54-1 · 1 year
“I want deeper connections with the people around me. I need to reach out more. Because not everyone leaves. Sometimes if you reach out, the person you’re trying to reach will be right there waiting.”
— Susane Colasanti, So Much Closer
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54-1 · 1 year
“When you are attracted to people, it’s because of the details. Their kindness. Their eyes. The fact that they can get you to laugh when you need it the most.”
— Jodi Picoult, Sing You Home
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54-1 · 1 year
Slowly slipping your hand into theirs.
Six Sexy Words
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54-1 · 1 year
“The only way to change the future is to change what you do daily.”
— Unknown
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54-1 · 1 year
I definitely don't think I want to be a lawyer for the rest of my life.
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54-1 · 1 year
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54-1 · 1 year
I'm happy to find it here
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54-1 · 1 year
I know that the month of June is about end. But let me just say, I am gradually liking this month more than the other months so far.
Even with work problems. XD
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54-1 · 1 year
Coincidence part 2
So the semester ended. Basketball season started and my team mates have started meeting up on the school grounds, bring new recruits. While waiting for our other team mates to arrive, a group of my team mates say, "Hey I heard June transferred from another law school! we might have a chance of winning a place this semester!"
Slightly pumped and excited by the idea that our team might be good this semester, I asked one of the members there who June was and if we had played with her in the past inter school basketball and one of them replied no but confirmed that June really is a good player. To my shock when I asked for June's last name and they replied "Torralba". Hm. A cousin? Another sister perhaps, or just simply the actual Jhonalyn Torralba? This got me hopeful of the chance to see her again but I have to kill the hope that early because we are in law school, joining extra-curricular activities should be our last priority. Still trying to filter any more details about this June Torralba, I simply heard them deciding to go up the basketball court where the faculty are having a friendly game with some of the jocks in law school. I heard June's there so I decided to tag along to see if it's true. Our team captain's going up so I don't think I'd feel lost while I'm there. Arriving on the sixth floor of the building, I did not know where to look so I decided to watch the match, while filtering what my team mates are saying. One of them pointed somewhere and heard her mention "June". She's quite the popular player my team mate's are making her out to be. For the life of my, I cannot see that far, so I've decided I'd just wait a little longer for another chance. Maybe this could be a cousin who would eventually allow me to meet Jhonalyn again. To everyone's good luck and probably honor, LOL our team captain who was missing for a bit approached us, with someone following her behind. Standing in front of us, our team captain introduced her companion that just caught up and stood beside her, "guys, June!" To my sweet pleasure and simple luck, I can't imagine my grinning face and the feeling as if I've won a community lottery. I get to see Jhonalyn Torrabla again. I felt happiness grew inside since she will be joining our team as encouraged by our team captain who also happens to be June's sempai during her undergraduate days. *sigh* How my heart was dancing with so much glee. #to be continued
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54-1 · 1 year
Coincidence? (=
I think it was during my uhm third year or fourth year of my law school, and probably the second or third year of being a member of the law school's basketball team. It was the first semester of the school year.
One of the subjects I took was a retake and it was suppose to be a manageable so I thought I'll just sit in front-row seats so the professor might remember me, do well in the exams at least at the minimum and sleep well without worrying about failing the class.
I would go early in class to be able to sit in the front row probably three or four seats from the aisle on the left side of the room facing the board. The area for the professor in front is elevated so, we have this table-arm school chair made of wood that were placed leg-distance away from the elevated area in front of the class. For some lazy-assed reason I would sit in such a way that I would be able to extend my legs and prop my feet on the elevated area in front. Hey, I get to have the classroom for myself for a few minutes that sometimes--well most of the time I would forget that my classmates would be coming in soon. For a number of times, there would be this classmate who would really make a slowly step over my legs carefully not trying to trip over them. That would made me conscious of course and I would tuck my legs back but it would happen again the following meetings. She would sit a seat apart from where I sat, but no one would sit between us. We never really talked much, a few times this classmate would ask me a question or two about what the professor would say, I would give her my guess on how I understood it.
I was that obstinate of her presence, I determined to pass the course cause I failed it already.
I would not have looked at my classmate had it not been for her last name. Last names don't register on me much especially if they are common unless you say them over and over. My classmate's name was not common but I was quite too preoccupied with my readings that by the time her last name would be called, it would be too late for me to trace back where the reply would be coming from. Most of the time, it would just be a raise of hand you see. I was only able to trace said last name to the person sitting on my left probably two or three meetings to go before the semester ends. I had eight chances to get to know her, but I was only made aware of her presence two or three meetings before the semester ends.
Torralba was of interest because I had a batch-mate in my undergraduate days of that same last name. When I had a good look at Jhonalyn Torralba for the first time, I thought that she might be related to this batchmate I was referring to. Her eyes are really pretty and expressive, enclosed with long eye-lashes, small nose, and a matching smile that would either be polite but could also hold mischief when her dimple on her left cheek would show. It was a moment before I was able to look away. I thought maybe next time I would try to have a conversation with her. Much to my regret it was on the last day of our class meeting that I was able to muster of the courage to talk to her. It was also our final examination. It just went like "You're Jhonalyn Torrabla right? Are you by any chance related to Karen Torralba?" To my surprise and apprehension she replied "Yes, she is my older sister". This willingness and interest to know her became slightly cracked. I was intimidated by her sister during my undergraduate days, I don't think I would be able to give Jhonalyn the impression I want if her sister would be able to give her own contradicting impression, even with that, time was not on my side. There really was no other reason to stay in touch. I decided to let go and just not try to know her at all anymore. It gave my heart a bit of a pinch of regret though. She was courteous and captivating in a simple way. Any chance to see her again is if we would take the same subjects the next semester. That would just be leaving it to pure chance. It was a a good coincidence though a consolation for me as a good story.
#to be continued.
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54-1 · 1 year
“Most of us are gifted with the ability to see the monsters hidden within another, but are unable to see past them. It takes a special kind of person to see the light inside of every living being.”
— Lynette Simeone
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54-1 · 1 year
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54-1 · 1 year
“Some people hate the thought of being alone. I’m not like that. I love my solitude. I’m kind to myself. My feelings don’t get hurt. My energy’s not leeched. And it’s very peaceful.”
— Unknown
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54-1 · 1 year
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54-1 · 1 year
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54-1 · 1 year
"I like you a lot, a lot more than I should.. I would like you even more if I could."
I like you even more than that - eUë
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54-1 · 1 year
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