It Ends With Us
Unpopular opinion: It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover is overhyped…Spoilers ahead!!
Mkay, so if you've been on any platform with book nerds, you've probably seen this book. Atlas was the only character that I didn't want to absolutely PUNCH in the face.
But Lilly made SUCH a poor main character. She was self-centered, and so dang RUDE. My girl just does NOT THINK THROUGH HER DANG ACTIONS! Oh I met this rando dude who's like 20 years older than me? I'm gonna MARRY HIM 6 months into meeting him! She's so superficial, and Colleen Hoover writes her so that she's pretty shallow.
And the whole BABY THING?! Girl tf? We didn't need that tbh.
Don't even get me started on the Ellen Letters…I was trying so hard not to cringe while reading them.
Honestly, this just seemed like a really smutty and dark hallmark movie, and you can't change my mind.
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collecter's edition books>>>
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It's not a want it's a need.
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I just finished reading Lapvona by Ottessa Moshfegh and HOLY SHIT. WHat. THE FUCK. just happened?!? I RARELY need to put down a book, even when it's really weird but THIS? *cries* It has so many good themes but WHY?
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I find it so FRICKIN funny how characters will be purposefully written to be misogynistic pieces of shit, and then people will be like "OMG! He's just like me!" *cough cough* patrick bateman *cough cough*
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Suicide Notes by Michael Thomas Ford
This was truly one of the most impactful novels that I have read in my life, and I've read quite a bit.
But in summary, the book surrounds fifteen year old Jeff, who wakes up in a psychiatric ward in a hospital. It follows his journey as he's situated there for a period of forty-five days.
Overall Rating: 4.5/5
UgHH. THis book was so triggering and so good. I cried so much reading this. I recently re-read this, and a lot of the book remains amazingly well-written. It's almost terrifying, how cloudy it is. Please check any possible triggers these may contain. If this get's some attention I may repost this with all the trigger warnings.
One thing I definitely appreciated about this novel was the attention the author gave to male sexual assault survivors. There was a pretty graphic sexual assault described in the novel, which might be triggering.
But overall, a truly TREMENDOUS book that I would ABSOLUTELY RECOMMEND!
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Can I just say that Callum Turner in The Only Living Boy in New York is simply superior. That's the whole post tbh.
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Nah cuz this skinny yt boy will forever have my heart <3
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Every book that I read this year that I would recommend
This is gonna be a l o o o o o o o n g list. I'll post reviews for all of these. Currently I'm just gonna put a brief summary or the genre.
The Tiger at Midnight - good enemies to lovers.
Skim - depressing and confusing
This One Summer - also depressing and confusing
Loveless - humorous and good aro/ace rep.
House in the Cerulean Sea - depressing
Little Fires Everywhere - weird and sad
Shatter Me - kinda overhyped
Cemetery Boys - good rep. for LGBTQIA+
Numb to This - about shootings
It Ends With Us (I didn't necessarily enjoy this…I just have a lot of thoughts.)
Six Crimson Cranes - Nice YA Fantasy
Funeral Girl - YA Fantasy/Horror
If you Could See the Sun - Also good YA fantasy
Nine Liars - good mystery
All the Stars and Teeth - YA Fantasy
Diary of an Oxygen Thief (Also did not enjoy this book. Just have a lot to say.)
Truly Devious - Good mystery
The Catcher in The Rye - Classic
The God of Small Things - Depressing modern classic
Incredible Doom - graphic novel, depressing
When Angels Left the Old Country - Good Omens Vibes
These Violents Delights - Romeo and Juliet Mafia retelling
Pixels of You - Sapphic Sci-Fi
Girl in Pieces - Depression.
The 9:09 Project - Also depression.
SO YEAH. hehehe. get ready for a lot of reviewsssss.
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Snow Falls on Cedars
I recently read this book and had several thoughts soooo yeaa.
So basically, Snow Falls on Cedars, written in 1994 by David Guterson, that surrounds the murder of Carl Heine, a fisherman who lived in the small island of San Piedro. It follows the story of Kabuo Miyamoto, a Japanese American who is deemed a suspect in the case.
The story is mostly told through flashbacks that surround various characters in the plot.
I quite enjoyed the representation this book provided, along with insights as to the racism and xenophobia that Japanese Americans received following World War II.
The story also discusses much about the role of gender in the closely knit community. The book presents how Japanese women were presented in the media, and goes into details about the harmful misogynistic stereotypes about them.
But what I enjoyed most-and what I found a bit unsettling, was the tone of the book. The unreliable narrators, combined with the seemingly pointless flashbacks creates an uneasy and somber feel for the reader.
I did feel that the plot could drag on at times, but the way the story wrapped up was quite worth it!
I would highly recommend for people to read it at least once!!! So..yeah!
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"No Saint has ever watched over me. Not the way you have."
-Kaz Brekker, Shadow and Bone Series on Netflix.
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Crappy design I made a few weeks ago. I made most of the stuff on Canva? Idk :/
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Ok. So Recently I just had the random thought: What if you described Classic Lit books, but you described them waaay too straight-forward. Like, here's an example for The Catcher in the Rye: Guy is dumb, and gets no bitches. He's depressed.
So, here's a list of Classic lit books with my dumb summaries.
Uh oh. Big Whale BAD.
Children are dumb. That's it.
d e p r e s s i o n nn n n n nn nn nnn n nn. yeah.
OoOo Romance and sideburns.
They're both bad for eachother but who really cares.
cheater cheaterrrrrrrrr. Everyone in this book needs to chill.
Dumb guy doesn't get bitches and is depressed.
Dumb guy does get bitches, but can't see them, and is depressed.
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"Is not general incivility the very essence of love?" - Elizabeth Bennet
(Crappy design I made kinda late at night :D)
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Song Recs
Why am I recommending songs at 2 in the morning. I don't know, man.
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The Picture of Dorian Gray
Ok my loveliesss! So I just finished re-reading the Picture of Dorian Gray, and here is a dump!
So. If you didn't know what The Picture of Dorian Gray is a wonderfully macabre tale about our protagonist, DORIAN GRAY, and how he becomes corrupted by his vanity.
But Anyways, let's get into the real stuff. So the picture of Dorian Gray is focused on themes of Hedonism. Hedonism is basically the virtue that self-pleasure is the end aim in life. Which…Oscar Wilde proves is absolute and utter B.S…but onwards! The portrait itself, which reflected Dorian's vanity, was such an enigmatic entity for the entirety of the book. When I first read it, I found myself wondering if the portrait was simply a figment of Dorian's hysteria, or truly existent.
What I find most fascinating about this book is the underlying tones of homesexuality. IT IS SO RARE. When I tell you: SO RARE to find a book-especially a classic, that is-that has such obvious underlying tones of GAYNESS. I MEAN. C'MON DORIAN!! SLAY~
Of course, it wasn't completely canonized in the novel, but in the 2009 film starring Ben Barnes, the relationship between Dorian and Basil was made canon!
I also wanted to elaborate on the more macabre themes that are spoken of in this book. In the end, we finally discover that Dorian was responsible for killing Sibyl. In all honesty, Sibyl deserved better. Was she a bit manic? yes. Was she…just a tad bit irrational at times? Yeah. But still, her death was UNCALLED FOR. Except for the fact that it was. Throughout the book, Sibyl was a symbol of purity. When Sibyl dies, her death is the death of this symbol. Wilde later goes on to explain how this was also the end of Dorian's possible chance to reclaim his beauty.
Overall, a wonderful, beautiful, enigmatic, and FRUITY read!!
So yeah! READ IT.
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