#oc Nayru
brigamia · 5 months
I think it’s finally time to share my zonai OCs with art done by the lovely @walrus-tusk-615bc! They’re part of an AU I’ve been rotating in my head.
This is Nayru “Ruru” (nonbinary) and their half-sheikah son Neberu “Nebi”!
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Nayru is the last descendant of a long line of ice sages that trace their lineage back to Naydra (yes I subscribe to all the the-golden-dragons-were-once-zonai headcanons lol). Their name is ancestral, passed down from sage to sage. However, they excel more in base zonai magic than ice due to not having any family to mentor them—they lived alone for the majority of their childhood in the harsh tundras of the sky islands to the Far North (off the map).
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And this is their son Neberu! His other parent is a sheikah with an also fruit-related name (Anbe). Unlike Nayru, he uses an even mix of ice and zonai magic (mainly for stealth purposes). He studies rare fauna once thought extinct, specifically insects.
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aufi-creative-mind · 18 days
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[ZELDA CREATORS] August 2024 Banner - Lyanna City
Featured Artists: Nocturne, Hylian Tactician, Decopunk1927, @moon-x-flower
Late posting! I was the background artist for the Zelda Creator's August banner. The monthly location's based on Lyanna City [Present day] from Oracle of Ages.
This one was more difficult than I anticipated. Specifically, trying to translate a 2D topdown pixel image into a 3D layout from a ground level perspective. I actually resorted to using my Genshin Impact account's Serenitea Teapot realm to build a makeshift layout as reference.
Please check out the featured artists! They are all amazing!
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artsykidwolf-2000 · 2 months
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One of my art fight attacks for @brigamia !!! I loved drawing their silly Zonai son of their Nayru! Nayru is blessed!
I'm glad to have you as a silly Zonai friend!!! 😁💕
Follow us on Art fight! Love to see your attacks!!!
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ezlo-x · 1 year
i need u guys to understand that Farore is the least normal out of the three. Ik ppl tend to hc Din as the more mean one of the group but not in this house, Farore is the crazy one here. All those demons you see? That was Farore. Majora? Farore. Monsters? Farore. Their scary appearances? Farore <3
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he gets three fairies because he's my favorite child
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artpenumbra · 10 months
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My two oldest OCs: Nayru and Nocturne.
They were originally created as Kingdom Hearts OCs way back in the early 2000s. Eventually I shifted them into just plain high fantasy and recently revamped them with brand new designs.
Princess "Nayru" Nayruen is your typical sweet princess who sees good in everyone. She's a bit clumsy, but is aware of the pressures of her responsibilities.
Nocturne is her faithful fae dragon based on the Osiria Rose. Much like a rose, he's very soft and velvety to touch. He's picky about who handles him, and there's only four people that he will listen to, Nayru included.
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aria-journey · 9 months
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Nayru final version !
Well we'll see she's gonna be in the comic!
Or not...
Next update will be out soon !
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I’ve been hoarding Zelda art for ages, have a Nayru and a oc!
Honestly? Terrified to post my art again I haven't posted art in ages. 
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artisticzaati · 1 year
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Serenade of Water.
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owlart18 · 1 year
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Baby, I've been there before
I was at the point where all I really wanted was someone
And now I'm still hanging on
I was at the end of every tether waiting for what once was
Lyrics from “What Once Was” by Her’s
The song is not specifically relevant but it is what I was listening to on loop when I worked on this new plot point!
(Commission info here | Pride icon commission info here)
Alt version with more text visible:
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ultimatefangirl-exe · 11 months
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Doodling a fluffy girl
Keep an eye out
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loz-furbies · 1 month
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Usually it's the girls who get unique and memorable designs, and the boys have to settle for a much more boring isekai mc-kun style look, but not here! This is amazing, bright blue frilly bell bottoms with purple stripe decorations! And the little wizard hat! And the 00's deviantArt OC edgy hair over one eye! The badass cape! Oh he has nail polish too! He is just great. In general he looks a little dorky but that's okay, it's a very memorable design. The cape fits the hero image he's trying to maintain, even if he's not very good at it.
The eyebrows are also a striking design element and even has plot relevance, but more on that later. So, uh, spoilers for Oracle of Ages? Or in general all of these potentially have spoilers for their respective games, not that I've warned about that before...
The frills and triangle pattern are elements that also repeat in the Oracles' designs. I really like this, they're all different so it doesn't feel like they're wearing a uniform, but it also gives the sense that the world has its own distinct fashion style.
In the entire LoZ franchise there are remarkably few friendly older teen/young adult male important npcs, or at least in the "attractive anime twink" style Link inhabits, compared to the situation with the girls (when almost all games have at least Zelda in the main girl role). And Ralph is one of the few exceptions, which I welcome. Or like I said in Nayru's entry, he's actually a lot shorter than I thought and might even put him in the "kid" category, but I elect to ignore that.
Ralph starts out reasonably enough saying how he counts on Link with Nayru's safety, but quickly changes to stating that he doesn't think Link's help is needed after all. After Nayru is kidnapped he pops up here and there through the story on his own quest to save her, repeats how he will be the one to save Nayru and usually has a pretty condescending attitude towards Link ("Well, if it isn't Link! Dawdling about, as usual.") But he does offer some useful advice during his appearances, so he's willing to help and share information at least.
Later Ralph expands his heroism to wanting to save the general population in addition to Nayru, and even gets a moment where he is ready to sacrifice himself for the greater good despite being scared ("Maybe it is terrifying… But if I must, I must. To do nothing and live just isn't me.") In general he feels like he's the typical hotheaded shounen hero of his own story.
Towards the end of the game Ralph has to eat some humble pie when Link saves the day. After this Ralph apologises for his behaviour, praises Link, admits that he was the one who didn't accomplish anything, and outright says that he now considers Link his friend.
In general Ralph gets surprisingly much character focus for a character in a GBC game, he gets to show a lot of different emotions in different situations and even gets noticeable character development.
Role in the story
I would say that Ralph has the most well developed role out of all the characters in both of the Oracle games, which is peculiar since he isn't even the poster girl. He's the only one to get a proper arc, and has a lot of presence since he shows up in OoA regularly. And most importantly after Nayru gets saved after dungeon 6 out of 8, he is actually the final damsel in distress for OoA. The execution is a little different since Nayru's predicament is the usual kidnapped girl fare, while Ralph has to be saved from himself since he rushes to fight the end boss on a suicide mission. You see, after Nayru is freed from the villain's possession, the villain possesses the queen (in the past) instead, and it is revealed that Ralph is her descendant. So he intends to kill queen even if it means that he won't be able to be born. The way this works is a little clunky here since he already knows Link is able to undo the possession, so his sacrifice feels kind of dumb and reckless. Also he only survives because of plot armour because the villain could have killed him before Link takes over the battle but just chose not to. But points for trying I guess, this is still way above the writing the other characters in either of the two games got.
Considering how much focus Ralph gets and how actively he tries to contribute, it's a little shame how his actions don't really amount to anything. The most you can say that he works as the game's hint system because sometimes he points where the player should go next, but it would be nice if he got to do something more notable too.
I feel that he is similar to the original Pokemon rival (Blue) in that he's this cocky rival that shows up to mock you through the game, and the in the end you get to feel vindicated when they're defeated. Both of them are even actually helpful by sharing information too! Though I do feel kind of bad for Ralph since he's just so crushed at the end and just lies on the floor lamenting how he looks like a fool now.
I like that the revelation that he is the queen's descendant is foreshadowed a little (with how he knows about a secret entrance to the palace) and isn't just dropped out of nowhere in the finale.
Ralph is a childhood friend and self-proclaimed protector of Nayru, acts kind of jealous about the possibility of someone else doing the protecting, and spends most of the game running around trying to save her. I don't remember instances where his behaviour could only be interpreted as romantic so make of that what you will.
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Surprisingly his most interesting relationship is with Link. Or he is the main character, but at this point of the franchise he usually doesn't get nearly as many character moments with even the main girl of each game so it's pretty big.
Ralph strikes a one sided rivalry with Link about the Nayru rescue, and then behaves in a condescending manner when they run into each other. However I find it interesting that he doesn't blame Link at all for Nayru getting captured in the first place, because it was Link who brought the disguised villain close to her in the first place. Or it wasn't Link's fault since nobody know about the disguise, but I would have imagined that Ralph would hold it against him.
Once Link is the one to save Nayru while Ralph did nothing he apologises properly, and starts preparing to take down the villain, even if it would cost him his own life. And then he starts throwing lines like "May fate bring us back together!", and later "Umm… Link… Don't forget me. I mean, I think of you…as a friend…" when preparing for his suicide mission. If this was a more popular and recent game people would ship these two way more but now they only have 5 results on ao3. Even the villain refers to him as Link's "dear friend".
Once the day is saved and everyone is hunky-dory Ralph comments how Link is amazing and apparently teases him for the embarrassing statue the queen put up for Link. Then they get a cute cutscene in the credits where Link tries to teach Ralph to do the spin attack with the sword, but he spins too much and gets dizzy. So we end on the note that they're friends now, with Link taking a mentor-like role.
He also gets a brief scene with the queen, with both being proud about the relationship, though the queen takes offense at being called grandmother. It's a shame they don't get to interact more, but it's nice that their relationship didn't go completely unaddressed.
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hongtiddiez · 1 year
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I promised ages ago that I would remake this post with some easier to read text and properly put the text in a post, and 3 months later I finally did it!
Just a reminder, this is all my own observations, research, opinions, etc. We only have 2 examples of the Zonai to base things off of, which means we have to draw a lot of assumptions and fill in a lot of gaps. There's no wrong way to engage with their lore, create an OC, etc. This is just a breakdown of what I've noticed, looked up, pondered, and the process I used to make my own Zonai~
Something I think is important to note (and keep forgetting to mention) is I named Vasru using the naming conventions we can easily discern - Mineru and Rauru both end in 'ru' but it's unknown if this is a title, family naming convention, or simply something applied to all Zonai.
Long neck, arms, and torso but relatively short legs by comparison. Wide hips with very narrow waist seems consistent between AMAB and AFAB but unknown if racial or familial trait.
Rauru has small horns, unknown if Mineru does as well as we never see beneath her mask. Unknown if horns are a sexually dimorphic trait or individual trait.
Floppy vs upright ears are potentially a sexually dimorphic trait but could also differ per individual.
Shared center eye, nose, and eye markings. Unknown if racial or familial.
Hair, ear, and eyelashes all same color. Unknown if white hair is racial or familial.
There seems to be a penchant for jewelry and adornments.
Unknown if limited to royal family. Shows heavy Mayan influence and often features nods to the Triforce, Sheikah Eye, and dragons.
Rauru features a tuft of scale-like fur on his chin and cheeks, only cheek fur is shared with Mineru. Chin fur is likely a sexually dimorphic trait.
Sexual Dimorphism - A distinct difference in size or appearance between the sexes of an animal in addition to difference between sexual organs themselves.
Draconification is known to be achieved through swallowing a secret stone.
The Zonai and the dragons share many physical characteristics such as horns, ear, and eye structure. In an excerpt from 'Creating a Champion' we learn the dragons do have some goat-like features intentionally.
The existence of the 3 dragon-themed armor sets along with repeated dragon structures in Zonai ruins could imply that Dinraal, Farosh, and Naydra already existed in the time of the Zonai.
It's important to note as well that the Zonai were often seen as Gods from the heavens. With this and the obvious connection the 3 dragons have to the 3 Goddesses from previous games (Din, Farore, and Nayru) I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that perhaps Dinraal, Farosh, and Naydra were Zonai tasked with protecting Tri-Force (which the Zonai were known to worship) and in an effort to better guard the Tri-Force they swallowed each piece and underwent the process of draconification. The shared names, elements, and corresponding Tri-Force pieces just make this thought process very interesting to me.
When designing my own Zonai OC (Vasru) I was very careful to pull as many details from the game as I could. In an effort to keep his design from being too busy I simplified some elements of the various armors and jewelry.
Vasru is transgender and to represent this I took the markings from the Ancient Armor (the reward for finding all shrines) and used them beneath his pectorals.
If we operate under the assumption that horns are a sexually dimorphic trait we can then assume Vas'use of the Dinraal inspired headdress is in an effort to cover that missing feature.
When designing a Zonai I believe it's important to take inspiration from elements of the game and respect the Mayan influences shown.
Have fun!
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artsykidwolf-2000 · 5 months
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Here's some more Zonai ocs! These versions of my OCS are from different regions of Hyrule! Avalon is from Faron and Adama is from Tabatha/w. Hyrule area. They like to travel to learn knowledge or have a good fight in Adama's case lol.
I tried to channel the fluffiness in their designs. (You can thank @briarbramble for making me fall in love with their floofy Zonai 💕) I also got inspired by @brigamia 's OC that was drawn by @walrus-tusk-615bc ! I love Nayru and Neberu so much! Especially baby Nebi AHHHHH🩷🩷🩷
Hope you guys like my Zonai! I love making Zonai based on my other OCS n stuff :3 it's fun! Also I'd love to talk about Zelda stuff! If you wanna message me that's ok ^^
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smilesrobotlover · 11 months
Whumptober day 13- infection
Idk if any of you remember the post about me asking about how to write signing, but that post was for this fic. This is about Moon, my beloved Link oc and he is deaf, so I needed to write a way for him to be signing. I was originally going just use apostrophes but most of the deaf people who responded to that post said how I should use normal quotation marks, so that’s what I did. I hope it won’t get confusing, I tried to make it clear that Moon and Groose were signing, so just know that when they’re talking to each other, they’re signing. Thanks again to the deaf people who responded to that post ☺️
Anyways if you wanna know more about Moon, you can just go on the “moon” tag or “the hand of Farore” tag. There’s A LOT to Moon. You can even go to @thehandoffarorecomic if you want, but there’s no comic just yet. Rn I’m playing with the story.
Warning for an infection. It’s pretty mild lol.
Link had been distant from the others for a while now, and Groose was starting to get worried about him. Link wasn’t a very social person, so him keeping to himself wasn't at all strange, especially after what happened in Groose’s own home. But the way he walked away from Groose everytime he approached him was odd, it was almost as if he was avoiding him. Farore noticed his behavior as well, and though she tried to talk to him about it, it seemed to have been in vain.
“He won’t talk to me,” she said, her little bunny nose twitching, “I know that he’s still new at signing, but I figured that he’d at least tell me something.”
Groose shrugged. “Link isn’t that new to sign language. He’s actually quite a chatterbox whenever we talk.”
Farore frowned. “So he’s good at sign language, why isn’t he telling me anything?”
“You’re a goddess aren’t you? Shouldn’t you know everything?”
“Knowing everything is Nayru’s job, not mine!”
Groose rolled his eyes. “Isn’t that just convenient.”
“Watch it Groosie, I’m still a goddess.”
Groose snorted. “Sure sure, don’t call me Groosie. So what should we do?”
Farore hopped closer to him and rested against his legs. “Have you tried talking to him?”
“I have. He just walks away from me. I’m worried.”
“Well, you should try harder.”
Groose was taken aback. Of course he would’ve tried harder, but after what happened, he didn’t want to overstep his boundaries. “W-why me? He’s with you all the time!”
“Yes, but… I think you’re the first friend he’s ever had. Plus, you’re both the same age, I think you’ll have an easier time connecting with him.”
“Farore, I’ve tried to talk to him. It’s not gonna work now.”
“Then try harder.”
“Oh my Din, why do you want me to try harder? You’re around him more, you know him more, I… my mom tried to get him killed, why would he— why would he want to talk to me?”
“Groose, please,” Farore pleaded, giving him a serious look. “Just try one more time.”
Groose groaned “Fine! Fine, I’ll ‘try harder’!”
“Thank you.”
Groose glared at Farore and stomped away. He didn’t care that she was a goddess and that he was sassing her, she was annoying, and it wasn’t like she was Din anyways. It took him a moment to find Link, but Groose finally found him under a tree by a pond. His eyes were closed, and he was holding his leg with a strained expression on his face. Groose frowned and knelt down in front of him, lightly tapping him on the knee. Link flinched and his eyes opened wide as he stared at Groose in shock, but he calmed down when he realized he was in no danger.
“Are you ok?” Groose signed, titling his head in concern. Link was pale, and his eyes had bags underneath them.
“I’m good,” Link quickly signed back, and Groose figured that he would say that. It’s all he told him since he started acting strange.
“Just try one more time.”
Farore’s words echoed through Groose’s mind and he rolled his eyes. He should obey the goddess, or at least put some effort in. But he couldn’t shake the feeling that Link was still upset over what happened with his mother… he didn’t want to overstep his boundaries.
Link’s eyes closed and Groose tapped his leg again, being met with annoyed blue eyes.
“You’re not good. You look sick.”
Link looked away, and Groose moved so he was in his vision.
“Are you sick?”
Link pursed his lips and looked down at his leg. “It won’t slow me down. Don’t worry,” he finally answered. Groose frowned. That was a weird thing to say.
“I don’t care that it won’t slow you down, I care that it will hurt you, or worse.”
Link stared at him, his grip around his leg tightening. Groose noticed and reached for his hand, but stopped.
“May I?” He asked, and Link didn’t respond. Groose slowly reached for his hand again, and Link didn’t fight back, instead, he let his hand be taken off his leg. Groose didn’t know what he expected, but he realized that with Link wearing pants, it would be difficult to see anything wrong. Groose sighed, at least there was no visible blood. “Does it hurt there?”
“I got a cut. It’s been there for a while.”
Groose felt his blood run cold. Was there an infection?
“I need to see it. Now,” Groose signed rather quickly, and Link looked at him confused. He brought his fingers together in one hand and pointed them all to his palm, then dragged a finger up his arm slowly. Groose sighed and signed a little slower and more clearly. “I need to see your injury. This could be serious.”
“I’ve turned out fine before.”
“Have you had cuts like this before?”
“I have. And I’ve walked them off before.”
“Link, you can’t just walk injuries off.”
“I had to,” Link’s face had nothing but anger written on it, and he stared straight into Groose’s eyes that it made him squirm. “If I couldn’t, then I would’ve been left for dead!” Link’s arms flailed slightly as his hands flip-flopped at the end of his sentence.
Groose backed away a little as Link’s breathing grew heavy, tears beginning to appear in his eyes. Guilt gripped Groose’s heart as he thought about everything that happened before. His mother trying to kill Link, the slavers tormenting Link with their very existence, and Groose didn’t do enough to stop it. He sighed and stared at Link’s shaking hands. He looked up and waved at Link to make sure he was watching.
“You won’t be left for dead. Not with me. I promise,” he signed slowly and clearly, making sure that Link understood that Groose would never do such a thing. “You’re my friend,” Groose’s pointer fingers hooked together, and he kept them there for a while while Link just stared, looking more exhausted than before, and Groose tried again. “Let me help you. Please.”
Link finally nodded and let Groose check his leg. He rolled up his pants and inspected his shin, which was where the injury was. Groose was not a medic by any means, but he could tell that with the way the cut was inflamed that it was infected. He decided to go to Farore to help, figuring that she would know what to do more than himself. Groose’s worry grew when Link limped painfully to Farore, and he knew that the infection was severe, he just didn’t know how bad it was.
Thankfully, Farore knew ingredients for a healing potion, which Groose was able to make right away. As soon as Link drank it, he started to act more like himself. His color returned to him, his fever went down, and his eyes were lit up again. Groose was relieved that the healing potion worked, and he stuck by Link’s side while it went through his system. It didn’t take long for Link to finally fall asleep, and Groose was left alone with Farore, who was curled up on his chest for comfort.
“I knew you could do it,” she said after a moment of silence.
“Do what?” Groose asked.
“Get through to him.”
Groose rolled his eyes, but he smiled slightly.
“Why were you so intent on me getting through to him though? He likes you more, you—“ Groose paused, feeling guilty again, “you aren’t responsible for his pain.”
Farore tilted her head. “You’re not responsible for his pain either.”
“No, not for all of it, but… if I had stood up to my mother more, or had spoken up against the slavers that she worked with or—or anything to stop my mother’s involvement with slavery I— Link wouldn’t had suffered like he did!”
Farore frowned. “That’s not fair to you Groose. You are not responsible for your mother’s actions. You were manipulated by her. You didn’t understand the extent of what was happening with slavery.” Farore got close to Groose’s face. “You didn’t know any better.”
“I should’ve known. I’m going to be the king of the Gerudo, I should’ve known better.”
Farore made a sad face and backed away. “You’re only sixteen. You’re still a child.”
Groose didn’t say anything and instead held onto Link’s hand. Farore rested her paw on their clasped hands and they all stayed there for a moment, until Farore spoke up again.
“I’m not gonna be with him forever.”
Groose looked at her confused. “What do you mean?”
“When this is all over, me and my sisters will return to the sacred realm, we will leave Hylia to protect Hyrule again, and… I’ll have to leave Link behind.”
Groose stared at her. She was going to leave everything behind?
“I won’t be gone gone,” she quickly clarified, “I’ll be here in spirit, and I’ll listen and answer your prayers. But physically I won’t be here anymore. I just want…. I just want Link to have support when I’m away. That’s why I pushed you to talk to him.”
“O-oh,” was all that Groose was able to say. Though he knew she was a goddess, it was easy to forget. Farore gave Groose a smile and hopped away. But before she jumped off the bed, she turned to Groose.
“Link doesn’t blame you for anything. I hope you know that.”
Groose’s hand tightened around Link’s. He didn’t believe her, even though he knew she was right, it wasn’t ok for Groose to believe her. Farore hummed at his reaction.
“You should talk to Link about it.”
Groose pursed his lips and stared at his unconscious friend. “I’ll do it when he’s better.”
Farore smiled slightly. “Ok, fair enough. Do it when he’s better.” Groose smiled at Farore before she jumped off the bed, leaving him alone with Link.
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faroreskiss · 1 year
Unnatural Coincidences / Part 3
Parts 1 2 3 4 Epilogue
You have been in Hyrule for a while now, and some things just cannot stay hidden anymore.
General Info & Warnings: -This will be a four part story for now, with the last part being the most explicit. There is a potential to expand the non-explicit parts, if there is interest. -If you are under 18, please do not read this. You have been warned. Parts 3 & 4 are very explicit. -Italic words like this mean the words in "your language", as they are speaking Hylian with each other. -Feel free to comment, if you think instead of (Y/N) this story should be written from first or second person POV (or it should be an OC) Pairing: Zelda x Fem!Reader x Link
In the previous chapter: Link caught you and Zelda having a heart to heart, hearing all the tea spill. Including seeing how you kissed. Now what?
Last warning, parts 3 & 4 include extremely explicit, +18 content
It was Link. Zelda’s one hand was still cupping (Y/N)’s head.
They both composed themselves.
“How long have you been standing there?” (Y/N) asked, in a panic mode. Both of them were red as ripe tomatoes. Most likely due to alcohol and adrenaline rush.
“Long enough to hear everything relevant. Holy Din girls, am I the only sober one here?”
He looked as if he also had conflicted feelings about this. Seeing the two girls he definitely had feelings for make out? In a fantasy perhaps, this would have been quite the material. Sure, he was the hero, but that didn't mean he also didn't have a foot in the real world. He also was a person, a person with desires of his own.
At the same time, did that mean that now he's "out"? But it was (Y/N) that kissed him first! Was he jealous or was he invigorated, was he heartbroken or was he overjoyed? He was furrowing his burrows, frozen like a deer in headlights, trying to decide what he can even say next. So he did what he could do best, just trying to analyze, and trying to have a lay of the land...
“So... (Y/N) is into Zelda, Zelda is into (Y/N), and for some reason, I'm into both....” he mumbled to himself.
Either it was the alcohol, or overall "Whatever" mode (Y/N) got into since this morning. She has been around a few years now, fully knowing who Link and Zelda were, and even though she knew she just idealized the versions she knew, (Y/N) couldn't help but fall for them both. They didn't judge, they didn't pry as long as they knew things "were safe".
So what now, if she wants them both for herself, while being happy that they will also be there for each other? She's already stuck somewhere else other than her world, maybe this is the will of the Three Goddesses after all.
She just considered the next steps... By the Nayru, she wanted them both. Maybe it was time to let her nonchalant and filthy side out, finally have the good time she lived many times in her head. Yes, first and foremost both of them were her friends. But can she really ignore her desires? She ain't no saint. She was just going to be open about what's going on, exactly tell what she feels like, and see what happens then.
(Y/N) shot a glance at Link from the couch “I think you are missing one of the Links, pun intended.”
“(Y/N)! Is this a time to be joking!” Zelda was BRIGHT red. She was really cute when drunk. And still had some "decency" of a royal princess, well, until when could this last?
“Okay Link.” (Y/N) got up and made Link sit on the couch, between her and Zelda. Wrapped an arm around his neck and got close to his ear. Link perked up immediately.
“Here is what’s happening: I know you guys are into each other. I’m into both of you. You both are also into me, apparently.” She was kind of slurring her words.
Link was not as easy as Zelda. He heard everything, and had every reason to be protecting Zelda from her, if it came to that. And everybody being into everybody? Surely she was manipulating both of them? So, he was still a bit stiff. Though not yet in the right places.
Yet… This girl here was tipsy, Calamity was gone, she did nothing but help advance the research efforts, been a good friend to them and had good manners, and had no reason to lie to them, did she?
Link looked at Zelda, and he melted inside. This felt so wrong yet so right, feeling like this while another girl was wrapped around him.
“Oh boy. Just do it Link.”
“Do what?”
“Kiss Zelda.”
Zelda did not say anything so far, she was just staring expectantly at Link, imagining how his lips would feel over hers.
Then it happened.
With (Y/N)’s one arm still around his shoulder, he moved closer to Zelda, took her hand, and with the other, raised her chin.
“May I, princess?”
Zelda’s eyes widened as she nodded. Link kept getting closer, and then the distance was no more.
(Y/N) moved her hand slowly to Link's shoulders, glancing at the scene from behind and thinking what a beautiful sight it was.
Their kiss broke, (Y/N) was impatient. With liquid courage and both of the people she’s into in the same room, knowing they are into her as well. Link must have felt it from her grip on his shoulders, as he turned to her and gently cupped her face, and started kissing her.
Link's kiss was like fire.
Zelda moved behind her and started rubbing her shoulders while they were kissing. She gently hugged her from behind, pressing herself into her back, put her mouth on her neck, slowly kissing it, and meanwhile moving her hands dangerously close to her breasts. She was melting like caramel on a hot pan.
Except, she was between the two hottest people she can be.
They were still on the couch in front of the huge window. Oh well, the sun was already long gone.
She stopped kissing Link, put their foreheads together and then turned to Zelda, who got startled with the sudden movement. Now (Y/N) started kissing Zelda starting from between her ears, to her neck and finally ended on her lips. After a brief kiss, she got up and motioned Link to move to the middle of the couch. She placed herself sideways on Link’s lap, and started kissing Zelda again, who was also slowly stroking Link’s hair, gently touching his neck. Link’s hands were all over (Y/N) meanwhile.
(Y/N) was also feeling his bulge growing right under her hip points. She couldn’t get enough of both of them. She wanted them both. She couldn’t stop touching Zelda either, feeling the flesh of her breasts through her shirt.
Maybe being right in front of the window was not the best idea after all.
They stopped, and almost instinctively,
“Zelda, can you please get up?”
She adjusted her position on Link, turned her back to him while sitting on him, and then gestured to Zelda to come and straddle her.
“Can you handle that?” she turned to Link.
“Yes.” was what came out of his mouth, before it got occupied by Zelda’s, while (Y/N) was in between. She could feel and hear their kiss, while getting sandwiched between Zelda’s fluffy breasts and Link’s strong torso. It was getting hot.
Link was touching Zelda wherever he could. Zelda got up, almost playfully ripping Link’s lower lip in the process, and then held (Y/N)'s hand, to help her also get up.
“Shall we move to a more comfortable place, perhaps?”
All holding hands together, they moved to Zelda’s room with the queen bed.
Link has been patient so far but he couldn’t take it anymore. The girls were right in front of him, he slid his hands on both of their backs to unclasp their bras at the same time.
“How convenient!” chuckled Zelda.
(Y/N) took Zelda’s shirt off, Zelda took Link’s and Link took (Y/N)’s. Link grabbed them both and practically threw them to bed. Zelda and Link shared a look. A very… devious one.
“Hey!” (Y/N) said, “What’s going on?”
Zelda held her arms and Link helped take her trousers off. Suddenly Link was on top of (Y/N) again, almost as if continuing what happened today up at the mountain trail. This time, his knee wasn’t shy at all, and was pressing between her legs in a circular motion. His hands were on her breasts, cupping them and sometimes squishing her nipples between his thumbs. His mouth was going down, slowly to her neck and then to her breasts and going even more down to her stomach.
Then, taking the opening, Zelda started kissing her and touching her breasts, where Link left off. Link’s hands were on her ass, his teeth poking on the edges of her panties, while eyeing the two girls having a sloppy side kiss. He was just giving the hot air of his mouth to her panties, while watching the show.
Was she going to be the first pillow princess of the night?
(Y/N) poked Zelda’s belt, to motion her to take her pants off. Now Zelda was also only in her panties. Meanwhile, Link already took his briefs off.
(Y/N) straightened up while Zelda was taking hers off, and then she pushed her to the upper supporting frame of the bed upright. Put her leg between hers, and started attacking her neck and then her nipples, roughly.
Link came from behind, rubbing his (now exposed) member between now that (Y/N) was somehow also got her panties off, while she was sucking Zelda’s nipples.
He pushed his head forward to catch Zelda’s lips.
Whose moan was that? It was not so clear anymore.
Link has been patient so far. But even he had a limit. He wrapped his arms around (Y/N)'s waist and slowly pulled her away from Zelda, while making sure their rubbing "contact point" was not affected. He kissed her neck, moved his hands to her breasts. Giving Zelda a good show.
Zelda was panting, red, and like everybody else in the room, burning with a desire. She was on the edge.
Link gently turned (Y/N) and started kissing her, their naked bodies touching. This time, (Y/N) slowly started going down from his neck to his torso with butterfly kisses, until finally reaching his cock.
She knelt down to the edge of the bed, holding Zelda’s hand and pulling her to her. She gave him a deep, loving kiss. As a funny coincidence, each of their hands were already on his member. Link let out a deep growl.
They broke their kiss, and a girl on each side gave Link’s member a long, slow lick from down to up. They combined their kiss on the top of his tip. He had his hands on both girls’ heads, slowly stroking their hair.
It was Zelda first that took his member to his mouth, while (Y/N) was licking it from below. Each bob of Zelda’s head movement was driving Link insane. (Y/N) went up and started kissing him, while Zelda continued. One of Zelda’s hands was busy touching herself. She was impatient.
Thank Hylia, this house was sound proofed. Or was it?
What she was starting to realize though, nobody in this room had any problems with staking their claims in front of others.
(Y/N) came back down again, and both her and Zelda took turns licking, sucking and nibbling on Link, listening to his moans. Sometimes their hands touched to each other’s breasts. Sometimes they stopped and just enjoyed each others’ kisses, giving Link a little show.
“Please,” he said. “I can’t take it anymore, I need to feel you, I need to feel you both as close as I can.”
Both girls went up and shared a triple kiss, mouths changing in between, sometimes somehow meeting in the middle. Each hand on everybody. (Y/N) rubbing herself on Link’s left leg, Zelda on right. Link’s hands on their breasts, sometimes gently pinching their nipples. Finally they got off Link’s legs. He was not letting them go as easy however.
His legs? Drenched. Sheets? Were about to be.
(Y/N) felt that she found herself suddenly, instinctively squeezing. She didn't know anything about it for sure, but there was no way this guy never did this before.
Because now, while kissing Zelda, his one hand was rubbing (Y/N)’s clit. Torturing her with small circles, not quite touching where he is supposed to, but close enough.
“Ah… You do know what you are doing.”
He simply grinned into his kiss with Zelda.
(Y/N) escaped his hand, -if this kept on she was just gonna cream on his fingers- and pushed him on his back to the bed. Now she was on top of him, just rubbing herself off to his fully erect member. She was dripping wet, he could slide right in, just like that, if he could. Not much patience was left in her.
Meanwhile, Zelda placed herself on top of Link’s mouth.
The guy had discipline one could see that. (Y/N) just observed what Link was doing, how he was cupping Zelda’s ass cheeks, how he teased her by touching her labia with the tip of his tongue instead of her clit directly. And as he finally started to make small strokes to her clit, Zelda moaned.
That was it. She took his member, spread her inner lips, and slowly guided it into her, as both of them were watching. This was pure euphoria.
While he was fully in her, she felt so full. She could feel him sometimes subtly twitching. As if giving her a mini massage from inside. She was desperate for him to move. He was desperate to move.
Zelda, also drowning in pleasure, just leaned into (Y/N) and they started kissing. They were like magnets to each other. As Zelda grabbed (Y/N)’s breasts and pinched her nipples, Link could feel her tighten.
“Ah, you...!”
They both chuckled, but (Y/N) had enough. She started moving her hips back and forth, instead of up and down. This was teasing both of them, it was also rubbing her clit but, just enough. This was insane.
Zelda smirked once again
“If you are both like this… I’ll just come by looking at you even if he were to stop licking me.”
“Mmm.. Zelda, could you please help me first so I can give her a good fucking, while I’m already in here? I’m… I’m losing it. I want to be in both of you. I.. I…”
Zelda was so red, even in this situation she felt a little bit embarrassed. Princess' manners? She was definitely not used to hearing downright filthy words out of her knight's mouth.
Yet, we don't see her complaining getting eaten out by him now, do we?
She moved up and Link moved a bit more back to get some support from the bed frame. He put his legs a bit more up, to give support to (Y/N) on his thighs.
He still wasn't moving.
(Y/N) seemed a bit frustrated, why wasn't he moving? Wasn't he simply begging 10 seconds ago? Seemed like his willpower came back again.
"You want me to move, pretty girl? You want me to move and make you cum while our beloved Zelda is looking at us?"
(Y/N) could feel it, he was close too. But she was losing it all between the desire for a release, and the warmth she was feeling all over her body, seeing how Zelda was busy touching herself while looking at them.
"Please, please..."
"Please what? I can't know exactly what you want..." He said between his growls. Bastard, he was also edging himself like this.
"Please Link, fuck me till I lose it... fuck me for Zelda to see..."
He shot a glance at Zelda, who was now laying next to her with pure lust, her hand was on her breasts.
"So I shall."
Then he suddenly started thrusting in (Y/N). There was simply no stopping him. The grip, the angle, the warmth of her walls. He was going crazy.
Zelda meanwhile, got to the side and took (Y/N)’s face, started kissing her again. (Y/N) wasn’t able to do much other than enjoy and kiss her back, as what Zelda did next was not what she was expecting.
Zelda, as she was touching herself, slid the other hand's middle and ring finger inside her. After a few pumps, she took them out, they were dripping.
Then, Zelda put her wet fingers between (Y/N) and Link, and started rubbing (Y/N)’s clit, while Link was pumping in her. With the other hand, she was still touching herself.
Dirty, dirty princess.
Whatever was building up in (Y/N), was about to release in a very, very violent way. She could feel Link harden even more in her, getting closer.
“Oh my Farore, Zelda, (Y/N), what are you doing...”
“Zelda… My Goddessess…”
(Y/N) gripped Link so hard with herself as she came, massaging her with her walls, Link just couldn’t help it. He started moaning, twitching, and releasing what he had, into her. (Y/N) saw the stars, feeling herself even expand more, enjoying the sensation of warmth inside her.
Zelda was now gentler, knowing how she could be sensitive. She simply took her hand off there, and gave Link a kiss between his panting.
(Y/N) collapsed to Link's torso and smelled him from the nook of his neck. She moved her hips a bit up, letting Link slide out of her. She started dripping all over the bed sheets. 
"What a mess!" exclaimed Zelda, looking at (Y/N) dripping on the sheets, and licking her lips, imagining what was going to happen next.
Who said they were done?
There was still Zelda to take care of.  She never stopped touching herself after all.
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