#obviously it’s also to okay if someone here doesn’t like Jason at all!
ghost-bxrd · 1 month
GIRL CODED JASON !!!!! HI HELLO OMG TUMBLR USER AND AMAZING AO3 WRITER GHOST BIRD YOUR POSTS AND STORIES JUST ACTIVATE BRAINWORMS IN MY HEAD 😭😭😭😭 holy fuck hi I'm too shy to come off anon but I love the discussions you've been having, so just chipping in !!!
I love the many many looks on how people interpret him being girl-coded, exploring his feelings towards domestic violence, towards victims, women etc, extremely good points that you brought up ! And I'd like to bring up that on a more meta level, the way his character is treated by DC and by people in canon as a whole is also so... girl-coded ? Going to try my best to articulate since eng is my 3rd language 😔😔 Sorry if it's not consise 😭😭 I have FEELINGS AAAAAAAAAAAA
I think the core of this "girl-codedness" stems from a few things, two things I can point to currently are how he's treated as a victim and fridging. Fridging is the easier one to see imo, it's something that's usually associated with female characters but fits Jason a lot. It's not about him and his trauma/pain being feminine inherently (nothing can be categorised in that way honestly) but how it's dealt with by people and the narrative.
Let's take a look at its counterpart which is 'Dead Men Defrosting' trope coined by John Barton. Here's the source for that: https://www.lby3.com/wir/r-jbartol2.html, and a quote from the Women in Refridgerators website I feel is really encapsulates this whole situation.
"...women heroes are altered again and never allowed, as male heroes usually are, the chance to return to their original heroic states. And that's where we begin to see the difference."
Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Additionally, the grief that his death bought is made to be even more objectifying than it should have been. It's made to be Bruce's and everyone else's more than it is Jason's. The image of the dead character is, by necessity, distorted and is served as fuel towards a different character. He's reduced to his death and the pain associated with it is milked for like... 16 yearsish??? A perverted memorial, a perverted memory, an altered legacy. He was just 15. A boy. (Still, I wouldn't say Jason was fridged per say, as the term is created in reference to female characters and they have little to no agency in their stories there, but that 'feel' is there. So I understand where the girl-codedness comes from!)
It’s that the way a lot of characters treat him and a lot of the tropes used on him are things that are typically associated with feminine characters. It's also about how he's treated since he's not a perfect victim. Every attempt Jason has made to express his pain and his anger just gets him labelled as emotional, unreasonable and hysterical (which are again, unfortunately terms associated with women.)
There's many different points people have brought up about Jason, such as his bleeding compassion as Robin, the tears at the end of UTRH, and so on. Nonetheless, I think there's a lot of nuance that comes with gender discussions, since these things are deeply personal to people, and there's disagreements to be had. And that's cool !! There's many points loads of other people also being to the table that I love !! Contradictions too !!
All very good points!
I don’t have much to add here except perhaps the argument with the memorial case. You’re absolutely right. I never realized how similar it is to the classic hero trope of protagonist mourning their dead love interest/family and dedicating their entire life to a memory of them, citing the actions they take to be in honor of the dead person.
On one hand, I tend to enjoy that trope. On the other hand with Jason, it all became horribly twisted so very quickly and lead to a hard downward spiral of Bruce having a real assholish phase.
But yeah that’s a whole other can of worms better left unopened for now ksksks.
I’m very happy you’re enjoying this blog 💚 it’s honestly super rewarding to hear people say that when it was one of the main goals to have this be a safe and harmonious space for everyone 💚💚✨
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luludeluluramblings · 2 months
Smalltown! Neglected! Meta! Reader x Yandere! Batfam
Part Four
Part One ☁️ Part Two ☁️ Part Three ☁️ Part Five ☁️ Part Six ☁️ Part Seven
Warning: Obessive behavior, Yandere tendencies, su*c*de/death.
A/N: Finally adding warning labels. We’re getting somewhere. I’ve had some of this written out, but had to add some stuff in to drive it home. Reader’s coping skills are failing, but everyone’s starting to get obsessive. Also, I’ve been fighting myself on drawing art for this. (I’m a bit out of practice.)
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Reader has basically called befriending Damian and Jason a lost cause.
Bruce still avoids reader. And, everyone else is still busy with what Reader assumes is Batwork. (Which is fine, Reader is fine. It’s not like they’re stuck in the manor pacing the halls every damn day.)
Cass and Duke’s get back from their respective missions. They weren’t gone too long, but they’re come back a bit roughed up. They debrief with Bruce and then have to go back to being civilians.
Reader is waiting to comfort them. Not to confront them. Reader’s more concerned with how Duke has a mild limp and how Cass’s knuckles have some bruising than them ditching. Plus, reader is still not completely sure that her family is Gotham’s vigilantes. They need to confirm.
But, Duke and Cass both appreciate Reader checking on them and not asking questions. Cass suspects Reader suspects something, judging by Reader’s body language. But, it’s nice for someone who’s naturally soft to be soft with you.
Duke appreciates how Reader treats him so, normally. In a way it reminds him of his childhood, when things were easier. He has a normal friend now, completely mostly free of Gotham’s crazy.
Reader is happy their back, but disappointed that they won’t be going to the school gala. In fact, a few family members make comments about how it sounds like a waste of time.
Bruce, however, is actually happy Reader is excited. And, Reader gets even more excited when one of their new friends ask to be their date. Reader’s date is so genuinely excited about going to this Gala with Reader. (Uh-oh, that’s not good.)
Some of Reader’s other friends, the more haughty and wealthy ones, tell Reader that they should’ve picked someone more… refined. Which Reader defends that their Date is perfectly sweet and good looking to boot.
But, this leads Reader to decide not to tell anyone in the family about their date. They don’t want to hear the same thing from their Gotham family. Reader does inform BFF, younger brother, and Nana of their date. For some reason, BFF was a bit disgruntled, and even Nana tried to convince them it was probably best not to go. Younger Brother was encouraging reader to have fun. (But he was whispering into the phone, and asking Reader if he could come visit them soon. Please. People are acting weird here. Is everything okay, do you need me to come home. No. No. Don’t— It’s fine. I just wanna come visit you.)
But, reader was committed to going and enjoying their date and wearing their custom made outfit.
That night, Reader was given Bruce’s permission to get ready at one of their friends’ houses. Reader was practically spoiled by their friends, it was almost a bit overwhelming. Their date meet them at the Gala escorting them inside and having a wonderful time. (I hope it last. It’s not going to though. How sad.)
At the end of the night, their Date escorted them home. To end a near perfect night Reader got a kiss. A long and pretty heated kiss. Right in front of the Entrance camera.
Tim had pulled up the camera feed when Reader got home, at Bruce’s request, just to check on Reader. (He was going to do it anyway.) The entire family was winding down from Patrol in the Batcave when the feed came on. Leaving them all to get a front row seat to Reader’s little act of rebellion.
(That’s all this was, right. Just a little act of rebellion. This won’t happen again, obviously. They won’t fucking let it.)
Bruce is livid. It doesn’t help that Jason wolf-whistles to further enrage him. (Jason is making plans to break someone’s leg though. Possibly the Dates. How fucking dare they corrupt you, that’s his job.)
Stephane is honestly impressed, didn’t think Reader had it in them. (How cute! I wonder what we could get up to together.)
Duke, sweet Duke, didn’t want to see that. His (best) friend getting tongued down on camera. He’s going to need bleach and therapy. (Why would you do that? When you can just game with him. You’re his bro. Gross.)
Cassandra is… understanding. Reader has needs. Reader wants affection. That’s fine. But, not that one. Pick someone else. (Llet her pick, actually. You can’t read people like her, you need someone better. Someone you she can trust. She needs to approve of them first.)
Dick is more disapproving, but he understands. Still, this changes how he sees Reader. Sweet innocent helpless Reader has a wild side. (But still reader is clearly helpless, obviously they don’t know what they’re doing.)
It also changes how Barbara sees Reader. Or confirms. Barbara runs under the assumption that Reader is more like Bruce than anyone realizes. (She’s not wrong, but it’s not in the way she thinks.) Bruce is a bit of natural flirt, he just hides it in his ‘Brucie’ persona. Reader apparently takes after that. (Damian sure didn’t.)
Damian, is disgusted, disappointed, and disapproving. He doesn’t doubt Father will scold you, but your date needs to be dealt with and all other suitors as well. (He’ll take care of it. He’s your brother, that’s his job.)
Tim, however, is legitimately jealous. He wanted to see this side of reader first. He got a glimpse of it before, but he wants it for himself now that he sees the full thing. (Also, right in front of the camera? Did Reader know it was there? If they did, would they be okay with Tim filming them more? Just to observe, please.)
Tim immediately starts pulling up all the information he can about Reader’s date. Without Bruce’s prompting this time. Bruce does nod in approval before marching to the entrance. Intent on putting an end to this and giving Reader a firm talking to.
It goes, horribly. Date is forced to leave and Bruce tears into Reader. (What happened to the outfit I bought you? Why didn’t you tell me you had a date? I didn’t approve of this. I don’t care that you’re back on time or that you’re old enough, you’re my child! Mine! You get my approval first.)
Reader stays composed, barely. The good news is that the brutal scolding is the only consequence Reader faces. (Bruce is more upset about Reader not seeking his approval than doing something he disapproves of. He’s your father. He should have a damn say. Would you have done this to D̴̖̞͑̊̓a̷͎͗̇d̸̜͍̩̓̎d̸̪̩̟̆̎y̶̛̼̌? Why are you doing this to him?)
The bad news, Reader’s date’s life is over. With just a few clicks from Tim and approval from Bruce, Date’s family company falling apart. Reported to the government, lawsuits filed by third-parties. Hidden debts needing to be collected NOW. Any misfiled taxes? Found and reported. And, most importantly, all calls and ways for Date to contact reader again, blocked.
Socially and financially, Date’s life is ruined in less than twenty-four hours. Worst of all, Reader doesn’t know. They’re still on cloud nine about the night, despite Bruce’s lecture. But, come Sunday morning, two days later, things fall apart.
Date is reported dead. Apparent suic1de just the night before. The financial implosion of the family was named the apparent reason.
Reader is distraught, confused, and hurt. What happened? What’s going on? This can’t be happening. I don’t want to lose anymore people I care about. I don’t want to lose someone like Momma and Daddy again.
Reader’s Gotham friends console Reader, saying it’s not their fault. That Date struggled with thought before. Don’t blame yourself. (They weren’t worth your time.)
Surprisingly enough, it’s Dick that finds reader having a borderline breakdown.
Dick clings and coddles and coos, but this time. Reader clings back. Reader clings back tight. Desperate for comfort. Which is surprising for Dick.
Most of the family tends to brush off his attempts at comfort until they hit rock bottom. For once, this isn’t someone hitting rock bottom before they need him. This is someone that’s just genuinely sad and overwhelmed and needs wants him.
Dick also ran under the assumption that Reader was allergic to affection, like Damian and Bruce. But, apparently, that wasn’t the case. It’s a nice feeling. To have someone not fight him when he tries to be comforting. Someone who is happy to take it. Of course, he doesn’t stay long. Once Reader pulls themselves together he’s got to get back to Buldhaven, but this time he leaves a bit slower. (But, him leaving somehow makes Reader feel worse.)
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rotten7rat · 4 months
Jason Todd Playlist Analysis
Seventeen Going Under by Sam Fender
I see this song being about Jason’s childhood, referencing his mother, Catherine, and his father, Willis. He’s struggled for his whole life, from the moment he was born to now, he’s always been “going under”.  The age of seventeen is less literal in this case, I just take it to mean child in general for Jason.
 I remember the sickness was forever
I remember snuff videos
Cold Septembers, the distances we covered
The fist fights on the beach, the bizzies round us up
Do it all again next week
An embryonic love
The first time that it scarred
Embarrass yourself for someone
Crying like a child
And the boy who kicked Tom's head in
Still bugs me now
That's the thing, it lingers
And claws you when you're down
Reference to the poverty the Todds experienced, Catherine’s illness, struggling to keep a roof over their heads, the violence Jason witnessed at home and just from growing up in Park Row in general. It’s a constant repetition one week to the next. The rest of this part could just reference snippets of Jason’s early childhood. There’s no escaping poverty, it just keeps pulling you down as soon as you think you’re doing better.
I was far too scared to hit him
But I would hit him in a heartbeat now
That's the thing with anger
It begs to stick around
So it can fleece you of your beauty
And leave you spent with nowt to offer
Makes you hurt the ones who love you
You hurt them like they're nothing
This part makes me think of Willis, taking shady jobs and working for Gotham’s rogues to support his family, but taking out his stress and frustrations on his family. Jason knows that Willis loved them, but there’s no denying that he hurt them. It could reference Catherine as well, with how she came to rely on drugs to deal with her illness, which obviously hurt Jason also. Jason has even less doubt in his mother’s love, but her addiction had a large impact on Jason’s childhood.
See I spent my teens enraged
Spiralin' in silence
And I armed myself with a grin
'Cause I was always the fuckin' joker
A mirrored picture of my old man
I know a lot of people talk about how Jason wasn’t angry, but he was, and that’s okay, it doesn't mean it was the only thing he felt. He had a lot of anger as a teen, and it did slip into his work as Robin. He started to see Willis in himself, and as a teen he was still angry at Willis for how he treated him and Catherine, and for leaving them to survive without him.
She said the debt, the debt, the debt
So I thought about shifting gear
And how she wept and wept and wept
Well, luck came and died 'round here
I see my mother
The DWP see a number
She cries on the floor encumbered
I'm seventeen going under
When Willis was sent to prison, and then killed, Jason and Catherine were left to fend for themselves. As Catherine got sicker, a lot of her care and general responsibilities fell onto Jason. Maybe he also started to steal and move drugs to provide for them, which distressed Catherine greatly. The government doesn’t see Catherine as a person, she doesn’t qualify for any help, and the only help Jason can receive takes him away from her. It’s an impossible situation. This goes on until Catherine dies, and then Jason is totally alone.
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luvrodite · 1 year
okay my neighbor!jason and roommate!jason thots are going wild right now bc I feel like both of their slow burns end so differently. Like yours and neighbor!jason’s relationship is a slow and steady pining that is more sweet and the catalyst is a “why don’t you just stay here?” after you try to watch all of the lord of the rings movies in one night. and it’s all cuddles and soft kisses and making breakfast and morning sex bc you’re just that comfortable and close at that point you don’t even care you’re just glad it’s finally happening.
meanwhileeee you and roommate!jason have spent so long tiptoeing around each other and suppressing your feelings, convincing yourself the other doesn’t feel the same that it almost ends in a fight of “well how do you think I feel watching you go out with other people?/hearing you get off in the other room?/knowing it’s not me?” and then a “well maybe I wish it was!” and the hottest and filthiest make out session and sex ever known to man and also god.
have a good day/night🫡
nonnie im so glad u get it.
also minors dni + have your age in your bio if you interact
like with neighbour!jason i just imagine it being very luke and lorelai esque, where he's just that guy. like he's your (i imagine him a little older, maybe late twenties/early thirties) hot as shit neighbour who you can always always count on. because he's a good guy. he sees you in the hall and he says hello and you guys talk and hang out occasionally but it's never beyond platonic even though sometimes you feel like he might be flirting with you and sometimes he gets a little quiet when he looks at you. and you grow closer and closer, and you get comfortable enough to blur that line when you flirt with him in the mornings to get a reaction, you feel less inclined to hide your quirks etc. because he's jason. he's wonderful. and you're going to be so happy for whoever he ends up with but at the same time, the thought of someone coming into your lives–because he's part of your life now! he's your friend as much as he's your neighbour. he's seen you cry and he's seen you messy and he's seen you when you've just woken up. the thought of there being someone else makes you a little envious, a little sad. he goes from being the hot guy next door to someone you genuinely care about and love, and that complicates it, because love is scary and you don't want to ruin one of the best relationships in your life. (neighbour!jason is just waiting for you to come to terms with it because he already knows what he wants, age has made him steady, left him assured of himself. but he won't make any moves until he's certain that you're certain)
and with roommate!jason. oh my god. exactly that. i spoke about this with one of my moots but i imagine that the way roomie and jason end up together is extremely messy. they're both very explosive and young(er) and have so much learning to do even if they are adults living on their own with their own jobs/studies. like there's obviously that comfort of being friends but also, there's that tension between them because you're both so attracted to each other and aware of each other, but you still navigate yourselves like you're just roommates when underneath the surface there are so many feelings just simmering, simmering, simmering. you go on dates, jason pretends he isn't extremely jealous, you have to bite down your own envy when other girls eye him up at the store, he's heard you touch yourself–has jerked off to you. it all bubbles up. i imagine it takes a while before you guys end up officially together because you do it backwards. roommate!jason turns to roommate with benefits!jason who eventually turns into roommate/boyfriend!jason. you guys fuck and you know you've crossed the lines of your arrangement from the beginning but feelings are again. so vulnerable. and scary. so you keep quiet until once more someone gets jealous and the actual, deeper feelings come out.
anyway i am rambling. but thank you for sending these thoughts in. i've missed roommate jason and neighbour jason (even though i'm writing a fic for the former atm) and will take any opportunity to talk about them
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crystalqueertea · 2 years
Okay everyone. I’ve had an idea stuck in my brain for too long. DP X DC (what else did you expect from me look at all my reblogs) Danny and Jason. My favorite pair. My boys. Except. They don’t get their nice little happy endings that they get in most fics.
Danny finds Jason first through his ghost sense. It didn’t react the same way it would around a ghost or Vlad, so he assumes whatever this is either is just some run off ectoplasm from the zone or a highly contaminated person. BUT here’s the thing, he doesn’t approach Jason at first. No, he goes and asks Clockwork about any runoff ectoplasm humans could’ve been encountering that would damage them this much. This is how Danny finds out about the pits and how the league is throwing people in them. But, as we all know, Danny is impatient and doesn’t stay to hear the fact that the people getting thrown in are dead or dying. He just hears that people are getting thrown in.
So back to Jason he goes, ready to solve all this man’s problems by getting rid of all the ectoplasm in his body. As soon as he gets confirmation that Jason was thrown in the pits, he tell Jason he can fix him, no elaboration.
Jason, far too excited at the notion of even the possibility of getting rid of the pit and getting his family, his life back, sees this normal (mostly) kid with glowing green eyes and immediately accepts. So Danny gets right to work. He knows how to get his body to absorb ectoplasm, and when he runs into complications he assumes it’s because the ectoplasm was boiling, and that has to be bad, so he takes him to a place where he can make a makeshift lab out of his parents equipment.
With a slightly altered version of the, well, let’s be honest here, with the Edward Scissorhands esc. device Vlad of an alternate future once used to cut out his ghost, Danny has a much easier time getting the ectoplasm out. And everything is going well, Jason hasn’t complained, until they reach the last parts of ectoplasm in him. Upon contact, Jason screams.
Danny draws back to re-examine the ectoplasm he was working on, but in jolting backwards he hears a crack. Suddenly, Jason is unconscious on the table and Danny’s tool has a tiny chipped piece of what is obviously a ghosts core on the end.
Jason was in pain throughout the procedure but thought it would be worth it in the end to get rid of the pit. As it was extracted he somehow felt emptier, but also freer at the same time. It wasn’t until the excruciating pain shooting through what he knew was not his heart but felt like it that he understood where he recognized that freeing feeling.
It was what he had felt before he died. When the blood was leaving his body and he was slowly but surely less and less aware of what was going on around him but couldn’t find it in himself to care. So despite keeping quiet throughout the whole process till now, with the memories of crowbars and laughter and bombs and warehouses coursing through his memory on repeat, Jason screamed.
Danny, having been frozen looking at the ghost core piece (he’d never known a core could break, how couldn’t he have known-) eventually looks back down at Jason’s body. Now thoroughly unstable and missing a piece of his core, Jason looked dead and dying. And Danny could only think, ‘oh god, he was like me, he was a halfa, he needed ectoplasm to live-‘ but as those thoughts went through his brain, suddenly he saw himself on the table. His parents standing over him, raving about ghosts, they had talked only weeks ago about discovering that stronger ghosts had a core and how they wanted to rip one out to dissect it, the ghost can’t feel pain, not like they’ll miss it. And. Oh god. Danny’s become his parents. His worst nightmare of his parents. All those horrible nights spent thinking about what would happen if his parents caught him and he went and did it to someone else-
He has to fix this. But he doesn’t know if he can.
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munninghams · 2 years
☆ munninghams’ massive hellcheer masterpost ☆
well! i promised a big one. here it is :) hopefully people get some use out of this! i devoured a crazy amount of fics in an alarmingly short amount of time and nothing would make me happier than sharing them with u all. :) DISCLAIMER however. i read so manhy fuckin fics lmao. so this is part 1. ladies and theydies and everyone else, without further ado... them.
put your lips close to mine (as long as they don’t touch) - @percyjacksonfan3 
Here's the thing about Chrissy Cunningham: she actually is the straight laced dependable good girl that everyone thinks she is. 
She's also, until she starts having these weird visions that make her feel like she's going out of her mind, insanely bored.
 Or, alternatively, the fix-it AU where Chrissy doesn't die and she and Eddie try and figure out what the hell is going on with her. And with them. Also, the usual gang is there. Eventually. Because these two need some serious help fighting demons and figuring out that they are not just friends.
this is one of the best fics i’ve ever read. can’t recommend enough! vecna au, it feels ripped straight out of canon. the first hellcheer fic i read and what started the obsession!
someone reaching back for me - @enoughtotemptme
The first time Eddie Munson watches Chrissy Cunningham die isn't the worst. It's the second, because he had thought she was going to live this time.
The universe made a cosmic mistake the day Chrissy Cunningham was allowed to die. It set off a chain of events that led to catastrophe, at first local, then global, and eventually interdimensional. It led to the end of all there is, was, and would ever be.
But the universe is rather interested in self-preservation. It couldn’t save itself in the future, but it could save itself then.
If only someone would get it right.
vecna timeloop au. fuckin BANGER of a fic. a little angst, of course, (okay, kind of a lot) but it’s very worth it!!! 
graceland, too. (whatever she wants) - @cunnninghams
“Have you ever thought about anything you want to do before you die?”
“Who said anything about dying? I’m gonna live forever, Cunningham. A modern day Dracula, if you will.”
“… those bats didn’t bite you that hard.”
tired of living in fear after helping save hawkins, chrissy decides to make a bucket list. and who better to help cross things off than her unlikely new best friend, eddie munson.
bucketlist au baby! kind of a vecna au? the party defeats him anyway and this takes plce after that. sweet fluffy story (with a hint of angst) and rebel chrissy, which i love. so good ♥
ride the sky - @deathinasmalltown
He tucks his tin lunchbox under his arm, shoves the door open, and stumbles inside—
It’s very obviously not a bathroom, as he gets an eyeful of someone’s pale ass, against white sheets.
“Uh, sorry. My bad,” he mumbles at the two teenagers fucking on the bed.
They’re far too into it to even notice that he barged in on them. Well, he’d argue that the girl might be overselling it, if her exaggerated moans are anything to go by—he’s seen enough porn to know an actress when he sees one…or hears one, more like.
He tries to back out of the room as quickly and quietly as possible, but he yelps in shock at being blocked from leaving. He twists towards the person in his way just as he’s roughly shouldered to the side by a flurry of strawberry blonde hair.
yall. this one is so good lol. eddie is so funny and their chemistry is off the charts. it’s a big fuck jason carver from me! high school au, no vecna.
you really got me now. - @ melodicvinyl
Eddie Munson is not a hero. He’s the first one to admit that, and so even he is surprised when, two weeks into attending Hawkins University, he rescues a cheerleader.
Chrissy Cunningham is finally free of Oakview, Indiana and, most importantly, her mother. She's never felt at home anywhere until she meets a metalhead who lends her his pajamas and walks her home in the morning.
A 1980s College AU.
WOOOO BOY. i don’t even have words for this one. so good. college fluff, no vecna. it’s like chicken soup for the soul. can’t reccomend enough. there’s a sequel that’s incredible.
it’s different for girls - @adelaideelaine
Chrissy Cunningham experiences an unexpected sexual awakening during her senior year of high school.
exactly what it sounds like; chrissy coming to terms with herself and her life. so good. their chemistry in this one is PALPABLE. everything by this author is amazing!!! no vecna au <3
duality - @broomclosetkink
“Holy fuck, did I take acid?” he asks. Because he’s staring at himself in the mirror, but he is Chrissy Cunningham. Her hair is messy from being slept on, her face is bare of make-up, and she’s wearing a soft pink gown nightgown. It has little white flowers on it and a lace ribbon. He can see her nipples through the thin fabric.
“What the fuck,” he whispers. “What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck.” Chrissy’s face twists with his expressions, and Chrissy’s mouth forms the words, and Chrissy’s voice is a little hysterical in the big room.
Eddissy Bodswap!AU
MAN y’all this is SUUUCH a good one lmao. i’ll happily read fifty fics with the same premise, but what i love about this one is that i haven’t seen this premise before or since i read this fic. sweet, heartwarming, sexy, and i cried. what more do you need!
tenderness - @adelaideelaine
Eddie Munson is determined to keep his head down and get through his last summer as a counselor at Camp Hawkins Lake (aka Camp Hawk)...until a certain cheerleader-turned-lifeguard catches his eye.
yeah baby! hot and heavy at a summer camp. literally what more can you ask for. no vecna here, just hot wet american summer vibes.
you drew stars around my scars - @em_jaye 
Hellfire Ink,” she repeated, glancing around the still-unsettled front room. “You’re a…tattoo parlor?”
“No,” he shook his head. “We specialize in Satanic calligraphy.”
Chrissy stared at him for a long beat before she snorted and covered her mouth to hide a laugh. Suddenly, Eddie wanted to make her do that again. And again.
THEE hellcheer flower shop/ tattoo parlor au. i reread this hoe and cry all the time. it’s so sweet, the story is so satisfying, and the characters feel like canon even in an au. so good!
of roses and thorns - CaCD
A soulmate AU
In a world where you share all your feelings with someone you most likely will never get to meet, Chrissy is trying at all costs to keep her head above water as she lives a life she has never got to choose for herself.
Enters Eddie, the last person she would have thought could bring happiness into her life. He shows her how to roll a joint, how to take control of her life and, maybe, if she finds the courage to meet him halfway, how to follow the string in her heart all the way to the other end.
Or: Chrissy and Eddie are soulmates, but things are never just that simple
one thing about me is that i love a mf soulmate au. and i’ve never seen two kids that are soulmates more than chrissy and eddie. a really good one.
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listen man. listen. jason and reyna have the potential for the most interesting dynamic in the entire rrverse and i stand by that ok. like imagine. two people who were best friends are suddenly torn apart and when they reunite through no fault of either of them one cares a lot more than the other now. losing jason was the worst thing reyna ever felt and then he came home and looked her dead in the eyes and treated her like a stranger. god i am so unwell about them anyway. im mad that this never gets explored in canon it has so much potential. the fucking tragedy of it all. they avoid each other now because one will inevitably end up saying something a little too familiar and its miserably awkward for just. everyone tbh. they cared so deeply for each other amd then it was just gone. she spent months searching for him overworked and unable to even grieve properly and he just didnt care anymore. its unclear how much memory he got back but its obviously not as clear as percy’s and thats so interestingg?? knowing you cared for this place, for this person, so much it was a part of you, and just. having no emotional attachment to it anymore. not knowing how to get back to that even if you want to. oughhhh. not knowing how to tell them the person they knew is dead or at least unrecognizable. if you take every moment and memory that makes up a person away and put newones in their place is it still the same person? she loved him more than anything. he doesnt know how to be the person she loved anymore. he doesnt know if he wants to. he avoids her, and she lets him, because really what is there to say? she still cares. he doesn’t. i dont even know how to articulate this okay just. they were best friends. and now everything has changed. and how do you cope with that. what do you do, when your best friend looks you in the eyes and treats you like a stranger? what do you do, looking a stranger in the eyes and knowing she was your best friend?
and nobody ever talks about their relationship??? like they either get ignored or treated like weird exes which is just so not what this is. anyway the implication that reyna had a crush on him was stupid thats called *amatonormativity* reyna is arocoded thank you goodnight. i am so utterly deranged about them <3
OMG ANON THANK YOU FOR THIS but literally ikr?? their entire relationship (not in a couple-y way) is just so complex and ends so tragically and it’s like. ughhhhh it literally drives me crazy to think about it and it’s so UNFAIR for both of them because reyna has to look at jason and see someone looking back with a strangers eyes and it’s like. hes there. but he’s NOT because he’s so different and then for jason he can see her but he can’t feel the emotional attachment that SHOULD be there he only knows that he once had it and instead it’s this empty feeling and. the worst part is that they never got to confront the situation with each other!! jason got back to new rome and when he left almost instantly they’d barely exchanged any words with each other so like. the most either can do is soo many presumptions and MAYBE time could’ve fixed it. maybe they could’ve one day talked it out; but god fucking damn it because they didn’t have time and the next time she got to properly see him he was in a coffin. it’s so tragic it really really HURTS and I can’t explain how it feels but u get it aishsjbsksmsksns
and no frrr reducing them to exes of any sort is just soo annoying because it’s completely taking away EVERYTHING abt their dynamic and just as you said all that’s very much linked to amatonormativity. WOW sorry for the rant here but yes im also very very deranged abt three <3
ty for this tho, anon! <333
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kirk-says-wah · 23 days
Here is my theory.
I think Dave, Torben, and Virgil used to be friends. But I think Dave and Virgil were best friends. And I feel like Torben sometimes was the one who was left out of the group, which caused tension and jealousy in him.
Dave and Virgil fell in love with the same woman, who was James's mother. I think she chose Virgil over Dave. And I feel like they had a falling out but were able to be on good terms again. And that led to James and Jason playing together when they were children.
In chapter 6, this is what Virgil said...
“Our main problem being Mustaine,” Virgil says, stepping forward. “Torben owed him a lot of money. Someone had been messing up the numbers. And I-“ he pauses, shakes his head, now getting in James’ space.
"Why didn't you just get rid of him like your other enemies?" James asks.
“Theres a lot about Mustaine that you don’t know,” Virgil says, his eyes cautious. James doesn’t know how that’s true. He’s heard rumors.
Virgil sighs, looking down.
"I messed with him one time, and he took my wife away. You don’t know what he’s capable of. He’ll kill you, too.”
Virgil did something that pissed Dave off. What I'm thinking is that it had something to do with the woman in the picture. Whatever it is, he pissed off Dave. And Dave wanted to retaliate against him. Dave was going to kill Virgil.
Meanwhile, I think Virgil told Torben whatever it was that pissed Dave off. And I think Torben used that opportunity to his advantage. I think Torben was playing both Dave and Virgil.
I'm thinking Dave hired someone to kill Virgil. Now, obviously, Dave gave strict orders that James and his mom were not to be harmed. Because clearly Dave cared about James mother. You could see it at the restaurant. He didn't want to hurt James. Not just because of the agreement but because he does care for James. So I think Dave picked a day where James and his mother weren't supposed to be home. Because Dave also said...
Dave sighs heavily, continuing to chew on his steak.
"Well, no, she was…" What do they call it? Wrong place, wrong time? It’s not that bitch that fire was meant to kill.”
On that day, Virgil was supposed to be home alone, having a meeting with some clients. (Remember, James said his dad was in his office with some people.)
I think Torben overheard the plan Dave had made and intervened, managing to get James and his mother to stay home that day.
I think the hitman went there to carry out the plan and called Dave from outside Virgil's place. He told Dave that James and his mom were actually home. Dave called it off. But before the hitman could leave, I think Torben set the house on fire.
The hitman likely went back to Dave and told him that someone else was there and set the house on fire.
So Torben killing James's mother makes it seem like Dave was retaliating for whatever Virgil did. So because Dave was already angry with Virgil, Virgil would naturally blame Dave and say it was him that burned his wife in the fire.
Dave probably found out the next day that James's mother was killed. And he may have tried to reason with Virgil and let him know that he didn't do it. And he himself is wondering who started the fire.
And there was a message that you wrote stating that Virgil did get his revenge. Whoever the woman in the picture is, Virgil probably killed her.
This leads to the agreement to leave each other's families alone.
Okay omg this is such a good theory!! That all makes a lot of sense! I feel like this is definitely a possibility! It explains how and why James’ mom died really well!
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Freddy Krueger+Jason Voorhees x Manipulative!Cruel!Fem!Reader || Oneshot
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Plot: You’re infamous in this universe (The Leslie Vernon universe. All Slashers exist, they’re kinda like legends/celebrities), for fucking with both Jason Voorhees and Freddy Krueger. One of them just wasn’t enough for you. You needed love and sex (And neither one was going to give you both).  
Obviously it all went up in flames when they found out about eachother, and even though nowadays you live in your own self-built prison to protect yourself from their wrath, you retain that it was fun while it lasted.
Long story short though- they find you.
Warnings: Cheating (Reader. Really, reader is terrible 😅 ), almost dacryphilia? (Again, reader. But I wouldn’t put it past Freddy either- just not here), guns (Reader and Freddy), gun wounds (Jason), violence (Reader… ) and attempted murder (Freddy and Jason).  
I love writing reader into a terrible person. If you'd like to read more of the reader being evil- I recommend this work! 😈 :
Oneshot: Jennifer Check+Inkubus x EvillerReader- Turned human.
There’s a knock at your door not 15 minutes after you ordered Chinese food, and it makes you suspicious. Watching the door, eyebrows furrowed, and lips pulled taught in a firm line, you think- Your food shouldn’t be here yet… Who the hell is at the door?? After a few moments, they knock again and you swiftly get up off the couch. On your way to the door, you listen out intently for any noises outside, but all you hear is tapping- like someone really impatient is waiting out there.
When you get to the door you rise up to your tip-toes quietly and peak through the little peephole, damning the way your bones creak at the motion.
On your porch is a boy, you realise. Well, a man- but recently a boy. No one you’re interested in, either way… you like a little more, in men. This one’s too plain for your tastes. And on top of that, he’s not carrying a bag of fried rice.
Ugh… You open the door anyway and lean against the frame; Assessing him lazily with bored eyes. “Hello? Can I help you?”
“… Y/N??” The fact that he knows your name has you standing straight again, ready to slam the door in his face. You dont even give DoorDash your real name, and you have as intimate a relationship as you can have with an app, with that one. And he also looks far too pleased to see you. “Y/N L/N??”
“Uh, no, the bitch moved last year.” You attempt to lie, thinking maybe he doesn’t know what you look like. It’s worth a try, anyway. Shrugging, you cross your arms, leaning casually against the doorframe still. “Whore stopped paying her rent, so I had to kick her out. What do you want with the skank?”
“Really?? Cuz you uh, you fit her description to a T. A little older I guess, but- “
WHAT!? “Excuse you??” Older??? You are still hot as hell, thanks very much- “- Uhh, I mean… “Your face is tight as you force a smile against your cheeks, one hand on the doorhandle so as to shut it on the little twirp as soon as possible. “Well I’m not her, so… off you go. Goodluck. Thanks so much for coming by~ … “Not.
Having decided that this less-than-pleasant porch conversation is over, you try to close the door and lock it- but the guy reaches over and puts a hand on it to keep it open. Your jaw drops, surprised at the utter gall, wondering whether you should pepper spray him… when you notice the desperation on his face. It makes you pause, at least, and narrow your eyes. What is this?
“Please, Ma’am. I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Okay now you’re not liking that look in his eye at all. Too excited, too pleased. What does he want?? You’ve had people track you down for all sorts of reasons before. As bait for Jason and Freddy or to sacrifice you to them, as well as to fuck you, to kill you themselves, to interview you, to ask you to kill them (There are some real freaks in this world, you came to learn over the years after what happened), and a million other crazy things that you… well, that you did actually cash in on sometimes, like the guy that wanted you to wear one pair of socks for 3 weeks at a time and then mail them to him for money, and a girl that wanted your old make-up for a good price also- and- what?! You hit hard times! The point is, you don’t like the looks of this guy and your panty-selling days are behind you.
He’s leaning so hard on the door to keep it open that when you abruptly sigh, and let it go, he falls forward into your home and only just manages to catch himself before face-planting into your carpet. “Fine, what do you want? It has been a while since a fan put in the work and found me… maybe I’ll get a laugh out of it.”
“Fan??” Oh, you don’t like the way he says that. Like it’s an utterly insane thought. Narrowing your eyes at him, though, gets him to buck up as he stands up straight again and shakes his head damn quickly. “No no! Yes, I mean, I’m a fan- a huge fan!! I just meant- you’re a goddess, to me. I’m more like a… a devoted. God- this is so exciting- meeting you! Y/N L/N! Wow. You’re just- even more beautiful than the articles say!”
Okay… he’s growing on you. Making up for that ‘older’ comment, before. A little.
You close the door behind him and lock it. Of course, he can still get out- that’s not the point. Your front door just always has to be locked. You learnt that the hard way the year that the Sawyers found you and those inbred freaks tried to take you on Jason’s behalf… Now your door is made of 6 inches of steel- not even that skin mask wearing loser can get through it with that puny chainsaw of his. And it must be locked. “So… what’s your name?”
“Leslie Vernon.” He says it with pride, like you should know it. When you just look at him blankly after, he deflates slightly. “I’m an up-and-comer!”
“… an up-and-comer?” You blink, very confused. What is this strange boy on about…?
“I’m gonna be a Slasher.” Leslie explains, and you just look at him even more dubiously. This one is a few sandwiches short of a picnic, that’s for sure- “One of the big ones. Like Jason and Freddy- I’ve been working hard for a while for it- and its finally gonna happen in a few weeks. Even got a camera crew to document it!! That’s why I’m here actually-” Okay no, you’ve heard enough.
“If you think for one second that I’m gonna be in your little movie, you are out of your damn mind, kid.” Didn’t he see your door? You do not play around with personal safety, here. If ‘Frason’ found you, you would be skinned. 
And you have honestly spent too much time spreading honey and avocado and mud across your face with a stick to let it go quite so easy. Ugh, you can feel a headache coming on…
“No no! I was hoping you’d- you’d maybe… know how to find them. Like, how do I get Krueger’s attention?”
“Fishnets always did it for me.” You sigh, rubbing your temples. Through the pain in your brain, you try to think- what to do with this guy? Would anyone miss him if he just disappeared? “Also he’s got this weird thing about pigtails… “
“Where’s crystal lake?”
“Oh, yeah, you just go down Momma’s Boy Lane and then take a short cut through celibacy territory and you’re there.”
“Aww, gimmie something!!” He whines and oh- lord. You could smack him for it. The sound only makes your head feel worse, and its unbelievably obnoxious. This here is why you never had kids! - “You’ve got something I know it. I think they’d be some great colour for the movie, and if you could just, y’know, gimmie a hint- cuz you’re, you know, the Freddy Krueger-Jason Voorhees expert- “
The words stop abruptly when he notices that you’re not really listening, anymore… you’re giggling. The pain turned into delirium pretty quickly when he said their names, and it gets worse fast- turning into raucous laughter, the kind that bends you back and draws tears to your eyes. You’ve got a sweater paw covering your contorted face and muffling the noises but it’s not too helpful making Leslie thinking that you’re any less crazy, really. Which is fine; You are a little crazy. It’s okay; You’ll own it. After all, you earned that crazy. “You want… oh my gosh,” You’re struggling to speak as the cackles start dying down, because they keep bubbling up again when you try to talk. “You want… fuck, sorry sorry!!- Haha!- “
Finally, you manage to calm down, releasing a sigh. Oh, a good laugh is always appreciated - especially in your little, secluded world, - but the fun’s over. “Ahh… Alright, Fanboy.” You suddenly snap, making him jump. It’s cute, you’ll admit, but he’s still not your type. “Tell me if I have this totally wrong, here, but, did you came here to me, knowing how I’m, ya know… notorious, for betraying these Slashers you’re after, and really enjoying it also, which is not a rumour by the way, I really did… to actually ask if I can… introduce you???” Creating a temple with your fingertips together, you raise your brows at him for this next part when he doesn’t deny it. “… Are you out of your mind, kid?”
“I know you know how to get in contact with them. No one knows them better than you, Y/N. You’re the expert- “
“O-kay, that’s really, really getting old.” You roll your eyes, slipping onto the couch again and bringing your knees up to your chest. “First of all I’m more than the girl that made that big bad forest man fall for her, and fucked Freddy Krueger. I also happen to be a great chess player, and my crochets are the bomb.” Sighing, you run a hand through your hair; Bored once again. “Second of all- I’ve got dinner coming and I’m not big on sharing. I know- shocker. So yeah, you should go.”
“I just wanted to- “
“Come on!- “
Ughhhhh- “Did I mention I have 7 rottweilers?”
“But wait hey-” Before Leslie can make it out the door, you turn back at the last second- and flash a smirk. He stops, looking suspicious. “If you do find them, it’s been a while- so give them my love.”
~ Months Later ~
You knew after you watched that stupid movie of Leslie’s that you were in for trouble. He mentioned you more than once, and your information was in the credits. Now, that probably wasn’t his doing as he supposedly ‘died’, but that didn’t piss you off any less.
Still, you didn’t leave your home. It’s not like Freddy was going to get anywhere near you with the Hypnocil you’ve been constantly half-high on for the last two decades. And you had a good set up where you are!- the whole place is built custom for you, so the walls are built up so strong that Jason couldn’t tear them down even if he came with a bulldozer, the windows are bullet proof, and the latches are military-grade. Not to mention your dogs out there ready to tear any trespasser to pieces and the security system built into every wall and floorboard. If anyone so much as huffed through the mail slot on the front door, you and everyone from here to the nearest Police Station would hear about it.
Plus you own a lotta guns, hidden in some very wacky places. Even if one of them did manage to sneak in, they wouldn’t get anywhere close to you before you created so many holes in them that they would look like Swiss cheese.
Still, though- you knew they would come, at least. Somehow, word of the movie would reach them and they would come for you.
But you’ve never been scared of them before and that was not going to start now. Come on… you ate those boys for breakfast 20 years ago. The thought that you would fear them now is honestly funny.
So when you wake up one night to the sound of metal screeching against metal, you aren’t surprised and you’re not scared- just frustrated. You don’t even open up your eyes, at first, just hoping it was in your head. But you sense eyes on you.   
Face smooshed into the duck-feather pillow beneath your head, you continue to pretend to be sleeping… but let your arm fall down the side of your bed. Your fingertips just brush the cold metal of a gun under there, but a large hand encloses around your wrist, and you’re yanked up rapidly into a sitting position. Your eyes are wide for a moment and flicking up Jason’s form, surprised at the sudden attack… before you take a deep breath, set the giant with a stern look, and shake your head; Voice gentle when you speak. Gentler than you’ve ever truly been, except for when you were with Jason. “… Jason. Sweetheart- let me go, I’ll bruise.”
He just tightens his grip, making you almost gasp- but you manage to stop yourself. Close your mouth again, muffle the sound. You don’t like to show weakness.
Especially not in front of your own damn victims.
“Mm… Okay, okay, I get it… “Glaring, and twisting your wrist in his iron grip, you give a little yank of your own- testing his persistence. And your conjoined limbs barely move, so, its safe to say that he is really, quite determined here. Damnit. “… You’re mad… “You go on, through grit teeth. Mostly just buying for time while you give the room a quick comb over. “That’s okay, I would be too…” No sign of Freddy, but that doesn’t mean he’s not here. That sound that woke you up was definitely his calling card. “So, uh- you alone, or?... “You need to know what you’re dealing with here; Your contingency plans are specific.  
“You wish he was alone, princess~… “
With that you look around again with a deep frown, quite surprised to hear his voice but not see him at all. What?- Where the hell- While your wrist is stuck in Jason’s giant clenched hand, your field of vision is limited but you lean away from Jason to peak over the other side of the your bed- and-
Immediately freeze. Your own breath catches in your throat, starring down the barrel of your own gun, the one you had been reaching for before Jason caught you, behind which lay a set of familiar, cold eyes and a terrible smirk; Freddy’s finger on the trigger. You didn’t hear the safety click off but that’s not surprising- none of your guns ever have the safety on. “… Cat caught your tongue, bitch??... “
“… Hi, there, Freddy… “You greet carefully, cautiously leaning straight up again as he gets up off the floor slowly, gun still trained on your forehead. Yes, you’re being careful- but you know damn well guns have never been his style, so the chances that he’ll shoot you on purpose are… slim. He may accidentally pull the trigger, though, after he inevitably makes himself laugh like a damn howler monkey. Impulsive, ridiculous idiot that he is.
Still, just like you couldn’t help the softer tone your voice took talking to your Jason- you can’t even hope to fight the urge to raise your free hand like a criminal caught red-handed and give Freddy a smirk. Old habits do die hard, after all. “Wanna play cops and robbers, then?~ “
“In you dreams sweetheart~… “He responds, face rearing in close to yours- he just can’t help himself. And you knew that, waiting for him to get close enough before suddenly reaching up to steal the gun right out his hand and elbow him directly in the face. “Oh!”
Swiftly you then turn to Jason, pointing the gun directly against his forehead. You don’t even hesitate before pulling the trigger, causing the adorable boor to let you go and slowly lean back, not dead but surprised for sure.
“Sorry Jason!” You quickly hop off the bed while the two Slashers are reeling from the injuries, grab a pack of matches from your dresser by the door and start hurrying through the house- socks sliding against the hardwood floor a little. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! I hate that dumb little ‘up-and-comer’, ugh- Oh shit!”
Freddy’s behind you in no time, having recovered from the nose-shot a lot faster than Jason could pick up his giant form off the floor. You slam a couple of doors behind you for him to run into, but only succeed in having him run face-first into the surface the first time. You even fling a vase back at him and drag an armchair into his way Sydney Prescott style, but it only buys you just enough time to stab in the code to your panic room- not enough to get in, though.
… I knew Final Girls were full of shit-  
“Not this time- “Freddy growls, non-gloved hand latching onto your arm and twisting it painfully around so you turn to him. But, again, you refuse to show the pain; Instead you just grit your teeth through it, glaring in his face and the alien-green blood dripping out his nose. He’s not phased, though, smirking through his own anger. “You’re not getting away this time, bitch.” While Jason approaches dangerously behind him, machete in-hand and dirty dark-coloured blood painting his mask, Freddy raises a bladed finger to your face.
This is not your first rodeo, though. You are not scared of that diseased old thing. That thing was just foreplay for years. And you certainly aren’t scared of them, either. Freddy goes to say something more, but you raise your gun again, making him back up off you; Hands raised. You roll your eyes. “’Not this time’- what are you? A scooby-doo bad guy? I should-”
While your attention was solely on Freddy, you somehow don’t notice Jason glide by him but then that machete is dug into the wall closest to your head and the behemoth is leaning over you, breathing hard, and your eyes widen under the shadow he casts.
“… Jason.” Your voice actually goes small, under his gaze right then. You hate it, but it does. You actually loved Jason, at one point. Really, you did. Well- as deeply as you would ever be able, to love… anyone… It just wasn’t in you to be all his- or all Freddy’s for that matter though that situation was pretty different to this one.
… But the pain in Jason’s eyes, the frustration and sadness that he’s bleeding not you with those eyes- one wide open and the other still adorably droopy like he desperately needs a good nap, - is all yours. And yeah- you feel a little bit bad.
And a little something else, too. A little something that you thought dissipated in you. The love, you felt.
God, you must be evil. Because that sad look on his face turns you on.
“I… “… Okay. Taking a deep breath, you flick the safety on and tuck your gun into the side of your pyjama pants. He’s not going to listen if you’re holding a gun to his face. Never mind the one you already shot him in the head with. Duh- “Jason, I- “
~ Change of POV ~
“Don’t listen to a fucking word out of that bitch’s mouth, hockey puck- “
The glare Y/N flashes Freddy is downright violent; Vicious and visceral and if he were another man he would’ve backed up. Y/N didn’t often go rabid, but that glare was still jarring- she was always a manipulator. Everything under her control. She saw something she wanted and soon enough it was under her thumb, and even if it got out - like the two Slashers, -, she always had a contingency plan.
She would drag Jason back under her control easy as pie. Then it would be all over for Freddy; For Y/N, Jason would try to take him down like the big nitwitted flunkey he is- like if his dead mommy asked him to.
There was definitely something Freudian going on here, but Freddy would have to taunt the bed-wetter about that some other time.
He can hear Y/N talking to Jason, though, and none of its good. “… I’m so sorry Jason... I really did love you… I- I still- “Oh, the stutter was good, he’d admit. But he had to kill the mood there before it got out of hand. Freddy could already see Jason going soft, for Y/N.  
… Luckily, I’m pretty damn good at killing things. A fowl grin spreads across charred features.
“Oh Y/N~ Sorry to interrupt, but remember…~ Ol’ mommy’s boy there’s not the only man around here you’ve begged~ “
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bisluthq · 1 month
Do you think LOT prolonged Harry and Olivia’s relationship? I think they would’ve tried to save face for DWD’s sake either way but it’s interesting to me bc she clearly enjoyed and made the effort to be seen at his shows almost every week and the madness of everything was tied up in the tour for a while. So much of the intensity of their relationship seemed to be born out of covid restrictions limiting them to the house and her fertility causing them to speed run some decisions. I can’t picture what a tl looks for them where lot doesn’t happen so they’re at home more or jason doesn’t pick a fight with custody. It’s weird to think about now because the harry pre dwd and post dwd/olivia seem like different people to me and I can’t imagine him in that situation now. for all the genuinely traumatising scrutiny that must’ve been and I assume heartbreak over losing olivia and subsequently taylor, I think having a serious relationship that was 100x less publicised than holivia and having tour probably helped him process and made him think a lot about his choices
when I said it was a bit traumatic I didn’t even mean the public side of it lol (that too obviously and escalated the whole situation for sure), I meant like dating a woman going through what was essentially a divorce that included a very horrible custody battle that involved two kids and a really nasty ex is a WHOLE LOT for anyone but especially someone in their late 20s/early 30s imo who hasn’t had that type of experience before. Like NO ONE has fun during custody battles/divorces but at least if you’ve had your own experiences with them it’s like “okay here’s what I did” but Harry hadn’t had any experience with that beyond being a child of divorce and seeing Ann’s divorce with John and then seeing Robin really step the fuck up for Gemma and him? And I just imagine, even outside like the celebrity side of it, that that would’ve been really difficult. I’m basically his age, am a child of divorce, have seen my mum divorce twice more lol, am not in principle averse to dating someone with kids (haven’t ever but not like because it’s a rule for me) and have an older partner but ngl if my partner were going through a custody battle while with me I’d be very fucking stressed and I think pretty useless with advice and wouldn’t even be the best at the moral support side because it’s just like… quite far out of the realm of my own experience. And I do get the sense that Harry was hella overwhelmed lol and also again partly because of how much he loved/loves Robin and respected Robin, he was trying to do the right thing for Olivia and the kids but also like he’s not yk old enough per se to be in that position.
I don’t know what their whole situation would’ve been in another life where she’d left Jason in a classy fashion and had obtained a normal parenting plan and then started dating Harry. And also what it would’ve been like without LOT and all the DWD drama that was unrelated to them/this. Like that would’ve been a completely different tl and maybe it would’ve worked better because they clearly got along grand for the most part and did really love each other and if things were chill from Jason’s end like I don’t think the kids would’ve been a problem at all. I don’t think Harry would’ve tried to replace him or anything as their dad but also would’ve tried to be a good stepfather figure.
the biological clock thing would still have been an issue just because like she realistically needs to have a kid in the next few years if she wants more bio kids - she can’t really wait another 8 years or anything - but they did seem legit open to kids together idk so again without Jason drama + all the other crap then maybe it would’ve worked out. It didn’t.
and I agree the Taylor thing was healthier and probably helped him work through a few of the issues he’d built up over the past few years but clearly also didn’t work out and imo he should take it slow with the next girl and like see where things go and how they develop. Which again is why Olivia D or someone like her, who’s busy and not really in a rush to marry/have kids etc, would imo be a really good idea. He needn’t stay single but I also don’t think he should move in with someone and/or start talking rings and cradles in the next year or so lol. He should just chill for a bit.
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bi-bats · 5 months
SO MANY intriguing titles 👀 i will ask about the Hound’s Teeth & also jaytimroy daddy kink
ooh okay! I'll give a snippet of the Hound's Teeth and then I'll talk about jaytimroy daddy kink under a cut because it's obviously going to be NSFW 💚
The hound's teeth is a damitim piece that I've been working on for a while and really struggling with, but honestly I've just been struggling with writing in general recently so that tracks. Anyways, here's a snippet!
As he waits for the roof to go steady, he watches. The line of the hunter’s blade as it slashes. The flash of his eyes as he tracks. The arc of his back as he twists.  He looks like he’s enjoying himself. He’s playing.  Tim shouldn’t find that as endearing as he does. He’s only made it this far in life by grinding out every one of his flaws with singular focus, like he was sharpening one of his blades.  Watching someone drag out a fight like this? It should make him twitchy. It doesn’t, though. Probably because he’s enjoying watching the hunter twist and flip and dodge, the way that every one of his moves is precise enough to let the demon think it has a chance, just so he can shatter that hope. 
jaytimroy daddy kink is exactly what it says on the tin, honestly. the only other things that are relevant to it are breeding kink and trans tim, but yeah. I think JayRoy should have a daddy kink and Roy realizes that Tim is into Jason and wants to invite him in and then they all have a LOVELY time 💚
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jasontoddiefor · 2 years
because I am now personally effected- I don't really get how this makes Bruce right though? So what if he is personally effected. Does it not then mean it is his responsibility to either over come this or get someone else to do this. If a lawyer is personally effected by a case they can only refuse to not take it if someone else is able to take up the case. Otherwise if there is no one else they don't get to just drop it and either let the person be undefended or let the person go free.
Lawyers cannot refuse a case if there— @primeemeraldheiress is this true?????
That’s incredibly fucked up. What the hell. Who decided that????? Like, I’m assuming most lawyers have got the emotional capacity to know their limits and usually don’t have to be the ones making the case against their child’s murderer but just what the hell
Okay but we’re all in agreement that’s fucked up right. The solution to “I’m not capable of handling this” shouldn’t be “well you better become it or nothing happens 🤷🏾‍♂️”
And yeah, that brings me back to Batman I guess. Like, if you can’t handle something, you obviously shouldn’t be doing the job?
I’m queer and I’m perfectly willing to go argue with transphobes and homophobes but I know there are other queer people who couldn’t handle that so they also shouldn’t do it??? I wouldn’t expect them to step up and do an action detrimental to themselves????
Batman exists because the system is fucked and doesn’t work. If it would, Batman would be entirely unnecessary. If Gotham’s infrastructure worked, the Waynes wouldn’t have to pay it all out of their own pockets.
But also here’s the thing. We can’t keep claiming Batman isn’t doing enough when his limits are the narrative.
Joker gets locked up in a high security prison or so? He gets out!
You kill the Joker? Jokes on you, you become the Joker!
Batman actually does kill the Joker? Well, even Jason doesn’t like the person he becomes after that (Countdown I believe was that story line.)
So fundamentally I guess, we’re back to “Batman doesn’t want to make the same mistakes as the failing system i.e. judge jury executioner all at once” and “Batman deserves to have his boundaries respected”
Like, I’m sorry anon, I don’t know how to articulate “I think people shouldn’t be forced to do things that worsens their mental health” in a better way.
Batman doesn’t even have an obligation to be doing the job? There’s no work contract that says “you must dress up as a bat and protect gotham”, he’s doing that because he’s trying to save people. He already IS stepping up because nobody else is doing theirs??? Without Batman around, the Joker would be entirely out of control.
He could nope out of it every day and just hang up the mantle but doesn’t because he’s the only support system Gotham’s got?
He knows he can’t make sound judgement about the Joker because he’s too deeply involved and steps back. That’s more healthy self awareness than you’d expect of his repressed self tbh.
So, yeah, anyway.
TLDR: yeah I do think it’s good when people say “this is too personal, I can’t handle this, I cannot make this decision claiming to be neutral” and “I’ve been given/reached considerable power and I’m not going to abuse it for my own agenda”
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5-7-9 · 9 months
Okay I’ll just make my own original post, I can’t keep reblogging in the tags…
Batfam VS Gotham Rogues as narrative foils.
So Dick VS Harley are foils because they’re both acrobatics, duh. But also because Harley has a complicated loving relationship with Joker, similar to Dick’s and Bruce’s. They both forged a new identity as a way to separate themselves from Batman/Joker, but they keep going back.
Jason VS Bane or Croc because they are all against cops.
Bane was incarcerated for his father’s rebellion, but he took himself in stride by trying to conquer all that stands in his way as a criminal, while Jason also tried living up to his father’s sacrifice but in vigilantism instead. Waylon was always feared and mocked for looking unnatural, to the point where his only career path was either being a freak in a circus cage, or crime. While Jason and his dad also had to do crime, Jason was lucky a rich guy adopted him so economic status stopped being an issue, although he still holds resentment. Harvey is a different case. Harvey tried working within the law, like how Jason tried working within vigilantism. Both of them found issues within their own rules, and then adapted to more villainous tendencies. They don’t really differ here actually… maybe in Harvs case he does constantly want to be redeemed and failing, while Jason doesn’t want to be redeemed but keeps getting redeemed anyways.
Tim VS Clayface because they both struggle with finding identities. In my personal meta analysis, Clay adopts personas as a way to be more liked, like how Tim wanted to feel needed in becoming Robin. (I feel like I could do better but this is all I got (for now?). At first I thought Riddler but then I gave it to another person and I just don’t feel like sharing the characters).
Damian VS Deathstroke because they both come from a fighting raised background, duh. But obviously one continued to kill out of pride while the other stopped killing out of (his father’s) honour.
Barbara VS Riddler because both are really good at computer hacking, duh. But also because they both wanted their capabilities to be acknowledged, so they went out of their way to become a villain/vigilante to prove it.
Stephanie VS Killer Moth. (Funnily enough Mothy used to be Barbara’s nemesis, but I feel like there’s some underlining offensiveness reasons as to why a girl’s nemesis is always treated as a joke? Idk). (At first I also considered Riddler because her father was his low budget knockoff version of him but I reconsidered). Moth decided to help criminals out of pettiness of Batman constantly beating them up, similar to how Steph decided to ruin her father’s plans for spite (like obviously for deeper reasons but that way of handling it was definitely petty). Now I’m totally imagining them coming up with plans to ruin the others plans, constantly trying to one up the other, lol.
(Cassandra already has Wusan as a foil, but she doesn’t count as a batman rogue so…) Cassandra VS Poisen Ivy because they both were raised as their father’s experiments. While Ives came out of it hating humanity and used her powers to continue her passion of plants but for herself. While Cass came out of it caring about humanity (somehow) and used her skills to continue fighting but aligned with her morals. They seriously differ here, but in terms of their paths they followed a similar yet opposite reaction.
Harper VS Freeze because of their care for someone. Honestly too easy, I doubt anyone can fault for Freeze’s motivations so I won’t try pointing out a difference/disagreement. Their similar goals put them at odds anyways.
Duke VS Anarky because of the obvious accidental(?) metaphor for communism VS the literal representation for anarchism. I’m sure there’s enough debates already about this.
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blainesebastian · 2 years
familiarity pt3
words: 3,208 ship: austin butler x reader summary: (requested by many for a pt3) a continuation of: readers friends are obsessed with austin and reader meets austin out and about. austin is intrigued by the reader’s lack of interest and is determined to get to know you notes: part one and two are here!  warnings: mentions of physical / emotional abuse from a significant other tag list: @killerqueenfan, @karamelcoveredolicity, @elizabethrosecresswell, 
“I just feel like—”
Paige pulls the pillow that’s covering your face away so she can hear you properly. You blow out of your mouth and flutter the hair sticking to your cheeks, leaning further back into your couch cushions,
“I said, I just feel like he’s going to realize I have a fucked up past and not want to be with me anymore.”
Your friend crinkles her nose, “I thought you already told him about Jason.”
“I did,” You sit up, running a hand through your hair, “But I didn’t tell him everything.”
And maybe that’s the scary part—that Jason had started cheating on you but also ended up turning wickedly possessive at the same time. Some misplaced concern that he was going to lose you even though he was doing absolutely everything he could to fuck up your relationship. How could you be with someone for seven years and just…not know what kind of person he really was? There’s a lot of leftover feelings of fear, helplessness, anger, confusion…the last thing you want to do is accidently drag all that into whatever you got going on with Austin.
It hasn’t been very long since you two broke up, and yeah it’s important to move on, to heal, but the scars are still fresh.
“Everyone’s got shit,” Paige supplies helpfully, “Austin may look perfect on the outside,” She hums pleasantly, which makes the corners of your mouth quirk up, “But I’m sure he’s got baggage too. Just be honest.” She reaches for her cup of coffee on the small table near the cushy chair she’s seated in,
“I mean, he already stuck around after finding you drunk off tequila,” You groan, covering your face again with the pillow, “Obviously he likes you.”
“That was your fault.” You mumble—Paige doesn’t deny anything.
Crinkling your eyebrows together, you suddenly realize that Marie was supposed to come over as well today just to hang out. And while Paige is usually early, it’s about that time where it’s ten- or fifteen-minutes past when your friends were supposed to arrive. You pull the pillow away from your face again, tugging your legs up on the couch to check your messages.
A missed one from Marie,
“Looks like it’s just you and me—Marie said something about a last-minute lunch with her mom.”
Paige takes a long sip of her coffee, quietly averting her eyes and you raise your eyebrows because, “What?”
“Nothing, I’m just…uh I am pretty sure, like ninety percent, that’s not why she’s here.”
You finish up a text that says, ‘no worries, raincheck!’ and send it on its way, despite the fact that Paige is dishing out tea about why Marie isn’t here. Sometimes you just don’t feel like hanging out with anyone, valuing your alone time, that’s understandable. But the way Paige is talking? Seems like something more is going on.
“What do you mean?”
Paige sighs, curling her hair around her ear, “She’s jealous of you and Austin.”
You’re pretty sure your jaw falls to the floor before scoffing out a what?, “You’re not serious.”
Your friend winces, holding the coffee mug between her hands, “I mean—okay, look, and I am not saying I feel this way before you have a meltdown. But you didn’t even like Austin as an actor or whatever, and then you run into him in a Whole Foods and you start dating him? Like what the fuck kind of rom-com is that?”
A soft laugh leaves your throat even though you find none of this funny—actually? You’re kind of hurt this is what has transpired without you even knowing it. No wonder Marie’s been so distant lately. It’s just—
“Not fair,” You manage to get out, crossing your arms over the pillow against your chest like a safety blanket.
“Girl, I know—” Paige shakes her head, “Look, she’ll get over it. I mean it’s like her number one celebrity crush,” You bite your tongue in saying at the moment, “Maybe don’t be too mad at her.”  
You roll your eyes, saying nothing but further sink into the cushions. And okay, fine, even if you did give Marie a hint of understanding, you guess you just thought…both of your friends know what you’ve come from, how hard it’s been to start over and to trust yourself, to tell yourself you deserve something more than what Jason’s put you through.
Whatever, you shake it off, moving to reach for the remote to put a movie on for you and Paige. If Marie wants to be bitter and figure out how to deal with her own emotions? That’s on her—you’re not going to let it weigh you down. You just can’t.
Besides, you’ve got a date with Austin tonight to look forward to. One you’re actually going to make it out of the apartment for.
“I can honestly say I’ve never done this.”
You hum a little as you walk side by side with Austin back to your apartment, his arm resting along your shoulders as your hand sneaks up underneath the jacket he has on to hold onto his shirt against his back.
“It’s just ice cream,” You tease, licking chocolate from the side to form a perfect shape as the ice cream sits on the waffle cone. No drips in sight.
“Yeah, it’s also sixty-five degrees.” He squeezes you closer, pressing a kiss to your temple.
Grinning, you lean into the touch, allowing your arm to hold him a little tighter as well, walking a bit uneven and awkward but at this pace? You could care less. This, in your opinion, is one of the best times to have ice cream. For one, the weather hasn’t completely dipped yet into the season where all the shops close, but also? You can still walk outside with a cone and you’re not chasing after that last lick before it becomes mush in your hands.
Not to mention it’s a great treat after having a pasta dinner with Austin, wrapping up the night with something sweet. Especially when he kisses you, the lingering taste of caramel and vanilla on your lips. As you should have expected, dinner with Austin was everything you thought it would be—great wine, funny stories about childhood, sharing at least three pasta choices between the two of you, and Austin holding your hand on the table. You’ve almost memorized how it exactly feels to have his thumb travel back and forth over your knuckles.
You can’t wait to tell Paige about it, and eventually Marie when she’s willing to listen.
“Do you decorate early for Halloween?” Austin asks, starting to sense your style. He licks around the cone of his ice cream, looking down at you.
“Uhm, yes, obviously,” You make a psh noise with your lips, “First of all I like to joke that ever since I played a pumpkin in my kindergarten school play it’s been manifest destiny to love the Halloween season,” Austin laughs lightly, shaking his head, “And I’m convinced that you can embrace spookiness no matter what date it is—decorate whenever you want.”
Austin smooths his fingers along the back of your neck, making you shiver, “You got pictures of you in this tiny pumpkin costume?” You smile a little because that’s what he gets out of all that? And then secondly, yes, of course you do. “Oh well then I gotta see it.”
You shake your head, a small laugh escaping, “Absolutely not.”
He pauses walking with you to draw you into his chest, smiling down at you before pressing a kiss to the bridge of your nose, “Pretty sure you got to.”
Laughing more than saying actual words, it’s completely covered up by the fact that Austin kisses you, keeping you wrapped up in his arms. Careful with the end of the ice cream cone, you drape your other arm around his slender waist. When the kissing eventually comes to a slow stop, you tug his lower lip with your own, smiling,
“You can’t just convince me with whatever you want just because you kiss like that.”
Austin smirks, “We’ll see.”
You’re almost back to your apartment, just around the block, and you consider what it’d mean to invite him up for the night. Austin’s already spent the night at your place, obviously but…not in a way you wanted him to. Sleeping on the couch and finding your way to bed together are completely different scenarios. There’s this fluttering in your stomach at wondering if you’re ready for that, an obvious step forward. There’s no rulebook to this thing, you and Austin are kinda just going with what feels best. And you’re grateful for that because sometimes you feel so completely out of your element, but there’s no expectation or pressure that things have to go a certain way.
Austin pulls away from you to gather up the napkins and trash from your ice creams to throw it away in a garbage can nearby, back a little down the block from where you’ve walked from. A soft breeze blows through the air and you draw your arms around yourself, tugging your jacket closed, pleasantly breathing in the scent of Fall beginning to come through.
You turn your attention towards the direction of your apartment and take a step to the side because someone almost walks right into you and—then you realize they’ve stopped and—
“Y/N,” The handsome man smiles, “I thought that was you.”
You swallow, feeling all the color instantly draining from your face. It takes you a moment to really recognize him, he’s changed his hair, but the piercing eyes are the same along with the stature of his body. Standing up straight, towering over you with that purpose of making you feel as if you’re small. It’s Jason…it’s actually Jason right in front of you as if the past few years of turmoil didn’t happen between you.
He's talking to you like he’s detailing out the weather.
It must be clear the effect he has on you because he’s smiling, his eyes traveling over your form, “Damn, you look great. I was in the neighborhood and I thought—'I wonder if I’ll run into her,’” He laughs lightly, making your skin crawl, “Funny how that works out right? New York is so damn big and yet you can constantly run into the same people. You always did love walking outside this time of year.”
He reaches to touch you, maybe your arm?, and you vehemently take a step back—right into Austin. You’re not only thankful for the fact that he instantly wraps an arm around your waist, keeping you to his side, but that he provides support for your wobbly knees. His strong grip attempts to wash a calm right over you.
“You alright?” Austin asks, tilting his head down to attempt to catch your gaze.
“She’s fine—” Jason tries to answer, his voice a little thin. His demeanor automatically changes in Austin’s presence, especially when he takes a step forward to create space between Jason and you.
“M’not askin’ you.” There’s a bite to Austin’s tone in response, tension spilling over the edges of this conversation, because apparently he does not need to be told who this is. It’s in the rigidness of your body, the way your hand snakes out and grabs onto Austin’s jacket like a lifeline as your arm wraps around his waist.
Jason scoffs but he does take a step back, clearly he was not expecting any resistance, “And who’s this, new boyfriend?”
“Someone who’s not goin’ to ask you twice to leave her alone.”
You shake your head, just wanting to go back to your apartment, not wanting some sort of altercation to happen in the middle of the sidewalk. Not even to mention that someone is always watching—what if a fan captures this interaction, or takes pictures? Last thing you want is for Austin to be dragged into this fucking drama, for it to somehow impact everything he’s worked so hard for.
It does not surprise you that Jason has been lingering, especially if he’s been around to see you with Austin. You thought that maybe your ex was out of your life for good—it’s been months. Part of you wishes you had actually gone through with filing the restraining order when emotional abuse had become physical but…at the time the police weren’t exactly helpful or sympathetic.
The point was that Jason was gone, or at least you thought.
“Go head, see if I’m kiddin’.”
“Austin,” You manage to get out, voice a bit strained as you place a hand on his chest.
He seems to respond to your touch, backing down just slightly, a muscle working in his jaw. He shakes his head, gently tugging you to the right to bypass Jason on the sidewalk, quickly walking to cross the street.
“Hey!” Jason calls after you both, “She put out for you yet? Because let me tell you somethin' man, it is not worth waiting for.”
You squeeze your eyes shut as your cheeks flush in embarrassment, the walk back to your apartment quietly fizzling with unease.
You try to keep yourself together and wordlessly, without even asking if Austin wants to come up, he follows you to your apartment. Honestly you’re kinda glad for the unspoken support, you feel like you really need it as your fingers shake to open up the door. He gently settles his hand on your wrist, taking the keys from you to unlock the deadbolt and pushes it open with a turn of the knob.
Once the door closes, you feel like something inside of you falls away. You have no idea what it is or whether you’ll be able to get it back or whether you even need it, but it tumbles down into the abyss and you begin crying. Not just small tears either, something in earnest, shoulders shaking as you cover your face with your hands.
“Shh,” Austin murmurs, quickly drawing you into his chest. A soft whine leaves your lips, wrapping around a sob as you bury your face into his shoulder, arms folded against him. His one arm covers your back, fingers working to massage your shoulders and the back of your neck while the other hand finds itself in your hair. He smooths down the strands, letting his palm rest along the crown as he waits for you to calm down.
“You’re okay,” He whispers, “Just try and take a deep breath.”
It feels impossible to do, all the left-over raw nerve endings you had with Jason exposed and painful from one interaction. You feel completely exposed, vulnerable, embarrassed that Austin had to see that, to put up with it. All those fears you have circling in your mind and chest come to a crescendo that this might be it—you’re complicated to deal with, Austin has too much to worry about to add you onto the list.
And yet he’s here, holding you, gently rocking his body to soothe yours.
Tears leak into the fabric of his shirt and you begin taking in haggard breaths to try and stop crying, picking up comforting scents of his sandalwood cologne and skin. He cups your cheeks with both hands, running his thumbs along the bones there, a lingering kiss being placed on your forehead.
“Shh,” Austin mumbles again, along your hairline, breath warm. “It’s okay, I got you.”
You shake your head lightly, running your hands along your hot cheeks as you take a step back from him. Because it is so not okay. “I never thought he’d—” You swallow thickly, sniffling, “I’m so embarrassed, Austin.”
“Hey no,” He says gently, moving to take one of your hands. He runs his thumb along your knuckles, “You got nothin’ to be ashamed of, you hear me?” Your curl your hair around your ear and nod a little even though it’s difficult to see his point of view, it really is, “Look, go change into somethin’ comfortable—I’ll make you some tea in one of those ridiculous mugs you own.”
A sharp laugh leaves your chest, almost like a relief, and you find yourself thinking about how thankful you are for Austin—the fact that he’s still here, willing to wade through this mess with you. Turning to walk into your bedroom, you close the door halfway and do as Austin’s suggested—a pair of soft black bike shorts and whatever oversized sweatshirt your hand reaches for first. Tugging it over your head, you walk into your bathroom and see the printed cursive words of self-care club staring back at you and you blink, shaking your head—the irony.
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you crinkle your nose at your reflection. What a mess. Your cheeks are splotched pink and your eyes a bit red-rimmed from crying. Using a makeup wipe, you attempt to take care of the damage, pulling your hair up into a high bun before wandering out to your living space. Austin is in the kitchen, pouring boiling water into a shark shaped mug that is…actually one of the worst ones to drink anything out of, but he wouldn’t know that. It’s pretty perfect for cereal though.
Leaning your hip against the counter, you watch him, eyes traveling along the long lines of his body. His jacket and shoes are off, near your front door, and there’s a fluttering of relief in your chest that he’s not going anywhere.
He looks over his shoulder at you, running a hand through his dirty blonde waves before pushing the mug in your direction along with honey, “Mint.” Austin takes a short breath into his lungs, crossing his arms over his chest, “You want to talk about it?”
You dunk the teabag in the hot water a few times, the aroma working its way up in the steam to your nose. A soft scoff leaves as you shake your head, “No,” And maybe that’s surprising but, “I do not want to give him any more time out of our night.”
“Fair enough,” Austin agrees, watching you for a few moments as you add honey and take a sip. “You want me to leave?”
You appreciate him asking if you want space, “That’s the last thing I want.”
Taking a step closer, testing the waters, you press yourself up on your toes to kiss him. You’re not quite sure what else you want, what else you might expect, but Austin is pliant underneath your touch. He wraps his arms around you, gently lifting you up to sit on the kitchen counter, your legs automatically opening slightly to accommodate his body.
You smile against his lips, gazing at him, because you’re eyelevel this way. There’s this lazy pressure of kisses, of his hands slipping down your arms as yours rest on his shoulders, thumbs against the bone.
There seems to be this soft question in his blue eyes, one communicated without words.
“I just need you right now,” You reply and hope it’s enough.
Austin nods gently and tilts his head down to press another kiss to your lips.
Thank you so much for reading! :) hope you enjoyed if you requested a part 3 or if you’re new here! Appreciate all of you.
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clovermunson · 2 years
dating eddie munson would include…
author’s note: listen…the intrusive thoughts won, okay? so here’s this, i don’t know what else i can offer y’all at this point until i get some fics written. anyway, the only coherent thought my brain has is this man, and there are absolutely no regrets about it. first stranger things piece i’ve ever done in my life. don’t ask me why it took this long lmao anyway, enjoy this little slice of my eddie-induced brain rot . likes and reblogs are appreciated, but please do not repost my work!!—morgan🖤
tagging: @ardent-musings (since y’know…it’s your man lmao)
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first off, flattery works with him (he literally said it himself), so if you call him any cute little nicknames like baby, sweetheart, love, or any other offbeat cutesy name you can come up with, and throw a sweet-sounding voice on top of it, this man will melt like ice cream on a hot summer day
he uses the money he gets from his uh…extracurricular activities to buy you little gifts. and they’re always little “i just thought you’d like this” or “i was thinking of you” gifts
he’s tried multiple times to try and teach you how to play the guitar, partially because you actually wanted to learn it, but the majority of the reason was because it gave you an excuse to be as close to him as possible
speaking of his beloved sweetheart, you’re the only person aside from him that’s allowed to touch the guitar
you sit in during corroded coffin’s band practices, listening to every song and Eddie’s been caught on several occasions losing focus on the song because he’s staring at you
he made a corroded coffin t-shirt for you, and when he gave it to you he said “it’s far from perfect, but it’s one of a kind…like both of us.” despite being so shy and slightly embarrassed by his craft skills
you thought it was absolutely perfect and you wore that shirt with pride, Eddie absolutely adored it and loved seeing you in it
you’re such a lowkey couple that people wouldn’t know you were dating unless they were told by someone else who knew
but in an odd contrast to that, pda does not bother Eddie one bit. this man will hold your hand and kiss you on the cheek or lips in front of god and everyone in hawkins
every time the resident preppy idiot Jason Carver talks trash about Eddie, you’re there to defend him; and the one time Jason talked trash about you, Eddie was on a warpath and you had to calm him down
you’re at every D&D campaign, with snacks and drinks ready for everyone, though sometimes the drinks end up getting spilled because they guys get too rowdy during the game. or because Dustin got upset over his roll being a miss
speaking of everyone’s favorite kid, Dustin jokingly refers to you and Eddie as his parents
no seriously, if Eddie lets anyone new into hellfire, Dustin’s introducing you two as his parents
“these are my parents, Eddie and Y/N.”
“Henderson.” you and Eddie both chide, almost in the same tone
“okay, they’re obviously not my real parents but they’re still pretty cool.”
you and Eddie don’t even try to deny that Dustin’s your favorite of all the kids
most wouldn’t guess it, but Eddie really takes the initiative when it comes to planning dates; and he’ll go all-out too even if it’s a simple at-home date
when you first started dating Eddie, the man couldn’t cook anything more than spaghettio’s, but he wanted to learn and you were more than happy to teach him how to cook
after that, he acted like he was the next master chef or something, but you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t cute
he’s also so proud of everything you do. doesn’t matter how little or big of an accomplishment, he’s just so goddamn proud
all you did was manage to get out of bed and brush your hair and teeth? doesn’t matter, Eddie’s still proud of you. you aced all your finals? Eddie’s proud. graduation? Eddie is super proud of you for that
he’s the cuddliest man ever. when the alarm goes off, he’s always saying “five more minutes…” but it turns into an hour and you’re both almost late to wherever you need to be
road trips with Eddie are a must, even if it’s just a quick getaway to the next town over, he always makes them so fun and picks out the best music
despite him being a metalhead, he actually does enjoy the cheesy pop songs you share with him…just not publicly
you think he made you your own hellfire shirt? wrong, he gave you one of his and he absolutely loves it when you wear it anywhere
he definitely made mixtapes for you, sure it’s full of songs from the likes of iron maiden, metallica, motörhead, dio, mötley crüe, black sabbath, you know all of his favorite bands that he loves to share with you, but he sprinkles a few cheesy love songs in there too and it’s adorable
he lets you wear his rings whenever you want, you don’t care if they’re too big on you because you’d never lose them anyway
eventually, he gives you his mood ring as a promise ring
and he apologizes profusely that he couldn’t afford an actual ring for you but you don’t care about that because Eddie actually cared enough to put thought into it and give you his ring
“i’m sorry i couldn’t go buy you a fancy ring, sweetheart…but i want you to have mine, if you’ll take it?” he’d sheepishly offer, hoping that you’d accept
“Eddie, you don’t have to buy me a big fancy ring or anything at all, even. i’d rather have your ring…it means more to me than anything you could buy in a jewelry store.”
this man was so happy that his heart was practically doing backflips and cartwheels when you accepted his ring
he’s literally just the proudest, happiest boyfriend he could possibly be
ugh, someone get me an Eddie, pls😩
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onigirio · 2 years
hi! headcanons of a daughter of hecate in a throuple with leo valdez & jason grace? please <3
dating leo and jason
a/n: thank u for the request! i love jason i love leo so writing this was like a dream come true <3 i hope you’re having a great day anon!
this is also unedited im so sorry
more under the cut!
okay hear me out
you are a little shit (respectfully)
man you love pulling silly little pranks on people
nothing too harmful though
but when people get pranked
their first thought is you
“you do know you have to hold the sword right” “(name) istg”
when you meet leo, you two immediately hit it off
like come on
chaotic good meets chaotic good
you two are a match made in hell (everyone loves u guys though)
our sunshine duo
leo started liking you when you first complimented his work
he had been making a lil mini festus
bc festus <333
you saw it and you were like “dude the detail on this is incredible youre so talented”
and he was like
oh 💕💕💕💕
he mentions it to jason bc he’s confused
and jason has everyone (me) tripping over their own feet
so leo is just like “oh yea i think they’re really cool i kinda wanna ask them out”
jason is kinda like “oh yea you should go for it”
bc he doesn’t really know you yk?
until he meets you
and wow
he’s kinda jealous of all the time leo spends with you
you were sorta chilling in hephaestus cabin bc yk
bff tings ™️
jason sees you sitting and reading on leo’s bed
with pens and stuff just floating around you
just (name) things™️
you notice him and you’re like
“you never seen someone doing their summer homework?”
and he just stands there
“is leo here” he asks kinda scared
bc you have pens just floating around you
“he went to the bathroom, but he said he’d be back soon”
so jason is like ok
and just stands there (2)
like he knows you but he doesn’t know you yk?
but he wants to get to know you
bc the crush of a bff is a bff too
you finally look up at him, your expression questioning his awkward demeanor
and thats when he notices
you’re pretty
like really pretty
he understands why leo has a thing for you
jason would probably have a thing for you too
but he’d never tell anyone that
bc bro code
you pat the spot next to you on leo’s bed
“you can come sit, i don’t bite” you said with a smile
jason is just like
why is your smile pretty too
you’re not making it any easier
he sits next to you (making sure not to hit a stray highlighter in the air)
“you’re (name) right?” he asked
“hecate’s favourite child? in the flesh”
he just likes your energy
you’re very chilled
you think it’s funny how shy he is around you
like this is the jason grace?
you giggled a lil
you sort of just hung out leo’s bed until he came back
when leo comes back you’re just like “oh he was looking for you, i let him in”
like it wasn’t even your cabin
everyone basically associates you with the hephaestus kids
if youre not in your cabin or making swords float, you’re there
so leo’s chilled with it obviously
because time with his best friend and his crush?
he basically won the lottery
so then you all hang out in his cabin
and that’s how your lil trio came to be
it only took a few weeks before jason was like
he kinda likes you too
you two had lots of deep conversations together
and he felt understood
you were also always willing to help with anything
so you spent a lot of time together either sparring or laughing at the pavilion
you rlly wormed your way into his heart
but leo liked you first so now he felt bad
poor jason :(
leo saw the way you two interacted and he was like
“yo, do you like-“
jason immediately was like “yea”
they handled it like big boys tho
even though leo was just the tiniest littlest bit jealous
yk insecurities
everyone would choose jason, and you probably would too
so he just felt a little bit anxious and worried
especially because he liked you a lot
he wouldn’t manage watching you be with his best friend
but because he was a good friend, he didn’t get mad or anything
they weren’t sure how to go about it
yk men
so they just asked you
“hey we both like you but we just wanna know who you’d rather dat”
you being the slayer you are were just like
“cant i just date you both”
you know as a joke at first
but then you all considered it
and you were like yea that could work
and that’s how you became THEE throuple
everyone is jealous of you
two boyfriends? in one go?
thats the (name) effect
they both balance each other out perfectly
you get the best of both worlds
you and jason will definitely go to leo’s workshop and bring him snacks or coffee
and you guys will chill and talk
leo would make you guys matching jewelry
if you’re sad
you literally have a human teddy bear and a human heater
cuddles for everyone!
jason is the rational mind ngl
he’s always caught up in your practical jokes
once you did a joke magic show
and you were like , “and now i shall make leo disappear!”
yk because magicians, child of hecate
at the time it was funny come on now
either way you made leo disappear
like actually
jason thought it was funny and then he noticed you weren’t laughing
why tf weren’t you laughing
you scoured the camp for him
(he was under your bed)
that’s how you learned you could teleport things too!
that’s a win!
whenever guys hit on you
leo and jason will tag team the mf
no one is harassing you
not on their watch
it’s always the hardest when you’re at school
bc you miss them so much
they definitely surprise you during finals
with lots of snacks and soda and words of encouragement
safe to say you aced that year
and going back to them is always the best reward
jason and leo love you so much, and you wouldn’t give them up for the world
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