team work makes a dream work.
☠Refuse to distance yourself from the persons and spirits important to you during times of hardship- that's one of the worst things you can do.
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☠Do not neglect your own well-being and mundane life for magick. The spiritual high can distract you from your outside life and incline you to procrastinate and neglect your obligations.
☠You'd ve surprised how early in your life certain spirits may have had their eyes on you. Your relationships with them may go back to past lives and/or activities between incarnations. Don't let it bother you if you aren't one of these cases.
☠If spirits call you a fool, that means you're doing the right thing: exploring unfamiliar territory. The Fool symbolizes the initiation process, as does Death. Death also symbolizes change and transformation.
☠Entities who are of a similar spiritual nature to yours or which share the disposition of your personality, will be easier for you to sense, see, hear, channel, evoke, and invoke. There are many factors defining the nature of your personal spiritual make-up, including the state of your alignment with various planetary forces, your Zodiac sign and its alchemical element, your attunement to various types of spiritual energy, and the position of your personality on the spectrum from feminine traits to masculine.
☠Some spirits have their own signature ways to give omens to the magician- Shugara uses the rain, Surgat tampers with locks, and so forth. Omens oftentimes simply serve to either let the witch know the spirit is interested in them or assure the witch of their presence. It's not too uncommon for spirits to hide your shit, appear in clouds, etc.
☠As far as I know, no perfect or omnipotent beings exist.
☠The gods destroy people all the time. Sometimes this can be so subtle that a magickal adept can be destroyed by a deity and think that it's helping them the whole time.
☠If a spirit tells you something you already know or reminds you to do something you already planned on doing, they're doing it for a reason.
☠Offerings do not have to be given during ritual, and you'd be surprised how many different types of viable offerings there are. You can offer fur shed by your pets to a demon (burn it). Fresh picked flowers can be an offering- so can sharing your meal or drink. Incense and lit candles used in ritual can serve as offerings.
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☠Demons require offerings for sustenance, but they will only demand them of you if you did something wrong- unless a given offering is simply necessary for a ritual.
☠Ask the demon what they call themselves. If necessary, ask them to explain the symbolism of that title.
☠Consuming part of an offering to a deity takes the essence of that entity into your being.
☠Most practitioners of demon magick have a matron and/or patron demon. When a spirit offers to fill this role, make it official with a personally designed ritual.
☠Refusing to speak about a rite will greatly increase its power, but speaking about it isn't the end of the world.
☠If a deity asks why it should fulfill your request, the right answer is always something to the effect of, "I just wanted your help". Anything else is technically a lie. Lying to a spirit about why you want what you want is a huge mistake, but even the most trustworthy spitits may lie to you about certain things either for your own benefit, to prevent you from knowing a truth you are not ready for, or even just to patronize you. This does not count as hypocrisy on their part- deity-human interactions are a special case.
☠You'll end up looking back at problems you could've solved with black magick.
☠Chances are that whether or not human or animal sacrifice is immoral depends entirely on whether or not it is immoral to kill the person of animal in the first place.
☠Demons hate child abusers.
☠Destructive magick "thins the veil", furthering the alchemical refinement of our universe.
☠Love and lust are very magickally powerful, and sexual interactions with a deity increase your energetic rapport with them.
☠Drawing one of the Goetic sigils is often enough to get the attention of the demon it's attributed to. The demon may even manifest while the sigil is being drawn. Simply looking at any given sigil can make the sigil more powerful permanently. It is even possible to subconsciously activate a sigil by looking at it- this is not a bad thing, nor does it mean that you're being vampyrized by whoever designed the sigil.
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☠Some demons think less of you when you think less of yourself. If this becomes a problem with a spirit, tell them you're trying to fix whatever problems you have and ask for assistance.
☠Force yourself to be confident about the effects of a rite during, before, and after its performance.
☠If a particular spirit fills you with intrigue and/or excitement, this means they want to interact with you.
☠When a spirit manifests to give you instructions or warnings, the advice is often as simple as, "do this". "Pay more attention to your surroundings". "Don't trust this person". If a demon tella you things like this, the advice is often necessary for your well-being in your immediate situation. If you plan on doing a rite in the next couple hours and a spirit suddenly tells you to do it at 10:30 specifically, you might find that this is necessary to avoid a grave intrusion.
☠Unless you specifically expect a demon to adhere to its recorded appearance, it will often assume a form hither to unrecorded, even to the extent of changing genders.
☠Even spirits renowned to be the most harsh, demanding, cruel etc. often turn out to have a kinder side.
☠You should only offer your blood to the most important spirits in your path- always seek the guidance of your matron/patron and/or higher self before you offer your blood to a nre spirit. Once you offered blood to a spirit, they are always with you, and their ability to influence you increases. This does not mean that they will take control of you at some point the way people infer. Any amount of blood offered is sufficient to create this connection, and offering more blood later will not strengthen the connection.
☠Cemeteries are great places for demon magick- just don't use them without guidance.
☠Do not think demons are limited to their recorded ranks and attributions.
☠The more you work with, pray to, meditate on, and research an entity, the stronger your energetic rapport with them grows. Generally speaking, when you are thinking of a demon, it is thinking of you.
☠The idea of historical facts is a relatively new invention. Mythical stories often served to contain truth instead of fact. Imagine that a given mythological figure is recorded to have given his last piece of food to a stranger. Such a story would most likely not be intended to relate a specific and factual historical event. Instead, such a story might just serve to convey the mythological figure's generosity.
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theplotmage · 3 months ago
Murder Mystery, Occult, Paranormal & Fantasy Prompt Ideas for Writers
1. The Cursed Amulet - A wealthy collector is found dead after acquiring a cursed amulet. The protagonist must uncover the artifact’s dark history to solve the murder.
2. Blood Moon Ritual - During a blood moon, a prominent figure is sacrificed in a forbidden ritual. The investigator discovers a cult trying to summon an ancient deity.
3. Witch’s Grimoire - A renowned witch is murdered, and her grimoire is stolen. The book contains spells powerful enough to alter reality.
4. Haunted Manor - Guests at a secluded manor start dying mysteriously. It’s said the house is haunted by vengeful spirits from a tragic past.
5. Necromancer’s Revenge - A necromancer brings people back from the dead to seek revenge on those who wronged him, resulting in a string of murders.
6. Sorcerer’s Apprentice - An apprentice sorcerer is killed during a magical experiment gone wrong. The protagonist must navigate a web of magical deceit to find the killer.
7. Alchemical Poison - A series of deaths caused by an untraceable poison leads to an alchemist who’s using forbidden knowledge.
8. The Phantom Assassin - A shadowy figure with supernatural abilities is killing off members of a secret society.
9. Demon Pact - A series of murders mimic those described in an ancient text about summoning a demon. The protagonist suspects a pact with dark forces.
10. Arcane Library - A librarian is found dead in a magical library where books can come to life. The books themselves hold clues to the murder.
11. Midnight Masquerade - At a masquerade ball, a guest is killed, and the murder is linked to an ancient ritual involving the masks.
12. Sacred Relic - A sacred relic is stolen, and those connected to its theft are being murdered by a guardian spirit.
13. Time-Worn Curse - An old curse reawakens, killing the descendants of the original cursed family. The investigator must break the curse to stop the murders.
14. Vampire’s Thrall - Murders in a town coincide with the arrival of a charismatic stranger who may be a vampire seeking revenge.
15. Elemental Fury - A mage controlling elemental forces is killing people who wronged him in the past. Each murder is committed using a different element.
16. Runic Inscription - Victims are found with runic inscriptions burned into their skin, leading the protagonist to an ancient prophecy.
17. Ghost Ship - A ship thought lost at sea reappears, its crew murdered. The investigator discovers the ship’s cursed history.
18. Puppet Master - An enchanted puppet is killing those who mistreated its creator, a deceased toymaker.
19. Celestial Alignment - Murders align with celestial events, suggesting a ritualistic pattern. The protagonist races against time to prevent the next murder.
20. Shadow Realm - Victims are being dragged into a parallel shadow realm, their bodies found drained of life.
21. Enchanted Forest - People who enter a forbidden forest are found dead, their bodies entwined with enchanted vines.
22. Murderous Djinn - A djinn, bound to an artifact, is killing people who come into possession of it.
23. Spellbound Love - A love potion gone wrong leads to obsessive love and murder.
24. Seer’s Vision - A seer predicts their own murder and enlists the protagonist to prevent it, but the future seems immutable.
25. Ritual Dagger - A dagger used in ancient sacrifices is rediscovered, and each person who touches it is killed.
26. Charmed Life - A person with a charm for eternal life starts aging rapidly and dies under mysterious circumstances.
27. Mystic Tattoo - A tattoo artist’s clients are being murdered, their tattoos turning into deadly curses.
28. Dragon’s Curse - A dragon’s curse starts killing those who stole from its hoard.
29. Mirror of Truth - An enchanted mirror reveals the darkest secrets of those who look into it, leading to a series of murders.
30. Ghostly Whisperer - A medium is killed by a spirit they summoned, who continues to haunt and kill.
31. Warding Sigil - A town’s protective sigil is broken, unleashing vengeful spirits on the townspeople.
32. Sorcerer’s Duel - A duel between powerful sorcerers results in one’s death, but the victor’s life is now in danger.
33. Forbidden Love - Star-crossed lovers from rival magical factions lead to a series of revenge killings.
34. Haunted Heirloom - An heirloom brings death to the family that inherits it, linked to an ancestor’s dark pact.
35. Shapeshifter’s Hunt - A shapeshifter is targeting a specific group, blending in seamlessly until the protagonist uncovers their true nature.
36. Arcane Academy - A student at a magical academy is killed during a spell-casting exam, and the murder is linked to a dark secret of the school.
37. Spectral Assassin - An assassin’s ghost seeks revenge on those who betrayed him in life.
38. Illusionist’s Game - An illusionist’s final trick results in real deaths, with magic and deception intertwining.
39. Golem Rampage - A golem goes on a killing spree, and the investigator must find its creator to stop it.
40. Philosopher’s Stone - A hunt for the philosopher’s stone leads to deadly competition and betrayal.
41. Mystic Caravan - A traveling caravan brings death wherever it goes, linked to an ancient curse.
42. Sealed Tomb - An ancient tomb is opened, releasing a vengeful spirit that begins killing those responsible.
43. Moonlit Beast - A werewolf’s attacks coincide with the full moon, but this werewolf is being controlled by someone with dark intentions.
44. Soul Harvest - Victims are found with their souls extracted, leading to a dark sorcerer seeking immortality.
45. Witch Hunt - A series of witch trials results in the wrongful deaths of innocents, whose spirits now seek vengeance.
46. Crystal Prophecy - A prophecy within a crystal ball foretells murders, but the seer is manipulating events to fulfill it.
47. Enchanted Theater - Actors in a theater troupe start dying in ways that mimic their cursed roles.
48. Dark Covenant - A secret society’s members are being killed off one by one, linked to a broken blood pact.
49. Doppelganger’s Curse - Victims are replaced by malevolent doppelgangers who are committing murders in their place.
50. Forgotten Sanctuary - An ancient sanctuary is disturbed, releasing an entity that begins killing those who desecrated it.
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swirley1618 · 1 year ago
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casualwitchbitch · 2 years ago
🌙 13 Tips for Powerful Witchery
1. Focus on your intention more than your tools
2. Pay attention
3. No matter how long you’ve been practicing, maintain a “beginner’s mind”
4. KISS! (Keep It Simple, Stupid!)
5. Practice discernment
6. Notice when some thing/place/method resonates with you and use it often
7. Learn to quiet your mind
8. Befriend your shadow self
9. Have boundaries
10. Develop your intuition/inner voice
11. Never practice when you’re shaken up like a snow globe
12. Know when to do nothing
13. Craft your own rituals
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the-trans-folk-witch · 9 months ago
A Warning to new witches
Reading makes you smarter. But reading does not mean you are smart. This applies to those who read occult texts as well. Just because it is about magic and witchcraft, does not mean you are smart to read it. Be discerning of authors, publishers, and wording. You should not judge a book by its cover but you SHOULD judge a book by its title. be cautious of books using words like ____ Magic(k). The overuse of adjectives to describe types of witchcraft are purely used to make books attract crowds who follow trends. An example would be "Lunar Magick" which is a title to over 200+ books on amazon. They use these names to get your money for very little information. Most of these self published books are plagiarized or just watered down versions of actual grimoires with a historical basis. Be perceptive. And if you struggle to discern if a book will be good or not, ask me! I try to read the shitty throw away books just so I can help educate my mentees on what to NOT do. Know your enemies including bad authors. (Matt auryn is one of these bad authors. No matter how popular "psychic witch" is.
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Energy Shields - Basic and Advanced Techniques
Psychic Defense Technique One – White Light
This technique is widely accepted and utilized within the new age and mainstream avenues involving metaphysics. The initial concept is about surrounding ourselves with white light encompassing positive energies relating to protection and love.
White light often is associated with illumination, purity, harmony, and wholeness. It raises our awareness and energy vibrations as a whole while neutralizing negativity away from us.
Visualization Remedies
Imagine yourself in the center of the room illuminated by light bulbs providing warmth and security to you and your home.
Find yourself standing under the shower waters or next to a waterfall. Seeing and feeling the waters turn into light illuminating over you and around you are becoming a protection barrier.
Visualize angels watching over you and the light is radiating and forming just the right kind of shields.
Psychic Defense Technique Two – Bubble Shields and Layers
Bubble Shields
The Bubble Technique uses the idea that we can mentally surround ourselves with either a bubble or shield itself that will reflect and absorb negativity, so we do not feel the full effects. It is useful when having to learn shielding techniques because the bubble or shields themselves can feed on the negative energies directed at us, but only if there is a filter being used.
When it comes to energy filters try to think of it like this. We use coffee filters to take in all the good stuff leaving behind the coffee grounds or else it slows down our intake and is more like sludge that we are drinking. Some of us are left feeling nauseas and will end up sick if this keeps happening.
Throat Chakra
The color blue is associated with the throat chakra and this energy point represents will power. Whenever an individual visualizes their personal shield try combining the associated color and chakra point energies because directing willpower and your voice to the shield strengthens it.
When it comes to the bubble shielding technique it is a good starting point for beginner energy workers, but there are advanced methods one should learn to further reinforce themselves.
The easiest way for me to explain this is an individual should start out by visualizing the sphere around them and from there adding more layers. You can be creative with this, and the bubble method doesn't always have to be utilized in this way. Some practitioners visualize a suit of armour or an actual shield that will aid in their personal protection. So, my question is what do you think would work best for you? Is the armor or bubble surrounded by elemental energies that correspond with you as an individual? What about colors and their metaphysical meanings? Are there any plants or animals that work with you in order to properly create these shields?
It doesn't always have to be the bubble method or suit of armour either. The shield can be a triangle like a pyramid or walls built around you. The creativity is left up to you as the author.
My best advice for trying out advanced shields and adding in layers is to write and / or draw it out physically for yourself. Do not show anyone else because this is for your eyes only. Having an actual physical visual for yourself helps because you can look at this and change things around at any given time.
Psychic Defense Technique Three – Shadow Shields
Like the bubble and light variations of shields the shadow shield can be formed as either a barrier, fog, mist, or utilized as a combination. For focus and laying out the basic foundations visualize yourself in a dark room so that there is a perpetual shadow. This will familiarize you with how you may look in the darkness of a room or another way to achieve this is by going outside and peering down into your own shadow visualizing it as a suit of armor or your shield.
The shadow shield can be turned into an offensive weapon as well if the magician visualizes additional parts to their own shadow such as spikes, barbs, or tendrils. It's also an effective cloaking method if one wishes to remain unnoticed by people around them. The shadow when visualized properly can create a camouflaged space around you, but this method requires more energy and focus to maintain. Remember and think of things like this as well. It's easier to hide behind shadows than in a clear or colored shield.
Psychic Defense Technique Four – Physical Body Positions
Certain body positions can act to close off the energy circuits and protect chakra points depending on where the arms and legs are crossed. Next time you are around someone that seems to be draining and pulling at your energy or spewing a bunch of negativities try sitting down and crossing your arms and legs. Simply listen, but do not give into their issues.
Another way to try this is to think about your chakra points along the human body. If you are unable to sit down, think about the throat and heart chakras. Visualize slowly closing the chakras off temporarily while around these types of people.
Psychic Defense Technique Five – Reflections
The visualization technique here is to imagine mirrors facing outwards so that energy is reflected away from you. This is a good method to try whenever keeping unwanted energy out. Everything will be reflected return to sender.
Another way to utilize this is by visualizing mirrors around someone else facing inward. Whatever they try to send at you will return to them. The cause and effect will be that they themselves get to deal with their own energies instead of causing harm to your own.
Negative Bubbles
Visualize a bubble around the person that is being negative. Similar to the mirror method, whenever the individual in question tries to throw negative energy or use negative emotions to their advantage, the energy won't be able to escape the bubble. The person will feel everything for themselves versus harming you. They will learn to be nice or be zapped by their own negative energies.
Hallways And Doors
Remember that person throwing negative energies at you? Instead of visualizing mirrors or bubbles to return to sender you can also try this. For any psychic attack being thrown in your direction visualize and redirect those energies by looping hallways with doors or imagine whatever it is attacking you on fire before giving the outside energies a kick to the curb.
Psychic Defense Technique Six – Salt
Kosher Salt or Sea Salt works the best for protection because these types of salt absorb negative energies and will ground them or take it away from you. There are many different ways to use salt. How does this help in shielding yourself one might ask? Simple. Sea Salt can be used as a physical or energetic barrier. It is also good for grounding your own energies because it is an element from the earth.
Salt Remedies
Salt in a small cup around a busy room and where you work the most will help by absorbing the negative energies. Make sure to flush and change the salt out every month.
Sprinkle salt into bath water and soak. The salt will absorb and take negative energy from you while also grounding your energies. Add a touch of baking soda if you need to kickstart your own energies and revive what has been lost.
Dilute salt and mineral water into a spray bottle. In each room that has been overloaded with negativity I want you to spray mist into the air. This will cleanse and clear your home. Alot of people tend to try this if they cannot or will not use smoke cleansing methods.
Psychic Defense Technique Seven – Protection Symbols
Protection symbols come in many different forms but will only work if you believe in them. Your belief in the symbol actually working will give the best results. Confidence is always the key whenever one is working in metaphysics, period. Belief is the most important, and when it comes to protection symbols, they can be utilized as an additional method to your energy shields. The symbol can act to strengthen the subconscious mind which adds to your defenses.
What works best for you? Many people believe in different things and any symbol can be used for protection as long as the symbol means something to you. What may work for you might not work for the next person due to having different beliefs.
Psychic Defense Technique Eight – Prayer and Affirmations
Prayers are good for building positive energy, amplifying protections, and adding layers of defense to your energy system. It's a good way to get to know your deities and spirits as well. While this may be a good tool for building a relationship with your spirits, please remember to not fall into the habit of doing this and becoming too dependent. Deities and Spirits are there to help guide you. They are teachers and sometimes will become your friend -but like all other mentors they want what is best for you so that you will grow. This includes being able to protect yourself without aid at some point as you progress in your metaphysical workings.
Affirmations are about bringing positivity to yourself as a person.
Simple affirmations include:
"I allow only positivity around me."
"My vibrations grow stronger every day."
When writing out an affirmation try to keep it in the first-person perspective and stay in the present. Do not sink into the past and think about all the negatives. Affirmations are about all the positives one possesses. Adding this right after a prayer is a good way to boost relationships with your spirits.
Psychic Defense Technique Nine – Crystals
Crystals can be used for various workings and amplify your protections or work to protect you on their own accord. Many crystals are already attuned to certain metaphysical properties and each stone holds its own meaning. There is even a way to use crystals and lay out a grid for bigger spell workings or intentions. To provide some great examples; black tourmaline and most obsidian stones are great for protection aid and are good choices for crystal grids when seeking out protection and absorbing negative energies away from you. Most crystal grids rely on a bigger crystal that is central to the rest being used because they act as a generator giving power to the grid itself and amplifying the other crystals within the line up. A lot of people use clear quartz for generator crystals, however if this type of crystal is under too much strain or absorbs too much negative energies they are known to chip and crack. Darker stones are your friend.
Psychic Defense Technique Ten – Sounds
Using sound as a means of defense can be effective and primarily it is used more so as a warning or deterrent within an outer to middle layer of your shields. Sound distracts and thus scatters a target's focus on the original intent. With this obviously there is a source of irritation present rather than direct counter attacks.
Various sounds that can be used are high pitched ringing, alarming bells, constant chatter of people as background noise, nails on a chalk board, etcetera.
Which sound you choose for yourself is entirely up to your imagination and as always one method may not work for all attackers.
At times, this is a temporary idea for whenever you need to craft your shield and get other layers up.
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koscheys-skull · 5 months ago
People forget that there is an art to keeping your mouth shut.
There is a power in secrecy and being a keeper of covenant and a holder of the mantle that is important.
And some people pretend to be this and they run their mouth.
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thespectralcottage · 5 months ago
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✨ Spell Oils 101 ✨
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Spell oils are probably one of my most used tools & most popular items in the shop i own. I wanted to do a quick dive for folks who are new to them and how to use them in your practice. 🖤
What are they..? Spell oils are tools for spellwork. In simple terms they’re ritually made herbal infusions in a carrier oils (sometimes with fragrance added) with a specific intended energy behind them. Every practitioner who makes them has their own process for how exactly they’re done. You can then use the oil in your day-to-day as well as rituals as energetic boosts. Theyre used to make your spells more “potent” by adding in another layer that matches your intention. Just like you would add crystals, candles, herbs or other magical items into a spell. They’re an additional layer to your magic.
How do I use them..? The best thing about oils is there are endless possibilities. As far as your creativity lets you roam. Most commonly they are used to anoint candles, added to spell jars & ritual baths, mixed with herbs, used to enchant items, put directly on the skin, added to your hair/lotions, used on your hands or objects before a working, given as offerings, etc. I know witches who use them on their vails and clothing, or add it to their hair dye. Others will enchant items to be used in rituals or carried in their day-to-day. Unfortunately Instagram won’t let me post a massive list of all the ways to use them, but hopefully this gives you some insight.
Some practitioners make oils with incredibly specific intentions, but even within that energy you can use them for many kinds of workings. A specialized domination oil can sometimes be perfect in a money working for a new job. Mixing different kinds of oils is always a beautiful way to layer the energy needed for your working too! You’re a witch- go crazy with what feels right. ✨
Hopefully this gives you guys some ideas for how to use your oils. If you’re interested in try out ours, we currently have 18 different options on our website linked here. 👻
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ts-witchy-archive · 1 year ago
ADHD Witch Tips
We need more adhd witch tips so here, have these. These are the things I have learned and seen done over the past 3 and a bit years of practicing witchcraft. As always, if you have anything to add, please comment them and I'll add them to the list with credit to you and a link to your blog!
Make witchy playlists with intention. Music is the most accessible way of doing magic in my opinion, especially if you're using spells that already exist. You can listen to these while working, traveling or just doing things around the house. If you sing along then you're adding to the manifesting power of the playlist!
Use really large spell candles so that you don't have to make a new one everytime you want to do a spell. I used to have 1 really big protection spell candle that I would light daily. Not having to make a new candle every time made me so much more likely to practice
Learn to meditate. I know, I know, hear me out. This is less of a witch tip and more of a mental health thing. You can meditate while colouring in, listening to music, cleaning, going for a walk. You don't have to sit down with your legs crossed. Mediation is an important skill that none of us do regularly enough.
stop caring about aesthetics. Are they nice? yes! absolutely! but unless it makes you more likely to practice then it's not worth it. caring too much about how your craft looks can also lead to burn out.
Be aware of your energy levels. Burn out is a serious issue among the neurodivergent witch community. Rest and pacing yourself is just as important as actually practicing.
Audio books <3333333
Try to combine your hyperfixation and witchcraft practice. This could mean using sigils in fanart or dedicate your writing to a deity.
Use hearth craft as a way to motivate you to clean your home or to cook meals/eat.
Have affirmations on your phones home screen so whenever you unlock your phone you reminded of your intentions
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nephritebabie · 30 days ago
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brujamala-aka-gigi · 8 months ago
my personal everyday "witchy" habits
drinking green tea with herbs and such depending on how moody i am: chamomile, mint, ginger, cinnamon, rosemary, honey, lavender... based on spiritual and ¿medical? correspondences. i also try to eat as healthy as possible during the weekdays and do some kitchen witchcraft on time to time.
on that sort of same line (and don't take this advice if you're not already a smoker) making my own herbal cigarettes, rolling like 40 cigarettes by hand is a whole meditative process i swear. i do have access to ethically buy some tobacco straight from natives in my area but that and the herbals are not my main smoking choice.
cleaning before going to bed, not even cleansing just cleaning the mess I've made during the day.
lighting candles or incense on my altar: candles are expensive tho so its more common i light different incense sticks during the day. (yes i reek of tobacco and incense).
at least shuffle my comfort tarot deck. i think this is relatable but some of my decks have super strong cut throat energies (we love a no bullshit straight to the point reading but maybe not everyday), but my first tarot deck is always comforting idk.
journal the shit out of my feelings because some days i have a lot of them and I can't even keep up with my own brain being annoying like that. also my therapist appreciates it.
i do wear some protective jewelry but i make sure that the pieces are not easily seen. same with crystals around the house, they are concealed just in case. on time to time i do also stain my skin with protective symbols, but again always concealed.
and shout out to self care, keeping up with my schedule and my mundane tasks. i swear i get so weirded out by free time, like i started this blog because i got a few extra hours to do something other than my job and studying.
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