#advs timeline: 2005
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koushirouizumi · 2 years ago
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs O.C. Shane [...and some other 02 O.C.s]
Sometime before the initial "battle" with a strong enemy involving their friend, O.C. Shane is Drifting in Digital Limbo when...: GoldVmon: Oh, wow! There's another HUMAN here! SHANE: SHANE'S MON: GoldVmon: Wow, I thought I was truly a goner! Hey, you two, do you know how I can get back to my Partner?? Her name is "Hikaru"-- S H A N E: SHANE: YOU know Hikaru?? (I knew she had a 'Mon similar to this but I didn't see him up close...) *You're* her Par--?? GoldVmon interrupting: YUP!! But I can't talk now, there's a SUPER HUGE FIGHT going on and I NEED to GET BACK There *before* Hikaru gets hurt--!! SHANE, LOOKING at Shane's Mon: (DO SOMETHING) SHANE'S MON: I said before, this is akin to "Limbo", even if Not Quite... SHANE: (UGH) GoldVmon: ...Huh?? We can't get back from here--? Wait, how do YOU know Hikaru--? (*BLINK*) Wait. GoldVmon: (*BLINKING*) NO WAY S H A N E: GoldVmon: SHANE?!?? Shane: (He finally 'recognized' me.) {Somewhat...} GoldVmon: Huh?? Shane? But we last saw you way back at Hikaru's old place before she moved to Odaiba!! And you were... (*looks Shane up & down*) Not like THIS then?? (I didn't actually get to Talk to Shane much, and me and SilVmon only really noticed him *near the end*, but!!) SHANE, FLOATING IN PLACE: Shane: ... Uhhh, a lot of Things happened. Shane: (He doesn't Know I Was part 'Digital' That Time, Too, And I Was Just Posing *As If I Was* Physical because I wanted to Mess With "Daisuke" A Little.) Shane: Anyway, how did YOU Get... here...?? GoldVmon: ..Uhhhh, I kinda got deleted, I think--?? SHANE & SHANE'S MON: Shane: You got KILLED?? By who?!?? GoldVmon: It doesn't matter, he didn't mean it! He's Hikaru's friend on our team, but it wasn't his fault--!! (*attempting in vain to Explain while Heated & Genuinely Emotional*) SHANE: ... ... ("HE"??) Shane's Mon: (Another boy Hikaru knows, hmm...) SHANE, Glowering: . .I'm gonna--- GoldVmon, realizing mistake in Telling: Wait, no!! Shane's Mon: You're going to 'what', Exactly? You're completely Digital yourself right now, with absolutely no (major) control over your own movements except "drift forward" (continuously) or "backward" (unexpectedly) and "pause while floating in place". S H A N E: ...You don't have to be THAT Specific... GoldVmon, Confuse: ...What happened to YOU, anyway?! We thought your group was *back at* Hikaru's old place! Shane: (How Do I Explain I Vanished Years Prior---) Shane's Mon: (This is going to Take a While.) SHANE: (...) (Wait.) S H A N E: (If *THIS ONE* is Here, and got KILLED, actually Killed then that means *I*---???) Shane's Mon: (A long, long while...)
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digitalgate02 · 1 year ago
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The UPDATED (OG) Adventure universe’s Partnership double year math count
Updated Digimon Adventure OG Timeline’s Partnership Math Count List 
Not particularly spoilers from the movie, just stuff stated by the official timeline from the pre-release stream for the movie in Japan (Oct 26)
Early 80s - Oikawa Yukio & Hida Hiroki make the first contact with the Digital World, befriend Pipimon (no partnerships)
1995 - Hikari and Taichi find a Koromon egg* (no partnerships)
1996 - 2 (Rui; someone else gets a digimon later in that year*)
1997 - 4 (Menoa)
1998 - 8 (Possibly the previous 5 mentioned from Adv’99 anime/novels)
1999 - 16 (Adv Eight, Meiko*)
2000 - 32 (Ken*)
2001 - 64 (Michael)
2002 - 128 (Daisuke, Miyako, Iori)
2003 - 256
2004 - 512
2005 - 1,024
2006 - 2,048
2007 - 4,096
2008 - 8,192
2009 - 16,384
2010 - 32,768
2011 - 65,536
2012 - 131,072
2013 - 262,144
2014 - 524,288
2015 - 1.048,576
2016 - 2.097,152
2017 - 4.194,304
2018 - 8.388,608
2019 - 16.777,216
2020 - 33.554,432
2021 - 67.108,864
2022 - 134.217,728
2023 - 268.435,456
2024 - 536.870,912
2025 - 1.073.741,824
2026 - 2.147.483,648
2027 -  4.294.967,296
2028 (02 Epilogue) - 8.589.934,592
↓ Original notes + "Why there's still no retcon of the lore" below ↓
First, the OG notes from the outdated post:
→ This count is not about “which was the very first digimon-human contact”, and yes about people with a digivice. Because if we were going to count who was the first human to have contact with a digimon, it’s actually two and they’re Oikawa Yukio and Iori’s dad, Hida Hiroki.
→ I’m ignoring all the inconsistencies with other material (WS & ▽) because they seem to not match well with the original count. So, in this case, Ken’s statement in the anime (Aug 2000) is the one to be accounted for here. I don’t know if Ryo counts as Chosen (possibly yes, judging by 02 flashbacks) but I’m not sure where to place him here.
→ I’m only adding Michael to the count, even if he’s not a main character and yes a side character, because 02 ep 14 had this statement regarding him. And I like Michael too so, let me have him there :V
→ Menoa states in the movie she met Morphomon when she was nine, and according to the Dash X novel version, she’s the same age as Taichi. Which means she became a Chosen in 1997.
→ I couldn’t think of how to include Maki & Daigo’s group in this because ▽ contradicts with the original lore’s math – The fact the Pt4 book released with the movie on Japanese theaters state them being in Elementary School the time they went to their adventure in the DW, and later the confession scene means they’re in University/College makes them possibly been Chosen Children way before 1995, and I’d take it granted that they were chosen by someone else IF weren’t for the Homeostasis being involved in the scene and the digivice being way too modern for that time (it was basically Taichi group’s model. If you look at Rui’s digivice in the leaked footage from DigiFes2022, his model seems to be different and an older version)
→ That said, Meiko is the only character in ▽ that does not fall into contradiction with the math count. Because in 1999 there was not only Taichi’s group, but also other 8 non-featured Chosen according to Kakudou’s notes. So we can consider Meiko one of those other 8 children.
→ When it comes to Wallace, I prefer to think he is game in the original math – Taichi and Hikari met that Koromon in 95, but they had no digivice until 1999. Which means it can be possible that Wallace had encountered Gummy-Choco’s egg before 1995 and only became an official Chosen Child later.
Now, the new notes:
→ To avoid spoiling any detail about the movie itself, I’ll make sure to tell you they might have changed how the math works only. It’s not like, “everyone gets a digimon at the same time” but rather… “A X number of people get partnered with a digimon in different periods of a year” – Which means yes, you can still count Rui and Ukkomon as the origins of the Digimon partnership, but that later in the same year someone else (or, say, Wallace in the main timeline) got a partner months later.
→ That said, I’m opting to update this list and work within the idea that various sources of partnership (Homeostasis, Holy Beasts, etc) can be counted in the math. Remember – Homeostasis (not referred to as this in the OG series but yes in the novels) had selected Taichi & co., but the Holy Beasts chose Dai-Miya-Iori. And some other entity probably chose Ken in August 2000. This could explain why there’s a higher number of partnerships happening at the same time in Adv’99 and 02.
→ As I mentioned before, and indirectly supported by the staff (check the official timeline at the top of the list), ▽ has violated the lore to the point it goes in direct conflict with the new 02 movie and the entire timeline. So I guess it’s better to consider ▽ as its own timeline/Alternate universe than forcing it into the main timeline.
→ That said, and since Meiko does exist in Kizuna/main timeline, I suppose Maki and Daigo also do exist, and maybe they got their “ages” retconned and down to something suitable to the universe’s math count. They can still be part of the previous five kids mentioned in Adv’99 anime/novels, but they are probably around their teen years, or even early 20s instead, not fully adults working for the government I suppose. Or alternatively, just not Chosen yet. Pick your favorite route, Maki/Daigo fans!!
→ Yes, the Koromon from the very first movie IS NOT THE SAME PARTNERED WITH TAICHI. This never was confirmed, and was just fandom's theory. Considering how ▽ also made this mistake and possibly was one of the lore's violation, I prefer to believe this means it's not the same Koromon/Agumon partnered with Taichi in Adv'99.
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digimonadventurezero · 5 months ago
Not sure how many people are still following this blog, or rather who's still interested on those headcanons + ideas i had in the past...
But Rui's existence goes against ▽ events and i'd like to clarify that i don't think it's a TOTAL RETCON like a ton of people are either celebrating or complaining.
I'd like to give you my own "solution" to keep Maki and Daigo + their group existing in the timeline.
First, the frustrating part about working with ▽ events and them is that there's no information about their respective ages, and we saw them in Uni as well. A friend of mine pointed this out as the biggest problem to use ▽ as it is. You either pick it or 02TB. My research about the said backstory scenes in pt4 led me to discover that... those scenes also are hard to know when they take place.
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Not even the ref sheets has a single age or grad to get an approximated age for them, or when those scenes took place. They only state that those two designs are from "Elementary School" and "University" -- but the Elementary grades are not even here!? Unlike the Adv'99 & 02 kids' profiles in their respective series, which listed at least their school grades so you could know they're around their 10s.
But we know the original lore from Adv'99 + 02 -- there were other groups before Taichi & Daisuke's. One of them were depicted in Adv'99 anime and novel -- a group of five kids, and four of them got their partners evolved into the Holy Beasts (according to the Adv'99 novel). This is also used in ▽ pt4, at least. They changed a few details alas, but my point is... Until here it's everything OKAY, right?
The problem starts with the Uni scene and them being Data Bureau agents in 2005. It could mean they're way older than Taichi -- including Rui (who's a leap baby from 1992!) and this would get in conflict with their own Digi-Adventure flashbacks. Many people believed they weren't from the 90s but before the 90s because of that. You could then think they had no relation to the math lore or something, but then the presence of Homeostasis in that cold-opening for pt4 and the digivice model makes things EVEN WORSE to work with.
But like i said, i love both Maki-Daigo and Rui so i want them to co-exist. Hence why i'm believing in a partial retcon in terms of those two's ages. And it's quite recently that we all got more info about the math lore, and more confusing statements in the end...
Anyway, my solution is:
Maki-Daigo's group is indeed the quintet mentioned in Adv'99 & Novels. They were around Adv!Taichi's age when they went to the DW but possibly the other three in the group were either 2 or 3 years older. Maybe they're like the 02 kids, and weren't chosen exactly in the same year? Possibly the oldies were the other 3 who got mons alongside Menoa (she's the same age as Taichi and got her mon in 97), But Daigo and Maki got their mons in 98, alongside other 7 people...? And their Adventure was indeed in 1998.
Daigo's love confession scene has no calendars or anything to point the year he had confessed his love for her, besides being SNOWING outside -- so it's probably Winter. They're said to be Uni students, so my conclusion is...
... That the Data Bureau possibly recruited them around that time, and they're not even in their 30s in ▽? They might be even 19 years old, and only got high roles in the Data Bureau because of their title as Chosen Children and connection with Homeo + Gennai.
They aren't the first ones, but actually they might be the first group of kids who went to the DW instead.
This is my own solution for the problem. Again, I'd prefer to believe in a soft retcon or changes from the events -- in which said events in the timeline weren't presented as it is to us. Therefore i'd prefer to believe my awful people OTP is still alive and they can meet my sad potato someday.
I'd like to simple just retcon their ages from 1998 adventure and make them be 13-14 years old there, so then you could have them be in their twenties when they were recruited by the Data Bureau...
Anyway, i understand when some peeps say they can't make ▽ work with Adv'99/02/Kizuna/02TB as it was presented to the audience, because it's a hard task orz
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koushirouizumi · 2 years ago
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 [...and some O.C.s]
Inter-national O.C. Chosen Shane, some night after having been 'revived' from being partly 'Digital', finally having gotten back on their feet but is now... trying to figure out how to sleep: ... SHANE on the other side of Daisuke + Ken in the bed: ... DAISUKE: ... (Is pretty much dead asleep) KEN: ... (Is sleeping Calmly) SHANE, AWAKE: (... This is Awkward.) DAISUKE & KEN: ... (Snoozing. For a long while.) SHANE Lying Awake: (Ugh) DAISUKE, SUDDENLY FLOPPING TO LAND WITH A LEG HALF IN FRONT OF SHANE'S FACE: SHANE: SHANE: (I'll wake you up myself if I have to.) DAISUKE: ... SHANE, Nudging Daisuke's leg: (...Or I'll just move you.) Daisuke, Is Moved: Shane, starting to get up from the bed: (Maybe I'll just... sit out in the living area for a while.) The next morning, Daisuke wakes up & doesn't automatically see Shane: Huh??? SHANE, was awake playing one of the games they're always playing all night: What. DAISUKE: DAISUKE: ... (I kept Shane up.) DAISUKE: Uhhh... you can have... the bed.... Shane: ... Thanks. (Quickly disappears into room.) Ken: (At least you didn't cling to Shane in your sleep.) DAISUKE, GROANING: (I still feel bad though!!) SHANE, continues to sleep during the early-middle part of the day regardless of What Goes On During Each Following Night: (My sleep schedule will never be fixed, but I didn't expect it to be.) Ken: (Honestly, I'm surprised Shane lasted that long, but at least I'm *used to* Daisuke's tossing and ... clinging.) DAISUKE: (KENNNNN---)
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digitalgate02 · 1 month ago
BTW, regarding this post re: the digivices in that Beyond crowdfunding art -- I'd like to point out that 02TB did not mean they couldn't make the digivices ever again, but that they weren't more needed to form bonds with a digimon and a human partner.
The movie puts a whole emphasis that at some point of the timeline, the digivices gained this role to mean you're a Chosen Child with a digimon partner, when the actual role they played was to be a tool and assist the human partner to raise their digimon.
yes, like the Crests. And we all know what happens in Adventure episode 53 & 54, right?? -- The kids realize that the power of the Crests were always inside themselves. So the tags only existed with the purpose to guide them to achieve that power by themselves.
If you remember well... Taichi and Hikari in the very first movie of the franchise had no digivices when they had contact with a Botamon who evolved into Koromon and then Agumon and once more to Greymon. Yes, there was like NO DIGIVICE depicted or mentioned before. The math count starts indeed with Rui because he had a digivice when he met Ukkomon for the first time.
⚠ I'd ask for pardon for the tri. fans, but while I don't believe in a legit complete retcon, I do believe the OVA staff misinterpreted the lore -- The "first" Five Chosen depicted in Adv'99 last episodes and also briefly mentioned in the novels cannot be the origins of the Chosen Children or else the whole digi-partnership math rule would make no sense. To explain it, let's just point out that the math rule must start with ONE individual in 1996 and then the year by year that number will DOUBLE. If you had like, FIVE kids at the start, the doubling math per year will also go out of the control -- and thus the Epilogue (2028) would have, like... 5 times the actual number (which is already 8.589.934,592 Chosen Children around the world, so this number times 5 would be... 42.949.672,960 people partnered in the world, i think?). However, i'd like to believe they're the Chosen Children from 1998 and they are the first human group to go to the Digital World. Therefore if there's a change in order to keep Maki and Daigo as part of the main lore, they are not in high positions as the Data Bureau or too older in 2005. And I'd like to prefer to ignore pt5 & pt6 because I don't like their deaths sorry, they're important to me... 😭
ANYWAY, i'd prefer to believe the digivices in Beyond are figurative. Perhaps in the same shape as Adv'99 ep 53-54 showed the Crest like this to rep the power inside their hearts:
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And it would've been cool if every time the Chosen had to evolve their partners, something like this but in the shape of a digivice could appear in their hands or chest idk...
I'd prefer to believe the digivices are now the smartphones... They're so cool gdi...!!
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look at how cool those are!! Can we PLEASE keep them...
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digitalgate02 · 5 years ago
Epilogue Celebration Day EIGHT & NINE: Adulthood & Coexistence
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I could just link y’all to K’s post about Adulthood which is one of the most accurate and beautiful things I’ve read regarding this prompt, but I think Adulthood is linked to Coexistence to me.
In a world where both humans and digimons live together, all stages and phases from both evolve into another level. 
I’ve adopted in some old & recent fanworks the words equivalent to the digimon: digimonity (= humanity) , digimonkind (= humankind) , digimon (= people or person) and digimons (= humans) -- there may exist canon words, but if you know some canon term that’s not the “digimon plural is digimon” info (and I take that as in “people” equivalent btw) let me know in the replies (or send me an ask!!)
So, how to talk about Adulthood and the Coexistence between humans and digimons? Well, this is a bit complicated and will potentially include 02, tri. and even Kizuna spoilers. I don’t mind spoiling 02 & tri. (everyone here probably finished both) but Kizuna is the only material yet to be released worldwide and honestly I’m using the Novel for this post. And yes, the novel is said to be the entire movie plus scenes not included in.
I will be breaking the text into three parts:
Digital World had been contacted way before 1999 events.
According to Adv1999 finale and 02, Taichi’s group WEREN’T the first to get in touch with the Digimon & Digital World. According to this (outdated) timeline for Adv-verse events, the very first children to get in touch was Oikawa Yukio and Hida Hiroki (AKA Iori’s father) in somewhere in the 1980s. In somewhere in the 1990s, Nishijima Daigo and Himekawa Maki, together with other three (unknown) kids had been summoned by the Digital World gods to fight the evil forces.
Yukio and Hiroki where the very first ones. The very very first concept of Chosen Children began with them. However, they never had been in the Digital World before. Sadly, Hiroki died before he could even see Yukio’s creations. Somehow I believe Yukio made Arukenimon and Mummymon to be his and Hiroki’s partners. Probably Yukio would’ve used Hiroki’s DNA if his friend had been alive/survived. These two are important to understand the origins of the partnership between humans and digimons.
Now, with Maki and Daigo’s group we know that the Digital World successfully dragged human children into their world. The space-time of both worlds weren’t synced with each other, so I assume this group of children’s disappearance hadn’t worried their families, relatives & teachers. They were the first official Chosen Children, the ones with a physical contact to that world and its inhabitants. More than that, these five built a bond with those creatures and the Digital World entities learned about the power of said bonds. Those bonds could been transformed into energy to leap through time and advance the digimon forms into higher levels. But Maki’s fate was that she lost her partner while the other four’s partners became the known Holy Beasts protecting the Digitial World for years until them being sealed by the Dark Masters.
Also, in somewhere in the 1990s we had Wallace getting a digiegg from the internet, and Menoa probably gotten one as well. They are, probably, part of the second wave of Chosen Children, but never part of a team OR taken part into battles. They also never had been in the Digital World before as I presume.
MORE CHILDREN had been chosen between the 1990s to 2002, 2005 and 2010 till 2027
Actually, I remember a tweet/info from Kakudou (the director of Adv1999 & 02) that the number of the Chosen Children had been multiplying year by year. So, we start with the very “proto-Chosen” Yukio & Hiroki, then we get the official quintet from somewhere in the 1990s, then Wallace, Menoa and maybe another unknown children, then Taichi’s group & Meiko (more unknown children) in 1999, then Ken & Michael and other kids around the world in 2000-2001, to reach Daisuke, Miyako, Iori and the Dark Seed kids in 2002. 
The Chosen Children Network is not a thing created by Kizuna, mind you. 02 material had been implying about a secret network Taichi and the other seven had been using to communicate with other Chosen. This said network is mentioned in anime, and in CD Drama (nor verbally, but implied in Hikari’s track from Original Stories ~Spring 2003~) that tri. and Kizuna quite of kept taking advantage of this -- Kizuna much more than tri. imo.
This network is the very very step on the word “Coexistence” to me. They’re a secret organization at this point, but on the epilogue the digimon and people walk together.
After adults starting to get digimon partners -- starting with Oikawa, then to Jun, Momoe, Chizuru and Shin -- it was clear the Digital World wanted so much to not just rely on children. 
This network is a potential career/job Miyako could gladly take: be running a big social media, to publish information about digimon, partners and etc.
Ok Ni, how is Adulthood linked to Coexisting?  You’re luck because we’re talking about it next:
Adulthood in a world with digimon is different from our reality
Yes, it is. When you have digimon popping out since children’s birth (we can assume it because... Miyako’s newborn has a Leafmon in scene) you can think it’s just like Pokemon world, everything works in harmony. Except, jobs like Ken’s, Iori’s and Taichi’s still exist in this “Utopian world” to debunk the idea of peaceful world.
Our beloved children, now as adults and parents, have new issues to deal with. They’re seeing the life with another perspective -- the perspective of their parents/families. They care about their children, they get worried if they get caught in a battle. They’re the kind to completely ditch whatever they’re doing to go rescue their babies from the danger.
They have the stressful days and nights. They have new struggles and drama. They’re experienced all good and bad of being an adult.
If you add the normal adulthood to a world where digimon are living in the same place as you, you can see the good and the bad of it. But, having a digimon is always good. They’re like the humans in heart and soul. They’re part of life too! They’re NOT pets but they’re pretty sure the counterpart of each human partner.
And the digimon also have to deal with their own problems, having to adapt to a world with humankind around, going back and forth from one world to another.
Crime still exists, bad people and digimon too. But these Twelve plus more and more Chosen around the world fight to combat it. They teach the kids how to take care of the digimon, to avoid the same mistakes from the past -- to prevent more Yukios, Makis, Menoas and Kens.
Life is beautiful, but hard.
And here we end the post. Thanks for coming to my DIGI-TED Talk.
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koushirouizumi · 4 years ago
REPEATVERSE Standalone: Ten
Title: Ten Type: Fanfiction / Shortfic / Not-quite Drabble Wordcount: 502 words Genre: Angst {maybe with an outcome aiming towards better but} Characters/Pairing: Taishiro [Taichi x Koushiro] {implied/referenced} [from Koushiro’s side]; Koushiro & Daisuke friendship Verse(s): Post-Advs/02 (can also be post-Tri/Kizuna) Rating: PG-15ish / it’s s.f.w, but {implied/psuedo} injuries are referenced, heed warnings please Notes: some Specific Headcanons are heavily implied technically part of REPEAT?_Verse, ( ficverse version here ); - it can be read as a standalone fic - it can be read as an AU and/or spinoff of the main REPEATVerse; - or as its own standalone AU/spinoff Summary: “...Can you turn around and--- - it's April 2004. (..Or is it April 2003? Spring 2003?) - at the end of Spring 2003, something else astonishing occurred: Daisuke's sister Jun, the Inoue sisters, & Shuu Kido all became Chosen at once. - an incident, (occured, and then) ---
"I'll help, so we, you, can get out of here !!---"
“They {Won’t come}”
... TAICHI-SENPAI's GOGGLES ( ... Are probably absolutely unfitting for Koushiro Izumi, but .... )
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... the shadowy, empty cave Seems to spread out for miles ... He opens ... his EYES " ... KOUSHIRO ?!?? " --- is --- collappsed --- before him -- " O-Oi, Koushiro, wake up!!--- " He's about to rush over to the fallen boy, WHEN --- he FREEZES --- -- in the distance ... in the distance, suddenly, a very very VERY-BAD-FEELING --- ... He stands, wincing, but, ATTEMPTING, ... spreads his arms out as wide as possible, --- SQUARES HIMSELF --- as if to " SHIELD " the other {against an UNKNOWN enemy} ... " Koushiro , " -- He tries to whisper it -- slightly louder, more HARSHLY, --- " KOUSHIRO --- " " U-Ugh.... " ...Koushiro's awake ?!?? ...Yeah, Koushiro's definitely STIRRING, BUT--- " DAISUKE...-kun...?? " " KOUSHIRO, I think we gotta RUN, " " ... or at least, MOVE , " " there seems to be ' SOMETHING ' pressing -- in, over THERE ---- " Koushiro makes a strangled kind of noise --- ... DAISUKE turns to look at him now --- in SURPRISE. " ... Koushiro, we HAVE TO---!! " " ... " ... it's only now ... he ... realizes ... KOUSHIRO'S SHIRT ... around his waist ... is matted ... with blood ... Koushiro's legs, too ---- ... completely banged up {... on top of the scarred past injuries that he already had} ... Koushiro won't be able to run ... " NO!!! " Daisuke abandons his defensive stance, RUSHES OVER --- " Koushiro, no, you CAN'T DIE on me here " " TAICHI-SENPAI will KILL ME !!! " " Hell, IORI WOULD MURDER ME --- " " I WOULD ----- " ( never forgive --- ) ... Koushiro ... opens his eyes ... gives Daisuke ... a weak smile ... clutching at the INJURY at his waist. ... where there had PREVIOUSLY already BEEN past wounds. No ... the Digimon ... the others ... where are they ? " KEN --------------- !!!!! " " V-MON --------------- !!!!! " " TAICHI-SENPAI --------------- !!!!! " ... it's a futile effort " ... they WON'T COME , " Koushiro chokes it out, quietly ... that feeling ... It’s getting ... SO MUCH WORSE " KOUSHIRO, come ON --- " --- Daisuke has moved --- ran to Koushiro --- tries to pull Koushiro's arms --- around Daisuke's own neck -- " I’LL HELP, so we, YOU, can get out of here !! --- " ... He's already moved a very slight, short distance, pulling Koushiro along with him --- ... but ... it's futile, right ? ... " ...Daisuke-kun " ... " I(t)... " ( hurts ) ... Daisuke winces ... slowly stops ... lets Koushiro off as gently ... as possible ... Koushiro haphazardly ... lies in a heap, ... gazing up ... at him [ "Take them" ] [ ... a pair ] [ ... of TAICHI-SENPAI's ----- ] [ the kind that can {SEE} DISTORTIONS ] [ ... Daisuke reaches for the goggles with SHAKING HANDS ... simultaneously tries to ... PUSH THEM AWAY ----- ] " WAIT " ... he gets an IDEA ... instead suddenly moves ... off his head, ... YANKS them off --- " YOU " " KOUSHIRO, YOU --- " " TAKE THESE ---- " ... Koushiro ... gazes up at him ---- ... Daisuke moves ... as carefully as he possibly can (albeit clumsily), ... fixes them ... onto Koushiro's own head ... TAICHI-SENPAI's GOGGLES ( ... Are probably absolutely unfitting for Koushiro Izumi, but .... ) ... Koushiro gives him ... an extremely ... gentle ... smile ... " DAISUKE-KUN " , ( " You are LIKE TAICHI " ) ( " You are DIFFERENT from Taichi, but ALSO, ‘LIKE’ --- " ) " THANK YOU , " ... it's said ... informally ... " Can you " ... " turn around " ... " and " ... " COUNT TO " " TEN " " ? " ( YAMATO-SAN, awkwardly stammering, as he talks to MOTOMIYA JUN ---- ) ( " Can you turn around and count to TEN ? " ) ... MOTOMIYA DAISUKE ... shakily ... turns around ... " One " R ... " Two " E ... " T-three --- " P [ KOUSHIRO’S FINGER SWAYS, swiftly --- ] " FOUR " E " Five " A " SIX " T " seven " ? " ei---ggght , " _ " NINE " N/Y_ " T E N " * _Y * [ DAISUKE isn't sure if he gets the chance to TURN AROUND ] [ KOUSHIRO isn't sure if HE ----- ] [ DAISUKE clenches a hand ] [ towards his head, trying to, if they're STILL THERE, FEEL ---- ] * [ " Daisuke-kun , " " ... you're kind " ] * . . . .
Notes: - it’s not quite a Bad End but it’s not exactly the best outcome either - I originally got ideas from the initial previews for Bokura no Mirai - obviously none of those happened - if it’s not obvious enough, Koushiro is basically writing a quick program to warp and Rewrite the Digital Worlds’ coding. He moves so fast/swiftly because he’s already been through numerous timelines by this point, and is either a) subconsciously aware or b) not subconsciously, but hyper-aware {depending on which ‘verse/spinoff scenarios this scene Repeats within} - thus yeah these are psuedo-deaths [non permanent]; they don’t literally die {at least Koushiro himself definitely doesn’t in this scene} - look I’m sorry but if Koushiro fell from such a height, at such a speed, into the kind of place like Taichi fell into {it’s uh kind of replaced with maybe a certain Dark Cave here except 02-style; see: Chapter 11, City}, he’d be banged up too - Koushiro may be skilled by this point but he can’t stop everything - Koushiros’ true aim is to solve the {alternative/timeline splits?} mystery that they’ve possibly got thrown into, so he has a ways to go still; along the way, he’s coming to terms mentally with his own situation while bearing the weight of it all - this bit attempts to explain the canonical timeline gap between Spring 2003 [02 drama CD] ~ April 2005 [Tri start; Saikai] - I really miss my old website / 02 fic and really just want to write Daisuke {02 fav} helping Koushiro during a high stakes moment and them both acknowledging each other[s’/strengths] in turn - I meant to post this a long time ago but {well} Yup
- for the Good End “closest to the latter” see Chapter 22; Adopted - for the best outcome of the AUs verses & most others; Chapter 33: Summertime - for the Good End post-02 AUs, Chapter 24: Scars
- In the end this bit is more of a series of AU ideas that weren’t really supposed to happen in the main timeline of the fic, but I do like to think at least some version of Koushiro came across Daisuke at some point; {especially if we’re counting in my old ficverse} [Koushiro was a major player in a similar timeloops-esque / past lives situation there too, if slightly different back then]
- this fic is not meant to “reverse” or “rewrite” tri actually, thanks. {nor is it meant to ‘rewrite’ or ‘scrap’ Tri!Koushiro or 02!Daisuke} [nor is it meant to ‘improve on their situations’ or retcon the tri ending] (it’s fine to read my stuff if you just didn’t care for tri but if you actively hate Tri!Koushiro you probably won’t like my stuff involving Tri!Koushiro. sorry)
- regardless it’s my own AUs of AUs so yeah they’re just AU spinoffs
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