#oc: ghilana lavellan
bloodrevel · 5 days
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this still hits just as hard all these years later 🥺
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youeggbastard · 3 months
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Replaying DAI and trying to remember how to draw 🥲👍
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mittos · 2 years
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If you wondered where I’ve been, I’ve been binging dragon age and I am now onto the trespassers DLC
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wyvernscales · 3 years
So Elara wears a chatelaine to easily access her essentials. The belt hook and pin itself is of Dalish make, its design featuring twisting vines reminiscent of Sylaise and made of Ironbark. It was given to her after she received her Vallaslin as a way to celebrate her adulthood. It only had a few chains on it at first, but as time progressed, she’s acquired more from human silversmiths. 
She’s kept various items on it, but she mainly keeps a pair of scissors for harvesting herbs, a spool of thread in an acorn case for tying herbs in bundles, a pencil, notebook, pendant containing a lock of her daughter’s hair, match holder, and two keys; one for the library in Skyhold’s basement and another for Brielle’s room by the main gate. The designs and metals are jumbled and mismatched, but it serves its function well.
When her Ghilana was small(er), she used to play with it all the time, the shiny tinking metal endlessly fascinating to her. As such, Elara has been looking for the perfect materials to craft one for her when she comes of age.
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sapphodera · 4 years
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No one asked for it but here is my Inquisitor’s family tree! Details/explanation under the cut
Talen looks much younger than Hallana because he died at 30ish and Hallana is 50ish
Talen looks much younger than Hallana because he died at 30ish and Hallana is 50ish
The siblings are ordered from youngest (Ghilana) to oldest (Dirthera)
Elori was conceived the night before the final battle with Corypheus, making her about 1 and a half years old by Tresspasser
(Also depending on the events of DA4 I might retcon Elori)
Ghilana and Somniar are both married, but I didn’t include their spouses bc neither of them have children and then this whole thing would be too complicated
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kita-lavellan · 4 years
BTV OC Question Time June-July Answers
A Catalogue of my Answers for the May-June Beyond The Veil OC Ask’s.
Original Post can be found HERE
As a child, who did you character want to be when they grew up?
Describe your character through the eyes of someone who dislikes them.
Does your character believe in 'Love at First Sight'?
Does your character have a particular skill that they excel at?
Does your character have any recurring dreams or nightmares?
Does your character prefer shoes, boots, cloth wraps or being barefoot?
How does your character feel about spiders?
How easy is it to earn your character's trust? How easy is it to lose their trust?
How well can your character swim? Do they enjoy it?
If your character could change one thing about themselves, what would they change and why?
If your character was a deity, what would they be a god/dess of?
Is your character left or right handed? What does your their handwriting look like?
Tell me about the first time your character had to kill someone, or saw someone die, and how that affected them?
Tell me something that is guaranteed to make your character smile?
Tell me three small and insignificant things about your characters personality.
Under what circumstances would you character appear naked in public?
What does your character do and/or think about when they can't fall asleep at night?
What gets your character flustered?
What is the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
What is the most important lesson that your character has learned?
What is your character's favourite location?
What is your character's pain tolerance like? Are they able to close their eyes and block it out, or do they fall to pieces? Does this reaction vary depending on whether it's physical or emotional pain?
What is your characters and their Love Interest's favourite activity to do together? (Other than sex)
What is your characters idea of a perfect date?
What was the first *big* fight between your character and their Love Interest?
What was your character told to stop or start doing most often as a child?
What would your character consider to be a 'perfect' kiss?
Who is the "Big Spoon" in the relationship?
Who was the last person your character held hands with?
Would your character successfully be able to take care of a pet?
Dealer's Choice; Pick your favourite question that no one has asked you yet, and answer it for me!
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tevivinter · 5 years
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I was playing around with the CC today and decided to make Marel’s sister! Her name is Ghilana and I imagine her as a companion for the Inquisition. She also romances Solas.
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harelan · 5 years
💋💘💜 for matilda !!
thank u taylah!!!!!!!
asks for ocs and their partners
💋 who is the best kisser?
probably solas. matilda is both inexperienced and sort of timid when it comes to intimate... stuff. whereas solas is in all probability Very experienced and also desperate. 
💘 what do they love most about their partner? what do their partner love most about them?
love MOST????? auuuugh uh matilda loves the confidence with which he holds his convictions. he doesn’t waver when he knows he’s right or apologize for unpopular opinions, and when he’s wrong he usually admits it pretty freely. she’s the same way so she really respects that
solas loves the genuine kindness and respect with which she treats just about everyone. aside from people who have caused real human suffering, even those who would otherwise hurt or dehumanize her, she still approaches without hostility. 
💜 give a random fact about their daily life together!
they constantly disappear together, to the point where it’s annoying or frustrating for everyone else. yes they do it while in the field, too. ESPECIALLY while in the field. they go on little exploration adventures for hours, sometimes overnight, once or twice even multiple days. yes, finding ruins to dream in, but also just to meet people and see glorious sunsets. 
if solas had his own way he’d spend the rest of his life doing that with her :)
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selkiesoup · 6 years
So I just learned that you can run multiple play-throughs at the same time wow i know so... yeah, I’ve been making a lot of new Inquisitors entirely elves
Here they are!
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Ellana Lavellan. 29. First to Keeper Deshanna. Knight Enchanter. Former wife of Mahanon Lavellan, who died at the Conclave, and mother of Fendis, who died as a young boy. Later, wife of Cullen Stanton Rutherford. Forever banished from the Clan for her marriage to a shemlen. Sarcastic piece of shit. Besties with Bull, Vivienne and Varric, though she has a soft spot for Blackwall and Sera. Originally from one of the Rivaini clans on mainland Rivain but at the Arlathvhen was sent to join Clan Lavellan at the age of thirteen due to their shortage of mages.
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Theneras Lavellan. 29. Hunter and blacksmith of Clan Lavellan. Twin brother of Ellana. Bisexual disaster who is far too mischievous for his own good. In love with a certain Tevinter mage, who actively disliked him for a while due to his insatiable flirting with Cassandra. Created a close knit group of idiots with Sera, Bull, Varric and Dorian. Joined his sister in banishment from Clan Lavellan, as although the Clan adored him, he too fell in love with a shemlen.
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Ghilana Lavellan. 36. One of Clan Lavellan’s best hunters, known for keeping the peace when the Clan bumped into hostile shemlen. Altogether a diplomatic and inquisitive soul, many of her Clan were surprised when she chose to dedicate her studies and Vallaslin to Dirthamen, the God of Trickery and Secrets, which she maintains was down to her love of gaining knowledge through less than legal means, such as stealing manuscripts from shemlen libraries. Originally a city elf from Starkhaven, Ghilana joined the clan as a young girl when her parents fled the alienage to escape poverty and the executioner’s axe after her father took the blame for her stealing. Loves eggs, even if they take her vallaslin, leave her heart and then amputate her arm. Close with Solas obviously, Vivienne, Josephine and Cassandra, even if they do have their spats over their differing worldviews, though doesn’t get along well with Sera, Bull or Varric, finding them too untrustworthy. 
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egobarri · 7 years
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Ghilana Lavellan
My last inquisitor from Dragon Age: Inquisition. Ghilena means “to guide” in Dalish elvish✨
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bloodrevel · 12 days
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Replaying DAI with my beloved Ghilana Lavellan (2024 edition) <3
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the-jade-goblin · 7 years
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I made a mood board for my Inquisitors!
Want one like this for your Inquisitors? It’s easy and free! I’m feeling creative and I’d love to make you all your own mood boards too! 
All you need to do, is send me good screenshots of your Inquisitors! Either by reblogging this post, or submitting them into my askbox/message and I’ll make you your very own mood board!
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FanFiction Writer Appreciation Day
i actually read very little fanfic right now because of hectic biologist life/mostly being outdoors + 90% of my “reading” happening via audiobook these days, but I did get back into Dragon Age fanworks again during quarantine/isolation times this spring! so just wanted to highlight the things i’ve been reading, and the writers who’ve created them, for fanfiction writer appreciation day :) Here they are in no particular order besides how I found them in my reblogs/many open tabs. 
Chapter works!
1. Till We From Winter Wake by @asaara-writes​: FenHawke, DA2: Hawke and Fenris are unexpectedly pulled into a Fairytale setting thanks to a mysterius book brought home from the Black Emporium. They must figure out what’s going on to find each other and the way back out. I adore fairytale settings, and I definitely loved this (I may be biased as I also prompted it, but it’s also the truth!). It features mystery, ballroom dancing, delectably unsettling body horror, dramatic fights in the garden, and moments of whirlwind romance between the pair.
2.  Loki by @littleblue-eyedbird​: Solavellan modern AU, Lavellan owns a kitten named Loki who causes mischief by repeatedly sneaking out to steal her neighbor Solas’ boxers... luckily this pushes the pair into interacting more and more. Super cute, super sweet, and super nice to cuddle up and read while you’re pretending the rest of the world doesn’t exist. I don’t really read much fluff but this is one I’m excited to see another chapter of!
3. A Lesson in Drowning by @theherocomplex: FenHawke, DA2. Something terrible is happening in Kirkwall, and something or someone is seeking Hawke out to warn her about it--or are they trying to kill her? This fic is full of secrets, intrigue, unreality, and drama, and Hawke’s descent into maybe madness (or maybe something much more sinister) is enthralling to witness. It’s also given me an entirely new perspective on Orsino that I love. 
4. The Respite Hollow (or, The Ice Was Cold and So Were Their Hearts Until They Fell in Love) by @loquaciousquark​: Fenhawke modern AU, Hawke and Fenris are both competitive figure skaters, and chance (or fate) pushes them together as a pairs partner. This fic is cute, dramatic, and suspenseful all in turn. Covers the confrontation with a modern-era Danarius who you will hate just as much as his cannon in-game counterpart. I have adored watching figure skating since I was a child (even though I failed out of my own lessons, and had to swap to the more brute-force sport of hockey instead) and this fic captures the same magic atmosphere as being in a freshly-zambonied ice rink.
5. Tread Softly by @hauntedfalcon​: FenHawke, post DAI Here Lies the Abyss. I’m now and forever an absolute sucker for Hawke-in (and falling out of)-the-Fade content. The pair (and other DA2 friends) take island life and sailing around the seas of Seheron to fun new heights as they get back to their fun former pastimes of killing slavers/freeing slaves. I always love to read depictions of the Fog Warriors, and was delighted to find a fic in which they more heavily feature. 
6. By Any Other Name and Sulevin Ghilana Hanin by @lesbianarcana​: Fenris x OC, post-DA2 and during the DAI timeline. These two fics are in the same universe, and fun because they feature Asher’s DAI companion OC, Nyssa, as well as canon-established characters. The first story is from Fenris’ perspective after the events of DA2, as he leaves Kirkwall to try to solve the alarming problem of his lyrium-tattoo induced powers no longer functioning correctly. The second is from Nyssa’s perspective as zie joins the Inquisition to help defeat Corypheus--but zie has more to hir backstory/motivations than you’d assume. Having an OC thrown into the mix gives some fun fresh perspectives on the Inquisition gang, and Asher is also doing an AMAZING comic adaptation of By Any Other Name as well!
Short fic! I love one-shots, ficlets, drabbles, and short things that don’t endanger bedtime or mean I have to get off my phone and onto the computer to read. Here’s some highlights!
1. Free by @nug-juggler​: FenHawke, DA2. Hawke dies during the encounter with Danarius. Fenris reacts. Y’all know I love to s u f f e r 
2. solivagants by @roseategales​: Solavellan, DAI. A wonderful tiny exploration of their relationship dynamic that is both painful and true.  
3. alpenglow by @morriqan​: Solavellan, DAI. a cute, steamy, and humorous morning. I couldn’t stop from smiling during this one.
4. Lost by @nug-juggler​: FenHawke, post-DA2. Back to wonderful angst!!! Fenris POV, and he is having trouble remembering exactly what went down in Kirkwall... and exactly how old their kids are. 
5. i. reality // ii. rise and fall by @littleblue-eyedbird​: Solavellan, post-DAI. a very short pair of wonderfully heartbreaking prose, full of that anger/desperation/ longing/regret that this pairing is perfect for.
6. Dulces Sueños, Cariño by @saraheliza95​: Zevran x Surana, DAO: ohoho it’s the ~massage~ scene for this pair, and Zevran is just as sultry as you could desire. 
7. First by @nug-juggler: FenHawke, DA2. Fenris’ first (and second, and third, and) kiss, plus the ever-enjoyable FenHawke bantering that must precede it.
Thank you to all the above writers for making this spring/summer a little more bearable <3 
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diagk · 4 years
Some of my old writing;
Somehow, I'm excited and mildly surprised by how much I enjoy re-reading those Solas and Lavellan stories and others: #solavellan: 
Follow your heart  Ma vhenan ma ghilana.
Solavellan fanfic with a twist featuring Triss Lavellan and Solas.
Chapter One 
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Short stories. Long stories. Prompts. Featuring some of my Inquisitors. Also Solas. Enjoy!
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“Surrender”;  “A Kiss”;  and “Decision” featuring my OCs: namely a Dalish mage Loriel Lavellan and a human Dominic Trevelyan.   
Dominic ‘Dom’ Trevelyan is the Inquisitor. Loriel Lavellan is a Dalish Keeper who joined the Inquisition as one of the ‘close circle’. He is infatuated with her and yet she seems ‘too Dalish’ to act on her feelings. Solas is there to help. A definite canon divergence. 
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Unexpected. AU fanfic featuring Solas/Dread Wolf. (NSFW)
After the Trespasser events, Solas walks through the eluvian only to find himself thrown into the modern-time England. Year 2016. Yup. That’s it.
Short stories, usually written following the rule: ‘I come up with the plot as I go’.
Vhenan. (post Trespasser) She meets Solas in her dream. Is he real?  
Solas asks: Do you find me attractive? Well..
^ Lavellan asks: Do you find me attractive, Solas?  Kind of a follow up.
Eager. Lavellan and Solas are not getting on too well.
Ar lath ma vhenan - a poem of sort.
Inquisitor’s cousin. Ellana is the Inquisitor. Her cousin, Naheema Lavellan, comes to visit Skyhold. She’s been here for the last three months.
Secret admirer. Written for Valentine’s Day.
Secret Valentine. (aka ‘Be careful what you wish for’.)
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wyvernscales · 3 years
Modern Elara would unironically own “live, laugh, love” decor and modern Ghilana and Brielle would absolutely slander her on TikTok for it
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sapphodera · 4 years
Basics: 2, 3,5. Appearance: 4. Personality: 2, 3, 4, 8. Background: 1, 4, 5. Relationships: 1, 4. Fun facts: 4, 10 for the lavellan sisters?
Tysm for asking!! I’m so sorry it took me so long to get to, I’ve been a bit busy this week. ❤️
Basics 2: This is such a perfect question! Dirthera means “to tell tales,” Ghilana means “to guide,” and Somniar means “to dream,” in ancient elven. (Thank you wiki!) Each of their names fits their personalities: Dirthera is the Keeper’s first, and must tell the tales of history and keep it alive. Ghilana is soldier/guardian, and “guides”/cares for her clan. And Somniar is a dreamer, always aspiring to do great things.
Ba. 3: Dirthera is often called “Thera,” and on occasion Ghilana will be called “Ghil” and Somniar “Som.”
Ba. 5: Somniar’s birthday is the 25th of Haring. I don’t have the others birthday’s figured out quite yet.
Appearance 4: Somniar prefers not to be noticed, so most of the time she is trying to make herself (intentionally or not) hidden. Dirthera is more outward in her observation, and wants people to pay attention to her when she has something to say. Ghilana, meanwhile, does whatever she pleases and will not hesitate to strike up a conversation.
Personality 2: Doing the test for all three of them would take a while, so let’s just say Ghilana is an extrovert that’s up for anything, Somniar is an introvert who prefers to listen rather than speak, and Dirthera is an ambivert who always has something to say/ask.
Per. 3: Dirthera likes to do the regular keeper activities like reading, storytelling, and teaching. She also likes to study whatever elven artifact Somniar can bring her. Somniar also likes to read (but she prefers fiction over textbooks); ride her halla, climb trees, explore Skyhold, hunt, and practice archery. Ghilana usually spends her time practicing her technique on training dummies, caring for the halla, and getting drinks in the Herald’s Rest.
Per. 4: Ghilana is bad at taking things seriously and adjusting to non-Dalish society. Dirthera has difficulty with being less overprotective of her sisters and is a bit of a control freak. Somniar has some self-esteem issues and has trouble letting go.
Per. 8: Their parents raised them well, so they’re (mostly) well-mannered. However, Somniar and Ghilana have trouble restraining themselves around people they hate (templars, Orlesians, etc) and it takes longer for Ghilana to adjust to the norms of non-Dalish society.
Background 1: They all grew up in the Sabre clan, where they enjoyed relatively happy childhoods. However, their father died when they were children, and Somniar’s lover was killed when she was a teen. Then they eventually had to leave the Sabre clan and join clan Lavellan when the rest of the clan turned on Merrill.
Bkgrd. 4: Somniar, of course, is the Inquisitor with the mark on her palm. Her sisters join the Inquisiton with her, where they both take up companion-like roles. Dirthera also becomes a researcher for the Inquisiton, and Ghilana spends some time as a footsoldier.
Bkgrd. 5: They all live in Skyhold. Somniar has the Inquisitor’s quarters, which she decorated to her liking (removing the chantry symbols, adding Dalish furniture, etc.) Ghilana has a room in the Tavern, yet she sleeps just about anywhere. Pre-breakup, Dirthera spends her time in the rotunda with Solas.
Relationships 1: Ghilana’s friends are Sera and Bull, and Dirthera finds herself enjoying the company of Dorian, Solas, and Cole the most. At first Somniar is friends with only Leliana, Josephine, Varric, and Blackwall; but later she becomes friends with Vivienne, Dorian, and Sera as well.
Rltnshps. 4: The sisters trust only their clan at first, but eventually they come to trust the Inquisiton too. Ghilana looks up to father, even though she was too young to remember him. The stories she hears about him inspire her. Dirthera looked up to Marethari, wanting to follow in her footsteps as keeper, until she realized how horribly she was treating Merrill. Somniar admires Warden Mahariel, who she knew before she became a warden. She always dreamed of one day becoming a hero for the elven people, like she did.
Fun Facts 4: Dirthera collects knowledge, Ghilana collects bottles, and Somniar collects arrowheads.
Fun Facts 10: I’m sorry, but I’ve got nothing. For some reason they’re very hard for me to find songs for.
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