#oc Grayson Hawke
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sashthesloth · 8 months ago
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iwishiwasbatman · 8 months ago
Me and My Ghosts We Had a Hell of a Time
Pairings- Titans x OC, Dick Grayson x Platonic!OC, Slight Jason Todd x OC
Warnings- Violence, Swearing, Torture, Kidnapping, Angst
Summary- Chaos ensues at Titans Tower, bringing together old and new heroes. Elana faces old foes and ghosts she thought were gone.
Word Count- 12,975
A/n- I’m back… but with a prequel to “Masked Love”. I swear I’m working on the next part :)
“Headed in outside box 6,” I sounded off into my comm while heading into the football stadium. Me, Donna, Dick, and Hank were taking positions around the stadium while Dick would confront Dr. Light head-on. My eyes widened when I got to my vantage point. Dr. Light was standing in the middle of the football, drawing power from every light in the stadium. “Guys, we should do something about this, like, now,” I said to the rest of my team. I activated my bow and strung an arrow right as Light finished charging. You could smell the electricity in the air.
“I’m glad you could make it!” Light yelled as Dick walked onto the field. “All of you!”
“Shit,” I mumbled.
“So much for the party of five surprise,” Hank sighed. Even from up high, I could see a smirk form on Dr. Light’s face as he fired a ball of light from his chest plate at Dick. It missed but provided the needed distraction for him to disappear.
“Anybody?” Dick asked into comms. I quickly made my way down to the main level.
“I got a visual,” Donna answered. “He’s headed toward the southern concourse exit.” I dashed out of the stadium in hopes that I could cut Light off. I got there just in time to see Dick dodge a beam of light, which ended up hitting a car, and flipping it. I fired an arrow that hit Light in the shoulder. He let out a cry of pain and ripped it out, but it didn’t seem to hurt him that much. In retaliation, he shot a ball of light at me, causing me to dive out of the way. I quickly rolled back up and sprinted at him. I ducked under another beam of light and uppercut him in the jaw. He stumbled back, allowing me to kick him down. He shot a beam of light that whizzed past my head, blinding me for a second, and used the distraction to stab my leg with the arrow I shot at him. I hissed in pain but managed to roll away in time to avoid another beam of light. I took cover behind a car to pull the arrow out of my leg.
“You know, I’m not supposed to kill you, but burning a hole through your head sounds like a good idea to me,” Light called from the other side of the car. I furrowed my eyebrows at his words.
“You’d have to catch me first,” I taunted, choosing not to ask about what he meant. A blast of light hit the car, and I had thrown myself just in time to avoid being crushed. I skidded across the cement into the car Donna was behind with a thud. Light stalked toward me with a smirk. I pushed myself up and readied my stance. As he prepared to fire again, Dawn came out of nowhere and tackled me to the ground as Hank ran at Light.
“I’ve got this! Cut him off from the other side!” Hank yelled.
“You good?” Dawn asked.
“Yeah, fine. I had that handled,” I growled.
“I know your did,” she said. Light shot a blast at Hank, hitting him in the leg. Dawn checked to make sure he was okay before calling in Light’s location.
“He’s headed to Buchanan,” she said.
“Got it!” Donna said, racing off. I pushed myself up and followed as fast as I could. Donna knocked him down using her lasso as I got over there.
“I got him,” Dick said. Behind him, a bus pulled through.
“Dick!” I called a warning. Dr. Light threw down his hand and disappeared in a flash of light that was so bright, we all had to cover our eyes. Light was gone. My eyes met Dick’s in a knowing glance. We’d screwed up.
I leaned up against the side of the elevator and took off my black surgical mask with a sigh. The anger practically hung in the air between all of us as much as the electrical smell did. I blamed myself for losing him. I should’ve been able to knock him out at the very least. His words had distracted me. Who told him not to kill me and why? The question hovered over my head, seeming to add weight with every step I took. Of course, the automatic answer that had popped into my head was the mercenary that had just made an appearance in town, but I shot that idea down quickly. Slade would never work with someone like Arthur Light. He’d end up killing the idiot himself.
The ding of the elevator pulled me out of my head. We filed out of the doors, Dawn helping Hank. Dick wordlessly offered to help me, but I brushed him off. My pride wouldn’t allow me to be helped. As he walked by, I caught sight of Hank’s seared flesh. His skin was an angry red and the area around the burn was charred. He definitely had it worse than I did.
“I’ll get some gauze from the infirmary,” Donna said, hurrying off. The tension between Hank and Dick was easy to see through the way Hank looked at the ex-boy wonder.
“You had a chance,” Hank broke the silence. His voice, along with his hunched shoulders and tense muscles, made his anger clear. His eyes seemed to shoot holes through Dick’s head. Dawn stood next to him, calm, but still clearly disappointed.
“He would’ve killed everyone on the bus,” Dick replied calmly. I was waiting for my turn to take Hank’s anger, but he never turned it to me. Why, I didn’t know.
“And he’s gonna kill how many more now?” Hank’s voice rose.
“I’ll get him,” Dick said.
“You mean we, right?” I crossed my arms. Dick‘s eyes flitted to me for a second.
“Maybe you’ve lost the taste for how this works,” Hank said, steeling his gaze and stepping toward Dick. His hostility made me tense up, ready to jump into action.
“We’ll get another shot!” Dick was getting annoyed.
“The old Robin would’ve taken the first one!” Hank said. I thought Dawn and I were going to have to stop Hank from beating up Dick.
“Hey, hey. That’s enough,” Dawn called Hank’s attention, turning his face to hers. Hank glared at Dick until Dawn had led him out of view.
“He’s not wrong,” I said, meeting Dick’s gaze.
“I don’t want to hear it. If anyone missed their shot, it was you,” Dick said.
“What I was gonna say before you so rudely interrupted me was that it was all our faults, not just yours,” I said, letting him hear my annoyance. “I think the pointing fingers thing we got going on is stupid and immature. We’re adults for god’s sake.”
“Where’s Dr. Light?” Jason’s voice drawled, pulling me and Dick out of our conversation as he, Gar, and Rachel walked in.
“Jason,” Rachel warned, sensing his antics.
“A little stealth job on a guy who shoots, what, headlamps?” Jason ignored her. “I mean, half the city’s on fire, and still no sign of Dr. Light.” He took a step toward Dick. I knew he was pissed with the older man, but I could practically see the stupid idea in his eyes.
“Not the time, Jason,” Dick sighed.
“Look, I don’t take orders from you anymore, man,” Jason said, getting even closer to Dick. “I do what I want when I want.”
“Jason,” I warned. His eyes moved to me for a split second, then back to Dick. Dick tried to get around him, but Jason matched his movement.
“Get out of my way,” Dick said.
“I think you got it all wrong. You’re in my way,” Jason said, hitting Dick. The air stood still with tension. Jason’s cockiness showed brightly in his eyes while Dick’s exhaustion and annoyance were evident in his. “Maybe you need to see a retirement package.” My whole body tensed even more than before. Jason looked over at me and I gave him a warning look that caused his eyes to soften. It didn’t last long. He looked back at Gar and Rachel and the fire in his eyes returned. He balled his fist, preparing to punch.
“Don’t,” Dick warned. Jason didn’t listen. Instead, he launched his fist at Dick who easily grabbed it and threw him to the ground. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. His inability to control his anger was going to get him killed. “Shit. Here.” Dick held out his hand for Jason to take. Jason looked up at Dick with more rage than before and slapped his hand away, getting up on his own. He shoved past Dick toward his room, stomping every step of the way. Dick sighed and looked over at me and I simply shrugged in response.
An hour later, I slipped out of my window and climbed down to the ground. I couldn’t sleep and it was a certain mask that was keeping me up. I needed to see if Deathstroke was actually in town. Maybe I could get the jump on him if he was and end our blood feud for good.
I made my way to a bar in the bad part of town called Lazzo’s. Tommy Lazzo, the owner, knew every criminal happening in town. If anyone had heard even a whisper of Deathstroke, it’d be him. I took off the jacket I wore for my suit and my mask, threw them in the small bag I was carrying, and walked in. Almost everyone was staring as I took a seat at the bar where Lazzo was wiping down the counter. He looked up at me and a huge grin spread across his face.
“Well, well, well. Look who it is. I haven’t seen you in here for a little while,” he said.
“I just got to town not that long ago,” I said.
“With the Titans?” he asked.
“Yup. Although, I’m here for your help with a more… personal matter,” I said.
“Ooh, this sounds exciting. What do you need to know?”
“Deathstroke was caught on camera a few days ago. What do you know about that?”
His eyes darkened. “This sounds an awful lot like what you asked for five years ago. We both know how that ended. I’m not particularly interested in repeating history.”
I slapped a hundred on the bar. “I can either give you something for the info or I can just take it and leave you empty-handed.” He looked down at the money, another smile growing on his face.
“This is why you’re my favorite, kid,” he laughed, grabbing the cash. “According to what I’ve heard, he’s been hanging out around the tunnels. I don’t have any specifics and those tunnels are huge, but I have full confidence you can find him with the way you operate.”
“The tunnels? Okay. I can work with that,” I sighed. “No one hears I asked. Could lead to trouble for you.”
“I’d never betray my favorite customer even if I wasn’t in danger,” he said. I raised an eyebrow. “That was once and you got through it easy. Don’t hold grudges. It’s bad for you.” I rolled my eyes and stood up. “You should come around more often. I miss having someone come and screw with people every night. It was entertaining.”
“You do realize I’m 19, right?” I asked.
“Didn’t stop you before,” he said.
“I have to be responsible now. I’ve got a babysitter who likes to do check-ins every night. He’s kinda crazy,“ I said.
“Let me guess… the tall brunette I’ve seen walking into the tower.”
“You know it,” I laughed. “I’ll visit you more, I promise.”
“That means you can’t get yourself killed tonight going after your mercenary friend.”
“I’ll do my best,” I said, grabbing my bag and heading for the door.
After changing back into my suit, I made my way to the closest tunnel entrance. It was dark and cold and smelled like shit. Perfect habitat for walking filth like Slade. I pulled out a dagger and advanced deeper in, sticking to the shadows.
About two miles in, I heard voices. I clutched my dagger tighter and moved toward the sounds. I was ready to put up a fight. If Deathstroke was hanging around here, anyone else in the area would be bad news.
“You wanna get out of here fast, Right? The two of us will get the job done in half the time.” I froze in my tracks. That was Jason. What the hell was he doing? And who was he talking to?
“Robin?” I called. Two figures peeked out from around the corner. Jason and Gar.
“Elana?” Gar asked, wide-eyed.
“Dude, code names,” I hissed. “We’re in the field.”
“Oh, right. Sorry,” Gar apologized.
“What are you doing down here?” Jason asked.
“I could ask you the same.” I crossed my arms.
“I asked first,” he countered.
“I’m on patrol,” I lied.
“No you’re not,” Jason scoffed.
“Are you looking for Dr. Light, too?” Gar asked.
“You’re looking for Dr. Light?” I asked.
“Dude!” Jason exclaimed, looking at Gar.
“Why the hell would you do that?” I asked.
“For the same reason, you’re going after him. That is what you’re doing down here, isn’t it?” Jason turned the focus.
“Maybe,” I said.
“Fine. Three people could make this go faster,” Jason said. “We should split up and cover more ground.” He didn’t wait for anyone to agree before taking off down the tunnel I had just come from. I didn’t want to tell him that tunnel was clear because if Deathstroke and Dr. Light were down here and he caught them alone, he’d end up dead. Letting out a sigh, I headed off into the tunnel in front of me. I heard Gar mumble something about dark and scary tunnels before heading down the middle tunnel.
As I walked through the long, winding tunnels, I could only dwell on one thought. If Slade and Light were both down here, they’d have to be working together. It made sense. Earlier, when Light told me he wasn’t supposed to kill me, did he mean because Slade wanted to do it himself? The problem was that we couldn’t even beat Light alone, so the chance we could beat both psychopaths was slim to none.
I was almost another mile in when I heard a metallic scraping. It seemed to trail me as I walked, so I kept my pace so as to not alert them. The noise got closer and closer until I could make out that it was the sound of a sword scraping against the walls. Slade was tailing me.
“Cowards stay in the shadows instead of coming out to fight,” I said, stopping in place.
“And stupid little girls pick fights they can’t win,” Slade shot back, stepping into the light in full body armor.
“I’m sure they do. You fight a lot of them?” I taunted.
“Just one.” He launched at me with his sword out. I quickly rolled to the side and pulled out my own sword.
“You got slow, old man,” I snickered. He growled and lunged at me again. I blocked his sword with my own and kicked at his ankles. He expertly moved back before striking again. Swing after swing, we took turns attacking and blocking. In the middle of one of my attacks, I activated my cuff and it shot out into the space between his armor on his shoulder. He hissed in pain and sent a particularly hard shove my way, allowing himself time to retreat. “You’re out of practice,” I taunted.
“If I wanted to end you tonight, I’d do it. You just got lucky. You’re not the target tonight,” he said.
“Then who is?” I sneered, hiding my fear for the two boys down here with me.
“You’ll find out soon enough,” a new voice chimed in. I snapped my head to the side to see Dr. Light. He shot a beam of light at me, but I simply moved my head to dodge it.
“You missed,” I shot.
“Maybe I meant to.” He smirked. The area around me lit up with fire, leaving me standing in the middle of a flaming circle. I stumbled back in surprise but quickly regained myself as Slade came at me with his sword once again. He swung at me, only for me to push him back, but that’s when Light shot a beam out of his chest plate. I quickly moved my sword to block the blast. It hit my sword and deflected away, but with enough force to push me back. I barely managed to stay out of the flames, the heat radiating onto my heels.
I was in too tight of an area, fighting a man whose armor protected him from the fire around us, and had a psycho shooting balls of heat at me. I was in a rough spot. The flames were too high to get over and I had nothing to put them out with. As I dodged another attack from Slade, I called into the comm line I shared with Jason.
“Get out of the tunnels,” I panted. All I got in response was static. A wave of dread washed over me.
“Something wrong?” Slade taunted. “Can’t call your teammates?” I growled and jumped at him. As he blocked my attack, I managed to throw my legs forward into his stomach, though my calf caught his sword. He went backward, giving me the chance to increase my attacks. I swung my sword at his chest. His form was weak as he blocked, so I was able to kick at his hand. He lost his grip on his sword and it flew from his hand. That distracted him enough so that I could sweep his legs and send him to the ground.
I was about to take my sword to his helmet when something hot hit me in the shoulder. Dr. Light had hit me with his blast. I was thrown to the ground with a hiss of pain. To make matters worse, I had landed too close to the fire and could feel the painful heat on my face as well as the burning on my shoulder. I tried to get up as quickly as I could, but a boot to my throat stopped me.
“The initial plan was to kill you first, but that seemed too anticlimactic for what I owe you,” Slade said. “I’m going to kill your entire team and make you watch. Just like I did to your parents.” As he had monologued, I found my dagger in my thigh sheath and jammed it into his leg. He cried out in pain and moved his foot. I jumped up and threw my elbow at his mask, but I could do anything else. He grabbed my burnt shoulder and dug his fingers into the charred skin. I yelped in pain as he threw me face-first to the ground. My head smacked the cement with a sickening thud and I could feel the warm blood pouring down my face.
Slade pulled me up by the hood and sent multiple punches to my stomach until I was completely numb and coughing out blood. He then threw me back to the ground and swung his sword down at my face. Using all the strength I had left, I caught it in one hand, earning slices along my palm. My arm shook as I pushed back against his sword.
“I thought you said we weren’t gonna kill her,” Light spoke up from somewhere I couldn’t see. I could feel Slade’s hate-filled eyes through his mask. With a growl, he withdrew his sword.
“He’s right. I’m not gonna kill you,” Slade said, looking down at me. I managed to push myself onto my stomach to try to get up, but Slade quickly stomped on my ankle, snapping it to the side. I bit my lip to silence my cry of pain. “But there are other ways to hurt you.” He started to walk out of the ring of fire.
“You’re a coward,” I growled, though my voice was strained. “You’re gonna regret not killing me now.”
“Not this time,” he snickered before leaving. I was barely able to see him and Light retreat through the flames.
At this point, my blood was mixed with sweat from the heat. My chest hurt, probably from the smoke in my lungs mixed with the hits I’d taken. Blood rose up my throat, so much so that I had to spit it out. My shoulder was completely burnt to a crisp, but I couldn’t feel it. I definitely would the next day, though. Through all my pain, I could only really worry about Slade’s words.
“Robin,” I choked out into my comms. I still only got static. I didn’t have a comm channel with Gar, so I decided to do the next best thing. “Gar!” I yelled into the tunnels. The yelling had caused me to start coughing, blood rising up my throat. When I got no response, I tried again, but still, no answer. My heart rate picked up. “Robin!” I tried this time. Silence. I dropped my head and shakily got to my knees. I needed to find a way out before I inhaled too much smoke.
“Elana!” My head jerked up to see a figure running around the corner. It was Gar. I breathed a mental sigh of relief.
“Do you know where Jason is?” I asked, before starting to cough again.
“No. We’ll find him in a second. I gotta get you out,” Gar dismissed.
“No! Gar, he’s in trouble!” I yelled, coughing up more blood midway through my sentence.
“So are you.” He got closer. “There’s a hose at the subway tunnel entrance. It’s not too far. I’ll be right back.”
“Gar-“ He was gone before I could finish. The heat and smoke became second problems as images of Jason trying to fight Deathstroke flashed in my mind. I managed to push myself to my hands and knees, most weight on my uninjured shoulder. I wouldn’t be able to walk well, my ankle was messed up. I spit out the blood in my mouth and tried to push myself up to my feet. After a couple falls, I managed. It hurt in my ribs to stand up straight. I definitely had a broken rib or two.
“Ok, I got it!” Gar came running around the corner once again, this time with the hose. He turned the nozzle on the handle, but nothing came out. It felt like a fight against time. I needed to get out to find Jason and stop Slade from hurting him.
“Come on, Gar,” I groaned.
“I’m trying!” he cried. He hit the nozzle again, and, finally, water came out. The fire around me died with a hiss. Limping as fast as I could, I made my way to Gar. “Are you okay?” he asked.
“We gotta go find-“ I was cut off by a scream bouncing off the walls.
“Oh, man,” Gar muttered. We took off down the tunnel, adrenaline keeping me on my feet. We called his name as we ran down the dark passages, but got no response. Once we got to where his cry had come from, the metallic smell of blood hit me like a truck. Gar crouched down to look at something on the ground.
“What is it?” I asked, my breathing heavy.
“Blood trail,” he breathed. He turned to me, wide-eyed. “I think he was dragged away.”
I swallowed hard. “We gotta find him,” I said.
“We have to go back. Your head is split open and you’re in no condition to fight Dr. Light,” Gar said.
“Deathstroke,” I said.
“Dr. Light is working with Deathstroke,” I told him. Gar’s eyes became the size of saucers.
“We’ll need help.”
Gar helped me into the infirmary and sat me down on the medical bed.
“I’m going to get Rachel. Will you be good until I get back?” he asked.
“Yeah,” I said, nodding. He hurried out the door as I started to take off my suit. I hissed as the fabric of my jacket rubbed up against the angry, red skin on my shoulder. The only way to describe how cleaning it felt was like literal hell. It burned at the touch of disinfectant and stung at every pressure applied. Still, I managed to get it cleaned and bandaged.
Once that was covered and I could move it easier, I hobbled into the monitor room and started searching for Jason’s tracker. I sat back in the chair with a huff as the search began loading.
“What the hell are you doing?” I groaned and spun the chair around to face Dick.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” I responded.
“Bleeding out from your head,” he said.
“I assume Gar filled you in.” I ignored his last comment.
“Yeah, he did. I want you in the infirmary right now,” he said.
“I’m currently busy running the search for Jason’s tracker.” As I said that, the search was completed.
“Subject: offline,” the female computer voice said.
“Well, dammit,” I muttered.
“If Jason’s still down there… all that concrete, stone, it would mask the GPS signal from the satellites,” Gar pointed out.
“Yes, it would,” Dick sighed. “We’ll deal with this in a minute. For now, you need to get cleaned up,” he said to me. “Come on.” I sighed and limped after him. “What were you thinking, going down there?”
“That I could deal with something you ignored, and then it’d be over with,” I said with a sarcastic smile.
“Ignored? We went after Light hours ago,” he said.
“Oh, you think- oh. I thought Gar told you,” I mumbled.
“Told me what?” He stopped walking and stared at me like his eyes could pry the answer from my brain.
“Do you really think Arthur Light could do this to me?” I raised an eyebrow.
“Who was it, Elana?”
“The orange and blue sword-wielding psycho.” As he stood there in shock, I shuffled past him, into the infirmary. As I sat down on the medical bed, he stomped in.
“Deathstroke has Jason?” he asked in a low voice.
“And Dr. Light, but yeah,” I said.
“You went out after Slade Wilson?” his voice rose.
“Yeah,” I said, preparing myself for a lecture.
“Why the hell would you do that?” he said, now shouting.
“I was trying to be helpful,” I mumbled.
“By getting yourself killed? Very helpful!” he yelled.
“Jesus, Dick, you’re gonna wake the whole tower,” I said. “And I’m very clearly still alive.” I didn’t raise my voice, no matter how much I wanted to, in fear of coughing up blood again. That would just make him even madder.
“Deathstroke isn’t someone to be taken lightly,” Dick exclaimed.
“You think I don’t know that?” I put on an ankle brace that was designed to hold my ankle in place, support it, and reduce the swelling. It was all I could do for the injury at the moment.
“He killed you before and you’re acting like him being here isn’t a big deal.” Dick crossed his arms.
“Thanks for reminding me, I forgot,” I bit sarcastically. “And for the record, I was 10 and he was a grown man who’d been an assassin for longer than I’d been alive. If I’d beaten him, something would’ve been seriously wrong. But that’s beside the point. Our main concern should be finding Jason right now.” I wrapped my hand that I had used to block Slade’s sword with the medical wrap that was laying on the table next to me.
“What you did was reckless and stupid. It could’ve been you instead of Jason and then we would’ve lost our best shot at stopping Slade. I need you to be more careful,” Dick sighed.
“If I say I’ll be careful, will you leave it alone?” I asked.
“Get cleaned up and then meet me by the elevator. I’m going to wake everyone else up,” he ignored my question. Before I could even reply, he was gone.
“Keep your heads on a swivel, guys, Dr. Light could still be down here,” Dick said into comms as we walked together in the tunnels. He had insisted I stuck with him. He was pissed after my stunt earlier.
“Dick, no sign of Jason's tracker on the third floor,” Donna said.
“Hank, did you find anything?” Dawn asked.
“Do rats the size of my head count?” Hank asked sarcastically.
“Stay positive, Hank,” Dawn sighed.
“I got dragged out of bed to trudge through sewer water 'cuz dipshit decided to go off half-cocked,” he growled.
“At least Jason found Dr. Light. Maybe he would have told you if you’d given him half the chance yesterday,” I pointed out.
“I don’t want to hear it from you,” Hank said. “You went after Light on your own, which is actually worse. Imagine what would’ve happened if you found him.” I furrowed my eyebrows, confused at his words, but I was distracted before I could ask.
“I found something. It looks like some sort of fuel and it smells like smoke,” Dawn said.
“Oh, ignore that. That was me,” I brushed it off.
“You were playing with fire? What are you? An arsonist?” Dawn asked.
“Only on Fridays,” I said. Dick gave me a flat look.
“Well, clearly you were doing something because there’s a bloodstain in the middle of a ring of the fuel,” Dawn said. I heard Hank start yelling at me, but I tuned him out and chose not to respond.
“Seriously?” Dick deadpanned. I just shrugged.
“Guys, I got something. Sending over the coordinates now,” Donna said. We all made our way over to her position quickly.
“Jesus,” Dawn breathed, seeing the blood trail.
“This is screwed,” Hank said.
“He was attacked here. Then dragged. Tracks disappear a hundred yards down,” Dick sighed, crouching down to examine the blood.
“He could be anywhere,” Dawn said.
“If he’s still alive,” Donna deadpanned. I snapped my head to her with a disapproving look.
“He's alive,” I said quickly. “If he was dead, Light would have left him here.”
“How does that make it any better?” Donna asked skeptically.
“I’m not saying it makes it better,” I argued.
“Dr. Light's using him as bait to lure us out,” Dick said.
“Back up. So the kid is bait to you now? Is that right? That's rich, Dick,” Hank scoffed.
“You were bagging on him a minute ago, and now he's your best friend?” The two men were face to face.
“Not about me, pal,” Hank said. “This is all because of you and your big, dumb, shitty idea to start up the Titans again!”
“I’m out,” Dawn said.
“Yeah, me too,” Donna echoed.
“What? Where are you going?” Hank called after them.
“To get Jason,” Dawn answered. “And for the record, this is all of our faults. Every single one of us.”
“Thank you,” I scoffed. “Someone finally said it.”
“It might be yours a little more though,” she said to me. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at her with an offended expression. “Still, get over it and move on. Jason’s out there and we’re wasting time.”
“Well, we can’t keep wandering the tunnels all night looking for this tracking signal,” Hank said. “We need a new plan.” I sighed and turned my head to look at Dick, but something else caught my attention.
“Elana?” Donna asked, seeing that I saw something. “What is it?” I lifted my flashlight and moved closer to the wall to find a camera. I ripped it off the wall.
“Well, it seems that our private conversation was not private,” I sighed, holding the now-broken hardware up. Sighs echoed from my teammates.
“Great,” Hank scoffed.
“Let’s just look around a little more. I’ll check in with Gar,” Dick said. I sighed and threw the camera to the ground before heading deeper into the tunnel. I wasn’t that far away when Dick called us all back.
“Guys, Gar’s got a signal on Jason’s tracker,” Dick yelled. We hurried after him as he led us just outside of the subway tunnel entrance.
“He’s not moving,” Dawn checked. When we got to the tracker’s location, we found something, but not what we wanted.
“It’s freaking Dr. Light,” Hank growled. Light was tied up to a post, bloody and very dead. He had a bullet wound on the side of his head. “What the hell?” Hank asked as a small piece of metal fell from the body. Jason’s tracker. Slade was playing games.
“Is that… Jason’s tracker?” Dawn asked, voice urgent.
“He cut it out of him,” I said, not specifying the “he”.
“Well, if Dr. Light’s dead, where the hell is Jason?” Hank demanded.
“He must be working with a partner,” Donna said. I looked at Dick and he met my gaze with a worried one. He hadn’t told the others about Deathstroke working with Light. The ringing of a phone came from the body and Dick was the one to grab it and answer.
I couldn’t make out words, but there was no mistaking Slade’s voice.
“Deathstroke,” Dick breathed. I clenched my jaw as my teammates' faces lit up with shock and rage.
“You piece of shit,” I growled.
“Ah, Miss Queen. I didn’t break any bones, did I?” Slade snickered.
“I swear to god-“
“Where’s Jason?” Dick cut me off.
“Oh, you mean your little sidekick?” The phone was now on speaker.
“Who the hell are you calling a sidekick?!” Jason shouted.
“Atta boy,” Hank said. The sounds of punches and grunts came through the line and I had to physically turn away. Dawn put a hand on my shoulder in an attempt at comfort. “You freaking bastard! Come try that shit with me!” Hank yelled.
“Just tell us what you want,” Dick said, his voice calm. The sound of choking made my skin crawl.
“As I was saying, if you want him back, hand over Rose,” Slade said.
“And we’re just supposed to trust that you’ll keep your word?” I bit out.
“Tonight. 3 am. Embarcadero Plaza. Outside. Use this phone to confirm.” With that, he hung up. The silence that hung over all of us was heavy, so I decided to break it.
“Well, shit.”
The elevator dinged as it opened and we walked silently into the entrance area of the tower.
“Kory?” I heard Dick ask as I walked around the corner. The pink-haired woman indeed stood by the bar.
“What happened to Jason?” she asked. Gar, Rachel, and Rose stood behind her, clearly waiting for our answer.
“Let’s talk in the training room,” Dick sighed. He turned to leave, everyone else behind him. I stayed back for a second to shoot Gar and Rachel an apologetic look, avoiding Rose’s eyes, then followed the rest of the team. When we got in, Dick caught Kory up.
“You should’ve thrown that girl out the second you knew she was Deathstroke’s daughter,” Hank said.
“Wait a minute. Pirate girl is this guy’s daughter?” Kory asked. I laughed.
“Yeah, and now he wants her back,” Hank said.
“Which we can’t do,” Dick added.
“Why not?” Hank argued.
“It’s not a crazy idea,” I added with a shrug.
“You’re not serious,” Dawn said, looking between me and Hank.
“I’m serious about ending this with Deathstroke once and for all!” Hank shouted.
“It might not be pretty, but neither is watching Jason get killed by that lunatic,” I added, raising my voice slightly.
“This isn’t Rose’s fault. We know it,” Dawn exclaimed. “The only reason we’re all still alive right now is because she’s here!”
“I’m not saying it’s her fault, I’m saying that if it comes down to her or one of our own, our decision should be obvious,” Hank said.
“We don’t give up kids to mass murderers,” Dick said.
“Why don’t we find this guy and neutralize him?” Kory offered.
“Elana already tried that,” Dick told her. “And failed.” I shot him a dirty look.
“It’s not that easy,” Donna said. “We barely survived his last attack.”
“Look, Jason is hurt, alone, scared,” Hank said. “And I-“ he cut himself off. “We all know what that feels like.”
“Bottom line is, he’s one of us and she’s not,” I said, crossing my arms. “So, handing her over, if it saves his life, I don’t know about you, but I can sleep a little better at night knowing I did the right thing!” After my words, there was silence.
“You good with this, Grayson?” Kory broke it. Everyone turned to Dick. He stood there looking like he didn’t know what to do. “Dick!” Kory shouted.
“Just give me a second,” he said.
“She’s just a kid,” Dawn argued firmly.
“Deathstroke’s kid,” I reinforced.
“Elana, we don’t need to hear any more from you,” Dick said.
“What the hell does that mean?” I narrowed my eyes.
“It means your personal grudges aren’t the only thing that I’m taking into account,” he raised his voice.
“This isn’t about grudges, it’s about logic!” I shouted.
“Shut up, both of you,” Kory snapped.
“Let’s be honest, the further she gets away from us, the safer she’ll be,” Donna sighed.
“If we leave her out there alone, Deathstroke will hunt her down,” Dawn said, the annoyance clear in her voice.
“Or worse, we lose leverage over Deathstroke once he finds out she’s in the wind,” Dick added.
“We’ve gone down this path before,” Dawn reminded us. “We all know how that ended. We’re not using Deathstroke’s kid to get to him again.” Everyone’s eyes traveled around the room, across every other face.
“Ah, screw it,” Hank said. “I’ll take her there myself. Good luck trying to stop me.” He turned to leave.
“Wait, have you lost your mind,” Kory called. “You’re all turning into monsters instead of trying to figure out how to fight one. If Deathstroke is as bad as you say he is, we all need to get our shit together and figure out how to fight him as a team. Otherwise, we’ve already lost Jason.”
“I wasn’t the one to-“ Hank started before something caught all of our attention. Rose what run past the training room.
“What was that?” Kory asked.
Gar came racing into the doorframe. “Rose, uh, overheard you guys talking about giving her up. She’s trying to leave,” he panted.
“Shit,” Dick muttered, racing off to lockdown the tower. We hurried out the door, splitting up and calling her name. I ran down the bedroom hallway, peeking into each room as I went. As I turned the corner, I saw her run past.
“Rose!” I called.
“You stay the hell away from me,” she spat.
“I’m not gonna do anything,” I tried to calm her. It didn’t work. She chucked a kitchen knife at me. I barely caught the handle as the tip was an inch away from my face.
“You want me dead! Why should I trust you?” she shouted.
“If it helps, I’m not allowed to kill you,” I muttered. She took off down the nearest hallway and I went after her. Before I caught her, she ran into a door that led to the training room and locked it. I groaned in annoyance before running in a different direction. I managed to run into everyone else back in the training room. Dick was leading the pack toward the kitchen where sounds of struggle could be heard.
“Rachel, don’t!” Dick yelled upon seeing the purple-haired girl standing over Rose. That’s when I got a good look at Rose. Her body was twisted in every direction, bones broken. She was dead.
“Shit,” I muttered. Rachel looked at all of us with tears in her eyes before running off. Kory called her name and ran after her.
“I’m sorry, kid,” Hank said to Rose, though she couldn’t hear.
“What are we supposed to do now?” Gar asked as Dawn went over to Rose’s body. We all watched Dawn carefully as she put two fingers to the girl’s pulse. Dawn perked up almost immediately.
“She’s alive,” she told us, turning around. A crack echoed through the space and I snapped my head to the source. Rose’s hand. Her entire body jerked and convinced as limbs began to reform themselves. It was a disgusting sight.
“What the hell?” Donna breathed. The last thing to crack back into place was her neck.
Any form of conscious thought I was having faded as I hit the punching bag. All that was on my mind was Jason. What was Slade putting him through? I almost didn’t want to know. It was all I could think about for the duration of my time at the bag.
As I sent what was meant to be my last kick at the bag, my phone started ringing. I huffed and walked over to answer it.
“Hello?” What I got in return made my blood run cold. The sound of punches and grunts of pain. I didn’t even have to think twice about who it was. My knuckles turned white as I gripped my phone. “What the hell, Slade?” I growled.
“Miss Queen, how are you? How’s the head?” he said calmly.
“I swear to god, for every bruise you give him, I’ll give you five,” I hissed.
“Your threats don’t mean anything to me,” he said. “But I didn’t call to upset you.”
“That’s believable,” I scoffed.
“You seem the only competent one in that tower and I know Dick Grayson is too prideful to give in and hand over my daughter. Bring me Rose and I’ll give you the birdboy,” Slade said.
“Screw you! Don’t listen to him!” I heard Jason yell in the background. My heart broke at how exhausted he sounded.
“I would advise you do. I’d hate to pluck his wings,” Slade snickered.
“You gave us a time and a place to meet. Why are you calling me?” I demanded.
“Your friends are probably going to try something they think is smart, and it won’t work. I’m giving you a chance to be smart about this,” Slade offered. “Bring me Rose an hour earlier, same spot, and this can be resolved without further conflict.”
“He’s lying! It’s a trap!” Jason yelled again. I wasn’t surprised. A cry of pain came from Jason.
“Slade!” I yelled into my phone.
“I’ll be there, and I hope you will too, for his sake.” With that, he hung up. I yelled out in annoyance and slammed my phone back down, burying my head in my hands. I was sure Jason was right in saying it was a trap, but the worry that whatever we did would fall through had already been in my head. This was my fault. Had I just told Jason and Gar to get out, this wouldn’t have happened.
“Is everything okay?” Dick peeked his head in the door. “I heard yelling.” I didn’t move, debating whether to tell him or not. “Elana?” he asked, moving closer.
“Slade called me,” I said quietly. “He’s baiting me into a trap.”
“What?” Dick’s voice rose.
“Slade called you?” Donna walked in.
“Eavesdropping’s rude,” I mumbled, still not looking up.
“What’d he say?” she asked.
“He wants me to meet him early and hand over Rose because he knows the rest of you won’t,” I said. “Because the rest of you are actually good people, and I’m me.”
“What the hell does that mean?“ Donna asked, sitting down next to me.
“You’re all heroes. You’d never trade a life for a life. But me?” I laughed. “I’m the type of person to give someone up to a terrorist just because I don’t like them. He knows it.”
“Are you gonna do it?” Dick asked.
“I haven’t ruled it out,” I muttered. “You guys already have.”
“Do you want to do it?” Dick asked.
“No, but I want to save Jason,” I said.
“Deathstroke’s baiting you,” Dick said.
“Well, I know that,” I snapped, finally looking up.
“What Dick’s failing to say is that you’re just as much a hero as anyone else in this building,” Donna took over. “Whatever Slade Wilson says to make you second guess yourself is bullshit. If any of it was true, we would’ve ditched you on the side of the road by now.” I couldn’t help but let out a small laugh.
“Donna’s right. If we were worried about you handing Rose over, we would’ve done something about it,” Dick reassured me. “We trust you.” I nodded in response. “Let’s go get Jason back.”
We made our way into the kitchen where everyone was crowded around the table.
“Hank was right,” Dick said. “You were all right. Jason needs us. We can’t just stand here and do nothing. Deathstroke wants to make a trade, we make a trade.” I furrowed my eyes at his words.
“We can’t hand over Rose,” Hank said.
“No, we can’t. We won’t,” Dick assured. “But I have an idea.” He held up the phone we’d gotten off Light’s body. “Gar, you and Rachel stay here with Rose. Protect the Tower. I’ll contact Deathstroke. Confirm our meet-up at the plaza. And then we take him down once and for all. Together.” With that, he turned and headed off, the rest of the team following after him. But something didn’t sit right with me.
There was something in his voice and the way he stood. His shoulders were hunched defensively. His words carried a sense of finality I couldn’t shake. He wasn’t revealing his whole plan. He was going to do something stupid. His words about a trade gave it away. He was going to make a trade, yes, but instead of Rose, it would be him. And like hell would I let him.
My head shot up and I marched to go get suited up.
I was supposed to be watching the south entrance to the plaza. At least, that was the plan. A common theme I’d shown for years now reared its head. Throwing plans out the window.
I’d arrived at the meet early and found my way onto the floor Slade was on. Despite the very strong urge to run headfirst at the mercenary, I maintained my self-control and took to hiding in the rafters instead. Slade had yet to show his face or Jason’s, for that matter. For all I knew, he was watching me at that very moment.
“We set?” Hank’s voice came through the comms. The room was so silent I was worried if Slade were here, he could hear Hank.
“Clear,” I whispered, pushing my doubts aside.
“Plaza’s clear?” Donna asked.
“Yep,” Kory answered.
“I’m in position,” Dawn said. “Dick, do you copy?” She got no answer as I heard the elevator ring. “Dick, come in. Anybody got eyes on Dick?”
“Dick, we’re at the plaza. Where the hell are you?” Hank demanded. “Dick?” I watched as the elevator numbers started increasing, meaning Dick was headed my way. Instead of listening to the others continue to yell at Dick through comms he probably didn’t even have, I turned mine off. That’s when I saw Dick exit the elevator.
“I know you’re here,” he called out, presumably to Slade. “I’m sure this has nothing to do with Jason or Rose.” As he moved around the room, I followed his every step with my eyes. “You want your pound of flesh. Revenge for what happened.” Dick put his hands up in surrender. “And I want this to end once and for all.” My whole body tensed, ready to pounce and save the shithead below me. “So, how about we make a deal, huh?” He looked around the room before taking off his bulletproof vest and throwing it to the ground. I wanted to yell at him for being stupid and to keep it on, but not only would he not listen and it would blow my cover, but Slade would also find another way to kill him. “You can have me, instead of Rose or Jason. Pretty sure I’m the one you’re mad at anyway. Here I am.” Dick put his hands behind his head and got down on his knees. “Unarmed.” I saw a shadow move to my left before bullets flew at Dick, close, but not hitting him.
“You never learn, do you?” Slade said, stepping toward Dick. “Always the hero. But you’re not gonna dictate how this will go. You’re not a martyr. You’re a con man. Preying on those weak enough to follow you. The problem with con men… is that they never know when to stop. And someone else always pays.”
“Let’s just get this over with, huh?” Dick growled. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, ready for a fight. If anyone made a move, I was going down there. I almost did when I saw a certain pink-haired woman make her way to the corner of the room.
“Get up,” Slade ordered Dick. The ex-boy wonder did just that, hands still on his head. “Take a look.” Slade pressed a button that revealed Jason, tied to a platform, outside the window with a bomb on the wires holding him up. My heart jumped. “Say goodbye to your friend,” Slade said as he held up a detonator. As he was about to press it, I shot an arrow at the detonator, knocking it out of hand. Kory, who was hiding in the corner, shot a stream of fire at Slade, knocking him to the ground. Slade recovered quickly, pulling out his gun.
“Are you seriously listening to this bullshit?” she sighed, stepping out. I dropped to the grounding a smirk. Slade was torn between who to aim his gun at. I could feel his rage from across the room.
“What are you guys doing here?” Dick asked.
“Did you really think you were gonna compliment my hair instead of saying goodbye, Dick Grayson?” Kory sighed. Slade shot at Kory, who blocked the bullets easily. Dick jumped out of the way and I shot three arrows at Slade, covering for the three of us moving to one side of the room. A light from outside lit up the room as Slade began shooting at us again. I ducked behind Kory for cover before shooting out low. I swept his left leg, but it didn’t do much. Dick rushed forward and disarmed Slade of his gun, prompting a fistfight. Kory and Dick took his left and right and I jumped in the middle when I could. Slade expertly dodged our hits, most of them landing on his armor. I was able to kick out his knee, but my teammates weren’t fast enough to take advantage of the situation and were kicked to the ground. I covered for them as they got back up by throwing a dagger at Slade followed by swinging my bow at his face. Slade tried pulling out another gun, but Kory burnt the end of it off. Dick tried to grab onto Slade’s arm, but the older man threw the same arm into Dick’s face, knocking him back. Slade threw Kory into me and slammed Dick to the ground. Kory and I rushed back up to help Dick but had a gun fired at our faces. Kory was able to shield herself with her powers, but I had to roll out of the way. Kory rushed at Slade and the two began their own fight.
“Go get Jason!” Kory yelled before tackling Slade through the wall. Dick and I ran over to the window.
“Jason! Hang in there, buddy!” Dick tried to reassure him. I made eye contact with Jason. Fear was all I could see. I nodded to him in hopes to provide reassurance. Dick tried banging on the glass, but simply looked like an idiot.
“Move,” I ordered. I peeled off the rubber grip from my bow, exposing the metal part, and began slamming it against the glass. Every swing was harder than the next, adrenaline coursing through my veins. At last, there was a crack beginning to form. A crash came from behind us and I whipped around, looking for Kory.
“I’ll go help her. You get him in here,” Dick told me. I nodded and resumed pounding on the glass. The crack expanded an inch with almost every other hit. I was getting closer to shattering the glass every time the metal hit the window. Jason was watching with nervous eyes. I only stopped when I heard Jason’s muffled voice through the glass shouting a warning. I ducked just in time to avoid Slade’s sword and set my stance with my cuffs activated.
“Fine. I’ll do all the heavy lifting,” I muttered. He pointed his sword at my face before charging. I blocked his first swing with my right and jabbed at him with my left. He jumped back and tried to come at my feet, but I retreated a step and built up momentum to charge at him. Our blades clanged against each other as they cut through the air. He was as skilled as me, but I was faster. I picked up my pace and started throwing in kicks. I threw a kick at his face that he batted away, but it gave me an opening to bring my elbow down onto his knee. He fell onto one and rolled to the side before my blades could touch him. This caused me to overswing and lose my footing for a second, which was more than enough time for Slade to kick me backward. I caught my footing by leaning against the wall right as Slade swung his sword at my head. I ducked under the blade and kicked him right under his mask. He stumbled back and I charged his again, getting him in the armor break between his knee and thigh. He growled in pain and was barely able to block my next attack. He kicked me away from him and then threw down his sword. I retracted my cuffs with a smirk.
He squared up as I did, fists up and ready. I watched his steps, knowing they would reveal when he was about to strike. I was taken off guard when that wasn’t the case. He punched high and I blocked it with my forearm. My moves became involuntary as the speed of our fight increased. It was like riding a bike. I went to sweep his leg only to realize he had pulled out a dagger. My advancements turned into retreating steps as I tried to avoid the blade. Slade never played fair. That meant I didn’t have to either. He had me backed up into another part of the area where there were random scraps everywhere, so I was able to snatch a metal pipe and hit him in the face with it. He stumbled back and I swung again. After about my fourth swing, he caught the metal pipe and tore it out of my hand with a growl. As I began to block his punches and avoid his small knife all over again, I noticed Kory stirring in the ground. I took the window to jump out of the way, letting Kory send a stream of fire at Slade. He flew backward, but not before he threw a green, buzzing grenade toward me and my teammates.
The explosion went off at a deafening volume, making my hands fly up to cover my ears. Even that didn’t help as a buzzing made itself known in my head. I looked up in search of Slade and found him standing near the window with the detonator in his hand. I only managed to push myself upright as he pressed the button.
It was like time stood still. My heart froze on the spot as the windows shattered and Jason dropped out of sight. I rushed to the window with Dick on my heels, both of us completely ignoring Slade at the moment. We found Jason barely hanging onto the edge of the building, just outside the window.
“Jason, give me your hand!” Dick yelled to him, offering his. Jason took it as I frantically looked around for something that could help pull him back to safety. Jason’s other hand lost its grip and tried to grab Dick’s hand, but failed. “Hold on,” Dick tried to tell him.
“Don’t let go.” My voice came out in a pleading tone. Jason’s fingers slipped before finally giving way. His screams mixed with mine and Dick’s yells. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t think. I was completely and utterly helpless as I watched Jason tumble through the air.
Then the unimaginable happened. Something, someone, came out of nowhere and caught him in midair. The relief I felt far outweighed my confusion. It was like he had a guardian angel.
“Let’s go,” I said hurriedly to Dick and Kory who both looked incredibly dumbfounded. We rushed into the elevator and after what took way too long, made it to the ground floor right as the sound of gunshots was heard. I was the first out of the elevator, sprinting into the street where Jason stood by a car with the man who caught him leaning against it in pain.
“Jason!” I called. We rushed over to him and Dick leaned down in front of the injured boy who I had noticed was wearing the Superman symbol.
“What happened?” Dick asked.
“That’s the guy who saved my life,” Jason said. Kory and Dick helped pick the boy up and lead him to the car. Jason and I let our eyes follow them until they couldn’t anymore. Then we turned to each other. I wanted to rush over and hug him, but I knew I couldn’t do that.
“Are you okay?” I asked him.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he reassured me.
“You fell for a while before you were caught. Are you sure?” I asked.
“I promise I’m okay. Don’t worry about me,” he said. He was definitely lying, but I wasn’t gonna get him to admit it.
“Jason! Elana!” Dick called.
“You go. My bike is back here. Tell Dick I’ll meet you guys back there,” I said before jogging off in the other direction.
As much as I’d like to say I meant that, I didn’t. Slade and I had unfinished business and I intended to finish it tonight. I’d leave breadcrumbs for Slade to follow me to the old records shop that was now a rundown, empty building. It was where Jericho worked. That’s where I’d end him. I knew Slade couldn’t be far from the scene, he was probably watching me already. If he saw I was on my own, he’d follow me. I threw on my helmet and sped off toward the records shop.
The drive there was smooth. Little traffic and no check-ins from Dick. I was there in a matter of minutes, taking off my helmet and picking the lock on the door before slipping inside. The amount of dust I inhaled upon my first step into the room was almost enough to make me turn back. Clearly, no one had been in the building for a while. My footsteps echoed through the dark space. I had come in to do surveillance of Jericho, but I had never been particularly interested in records. Maybe if I had been, I could’ve gotten to know Jericho and I would’ve been smart enough to know to keep him out of our problems. I sighed and moved further into the room. I had inadvertently caused the death of Slade’s only tolerable child and now it was back to haunt me. It was like the universe’s way of mocking me. First, it was Rose coming around the Tower, and everyone siding with her even though I knew she was up to something. And then it was the whole Dr. Light thing. And now it was Slade going after Jason. To think I was starting to feel a little sorry for killing Grant.
Something flew at me from behind and I whipped around just in time to catch the dagger as it was an inch from my face. Slade was standing in the doorway.
“Back for more?” I hissed.
“Isn’t that what you wanted?” he tilted his head.
“It’s exactly what I wanted,” I snarled, flipping the dagger in my hand so I could attack. He was the first to lunge, swinging an armored fist at my face. I parried the attack and jabbed at him with the dagger. My movements were fluid. Quicker and more precise than in the building less than an hour ago. I kicked at his chest, but he slid away and tried attacking me from a different angle. I stayed on top of his every movement. He matched my footwork with every step I took, making it hard to do anything but collide fists. I tried to move low to sweep his legs, but he was ready for it and hit me in the stomach, throwing me off balance. I growled and kicked out my legs, hitting him in the jaw. I tried to kick him again, but he caught my leg and threw me to the side. I rolled back up to my feet, now a distance away from him. “You remember what this place is, right?” I taunted. “This is where Jericho worked. He loved it here. Probably because it was his escape from his psychotic father.”
“You don’t get to speak of him,” Slade growled. “You’re the reason he’s dead.”
“I don’t remember being the one to put the sword through his chest,” I snapped. He took off his helmet and let it drop to his side with a thud.
“I want to look you in the eyes when I kill you,” he said cooly, taking out his sword. I took off my hood and threw down my mask.
“Took the words right out of my mouth,” I hissed, taking out my own sword. I charged first, my sword aimed for his throat. It was blocked by his before he got hit. I swung low, nicking his ankle. He growled and came at my face. I caught his arm when he overswung his attack and tried to put it in a lock, but he shot his arm out before I could get a hold, punching me right under the eye with his sword hilt. That would leave a bruise. Because of the position I was in, Slade was able to yank me forward and send a punch to my stomach. As I fell back, his sword caught the skin on my cheek.
“Had enough yet?” Slade snickered.
“Not even close,” I growled. I shot at him again, this time with the speed of lightning. I kicked his chest, distracting him enough to be able to send a slice down the break in his shoulder armor. He retreated a step, but I stayed with him with a kick to his throat. He struggled to keep up with my hits as I drove him back toward the wall. He got desperate and tried to strike back, barely managing to scrape my side with his sword, but I was too quick for him to cause any real damage. I activated my left cuff and it shot into his side. He grunted in pain before slamming his head into my own, which made me fall back a little, taking my blade with me. My head spun as I stepped back into my stance, ready for him to come at me. When he did, he was slower which allowed me, even with my dizziness, to gain the upper hand and disarm him. I kicked out his knees, making him fall to the ground, and then pinned him with my sword hovering over his chest. “Tell Grant I say hi,” I spat with a smirk. I was about to bring my sword down on his chest when something flew into the room, distracting me. It beeped midair and I realized what it was. A grenade. Before I could move, it went off, throwing me back into the wall and smoke covered the room. I groaned, rolled onto my back, and coughed out smoke before getting up to my feet and looking for Slade. He was nowhere to be seen. “Shit.”
I crept out of the elevator into the dark Tower lobby, hoping no one would see me. I had limped about three steps forward, taking off my hood and mask, when the lights flipped on, causing me to curse and squeeze my eyes shut.
“What the hell are you doing?” Hank asked, standing in front of me with his arms crossed. “You look like shit.”
“Gee, thanks, Hank,” I bit sarcastically. Donna, Dawn, and Dick were with Hank, all staring at me intently.
“Where were you?” Dick asked. His voice was calm, but I knew the tone. He was pissed.
“And why do you look like you just got hit by a car?” Donna added.
“It was a truck actually.” I grinned. No one returned the gesture. “Okay, not funny. Got it.” I tried to hide the blood seeping through the side of my shirt with my arm.
“It’s almost five in the morning,” Dick said.
“My favorite time of day,” I said, still avoiding the conversation about my whereabouts.
“We told you no patrol. Jason almost died two hours ago,” Donna said, anger in her voice.
“Relax, I wasn’t on patrol,” I reassured them, though I knew what I’d actually been doing was worse.
“She wasn’t on patrol, she was hunting Deathstroke,” Dawn spoke up. Everyone’s gazes turned into lasers into my skull.
“Snitches get stitches,” I muttered. My head had been screaming at me for the duration of the conversation and as the air in the room seemed to stand still, it got even louder.
“You’re freakin crazy!” Hank said. “What the hell were you thinking?!”
“She wasn’t,” Donna said. I looked at Dick who was rubbing his eyes with his head toward the ground.
“I don’t know why you’re all so worked up. I’m fine,” I said.
“We have a right to be upset!” Dawn exclaimed. “This man killed Garth and his own son!”
“You said it yourself, he wants you dead!” Hank said. “Considering how you look right now, I’d say he almost succeeded!”
“Oh my god, guys! You’re being dramatic! You’ve known me for five years, some of you more! You should know I can handle Deathstroke!” I shouted, getting angry. The outburst caused me to feel blood rising up my throat. I had to fight to keep myself from coughing it up.
“Do you not recall the conversation we had yesterday?!” Donna yelled. “You know, the one about how you can’t go off on your own, especially against Slade Wilson!”
“For the record, I was pretty tuned out that whole lecture,” I pointed out.
“You’re going to get yourself killed!” Hank said.
“It’ll take a whole lot more than Deathstroke to kill me,” I defended, crossing my arms. “I think we’re done with this conversation. It’s getting ridiculous.” I turned to leave only to see Hank blocking my way out. “Are you kidding me? Are we seriously doing this?”
“Yes, we’re doing this,” Donna said.
“Even like this, I can still kick all your asses,” I threatened. I noticed Dick had gone quiet which was never good. He was leaning on the island with his head down.
“You came back here 24 hours ago with your head split open, two broken ribs, and some internal bleeding,” Dawn ignored my comment. “I don’t want to see your medical report for today.”
“Lay off, okay?! He looks worse than me!”
“That’s pretty impressive seeing as you look like you just survived the freakin zombie apocalypse!” Hank yelled.
“Slade Wilson killed my parents and almost just killed someone else I care about! I was ready to end it for good!” I screamed, probably waking up the whole Tower.
“And did you?” Hank demanded. “End it?”
“The asshole ran before I could finish him off,” I said bitterly.
“So it was all for nothing?!” Donna seethed.
“I don’t get why you’re all so mad! I went out to help this team! He wants to rip us all apart piece by piece and I figured if I stopped him for good, I could protect everyone in this tower!” I cried.
The bang of someone slapping the counter grabbed my attention. The room went silent and all eyes turned to Dick.
“You are unbelievably selfish! You say you went out to help, but everyone here knows that you went for your personal vendetta! If you would’ve died tonight, what do you think would happened to this team?! We wouldn’t last another three days! I don’t care about your blood feud with Slade! You being injured and still going after him was probably the dumbest idea you’ve ever had! Last time you did that, you almost died!” Dick yelled. He looked me in the eye with an intense glare. His eyes held a mix of anger and worry. I opened my mouth to comment, but he cut me off. “What if he had ambushed you?” he said, voice at normal volume.
“He didn’t,” I replied simply, though I knew it was a dumb answer.
“But what if he did?” Dick repeated.
“Then I would’ve handled it,” I said. Scoffs sounded from everyone else in the room and Dick’s glare got more intense.
“Go to your room and get cleaned up. I’ll be in there with medical supplies in a minute,” he said, his voice never losing its firmness.
“Are you telling me to go to my room?” I asked in disbelief. There was no way he was treating me like a kid.
“Yes.” His eyes told me not to challenge him, and though normally I would, I was too tired to argue further. With a huff, I limped up toward my room.
Once inside, I took off my suit so I was just in my sports bra and leggings. Blood was still leaking down my skin from the deep slice in my side and multiple bruises littered my skin. I couldn’t tell which injuries were from yesterday and which were from today. Although, my pride hurt more than the physical injuries. I had let Slade get away. Sure, I had been hurt, but that shouldn’t have stopped me from going after him. And this was after yesterday when he and Dr. Light jumped me. I had to do better.
A knock came at my door, pulling me out of my self-loathing. Jason stuck his head in.
“Mind if I come in?” he asked.
“If you want to,” I said. Lately, our friendship had been strained which was entirely my fault. I was terrified I’d end up getting him hurt. In a way, I had with the whole being thrown off a building thing. Slade had said that there was more than one way to hurt me as Dr. Light had trapped me in a circle of fire and shot beams of light at me. I quickly realized he meant Jason. “Aren’t you supposed asleep?”
“I couldn’t sleep,” he said tiredly. “Nightmares. You know how it goes.”
“Yeah,” I said softly.
“I heard what happened. Are you okay?”
“Me?” His question took me by surprise. “I’m- I’m fine. How are you?”
“Exhausted. Who would’ve thought falling would be tiring?” I laughed a little. He looked a little awkward standing there, so I patted the bed next to me. He got the message and came and sat down. I noticed the haunted look in his eyes the minute I saw them up close. “Did Deathstroke do that?” He pointed to my side. I nodded. “Why’d you go after him? He could’ve killed you.”
“I was pissy and emotional,” I said with a shrug. “I almost had him before he ran like a coward.”
“Where’s your first aid kit?” Jason asked.
“You don’t need to take care of me. You should be resting anyway,” I tried to tell him.
“I can’t sleep. Might as well do something productive. It’ll also be a good distraction.” He stood up. “I assume you still keep it under the sink.” I nodded.
“Dick’ll be in here in a minute,” I said.
“Sucks for him. I beat him to you,” Jason said with a smirk. I let out a small laugh. He came back and sat down next to me with a washcloth and first aid kit. Without another word, he started cleaning the gash in my side. As the blood began to fade, I spoke up.
“I’m sorry.” He didn’t stop with the cloth but looked up at me.
“For what?”
“I was there. In the tunnels and I wasn’t able to stop Slade from taking you. I should’ve stopped him, but I didn’t and because of that, you got hurt,” I apologized. “I’ve also been a shitty friend lately.”
“What happened with Deathstroke wasn’t your fault. I got cocky and it didn’t play out for me. None of that is on you. And I get the stress this whole Deathstroke situation has put you under. You don’t want to lose someone else to him.” He moved on to putting the stitches into my cut.
“That’s no excuse. I was a jerk and you didn’t shove it right back in my face like you probably should’ve. I’m sorry.”
“We’re good. I promise,” he said with a small smile.
“Jason, you should be resting,” Dick’s voice came from the doorway.
“Well, I couldn’t,” Jason said, annoyance creeping into his voice. “So I decided to do something productive.”
“I need to talk to Elana,” Dick said.
“Then just act like I’m not here,” Jason said with a shrug. I gave him a small smile to thank him.
Obviously, that wasn’t the response Dick wanted, but he only sighed. “You should’ve told us what you were doing. I know all about you and Deathstroke and I get being angry, feeling like you need to do something about it, but you need to remember he feels the same way. Your comment about him wanting to rip us all apart might’ve been more about you than all of us.”
“You’re projecting,” I deadpanned.
“I am not!” he snapped. I raised an eyebrow and Jason bit back laughter. “I’m not,” he lowered his voice. “I’m worried about you. Going after Deathstroke almost killed you once. The only reason you made it last time was because I was there to get you home.”
“Oh my god. Could you tone the ego down a little?” I scoffed. “You almost died too.”
“I’m trying to figure out why you thought it’d be a good idea to go at it alone and injured. We almost lost you.”
“You would’ve been fine,” I said.
“I disagree,” Jason piped up quickly.
“Ask anyone. You not coming home tonight would’ve torn the Titans apart,” Dick said. Jason finished up the last stitch and put his tools down. “And I know it’s selfish, but I’ve already lost too many people I care about. I can’t lose you too.”
“I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me,” I snickered.
“Don’t expect me to say anything else nice. I’m still pissed,” he said.
“Fair,” I sighed.
“I’m gonna restitch your leg. It looks like you pulled out stitches from earlier,” Jason whispered to me. I nodded and moved my leg onto the bed.
“But, you’re benched from patrol alone until we get Deathstroke,” Dick said.
“What?!” I exclaimed, jerking up which threw Jason’s stitching off.
“Stay still,” Jason reminded me.
“Dick, you can’t do that!” I hissed as I settled back down.
“Based on what’s happened the past two nights, I think I can,” he said.
“I wasn’t alone last night,” I said.
“You essentially were,” Jason said. I shot a glare at him. “It’s true.” He gave me an apologetic look.
“Come on, guys. That’s not fair,” I whined.
“It’s to protect you,” Dick said.
“I’m an adult, I don’t need to be protected,” I said.
“Considering how much blood you come home without, I’d say you do,” Dick said, crossing his arms.
“I’m fine,” I stressed.
“Clearly,” Jason scoffed.
“Aren’t you supposed to be on my side?” I asked.
“I’m on my own side always, Lanes,” he said with a smirk.
“You’ll be fine,” Dick said. “Both of you get some sleep. You both need it.”
“Yes, sir,” Jason mocked.
“Whatever you say, boss.” I gave a fake salute. Dick rolled his eyes and mumbled something about kids these days as he walked out.
“You’re all stitched up,” Jason announced.
“Thanks, Jay.” I gave him a small smile. “You’re a pro,” I laughed, examining the stitches.
“Considering how often I’ve had to do this, I should be,” he chuckled. “Your head is bleeding, too.”
“I’ll get that in the shower. You’ve helped enough already.”
“You sure?” he asked.
“Yeah.” We sat across from each other in silence, but we were both thinking the same thing. His eyes drifted to my lips and I realized mine had, too. Unconsciously, we had moved closer. As we drew even closer, reality hit me. “I’m sorry, Jay. We can’t,” I whispered, pulling back and lowering my head.
“Yeah, yeah,” he breathed. I felt him grab my hand and plant a kiss on my forehead. Without even thinking, I leaned into his chest, much like we used to do. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer and he rested his chin on my head.
“Thank you,” I whispered.
“Of course.” He matched my tone.
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 4 months ago
It's so interesting to me how there is far less argument about how good or bad Brenton's Dick Grayson was compared to Curran's Jason Todd, even though they both have the same level of "OOCness" and distance from the comic book canon.
If anything, I would argue that Titans Jason captures way more of an essence of pure Jason Todd with pieces from the comics and other portrayals combined, while Dick is distanced so far from the charming, sweet, socially adept playboy character that he is supposed to be and replaced with an emotionally stunted socially isolated brooding stranger - which seems way more like a lot of fanboys' OC versions of Bruce Wayne than anything actually resembling the emotionally mature, charming, clever, witty Dick Grayson.
And it genuinely feels like people only insist on harping that Curran is a bad Jason because of the most surface level traits - the fact that he doesn't look like the muscled hulked out Jason that they expect to see from the comics, focusing so hard on the male comic book hero image that they completely disregard the amazing raw talent and emotion that he brings to the character. But very few people complain about Brenton as Dick because he is incredibly conventionally attractive and meets male beauty standards much better, and he looks much more like a comics Dick Grayson should. (Not to mention the fact that most people disregard the adaptation at its core because Starfire and Beast Boy don't look like their comic book counterparts and yeah.... that's definitely not racist at all.)
Anyway - I just find it frustrating that of all the aspects of the show, people want to continually shit on Jason - when he is one of the best versions of Jason played by the best (most passionate) actor for the job. And Titans has the best, most well thought out versions of Hawk and Dove and Gar Logan. I will always appreciate people more when they watch the show and complain about it's actual flaws vs people who are complaining about it when they have clearly never watched it before
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twins-write · 5 months ago
Request Information
We write x reader and x OC stories/oneshots, so don't be afraid to give your character a name, unless you prefer it being the reader!
We typically write the reader as a female, but if you prefer gender neutral, let us know!
We generally write for male people/characters as well.
We write:
We do not write smut!
Feel free to send any request for one-shots/imagines, or if you have an idea for a mini-series, don't be afraid to suggest that as well.
If you request, there is no 100% guarantee that it'll be written, but we will definitely try our best to fulfill everyone's requests!
When something is requested, we will try to get to it as quickly as possible, but we are both full time students and play sports, so please bear with us!
We write for a lot of things, but here is the list if you want to go through it all! If you don't see a specific person/show or anything on the list, still feel free to request it. We might have accidentally left it out, but if not, we can still attempt to write that person for you!
You can submit requests by clicking the link at the bottom of this post or the link at the top of the blog, both will take you to a form to submit your request!
13 Reasons Why
Clay Jensen
Justin Foley
911 (Lonestar and the original)
Eddie Diaz
Evan Buckley
Judd Ryder
Owen Strand
Paul Strickland
TK Strand
Wyatt Harris
American Horror Story
Jimmy Darling
Kit Walker
Kyle Spencer
Michael Langdon
Tate Langdon
Xavier Plympton
Attack On Titan
Armin Arlert
Jean Kirstein
Big Time Rush
Breaking Bad
Jesse Pinkman
Cobra Kai
Eli Moskowitz (Hawk)
Johnny Lawrence
Miguel Diaz
Robby Keene
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Game of Thrones
Jaime Lannister
Jon Snow
Robb Stark
James Etten
Lucas Parker
Gossip Girl
Chuck Bass
Eric Van Der Woodsen
Nate Archibald
Grey’s Anatomy
George O’Malley
Mark Sloan
Bill Denbrough
Eddie Kaspbrak
Richie Tozier
Jujustu Kaisen
Megumi Fushiguro
Satoru Gojo
Toge Inumaki
Yuji Itadori
Lab Rats
Chase Davenport
Malcolm In The Middle
Francis Wilkerson
Reese Wilkerson
Malcolm Wilkerson
Bucky Barnes
Loki Laufeyson
Peter Parker (Tom’s or Andrew’s)
Steve Rogers
My Babysitter’s a Vampire
Benny Weir
Ethan Morgan
My Hero Academia
Denki Kaminari
Eijiro Kirishima
Hitoshi Shinsou
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Keigo Takami
Shota Aizawa
Shoto Todoroki
Takami Amajiki
NCIS (LA and the original)
Anthony DiNozzo
Eric Beale
G. Callen
Jimmy Palmer
Marty Deeks
Timothy McGee
Tommy Mancuso
New Girl
Nick Miller
Winston Bishop
Now You See Me
Jack Wilder
JJ Maybank
John B.
Rafe Cameron
Percy Jackson
Pretty Little Liars
Caleb Rivers
Holden Strauss
Jason DiLaurentis
Mike Montgomery
Noel Kahn
Toby Cavanaugh
Alec Lightwood
Jace Herondale
Simon Lewis
Ian Gallagher
Kevin Ball
Lip Gallagher
Clark Kent
Lex Luthor
Stranger Things
Dustin Henderson
Steve Harrington
Dean Winchester
Jack Kline
Sam Winchester
Ash Franklin
Brandon Darrow
Trevor Askill
Teen Wolf
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
Gar Logan (Beast Boy)
Jason Todd (Red Hood)
The 100
Bellamy Blake
Jasper Jordan
Monty Green
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Ambrose Spellman
Harvey Kinkle
Nicholas Scratch
The Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
Peeta Mellark
The Maze Runner
The Middle
Axl Heck
Sean Donahue
The OC
Luke Ward
Ryan Atwood
Seth Cohen
The Originals
Elijah Mikaelson
Klaus Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
The Outsiders
Darry Curtis
Dallas Winston
Sodapop Curtis
The Rookie
John Nolan
Tim Bradford
The Umbrella Academy
Five Hargreeves
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
Jeremy Gilbert
Kai Parker
Stefan Salvatore
The Walking Dead
Carl Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Negan Smith
Rick Grimes
True Blood
Eric Northman
Jason Stackhouse
Sam Merlotte
Emmett Cullen
Jasper Hale
Paul Lahote
Seth Clearwater
Wizards of Waverly Place
Justin Russo
Real people:
5 Seconds of Summer members (all)
Ateez members (all)
Cody Fern
Jamie Muscato
Sam and Colby
Stray Kids members (all)
The Boyz (all)
Tomorrow x Together members (all)
Request form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdf15DK07JIGzKMNPC2FrEgP7ces4KfIxTngYcNwvmusaXxGA/viewform?usp=sf_link
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slythepuffle · 10 months ago
I'm getting writer's block for my Spooky Month stuff, so I'm now going to share some of my DC stuff. Here's my Cryptid Batfam Guide, starting with the "official" main family members (feat. my OC).
I tried to name them all after birds/bats. Mostly birds.
Bruce Wayne-
Alias: "The Bat"; Brucie
Cryptid Type: Vampire
Media Portrayal: Rich, Ditzy Playboy as Brucie; Demonic Shadow Creature as The Bat
Richard "Dick" Grayson-Wayne
Alias: Robin (Formerly); Nightingale
Cryptid Type: Angel/Winged Humanoid
Media Portrayal: Naive Socialite as Dick; Vengeful Ghost Child as Robin; Fallen Angel as Nightingale
Jason Todd-Wayne
Alias: Robin (Formerly); Red Hood (Formerly); Red Hawk
Cryptid Type: Ghoul
Media Portrayal: Rebellious Punk as Jason; Vengeful Ghost Child as Robin; Resurrected Crime Lord as Red Hood; Zombie-Turned-Demon as Red Hawk
Cassiopeia "Cassi" Costella-Wayne
Alias: Spirit (Formerly); Pipistrelle
Cryptid Type: Undead/Ghost Witch
Media Portrayal: Shy + Sweet Groundskeeper; Anguished, Resurrected Ghost as Spirit; Ghost-Turned-Stone as Pipistrelle
Timothy "Tim" Drake-Wayne
Alias: Robin (Formerly); Flame Robin (Formerly); Oriole
Cryptid Type: Wereavian
Media Portrayal: Introverted Genius as Tim; Vengeful Ghost Child as Robin; Robin's Shadow Come to Life as Flame Robin; Demonic Shapeshifter as Oriole
Cassandra "Cass" Cain-Wayne
Alias: Orphan (Formerly); Noctule (Formerly); Starling
Cryptid Type: Siren
Media Portrayal: Silent Social Butterfly as Cass; Deadly Assassin as Orphan; Demon of Gotham as Batgirl; Living Shadow as Starling
Damian Wayne
Alias: Robin
Cryptid Type: Half-Vampire
Media Portrayal: Fierce + Socially Awkward as Damian; Vengeful Ghost Child as Robin
Duke Thomas-Wayne
Alias: Signal
Cryptid Type: None (? - Meta-Human)
Media Portrayal: Polite Foster Child as Duke; Sentient Android/Bat-Signal as Signal
Questions, comments, suggestions, leave down below!
EDIT: Decided to change 'Batgirl' to Noctule after the Noctule bat because I wanted to give them more unique names
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sundrop-writes · 10 months ago
Tumblr media
One Moment Per Episode With Dick Grayson
Season One, Episode Two: "Hawk and Dove"
Even though Dick denies that he needs your help, you can't let other innocent people - like Hank, Dawn, and Rachel - get caught in the crossfire of his stubbornness and annoyance toward you.
So when you have a vision of Dick fleeing back to some of the only friends he knows, you don't hesitate to chase him. And yes - you make sure to bring coffee this time.
Dick Grayson x Fem!Powered!Reader. Childhood Friends/Exes to Lovers. Emotional Angst and Bantering/Humor. Set during Season 1, Episode 2.
Word Count: 6,000
DC Titans Masterlist | AO3 Link | Series Masterlist
Detailed warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: the reader uses she/her pronouns - I still want to warn that some people might accuse this character of being an OC/might consider this an OC, but the reader received a great reception in the last chapter, so you guys might like her uniqueness if you read this; as usual with my stories, the majority of pronouns used in the fic are you/yours; and other than clothing style and a scar that informs her backstory, the reader's looks are not described and are left vague (as far as race, body type, hair colour, etc. - those things are not described); the reader character does have powers - the reader character is psychic and can see glimpses of the future in dream-like visions; the reader actually has a vision in this one (and there is more descriptions of her visions in general) (looking back, I wish I would have opened the first chapter on a vision of the apocalypse but oh well); the reader and Dick are 'exes' - their relationship was never official (they never explicitly called each other boyfriend/girlfriend), but they used to have sex often (and they both have feelings for each other that they never openly spoke about), and they are childhood friends, so there is a lot of emotional history there; this fic uses Y/N; this whole chapter (and this whole series, really) involves intense criticism of Dick's character - the Titans version specifically - so if you don't like that and if you don't like the Titans characterization of him, then turn back now; mentions of canon-typical violence; non-graphic descriptions of Dick having an infected wound as a child (speaking to his characterization); mentions of non-canon character deaths - happening in non-canon branching paths in the reader's visions (things that don't come true, but have the opportunity to come true if she doesn't interfere); mentions of gun violence; lots of stereotypical monogamous jealousy going on here - some canon, and some not (not the kind of thing my poly ass typically writes, but it does well with Dick's toxic personality, so I like it) - Hank being jealous of Dick and Dawn's reunion, and Dick trying to evoke jealousy from the reader over his past relationship with Dawn (though I have made it clear in the text that Dick doesn't have feelings for Dawn anymore); Dick accidentally pointing a gun at the reader (because of mistaken identity); this time there is equal pining and horniness between Dick and the reader (mostly because I am a simp for Dick in that navy button down shirt, unf); mentions of Dick's past trauma (the death of his parents) and his PTSD reactions because of it; mentions of Dick and the reader having sex in the past and their sexual desire toward each other and some mild sexual themes, but there is no explicit smut in this chapter (there might be some in future chapters); the reader gets injured in a fight with The Family; mentions of Dawn's canon injuries and subsequent coma; I believe that's it for this part.
A/N: I actually wanna say that this chapter was complete and ready to be edited in my drafts, and because of the comments and feedback I got on the last chapter, I actually went in and made some additions to this chapter. People really seemed to like the banter between Dick and the reader character, and there wasn't much of it in this part, so I made sure to add more of it - because if you guys tell me that you like a certain aspect of a fic, I will play up that aspect in future chapters or in future fics. That is why commenting matters. Writers listen to your detailed feedback and put it into future stories - we aren't just looking for comments to stroke our egos. So if you guys like this chapter and the banter in it, know that you helped shape it from what it originally was!
Dick had basically told you to fuck off - he didn’t want to be involved, but he already was. 
The events were already set into motion around him, and there was nothing he could do to stop it now. So - rather than turn around and go all the way back home, you had simply gotten a hotel room in Detroit, waiting for him to ask for your help, or waiting for some signal that he would truly need you. 
You fell into an easy sleep, and soon - that signal came to you. 
A rooftop. Two old friends. Tense smiles under a beautifully bright day that didn’t suit them.
“She killed someone?” Dawn nods toward Rachel, who is sitting beside the large dove house that Hank built, looking at the gentle animals in quiet fascination. She feels peaceful in their presence. “She’s just a kid.” 
That’s what he wants. He wants everyone to underestimate her. 
“Whoever they are, they’ve got people in the department.” Dick replies. 
He’s talking about the people who kidnapped her right out from under his nose - the ones who nearly succeeded in making her a ritual sacrifice. Just one of many forces that were coming after her. One of many forces that seek to harm her. 
“We needed somewhere safe to regroup.” He adds on. “And think about what I’m gonna do.” 
Somewhere safe? 
“What about Bruce?” Dawn poses. 
Of course Dick wouldn’t go fleeing back to him. Daddy issues. He thinks of Dawn and Hank as his true family. The Titans have always been his true family. Since losing the Circus, it’s the only family that he’s known. 
Oh. Somewhere safe. Of course. 
Dick visibly shudders at the thought of going back to Bruce. “He’s no good with kids.” 
That's an understatement. 
“A cop, huh?” Dawn gives him a small grin. “That’s one I never would’ve figured.” 
Well, he seeks out order. But he's a stubborn, bull-headed person who demands to be the leader at all times. He’s terrible at following rules that he hasn't made - terrible at falling under someone else's authority. He thinks that being a police officer is bringing forth real justice. 
It was never meant to last. 
Dick knew this. He doesn’t like admitting his own faults. So, he rushes to change the subject. 
“How are you?” He asks Dawn, clearly curious. 
It’s almost as though he wants her to say that her life has been notably worse without the Titans. Just like his has been. 
It's been too long since he's spoken to her. He loves running without looking back. It’s something that he’s very good at. 
“We’re great.” Dawn answers, flashing him a smile. She's insistent on this ‘we' - reminding Dick that she's not alone. She's not a single person anymore. “Hank’s feeling the life a little. Age waits for no man, and all that.”
Of course. This should have been obvious to him, but he’s a little too absorbed in his own problems to consider it. 
“How bad?” Dick asks the obvious question. 
“Two fractures, three concussions in the last year, and a herniated disc.” Dawn replies honestly. 
Dick has been through worse. He acts like it’s nothing, but it’s not. He’s the type of man to attempt to put a band-aid on a bullet wound. While traveling with the Circus, he stepped on a nail once, and tried to hide it from his parents - pulled it out himself and only told them when the wound began to fester and get infected. 
Fiercely independent and stubborn, even back then. 
“Jesus, Dawn.” 
Yet, he acts as though this is surprising. He acts as though this isn’t the norm when you exchange your bodily safety for the safety of others. 
“We’re still good out there, Dick.” She presses, sounding as though she is trying to convince herself. They need the team. That’s what’s missing. The downfall of her confidence. “Really good. But one slip-up-” 
“You should quit.” Dick declares this firmly, confidently. He always believes his own authority as fact. “You both should.” 
Deep down, he knows that both Dawn and Hank will never quit. Like himself, they do not take well to ‘retirement’. They will die doing this job or they will find quieter ways to keep doing good - but they will never rest. Rest feels too selfish. 
“That’s the plan.” Dawn replies. It feels like a lie coming out of her mouth, and she smiles around the discomfort of it. “As soon as we take out these gun suppliers he’s obsessed with. One more chance to do some good and then he promised he’s out.”
Suddenly, there was a flash of something else. 
Guns. Piles and piles of guns. Dawn being shot in the head from behind. Bright red blood soaking into white hair. A sneak attack while they have their guard down. Hank, overwhelmed by grief, unable to consider his own life as enemies surround him. 
He is forcefully pulled off her limp body. 
His screams bounce off the concrete walls as he is chained up and tortured. 
Things never go according to plan, do they? 
Dick gives her a sharp look as he considers the possibilities. Almost as if, due to his paranoia, he too can see the future. 
He wants to offer his help, or tell them simply not to go, but Dawn steals the words off his tongue. 
“You could help us out.” She remarks brightly. 
Yes, he could. He should. 
Another flash of similar events. 
This ends just as bloody. Similar howls of pain echo through the warehouse. Hank is limping as Dawn supports him, but all three of them are alive. They all make it back to the apartment alive. 
Dick is working on his personal definition of justice. It’s not exactly clean. (But it works.) 
But still, he hesitates. 
“I’m out of the life, Dawn.” 
Suddenly, Hank appears. He is surprisingly quiet for someone so large. 
“The hell are you doin’ here, Dick?” He barks out the name like poison - in a harsh, jutting way that many others have done before him. 
Everyone becomes tense. It’s an unwelcome reunion. 
“Hank.” Dawn speaks his name curtly - a reminder. Mind your temper. 
“I had a situation.” Dick tries to explain himself, being far too vague. 
But again, how does one cleanly summarize encountering a young girl with powers like Rachel’s and being so unsure how to handle it? And of course, Dick hates to admit being unsure of himself. He hates to admit needing help. He prefers to phrase things delicately - as though this were a choice, a fun day trip, rather than the desperate fleeing that it truly is. 
“Nice little reunion you got goin’ here.” Hank says sarcastically. 
“You know it’s not like that.” Dick replies. 
He is right, but poor at defending himself against Hank’s flare of jealousy. He is so walled off that he doesn’t dare to admit he doesn’t have eyes for Dawn anymore, even in the slightest. That relationship was nice, but those feelings died out long ago. He simply can’t see her in a romantic light anymore because his heart belongs to someone he believes could never want him in return. 
Follies for another time. 
“Sure looks like it to me.” Hank grunts in return. 
“Hank.” Dawn says his name sharper this time, capturing his attention as he stares at Dick with fire burning in his eyes. 
She nods toward Rachel, who is staring at all of them with confusion. 
It’s her. She’s the reason why we’re all here. She’s the reason we’re all going to be alive years from now. 
“What the fuck?” Hank is confused. Reasonable. 
“Can we just go back inside, please?” 
Good idea. 
You woke up in a cold sweat, fumbling around numbly to turn on the lamp of the hotel room that you were staying in. Having your mind widen across the astral plane could be absolutely exhausting. 
Of course Dick had gone back to them. 
Looks like you were headed to DC. 
“Dawn, you can’t hit this job. Look at the number of security contractors here-” 
“Come on, don’t change the subject.” 
Dawn was cut off from speaking any further by a loud thud coming from the front door. Something almost akin to a knock. Hank (who had gone out to pick up some beer) had a key, so - that definitely wasn’t him. Rachel was in the guest room watching Game of Thrones - 
Dick and Dawn exchanged a look, both thinking the same thing. 
There was someone at the door. Someone unannounced.
And whoever was at the door might be someone looking for Rachel - someone seeking to harm her. In the kind of silent communication that had only been developed over years of working together as a team, Dick gave Dawn a nod and she calmly raised from her chair to go and check on Rachel. And then he grabbed his service pistol, flicking the safety off and cocking it - he swiftly walked to the front door, and while pointing the gun at whoever was outside. 
It was a clear warning, and also ready to fire if the person tried barging in. Dick opened the door slowly, and peered into the hallway, his heart beating rapidly in his chest as he waited to see who it was. 
It was you. 
He let out a sharp breath of relief when the information fully penetrated his brain - the fact that it was you standing there, and not someone intending to do him or Rachel harm. Not an enemy. 
You were standing there as innocently as ever, wearing a red dress with a beautiful paisley pattern on it - still sporting those same brown leather boots and that same cozy jacket. Again, you looked so damn beautiful, and it shouldn’t have been comforting, and Dick shouldn’t have been filled with want. You were holding a paper tray full of coffee cups - which you had pressed against your breast for balance, and in the other hand, you had a large brown bag that seemed to be full of pastries from the smell. 
“Fuck.” He swore sharply, his arm still holding the gun up stiffly - his body still filled with the conflicting fight or flight response pumping through him, unanswered. 
You let out a bright laugh at this, seemingly amused by Dick’s tense aura. 
“Your greetings get more pleasant everytime I see you, Dick.” You said, nodding toward the gun that was still extended in your direction. 
He let out another tense breath, and forcefully unlocked his forearm then, in order to put the gun down. He put the safety back on and tucked it into the back of his waistband as he opened the door fully to let you inside. 
“You really are such a warm and welcoming person.” You added on, sarcasm ripe in your voice. 
“You’re an asshole.” Dick replied, still feeling the ache of a fight or flight response tearing through him as he tried to calm down. 
He knew that you hadn’t meant to scare him - or maybe you had, seeing as you hadn’t apologized, and seemed to find the whole thing entirely amusing. But at least you weren’t someone that he actually needed to shoot. So that was a plus. 
“I am not.” You replied snarkily, stepping past Dick and making your way into the apartment. “I’m nice. You told me that next time I should bring coffee, and I did. That’s the farthest thing from being an asshole.” 
“Dick, what’s going on?” Dawn called out, stepping out from the guest room with Rachel hot on her heels. 
Realization spread across her features when she saw you placing your goodies on the counter as Dick closed and locked the front door. 
“Y/N,” Dawn smiled, walking over to give you a hug after you had set everything down. 
You embraced her tightly for a moment before she pulled away with a smile. Dick rolled his eyes at this - still annoyed at your presence. He would never admit it, but he was upset that Dawn was much happier to see you than she had been when he had arrived. 
“Another friend?” Rachel asked, hovering at the edge of the kitchen, slightly hesitant of you. 
“A good friend.” Dawn confirmed, shining her smile toward Rachel. “Rachel, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is-” 
“Rachel. Hi.” You cut off Dawn as she made the introduction, giving a gentle wave toward Rachel while she nodded shyly at you. 
“A friend who’s not supposed to be here.” Dick added on gruffly. 
“Grumpy grumps don’t get danishes.” You said, holding up the large brown paper bag. 
Dick sighed and rolled his eyes, wanting to protest about you distracting from the larger point with pastries - but technically, he had asked you to bring them. 
“We’ve got… a medium vanilla latte for Dawn,” You pulled the cup out of the tray, now doling out the coffee orders. It was something that you knew partially from memory, and partially from the omnipotence that came with your powers.
She took it with a quiet ‘thank you’. 
“A small black coffee with extra sugar for Rachel.” You offered her the paper cup, and she loosened up on her hesitance toward you, eagerly leaning in to grab it. She smiled at the fact that you knew her preference and didn’t question her for drinking coffee at such a young age. 
“Thanks.” She said brightly. 
“A large black coffee for grumpy pants.” You said, holding out a cup towards Dick. 
When he reached for it, you teasingly swiped it back before you actually gave it to him, and he heaved out another sigh. 
“Are you gonna tell me what you’re doing here?” He asked sharply as he popped open the lid on the cup and took a sip. 
You decided to ignore him. 
“And an Americano for Hank.” You went on speaking about the coffee, rather than answering Dick’s question. “What kind of sociopath drinks watered down espresso anyway?” 
“He-” Dawn spoke up, about to tell you that Hank was at the store, not even there to enjoy it while it was still hot. But then, there was the sound of lock and key in the door and it came bursting open. 
“Dawn, I got your stupid fru-fru coconut ice cream. I had to go to three different stores for it, and-” 
When Hank saw everyone gathered in the kitchen, including the surprising addition of you, he glared as he kicked the door shut behind him. 
“Well, isn’t this a real goddamn-” 
“A real goddamn summer camp.” You cut him off, literally stealing the words out of his mouth. 
“God, I fucking hate it when you do that.” Hank sighed, a visible stiffness running through him - similar to the way Dick looked when you said ominous things. He was creeped out and defensive at the same time. 
“Would a pecan cinnamon roll make you feel better?” You posed, pulling a smaller bag out of the bag of pastries and offering it to him. 
“You know, you always were my favorite.” He replied, quickly changing his tune as he came to grab the treat from you, a snarky smile spreading across his lips. 
Dick reached for the brown bag sitting on the counter to get one of those danishes you had mentioned. You saw this out of the corner of your eye, and you snatched it away from him. You had meant what you said. He tensed up visibly but didn’t argue. 
Dawn giggled, pointedly looking between the two of you before she reached into the bag herself - of course, only for you to slide it closer to her. 
Dick sighed harshly and tried to move on from the subject. “Now, are you gonna tell me what you’re doing here?” 
It wasn’t long before Dick sequestered you away, demanding answers. He dragged you into Dawn and Hank’s bathroom, actually. This left Dawn to awkwardly fill the space with Rachel, who was wondering who you were, and was asking more questions as she sensed the tension between you and Dick. Meanwhile, Hank scarfed down his pecan bun without a single care about the circumstances of your visit now that he was fed. 
You sat on the edge of the bathtub with your arms crossed, looking at Dick with firm calculation, just like you always did, waiting for him to speak. He shoved his hands in his pockets - something that made his whole stance tense and broad and horribly appealing. It was something that reminded you that he had stayed perfectly fit since you had last seen him - and he had nothing but fine, firm muscles under that shirt. 
You forced yourself to focus as he stiffened his jaw and stared right back at you. 
“Well?” He scoffed. 
“‘Well’ what, Grayson?” You nagged back, knowing fully well what he meant. 
He sharply rolled his eyes. That seemed to be a reaction that you invoked from him quite frequently. 
“Why the hell did you follow me?” He sighed, his breath too tired to be as fully demanding as he intended. 
You wondered when the last time he had slept was. He was someone who wore insomnia strangely well, especially considering that Bruce had driven him to be sleepless since his teen years. It was something that he was accustomed to by now, so he never got the ‘bags under eyes’, ‘half dead’ thing that most other people did when they didn’t sleep. He simply looked like himself. 
You hated how much internal destruction and self abuse suited him. 
“Who says I followed you?” You replied, your natural instinct toward snark acting up again. “Maybe I just felt like dropping by. Dawn and Hank are my friends, too.” 
You almost added on ‘apparently they like me more than they like you, anyway’ - but you didn’t feel the need to kick him so badly when he was already down. 
Dick let out a quiet growl, reaching up to firmly pinch the bridge of his nose with his finger and a thumb. 
Already, you were wearing his patience thin. 
You knew that you couldn’t tell him the truth. 
One thing you knew for certain - Dick Grayson was a control freak. It was something that had been carved into him by trauma and fully solidified by years of training with Bruce. 
That night, so long ago - having his parents slip out from his grasp when he had been so young, while performing a routine that they were known for courageously doing without a safety net. A routine that they were so certain of and knew so well, having never factored in the act of murderous sabotage that ultimately killed them - it made Dick want to obsessively control every single aspect of his life and everyone else’s around him. 
Not only did he want to help those around him avoid danger, but he wanted the people around him to behave exactly how he imagined that they should at all times. 
He was constantly on the lookout for frayed ropes - for the unexpected variables that might be the downfall of someone that he loved. He felt that his parents’ death had been his fault, that he hadn’t been diligent enough that night, so he needed to be hypervigilant in every other aspect of his life to keep more people from dying. 
It was part of the reason that you bothered him so much. You were always unexpected - always a wild variable that he had to chase down. Whether it was your actions, your words, or your reactions to the things that he did and said - he felt like he could never predictably nail you down, and he absolutely fucking hated it. (It was probably also one of the reasons that he got such a fantastic release from fucking you - but that was a box of emotional issues he was not yet willing to open.) 
But - being the control freak that he was - he liked to try and control the outcome of your visions. 
Yes, you did see the future in your visions. And yes, the version of that future that you saw could sometimes be changed. It was part of the reason that you tried to interfere to stop bad things. You had seen many things before that had never come true - both good things and terrible things. 
But you had warned Dick time and time again that the future is not random. You never saw simple flashes of random possible outcomes and one of those realities might come true. No - you saw people’s intentions. You saw the results of the choices that people make. 
If someone intended to commit a murder - you would see death. If they changed their mind - you would see life. If someone interfered to stop that murder - the future could change in a lot of strange ways because of it. 
Life is a winding path with a lot of branches to it, and when someone makes a choice, some of those branches die off. 
Dick Grayson’s controlling, all mighty, ‘need to interfere’ mindset certainly had a way of changing the future. He constantly felt the need to use the information from your visions to force people into making the ‘right’ choice. But sometimes, on the path we choose to avoid our fate, we run headfirst into it. 
You were never going to tell him - but Dick and his controlling nature had gotten people killed before. 
You had discovered over time that it was better to simply not tell him things - to hold back information until it was the right time for him to hear it. 
“Do you actually enjoy being irritating?” Dick rasped harshly at you. “Or is it just something that you’re good at?” 
You shrugged. “Probably both.” 
He let out another stiff breath. 
“Look, I’m here for Rachel.” You said, trying to correct course. “She’s mourning, she’s confused, her powers are out of control. She needs someone to help guide her. Someone who might be able to show her how to keep her powers under control.” 
“O-kay.” Dick said, clearly dubious, not fully convinced. He looked at you with his brows firmly knit, and you felt the need to further convince him. 
“Look, I’m not stalking you if you think that’s what it is.” You added on. “I had a vision, I saw you and Dawn on the roof-” 
“Okay, okay, I get it now.” Dick smirked sarcastically, crossing his arms firmly over his chest, making his biceps bulge inside of his button down shirt in a way that was far too appealing. 
Focus - you reminded yourself. Focus. 
“What?” You replied, genuinely confused. 
“You don’t like me spending time with Dawn.” He declared, continuing to smirk at you as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. 
More than anything, this left you utterly fucking confused. 
“What?” You chuckled, repeating the word like a gaping parrot - a nervous, awkward edge in your voice. 
You liked Dawn. She was one of your best friends. 
And you didn’t give a rat’s ass if Dick and Dawn spent time together. Especially because you knew that Dick coming here was him fleeing to a friend while in crisis, not him looking for a hookup. Especially not while Dawn and Hank were together. Dawn was nothing if not intensely loyal. 
And nothing would have happened while Hank was in the apartment. You had never seen Dick and Hank fight - but Hank was just a bit bigger, and because of his upbringing, he had absolutely no qualms about fighting dirty, even when he was fighting a friend. So you knew who you would bet on in that fight. 
So - what the hell was Dick talking about? 
Even with your strange sense of omnipotence, you couldn’t tell at the time - Dick was baiting you. Hard. He wanted you to flip out, to get jealous. 
It was the emotionally stunted thing to do, but he wanted to see some sense that you cared. 
At least Hank going full cave-man mode upon seeing Dick meant that he thought what he had with Dawn was precious and worth protecting. It meant that he saw Dick as a threat. 
When you continued to stare at Dick with nothing but confusion, gaping like a fish, he flailed, realizing what a terrible move this was. And for some stupid reason, instead of dropping the subject altogether, he dug himself deeper into the hole. 
“You know, the thing with me and Dawn is all in the past.” He said, mentally squirming, waiting to see how you would react. “There’s really nothing going on between us.” 
“Yeah.” You smoothed your lips into a firm line, completely uncaring about this line of conversation. “Good for you.” 
Perhaps mistaking the annoyance in these words as the jealousy that he was so urgently seeking, his tone completely changed then. Like a child throwing a tantrum, he had gotten the negative energy that he wanted from the interaction - so he kept on digging in. 
“Okay, you know what?” He snapped. “If you’re not gonna tell me why you’re really here, then I’m just gonna have to assume that you’re bullshitting.” 
“Oh, I’m bullshitting?” You replied, resisting the urge to break into a grin. 
He had seen solid proof of your powers on many occasions. He had seen you do things that couldn’t be proven by science. So why was he only accusing you of ‘bullshitting’ right now?
“Yes.” He replied stoically. “You didn’t see anything - you don’t actually know anything. You don’t know shit. You’re probably just guessing, and making shit up as you go along and hoping people will believe you.” 
“Okay.” You shrugged. 
You were unphased by this declaration. You knew by now to trust your visions - even if Dick was revoking that trust. You knew that you had solid information, and if you didn’t follow it, the lives of the people that you loved were at risk. 
You guessed that this was just Dick throwing a tantrum because you wouldn’t share that information with him. 
Dick ground his teeth. Unconsciously, he was still intensely frustrated that he hadn’t gotten more of a reaction out of you. Whether it was the information that he was looking for - or some greater sense of anger or urgency that he felt when you were around. But he needed something. He needed to know that you still felt something because of him.
You were always so damn calm. Far too calm for his liking.
“You’re just guessing.” He pressed on. “It’s not that hard to know I would come here. You just fucking followed me because-” 
“So you’re saying that all the military tactics Bruce taught you never paid off, and you’re intensely predictable when fleeing under pressure?” You chuckled, pointing out the flaws in his own logic. 
Dick flinched. 
He hated how uncomfortable your words made him. Squirming in that discomfort - he went low. 
“And you’re admitting that you’re just a bullshit carnival psychic like your mother was?” 
It was a tender wound. 
The moment that your face fell - shifting from mild amusement at your own joke to intense pain and hurt - Dick’s insides recoiled with regret. 
“Y/N-” He sighed. 
“Nope.” You cut him off sharply, shoving past him. 
He let you, finally allowing you to escape the tense air of the bathroom so you could go out and properly catch up with Dawn while drinking your coffee. 
No matter how angry you were with him, you couldn’t let him die. 
Even as you laughed and chatted with Dawn, and got to know Rachel a bit, you couldn’t get the flashes of horrifying possible futures out of your mind. 
Where is Dick Grayson? Where is Dick Grayson? Where is he? 
A crazed family singing showtunes. A skipping rope being used as a whip - knives plunging through flesh. Torture. Pain. Screams. 
You saw Dick fleeing with Rachel in the night, believing that he had made the right decision to protect her. Believing that he was keeping you, and Dawn and Hank safe. You heard a sharp screech of tires as he was cut off on a dark backroad by an old-fashioned station wagon with wooden paneling. A car crash. Dick flew through the front windshield - and as he bled to death, his last moments were spent hearing Rachel’s cries for help as she was dragged from the car. 
Bad decision. 
Dick spoke about ‘some job’ that Hank and Dawn were planning and instantly, there were flashes through your mind of Dawn shot in the head, laying on the floor in a pool of her own blood - Hank’s screams of anguish as he was chained and tortured. 
They need his help. 
Why were you there? 
To stop those bad decisions. Hopefully. 
You couldn’t explain it all to Dick - you couldn’t play it all out for him so simply. He was a control freak. If you told him all the details, then he would insist on making a choice. He would insist on running the play. And he might make one of those stupid choices. You had to avoid making the same mistake that your mother had. Don’t give those stubborn, powerful men too much information and trust them to use it wisely - because they most likely won’t. 
“You should go with them.” You told Dick, your voice curt - the first time that you had acknowledged him in hours. 
He seemed shocked by you even looking in his direction, let alone speaking to him after the comment he had made. 
“Look, Y/N-” 
“I’ll stay with Rachel.” You added on. 
When Rachel eagerly agreed to this, it seemed to seal the deal for him. 
He acted as though it was his plan all along. 
Whatever made him feel better about it. 
You and Rachel ended up on the rooftop. She gravitated toward the doves - she found them calming, as she told you. 
“How do you know Dick?” She asked you, clearly unable to keep down that curiosity that was naturally biting at her. 
With the cool night air whipping at your cheeks, you found it easy to be vulnerable with her. 
“We grew up together.” You told her. 
“You were a part of the Circus?” She asked, giving a small amused grin at the thought. 
“Yes.” You confirmed, mirroring her smile. Sometimes the nostalgia was painful, but unlike Dick, you didn’t try to forget it. “My mother was a fortune teller - a psychic. She was considered one of the best. People would come from miles around, or even follow the Circus from place to place just to have their palm read by her.” 
Rachel laughed at this, clearly amused. 
“So what - she had a big crystal ball, and she would read the lines on your hand to tell you how long you’re gonna live?” 
You shrugged. 
“Something like that.” You confirmed.
There was a beat of silence. Knowing what Rachel was going through, you felt the need to confess something to her. 
“My mother - she died when I was about your age.” You told her, knowing that it was likely something she needed to hear. 
It can always be comforting to know that you’re not alone. 
Rachel looked at you with large, piercing eyes - heavy grief still dancing there. It was still so fresh. Your heart ached for her. 
“What happened?” She asked. 
With her powers, you were surprised that she didn’t already know. 
But you thought it apt to explain it to her. 
“My mother didn’t just do card tricks and read palms.” You said. “She was special. Special like us, special.” 
A distinct look of dawning came across Rachel’s features. 
“She had powers.” She said softly. 
You nodded. 
“So, wait - are these kinds of powers… genetic?” She asked eagerly, seeming to perk with interest at this. 
Suddenly, a million long-dead questions about a father she had never known overtook her like a tidal wave. 
Obviously, her mother had been perfectly normal. Had she gotten her powers from her father? If she found him, would he be able to tell her who she truly was? 
“I suppose so.” You answered meekly, hating that you didn’t know for certain. “I hate that I can’t say for sure.” 
Rachel’s face fell at this.
Then, something occurred to her. 
“How did your mom’s powers kill her?” She asked. 
“It - it wasn’t really her powers that killed her.” You began to explain. “It was more… the way she used them.” 
Rachel looked at you expectantly, and you continued. 
“Before she died… she saw what happened to Dick’s parents in a vision. How they died.” You explained. “She tried to stop it, and the people who were intent on killing them weren’t too happy about it. So they killed her too.” 
It was a fate that you were constantly trying to avoid - stumbling into death while trying to save those that you loved. It was one of the reasons that you put up with so much attitude from Dick Grayson. You would much rather have him alive and giving you lip than have him dead because of some mistake that you made. 
Rachel looked pensive for a moment - watching the birds as they rested in their large cage. 
“Is that why you’re helping us now?” She asked quietly. “You’re trying to keep us from getting killed?” 
“I’m doing my best.” You remarked, anxious hope ripe in your voice. 
Clustering voices. A tense argument. 
It was broken up by - 
“Hello there.” 
The faux sweetness of a dangerous stranger. 
Fear shook you. The sound gave you a sense of deja vu. You recognized them from a far off vision. 
Before you could warn the others, it broke into a brutal fight. 
You used all the training you had, but you were distracted by Dick being thrown off the roof. Something hit you in the head, hard - you heard Dawn cry out for help, and you saw a cluster of blonde hair and limbs as she went flying. 
Rachel screamed and reached out for you and you desperately reached back - you were dizzy and blinking heavily and didn’t even remember being knocked down. 
“Dawn! Dawn!” 
You heard Dick shouting urgently and then you realized in horror that she might be dead. 
You were sluggish and felt wetness on the side of your face that must have been blood, but you forcibly peeled yourself off the ground, stumbling toward the sound of Dick’s voice - toward the fire escape. You tripped down a few of the stairs, your blurred eyes only focused on the shape of them - him crouching over her body, blonde hair splayed across the pavement, limp legs. 
She’s not dead. 
She can’t be. 
When you made it to her, you fell to your knees beside her. With the last of her energy, she locked eyes with you. 
Fear. Anxiety. Terror. Trust. 
She knew that you would help her. 
Her eyes drifted closed, and Dick panicked. 
“Dawn, Dawn!” 
“Be quiet.” You barked at him. 
You needed to concentrate. 
“You’re telling me to shut up?” He griped back, his fear and panic foaming up through his lips as intense anger directed towards you. “Shouldn’t you have seen this coming? What happened to-?” 
“I don’t appreciate the attitude.” You ground out, looking up at him to find nothing but pure fear staring back at you. “Now - Shut. Up.” 
You placed your hand gently onto Dawn’s forehead - you concentrated hard, focusing your powers on her. You couldn’t do anything about her physical injuries, but you could preserve the parts of her that mattered the most. You could keep her spirit alive. You could lock her memories away in a safe place so that she would be whole when her body healed. 
“What kind of voodoo bullshit is she doing?” Hank huffed out, having just made it down the fire escape himself. 
“Be quiet and let her work.” Dick told him, waving a dismissive hand in Hank’s direction. 
For once in their lives, both of the men sat in silence, actually deferring to you and following your lead. 
They trusted you to do something good for her, rather than doing more harm.
A/N: If you want to be tagged in future parts of this, you can sign up for my DC Titans taglist - just let me know that you want to be a part of that taglist by commenting below, and keep in mind that I have taglist rules. Also, I only have a general taglist for DC Titans fics, not a specific taglist for this series because this series updates sporadically and not on a schedule.
Please do not ask me when this fic will be updated - this fic does not have a schedule.
While this is technically part of a 'series', each chapter is meant to be enjoyed on its own. The overarching plot of the series is still that of the original Titans show, and I won't be making any major changes to the canon of the show - I just intend to showcase smaller emotional moments between the reader character and the canon characters. This is something I want to work on casually in the background between working on other things. This fic is not my main focus, and I will not be rushing to update it or complete it.
To me, this fic is a nice slow casual walk through the woods to enjoy the scenery, rather than a marathon with a clearly outlined route and a specific finish line as other series have been for me in the past.
Comments and reblogs are encouraged, and I am thankful for them - but please keep those comments focused on the actual content of the series - it's plot, the characters, their dynamics, even predictions for the plot of future chapters are okay, as long as you are not asking when the fic will be updated. Please do not spam me asking me to update this or asking me when I will update this - because I am not in a rush to do so. I have a lot of ideas for this series that I am excited about, but I want to work on it slowly and casually because I don't want to lose my enthusiasm for it and I know that rushing will take that enthusiasm away.
If you enjoyed this - great, thank you, I am so glad that you do. But if you expect this to be updated weekly like a factory pumping out stuff on a clearly outlined schedule - then you are in the wrong place. If you are expecting constant updates of this fic and you will be disappointed if it doesn't get updated regularly - you should just block me now and pretend you didn't read it.
But if you are a patient person - feel free to read and enjoy my other Titans works while I am working on updates for this (and working on other exciting things). I particularly recommend reading Your First Kiss With Dick Grayson to scratch that emotionally constipated Dick Grayson itch if this fic left you feening. Also, feel free to send me a message telling me what you thought of this fic or other fics in general.
Also - if you can't get Dick Grayson off your mind - my requests are open. And I would really love some requests for shorter fics with Dick, like headcanons or reactions. Otherwise, comments are appreciated and I really hope that you have a great day!
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maji-aries · 10 months ago
Call of Duty;
Simon "Ghost" Riley | König | John Price
Twisted Wonderland;
Leona Kingscholar | Malleus Draconia | Idia Shroud | Kalim Al-Asim | Jack Howl | Leech Twins | Azul Ashengrotto | Ruggie Bucchi | Lilia Vanrouge
DC Universe/Young Justice;
Dick Grayson "Robin <or later Nightwing>" | Conner Kent "Superboy" | Wally West "Kid Flash" | Kaldur ' ahm "Aqualad" | Clark Kent "Superman" | Bruce Wayne "Batman" | Barry Allen "Flash" | John Stewart "Green Lantern"
My Hero Academia:
Shoto Todoroki | Dabi | Keigo Takami "Hawks" | Aizawa Shota "Ereaserhead" | Denki Kaminari | Eijiro Kirishima
Tokyo Revengers {all timelines};
Hanma Shuji | Ken Ryuguji "Draken" | Bonten in general and ofc all of the members | Baji Keisuke | Chifuyu Matsuno | Mitsuya Takashi
I will not spesific the characters here but I've read a load of Bl's.
Rose and Champaign ,Pearl boy ,Codename Anastasia ,Jinx ,Painter of the Night ,Low tide in Twilight ,Killing Stalking-... aaaaand the list goes on. I never tried writting for these before but I'd happily take on the opportunity~
I know and write for a few more characters from fandoms like Haikyuu and Bungo stray dogs too and am really open to write for those in case of a request and if I know the character well enough to match the personality properly :3.
What I also enjoy is writting with/about my own Oc' or your Oc's in case you'd let me write a story for your Oc specially.
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cryptonymdc · 3 months ago
Rules for Requests
Characters ➔
Superman | Clark kent 
Batman | Bruce Wayne 
Wonder Woman | Diana Prince 
The Flash | Barry Allen 
Green Lantern | Hal Jordan 
Green Arrow | Oliver Queen 
Black Canary | Dinah Lance 
Aquaman | Arthur Curry 
Aquawoman | Mera 
Zatanna | Zatanna Zatara 
Hellblazer | John Constantine 
The Question | Vic Sage | Charles Victor Szazs 
Dove | Donald “Don” Hall 
Hawk | Henry "Hank" Hall 
Booster Gold | Michael Jon "Booster" Carter
Blue Beetle | Theodore Stephen "Ted" Kord
Hakwman | Katar Hol / Carter Hall
Hawkwoman | Shayera Hol
Green Lantern | Kyle Rayner 
Green Lantern | John Stewart 
Green Lantern | Guy Gardner 
Green Lantern / Power Ring | Jessica Cruz 
Plastic Man | Patrick O'Brien
Etrigan / Jason Blood
Wonder Girl | Donna Troy 
Arsenal / Red Arrow | Roy Harper 
Nightwing | Richard “Dick” Grayson 
Kid Flash | Wally West
Superboy | Conner Kent
Rules ➔
Yes  ➔ 
Medical Specifics 
Specific character traits 
Any Gender (or lack their of) of reader
Any Orientation of sexuality
Platonic or Romantic or Familial
No  ➔ 
Rape, Non-Con, or CNC
Pure Ships 
Full on Fanfics 
Requests ➔
Minimum 3 characters 
Maximum 10 characters 
I can refuse requests without giving a specific reason
There is no time crunch or deadline, I cannot always promise a speedy response
Imagines / Scenarios→ Small Short Stories 
Preferences → Small Short Stories with Bullet Points
Headcanons → Bullet Points 
Masterlist -> Click the Masterlist tag for this blog, should be the only other post under it.
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aceditwrites · 2 years ago
The Master List (hi)
Master List:
Hi, i’m ace. I got really bored and i need an excuse to procrastinate on my personal writing projects so i decided to start an account dedicated to just writing. So like, you can request almost anything (limits below) like if you want like a platonic fic just ask! If you want the reader to be the kid or sibling of the character, i’ll do it! You can be as specific or as vague as you want, eventually i’ll get some prompts for help but for now, you gotta wing it. Also I’ll write for like any fandom even if i dont know it, i’ll try my hardest but i’d prefer if you stuck to the list below. Anyways yeah.  (also pfp is nyurei on picrew)
So basic rules, 
If youre an nsfw account dni, also i will not write smut regardless of age given i’m a minor
No incest 
I’m currently only doing x readers, that might change in the future but for now no ocs or ships
I’d prefer if you didn’t request x reader with an actual person, (ex. Instead of asking for a Maya Hawke x reader, ask for a Robin Buckley x reader)
If you know a character’s sexuality and you dont fit, dont ask (ex. Nico is gay, I will not write Nico x fem! reader)
Please specify pronouns when requesting 
Please keep in mind i’m not a professional writer 
Please use common sense and dont do something that makes me have to update the rules
Anyways, so fandoms i’ll write for
It 2017/2019: Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Stanley Uris, Bill Denbrough, Beverly Marsh, Ben Hanscom, Mike Hanlon (specify if you want 2017 or 2019)
Percy Jackson: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Grover Underwood, Piper McLean, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Connor Stoll, Travis Stoll, Nico Di Angelo, Will Solace
Supernatural: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Gabriel, Kevin Tran, Crowley, Charlie Bradbury, Rowena (does girly have a last name 💀), Jack Kline (platonic only)
Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous/Chaos Theory: Darius Bowman (i’d prefer if we kept it platonic with him but romance is ok i guess), Kenji Kon, Brooklyn, Yasmina Fadoula, Sammy Guiterrez, Ben Pincus, 
Marvel: Tony Stark (platonic only, so sorry) Steve Rodger, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Peter, Ned Leeds, M.J, Harley Keener, Thor Odinson, Loki Odinson, Shuri, T'Challa, Okoye
The Owl House: Luz Noceda, Willow Park, Amity Blight, Edric Blight, Emira Blight, Gus Porter, Eda Clawthorne, Lilith Clawthorn, Hooty (platonic preferred, but if you freaky like that go ahead and ask for romance, see what happens), Raine Whispers
The Umbrella Academy: Luther, Diego, Alison, Klaus, Five (would he date a kid or an adult cause-), Ben (he can be alive or yall could be ghosts), Vanya 
Dear Evan Hansen: Connor Murphy (my beloved), Evan Hansen, Jared Kleinman, Zoe Murphy, Alana Beck
Heather: Heather Chandler, Heather McNamara, Heather Duke, Veronica Sawyer, Jason Dean, Martha Dunnstock
Invincible: Mark Grayson, Debbie Grayson, Eve Wilkins, Rex Splode, Amber Bennet, William Clockwell
Epic the Musucal: Odysseus, Penelope, Telemachus, Eurylochus, Polites, Circe, Hermes, Calypso,
Idk how any of this works but uh have fun
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yumenoyousei · 7 months ago
New DC OC idea!!
I keep having in mind a Tamaranean OC who is obessed with Kory (like celebrity worship; Kory probably saved her at some point? Lost her family young because of Tamaran's destruction?)
She comes to Earth as refugee (in my hc, with so many aliens as heros, Earth has a lot of non-hero alien immigrants) and falls in love with Earth's pop culture and decides to stay.
She has no interest in being a hero (or a villain). She's a normal Tamaranean -so flight & strenght only- so I imagine her having a normal 9-5 job in the begining but then becomes a model or some type of influencer (?)
She somehow becomes friends with a lot of heros/anti-hero/villains but it's always like, by accident. She probably hooks up with some - I have Kon and/or Cassie and/or Rose in mind but I'm not sure yet 🤔 She'd def make a pass at Jackson Hyde and Conner Hawke
She is absolutely morally gray
She hates everyone who is rumored dating Kory because how dare they break Kory's heart and/or not beg for forgiveness if Kory left them. So she hates Nightwing & Dick Grayson (lol) and the Bats & the Waynes by association (again, lol) But I guess she would warm up to Red Hood and Red Robin eventually
(I low key have a scene where she befriends Arsenal (again, total accident) and thinks she wants to hook up with him until he mentions Kory and she understand that Kory and Arsenal were together and she suddenly start cussing him - She would end up being his friend anyway but no hook up)
Kory eventually befriends her and kinda adopts her as her lil sis (It takes time)
I dunno why but I have in mind that she kinda looks like Latto. She's petite for a Tamaranean (like 5'8", because I refuse that Kory is 5'9", Kory will always be 6'4" in my canon) so she's happy to be taller than most humans
Anyway, for now I don't have a story, I only have ✨vibes✨
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lesbianspeedy · 2 years ago
Please ma'am can we have some more Arrow facts for those not willing to subject themselves to Stephen Amell?
malcolm merlyn/the dark archer lasted 5 seasons, becoming ra's al ghul at one point, as well as being part of a 3-person legion of doom that time travelled, before ultimately just getting blown up by a landmine. also his whole reason for being the dark archer is cause Brick (played by a white cockney man) killed his wife. also also he's the first mia adaptation's father
in an effort to somehow replicate the devastating blow of prometheus blowing up star city in cry for justice, arrow has him blow up a deserted island with about 15 people on it, and half of them are villains (iirc all but one person survives, the white version of moonday hawke)
in a show about green arrow, there are 6 different black canaries, this does not include the erased future where they create a network of women who all go by canary (one of the canaries is dinah drake, no not that dinah drake)
in an effort to draw in fans of young justice animated, in season 4 they introduce "artemis". except thats a not vietnamese who uses artemis as an alias and her real name is EVELYN CRAWFORD SHARP WHO IS A MEMBER OF THE NEW 52 BIRDS OF PREY ARROW WHAT ARE YOU ON. also her character is introduced by her stealing the dead black canary's sonic scream collar (bc powers werent allowed on this show for a long while)
they had wildcat/ted grant in the show at one point, he kinda dated dinah laurel lance. anyways.
when the white version of connor hawke (william) came out as gay to oliver, oliver's response was "yeah buddy i know" (DIRECT QUOTE) and i still think about it to this day
for some reason in the flashbacks of younger oliver they put him in a light blonde wig, despite stephen amell not being blonde and never being blonde in the show at any other time
in the same way that in comics everyone and their mother was at the circus the night the graysons were killed, everyone and their mother was on the fucking island with oliver, heres a list
deathstroke eddie fyers shado constantine professor ivo dinah's oc sister KGBeast billy wintergreen
oliver later builds a solitary confinement prison for deathstroke on the island. im still unsure how he was fed.
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kbirbpods · 6 months ago
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I thought I was not going to need to make major updates to my letter by the time ITPE popped up but I discovered a few changes I'd like to make so here we are.
But! You can always take a peak at my previous letters to see my broader interests: Summer Swap '24 | Purimgifts ‘24 | ITPE '23
ITPE 2024 letter below the cut!
Fandoms & Characters I Would Love to Receive:
I am hoping to have my main gifter make me something from one of the following fandoms!
(1) Star Wars: I love so much Star Wars that to split it into subfandoms would make this post too long. I think it’s easiest to say this: I prefer Clone Wars, Rebels, Rogue One/Andor, anything about Jon Antilles, anything about Hevy & the Domino Squad, anything Ahsoka Tano, Mandalorian culture (including Din & Grogu content!), and Mando'a as a language.
My main ships are: Cody/Obi-Wan, Kallus/Zeb, Hevy/anyone (consensual), Finn/Poe or Finn/Poe/Rey, blackkat rarepairs (mainly Jon Antilles/anyone), Jon Antilles & Fay (platonic), Waxer/Boil, Fives/Echo, Kanan/Hera, Quinlan/Fox(/Jon), Quinlan/Obi-Wan(/Cody), & Fox/Bail/Breha [also Clone OC ships!!] My favorite characters are: Hevy, Fox, Cody, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Leia, Poe, Fives, Luke, Jon Antilles, Fay (Legends)
(2) Batfam/DC: I can be picky and yet not? Basically, I just prefer no inner-Batfam fics of the boys because I truly view them as brothers. Jason is my boy forever & always. My favorite ships are Jason Todd/Roy Harper(/Kori), Dick Grayson/Wally West, Harley/Ivy, Tim Drake/Kon, Tim/Bernard, Tim/Kon/Bernard, and Wally/Artemis from Young Justice. I am pretty knowledgeable about comics, too, and I keep up with the current runs of: Poison Ivy, Gotham City Sirens, & Red Hood: The Hill. This is the fandom that I specifically am obsessed with found family in. – I love exploring Alfred being the boys’ Grandpa and Bruce’s complex dadhood!
Honorable mention here to Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton/Jason Todd as a ship I love.
(3) DPxDC: I have been tentatively eyeing this crossover since last year's Pod-O-Ween but I was fully flung into it during the summer. It got me writing again! This fandom is so rich with potential regarding like... when you fling them into one another's timelines, meaning my ships go EVERYWHERE. Take one of my DC ships and put a character from Danny Phantom in it and you will probably find a ship I like. But I really love: Tim Drake/Danny Fenton, Danny Fenton/Jason Todd(/Roy Harper), Steph Brown/(Cass/)Sam Manson, Cassandra Cain/Sam Manson, Jazz Fenton/Barbara Gordon. I've podficced some Danny/Dick, too!! Like I said, it really depends when you cross the timelines over. As always, I will EAT UP genfic for this fandom!! I REALLY love the "demon twins" AUs, which are Danny & Damian as twins (or Danny as one of the Damian clones). So, yes... I love this so much.
(4) A RARE ASK: I am super into both Dragon Age & Mass Effect. The former is much easier to find fandom for and there are a lot of fics with blanket permission statements. For Dragon Age, DA:O is my favorite (especially Alistair) or any sort of Hawke!centric fics. But in April 2024 I became re-obsessed with Mass Effect & it has continued. My rare ask is for Mass Effect fics - specifically Shep/Garrus or Shep/Liara (or them as a triad). Or gen fic!! But I feel like I am on an island here lol
Other fandoms I like but are not on my "fandoms I prefer to receive this year for a main gift" list are in the linked old letters, if anyone is looking for treat ideas!
Things I Like, Regardless of Fandom:
THEMES: trans/nonbinary characters (extra points for neopronouns); gender exploration in general; found family (genfic or otherwise); angst with a happy ending; polyamory; good asexual or aromantic representation; genfic
TROPES: fix-it fics!! extra points for time travel or time loops in fix its; fake dating/marriage; mutual pining; soulmates (AU or just clearly soulmates); crack treated seriously; rivals-to-friends/lovers; oops only one bed; secret identities; CROSSOVERS!
AUs: soulmates soulmates soulmates; regency era (or any different era); modern AU; crossovers, provided i know the other fandom or the fic doesn’t require knowledge of the other fandom!; college/sport AU; fantasy/fae AUs
Star Wars AUs/Tropes (yes they need their own categories): force sensitive clones; Jon Antilles lives; [insert clone here] lives; Anakin doesn’t fall; Palpatine dies; Domino Squad Lives; "no Order-66"/"Order-66 happens differently"; force sensitive Leia; modern AUs; trans clones
PODFIC SPECIFIC: anything epistolary (texting/chat fics especially but letters and such are also fun to explore); including music / SFX if you’re comfortable; including bloopers if you have them/are comfortable exposing them
RATINGS: Contrary to popular belief I do not hate explicit fics so really any rating but I generally prefer G-M because I can be picky about what explicit content I’m absorbing.
Do Not Wants (triggers, squicks, please no):
major archive warnings (major character death is okay so long as it’s temporary and resolved or implied/referenced)
I really don’t like pregnancy, which includes MPREG (I like omegaverse dynamics minus that aspect) - kidfic is cool I just don’t want pregnancy as a theme & especially not graphic depictions of pregnancy or childbirth
suicide/self-harm “on screen” (mentions of past suicidal ideation/self harm are fine if not a flashback/graphic)
non-/dub-con or any depictions of rape (once again, recovery is okay if done well)
adult/minor relationships or relationships with unaddressed/starkly imbalanced power dynamics
any sort of poorly depicted mental health tropes (no BPD or other personality disorder bashing, no institutionalization, no “split personality” as a trope) - i really like explorations of PTSD/trauma but it has to be handled with fidelity and gentleness
I have a random trigger about cockroaches
as a note: I do not like slave!fic but acknowledge that the situation of the clones is, at it’s core, a form of slavery. so while i ask for slave!fic AUs to be fully avoided, I do appreciate fics that tackle that aspect of the Clone Wars series with tact, fidelity, and honesty.
Authors with BP that I love, as a starting point:
Flowerparrish, trixree, wanderingjedihistorian, hoebiwan, blackkat, cac0daemonia, elismor_aswell, SunsetsOverLA, friendoftheJabberwock, ziazippy5379, Rivulet027
Offering the following fandoms & ships:
Anything I listed above with any of the caveats! This would get really long if I repeated those again. THAT BEING SAID: I will create content for those fandoms even if it’s not one of my listed ships.
However I will not create podfic for the following ships: STAR WARS: Rey/Kylo, Leia/Luke, Rex/Ahsoka, Cody/Rex, any Master/Padawan relationship, or Palpatine/Anakin. BATFAM: inner!Batboys as mentioned, Joker/Harley, Bruce/any of the kids (including Dick, yes)
Other fandoms I will create content for:
(1) Ted Lasso: Roy/Keeley/Jamie, Ted/Trent, Roy/Keeley, and Jamie/Dani. Ted & Rebecca as platonic soulmates/besties in general. (2) The Locked Tomb: Gideon/Harrow, Cam & Pal, Gideon & Cam. + I really like fics where one or both of them are trans/nonbinary. Nona is my favorite character. Modern AUs. (3) ATLA: Zuko/Sokka, found family, gen fic. (4) All for the Game: Jean/Jeremy, Andrew/Neil, Renee/Allison, Andrew/Neil/Kevin. Gen fics around the Foxes or Trojans, too! (5) Marvel/MCU: Steve/Bucky, Clint/Bucky, Kate Bishop/America Chavez, and Spideypool (as long as they’re both adults). (6) Stranger Things: Steve & Robin, Steve/Eddie, Robin/Chrissy, Chrissy & Eddie, Chrissy/Eddie
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dynastymuses · 1 year ago
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now you're just a page torn from the story I'm building  
selective, mutuals only indie rp blog. i am over 25, so anyone under 21, i prefer not to interact with 
all I gave you is gone tumbled like it was stone
canon divergant pirate based colin bridgerton @pirtecolin edits blog @dynastymusesedits resources such as gifhunts, psds, and templates blog: @dynastymusesresources II rules II what i do II
thought we built a dynasty that heaven couldn't shake
as such all muses are over 18 (some have been aged up) 
thought we built a dynasty like nothing ever made
i am very open to crossovers, as well as oc’s, but plotting must be done.  if i am not following you, please do not send me in character memes. i am mutual only! 
thought we built a dynasty forever couldn't break up  
fandoms include: bridgerton, various period drama, star wars, lord of the rings/rings of power, wheel of time, shadow&bone/gisha verse. 
It all fell down, it all fell down, it all fell down 
all of my characters as of now (🍊 is high muse) (🌊muses i want plots for) (🧁new muses) starter calls open starters
Bridgerton Verse
anthony bridgerton 🍊
benedict bridgerton 🌊
colin bridgerton🍊
daphne bridgerton🌊
francesca bridgerton🌊
gregory bridgerton🍊
penelope featherington🍊🌊
philip crane🍊🌊
michael stirling🍊
sophie baek🌊
kate sharma🍊
gareth st.clair🍊
prince freidrich hohenzollern🍊🌊
king george freidrick 🍊
lady agatha danbury🌊🧁
queen charlotte of mecklenburg-strelitz 🍊🌊🧁
felicity featherington🌊🧁
posy reiling🌊🧁
lucy abernathy 🧁
viloet bridgerton-ledger
alina starkov 🍊🌊
kaz brekker🍊🌊
inej ghafa🌊
nina zenik🌊
wylan van eck🌊
genya safin🌊🧁
nikolai lanstov🌊
tolya yul bataar🌊🧁
matthais helvar🌊
lord of the rings/rings of power
samwise gamgee🌊🧁
wheel of time
rand al’thor🍊🌊
lan mandragoran🍊🌊
siuan sanche🍊
egwene al'vere🍊
elayne trakand🍊
Star Wars
luke skywalker🍊🌊
qui gon jinn🌊
obi wan kenobi🍊🌊
padme amidala🍊🌊
poe dameron🌊🧁
han solo🌊
Rey of Jakku 🌊🧁
osha 🧁
master sol🧁
the musketeers
d’artagnan 🍊
queen anne of austria🌊
charlotte heywood (sanditon)🌊
lord babington (sanditon)🌊
young stringer (sandtiton)🌊
Yelena Belova
Kate Bishop
Tandy bowen
Karolina Dean 🍊
Marcos Diaz 🍊
Esme Frost 🍊
John Proudstar🌊
Hank McCoy 🌊🧁
Chase Stein 🍊
Scott Summers 🍊
Charles Xavier🌊
Jennifer Walters
Sersi 🍊
wade wilson
Barry Allen 🍊
Beth Chapel🌊
Barbara Gordon 🍊
Dick Grayson🍊
Mary Hamliton 🍊
Virgil Hawkins 🍊
Pamela "Poisin Ivy" Isley 🍊
Kate Kane🌊
Clark Kent (dceu) 🍊
clark kent (smallville based) 🍊
jenny kord🌊🧁
Selina Kyle 🍊
Dinah Lance 🍊
Gar Logan🍊
M'gann M'orroz 🍊
Tommy Merlyn🌊
Sophie Moore🌊
Yolanda Montez
James Olsen 🍊
Anissa Pierce🌊
milagro reyes🌊🧁
Donna Troy 🍊🧁
Bruce Wayne🍊
Courtney whitmore  🌊
hank hall/hawk 🧁
dawn granger/dove 🧁
oliver queen(non arrowverse)
ollie queen (smallville)
garth (titans/dceu)
TVD Verse
Marcel Gerald 🍊
Elena Gilbert 🍊
Jeremy Gilbert🌊
Tyler Lockwood🌊
Elijah Mikealson 🍊
Hope Mikealson🌊
Lizzie Saltzman 🍊🌊
Magnus Bane 🍊🌊
Clary Fray 🍊🌊
Simon Lewis🌊🧁
Alec Lightwood🌊
Fate:The Winx Saga
Terra Harvey🌊
Bloom Peters 🍊🌊
Beatrix 🌊🧁
Edmund Pevensie 🍊🌊
Lucy Pevensie🍊🌊
Peter Pevensie🌊🧁
Jill Pole🌊
Eustance Clarence Scrubb🌊
the umbrella acaddemy
Deigo Hargreeves🌊
Five Hargreeves 🍊🌊
Klaus Hargreeves 🌊
Sloane Hargreeves 🍊🌊
Lila Pitts🌊
one tree hill
Julian Baker
Jake Jagelski
Nathan Scott 🍊
Clay Evans
Sav Bhandari 🌊
Fiona Coyne🌊
Clare Edwards 🍊🌊
Jake Martin🌊
Drew Torres🌊
Wednesday/Addams Family
Wednesday Addams🌊
Enid Sinclair
what we do in the shadows
colin robinson 🌊🧁
Guillermo de la Cruz🌊🧁
nadja of antipaxos🌊🧁
laszlo cravensworth 🌊🧁
nandor the relentless 🌊 🧁
the boys/gen v
hughie campbell🌊🧁
annie january / starlight 🌊🧁
billy butcher🌊🧁
kimiko miyashiro🌊🧁
queen maeve🌊🧁
other period drama muses
francis valois (reign with some historical influences) 🍊
Sebastian de poitiers (reign)
tom jones (tom jones 2023)🌊
henry tudor (7th) (the white queen/the white princess/the spainsh princess with some historical influences) 🍊
richard plantagent  (the white queen with some historical influences)🍊
elizabeth woodville (the white queen/the white princess with some historical influences)
elizabeth of yorke (the white queen/the white princess with some historical influences)
anne shirley cuthbert (anne with an e) 
marie antoinette( marie antoinette (itv/pbs 2023) with some historical influences) 🍊
(king) louis bourbon (16th) ( marie antoinette (itv/pbs 2023) with some historical influences) 🍊
captain henry ossroy  (mr malcom’s list)🌊
selina dalton  (mr malcom’s list)🌊
dido elizabeth belle (belle 2013)🌊🧁
john Davinier (belle 2013)
camlia dunne (daisy jones&the six) 🌊🧁
tim laughlin (fellow travelers) 🌊🧁
jane bennet (pride and prejudice) 🧁
elizabeth bennet (pride and prejudice) 🧁
emma woodhouse (emma) 🧁
nan st.george (the buccaneers)
Other Scifi/Fantasy
lucy carlyle-lockwood&Co🌊
Anthony Lockwood-Lockwood&Co🌊
Wendy Darling-Peter Pan/Disney 🍊🌊
Elinor Fairmont-First Kill🌊🧁
Juliette Fairmont-First Kill🌊
Kat Harvey-Casper🌊
Harvey Kinkle-Sabrina The Teenage Witch/Archie comics🌊
Wyatt Logan-Timeless🌊
Arthur Pendragon-Merlin🌊
Scott mccall-teen wolf 🌊
marnie piper (halloweentown)
percy jackson (percy jackson & the Olympians)
Luna briggs (wolf pack)
Blake navarro (wolf pack)
prince eric (the little mermaid)
fiyero tigelaar (wicked)
david nolan/prince charming-once upon a time 🌊🧁
graham humbert/the huntsman-once upon a time 🌊🧁
mary margret blanchard/snow white-once upon a time 🌊🧁
Rapunzel (various media)����🧁
other medias
Alexander Clearmond Diaz-red, white, & royal🌊
Lacey Porter-Twisted🌊
Henry Stuart Fox -red, white, & royal🌊
Glimmer-She Ra🌊
Haley Dunphy (modern family)🌊🧁
Alex Dunphy (modern family) 🌊🧁
Janine Teagues-Abbott Elementary🌊
Clare Devlin-Derry Girls🌊
Gregory Eddie-Abbott Elementary🌊
Jim Halpert-The Office🌊
Ben Wyatt-Parks and Recreation 🌊
chidi anagonye (the good place)🌊🧁
eleanor shellstrop (the good place)🌊🧁
janet (the good place)🌊🧁
original characters
elisabeth barlowe 🍊🌊🧁
jacquetta covington 🍊🌊🧁
maxwell danbury 🍊🌊🧁
dylan lyons 🍊🌊🧁
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brckentales · 2 years ago
this is my canon muse list, however —— i'm quite flexible to write characters outside of this —— whether they're canons, crossovers, or ocs. the list is more so just for inspiration tbh, i'm usually quite happy to brainstorm something up that fits what we're going for!
Heroes / Anti-heroes: Batman / Bruce Wayne, Nightwing / Dick Grayson, Red Robin / Tim Drake, Robin / Damian Wayne, Signal / Duke Thomas, Batman Beyond / Terry McGinnis, Green Lantern / Kyle Rayner, The Flash / Wally West, Impulse / Bart Allen, Green Arrow / Oliver Queen, Green Arrow / Connor Hawke, Arsenal / Roy Harper, Aquaman / Arthur Curry, Aqualad / Kaldurah'm, Superboy / Conner Kent, Superman / Jon Kent, Cyborg / Victor Stone, Booster Gold, Hawkman / Carter Hall, Swamp Thing, Jimmy Olsen, Michael Holt / Mr. Terrific, Krypto the Superdog
Villains: Deathstroke / Slade Wilson, Deadshot / Floyd Lawton, Black Adam, Vandal Savage, Scarecrow, Flashpoint Batman / Thomas Wayne, Bane, Reverse-Flash / Eobard Thawne, Black Manta, Lobo, The Penguin / Oswald Cobblepot, Joker
Heroes / Anti-heroes: Daredevil / Matt Murdock, Punisher / Frank Castle, Spider-Man / Miles Morales, Spider-Man 2099 / Miguel O'Hara, Spider-Man Noir, Cyclops / Scott Summers, Wolverine, Archangel / Warren Worthington, Human Torch / Johnny Storm, Deadpool / Wade Wilson, Luke Cage, Winter Soldier / Bucky Barnes, Nick Fury, Lin Lie / Iron Fist, Star-Lord / Peter Quill, Rocket Raccoon and Groot
Villains: Magneto / Erik Lensherr, Green Goblin / Norman Osborn, Green Goblin / Harry Osborn, Doctor Doom / Victor von Doom, Bullseye, Kingpin / Wilson Fisk
Game of Thrones era: Jaime Lannister, Joffrey Baratheon
House of the Dragon era: Aemond Targaryen, Jacaerys Velaryon, Gwayne Hightower
BEN 10
Ben Tennyson, Kevin Levin, Albedo
Zuko, Mako, Sokka, Ozai
Peter Pan, Jafar, Kuzco, Phineas Flyn, Olaf, Claude Frollo, Captain Hook, Dash Parr, Alfredo Linguini, Phineas Flynn
Numbuh Four (KND), Fred Jones (Scooby-Doo), Roger Rabbit, Daffy Duck, Wirt (Over the Garden Wall), Alejandro (Total Drama)
Roy Mustang (FMAB), Greed (FMAB), Envy (FMAB), Solf Kimblee (FMAB), Inuyasha
Genji (Overwatch), Javier Escuella, Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption), Max Caulfield (Life is Strange)
Anakin Skywalker, Darth Vader, Din Djarin, Cal Kestis
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kaivenom · 1 year ago
Kai Venom's Masterlist
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This masterlist will have all of the fandoms and then you can enter the specific one you like.
Having in mind that this blog is relatively new, there will be a lot of blank spaces on the masterlist for now, but i hope that we can fill it up, in some time.
Under the fandom, there will be the characters i write for, but you can always try to request something new (i am full on with surprises).
New fandoms and characters will be added will be added.
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Original Writings
HCS for fandoms (new species, cannon world expansions, etc)
Original writtings ideas, stories and updates
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Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
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Cobra Kai
Miguel Díaz
Robby Keene
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz
Demetri Alexopoulos
Johnny Lawrence
Daniel Larruso
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Dc Comics
Bruce Wayne "Batman"
Dick Grayson "Nightwing"
Jason Todd "Red Hood"
Conner Kent "Super Boy"
Clark Kent "Superman"
Barry Allen "Flash"
Wally West "Kid Flash"
Roy Harper "Arsenal"
Rick Flag
Christopher Smith "Peacemaker"
Adrian Chase "Vigilante"
George Harkness "Captain Boomerang"
Billy Batson "Shazam"
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Ben Florian
Harry Hook
Carlos D Vil
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Harry Potter World
Harry Potter
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ominis Gaunt
Sebastian Sallow
Garreth Weasley
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Heartbreak High
Spencer "Spider" White
Anthony "Ant" Vaughn
Douglas "Cash" Piggott
Malakai Mitchell
Dusty Reid
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Jujutsu Kaisen
Itadori Yuuji
Sukuna Ryomen
Nanami Kento
Megumi Fushiguro
Toji Fushiguro
Gojo Satoru
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Julie and the phantoms
Luke Patterson
Reggie Peters
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Spiderman (the 3 versions)
Miguel O'hara
Steve Rogers "Captain America"
Tony Stark "Ironman"
Pietro Maximoff "Quicksilver"
Peter Quill "Starlord"
Loki Laufeyson
Thor Odinson
Bucky "Winter Soldier"
Stephen Strange "Dr. Strange"
Venom/Eddie Brock
Moon Knight
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One Piece
Monkey D. Luffy
Roronoa Zoro
Vinsmoke Sanji
Trafalgar Law
Eustass Kidd
Dracule Mihawk
Sir Crocodile
Donquixote Doflamingo
Portgas D. Ace
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Outer Banks
JJ Maybank
Rafe Cameron
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Peaky Blinders
Thomas Shelby
John Shelby
Arthur Shelby
Finn Shelby
Michael Gray
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Bowers Gang
Ghostface: Billy Loomis, Stu Matcher, Jed Olsen
Sinclair brothers (from House of Wax)
Albert Wesker
The trickster
Pyramid head
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Stranger things
Garreth Emerson
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
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Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
Gabriel "The Trickster"
Jack Kline
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The Bear
Carmy Berzatto
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The umbrella academy
Five Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
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Ivar the boneless
Ubbe Ragnarson
Hvitserk Ragnarson
Bjorn Ironside
Sigurd Ragnarson
378 notes · View notes
knightfeared · 1 year ago
` * 𝑴𝑼𝑺𝑬 𝑳𝑰𝑺𝑻 ᨒ↟𐂂                                              Last Updated : JAN 5 . 2025
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` * 𝑷𝑹𝑰𝑴𝑨𝑹𝒀 𝑴𝑼𝑺𝑬𝑺 ᨒ↟𐂂 ( … ) These muses are always active &&. the easiest for me to write for.
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` ⟢ TREVOR BELMONT [ ; ] Castlevania ( N.tflix Adaption ) ↳ portrayal headcanons ↳  pinboard   ↳  muse playlist ` ⟢ RICHTER BELMONT [ ; ] Castlevania Nocturne / Rondo of Blood / SoTN ↳ portrayal headcanons ↳  pinboard   ↳  muse playlist
` ⟢ MERCIUS TREVELYAN [ ; ] Inquisitor OC / Dragon Age Series ↳ portrayal headcanons ↳  pinboard   ↳  muse playlist ↳  about muse
` ⟢ VANDER [ ; ] Arcane ↳ portrayal headcanons   ↳  muse playlist
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` ⟢ OLROX [ ; ] Castlevania Nocturne ↳  muse playlist
` ⟢ THANATOS [ ; ] Hades Supergiant Game ↳  muse playlist ` ⟢ ZAGREUS [ ; ] Hades Supergiant Game ↳  muse playlist ` ⟢ HERMES [ ; ] Hades Supergiant Game
` ⟢ JOSEPH ODA [ ; ] The Evil Within Series ↳ portrayal headcanons ` ⟢ SEBASTIAN CASTELLANOS [ ; ] The Evil Within Series ↳ portrayal headcanons
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` ⟢ RUVIK / RUBEN VICTORIANO [ ; ] The Evil Within Series
` ⟢ MYRNA GRAYSON [ ; ] Arcane
` ⟢ HENRY TOWNSHEND [ ; ] Silent Hill 4 : The Room ↳ muse playlist ` ⟢ WALTER SULLIVAN [ ; ] Silent Hill 4 : The Room
` ⟢ KAIN [ ; ] Blood Omen / Soul Reaver / Defiance ↳  muse playlist
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` * 𝑷𝑹𝑰𝑽𝑨𝑻𝑬 𝑴𝑼𝑺𝑬𝑺 ᨒ↟𐂂 ( … ) Mostly reserved for Discord only interactions or interactions with close friends. Please request these muses privately before sending in asks for them so we can plot how they will mesh.
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` ⟢ BALLISTER BOLDHEART [ ; ] Nimona ↳ portrayal headcanons ↳  pinboard   ↳  muse playlist   ↳  ship playlist
` ⟢ SANJI [ ; ] One Piece ↳ portrayal headcanons ↳  pinboard   ↳  muse playlist ⟢ TRAFALGAR D. WATER LAW [ ; ] One Piece
` ⟢ RAZIEL [ ; ] Soul Reaver / Defiance
` ⟢ EDDIE BROCK [ ; ] Marvel / Venom ` ⟢ JAMES HOWLETT / LOGAN / WOLVERINE [ ; ] Marvel
` ⟢ FENRIS [ ; ] Dragon Age 2 ` ⟢ GARRETT HAWKE [ ; ] Dragon Age 2 ↳  pinboard   ↳  muse playlist
` ⟢ EVANGELO [ ; ] Back 4 Blood
` ⟢ ARDYN IZUNIA [ ; ] Final Fantasy XV / 15 ↳  muse playlist ` ⟢ GLADIOLUS AMICITIA [ ; ] Final Fantasy XV / 15 ` ⟢ NOCTIS LUCIS CAELUM [ ; ] Final Fantasy XV / 15 ↳  muse playlist
` ⟢ RIKU [ ; ] Kingdom Hearts Series ↳ portrayal headcanons ↳  pinboard   ↳  muse playlist   ↳  ship playlist ` ⟢ ISA / SAÏX [ ; ] Kingdom Hearts Series ↳  muse playlist ↳  ship playlist ` ⟢ TERRA [ ; ] Kingdom Hearts Series ↳  muse playlist ↳  ship playlist
` ⟢ STEFANO VALENTINI [ ; ] The Evil Within Series ` ⟢ JULI KIDMAN [ ; ] The Evil Within Series ` ⟢ MYRA CASTELLANOS [ ; ] The Evil Within Series
` ⟢ GIYU TOMIOKA [ ; ] Kimetsu No Yaiba / Demon Slayer
` ⟢ MATHIAS CRONQVIST [ ; ] Castlevania Lament of Innocence ` ⟢ LEON BELMONT [ ; ] Castlevania Lament of Innocence ` ⟢ GABRIEL BELMONT / DRACULA [ ; ] Castlevania Lords of Shadow Series ` ⟢ TREVOR BELMONT / ALUCARD [ ; ] Castlevania Lords of Shadow Series ` ⟢ SIMON BELMONT [ ; ] Castlevania Lords of Shadow Series / Mirror of Fate ` ⟢ ISAAC [ ; ] Castlevania ( N.tflix Adaption )
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