#oc: alistair thompson
I am always safe with you...
For the amazing @simplybombshell​ and @onemoreparadise​ , inspired by their works (X) (X)
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In Cambridge, Massachusetts lived the Thompson-Spencer family.
They were a family who lived quietly and happily, enjoying every moment together.
This home consisted of a male couple, Jonathan Spencer and his husband, Alistair Thompson, and their adopted son, Elliott.
Jonathan worked as a quantitative analyst in a high-technology company in Boston. Efficient and competent, he was considered one of the best people in the company.
Meanwhile, Alistair was an American studies teacher at Harvard University. Recognised for his broad general knowledge and his pedagogy, his students and colleagues appreciated him.
In addition to teaching, he has written articles in academic journals and participated in conferences.
As for Elliott, who was a thirteen years old boy, he studied at the Boston Latin Academy.
He was a sweet boy, dreamy and very bright.
All three shared a close bond and enjoyed their lives together.
But today, Elliott would have liked to be somewhere other than in front of his blank paper. He had only his English essay to do, but he was not inspired.
The boy was annoyed: he had to hand in this essay at the next English class, which was in five days.
The subject didn't seem complicated, though. It was entitled: Feeling Safe.
It was a short subject but not an easy one to tackle.
Elliott felt discouraged: this bloody exercise was wasting his time!
"Elliott! Let's eat!" called his father.
The young boy got up and went downstairs to join his parents.
He sat down at the table and began to eat as his father Alistair asked him:
"So, have you finished your lessons?"
"Almost: I've still got an English essay to do."
"An essay? And what is the subject?" asked Jonathan.
"Feeling safe."
The two men looked at each other, quite surprised.
"Now, that's an interesting topic. There's a lot to say about it. And have you made any progress on your essay?" inquired Jonathan.
"No, that's just it: I can't find the right words."
"Why didn't you come to us for help earlier? I could have given you a hand," replied Alistair.
"I know, but I know you, Dad: you would do my whole paper. And my teacher would suspect something..."
"Eli is right, Alistair: when a subject raises your interest, you cannot help disserting on it as you do with your teaching sessions at university!" chuckled Mr Spencer.
"What can I say? This is professional deformation." smirked his husband before turning to Elliott.
"To answer your question, Eli, let me give you some advice: ask yourself how you feel safe. What makes you believe that nothing can happen to you? Is there anything that comforts you when you feel low? Think about it, and you might find the answer!"
Elliott nodded, his neurons already starting to find ideas for his essay.
"I'll do that. Who knows: it will inspire me?"
"In the meantime, finish your plate: it'll get cold!"
The meal continued in good spirits, and then Elliott returned to his room and wrote down all the ideas that came to mind on paper.
Then, he went to sleep: he would work on this essay tomorrow!
The next day.
Like yesterday, Elliott sat in front of his desk, ready to write his essay. This time, the young boy knew what to write.
And as he began to write the first lines of his essay, the young boy felt the inspiration coming to him. The more he wrote, the better he felt about his work: he was sure to get a good grade.
When he finished his assignment, the teenager reread his work to ensure he wrote everything correctly and had not missed any spelling mistakes.
Satisfied, he carefully placed his paper in a plastic bag and put it in his bag before tackling his maths exercises.
The teenager looked forward to showing his work to his parents when he received the grade.
Meanwhile, Alistair and Jonathan were in the living room, working: the quantitative analyst wrote a report on his computer while the teacher corrected papers.
Jonathan looked up from his screen and asked his husband:
"Do you have a lot of work to do?"
The teacher sighed:
"Don't mention it! I've got fifty essays to correct on the Gothic novel in Britain and France in 19th century, and I can't see the end of it! I would finish correcting these by Friday, so I don't have to work at the weekend."
Alistair asked:
"What about you? Are you managing to write that report?"
"Yes, but it's a bit tedious. At least once I've done it, I'll be free for the weekend!"
He added with a smile:
"Which gives me an idea..."
"You and your creativity! What do you have planned?" chuckled Alistair.
"Nothing extravagant..."
Jonathan put his arm around his husband's shoulders.
"I was thinking, Friday night, we could order food and have a movie night. A little night with just the three of us. What do you think?"
"It sounds tempting, and it's been a while since we've done anything together," Alistair agreed, resting his head on his partner's shoulder.
The analyst added:
"Besides, it's been a long time since we didn't spend quality time with Elliott. I don't want our son to feel cast away !"
"Eli is a cunning boy: he knows we all have a lot of work. He will love your idea: I can feel it!"
Little did the two men know that Elliott had a surprise planned for Friday night. And he hoped they would like it.
On Friday, late afternoon.
As he pushed open the door to his house, Elliott had a smile on his face: it was finally the weekend! But it wasn't just the prospect of rest that put the young boy in a good mood: so far, his surprise went just as he had planned.
His enthusiasm didn't escape his fathers.
"Hi, sweetie. How was your day?" asked Alistair.
"It was good, but I wanted to go home."
"Tell me about it!"
"And did you get any grades? Any homework?" requested Jonathan.
"Yes. Remember my Feeling Safe essay? I got the grade today!"
"Ah yes, that famous essay! Verdict?"
Elliott's smile widened.
"I got an A+."
"You did? Well done, my little writer!" the analyst smiled, kissing his son on the forehead.
"This is something to celebrate. What should we order for dinner? Italian or Indian? Unless you want Chinese food?" suggested the teacher.
"Pizza!" the teenager exclaimed, making his parents laugh.
"Go for the pizza !" smiled Alistair as he dialled the local pizzeria to order the menu.
Thirty minutes later, their order arrived, and the family prepared to eat their dinner when Elliott asked:
"Before we eat, do you want to read my essay ?"
"Well, why not? Let's see what you did !"
Elliott picked up his essay and handed it to his parents, who saw the A+ mark written in bright red.
They read the comment from the teacher:
Excellent work, with personal and moving elements. Keep up the good work!
"Well, well: being complimented by Mr Cooper is an achievement!" smirked Jonathan.
"I am the only student in my class to get an A+ on this homework!"
"That is a double achievement !" whistled Alistair.
The two men started to read the essay.
Feeling Safe by Elliott Spencer-Thompson.
"Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person; having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but to pour them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then, with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away."
"How cute! He quotes an author, just like his dad !" joked Jonathan.
"Stop teasing me and continue to read !" replied Alistair with a smile.
"Your wish is my command, darling !" replied his husband as he pursued the reading.
In this quote, George Eliot expressed one of the main goals in men's life: feeling safe.
We feel safe when we come home, especially when our loved ones surround us.
This need for safety, whether physical or psychological, is a distant echo of the survival instinct of our prehistoric ancestors. You can't survive for long if you don't find people to count on.
We seek shelter from what might harm us since our first days.
Our innocence makes us believe that nothing can happen to us because we have not yet experienced the disillusionment and cruelty of the world.
I thought I would always be safe because my biological parents were there for me.
I didn't try to understand when my mother asked me to play a game: to close my eyes and count to thirty. My father promised me a surprise if I did it.
I obeyed, and I got my surprise: the surprise of not seeing my parents anymore.
From then on, all my certainties collapsed: not all adults protect you. Sometimes they abandon you.
It is a hard lesson to learn for a four-year-old boy.
It took me a long time to relearn how to feel that sensation of being loved.
Today I can say that I feel safe.
No doubt people will ask me: what does it mean to me to feel safe?
For me, feeling safe is many things at the same time.
I feel safe when my dad Jonathan said he loves me.
I feel safe because my dad Alistair watches over me when I am sick.
 I feel safe because they take me in their arms when I'm upset or sad.
I feel safe because when I cried at night, remembering the awful day my biological parents left me alone in a crowd, they rushed to my side, promising to always be there for me.
I feel safe because they teach me so many things. It can go from the behaviour in society to my cultural knowledge.
I feel safe because they taught me to trust and tell them everything.
I feel safe because they helped to become a good man.
I don't forget I have friends I trust and love, but nothing is more important than my parents.
I know some people disapprove that two men could raise a child.
We might not share genes, but we share a love, respect and trust bond.
I don't want any other family than the two men who gave me their last names and added me to their lives.
That's why I am eager to come home after school because, every time I cross the threshold of my house, I immediately feel better.
And it started when I hear their voices saying "Welcome Home".
I hope when I become an adult, I will provide the family I will create the same feeling of safety and love my parents provided me.
To conclude, I would say that feeling safe is an incredible luck I am grateful to have, thanks to my parents. Because with them, I will always feel safe.
Elliott began worrying when he saw tears shining in his fathers' eyes.
"Are you okay?"
Jonathan hastened to answer, wiping his eyes:
"Yes, yes, I'm fine. It's a lot of emotions all at once!"
"How did you write all this?" asked Alistair.
The teenager shrugged, a little embarrassed.
"When I told you I was struggling with this essay, you suggested I ask myself what made me feel safe. I thought about it, and I knew the answer."
Elliott smiled shyly.
"I remembered the day when the social worker told me people wanted to adopt me. I was so scared! Then, I saw you, and something inside me told me I could go with you. I will always be grateful to give a new start!"
"Come here, you !" exclaimed Alistair, who hugged his son, joined by Jonathan.
The family of three enjoyed the hug before parting.
Alistair ran a hand through his son's hair.
"Your essay proved that we did our job as your parents. It is the least we can do for you."
"You changed our lives forever and in the best way. With you, we are a family," added Jonathan as he kissed his son.
"Something we waited for a long time," nodded the teacher as he wiped his tears.
Alistair glanced at the pizzas.
"Oh my! The pizza must be cold now!"
"Because you cried on it!" joked his husband.
"You cried too!"
Elliott laughed at his parents' banter.
It was these moments that makes him feel good, like sharing a relaxing evening with his two dads.
These moments make him feel safe and loved.
Thanks for reading the story !
I hope you enjoyed it!
Feel free to request !
Take care of you! 😘😊😊🥰
Tag: @marilynmonroefanfics​ 
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kikyoupdates · 17 days
Tears of a Villainess ⭑˚🗡️⭑ 𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠
yandere!ocs x f!reader
yandere, reverse harem, yandere reverse harem, original characters x fem!reader, slowburn, isekai
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Reincarnation isn't as great as it sounds, especially when you've been reborn as none other than the villainess. Fated to die if you stand in the heroine's way, you immediately resolve to distance yourself from the plot. As long as you have nothing to do with any of the relevant characters, surely, you'll be able to avoid an untimely death. But in a horrible turn of events, the heroine ends up wanting to get close to you. Are you really doomed to meet the villainess' tragic end? Or is there an even more sinister fate that awaits you?
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Read the first chapter here! Or, read all the available chapters on Quotev!
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atlas539 · 9 months
New Skulduggery Pleasant oc
Alistair Montague, born 1920 in France to a family who ran a travelling circus. From the age of ten, Alistair would train with the trapeze artists and occasionally assist in shows if a trapeze artist was out for the performance. His family had no known history of sorcery, so he wasn't aware of it till the oracle who travelled around with them taught him about it. It turned out she was a sensitive, and would teach him about the different disciplines. At age 19, he enlisted in WW2 on the side of the allies. While there, he encountered many of his higher ups, some of them being past soldiers from WW1, one being a man, Major Thompson.
Alistair went through his surge during the war, and went MIA. Alistair's ability fell under the adapt category, a quite macabre ability to temporarily take on parts of someone's appearance to his own, he only needs a belonging or an item associated with that person, the only drawback is that the person's soul becomes tethered to him and has a chance of possessing him.
His surge started off with him hearing the voices of people in his head, some speaking in the German language and some familiar voices of fallen comrades, this was happening because he had kept some of the belongings of his comrades, and some shotgun shells tethered to other souls. It got too much for him while his troop was wading through marshland and he got left behind. Some nearby townspeople found him and brought him in, turns out that the town was full of sorcerers that helped him through it. He was able to make his way back to the last place his family would've been, but found out that most of them had dispersed after hearing that he was reported MIA.
When the war ended, he managed to travel to England and start a small detective job in the English Sanctuary. Reports of activity from the Church of the Faceless started coming in, then without warning, the Sanctuary gave him a job that hit too close to home. Major Thompson had been murdered in his home, and it was suspected that he was part of a group that worshipped the Faceless Ones. He was poisoned with a chemical that was given to all members of the group incase they were found out, but after investigating, they found an untouched vial next to his bedside dresser in his bedroom that turned out to be his. That meant that another member had to have done it. Alistair asked the family's permission to take one of Thompson's belongings, an ornate pocket watch.
The investigation was nearing an end when Alistair was called in by one of the Grand Mages, who told him that the investigation was being given to another investigator, though this one was know to be an easily bribeable one. Alistair tried to convince the Grand Mage to let him continue, but as he was about to, it clicked, the Grand Mage had something to do with this, didn't he? So Alistair left with no more hassle, got home and took out the Major's pocket watch to find out one more key detail, but the Major wanted something in compensation.
A week later, Alistair was in a meeting with the Grand Mage who was telling Alistair that he had been sacked from the job, but as he was beginning to finish his talk, The Grand Mage collapsed dead in his seat. In the commotion, Alistair ran out of the room and threw the pack of cigarettes and the vial of poison to the crumpled corpse of the Grand Mage's advisor, whom he had killed earlier.
Now in the present, Alistair is still semi wanted from the English Sanctuary for his crimes, but has managed to evade them, for now.
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lovingpromise · 8 months
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**Goal is for everyone to have their own little info post, but it's slow goings. OCs will always have one before I put them on here though.
Agatha Danbury | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Adjoa Andoh Benedict Bridgerton | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Luke Thompson Edmund Bridgerton | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Rupert Evans Simon Basset | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Regé-Jean Page Violet Bridgerton | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Ruth Gemmell
Lae'zel | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Lesley-Ann Brandt Withers | Canon | Low Activity | FC: ???
Crystal Palace | Netflix's DBD Canon | Low Activity | FC: Kassius Nelson
Leo Manfred | Canon | Medium Activity | FC: Aaron Paul Markus | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Jesse Williams
Alice Liddell | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Elle Fanning Beast / Prince Adam | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Chris Pine
9th Doctor | Canon | Medium Activity | FC: Christopher Eccleston
Alistair | Canon | Low Activity | FC: ??? Fenris | Canon | Low Activity | FC: ???
Joan Waston | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Lucy Lu
Yamano Arai | Pirate, Affiliated | Medium Activity | FC: Anna Sawai
Dr. Bruce Banner | MCU & 616 Mesh | FC: Mark Ruffalo Clea (Strange) | 616 & MCU Headcanoned | FC: Beth Riesgraf Deke Shaw | MCU Canon | FC: Jeff Ward Edwin Jarvis | MCU | FC: James D'Arcy Jennifer Walters / She-Hulk | 616 & MCU Canon Divergent | FC: Tatiana Maslany Natasha Romanoff | MCU & 616 Mesh | FC: Scarlett Johansson Sam Wilson | MCU | FC: Anthony Mackie Sarah Wilson | MCU | FC: Adepero Oduye Pietro Maximoff | MCU Canon Divergent | FC: Aaron Taylor-Johnson Vision | MCU Canon | FC: Paul Bettany
Molly Hooper | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Louise Brealey Mary Watson | Canon Divergent | Low Activity | FC: Amanda Abbington Sherrinford (Ford) Holmes | OC | Medium Activity | FC: Cillian Murphy
Joyce Byers | Canon | Medium Activity | FC: Winona Ryder Ted Wheeler | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Joe Chrest
Christa | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Dewanda Wise Clementine | Canon | High Activity | FC: Maddison Pettis Kenny | Canon | Medium Activity | FC: Nick Offerman Lee | Canon | High Activity | FC: Isaiah Mustafa Mariana | High Activity | FC: Jenna Ortega Sarah | Medium Activity | FC: Selena Gomez Sarita | High Activity | FC: Chitrangada Singh
Beth | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Elizabeth Gilles
Howl, Calcifer, & Sophie from HMC 12th Doctor Glenn, Michonne, + Rick from TWD Monk
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safe-and-solid · 6 years
For all your OCs - brOTP, random headcanon and favorite picture of them^^
Thank you for your ask! Unfortunately, because I originally played DA:O & DA2 on Xbox 360 I don’t have any images of Atlanta or Olivia, so I’ll just put their face claims here instead.
Zara Trevelyan
Zara & Cassandra. I absolutely adore these two women supporting each other, becoming like sisters to one another and becoming each other’s most trusted confidant.
Random Headcanon: Zara adores nicknames - my love, my darling, my heart, etc! She finds it hard to really accept love, and these are a nice reminder of what she means to her s/o.
Favourite Picture: Sorry for the text in this screenshot but I love how she looks here. 
“His name is Iron Bull.”
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Atlanta Hawke
brOTP: Hawke & Isabela. They’re very similar in a lot of ways and they get into lots of trouble together!
Random Headcanon: Hawke never mentioned a word of her feelings for Fenris to any of her friends until the romance scene in Act 2. It didn’t take them by surprise, however - Varric had bets with Isabela about it.
(Faceclaim: Jade Thompson)
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Olivia Cousland
brOTP: Olivia & Zevran. There is a special place in her heart for that assassin, and they have a lot of fun teasing Alistair together :D
Random Headcanon: Olivia is weirdly afraid of frogs. Like, becomes-paralysed-with-fear afraid. One time a frog came into her tent, and her screams brought the whole gang running to her in the middle of the night, ready to take down any would-be assassin. Everyone was pissed when they found out what it was.(Faceclaim: Phoebe Bridgers)
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written-in-sunshine · 6 years
Fandom List And Ships
Updated: 12/9/18
This is the current list of fandoms and pairings that are requestable. It’s a long list (12+ pages), and I can always add more if the need arises. Bolded fandoms are the ones I am currently in the mood to write for, and I will try to update that as much as I can. Italicized fandoms are something I might consider working on soon and can easily be pushed back into.
Please look at this list before requesting something, it’s in the rules.
Fandoms under the cut!
Adventure Time
Flame Prince/Fionna
Flame Prince/Prince Gumball
Hot Dog Prince/Lumpy Space Prince
Lord Monochromicorn/Cake
Marshall Lee/Flame Prince/Prince Gumball
Marshall Lee/Prince Gumball
As Told By Ginger
Carl Foutley/Blake Gripling
Carl Foutley/Hoodsey Bishop
Assassin’s Creed
Altair Ibn La-Ahad/Malik Al-Sayf
Desmond Miles/Shaun Hastings
Ezio Auditore/Leonardo Da Vinci
Federico Auditore/Vieri De Pazzi
Haytham Kenway/Charles Lee
Kanen'tó:kon/William Johnson
Kadar Al-Sayf/Gian ‘Salai’ Giacomo
Petruccio Auditore/Gian ‘Salai’ Giacomo
Ratonhnhaké ton (Connor Kenway)/Thomas Hickey
Rauf/Kadar Al-Sayf
Talal/Malik Al-Sayf
William Johnson/Thomas Hickey
The Babysitter
Beetlejuice (Both Movie/Cartoon Verses)
Beatleguise/Lydia Deetz
Camp Camp
Nerf/Preston Goodplay
Johnathan ‘Johnny’ Ariga/Tobias ‘Toby’ Nebbins
Orlando Haddick/Tobias ‘Toby’ Nebbins
Orlando Haddick/Johnathan ‘Johnny’ Ariga/Tobias ‘Toby’ Nebbins
Thomas Mutton/Astaroth
Vincent Brooks/Catherine
Vincent Brooks/Astaroth
The Bye Bye Man/The Crooked Man (The Bye Bye Man/The Crooked Man Crossover)
Jack/Max (The House That Jack Built/The Babysitter Crossover)
Jason Dean/Firkle Smith (Heathers/South Park Crossover)
Jason Dean/Lucas Ward (Heathers/Dismissed Crossover)
Jason Dean/Victor Criss (Heathers/IT Crossover)
Bane/John Blake
Cyborg/Beast Boy
Deadshot/Diablo/Harley Quinn
Francis “Hotstreak” Stone/Richie “Gear” Foley
Joker/Harley Quinn
Killer Croc/Babydoll
Killer Croc/Diablo
Killer Croc/Harley Quinn
Killer Croc/Scarecrow
Poison Ivy/Harley Quinn
Red X/Speedy
Robin/Beast Boy
Robin/Red X
Robin/Red X/Speedy
Deadman Wonderland
Ganta Igarashi (Woodpecker)/Shiro
Nagi Kengamine (Owl)/Azuma Genkaku
Senji Kiyomasa (Crow)/Toto Sakigami (Mockingbird)
Tamaki Tsunenaga/Rokuro Bundo
Tamaki Tsunenaga/Yo Takami
Wretched Egg (I refer to her as Sorae after Ganta’s mother)/Minatsuki Takami (Hummingbird)
Yo Takami/Ganta Igarashi (Woodpecker)
Death And Cremation
Stanley/Jarod Leary
Devil’s Carnival
The Devil/Tamara
The Twin/Hobo Clown
Dragon Age
Alistair Theirin/Cullen Rutherford
Alistair Theirin/Kallianne Cousland
Anders/Ethan Hawke
Anders/Fenris/Ethan Hawke
Anders/Jowan/Ethan Hawke
Anders/Karl Thekla
Anders/Karl Thekla/Ethan Hawke
Anders/Sebastian Vael
Anders/Sebastian Vael/Ethan Hawke
Arishok/Carver Hawke
Arishok/Ethan Hawke
Ashaad/Ketojan/Saemus Dumar
Ashaad/Saemus Dumar
Bartrand Tethras/Carver Hawke
Bemis Cousland/Lysander Amell (OC Ship)
Blackwall/Carver Hawke
Cole/Dorian Pavus
Cullen Rutherford/Dorian Pavus
Cullen Rutherford/Ethan Hawke
Cullen Rutherford/Illeah Lavellan
Cullen Rutherford/Tempestia Surana
Danarius/Dorian Pavus
Duncan/Cailan Theirin
Fenris/Carver Hawke
Fenris/Ethan Hawke
Fenris/Sahir Nadeer (OC)
Jowan/Sister(Mother) Petrice
Justice/Seneschal Bran
Ketojan/Saemus Dumar
Leliana/Josephine MontilyetLoghain Mac Tir/Maric Theirin
Meeran/Carver Hawke
Sebastian Vael/Ethan Hawke
The Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus
The Iron Bull/Solas
Varric Tethras/Ethan Hawke
Varric Tethras/Merrill
Varric Tethras/Solas
Zevran Arainai/Alistair Theirin
Zevran Arainai/Mortine Mahariel
Dreaming Mary
Gwendell (Glenn)/Mary(Mari)
Ed, Edd, ‘n Eddy
The Evil Within
Reuben ‘Ruvik’ Victoriano/Leslie Withers
Sebastian Castellanos/Joseph Oda
Fallout Universe
Benjamin ‘Benji’ Montgomery/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Butch DeLoria/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Charon/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Charon/Iib Townshend(FLW)
Colin Moriarity/Andy Stahl
Desmond Lockheart/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Everett/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Flash/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Mercenary/Moira Brown
Sole Survivor/Sole Survivor
Three Dog/Gob
Timebomb/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Vance/Ian West
Wally Mack/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Wally Mack/Paul Hanon
Walter/Leo Stahl
Fern Gully: The Last Rainforest
Zak Young/Pips
Final Fantasy
Cloud Strife/Kadaj
Genesis Rhapsodos/Sephiroth
Gilliam ‘Gil’ Blat/Angeal Hewley (OC/Canon Ship)
Reeve Tuesti/Vincent Valentine
Seifer Almasy/Zell Dincht
Squall Leonhart/Irvine Kinneas
Tseng/Rufus ShinRa
Zack Fair/Cloud Strife
Gravity Falls
Mabel Pines/Pacifica
Robbie/Dipper Pines
Thompson/Mabel Pines
Harry Potter (Movieverse) - ON HIATUS
Blaize Zabini/Saemus Finnegan
Dean Thomas/Saemus Finnegan
Lee Jordan/Saemus Finnegan
Oliver Wood/Marcus Flint
Ron Weasley/Draco Malfoy
Severus Snape/Lucius Malfoy
Harry Potter/Hermione Granger
Heathers (Movieverse, Slight Musicalverse)
Jason Dean/Lucas Ward (Dismissed Crossover)
Heather Chandler/Heather Duke
Heather Duke/Veronica Sawyer
Jason Dean/Firkle Smith (South Park Crossover)
Jason Dean/Vernon Sawyer (Male Veronica)
Jason Dean/Veronica Sawyer
Jason Dean/Victor Criss (IT Crossover)
Kurt Kelly/Ram
Veronica Sawyer/Heather McNamara
Veronica Sawyer/Martha Dunstock
Hellboy (Movieverse)
Hellboy/Abe Sapien
Hey Arnold
Helga G. Pataki/Rhonda Wellington Lloyd
Nadine/Rhonda Wellington Lloyd
Stinky Peterson/Sid
Torvald/Stoop Kid
Dom Cobb/Ariadne
Josh Lambert/Parker Crane
Josh Lambert/Specs
Invader Zim
Dib Membrane/Zim
Tak/Gaz Membrane
The Iron Giant
IT (2017)
Belch Huggins/Victor Criss
Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh
Bill Denbrough/Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh
Bill Denbrough/Beverly Marsh
Bill Denbrough/Stan Uris
Butch Bowers/Patrick Hockstetter
Butch Bowers/Victor Criss
Henry Bowers/Belch Huggins
Henry Bowers/Belch Huggins/Victor Criss
Henry Bowers/Victor Criss
Mike Hanlon/Bill Denbrough/Stan Uris
Mike Hanlon/Patrick Hockstetter
Mike Hanlon/Richie Rozier/Stan Uris/Eddie Kaspbrak
Mike Hanlon/Stan Uris
Mike Hanlon/Victor Criss
Patrick Hockstetter/Avery Hockstetter
Patrick Hockstetter/Belch Huggins
Patrick Hockstetter/Belch Huggins/Victor Criss
Patrick Hockstetter/Henry Bowers
Patrick Hockstetter/Henry Bowers/Belch Huggins
Patrick Hockstetter/Henry Bowers/Belch Huggins/Victor Criss
Patrick Hockstetter/Henry Bowers/Victor Criss
Patrick Hockstetter/Victor Criss
Pennywise/Victor Criss
Richie Tozier/Eddie Kaspbrak
Richie Tozier/Stan Uris/Eddie Kaspbrak
Jeepers Creepers
Jeepers Creepers/Darry
Kick-Ass/2 Movieverse
Todd Haynes/Katarina Dombrovski
Dave Lizewski/Chris D'Amico
Javier/Chris D'Amico
Kingdom Hearts
Howard/Tom Engel
Krampus/Max Engel
Krampus/Tom Engel
Tom Engel/Max Engel
Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler
Claude Faustus/Alois Trancy
Pluto/Grell Sutcliffe
Undertaker/Grell Sutcliffe
Undertaker/William Spears/Grell Sutcliffe
League Of Super Evil
Doomageddon/Doktor Frogg
Red Menace/Doktor Frogg
Left 4 Dead/2
Lollipop Chainsaw
Gideon Starling/Elizabeth Starling
Lewis Legend/Swan
Nick Carlyle/Juliet Starling
Mad Max
Max Rockatansky/Blood Shed Ted
Max Rockatansky/Imperator Furiosa
Rictus Erectus/The Ace
Stank Gum/Scabrous Scrotus
Alex Summers/Hank McCoy/Sean Cassidy
Alex Summers/Sean Cassidy
Azazel/Emma Frost
Azazel/Kurt Wagner
Bruce Banner/Tony Stark
Erik Lensherr/Charles Xavier
Hank McCoy/Charles Xavier
Hank McCoy/Sean Cassidy
Lance Alvers/Pietro Maximoff
Loki Laufeyson/Tony Stark
Mortimer Toynbee/Emma Frost
St. John Allerdyce/Pietro Maximoff
St. John Allerdyce/Tabitha Smith
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
The Incredible Hulk/Tony Stark
Todd Tolansky/Kurt Wagner
Todd Tolansky/Pietro Maximoff
Tony Stark/Pepper Pots
Wade Winston Wilson/Bob, Agent Of Hydra
Wanda Maximoff/Anne-Marie (Rogue)
Miraculous Ladybug
Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
The Mist (2017)
Tyler Denton/Adrian Garf
Monster Prom
Amira Red/Miranda Vanderbilt
Amira Red/Polly Geist
Brian Green/Damien LaVey
Brian Green/Damien LaVey/Liam De Lioncourt/Oz Yellow
Brian Green/Oz Yellow
Damien LaVey/Liam De Lioncourt
Liam De Lioncourt/Oz Yellow
Scott Howl/Football Team
Scott Howl/Liam De Lioncourt
Scott Howl/Vicky Blue
Vera Oberlin/Polly Geist
Vicky Blue/Polly Geist
Monsters University/Inc.
Brock Pearson/Claire Wheeler
James P. “Sulley”  Sullivan/Michael “Mike” Wizowski
Johnny J. Worthington III/Randall “Randy” Boggs
Nadia Petrov/Taylor Harbrooke
Night In The Woods
Angus Delaney/Greggory Lee
Bea Santello/Mae Borowski
Casey Hartley/Greggory Lee
Levy/Steve Skriggins
Jeremy “Germ Warfare” Warton/Selma Ann “Selmers” Forrester
Edward “Eddie” Gluskin (The Groom)/Terry “Theresa” Harriss (OC)
Adventure Core/Fact Core
Cave Johnson/Caroline
Cave Johnson/Evil Cave Johnson
Companion Cube/Turret
Logic Core/Curiosity Core
Weighted Cube/Defective Turret
Wheatley/Space Core
Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time (Movieverse)
Princess And The Goblin
Prince Froglip/Princess Irene
Rick And Morty
Abradolf Lincoler/Nancy
Birdperson/Tammy Gueterman
Brad/Morty Smith
Greaser Morty/Punk Morty
Lucius Needful/Summer Smith
Rick Sanchez/Morty Smith (in all/most incarnations)
Summer Smith/Jessica
Regular Show
Rocket Power
Lars Rodriguez/Twister Rodriguez
Otto Rocket/Sam Dullard
John Kramer/Amanda Young
Lawrence Gordon/Adam Faulkner
Logan Nelson/David (Saw .5)
Lukas Faulkner (OC)/Adam Faulkner
Lukas Faulkner (OC)/David (Saw .5)
Lukas Faulkner (OC)/Scott Tibbs
Lynn Denlon/Amanda Young
Mark Hoffman/Peter Strahm
Scott Tibbs/Adam Faulkner
Scott Tibbs/Lark
Silent Hill
Pyramid Head/Alessa Gilespie
Walter Sullivan/Murphey Pendleton
South Park
Bradley (Cartman Sucks)/Leopold “Butters” Stotch
Christophe “Ze Mole”/Firkle
Christophe “Ze Mole”/Kyle Broflovski
Christophe “Ze Mole”/Leopold “Butters” Stotch
Clyde Donovan/Bebe Stevens
Craig Tucker/Gregory of Yardale/Tweek Tweak
Craig Tucker/Tweek Tweak
Damien Thorn/Firkle
Damien Thorn/Phillip “Pip” Pirrup
Eric Cartman/Bebe Stevens
Eric Cartman/Firkle
Eric Cartman/Wendy Testaburger
Filmore Anderson/Firkle
Gregory of Yardale/Tweek Tweak
Ike Broflovski/Firkle
Kenny McCormick/Bradley (Cartman Sucks)/Leopold “Butters” Stotch
Kenny McCormick/Firkle
Kenny McCormick/Kyle Broflovski
Kenny McCormick/Leopold “Butters” Stotch
Kevin McCormick/Firkle
Mike Makowski/Firkle
Mike Makowski/Larry
Quaid/Filmore Anderson
Red/Henrietta Biggle
Ryan Ellis/Larry
Scott Malkinson/New Kid
Scott Tenorman/Firkle
Stan Marsh/Firkle
Stan Marsh/Gregory Of Yardale
Stan Marsh/Pete
Stan Marsh/Gary Harrison
Stan Marsh/Wendy Testaburger
Trent Boyett/Firkle
Token Black/Clyde Donnovan
Token Black/Clyde Donnovan/Bebe Stevens
Team Fortress 2 (I have OC’s for this)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Raphael/Casey Jones
Until Dawn
Billy Bates/Mike Munroe
Josh Washington/Chris
Josh Washington/Mike Munroe
Matt/Mike Munroe
Matt/Mike Munroe/Jessica/Sam/Billy Bates
Mike Munroe/Jessica
Mike Munroe/Sam
The Walking Dead
Glen Rhee/Daryl Dixon
Merle Dixon/Daryl Dixon
Rick Grimes/Daryl Dixon
We’re Back
Louis/Cecilia Nuthatch
Yami No Matsuei/Descendents Of Darkness
Hisoka Kurosaki/Asato Tsuzuki
Seiichiro Tatsumi/Yutaka Watari
Chief Bogo/Benjamin Clawhauser
Finnick/Gideon Grey
Nick Wilde/Judy Hopps
Pronk Oryx-Antlerson/Bucky Oryx-Antlerson
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agentshifter · 7 years
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When you and the gang are meant to be on vacation, but the secret government you work for sends you a mission to the middle of nowhere by accident.
Ey, some of Rythian’s friends finally come to the light. About time. Here they are from left to right.
Alister Knight, Dayana Sood, Kai Thompson, Rythian Arch, Mason Reach and Lyn King
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