#Tav ask game
triumphingmybest · 8 months
Are you overwhelmed by the (dark) urge to tell others about your Tav?
Introducing... Tav Tag!
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Download it, fill it it out, and tag all of your BG3 mutuals to do the same! I'll start:
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Have fun!
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sporeservant · 9 months
Get to know your Tav! (Ask Game)
A restyle of this questionaire for anyone who prefers the ask game format!
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Introduce your current or favorite tav (name, race/class, age, pronouns)
What is your tavs...
favorite weapon?
style of combat?
most prized possession?
deepest desire?
guilty pleasure?
best-kept secret?
greatest strength?
fatal flaw?
favorite smell?
favorite spell or cantrip?
pet peeve?
bad habit?
hidden talent?
leisure activity?
favorite drink?
comfort food?
favorite person?
favored display of affection (platonic and/or romantic)?
fondest childhood memory?
free-response! Is there anything else about your Tav you'd like to share?
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wetcatspellcaster · 6 months
7 and 8 for the Tav asks. :D and congrats on the thesis!
Thank you for the questions! Sorry for the long answer!
7. Describe their arc. How would a player help resolve it? What choices can be made? Can your Tav be turned down a dark path, or pulled to a lighter one?
So I thought about this a lot, the Good Ending for Rosalie is she's Just A Person, the Bad Ending is that she volunteers to become the mindflayer at the Orpheus decision for ENTIRELY THE WRONG REASONS (feeling like a liability, believing it's the only way to cure her mental illness, seeing herself as the weak link in the group, being depressed, etc. - this ending bought to you by me staring at that decision screen for an hour KNOWING she'd turn herself into a mindflayer in a heartbeat but feeling physically ill over her logic behind that decision). This is the 'exalted mind' ending.
So there is a bad path for her, but it's one bought about by being self-sacrificing to the point of absolute idiocy and self destruction. I think that Tav literally swerves her away from it by teaching her to be a little selfish and to value herself lmao. Literally the opposite of most of the other companions, and kind of what I wish you could teach Wyll in his storyline tbh!
Her arc would be her just generally being over-emotional and reckless, with lots of camp chats about morality in Act 1 (I would probably double down on the tropes that fandoms hate in female characters a la Katara in Avatar the Last Airbender just for the lols). I want her ending Act 1 feeling like a trite 'heart of the group', ridiculous Mary Sue, she talks to you a lot about how you're feeling, are you ok? Borderline annoying tbh, but with the EA Halsin Effect of "oh, you're the companion who's nicest to me!!". Then in Act 1/2 depending on approval she does something utterly stupid, like run into a fight alone unprompted (death to a wizard), or possibly have Ethel specific dialogue that pisses Ethel off if she's in your party, and the player starts thinking "god this girl is a bit weird and reckless and stupid at times actually", and calling her out on it gets the illithid tadpole as anxiety med drop.
Act 3, you start meeting people from her past (bonus comedy route for if you just enabled all her behaviour at this point to be nice to her and get her approval bc then the illithid tadpole drop happens here). Larroakan is like "aren't you that mousy little scribe who completed those commissions for me?", you can find Threnn, possibly did an infernal translation for Gortash (not canon just for story tie-in)???? and they're all like "who the fuck are you? why are you so different now". There would be a confrontation about lying about who she is, a camp conversation about the pressure they face as the 'heroes of Baldur's Gate" and how she feels inadequate. And then in the conversation with Threnn, and the final Orpheus conversation, Tav can encourage Rose to have an actually healthy relationship with her emotions and not see her every choice as a failing actually. Then you unlock real Rose personality and a final decision where she doesn't try and throw herself on her sword.
8. After Act 3, what does their life look like? What are they talking about at the reunion party?
Good ending Rosalie has rebuilt her relationships with her family, she's back at the Watchful Order but getting all their backlog of heroic deeds retroactively converted into a wizard qualification, and unromanced she'll mention that she's either considering going on secondment to Avernus or helping Halsin in the Shadowlands/feywild as her practical project for the final part of her grade. She will have visited every single companion in the six months (Wyll/Karlach as a projection). She will mention going to tea weekly with Gale given that she's fast-tracking wizardry/he needs a friend group and practice at being a normie and they live in the same city. She will name drop being friends with Tara very smugly.
Bad ending Rosalie is a mindflayer and will talk about the magic she's capable of and the power she's unlocking, now she's no longer letting emotion cloud her judgement. You can ask her about her parents and if she's gotten back in touch and she says, "oh, right. I used to have those."
tav ask game! :)
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piipaw · 9 months
Get to Know Your Tav!
I got tagged by @tavsboots and it's been really fun to fill this out! I have 100 things thought out about my Tav but no real place to put them so this was a great exercise ;w;
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Gum ( hathcing-name redacted) | Githyanki | Cleric of Mystra | He/They | Age: It's a mystery
What is your Tav’s…
Favorite Weapon: Specifically the Blood of Lathander.  As a general tho something one handed with a shield.
Style of Combat: One of two flavors: Run in swinging, or summon as many things as possible while buffing the team.
Most Prized Possession: I know this is meant to be a tangible item, but Gum literally prays every time he eats a good piece of fruit I'm gonna say his prized possession is just simply being free.
Deepest Desire: To live peacefully. Growing up in his creche like peace was never an option, having denounced all that and escape that upbringing has left him seeking out to understand the things he's missed.
Guilty Pleasure: Fruit. Soaking in bodies of water (lakes, rivers, pools, bathtubs, ect.) he years for a good soak, hot or iced.
Best-Kept Secret: He doesn't really know what's going on a lot of the time and his silence isn't him being a composed thought out leader, it's him observing the others to make the best educated guess.
Greatest Strength: Gratitude? Forgiveness? Acceptance? Non Applicable.
Fatal Flaw: Stubborn and bad at reading social cues (he's improving)
Favorite Smell: In a present state I think his favorite smell would be something like the smell of books (parchment) or like Sandalwood. But like a deep seated childhood core memory smell for him would be something more like burnt meat.
Favorite Spell or Cantrip: Spirit Guardians!!! But also Hero's feast
Pet Peeve: When others refer to him as unintelligent/stupid over things that cause culture shock (ex: calling him dumb for not understanding why pieces on display in a museum can't just be taken).
Bad Habit: Overthinks and miscommunicates. Used to be really confident before his social outcasting at his old creche.
Hidden Talent: Really good at identifying things by smell that should not be picked up in some way (ex: 'idk you smelled anxious')
Leisure Activity: Reading and Jogging
Favorite Drink: Hot drinks: Cider. Cold drinks: Water
Comfort Food: Space hampster 100% Kiwi (he's allergic and also wouldn't know not to just bite like its a hand fruit at first)
Favorite Person: Gale! He's got a complicated relationship with Lae'zel but she is also very important to him. Also very protective towards Astarion.
Favored Display of Affection (platonic and/or romantic): (platonic) If he's close with you and you're shorter than him (likely) He'll definitely rest his chin on your head (especially if you're showing him something). (romantic) For Gale I think he's go out of his way to give Gale's ear's a lot of attention (very round, very cute, unlike his own) but for Astarion he'd really enjoy just holding hands and sweeping his thumb over his knuckles.
Fondest Childhood Memory: Gum def doesn't have many if any fond memories from his childhood. Anything he once considered fond/proud of isn't really reflective to him at current and probably brings more sadness than anything. No longer propelled by having to fight or competing for something greater, I think he's just happy to make new memories.
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Time.... to Tag!!!
@violentlyexplosive @terrible-eel @nalhegrande @nycteres @galedekkarios
and anyone else who reads this and also wants to fill it out!!! Pls pls message me if you want to talk about our tavs together :,,)
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kaeoticneutral · 7 months
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Get the template here https://www.tumblr.com/triumphingmybest/741074592060358656/are-you-overwhelmed-by-the-dark-urge-to-tell
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moonslittlestar · 9 months
Get to Know Your Tav!
Tagged by @tavsboots - thank you so much for tagging me!! ❤
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ECHO | Half Elf Drow | Paladin Oathbreaker | They/He | Mid 30's
What is your Tav’s…
Favorite Weapon: Two handed weapons, swords in particular.
Style of Combat: Charge. All in or nothing.
Most Prized Possession: His mother's locket
Deepest Desire: To be free from his chains
Guilty Pleasure: Indulging in skin to skin contact (not necessarily sexual)
Best-Kept Secret: He's terrified of being abandoned - but he'd never show it. His PTSD (Only a Halsin, Astarion and Karlach have witnessed it in full swing) and his stuffed owlbear teddy.
Greatest Strength: His determination to over come obstacles.
Fatal Flaw: His mouth moves faster than his brain, his stubbornness to ask for help.
Favorite Smell: Cederwood
Favorite Spell or Cantrip: Inflict Wounds
Pet Peeve: Anything that disturbs his peace.
Bad Habit: Picking at his wounds, sleeping during the day, no filter.
Hidden Talent: He a very skilled artist.
Leisure Activity: Drawing / painting, going on nature walks with Halsin and forest bathing.
Favorite Drink: Rum (alcoholic) Black Tea "Dreams of South Seas" (non-alcoholic)
Comfort Food: Gale's special dish.
Favorite Person: Halsin, Astarion and Karlach.
Favored Display of Affection (platonic and/or romantic): Nipping / Biting (affectionate aggression) Nuzzling for romantic. If he enjoys your company you'll notice him loosen up around you, become less tense, he's not really one for touching people or allowing people to touch him, so being relaxed around someone is a big enough deal. If he's really comfortable with someone, platonically, he likes hugs and being a head rest.
Fondest Childhood Memory: Sadly, Echo doesn't have any fond childhood memories.
I only have @beesmiley to tag, so if anyone else sees this and wants to do it please do so! I love reading about other's tavs/ocs and I don't know many people in this community yet 😥
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thetavolution · 7 months
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Send me OC asks!
Just let me know which of my dorks its for: Laura, Tessa, Paloma, Minty, Bex, or Ingrid!
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jeneralmischief · 8 months
Tav Asks by @lewdisescariot ^_^
16. Which of the companions does your Tav trust most? 
She trusts Gale the most, mainly for the next answer. But also, she respects his intellect and sense of "good" I suppose. She knows him to do the right thing, for the most part.
19. Who is your Tav romancing, if anyone?
She is romancing Gale. Funnily enough, the plan was to romance Astarion, but after meeting Gale, her fate was sealed XD
27. What is their sense of humor like?
Very cheeky, loves pranks, jokes, tricks. She does this thing called "Casual Luteing" (she's playing the lute, but hidden in the bg is Astarion doing his own "casual looting" and they partnered in on the scheme)
37. What would your Tav’s Zodiac sign be?
I would consider her an Aries like me, she's maybe a touch self-insert, but not wholly.
Bonus 65. What would be your Tav’s major in college?
I actually headcanon in her backstory that before the tadpoles she was on her way to Waterdeep to study under her uncle, a renowned bard, at the fancy bard College there that I can't recall the name of XD So major would probably have been something to do with music. Minor in some sort of draconic history to learn more of her own lineage.
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owmyeyeballs · 9 months
Get to Know my Tav!
Thank you to @sporeservant for putting together this ask game! Behold, my Tav!
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Silence | Tiefling Monk | She/Her
What is your Tav’s…
favorite weapon: Silence uses her master's old staff, when she's not just punching, kicking, or using elemental ki attacks. Or explosives.
style of combat: Fast and chaotic. Silence was a tavern brawler before her master took her in and taught her the monkish arts, and the more she progresses in her adventure, the more her old "win at any cost, no such thing as a fair fight" comes out. It was a bad day for the Absolute when Silence discovered smokepowder bombs.
most prized possession: Her master's collection of notes. Travel notes, recipes, remedies, poetry... The old man wrote down everything, and Silence regrets not taking more in when he was alive to teach her.
deepest desire: At a surface level, she believes it's revenge for her master and lover's deaths. Underneath that, though, it's the peace and belonging she felt with them.
guilty pleasure: Drunken brawling. She can only keep up the zen act for so long...
best-kept secret: She's afraid of never being loved, and dying alone
greatest strength: Determination
fatal flaw: Insecurity
favorite smell: The tea blends her master taught her to make
favorite spell or cantrip: Either Fist of Four Thunders, or Ride the Wind (in my head she absolutely has a wuxia-esque scene of soaring over the rooftops at some point)
pet peeve: People being casual about demonic/infernal forces. As a tiefling born to human parents and abandoned, she knows the consequences of dabbling with the infernal
bad habit: Taking on other people's problems without thinking things through
hidden talent: Tea-blending. She thought it was a stupid hobby when her master tried to teach her. Now that she's turned her mind to it seriously as a way to remember him, it turns out she has a talent for it
leisure activity: Either qi gong style exercises, or, if she's feeling more energetic, climbing the nearest tall tree or building, as high as she can go
favorite drink: Either tea or wine, depending on her mood
comfort food: Hearty, slow cooked comfort foods like soups and stews. And peaches.
favorite person: In the past, that was her master, and Veldryn, her lover. In the present, it's Astarion (even when he drives her mad)
favored display of affection (platonic and/or romantic): Hugs! She's strong, and a hug from her is the tightest you'll ever get. Will even wrap her tail around you to get as much hug as possible!
fondest childhood memory: Climbing onto the rooftop of the monastery where she was dumped. Staying there all night, knowing no one would miss her until morning, and almost feeling free
Is there anything else you'd like to share?: Only that I haven't felt so fond of an OC for a very long time, and she broke a horrendously long writer's block for me. I haven't included her full backstory here, but feel free to ask more!
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Hi! I have come once more with Tav Asks:
Num 18 for Kazimir Num 5 for Arcangelo
— Kindly, @tavstavernofdisasterbisexuals
(I'm also working on some requests prior to Kazimir's, I can't await to draw him hihi)
Thank you for the asks, Eli! I'm also incredibly excited to see you draw Kaz and I've been on the look out for it 😝
18. what modern day tv show would they binge over a weekend? do they get their LI to watch with them? (for Kaz)
Kaz would be absolutely enthralled by River Monsters, and I think he and Halsin would watch it together.
I also think he'd watch the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy over a weekend, again with Halsin. And I think they'd make the themed LOTR food that some people make during a binge watching weekend.
5. what does their tent area look like? where do they prefer to pitch their tent (next to water, covered on three sides, etc)? (for Angel)
His tent is just like his room at home. Draped in various jewel-toned Calimshan tapestries, covered in velvet pillows and silk blankets, has a nice mirror for preening, at least one bottle of wine at arm's reach from his bedroll, and always has vanilla incense burning. Baby boy is a total slut for creature comforts, especially after a long day of adventuring. So he creates an absolute nest at camp.
He prefers to have camp nearest the fire so it's nice and warm, as well. He runs hot (101 degrees F internally) due to a D&D tiefling headcanon in the campaign I play him in so he's especially sensitive to cold.
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wastelandkatze · 9 months
Get to know your Tav! (Ask Game)
finally, more reason to work on and share my oc's lore. huge thanks to @tavsboots for tagging me, u and Velric are so sweet! game is originally by @sporeservant ❤
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BRIAR | Half-Elf | GOO Warlock | they/them | 35
What is their..
favorite weapon ➺ big and intimidating swords (pact weapon)
style of combat ➺ responsible for crowd control (and to feed their patron). whips out their sword when an enemy makes the mistake of closing contact. utilizes Eldritch Blast for knocking enemies away from them and their party members (especially their love interest. they're protective like that)
most prized possession ➺ their freedom... and i guess this dress Astarion custom-ordered for them for the Archduke's coronation
deepest desire ➺ to meet their father
guilty pleasure ➺ restricted arcana knowledge. they'd do anything just to get their hands on forbidden magical books. Gale has competition in camp.
best-kept secret ➺ terrible. at. math.
greatest strength ➺ fast learner
fatal flaw ➺ keeps their feelings to themself until it just bursts
favorite smell ➺ smell of the ocean
favorite spell or cantrip ➺ Hex is their favorite spell (that's why their alias is the Crimson Hexer). Meanwhile, Eldritch Blast for the favorite cantrip (cue the Danny Devito meme).
pet peeve ➺ they absolutely hate it when someone talks over them while they're talking, especially with an amplified voice. let Briar finish.
bad habit ➺ competitive. thinks they got to do waaay better than the other guy.
hidden talent ➺ brewing poisons made from flowers (jokes on you, Astarion).
leisure activity ➺ reading and/or bothering their partner (Astarion)
favorite drink ➺ surprisingly, coffee
comfort food ➺ anything savory and spicy, preferably stew!
favorite person ➺ Astarion, their love interest
favored display of affection (platonic and/or romantic) ➺ simply being there, hovering around the person they care for. if it's their partner, add simple consensual non-sexual touches to the mix (playing with hair, lightly touching fingers, etc)
fondest childhood memory ➺ none. their memory about their childhood is dulled by the trauma.
free-response! Is there anything else about your Tav you'd like to share? ➺ Briar is demipansexual. yay for ace spectrum tavs!
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tagging: @dumpups @tabbycatcloud and you if you come across this! show off your tav ❤
cute divider by @saradika-graphics
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sporeservant · 9 months
Get to know your Dark Urge!
I’m working on a Dark Urge questionaire to get to know the current or favorite Dark Urge of anyone who would like to participate. If you’re interested in being tagged in the questionaire once it’s finished, just interact with this post. Anyone is welcome to participate!
Much love to everyone who has responded to the ‘get to know your Tav’ questionaire so far, I’ve had so much fun reading about your characters.
Happy new year everyone, I can’t wait to get to know your Durge!
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wetcatspellcaster · 6 months
Question for Tav, 5 please!
5. Describe their idle animations!
thank you anon, this is a fun one! :D
Rosalie joins Astarion and Gale for book club, obviously! Standard candidate for a perfectly reusable animation.
Rosalie specific ones are:
her sat cross legged with a telescope and a little chart next to her, checking between the chart and the sky like a Sim with a VERY low logic score lmao (learning divination)
transcribing a spell into her spellbook and actively pacing it out, animation ends with magic flaring in her hands
fidgeting with her hands/putting braids in her hair (her hair is down and there's no active change obviously, it probably looks more like she's examining split ends)
tav ask game! :)
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avengingannie · 8 months
Get to Know My Tav!
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Faolan Gren | half-elf | wildheart barbarian | he/him | 29
• favorite weapon: double scimitars and bows (he's dex-based)
• style of combat: covering a lot of distance, quick and slashy, first to strike
• most prized posession: Faolan didn't really start out with anything of his own because the clan he belonged to considered all things community property, and trying to claim something for yourself usually meant you had to fight for it. Faolan stole Halsin's pipe from the druid grove and feels an odd possessiveness over it that he doesn't quite understand.
• deepest desire: To leave violence behind and live a soft life. In another life, he'd have been a naturalist. He loves flowers and animals.
• guilty pleasure: stealing looks at halsin when he bathes at camp
• best kept secret: he was the runt of his clan and spent his whole life being made to feel lesser than because he wasnt the strongest. he's never said it out loud, but he wants to be valued for his softness.
• greatest strength: his honesty. He speaks plainly and says what he means.
• fatal flaw: his instinctual need to prove himself, especially to stronger men.
• favorite smell: the earth after rain.
• favorite spell or cantrip: longstrider. and although it's not in the game, I think he'd love and would want to learn druidcraft.
• pet peeve: speaking in riddles. Just evasiveness in general.
• bad habit: going nonverbal. he's used to not speaking up, so sometimes he forgets that people want or need a response.
• hidden talent: tree and bird identification. he knows a shocking amount about both.
• leisure activity: nature walks, swimming, generally anything outdoors. he also loves listening to music though is not musical himself.
• favorite drink: water straight from the spring.
• comfort food: roasted game.
• favorite person: halsin, karlach, wyll
• favored display of affection: hair touching/care, really good sex, demonstrating gratitude through acts of service
• fondest childhood memory: he was orphaned then scooped up by a marauding clan at a young age, so he doesn't have many. He did once, as a child, stumble into the feywild and spend the afternoon in the company of a young fawn boy, but he's convinced himself it was a dream.
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cursedhaglette · 6 months
6, 11 and 30!
6. How would the player go about meeting them in Act 1? What is their introduction?
ooooh this one really made me think! I would say Halia is by the rocks where you find the fisherman with the perfumed letter, scrubbing herself clean after leaving the nautiloid covered in blood. i think she'd probably start by pointing to the body of the fisherman and saying "I didn't do that but I also don't know what happened!"
the PC would get an option to say something alone the lines of "Well then who's blood is all over you?" and she'd retort with "I don't know that either..." and it'd become clear pretty quickly that something is wrong with her, but you chalk it up to the tadpole and recruit anyway.
11. What is your Tav’s go-to comfort food?
pre-tadpole? steak, super rare. like it's been salted and has the tiniest bit of a char, but it's still bleeding. she prefers just the steak but won't turn down a good mashed potato. second favorite would be like lamb kebabs from street vendors around the city, dipped in yogurt sauce. and of course, a blunt and a bottle of Thayan Red go a long way with her.
post-tadpole? i think she'd grow very fond of venison or rabbit stew, cooked by Gale, and a glass of red wine. she can't tell the difference between the good red wine and the ones Astarion calls shit anymore though. i can imagine stew stays her favorite food for decades after, because it reminds her of their time on the road.
30. What does your Tav want more than anything?
pre-tadpole - to make daddy Bhaal happy enough to leave her alone and let her do her own shit. to kill Orin. to be blissfully, mind-numbingly high so she can forget all responsiblities.
post-tadpole? to stay free of daddy Bhaal and to keep Astarion safe and by her side
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thetavolution · 9 months
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TESSA CHASTAIN | Human | Rogue-Monk | She/Her | 35
What is your Tav’s…
Favorite Weapon: Sword of Screams
Style of Combat: She's pretty hands on in a fight. If she's not slicing and dicing, she's punching and kicking. She's a rogue-monk so she gets her hands dirty in every fight.
Most Prized Possession: At the beginning of the whole adventure, it's a necklace her father gave her. By the end of it, it's an engagement ring from Gale.
Deepest Desire: She'd love to settle down and have a normal life, even just for a little while. She's never been "normal," but she'd like to try.
Guilty Pleasure: She loves reading terrible romance novels and erotica.
Best-Kept Secret: She was born into the Zhentarim because of her father. Her family is from Icewind Dale so even a lot of the local Zhentarim members don't know her. It's likely they'd recognize her father's name if she brought it up though.
Greatest Strength: She's loyal. She's the mom friend so she's always comforting to be around.
Fatal Flaw: She's impulsive and leaps before she looks.
Favorite Smell: Roses.
Favorite Spell or Cantrip: She doesn't really cast spells often, but she does like using Ice Knife. When it comes to her allies, she loves it when they use Wall of Fire. It's wonderfully effective when used right.
Pet Peeve: Being late.
Bad Habit: She steals stuff all of the time. Her impulsiveness is also a bad habit. She stays up late and, when she was much younger, she was a party animal.
Hidden Talent: She's a talented writer. She's written short stories and novels, but she does nothing with them. They just sit, unread by anyone else. Gale will be the first person to know they even exist.
Leisure Activity: Writing.
Favorite Drink: Brandy
Comfort Food: Sun-Dappled Paella and Cranberry Cake
Favorite Person: Gale, Shadowheart, and Halsin
Favored Display of Affection (platonic and/or romantic): She likes to tell people how much they mean to her. Word of affirmation are big for her. With certain people, she likes to roughhouse. (She grew up with 5 brothers.) She's big on cuddling and kisses, too.
Fondest Childhood Memory: Most of her fond memories are the times her family were all together, but a few specific moments stick out. When she was around seven or eight, her father brought home a puppy for her and her brothers. Tessa was the one that doted on that dog though.
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BEX MCQUOID | Mephistopheles Tiefling | Bard (College of Swords) | She/Her | 36
What is your Tav’s…
Favorite Weapon: Rapier
Style of Combat: Talking is her favored battle technique, be it Vicious Mockery or Dissonant Whispers. In melee, she likes to stick to her rapier. She's known for having some flair while sword fighting.
Most Prized Possession: Her violin. It was gifted to her by her teacher, the only person she felt cared about her during her childhood.
Deepest Desire: She wants to find where she belongs. She wants to finally let down her walls and care about someone deeply. She wants to be cared for in return and feel safe.
Guilty Pleasure: There is no guilt, only pleasure. Bex doesn't like to think of anything as a "guilty pleasure." Life is too short for that.
Best-Kept Secret: Unfortunately, I can't say! It mirrors her past in @thebonnevillegame too much. (Think of BG3 Bex as a multiverse version of The Bonneville Game's Bex.)
Greatest Strength: She's unflappable and steadfast. She can keep calm in a fight or stressful situation.
Fatal Flaw: She doesn't take situations seriously enough. She's also so used to taking care of herself that she's not great at being emotionally available for other people.
Favorite Smell: Oranges and the smell of fresh brownies
Favorite Spell or Cantrip: Dissonant Whispers
Pet Peeve: Being interrupted, leaving cabinets/drawers open, and egomaniacs.
Bad Habit: She's something of a packrat. She'll hold onto things just in case she needs it, or because she thinks having it adds comedic value to her life. She also relies far too heavily on alcohol when sad or anxious.
Hidden Talent: Although she's a bard, she's a talented cook. It's something she'll do to help pay the bills from time to time.
Leisure Activity: Cooking/baking and learning new recipes. She also likes to keep in shape.
Favorite Drink: Coffee or Mermaid's Whiskey
Comfort Food: Homemade Bread
Favorite Person: Astarion and Karlach
Favored Display of Affection (platonic and/or romantic): She loves hugs even if she won't say it. She's big on terms of endearment. Any kind of physical contact is welcome, including something as simple as a touch of a hand. Sometimes she'll gently "punch" people in the arm.
Fondest Childhood Memory: Training under her teacher, Valus. She was neglected as a child and Valus was the first adult in her life to look after her. Her fondest memories are spending time with him.
Thank you for tagging me @tavsboots!
I don't have anyone to tag. If you want to do it, please go right ahead!
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