#oc - tristan trevelyan
shannaraisles · 3 months
Ulterior Motives - @artilaz
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For the delightful @artilaz, who has been patient and truly inspiring to work with. Thank you so much, my lovely!
Ulterior Motives
Laughter rang through the clearing, two voices joined in shared amusement at some private joke that bit at his heart.
Tristan ... and Wyll. Enjoying time alone, together.
Gale paused in his foraging as a wave of bitterness swept through his heart. How had this happened again? How had he thought to find some love that would soothe and inspire him, only to have that prospective love ease away at the first sign of his, Gale’s, attachment to them? What had he done this time? Was he just impossible to grow close to, after so many years spent devoted to Mystra?
He stopped those thoughts firmly before they could spiral out of his control. No, he was not some new-formed pup with more eagerness than sense. This situation they had all found themselves in was one fraught with tension and no little danger, and there was no blame to be cast on those who sought to alleviate that tension with the comfort of finding a kindred soul among their companions. Wyll was a good man; he would treat Tristan well, show the young princeling the world and all its wonders with adventure and kindness and, above all else, love. But knowing that did not soothe the sting in his own heart as he contemplated the hopes he had held to be that guide and lover to Tristan Trevelyan, whose shy warmth and bold eyes had kindled feelings in the Gale Dekarios of old.
He sighed to himself, rising to his feet with his armful of herbs gathered from the shaded roots of the trees. Perhaps he was too old for Tristan. Perhaps he was too dour. Was he too talkative? Oh gods ... did he talk about Mystra too much? Tara had warned him that, if he ever met another love of his life, he should not mention his goddess too much. Did Tristan believe him still enamoured of Mystra? It would make sense. Who would take a risk with their heart on a man who could not, for the life of him, shut up about the woman who rejected him so thoroughly because he did not know when to quit?
There was a clue in there somewhere, he was sure. 
The murmur of the younger men’s voices reached him again, too distant to make out the words, and another laugh, this time solely from Tristan. The shy, awkward laugh that had wrapped itself around Gale’s heart with hope and joy. The laugh he had fooled himself into thinking belonged only to himself ...
“Pull yourself together, man,” he muttered, straightening his shoulders. “His heart is his own to give to whom he chooses. Who can blame him? It’s not much of a choice between a fine, handsome adventurer, and a washed up magician with a death sentence.”
Now, the thing to do would be to leave now and get back to the camp before the two men realised they were overheard or discovered. He would set to cooking the evening meal, and when everyone was settled, he would find a way to get Tristan alone and make sure the younger man knew that there were no hard feelings. 
Even if there were hard feelings, there was no need to hurt Tristan with them. He had already been through so much, fought so hard to just be accepted for who he was ... What right did Gale have to demand from him anything he was not wholly able to give? Gale, who had had everything handed to him and still managed to screw it up; did he even have the right to hope for the love of a man like Tristan, much less mourn when it did not come to pass?
But he had lingered too long; footsteps cracking over fallen twigs echoed into his mind, and he found himself looking up at the sight of Tristan and Wyll returning to the camp, retracing their steps along the same path he himself had chosen in foraging for herbs. The two men faltered in their stride, awkwardness flaring between all three as the silence stretched out. 
“Ah,” Wyll said finally, taking a prudent step away from Tristan’s side. “I will leave you both to what, I am sure, will be satisfying conversation.”
Gale watched as the warlock gave Tristan a look that seemed to hold stern yet affectionate meaning, as Tristan’s cheeks flushed just a little and his head ducked under the pointedness of that look. He didn’t watch Wyll walk away, his eyes returning to Tristan in the still forest silence that now enveloped them. 
A silence that lingered for too long, just as he had, stretching out the moments into seconds, into minutes, unwilling to break and have this be the last moment to share for themselves. 
Tristan raised a hand to his own neck, rubbing nervously as he opened his mouth. 
“Gale, I -”
“Please,” Gale interrupted, one hand rising to prevent those words as though by sheer will alone. “Don’t say it. It does not take a genius of any intellect to put the pieces together, and we both know I am somewhat overqualified to do that.”
“You don’t -”
“I wish you all the happiness in the world,” the wizard went on, not allowing the other man to speak, afraid that if Tristan were to say anything at all that he might embarrass himself further than he already had. “Wyll is a good man. He does not deserve you, but ... I venture to state that no one does. You are indescribable, Tristan. The one who earns your love is a lucky person indeed.” 
He sighed, unable to keep that one sigh of his disappointment from his little speech.
“I will trespass no further upon your emotions,” he promised, offering a firm nod as though to underline his intentions. “Happiness is not to be sniffed at, nor held back for the sake of another. Be happy, Tristan.”
What was that look on the younger man’s face now? Tristan was staring at him, azure eyes wide with ... disbelief? Incredulity? Pain? No, no, no, pain was the last thing Gale had wanted to give him. He’d thought that in stepping aside he would be seeing relief in Tristan’s eyes, perhaps even a smile on his handsome face. Not this near numbing uncertainty and wounded sweetness. 
“Are you ... breaking up with me?” Tristan finally said, the quiver in his voice tearing at the open wound in Gale’s.
“Sweet Mystra, no!” Gale lurched forward, one hand outstretched yet afraid to actually touch him. “No, I ... I thought you were ...” He gestured behind himself, along the trail Wyll had taken back to camp. “Are you and Wyll not lovers, then?”
Tristan stared a moment longer. Then incredulity gave way to laughter, relief, the warm sound Gale enjoyed so much employed now as almost a mockery to his confusion and upset. He must have shown that distress all too plainly, for Tristan was swift to swallow that laugh, reaching out to take Gale’s outstretched hand between his own. 
“Wyll is a dear friend,” he said, “but it is not Wyll I guard in battle, Gale. It is not Wyll’s company I seek out at every opportunity.”
“Yet the time you do seek with him is sought in private, away from others’ eyes,” Gale pointed out, perhaps a shade petulant in the wake of Tristan’s amusement. Hope was flaring in his chest, refusing to be swallowed by pragmatism no matter how hard he tried. 
“Well, he’s the only other person who knows how to dance the courtly dances,” Tristan said, and Gale felt a sudden sharp pang of idiocy threaten to stab him in his heart. Had he totally misread the situation? “You said you ... you said you liked to dance! And ... well ...” He let out a harsh sigh, more an expression of frustration than annoyance. “I am nowhere near good enough for this, yet.”
Gale felt a tug on his hand, his body lurching into a new position, shoulder to shoulder with Tristan, facing into the trees. Instinct drilled into him over many years of society gatherings drew his spine straight, raised his chin until he was looking into Tristan’s eyes, listening to the younger man count down to the first steps of a galliard, the energetic dance that Wyll seemed to prefer of an evening. Tristan’s hand belatedly caught hold of Gale’s as they began to move, feet flicking in time to a beat Gale knew by heart and Tristan seemed to hold somewhere in his head.
And Gale’s heart began to beat again.
There was little grace in Tristan’s movement, no practised elegance to smooth his steps. But the little frown between his brows as he focused fiercely on those steps, the mumble of his lips as he fought to keep both the beat and the steps in mind ... Gale could not help but melt. So much secrecy, so much misplaced hurt, simply because one of them wanted to give the other a surprise, and the other was too damned insecure to let him have his moments in private to deliver that surprise when he was ready. 
Yet for all his fierce concentration, his hands were sure and gentle as fingers gripped and twisted between Gale’s, each change of position and direction perfect as Gale could have wished for. Oh, he would have been laughed off the floor of any society ball in Waterdeep, but for Gale ... here and now, melting into the knowledge that Tristan’s ulterior motives had been entirely for his benefit, Gale could not imagine a more perfect dance than this. Even when toes were accidentally victimised by stray steps, or hands gripped tighter than necessary to prevent a fall, nothing could possibly have Gale’s heart soaring higher than the certainty that Tristan cared enough for him to learn something that so clearly did not come naturally. 
At the last stumble, he found himself laughing - not at, but with - hoping that the softness he could see in Tristan’s eyes was reflected in his own expression. For once, he did not want to be the wizard, but simply the man ... a man who was touched and moved, and needed to do something to prove his feelings now, once and for all. 
His fingers grazed Tristan’s jaw, a tender touch that wanted to convey so much more than just physical sweetness. 
“I am the greatest fool there ever was,” he admitted, wry humour quirking the corner of his smile as he drew the younger man’s brow to his own, inviting intimacy in the wake of something no one else had ever done for him. “Can you ever forgive me for my weakness?”
Tristan’s smile was audible even as Gale closed his eyes, feeling his lover’s hands find their resting place at his sides. 
“There’s nothing to forgive,” he murmured. “And for all your foolishness, you are my fool ... at least, I hope you are.”
“Oh, I am.” Gale’s laugh was a mere ghost of sound, unwilling to break the comfort of this one, special moment for anything in the world. “I will never question your ulterior motives again.”
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featherypauldrons · 3 months
Find me on AO3 here for Dragon Age content featuring Anders, Alistair, Cullen, and more. Sometimes spicy, mostly gay. Various ships. Much of my work is 18+, so no minors. I don’t feel comfortable having anybody under 18 interact with me or my content in general anyway but I thought I’d make that clear.
My OCs:
Tristan Trevelyan (❤️ Cullen)
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Tristan Amell (❤️ Alistair)
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Mahanon Lavellan (❤️ Dorian)
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Asharel Lavellan (❤️ The Iron Bull)
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My Hawke is default Garrett Hawke (❤️ Anders) because I can’t bring myself to change a single hair on his head 😅
And here is me, because it has been a hot minute since I was last here. Now almost 8 years on testosterone, several mh diagnoses, and one top surgery later! :O
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ex-textura · 5 months
I've had such a sweet headcanon earlier, still on the topic of Tristan and Gale's future together 😭 The scene is the following:
The two of them are on Gale's balcony, Gale in a purple robe with golden embroidery that he wears open, and some kind of pants for basic decency, and Tristan in something equally light. Maybe a very loose fitting tunic or something. They're sitting at a cozy little table with a big breakfast on it, far too much for two people. They're not directly next to each other but not opposite each other either, but with a 90° angle between them, I'm not sure what the right preposition is for that. Adjacent? Anyway, each of them has one elbow on the table - the ones between the two of them. Tristan grabs Gale's hand, and leans in to kiss it, and they exchange a warm gaze. They're 60 and 67 years old respectively. They're happy.
Oh god the softness!!??! The quiet joy between two men who have grown old together, in love every step of the way. They have peace, and love, (and grey hair please say yes??)
OUGH what a treat I've found in my inbox today. I'm going to be thinking about these men all day long thank you 🥹🥹
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artilaz · 5 months
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Seeing some absolutely lovely fanart with an aged version of Gale in it earlier made me want to try to make a model for an older Tristan as well, and since I still only have FFXIV at my disposal, that's what I rolled with, as usual. Honestly, I absolutely love the result! I originally wanted to give him a bit less saturated hair, but it ended up making him look pale as a ghost, so I guess he gets to remain blond for another couple decades. He is getting some white strands though, they just don't seem to stand out very well.
I've mentioned it in other posts before, but I'll gladly do so again: Once he and Gale settle down in Waterdeep, he'll become a shipwright at the Waterdhavian docks, and I can absolutely see him doing that job until his body can't bear it anymore. And since shipwrighting is a branch of carpentry, I also gave him some clothes that can only be worn by carpenters in FFXIV. I think he looks amazing in the outfit, and now I can't wait for him and Gale to grow old together 💙💜
Not pictured in these images: Tara seething in the background over both of them having beards now 😂
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tell me about your messy inky i’m curious 👀 (if you want, idk if you haven’t talked about your ocs out of shyness or if it’s a Decision™️ but if it’s the former. I Am Giving You Permission)
HI OKAY SO sorry about the wait I had a really busy week (or three) at work but I wasn't ignoring you I prommy
So I have a ton of Inquisitors but specifically the one I was thinking of is Tristan Trevelyan, my terrible terrible boy from the Wrong Answers Only playthrough. The general concept for that worldstate is "what if I just make the objectively wrongest choice in every instance" and I will almost certainly never actually play it (can't bring myself to do some of the choices x.x) but it's a delightful thought experiment, particularly in the "what kind of person would you have to be to act like that in this situation" department. Just to give you an idea: the Warden in that run DOESN'T rescue the dog from Ostagar. It's that bad.
So Tristan! A nobleborn artificer rogue (really he should be a Champion if we were allowed to cross-class spec, but of the rogue options artificer makes the most sense. He's a tricksy bastard and besides, tempest is too messy and assassin is a little too denial-of-the-self-y.), Tristan is at the conclave because his mage cousin was going with the delegation from Ostwick and he wanted to travel. He learned most of his rogue skills sneaking out of the family home to go get into trouble in town, and he is primarily concerned with his own personal comfort and advancement. Mostly, at least before the conclave, he's content to wait. His father is a pretty powerful noble and he's the oldest son so as long as he doesn't do anything TOO heinous, he'll inherit and then he can do whatever he wants. He's twenty six and unmarried, though he's been kinda lazily courting one of the daughters of a noble out of Starkhaven. He's starting to think his father is taking too long to die/retire and should maybe hurry up, and maybe he needs some help... But only if there's no way for it to trace back to Tristan, obviously.
Then he gets caught up in the explosion and survives, and suddenly everyone's calling him the Herald of Andraste, and he really doesn't need his father's estate if he's in charge of the greatest military force on the continent, now does he? Basically the Inquisition offers him power beyond his wildest dreams and he 100% leans into that shit. He is the gaslight gatekeep girlboss king, and he makes every choice directly dependent on growing the Inquisition's power and thus, his own. He goes "yes actually I WAS sent by the Maker in your time of greatest need, I'm here to rescue you from everything. All you have to do is exactly what I say~"
The issue with him is that he's way too smart for his own good, so he always pushes just far enough to get what he wants and no farther. He's incredibly deft at keeping himself out of trouble by not being held accountable for the shit he absolutely did. Did the envy demon at Therinfall get him? No, he's just like that, actually the demon was a little freaked out by his ambition and ruthlessness. Also, he's unfairly attractive. Appearance-wise I like to think of him as one of those ethereally beautiful people that can sometimes happen when one parent is Chinese and the other one is from like central Africa? I'm thinking specifically of a guy I knew in college who could literally knock me out by smiling in my direction. Anyways.
He's a hanging judge except for when the person in question could maybe help him, in which case he takes their stuff and/or throws them in prison. He loves the skyhold prison, it's huge. The only people in that whole place he gets along with are Varric (zero morals but very loyal, exactly Tristan's kind of guy), Leliana (further hardened), Cassandra (cop), and Vivienne (pro-establishment free marcher who sees a lot of herself in Tristan). Solas and Sera both hate his guts, Iron Bull doesn't trust him as far as he can see him (not as far as he can throw him because he could probably yeet Tristan quite a ways, and his suspicions turn out to be confirmed uhhhh rip the Chargers), and Blackwall clocks him as the type of guy that Ranier used to be (but turned up to 11) in about 30 seconds flat. Cole really doesn't understand him at all, and after a few botched attempts to get in his head (Tristan reacts REALLY badly to that kind of thing after the demon at Therinfall, and Cole was there for that so really all the sweet baby is doing is giving Tristan flashbacks while he tries to help) he just decides to drift around helping other people. Dorian... Ok he definitely sleeps with Dorian but he also says homophobic slurs. Which is not ideal for anyone. Bull tries to kinda protect Dorian from that nonsense at the beginning but after the Chargers, well... It's not good. Josephine is briefly delighted by having someone else competent at crowd control, then she gets to know him and treats him much like people treat the Du Launcets in DA2. Cullen isn't really in a place to have much of an opinion, Tristan is way too much like a smoother version of the worst commanders Cullen has had in the past for him to do a lot other than paperwork and panic attack.
So I feel like @the-chantry-sucks-ass's boy Aeryn would meet Tristan one time and be like "ah yes this is a Prophet of God" and Tristan would clock that in an instant, and especially since Aeryn's best skill seems to be killing the shit out of whatever happens to be in front of him. Tristan would take one look at an incredibly dedicated, very capable, very stabby man and go "perfect, mine now." (And from what I understand Aeryn would be pretty into that...)
Images of the terrible boy are forthcoming, I need to make him in the CC and get some screenshots. For posterity.
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nazali · 8 months
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transferring more oc inspo to this blog ignore this 🎆
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invinciblerodent · 8 months
Twitch page 🎮 YouTube channel 📺
AO3 page (as of jan 2024, mostly old Dragon Age and Mass Effect fics- this is to be updated)
Ficlet on immortal elven souls and vampiric immortality (BG3, Astarion/Iona)
"Prayer of an unknown cleric" (BG3, Gale/Arvid)
Warden Tristan of the Grey - OC backstory snippet (DA:TV)
Verbena of the Shadow Dragons - OC backstory snippet (DA:TV)
Selected love letters (DA:I, Dorian/Ray)
"Headcanon"-type posts:
Gale (NSFW) (BG3)
Gifts (BG3, Origin cast)
Breakfast in Bed (BG3, Origin cast)
Orzammar dwarves on the surface (DA)
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Baldur's Gate 3
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Arvid Trygg (he/him, 54)
"Gold dwarf" cleric of Tempus
Soldier background
❤️: Gale Dekarios
Playlist 🎶
Note written by Gemria Bozzahr, 1438 DR, found pinned to the swaddling of a corpse-blue, wailing infant boy: "If you've any care for the weak, please find one who may care for him. I cannot face my family as mother to a half-breed. May he find grace in the glory of your god, and let him bear the name 'Arvid', after the father he may never know."
A bastard son born from but one night shared by a trader's daughter and a handsome duergar soldier, Arvid was raised by clerics of Tempus in a small and insignificant monastery/fortress, in a small and insignificant town close to Neverwinter. Now, it was unusual for Tempurans to take in urchins like that, but the boy, while unusual in his appearance and meek in his nature, proved a quick study, and a rare talent at healing. Which, with his quiet, mellow (and soon, not even quite so anxious!) personality, made him a favored addition to the "mercenary" excursions of the warrior-priests: and so, hitting the ground running, Arvid learned to fight in the very melting pot of battle.
With body and spirit molded by the Foehammer's teaching, he took his Acolyte vows shortly after his 16th spring, and became a fully fledged cleric of the Faith much younger than most. And as time passed slowly (and with... only a regular amount of constant bloodshed), he made his way to the rank of Direhar (guardian-priest). It was at 53 that he was called to Baldur's Gate: partly to replace the sole healer of the city's monastery who had perished (naturally in battle), and partly at the urging of his Warlyon (high priest), as an opportunity for him to eventually, maybe, even head his own congregation.
Of course, the mind flayers had different plans.
After merely a year of trying to establish a foothold in the city with... middling-to-poor success, Arvid was yanked from the city streets while trying to usher as many of those fleeing into the protection of the temple as possible. Fat load of good playing the hero did for him. (But to be fair, that's... kind of his theme.)
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Iona Raedir (she/her, 61)
High elf sorcerer (draconic ancestry, red)
Guild Artisan background (jeweler/trader)
❤️: Astarion Ancunín
Playlist 🎶
"Don't ask, kitten, and I won't lie."
Once dutiful daughter, once devoted wife, always a secret sorceress. Iona lived most of her life in a settlement by the name of Puremount's Hollow, among the so-called 'Emissaries of the Immaculate': a radical offshoot of the Ilmaterian church, one that views all magic as the domain befitting solely the gods, and arcane casters, abhorrent thieves of divine power. So, with the magic of ancient dragons thrumming in her veins, that... was sort of a problem.
To her very good excuse, neither did she join of her own accord, nor did she know she commanded such powers at the time. She was only 11 years old, after all.
But, one of the things elves do best, is wait. So that's what she did, and she played her part expertly: she and her beloved father lived their life in accordance with human traditions, he took a second wife (we don't talk about the first, it's too painful), she married the first boy who asked her (Herric Birchlight- a nice boy, if rough around the edges), and kept her facade (though loveless and rote, minor issue) impeccable, while ignoring her magic as it grew and yearned to be used. For over 30 long years, she kept playing her part. But even the best liars must eventually slip- or be made to slip, more accurately.
Uncovered as an "abominable thief" of divine power, a "pretender", a "fucking witch" and "magespawn" (all Herric's lovely words about the woman he had once called "wife" and "love"), Iona was forced to flee the compound, and took the burning of bridges behind her quite literally, taking little more than the clothes on her back and that brand new scar on her face.
She was snatched less than a day after she had finally arrived to Baldur's Gate, penniless, exhausted, and alone- and for all intents and purposes, she can't quite shake the feeling that this really might have been a better outcome than many of the possible alternatives.
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Petyr Wildbrook (he/him, 45)
Wood half-elf ranger/rogue
Outlander background
❤️: Shadowheart, Halsin Silverbough
Playlist 🎶
Raised among druids of the Circle of the Shepherd, Petyr waited quite a bit longer than he should have had to for his magic to show itself. And, well, it... simply never did. Brother, cousins (gods, so many cousins), friends, all inducted into the druidic arts before he could as much as conjure a single goodberry.
So, partly at the urging of his mothers and partly out of spite, Petyr took to trying to learn all he could about the wild- on his own, through sheer trial and error if need be. At 20, he gathered what meager belongings he could call his own (and a big pack of gifts from his worried, but oddly relieved family), and set out to find his luck wherever it may guide him.
Though it wasn't easy, or painless, or even smart by any stretch of the imagination, he fell into the role of a ranger and forester, and made a living as a hunter of monsters and big game, and a silent keeper of his little patch of woods: a lone watcher, and reclusive woodsman. He had always enjoyed the company of those who expect no social niceties from him anyway.
Turns out, the exception to that particular rule is the silent, squirming passenger of a tadpole behind the eyeball. And, yeah, so maybe even a self-identified utter bitch of a man is capable of being a "hero", if you stretch the meaning of the word far enough.
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"Mara" (she/her; ???)
Lolth-sworn drow monk
Dark Urge
❤️: Karlach Cliffgate
Playlist 🎶
She is three days old, and all she knows is murder.
But she's... nice. No, I promise. Or at least, she's... she's trying her best.
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Dragon Age
The Veilguard
Verbena "Ver" Mercar (she/her, 32)
Human (Tevinter), Shadow Dragons
❤️: Davrin
Playlist 🎶 (WIP)
Zenka "Tanner" Laidir (she/her, 30's)
Dwarf (Orzammar), Lords of Fortune
❤️: Lace Harding
Playlist 🎶 (WIP)
Tristan Thorne (he/him, 41)
Human (Ferelden/Orlais), Grey Wardens
❤️: Emmrich Volkarin
Playlist 🎶 (WIP)
Coris de Riva (she/her, 30's)
Dwarf (Antiva), Antivan Crows
❤️: Lucanis Dellamorte
Playlist 🎶 (WIP)
Summary: TBD
Syl Aldwir (she/her, 27)
Elf (Tevinter), Veil Jumpers
❤️: Neve Gallus
Playlist 🎶 (WIP)
Summary: TBD
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Aren Lorna "Arie" Aeducan (she/her, DAO: 25, DAI: 46)
Noble dwarf, sword and board warrior (Berserker)
❤️: Alistair Theirin (Warden)
Summary: TBD
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Raymond "Ray" Percival Trevelyan (he/him, DAI: 24, DATV: 34, BG3: 55)
Inquisitor-as-Tav AU
DA: sword and board warrior (Reaver)
BG3: fighter/Oath of Devotion paladin (noble background)
❤️: DAI- Dorian Pavus, BG3- Wyll Ravengard
Playlist 🎶
There's one thing that is to be said / about him in the years to come: A hero seldom lives to see / past the ending of their tale.
This AU is set roughly 30 years after the events of DAI. After a tumultuous youth of adventuring, ostensibly saving the world (which earned him the moniker "Inquisitor of the Dales"), and the loss of his sword arm in the process, Raymond had retired from heroics young, at merely 25 years of age. Upon the peaceful passing of his father (a minor, but old-money Baldurian baron), he quickly took to managing the family estate (reconciling a tenuous love with his estranged mother- we don't talk about the past much on that one), and settled in for two joyous decades of blissful domesticity by the side of the love of his life, Dorian.
Except fate has a way of throwing its doomed chosen at increasingly bigger problems, until one finally manages to kill them.
A handful of years pass between the assassination of his husband over blasted politics and his own abduction by mind flayers, and Ray, both dreading and strangely anticipating the adventure, falls back into the role of a leader and a hero like he would into a bad habit, though he is barely a shadow of his once-gregarious, larger-than-life hero self.
Maybe this time, throwing himself at a nigh-immortal god-monster will finally wind up killing him for good. And then, maybe he can finally rest.
Or not. Who knows. At least if he's lucky, fate will take a fucking leg this time.
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Adela Cadash (she/her, DAI: 37, DA:TV: 47)
Surface-born dwarf (Marcher, Tantervale)
Archer rogue (Tempest)
❤️: The Iron Bull
Summary: TBD
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Harwen Lavellan (he/they, DAI: ~30, DATV: ~40)
Dalish hunter
Archer rogue (Assassin)
❤️: Josephine Montilyet
By Veilguard, no longer wears his clan name and is a father to one daughter by the name Valeria Montilyet.
Summary: TBD
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etdraconis · 7 months
Updated Muse List
Bold denotes primary/main muses, underlined denotes secondary muses, Italics denotes tertiary/low muse, * denotes request only
Dragon Age Canons:
Cremisius Aclassi
Zevran Arainai
Eleanor Cousland
Fergus Cousland
Bethany Hawke
Carver Hawke
Nathaniel Howe
Thomas Howe
The Iron Bull
Anora Mac Tir
Loghain Mac Tir
Josephine Montilyet
Dorian Pavus
Cassandra Pentaghast
Cullen Rutherford
Varric Tethras
Alistair Theirin
Cailan Theirin
Maric Theirin
Dragon Age OCs:
Arden Aclassi
August Amell
Elizabeth Amell
Julian Amell
Oliver Amell
Rosalie Amell
Pyke Brosca
Elysia Caius
Amara Cousland
Brennon Cousland
Lauryl Cousland
Victoire Ducet
Callum Hawke
Kenton Hawke
Leanore Hawke
Hava Lavellan
Theron Mahariel
Kalva Sabrae
Alim Surana
Aurelia Tabris
Claire Trevelyan
Declan Trevelyan
Evelyn Trevelyan
Everett Trevelyan
Maxwell Trevelyan
Persephone Trevelyan
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Elain Archeron
Feyre Archeron
Nesta Archeron
Eris Vanserra
Lucien Vanserra
Sophie Beckett
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton
Francesca Bridgerton
Gregory Bridgerton
Hyacinth Bridgerton
Felicity Featherington
Penelope Featherington
Gareth St. Claire
Gwendolyn Sinclaire
Kendall Sinclaire
Alexander Thorne
Charlotte Thorne
Lillian Thorne
Sebastian Thorne
William Thorne
Crescent City
Juniper Andromeda
Fury Axtar
Baxian Argos
Hunt Athalar
Lidia Cervos
Ruhn Danaan
Declan Emmet
Hypaxia Enador
Danika Fendyr
Tristan Flynn
Connor Holstrom
Ithan Holstrom
Tharion Ketos
Bryce Quinlan
The Empyrean Saga
Jack Barlowe
Imogen Cardulo
Ridoc Gamlyn
Aaric Greycastle
Liam Mairi
Sloane Mairi
Rhiannon Matthias
Brennan Sorrengail
Lilith Sorrengail
Mira Sorrengail
Violet Sorrengail
Kaz Brekker
The Darkling
Jesper Fahey
Inej Ghafa
Matthias Helvar
Fedyor Kaminsky
Tamar Kir-Bataar
David Kostyk
Nikolai Lantzov
Zoya Nazyalensky
Genya Safin
Alina Starkov
Wylan Van Eck
Tolya Yul-Bataar
Nina Zenik
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Nico Di Angelo
Jason Grace
Percy Jackson
Piper McLean
Will Solace
Leo Valdez
Throne of Glass
Aedion Ashryver*
Sam Cortland
Lysandra Ennar
Aelin Galathynius
Evalin Galathynius
Dorian Havilliard
Fenrys Moonbeam
Chaol Westfall
Rowan Whitethorn*
The Witcher
Geralt of Rivia
Yennifer of Vengerberg
Other Book Muses
Daniel Arlington V (Ninth House)
Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Crowley (Good Omens)
Alexander Clairemont-Diaz (Red, White, and Royal Blue)
Arthur Delacey (Gwen and Art Are Not in Love)
Galaxy Stern (Ninth House)
Greek Mythology
DnD/Fantasy OCs
Jalana Astorio (human warlock)
Tarquin Auglathia (sea-elf rogue)
Nedri Autumnblaze (half-orc ranger)
Azure (water genasi monk)
Anders Brightwood (human bard)
Caerlin (tiefling arcane trickster rogue)
Drake (Wild Hunt shifter ranger)
Elianis Galonodel (half-elf druid)
Naivara Galonodel (half-elf mastermind rogue)
Taron Galonodel (wood elf bard)
Rhys Le'Quella (eladrin wizard)
Makaria (tiefling paladin)
Reya (tiefling storm sorcerer)
Alwyn Sulian (sun elf paladin)
Auryn Sulian (sun elf fighter)
Cerys Sulian (sun elf celestial warlock)
Emrys Sulian (sun elf shadow magic sorcerer)
Cloak Timbers (gnome cleric)
Hollis Tremaine (human fighter)
Other/modern OCs
Destin Michaels (merman)
Novah Michaels (mermaid)
Cassian Sage (werewolf)
Sophie Sage (werewolf)
Reina Solace (werewolf)
Hazel Thatcher (werewolf)
Nicolai Voss (vampire)
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johaerys-writes · 11 months
[20 Question Fic Writer Tag]
tagged by @baejax-the-great thank you!
How many works do you have on AO3? As of now, 47.
What is your AO3 word count? 1,084,458
What fandoms do you write for? Currently neck-deep in my Patrochilles (Iliad/TSOA/Hades) obsession. But I've also written for Dragon Age (Pavelyan), Voltron (Sheith) and Castlevania (Trephacard, Lenector).
What are your top five fics by kudos? High-Flying Birds, Like Friends Do, Winter's Fruit, Jasmine and Yarrow, Where Blood Roses Bloom.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I love responding to comments!! Even if it's just to say Thank you. I absolutely love rambling in my replies and getting into discussions about lore or characters' motivations and such. This is the fanfic experience at its best for me.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Honestly I'm not great with angsty endings haha. Even if the fic as a whole is very angsty, the ending tends to be happy. I think the fics with the saddest ending are Loyal To The End and The Wound That Never Heals, both Hector/Carmilla (Castlevania). Some people have told me they found the ending of At The Water's Edge quite bittersweet.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Now we're talking haha. Of my most recent ones, Twin Flames has a very sweet ending. Fall Into Your Tide also has a super hopeful ending, and another favourite is A Place To Be. I'm all about that comfort after the hurt babey.
Do you get hate on fics? I think I've only ever got hate once or twice? As far as I remember. I honestly couldn't care less about it, I forget it as soon as it happens lol.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yessir. Not exactly sure what kind? Are there different kinds? I would say that my favourite to write is angsty smut with lots of complicated feelings. And also I do like sprinkling some kink here and there whenever I feel like it.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I've only ever written one crossover and I still love the fuck out of it, it's a Witcher/Dragon Age one with my OC Tristan Trevelyan and Dorian Pavus and it was sooooo fun to write oh my god. I would love to revisit that universe ngl!!
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of? Depends on what we mean by stealing. I have had parts of fics of mine lifted and used in other fanworks without credit, it wasn't great but it's been a little while since then and I haven't noticed anything else (not that I've gone looking though).
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! A super lovely person has been translating High-Flying Birds into Vietnamese.
Have you ever cowritten a fic before? Yes! I've cowritten several fics with friends and it's always so nice, I love working with other people.
What's your all-time favourite ship? Oof that's a tough question. If we go by number of fics written, it would have to be Patrochilles. If we go by number of words written, it would have to be Pavelyan (almost 450k 💀). If we go by number of fics I've read and bookmarked, it would have to be Sheith. So idk if I can give a straight and clear answer lol.
What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever will? God I really do want to finish A World With You and I do think I will do it eventually, it's just that I know there's a LOT of it left and it's often really daunting. I also want to finish Where Blood Roses Bloom but, again, the plan I have in mind is kind of ambitious and it will take me a while to get there. Also, Blood Roses In The Snow is one I want to get back to, and that one would be easier to finish since there's only like a couple chapters left.
What are your writing strengths? Probably imagery, introspection, and I've also been told I write good action scenes!
What are your writing weaknesses? Dialogue, probably. It stresses me out the most haha. I also used to be able to write complex plots but it's gotten quite hard lately, idk why :(
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I don't love it. I'm fine with a word here and there or even a phrase, as long as it's been sort of explained before or it's one that's widely recognised. I just feel like having a big chunk of untranslated dialogue in the middle of a story breaks immersion and I try to avoid it whenever I can.
First fandom you wrote for? Dragon Age, specifically Inquisition.
Favourite fic you've ever written? Noooo you can't make me choose, don't make me choose 😭 Damn that's tough. Twin Flames is still a huge favourite. A Place To Be is one I often come back to and I'm super proud of how it turned out. A World With You is the first fic I ever posted and the longest, I have spent so much time with it and it has a special place in my heart. And this might be cheating because it's my current fixation, but I feel like you're a walking disaster, and yet— is some of my best writing yet, I'm very fond of it.
Tagging forth to: @elveny @pikapeppa @mary-aries @darlingpoppet @pinkfadespirit @sketchass @starlightvld @petrowriting @in-arlathan @figsandphiltatos @heypax and anyone else who'd like to do this! (Also, if you don't want to be tagged for these memes let me know!)
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bitchesofostwick · 2 years
something to talk about
today’s OC kiss is for my love @jewishzevran and their jasper cadell! ellinor and i give you both a big smooch!
“Don’t look so happy to see me,” Jasper says sarcastically as he joins Ellinor on the balcony overlooking the ballroom. He holds a flute of champagne out to her, but she sighs and shakes her head.
“Am I so obvious?”
She’d sock him on the arm if she thought it would do any good. Or if she really had the heart to. But even the sight of her best friend doesn’t bring a smile to her face like it normally would. Instead, it only makes her more blue.
It’s her first public appearance since Tristan broke off their engagement. Though she’s seen Jasper since—he’s gotten quite good at climbing the trellis of the Trevelyan’s manor into her bedroom—she’s seen no one else other than her family. She’d been surprised at the invitation to begin with, but it’s more than likely her mother pulled a few strings to get her out in front of potential suitors again as soon as she could. Not for my sake, she thinks bitterly, only for the family name.
“Don’t you know I’m a stain on the family tree?” she jokes. She doesn’t have to point out to him that no one has come her way for a dance or a flirty conversation. A year ago nobility would have clawed at the chance to be seen with the Lady Ellinor Trevelyan; now, hardly anyone bats an eye at her. And when they do, it’s with hushed tones whispered into heavily bejeweled hands, side glances, scoffs.
Jasper chuckles. “So I’ve heard. It’s a shame. I sorely miss scaring off unwanted attention to you with my vulgarity and masculine aggression.”
“‘Masculine aggression,’” she snorts. “Is that what it was?”
“You didn’t seem to question it if it was. I caused a scene on your behalf on more than one occasion, and I remember you being quite grateful for it.”
She sighs wistfully. “I was.”
“In fact, I remember you expressing your unending gratitude by wrapping your lips around my—”
“Well, those days are over,” she interrupts him. “If this is my mother’s idea of bouncing back my reputation after being jilted by Tristan—”
“—may his cock wither—”
“The phrase is supposed to be ‘crops.’”
“I said what I said.”
“Ugh.” She rolls her eyes. “Anyway, it’s clearly backfired. The high society of Ostwick is about as happy to see me as I am them.”
Jasper shrugs. “It’s a boring party anyway. Where’s the intrigue? The scandal?”
“She’s right here,” Ellinor says dully.
“If that’s so, you need to do a better job of causing drama. The most exciting thing to happen so far tonight is Messere Carrington getting a wine stain on his trousers. And he does that at every ball.”
She laughs at him. “So what do you suggest I do, Jas?”
“Really get them talking.” Without further ado, he pulls a small letter opener from his jacket, clinking it loudly against the side of the champagne flute.
Dear Maker…
“Everyone! Everyone, I’ve an important announcement to make.”
Quickly, the din in the hall begins to hush, and even the harpist stops playing.
Jasper looks at her and raises an eyebrow.
He’s giving me an out.
Instead she starts to laugh. Just quietly, just once, but the grin on her face is answer enough for him, and she nods. He winks at her. And carelessly, he throws the champagne aside, leans into her, and absolutely commits.
He kisses her passionately on the mouth, pulling her close by the waist, tugging at her hair, slipping his tongue between her lips, even going as far as to dip her near to the floor before pulling her back up again. The crowd around them gasp, whisper, grumble their distaste. And when he finally lets her go, she laughs.
After a moment, the harpist begins to play again, more quickly this time, and the chatter—albeit much more scandalized now—begins to resume, and the guests do their best to pretend whatever happened most certainly did not happen.
“You—” she giggles, poking Jasper in the chest. “Are going to be in so much trouble for that!”
Jasper laughs. “I told you. It was a boring party.”
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captainsquality · 2 years
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more old dragon age crossposts, this time with my Trevelyan Herald, Tristan(and lots of josie too)
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shannaraisles · 2 years
The Trevelyan Siblings
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Date of Birth: 1st August, 9:05 Dragon
Position/Title: Knight-Commander
Face Claim: Katie McGrath
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Date of Birth: 17th Cloudreach, 9:09 Dragon
Position/Title: Heir to the Bann of Ostwick; Baronet of Ansburg
Face Claim: Torrance Coombs
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Date of Birth: 30th Harvestmere, 9:12 Dragon
Position/Title: Royal Companion (Mistress)
Face Claim: Anna Popplewell
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Date of Birth: 21st Kingsway, 9:16 Dragon
Position/Title: Lord/Herald/Inquisitor
Face Claim: Bradley James
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Date of Birth: 21st Kingsway, 9:16 Dragon
Position/Title: Lady/Herald
Face Claim: Yael Grobglas
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in-arlathan · 3 years
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The Most Troublesome Man In Thedas
A tribute to Tristan Trevelyan, the grumpy, surly and absolutely lovely Inquistior of @johaeryslavellan. Thank you for allowing me to draw your boy. I love him far too much. 🖤
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ex-textura · 5 months
Hey I hope you still want people rambling about their Tavs because you've opened Pandora's box with that one and now I'm back!
My actual canon Tav is named Tristan, like me. He actually had the name first. I first made him as an OC, and then fell in love with him so much that I decided I'll use the name for myself as well.
Anyway! His full name is Tristan Trevelyan, because someone in his life thought it'd be funny to troll him like that. No, there's just some interesting naming conventions going on in the Trevelyan bloodline. His father, for example, is (or was) named Trevor Trevelyan. He's not in Tristan's life anymore though, and they've never had a great relationship to begin with, but I haven't decided what exactly happened to him. I might have to revamp a bunch of Tristan's story anyway.
So far, Tristan is a literal prince, but he gave up his right to the throne because he wanted to travel the world instead of being chained down by the heavy duties of a future king. Whether or not he'll remain a prince, I'm not sure of, because I don't know how well that'd fit into the entire BG3 lore, but it's his canon origin so for now I'm rolling with it, and even if I demote him, he'll still have a noble background.
He's also transmasc like me, but unlike me, he's known it his entire life, and his mother, Shanna, has always supported him, to a point where she supplied (and still does to this day) him with ~a tincture that allowed his body to develop in a masculine way~, so pretty much fantasy HRT. When he's wearing pants, he passes perfectly, but since that tincture is medicine, and not magic, it didn't change the bits he was born with. Tristan is also outrageously gay though, and although his past hasn't been free of any and all kinds of struggles, he's come to see it as a blessing in disguise, because it gives him at least a hypothetical chance to have biological children with a man, should he ever find one he'll want that with.
Spoiler alert: He will.
Tristan is a sweet, wholesome kind of guy. He's kind, optimistic, and will give absolutely everyone at least one chance. He's helpful, and supportive of those he even remotely cares about, and makes an effort to uplift the people around him. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and he's a terrible liar on top of it.
His best non-romantic friend out of the group will be Wyll, because those two have a lot in common even already at first glance. They're both valiant swordsmen with noble backgrounds, questionable fathers, a penchant for helping others, and a huge romantic streak, and I could've absolutely seen them falling in love, if it wasn't for the fateful moment in which Tristan pulled a certain man out of a certain portal, falling head over heels for him the second their eyes met for the first time.
There's much more to tell about my boy, but I think this is enough for one ask. Hope you've had fun reading!
It's Tristan!!! I've been dying to know more about him 😭
I love a good sweet boy, and a bad liar to boot. He sounds so wonderful. He and Gale are going to be so disgustingly(affectionate) romantic together, I can't wait to hear more about their love story
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Tell me more! Are they going to have a big family?? One happily spoiled child? Is their wedding gonna be so huge???
(I still ALWAYS want people rambling about their tavs in my ask box they're all so beautiful and fun and lovely and I want to know them all!)
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artilaz · 8 months
The Tav Ask Game
Tagged by: Nobody in particular, just saw it on some people's blogs and wanted to do it
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Placeholder FFXIV screenshot until I can actually play the game
Name: Tristan Trevelyan
Nickname: No one has given him one so far
Height: Roughly 6'0 / 1.80 m
Gender: Transgender male
Orientation: Homosexual
Nationality/identity: He originates from a barely known kingdom named Cir'omdo which I pulled from an independent fantasy story I'm working on because I'm not savvy on D&D lore
Favourite fruit: Blueberries
Favourite season: Summer
Favourite flower: Forget-me-not
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Hot chocolate, but he usually prefers cold drinks over any of these
Avg hours of sleep: 7-8 if he can get it in, but if necessary, he can function on 4. A realistic average is probably 6
Dogs or cats: So far he's always liked dogs a little more, but recently, he's grown fonder of cats. Particularly winged ones
Dream trip: He can't shake the fantasy of visiting one of the underwater kingdoms you hear about in legends and fairytales, even though he knows it's unrealistic that he'll ever get to see them
Number of blankets: Normally just one. Two when it's very cold, but as many pillows as he can reasonably bring
Random fact: He can hold his breath for 10 minutes. He once used that skill to escape an assassination attempt, by jumping into a well and hiding under the surface
Tagging: Anyone! If you see this and you wanna do it, this is your sign!
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serphena · 4 years
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once he trusts you there’s no getting rid of him
Theo & @lavellanhunter‘s Tristan :3
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