#obviously later on we see how well they hit off
moonchild-in-blue · 5 months
Somehow I forgot it was Arthur who introduced Jack to Lucy. Kinda funny if you think about how their relationship will later evolve - what a massive cringe fail guy 😭
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I love how the first description of Seward is "hot rich successful doctor who's smart and cool", and then when you actually meet him, he's just the most pathetic wet cat emo guy who really needs a good nap and a hug. I love him lmao.
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sleepyjuice · 2 months
toxic!rafe will blow your phone up the second you post something on instagram that he’s ‘iffy’ about.
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you posted a photo dump which consisted of some random photos of the beach, some of your friends, one of you and rafe of course, but the one that had rafe seeing red was the last slide, which was you in a bikini. he texted you several times at first, and while you were literally typing your response, he called you. your fingers were typing so fast to respond to him that you accidentally declined the call, and he did not like that. you immediately went to call him back, but another text from rafe rolled in, saying ‘fuck you don’t talk to me we’re done’ you sighed loudly, knowing damn well he was talking out of his ass right now, so you sat back and waited for the inevitable next string of texts to roll in. which they did, only seconds later.
rafe <3: do you get off on making me mad or something
rafe <3: like i’m racking my brain trying to understand why you do the things you do and that’s all i can come up with
rafe <3: and i see at least 4 guys have already liked your post like that’s crazy to me?? thought i told you to block all the guys that followed you?? of course you didn’t
rafe <3: also who even took that pic of you??? bc i know damn well it wasn’t me so who the fuck you posing for with your fucking ass and tits out? WHAT THE FUCK
rafe <3: DO NOT PUT YOUR SHIT ON DO NOT DISTURB answer me rn.
rafe <3: nah it’s cool actually i’m gonna go hit up my other gfs so you have a good night.
you rolled your eyes at that last text, deciding to fully turn your phone off. you knew he would likely try to text or call you again very soon but you didn’t want to deal with it right now. this wasn’t your first rodeo, you knew nothing you could say to him right now would calm him down, so letting him freak out on his own was the best method to his madness.
three hours had passed since you turned your phone off. you had caught up on some reading and turned on your current favorite show, but found yourself interrupted by a knock at your front door. you expected it to be rafe, but instead it was a large bouquet of your favorite flowers and a gift bag. you glanced around to see if rafe was lurking around, but saw nothing. when he freaked out over text and was able to reread his actions, he usually waited a bit longer to show his face as opposed to a verbal argument.
you brought the flowers inside and set them on the counter before grabbing the card attached to the side of the bouquet.
sorry we argued. you are so beautiful and i love you so much. got you a little gift and sent you some money for food and i set your appointment with your nail girl for tomorrow at 10. love you forever baby -rafe
you couldn’t help but smile just a little. the flowers were beautiful and the note was pretty sweet, so you chose to ignore the part where he said ‘we argued.’ you didn’t get a word in, but you let it slide. especially after you opened the gift bag to see the new dior bag you had been wanting.
you hurried to turn on your phone, immediately seeing a $500 apple payment from rafe as well as a new text from a few minutes ago.
rafe <3: hope you like the flowers and bag baby. love you! :)
you: i love them. thanks rafe, love you too
rafe <3: good to hear. lmk what you end up getting for dinner and i’ll pick you up tomorrow to take you to your nail apt. can’t wait to see you baby
you would order yourself dinner that was obviously way less than $500, but you would send rafe a picture and thank him again. you’d facetime him before bed and conversation flowed like nothing had even happened just hours before. he’d ask you what color nails you were getting, tell you funny stories about the old men at the country club and excitedly plan what you two were going to do the next day. the cycle seemed like it would never end, but you often forgot about the bad when he was talking so sweetly to you and all you could think about was how excited you were to see him tomorrow.
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windser · 2 months
thinking more about streamerbf!kenma and how his subscribers have been pestering him about a q&a but kenma just hates the idea of just talking about himself. he’s fine having the sole attention on him while he’s playing games, used to idle chatter and occasional questions about his play style. but thirty minutes of what it’s like to be kenma ?
hard pass.
he complains about this to you one night, head tucked into your lap while you run your fingers through his scalp. he was approaching another significant subscriber milestone and his usual rewards aren’t cutting it. they just want to get to know you kenma, you try to reason. but all you get in return is a soft grown that could double as a whimper.
as a moderator, you know how his fans can get. social media in general when they unite under the same goal. no, this will hit a pinnacle if not handled carefully. part of you gets it. it took quite a bit of time for kenma to open up to your social agenda. from inquiring from his favorite type of bird to how he decides on what video game to play next, you spent what feels like years now getting to know your other half. now your boyfriend hardly even blinked while answering your-
at the thought, your lip purses in consideration.
days later, kenma only gives you a questioning grunt when you slide beside him during his stream. a few months ago, he’d purchased you a more comfortable chair to lounge in to share the same space as him. he rarely minded when you did, but usually you’d give him a heads up.
his chat is well trained enough at this point to know when you’re around.
user795: is that them? user23: hiiiiiiiii!! welcome user55: are they going to play today ?
you follow the messages with a hint of a smile, only giving a little wave in frame before turning to kenma. your boyfriend had removed the headphone closest to you, a small acknowledgment that always sent your heart a flutter.
off screen, you massage the top of his thigh which earns you a another quick glance and a slight slouch as he relaxes into your touch.
“ken, what was your first ever game you played ?”
now this gets you a longer look, one accompanied by a furrow brow and confusion. his lips move in a mumble but audible enough to hear however as he concedes without question, "mega man.”
from the corner of your eye, you see that chat reacting to his answer, some acknowledging it either familiarity and others new to it.
user124: ohhh i played that. good game man user775: i think my cousin played that but i’ve never seen it. can you still get that? user65: @user775 the og? you need backwards compatibility i think but yes user8895: i had a hard time beating that one. has kenma ever been beaten by a game?
still following the chat, you catch the question and propose it to kenma. with you here, he minds the chat a little less closely, only catching up when he breaks between missions.
“in middle school you played this one game for what felt like weeks, did you ever beat it?”
kenma shifts his leg under your touch, redirecting the circle of your thumb to a new spot. “tactics ogre? no, i kept getting stuck on the last boss. tetsuro asked to borrow it to try but he lost it.”
he’d obviously been miffed by the lost game but apparently not enough to repurchase it and probably complete it. that note didn’t seem to be lost to the chat.
user321: damn at least we know he’s human. even kenma gets stumped user642: to be fair that was a tough one. even the creator acknowledged that it was tough on players on release user533: i bet he could beat it now. that should be his next walkthrough.
“ah,” you bite your lips when kenma's gaze flickers briefly to the chat. “yeah, i might. i already have it in my library.”
grinning, you give him a light squeeze catching his eye in return before they went back to his game. you browse the slowly rolling in questions carefully, weeding through the more repetitive ones to find ones with more substance.
“did you ever play anything other than volleyball growing up?”
you wince when your boyfriend full on turns to face you. that might have been too specific of a question, something you so obviously knew and had no reason to ask without context. so all you could do was give him your best pleading gaze, hoping he’d play along and ask later.
it’s not until he huff that you know you’ve won, his response coming right after if not with a bit of sass.
“i got nagged enough between you and tetsuro with just volleyball, that was more than enough.”
user863: looooool user3626: i can’t really imagine kodzuken playing anything else. like soccer, can you imagine? user6556: nah volleyball was fitting user3322: they’ve always been familiar but how long have you guys actually dated?
your mouth opens and close sky soundlessly on the taste of that one. you knew in general when kenma actually asked you out, just short of your second year in high school. back then, the two of you had been fumbling with your feelings for months. but you never really learned when those feelings actually seeded for him.
but that was a moment for off screen conversation. instead you ask
“our first date back in second year of high school, you took me to the arcade and i obliterated you in DDR, remember that?”
kenma fires back quickly,” after i put high scored you on every other one.”
it's impossible not to grin as you remember that day. what had started as an awkward date forty minutes in had lasted an additional three hours as the both of you eased back into your normal routine.
user7: ughhhh to have a gaming s/o user6552: they’re so cute goals man user172: are they actually gamers ? user032: @user172 kenma plays some games with them on stream. they’re actually pretty good user4534: ohhh kodzuken never talks about his his favorite snacks, can you ask what those limited ones he always eats are?
that was an easy enough questions that got written off as your own ignorance. while you often did the grocery shopping, kenma placed most of his snack orders online. partly due to its limited availability and other reasons pertaining to it being out of country. kenma responds easily in turn.
user333: wait, is this the q&a we've been asking? user405: omg i have soo many questions saved!!!! i didnt realize it was today user7532: i thought kodzuken didn't want to do this? user89305: @user7532 well he's answering questions like he is
you frown as the chat explodes with activity, some questioning the validity of the 'event' others spamming the feed with their questions. it's more than enough to draw kenma's attention away from his other screen and you find yourself pausing as he tenses under your touch.
while you hadn't maliciously tricked him, you had coerced him into this. he'd have every right to scold you for it. you wince when he scoffs, preparing for the brunt of it. but what comes next is just a sigh as he shifts in his chair, the movement inviting your hand to rest comfortably more towards the inside of his thigh as he leaned back.
"you guys ask too many questions, this is why i didn't want to do this q&a. if you get too much for them to handle, i'm going to end the event."
and while his words sound stern, he truly does harvest a bunch of excited individuals as the stream only explodes even more with enthusiasm and inquiries.
frankly way too many for you to keep up with as you bewilderly try to scan the chat for feasible ones to ask. when you finally identify one and turn to ask, you find kenma watching you with that smug pull of his lips.
"well what's next?"
eventually, kenma had taken over selecting his own questions as the stream properly shifted into the q&a event, title change and all. the chat adjusted to the new handler as well, being more strategic about their question timings in order to get the most of his attention.
every so often you would chime in, but you mostly relaxed back in your own chair with your legs resting across his lap.
you weren't sure how long exactly you expected this event to go, but you knew it was getting late. not necessarily for a kodzuken stream, but in the day in general.
it was kenma's touch now, that stroked your skin as his gaze followed the never ending influx of questions.
user345675: has he talked about hinata shoyo yet? user09432: i feel like people are asking the same questions user869320: will you ever have guests on your stream? user9642: kodzuken what is it like to run your own company?
intrigued enough, he opened his mouth to reply when another question rolled in
kenmaskitten: what does kodzuken want for dinner?
you look up from your phone as kenma's attention shifts to you. he holds your gaze as he replies,
"i want katsu."
you shrug, easy enough and all the ingredients are probably in the kitchen. however, as you go to slide your legs away, kenma captures one ankle.
"and apple pie."
that was less simple and tastes like a reward.
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sweetnans · 4 months
Firefighter!bakugo pt 2 pt.1 here
a/c: This bakugo is softer because there's no quirks hunting him. This isn't proofread yet, and please consider that english is not my first language.
You didn't call him. He left his number on the card, the company replaced all your burnt furniture and electronics, and after all, you still couldn't look at your new stove without thinking of him. And that you never called him.
Of course, the next time you saw him, it wasn't your fault.
It was a sunny day. A few months had passed, and you were making your way for a new job interview you had pending.
You did the interview pretty well, considering your strike of bad luck. The boss and the executive of the company said that your resume was everything that they were looking for and that gave you a sort of security you hadn't felt for a while.
You were making your way out of the office after hearing the 'we will call you to discuss minor details' when a rare feeling appeared on your stomach, a slight pinch in your guts that didn't felt like it was a stomach problem.
You shook the feeling away and kept walking to the elevator, pressing the button you realized that you were free all afternoon, so you made a quick plan to go for a coffee and a donut. Lately, you were craving sugary things.
Once the elevator's doors closed, the uneasy feeling made his way back to you. You felt that something wasn't right the minute the elevator creaked before going down. The office's company was on the nineteenth floor, and you were almost reaching the thirteen when the movement stopped abruptly.
Suddenly, the light went off too.
You never thought that you would be in a situation like that, so you obviously tried to remain calm, but it didn't work.
Panting, you reached to grab your phone from the back pocket of your jeans. As you were expecting, you had no signal, mostly because you were trapped in a box made of metal.
"Hello?" You said pressing one of the buttons from the panel, the one that got a bell on it. "I'm stuck in the elevator"
No one answered, and your heart started to beat faster and faster. You tried banging on the doors, crossing your fingers that the elevator got stuck on a specific floor and not in between floors.
You considered yourself a calm person, or at least a good pretending something you are clearly not. You were good at faking because you were more afraid of feeling ashamed, but no one was around to see you panicking.
"Help!" You screamed and then waited to hear any noise coming from outside. The silence was overwhelming. "Shit"
You slid your back until your butt hit the ground and started to remember the breathing exercises you learned on a yoga session your friend made you go. Thinking that it will work was a very optimistic thought.
The feeling of your lungs stretching and trying to find the air that was lacking in the elevator was exhausting, closing your eyes, you pushed one of your hands in your chest to apply some presure on it to feel the movement and connect the moves with your brain so it would process that you were actually not dying and still breathing.
Your eyes started to close, and your body started to sweat. Was it the end of it? You got a decent degree, got drunk with your friends many times, and had a good childhood, but still, you wanted to do a lot of things, like learn how to drive, get a dog, start your own business and even make fucking cookies without setting your house on fire, you were so young to die like that.
Thirty minutes later, that felt like an eternity, you started to hear banging and voices from the other side of the elevator. You were skeptical that it was actually help and tried not to feel so excited about it, but then, a ray of light appeared from the darkness.
"I think she's conscious, guys," a voice you've heard before said.
Many hands and bodies started to work in the steel, using saws and jaws to break the door open to get you out of there.
The door cracked after a few minutes, and you were free and ready to never jump in an elevator again.
You were almost falling asleep, and you felt so weak to move, so they carried you out of the elevator and settled you on the floor.
A blonde man put a little flashlight in your eyes and looked at you very focused on his task. The sight wasn't very clear, everything looked very blurred to you. You could only see two shapes that obstructed the sunlight.
"I think she passed out while she was there. I got a faint pulse too" The same voice you heard before echoes in your ears like it was miles away but you could see the red haired man in front of you.
Oh no.
You felt your senses returning in a whiplash. That man, in front of you, was the man that went to the fire in your house and the one that was next to him was the one that went to your brother's home and gave you the box of cookies.
Fuck fuck fuck.
"I'm okay, I swear." You tried to stand in your feet, but a wave of dizziness didn't let you.
"I don't think you are," the red-haired man told you, giggling. "Wait, I know you" he stated in awe.
"Yeah, her face, it feels familiar, right?" The blonde man spoke to the other ignoring completely that you were there.
"She's the one that burned down her kitchen a few months ago"
There he was, taking off his gloves, a drop of sweat in his forehead, and looking as good as the last time you saw him. You cursed yourself in your mind. He was hot, and now after you never called him, there was a ninety-nine percent chance that he hated you.
"Move aside. I'm going to check her vitals. You two can talk with the building manager about his excuse of an elevator. " he spoke lowly to the others, and that volume of timber scratched that unworkable brain of yours.
The two firefighters stood up and patted the shoulder of his friend while he kneeled down in front of you.
You were left alone with him, the guy you turned down.
"Hey, you know I'm very sorry and -" You started to apologize.
"Do you consider yourself claustrophobic?" He interrupted, putting the oximeter in your index finger
"Mhm, I don't think so." You avoided eye contact because his serious facade was something you couldn't bear at the moment.
"Doubtful, why is your heart rate so elevated then?"
You felt how the blood in your system rose to your cheeks. He must have noticed because he lowered his head at the same time that a smug smile appeared on his face.
"I think I got what I deserved, a scare that almost ended up in death," you dramatized while he lifted a finger in front of your eyes with a tiny flashlight following the movements of your pupils. "I think that's the karma acting"
"What do you mean?" He clicked the flashlight off and reajusted himself crouched on his knees.
"You were nice to me, and I never responded" you shrugged.
Bakugo put on a face you couldn't decipher. It was a mix between thinking and not giving a shit about everything.
"Have you tried baking again?" He asked, reverting his glance from nothing to you.
You denied with your head.
"Just looking at the oven freaks me out," you let out a sigh, followed with a shiver when your mind put the memory of that day in your head.
He grinned at your words and you couldn't help the smile that appeared in your face.
"What's so funny?" You tried asking.
"How do you burn your kitchen and end up trapped in an elevator in less than a year?"
You rolled your eyes at him and handed the oximeter to him. He extended his hand to yours, and you dropped the device before his hand reached your hand. The two of you were quick on catching the device before it landed on the floor, but in the process, his hands covered yours.
Bakugo stared at your joined hands for a second before taking his away. You thought that you were the only one who felt attracted like a magnet to him, but the slight pink on the tips of his ears gave him away instantly.
"You know, there's a chance you might have hurt yourself, so we have to take you to the hospital so they can check on you properly," he explained while closing the paramedics bag.
"Great, no coffee and donuts for me, huh?" You muttered under your breath while gaining momentum to stand from your seat.
He helped you to get steady, and then he guided you to the truck.
Before you could jump to one of the seats, he stopped you.
"My shift ends up in like an hour. The doctors would want to check your vitals and see if there is any concussion from when you fainted, well that, and the time you were there without much air... I was wondering if maybe, if you want, I mean...-
"Bakubro, did you ask her out yet?" The red-haired guy appeared from the back of the truck.
Bakugo stared at him like he could burn the man down.
"He was actually doing that," you said, biting your lip and looking back at him. "And I was about to say yes so..."
"Ah man, I'm sorry... Now that I'm here, I remember I left something back there. " he left the scene very quickly.
"You thought I was going to ask you out?" He said with his eyes going straight to his hairline.
A cold shiver ran through your spine from embarrassment.
"Shit, no? I'm, oh my god, this is so...I should've died, " you whined, praying in your mind for a hole in the ground that could swallow you down.
You could feel how your body was burning from the shame. Your face red and you felt your own temperature rising.
"You thought right," he said after a moment, enjoying your suffering. "But I was expecting you to make the first move, I mean after you turned me down"
"Please, stop, I beg you," you cried. "I'll take you out, meet me in the hospital, and I'll take you to wherever you want to go, just stop"
He almost laughed at your suffering. Bakugo thought that you looked so cute when you were ashamed and blushed.
"Nah, this one is on me. You'll have your donuts and coffee after all"
He pushed you, putting his hand in your lower back to get you on the truck.
@spinninoutwaiting4you @gsyche @hanacheryl @itzjustj-1000 @kiridagremiln @reads-stuff-quietly
Do not edit or reupload my works elsewhere! All rights reserved.
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darnell-la · 12 days
Just a little request okay so picture this, logans hitting it from thr back right, with wade in front of on the bed with his legs spread. she's sucking his cock, but logan, all mean with it, gets impatient and shoves her head down all the way on wades dick, and keeps it there as he fucks her. wade is obviously turned on, a little shocked, and asks if she's okay. logan says "yeah she's fine, i trained her throat for this"
note: oh, we gettin’ nasty… we genuinely feel like Logan would share y/n with Wade for his pleasure…
How do you guys feel about a x men story with reader? Logan being rude Logan at first, then slowly shows small affection towards the reader. Jealousy and things of that sort. They soon hit it off, and after Logan starts acting rude again, because he’s scared of the love he grew for her. It’ll be a long story, but something to read at night. ALL ON WATTPAD! Comment below, please!
“You’re such a tease, y/n. Fuck!” Wade stressed as y/n slowly stroked his cock, watching pre cum leak from the tip. “C’mon, Bub — Don’t keep the man waiting. You know he’s been waitin’ a while for this,” Logan said, but that was why she took her time.
“Be patient boys,” y/n said before leaning down to suck on the man's balls, causing her back to arch. Wade had a great view of the woman. Logan as well, but he was getting irritated with his girl.
Logan had tried fucking her a bit harder, telling her to suck the man off like he demanded a few minutes ago, but she continued to take her time.
“Don’t make me tell you again, princess,” Logan said, hands gripping the girl's ass cheek to intimidate her, but all that did was make her moan, sending vibrations through Wade’s balls.
“F-Fuckin’ hell, peanuts. Please, just- just fuckin’ put it in,” the man stuttered, feeling an orgasm near and she hadn’t even sucked his cock.
“Alright, I’ve had enough,” Logan said as he bent over and grabbed a full hand off Y/n’s hair. The man pulled the young lady up before pushing her down on Wade’s cock, forcing Wade’s length to push through her mouth.
“Holy shit!” The man groaned as he gripped the sheets, finally feeling whole. Y/n cried out to Logan, but they were muffled.
“Shit, man, I-I think that’s too much for her,” Wade said as he looked at the view of y/n gagging on his cock. He loved the way she looked, falling in love with her glossy eyes, but he wanted to make sure she was fine.
“You good, peanut?” Wade struggled to ask. “Yeah, she’s done. I trained her for this,” Logan admitted, still pounding into his girl from the back. He never slowed down, he only sped up, making sure she knew she was in trouble for misbehaving for company.
“Fuck — Are you sure?” Wade asked as Logan forced the poor girl to bob her head, repeatedly taking in Wade’s long and thick length with no breaks.
“Yep, and she better be glad we have company. That shit she tried pullin’ doesn’t work when we’re alone. I’ll remind her about that later,”
Y/n whined, making sure Logan knew she was sorry, but that only made Wade buck his hips and throw his head back.
“S-Shit, I’m close,” Wade said, making Logan smirk down at the girl. Even though she couldn’t see her boyfriend, she could feel the look he was giving her.
“You hear that, Bub? Wade’s gonna cum. You gonna take it like I thought you too?” He asked as y/n’s hands rested on Wade’s abs, trying to keep herself up and slightly stop Logan from his rough acts.
“Mhm hm!” Y/n answered, slightly scratching the man’s stomach beneath her. “Good girl,” Logan said as he roughly brought a hand down on her ass.
That was the last vibration Wade could take before he shot in the girl's mouth. Logan pushed y/n’s head down, forcing Wade’s seed to spill down their throat and she fought for air.
“Fuuuuck,” Wade fully laid down on the bed, taking in how good she felt around him when he came. “You hear that, baby? He likes it. You make him feel so good,” Logan got off at the way Wade, another man felt from the effect of his girlfriend.
“So fuckin’ good for me, baby. Always quick to let me try new things out — Gotta do this more often — Gonna cum faster than usual,”
And he didn’t lie. A few pumps and he was spilling inside of y/n, filling her with a loud groan he wouldn’t dare keep back.
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embarrasingmf · 1 month
What Was I Thinkin’
PAIRING: Dean Winchester x reader
SUMMARY: you find yourself sneaking out of bobby’s house to be with your boyfriend, dean.
WORD COUNT: 1.2k (I’m writing longer fics yay!)
WARNINGS: established relationship, early seasons dean bc I feel like he’d be more likely to do this, me trying to combine lyrics of a song into a fic (yes, that deserves a warning.)
A/N: uhh obviously this was inspired by What Was I Thinkin’ by Dierks Bentley (PLS LISTEN TO THAT AND 5-1-5-0, THEY’RE BOTH SO GOOD🙏🙏 /nf) also I know dean probably wouldn’t listen to country music but let’s js pretend for the sake of the fic!
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You were lying in bed, staring at the cracking paint on the ceiling as you waited for a certain someone to throw a small pebble at your window.
When you heard the thump against your window, you immediately sprung up and looked out.
It was your boyfriend, Dean.
Well… secret boyfriend, technically. Your father, Bobby, didn’t know about you guys yet!
You always remember all the times Bobby had chewed you a new one, blabbering about how much of a bad influence Dean would be.
You didn’t think so, you saw the good in Dean, how sweet he could be despite his rough edges.
Once Dean saw your head peek through the window, a wide grin appeared on his face.
He threw you a wink before beckoning you to come to him. You nodded and quickly shut your window.
You snuck out of your bedroom, narrowly avoiding the floorboards that you knew for sure would creak and possibly wake up your father.
Sneaking out with Dean or friends in general had its perks.
That perk being knowing which floorboards to avoid and which ones to not avoid.
It took you a few extra minutes to get out the front door this time around because last time Bobby had already been awake for some odd reason and asked what you were doing up.
You quickly made an excuse, saying you were getting some water before hastily filling up a glass and retreating back to your room.
It was safe to say that you made it out of the house without any interference from Bobby.
That was until you heard him faintly cursing from inside the house, and you just knew that he saw or heard you sneak out.
You rushed over to Dean’s Impala — or *Baby* as he always called it — and swung the door open, almost ripping it off before climbing inside.
“Drive. Now!” You told Dean in a slightly panicked tone.
Dean raised an eyebrow and looked over, seeing Bobby running out of the house and waving a 12-gauge.
He put Baby in drive and tore out of the junkyard and he could hear Bobby fire a few shots.
He’d have to check his tailgate later.
After speeding down the road for a bit, Dean reached over and pulled out a mixtape for you to take.
me ‘n them was the title that was messily scrawled onto it.
“What’s this?” Came your questioning voice, yet you put the mixtape into the dashboard anyway.
“It’s a mixtape I made. It’s ‘bout us.” Dean explained proudly, hitting a button on the dashboard before you heard a country song start playing.
You looked over at him, slack-jawed and eyes wide. In all the time that you know him, he never listened to country music.
“What Was I Thinkin’ by Dierks Bentley, seriously?” You raised an eyebrow, wondering if Dean was in the right headspace.
“Just listen to it!” Dean assured, casting a glance in your direction. “I promise it’ll remind you about us.”
You sighed and leaned back in the passenger seat of the Impala, listening to the lyrics of the song that was playing.
She snuck out one night and met me by the front gate
Her daddy came out wavin' that 12-gauge
We tore out the drive, he peppered my tailgate
What was I thinkin'?
You scoffed at listening to the lyrics, it sounded just like what had happened moments earlier.
You reached out to turn it off, or skip the song, but Dean smacked your hand away.
“Uh-uh, you’re listening to this song whether you like it or not.” Dean chided, waving a finger in your direction. You huffed.
Oh, I knew there'd be hell to pay
But that crossed my mind a little too late
You had later noticed Dean taking a dirt path that was off the highway, but you didn’t question it. You had a vague idea on what he was planning to do.
So instead, you busied yourself with listening to the lyrics of the Dierks Bentley song that was starting to become catchy.
'Cause I was thinkin' 'bout a little white tank top
Sittin' right there in the middle by me
I was thinkin' 'bout a long kiss
Man, just gotta get goin' where the night might lead
I know what I was feelin'
But what was I thinkin'?
What was I thinkin'?
You felt the Impala jolt slightly as Dean put it in park, opening the car door and climbing out.
You climbed out as well, watching as Dean sat on the hood of Baby and glanced back at you before patting the spot next to him.
You wordlessly complied, the front of the Impala shifting and creaming under your guys’ combined weight.
Dean leaned in close, pressing a chaste kiss to the skin where your neck and shoulder met.
You chuckled, nudging Dean away before looking at him.
“Did you really take me out here just to see the stars?” Dean placed a hand on his chest, feigning offense at the prospect that you didn’t like his surprise.
“You don’t like my gift?” Dean asked, his tone full of playful accusation. “I’ll have you know that I planned this out perfectly.”
You laughed, turning back to the night sky.
Dean laughed as well, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pulling you into his side.
It wasn’t until half past two that Dean had gotten you home, and he couldn’t deny the spike of slight nervousness he felt when he saw Bobby sitting on the porch.
That stupid 12-gauge was still with him, too. It was leaning against the porch steps, almost taunting him.
To be honest, Dean wouldn’t be surprised if Bobby decided to shoot him in the chest right there and then.
But he didn’t.
Instead he slowly got up and walked over, arms crossed as he examined the two of you.
Bobby’s eyes landed on Dean, his gaze scrutinizing.
“You idjit, thinkin’ you could just make my child sneak out the house to hang out with ya?” He grunted before moving his gaze to you.
“And you.” You shifted awkwardly, swallowing down your nerves.
You were a hundred percent ready for your father to demand that you stop seeing Dean, even if it’d break your heart.
“I can tell you really like this idjit,” Bobby admitted with a sigh, his arms dropping to the side. “So I’ll let this whole thing slide.”
You felt relief hit you like a freight train, your eyes lighting up with a hint of hope.
Bobby nodded, “Yup. Just make sure to tell me if you’re gonna sneak out later in the night so I don’t almost have a heart attack worryin’ about you.”
You laughed quietly, looking over at Dean.
“Okay, dad.”
Bobby gave a small smile before he walked back inside.
You turned to Dean, smiling at him. “Well, I’ll see ya next time you arrange a date for us.
Dean smirked, “you bet.”
You stepped closer before leaning up and kissing his cheek.
Dean’s smirk fell into a giddy smile before he pulled you in for a proper kiss on the lips.
Soon after, he watched you run back inside as you waved wildly at him in goodbye before the front door closed behind you.
tags<3 : @ryvkkr
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seungkw1 · 10 days
pretty little present — smg
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♡ pairing: bf!mingi x afab!reader ♡ theme: smut ♡ wc: 2.5k ♡ warnings: dom!mingi, sub!reader, size kink (obviously), reader wears lingerie, mingi picks up reader and carries them, masturbation (f. & m.), oral (f. receiving), fingering (f. receiving), multiple orgasms (f. receiving), unprotected piv sex (do not do this), dacryphilia, possessiveness, creampie, reader gets one (1) hickey, pet names (princess, doll, babygirl), great aftercare, fluff ending ♡ a/n: i don’t normally write atz but bestie @myhimbomingi requested a mingi fic and i absolutely said yes!! i had such a fun time writing him hehe
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The soft light of early dawn filters through your eyelids as you slowly drift into consciousness. You roll over, flopping your arm over your sleeping boyfriend to snuggle up next to him - but your hand hits nothing but the bedsheets. You sleepily pry your eyes open to see his side of the bed vacant. You grab your phone to check your texts - sure enough, you have a message from Mingi, sent at 6:14am:
good morning babe :) sorry to leave without saying goodbye but i didnt wanna wake u, u looked so cute!! i had to leave early for work today but i promise i’ll make it up to u! i left u a present on the counter, we’ll put it to good use tonight ;) love you ❤️
You were planning on going back to sleep, but now you're simply too curious. You hop out of bed and make your way to the kitchen. There, on the counter, you see a flat, gift-wrapped box - creamy white in color with baby pink ribbons tying it together. Whatever it is, it looks expensive. You untie the pastel bow and remove the lid. Underneath several layers of crisp white tissue paper, you find your present: a lingerie set. 
The set is jet black, made of silky mesh adorned with lace and satin ribbons. It’s light as a feather, buttery soft to the touch - clearly a luxury item. You've never worn anything like it in your life, but it's beautiful. 
You pull your phone out to text your boyfriend. 
got your gift, hurry home to me ;) 
The typing bubble immediately pops up. Within seconds he responds. 
i will baby 😘
The day passes at an annoyingly slow pace. You didn't have much to do today anyway, so you try to occupy yourself with chores, but you can't help daydreaming about what all Mingi will be doing to you later. 
Finally, evening rolls around - Mingi will be home soon. 
You take a quick shower to freshen up, afterwards donning your new lingerie set. With all its various straps it takes you a few minutes to even figure out how to get it on, but once you do you step in front of your full length mirror to check it out. You knew it was gonna be really pretty on, but you look fucking hot. You start thinking about how feral it's going to make Mingi - quickly ruining the delicate panties at the mere thought of him. 
You grab some leggings and a big tshirt and throw them on. Another peek in the mirror verifies that you can't tell what you're wearing underneath the comfy clothes - all the more perfect to surprise him with. 
A few minutes later, you hear the sound of the front door being unlocked and opened. 
“Babe, I’m home!” Mingi calls out. 
You flutter on over to meet him, practically skipping as you jump into his arms. He pulls you in for a big kiss, placing his large hand on the back of your head, petting your hair softly as he holds you tight against him. As his lips depart from yours, he smiles, gazing at you with pure love. 
“I missed you,” you tell him as you place your hand on his chest. 
“I missed you too,” he replies as he kisses your forehead. 
“Soooo,” he starts as he tosses his bag down and kicks his shoes off. “What do you say we try out your new present?”
“Already?” you reply coyly. “Don’t you wanna eat dinner first?”
“It can wait,” he says as he lightly grabs onto your chin. His voice turns low and rumbly. 
“I’d rather eat you.”
You giggle. “Well somebody's horny.”
“I've been thinking about you all day - thinking about how good you're gonna look in your gift.” He strokes your jaw with his thumb. “Gonna be my pretty little present.”
He grabs the hem of your tshirt, starting to pull it off of you. 
“Why don't we get you out of these clothes already and-”
He stops. He’s lifted your shirt just enough to reveal the black lacy lingerie underneath. 
“One step ahead of you, baby,” you say sweetly. 
“Fuckkkkk,” he groans. He helps you lift your shirt the rest of the way off, flinging it aside as he takes in the sight of you. The mesh lining of the bra is entirely sheer, putting your nipples on full display. The coolness of the room combined with how turned on you’re getting makes them perk up, poking through the delicate fabric. 
He brushes his fingers over the protruding buds, making them even harder. He licks his lips as he gazes at you, the love in his eyes quickly turning into lust. 
You reach for the waist of your leggings, sliding them off of you to reveal the rest of the set. You kick them aside, standing up before him to show yourself off.
“Turn around for me,” Mingi commands.
You give him a twirl, wiggling your butt as your back faces him. He grabs onto you with both hands, squeezing your ass, kneading the soft flesh in his hands.
You let him touch you for a few moments before you spin around, grabbing his hands as you pull him with you toward the bedroom.
“Come on, what are you waiting for?” you tease.
Before you can take another step you feel your feet depart from the ground - Mingi grabs you by the waist, lifting you off the floor as he picks you up. He practically tosses you over his shoulder as he carries you down the hallway, his arm wrapped tightly around your torso as he holds you against him. 
“Hey!!” you shout, but a big grin spreads across your face. So he’s in this kind of mood. You know he’s about to throw you around, have his way with you - even more so than normal. You feel your pussy clench in anticipation. 
You arrive at the bedroom. Mingi tosses you onto the bed - you land on your back, resting upon the pile of pillows. You keep your legs open, showing off your pussy through the sheer fabric of your underwear. 
“So wet for me already,” he says as he runs two fingers lightly across your clothed slit. He gives your cunt a gentle smack. 
“Touch yourself for me, princess. Leave your panties on.”
You obediently slide your fingers to your core. Mingi quickly pulls his shirt over his head, then reaches for his belt. You begin stroking your clit through the soft mesh as you watch him remove his clothes, freeing the large bulge that has formed in his pants. He pulls his boxers down, his length springing free. As many times as you’ve had sex with him, you’re still always taken aback by his size. His cock is thick, long, hard - precum already dribbling from his tip. He strokes himself a few times as he watches you. You slip your fingers underneath your panties, sliding them into your opening. You moan softly at the sensation - but you know this is absolutely nothing compared to how much his cock is going to fill you up. 
He watches you slowly fuck yourself for a minute, gripping his length in his fist. As you start to wriggle slightly to your own touch, he steps forward. You yelp as he grabs you by the ankles, yanking you toward the edge of the mattress. He kneels down, leaning against the bed, positioning his face in front of your cunt. His hands slide up the underside of your thighs, pushing your legs up and into the bed, nearly folding you in half as he opens you up even further before him. He sticks his tongue out, dragging its tip ever so lightly over your clit through the panties - it’s enough to drive you insane.
“Mingi,” you whine, trying to push yourself into his mouth. He retracts his head, not letting you get what you want just yet.
“What’s that, baby?” he asks. The way he’s staring at you, you can tell he is dying to taste you - but he doesn’t miss the opportunity to taunt you a bit.
“Please,” you softly mumble under your breath.
“Use your words, doll. Tell me exactly what you want.”
“Want your mouth on me,” you manage to utter, still trying to push your cunt against his mouth - but his grip on you is too strong. “Want you to make me cum.”
“Like this?” he asks, teasing you once more as his tongue dances over your pussy.
“God, yes,” you cry. You feel like you’re going to lose your mind if he delays any further. 
“Or,” he continues as he reaches beneath the hem of your panties, pulling them aside. The coolness of the air hits your soaked core, countered by the hot exhales of Mingi’s breath against you. “Like this…”
He dives into you, his warm mouth greeting your cunt as his tongue traces between your folds. He sticks the tip into your hole - you’re so wet right now that it slips in with ease. You groan as he fucks you with his tongue, his nose pressing against your clit as he swirls his tongue around inside you. He pulls it out, flattening his tongue and licking a big stripe up your center before latching onto your clit. You cry out at the overpowering stimulation, writhing beneath Mingi’s strong arms as he sucks on the sensitive bud. A white-hot sensation swells in your gut, burning delightfully as you feel your orgasm approach. Your body tenses, your legs beginning to quiver as Mingi devours you. You reach for his head, grasping onto his hair as your climax takes over. You scream out Mingi’s name as you cum on his face, his tongue moving relentlessly against your clit as you ride out your high. He grips onto you until the very end, face buried in your pussy as you come down. Just when you think it’s over, he starts up again, sucking on your clit as he slips his fingers into you, curling them perfectly to reach your g-spot. Within moments, you’re cumming again, grinding against his tongue as overwhelming pleasure courses through your veins. He slows his motions, giving your clit a few last gentle licks as he slides his fingers out of you. They’re dripping wet, as is his entire chin - he places them in his mouth, licking them clean, making sure he doesn’t waste a single drop of you. 
You lay there, your chest rising up and down with heavy breaths as you try to recover. Mingi crawls up to meet your face, kissing you slowly on the mouth as he lays his weight upon you - resting on his forearms so he doesn’t completely squish you. You feel his cock throbbing against your cunt as he makes out with you - you can just tell he is unbearably hard. 
Mingi’s lips part from yours - barely, just enough so he can gaze into your eyes as he strokes your hair.
“Please fuck me,” you beg, your voice barely more than a whisper.
He nuzzles his head into your neck, sucking at your skin - lightly, but enough that you know it’ll leave a mark. 
“Anything for my princess,” he whispers into your ear. 
He stands up, pulling your hips toward him. He grabs onto the panties, ripping them off of you and throwing them aside. He lines his cock up with your entrance; he pushes just the head in, but he’s already stretching you out. Slowly he slides his full length into you - you cry out at the overwhelming fullness. He rests inside you for a few moments, letting you get used to his size. You begin shifting your hips, trying to ride his cock from beneath him. Mingi grins.
“So eager,” he coos, tracing his fingers over your stomach. “Are you ready babygirl?”
“Uh-huh,” you mewl, nodding your head swiftly.
He begins fucking you, steadily at first, but your cries quickly makes him increase his pace. Tears flow from your eyes as his thickness stretches you with each motion. He grasps tightly onto your hips, pulling you against him as he thrusts into you. He looks down at you, his pretty baby, losing all composure on his cock. He moans loudly, uninhibited - he doesn’t care if the whole world hears him. He wants everybody to know you’re his.
He reaches down, feeling your breasts through the lacy sheer bra.
“So pretty,” he groans. “So perfect, all mine.”
His hand slides down to your stomach, pushing down on your abdomen as he fucks you. The other reaches for your clit - you didn’t think you could possibly cum again, but the gentle pressure of his fingers combined with his cock nearly splitting you in half just feels too good. 
“Gonna cum,” you manage to get out, barely able to speak through your cries of pleasure. 
“Cum for me babygirl,” Mingi growls, very near his own release.
You cum on his cock, crying out his name as your walls squeeze around him - sending him over the edge. He releases, painting your insides with his hot white ropes. He grasps onto your hips, holding you down against him as his cock pulsates inside you. He breathes heavily, grunting as he gives you every last spurt of his cum. As he finishes, he holds still, his cock resting inside you. He leans over, careful not to pull out just yet - gently he grabs your jaw as he kisses you, his lips hungrily interlocked with yours. 
“Wait right here baby,” he says softly as your mouths finally part. You groan as he carefully pulls his cock out of you, immediately missing the sensation. Mingi quickly makes his way to the bathroom; he returns with a small towel, doused in warm water. Gently he cleans you up, cautious as not to overstimulate you. As he finishes he tosses the towel back into the bathroom, scooping you up and pulling you into the bed with him. He tucks the both of you underneath the blankets, taking you in his arms as he nuzzles up against you. 
“Are you cold?” he asks, kissing you on the forehead.
“Not with you here.”
You lay there in silence, deep breaths filling the air as you relax into each other's arms.
“Thanks for the present, baby,” you finally say, your voice soft and sleepy.
“You’re welcome, love.”
“You did completely rip it to shreds, though,” you remind him.
Mingi smiles sheepishly. “Sorry, I got a little carried away. You just looked too good.”
He cradles your cheek in his palm. “I’ll just have to get you another one,” he tells you with a kiss.
“I wouldn’t mind that,” you say as you snuggle up into him. “Just give me a few business weeks to recover from this please.”
He laughs, drawing you even closer into him. You begin to drift off to sleep, comfortable and warm in his embrace.
“Mingi?” you say softly.
“Yes, babe?”
“I love you.”
You feel his cheeks turn into a smile.
“I love you too, baby.”
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bluesidez · 6 months
Can’t get Firefighter Miguel out of my head because of the Miggy discord.
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content warning: nothing but fluff...for now 😗
word count: 1.3k, not proofread
Next ‧₊˚ ⋅ 𓐐𓎩 ‧₊˚ ⋅𓌉◯𓇋 Masterlist
Imagine you’re trying to get into baking or something and you’re not used to your oven AT ALL.
Cherry pies? Ruined.
Apple fritters? Apple crisps.
Chocolate chip cookies? Charcoal chip cookies.
Brownies? More like burnt brownie brittle.
Your process would be going so well until it was time to actually put your dessert in the oven and it was like your oven plotted against you.
You set the right temperatures. You pre-heated. You even placed things in the right part of the oven. How is it that everything goes wrong?
The only desserts that saw the light of day were the no-bake ones. You’re not sure how much more no-bake cheesecake you could take anymore.
The day that really sets it off is the day that you attempted to make a simple vanilla birthday cake. Your friend’s birthday was coming soon and you wanted to gift her one of those cute bento cakes.
Your icing is finished and delicious. You’ve been practicing the decorations all week and they were pretty cute! The cake just a few more minutes left to bake, then you could take it out to chill.
As you’re piping a bag of baby pink icing, you look up to see that the room is a little foggy. You turn in a panic and notice puffs creeping from the oven.
“No, no, no!!!” you cry as you turn to open it.
You can’t do anything but cough as a ton of smoke hits you in the face.
Your cake on fire. Orange and yellow light illuminating the oven.
You panic as the fire seems to grow brighter once it hits the air.
“Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god!”
Where was your fire extinguisher? You tried fanning at fire with a towel, but to no avail. You couldn’t even get to the knobs to switch the oven off.
You step back, terrified. You felt like sobbing watching the flames take over. Why aren’t the sprinklers on?
By the time you run out of your house, the fire alarm decides it can sing its tune. You call 911 with a shaky voice, hoping they can get here faster than your alarm decided to make itself known.
You stand outside peeking through your eyes as you could see the flames grow near your kitchen window.
Thankfully the firetruck makes it in time, the firefighters working quick to get inside.
One of them asks is anyone else inside and you shake your head no, thankful that it was just you.
It doesn’t take long for them to put it out and come back outside.
“Are you ok?,” one of them comes to ask you. You look up to this tall, dark, and handsome man. He’s sweating a bit obviously from the summer heat and the fire as he takes his helmet off. His hair is curly and dripping. You ogle him a bit, watching his chest move up and down.
“Do we need to call you an ambulance?” he says, placing a heavy hand on your shoulder.
“Oh! No! So sorry, I’m still a little…winded from everything,” you say, embarrassed.
“Ok, well as long as you’re fine. Do you mind telling me what you were doing?” he asks.
You cast your eyes down. Here was such a fine man standing before you and you had on pajamas and a frilly maid apron with flour splattered on top.
“I was trying to make a birthday cake. As we can see, it completely failed,” you reply. “I don’t know what happened. I followed every instruction. The oven was set at 350 degrees.”
He tilted his head at you as you whined away.
“Is this the first time that something like this has happen?”
You shake your head no, “This is the 3rd burnt dessert in a week.”
“Hm. Well I’ll have the crew here check it out.”
An hour and some change later, one of the firefighters tells you and the tall glass of water, who learn is a captain named Miguel, that you have a damaged gas line.
“You’re really lucky that you were only getting blackened sugar. One more cake and that could have been the end,” Miguel says to you with hand on his hip and another on your shoulder. “And also, never open the oven if there’s a fire. If this happens again, turn the oven off and wait until it dies down.”
You felt your head nodding, heart beating at how awkward everything felt.
Miguel looked down at you again, “Do you have anywhere you can stay over night? Or until I can get someone up here to get this gas fixed?”
“My grandma lives a couple of streets down,” you say, cheeks heated at his intense eye contact.
“Tell you what, how about you settle there for the night and I’ll come back personally to help you grab your belongings tomorrow morning?”
“That would be amazing! Thank you so much. I’m sorry for all of this,” you gesture to your house.
“It happens. Nothing you did here was your fault. Besides, I’m the captain. Fighting fires is what I do. Now, how about a ride in the truck to your grandma’s?”
You feel giddy when he practically pulls you in the truck. No seats are left so you have to settle for sitting on Miguel’s lap, heartbeat racing.
The other firefighters try to hide their smirks and snickers watching their captain hold you so softly in his arms. One big bump in the road has you clinging to him to not fall off.
You straighten back up, embarrassed by the little slip. Miguel chuckles at your actions.
You pretend not to hear their wolf whistles as he guides you to your grandma’s front door.
Miguel knocks firmly, waiting with you until she opens it.
She’s about to fuss at you for not stopping by sooner until she looks up at Miguel.
“And who is this?” she says, a bit shocked.
“My name is Captain O’Hara. I just wanted to drop your grandbaby off. Had a little baking accident.”
Your grandma listens to Miguel as he explains the situation calmly and professionally. It doesn’t stop her from fussing over you, grabbing and turning you to check for any damage.
“I’m ok grandma. I just have to stay here while my gas gets fixed.”
She thanks Miguel profusely, “Son, what’s your favorite food? I’ll have it made and sent down there for you.”
Miguel laughs heartily. You’re about to tell him he doesn’t have to answer that until he beats you to it.
“Whatever your specialty is, I’ll take it,” he says with a sweet smile on his face and holding your grandma’s hands.
“Cap! We gotta another fire at the college dorms. Someone burnt noodles in the microwave again,” a firefighter yells from truck.
“Well if you all can excuse me, duty calls!” he says and runs back to the truck.
“I can’t believe you burnt a cake! Haven’t I taught you better? And you know you’re making him that food, right?” your grandma says as you step inside.
“Grandma,” you say, affronted. “It was the oven, not me! And he might not want to even eat what I make after this.”
“Hmph,” she says, with a click of her tongue. “Well, you better get ready to use this kitchen here. You need that man as a husband.”
“I have some ham hocks in the freezer, some turnip and mustard greens. I think the church sent me some potatoes. We need to go to the store too. You gotta get him through his stomach.”
There was a silence as you and your grandma stared at each other.
“So are you thinking pork chops or catfish to go with the side dishes?” she said, grabbing a pencil and an empty envelope.
You just groaned and crumpled in your chair.
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divider by: @benkeibear ❤️‍🔥
the grandma convo is heavily inspired by my own grandma lol. tagging @miguelhugger2099 @kit-and-wolfe @huniedeux @ugh-ok-fiyn because I want y’all to see this 😗
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stars4gojo · 1 year
Sweet Nothing
Gojo x Fem!reader // Gojo and reader being Megumi’s parents lol  // fluff // 1k words
Itadori and Nobara already feel like Megumi hides too much so how will they react if they see him with a woman that seems way too old for the 16 year old.
(not proofread rn I’ll edit it later - ignore any silly mistakes)
Taylor swift sweet nothing🤍
Some of my other work - Masterlist
When Megumi told Nobara he was too busy to accompany her and itadori during her weekly shopping free - she did NOT expect to see Megumi laughing and buying coffee with a woman that was definitely way older. 
“Hey Kugisaki!” Itadori spoke suddenly as Nobara went ahead of him. 
“Is that fushiguro with a woman?” He questioned as his mouth fell agape.
“Huh? What are you talking about? You sure you’re not seeing things?” Nobara spoke as she dismissed him with the wave of her hand.
“No really I’m not lying!” He spoke again stopping in his tracks as Nobara made her way towards him to get him to shut up so she could continue shopping.
As Nobara turned towards the direction Itadori was still looking at in shock - she expected to see a guy that looks nothing like Megumi and was ready to snap at itadori for interrupting her, but she was in much more shock when she saw Megumi but worse with a woman who very obviously had a ring around her finger, a huge one at that.
“No way…” She spoke.
“That Fushiguro…She literally has a ring on her finger, I’m going to go teach him a lesson. Hold this!” Nobara added as she shoved her coffee into Itadori. 
“Hey hey hey! Don’t you want to do this more carefully I mean we don’t even know if they really are in some sort of relationship like that.” Itadori replied as he tried to hold Nobara back.
Nobara was about to reply but was cut off with the voice of someone awfully familiar.
“Hmm what are we looking at?” Itadori and Nobara jumped at the same time at the voice of their teacher, Gojo.
“Oh Goj-“ Itadori started but was soon cut off by Nobara.
“That Fushiguro is hanging out with some married woman and I’m about to beat his ass for breaking up a marriage.” Nobara spoke with her hands folded around her chest in confidence.
“What are you doing here anyways?” itadori asked clearly ignoring Nobara. 
“Well I’m about to meet my wife.” Gojo replied with a slight chuckle as he watched his two student’s mouths fall.
Nobara and Itadori turned towards Megumi and his mystery woman and to Gojo again and then the realisation hit.
“Oh.” Nobara and Itadori said at the same time.
“Huhhhh!!?!?” Nobara started
“Since when are you married?!??” Itadori added while looking like his whole life was a lie.
“You don’t even wear a ring???” Nobara questioned.
“Well if I wear such an expensive ring while fighting I would very obviously lose it and it’s too precious for that.” Gojo spoke proudly - putting emphasis on the words expensive and precious. 
“Seems like Megumi already met up with her, you guys wanna go and meet her?” 
“Yeah!” Nobara and itadori shouted excitedly as they made their way towards you and Megumi.  
You were quite surprised when you saw two children Megumi’s age run towards you both but everything made sense as you saw your husband trailing behind them, hands in his pocket and his usual blindfold replaced with his glasses.
You smiled as he waved at you but you couldn’t ignore the frown that was becoming more apparent on Megumi’s face.
“Those your friends Megumi?” You asked as you suppressed a giggle at his annoyance. 
“They’re NOT my friends.” He replied fast as he grabbed your arm so you both could go the other direction and you swear you saw his eyebrow twitch. 
“Hey Fushiguro!” Itadori spoke excitedly as he wrapped his arms around Megumi as he swatted them away. 
“And hey to you too!” Itadori spoke looking at you, unaffected by Megumi’s actions. 
“My name is Nobara Kugisaki and this is Itadori Yuuji!” Nobara spoke this time as an attempt to stop itadori from embarrassing her more. 
“Ahh hi! So you’re Megumi’s friends, I’m y/n and I’m Sato- well, your teachers wife.” You spoke as you shyly waved at them.
“We can just ignore them.” Megumi spoke nonchalantly as he turned on his heels once again trying to go the other and you frowned at his actions.
“Megumi you embarrassed of us or something” it was Gojo who spoke this time and Megumi felt as if all of his peace was now really destroyed.
“Hi there.” Gojo said softly as he went to kiss your head, “seems like you didn’t tell Megumi I was gonna be joining you two today.” Gojo added.
You turned towards Megumi with wide eyes as you rubbed the back of your neck, “did I really not tell you” you questioned awkwardly.
“No, you did not.” Megumi spoke as his last bit of patience ran out. 
“So Gojo you can just leave and you two can leave too.” Megumi added as he pointed to the others with his finger.  
“What! That’s literally my wife you cannot control me!” Gojo replied childishly as he leaned down to Megumi. 
“Oh cmon Fushiguro! It’ll be fun!” Itadori added only to get a smack on the head in return by Megumi.
“No one is inviting you in the first place anyways.” Megumi spoke with a frown.
And as you watched the entire scene unfold infront of you, Nobara made her way towards you.
“You sure you’re not being held hostage by those two?” She asked with genuine curiosity.
“Oh cmon” you said as you laughed. 
“I wouldn’t trade them for the world.” You added as light giggles escaped your mouth. 
“Nobara was it? Leave those two to solve it on their let’s go to that cafe over there.” You said while interlocking your arms with her walking towards the cafe. 
“Satoru’s treat of course!” You added with a wink. 
The two boys and your man child of a husband immediately stopped their little fight as they watched you two walk away.
“How are they friends already…?” Megumi questioned in surprise.
“Hey kugisaki don’t leave without your bags!!” Itadori called out as he started running towards her.
“Dont go ahead without me.” Megumi shouted out as he chased after Itadori.
Gojo slightly chuckled to himself as he put his hands back in his pockets slowly making his way towards the cafe as well. 
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annievrse · 1 year
my love, mine all mine
satoru x reader —ᡣ𐭩 fic summary: just some moments between you and satoru <3 w/c: 1.6k c/w: literally every piece ends with 'i love you' which was unintentional, but we move - this is a fic about love anyway, so i guess i'll let it slide. enjoy!
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12:26 pm
“Will you kiss me?” Satoru laughs, making grabby hands at you. “Please?”
“Will you kiss me back this time?” You counter, an eyebrow raised, stepping out of his reach. 
Satoru rolls his eyes, though the glint of mischief never leaves his bright eyes. “Of course.” 
“Fine,” You eye him wearily. But before you lean in, you put your finger up. “If you don’t, you’re sleeping on the couch because I just want to kiss my boyfriend, and you aren’t letting me!”
“I solemnly swear I will kiss you,” He laughs, large hands covering your cheeks. You stare up at him, eyes flickering to his tongue, which is currently darting out to wet his lips. "Promise."
“Satoru…” You whisper, hands grazing his abdomen under his black t-shirt. 
“I know, baby,” He mumbles, eyes on your mouth as he leans down to kiss your lips. 
But, he abruptly pulls away after kissing you for an incredibly short amount of time, a betrayed expression on his pretty face. “Hey!”
You squeeze your eyes shut, laughing uncontrollably while stepping out of his grip. 
When you open your eyes, Satoru stands with a pout, his arms crossed over his chest. 
“Aww, big baby,” You giggle, reaching to push the hair on his forehead back. 
“You didn’t kiss me back!” He sighs, his pout growing. 
“Let me guess,” You smile. “It’s only funny when you do it?” 
Satoru nods. “Obviously! Look at me! Do I look like I deserve no kisses?” 
You shake your head. “I hate you.” 
He opens his arms and brings you into his chest, kissing your forehead. “I love you, too.”
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7:57 pm
"Hello, my other half," Satrou greets as he shuts the front door. “What are we making?” 
“We are making miso soup and chicken gyozas,” You smile before lifting the spoon that was stirring the soup out of the pot. “Here, try some.” 
Satoru bounces over, slipping his blindfold off his temples to hang around his neck. 
You lift the spoon and direct it toward his mouth, careful not to spill any. You hold your hand under his jaw as he drinks, his bright eyes following the spoon. 
And when he’s done, Satoru’s eyes flick to yours, and his jaw falls open. “Wow, just wow,” One of his arms is outstretched, the other behind his back. “You are incredible. Amazing soup. Wow, what would I even eat without you? God…”
Pleased with his response but suspicious, you narrow your eyes at him. “What did you do?” 
Satoru’s face scrunches up in immediate guilt, and he sighs loudly. “Why must you know me so well?” 
You don’t reply, folding your arms and staring at him until he answers. 
“Fine! I may have, well, did break my wrist today—”
“Satoru!” You exclaim, trying to look at the arm he keeps hidden behind his back. 
“I know! Honest mistake, though. Yuuji wanted me to show him the skateboarding tricks I had been bragging about—”
“You’ve never skateboarded.”
“I know! Funny, right?” Satoru rubs the back of his head with his uninjured hand. “Anyway, I hit the sickest kickflip and then, you know, fell really hard on my ass and broke my wrist... But, hey! At least it made my students laugh!”
Your stare is deadpan, but you’re worried about his wrist, so you step forward to see it. 
“Ouch! No touchy!” He grabs his wrist in his other hand, turning his body away from you.
“Satoru,” You say unamused. “Show me.” 
He pouts and sticks his arm out before him. “You should’ve seen it. Blood everywhere. I had to get like 93 stitches to sew me back up. A real disaster.” 
You roll your eyes and delicately hold his forearm in your hands, assessing the damage. 
"...You wanna tell me how dumb I am?"
Satoru sighs and watches you examine the cast on his wrist. He glances at the clock on the kitchen wall and then at the soup boiling on the stove.
“You’re an idiot,” You laugh, surprising Satoru, who raises his eyebrows at your change in reaction, forgetting about the dinner. 
He squints at you, gauging if your laughter is real before he throws blame around; otherwise, he would be cleaning the bathroom for his stupidity. “Blame Yuuji, he wanted to see my tricks.” 
“Don’t blame the kid, Satoru! You chose to get on the damn skateboard. This is entirely your fault,” You shake your head incredulously, a smile still on your cheeks. 
Satoru pouts again and wraps his arms around your head, resting his cheek on your hair. “Yes, nurse! You can bathe me! Thank you so much for asking!” He exclaims. 
You circle your arms around his waist, pulling him closer. “You’re so lucky I love you, Gojo.” 
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2:58 am
The apartment is silent when Satoru returns home. It’s late.
The mission had been more draining than usual — some special grade had murdered some people in Yokohama. It was nothing new, but the reaction of the people he had saved had flipped a switch. Instead of being grateful, like most, they had been terrified of him, screaming and crying as he tried to console them, causing him to believe he was more a monster than a hero — he'd never experienced such a reaction that hurt him so deeply.
A small sniffle wakes you from slumber, though you try not to alert Satoru of your awareness.
“I know you’re awake,” His voice comes out raspy and soft, making you sit up. Satoru stands awkwardly in the doorway of the ensuite, wringing out his hands. 
“‘Toru, what are you doing? Come to bed,” You mumble, eyes adjusting to the bedroom's darkness. You follow the hem of the duvet to Satoru’s side and pull up the covers to invite him in. 
“I–I’ll sleep on the couch. I didn’t want to wake you.” 
You furrow your brows at the sound of his dejected tone and fold over the blanket to get out of bed. “You’re being ridiculous.” 
“No!” He exclaims, hands out before him to stop you from coming any closer. Your heart stops at the sight, and tears fill your eyes. 
“Satoru? What’s going on?” You make your way toward him slowly.
He lets out a choked sigh and sniffles. “Don’t come near me, I’m dangerous, okay?” 
“Baby,” You state, suddenly becoming wary of him. “What happened?”
Satoru can’t let you near him for fear he would hurt you, just like the people he saved were screaming. So, he steps back quickly into the bathroom and shuts the door, leaving you outside confused. 
Before knocking on the ensuite door, you blink a few times to ensure this is real. “Satoru?” 
“Please, don’t be afraid of me…” 
His cries and broken speech cause tears to spring to your eyes. You rest your forehead on the cold wood and sigh shakily. 
"I can’t help if you don’t tell me what’s wrong," You say, blinking back tears.
“No, you don’t understand. I’m dangerous,” He whimpers, hiccuping afterwards. 
“You keep saying that…” You wipe your eyes with your hands and push the handle down — relieved to find it unlocked.
Curled up against the bathtub is Satoru, head between his knees. “Please leave…” 
You shake your head, even though he can’t see you, and sit beside him, matching his posture. “I’m not leaving.” 
Satoru lifts his head and faces you; his cheeks are flushed, but his blindfold still covers his eyes, and you tilt your head to better look at him — you see no blood or injuries. 
“You’re gonna have to tell me what’s wrong, okay? I don’t know what’s happening, and I’m scared, ‘Toru.” 
'I’m scared' are the only words he picks from your sentence, and Satoru’s heart drops. His ears are ringing, and he can feel bile rising in his throat and the thought of being the reason you’re scared is enough to make him physically ill. 
Like a warning, he mutters your name deeply and refuses to look at you. “I’m scaring you, huh?”
Your face contorts into a bewildered expression, and you shake your head. "You're not something I'm afraid of, Satoru; you're something I worship," You whisper. “I could never be scared of you. You’re, like, the least scary person ever.” 
This gets a laugh out of him, though it's restrained. “Many think the opposite.” 
“This is about the mission,” You conclude, nodding when you finally understand. He doesn’t reply, and you continue. “What? Did they say you’re terrifying because you saved their lives? Because you put your life on the line, a life I care more about than my own, to save their lives?” You scoff, threading your arm through his and holding onto his elbow. “Fuck, ‘Toru. I wanna kill them for making you feel like this.” 
And finally, he laughs properly. Satoru’s body shakes as he does so, and the sound is one you want to bottle up and keep for eternity. 
“You crack me up, darling,” He smiles when he looks at you. “I don’t doubt you for a second.” 
“Good,” You mumble, using your other hand to push his head down onto your shoulder. Kissing the top of his head, you wrap your arms around his broad shoulders and bring his head to rest on your chest. “Because I would fight for you in a heartbeat, even though you can do it yourself anyway.”
“Thank you,” Satoru whispers, circling his arms around your torso. “You know I love you, right?” 
You sigh, hugging him tighter. “Yeah, I love you infinitely more anyway, so…” 
“Shut up.”
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itsangelll · 2 months
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𝐼𝓃𝑒𝓍𝓅𝑒𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒸𝑒𝒹 ❦
request or ask: “okay so like imagine f reader sucking on Tom’s fingers and calling him daddy we need a fic out of this”
pairings:2010 Tom x freader
warnings:finger sucking, teasing, briefly daddy mention don’t like don’t read.
A/n:guys this is crazy 3 fics out in a span of 3 weeks?? Must be back in my active era also I need to suck on his fingers fuck he’s so pretty. I hope you all enjoy cuties!! creds to @iwinbin for the divider
Under 15 Do not interact please.
Don’t steal or copy my work thank you.
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You took a breath as you kneeled yourself infront of Tom, obviously you’ve had sex with him before and other times but you’ve never sucked a cock before you didn’t really think it was that important? you never told him that.
Tom’s fingers gently made their way down to your jaw. “You don’t look too ready for this liebe have you never sucked a dick before?” He laughed, “Uh no i didn’t well no one ever wanted to me too I guess.” You replied bluntly, Tom just looked at you a bit stunned but quickly nodded he lifted you back up on your feet.
Tom sat you on the bed with him sitting next to you “Well for practice why don’t you try sucking on my fingers?” His fingers tracing the outline of your soft plump lips, you looked at him your expression weary but who were you to say no?
“Open your mouth for me schatzi” his fingers tapping on your bottom lip, you didn’t know what to think he had such long fingers you were worried you were going to choke on them. (who wouldn’t be.) Knowing the asshole Tom can be that’d be his goal in end. “Come on sweet girl open up I want to see that pretty mouth of yours to good use.” his voice growing on a slight edge of frustration.
Hopefully not getting him more pissed off you slowly parted your lips, Tom carefully placed two fingers into your mouth gently massaging your tongue and the roof of your mouth he set a slow and smooth pace not trying to fully get you gagging. His other hand caressed your cheek for some slight comfort.
You didn’t know how to feel his fingers were quite long and they repeatedly hit the back of the throat causing a whine out of you, “Aw I haven’t even sticked a third finger in yet and you’re already whining” he cooed teasingly, you gave him a glare since you couldn’t say much. Tom then stuck a third finger in your mouth his fingers now forcefully stretching your mouth out.
His fingers were basically down your throat at this point you were fully gagging on his fingers, drool was now leaking out of your mouth tears were in your eyes so you know what else he did the prick went even harder, “Such a good girl for daddy hm? You’ll be taking my cock soon enough” he breathed out its like he’s never seen such a beautiful sight.
You tapped him on the thigh begging him to slow down but he just grinned his fingers went at a brutal pace now your cheeks were flushed your mouth was getting more sore by the minute whines and whimpers kept escaping your lips, Tom’s long fingers kept hitting the back of your throat while thrusting in and out of your mouth.
A minute later Tom’s fingers left your mouth with a slick pop his fingers coated in your salvia, you took a breath of fresh air your fingers carefully massaging your jaw, Tom got up from the bed his eyes locking with yours and you noticed the boner in his jeans, “You don’t think I’d only let you just suck on my fingers tonight?” Oh boy.
A/n:I hope you all enjoyed cuties I’m very proud of this keep sending requests in I love you all mwah!! <3
@itsmealaiahh @chinoslefttoehair @bambiwrites @jadedchar @memzyyy @ayeshascorner @jun3ee @rottinglilys @t0msvi4gra
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nycreid · 8 months
spencer reid x popstar!reader
H/T means hometown
part 1
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SPENCER IS STANDING IN THE VIP TENT next to many celebrities but as Y/N knows them, her best friends, Lily Rose-Depp, Gigi Hadid, and more. Spencer feels out of place, this isn’t his usual Saturday night, until he started dating Y/N. Spencer did get acquainted with her friends, they’re easy to talk to, this just isn’t his scene.
Spencer is dressed in concert merch, a pastel pink hoodie that reads ‘THE DAYLIGHTS TOUR’ and a pair of black trousers, again, something he usually doesn’t wear but for Y/N he would wear a garbage bag if it meant it would support her.
As Spencer waits for Y/N to come out and perform, he sees a fan trying to throw something into the tent. Spencer leans closer and sees it’s a bracelet- and it’s for him, he takes the colorful beaded bracelet from the girl and thanks her. The bracelet reads “KING OF HER HEART” in white beaded letters with pink and yellow beads surrounding them. Spencer smiles and blushes, knowing the bracelet is a reference to her song about him, “King Of My Heart” , Spencer slips on the bracelet proudly.
“Did you just get your first friendship bracelet?” A voice appeared next to him, it was Y/N’s mom. Her parents turned up to the concert as well, it was in her hometown, of course they weren’t going to miss it.
“Y-yeah I did.” Spencer nods nervously, he’s talked to her mom many times. Why is he so nervous?
“You’ll have a wrist full by the end of the night, it’s something you get used to.” Y/M/N chuckles and shows her wrist, she’s already accumulated at least 10 and the concert has barely started.
Spencer chuckles and hears cheers and screams before he can reply to Y/M/N and notices Y/N is rising onto the stage. The lights illuminate her glowing skin and make her eyes pop in the best way possible, the stage design doesn’t overpower her but make her stand out. Spencer is entranced and she’s barely been on stage for 30 seconds.
“WELCOME TO THE DAYLIGHT’S TOUR! It feels good to be back in my hometown!” Y/N giggles into the microphone, “To start off, I just want to say thank you for joining me today and taking time out of your day to attend.” Y/N smiles.
More cheers erupt as she speaks and you can see her grinning ear to ear, Spencer smiles as she speaks and is in love with how passionate she is about her music and her fans but he can’t help but feel hot and overstimulated by the humid weather and loud cheers.
“Now I have a question for you H/T, have you ever been in love?” Y/N alluding to her hit song, Lover (also written about Spencer). The backtrack to Lover starts playing and she brings out her guitar and the backup dancers and singers pool onto the stage.
Spencer blushes as her friends in the VIP tent tease Spencer and nudge him, ‘This is your song man!’, he even heard but he’s too out of it to notice someone said anything.
“We could leave the Christmas lights up ‘til January and this is our place, we make the rules.” Y/N sings and strums on her guitar as she searches for a certain face in the crowd, before looking over in the VIP tent and seeing a familiar tall curly haired man. Y/N practically lightens up even more as she sees him, she maintains eye contact with him while singing his song. She’s basically singing it to him.
Spencer blushes as he keeps the eye contact, he feels his worries go away as she sings (basically to him). The fans singing along and the cheering tune out as he can only focus on her, he feels more calmer as he listens to her soothing voice. How did he get so lucky?
“Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand? With every guitar string scar on my hand, I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover.” Y/N sings and very obviously points to him and casually goes back to strumming as if she didn’t turn Spencer into a pink blushing mess.
“You’re as pink as your hoodie, aww!” Gigi giggles and snaps a picture for Y/N to show later, Spencer chuckles and feels his heart grow for Y/N by the minute.
The rest of the concert goes by with long flirty glances by her, more eye contact, and Spencer recording half of it to put in his Y/N 💝 photo album. The concert finally ends and Spencer’s wrist has gained 15 brackets on each wrist and 20 more in the tote bag he brought for Y/N with her ‘after concert essentials’.
As the fans depart from the stadium, Spencer, her parents, and her closest friends go backstage to see her. Y/N runs backstage, not even taking out her microphone and earpiece, immediately running into Spencer’s arms.
“I missed you! Sorry, I’m kinda sweaty right now.” Y/N mutters into his chest with her arms wrapped tightly around him.
“It’s okay, honey. You were amazing up there! You took my breath away.” Spencer kisses the top of her head and rubs his hands on her back. Spencer is a germaphobe but he doesn’t pull away from her, he doesn’t mind her germs.
Her parents and her friends pull up in a golf cart later and she converses with them and pulls them into hugs as well.
“I think it’s time to call it a night!” Y/N sighs and says her goodbyes to her friends and parents. “See you guys tomorrow!” She’s performing one more day in her hometown.
“Ready to go?” Y/N takes her hand in Spencer’s, and he nods.
IN HER HOTEL SUITE, Spencer and Y/N are comfortably cuddling in bed after a fresh shower together and in pajamas and are on twitter looking over the videos after today. Y/N would be staying at her parents house since she’s in her hometown but her team suggested a hotel room so transport and makeup is faster and easier.
Y/N giggles, “Wait look at that tweet!” She clicks on it. The tweet reads ‘he is DOWN BAD but like i would be too…’ followed by a video of Spencer watching Y/N perform with a lovestruck smile.
Spencer chuckles a little embarrassed, “Like this is new news? Everybody knows I’m in love with you, Y/N L/N.” Spencer pecks a kiss onto your forehead.
Y/N blushes and playfully swats him away, “Oh stop it.” She bites her lip, trying to hide that painfully obvious smile.
“No matter how hard you try to hard your smile, your pink cheeks sell you out.” Spencer lightly pinches her cheek and laughs.
Spencer noticed Y/N rubbing the King Of Her Heart bracelet he got, “I promise to be delicate with your heart for as long as I live.” Y/N smiles and brushes a kiss against his cheek, “I know.” She says with certainty.
lmk what you guys think!! pls tell me other songs popstar!reader would make if u guys are getting tired of the taylor swift songs + references! and don’t be afraid to send asks 😉😜 AND TYSM FOR SO MUCH LOVE ON THE LAST POPSTAR!READER FIC
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gavisfanta · 13 days
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summary: after gavi left the spanish camp during the world cup some people get scared, but he returns with an unusual surprise.
warnings: shittalk?, not proofread
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"Where's Gavi?" Pedri looked around the table after he found the empty chair which was Gavi's place.
"I don't know, ask Lucho." Ferran answered and Pedri immediately looked to their coach.
"He'll tell you himself." Enrique shortly answered and then went back to typing something on his ipad. Something specific about the spanish coach is that every day, he eats an apple for breakfast and drinks a cup of orange juice. The boys have never seen him eat anything else before lunch.
So after Luis had told the boys that Gavi was 100% gone and he's gonna tell them himself, Pedri wanted to call him. Yet it doesn't matter how many times they tried to call him, it always went to voicemail.
Gavi's phone was turned off and nobody knew what he was doing, Ferran was afriad that he might have gotten an injury or he's sick.
"He wouldn't have left then, we have a whole medical team here!" Ansu threw his hands in the aur as he stood up and made his way over to the table where all the flod was. He grabbed an apple and then went back to sit down.
"Well, the best we can do now is wait." Pedri shrugged his shoulders and zoned out. Ferran shook his head, they were obviously worried what happened to their teammate, but Pedri was right, if Gavi wasnt picking up, they had to wait.
"Hey Sergio did you hear that Gavi left camp?" The newsreporter in the tv said. The whole Brazil squad sitting infront of it, waiting for the game to begin in 20 minutes.
"Yes I did hear, but I sadly don't know why." The other guy named Sergio answered.
"Well fans are worried for their starkid, maybe he picked up an injury, it also may be something with his family. Footballers have done this before during an international tournament." The other guy began talking but Rodrygo shook his head as he leaned closer to Vini.
"Good that that shithole is gone, hm?" Rodrygo nudged Vini's shoulder as he laughed. Both Real Madrid players looked at eachother and smiled.
"No more Wonderkid for him." Vini answered and laughed, however he soon received a hit on his shoulder. As he turned to look around he saw Raphinha sitting behind him.
"I know you dont like him but there's no need to talk about him like that." Raphinha leaned forward and ltold Vinicius. He wanted to open his mouth again but decided not to, so instead he just turned around and looked at the tv.
Not even two days later as the Spanish team was sitting at breakfast, they heard the door open. Every member of the staff was at breakfast so everyone suddenly shut up and looked at the door. To their surprise it was nobody other than Gavi himself, a wide smile spread on his face.
"Hola." He smiled and then Enrique stood up and went to hug him. While he did that he whispered into his ear: "Congratulations."
Gavi just returned the smile and looked at everyone while his coach stood besides him.
"Well, I think Gavi owes everyone an apology and an explanation to why he disappeared so suddenly." Enrique said and everyone began clapping their hands. Gavi cleared his throat, he hated talking infront of so mamy people, especially when he saw the camera running in the opposite corner, but he decided to bite through it.
"First of all, I'm sorry I disappeared so quickly and that I didn't answer any of your phone calls. But I have a perfectly fine explanation." Gavi explained in a loud tone so that everyone could hear him. "I don't know if some of you guys have noticed, that you didn't see my Girlfriend in like 6 months," He stopped for a second and most people nodded their head. "That isn't because we broke up, thank god, but I'd like you to meet someone." Gavi said and then turned around to look at the door where you walked in, a newborn baby in your arms, his eyes closed and peacefully sleeping. Everyone gasped as they saw you stand next to your boyfriend, with his child in your arms. Gavi looked at his son proudly and then put his finger up to his mouth. "He's sleeping." He said just loud enough.
Many of his teammates faces were covered in huge smiles and they just looked at the baby in your arms. You then looked at Pedri and saw him smiling while both of his hands are pressed against his cheeks, then you turned to Gavi again.
"I'll go back now, you talk to them."
"Okay, I'll go to the hospital after we're done eating." Gavi explained to you and you nodded your head. You turmed around one time to everyone and waved your head with a huge grin on your face.
Most of them waved back, they waited until the door closed until everyone jumped up and ran towards Gavi.
Gavi laughed as everyonenwent over to him and congratulated him.
"Hermano this is insane!" Pedri smiled as he shook Gavi's shoulders back and fourth.
"I know, I know." Gavi answered with a smile and hugged Pedri.
"How did you keep this a secret?" Ferran asked, everyone was still smiling, everyone was more than happy for Gavi.
"It was so hard." Gavi laughed out as he shook his head. "She didn't wanna leave the house after like 5 months of pregnancy cause she was scared someone's gonna see her." He laughed and Pedri couldn't help but smile too.
"How is she even on her feet just two days after giving birth?" Ferran asked, simply amazed by how fast you recovered.
"Bro I have no idea, I told her to stay a day more but she wanted to show him to you guys." Gavi explained further.
"What's his name?" Morata asked and looked at the midfielder.
"Can't tell you guys yet." Gavi shrugged his shoulders and then began walking backwards.
Many of his teammates told him to stay but he went outside where his dad was waiting for him together with his sister.
"How did it go?" His dad asked and patted his sons shoulder. Gavi smile couldn't have been wiped off of his face by anything.
"It went amazing," Gavi said and looked around before shifting his gaze back to his father. "Where is she?" Gavi asked after he noticed that you werent around.
"She went to the car to feed him, don't worry, she's fine." Aurora calmed her brother and he nodded his head while pulling out his phone for a second.
"The posts will go online in 4 minutes." Gavi mumbled under his breath. There were posts scheduled for his account, revealing that you gave birth to your child. Of course you and Gavi have talked about announcing it, you both thought it was the right thing to do before someone sees you two walking around with a child.
But after all of you had arrived at the hotel you were staying in, Gavi went to your room with you.
While he held his child in his arms, shaking him to sleep, he looked at you with a smile. "I'm so proud of you." Gavi mumbled, but just as you would've gotten time to respond there was a knock on the door.
"My god why is that child sleeping in your arms? Here, I'll take care of him." Gavi's mother hurried over to her son, taking her grandchild out of his arms and leaving the room. You smiled a little as you watched her close the door again.
"She's-" Gavi scoffed while shaking his head, he smiled as he walked closer to you and kissed your temple. "But I'm so proud of you amor."
"Why are you proud?" You laughed out and ran your hand along his jaw, caressing his soft skin.
"You're not normal, why are you walking around two days after the delivery. You shouldn't be on your feet, your body needs to rest." Gavi said and grabbed your hand as he walked you over to the bed.
"No, Gavi I'm fine-" You began but he cut you off before you could've finished your sentence.
"No you go back to sleep now." He mumbled and then kneeled down besides you while kissing your cheek.
"I love you" You mumbled while running your hamd through his hair.
"I love you more." He answered with a smile on his face.
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finelinevogue · 1 year
Did you see the video from harry’s last concert?? Where he’s flirting with a fannn!! Plzzzz can you write about it but with y/n in the crowd and she's his girlfriend also love your writing <3
Thank you,,
shoot your shot
a/n: i love a jealous!yn moment <33
“Your sign says, ‘help me shoot my shot’.” Harry reads out a fans sign.
You scream from where you’re stood, just over by the Hollywood pod with Brad. Watching your boyfriend perform never gets tiring, especially when he has really sweet interactions with his fans.
“What’s your name?” Harry asks, leaning down and taking out his earpiece to hear. “Ella? Belle? Lola? Listen, she’s shouting Lola, they’re shouting Carol and you’re shouting Elle! Which one is it?” Harry laughs as he mocks the fans.
“Bella. We got there in the end. Make some noise for Bella everyone!”
The fans scream across the stadium and Harry waits for the noise to die down before he continues.
“Now who are we helping you shoot your shot with?” Harry asks.
The crowd goes crazy and you obviously missed something being said. Harry giggles and blushes instantly, which only tells you one thing. The fan is hitting on him.
Brad nudged you playfully, “Easy there, green eyes monster.”
“Oh fuck off you.” You rolled your eyes playfully, but relaxing your body from where you clearly had gone a little tense without realising.
“I appreciate the gesture, but I am very happy in a relationship.” Harry puts his hand over his heart as he speaks. “Lloyd is, however, single.”
The fans scream and you catch a glimpse of Lloyd run away backstage away from the thousands of fans screaming for him.
You laugh and watch Harry move around the stage, walking with purpose.
When he stops as close to you as he possibly can, you wave over everyone’s heads at him and he waves back with a blow of a kiss.
“How do you feel about Bella shooting her shot?” He doesn’t call you a pet-name, because he likes to reserve those for your intimate moments away from fans, but you can tell he’s clearly speaking to you.
“With Lloyd, right?” You respond, letting the jealousy get the best of you.
“The girlfriend has spoken. It’s Lloyd or no-one, Bella.” Harry returns to the fan, but not without another kiss blown at you. “I am happily taken. Which is unfortunate for you and your moment, Bella.”
You were laying in your hotel bed four hours later.
Clad in Harry’s hoodie, hood pulled over your head and stretched to your mid-thighs, you waited for him to finish pottering and get into bed.
His nighttime routine was more extensive than yours.
“Baby, where’s the pair of underwear that I just had on that chair?” Harry asks, walking closer towards you.
You pull up the hoodie and expose your underwear - well his underwear - to him with a smirk.
“You’re so annoying.” He laughs.
“Just marking my territory.”
“Is this because Bella nearly asked me out tonight?” He crawled onto his bed and moved his way to hold himself over your body.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about.” You pulled the strings of the hoodie tight so the hood closed around your face.
Harry’s nose bumped into yours, trying to invade your space beneath the hoodie.
“Helllooo?” He giggles.
“Go away.” You giggled back.
“Nope.” He tries to wriggle more into your space. “I love you.”
“Love you too.”
“Like I proper love you. Never want anyone but you. Okay?”
“I know. I do.”
You opened your hoodie again and then he leans down to kiss you. He doesn’t let you or your lips go until he’s satisfied that you’re feeling better.
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And they were roommates
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Summary: Demon Y/n and Human Wanda are roommates, and it’s obviously going really well until you have enough of Vision and decide to try and do something about it, Wanda doesn’t appreciate it though
A/n: I know I’m writing a devil reader but I missed demon reader and so they’re back for now
Words: 2000+
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI small small amounts of angst (just a small argument)
“Hey pretty lady-“
“No! Don’t start Y/n” Wanda pushed past you and slammed her bedroom door shut leaving you out in the hallway “oh no baby don’t be like that I thought we had something special!” You slammed on the door starting to laugh
“Fuck off Y/n!”
“Who’s pissed you off today? Did Vision only kiss you on the cheek again to preserve your innocence? Really funny if you think about it since you and I-“
The door opened and you barley had time to right yourself before Wanda appeared and slapped you across the face “oof nice hit Wands, try the other cheek tomorrow yeah?”
Wanda just shook her head making her way to the kitchen and taking a beer from the fridge, you obviously followed your seething roommate sitting on the kitchen island facing the redhead “was I right?”
She took a swig of the drink and nodded “yeah, yeah you were right annoyingly, but just leave it okay? Anyway what did you do today?”
You smiled wide leaning close to the woman’s face “thought about you”
“Thought about me how?” She was curious, but also worried, you were nothing if not honest, way too honest
You lent back on the table “Well first off we were laying in bed watching doctor who because you seem to really like alien men with weird space screwdrivers, personally I really like Missy, she looks like a fun time”
“Y/n! Stop getting distracted” you were known to ramble on and on about nothing and it annoyed Wanda to no end, even though she knew where the conversation was going she knew you wouldn’t shut up if you didn’t finish
“Oh yeah! Anyway long story short I was lay on my back and you were sat on my fac-
“Nevermind! I don’t actually care”
You shrugged “okay but I was getting to the best part and you know I was” you laughed while Wanda just blushed turning around to walk back to her room
There was a knock on the door and you jumped up to answer it seeing the man you were just talking about at the door “oh vision, what a disappointment I thought it was the strippers I ordered to cheer up Wanda”
The man just rolled his pushing past you to Wanda “Wanda please I didn’t know why they did that, it was just a silly joke”
You brushed off the man germs that appeared on your clothes and made a mental note to burn them later, whispering to yourself “sure just come into the house Vision, I wish you were a vampire so I couldn’t let you in the house without permission and watch you stand there unable to move and I could just bully you”
“Vision please I’m not in the mood can we just talk tomorrow?”
“But I’m here now! Please Wanda just talk to me I don’t want to lose you, how about we go on a date tomorrow? Skip lectures for the day and just go to the zoo or something?”
You let out a laugh “a zoo? Zoos are for babies, why not just go to a bar?”
The man turned back to you “because bars are for deadbeats and perverts”
Your head tilted and Wanda froze knowing you were trying your best to control yourself, she knew you didn’t like Vision but it was more because you hated men altogether she was pretty sure “Y/n let’s just calm down it’s okay, vision please just leave”
The man frowned looking between the two of you then just focusing on Wanda “why are you always defending her?”
Wanda glanced to you now with red eyes and your fangs showing, you could converse with Wanda in your mind so you did just that
“I will gut him like a fish Wanda I swear to Salem”
Looking back at Vision she grabbed his hands “I don’t always defend her, she just gets angry easy but it’s fine I will see you tomorrow I promise” she kissed him softly and you fake gagged “gross” whispering to yourself
“Okay I’ll see you tomorrow” he kissed her back turning around to you hanging your head, so to hide the fangs and eyes, “get some anger management done Y/n” your response was to flip him off, he left without another word and you lifted your head to Wanda with her arms crossed and glaring at you
“Well now I need to relive some anger, wanna have some fun?”
Wanda couldn’t believe you, you’d just pissed off her boyfriend and now you want to have sex? Unbelievable!
“Why the fuck do you think I want to have sex with you after that?!”
Shrugging you walked towards Wanda holding your arms out for a hug which she took rolling her eyes but instantly relaxed in your hold and forgetting about Vision “remember when your parents came over and you argued with them and then later you came into my room for the first time-
Wanda let out a heavy sigh “I know what you’re getting at, fine come on then” she pulled out of the hug walking to her room and looking back at you “you’re being on top this time”
You smiled “I love being on top”
Wanda rolled her eyes “only when it suits you”
“Yes because what’s hotter than a redhead whimpering and riding you harder and harder as she struggles to not cum without permission?”
The blush was heavy on Wanda’s face and instead of speaking she just went into her room quickly followed by you
“Wanda! You missed some lectures this morning!” Natasha Romanoff, Wanda’s best friend was worried about her not being in this morning “where were you?”
Wanda waved her off “I had to make sure Y/n was okay”
Wanda just raised her eyebrow “Y/n huh? How is the spicy hothead?”
“Still a bitch but she pays her half of the rent every month so I shouldn’t complain-
“Wanda!” The woman shut her eyes tight praying to whatever god she could and even the devil that it wasn’t actually you she’d heard, unfortunately no luck “Wanda! You forgot your books!” You got closer and Wanda opened her eyes to you and widening them seeing your outfit
“What the hell are you wearing??!” She whisper shouted at you trying to cover you up with her arms, practically half naked in college? You were asking for trouble
“Oh Wanda calm down it’s only a blazer” you playfully pushed the girl away and turned to Nat “what do you think Natty? Is my outfit appropriate?”
Nat glanced at your blazer open noticing the lack of anything underneath and she quickly averted her gaze “uh well if you move a certain way you can see your erm,see your breasts”
“Well you’re getting a free show then aren’t you Nat? It’s okay I won’t tell anyone, but if you want a physical touch then it’ll cost you” you winked and Nat nearly collapsed “Jesus Christ Wanda she’s a menace”
Wanda just rolled her eyes and took her books from your hand “you can go now Y/n, don’t you have a video game to complete or something”
You mulled it over “nah I’ve completed Alan wake 2, not as scary as everyone says, I’ve been in more dangerous situations, anyway no I’m hanging out with Loki today, he’s allowed to leave the house now”
You pulled Wanda into a hug kissing her cheek and keeping her close “do you have anything else to say about my outfit?”
Wanda refused to look at your chest, you knew she wanted to look but was being a baby about it “just that you should have a shirt on under your blazer”
“You’re no fun” pulling away from her you gave one last look to Nat “always a pleasure see you Natty, you’ll have to come to our party this weekend”
Nat smiled wide “absolutely! Wanda said she’s really excited for it”
“Perfect! Oh before I leave Wanda I’ll pick up dinner later, me and Loki are going to a posh restaurant, so I’ll bring some stuff back”
Wanda agreed “cool, we’ve got class so I’ll see you at home” Wanda dragged Nat away reluctantly from you as you waved her off with a sweet smile
“Is that him?” Loki whispered taking a drag of his cigarette glaring at the football players “yeah with the red bandanna on his stupid head”
“Interesting, so what are we doing about him?”
You sat up on the bench keeping your hoodie down so he didn’t recognise you “I want to kill him but I’m pretty sure Wanda wouldn’t like that”
“Still pining over Wanda huh? I thought you were with Carol and Val?”
You shrugged “nah they’re in a real relationship now and it was getting weird”
The man laughed “weirder than a demon third wheel?”
Just as you were about to respond your name was yelled “Y/n! What do you think you’re doing here?!”
Of course vision had recognised you, stupid smart human, you just offered him a smile when he approached the pair of you “Vision! What a surprise, apologised to Wanda for being a dick yet?”
The man seethed “you have no right! I don’t know why she puts up with you”
You laughed “if only you knew Vis, I’ll give you a hint, I walk around the house comfortably, which means I’m normally just wearing my boxers and sports bra, and I can tell you now my dick is so much bigger than yours”
The man stood there shocked, suddenly he held his fist out punching you square in the face forcing your head back and pretend it hurt “well fuck me Vision you have some punch on you don’t you?” You laughed wiping your nose with the back of your hand standing up and wiping it on the man’s shirt
“Aren’t you in pain?” He didn’t notice the blood, more transfixed on the fact you weren’t screaming in pain “I vowed never to let a man cause me pain, you’re not exempt from that, no matter how unmanly you are”
You walked away from the situation leaving Loki with Vision “she’s wild, maybe you should clean your white shirt, looks like she’s written something in her blood on it”
He followed in the direction you were going and Vision looked down seeing the word “douche” on his shirt “how the? How’d she do that so quick?”
Wanda was sat under a tree when you found her with her eyes closed clearing having a rest, well you were definitely putting an end to that “Wanda your oaf of a boyfriend hit me and I’m clearly in a lot of pain so I need you to fix it”
You only saw Wanda’s chest move in a slow motion indicating a heavy sigh, at least she was awake, when she did open her eyes seeing you all blooded she just sat up “why did you insult him?”
“Insult him?! That bastard hit me, all I was doing was watching the hot cheerleaders and maybe tried getting one of their numbers but he attacked me out of nowhere, I’m the innocent one!”
Wand stood up inspecting your face “are you done being a drama Queen about everything?”
You shrugged “depends on if I get a kiss from you to make it all better”
Placing your hands around Wanda’s waist you pulled her in close “we’re in public Y/n”
“Come on Wands kiss the pretty demon, I don’t bite, unless you really want me too”
Wanda looked down to your lips and back up into your now red eyes “I hate how hot you are” it was whisper but you heard it and kissed her, only a short kiss as she pulled away quick in fear of someone seeing you both
“How many lectures do you have left?”
Wanda sighed “just math”
“Skip it, come home and we’ll watch doctor who and make my fantasy yesterday a reality” the redhead smiled pulling away from you and picking up her bag taking a face wipe out and cleared her face of the blood you transferred onto her then handing you one
“I can’t skip anymore classes Y/n, I need to stay”
“You’re 25 Wanda you’re an adult, adults don’t do math” you wiped the blood from your face and very ungraciously snapped your nose back into place making Wanda wince, she hated when you did things like that, really freaked her out
“I’ll just see you later, stop annoying vision” she waved you off and headed for her class
“Only when he stops being a dick!” You shouted back and took out your phone to text her something funny
Wanda managed to get to her class just in time to see Nat waiting for her “nice to see you finally” she laughed and Wanda shoved her friend giggling until her phone buzzed with a message
👩‍🦰+😈-👚🩲=best night of your life, there’s some math for you my love, don’t keep me waiting
Wanda rolled her eyes putting her phone away earning a look from Nat “leave it let’s just go in, can’t wait until I’m finished with my degree honestly”
You were on Wanda instantly as she walked through the door, picking her up and wrapping her legs around you, kissing her all over ultimately landing on her neck sucking a dark mark there
“No, no marks you know the rules” Wanda tried pushing you away but your grip was firm on her “don’t care…you’re mine, sick of sharing you”
You continued your assault on her neck but Wanda managed to push you away and fall to the floor “okay we need to stop!”
“oh? What do you mean by stop?” Wanda’s harsh voice caught you by surprise
Your deep voice always made Wanda nervous, you being a demon and all but she stood her ground standing up and keeping her distance from you “I can’t keep dealing with this! You’re making it so difficult!”
“Making what difficult? I haven’t done anything, when you come into my room at night, when you send me dirty text messages and when you scream my name, that’s all you, you’re the instigator in all of this”
“Me?! You’re the demon, a waste of human skin and space, I don’t even know why you’re up here- wait actually I do! They don’t want you in hell, even the poor souls being tortured can’t be bothered with you!”
All you could do was laugh “you can’t even insult me properly, fucking pathetic” you continued to laugh but Wanda definitely wasn’t laughing “please just take something serious for once!
“I’m always serious, and I mean it, you’re the instigator but if you want to stop this then fine, we’ll stop, see you later Wanda”
You quickly turned and headed for the door
“Where are you going?!”
“Out. Don’t know when or if I’ll be back”
Wanda didn’t mean for this to happen, she just wanted try and talk but you were so difficult “Y/n I just, just please stay”
“No thanks Wanda, maybe I’ll go back to hell and bother the other demons there, if they’re not bored of me of course” there was no emotion in your voice and Wanda sighed “okay, just be safe”
“Bye Wanda”
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sergeantwoods · 4 months
inhale, exhale. inhale, exhale. inhale, exhale. inhale, exhale. in--
the thump of the helo hitting the ground lifted ghost from his thoughts, and he sighed. exhale.
roach and gaz slowly broke apart from their huddling, probably talking about some dumb shit. ghost huffed, turning away from the two.
see, soap was dead. he has been for a while. a while is 8 months. but that's still a while in his books. because he could never let johnny's death go. never.
roach was soaps replacement. but he could never amount to johnny. so as much as he tried, he wouldn't get half of ghost's respect. roach wasn't bad, don't get him wrong. the kid was good at his job, smart, funny. but if he thought he could replace soap, then he was sorely mistaken. nobody can replace soap.
ghost doesn't understand how gaz and price moved on so quickly. their mourning only lasted about, what, a month? two? even so, it was too fast. like they dumped the idea of the bright-eyed sergeant away too quickly. it cut at simon's heart.
a pat on his shoulder had him roused from his thoughts, and he met eyes with price. price nodded at him, and he dipped his head back. swallowing shallowly, he stood up, following behind the captain.
once they reached the snowy ground, price waved nik off, and nik grinned and winked before launching in the air again and leaving. now, it was just the four of them, plus the two rookies that had been assigned this mission.
"alright," price started, coughing. his eyes narrowed, and he gestured at the facility that was barely visible from their view. "we're just going in to grab intel. they have guards, yes, but they are easy to bypass. it's easy. don't make it harder than it has to be." at the collective 'yes sirs!' he recieved, he nodded.
"sergeant valkyrie, lieutenant mirage, go on overwatch. me and the others are going into building A. keep watch for us. don't mess up; this is important." when the sergeant and the lieutenant nodded, he turned to the direction of the building.
"alright. when we get there, i'll tell overwatch where to set up, then we'll go and get that intel. shouldn't take too long." clapping his hands, he continued. "let's get going."
they trudged at least a few miles towards the compound, dropping of overwatch on the way. when they reached the cliff that dropped down to reveal the building, price split them into smaller groups.
it took them a few minutes to get down, grunts of effort being heard through comms. the awkward shuffling from the rookie's side of the comms were picked up, agitating ghost's ears. he was tempted to turn it off, but he decided against it. it would stop later, anyway. they'd get busy and focus.
gritting his teeth, he took out his assault rifle. price gave them a few more directions, before they took off for their missions.
it starts off slow. yeah, it started off slow. but now, here they were, huddled under some block of cement, to hide from the rain of bullets coming their way. price curses under his breath from ghost's side, reloading his gun hurriedly before peeking out from the side of the block and shooting.
ghost looked out from the side as well, shooting enemies one by one with deadly accuracy.
"overwatch, how many more are there?" price hisses, reloading his gun again.
"they just keep coming, sir," valkyrie says, growling under his breath as he snipes some soldier in the swarm of konni's coming after them.
"fuuuck, there wasn't supposed to be this many!"
ghost couldn't help the snort that left him. price side eyes him, then roughly grabs his shoulder.
"we're moving, lieutenant, come on."
nodding, he covered the captain as the sprinted into the building next to them. once they entered, it became eerily silent, save for their shoes squeaking against the sterile marbled floor. it looked like a part of an airport, almost, minus all the obviously military things lying around.
even when price lowered his gun, ghost kept his up. they couldn't afford to be caught off guard.
"simon. there isn't anyone in here."
flicking his eyes to price, he slowly lowers the gun. if price told him to lower the gun only for them to get --
he lets out a surprised sound as something -- no, someone -- tackles him to the ground. his head hits the ground first, and the all-too-familiar feeling of the barrel of a gun being pressed to the back of neck is present before he hears price letting out a shout and barreling towards the figure on top of him to the ground.
ghost groans, head spinning. he hears the sounds of price and the russian tussling besides him, but he can't seem to care over the pain in his head.
it takes a few seconds to finally come too, but when he does, he realizes that price is being attacked. and suddenly his senses are in overdrive, and he sweeps the attacker of their feet and onto the ground. their gun goes flying, and they land on their back with a pained grunt. he goes to stand over them. and now he gets to see their face.
his heart drops.
a familiar face. it isn't supposed to be familiar -- the eyes. it's fucking green, not blue. and the muzzle. and the fluffed out, ruffled mohawk. it isn't johnny. but it is? johnny wouldn't betray them. and he wouldn't do... whatever this is. wouldn't agree to it.
soap snarls from his position on the floor, eyes narrowed and staring apoplectically up at ghost. his breaths were coming out in short, angry puffs, the sound strange from the muzzle.
nothing in his face changes. no pause, no hesitation, no sadness, no recognition. ghost face screws up under the mask in concern. what the hell happened to him?
price shakily gets up beside him, staring down at soap. his face was white as a sheet, and he whispers out a hoarse, "soap?"
soap grips ghosts ankles, writhing on the floor, trying to flip him over. he doesn't move, stuck gawking at soap.
"what did they do to you?" he murmurs out; half to himself and half to soap.
the only response he gets is a strangled "fuck you," from the man himself, still trying to flip ghost over.
price crouches on the ground, a pained expression on his face. he looks back up at ghost, eyes tired.
"what the hell should we do with him?"
"don't think he knows who we are. i said his name, no sign of recognition. doesn't look like he's willing to communicate, either. and you're the captain. you decide."
price sighs, rubbing his forehead as he thinks.
"well, either we just leave him here, cuff him to a bar." he pauses, seeing ghosts brow furrow.
"bu-- "
"and i know that's not an option anyone would like," he cuts ghost off, then continues with an exhale. "or we could sedate him and bring him back with us, and ask questions when we get back. or we could cuff him and bring him back. which one is safer?"
"unless you want to have a sparring match on the helo, i don't recommend cuffs. sedate seems safer, the only good option. i think gaz would try and murder us if we left soap here, too. you got a tranquilizer?"
price nodded. "yeah. can you hold him?"
"of course."
already crouching, price moved closer to soap, taking out a kit with the needle in it. the now green-eyed man's eyes widened, and he jerked away from price. ghost crouches down too, holding soap down. using one hand, he gently combs his fingers through his mohawk.
soaps eyes snap to ghosts; confusion lacing the sickly green. but he's staring up ghost, confusion turning into... fascination? interest? and he's certainly not paying attention when price winces and gets closer. he sticks the needle in the side of his neck when he gets close enough, and ghost grip on soap immediately tightens.
johnny immediately lurches away, crying out in surprise, and thrashing around. it only takes a few moments for the movements to become sluggish, and before they know it, soap is completely asleep.
it's quiet in the building. except for the loud breathing from soaps muzzle.
prices hand reaches to his comms. he clicks it on, voice low and gravelly as he speaks into it.
"well. gaz, guess who we found?"
i swear i can write better thn that -- that was like. only 50% energy. i rushed this in an hour. yes, an hour. that's not really rushing, but i got very distracted a couple times.
well, heres my serving of brainwashed soap for the night. don't expect anything from me for like. another month or two .😭i mean, the medieval fic is gonna kick off sometime, so expect that
i very quickly proofread this, so if there was typos jus,,. ignore that please 🙏
here u go, @spottlessspectre
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