#oc: shanes mon
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koushirouizumi · 2 years ago
(My Digi-Advs Inter-national Chosen Child O.C. Shane's profile is up!)
{These are re-done profile pages for a revival of my 02 web-shrine!} [Which will include profile pages for my O.C.s still actively in use!]
(Shane originally didn't have one at time, so Shane's page is new!)
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So kind of curious, did you ever consider Shane and Tessa be different Pokémon species then what they are? I made a few Pmd OCs myself and typically I like to avoid going The norm like Riolu, Vulpix, or any of the starters. Going for more abnormal choices such as something like a first stage of a pseudo legendary, or normal Pokémon that don’t evolve at all.
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Nope. Tessa was always going to be a riolu because the aura stuff is an important part of her character arc. Also, there were so few lucario villains in pokémon fics in general at the time and I wanted to give myself a challenge to avoid as many of the typical clichés of lucario/riolu protagonists as possible.
Shane was always going to be an Alolan form to fit with the Wrong Genre Savvy aspect of his character. The only Alolan form that I liked back in 2017 was Vulpix/Ninetales. And I wasn't going to pick a species I didn't like.
Yes, sure, some people want to see unconventional 'mon starring in fics. But sometimes I've found authors who choose species just because they're unconventional seem to struggle with those characters.
That said, I'd argue having a dreepy protagonist is very unconventional. :V
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shanie-the-toyaddict · 4 years ago
Updated 5/17/2023
Master list of all the fanworks I have out there!
NOTE: “The Happiest Luchador on Earth” is tagged as ‘steenerico disney fic’ in case anyone is looking for it, otherwise, it can be found HERE.
Music Videos
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency - Don’t Stop Me Now   
Wrestling: Zowens - Open Arms 
Wrestling: Sami/Generico & Kevin - You Grew On Me
M*A*S*H: Weathered
Xena: Warrior Princess: Xena, Gabrielle, and Joxer - I Need A Hero (Video Vixen Remake)
WWE: Shane McMahon - Feet On The Ground
WWE: Shane McMahon - Kings
WWE: Shane McMahon - I Am The Fire
WWE: Shane McMahon - Written In The Stars
WWE: Shane McMahon - You’re Gonna Go Far Kid
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Dark Willow - Down With The Sickness
Buffy: “Superstar” (Episode Tribute Vid) - The Real Adventure of Johnny Quest
How I Met Your Mother: What’s My Age Again?
Doctor Who: The Pond Family - Elevation
Doctor Who: The Pond Family - Who Wants To Live Forever
     How I Met Your Mother: Six
Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog: Apologies
WWE: The Death of a Fangirl (and the Birth of a Friend) [Dream Fic]
WWE: A One Fangirl Army [Dream Fic]
WWE: To Earthquakes, Lovers, and Newfound Friends [Dream Fic] (Zowens)
WWE: Finding Paradise (Zowens)
WWE: Vanished with the Dawn [Dream Fic] [Part 1 of Into the Horizon]
WWE: In The Heat of the Day [Dream Fic] [Part 2 of Into the Horizon] - WIP
WWE: Depression, Dissociation, and ‘Mania (Zowens)
WWE: Stay (Zowens)
WWE: The Sunshine and The Rain (Zowens - Poem)
WWE AU: A Sacred Place (Zowens w/ OC) [Dream Fic] - WIP
WWE: Sami Wasn’t Wrong (Zowens Endgame Sami/Jey fic) [Posted to Blog]
Ring of Honor: The Happiest Luchador On Earth (Steenerico Disney Fic) - WIP
WWE/Ring of Honor: Siempre te Amaré (I Will Always Love You) (Steeenerico/Zowens)
Fanfic Sagas/Series
WWE: Saved (Zowens) [Now Completed!]
How To Thaw A Heart (Rated T)
Like A Clock Shattered (Rated M)
The Fire in Their Veins (Rated E - Restricted)
Bonne Nuit, Mon Ange (Rated T)
To Dream A Better Dream (Rated M)
Far Greater Than Gold (Rated T)
WWE: He Used To Be Mine (Zowens)
Part 1: To Bring Back The Fire In His Eyes
Part 2: He Is Broken And Won’t Ask For Help
Part 3: He Is Lonely Most Of The Time
Part 4: And Makes Him Believe It’s All True
Part 5: Sometimes Life Just Slips In Through A Back Door
Part 6: I Would Give It All Back
Part 9: Most Days, I Don’t Recognize Me
Part 10: He Is Gone (But He Used To Be Mine)
Part 12: I Still Remember That Boy 
Part 14: He Gets Hurt (But He Learns How To Toughen Up)
Part 15: I Was Always Attention’s Sweet Center
Part 16: It’s Not Easy To Know
(Unwritten parts, may or may not ever be written)
Part 7: For A Chance To Start Over
Part 8: He Is Good, But He Lies
Part 11: These Lines And Imperfections
Part 13: I’m Not Anything Like I Used To Be
Part 17: A Man Who Can’t Love
Part 18: He Is Hard On Himself
Part 19: He Is Messy But He’s Kind
Part 20: Rewrite An Ending Or Two
Doctor Who/WWE: Journey’s Beginning [Crossover Dream Fic]
Doctor Who: Magickally Different [Dream Fic]
     Original Fiction
     “The Rain Can’t Hurt You Now” [Dream Fic]
     Search for it under tag “Shanie’s Artwork” (I’m not listing it here)
If you’re looking for my custom figures, search under the tag “Shanie’s Custom Figures”
     I think that about covers it. I’ll list more as I make it but, for now, that’s what I got!
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Standrew Serial KillerxAddams Family AU with Andrew as Fester and Steven as Debbie
Steven as the fancy golden truffle boy who dates people, acts all innocent, marries them then kills his husbands or wives (we stan pansexual Steven)
Andrew is the “Addams-Ilnyckyj” cousin who has been missing for 10 years now and has only recently returned because he got lost in the Bermuda triangle.
Shane and Ryan are prob the Gomez and Morticia Addams couple here, Shane and Andrew are distant cousins, so Shyan tries to help Andrew woo Steven
We’re gonna make a Shyan lovechild (Brett or OC?), Ryan saying he just wants to have it all, loving husband, family, and time to hunt ghouls and demons for his hellish crusade
Steven is that Nanny that barges into the Addams household saying that they’ll finally “found” someone to take care of their child
Andrew, the most stoic and reserved Addams in their family has finally found someone he actually feels attracted to.
Shyan organizes a welcome back home party for Andrew, all relatives invited.
Shyan lovechild grows suspicious of Steven and knows he’s up to no good with their Uncle Andrew
The party happens and Andrew and Shane dance the Mamushka, since both consider each other almost like brothers (they both killed their brothers or smth cuz the tradition of killing your siblings still runs in this era lmao) or they’re just only childs in general tbh idk
After the Mamushka dance, we’ll have Andrew and Steven dance the Hopak. Apparently, the Cossack cousins of the Addams are from Ukraine, Cossack is a Ukranian dance so, Andrew is that Ukranian Cossack cousin and I love this because I just researched this and it’s too fucking perfect for this AU.
Hopak, originally a male dance that eventually evolved into a couples dance, so we have Andrew and Steven dancing together with fucking knives and it will be beautiful, and sexy, and fucking perfect.
I need to research and watch many dances about Hopak and apparently Hora as well, because the Addams family is apparently Jewish in nature so I need a nice way to imagine them dancing with knives while learning all the terms for this fanfic lmao
Andrew and Steven take a lovely romantic stroll in the Addams graveyard, Steven goes in for a the kill, telling Andrew that he’s a virgin and he’s been waiting for someone to make the ultimate sacrifice with him.
Andrew when Steven said he’s been waiting for someone to make the ultimate sacrifice with: “A goat?”
Steven ignoring Andrew’s brain of equating sacrifice to goat and confessing instead that he loves him to which Andrew replies. “I never would’ve thought you’d feel the same way, I love you so much, I’d kill for you, I’d die for you... I’d pay.”
Steven practically moans seductively when Andrew tells him he’d pay lmao imagining all the gold and truffles he’ll have
A nice beautiful scene of Steven and Andrew digging up the grave of Andrew’s mother so that he could propose to Steven with a beautiful golden ring with blood red rubies on it.
Standrew announces to Shyan that they’re engaged and we have that iconic scene of Debbie-Steven showing the ring and holding a shovel with a psychotic look on his face.
Standrew wedding where Andrew has poured out all his feelings and emotions for the first time, shocking the entire Addams clan, it’s long and prob takes at least thirty minutes to an hour and he has misty eyes while his voice continues to almost break from too much love.
Steven, looking impressed and nodding his head, looks to the priest/uncle It and says: “Ditto.”
Shyan lovechild arguing and saying that Steven is prob gonna kill their Uncle Andrew and continues to wail.
Shane telling Standrew as they leave for their honeymoon “Have a nice life together!” and Steven replies. “I will!”
Cue in Standrew honeymoon and Steven tries to kill Andrew numerous times and gets frustratedly angry when Andrew keeps surviving.
Steven after amazing sex with Andrew and losing his virginity (Let’s admit it, even though Steven has married and murdered so many people, he didn’t think they were worthy enough for him. But Andrew is “rich-enough” for Steven to lose his virginity for, he thinks. Like the richest catch he’s ever had. And no, Steven thinks it’s not because he’s starting to fall for Andrew.)
He made Andrew promise to never-ever talk or contact his family ever again, Andrew indulges him and agrees.
Steven’s butler driving a hearse to the airport and waiting for Steven to get off his flight from Hawaii. “Hello Mr. Ilnyckyj, where is your husband?” He asks, expecting the husband to be dead.
“Oh he’s right there, getting off the flight.” Steven points to Andrew who’s currently looking at him with heart eyes. Butler: “But he’s alive sir!” he says in shock. Steven in a very angry and frustrated voice. “TELL ME ABOUT IT!”
Andrew: I love you mon cher
Steven: WHO?!
Andrew: mi amor???
Steven:  SPEAK IN ENGLISH. or chinese, but he is secretly slowly starting to love the pet names Andrew gives him, don’t worry, we only have tsundere Steven for a short time.
Steven forces Andrew to live with him in a pastel palace that’s very fancy and very un-Addams like, Andrew is intrigued because it’s Steven.
Shyan visits their home to demand to see Andrew, saying it’s not true that Andrew doesn’t want to see them anymore.
Andrew confirms to them that He wants to be alone with Steven now.
Shyan comes home to find that their lovechild has become a pastel monster, very un-Addams like and they cry but accept their child.
Steven tries numerous times to kill Andrew but to no avail.
And this one time that Steven blows up half of their house and finds Andrew “Dead”
He laughs maniacally and says finally but then he’s crying
His tears fall down on Andrew and he opens his eyes and Steven screams.
Andrew: You do care my love
Steven: No! Why are you still alive?! What does it take to kill you monster?!
Andrew laughs and Steven blurts out that he’s been able to kill all of his husbands and wives before but why doesn’t Andrew die?!?!?!
Andrew: because you love me and our love won’t allow us to kill each other
Andrew then explains that he’s known about Steven all this time, that he’s a serial killer, that he loves being this golden fancy boy, and that he even knows that Steven himself is from a notorious serial killer family as well
Steven still in denial but he’s all like “So you’ll let me use your money?”
Andrew: “My love, I love you so much, I’d pay for you and everything else.”
Steven, tsundere but slowly warming up to Andrew, mumbles “Fine, i forgive you.” He grumbles. “And I’ll let you be with your family again.”
Andrew meets the Lims full of serial killer family, only they’re more pastel and shit and he is absolutely in love and their families move to live close to each other and Shyan is also there and they meet the pastel Lim serial killer fam and it’s very very happy and nice and cute and amazing
the end
Wow, this got to be so long and I actually wanna write this but I have so many other Standrew fics in mind so yeah, have this one for now and I’ll think about it if I still wanna write this lmao
It looks and sounds like a lot of fun tbh and I only have to do little research about it I guess to write it perfectly sdjfksandkj
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cluelessrebel1988 · 8 years ago
A video I made of all the canon characters and OCs currently in @theconvergenceroleplay. The song is “Marching On” by OneRepublic
The Characters are as follows: 
Naomi (Amanda Tapping)
Jenna Winters (Odette Annable)
Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki)
Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles)
Charlie Bradbury (Felicia Day)
Kevin Tran (Osric Chau)
Jo Harvelle (Alona Tal)
Ruby (Katie Cassidy)
Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino)
Eileen Leahy (Shoshannah Stern)
Crowley (Mark Sheppard)
Castiel (Misha Collins)
Max Banes (Kendrick Sampson)
Andrew "Drew" Haraldson (Grant Gustin)
Harry Potter
Taylor Weasley (Melissa Benoist)
Dominique Weasley (Indiana Evans)
DJ Lake (Seán William McLoughlin)
Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint)
Fred Weasley (James Phelps)
Alexandra Summers (Idia Eisley)
Lily Potter II (Holland Roden)
Ginny Weasley (Bonnie Wright)
James Potter II (Dylan O'Brien)
Lucy Weasley (Saxon Sharbino)
Molly Weasley II (Zena Grey)
Jacob Kowalski (Dan Fogler)
Colin Creevey (Hugh Mitchell)
Victoire Weasley (Amber Heard)
Tom Riddle (Frank Dillane)
Logan Mills (Munro Chambers)
Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton)
Seamus Finnigan (Devon Murray)
Shona "Nani" Duncan (Zooey Deschanel)
Hermione Granger (Emma Watson)
Teddy Lupin (Luke Newberry)
Dean Thomas (Alfie Enoch)
Miles Thomas (Ryan Potter)
Lysander Scamander (Colin Ford)
Lee Jordan (Luke Youngblood)
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge)
Natasha Romanov (Scarlett Johansson)
Darcy Lewis (Kat Dennings)
Angie Martinelli (Lyndsy Fonseca
Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)
Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie)
Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow)
Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr)
Booker Harmon (Michael B. Jordan)
Steve Rogers (Chris Evans)
Peter Parker (Tom Holland)
Aldrich Killian (Guy Pearce)
Elektra Natchios (Elodie Yung)
Mantis (Pom Klementieff)
Leslie Shade (Kylie Furneaux)
Peter Quill (Chris Pratt)
Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan)
Nebula (Karen Gillan)
Leo Fitz (Iain de Caestecker)
Daisy "Skye" Johnson (Quake) (Chloe Bennet)
Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen)
Pietro Maximoff (Aaron Taylor-Johnson)
Mycroft Holmes (Mark Gatiss)
John Watson (Martin Freeman)
Sherlock Holmes (Benedict Cumberbatch)
Molly Hooper (Louise Brealey)
Anthea (Lisa McAllister)
Mary Watson (Amanda Abbington)
Irene Adler (Lara Pulver)
Greg Lestrade (Rupert Graves)
Eurus Holmes (Siân Brooke)
Doctor Who
Rose Tyler (Billie Piper)
Jack Harkness (John Barrowman)
Jayda Osmi (Nicole Bonifacio)
Jacob Robens-Osmi (Tristan Wilds)
Sky Smith (Sinead Michael)
Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman)
Percy Jackson
Hylla Ramirez-Arellano (Eiza Gonzalez)
Annabeth Chase (AnnaSophia Robb)
Hazel Levesque (Amandla Stenberg)
Frank Zhang (Booboo Stewart)
Kaiser Jäger (Max Riemalt)
Leo Valdez (Jake T. Austin)
Nico di Angelo (Jakub Gierszal)
Rachel Elizabeth Dare (Luca Hollestelle)
Will Solace (Burkely Duffield)
Zoë Nightshade (Anjli Mohindra)
Jackie Long (Melissa Benoist)
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano (Victoria Justice)
Clarisse La Rue (Leven Rambin)
Percy Jackson (Logan Lerman)
The Vampire Diaries
Elijah Mikaelson (Daniel Gillies)
Katherine Pierce (Nina Dobrev)
Davina Claire (Danielle Campbell)
Damon Salvatore (Ian Somahalder)
Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley)
Lexi Branson (Arielle Kebbel)
Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev)
Caroline Forbes (Candice King)
April Young (Grace Phipps)
Rebekah Mikaelson (Claire Holt)
Indiana 'Indie' Davis (Lily Collins)
Jeremy Gilbert (Steven R McQueen)
Bonnie Bennett (Kat Graham)
Vicki Donovan (Kayla Ewell)
Tyler Lockwood (Micheal Trevino)
The Hunger Games
Primrose Everdeen (Willow Shields)
Clove (Isabelle Fuhrman)
Madge Undersee (Abigail Breslin)
Finnick Odair (Sam Clafin)
Dexterous LaFevers (Colin Ford)
Glimmer (Leven Rambin)
Christopher 'Kit' Odair (Douglas Booth)
Johanna Mason (Jena Malone)
Shilo Mellark (Alex Pettyfer)
Annie Cresta (Stef Dawson)
Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence)
Thresh (Dayo Okeniyi)
Willow Mellark (Emily Rudd)
Morgana Pendragon (Katie McGrath)
Gwaine (Eoin Macken)
Percival (Tom Hopper)
Lancelot (Santiago Cabrera)
Hunith (Caroline Faber)
Balinor (John Lynch)
Mordred (Alexander Vlahos)
Merlin (Colin Morgan)
Freya (Laura Donnelly)
Rielle (Indiana Evans)
Kara (Alexandra Dowling)
Sir Leon (Rupert Young)
Once Upon a Time
Peter Pan (Robbie Kay)
Graham Humbert (Jamie Dornan)
Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison)
Grace (Alyssa Skovbye)
Helena (Tristan Mays)
Regina Mills (Lana Parrilla)
Felix (Parker Croft)
Elsa (Georgina Haig)
Zelena (Rebecca Mader)
Aurora (Sarah Bolger)
Anna (Elizabeth Lail)
Killian Jones (Colin O'Donoghue)
Anastasia (The Red Queen) (Emma Rigby)
Fiona (The Black Fairy) (Jamie Murray)
Christina Kravitz (Zoe Kravitz)
Eric Coulter (Jai Courtney)
Tris Prior (Shailene Woodley)
Will (Ben Lloyd-Hughes)
Fox Marvel
Kassandra Dare (Nicola Peltz)
Amily Jacobs (Elle Fanning)
Daisy Oliviera (Tori Kelly)
Jubilation Lee 'Jubilee' (Lana Condor)
Scott Summers (Tye Sheridan)
Charles Xavier (James McAvoy)
Chase Maelstrom (Asa Butterfield)
Sean Cassidy (Caleb Landry Jones)
Ajax (Francis) (Ed Skrein)
Alex Summers (Lucas Till)
Ellie Phimister (Brianna Hildebrand)
Jasper (Lindsey Morgan)
Hope Cooper (Zendaya)
Anise Lovett (Adelaide Kane)
Peter Maximoff (Evan Peters)
Brooklyn Winters (Crystal Reed)
Laura Kinney (Dafne Keen)
Jean Grey (Sophie Turner)
Star Trek
Khan Noonien Singh (Benedict Cumberbatch)
James T Kirk (Chris Pine)
The Maze Runner
Thomas (Dylan O'Brien)
Minho (Ki Hong Lee)
Elizabeth (Maia Mitchell)
Newt (Thomas Brodie-Sangsta)
Harriet (Nathalie Emmanuel)
Sonya (Katherine McNamara)
DC Cinematic and Television Universes
Kara Danvers (Melissa Benoist)
Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes)
Thea Queen (Willa Holland)
Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards)
Hunter Zoloman (Teddy Sears)
Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell)
Melanie Silver (Saoirse Ronan)
Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie)
The Joker (Jared Leto)
Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanaugh)
Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker)
Jesse Quick (Violett Beane)
Alex Danvers (Chyler Leigh)
Chato Santana (El Diablo) (Jay Hernandez)
Patty Spivot (Shantel VanSanten)
Floyd Lawton (Deadshot) (Will Smith)
Clark Kent (Superman) (Henry Cavill)
Ray Palmer (A.T.O.M) (Brandon Routh)
Adrian Chase (Simon Morrison) (Josh Segarra)
Sara Lance (Caity Lotz)
Barry Allen (Grant Gustin)
Dinah Drake (Juliana Harkavy)
William Clayton (Jack Moore)
Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) (Gal Gadot)
Mon-El (Mike Matthews) (Chris Wood)
Winslow Schott Jr. (Jeremy Jordan)
Zoe Lawton (Shailyn Pierre-Dixon)
Jae-Yoon Hyunsik (Park Chanyeol)
Iris West (Candice Patton)
Dante Ramon (Nicholas Gonzalez)
Star Wars
Bennal Derek (Bradley Cooper)
Han Solo (Harrison Ford)
Aeli Serit (Shailene Woodley)
Kylo Ren (Adam Driver)
Orson Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn)
Armitage Hux (Domhnall Gleeson)
Alter'Li Fond (Holland Roden)
Callen Derek (Kellen Lutz)
Barriss Offee (Nalini Krishan)
Padmé Amidala (Natalie Portman)
Rey (Daisy Ridley)
Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher)
Lord of the Rings
Tauriel (Evangeline Lilly)
Legolas Greenleaf (Orlando Bloom)
Thranduil Greenleaf (Lee Pace)
Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman)
Gimli (John Rhys-Davies)
Raviel (Rachel McAdams)
The Mortal Instruments and Shadowhunters
Max Lightwood - TMI (Jack Fulton)
Cecily Herondale - TMI (Alexandra Daddario)
Shane Burciaga (Adam Lambert)
Magnus Bane - SH (Harry Shum Jr.)
Louis Adams (Dylan O'Brien)
Amelia Lockhart (Madison McLaughlin)
Clarissa 'Clary' Fray - TMI (Katherine Mcnamara)
Alec Lightwood - SH (Matthew Daddario)
Kayden Jacques - SH (Victoria Justice)
Jace Lightwood - TMI (Jamie Campbell Bower)
Maia Roberts - TMI (Meagan Tandy)
Disney Live-Action
Belle (Emma Watson)
Evie (Sofia Carson)
Rapunzel (Mackenzie Mauzy)
Little Red Riding Hood (Lila Crawford)
Sharpay Evans (Ashley Tisdale)
Mal (Dove Cameron)
Jay (Booboo Stewart)
Ben (Mitchell Hope)
Giselle (Amy Adams)
Henry Turner (Brenton Thwaites)
Carlos De Vil (Cameron Boyce)
Jane (Dakota Fanning)
Carlisle Cullen (Peter Facinelli)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year ago
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 O.C.s
Shanes' Mon: ... SHANE: ...(FLOATING...) {FLOATING...} {Eyes Closed} SHANES' MON: (Shane.) Shane: ... {Sigh} Yeah? Shanes' Mon: ... You've been here a while... Shane: (I was resting.) Shane: Are you concerned for me? I'm fine. Shane: I have these (*holds up Taichi+Daisuke's GOGGLES*) now, so... and Koushiro-...san really upgraded them well. So I can actually SEE where I'm going now when I need to. Shanes' Mon: (It's like you've 'accomodated' yourself.) SHANE: ... (M aybe.) Shane: At the same time, the colors sometimes give me a headache. But Koushiro-san did add in an option that can dim them... but then it's harder to see the signals for "distortions". Shanes' Mon: (But at least, you can still somewhat tell them apart based on the vividness.) Shane: ... (Yeah...) Shane: ... Well, I'm up now, so... Shanes' Mon: (Where are you going from here?) Shane: I don't know. (Mostly I just wanted to "sleep".) Shanes' Mon: ... Shanes' Mon: (But you said, 'want{ED}'.) Shane: Yeah. There's people I want to see again... SHANE: ... But I know they'll wait for me where they can, so there's no major rush. Shanes' Mon: (Are you going to go back to "sleep"?) Shane: (It depends.) Are you going to be there when I open my eyes? SHANES' MON: ... (If you reach out to me.) SHANE: ... Shane: (Yeah, I know.) Guess I gotta wake up then. Shanes' Mon: (As you know, I cannot leave "the Void". But you know how "to communicate" with me.) SHANE: ... Right. (And you know how "to listen".) Shanes' Mon: (You might want to put those goggles back on.) Shane: ('Heh') Honestly, I'm surprised I got this much use out of them, but as said, they're... functional now. SHANE, ADJUSTING GOGGLES: Ready. Shanes' Mon: (Time to 'wake up'.) SHANE, SEEING Darkness ... and Signals: SHANE, OPENING EYES: (*in a bed*) ... ?? ? PATRICK (Shane's sibling): Huh, I thought I heard something...!! ! W-wait, SHANE??? SHANE, Awkwardly raising hand slowly: Um, hi PATRICK, IN AWE: You're at my place--!! ! Shane, nodding: I'm ... home? PATRICK: SHANE: ... (I'm solid.) (I'm not glitching out.) PATRICK: ... Do you still need to rest? Shane: ... Maybe a bit. But later... we can see? PATRICK: That's fine. Just... let me know when you're feeling better. (*closes door carefully*) SHANE, CHECKING GOGGLES: (Still here.) SHANE, CHECKING DIGIVICE: {STILL... Here.} Shane, sighing in relief: (I guess it'd be {REALLY} Bad if even the most powerful 'Mon in all the universe got caught up in 'that'.) SHANES' MON: (They don't Know the half of it.) SHANE: {LAUGHS} ... Hey. Shanes' Mon: (Say hi to Patrick for me.)
0 notes
koushirouizumi · 1 year ago
#TheBeginningSpoilers #The Beginning Spoilers
#TheBeginningSpoilers #The Beginning Spoilers
{Under the READMORE.} (Mentions LIGHTLY but a pretty significant spoiler featured in W.T.W's larger review posted very recently.)
OK, so, I'm Still Not Saying MUCH {For Now} (Because I still haven't seen the FULL thing myself and I WON'T be able to myself until Nov. 9th. No, I don't have access to other showings)
But I did read W.T.W's review.
a.) I'm glad it clarified on timeline placement {a previous review full of rants about """ret-conning""" mixed up the year with a MUCH later one and didn't even see the irony}
b) The """new lore""" (NEWLY ADDITIONAL Lore) is actually HILARIOUS to me in regards to Repeatverse timeline{s} because:
c) in COFTFFVerse {a.k.a my verse for early forms of O.C.s} (if we include it adjacent to Repeatverse): {Note most of this lore I came up with PRE-TRI HAPPENING}: - Shane's partner just might end up being {IMPORTANT} - One O.C. Digi of mine {ALSO} is thematically related to HaShem (if in slightly differing contexts... But will Elaborate later) - Thus, {canon Digi} 'accidentally' {THANKS T0EI!!!!} has cross-fan lore connections to HASHEM - HaShem-esque was 'CANON COMPLIANTLY' accidentally BROUGHT INTO the overall timeline of the A.U.s verse* - I originally had these ideas {before T0ei's additional lore} when I was like 7~8 YEARS OLD - I have been cracking up about this since reading W.T.W's review not long after it was posted (and I was STILL late seeing it) - Today Has Been A DAY (In General) {along with the last 48~72 hours in general and the past week or so when it came to initial 'reviews' that obviously left out some important details and info that W.T.W's clarified} * I probably won't be including "The Beginning" lore in the overall 'verses later on, but I can definitely mess with it in future A.U.s ** If I did include it it'd be in intended "The Beginning" semi canon compliant stuff mainly, just to say (in advance) *** I do NOT plan on posting new works (of mine) that'd involve "The Beginning" {YET} because in the case of the A.M.V.s, I need FOOTAGE for those, which I WON'T HAVE until "The Beginning" footage is released outside of theaters, so you won't have to worry about spoilers for anything T0ei hasn't OFFICIALLY revealed {Img sets are another story but I still don't think I'll be posting any (that don't use previously released official footages) until later Nov.~Dec.!} **** If you clicked on this expecting a full length review, sorry, but I'm probably not giving further thoughts until much later on (I heard from the DigiNavi stream and W.T.W bit earlier on that there were also C.D. dramas included from theater showings? and I'm curious about those contents too for any further story clarifications, but yeah!!!)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year ago
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 O.C.s [& Shane], featuring Daisuke & ... ??
{O.C.} GoldVmon: So, HOW do we "get out of here", then? (*referring to "The Void" GoldVmon & Co. are stuck in*) Inter-national O.C. Chosen Shane: Back when I "got out" the first time... (Frowning in Contemplation) Shane's Mon: It is perhaps a bit like "wishing"-- GoldVmon: Oh, I know how to do that!! Like when I wish for more chocolate and Hikaru's family's cooking!! Shane, rather avoids Rich sweetness (but also just kind of Awkward Responding): Shane's Mon: Shane's Mon: ...Or perhaps a bit more like "communing". For example, if you express your feelings in such a way as to "convey" them to--- Shane: (Convey my feelings?? WhyThisTM) GoldVmon: Oh! I can do that too!! LIKE, "I WANT TO SEE HIKARU, I WANT TO SEE HIKARU, I WANT TO SEE HIKARU, I WANT TO SEE HIKARU!" Something like 'that', right?!?? SHANE: Shane's Mon: Shane's Mon, hinting to Shane: If you perhaps have trouble expressing yourself verbally, you could also relate your feelings along the lines of emotiona-- SHANE, tAKING DEEP Breath: (I want to see Hikaru.) SHANE'S MON: S H A N E *IN MIND*: (I want to see Hikaru. I want to see Hikaru. I want to see Hikaru. I WANT TO SEE HIKARU IWANTTOSEEHIKARU I WWWWANTTOSEE HIKARU) GoldVmon, JOINING in, chanting along with Shane's 'thoughts' even if GoldVmon cant hear it But Maybe Has An Idea: "I want to see Hikaru I want to see Hikaru I want to see Hikaru I WANT TO SEE HIKARU /I WANT TO SEE/" SHANE & GOLDVMON: ("HIKARU"!!!) A CRACK in The Void: (*OPENING*) SHANE, SHANE'S MON & GOLDVMON: ???!!?! DAISUKE: WHOA, what is all this?!?? HIKARU, clinging to Daisuke's arm as an immense whirlwind instantly kicked up around them all: Daisuke, we HAVE to get back--!! SHANE & GOLDVMON: SHANE: HEY, DAISUKE, HIKARU - grab on--!! Daisuke: HUH?!? Who are -- oh, it's you - I met you way back then--!! (Struggling to speak among wind) SHANE: That doesn't matter right now, just grab on, or you'll get flung into "The Void"!! Hurry!! GoldVmon: HIKARU!!! DAISUKE!! (*Holding out Hand*) Hikaru: ?!!??! (*in pure SHOCK*) Hikaru: GoldVmon?! How?!!... (*the sudden kick of realization as Shane is in view*) - SHANE?!??-- Daisuke: Hikaru, they're helping, let's do it--! Hikaru: Hikaru: ...OK! (*grabs Shane's hand, holding onto Daisuke with other*) DAISUKE: Great, thanks!! (*grabs GoldVmon's other hand*) So what's going on here?!! Shane, yelling over wind: This place is "The Void", it's like "Limbo" but worse!! You're here because something harmed you while you were Digitized, so we've got to get you back out before it's too late-!! Hikaru, Looking at Daisuke: ...Daisuke, I don't really remember what was happening just before, but, you activated the Digimental of Miracles...- SHANE'S MON: DAISUKE: The enemy's attack was headed for us, we were falling, we had no choice!! If we kept falling we'd be destroyed already!! (I Didn't Want to Use it But I HAD TO!!) Hikaru: But you don't have your Crest yet--!! Daisuke: I know, but Shane was your friend, maybe these people can help us get out from here, then--!! SHANE: SHANE'S MON: ... SHANE'S MON: (I suppose it's time to reveal my true form.) SHANE, Noticing Something's Up: ...?!! Shane: (What's wron--) SHANE'S MON, SHIFTING: ALL: ?!???!?
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koushirouizumi · 2 years ago
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 [+O.C.s]
Shane, sitting off to the side inside a ramen stall during the Obon festival: (...) That Voice at The Back of Shane's Mind, Which Is Totally Not Shane's Mon speaking from The Void, eventually, Speaking Up: (You're sulking.) SHANE: Shane: (I Am Not.) Shane's Mon: (You're scared at the thought of meeting Hikaru again, even when all the conditions are, in actuality, quite good. Aside from the possible return of your earlier "Issue"...) SHANE: Shane: (I think I'm more scared at the thought of seeing Hikaru NOT wearing pants. Or at least, what we looked like while we were stuck in the Digital World together for what felt like *years*.) Shane's Mon: SHANE'S MON: (You're worried your relationship will change because so much time has passed, and Hikaru will abandon you despite the close partnership from before.) SHANE: Shane's Mon: (Why do you believe Hikaru would abandon you, when Hikaru never showed any such ill feelings towards you before? You two saved the worlds together, even "back then". Hikaru is not one to throw that kind of partnership away so easily.) Shane: ... {I Don't Want To Say They're Right But} DAISUKE, BURSTING IN: SHANE: (Sits) (Doesn't Budge An Inch) DAISUKE: OI, YOU--- SHANE: (Turning, Casually/lazily) What. DAISUKE: Daisuke: ... Listen, you, we were going to invite you anyway! HIKARU'S (EMPHASIZED) meeting up with us tonight and-! KEN, Casually: We brought you an extra yukata, if you want one for tonight. SHANE: Shane: My kimono's at .. home. Patrick can pick it up for me before it gets late. (Goes back to meal) DAISUKE & KEN, EXCHANGING GLANCES: Ken: (Nods; "Shane's telling the truth") Daisuke: ... Well, uh, then, HIKARU will be here tonight, and Hikari-chan's coming later too, and when that happens, we're all going back TOGETHER. Yeah, that's DEFINITELY what's going to happen!! DAISUKE, TAKING A SEAT RIGHT NEXT TO SHANE: Ken: ... (Sits next to Shane on opposite end.) SHANE: Shane's Mon: (They're worried about you wandering around alone during Obon after you ran off earlier.) SHANE: (I KNOW.) Shane's Mon: (At least Ken's not as upset anymore.) SHANE: (INTERNAL GROAN) Shane's Mon: (Now you just have to survive meeting Hikaru without accidentally causing the ends of the worlds again.) SHANE: (STOP REMINDING ME!!!!) SHANE'S MON: (Well, it's a bit quiet in the Void without you...) S H A N E: (YOU could come out from the Void once in a while.) SHANE'S MON: Shane's Mon: (It is not possible at this time.) Shane's Mon: {Voice Slowly Fades} SHANE: Shane: (Sighs) (I'll figure out what I can do for it Later.) Shane: (For now, I have to get through a whole night of Obon fesitival, and... These Two.)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years ago
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 O.C.s
Shane's Mon, Voice Echoing Throughout The Void: Today we lost our dear friend, GoldV-mon. GoldV-mon, Calling Out Into The Void: I'm not dead yet!!! SHANE'S MON: Sometimes I still hear their voice... GOLDV-MON: HEY, I'M REALLY *NOT* "DEAD" YE--- SHANE'S MON: No, but you've been floating in vain like this for a while. Gold V-Mon: (You could HELP???) (Pleading Eyes) SHANE'S MON: You know I cannot do something like that, though. I'm just "along for the-" ... "ride", as Shane would probably put it. Gold V-Mon, Frustrated Sighing: So why do you keep 'appearing', then?! SHANE'S MON: It's very slow here. Gold V-Mon: IT IS, so talk with me!! SHANE'S MON: I am. But you seem to have a hard time figuring out what you'd like to 'talk' with 'me' about. GOLD V-MON: Gold V-Mon: ... I'm going to talk about {GAME} ok?? SHANE'S MON: GOLD V-MON: (YOU'RE GOING TO *LIKE IT*, OK???) SHANE'S MON: (Shane's world is... Interesting.)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years ago
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs O.C. Shane [...and some other 02 O.C.s]
Sometime before the initial "battle" with a strong enemy involving their friend, O.C. Shane is Drifting in Digital Limbo when...: GoldVmon: Oh, wow! There's another HUMAN here! SHANE: SHANE'S MON: GoldVmon: Wow, I thought I was truly a goner! Hey, you two, do you know how I can get back to my Partner?? Her name is "Hikaru"-- S H A N E: SHANE: YOU know Hikaru?? (I knew she had a 'Mon similar to this but I didn't see him up close...) *You're* her Par--?? GoldVmon interrupting: YUP!! But I can't talk now, there's a SUPER HUGE FIGHT going on and I NEED to GET BACK There *before* Hikaru gets hurt--!! SHANE, LOOKING at Shane's Mon: (DO SOMETHING) SHANE'S MON: I said before, this is akin to "Limbo", even if Not Quite... SHANE: (UGH) GoldVmon: ...Huh?? We can't get back from here--? Wait, how do YOU know Hikaru--? (*BLINK*) Wait. GoldVmon: (*BLINKING*) NO WAY S H A N E: GoldVmon: SHANE?!?? Shane: (He finally 'recognized' me.) {Somewhat...} GoldVmon: Huh?? Shane? But we last saw you way back at Hikaru's old place before she moved to Odaiba!! And you were... (*looks Shane up & down*) Not like THIS then?? (I didn't actually get to Talk to Shane much, and me and SilVmon only really noticed him *near the end*, but!!) SHANE, FLOATING IN PLACE: Shane: ... Uhhh, a lot of Things happened. Shane: (He doesn't Know I Was part 'Digital' That Time, Too, And I Was Just Posing *As If I Was* Physical because I wanted to Mess With "Daisuke" A Little.) Shane: Anyway, how did YOU Get... here...?? GoldVmon: ..Uhhhh, I kinda got deleted, I think--?? SHANE & SHANE'S MON: Shane: You got KILLED?? By who?!?? GoldVmon: It doesn't matter, he didn't mean it! He's Hikaru's friend on our team, but it wasn't his fault--!! (*attempting in vain to Explain while Heated & Genuinely Emotional*) SHANE: ... ... ("HE"??) Shane's Mon: (Another boy Hikaru knows, hmm...) SHANE, Glowering: . .I'm gonna--- GoldVmon, realizing mistake in Telling: Wait, no!! Shane's Mon: You're going to 'what', Exactly? You're completely Digital yourself right now, with absolutely no (major) control over your own movements except "drift forward" (continuously) or "backward" (unexpectedly) and "pause while floating in place". S H A N E: ...You don't have to be THAT Specific... GoldVmon, Confuse: ...What happened to YOU, anyway?! We thought your group was *back at* Hikaru's old place! Shane: (How Do I Explain I Vanished Years Prior---) Shane's Mon: (This is going to Take a While.) SHANE: (...) (Wait.) S H A N E: (If *THIS ONE* is Here, and got KILLED, actually Killed then that means *I*---???) Shane's Mon: (A long, long while...)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year ago
TERRIERMON, STARING at {'me'}/my O.C. Hikaru wide-eyed: You KICK TERRIERMON????? You kICK TERRIERMON like a FOOTBALL???!!??! O.C Hikaru, exchanging Looks with other partners: (But I DIDN'T....!) YOUNG M E: (*CACKLING AS I 'WRITE'*)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years ago
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 [+O.C.s]
Shane, finally catching a breath after making a wild sprint from Daisuke's place: ... Shane: ... Shane: (Crap.) I actually forgot it was Obon soon... TOO MANY People for Shane's comfort: {ABOUT} Shane: ... Shane: (OK, but I can blend in with the crowd and--) Shane: (Notices the food stalls being set up) SHANE: {Remembering. Oh. Right. Food--} Shane: ... (Wait) SHANE: (Isn't Daisuke supposed to be selling {ramen} at this kind of place soon?!!) Shane: ... (They're probably going to turn up--) SHANE: (... Takes out brand-new Digivice{?}-phone Provided By Izumi Corp. ... Tap tap tap, inputting Hikaru's address--) Shane: If I can just make it to Hikaru's place from here, Daisuke will eventually be nearby here *anyway*, (I'll figure how how to handle Ken LATER) and then-- SHANE: ... Shane: (GROAN) Shane: (...I forgot Hikaru will also {...likely} be out during Obon.)
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aerislove · 6 years ago
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"Regardez les gars c'est la fille du chef. - Ah ouais pas mal la meuf, j'en ferai bien mon quatres heure. - Tu l'as dit mon pote moi aussi j'aimerais bien la foutre dans mon lit pour la fourrer." Shane perdu dans ses pensées écoutait ces queutars parler de Lisaria la fille du patron, il sentait ses nerfs monter malgré qu'il ne l'a connaissais pas. Un doux parfum flotta près du camp des combattants et arriva a ses narines, un parfum très féminin mélangé de jasmins, il leva ses yeux gris et les posa sur elle. Il en avait vue des femmes mais aucune ne battait la beauté de Lisaria. Les deux jeunes gens échangèrent un long regard et Shane était comme bloqué au point de ne pas sentir sa cendre de cigarette s'écraser sur le dessus de sa main ensanglanté portant encore les marques du combat qu'il venait de livré. La jeune fille lui fit un doux sourire avant de détourner son regard afin de rejoindre son père. 😍Fanart😍 Shane (sims de mon amie Ambre Baker ) et Lisaria ( ma OC) #ts4fanart #ts4 #fanart🎨 #fanfiction #characterdesign #originalcharacter #traditionaldrawing #traditionalart #crayon #crayondecouleur #feutrealcool #feutreblanc #art #artsagram #artist #artistsoninstagram #artwork #love #illustration #sketch #tattoo #rosetattoo #bd #thesims4 #amoureux https://www.instagram.com/p/BwkOF_IHsyu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qzsplbb64k6l
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aerislove · 6 years ago
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Shane avait vue Lisaria quitté le camp intrigué par la jeune femme depuis ce regard vers ce sourire échangé depuis leurs rencontre il décida de la suivre. La suivant discrètement il s'interrogea sur la destination de la jeune demoiselle, après quelques minutes de marches il l'a retrouva face a la falaise, ses long cheveux flottait donnant a Lisaria l'apparence d'un ange, quand il vit qu'elle se pencha il se précipita vers elle l'a saisie par les épaules et la plaqua contre le mur, elle fit surprises puis posa sa main sur la joue du combattant, Shane plongea son regard dans celui de Lisaria et fit envahie par la douceur de la jeune fille. Il resta la a la contempler sentant monter en lui des émotions qu'il ne connaissaient pas qui lui était complètement inconnu plus il l'a fixait plus il se sentait attiré malgré lui et il lui semblait qu'elle n'était pas inconnu et qu'il l'avait déjà rencontré par le passé. "Lisaria...." La jeune fille en simple réponse lui fit un sourire et Shane compris dans ce sourire qu'elle était muette, il s'approcha un peu plus et murmura de nouveau le prénom de Lisaria. ❤️ Fanart et Fanfiction ❤️ OC : Shane ( magnifique sims de mon amie Ambre Baker) et Lisaria ( ma OC) #fanart🎨 #fanfiction #watercolour #aquarela #aquarell #aquarelle #crayondecouleur #feutres #illustration #ts4fanart #ts4 #ts4story #characterdesign #ocs #originalcharacter #traditionaldrawing #drawing #draw #artsagram #arts #artistoninstagram #artwork #romance #couple #amoureux #amour https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw-NVjJneno/?igshid=139kjdyqfdv8i
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