#i reuploaded it because it looked blurry
Screwed up
Paring:atsumu X chubby!housewife!reader
Warnings:just angst
Summary: reader prepares something special for atsumu since his loss at a Volleyball tournament. Hurtful words are said making it all fall apart.
An// sooooo I accidentally deleted my entire tumblr soooooo I’m reuploading stories <3 and some I have to write entirely!
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It took all week to make these plans but everything came out just perfect. Having tidied the house and set up a nice dinner in front of the tv for when your husband comes home.
Truthfully it has been a hard couple of days for him since he's been training nonstop since losing a championship game so you wanted to do something to get him to relax.
Putting face mask and a tray of sliced cucumbers on a little portable tray on one side of the couch alongside some of his favorite snacks and putting out his favorite movies in a row. You lay a two matching blankets on the arms of the couch as you knew he would probably want to take a nap during the movie. As if on cue, the sound of the front door's locks click open as finishing up putting  his favorite takeout on some plastic plates so you both wouldn't have to bother with dishes. Smiling at the set up as chest rises with pride mixed with excitement to see his reaction.
Nearly hopping to stand in front of him, "how was your day baby?" You ask frowning inwardly seeing his eye bags wanting to kiss them away from drooping shoulders.
"It was ok, hard as always." He says tiredly.
You hum in agreement, " well I got something to fix that, my love! I set up your favorite food, I got snacks, and face mask because I know your pores have been struggling with all the sweat and heat from running around a hot gym —, are you listening?"
" uh,yeah. That sounds great,(y/n) but I was hoping to just enjoy your cooking and take a hot bath and go to bed to start my days off." He rubs his eyes making you tap your toes with anticipation so he could see the set up you made.
"Well actually I got takeout! It's your fa-" you were cut off by the sound of him clicking his tongue against his teeth.
"Takeout? You couldn't have cooked or something? God knows you don't do anything else in this house! I'm the one keeping a roof over our heads."
There's a song in your heart and you start to fidget with your fingers, " I know,baby! That's why I got it and set it up in front the tv so we could watch some movies together and spend time with eachother!"
He rolls his eyes," I see you everyday in the same house and spend hours with you before and after I go train, isn't that enough? I just want to be alone for Christ sake. Two minutes! Is that hard to ask for?"
"No, baby but I-I just wanted to watch a movie together because-"
"Then just watch it yourself, I'm going to get in the bath and go to bed." He brushes past you and you feel your world break your eyesight gets blurry and you can't stop playing with your fingers looking down at your at feet in the same position that you were in.
Breathing gets heavy as you try to hold back your emotions rushing to your shared bedroom to get some pajamas and your phone before going into a spare room and cuddling up to a pillow and with the covers trying to muffle your whimpering cries and hiccups.
The tub gets drained of water as Atsumu miya wraps a towel around his waist and one to dry his hair as he walks into the bedroom he shares with you, " hey sweets, you know where my shorts are at?" The towel blocking his vision he shoots it into the dirty clothes hamper in the corner waiting for a response but in return getting nothing.
He looked over to the bed and didn't see your figure there and he started to remember how he snapped at you. Feeling a tug at his heart. He had quickly dressed himself walking into the living room where the tv screen had emitted a light on the couch and he slowly walks up behind it as to not disturb you, "lovely? I'm sorry about earlier I didn't mean to snap at ya'. You don't deserve that especially wit ya' not being the cause of me losing that match." He's met with nothing but silence, " how 'bout we watch that movie you were talkin' about earlier, hm? " still nothing, "baby girl? (Y/n)?" He turns on the light and peeks over at the couch to see not you but empty cushions and the set up you had made.
He dug Through snack bucket you had made and nothing but his favorites aside from a little bit of yours was contained in it along with the mini facial station you had prepped with all your tools and sliced cucumbers that you knew he loved the feeling on his eyes. His gaze goes to the the table that does indeed has his #1 takeout spot. He grabs the little white blank card that was placed between it.
' I know you've been having a hard week 'tsumu because of the game last week so I made you a small relaxation date for for a king!  I love you, and remember you'll always be my favorite champion.' It ended with a a heart drawn in blue ink and a kiss from you.
It made him sigh as he runs his hands through his hair and throws his head back.
"I really fucked up...bad,"a sudden intrusion made him jump up, "but where is she? She wouldn't just leave,right?" He rushes back into the bedroom to grab his phone. He sees none of your stuff missing and the coat you always wear is still hanging up in the closet , "It's fucking freezin' out there she going to get a cold." He unlocks the phone and calls your cell while simultaneously trying to shove his feet in his shoes before he hears the ringtone you had placed for him.
He sighs in relief and follows the sound before coming face to face a shut door. As the song ceased he could hear your hoarse cries and he wants to punch himself even more for making you into that much of a mess. He knocks on the door. He could hear it get your attention as the cries becomes even softer, "(y/n?) I'm so sorry baby." He tries to open the door but you had locked it making him press his forehead against the cold brown wood, "just open the door and we could talk, ok?" He says gently.
"No Atsumu. I just want to be left alone." Your rejection makes him frown.
He tries to twist and turn the door knob again as if it would magically open for the 3rd or 4th time he tried, "c'mon (y/n), I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled! We can watch that movie you wanted,ok? I'll cuddle you up all nice and cozy on the couch." He bargains.
"Go watch it yourself, Atsumu! I just don't wanna be around you right now." You shot back.
He lets go of the door knobs as his heart sours at the same words he used towards you, "ok, baby. I'm right out here if you need anything, alright?" He places his hand against the door for a solid minute before pulling it away and dragging his feet over to the couch.
He grabs a pillow and fluffs it up before laying on it covering up with his blanket you had put out that you had sprayed perfume on making him cuddle up to it more as it helped him believe it was you along with your matching blanket close to his chest to get the feeling that it was you all snuggled up to his chest like every other night. except it didn't. It only makies it hard for him to sleep without your comforting warmth heating up his body on the cold nights with your feet entangled together as he gently kisses your forehead letting your bodies sink into the plushness of the mattress you had picked out. No Atsumu miya was stuck with only the warmth of a blanket instead of a spouse and the only love he could see was on some tv drama you we're watching before he had come home. Best to say he didn't sleep until late that night.
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khoipyan · 2 years
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how many photos would he have of you? (REMASTERED)
how many photos would octavinelle have of their s/o?
warnings; none, also this isn’t meant to be seen in a creepy way! it’s actually meant to be romantic and cute! reader is also implied shorter than floyd in his part, but there's no actual description of HOW MUCH shorter you are in height.
notes; you can tell how much i love writing for these fish men omg. also this is a rewritten and reuploaded fic that i previously wrote on my deactivated acc! same general idea, but i want to put it back up for people who want to read something similar again.
notes2; *cutely searches up synonyms for photos..* anyways this won’t be worded the EXACT same as my precious one, but the general idea will! thanks for the support btw, 3 days and already 26 followers?! 😭 ily guys /p
notes3; i feel like this one was longer than the original one bc i added some stuff... but it's all generally the same idea ok have fun reading
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azul ashengrotto
okay. unfortunately, he’s not going to put photos of you publicly like in the vip room in mostro lounge.
he’s not embarrassed of you! he just doesn’t find the need to display you everywhere (as much as he wants to).
however, he’ll definitely have a small photo or two of you in his wallet. one of the photos is just you, and the other one would be a photo of him AND you.
(my definition: he gets to carry you around like a pocket chibi in his wallet /j)
can't really see the guy having pics of you plastered all over his walls, if somebody walked in and saw that he would absolutely DIE (which is why he can't do that).
but on his nightstand beside his bed, he'll have a small framed photo of you. azul always wishes you a goodnight everytime he heads to bed, wishing that both you and him have the sweetest of dreams.
he may or may not give you a goodnight kiss... but you didn't get this info from me.
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jade leech
i can't really see him as the type of guy who takes many photos. he's more of the, "spend time together for memories" instead of "take photos for memories" type.
however, if you want him to take more portraits of you, he won't exactly be opposed. after all, he does enjoy making you happy (as well as having memories that he can actually look back at)
jade probably does have a photo of you in his wallet, but the problem is that it's probably hidden behind several cards and receipts, so he'd likely never get the chance to even see the photo while opening his wallet.
but what he DOES have a framed photo of you on the wall. it's not tremendously large, but it's average sized. of course, framed with silver and pearls as decoration. you deserve to look beautiful on his wall!
but that's it.
hey, you guys should have a photo of each other so you can be matching...
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floyd leech
has 3 to 5 photos of you on his wall just above his desk (they're fairly small). that's it!
just joking, this is floyd we're talking about. do you really think he wouldn't take so many photos?
they're ALL on his phone, and he has a LOT too. from the extremely blurry ones from his chasing you, to the really good quality ones, you name it! they're all entirely in his gallery.
he likes specifically taking photos from the top angle (you know how you hold your camera above your head and look at it?) because it makes you look much shorter than him. you could even be 1 centimeter shorter and he'll still take those photos just to emphasize how small you are to him.
refuses to delete any of the bad shots if it includes you in it (unless you're the one asking him to). what do you mean he doesn't need 24 blurry photos of you running away from him?
anyways, he has the most photographs out of the trio. simply because he takes away too many photos, needed or not.
friendly reminder to not let him steal your phone or else you'll have 56 photos of him goofing around by the time you get it back.
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— due to be edited at anytime —
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bee-paints-n-dances · 5 months
tw for bullying and harassment in my artist statement
i finished my piece. my phone messed up the proportions on the piece because apple hates me. i promise it looks better irl. sorry if it’s all super blurry. once again, apple hates me. and so does my school wifi. i might reupload it when i get home.
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happypopcornprincess · 3 months
Call It What You Want || Chapter 4
Note: The story is set somewhere in 2018, pre covid, before Yei won the world champion. A lot of Oyei, Yak and Cher's backstory has been my own creation. Also some new characters are also purely fictional.
Please do not repost or reupload this story as your own.
Series Masterlist
Qualifying match, Bangkok
Sitting on the wooden bench of the locker rooms behind the boxing ring, Yei could hear the shouts and hollers from the lockers, the smell of worn rubber in the air. Yei looked through the railing above the lockers to see the arena being filled with audience, and still people were swarming in numbers.
This was it. The qualifying match that would decide his fate – a gateway to the tournament or disappointment. If he can’t win this, then the entire campaign run by Cher and his friends will go to waste. His dream of becoming the world champion will go to waste.
Yei felt too hot all of a sudden, his palms grew slick with nervous sweat, the water bottle in his hand suddenly an unwelcome weight.. He took a seat on the bench, feeling uneasy, tried to drink water but he felt like throwing up. He got up to pace around but his vision became blurry, and the screams from outside felt too loud. He sat down again, but that did nothing to his racing heart, fear slowly creeping inside, panic gnawing at his chest.
"P'Yei." Cher's voice cut through the haze. Yei couldn't bring himself to meet his gaze, his eyes glued to the chipped floor tiles. "Cher..." he croaked, his voice hoarse. This wasn't him. He couldn't let Cher see him crumble.
Yei felt a hand on his shoulder, and he looked up to see Cher now kneeling in front of him. 
Yei looked up, meeting Cher's concerned gaze as he knelt before him. "Cher," Yei rasped, his voice heavy. "I can't... I can't fight." Shame burned in his throat.
Cher didn't respond with words. Instead, he gently grasped Yei's hand, placing it over his own heart. The steady rhythm beneath Yei's palm was a stark contrast to the frantic drumming in his chest. "P'Yei, you need to breathe," Cher said, his voice calm and firm.
“I… I can’t” Yai gasped, he tried to focus on the rhythmic beat of Cher's heart, mimicking its slow, steady cadence. Tears welled in his eyes, blurring his vision with the tears streaming down his face.
Cher held his face in his hands, wiping away the tears, his voice gentle, “Yei, look at me. You need to breathe.”
Yei looked into Cher’s eyes. They were filled with concern but his gaze didn’t waver as he softly spoke, “breathe with me, okay?” and he took a deep breath.
Yei tried to, his hands could feel Cher’s heartbeat through his shirt. He took a deep breath as his hands remained on his chest, rising with every breath.
"What if I lose?" Yei whispered, his voice barely audible.
Cher remained silent for a moment, his eyes searching Yei's. Then, a smile broke across his face. "You won't," he said, "Because you're not just fighting for yourself out there, Phi. You're fighting for everyone who's ever believed in you. Yak, Earth, your friends, your students – they're all out there, waiting for you to knock your opponent out. Because they believe in you." he looks him in the eyes, and places his hand right above his heart, “I believe in you.”
A spark ignited in Yei's eyes. He pictured Yak's hopeful face, his friends cheering from the stands.
“I guess I’ll have to win this match then.” He declared.
Cher grinned, “Yes.” he breathed out.
Yei realized at that moment his hand still rested on Cher's chest. He hastily withdrew his hand, the sudden movement breaking the intimate connection. A faint blush crept up his neck as he cleared his throat, the sound oddly loud in the tense silence.
Cher, unfazed, simply offered him a reassuring smile. "Come on, P'Yei," he said, extending his hand.
Yei took his hand, “Let’s do this.”
Championship Finals, Bangkok
Welcome to the Boxing world championships final! Hope you all are ready for it! We are moments away from the main event, and the crowd is buzzing with anticipation. The title of World Champion and the prize of 50,000 baht is on the line… and awaits the winner.
In the blue corner we have, the challenger, the dashing, all the way from India, Ajay Sharma!
In the red corner we have, the powerful,  the undefeated champion of Bangkok, our hometown hero… Oyei Phadetseuk! This is his moment, his chance to etch his name in boxing history.
The opening bell! Both fighters touch gloves, and the match has begun. Feeling each other out, cautious jabs are being exchanged. Ajay is swift, Oyei hasn’t landed a punch yet and OH! Ajay lands the first punch right on the jaw! Oyei looks shaken but he has taken control!
Oyei's movement is sharp, now staying just out of reach from his opponent. The crowd is in a frenzy cheering for their favorites! Tensions are rising!
Ajay is starting to turn up the heat! A flurry of punches, but Oyei weathers the storm with a phenomenal block! This kid is unstoppable! It’s been a rough start for him but he’s found his foot.
Oyei’s throwing punches! His team by the stands encourages him at every turn, Ajay’s a master at defense, he’s going for… Holy shit Oyei’s jabbed Ajay with a front hook and he’s off his feet! Referee waiting for the tap out but…he’s back on his feet and Halftime!
And we are back for Round two! 
The player’s are back in the ring after this short break and Oh! Oyei is starting to find his rhythm! A jab, a right cross, and Ajay’s is wobbly! This fight could be turning on its head! A shift in Ajay’s momentum and… The crowd is on their feet! Oyei’s unleashing relentless punches! The referee is taking a close look at the pair and the stands are on their feet!
This is it folks! Oyei throws a left hook with everything he's got, and it LANDS! Ajay goes down hard! He's out cold! This is unbelievable! The referee’s on the mat! He waits for Ajay to tap out And HE DOESN’T!
The new boxing world champion of the world... Oyei Phadetseuk!!! 
The hometown hero has done it! The crowd is going ballistic! This is a night the boxing world won't forget! Oyei’s overcome with emotion, he’s celebrating with his team! He's achieved his dream, and with it the dream of hundreds of Thai fans around the world! The roar of the crowd is deafening! 
What a performance! What a night!
Cher couldn’t stop smiling. He had clicked so many pictures tonight that his phone storage was almost full - Oyei winning the championship belt on the ring, the absolute chaos of Earth and his friends lifting him on their shoulders, Yak with tears streaming down his face hugging his brother, already dreaming to become the next world champion, and Oyei going round the stands as his fans showered him with confetti and flowers.
His phone was blowing up with calls from his mom, Ice, Lita, and his friends. Business cards, gifts, and prize money piled up in his hands, all thanks to Yei's newfound success. It would take days to sift through everything, formulate a plan to approach offers, and navigate the newfound business landscape. But for now, he let the wave of victory wash over him.
Just a few hours later, the entire team had migrated to their local bar, drowning their sorrows – well, mostly celebrating Yei's victory. Cher strayed away from the drinks, knowing someone needed to maintain a composure to get these people out when the time comes. A weight lifted from his chest as he watched Yei, his face alight with joy, surrounded by laughter, hugs, and well-deserved praise from his friends and students.
It was way past midnight and the bar owner had already given them two warnings to empty the bar. Cher, with Yak's somewhat-sober assistance, wrangled the team into two taxis. He bargained with the drivers, throwing in a few extra money to ensure they wouldn't take any unnecessary detours.
That left Yak, Yai and Cher.
They tag-teamed Yei, dragging his drunken form back to their house. After a comical struggle, they managed to get him onto his bed and Cher steered Yak towards his room.
“P’Cher!” Yak slurred, his eyes squinted, “It’s getting late, stay over tonight.”
Cher looked at the clock and 3 AM glared back at him. He agreed to settle down on the living room sofa and bid goodnight to Yak.
Cher walked to Yai’s room to grab a pillow, and he found Yei perched on the edge of his bed, bathed in the cool moonlight streaming through the open window.
“I thought you would be asleep.” Cher asked him as he took a seat next to him, following his gaze to find the full moon in the night sky, glowing white.
“Just looking at the moon.” Yei laughs, his voice slightly slurred but gentle. "My ma used to tell me a story about it."
Yei sighed, “She would tell me this story when I was younger; of the moon princess falling in love with the sun prince, but they could never be together because they ruled two different realms. So, every dawn, the moon waited for the sun to rise, so she could look at it and go back to her domain, and every dusk, the sun set a bit late, so the moon would appear and he could look at his lover.”
“It’s a sad story.” Cher murmured.
“I think it’s bittersweet.” Yei let out a deep sigh, “they know they could never be together, and still love each other.”
“Hmm.” Cher agrees, thinking about the story in a different perspective.
Cher found himself lost in thought, the story mirroring his own unspoken feelings. He harbored a secret affection for Yei, a flicker of warmth that had grown steadily over time. But the revelation of Yei's sexuality, the raw vulnerability he witnessed earlier, had thrown him off balance.
They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, taking in the cool night air, their gazes fixed on the luminous moon in the night sky.
Yei leaned back, a lopsided grin gracing his lips. "The moon is really pretty tonight," he said, his voice tinged with sleepiness.
"It is," Cher agreed, his gaze lingering on Yei's face. The moonlight and the dim lights of the night lamp highlight the softness in Yei's features that he hadn't noticed before.
“You’re pretty too.” Yak mumbled as he looked at Cher, “you’re really pretty.”
Cher froze.
Is this a dream? Is he drunk? No, that can’t be right. He didn’t drink at all. This is definitely a dream.
"You're drunk, P'Yei," he said, forcing a laugh.
“I know.” a sleepy smile playing on Yei’s lips, “I could never say this sober but…” his voice trailed off, a giggle escaping him, “You're kind… and funny… and so… so smart! Honestly, I wouldn't be here without you. You're the first person who's ever seen through all the walls I built around myself. I... I think I like you Cher.”
Cher breathed out, looking away from him as he heard the words, unable to believe that the man he had probably secretly liked ever since he set foot inside the once broken warehouse actually liked him back. 
“I…” he had only begun to confess, but he found Yei sprawled back on the bed, his words hanging in the air.
The moon was shining bright, the night sky adorned with countless stars, casting an ethereal beauty on the man sitting next to him. His hair was a charming mess, a soft smile played on his lips that made him lose his breath in the first place. Yei had told him that – how much he cherished their bond, how he saved him, how he was the kindest soul, and how he craved his touch every night.
Yei woke up with a start. He sat bolt upright, the sudden movement sending a throbbing pain through his skull. His vision blurred, the hazy memories of last night's demanding payback. The sudden motion gave him a violent whiplash, his vision going white.
Goddamn how much did I drink last night?
Last night. Bar. Moonlight. Cher.
He gasped out loud, grabbing his head in his hands.
It wasn’t a dream. He did it, his sorry ass actually got drunk enough to confess to Cher that he liked him. How uncomfortable must it have been for Cher? He'd probably be disgusted, maybe even hurt. Yei pictured Cher's usually kind eyes filled with disappointment, and a wave of nausea washed over him. This was a catastrophe.
He scrambled off the bed, searching frantically for his phone. He had to apologize, explain the drunken state of his confession. But as his gaze fell on the nightstand, a different kind of panic flared - something that made his entire body hot, and sent his heart racing with his jaw on the floor.
A single note, written in familiar handwriting - the one he'd come to know so well over countless notes and training schedules.
right next to his phone, written in the handwriting he had seen countless times.
I like you too- C <3
For the first time that morning, a genuine smile stretched across Yei's face. He didn't have the answers yet, but one thing was certain – things wouldn't be the same.
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Taglist - @seoulmates98 @randomia-in-wonderland @fandomforever369 @nitorem
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More Thai BL Fanfics
Tangled Fates: The Sign Series Fanfic A Phaya x Tharn fic about their past life as Sapuna and Wansarut.
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dippiin-dops · 3 months
Where Bruno wishes Narancia could've enjoyed a better life
Something short I wrote at about 1.755 words. I don't know how well platonic things like this do here, but someone might like it at least 👍👍
(Apologies if you're seeing this twice, I had to reupload because I deleted the original by mistake when I tried fixing a reblog </3)
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From his point on the balcony, as the wind swept though him and through his hair, the people below moved like he were watching a movie. From where he stood at the top, he could see everyone; he could see the small group of kids running in zigzagged lines like petals pulled along the wind, and the couple trailing behind them, and he could see that the couple’s matching rings glittered beneath the sun. And, with his head in his hands, Bruno could see how peaceful they all looked.
A little ways off, in the park, a high-school-aged boy sat on a picnic bench reading a book. A much younger boy from the playground ran to greet him, carrying a flower plucked from the public garden. The older boy laughed, and said something, and the younger boy shook his head then ran quickly back to the flowerbed he plucked the flower from and left it there again.
A girl in similar age to the older boy leans on a separate picnic table, hesitating to sit, and looks around the park. She holds an ice cream cone in her hand, but neglects it, and the green scoop at the top begins to drip onto her blouse.
Days like these, where the smell of the sea hangs over towns around the coast like a fatherly embrace, were the hardest days of Summer. Nostalgia and melancholy would poison the air like a gas, and infect all of Bruno's foods with memories of his mother’s cooking. His father cooked too, eventually, but it never tasted the same-- though, even the meals his mother offered on Christmas days never tasted the same as it did before.
The sea remained with the same scent, at least. And kids that weren’t him and have yet to grow into him enjoyed it all the same without him. The sea didn’t poison everyone. Days like these weren’t hard on everyone.
A black car skitters across the open road, but falls to a stop soon after passing the balcony and backs up a moment later. Then, with similar motions of a twitching bug succumbing to a death, it aligns itself in stuttering motions against the curb. Another boy, another high-school-aged boy, opens the black door and sets foot onto the street. He doesn’t close the door behind him when he gets out. His head swivels in surveillance of his surroundings. He looks, then, and nods at Bruno on the balcony.
When Bruno got down to the street, the boy was still standing outside the car. He said; “Mista and Abbachio are with the guy right now. He’s not really the gangster-type, so Abbachio says he’ll probably spill before you get there.”
Narancia’s headband was skewed to the left today, and pushed further down his forehead then usual. Fugo would adjust it most mornings, but the mission from yesterday carried onto the next day and Fugo didn’t have the chance to see Narancia like normal.
“That’s good. I’ll ride back there with you.”
Narancia nods.
The two of them enter into the car; it hardly waits for a second to settle before sputtering down the road again at the full brunt of the speed limit.
Bruno had paid for the boy’s driver’s training a year and some months ago when he'd just turned sixteen, but Narancia maintained a tendency to push the limits of the law he was taught; it wouldn’t be too much longer until the buildings and clouds and occasional greenery would be reduced to blurry blobs of colors outside of Bruno’s window.
Suppose, though… those laws he were taught way back when, how do they differ so much from the laws Bruno would have the boy break with any given order?
“Yes, Bucciarati?” Narancia looks quickly to his passenger side.
“...No, never mind. Ignore me.”
The car hums and bumps against the rough road. As he predicted, the summer’s day scenery melts into abstract figures and hues before it dissolves altogether into blue and gray streaks at the empty freeway. Bruno rolls down his window-- just enough to let some air in –and stares out the sliver there made.
“...Say, Bucciarati, I could be just misunderstanding, but… are you okay?” Narancia nervously adjusts in his seat and the car jostles from his foot moving across the gas pedal. “You seem kind of distracted. But maybe I don’t know. I dunno.”
Something so odd was in his nervousness. No, he was never really the anxious kind of kid, nor the type to be so careful about things like emotion. Even when Bruno met him as the trembling orphan, struck by disease and ridden by abandonment, he declared his fragile future with all the resolution of a politician announcing their campaign. As if it was something to be proud of.
But it was true enough that there was something odd in the way Bruno was acting-- he recognized it too, that odd sense of melancholy nostalgia and, perhaps, guilt that’s so unusual to him.
“Do you ever wish you took a different path?”
“…In what?” Narancia looked something maybe a little bit more then nervous now.
“Do you wish you never joined Passione?”
Narancia’s grip on the steering wheel visibly tightens; his knuckles turned white from the pressure. His voice stayed firm, also, like it did the first time he spoke about joining Bruno. He said; “Never.. not once. It was the best thing I’ve ever done. But… I don’t really understand. Are you mad about that again?”
Those first few minutes when Narancia joined, Bruno really was mad. He was mad before he even knew what the kid was doing there, sitting at Libeccio next to Fugo-- like he just knew, somehow. But when he saw that Passione badge, tiny piece of gray lint stuck to the pin, he grabbed Narancia’s arm and dragged him out to the back of the restaurant. Bruno yelled by the trash cans for minutes, saying things he can’t precisely recall now about mistakes and stupid decisions.
Narancia just stood there for all of it, waiting for a chance to speak. When he got it, he said Polpol gave him a stand, and he’s just as capable as anyone else is now. He called out his stand like it was something that’d make Bruno happy, but seeing Aerosmith for the first time was the worst memory of that day-- it was a grave for the future Bruno had hoped for Narancia. It was like seeing a corpse of a loved one at a morgue. You’d hate to say it, but you know that face; you know that loved one is dead. So it doesn’t really matter if you say it.
Bruno calmed down, and walked back inside with his newest subordinate. He introduced him properly to Fugo, although they had already spoken together. Bruno never really verbally brought up the situation again.
“I’m not mad anymore. You’ve made your decision and are just as much of a mafioso as anyone else here.” Really, that was all there is to it. He knew that. Narancia was his subordinate now, and complaining won’t change it. “I’m… no, I’m just curious, is all.”
“...I never once regretted it.”
Maybe faster then he could realize what he was doing, Bruno spoke again; “I wished, when I took you to the hospital after we met… I wanted you to enjoy the rest of your childhood. You were so small then, but I was relieved by how strong you were anyways. You should’ve been able to spend nice days like this at the park, Narancia.”
The air from the crack in the window has made its stay obvious in the car; cooler, most namely, but adjoined with that familiar smell.
“I tried hard… really hard, to do what you told me then. Like I always do. I really mean it.” His voice might’ve trembled in saying so, but the white noise of the car made it hard to tell. “I just couldn’t… I didn’t… my own father, even…”
A silence hung over the car again for longer then it was welcome. It was Bruno’s own hesitance, his own turn to speak, but he was appalled by the effect of his own words that would make Narancia relive a decision he’s already made so long ago. He had no right to question it in the first place, and even less of a right to admonish it as such without so much as a careful thought.
“I’m sorry, that was inappropriate of me to say.” His eyes were closed and his voice settled weird in his throat. “I don’t have any right to speak to you in that way as your superior.”
The car went on for a little ways more but it got there to the empty warehouse in the time it normally takes to get there. When the car was parked, Narancia said; “I guess that maybe means you see it differently… but, I know this was the best life I could’ve possibly had. I see you, kind of like... a he-- hmm... well, you mean more to me then just about anyone I knew before. You and Fugo and Abbachio and Mista. Maybe you think I still deserve more, but I’m the happiest I’ve ever been helping you.”
“I know that, Narancia. I don’t doubt it. That reason should’ve been good enough; I shouldn’t have said anything.”
The car turned off and Narancia stepped out into the entrance of the warehouse.
In a moment, less then a minute but more then a few seconds, Bruno will follow and they’ll meet up with the group and head up to inside the warehouse and, speaking around a probably bloodied body, they’ll talk about intel and risks and plans. The inside will be dark, because the lights don’t work there anymore and there’s only a few candles. It’s better that it’s darker, so there’s never anymore then a few candles.
It’s not good to beat a man senseless and scar him in all ways for life, but an order is an order and the man is a talkative witness to things he shouldn’t have seen. They’ll make sure his wife and son won’t be, and if it all works out everyone’s lives will continue. It sucks, but no one can change circumstance. Getting the best outcome is all anyone could hope for.
Bruno steps out of the car, and nears to the entrance of the warehouse. Narancia is just a little bit in front of him now, so that Bruno can see; when Narancia arrives arm’s reach within Fugo, pale hands go up to adjust an orange headband.
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scandisim · 2 years
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💫 BOREALIS 💫 a reshade preset
Hi! Here is the release of my preset that I have been working on for quite some time - Borealis. This preset was made using Reshade 4.9.1. It's quite a bright and saturated preset with lots of warmth. I've also included several hotkeys with different effects for screenshot purposes (because ~*~aesthetics~*~). See more on those below. Here is a variety of images taken in my game that utilizes Borealis. Also this is my first ever preset so please let me know if you run into any issues so that I can try to correct it ASAP. Enjoy!
Important things to know:
This preset was made using Reshade version 4.9.1. I cannot guarantee that it'll work or look the same using other versions. You can still access version 4.9.1 here. If you do try it with other versions and it works, great!
This tutorial by xurbansimsx on installing Reshade is great.
Borealis utilizes quint_MXAO which is what adds pretty shadows to your game. It can however be quite heavy on your computer. So I added a hotkey (SHIFT + F1) to disable it if you find it makes your game slow. Make sure edge smoothing is turned off for MXAO to work properly.
Recommended lightning and world mods:
Use these if you want the exact look pictured. These are what I have in my game. This is the CAS background that I currently use. I also use K-Hippie terrain mods.
milk thistle
squea cas lightning
no glo v2
no blu v2
Hotkeys for screenshots:
ADOF (qUINT_dof.fx) - blurry background effect - SHIFT + F2
Cartoon (Cartoon.fx) - cartoon black outline effect - SHIFT + F3
FilmGrain (FilmGrain.fx) - added film grain - SHIFT + F4
Bloom (qUINT_bloom.fx) - hazy effect - SHIFT + F5
Tonemap (Tonemap.fx) - desatured effect - SHIFT + F6
Terms of use:
Feel free to edit it to your desire for personal use. But do not reupload as your own is all I ask. Using it as a base and adding minor tweaks and changes and then uploading it as your own is not OK.
Available on my Patreon (public release February 24th).
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faesystem · 2 years
(Reupload from sideblog that was not showing posts)
Diagnosises: What are they actually?
Some people truly need to understand that diagnosises are used to describe commonly occurring symptoms that exist alongside each other. One does not have a disorder because they are diagnosed with it or self diagnosed with it, they have it because they have those symptoms.
The line between those symptoms is not clear cut. Let me explain in the context of CDD systems.
OSDD is the diagnosis that is provided when someone does not meet the full criteria for DID. Whether or not someone is diagnosed with DID or OSDD or even CPTSD depends on the system, the psychologist, and a bunch of other circumstances.
The best example I have of what I mean is someone who was diagnosed with OSDD for lack of memory gaps became diagnosed with DID after finding one alter who they had amnesia with. DID is, by all accounts, the best diagnostic label for their experiences. As DID is a disorder formed in childhood, you cannot acquire it later in life*, they have always had DID and not OSDD. Even though they, for the most part, have no amnesia between alters.
I know of systems who are either fully diagnosed or self diagnosed with OSDD due to lack of memory problems who actually DO have amnesia. This is typically because of very minimal amnesia, slow switches never causing a "IDK where I am" moment so they don't recognise they don't remember much if any of the day, other memory based disorders so the pattern of worse memory between alters is unrecognised, or just one or two alters who front basically all the time so there's never a moment of switching out for the memory gaps to happen.
Same can be said for how distinct alters are. We have a couple alters with the same voice, very similar mannerisms, and despite having a lot of differences like names, pronouns, and sources, they are INCREDIBLY similar. If they were the only ones to front during testing as to whether or not we have DID, we might be given an OSDD diagnosis due to lack of distinctness between alters.
OSDD-1A is not just memory problems. There are several distinct states, they are just not as distinct as DID. Usually it is things like all associating with how the body looks, identifying as different emotions, identifying as the body at different ages. The line where that stops and DID starts is not clear. Depending on a psychologist, the same system could receive DID or OSDD or even something else.
There is a difference between research about the disorder and the diagnostic criteria. A major, major difference. The diagnostic process is not to see if you have a disorder, not really, it is to see if a disorder describes your experiences and, if so, which one does so the most accurately.
That is all to say that diagnosises and diagnostic labels are not what causes a disorder to happen. Diagnostic labels are just there to help describe a person's experiences and get them help.
(*About the age thing.
OSDD specifically is stated as a diffential diagnosis for DID. The mention of it being a differntial diagnosis focuses on OSDD-1.
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There is OSDD-2 which is the part of the diagnostic criteria that specifies identity disruption due to things like torture.
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The line between OSDD-1 and OSDD-2 are both a) not actually specified in the diagnosis and b) blurry just as with DID.
Someone cannot get DID later in life, according to research (although there is something to be said about whether or not that actually matters in the diagnostic process). With that said, if someone were to perhaps fall down a certain community rabbit hole that convinced them they could make their own system, they could potentially develop something like OSDD. That is because, in the case of OSDD specifically, there is a LOT of subtypes. Specifically a subtype entirely around having a disorder that has the core features but is not actually DID, and another subtype about coercion causing identity disruption.
And if they do not qualify for one of the other specifified diagnostic labels, there's another diagnosis (unspecified dissociative disorder) that they would be given if they had heavy dissociation (such as identity alteration) that is not better described by another disorder.)
((Reminder that me saying symptoms could meet a diagnostic criteria is not me forcing it upon you or anyone else. It is me explaining how diagnostic criterias work and that certain symptoms could meet it. I do not care if you believe your symptoms to be benign or if your psychologist/therapist does. The conversation is about people who have CDDs, not about people who do not, and therefore is not applicable to everyone who considers themselves plural. If you do not have a CDD you can interact, plural or singlet alike, but be mindful we are talking specifically about CDDs here.))
- 💙Aziraphale Xe/They/Thon
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washingtoncryptid · 3 months
Forlorn Part Two
(Reupload, I messed up something, please enjoy!)
Read the first chapter here! Also on ao3 here!
What’s the word for feeling like your falling in your dreams? Jason wondered as he fell farther than he thought possible. Where was he going? He didn’t really mind, it was peaceful. Better than the other dream. But his mind had other ideas, it was as if it knew he was happy with his dream because in a split second his dream was changing, morphing around him.
Jason was aware of this, he was always aware and lucid in his dreams. It was a curse he had obtained from a long lost friend, one he was betrayed by. Much like his dreams. He grasped for the better dream desperately, begging his thoughts not to go to the darker crevices of his mind. But it was all in vain.
And just like that he was sitting on a couch. The living room was dim and he could hear something in the dining room. Was he awake? No. No, he recognized where he was within seconds. He had always had this dream, ever since he was a teen. The same dream, over and over again. Coming back to haunt him.
The living room was a familiar one. One he had been to only a handful of times but for some reason it was etched into his mind. A single couch faced a TV above a stone fireplace. Birthday decorations streamed across the ceiling and balloons littered the floor. Memories of a boy’s thirteenth.
Who was it? He couldn’t remember but he could feel terror growing in him. But it wasn’t in here that terrified him. He felt dread coming from his body as he felt the darkness enter the room, emanating from a room next to his. He slowly looked up above the couch but he couldn’t see much. There was no physical shadow there but he felt the same dread continue to creep inside of him. He got up and slowly crossed the shaggy carpet from a time before he even was born. There, in the kitchen, was the horror that awaited him. He turned the corner and felt his knees wobble at the scene in front of him.
A body, still, lifeless and unrecognizable as any one person. It laid out across the dining room table covered with a familiar crimson liquid sat atop a viscera drenched table, the pristine white cloth stained forever already drying into a black-brown scab in places. It dripped and oozed down to the floor, down towards him. He heard a whimper but realized it had come from him too late. A darkness loomed above him and he tried to scream. A man formed stepping forth from the shadows; ancient and evil. Jason’s vision grew blurry and he felt like he was about to collapse.
This is where he would wake up in a cold sweat, alone in his room. And just like every other time he was awake in his room, darkness broken by the glow of his laptop he left running beside him on his bed. He felt a few pangs of nausea from the dream leftover. He grasped at his chest as he fought to breath properly.
Fighting it off, he laid back down in his bed. He hated his dreams. He used to smoke weed to get rid of the dreams, but after his attempt he stopped cold turkey. But right now, laying in bed afraid to close his eyes, he wanted nothing more than to smoke his worries away with weed. God he missed it. But he didn’t miss the memory gaps he blamed on it. Because those memory gaps meant only one thing with his condition and he refused to accept it.
He subconsciously rubbed his upper arm, a raised mark across it still sent pain through him every now and then. This wound was the start of all of this. Yet he couldn’t remember it. He remember leading up to it but nothing after for days. He didn’t like thinking about it, he needed to remember that that wasn’t him. Jason was him. He was Jason. He felt the rising anxiety start to calm and he let out a sigh of relief.
Why is it so hot? He wondered sitting up. Sure he usually ran hot, just a side effect of his condition. But this was ridiculous. He groaned in frustration at the temperature of his room. It was too hot in the room, it wasn’t him. Why was his fan not working? He got out of bed and pressed the button on his fan hoping for sweet relief. Only to get nothing. Fuck. Broken.
That was just great, exactly what he needed in a heatwave. He always slept with a fan on but couldn’t sleep in the middle of the day with it being over 90 and humid without one. He realized he would have to go out and buy a new one before the hardware store closed. He didn’t really want to leave but he had no choice. He needed his fan.
Brian wasn’t the first person to attempt this. He was going to be the last though. Even if it destroyed him. He was going to remove this ivy attacking his house. It had overgrown the house over the course of his life, his parents lives and half his grandparents’. Yes his grandparents had planted this monstrosity. He never understood why but he never really asked them. Damn you for this. And the other stuff too I suppose.
He began to pull at the ivy branches, his gloves too big for him so they were slipping. They only had extra large gloves and he needed medium. He swore up and down as he felt his grip loosen. He fell back against the ground, his elbows digging into dry grass. Yet he didn’t yell out in anger, he simply pushed it away and sighed getting ready to get up.
“Ivy kicking your butt?” Brian looked up to see Jason staring down at him grinning. For a second he saw his old friend come back, the real him free of his mental burdens. But then clouds moved in and blocked the sun, revealing the true look on Jason’s face. Sullen, and tired. But there was still a small amount of the soft roundness of his face that used to take it over.
The two men had known each other for about ten years and were close friends long before Jason moved in with him. He was the perfect roommate. Well sure he didn’t do the dishes sometimes and played music he considered a little inappropriate for Tyler but he always was respectful when told what to do. And despite the depression, Jason still was so kind. Brian always appreciated what Jason did for him no matter what it was. They were closer than best friends. Or so Brian hoped.
Wow...Brian felt like he was drifting away looking at Jason. Stop it. Another voice responded. And suddenly the summer air turned stale and humid, uncomfortable to sit in at any length. Suddenly he was there laying back down, face to the sky with his best friend offering him a hand up. Yeah this was his life. First the damn ivy, now this. He grabbed Jason’s hand and with some help from the ivy he was upright again.
“I’m heading to the hardware store. My fan stopped working for some reason. I noticed that Tyler was asleep on the couch so I locked up. Here’s your key.” He threw the key at Brian who barely caught them before they hit his face. “Can never be too safe.” Jason said, glancing around.
“Okay drive safe. Also while your out can you grab me some weed killer? This ivy is out of control.” Brian asked, almost pleading. He ignored the anxiety that Jason radiated. If he let it infect him it would be bad.
Jason looked at the ivy and frowned. “I don’t think they constitute as a weed, but okay.” And with that he left, trotting down to his car. Brian waved goodbye but Jason didn’t see it. Brian sighed and moved hair out of his face. His eyes followed Jason as he pulled out of the driveway and down to the main road.
Once Jason left his eye sight he turned back to the ivy and sighed. How was he going to do this? Even with the poison it may not take care of it all. But he had to try something, the ivy was eating away at his house. It wasn’t really his house but technically he owned it since the house was entrusted to his son, part of a will left by Brian’s late ex-girlfriend and the mother of Tyler. She wanted Tyler to live in this house and grow up in this town. Brian's own parents and grandparents had lived and grew up in this town but he had been raised in the big city from a young age. His grandparents had planted the ivy at this house indeed, they were landscapers for the settlers of the small growing town.
At first Brian didn’t understand what was so important about his town. But after meeting the people and learning more about his son, whom he didn’t know existed until his late ex passed on, he felt confident that Jason would fit right in. He hoped so. Brian just wanted what was best for Jason. He had watched for years as his friend struggled with loneliness, addiction and self harm. He wanted nothing but the best for him and if he could help with that he would.
He sighed and looked up at the ivy wall. The sun was blaring down on him and he honestly just wanted to go back inside and sleep. Tyler was already having a mid day nap, and there wasn’t anything stopping Brian. He looked around and sighed. He could see the plants beginning to wilt in the heat and he too felt like wilting.
I can go inside. He started walking towards the back door. Only until Jason gets back though. Unlocking the door he entered the house, letting the fan in the hallway hit him to cool him off. He sighed in relief before walking into the living room where he found his six year old son asleep on the couch with cartoons blasting. He smiled and kissed him on the head before sitting down in his chair and falling asleep almost instantly.
Rebecca was what most would say a quiet and patient woman. Plain and round features, not unattractive in the slightest. In fact she had been a popular actress in theater in her younger years. She was a wonderful lady who many knew throughout the town as always helpful. However some knew her for a different reason. They scorned her name and cursed her when she walked by, all because of Fox. And yet none of them knew him like she did. She hoped one day someone did, but for now she was all he had. Even the council rejected him. That didn’t mean they didn’t keep tabs on him though, and her.
She looked outside the kitchen window, the dark shade pulled back to allow in natural light. Fox liked it to be dark. He hated the sun light. But she loved it and wished he would get used to it and embrace it when it was out, the rare times it was out. This was a favorite by his kind for a reason. She hated the long rainy days, she was used to that from where she grew up but still didn’t mean she had to like it. But Fox seemed to enjoy the rain so much more than her and honestly that’s all she cared about.
Fox had been in her care since he was a young man, his parent’s passing when he was only eight. She had been his nanny before hand as well but after their passing she became his sole caregiver. In fact after his accident he came to live with her again. They've lived in the town for years now and she knew the rumors that flew around them. Mostly untrue.
She hoped that her card readings were true though. That the new person in town, Jason, was exactly what Fox and the town needed. She was nervous about Fox meeting Jason, but she also had no idea on how she was going to get them to meet in the first place. It was hard to get Fox to go out, especially in the summer. She flipped a switch on the back wall of the kitchen by the sink. Nothing happened. She tried again.
The garbage disposal didn’t turn on when she flipped the switch a third time and she groaned. This was the third time this year that the disposal had gone out. It was only a part the last two times but the first time required a full replacement. She couldn’t do everything. She was in charge of taking care of the outside and Fox took care of the inside but he didn’t know any handy skills. She knew very basics but she knew she would need to get someone in there to help fix up the whole house. She just didn’t know who she could trust to be in the house.
Fox wasn’t too kind to strangers and that was being kind. She could only hope to find someone that was approved by Fox and the council to be in the house. That was another thing, the town council. They often had things to say about what she wanted to do to the house. Even fixing things up warranted a visit from them. If she was spotted in the hardware store she would have a visitor the next day. But she needed the disposal so it was necessary.
She checked in on Fox who was lost in writing in his journal. He would be at it for hours, writing pages upon pages. She decided to leave him be and she left out the back door to her truck. She knew exactly what she needed, she hoped and the hardware store was only a few minutes down the road from the farm.
As she predicted it only took her a few minutes to get to the outskirts of town and tp the hardware store. Entering she was relieved to see it wasn’t too busy and that the a/c was on full blast. She marched to the aisle she knew she needed. She weaved past a few people who either glared at her or waved. She was either loved or hated in town she knew. And it really didn’t bother her, she wasn’t here to be part of anyones popularity contest.
Going down the aisle she needed she was shocked to see Jason standing there looking at a fan in his hand. Rebecca couldn’t believe her luck. What was the chances she would run into Jason here? Sure it was a small town but it was odd to see someone so soon after seeing them especially with how many tourists they got in the summer. He looked tired, exhausted as if he hadn’t been sleeping. She was concerned for him and wondered if he was sick. But she would of known at their first meeting, she had a sense for those kind of things. Maybe he was just feeling under the weather but never the less she still went over to talk to him.
She rushed over to Jason, her smile wide and eyes joyful. “Jason!” She exclaimed. Jason jumped a little, startled. He shrunk back away from her and itt took a second for her to register in his mind but when it finally did his expression changed to one that was just as enthused to see her.
“Hey! It’s so good to see you! I just wanted to say thank you so much for the other day so I’m glad I ran into you.” Jason beamed. “What are you doing here?” He asked a little confused at the parts in her hands.
“Oh the disposal isn’t working and I gotta try to fix it somehow.” Rebecca said waving the parts around as she talked. “I honestly have no idea what I’m doing but I’m sure I can figure it out!” She laughed. Jason couldn’t help but feel her happiness infect him and he smiled.
“Well if you need any help I’m pretty handy.” He said proudly.
Rebecca nodded her head and gave him a once over. Did she trust him around Fox? She had to try and honestly this is what she wanted. She couldn’t back out now. “How about you come over tomorrow? If you’re not busy!”
“Oh no...I don’t work.” Jason hesitated and shoved his hands into his pockets. “I’ve been looking for a job since I moved here but haven't had much luck.” He shrugged.
Rebecca was surprised to hear this but she nodded in understanding. “It’s hard I understand. How about you come over and do stuff around my place and I can pay you?” She offered. He seemed a little hesitant and looked around.
“I-I don’t know.” He stammered.
“It’s okay, I need someone to help me with some chores and handiness around the house. In exchange I can pay you...$20 bucks an hour? You know I’m getting up there in age and so it’s harder for me. I would love the help.”
Jason’s eyes widened and he nodded. Yeah he could do it for that much money. And besides how could he say no to an older person in need? “Yeah, I can help out. What do you need me to do?”
“Well I’m fixing the disposal tonight so you won’t have to worry about that. But I have tons of other projects I need done. Weeding, painting, organizing and cleaning for right now. But I’m sure I can find all kinds of things for you to do so you don’t have to worry about running out of tasks if you need the money.” Rebecca reassured Jason who was in fact thinking about that and he nodded. “Let me get your number and I can text you the address.”
She handed her phone to Jason who entered his information. He couldn’t believe this, he was excited but he was trying to hide it but Rebecca could tell by how he was shaking and smiling. She knew he would be a good fit. Fox won’t be too bothered once he gets to know this man, she knew. Hopefully…
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catcriestoo · 2 years
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103: when the autism hits
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egobarri · 7 years
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Ghilana Lavellan
My last inquisitor from Dragon Age: Inquisition. Ghilena means “to guide” in Dalish elvish✨
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necromite · 5 years
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he’s finally got a big boy reference
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mvlaninsimmer · 2 years
New & Improved Old Create-A-Sim Background Reuploads!
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By popular demand, here are some of my old create a sim backgrounds reuploaded, new and improved. I improved the quality of the IMVU ones, and changed the original recolored textures/messed with the mesh of the brujah ts3 to ts4 3d cas room recolors. As much as I love that conversion by brujah, I’m not a fan of the shaders used on the mesh. It washes out the true brightness and color of the textures I use, so I decided to change the shader from phong to fullbright, making these new and improved versions of my old recolors much more bright and vibrant (and so that they look exactly how they look in sims 4 studio color wise). For the vintage marble one (the one with the Marilyn picture and marble walls) I removed the plant from the mesh, because it didn't look right for that particular recolor theme to me. Hope this isn't a problem!
To get the best experience out of these create a sim backgrounds (and any for that matter), please follow this AMAZING and quick blurry texture fix guide by littledica: https://www.patreon.com/posts/blurry-textures-47015425
This will make the textures of these backgrounds much much clearer. Even though these are create a sim backgrounds, the meshes are world objects, and an update not too long ago made world object textures go from 2048 to 1024 by default. PLEASEEE apply this fix so you can use these, or any custom create a sim backgrounds to their fullest potential. You'll have to redo the fix after every sims 4 update, but trust me, it's worth it. Plus, it doesn't take that long to do at all.
Also, my apologies for the meh sims 4 studio previews. The backgrounds look better in game.
Anyways, enjoy! I plan to make more recolors for the ts3 to ts4 cas background, considering I have a folder full of unused textures for it that I made in photoshop.
All credits for the IMVU backgrounds go to the original imvu room creators, and all credits for the 3D sims 3 to sims 4 cas background mesh go to brujah. You can find the original mesh here (scroll down!) - https://sims4studio.com/thread/2263/brujahs-studio
DOWNLOAD THE BACKGROUNDS HERE (The link won't go anywhere this time, promise.)
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spikesbimbo · 4 years
Mood Swings
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Summary: Daddy’s little girl always gets what she wants < 3
Pairing: Nanami Kento x reader
Tags: babymaking ; ) neglected reader, daddy kink, size kink, hurt/ comfort
wc: 2.3k 
 a/n: this was very self indulgent, just like all my other works
this is a reupload from my old blog jaded--enigma
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Closing the door behind you, feet dragging against the floor as you came home from a bad day at work, eyes glossy and red. Immediately going to your finance’s office, wanting him to coddle you and tell you everything would be alright, as he was great at. One of the reasons you admired him so much, being his biggest fan.
Opening the door to see him writing something on his papers, his blazer on the floor, only wearing his white button-down shirt fitting him perfectly. 
His arms barely fit the tight material as your eyes scrolled down to his glasses sitting on the table next to his hands, so pretty and big, instantly getting you worked up, even though that was the reason you came here. Wanting your daddy to make it all better.
Walking up to him making your way in his lap, sittin pretty. Mumbling out a “ken”, resting your head on his shoulder while gently kissing his neck. 
“Not now baby.” he said, gently moving his head away from yours before you could even wrap your arms around him, so why did that make you fall apart? Why were you so sensitive? Why were there tears forming in your eyes?
You gave him a fake soft smile pushing the tears back, saying “okay.” and hopped off of his lap, already missing his touch as you walked out of the room, feet still dragging as you took one last peek at him before you shut the door and started walking towards your own room, knowing he would work till late night, as always.
He was obviously stressed so you understood that he wanted to be alone, but you felt so burdensome, annoyingly needy, as you finally made it to your room. Laying on the bed that you two slept on, hugging the fluffy sheets.
Trying to get your mind off of it, you changed into your baby blue silk nightgown, finding it in your closet full of clothes he bought you. So much that you started using the guest room for extra storage for your shoes.
It fell just over your knees, the straps dainty as a pin, flowing as you walked towards your bed again, dimming the lights on the way.
Dirty thoughts getting to you, remembering that you had to wash them two days ago from him making a mess out of you after coming home from work, taking it out on you. Now covering your face with your hands, pain spreading throughout your body as you tried to subdue it, telling yourself you could wait… but you couldn’t.
Your legs spread open, no panties or bra on, just the gown. Shoving your fingers into your cunt, so wet and needy, making a mess but getting yourself nowhere. Crying softly, the last thing you want to do is make your daddy mad at you.
Fat tears falling from just wanting an ounce of his attention, so needy, so embarrassed; embarrassed over the fact that you couldn't even touch your clit right without getting tired. 
Embarrassed that he could get you off better than yourself, the fact that you were never dry around him; the fact that he had you this spoiled to the point of him doing everything for you made your heart break and flutter at the same time.
He loves how appreciated you made him feel, making him feel like you couldn't do anything without him. He loves to take care of you because he doesn't want to see you let go of your youth, in a way living his life through you. Not wanting to rush to ‘grow up’ like he had to,  you made him feel like he was living his life with no regrets.
Your fingers were so small in comparison to his, thinking about how just one would fill you up, and him simply curling it inside you would make you cum, so responsive to his touch. Trying your best to feel the feel same as his. 
You raised your legs slightly in the air, trying to reach deeper like he did. It somewhat working as you were now letting out held back moans along with “daddy and ken” falling there too, or maybe it was from the lewdness of it all, your messy little pussy all wet thinking ‘bout daddy and his fat cock, if only he knew.
You were so lost in your own world you didn't even hear the door open. He was met with your sticky tears falling down your pretty face as you struggled trying to get yourself off. His composed nature leaving him freezing for once in his life.
You finally gave your self a break, sobbing louder as you couldn't even feel anything looking up to wipe your tears with both hands, finally getting them dry enough to see as turned your head, shaking in place seeing your future husband stand in the doorway.
“K-ken” you startledly whispered loud enough for him to hear while he was making his way to you, loosening his tie, his stoic face staying the same. He got on the bed, hovering over you, his tie and shirt lying somewhere on the floor as he inched closer to you, his nose almost touching yours.
“You know I love you right? He said, taking your left hand into his, grabbing the diamond ring on your finger, stroking it with his finger as it gleamed in the moonlight. You looking at his sliver one in return, too shy to face him after what just happened.
“y-yes” you wept locking eyes with him, your vision being blurry but still seeing his handsome face above you “I know it's my fault daddy. M-m’sorry” 
“Shh, baby it's never your fault. Daddys sorry, he didn't know how needy you were, cmere.” he cooed bringing you closer to him. “Tell me what's on your mind. What's wrong honey?” 
“Everything daddy… everything.” you complained, reaching to wipe your eyes again. He already knew what happened just from you saying that. And as usual the only reason his baby would cry was because of their job or a sad movie. 
‘How about you just be my cute little wife and carry my babies; that's the only thing you'll ever have to do again, okay?” he said already having it in the back of his head ever since he first fell for you. After months of you sneaking him extra bread in his bag when he left the store, always smiling at him with your whole heart; it being the first time he's ever blushed, he was whipped.
“Mkay.” you sniffled, not even bothering or caring to fix your face. He was so kind. The idea sounding great in your head. Never having to see your mean boss again, always getting on you for the simplest things, leaving to go cry in the break room.
“There's my good girl.” he praised, kissing you forehead, dragging up your nightgown over your head, finally being bare for him, as his eyes took in your body. Loving every curve you had, kissing his way down your neck after staring with your eyes. Your salty tears being whisked away from his affection that he gave you, that you loved.
His lips met your chest, wrapping them around your nipple as he cupped that breast. Squeezing it gently while moving his hand from your thigh, his ring leaving an imprint there while grabbing your other breast. Flicking it with his finger, loving to hear the little whimpers you let out, so precious. 
“You’re so wet” he said, attaching his lips to your puffy clit, sucking on it while shoving his long fingers into you soaking little cunt, curling them just like how you were daydreaming about earlier.
“Daddy- please.” you whined bucking into his mouth already so needy, not needing any prep, just wanting to be stuffed full.
“Gimme...”, you said, trying to form a sentence while  his fingers were knuckle deep, hitting your g spot with ease.
“I got you my love” he said, already unbuckling his pants, taking a break from abusing your poor clit as you watched his cock pop out of his boxers. Mouth already watering thinking about taking it into your mouth, but pushing that to the side, knowing that he wouldn't say yes to that right now.
He hasn't seen a prettier sight in his life; your ankles by your ears, pussy begging for him to breed, his mind foggy as ever as you tell him to fuck a baby into you. Freezing at the words coming out of your sweet little mouth. But how could he tell his angel no?
“Open up for me sweetheart.” he muttered, imagining you so full and needy, not even being able to get up without him making him harder than ever. Sliding into you with no condom, as always, only on birth control. But the thought of it not doing its job got you even more hot and bothered, you head flooding with the thought of him fucking his cum back into you.
“Relax” he says, observing your face attentively.
“Youre so big daddy” you breathed out, eyes locking on his cock doing its best to fit in your little hole, even though you were drenched he still had to take it slow.
“it hurt?” 
“No. just fuck me, please. I'll be a good girl, daddy please.” you whined already working your way to make him bottom out.
He puts his lips on yours to distract you, shoving his length all the way in. Catching your moans in his mouth, groaning into yours. Your sweet scent getting his mind hazy as you rested on the mattress, your greedy little hands placing themselves on his back as you grabbed him closer.
He pushed himself balls deep in you, not taking long for you tell him to move whining out for your “daddy to fuck you”. His cock nudging your cervix, slowly easing back and forth to ease the pain you didn't even notice.
You feel so full while trembling in his hold. Feeling so good to finally have him inside you. Knowing that he was doing his best to not just fuck into you, wanting to make you feel good like you deserved.
He breaks the kiss and buries his face in the mattress beside your head, leaving kisses on your neck, as your ankles were now on his shoulders, hips spread wide rough for him to abuse. Your lips brush against his arm while he's connecting his hands with yours. Your rings clashing while you accept, pulling him closer like it's possible.
He's kissing underneath your ear now he starts to move his hips. Moaning at the feeling of his fat cock finally stretching you out. Pulling all the way out except the tip before slamming his hips back into yours, both of you moaning at the feeling.
He continues fucking you deep and fast, knowing thats how you liked it. His big frame towering  over yours, the comfy feeling of his weight on you, the heat radiating from his body making you feel like you were in heaven
“k-ken,” you mouthed not letting a word out but he read your pretty swollen lips. “you feel s-so good. d-ont pull out.”.
“When have i ever.” he stated, his voice unwavering as he brought his face to yours, seeing your eyes glossy and red, knowing you couldn't think straight right now. The only thing being on your mind was him. “You wanna be a mommy?”
“Y-yeah want your babies, want daddies babies, daddy please, please ple-” you whimpered out, clinging onto his shoulders admiring his body before you met his eyes. Overcome with the feelings you had inside you, wanting him to know as much as you. “Daddy -hahh i lov-e you.” 
“I know baby... i love you too” he returned, placing his lips on yours as he continued fucking into your sloppy little hole that he was the cause of.
He grabs your thighs, spreading them apart more, your hips giving away. Almost lifting you up, fucking into you deeper than before. Your screaming with no noise coming out except gasps because your daddy fucking you so good, making your head spin. And all you can think about is having his babies, wanting him to cum in you so much that it never comes out.
“More” you begged, wanting to feel his cum dripping out of you.
Your orgasm, collecting itself all this time, finally hits you like a shockwave. So unannounced that you completely let go and turn limp and he's still manhandling you, getting himself off.
You don't even feel him stop, just feeling his hot cum pouring inside you before you realize your not being thrusted into anymore. You cunt still clenching around him, milking him for everything he’s got as he tunes you over, not pulling out. You now resting on top of him, both of you breathing heavily as you cum for the nth time feeling it drip down your thighs and onto his balls.
“Are you okay my love?”
You cant even talk now, you voice long gone from crying earlier to him fucking you. You just snuggle into his side, wrapping your arms around his bicep as he strokes your forehead, kissing it before you grab his face.
“Kiss” you pouted using your remaining strength to point to your lips.
He lets out a laugh, leaning down to give you what you want, as always. Breaking the kiss when you let out a moan again; his cock was not hard anymore but still took up all the room in you, if you moved it would move it you. 
He repositions himself deep as he can inside without hurting you before noticing your swollen eyes starting to close. “Goodnight doll, love you.” he softly says kissing your forehead again
“Wait” You mummerd out, not opening your eyes but putting all your attention on him too. Wondering what you were gonna say as your soft sleepy smile appeared on your face. Cheeks all puffed out along with your lips. As you snuggled closer to his, mouth right up at his ear.
“G’night daddy, love you too”
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shotorozu · 4 years
what their wallpaper would look like while dating you
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— *♡∞:。.。 2k followers special —
character(s) : multiple (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, quirk’s not specified
headcanon type : fluff (x reader)
note(s) : okay so,, school has made me a little busy today so i kind of just whipped this up for no reason. this isn’t really lengthy but i hope you guys liked it :))
theres no proof read, again :,) but thats bc i was rushing on this one lol (will edit later)
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midoriya izuku
i’m going to be honest, his wallpaper is going to change every single time you guys go out to eat. he takes so many pictures of you— it literally eats up his storage.
it came to the point that he made a collage of all of the candid pictures he took of you, and saved it as his wallpaper. that way, he wouldn’t have to change his wallpaper every 3 days
but he can’t help it! you’re just so,, attractive ❤️👄❤️ eventually, his mom will comment on how his wallpaper changes every single week— and that’s how he decided that “wait.. collaging exists!” and his life became 10x easier. but he still won’t delete the pictures so 🗿
bakugou katsuki
he has plenty of pictures of you that are nice, but he just won’t set it to any of those— you’ll never catch him setting his wallpaper as a good picture of you. but, katsuki will set it to a picture of you choking on spices, because he’s kind of a bitch lmao sorry
but he oddly likes that picture?? no matter how many pictures he’ll take of you, you’ll always find his wallpaper to be set to that picture, you can’t even do anything about it. you always stare at him like ���� when you catch him admiring the photo— “ITS NOT EVEN A GOOD PICTURE”
but GOD FORBID his parents actually coming across his wallpaper, he’ll get scolded by his mom because “Y/N WOULDNT APPRECIATE THAT, KATSUKI” and he’s just like 🧍 “it’s been that way for 7 months, old hag”
todoroki shouto
surprise! it’s a normal picture. it’s really just a picture of you and him at lunch, specifically your first date with him. and you looked SO good in that outfit. so, how could he not take 50 pictures of you in that one specific outfit? he must print them, and frame them properly
his head will peak on the phone’s corner, because, while he still wants to be in the picture, you’re the main focus SOOO,, yeah. he has other pictures, sure— but that one hits so differently
his mom and sister will end up coming across his wallpaper, when he was showing pictures of his class. they’ll basically fawn over every single detail of the picture. what more— when shouto outwardly says “yes. my s/o is so beautiful. how could i not have this picture as my wallpaper?” its cute
bonus : his wallpaper is sometimes a picture of you using your quirk. he loves how focused you look in that picture
kirishima eijirou
most likely, a picture of you resting your face against his arm. it’s such a confidence booster just seeing the picture— how could he not set it as his wallpaper? it makes him feel so manly
i think he has a separate album for that picture. an album with only one picture— yeah, definitely plausible for eijirou. it’s just such a good picture, how could he not have it’s own dedicated section? the picture never gets old to him.
he’ll also be that person that’ll have a really detailed background on why the picture happened. why, you may ask? it all started because of kaminari randomly asking him about it one day— and that was when he couldn’t stop talking he just loves flexing you, it makes him feel manly
kaminari denki
a picture of you sleeping— most likely a really ugly one, (to you, anyway) it’ll still be a nice picture to him, deadass <3
it’s a picture of you with your mouth half open, drool this 🤏 close from escaping your mouth. and your eyes are barely open— but enough to see the whites of your eyes. it was so funny to him that he just had to snap a picture.
regardless— it makes him feel better when he most especially feels insecure about himself, y’know, because everyone has those days. but don’t worry, you’re still absolutely beautiful to denki.
shinsou hitoshi
it’s a picture he snapped of you when he managed to get you in a position where you’re hanging upside down, wrapped in his capture tape. it’s quite a rare photo to anyone else that wasn’t him.
it’s his wallpaper because one, your expression is PRICELESS, and two— there was just so much to talk about, regarding the photo’s backstory. it’s also because of how cute your expression was, he could talk about it for days.
he’ll shamelessly set the picture as his lockscreen, and his homescreen. at some point, i think aizawa saw it too— but he thought nothing of it because “shinsou’s being shinsou again. i should let him.” everytime shinsou looks at his wallpaper, he can only chuckle— admiring it’s details (you can only glare at him💀)
iida tenya
i have included iida on this one, because i thought of it while i was brushing my teeth. LMAO SORRY, but his wallpaper would probably be your provisional license picture— or even a polaroid picture of the both of you
you stare at him, completely baffled “out of all of the pictures, tenya.” and he protests— explaining on how and why his wallpaper is just your provisional license’s picture, i don’t know! he was really shy when it came to taking pictures of you, so he resorted to using your license picture and it’s also a really professional picture of you so.. bonus!
but, if you do protest— he’ll set his wallpaper as a really blurry shot of you from afar🗿 due to the fact that he was literally running towards you when the picture was being taken. i also headcanon that iida isn’t really the best photographer, at least when it comes to phones.
monoma neito
its a picture of you crying while watching a sad movie 🗿 it’s not even full on ugly crying YET, but he does find it hilarious (but it’s also really pretty)
monoma forever holds it up your head, that “oh poor Y/N can’t hold in their tears for a movie” and he was going to use it for teasing purposes, but the more he observed the picture, the more he realized how good the picture is— like holy heck, it looks like an editorial shot from a magazine, and only YOU could do that.
class 1-b can only silently judge him 💀
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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queenidinamenzel · 7 years
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Nature Day!
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pereczke · 3 years
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Clover, Sam and Alex enjoying a sunny picnic (until Jerry ruins it)
I had to reupload because it was blurry on phone for some reason, I hope it looks fine this time! I loved working on this one, I like to reimagine my childhood favorites, and the spies were a huge part of it!
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