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olliwrites · 10 months ago
Fighting Together
An expansion on Day 6 of the 14DALovers fills that I've wanted to do since posting. Finally had the spoons and decided to make it birthday gift to myself! Enjoy! This is a companion piece to chapter 5 of my 2016 Bull/Inquisitor week fills
“Lovely party.”
Dorian turned with a grin for another round of pleasantries. The Game, thus far, was turning out rather tedious. Planned murders, insults behind smiles. One might think he was home. The woman who had spoken to him smiled from behind a feathered mask. Her green eyes and auburn hair offset the white of her outfit in a pleasing way. A minor noble, possibly foreign.
[Read on Ao3]
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14daysdalovers · 2 years ago
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Welcome to the Fourth Annual ‘14 Days of Dragon Age Lovers’ Prompts Event!
I am so excited to be back to host this event for the fourth year in a row. I have a fun new list of prompts to get into the spirit of Valentine’s Day with some of our favorite Thedosian characters, and I cannot wait to see what this years list sparks for all of you!
As always, please make sure that you read through the events rules page (which is outlined below the cut) before you decide if this event is for you.
Let’s start with the basics!
How does the event work?
It’s pretty simple!
Step 1: Post your content
Step 2: Make sure to tag the event page (@14daysdalovers)
Step 3: Add the tag #14DALovers (don’t forget to add the prompt and pair tags)
It’s that easy! I will reblog all contributions to the event page for everyone to enjoy in one easy to find location.
I am hosting this event solo, so please be patient with me for reblogs. If I have missed your post and it hasn’t been posted on the blog page by the following day, don’t hesitate to DM me here with a link to your post. I will do my very best to make sure any content contributed is added in a timely manner so it can be viewed + enjoyed by the other participants!
Who can participate?
Anyone over 18 years old can participate! This event will allow adult themes and NSFW content, so unfortunately minors are asked to kindly please not to participate. Please make sure your posts are tagged as NSFW (lemons, etc) if they fall into that category, and tag anything potentially triggering.
How long does the event run?
The event will run for the month of February. Even though the prompts list only has 14 prompts, I want it to be a fun and relaxed event, so I am not putting deadlines on content submissions. Don’t have a piece of fan art/fanfiction finished on the 1st for the first prompt? No big deal! Just submit your content when you finish it and I will reblog it regardless of the date. The last day to submit your pieces for the event will be the 28th so make sure you post them before the end of the day to have them added to the event page.
Which fandoms & pairings will the event cover?
The event will be open to pairings from any of the Dragon Age games, novels, etc. Any pairing from the fandom as a whole, including rare pairs, are allowed and encouraged as long they are respectful to the character.��Please make sure you tag your posts with your ship pairing!
What kind of content is allowed?
The event is open for original works of fanfiction, fan art, 2D and 3D rendered pieces. No mood boards or playlists please for copyright purposes. NSFW content is allowed as long as it is between two consenting characters. This is supposed to be an uplifting feel good event, but I understand the need for conflict, angst and drama in certain pieces to build a mood. However it should go without saying that any ‘dark’ content will be frowned upon and will not be added to the event page. 
Here is a list of content that will absolutely NOT be permitted for the event;
• Content that changes a queer character to a straight character.
• Graphic violence/torture or angst for the sake of torturing a character.
• Any content that is racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, ageist, etc.
• Incest
• Underage
• Non-con/rape
• Kink-shaming
• Basically if it’s not respectful don’t submit it!
The purpose of the event is to most importantly have fun and uplift your fellow content creators! Comments and reblogs are encouraged, but please keep them respectful. Anyone leaving negative comments or tags on content posts will have their content removed from the event page and be blocked from participating in the event further.
That about sums it up! My ask box and inbox are open for any questions or concerns you might have so don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any.
I can’t wait to see all the wonderful romantic Dragon Age content!
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knuttydraws · 2 years ago
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Day 7 of @14daysdalovers 2023 - Tangled  Pure fluff to balance out the angst of Day 5 😁🥰 Please remember that Farie Lavellan is not an Inquisitor.
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marshsano · 2 years ago
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I’m definitely NOT going to do all of the prompts because of midterms, but i really want to practice couple stuff (and i need an excuse to draw my inquisitor and dorian) sooooo!
day one: hart! (I am found out about this last night so a tad bit late)
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spiretdoom · 2 years ago
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Prompt 1: Hart for @14daysdalovers
Though I don't think I'll be able to get through all the prompts this year the first prompt for this event really sparked my creative juices so here we are~
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shivunin · 2 years ago
At the Dead Drop
A letter in an elegant, curling hand which seems to have met with some incident in its sending; it is dotted with water spots and features several crossed-out sections:
16 Guardian, 9:37 Dragon
Checking in, as always. Will leave this letter in the usual manner; let me know if this is no longer the acceptable way to pass messages on. Or—flames—let me know anything at all. It’s been months since I’ve heard from you. Your big sister worries. 
The manor is fine. It’s held up against the snow after the repairs, and there was minor damage, really. None of your things were ruined, and Mother’s room remains in the same state. As for my own bedroom—a little water damage means little. All the important things are downstairs, after all. We did find an unused corner of the wine cellar, though—sold off the really fine stuff after I let the others peruse it for their choices. I’ve plenty of ideas for what to do with the money. 
I suppose there is one thing that I needed   that you should   Flames, I’ll just say it. Fenris and I are together. For good this time.
I am not seeking your approval. I know what you’re going to say. I know how many letters I sent you three years ago, and I know how much of a mess I was then. But—stop making that face right now—this is different. 
I’m not looking for your approval. But—I would like to have it anyway, Carver. You’re my only family left except for—Andraste’s elbow, I haven’t told you—Gamlen and his daughter. Yes; Charade is her name, if you can believe it. Entirely beside the point. I know you hardly ever get these letters, and then it’s all at once, so I’ll write another letter about that when I’m done with this one. 
Things are bad in Kirkwall at the moment. I know you can tell already from other things I’ve said. But Fenris is…he is the only good thing I can count on without reservation. Everyone else has other concerns and other loves. They aren’t wrong to—of course they aren’t. But I need someone who wants me, and not what I can do for them and who will choose me first.
Perhaps that’s selfish of me, or unfair to say. I cannot say I don’t know that. But Carver, maybe it’s time for me to be a little bit selfish. Selflessness didn’t save Bethany, and it didn’t save Mother either. I can carry them with me forever, along with the whole of Kirkwall, or I can live. I know now that I can’t do both.
Maker, how maudlin this is. Oh, well. I’ve heard that you Wardens love a good melodrama, or—maybe just the Ferelden ones. I hope this finds you well, regardless. 
Write back soon. I mean it. 
Your beloved, clever, self-absorbed sister, 
A scrap of paper torn from a larger piece; there is writing on one side and what appears to be a section of schematics on the other:
Since when have I given two figs about your relationship drama? You want my approval, you have it. Do what you want, M, you're a big girl and you don't owe anyone shit. Just don’t come crying to me if it goes tits-up again. I’m busy. 
P.S. Charade? Say you’re joking.
Another scrap of paper; the drawing on the other side lines up with the schematic on the first:
If you break my sister’s heart again, I’ll kill you myself. Fair warning.
A crisp-edged and carefully folded square of parchment, sealed thickly with charcoal-colored wax. The handwriting is meticulously neat:
If I break your sister’s heart, I will let you.
(For day 8 of @14daysdalovers: Approval.)
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ninapedia · 2 years ago
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13. Ravish
“Given my druthers I would say I prefer a soft and shapely woman...“
- Zevran Arainai
Starting out with a bang for @14daysdalovers my other pieces probably won’t be as polished because I’m having art difficulties lately but i do like how this one came out!
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smashingpigeons · 2 years ago
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@14daysdalovers day 1: Hart
*shuffles in 9 days late with a Dutch Bros*
I have absolutely 100% not been in a good headspace for actually quite a long time but I guess I’ll come out of my hole for these two 😂 this is probably the only piece I’ll end up doing for this years event but we’ll see.
Happy 14 Days guys!!! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed all that I’ve seen! Keep up the fantastic work!
(Referenced the art “la Belle Dame sans Merci” cause I have not had a single original thought in my head 🤣)
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laniardraws · 3 years ago
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For @14daysdalovers prompt “A Favor”
Some ideas for Anders wearing Hawke’s Favor since he didn’t get one in game (😤)
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shanaraharlyah · 2 years ago
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I'm having a hard time focusing on writing right now, but I wanted to share the piece I had been working on for this years 14 Days of Dragon Age Lovers prompts before the month is out.
After a long day on the road again, Sarovanya settles down with Leliana and asks her to share more of what she knows about the Maker and the Chant of Light. Leliana happily obliges, singing a version of the chant she'd learned as a lay sister.
Setup and rendered in DAZ Studio 4.21. Postwork in Photoshop Elements 8.0.
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coryfirelion · 2 years ago
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Day 1: Hart :3
Am I the only one that used to read Hart as Heart? (non native english speaker issues :v) Anyways, this picture is available for download for phone wallpaper :3
@14daysdalovers :3
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perlen-gold · 2 years ago
In the Darkness of the Night
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😊 Even though I wrote this last July it was still for a 14daysdalovers event so I guess it’s ok to show this now again 😳 Prompt: Captured for @14daysdalovers​ Pairing: fenhawke Once upon a night ashore In the dunnest of the dark The moon in shroud, its glance so bore No silver arch upon its spark, Gloom’ness veiled its eye so bright In the darkness of the night.
Shadows roamed the air around, Ghostly wraiths upon my heel Hieing swift, obscured, unbound, Thralls to blackness’ endless wheel. Thus I stumbled sought of sight In the ponders of the night.
Sudden, as of lightning clapping, As of thunders whispering far Came a rustling, raking, racking, Embers written into scar – this I harkened, stone and bite, In the pitches of the night.
Wary closer drew my soles, Coal-cool curtains slith’ring by T’where midnight deeply spun its shoals, Threads to strings to noirest dye, A tipping, tapping, recondite In the silence of the night.
Halting twixt the webbing woven Stepped I stepping into nil To behold gloom all but cloven By a knife-beaked pennon will, He whose wings the skies would smite In the fetters of the night.
As in shattered minds I stood The ink-glossed bird with flaming coin Released its stare, seared down its hood Where forging sun and waters join For fell and beaut’ous deadal light In the trembles of the night.
Fending I recoiled, for light And I had parted paths, and sworn – Thunderstrokes, of theirs and mine, despite Grazing each embowering thorn – Thus I stumbled but in fright In the irons of the night.
Yet, as soon his spear of gold pierced my lashes’ blinking flight, His wings began to beat the hold Against dark knots and not a mite! Near I stepped his bonds to fight, In the velvet of the night.
Yet, asudden, just as my Obisidian hand would touch his prison He burgeoned wild and with a cry His wings in hurricanes had risen – Gasping I beheld his flight In the spirals of the night.
And then, as flotsam floated onto Shore in night-tide, pitch-tormented Surf-shade-scented sea, he, drawn to me, my right arm, fluttered, Flew the hawk, to settle tight In the tossing of the night.
To my skin his talons clasped, His eye of auric keenly set, Flinching did I view what grasped This brazen bird for me to fret, And flung my arm to hurl his might Into the blackness of the night.
His claws but held, his hold unbroken No matter how I fought to free From his grip, his gilt-etched token, Furnace, fire, jesting me, And in his gold my scars burnt bright In the tempest of the night.
Last, at last my strength prevailed And I flung him from me wide Up the eesome peril sailed Into depths’ and darkness’ hide! Running ran I from his sight – The foeman of my heart, abide – In the pursuit of the night.
Long I wandered, night ashore, Soul, mine seared with gold and ghost, Ever, anon, shadows bore A feather’s shadow at the most. Till finite, ignite, to aright In the blindness of the night
Did rise through midnight’s sea my hand! And swift, so swift he came to me, Caressed his gilt-gold my maimed land. And we wandered, firm and light, In the darkest, waning night.
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14daysdalovers · 3 years ago
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Welcome to the Third Annual ‘14 Days of Dragon Age Lovers’ Prompts Event!
I am so excited to be back to host this event for the third year in a row. I have a fun new list of prompts to get into the spirit of Valentine’s Day with some of our favorite Thedosian characters, and I cannot wait to see what this years list sparks for all of you!
As always, please make sure that you read through the events rules page (which is outlined below the cut) before you decide if this event is for you.
Let’s start with the basics!
How does the event work?
It’s pretty simple!
Step 1: Post your content
Step 2: Make sure to tag the event page (@14daysdalovers)
Step 3: Add the tag #14DALovers (don’t forget to add the prompt and pair tags, as well as any other important tags)
It’s that easy! I will reblog all contributions to the event page for everyone to enjoy in one easy to find location.
I am hosting this event solo, so please be patient with me for reblogs. If I have missed your post and it hasn’t been posted on the blog page by the following day, don’t hesitate to DM me here with a link to your post. I will do my very best to make sure any content contributed is added in a timely manner so it can be viewed + enjoyed by the other participants!
Who can participate?
Anyone over 18 years old can participate! This event will allow adult themes and NSFW content, so unfortunately minors are asked to kindly please not to participate. Please make sure your posts are tagged as NSFW (lemons, etc) if they fall into that category, and tag anything potentially triggering.
*I am aware of the new blocked tags list. We will have to figure it out as we go to see which ones will work for tagging the event accordingly*
How long does the event run?
The event will run for the month of February. Even though the prompts list only has 14 prompts, I want it to be a fun and relaxed event, so I am not putting deadlines on content submissions. Don’t have a piece of fan art/fanfiction finished on the 1st for the first prompt? No big deal! Just submit your content when you finish it and I will reblog it regardless of the date. The last day to submit your pieces for the event will be the 28th so make sure you post them before the end of the day to have them added to the event page.
Which fandoms & pairings will the event cover?
The event will be open to pairings from any of the Dragon Age games, novels, etc. Any pairing from the fandom as a whole, including rare pairs, are allowed and encouraged as long they are respectful to the character. Please make sure you tag your posts with your ship pairing!
What kind of content is allowed?
The event is open for original works of fanfiction, fan art, 2D and 3D rendered pieces. No mood boards or playlists please for copyright purposes. NSFW content is allowed as long as it is between two consenting characters. This is supposed to be an uplifting feel good event, but I understand the need for conflict, angst and drama in certain pieces to build a mood. However it should go without saying that any ‘dark’ content will be frowned upon and will not be added to the event page. 
Here is a list of content that will absolutely NOT be permitted for the event;
Content that changes a characters canon pronouns (if applicable)
Content that changes a queer character to a straight character.
Graphic violence/torture or angst for the sake of torturing a character.
Any content that is racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, ageist, etc.
Basically if it’s not respectful don’t submit it!
The purpose of the event is to most importantly have fun and uplift your fellow content creators! Comments and reblogs are encouraged, but please keep them respectful. Anyone leaving negative comments or tags on content posts will have their content removed from the event page and be blocked from participating in the event further.
That about sums it up! My ask box and inbox are open for any questions or concerns you might have so don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any.
I can’t wait to see all the wonderful romantic Dragon Age content!
~ SchaRoux
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knuttydraws · 2 years ago
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It sings again. --- The first of several prompts that I chose to celebrate this year's @14daysdalovers event! To no one’s surprise, this year im focusing on the pairing that is circling around my brain 24/7. We’re starting a bit angsty, but I promise it’s going to get fluffier! Please remember that Farie Lavellan is not an Inquisitor.
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marshsano · 2 years ago
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day six: encourage!
the idea of taegan sending dorian on missions with a bit of encouragement had me in TEARS, so I had to go all out for it. this took me like a week though because of midterms, so that was fun.
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spiretdoom · 3 years ago
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Decided to be ✨ fancy ✨ for @14daysdalovers day 5 prompt kissing in the rain
Also if you recognize where the posing is from you get 10 friendship points~
Please do not repost my work and only reblog if you wish to support me.
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