#yak phadetseuk
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happypopcornprincess · 8 months ago
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Edit: I did it. It's here! T~T
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littleforeignaffairs · 8 months ago
Is it just me, or is Yak like extra baby this episode
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forcebook · 9 months ago
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Fake dating so good and convincing that it’s just real dating in its core.
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b-elle1928 · 8 months ago
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Yak is my little pookie 🥹💜💛
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oyeixcher · 9 months ago
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Every OyeiCher scene (3 ¦ ??)
O: "You now promote your boyfriend to customers?" C: "Yes. You've trained so hard to get this body. I shouldn't be the only one to see it. P'Yei." O: "Don't you feel possessive over me a bit?" C: "P'Yei, get off me. You're soaking wet with your sweat." O: "Why?" C: "You stink." O: "My stink repulses you?" C: "Uhu." O: "Let's go." C: "Go where?" O: "You said I stink. I'll let you clean me. As for the part you want to smell good...take care of it yourself." C: "You dirty mind! Stop. I have something else to do. I have to buy you and our son soy milk." O: "Cher." C: "No. Do you want soy milk or not?" O: "Cher, babe. Come on. You don't need to buy it now. Do it later." C: "I must buy it for our son." O: "You can buy it later." C: "How could he survive without it? P'Yei." O: "Come on." C: "P'Yei." O: "Please." C: "P'Yei. P'Yei!"
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7nessasaryevils · 9 months ago
Things that made me scream during ep 5 of Wandee Goodday
- Dee can remember every single person's birthday but he hadn't memorized Yak's yet
- Yak pouting when he realized Dee didn't know his birthday
- that whole fucking interaction with Cher and Yei (yes babes! Complain that you haven't gotten fucked for a while you deserve to be dicked down!)
- Kao being the King he is and offering valuable suggestions for Dee and Yak on how to improve their lives (and sex lives) using his furry accessories ♥️
- Dee offering good fashion advice... sir thank you for your service in getting Yak out of those (delectable) elephant pants - but... Taem is probably better at putting him in clothes that work
- grammammamamamamamana I love her and she is now the communal granmama
- DICK PLUSH TOY (seriously where can I get one??)
- granmama knows
- STEPPING OVER THE LINE!!! THE GASP I GUSPED (also wandee my precious my baby protect your heart please yak is gonna be a little stupid I know it)
- brb screaming crying throwing up because NEITHER of them can sleep without holding each other
- the pouting, cuddling, "need you to recharge me" YORYAK!! GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR PERT ASS YOU DUMB JOCK! This is boyfriend level behaviour!
- Dee's smile as he curls into Yak 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
- the only time I screamed in rage: how dare you ask Dee if Taem would like while you hold motherfucking Wandee in your arm- I'm going to snap a boxer's neck (what did I say about yak doing something stupid?!)
- ... he took Yak to see his parents... I'm fine gwenchana gwenchana
- SJAXHWKZNKSJXNWKSW YORYAK YOU BUFFOON- don't you want to introduce your BOYFRIEND to your parents?! someone hold me back before I smack this idiot
- Cher doing the sneaky sneak and failing 🤣 also Yei not taking Cher with him because he knows his boyfie doesn't like the macho assholes 🥹♥️
- Yak dressing the way Dee told him to... fucking hell
- yak showing up to help his boyfriend thanks I wanna throw up
- Dr. Wandee using his and Yoryak's furry sex personas to help tell children a story was not on my 2024 bingo card 👀
- yak wanting to celebrate with Dee rather than his friends... this idiot
- domestic food fight my beloved (also yak refusing to let Dee do anything cooking wise because he doesn't want to poison Granmama 🤣)
- I do so love an aptly placed song that perfectly explains the conflict of our main characters ♥️♥️
- sir. Yoryak. For someone who claims they like Taem, you sure do lean in to kiss Dee a lot 👀👀👀
- THAT CAPTION... gonna go yeet myself off their building thanks
-... couple toothbrushes... COUPLE TOOTHBRUSHES
- wandeeyoryak vs. Yoryakwandee... help me
This show is everything to me right now and I will hold onto it with my dying breath
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kinnporscheluvr25 · 8 months ago
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doublel27 · 8 months ago
@lurkingshan I loved your tags. Hope you don’t mind me stealing them to use here because
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Mostly because, Yak gave the biggest younger sibling energy here and I was reminded why, as the oldest, I nearly always vibe harder with the elder sibling. I’m not even mad or disappointed. Younger sibling fails to see the sacrifices that have been made on their behalf or how they’ve been protected from the worst of their family, or worse is mad about it:
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Like, the whole fight that Yak and Yei are having is about Yei not involving Yak and treating him like a baby and here is Yak failing to see anything from Yei’s perspective because he’s been sheltered. (This is not all younger siblings but it’s not uncommon)
Dad is only the enemy if you both see him as the enemy and as Yei has been largely shouldering his burdens alone that his parents have left him with, I don’t think Yak ever viewed Dad as the enemy we all did. Yak seemed genuinely pleased that their dad showed up in the boxing gym a few eps ago even if it was to mostly yell at Yak for failing. He seemed upset when Yei cut the conversation short and made him come practice instead of continuing to engage with their dad. As an audience we all got it but, Yak didn’t realize how much Yei had on his plate and what he was struggling with. Some of that is on Yei, but most of it is on their parents (including mom who was like it’s up to you now to take care of your brother) rather than tasking her husband with that, and Dad for just dipping. Some of that is that Yak honestly has never actually thought about it because Yei and Cher take care of everything.
But it’s also easier to make Yei the villain and be mad at Yei because Yei isn’t going to go anywhere. Yei is the most stable adult in Yak’s life (after Cher of course). Yei will take the punches and keep showing up because that’s who he is.
Dad on the other hand is wet paper who cant take a punch and Yak still wants something from him, approval, a second chance at goodbye…which is common amongst the younger siblings.
Yak won’t come around for real until Dad survives cancer and dips on them again. Because that’s how that usually works. Or you know, asks for the deed back or suggests that the boxing gym is part theirs now because his wife helped. 🫠
Anyway, team Yei should stay mad at dad and everyone should have backed him. My bluest boy remains the best and deserves the whole world.
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yinwaryuri · 9 months ago
My dear fellow Wandee Goodday fans:
On behalf of myself and others, please please guys unless you've been fwb/fake dating/in a queerplatonic relationship/are alloaro/care about those who have the previous experiences, etc., stop making these comments about what behavior is or isn't whatever YakDee are doing. Anything like "that's not x behavior" or generally judging what type of relationship warrants a given behavior.
We understand it's a BL and the end goal is a romance. We understand that part of the feelings Yak and Dee are developing for each other are romantic feelings. That just isn't the only way a pair in their situation could potentially go and it feels othering to insist that it is. I don't say this to induce guilt for those of you who have been making this sort of commentary. It's not even limited to the Wandee Goodday fandom, but it's airing and a general focus in the BL fandom right now. Not here to argue semantics - just please, before you make commentary about what falls under a certain category of behavior for a given type of relationship, think of who that really affects. The human experience is meant to be explored in various ways, and my silly boxer and doctor boys deserve the same exploration before they come to their conclusions.
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fandomfanservice · 8 months ago
Wandee Goodday Fandom, what a beautiful finale 🥊💜
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Oyei and Cher just perfection. Here’s to your happiness…
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Dee and Yak, really do
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Yes we all know Yak has already proposed, married and planned the honeymoon for him and Dee😂
I didn’t know what I was in for when I decided to watch this BL but E.V.E.R.Y episode was a gift.
Thank you and well done to the cast, the crew and P’Golf you made something profoundly wonderful.
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Can’t wait to rewatch…💜💛💜💛💜💛💜💛💜💛
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happypopcornprincess · 8 months ago
BL Masterlist
The Sign
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Tangled Fates [Phaya x Tharn] Chapter One Chapter Two
Wandee Goodday
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Call It What You Want [Oyei x Cher] Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six
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nomerrynolife · 9 months ago
Things fake boyfriends do:
- get upset when he don't remember your birthday
- counting days on how long they have been together
- checking up on you sleeping on the sofa
- asking for a cuddle as power charge
- introduce the fake boyfriend to your parents
- helped baking cake for fake boyfriend's grandma
- argue whose name come first YoryakWandee or WandeeYoryak
Hmmm... what else?
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How this scene should’ve gone
Yak: Introduce me to your dead parents
Dee: This is my fake boyfriend 🙄 And we have a lot of fun holding fake hands, going on fake dates, having fake sex…
Yak: Wait
Dee: Ma, he even gave me his fake necklace!
Yak: …
Dee: These are my fake dead parents, by the way. I bring them all my fake boyfriends.
Yak: You’ve made your point
Dee: Oh, have I?!
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bl-bracket · 3 months ago
Most Whipped Round 3: Kurosawa (Cherry Magic) vs Yoryak (Wandee Goodday)
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[Submitted Reasons Under Cut]
Kurosawa: This man is out here reciting poems in his head about how much he loves Adachi LMAO
Yoryak: Mans is an internationally recognised boxer in a sport where homophobia is the rule and here he is giving huggies and kissies to the guy helping him through his nightmares
Wandee fell first, but Yoryak crash landed. My dude did just about anything Wandee asked of him and more.
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oyeixcher · 6 months ago
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Every OyeiCher scene (39 ¦ ??)
O: "Do you think Yak can handle this fight?" C: "Sure he can." O: "But Mason knows Yak's shoulder is still hurt. I'm worried that..." C: "Don't worry about Yek. My son is extremely enduring," O: "You think?" C: "Um." O: "What about me?" C: "What?" O: "Am I enduring?" C: "You pervy man." O: "I just asked if you think I'm enduring?"
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7nessasaryevils · 9 months ago
I'm back with things that made me clutch my chest, snap my neck, scream into the void etc etc... from ep 6 of Wandee Goodday.
Settle in my loves, we're in for one heck of a ride!
- starting us off strong with Yak waking up Dee, pouting about them not being able to see each other for a week because of the training camp, THE HEAD RUFFLE AND FOREHEAD KISS.... HELP ME IM GOING TO KILL THEM
- we're also back to the elephant pants and I cannot describe my happiness at seeing Yak wearing something that makes him comfortable while being with Dee
- that whole fucking montage... look at these domestic "we're just fuck buddies" assholes. Gentlemen, you wouldn't know "fuck buddies" if they were sucking your dick....
- I had to physically stop myself from smacking my head into a wall at Yak's "I see you (Dee) more than I see her (Taem)" .... insert Scar's imsurroundedbyidiots.gif
- I love the way Dee thinks that Yoryak has no weakness? He genuinely seems surprised that Yak needs to go get trained 🥹🥹 also how worried he is when Yak explains his first loss...
- here's me toasting you Khun Yak for that sex joke 🤣👍🏽
-Patpran would be so proud... BET ERA MY BELOVED (if they fist bump I'll scream... oh phooey they didn't)
- them texting each other about their day... gwenchana gwenchana 😭😭😭
- I guess Oishi GreenTea is not sponsoring them 😅🤣
- Yak and Yei... just that scene...
- dee on the couch... quite obviously missing Yak... you dumbass ♥️🥺
- that change in perspective... Golf... I see you and your masterful brain 👀👀👀
- Dee making a mess on the mirror on purpose (I'm not crying I'm NOT)
- sweetheart... you're in love with Yoryak... 🥹🥺♥️
- Cher? My darling? Give Yei a really good blowjob when he comes back because your hubby is fucking SMART (also yak and yei sleeping on a bed together... adorable sibling behaviour)
- me when Yak walks outside: ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh wandee is gonna show up he's gonna show up he lost the bet he's gon- OHHHHH YAK CLOSED HIS EYES AND WHEN HE OPENS THEM DEE WILL BE THERE!!!!
- me when i turned out to be right:
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- "the atmosphere here is nice." "It got even better with you here." SOMEBODY SEDATE ME!
- hey pot? I believe the kettle is calling you black.
- give me a kiss... look at these two idi-
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- you know when you have to put your phone down because you cannot believe the audacity? Yeah... that's me when Yak points right to his lips. Sir. You dumbass.
- my knees just gave out
- nobody hold me back im about my plant my foot into Ter's face
- oh no. Oh no no no no. This is one time I do NOT WANT a whole "oh there's only one bed"!!!!
- side note: is this what happened with Billy and Babe when they went to Japan? 🤔🤔 thank you Kao 🤣♥️
- forget my foot. I'm dropping a fucking ANVIL on this asshole's face- where does Ter get off making decisions for Dee???
- DONT KISS HIM BACK OFF STRANGER DANGER STRANGER DANGER YAK HELP!!! (edit: two mins later I was even more pissed off because Ter knows that Dee has a boyfriend, "fake" as it is, and he still tried to kiss Dee! This dickhead!!!)
- well done P'Golf!! HPV knowledge my beloved ♥️♥️
- Dee no!!! Don't think about that horse-faced dick doctor (if I had a quarter every time I said that, I'd have two quarters only... but weird for it to happen twice - fuck you Dr. Charlatan!!!)
- YAK! Come get your man!!
- I'm all for you two seeing each other again but NOT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET THATS HOW WE DIE!!! MOVE YOU DUMB GAYS! (Edit: Kay but now think of the fact that Dee is terrified of crossing the street and how easily he does it when it's Yak he's walking to...this is okay I'm okay I'm so okay)
- love and the city... p'golf you fucking genius
- kisses in the stairwell... gods they really want me to choke don't they?
- second time I had to put my phone down... Yoryak... I'm this close to drop-kicking you across the country
- my body is yours... and so is your heart you idiot get to that realization faster!!! Pat would be so disappointed!
- Kao coming in with those truths... my utmost respect for you sir 🫡🫡
- oh shit...
- hats off to Cher and Yei being adorable and happy in their sex lives which includes phone sex!!! We approve!!!
- the side by side!!!! Interesting to think of it as a couple making love vs. a couple fucking but it's actually two couples in love... awww
- Kao. Sir. I'm erecting temples in your honour. Making merit. Fasting. Praying for you to find someone who loves you the way you want to be loved. I'm doing it all for you because you fucking deserve it.
- the pink on Dee's face... sweetheart you're so in love with him 🥺🥺
- GROUP DATE!!!! And our resident idiot gays are in matching pants.... lord gimme strength
- feeding each oth- breathe Nessie breathe. The idiots know not how they hurt you.
- Yak recognizing that something's going on between Yei and Cher is such a lovely thing. Now if only he could realize stuff about himself and Dee!
- third time I put down my phone... but to cry because Yak remembers Dee's fear and holds his hand I'm fucking fine don't touch me
- oh no... Yei you got yourself mixed up with loan sharks! honey no!
- yak comparing the pics of him, Cher, Yei and Dee to the family picture... this epsiode really said we're going to stomp on your heart Nessie...
- they're still holding hands... fuck
- I'm begging whatever deity is listening to me: please don't let there be a scene where Dee tells the public about yak's secret place
- one more word and I'll kiss you... on the lips. (Okay but the fact that he says this and still thinks he might be in love with Taem makes me feel like this 👇🏽
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- Yei you utter romantic sap 🥹🥹🥹🥹🫡
- the story of how Yei and Cher met... fucking fuck 😭😭😭
- and then ending it off with Dee knowing that no matter what his feelings, the fact that Yak is the only person who makes him feel at ease... FUCKING FUCKITY FUCK
this epsiode came for my whole existence and the next one... the next one is gonna have me on the floor THANKS!
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