#halani lavellan
gaqalesqua · 8 months
Hellathen - Elven for ‘noble struggle’. As in, the noble struggle of Halani Lavellan not to wind Crassius Servis.
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blindvogel · 3 days
I've recently finished my replay of DAI before Veilguard release and it's interesting what I either forgot in the past ten years or just simply didn't notice as significant. Like the fact that wolf howls lead you up the mountain after Haven to find the rest of the refugees. I like to think that my Lavellan would see the significance, and much later the pain and irony of the situation.
It is during their third day traversing the Emerald Graves that Ylva spots what she had been looking for, half hidden from view by a copse of trees and other foliage. She considers for a moment if there is an option to sneak away from her traveling party for a moment but then reconsiders given the Red Templar presence in the area. As much as she is not looking forward to the commentary she would hate an ambush even more. So she leads them off the beaten path before gesturing for them to wait. 
"I only need a moment, it won't take long," she says then quickly scurries off before anyone can ask her what this is about. They'll figure it out in a moment anyway as she weaves between the trees until she reaches the worn stone statue of a wolf resting on a low pedestal, his head lowered to look at whoever would approach him. 
She pulls a small bundle out of her pack, wrapped in wool and held together with string, and places it between the paws. An offering that she hopes is adequate for what has been given. 
"Ma melava halani, Fen'harel. Ma serannas lasa ghilan." she says, then looks up at the wolf looking down at her. He is weathered but intact which is a good sign, and what hand had carved him chose to make it just so that his eyes look kind from this angle. She is just tall enough that when she tentatively reaches up she can put her hand on the side of his muzzle. She doesn't know why the Dread Wolf saved her life up on that mountain but she believes in what her Keeper has taught her, what her own interpretation of the myths tells her. And she owes him thanks.
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crabs-with-sticks · 7 days
Happy Friday! If this inspires you how about - [ knowing ] sender has been holding receiver's hand all this time without realizing it and hurries to let go - for Ghilara Lavellan and Solas?
Hope you enjoy angst hehe :P The context is that Solas was injured from the ritual before Ghilara stopped it and faked both their deaths. @dadrunkwriting
536 words
He was going to die and there was nothing she could do about it. There were no creators who cared to listen, no last trick she could pull. It was up to chance and all she could do was sit, watch, cool his fever with damp cloth, try to feed him watery soup and sugared water inbetween his fevered tossing. The stream- where she was now- was as far out as she dared to venture. When- no. If he died, she wanted to be close. She wanted to be there to see the person she had thrown away everything for passed over.
The icy cold of the water shocked the thoughts out of her head as she waded in barefoot, one of the clay pots in her hand. She dipped it in, listening to the gurgle and glug as the water flowed in, fingers going numb from the snow melt waters. She hauled it back onto the river bank next to the second one- already filled. It was hard work, and she probably spilled a good quarter of the contents trying to get it back into place on the carrying pole. Checking the rope attachments were secure she hoisted the pole up onto her shoulders, let the hanging pots stabilise from the initial swing and then began trudging back to the cottage. It was only a few minutes walk, even laden as she was, and she set about the mundane activities of bringing the water inside, pouring it into bowls, some which would go onto the small stove to warm, others which would be used to try fight the fever. She didn’t look at the man lying in the bed as she did it. He was still right now, and without the tossing and the turning, and the crying out in spiels of elven, she could pretend he wasn’t who he was. She could pretend he was just some poor anonymous soul she had given charity to. “Sathan! Sathan ar halani! Sathan ar halani sa’lin! Letha’len!” She rushed over and was by his side in three quick steps. Her eyes swept over him, checking, checking to see if anything had changed, if anything was wrong. “Halani letha’len! Ane ar rya’halani!” She sat next to him on the bed, feeling it sink underneath her. “Ir abelas Solas,” she whispered, tears in her eyes, “I am doing all I can. You have to fight. You must. Please Solas. Endure Solas. You must endure this. Please.” It was only when she stood, only when she went to make some desperate attempt at being useful, to weigh the dice in their favour however she could, that she noticed. She noticed her hand clasping his, gripping it so tight she must have been afraid that he was going to float away. Her eyes stared down at it. The pallour of his skin against hers, the faint sheen of sweat and the heat radiating into her skin. Her hand released his as if she had been burned, letting it fall back down onto the bed. She couldn’t afford to let her grief get in the way. She had to be useful. He was just another patient. He had to be. She couldn't afford to break. Even if it wouldn't change anything.
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lyriumlullaby-ao3 · 11 months
“He’s Changed You” 🩵
an excerpt from my unpublished long fic 🩷 i was inspired to post this ficlet by this post today, so i hope you like it!
for context, i’m working with a world state where Alistair is King, and Warden Cousland married him and became Queen. through a lot of set up (and magical intervention) they were eventually able to have a pair of twins, despite the taint. mc here is Inquisitor Miri Lavellan :)
Snatching a sandwich from a platter laid out in the hall by the kitchen staff, Miri ate it as she wandered through the gardens and took a seat on the steps of the gazebo. Her thoughts drifted through the planned journey into Ferelden she and a handful of her companions were to take in a few days, after the King’s departure. Miri was beginning to worry there wouldn’t be enough time to complete all the tasks her companions had asked of her—some of them were certainly more pressing than others, but she could tell how much each of them mattered to her friends, and didn’t want to delay attending to any of them, really.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice reaching her ears from behind a shrub that concealed Miri from view for anyone standing in that half of the garden. “That’s him?” the voice gasped, sounding rather breathless. “I thought he’d look… I dunno, more demonic. Tentacles and fiery breath.” King Alistair. Who was he talking to?
“He is a normal boy, Alistair,” came the irritated reply. Miri knew that voice, but couldn’t quite place it… She knew she shouldn’t eavesdrop, but if she got up now, they’d know she was there, that she’d been listening. Better just to stay put and try not to listen. Right?
“Uh-huh,” the King answered. “And what does he know of… how he was made?” He sounded… shocked. Miri had never known the man to be so inarticulate. What in the Void were they talking about…?
“He knows his father was… a good man. I… I thought you deserved that much,” the woman answered. Miri’s mouth fell open as understanding came over her. The voice belonged to Lady Morrigan. And they were talking about Morrigan’s son, the King’s son, the boy she’d seen with Alistair from the battlements crossing the bridge with his mother earlier this morning! Dirthamen ash halani, she really needed to stay hidden now…
The King chuckled, then sighed wistfully. “He’s changed you.”
“Don’t be absurd,” Morrigan countered. Miri could hear the scowl in her voice.
The King’s laugh was stronger now, warmer. “There’s no need to be so defensive! I just mean… I know the twins have changed me. Elissa, too. Everything changes, once there’s a child depending on you for everything…”
Morrigan hummed in agreement as he trailed off, then after a moment, she asked, “Is it everything you thought it would be? Being a father?”
“Not at all,” Alistair replied. That wistful note was back in his voice now. “It’s so much harder than I ever could have imagined. I… I’m terrified I’ll mess it all up. Everyone always said that was all I was ever good for. I thought being king would be frightening…” He chuckled ruefully, then continued, “I had no idea. Still, I wouldn’t trade them for anything. It’s harder than I thought, but it’s… it’s better than I ever hoped.” His voice caught on the last word, and he cleared his throat, sniffing slightly.
Morrigan sighed. “You aren’t going to ‘mess it all up,’ Alistair,” she murmured.
“What?” the King laughed. “You mean to tell me you, of all people, think I might do alright at something for once? Alright, who are you and what have you done with that horrible witch I once saved Ferelden with?”
There was a loud thwack of flesh striking flesh and the King laughed harder. “If you tell anyone I said so, I will deny it,” Morrigan hissed. “But… you have a good heart, Alistair. You do not give love by half-measures. It may be the only thing you are good at,” she continued, softer now, a playful smirk evident in her tone. Her words carried a certain brusque affection, though Miri was certain she must be wearing a twisted expression that would send most people running in fear. She sighed, then finished, “Besides, your children plainly adore you. I can think of nothing you are better suited to than fatherhood.”
“He has changed you,” Alistair repeated softly after a moment’s pause. Then, when Morrigan didn’t answer, he asked, “Are you sure you don’t want to tell him?”
Morrigan tsked disapprovingly. “If I wasn’t certain I never wanted to tell him before I knew you would survive your encounter with the Archdemon, I most assuredly am now that you have taken the throne. What good would it do to tell him now, hm?”
“I suppose you’re right,” the King murmured. Then, after another small pause, “He’s a fine boy, Morrigan. You should be very proud.”
“Thank you, Alistair,” she intoned, almost warmly. After a moment or two, Miri heard the soft sound of retreating footsteps, and knew the King was gone.
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pagetreader · 1 year
Went ahead and did a little muse purge of those that haven't been written with or developed in order to make things neater (as well as for my own sanity, ha)
The following are my current muses on this blog:
Halani Lavellan
Makaela Hawke
Theresa Cousland
Arthur Dayne
Katya Levitsky
Padme Amidala
Christine Chapel
Theodore Groves
Clara Cassidy
Arthur Morgan
Lorraine Duplantier
Rebekah Abbot
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bigfan-fanfic · 4 years
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Lord Vylandin Wind-Walker of Clan Mithra, Shadow of the Clan, Bodyguard to Duke Tash Adaar, and Windwalker of the Anderfels. (face claim Brock O’Hurn)
Vylandin is basically an assassin from Assassin’s Creed, but in Dragon Age. A half-elf mage and warrior who is adorkable out of combat and terrifying in it.
Halani Enasal Lavellan, First of Clan Lavellan, Rift Mage, and Dalish Advisor to the Inquisition. (face claim Keira Knightley)
Halani would have been the Inquisitor if Tash didn’t exist. A waterbender and rift mage, she is proudly Dalish and assists the Inquisition and saves her clan.
Ask Me About My OCs :)
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the-jade-goblin · 4 years
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I made my canon DA protags in this wonderful picrew!
from left to right we got Rose, Marianne and Halani
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cobaltash · 6 years
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For @inquisitorialmemorial, the amazing Halani Lavellan! Thank you for answering my call! I hope you like it!
Pose reference from here.
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Halani Lavellan. My mobile calls her Salami.
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I love these two pictures and how they perfectly capture the failure that was Halani’s relationship with Solas.
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ma-serannas-vhenan · 4 years
OC Stats
Thank you @starsandskies for the tag! 💜
Kida Lavellan
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Face Claim: None.
Name: Kida'gakash Revas'nan Lavellan.
Age: 25 at the start of DAI, 28 by Trespasser.
Height: 5'9".
Species: Dalish elf.
Gender: Female.
Birthday: The month of Firstfall, day unknown.
Sun Sign: Unknown.
Residence: Skyhold.
Marital Status: Unmarried.
Alignment: Neutral Good.
Drink: Water, milk, occasionally juice.
Food: Berries, vegetables, cheese, occasionally meat.
Day or Night: Day.
Snacks: Sweets of almost any kind, nuts, elfroot.
Pets: He's not a pet, but she has a wolf companion named Halani, who she saved when he was a pup. He rarely leaves her side.
Color: Deep red, gold, black, ivory.
Flower: Amaryllis flowers.
Sexuality: Demi-bisexual.
Body Type: Lithe, athletic.
Eye Color: Bright gold.
Hair Color: Snow white.
Tagging || @kita-lavellan @silvanils @followingthewolf @musically-magic @loverofelves @inquisitor-julia @inquisitor-veowyn @animusrisunovatur @whimsyswastry @aranislavellan
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Hey everyone, I’ve decided to open commissions for the crochet dolls I’m making! I’m able to make ocs from the Dragon Age fandom at the moment, and I’ll hopefully be able to expand that soon! They each cost $50 usd + shipping for one character and a simple outfit (like the examples on the right, a plain shirt, pants, and shoes). More complicated outfits will cost extra depending on how complex they are and how long they take to make, and I’ll discuss the pricing with you. The payment will be split in two: $25 when I start it, and the rest before I ship it. All payment will be done through PayPal. What I’ll need from you is references for your oc, and for their outfit. You have to be okay with giving me your address, since I’ll be shipping them. If you’re interested, you can contact me either through a message here, or an email: my email is [email protected]. Just mention the word “commission” somewhere in the subject line. Thanks for reading this, and I’d appreciate it if you’d reblog this so more people see it!
The two dolls pictures are my Dairine Lavellan, and my wonderful friend @please-pet-the-dread-wolf’s Halani Lavellan.
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panthegenderfreak · 8 years
Honestly, I'm just going to headcanon that a Lavellan Inquisitor gets the chance to go to Wycome to defend their clan bc that's what they would do, regardless of anyone else's opinions on the matter
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a-pirate · 6 years
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Blackwall looks like he's barely comprehending the fact a dragon is coming straight for them.
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pagetreader · 2 years
OOC. Changing my Lavellan's name to Halani, cuz in the language it means "help" and I like it.
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bigfan-fanfic · 4 years
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Lord Silas Tabris, Warden-Lieutenant of the Grey, Former Bann of Denerim Alienage, and Count of House Otranto of Antiva. - Male Elf Berserker (Grey Warden), Romanced Adorno Ciel Otranto, searching for the Cure to the Taint. (face claim Josh Elton, top left)
Ser Elyan Cousland, Lord of Highever, Warden-Commander of Ferelden. - Male Human Bard (Grey Warden), Romanced Anders, joined the Inquisition with his lover to stop Corypheus. (face claim Jake Stormoen, top right)
Lord August Montilyet, youngest son of Yves Montilyet, Chartered Sailor for the Montilyet Trading Co., and Assistant Diplomat to the Inquisition - Male Human Noncombatant, Romanced Rylen, traveled around Western Thedas with Rylen to gather Inquisition support. (face claim Gavin Leatherwood, middle left)
Lady Lucie Montilyet, youngest daughter of Yves Montilyet, assistant Diplomat to the Inquisition - Female Human Noncombatant, Romanced Ser Barris, ran the city around Skyhold and became chief diplomat after Tash stepped down. (face claim Ana de Armas, middle right)
Halani Lavellan, First of Clan Lavellan, Rift Mage, and Dalish Advisor to the Inquisitor - Female Elf Rift Mage, saving Clan Lavellan and keeping an eye out for the Dread Wolf. (face claim Keira Knightley, bottom left)
Lord Vylandin Wind Walker of Clan Mithra and Snow Tooth Hold, Shadow of the Clan, Bodyguard to Duke Tash Adaar, and Windwalker of the Anderfels - Male Half-Elf Mage, protecting the Inquisitor from the Dread Wolf. (face claim Brock O’Hurn, bottom right)
My Newest OCs! Please send in some asks about them! 
OC Bios can be found here!
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