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11queensupreme11 · 2 months ago
voilà, the posy kids 😌
EDIT: rearranged from oldest to youngest (out of those I'm writing for). Some pictures have been edited, replaced, and some names have also been changed.
in order from left to right:
Axiandros (Αξιανδρος) - Meaning: “Worthy man” or “Man of value and wisdom.” Breakdown: From axios (worthy) and andros (man). named after Anthonius Chase
Kymon (Κύμων) - Meaning: “Wave rider” or “one who commands the waves.” Derived from kyma (κύμα), meaning “wave."
Thalassandros (Θαλάσσανδρος) - Meaning: “Man of the sea” or “sea conqueror.” A combination of thalassa meaning "sea" and andros meaning "man"
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Ariel - Hebrew for "lion of god"
Cthulhu - likely a reference to the word chthonic, which is an Ancient Greek word meaning “of the earth
Anaklusmos (Ανακλυσμός) -Meaning: "riptide". Named after Percy's sword lol
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Aetherios (Ἀθηρίος) - Meaning: "From the upper sea" or "Heavenly waters". From aether (upper air or heaven), this name suggests someone who is a figure of the ethereal sea or sky, transcending earthly bounds and perhaps having a divine or celestial nature.
Megarion (Μεγαρίων) – “Little one of great power” (megas = great, ion = diminutive suffix). IN PERCY’S DEFENSE, SHE DID NOT KNOW HE WOULD GROW THAT BIG 💀
Keteon (Κητεών) - Meaning: "Of the sea monsters" or "guardian of the deep." Inspired by ketea (κῆτεα), the mythical sea creatures of Greek lore.
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Pontoleon (Ποντολέων) - Meaning: "Lion of the sea" or "brave as the ocean." From pontos (πόντος), meaning "sea," and leon (λέων), meaning "lion."
Eudorios (Εὐδόριος) – “Gifted with kindness” (eu = good, doron = gift); Nickname: Dory 😭 yes percy picked this name solely so she could call her youngest child fucking DORY 😭😭😭
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walks-the-ages · 7 months ago
Nanowrimo made a half-assed, desperate ""apology"" post
Full text, for when they inevitably try to edit it; as of right now it's August 6th, 2024, around 5:30pm est.
A Note to Our Community About our Comments on AI – September 2024 To the NaNoWriMo Community: In early August, debates about AI on our social media channels became vitriolic. It was clear that the intimidation and harassment we witnessed were causing harm within our community of writers. The FAQs we crafted last week were written to curtail those behaviors. We wanted to send a clear signal that NaNoWriMo spaces would not be used to bully or delegitimize other writers. This was consistent with our May 2024 statement, which named a lack of civility in NaNoWriMo spaces as a longstanding concern. Taking a position of neutrality was not an abandonment of writers’ legitimate concerns about AI. It was an acknowledgment that NaNoWriMo can’t maintain a civil, inclusive community if we allow selective intolerance. We absolutely believe that AI must be discussed and that its ethical use must be advocated-for. What we don’t believe is that NaNoWriMo belongs at the forefront of that conversation. That debate should continue to thrive within the greater writing community as technologies continue to evolve. We apologize that our original message was unclear and seemingly random. Our note on ableism and classism was rooted in the desire to point out that, for people in certain circumstances, some forms of AI can be life-changing. We certainly don’t believe those with concerns about AI to be classist or ableist. Not being more careful about our wording was a bad decision on our part. Our Mission is about providing encouragement to writers and cheering them on as they progress toward their goals. That remains our primary focus. In the future, we will be more transparent about the issues that we are trying to address with any messaging we provide. Finally, we recognize that some members of our community have other questions and concerns that go beyond general context for our comments. We don’t think we can address all of these in a single communication. Additional context here is that we are a very small team (including our Interim Executive Director, who is a volunteer). We want to take the time to read through your letters with the care, attention, and concern they deserve. Please expect more in the coming weeks.  In partnership, The NaNoWriMo Team
I sincerely hope their other sponsors bail ship and leave them to flounder at this point lmao. There is no going back from "if you criticize generative AI you're just ableist classist and racist".
They've also once again edited their "What Is Nanowrimo's Stance on AI?" post:
New text, in full; looks like it was updated sometime late yesterday or early today (August 6th 2024):
What is NaNoWriMo's position on Artificial Intelligence (AI)? 13 hours ago -Updated Not yet followed by anyone
NaNoWriMo neither explicitly supports nor condemns any approach to writing, including the use of tools that  leverage AI. We recognize that harm has been done to the writing and creative communities at the hands of bad actors in the generative AI space, and that the ethical questions and risks posed by some aspects of this technology are real. The fact that AI is a large, complex technology category (which encompasses both non-generative and generative AI, applied in a range of ways to a range of uses) contributes to our belief that AI is simply too big and too varied to categorically support or condemn. NaNoWriMo's mission is to "provide the structure, community, and encouragement to help people use their voices, achieve creative goals, and build new worlds—on and off the page." We fulfill our mission by supporting the humans doing the writing. Please see this related post that speaks to our overall position on nondiscrimination with respect to approaches to creativity, writer's resources, and personal choice.  We made mistakes in our initial expression of this position. We speak to those mistakes in this letter to our community, and we've simplified the language on this page to reflect our core position. 
If you're wondering why Nano's posting all these non-apologies, its because they started this debacle with seven huge sponsors.
Over the course of the last three days, they've gone down to four.
They have literally lost about half their sponsors because of their support of generative ai.
And, as you can see in the "apologies" above, they're still defending their AI stance, by now claiming that their stance is because they were defending poor, hapless AI users from a horde of harassment and bullying from all sides, and they're not a platform that condones bullying! totally! (sarcasm).
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materialki-ff · 4 months ago
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regency names.
Die Grafik bezieht sich auf das Video von Ellie Dashwood. :) Für weitere Ressourcen für Regency Namen, habe ich auch den sehr interessanten und hilfreichen Post von yeoldenews.
Keine Sorge, ihr müsst nicht Namen aus dem Video oder der Liste verwenden, sie dienen allein zur Inspo und Hilfe. Edit: bitte seid auch nicht wie ich und zerbrecht euch den Kopf wegen Namen. :D Ich vertraue euch schon, dass hier keine MacKenzie Khrystin auf dem Ball tanzt lol.
Traditional Names.
Christian Names können aus der Bibel oder von Heiligen stammen oder auch Qualitäten sein, jedoch wurde letzteres eher seltener verwendet. Bsp: Mary, Lydia, Martha, Matthew, Lucy, Dominic
Historic Names Aufgrund der normanischen Eroberung Englands, waren französische Namen irgendwann auch recht en vogue.
Royal Names Hier wurden gerne die Namen der Mitglieder der Stuarts verwendet. Bsp: William, George, Charlotte, Margaret, Anne
Verwandtschaft Kinder wurden gerne auch mal nach anderen Verwandten, Mütter, Väter, Tanten etc. benannt. Also gab's gerne auch mal mehrere Janes oder Marys in einer Famile.
Romantic & Fashionable Names.
Literature Obviously stammt die Inspiration der Namen aus Büchern der damaligen Zeit. Some things never change, nicht wahr Khaleesi? Bsp: Belinda, Clarissa, Pamela
French and Italian Because it's more fashionable and poetic that way. Wer möchte bitte Olive heißen, wenn man auch Olivia heißen kann? Bsp: Amelia, Ophelia, Cordelia, Chloe, Alicia, Lucinda, Olivia
"Modern" Royals Aka the house of hanover. Die sind natürlich viel cooler als die ollen Stuarts. Bsp: Augustus, Ernest, Frederica, Sophia
Double Names Keine Ahnung warum, aber Leute gefil es Doppelnamen zu vergeben. Bsp: James Edward - das ist ein Name
Jane Austen Characters.
Elinor, Elizabeht, Emma, Marianne, Eliza, Margaret, Marianne, Martha, Caroline, Charlotte, Catherine, Georgiana, Anne, Lydia, Eleanor, Harriet, Isabella, Frederick, Charles, George, Henry, James, John
Bridgerton Names. Da habe ich nur einige der Hauptcharaktere aufgelistet.
Agatha, Violet, Anthony, Kate, Edwina, Benedict, Sophie, Araminta, Posy, Rosamund, Colin, Penelope, Phillipa, Prudence, Cressida, Daphne, Simon, Eloise, Phillip, Marina, Francesca, John, Michael, Michaela, Gregory, Hermione, Lucinda, Hyacinth, Gareth
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queersrus · 2 months ago
Complete Unisex Names
[Complete Unisex Names]
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part one, english origin edition.
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Addison, Ainsley/Ainslie, Alison, Allyn, Andy, Ash, Ashley, Aston, Audie Bailey, Banks, Bev, Blake, Brooke Caden, Carol, Carson, Chandler, Charlie, Chase, Collins
Dale, Dann, Dana, Darryl, Drew Ellis, Evelyn Fox
Gage, Gale, Golden, Gold Harlow, Harper, Hayden, Hayley, Hunter Iggy, Indigo
Jackie, Jerry, Jo, Joey, Jonni, Joyce, Juniper Kay, Kelby, Kelly, Kendall, Kim, Kingsley, Kinsley Layton/Leighton, Lee, Leland, Lindsey/Lindsay/Lyndsey
Madison, Marlow/Marlowe, Mason, Merle Oakley Paddy, Parker, Payton, Posy, Presley
Quincy Remington, Rily/Riley, Robin, Rowan Sage, Sandy, Sawyer, Shelby, Shelley, Shirley, Sid, Sidney/Sydney, Sorrel, Storm, Sutton
Tate, Tenley, Terry, Tommie, Tyler Wallis, Waverly, Wells, Whitney, Win Yancy
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withclawandvine · 7 months ago
those olympic edits of athletes running to celebrate with their partners had me thinking about my gadge high school au again so here’s a drabble about that state qualifier that gale secured for his baseball team ok bye 
After a rocky start to the season, the Covington Jays had found their stride; going on a twenty-two game winning streak that put them back in play for the state championship for the first time in over a decade.
But only if they won this final regular-season game, and the Fort Treze Rebels were putting up a hell of a fight. Enough to drag the game into extra innings, going run for run. 
From where he stood at second base, Gale watched the raucous welcome for the runners he brought in turn into shouts of Send it, man! as Bristel jogged up to the plate. Behind him, a reinvigorated home crowd. And at its center, a cluster of tar-black hair and keen gray eyes. 
Noticing they had his attention, Posy jumped up, her gap-toothed grin brighter than the stadium lights as she waved at him enthusiastically with both hands.
No, not just waving — pointing. 
To a girl wearing a pretty white dress, emblazoned with a cobalt pin featuring her own last name in bold letters. While Gale blinked disbelievingly at her, she winked.
Up only one run, they couldn’t afford to give anything up — and that started with Gale. But despite that pressure, he stepped onto the mound with a clear head and something bright and buoyant in his chest.
The first strikeout was swift and decisive: three hard swings that hit nothing but air and shoulderblade. The second — drug out by two fouls and a rogue pitch so high Thom had to jump for it — wasn’t earned so easily. 
The first baseman stepped up to the plate. He was a heavy hitter, and Gale knew that if he got the right pitch, that ball was a goner. 
Gale was known to throw a lethal fastball, but the pitch that really got him attention from scouts was his change-up. It wasn’t something many of his peers had in their arsenals. Batters fell into it like a trap: thinking the ball was coming in hot, only for it to drop to a breezy 81, sailing right below the bat. 
The un-countered momentum of that final swing nearly brought the Rebel to his knees.
The umpire hadn’t even finished calling the strike before a tide of blue and white  swarmed him — rushing in from their positions, tripping over each other clearing the dugout.
Teammates clumsily worked their shoulders under Gale’s legs, lifting him up. And as they jostled him up and down, fellow classmates and family members ran onto the field to join the celebration.
A coach once said that you’d never be able to tell if we was winnin’ or losin’ by lookin’ at Hawthorne’s face. Up five runs or down, Gale remained unruffled and unreadable — getting emotional stimied his game, and letting his opponents see it bolstered theirs. But that was hardly the reason he tolerated hero treatment for only another minute before rolling, throwing his weight down so the team had no choice but to drop him.
And when his cleats hit the ground, and he took off, it wasn’t because he wanted to run away from his team, or their riotous joy. It was because he wasn’t feeling it himself. 
Gale was running for home plate. Or rather, the blonde girl in the white dress standing next to it, diamond dust already smudging her glossy heels. 
He swept her right off of them, wrapping her in a spinning embrace. 
Madge clung to him, her legs locked around his waist and her fingers interlaced behind his neck. She was saying something, but it was lost to the celebrations and the thunder of his own heart. 
As cliche as it seemed, Gale was on top of the damn world.
Trusting Madge had a strong enough hold on him, Gale let go of her waist to cup her face in his hands and kiss her. His lips met hers once, twice, before his smile was too big and toothy, and he had to settle for just staring at her in astonishment. 
His cheeks were starting to hurt. “What’re you doing here?” 
Madge leaned back as far as her grip on his neck would allow, getting a good look at him, that smile, before answering, “As if I’d miss this.” 
Gale was too caught up in it all — the thrill of victory, the reignited hope of getting another, the girl in his arms — to notice the reporter for the local paper until after the blinding flash of the camera.
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electric-hydrangea · 1 year ago
Arlecchino's Past & Her Being the Grim Reaper
Spoilers/leaks for 4.6 ahead
Made by Rosie Posie and Daniel :3
reposted from my twitter, leak-censored version on the genshin lore subreddit
The Fall of the Faded Castle
The Fall of the Faded Castle is where Arlecchino’s lore can be found. “The Mask of the Red Death” by Poe is the inspiration for this book. I’d recommend reading it, it’s very similar!
It’s referenced in Arlecchino’s kit (her infused normal attack), its name being “Mask of the Red Death”
The book has numerous references to the blood moon and debts owed, something also found in Arlecchino’s kit, as well as the use of the word “baleful”. 
In her Character Introduction, she hallucinates her past in a way very similar to TFotFC. The lines are meant to parallel each other; the scene being the same but the setting is now different.
The final paragraph of her Character Introduction references the ending of TFotFC, and the moonlight that flows into the hearth through the window symbolizes her past. 
TFotFC mentions the clock striking midnight and the castle master becoming panicked for the reaper that would come to collect his blood debt, and then Arlecchino’s introduction mentions her taking control over the room when the clock chimes. 
To move onto Arlecchino’s connections with Remuria, it requires extra context about Remus, the leader of Remuria.
Remus had his own sin, different from Egeria, where he altered life by dissolving his people into Golems. He meant for them to live for eternity, but the souls instead shattered.
While Egeria was punished by Celestia, Remus was punished by Arlecchino. The Fall of The Fated Castle is about Arlecchino punishing Remus. She’s responsible for Remuria falling. I know there are some really passionate Remuria fans, I hope I am not massacring the story haha. I’m more into the Ordo #sandronenation
Edit: it’s been brought to my attention that the guy in the story probably isn’t Remus, and I’m also on board with that. The guy who the Grim Reaper is hunting isn’t entirely relevant, but I suggest instead: Boethius
Unsorted Chapter
She’s still dead though; she’s glitching. She’s otherworldly. TFotFC describes the Grim Reaper as having two cold eyes that can pierce your soul with a glance. It questions if they are a lord returning from an ancient world, or the nightmare itself. 
In the origins of her name, Arlecchino, in commedia del’arte, it’s said to trace back to Dante’s Inferno; a devil going by the name Alichino. Her character type is the “devil” stock character, but that character can also be molded into whatever, like being a lighthearted prankster.
She also has a scythe.. Grim Reaper much? She also marks enemies with her blood debt, something in her kit. The scythe effect that the polearm has is one that only Arlecchino can use. Her whole kit uses wording that can be attributed to TFotFC and the hearth. 
The boss Arlecchino can be found at a grave. The writing says “Crucabena”, who is also “Ceridwen”. Crucabena is the Gallic equivalent. Ceridwen is the Welsh goddess of rebirth, which is a part of Arlecchino’s whole thing. Her grave’s subtitle could be referencing how the hearth is of two worlds.
Arlecchino’s constellation “Ignis Purgatorius” is based off of the poem “Purgatorius Ignis” by Christopher Okemwa. I don’t really know what’s going on in this poem, but I’d be more than happy to hear what others think.
Her character introduction shows us that she is in control of the hearth (in the Orphanage), and Perinheri shows more of her themes in the hearth; this could symbolize her being reborn as Arlecchino from being the Grim Reaper.
In book “Perinheri”, Perinheri is locked in a hearth and has to crawl through it. Then, he is asked if he has seen “it” yet, and if he is dead. When he turned around, he saw the Crimson Moon and a titanic horrified eye. After Perinheri was released from the hearth, he was told that he traversed through the fire of two worlds within the hearth and he is now reborn.
The Crimson Moon is Arlecchino, and the eyeball Perinheri saw is on her head in her boss fight. 
TLDR Arlecchino was the Grim Reaper and punished Remus for his crimes and then was reborn as Arlecchino but something is still wrong with her because she’s glitching. It could be because she’s caught between the two worlds within the hearth. 
We also don’t have voice lines, character stories, or artifact lore leaks though so a lot of information is probably missing.
There are more connections to be made with Arlecchino, Caterpillar, the grave, Perinheri, and the experiments done on Caterpillar, but I don’t think I have enough to try and cover that.
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Okay... account introductions.
Hello. This is the Cristalin League's official account. By technicality. Lizzy begged Rune to let us make this. He said "sure, whatever" and we ran with that. My name is Nat Callahan (they/them), Citrine City Gym Leader, Bug specialist, etc. There's three primary blogrunners, (though others may pop up from time to time): Me (picked the colours), Wyatt (chose the banner), and Lizzy (made the icon). I'll let the other two introduce themselves. -N
Hey there! The name's Wyatt! He/him pronouns, please! I'm Aventurine City's very own Gym Leader! I specialize in Electric-Types! You might've also seen me as lead guitar for Double Time! Hope to see y'all round! -W
HELLOOO~! My name's Lizzy, I'm the Peridot City Gym Leader, I have psychic powers, I dress in pink, and I'm a Dark specialist! I don't care how you feel about it! And if it hurts your feelings, my darling Houndoom will be glad to talk it out with you! (That's a lie! She will bite! SHE BITES.) -L
edit: hi. my name is posy. she/her. cristalin elite 4. ghost specialist. nice to meet you. lizzy gave me the password. -P
Edit 2: Um. Hi. My name's Zephyr, but everyone just calls me Zeph. I specialize in Flying. He/him. Elite 4. Lizzy also gave me the password. She likes doing that. -Z
Edit 3: The name’s Beck! He/him. It/its if you know me personally. Halite City Gym Leader, specialist in Water, and coolest guy you’ve ever met! You can definitely guess who gave me the password. I believe in you. -B
//hello y'all i made another blog
//ooc is notated like this, with the two slashes in front
//characters are all adults but don't be weird.
//Pelipper/Musharna Mail/Malice is on, Pelipper Unmail is off, magic anons are a tentative yes with mun discretion. Interactions from anyone are welcome!
//These characters are from my fan region of Cristalin.
//The region is still unfinished so if I contradict myself assume I just changed the details and couldn’t be bothered to retcon the original
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charlicpace · 1 year ago
name inspo: unique but controversial edition ! i'm not saying i like these, i'm not saying i hate 'em, but these are all names that i've seen people have incredibly strong opinions on, and i feel like they're good shouts if you're looking for a character with a name that starts conversations. or arguments.
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gonorrhea-mama · 9 months ago
Rosie question: fun nickname edition
How many of these do you use?
Rosie Posie
Rose Rose
Rosie Rose
Do you use other names?
All the above and many more! And every variant of the name under the sun like rosa, rosemary, rosetta, rosalie, etc lol
And hundreds of nicknames that have nothing to do with her name
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11queensupreme11 · 1 month ago
i'm gonna reblog the percy babies posts again cuz i keep going back and changing the pics cuz i keep finding better ones on pinterest, or editing them, or changing the names 💀💀💀
also, i'm rearrange the order in oldest to youngest (OUT OF THE ONES I WRITE.... not out of ALL of their respective siblings 💀)
anyway, i'll start with posy first. gimme some time cuz this is gonna take a while lmao 💀
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rottedbrainz · 2 years ago
Ok so originally I was just gonna do this with the four main fellas, but I found myself adding in more character dynamics so...forgive me?
Tibbs belongs to me. Caled, Terri, and Mick belong to @palettepainter. And Gabe belongs to @posies-and-bundles
Bonus characters under the cut!! :D
Some of the quotes were edited to fit the characters or dynamic. Sorry if some of them are out of character.
*Tibbs helping Mick out after they get injured, while the others are watching*
Gerald: How does Mick look?
Gabe: A little better than you, actually.
Gerald, watching the news: Someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today!
Mick: *walks in covered with ink* Well, maybe the squid was being a dick.
Tibbs: Whaddya call a fish with no eye?
Gabe, not looking up: Myxine Circifrons
Tibbs: fsh
Gerald: Dammit, Tibbs!
Tibbs: What?! It wasn’t me!
Gerald: Sorry, force of habit. Dammit, Mick!
Mick: Not me either.
Gerald: Oh...Then who set the house on fire?
Gabe: *whistles*
Tibbs: There is no future. there is no past. do you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every facet.
Everyone Else At Person A’s Surprise Birthday Party:
Mick: All I asked was if you wanted to cut your birthday cake first.
Gabe: Okay, help me please!
Gerald: Got two words for you.
Mick: I bet they won't be helpful.
Gerald: Your problem.
Mick: I was right
Gabe, talking to Zoot on the phone: Did you preheat the oven like I told you to?
Baby Zoot: You bet!
Gabe: At what temperature?
Baby Zoot: 535.
Gabe: That's the clock.
Baby Zoot:
Baby Zoot: 536.
Tibbs: You love me, right, Caleb?
Caleb: Normally, I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don’t like it.
Terri: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait.
Tibbs: You and me!!!
Terri, tearing up: Okay.
Janice: I've already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them.
Tibbs: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
Caleb: *Walking in to a room* Sorry I’m late... I was... doing things.
*Sounds of running footsteps progressively getting louder*
Mick: How's the sexiest person here~?
Terri: I don't know, how are they~?
Mick, flustered: I-
Tibbs, from across the room: I'm doing great, thanks!
Terri: I was arrested for being too cool.
Tina: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
Terri: What the fuck is wrong with you?!
Mick: Wow, you could start with a 'good morning'.
Terri: Good morning. What the fuck is wrong with you?!
Gerald: Tina, keep an eye on Floyd today. They're going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Tina: Sure, I’d love to see Floyd get punched.
Gerald: Try again.
Tina, sighing: I will stop Floyd from getting punched.
Mick: Come on, I wasn’t that drunk last night.
Gabe: You were flirting with Terri.
Mick: So what? She's my wife.
Gabe: You asked her if she was single.
Gabe: And then you cried when she said she wasn't.
Janice: Dad, I'm sad.
Tibbs: *Holds out arms for a hug* It’s going to be okay.
Floyd: Pop, I'm sad.
Mick, nodding: mood.
Terri: We need more help. Maybe I should call my friends.
Mick: ... Your what?
Terri: My friends.
Gabe: Are they saying “friends”?
Tibbs: I think they're being sarcastic.
Tina: No, no, no, this is delirium, they've cracked from being awake all night. Hey, Terri! All of your friends are in this room.
Terri: I have other friends! You asked me to make new friends, I made new friends! It was a task. I complete tasks.
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the-clay-quarters · 8 months ago
Estival 2024: The Sixth Coil, blorbo edition
I keep thinking of so many ways my ocs are interacting with the event and details that are unique to them, so... Since I'm highly unlikely to actually write a fic or anything with this, tumblr post it is!
Currently* this is a lot of just stream of though writing so I'm not sure if it makes sense, I may end up fixing it up later but idk.Its probably going to be edited regularly and end up really long, this is your warning.
*currently currently, I am writing this past 2am and it probably makes even less sense. I forgot like all the npc names. it includes so many asides and a tangent wondering how silv would sit on the floor. I so tired man
Day 1, Thurs
Set up and intro to the event, arrival of the tiger group that I can never remember the name of
Silv is part of the group that's setting up the event and was hired in advance, so he new the speech was coming. Pem knew on account of Silv and also convinced him to actually come see it. Vin found out with everybody else, was at the uni at the time (when are they not) and turned up with a bunch of other students. Silv and Pem have both been to coil 4 (fuck the dilmun club dude I still need to do that for coil 5), Vin wasn't even aware there were tigers in the city.
Silv stayed back while Pem (Theo) went to the front. Vin broke off from the uni group when they saw Silv and stayed with him instead. Vin has no idea what's happening and is confused as fuck. Silv is apathetic, Pem is excited, Vin is cautious, as to be expected.
This is a complete tangent but I am so struggling to imagine Silv sitting on the floor. How do you sir on the floor with his insistence on posture and rigidity. He could sit on his legs n kinda kneel but that would look weird on him. Would he suit cross legged?? How else can you sit on the floor. Legs out? Can people do that without leaning back?? Uh. That's like it girl help. Vin sits leaning on him tho <3
At this point, Silv leaves to go work and will be mostly busy for the next few days, occasionally available if the other two come bother him. Now, Pem and Vin are left to go journalism work forrrrr name I forgot. Labyrinth first, Pem goes in to bother the tiger keeper and Southwark while Vin stays outside with their lack of entry rights. Vin talks to Silv and the other clay men around and gets the bit about the? dirt? being weird? Silv buddy since when can you talk to dirt.
After that, they go to the side streets but Vin suggests seeing Sherlock the detective. Pem has 0 faith in the man but sure whatever it's on the way. Anyway to the side streets, Vin feels really weird about being here bcus they are Not a PoSI yet but Pem is dragging them along so okay. She ends up talking to basically everyone before managing to get something useful from the law firm.
They weren't planning on seeing Mr Inch (I feel like he moves around enough that he's impossible to find unless you have a meeting) but they run into him while going past the docks on the way back tooooo is it veilgarden idk. Pem has a nice chat w Mr Inch while Vin is lost but also ":O zoologist!"
Anyway back to the reporter then they're fine for the day.
Sike, there's more tigers. Pem sees them in the street and watches the entourage(?) go by. Vin doesn't see it but hears about it after.
Current status: Silv is busy having a job, Pem is hyped and can't wait to participate, Vin is still kinda lost and mostly just worried
good night and good luck to tomorrow me on fixing this o7
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yourelessfast · 1 year ago
Sonic OC Showdown Q&A! Rocket the Lab Rat Edition!
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I can finally sit down and actually do some of these! Yippee!!!
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?/🍀- What originally inspired the OC? Rocket and the rest of her friends are all very recent! I got the idea to make some 'knock-off' sonic cast members from the RTVS sonic sub marathon, which was only a couple weeks ago! Everything about Rocket and her friends are still very in development and subject to change, but everything as follows is as best I got so far!
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name? How do any of us do anything? I thought it sounded cool!
🌼- How old are they? (Or approximate age range) General young adult age range? Old enough to join the military, not old enough to rent a car. May change as I develop the world more, but I tend to prefer having adult characters when developing them.
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)? Rocket has a few crushes, mainly on Frost the Chinchilla, but nothing she's ever acted on anything. The real scoop is that her rivalry with Powder the Rabbit tends to be very flirtatious at Rocket without really being reciprocated. She gets really flustered about it and then fires her lasers haphazardly, which makes her easy to dodge to beat in a fight, which was always Powder's plan. Syrup the Fox, the only member of the team that is younger than Rocket, might also have a small crush on the rat and tries to get her attention from time to time.
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🍕 - What is their favorite food? Mint chocolate chip ice cream.
💼- What do they do for a living? Professional sidekick. She makes anything Zip needs to save the world, and also whatever is fun to have around. She builds obstacle courses into Peacelily so he has something to speed-bust and bounce off of without damaging the environment.
🎹- Do they have any hobbies? She finds any excuse she can to get into her mk2 battle mech and stomp around a little bit. Zip busted up the first one when they first met, but the 2nd one is made for hero purposes instead of villainy, so it's totally fine to have death lasers and missiles and stuff built into this one haha.
🎯 -What do they do best? Most of the time she helps with adventures, she's flying around with her rocket jetpack. She can help Zip over large pits by carrying him across, or reach the cookies on the very top shelf.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do? She's way more in her element when helping Zip than when she, you know, crosses over with the main cast at all. Zip and Sonic are always butting heads over who's the fastest, Posie and Amy are gossiping, Boomer and Knuckles can go head to head in a yelling match, but as far as the parallels go, Zip and Tails are the most obviously different of the counterparts, and any time she needs to work together with him to solve some sort of problem (because they're both the smartest ones in any room), she always feels out of her element. He's a baby, why is he so smart? This is horseshit.
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❤️- What is one of your OC’s best memories? After her very first fight with Zip, she really thought he'd have just finished her off and been off on his day, but he let her go and promised to be friends if she ever stopped being evil and junk. She really assumed she'd never amount to much more than a henchman, but Zip showed her she was capable of so much more than that.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories? Being a henchman. Feeling like a cog in the bio-machine that is the Deville empire. She's glad she got out of that.
🧊- Is their current design the first one? For now! Maybe she'll get fuzzier. Still working everything out with that!
🌂- What genre do they belong in? 3D Platformer with speedrunning and collectathon elements, with light forays into arena fighting games and analog horror. Don't ask about that last one, long story.
💚- What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality? For now, Rocket goes by She/Her and is a fem-leaning bisexual. It might change as she develops more! No idea if trans or cis, impossible to tell at this stage.
🙌- How many sibling does your OC have? Two! Rumble and Riot the Lab Rats, two more of Dr. Egg Head's experiments. Rumble fought Zip in Stage 2 and Riot fought Zip in Stage 3, both of them in special vehicles that did a poor job of stopping him in his tracks. The three of them also fused in Stage 5, Freaky Franken Labs, where Zip had to fight them as the Ratmalgam King. After Zip's first adventure, when Rocket became his sidekick, those two kind of faded into side character obscurity, but they were seen in the audience of the Grey Airzone stage of Zip the Fighters, cheering with a few Devil Eggs and Impiz.
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🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like? Biological parents? No idea. Dr. Egg Head is kind of an adoptive mom, though, and Rocket hates her! They fight all the time and try to shoot each other with lasers.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC? She's very funny XD. Sometimes she acts as the straight man (ironic) to Zip's antics, but other times she can break down into a little neurotic mess over her own self image. I like imagining her in scenarios and seeing if she's the cool head who solves the problem or the only one in the room screaming her head off.
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC? She started off as a one-off joke doodle and I have not shut up about her and her setting since. So.
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC? No, this group of OCs is supposed to be fun and silly and I don't see any of them dying for real. Zap might die for one panel of a comic and then come back on the next page as a send-up of SA2 -> Sonic Heroes, but other than that no one dies.
💀- Does your OC have any phobias? Thunder.
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival? Her enemy is Dr. Egg Head and her various goons and schemes. She's also sometimes enemies with characters like Zap and the Spooky Squad and the Retro Bandits, but her Rival is Miles Tails Prower. She is constantly compared to him, by both the framing device of the story and herself, and he's not even fully grown yet, so he could only ever get smarter from here. She is determined to outpace and overcome his influence, even if it involves some… underhanded methods.
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I hope everyone enjoys her and her little funny guy routine! I also hope she makes some friends that are a little more normal than Zip and Boomer. Please. She needs them so badly. @sonic-oc-showdown
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headmate-ideas · 2 months ago
Could we get a fem chocolate headmate? Some roles she has is sweetheart (she's very calm and relatively polite, which is very different from most of us sysmates), guzzler and auxiliary.
These outfits are kinda the vibe she has so far
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[Brought to you by: Mods Venn and Vyvian!]
✦ Name(s): Alyssa, Meliana, Josie ✦ Pronouns: she/her, sie/hir/hirs/hirself, zi/zir/zirs/zirself ✦ Species: anthropomorphic personification ✦ Age: one year younger than body ✦ Role(s): sweetheart, guzzler, auxiliary, interest holder, destressor, distractor, protector, social protector ✦ Labels: agender woman, lesbian, trixenamoric ✦ Xenos: food, love, fashion ✦ Interests/likes: confectionery, pet care, moodboards ✦ Dislikes: heat ✦ Music taste: baroque pop, indie pop, folk pop ✦ Aesthetic(s): sweet lolita, cozycore, cutecore ✦ Objectum attraction(s): dresses ✦ Kins: rabbits, posies, hamsters ✦ Emoji proxy: 🍫👗 ✦ Details:
Alyssa is the anthropomorphic embodiment of a box of chocolates and has a particular interest in confectionery - its history, how it's made, recipes for it, etc. While sweets are her favorite thing to eat, she enjoys food of all kinds and eats. She also enjoys all of the interests and hobbies of the system and frequently engages them to unwind or to distract themselves. She cycles through activities fairly quickly, so she's always doing a variety of things and is never bored. Alyssa is good at masking the system's "less palatable" symptoms like anger or low empathy, always appearing calm and polite. While she wouldn't consider herself an extrovert, this does mean she is better at handling social situations for the system, and at handling situations overall. When someone in the system needs hir to do something for them, sie does so happily, as sie likes to be helpful and never doubts hir confidence to do what is needed in the moment.
[These can be edited and changed as needed, and headmates will almost definitely not turn out EXACTLY as described.]
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cellardoorp · 3 months ago
Video Production Studio in Delhi: Transforming Ideas into Visual Masterpieces
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Video Production Studio in Delhi: Transforming Ideas into Visual Masterpieces
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In today's digital age, compelling video content is a power tool to connect with your audiences and tell your story. Choosing the right video production studio in Delhi for your goals would be nothing but essential to achieving them. Backed with unmatched expertise, cutting-edge technology, and a client-focused approach, Cellar Door Studio would be the perfect partner for your next video project.
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capellilavita-blog · 10 months ago
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With Eleven SA Champions and Six Qualité Awards #NewsFlash
Fairview Cheese, one of the most recognisable dairy brands in South Africa and currently the largest producer of specialty cheeses in the country, proudly took the stage at the 2024 SA Dairy Championships to receive a total of 11 SA Champion titles for category winners and six prestigious Qualité Awards — the competition’s exclusive mark of excellence.
This year’s event marked the 191st edition of the SA Dairy Championships, the largest and oldest dairy competition in Africa, which celebrates the excellence, diversity and economic significance of South Africa's dairy sector. With over 1 000 dairy products from 78 producers, the event showcased the finest in dairy craftsmanship. Fairview took top honours with the highest number of Qualité Awards, the esteemed emblem of distinction.
These six Fairview cheeses will soon be proudly sporting the much-desired Qualité black and gold badge of honour:
• Woolworths Cambozola (A high fat semi-soft white mould cheese with blue veins adding a subtle pungent, classic flavour — made from Jersey cow milk)
• Woolworths Medium Fat Cream Cheese (A plain medium fat cream cheese — delicious as a spread or dip or use it for baking — made with Jersey cow milk)
• Woolworths Raspberry Roulade with Pink Peppercorns (A medium fat raspberry cream cheese roulade dusted with pink peppercorns — made with Jersey cow milk)
• Woolworths Cream Cheese Tomato & Herb (A medium fat tomato and herb cream cheese made from Jersey cow milk)
• Woolworths Brie de Roche (A creamy rustic flavoured Brie made with a blend of Jersey cow and goat’s milk — ripened for a minimum of five weeks)
• Woolworths Roydon (A creamy rustic flavoured Camembert made with a blend of Jersey cow and goat’s milk)
Charles Back, third-generation owner of Fairview, expressed his pride in the team’s accomplishment, “Congratulations for continuing to the do the Fairview name proud! While our journey began way back with my humble attempts to produce goat’s cheese, our commitment to quality and our unique philosophy have remained unwavering. We combine traditional European recipes with a distinct South African flair, using only the finest sustainably sourced ingredients. This meticulous approach ensures that our products consistently meet a very high standard. As evidence of this, we are proud to be the leading supplier of Woolworths's specialty cheeses, six of which clinched us top Qualité Award honours at the 2024 SA Dairy Championships.”  
@Posy Hazell @Fairview Wine & Cheese
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