#oc name origins
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tildeathiwillwrite · 8 months ago
Tag Game: OC Name Origins
thank you to @phoenixradiant for the tag! This looks super interesting!
Rules: Go through a few of your characters and explain the origins behind their names and personalities, and if the two are related.
I'll do this for the peeps in The Legend of Orian Goldeneye!
Jasper "Jas" Katherine
I wanted her to have the initials "J.K", and I chose Jasper because the mineral/gemstone is typically red, like her hair. The nickname came about because I liked how it sounded as compared to her full name. As associated with the color red, she is really passionate and emotional, tending to lash out and solve problems with violence rather than logic.
Killian Cory
The name "Killian" in Gaelic means "war", "contention", and "strife". It also means "blind" in Latin. I thought it was fitting due to him being blind to his past, which he suspects was full of contention and strife. His present isn't much better. As a stark opposition to his name meaning, he tends to be a peacemaker and diplomatic, if a bit on the reserved side.
Orian Goldeneye
Orian's name I kinda just made up, a creative misspelling of Orion the constellation and figure of myth. Appropriate since he is in essence a myth on Somnia. Goldeneye is more of a title than a last name, referring to the unusual color of his eyes.
Diana Ozborne
Fun fact about Diana, in the original draft of TLoOG, she was a very different character and underwent a lot of changes before the rewrite. For one thing she was a man, his name was Ozborne L'Sang, and he wasn't a bard. The role is still very similar, but the vibes were off for the rewrite when I was plotting so I switched some things around. I kept the last name Ozborne and chose the name Diana as the first name because I liked it. Ozborne is a creative misspelling of Osborne/Osborn which means "bear god", and I consider both versions of Ozborne to be incredibly protective of their charges as a mother bear is with her cubs.
Henrik Bronze
I mostly picked "Henrik" because it sounded medieval-ish enough for the setting, Henrik is a character unique to the rewrite, he never appeared in the first draft. The name does mean "ruler of the house" which as a strict and stern garrison captain is somewhat fitting. The last name Bronze is in reference to the alloy and keeps with the theme of Somnians having metal/mineral-related names or last names.
Azura Lazuli
"Azura" is derived from the word "azure" meaning blue, it's fitting because she has a blue color scheme. Despite the associations of the color blue being with calmness and serenity, she's as much of a hothead as Jas. "Lazuli" is in reference to the gemstone, obviously, and keeps with the theme, it is also blue.
Named after Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams. As the first dreamshaper and mentor to Orian, I find it incredibly fitting.
tagging @fourwingedwriter @thewritingautisticat @blackrosesandwhump @writer-of-worlds @willtheweaver
@caffeineandink @grimmdivinity @floweryprosegarden and open tag! :D
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halfbakedspuds · 8 months ago
Thanks to @honeybewrites for the tag
OC name origins tag
Rules: I want to know how you came up with your original character’s names and personalities. Are they based on people in your real life? Are they straight from your brain? Are they a mix of several people?
I'll do this for the Tempest Prince characters
Jason Haliday:
Jason's name- like his brother's- is steeped in Greek history and mythos, with Jason being one of the classical heroes of their mythology. Jason Haliday (called something different in that draft) compared himself to mythology Jason with all this supposedly important but seemingly useless stuff he kept having to go after, "Like chasing a goddamn fleece for whatever reason" and purposefully ignorimh the context of the original story. The scene isn't in the current draft, but the comparison led me to change his name to Jason.
His surname, 'Haliday', was originally 'Galloway', but somewhere I learnt that Halliday comes from the old English hæligdag, which is excellent foreshadowing for the book.
Alex Haliday:
Alex was always going to be this character's name, however I changed its long form from Alexandra to Alexander somewhere down the line (God knows why, 'cause I certainly don't remember).
The reason was always because of his involvement with the Allyrian Inquisition as one of their brightest strategic minds and best warriors, making his name a nod towards Alexander of Macedonia.
Michelle Haliday:
Michelle as a character was heavily inspired by my dad- whose name was Michael- and giving her a name similar to his is a sort of tribute.
Lifvinja Ravenscar:
Okay, I know of maybe two people who follow me that might know what I'm on about with this, but I'll try my best to explain.
Growing up, I had the box set of this one old-ass Afrikaans kids show called 'Liewe Heksie' (it's hard to translate without sounding strange, but somewhere along the lines of 'little beloved witch') which was about an... admittedly pathetic but endearing excuse of a witch named Livinia, and followed all the stuff she got up to.
Some part of me thought "Hey, wouldn't it be funny to take this all-powerful, immortal mage who used to be a Norse Viking like a thousand years ago and name her after this one character from a kids show?"
And thus, Livinia got swapped out for its Norse equivalent- Lifvinja- and Archmagos Lifvinja Ravenscar was named.
The surname 'Ravenscar' comes from how marriage works in the Hunter cities, where everyone in the relationship unanimously agrees on two words that they feel allude to something important to them, and those two are put together to create their new surname that's unique to them. In Lifvinja's case, she called her wife 'Hrafn' (Raven) as a joke when they first met and it just stuck, and the pair both had matching burn scars on their forearms from something important to their story that I can't disclose cause ✨spoilers✨.
Helga Ravenscar:
I'll be honest with you, she literally got her name from a newspaper comic called Hagar the Horrible.
We all struggle to figure out character names sometimes, and she was one of those characters.
Isaac Blackwell:
Isaac got his name cause I was playing Dead Space around the time I first created his character.
'Blackwell' is based on 'Blackthorn' from the Shadowhunter books, but it does serve a purpose of sorts to the story. However, ✨spoilers✨
Aten is one of several Great Ones that appear in the story (A great one being an extra dimensional entity that is to a god as we are to bacteria) and he got his name from the full name for the Egyptian sun god, Aten-Ra.
I think I was reading Kane Chronicles when I came up with that one, not sure.
The story in universe is that he's a lot more compassionate toward humans than the rest of the 'Pantheon', and came down to the Egyptian old kingdom to help them through a famine. Them not really understanding wtf they were seeing culminated in them naming him after their sun god, and thus he now carries the name 'Aten' with a sort of pride.
Imma be perfectly honest here, this one was a keyboard smash with vowels added for pronouncability.
I got this from the game Pathfinder: Kingmaker, where the audio file for some early-game cantrips sounded to me like they ended in something that eventually, through many iterations, got turned into 'Leyendeach'
A corruption of R'lyeh, the name of the city where Cthulhu supposedly is in HP Lovecraft's stories; from the phrase "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl ftagn" (In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu lays dreaming).
No pressure tag for @orion-lacroix, @oh-no-another-idea, @illarian-rambling, @pb-dot and anyone else who wants in
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beebeedibapbeediboop · 3 months ago
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This is just my excuse to draw Lily in a victorian goth outfit tbh
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beebundt · 1 year ago
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im busy with an art trade but wanted 2 share some recent scraps of charlie. i haven't posted abt her in years oh my god
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philonob · 9 months ago
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Redraws of some old raptor arts I made back in 2017(+ some new doodles as well)
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itsjesscapade · 1 year ago
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Poor girl's CPU is being worked so hard...
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squidinu · 1 month ago
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the beast [oc]
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unpeeled-human · 7 days ago
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this is me ocposting. this is me posting about my ocs. is it working
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blanchebees · 2 months ago
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Enemies or Lovers?
Not much to say about them yet but i guess they're the first ocs i ever posted!
Tip jar
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blackberry-s0da · 1 month ago
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White socks
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meo-eiru · 11 days ago
Been trying to get a better hang of drawing him, I think he's getting closer to the image in my head
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leo-artista · 1 month ago
Dad Mullet Stan Au in which he finds a young girl who was kicked out of her home and basically adopts her
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yvotoro · 2 years ago
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pretty boy 🕷💚
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cozylittleartblog · 2 years ago
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what if there was a plague doctor that was so so so cute (and was also secretly a bird themself)
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arrimorr · 1 month ago
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Another portion of my woodland critters
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micecakes · 1 month ago
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sleepy Dullahan OL resting... art by @blushily
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