The Rantings of a Gamer
15 posts
From the mind of a hyper chocolate lover.
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moria-rants · 6 years ago
Character Rants
So I don’t know what’s up with me. Maybe it’s depression or maybe its the years of weird insult and compliments building up. But I was looking at some of my characters and just kind of thinking bout them. Cause one major insult someone had told me long ago is that my characters are flat and all the same. So I decided to look at the characters that felt most similar and just.. I dunno.. Justify them? To myself? Does that make sense? Eh whatever.
So the two in question atm are Gennesy Crestwell and Adriana Emsworth ( @tidesage-crestwell and @thebloodieddaughter ). A simple similar versus differences.
Similarities: (Other then played by same person.) -Refuse to harm children -Both Sea Themed (Tidesage and a Pirate) -Both Black Hair -Both Have Jewelry (Does this count? IDK) -Both are overly attached to their love interest -Both are overly attached to their friends -Both came from a home of farmers -Both fucking hate a specific faction. (Genn: Forsaken, Ana: Bloodsail) -Both have surprising proficiency in things you wouldn’t generally associate with their type of outward personality. -Both are obsessed with learning
Now I’m sure there's more but I can’t think of any atm so let’s go with differences.
Differences: -Gennesy is kind on the outside, but inside has a rather sinister mindset vs Adriana who has a rough outward appearance and attitude but is honestly super conscious of how people perceive her. -Gennesy hates feeling like a failure even if it’s her first time attempting anything, I.E. She feels she has to be perfect and able 24/7. Whereas Adriana tries a lot of things and enjoys failure because it allows her to know more about something and what alternates there are in a process. -Adriana hates the faction system and especially hates the Kingdom of Stormwind’s leadership. Blaming the faction wars for why people like her family lived in strife of banditry and starvation that eventually led to the murder of said family. Gennesy sees the nobles and wars as just, believing nobility has the higher education and therefor higher ability to dictate. She also believes the forsaken as cruel and evil twisted monsters and as such they must be purged. -Adriana was seen as a nobody. Another orphan of the war with no use to anybody until Isaars took her among his men to begin giving her access to books, each man of the small 5 man team teaching her something new (I.E. Rooze teaching her how to fight with a blade, Kyn teaching her about herbs and medicine, etc) where as Gennesy was shown prowess at a young age and swept away to be taught to be a proud Tidesage, never worrying or feeling like she was useless. -Gennesy was raised and trained with a strict mindset that causes her to struggle heavily with change, failure, and disrespect, which generally leads to bouts of moping, depression, or lashing out in rage. Adriana however was raised to help those in need, and work to improve and let insults roll off her back and let change take its course, leaving her to laugh things off unless they got to be too much. -When in question of love: Gennesy would sabotage and kill to ensure no one would take her love interest away from her. Adriana would at first feel enraged before deflating. She would back off and let the interest choose, then probably go find a DTF buddy to help until she felt better. -Gluttons for Knowledge: Gennesy is gluttonous for knowledge in the idea that it will allow her to become powerful and take down anyone or thing in her way, such as learning about poison to kill without detection. Adriana hungers for knowledge because the world is fascinating to her, there is so much to it that even basic problems could easily be solved if just there was more access to some knowledge like alchemy or druidism or shamanism. She seeks it to better understand how to fix things and to help protect. She learned about poisons with the intent to aid in creating antitoxins to help save. So in simple terms for no one really unless people just don’t want to really read a large parapost..
Genn vs Ana.. It’s kind of simple why they’re different. Gennesy is a Dorodere where as Adriana is a Tsunshun.
Now! What are those?
Dorodere is a type of character who's messed up or psycho for whatever reason on the inside, but they appear sweet and lovable on the outside.
Tsunshun is a type of char who is very much like Tsundere. But unlike Tsundere, they show abrasive and arrogant nature to hide their depression. Or due to the fear of getting close to others because of their troubled past. Aside from their angry/mean character, these archetypes usually get sad after humiliating others.
So in conclusion:
I literally have no idea why I ranted on this but it made me feel better so goals?
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moria-rants · 7 years ago
Summer Nights
Relationships are weird. Rping relationships are weirder. It kind of boggles my mind how some people rp it out. Like oh damn these characters met a week ago and are dating like omg wtf... but then it's like.. have you seen people irl? My dad and mom got married after a few months. They're fine. I met someone online for my first relationship and we started dating after two days of knowing eachother. Yes, it turned out bad but that's just how people are. My highschool boyfriend I knew since kindergarten and we were in mutual pining until high school when he finally asked me out. Like different relationships go at different paces. I'm currently happy with a relationship that was years of friendship prior. People blame time as the main factor of relationships failing and seem to forget to weigh in effort and compatability. Like yea time is a factor. Like it takes at least a year (in my opinion) for you to get to know someone and have them open up enough to see if they're compatable. But hey, I'm no expert. I just find relationships weird and people's reactions to them weirder.
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moria-rants · 7 years ago
So I'm listening to the song Ready as I'll ever Be from Tangled the series, and that's when a thought went through my mind. What if Varian hasn't died on the broken shore? Then it spiraled into this scenario. Garrosh killed Anduin in Mists. Then Genn died on the Shores to save the rest of them. Varian is now enraged at the Horde for taking two people close to him. You then have Jaina tell him to destroy the horde. So they spend Legion killing demons and collecting Intel on the Horde. Still stopping Sylvanus in Stormheim but not with direct attacks but rather subversion and warning the vykrul gods. Then once the Legion is defeated, there's a summit to talk about what happened on the shore, but le gasp! It's a trap. Sylvanus is kidnapped. It's found out Varian and Jaina had gathered supporters and together kidnapped the Banshee Queen. Once news spreads of their plan to eradicate the Horde and those stopping them, Alleria and Valeera rally the Horde and Alliance together to stop the madman.
Dunno. Seemed like it would be interesting story development.
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moria-rants · 7 years ago
I think, a lot of the time, people forget just how broken I can be. That everything can be a toll on the mind and body, and just leave me weak. Like knowing that there are people who don’t understand the extent of what its like, and then for them to cast judgement and ridicule you for it. Like Schizophrenia isn’t fun, neither is PTSD or Depression. Living in this family doesn’t help either. The voices, though now dull from the medication, still keep me up at night, whispering in my friends voices and causing me to hallucinate things that aren’t there. This causes me to keep a night light so I can see everything in my room... My siblings and uncle question why I need a nightlight at 22 years old. My boss questions why I’m always tired and why I have so many issues sleeping. Depression ontop of it, doesn’t help. It completely drains me of any motivation to do anything, and I have to force myself to get out of bed, which is generally why some days I just stay in bed even if I’ve made prior commitments. I don’t have the energy to try and be social, and why I dread having to leave the house for work, cause I know my boss will take my to the pool and try to force me to be social with everyone that comes. The same goes for my family, anytime I leave the house with them, they strike a conversation with anyone that meets their gaze and tries to get me to join in, its uncomfortable. Then there's the PTSD. I got it from a Car Accident when I was five.. That’s right, FIVE. Do you know how terrifying it is, when your first memory is the most crystal clear? Because someone in an 18wheeler hit your car, and you can hear the screeching of tires, the sound of metal crumpling, and the screams of your family.. And thats all you can remember from childhood? But then that same family is like “There’s no way you remember it well enough to be this effected by it.” Like I can smell the gasoline, I can see the debris flying towards my face and feel the glass that cut my skin. I remember being pulled from the broken car and having a heavy neck brace put on me and forcing me to stare upwards at blinding ambulance lights as I hear my sister screaming and crying for them to take the brace off. The cold latex hands poking and prodding at me and the sting of the rubbing alcohol. The thin cloth of the bedsheets that were tying me down onto the hospital bed. And apparently I’m shamed for fearing being in a car for extended periods of time or going over 30 miles an hour? That I’m terrified to get behind a wheel, not cause of my inability to drive, but because of how easily someone elses mistake could cause me to go through that again. My family thinks it a joke. My brother will floor it to 80 miles an hour on straight roads. My uncle will purposefully swerve and fishtail the car while I’m in it. My mother and father try to force me to drive then spend the entire time telling me to pay attention to this and that and have a conversation with them while the music is blaring. Then finally, Finally I get to get to an escape, I get to get online... only to have to be silent. Silent because some jerk decided to take his mental illness and use it as an excuse to harass and bully others and try to hide behind it like a coward. I have to be silent because others rely on me for comfort when their own mental challenges become too much of a burden to bear. I have to be silent, cause trying to tell someone how to get help for their illness is basically me attacking them, cause telling them they need different medication or need to see a therapist is offensive and rude and how the hell would I understand what they are going through. I have to be silent, because my schizophrenia leaves me paranoid, and if I speak up on my concern, I’m condemned and told I am trying to start drama or a witch hunt. Its become a chore talking to friends, for I have to keep supporting them without breaking this image of I can handle anything. Cause that’s what’s expected of me.
Is that fair?
When you have a broken leg, you’re told to stay off of it. When you have a broken mind, you’re told to get over it and keep moving on.
Then of course, there’s those that have the mindset of “Oh you just need this to fix you.” Like, it doesn’t fucking work that way. There is no FIXING. There is only surviving. You have to build up an armor and shield yourself, and just take the beatings the world throws at you. “Oh you’re so strong for getting back up when you’re pushed down.” Its not strong to get up when someone beats you down. It’s expected. Cause if you lay down, you fall into the pit that ends with one thing. Death. And I’ve been on the edge of that pit for so long. How simple and easy would it be to take a few too many pills and then sleep and never wake up. But no. I know that there are others who need me, so I keep getting up. Cause guess what, there’s not always gonna be someone out there to grab your hand and pull you up. The least I can do is grab others and hold them up until they can climb out. But fuck, is there people who lives to shove others into the pit. SO fuck you, to the person who doesn’t stop to think how their words can affect someone who is struggling as it is.
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moria-rants · 7 years ago
Pets as Gods
So as usual, I'm up late... and decided what my pets would be if they were gods...
The Dogs:
Stormy, Goddess of Battle!
Nicky, Goddess of Homestead!
Foxxy, Goddess of the Blind!
Molly, Goddess of Toys and Youth!
The Cats:
Siamon, Goddess of Mischief
Cinder, Goddess of the Hunt and Beauty
Sam, God of Love
Thunder, God of Thunder
Lightning, God of Lightning
Tigger, God of Rest
Garfield, God of the Harvest
Misty, Goddess of the Sun
So... What would your pets be if they were gods?
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moria-rants · 7 years ago
Late Night Depression Rant
So you know how much it sucks just kind of having people set theses expectations of you, and then condemning you for not meeting them because you physically can't? Like I've stayed up the last hour just crying. So fricken, it's expected of me to not feel things like jealousy or vengeance or the likes right? Or that any physical pain I could feel is somehow insignificant compared to those around me. And oh you should just stop feeling depressed because "you have no reason to be depressed". Like, oh, this person that I love and cherish and want to spend time with appears to be avoiding me and not wanting to even talk to me unless it's to tell me how much fun they're having with someone else, but me being upset about it is taboo cause I should understand right? Or ya know, this person I care about is friends with someone who has hurt me to the point I attempted suicide, but I should totally be chill because they did nothing wrong to my friend. Or ya know, I had two asthma attacks and my body has been shaking for eight hours now because they were that bad but I should stop whining and get over it cause I only had to work 2 hours today. I can barely move my arm, the pain hurts so much but I should shut up cause it pales in comparison to someone in a wheelchair who takes painkillers daily and is totally fine. Oh this person I really like talking to suddenly stopped talking to me and hasn't said a word in two weeks but is constantly online. Yea just keep that paranoia that they hate you in check cause "obviously they are busy and just haven't had a chance to chat" and no one wants to hear about it. Oh, you're super upset cause someone who obviously doesn't like you is forcing you out of a scene? Just don't let that happen. Easy peasy. LIKE DO YOU SEE HOW UPSETTING THIS ALL IS? "Oh well you can always rant to me" No. No I fucking cannot cause half the people I think I can talk to are the fucking causes and can't grasp that when I say "it hurts" that I mean it fucking hurts. It's not me fucking whining and being some jealous bitch, it's literally the most fucking upsetting thing ever and the fact that I have to watch what I say so I don't offend you when telling you my feelings is so suffocating that I honestly want to stab someone. Like why do *I* have to walk on eggshells so YOU don't have to feel like crap. Why do I have to watch what I say when you can run your mouth. It's bullshit and I'm getting real tired of being the use and throw away toy.
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moria-rants · 7 years ago
So long ago I did a rant on my OOC blog about adding more food and drinks to World of Warcraft. I even started a document. I went back to it and was disappointed to see i didn't get far with it.. but then I started thinking. What would we add if we could? And then the possibilities started flowing and I'm like, I want to discuss this. I want to see what people think. So this is my challenge to you. What do YOU think should be added?
Like Kul'tiras and Zandalar are coming out, and plus with the Allied races, there's so many possibilities we could get! For instance, Dark Iron Dwarves. I know those such as @bath-ironstout and Moddy did a lot of food related items at the Cask 'n' Anvil. So what about more foods based around the Dwarven clans? The tauren clans? I mean think about it. With Tauren you got those in Mulgore, you got the taunka, the ones in Pandaria, Highmountain, Grimtotem, so many! You could easily expand their foods. Like picture Taunka have more venison and fish dishes and jerky. Grimtotem are more dark meats and grain. Highmountain are more veggie and fruits. What about the drinks? Well with Shal'dorei's magic, you could have loads of variety of Wines and Juices! Heck, even mead! Draenor Orcs could be introducing more of their dishes! Lightforged and the Fel Draeneis can show off more of their tack food that they used to survive 10,000 years! Void elves could show their void related foods that they got from Ethereals such as Manaberries and Gem brownies! All of it could be fun! Think of the various human kingdoms getting more expansive food and drinks under their belt! Like fish goods from Kul'tiras. More veggies from Elwynn! Dark meats from Arathi! There would be such varieties that we could go on about! But I'll leave it to discussions!
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moria-rants · 7 years ago
Angry Rant
So, I’m putting this out there. This will not be a happy rant. This will be an angry rant, and if you are easily offended, you are advised to turn away from this post. Like seriously, it will not be nice.
What is up with nobles on the Alliance? I can’t say much for horde as I barley see them, but Alliance. Just what the ever loving fuck are you doing? Like okay, let me step back. Maybe I don’t know what WoW Nobility is supposed to be like. Maybe I’m hooked too much on stories of King Arthur, and Disney Princesses, and Anastasia, but, I know one thing. The higher your rank, the more people are to respect you. What do Alliance nobles do? The opposite. For the last two years, I have watched noble rp grow and expand, have its ups and downs, but there were a few things that never set right with me. 1. Peoples choices in land. 2. How they addressed issues. 3. How they spoke to other nobles. 4. How they acted as their nobility rank. Like let me make this clear, I am no expert. I cannot say with 100% certainty that this is how nobles should be. I will repeat that.
I am NO expert. I cannot say how you should RP a noble!
However, I want to address these topics above. Lets start with the land issue. So yea, a lot of people like Roleplaying Nobles, and saying their land is around x,y, and z. Cool beans, you do you. However I have to bring to question when you choose lands that are clearly not human held as your choice. Like Stranglethorn, Tanaris, Hinterlands, so on and so forth. To my knowledge, the seven kingdoms very in region and location but are safely known amongst the wow universe, even in its destroyed state. Stranglethorn is an untamed jungle, that the kingdom of Stormwind has just sent small incursions into to look for resources and so forth. It is contested territory as the trolls of the Gurubashi fight to defend THEIR LANDS. The orcs and Goblins have also set up amongst that land. But again, it is Gurubashi Land (Feel free to reply to this and tell me if I missed a piece of lore stating otherwise). Hinterlands is contested between the Dwarves of Aerie Peak and the Trolls that live there. This, to the Alliance, is known as Wildhammer Lands and is recognized as such. So why would Wildhammer dwarves give land and permit HUMAN NOBLES to make calls on their land? They wouldn’t, to my knowledge. Sure they may give land to house the humans, as they are allies and friends, but they would not give them the power to build armies and attack the lands threats which could prove dangerous for the dwarves. Tanaris now, is a tricky one. There isn’t a lot of lore defining humans and when they got there. The only city there is a goblin ran town of Gadgetzan. However, there are Tanari Wastelanders, which would allow for Humans to be born and raised in Tanaris. I can see the Wastelanders having their own hierarchy. However, their hierarchy would not be acknowledged by the Alliance or any known human kingdom. Wastelanders are just bandits and pirates, they have their own rules and ranks, but they are not acknowledged by Stormwind, Gilneas, or any other human kingdom. The closest one I can think of accepting them as any form of nobility would be Kul’tiras, and even then, that’s a stretch. I will state this again, I may not know all the information, if you can point to me information stating otherwise, I will happily take it and understand!
On to the next topic. How they address issues. Now I know that not everyone is all about politics. It’s not a very fun business unless you are coming out on top, so I understand how it is. This is the cause of a lot of stress and argument. With that said, I don’t understand the mindset about when it comes to issues that nobles face. There aren’t a lot of wars between nobles, which would be an obvious thing to happen, what with land grabs and control. But the main one that really bothers me, is the lack of care for the issues in their region. Like sure, all nobles care about Westfall and its poverty. And all Arathi, Lordaeron, and Gilnean nobles care about beating back the Forsaken and reclaiming their lands. But what about the other lands? Sure Elwynn is tranquil and at first glance doesn’t have any problems... until you think. They have massive gnoll, murloc, kobold, and bandit issues. The guard is spread thin and rarely is able to fully deal with the problem. Yet I have yet to hear of any Elwynn Noble that has thought about rallying together to raise money for the Clergy in Northshire Abbey, or clearing out Gnoll or Kobold camps. Sure they suppress the murlocs and bandits, but that isn’t all there is! Then lets look at Darkshire. Yea there’s worgen and undead problems! But there’s also the Riders! You know, the ones in Legion that you had to fight their leader to get your Artifact Weapon? They are still out there! They are harassing the village! Why not deal with them? Why not raise funds to try and find a way to remove the curse that leaves the land shrouded in darkness? What about Redridge? All the destruction that John Keeshan left behind in his wake. Why is there no fundraisers to repair the total damage he did? He literally BLEW UP an entire valley! He destroyed countless buildings that were attempted to be reclaimed! He fricken murdered a dude in a fight club! Like why are the Redridge nobles not trying to repair the damage done? ESPECIALLY When you do the quests you discover that Redridge has a lack of guards to defend the place. Why are nobles not setting up groups to defend Redridge? Why is there no Redridge Council or whatever to protect the region? It’s all swept under the rug like it didn’t happen and nothing is wrong. Like sure, sure. I am sure plenty of nobles write in their stories that they are defending against the threat or sending troops to the current war against whatever. But when was the last time they did any fundraising to get people aware and support their civilians?
Noble on Noble action. Let’s get down to that. So again, I know World of Warcraft is different, so maybe different social interactions are there. But, I’m pretty sure, that if a noble of substantial wealth and power spoke to you, then you told them to fuck off and flipped them the finger, I don’t think you’re noble-ing right. Like Duke is the highest you can be as a noble in Roleplay without being a damn Prince or Princess. If a Lowly Knight Lord told a Duke to shove it cause he doesn’t know shit about the battlefield, then yea he would get his ass beat cause that’s like telling the King to kiss your ass as a baker. It’s not socially acceptable! Like from the top down its Duke/Duchess, Marquis, Count/Countess, Baron/Baroness, Lord/Lady. Once more I state, I do not know 100% and could be incorrect. But like seriously. Would you go up to your boss and flip him the bird cause he told you something you didn’t like? No, cause it’s not acceptable behavior! When you talk to someone of higher ranking, you’re supposed to address them as such in proper manners and be polite and elegant and well-mannered. Salute, bow, call them Your Lordship or Your Highness. Like okay, if a Duke said its okay to call them by their first name, then that’s what you do. But upon first meeting? HELL FUCKING NO!
Which brings me to how people act as their nobility rank. I am sorry, but why on earth would a noble of any standing openly and publicly go out to a brothel? Better question, why would you arrange a political marriage (Which nobles would most assuredly do) just to have some huge dramatic break off scene so they can run away with their “one true love” who is some lowblood? Like, I know that sounds horrible to say, but its so overdone. And truthfully? Most families would probably stripe you of your access to their wealth if you broke off a political marriage. Like, just saying. Like yes it is your character, and yea its your story. But like, why the overdone trope? Sure its World of Warcraft, where even nobles learn to fight and do alchemy and magic. But that doesn’t change their social standing and the expectations they are supposed to uphold. Like I just don’t get it. Sure tropes are fun, like a lot of fun to do. But when it’s overdone, it loses the flavor. Especially when you guys can’t even add a twist or variety on it cause you’re too afraid to face consequences of your actions. Which is ironic since most of you complain about criminal and villain rpers who don’t want to take consequences for their actions.
Finally, I will state. I might be wrong. Hell I might be bloody stupid and not realize it cause I lack knowledge of one subject or another. If you wish to discuss it with me and point out that “Oh well, what if was like this? Or maybe you didn’t think about X being B.” Like I am all for it. I will gladly discuss, but if you come at me with the “You’re a fucking dumb bitch who’s just trying to control my RP, I hope Blizzard bans you.” Well good sir, then I will ignore you and continue my discussion with those who want to inform me of why I may not be understanding things.
Let me know if I missed some heavy lore piece, or that maybe I’m not on the right side of the server and missed a bunch of events or such that cleared most of these problems! Love you all. Have a fantastic day.
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moria-rants · 7 years ago
Bring it Back!
So as usual, it's 2 in the morning and my brain has the habit of deciding not to sleep. So guess what tonight's topic is about? Come on, guess! It's about Centaurs. More importantly, the ones constantly fighting the taurens =D.
Seriously though, in Vanilla wow you had to fight these things for quests and to raise rep... and then they were just gone?? Like harpies were the same way until Legion, then it was suddenly Fel harpies. But where are the Centaurs? I want to have stories where we have to befriend a prince of a centaur tribe and with his aid bring unity between the Centaurs and Tauren. Like their models are cool too, and picture the amount of differences there could be in models! You could have a female centaur that has a Zhevara body and then like a Tanari human chest and she could have like a sleeveless tube top and a Veil mask and have like a cloth beads waist band with like a decorative cloth cover on their horse part! Or you could have a buff male with a full on hood and mask and long spear that has a giraffe body and wears plate ankle bracers. Like it would be glorious! Think of the various combinations!
Also can we have like a new variety for harpy models? Like they're all the same model but just with like 3 color choices? I want a harpy that has like Faeb colors. Like a pink hair with purple feathers and white clothing. Have their hair all wild and all fluffed out like a lions mane.
Also Banshees. I need more banshee/ghost styles. Like in MoP we got some new designs but I want more. I want a young looking banshee that hovers and has Elven features and thick hair that's still all whispy around her head. I want a male model that goes fucking Danny Phantom on this shit where it looks like he's in armor but his legs would just be like a wisp of mist. Like come on!
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moria-rants · 7 years ago
HOOOOO-LEH-SHIT! THERE ARE SOME FUCKING ADORABLE LITTLE SHIT COUPLES AND IT IS FUCKING FANTASTIC. Like I know a couple of mine are there, but like. I love them all so much? Like for instance Amora and Zan. They are cute as balls, with their lil blushing and flirting but not realizing the other actually likes them and they've been childhood friends since forever and like even their parents know they gonna be together and it's just so squee!?! Then there's Zaddy and Tay and omg I love them. What with their chocolate adoration and their cute pet names and magic tricks and how they take care of the kids and just omg beautiful I can just eat them up. And then there's like Kerriss and Trevor and their wholesome coupling and omg it's so obvious they're madly in love and cute and playful! And like omg. I'm gonna cry from the cuteness that is Lissa and Rook because it's like they're these super intimidating fighters but the second they're alone they just turn into big dorks and it's soooo fucking cute as Lissa just is all shy and shit. Then there's Flaxin and his boyfriend and it's so shippable and you just wanna like lock them in a room and watch them cuddle and talk and smoke and it's just let them be together in peace! And there are sooooooooooo many others, I could go on. Like oh! Risri and Draguar! Omg best Ying yang couple ever! What with his oh I'm so broody and Risri all sunshine and rainbows and it's just ahhh! THEY'RE ALL SO CUTE!
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moria-rants · 7 years ago
So I just talked about Anduin. So let's look at the horde leader, Sylvanus. *Deep breath* WHAT. THE FUCK. BLIZZARD. Like I loved Sylvanus as a character and a leader but Jesus fuck what have you done to my beloved banshee queen you fucking money whores. You took a perfectly good angsty leader and turned her into an Arthas 2.0 with just a bit more living followers, you fucking sluts. Like let's look at how Sylvanus was. She was a tactical military leader, raised into a banshee queen who took back control, freed some undead, beat the fuck outta some dreadlords and made one her bitch and drove out Arthas and his followers and put them on the ropes. This woman was bad-fucking-ass. She joined the horde, she beat back demons in burning crusade, she was there in wotlk to kick Arthas in the fucking balls.... And then you ruined her. In the novels, it's known that after Arthas was killed, she jumped off Icecrown and attempted to take her life. Then she realized hell was waiting for her and she ain't about that, so the Val’kyr agreed to take her place and raise her and help her with the undead. So yea, I can see why she would be afraid of dying, but that doesn't excuse her sudden stupidity. Like she appalled Arthas for killing innocents and raising people from the grave, and then literally after killing him she does exactly that? She plague bombs Southshore for legit no reason? Like that was a peaceful human town that she was having no issues with and they were leaving her be... and then she just says fuck them. And then she really decides fuck Gilneas even though they haven't done shit for the last like 20 years (granted that might be why. Fucking assholes let Arthas kill everyone and then didn't help when demons invaded, fucking rude asses.). But like she had a serious sudden desire to conquer the eastern kingdoms for no reason. Like why man? What would raising an entire continent do for you? Like cool you suddenly have a shit load more undead... but now literally everyone and their mom hates you and wants you dead cause you're the next Arthas. How is that tactical or smart in any way? Like the real Sylvanus would never do something so stupid. Like in Legion, I can totally understand her motives. She's literally just defending herself and trying to capture the creator of Val’kyr so she won't ever die. That makes sense when you've seen hell and really don't want to go back. But then what's her deal with going after Teldrassil? Like why would you do that? Tyrande and Malfurion have literally done nothing to you (other then be annoying whiners that nearly everyone hates cause holy shit shut up and Tyrande pick an accent). Its like Blizzard has no idea what to do with her cause they don't know shit about what a military genius would think like cause clearly the original writer is gone and that writer knew how to write her correctly. Which brings to the last thing. So this is all clearly building up into either the horde become bad guys, or Sylvanus becomes the next leader turned raid Boss and honestly? I fucking hate either option. You gave Illidan a redemption and fulfillment, give it to Sylvanus. Like after all the betrayal she has gone through? I want her to see the light as it were and repent and make amends and just have a calm life where she can work with her sisters and be a family again and just be a bad ass fighter couple with Nathanos. I don't want to kill her, I don't want to become the bad guy. I want to see her realize she's become an Arthas and to change.
And as for the question of what happens if she's no longer warchief. Please, for the love of all that is holy and shadowy, please please PLEASE make the tauren leader of the horde. Or Lorthremar. The nightborne are too new or I'd say let Thalyssra lead. But seriously, like Baine would make an excellent leader. Like he's friends with the night elves. So that would ease tension. It would be beautiful. Please Blizzard?
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moria-rants · 7 years ago
So fricken @allhalegrayson decided to challenge my ranting abilities with the topic of why the fuck Anduin is leader of the Alliance just cause his dad was. So here I am, delivering.
FIRST OFF! Anduin is a fucking saint? Like this kid at 18 managed to hide from SI:7 and mind control people, as well as convince his war hungry father to give peace a try, he also managed to resurrect his dad once? And furthermore this boyo in the novels is fucking bad ass? Like Garrosh left him broken and battered and he was still kind to him and even convinced a courtroom and prison to let Garrosh enter his trial a little more dignified and like shit that's respectful as fuck. He even convinces a revenge angry woman to go back on her plans to become a banshee and poison Garrosh just by being a kind and gentle soul. And like people give him shit cause oh in Legion he moped around for most of it but it's like did he really though? Like let's look at politics momentarily. He became king cause his father died. That means he now has a butt load of stuff he has to get sorted. Arranging the funeral and restoration of the park. He has to handle deployments and setting up a new general to lead the armies cause a lot of soldiers died. He has to set up people to write letters and send medals to the families of those who passed. He has to work with demon hunters to ensure there's no more demonic spies in his kingdom. He's got the fake Mathias Shaw on his ass telling him he's not safe cause Garona and rogues are sneaking around the city to stop an evil demonic cult. Which means he now has to hire investigators and guards to root out and destroy any remnants of said cult. He's gotta work with nobles to sending aid and supplies to the front lines so the troops have what they need to survive a war against DEMONS. He's gotta do more then all that! So yea. He's probably fucking depressed like no one's business and has a lot he's gotta work through as his new role as KING. So give the kid credit. At 21 would you be prepared to lead not only your own nation but also hold the Alliance of 7 nations together while they fight for the very survival of their planet? I think not. Shit I'm 21 and I can't even walk up to the counter to order food at McDonalds on my own. I would die doing what Anduin has to do. So then outta all this, he eventually goes to a demon filled island just to find his dad's blade and be like "I gotta be strong. Ima be great." And it's like, I would literally probably be killed by a demon the second I stepped on the island cause holy crap would I be a mess, I wouldn't even be able to think of being stealthy. So yea. The kid also has the respect of all the other leaders because he is strong af. Velen is like I am so proud of my lil student, look at him, he has a way with the light and understands diplomacy and yes. And Genn is like he's not as tough as I am, but he's getting there so I will help him. And the dwarves are like he saved so many people by stopping his dad in Pandaria, the kid is a genius. And the gnomes are like fuck yea this kid is good. And Malfurion is like "Must protect, he is good boy." And even fucking hard ass Tyrande is like yea this kid is good and great with light so clearly he's blessed. So it's like this kid is op and amazing and YET ENTIRELY HUMAN AND YOU CAN RELATE TO HIS STRUGGLES CAUSE HOLY CRAP BLIZZARD GIVE THE BOY A BREAK YOU MONSTERS.
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moria-rants · 7 years ago
So we all know a lot of people with anxiety, but can I say how grateful I am to have met Percy (everyone's favorite marshal) and Eryn? Like I hit a point in my life where I found out I had a mental illness that had gone untreated for most of my life and it spiraled. Finally I was on medication and I was a wreck. Gotta get used to meds right? Well Percy helped me through it and guess what. In his attempts to calm my panic, he also taught me a lot of neat tricks to helping my friends with anxiety. Same goes for Eryn. I'd stress over events and she knew just the tricks to calm my mind enough for me to work through a problem. My favorite, and by far the most useful in my opinion, was the distraction method. They've both done it on me (and I on them from time to time). It's where you ask someone to start describing something in the room that they can touch and see, and just keep asking them questions. How big is it compared to you? What's it smell like? Is it soft? What color is it? Is it opaque? Can you lick it? What does it feel like? Can you hug it? And generally by the time you run out of questions, the person has calmed down and can be comforted. So yea. I just wanted to say rock on for learning tricks to help others. Try it on friends when they are having anxiety, it might help!
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moria-rants · 7 years ago
Demons and Kids
So like, The Burning Legion (tm) was able to conquer worlds. Some races willingly gave themselves over for the sake of power, others were conquered, some enslaved, but then, thinking on it. How in the ever living, void fucking existence, did they manage to raise their children to go along with this shit? Like surely at some point, you know that angry Eredar teenager is like "Mom you are literally killing races for no other reason then your master told you to. That's not okay!" But then there's also a really weird scene where like an eredar woman is raising her toddler and so she has to take him to work with her on the Legion ship and the other demons are like great this kid is gonna be scared of us. And then the kid isn't? Like the kid decides fuck it, I'm gonna practice my pitiful fireballs with the imps. I'm gonna watch the Fel guards practice their swordsmanship. I'm gonna help a succubus get their disguise together to seduce a target. And the mom isn't paying attention cause shit she's gotta navigate the stars to make it to the next target planet. And then she looks up and her kid is on the shoulders of those giant demons like the boss from Black Rook Hold... And that's normal life for them??? And then the kid gets trained to be a fighter and sees another person his age try to save someone they're trying to conquer and he's just like "wtf why would you do that?" But then there's like that one romance string in him who's like fuck she's hot. So he rises in ranks and let's her keep several of species under the pretext that it's to better the Legion by learning adaptations of these races when really it's just to make her happy cause not all of the race will be wiped out. And omg that is so fucking cute but like really fucked up but still. (What was my main point again?)
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moria-rants · 7 years ago
Azeroth Holidays
So I’ve always wondered, wtf is with WOWs holidays being celebrated by everyone, even bad guys. And I know, obvious answer is game mechanics, but fuck it, I like to believe there are other answers. So the first obvious answer is THE TITANS ™. As we know, the Titans created all worlds. But we also know they’re kinda lazy, but being under threat and tortured by a traitor tends to do that to a person, so we’ll give them a pass. So like, when they made their constructs, did they give them a set calendar with set holidays and tell them this is what the decor should look like. Cause let’s be honest, that would be hilarious. Especially in the aspect of the fight against demons and old gods. Like haha fuck you old god, you may have given us flesh, but it’s time for Love is in the Air, which means now we can reproduce. So your plan to destroy us back fired cause now there’s more of us. But then it’s like, how awkward would that be as a demon? Like “guys we can’t invade this planet right now.” “Why not?” “Look at the calendar.” “SHIT! It’s winters Veil. We gotta be peaceful and stuff.” “Why does a planet made of fire and lava even have a WINTERS veil. It doesn’t make sense.” “RULES ARE RULES, MAADARIA.” Which then leads to why do all planets celebrate the same holidays even if it’s the Titans will. Like, why would a FROST PLANET celebrate Midsummer FIRE Festival? Then there’s the other thing of how holidays are celebrated. It could be that us Azerothians are just giant assholes. Like oh look the Dark Portal let us go to this new world to fight demons and shit. Let’s force the residence of this new world to conform to our systematic beliefs and holiday trees and use it to demand they become “Civilized” like us. Like what total douchebags. Like I want an uprising from like the Lightforged Draenei or the Draenor Orcs that are just like fuck your corporate holidays! DOWN WITH THE TRADE PRINCE! (Does he control all goblins? Eh fuck him, he’s a jerk anyways.)
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