#oc: elliott lee
nazali · 2 months
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roster of my sidesteps from fallen hero / @fallenhero-rebirth
template cred.
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shyticklemonster · 1 year
Here I am...late as always 😒
Tickletober day 1- anticipation
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Elliott: ready Seb?
Sebastian: Elliott...
Elliott: I'm going to tickle you in 1... 2...
Sebastian: Elliott!
Elliott: ..... 2.5 ~
Sebastian: stop teasing me!!
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I am always safe with you...
For the amazing @simplybombshell​ and @onemoreparadise​ , inspired by their works (X) (X)
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In Cambridge, Massachusetts lived the Thompson-Spencer family.
They were a family who lived quietly and happily, enjoying every moment together.
This home consisted of a male couple, Jonathan Spencer and his husband, Alistair Thompson, and their adopted son, Elliott.
Jonathan worked as a quantitative analyst in a high-technology company in Boston. Efficient and competent, he was considered one of the best people in the company.
Meanwhile, Alistair was an American studies teacher at Harvard University. Recognised for his broad general knowledge and his pedagogy, his students and colleagues appreciated him.
In addition to teaching, he has written articles in academic journals and participated in conferences.
As for Elliott, who was a thirteen years old boy, he studied at the Boston Latin Academy.
He was a sweet boy, dreamy and very bright.
All three shared a close bond and enjoyed their lives together.
But today, Elliott would have liked to be somewhere other than in front of his blank paper. He had only his English essay to do, but he was not inspired.
The boy was annoyed: he had to hand in this essay at the next English class, which was in five days.
The subject didn't seem complicated, though. It was entitled: Feeling Safe.
It was a short subject but not an easy one to tackle.
Elliott felt discouraged: this bloody exercise was wasting his time!
"Elliott! Let's eat!" called his father.
The young boy got up and went downstairs to join his parents.
He sat down at the table and began to eat as his father Alistair asked him:
"So, have you finished your lessons?"
"Almost: I've still got an English essay to do."
"An essay? And what is the subject?" asked Jonathan.
"Feeling safe."
The two men looked at each other, quite surprised.
"Now, that's an interesting topic. There's a lot to say about it. And have you made any progress on your essay?" inquired Jonathan.
"No, that's just it: I can't find the right words."
"Why didn't you come to us for help earlier? I could have given you a hand," replied Alistair.
"I know, but I know you, Dad: you would do my whole paper. And my teacher would suspect something..."
"Eli is right, Alistair: when a subject raises your interest, you cannot help disserting on it as you do with your teaching sessions at university!" chuckled Mr Spencer.
"What can I say? This is professional deformation." smirked his husband before turning to Elliott.
"To answer your question, Eli, let me give you some advice: ask yourself how you feel safe. What makes you believe that nothing can happen to you? Is there anything that comforts you when you feel low? Think about it, and you might find the answer!"
Elliott nodded, his neurons already starting to find ideas for his essay.
"I'll do that. Who knows: it will inspire me?"
"In the meantime, finish your plate: it'll get cold!"
The meal continued in good spirits, and then Elliott returned to his room and wrote down all the ideas that came to mind on paper.
Then, he went to sleep: he would work on this essay tomorrow!
The next day.
Like yesterday, Elliott sat in front of his desk, ready to write his essay. This time, the young boy knew what to write.
And as he began to write the first lines of his essay, the young boy felt the inspiration coming to him. The more he wrote, the better he felt about his work: he was sure to get a good grade.
When he finished his assignment, the teenager reread his work to ensure he wrote everything correctly and had not missed any spelling mistakes.
Satisfied, he carefully placed his paper in a plastic bag and put it in his bag before tackling his maths exercises.
The teenager looked forward to showing his work to his parents when he received the grade.
Meanwhile, Alistair and Jonathan were in the living room, working: the quantitative analyst wrote a report on his computer while the teacher corrected papers.
Jonathan looked up from his screen and asked his husband:
"Do you have a lot of work to do?"
The teacher sighed:
"Don't mention it! I've got fifty essays to correct on the Gothic novel in Britain and France in 19th century, and I can't see the end of it! I would finish correcting these by Friday, so I don't have to work at the weekend."
Alistair asked:
"What about you? Are you managing to write that report?"
"Yes, but it's a bit tedious. At least once I've done it, I'll be free for the weekend!"
He added with a smile:
"Which gives me an idea..."
"You and your creativity! What do you have planned?" chuckled Alistair.
"Nothing extravagant..."
Jonathan put his arm around his husband's shoulders.
"I was thinking, Friday night, we could order food and have a movie night. A little night with just the three of us. What do you think?"
"It sounds tempting, and it's been a while since we've done anything together," Alistair agreed, resting his head on his partner's shoulder.
The analyst added:
"Besides, it's been a long time since we didn't spend quality time with Elliott. I don't want our son to feel cast away !"
"Eli is a cunning boy: he knows we all have a lot of work. He will love your idea: I can feel it!"
Little did the two men know that Elliott had a surprise planned for Friday night. And he hoped they would like it.
On Friday, late afternoon.
As he pushed open the door to his house, Elliott had a smile on his face: it was finally the weekend! But it wasn't just the prospect of rest that put the young boy in a good mood: so far, his surprise went just as he had planned.
His enthusiasm didn't escape his fathers.
"Hi, sweetie. How was your day?" asked Alistair.
"It was good, but I wanted to go home."
"Tell me about it!"
"And did you get any grades? Any homework?" requested Jonathan.
"Yes. Remember my Feeling Safe essay? I got the grade today!"
"Ah yes, that famous essay! Verdict?"
Elliott's smile widened.
"I got an A+."
"You did? Well done, my little writer!" the analyst smiled, kissing his son on the forehead.
"This is something to celebrate. What should we order for dinner? Italian or Indian? Unless you want Chinese food?" suggested the teacher.
"Pizza!" the teenager exclaimed, making his parents laugh.
"Go for the pizza !" smiled Alistair as he dialled the local pizzeria to order the menu.
Thirty minutes later, their order arrived, and the family prepared to eat their dinner when Elliott asked:
"Before we eat, do you want to read my essay ?"
"Well, why not? Let's see what you did !"
Elliott picked up his essay and handed it to his parents, who saw the A+ mark written in bright red.
They read the comment from the teacher:
Excellent work, with personal and moving elements. Keep up the good work!
"Well, well: being complimented by Mr Cooper is an achievement!" smirked Jonathan.
"I am the only student in my class to get an A+ on this homework!"
"That is a double achievement !" whistled Alistair.
The two men started to read the essay.
Feeling Safe by Elliott Spencer-Thompson.
"Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person; having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but to pour them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then, with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away."
"How cute! He quotes an author, just like his dad !" joked Jonathan.
"Stop teasing me and continue to read !" replied Alistair with a smile.
"Your wish is my command, darling !" replied his husband as he pursued the reading.
In this quote, George Eliot expressed one of the main goals in men's life: feeling safe.
We feel safe when we come home, especially when our loved ones surround us.
This need for safety, whether physical or psychological, is a distant echo of the survival instinct of our prehistoric ancestors. You can't survive for long if you don't find people to count on.
We seek shelter from what might harm us since our first days.
Our innocence makes us believe that nothing can happen to us because we have not yet experienced the disillusionment and cruelty of the world.
I thought I would always be safe because my biological parents were there for me.
I didn't try to understand when my mother asked me to play a game: to close my eyes and count to thirty. My father promised me a surprise if I did it.
I obeyed, and I got my surprise: the surprise of not seeing my parents anymore.
From then on, all my certainties collapsed: not all adults protect you. Sometimes they abandon you.
It is a hard lesson to learn for a four-year-old boy.
It took me a long time to relearn how to feel that sensation of being loved.
Today I can say that I feel safe.
No doubt people will ask me: what does it mean to me to feel safe?
For me, feeling safe is many things at the same time.
I feel safe when my dad Jonathan said he loves me.
I feel safe because my dad Alistair watches over me when I am sick.
 I feel safe because they take me in their arms when I'm upset or sad.
I feel safe because when I cried at night, remembering the awful day my biological parents left me alone in a crowd, they rushed to my side, promising to always be there for me.
I feel safe because they teach me so many things. It can go from the behaviour in society to my cultural knowledge.
I feel safe because they taught me to trust and tell them everything.
I feel safe because they helped to become a good man.
I don't forget I have friends I trust and love, but nothing is more important than my parents.
I know some people disapprove that two men could raise a child.
We might not share genes, but we share a love, respect and trust bond.
I don't want any other family than the two men who gave me their last names and added me to their lives.
That's why I am eager to come home after school because, every time I cross the threshold of my house, I immediately feel better.
And it started when I hear their voices saying "Welcome Home".
I hope when I become an adult, I will provide the family I will create the same feeling of safety and love my parents provided me.
To conclude, I would say that feeling safe is an incredible luck I am grateful to have, thanks to my parents. Because with them, I will always feel safe.
Elliott began worrying when he saw tears shining in his fathers' eyes.
"Are you okay?"
Jonathan hastened to answer, wiping his eyes:
"Yes, yes, I'm fine. It's a lot of emotions all at once!"
"How did you write all this?" asked Alistair.
The teenager shrugged, a little embarrassed.
"When I told you I was struggling with this essay, you suggested I ask myself what made me feel safe. I thought about it, and I knew the answer."
Elliott smiled shyly.
"I remembered the day when the social worker told me people wanted to adopt me. I was so scared! Then, I saw you, and something inside me told me I could go with you. I will always be grateful to give a new start!"
"Come here, you !" exclaimed Alistair, who hugged his son, joined by Jonathan.
The family of three enjoyed the hug before parting.
Alistair ran a hand through his son's hair.
"Your essay proved that we did our job as your parents. It is the least we can do for you."
"You changed our lives forever and in the best way. With you, we are a family," added Jonathan as he kissed his son.
"Something we waited for a long time," nodded the teacher as he wiped his tears.
Alistair glanced at the pizzas.
"Oh my! The pizza must be cold now!"
"Because you cried on it!" joked his husband.
"You cried too!"
Elliott laughed at his parents' banter.
It was these moments that makes him feel good, like sharing a relaxing evening with his two dads.
These moments make him feel safe and loved.
Thanks for reading the story !
I hope you enjoyed it!
Feel free to request !
Take care of you! 😘😊😊🥰
Tag: @marilynmonroefanfics​ 
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ptwbeec3h · 2 years
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salt-n-salt · 9 days
Stoppppp your art is so amazing T-T
If he interests you, I have a farmer oc! His name is Enno Lee, and he's Elliott's rockstar bf :3
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He is generally a cool person, but around Elliott he's a pile of goo lol
Not a good artist, but here's his (unfinished) reference sheet! (His shirt says "I do not think therefore I do not am")
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im such a whore for long braids this was such a treat. i love u enno lee !!!!!
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thewrittingratt · 6 months
Jo here with the Rules For Requesting!
Things I won't write
homophobia, Transphobia, anything hateful to the lgbtq community
smut(just a personal preference as writing it makes me uncomfy)
Requesting x oc
things to include in your request
the show/movie universe the request takes place in
what they look
their lifestyle
their personality
if it's romantic or platonic
who you are shipping them with(can be multiple characters) or who they are friends with(if it's for a platonic request)
Requesting X Reader
the show/movie universe it takes place
if its romantic or platonic
who they are being shipped with(can be multiple characters) or who they are friends with(if it's for a platonic request)
Fandoms and characters to request from
The Batman 2022
Suicide Squad movies
Stranger Things
Jonathan Byers
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Eddie Munson
One Piece Live Action
Norman Bates
Otis Driftwood
Brahms Heelshire
Bubba Sawyer
Chop Top Sawyer
Stu Macher
Charles Lee Ray
The Lost Boys
Art The Clown
Thomas Hewitt
Stardew Valley
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Jake Peralta
Charles Boyle
The Umbrella Academy
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Jack Kline
Scooby Gang
Fred Jones
Shaggy Rogers
Scooby-Doo 2002 and 2004 Movies
What's New Scooby-Doo?
Mystery Incorporated
Basically all the animated 2010s movies
Spiderman ATSV
Hobbie Brown(SpiderPunk)
Pavitr Prabhakar(SpiderMan)
Johnathon Ohnn(The Spot)
Patrick O'Hara(Web-Slinger)
Ben Riley(Scarlet Spider)
Spider Noir
Extra Characters
John Bender(The Breakfast Club)
Andrew Clark(The Breakfast Club)
Brian Johnson(The Breakfast Club)
Cameron Frye(Ferris Bueller's Day Off)
If a fandom or character you would like to request for is not listed feel free to request for that character or fandom anyway and I'll see what I can do!
Prompt list!
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
which of ur ocs is the oldest
like in terms of both age and also who was the first
Host, Rubix Cube God and Dea are the oldest in terms of age as they've usually all existed before the respective universes their darlings are from. In terms of ageless monsters I would say Rosebud and Casper. Humans it would technically be Devlin and Mal since D is from the 1800's and Mal is probably older. Normal human ages it's obviously Caroline and Theodore.
My first OCS on this blog were Host, Elliott and Liu (introduced as Lee)
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yanderemommabean · 2 years
Okay but like "Patience is a virtue. We’ll keep going until you learn.” HAS SO MUCH POTENTIAL! I keep thinking about who it'd suit better and I can't decide at all! What do you think momma?
I can definitely see that one fitting Dexter, Lee, and Ezrol and that one yandere prisoner OC wise!
Fandom wise?
Eddie Gluskin
All Might / All Smite
Sebastian (Black Butler)
Dracula (Castlevania)
Gojo (JJK)
Sukuna (JJK)
Choso (JJK)
Prince Sidon (BOTW)
Some Yiga clan members too, now that I think about it
Jumin (Mystic Messenger)
Zen (Mystic Messenger)
Lucifer (Obey me)
Satan (Obey me)
Diavolo (Obey me)
A few of the Skyrim jarls
Ancano (Skyrim)
Alduin (Yes. I'd fuck a dragon, you would too)
Elliott (Stardew Valley)
and some more I can't think of at the moment!
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themerrypanda · 9 months
Three days until Christmas!
I finally made my Stardew Valley farmer OCs! I used Jazzybee's character creator.
I've listed the three that made their way into published works below. And while I do have the inklings of ideas of other Stardew Valley OCs, until they make their way into a published work, I won't make a post about them.
Love Interest: Elliott
Appearances: That Summer, That Night
The only child of a single father, Nicole inherited The Lonely Rock Lighthouse, her grandmother's pride and joy, and starts a fish hatchery. She does her best to remain a recluse... until Elliott warms his way into her heart.
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Kim Lee Zhang:
Love Interest: Harvey Vaughn Arzt
Appearances: Addicts Anonymous
Kim was Harvey's friend in medical school, who went on to become a psychiatrist. Six years after Harvey takes over Pelican Town's clinic, she moves there too to start up her own practice. Their rekindled friendship eventually evolves into something more.
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Love Interest: Alex
Appearances: Dinner Date
Sara for now is a proper farmer, specializing in orchards, tree tapping, and providing lumber for Robin's projects. She takes pleasure in teasing and humbling Alex, then learns he is more than what meets the eye.
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Feel free to ask about them! Whether it's one question for them all or something specific about one of them or their significant other in my Stardewverse.
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emeraldbabygirl · 2 years
damn shits crazy i have 21 ocs now: lily, danyal, evelyn, levi, carter, ruby, aiden, ivy, audrey, addison, anya, alex, olivia, finley, edith, the drama loving antagonists are wyatt colin elliott and sophia, and then there's a new guy who looks like jaeyun but doesn't have a name yet
possible relationships: ruby/danyal, evelyn/unnamed boy, edith/colin (c gets a redemption arc), audrey/ivy
Ah yes the British accent having, foul mouthed, milf seeking Aiden R. Lee <3 he’s my fav and Ruby is second fav she’s iconic
Also also holy shit that’s quite the collection. Are any of them single and willing to date a lil old lady like me? 👉👈
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nazali · 2 months
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transferring old posts over from oc sideblog again
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shyticklemonster · 2 years
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strange-august · 1 year
Augie's List of Names that sound ✨️ Gender✨️
(When I was trying to decide what name I wanted to use instead my actual name, I made up this list. I have my preferred name now but I thought I'd share this list for others to consider. I'll update it from time to time. These can also be used for OCs.)
Akira - Japanese Origin - Bright, Clear, Ideal
Amity - English Origin - Friendship
Andi - English Origin - Manly, Virile, Brave
August - Roman Origin - To Increase, Great
Azrael - Hebrew Origin - Angel of God, Help from God
Bailey - English Origin - Berry Clearing, Bailiff, City Fortification
Basil - Greek Origin - King
Beau - French Origin - Beautiful, Handsome
Bentley - English Origin - Meadow with Coarse Grass
Billie - English Origin - Determination, Strength
Blair - Scottish Origin - Plain, Meadow, Field
Boe - English Origin - To Live
Casey - Gaelic Origin - Vigilant
Casper - Persian/Iranian Origin - Treasurer
Cassie - English Origin - To Excel, To Shine
Clover - English Origin - Meadow Flower
Dominic - English Origin - Of The Lord
Eden - Hebrew Origin - Pleasure, Delight, Plain
Elliott - Hebrew Origin - The Lord is My God
Glendale - Scottish Origin - Valley
Harley - English Origin - Hare Woodland, Hare Clearing
Jax - English Origin - Son Of Jack
Jasper - English Origin - Treasurer
Jericho - Hebrew Origin - Moon, Fragrant
Jetta - English Origin - Monarch
Joey - English Origin - God Will Increase
Jojo - English Origin - Monday Born
Jordan - English Origin - To Go Down
Journey - English Origin - Trip, Expedition
Juda/Judas - Hebrew Origin - Praised
Jude - English Origin - Praised
Judo - Japanese - The Way of Gentleness
Juniper - Latin Origin - Young, Beautiful
Juno - Roman Origin - Queen of Heaven
Kai - Hawaiian Origin - Keeper of the Keys, Earth
Kris - English Origin - Follower of Christ
Lee - English Origin - Meadow, Clearing in the Woods
Leo - Latin Origin - Lion
Logan - English Origin - Hollow
Louise - French Origin - Famous Warrior
Mackenzie - English Origin - Handsome, Fair
Marley - English Origin - Marshy Meadow, Pleasant Wood, Marten Wood
Noa/Noah - Hebrew Origin - Love, Affection
Oakley - English Origin - Oak Clearing
Pepper - English Origin - Relating to the Spice
Pine - English Origin- Relating to the Tree
Reagan - Irish Origin - Little King
Reef - English Origin - Jagged rocks, sand, and coral above or below the surface of the sea.
Riley - English Origin - Rye Clearing, Courageous, Valiant
River - English Origin - A Flowing Body of Water
Salem - Arabic Origin - Complete, Safe, Peaceful
Sam - English Origin - Gift of God
Skylar/Skyler - English Origin - Scholar
Taylor - English Origin - Tailor, To Cut
Valentine - Latin Origin - Strong, Healthy
Vee - Norwegian Origin - Sacred Place
Wren - English Origin - Small Bird
Zephyr - Greek Origin - West Wind
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angstyaches · 3 years
I can't seem to find it, but I asked about how your vampires work in your world and how they work in mine but I can't seem to find it. Would you mind talking about them more? Or sharing any info on the vampires in your world you like? -Lee
You absolutely did ask me that, and I can't find where I answered it for the life of me. I definitely meant to link it to my masterlist but clearly I forgot.
Okay, I found it in the end. Here's a link! I'm going to go and add it to the Swallow the World masterlist right now too, before I forget.
And here are a few more facts that I didn't go into detail about last time.
Historically, the vampires in my world are loyal not due to the emotional bonds that they form, but also because of the strain of vampirism in their veins. In the past, let's say four or five hundred years ago, it was impossible for a blooded vampire to go against their Elder's wishes. It was almost as though the Elders performed a kind of mind control over their wards. That element has faded over the centuries, so Ryan doesn't have that power over Elliott or Felix, but there are traces of the ingrained loyalty still lingering. For example, I've never written anything where this happens, but I have headcanons where Felix (especially during his first year or so with the Aldridges, since he was more emotionally unstable and insecure) would sometimes get the unexplainable urge to go and find Ryan, and when he does, he kneels down next to her and just leans his head against her like he's a cat looking for attention from his owner. To Ryan's relief, this doesn't happen too often anymore, but when it does, she needs Nancy to come and gently pry him away, reminding him that this isn't how they do things around here. By contrast, Elliott has pretty much always challenged Ryan on her beliefs and her rules, but honestly, she prefers that to being revered or mindlessly obeyed.
Vampire law states that no one under the age of twenty five should be blooded, or even half-blooded. This is a) to prevent anyone from being blooded before their bodies and brains have stopped changing too much, b) to prevent anyone from being prematurely blooded and having regrets, and c) to prevent anyone from being "stuck" looking too young for all eternity (the vamps in my world are not about looking eternally young or beautiful, but having the capacity to be eternally strong or wise).
However, people younger than twenty five can still attach themselves to a vampire clan, and from the age of twenty one, they can take a pledge of allegiance to the Elder and "swear on" as a future blooded member of the clan. This was Madelyn's plan for Shayne when he turned twenty one, for him to swear loyalty to her and bind him to the Devine name. He doesn't know any of this until Ryan tells him about it, and now, he's concerned that she's going to ask him to swear on to the Aldridge clan instead.
Half-vampires can - and, in fact, need to - eat human food in addition to consuming appropriate levels of blood. In theory, Felix could survive almost two weeks by consuming only blood and no food, but the poor boy would be awfully cranky if that were to happen.
Now that he's a full vampire, Elliott's body will actively try to reject human food at any cost. As I've hinted at before, Elliott absolutely hates vomiting, so the poor lad will probably still try to fight his nausea if the occasion arises. I feel like there's a lot of fun to be had in this.
Thirst in my vampires comes with a physical sense of hunger and discomfort in the stomach, which can grow tight and sharp if the vampire goes without feeding for too long. A thirsty vamp will also start to feel dizzy. In some cases, there's even some pain, ranging from discomfort to full-on burning, in the gums as the vampire's fangs force themselves down to demand a feed.
Most fully-blooded vampires have supernatural abilities that manifest between a few months and a few decades after transformation. Ryan's manifested as a flawless photographic memory. Madelyn can see through the eyes of any insects within a half-mile radius of her. Watson has the ability to shapeshift into a man-sized bat, as we may remember from the early story and Charlie's nightmares. And after his transformation, Elliott learns that he can teleport across various distances by turning into a cloud made up of a thousand tiny bats. The prospect of gaining a cool new ability is the only draw that Felix sees for becoming a full vampire, but he loves human food way too much to ever consider it.
Ooh, also. Half-vampires do age, although it's at a miniscule fraction compared to unblooded humans. Full vampires do not age at all. So, in theory, despite the fact that Elliott was in his early thirties when he was changed, and Felix was in his mid twenties, there will be a day where Felix will have "aged" past Elliott's human age.
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sikeslayla · 2 years
hello everyone i really need some plots & besties so 💗 i’m Fx21 (she/her)
about my oc- maggie lindemann fc with oc name 21 writes on discord only she has a child (must be okay with that) please be okay with smut (we can talk about triggers!! no pedo, rxpe,sa)
paragraphs 3rd person… i type so much when i get super into a plot.
the walking dead- beth or my oc (looking for a daryl or carl
sam & colby- my oc, shea, stas, katrina. (looking for a colby or jake)
teen wolf- my oc, allison, malia (looking for a stiles, derek or isaac)
outerbanks- my oc (looking for a JJ)
the vampire diaries- my oc or hayley (looking for a stefan, damon, kol or klaus)
the purge- ocXoc would be cool for this preferably looking for fxm (me being f)
Ace/the wattpad book/- my oc or sofia (looking for ace)
⭐️ the ravenhood series-my oc or Cecelia (looking for sean or dom.. or both(; )
harry potter- my oc (looking for draco)
nascar- my oc (looking for chase elliott, kyle larson, ryan blaney, Christopher bell)
euphoria: my oc, mads or case. (looking for a nate)
these are what came to my mind but i have plenty more than what is listed!! just ask (:
others i’ve been dying to write against with my OC
vinnie hacker // andy biersack // machine gun kelly // chase hudson // jaden hossler // nessa barrett // tommy lee // dolan twins //
i have so many plot ideas and i’m totally down to whatever ideas you have as well i love writing so i never say no to a good plot!!
i’m a total book nerd so if you’re interested in plotting book characters i’m 100% down to read the book for you if i haven’t already read it the same with shows/movies. i’m very open minded
also always down for a good sub(me) and dom relationship!!
like this and i’ll get in contact as soon as i can (:
or just message me and i’ll answer faster!!
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
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Yandere ocs with a flirty reader
Lee: Pardon, are you talking to her? It baffles her that the one she’s watching developed feelings for is flirting with her . Will attempt to flirt back, but usually boils down to tame compliments and stumbling over her words. Her weak spots are her eyes as she has Coloboma and is somewhat self-conscious about it. 
Baron: If it’s when you first summon him, he’ll think it’s a bit odd (still into it), but if your relationship is stronger he’ll be ecstatic. Hangs onto every word and is all over you with affection afterwards 
Alasdair: amused over anything else, but flirts back. Has a rather smooth tongue and knows just where to hit to leave you a blushing mess. 
Elliott: Fears he’s gotten caught when you confront him, but as you start flirting, it’s a completely different story. Though his exterior remains somewhat cold, inside he’s a flustered wreck, unsure what to say. Will remember your words down to the letter and probably use them in a film somewhere since he can’t get them out of his head
Host: already flirty as it is, but if you return the gesture, it’ll only worsen; most likely to a hands-on level. If he catches you flirting with a guest, it doesn’t really matter considering where they’ll be by the end of the day, but with an audience member it’s a little different. Not only do you have to worry about a jealous Host, but the member will most likely try to add you to the collective so your safety would be at risk too. Makes sure you stay on stage at all times and if you even edge on its border there'll be consequences. 
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