#or his own ectoplasm but that leaves them tied together somehow
crystalqueertea · 2 years
Okay everyone. I’ve had an idea stuck in my brain for too long. DP X DC (what else did you expect from me look at all my reblogs) Danny and Jason. My favorite pair. My boys. Except. They don’t get their nice little happy endings that they get in most fics.
Danny finds Jason first through his ghost sense. It didn’t react the same way it would around a ghost or Vlad, so he assumes whatever this is either is just some run off ectoplasm from the zone or a highly contaminated person. BUT here’s the thing, he doesn’t approach Jason at first. No, he goes and asks Clockwork about any runoff ectoplasm humans could’ve been encountering that would damage them this much. This is how Danny finds out about the pits and how the league is throwing people in them. But, as we all know, Danny is impatient and doesn’t stay to hear the fact that the people getting thrown in are dead or dying. He just hears that people are getting thrown in.
So back to Jason he goes, ready to solve all this man’s problems by getting rid of all the ectoplasm in his body. As soon as he gets confirmation that Jason was thrown in the pits, he tell Jason he can fix him, no elaboration.
Jason, far too excited at the notion of even the possibility of getting rid of the pit and getting his family, his life back, sees this normal (mostly) kid with glowing green eyes and immediately accepts. So Danny gets right to work. He knows how to get his body to absorb ectoplasm, and when he runs into complications he assumes it’s because the ectoplasm was boiling, and that has to be bad, so he takes him to a place where he can make a makeshift lab out of his parents equipment.
With a slightly altered version of the, well, let’s be honest here, with the Edward Scissorhands esc. device Vlad of an alternate future once used to cut out his ghost, Danny has a much easier time getting the ectoplasm out. And everything is going well, Jason hasn’t complained, until they reach the last parts of ectoplasm in him. Upon contact, Jason screams.
Danny draws back to re-examine the ectoplasm he was working on, but in jolting backwards he hears a crack. Suddenly, Jason is unconscious on the table and Danny’s tool has a tiny chipped piece of what is obviously a ghosts core on the end.
Jason was in pain throughout the procedure but thought it would be worth it in the end to get rid of the pit. As it was extracted he somehow felt emptier, but also freer at the same time. It wasn’t until the excruciating pain shooting through what he knew was not his heart but felt like it that he understood where he recognized that freeing feeling.
It was what he had felt before he died. When the blood was leaving his body and he was slowly but surely less and less aware of what was going on around him but couldn’t find it in himself to care. So despite keeping quiet throughout the whole process till now, with the memories of crowbars and laughter and bombs and warehouses coursing through his memory on repeat, Jason screamed.
Danny, having been frozen looking at the ghost core piece (he’d never known a core could break, how couldn’t he have known-) eventually looks back down at Jason’s body. Now thoroughly unstable and missing a piece of his core, Jason looked dead and dying. And Danny could only think, ‘oh god, he was like me, he was a halfa, he needed ectoplasm to live-‘ but as those thoughts went through his brain, suddenly he saw himself on the table. His parents standing over him, raving about ghosts, they had talked only weeks ago about discovering that stronger ghosts had a core and how they wanted to rip one out to dissect it, the ghost can’t feel pain, not like they’ll miss it. And. Oh god. Danny’s become his parents. His worst nightmare of his parents. All those horrible nights spent thinking about what would happen if his parents caught him and he went and did it to someone else-
He has to fix this. But he doesn’t know if he can.
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all-things-ghostly · 9 months
Soul Ties - Chapter 1
Surprise! I’m writing a multi-chapter fic now. I had an idea and wanted to give it more time than just trying to cram it into a oneshot. As always the reader is gender neutral so everyone can enjoy it!
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TW: Implied Suicide (It’s never actually mentioned, nor is the method ever brought up, but the context implies it. Just thought I’d warn just in case.)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You had been knocked out cold for what has felt like forever, with barely any memory of what happened before you slipped into unconsciousness. When you finally began to rouse, you had no idea where you were. All of your senses were gone—the world appeared merely as a dark, silent void. All you had right now was touch.
Rough concrete pavement scraped against your back. There was a small dip in the ground, and then you felt yourself being dragged across some kind of thick soil. Okay, so you were outside, you knew that much.
You stirred a little more, and your vision began to come back. However, it was extremely blurry. All you could see were blotches of color at first: something black, something blue, and then the dark color of the earth beneath you. Reaching up to rub your eyes, you also happened to notice that you were feeling… lighter than usual. It was hard to explain, but it almost felt like it took less effort to move your limbs, as if you were weightless.
Then, your vision finally cleared enough to be able to decipher what was in front of you. It was some sort of large, ornate tombstone. In your current state, you had to really squint to read the words:
The final victim
The final soul
The final piece to make me whole
Now it all made sense.
“Woah! Woah, woah, woah! Hey!” You stammer with panic, starting to flail around with revitalized energy in order to back away. Your legs shook free from whatever was dragging you along and you scrambled to get back up onto your feet, struggling to fully take in the situation.
Looking down at your hands, they were no longer flesh and bone, but instead a light translucent blue. The same also went for your entire body. You realized now that you were no longer a mortal, but now just a stray spirit.
Suddenly, you get roughly grabbed by the waist and lifted back up into the air. Startled, you yelp and start squirming around again, but this time your captor keeps a firm grip on you in order to prevent you from getting away. You look up towards them and they look… familiar. The memories from just before your death are foggy, but something gives you a gut feeling that this man had something to do with it. The fact that he was carrying you back towards your own grave only proved that.
“Hey! Listen! I don’t want this!” You cry, looking back from the shadowy figure to the hole in the ground dug just for you.
“Oh no, don’t even think about it. It’s too late to take back your decision now,” they reply in a deep, menacing voice. The dark spirit holds you out over your grave, ready to drop you.
This was much more than just a six foot hole for your coffin. Oh, no. Instead, there was a giant, gaping pit ready to swallow you whole. It seemed nearly bottomless; god knows where that thing leads.
You try to open your mouth to protest again, but before you even can, the spirit chuckles darkly and releases you.
Perhaps that woke up some kind of ghostly survival instinct inside of you that you didn’t even know you had. Maybe you somehow manifested it without even knowing. You weren’t sure how it happened, but at that moment, just after falling a few feet down, some sort of ethereal shackle clasped around your ankle and formed an ectoplasmic chain that extended out towards the ghost. Just like it had done to you, it snapped around his ankle, leaving both of you effectively chained together.
He didn’t even notice it until he started falling in after you thanks to the chain pulling him along. “Wh- hey! What's going on?!” He shouts with panic. Just before he slips in with you, he manages to dig at the earth with his claws and anchor himself just at the mouth of the grave, with most of his body (and you) still dangling inside.
As you look up at him, a memory comes back to you. You remember this guy- his name is Alistair, right? And right now, he finds himself faced with a dilemma: either he lets go, which kills you like he wanted but also means that he goes down with you, or he pulls himself back up to save himself AND you.
Considering the fact that you’re hanging upside down at the top of an endless pit with only a chain at your ankle to hold you, you really hope he picks the latter.
Luckily, he does. He cares far too much about himself to be vanquished just like that, even if it means his plans are momentarily halted. With only a slight struggle, Alistair manages to crawl up out of the grave, dragging you along with him. Your head gets bonked a couple of times on the way up but he could hardly care.
Panting heavily from effort and stress, Alistair sits up and examines the situation. Sure enough, his left leg is connected to your right one by a 3-foot long ethereal chain that clasps around your ankles. He does not look amused.
“Yes, yes, that’s a very funny party trick, mort—ah, I suppose I can’t call you that anymore, can I? Oh, please don’t tell me I have to stoop down to your level and call you by your actual name now,” he sighs.
You make an odd face. “I… would prefer that. Which, you spelled it wrong on my tombstone, by the way,” you point towards the engravings. “That extra letter isn’t supposed to be there.”
Alistair looks insulted. “What? No I didn’t.”
“Uh… yes you did.”
“Well, maybe you’re just illiterate.”
“I think I know how to spell my own name, Alistair.”
“How dare—” he cuts himself off and pinches the bridge of his ‘nose’. “You know what? You’re just delaying the inevitable. It’s not like there’s any way you’re coming back to life so you’d best just let me finish the job.”
Alistair looks down at the chain binding you together and tries to use his otherworldly powers to shatter it. He tenses up and squints like he’s concentrating, but it’s not working. Then he thrusts his hands out towards it like he’s trying to use the Force or something but it just looks completely ridiculous.
You seem to catch onto the problem and try pulling on it, or standing up and stepping on it, however it stays strong as ever. “Uh, Alistair? It won’t break.”
“What do you mean, it won’t break?” He shouted, panic starting to seep into his voice. Alistair stood up and tried to destroy the chain himself by smashing his cane into it repeatedly, but still, no dice. “What have you done, you idiot?!”
“I don’t know! It’s not like I did it on purpose!” You snap back at him.
Alistair groans and then starts pacing around, but it’s not like he can walk more than a couple feet at a time so it looks really goofy. Your eyes follow him as he walks back and forth and mumbles something to himself. Eventually, he freezes, and a perturbed expression crosses his face.
“What?” You ask, worried.
“Well… if you can’t break it, and I can’t break it, there’s only one person I can think of who might know how to get us out of our little… predicament,” he says, appearing nervous.
“Wait, really? That’s great!” You beam. Alistair doesn’t share your enthusiasm.
“There’s just one problem. She’s not going to be very happy to see me.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I’m going to start part 2 right away because a lot of it adds more to the introduction of the plot and their little issue gets a lot worse LMAO I just didn’t wanna put it all into one chapter because I think it would’ve been too long. Either way I hope yall like it so far! I’m not used to writing chapters fics as opposed to oneshots so if I’m a bit sloppy right now I apologize.
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palettepainter · 3 years
OKAY BUT THINK,,, jirou, hatsume and shinsou would be ultimate trio. them babysitting eri in the teachers dorm together and since the teachers dont really have anything to hide from them its just a big comfy and funny (and well, chaotic) night for them
Shinsou and Jiro vibing with the same aesthetic, going shopping together and looking cool af, they convince Hatsume one day to let them choose her outfit for a day and they have such a blast
Jiro stopping Hatsume from taking apart the dorms toaster because it's the fourth one this month, and Shinsou is leaning against the wall like the smug boy he is, cheshire grin while he watches the chaos unfold (or he falls asleep, it's a 50/50 chance either way)
Hatsume testing out some kind of support item that hovers off the floor, using Shinsou's cat as a test to see if it will hold the cats weight. Shinsou is clinging onto Jiro's hand, maybe crushing it in the process, and Jiro is patting his back like "There there" (Shinsou pratically scoops the cat into his arms the moment Hatsume says she's finished)
Jiro one day shyly showing off her music to Shinsou and Hatsume, Shinsou thinks it's cool and Hatsume thinks it's SUPER cool! So cool in fact she made Jiro her own deluxe speaker: Five windows where broken from the volume and all three lost their hearing for around three hours. Higari was so angry (concerned-) so you have no clue
And oh god..the chaos that would unfold if they babysat Eri!! XD Shinsou and Jiro being the cool but responsible ones, and Hatsume is the one that runs about with Eri over her head!
Ectoplasm, Aizawa and Higari leave them alone for all of five minutes and they return to find Shinsou with glitter glue over his face, Hatsume's and Eri's hair is sticking out on end and Jiro somehow got tied up in a blanket with the resident dorm cat chewing on her hair
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strawberrycamel · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
tagged by: @aj-itated <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 30!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 46,254 words
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? based on my Ao3 and my old ff.net account: 3 - Fairy Tail, BNHA, DP (though I haven't written for Fairy Tail or bnha in years)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? in order, that would be How to Take Out a Ghost by TooFineFoley, Bad Luck Tuck: The Sequel, ignorance is your new best friend, What Could Have Been, and, surprisingly, A Connoisseur of Fine Art (all DP or DP crossover fics)
5. Which of your fic do you want more attention for? both they're siblings, your honor and Big Boy Tucker. i can't choose, they both need love
6. Do you respond to comments, why or why not? i used to respond to them as often as I could at the start, but i kinda slacked off sometime around the beginning of summer classes. I used to respond to them because they made me really happy and i wanted to let the commenters know I did actually read it and am very grateful for their comments, but after a while it became... idk, draining? I felt bad about leaving the same response to each commenter and got caught up in my own head so I just kinda,, stopped all together. I wanna start responding again at some point, but uh, probably not anytime soon.
7. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
oh definitely One More Time; I think that's the only fic I've written without some kind of happy ending (anything in the Not Your Son series doesn't count since it's not finished yet :3) and I can't tell you how much it pained me not to make it happy. Don't get me wrong, I loved writing that for going angst week but hole-y shit did it fuck me up
8. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you’ve written? I do write crossovers! The craziest, I think, is my Strange vs. Work: Wife Swap AU, it's not done because I'm seriously stumped for it right now, but it's essentially a DP Marvel crossover where Clockwork and Dr. Strange are forced by a TV host ghost to switch bodies and mentor the other person's 'apprentice'. Peter and Danny have to help them get adjusted to their new environments/bodies and they all have to figure out how to turn things back to normal. This whole series is meant to be based off the show 'Wife Swap'. I have fun making Stephen suffer >:)
9. Have you ever received hate on a fic? not that i can remember? like i think it was more grammar and dialogue punctuation nitpicking on my old ff.net fics, never hate
10. Do you write smut? if so what kind? not really, but i have a singular wip that im working on that's definitely spicy
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? nope
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? no? (i was working on something a while ago but we havent finished so, I'm going with no)
13. What’s your all time favorite ship? i don't think I really have one. Usually I just read whichever fics have cool summaries or tags and just dive right in, ships be damned. Lately I've been reading a few TimKon fics and I've been thinking about Dark Ages, UFS, and Gray Ghost stuff a lot over the summer
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? oh, oh god. I'm going to say it and I'm going to feel real shitty about it because it's such a good fucking concept, but I can't bring myself to write anything more than what I already have written and all the notes I just randomly add onto it every once in a while. It even has a title: "Ectoplasmic Pudding".
It's a DP DC crossover fic wip and the plot is about Danny being called by Batman to help with a kidnapping case he suspects to involve ghosts; he needs Danny's expertise and help to capture the ghost. Danny agrees and he meets Batman and Robin (Dick Grayson) on the roof of the police station (after dropping face first onto it because he got blinded by the bat signal). They go by Batmobile and arrive at the scene of the crime where Danny confirms a ghost is involved. A bunch of different scenes of Danny and Robin having a blast while Batman's trying his best to stay on task and then, eventually, they find a warehouse where the box ghost is interrogating a bored looking Mr. Trand, the victim, about some fancy box commissioned by Vlad.
Danny figures out this guy is Bertrand in disguise and since Bertrand's essentially on vacation, they both agree to lie about how they know each other. And then I got stuck around here, but I imagine it just ends up being a series of dumb events where Batman, Robin, and Danny have to 'protect' Bertrand until they catch Boxy and throw him back into the Ghost Zone while the disguised ghost tries to make the most of the rest of his vacation.
Batman and Robin definitely don't believe whatever lie Danny came up with to explain how he knows Mr. Trand, but they go along with it until it's revealed in probably the worst way possible and leads to both of them trying to take the former kidnapping victim to the GIW while also trying to keep Danny from stopping them and barely listening to a word he says (maybe they think he's being threatened somehow or being controlled or smth, idk). Absolutely no clue how that whole fight goes, but in the end Danny kicks Box Ghost into the Zone and Bertrand is told very explicitly never to bring Spectra to Gotham.
15. What are your writing strengths? evoking emotion in my writing? yeah i'm going with that
16. What are your writing weaknesses? planning out plot ahead of time. I can write outlines and write a bunch of notes about what i want to include, that's not the problem. My problem is that all my motivation to write just drains away the moment I have a somewhat concrete plot planned out for a fic- this applies to one-shots and longfics exactly the same. And past that, sometimes I'll make one change to the planned plot and feel like tossing the whole thing out the window and going freehand without the 'constraints' of an outline or anything ..........
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? try not to offend anybody? like, look at good examples of how others have done it and do a lot of research and stuff. Also, be aware that not everything will translate perfectly from the original language you wrote the fic in and whatever language you're translating it to.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Fairy Tail
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? Hellbent. A few others come close, but I seriously cannot express the joy i felt writing that first chapter (and when I'm done my minibang fic, I literally cannot wait to get back to it)
20. What fic are you most proud of? that's a tough one, there are a bunch i fucking adore but i think it's tied between The Big Dipper and ignorance is your new best friend
Tagging: @guardianrex, @shinygoldstar, @cleanlenins, @princessfanonanona, and @ghost-pasta!
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therisinggear · 4 years
Ghost Of a Chance. Chapter 1
A Ghost of a Chance!: The Ghost Queen's Slaughter!  
                                                          ~Amity Park- Three years ago~
The town of Amity Park, a town tied to the paranormal. Ghosts from other dimensions have invaded the living plane of existence time and time again. Most are just relatively normal people. While others are, for lack of a better term Supervillains. Because of the influx of evil ghosts, one young hero fought to keep the peace. 
Danny Fenton was just fourteen when his parents built a very strange machine. The Ghost Portal, It was designed to view a world unseen. During its test run, it failed to activate and it was left to collect dust in its parent's lab. 
One day on a dare from his friends made him put on a Jumpsuit and go inside it. "I still think this is a REALLY bad idea, Sam! Have you ever even seen The Fly?" Danny tells her before he accidentally presses the On button, activating the portal with him inside with the help of this horrifyingly dangerous design flaw. With a bright green glow, Danny's screams in agony. His friend Tucker holds Sam back when she tries to run in and get Danny out. "NO STOP IT'S TOO DANGEROUS!!" Tucker screams at her.  
"LET ME GO TUCKER If We Don't DO ANYTHING DANNY IS GOING TO DIE!!" Sam screams as she kicks Tucker in the stomach. He drops to the floor with the wind knocked out of him. A changed Danny stumbles out, staggered by the experience. His black hair is now snow white and his blue eyes now glowing green. The white/Black jumpsuit had its colors inverted. 
After that Life changing day, Danny gained the abilities of a ghost. While learning his new abilities became a hero. At one point even saved the earth with every ghost he ever fought.                
~Three years Later~
After fighting ghosts for three whole years, Amity Park has had ghosts become an everyday part of life. With Danny becoming a literal symbol of Ghost and Humans working well together, Ghost has been given rights as citizens. Some of Danny's old enemies gave up antagonizing humans and got real jobs. 
Sidney Poindexter got his GED and became an Anti-bully activist. He actively reduced bullying in schools by telling kids how he took his own life because of it.
The Hothead Ember Mclain made it big as a legitimate performer with a record deal. She may even be going platinum soon. 
Hell, even The Box Ghost got a job with FedEx.
One day, Danny was out buying new college prep books when he spotted another one of his old enemies in the coffee shop, looking depressed. Desiree the wishing ghost is waiting for her coffee, dressed in a suit.  She appears worried about something, checking her watch. 
"Oh boy this can't be good."  He mumbled to himself, trying not to draw her attention. He starts to feel sorry when she pays for her coffee. A heartbroken Desiree just stares blankly at her phone. Soon she spots him in the distance and politely waves while grinding her teeth. "Fantastic, My date stands me up and now I have to deal with the Phantom boy!"       
 "Oh man, I'm so going to regret this later." He awkwardly waves back at her before gesturing to her he is leaving. Danny walks away with a sigh of relief. "Talk about awkward running into a former enemy!" Without paying attention he bumps into Desiree. "Ahem!" 
Danny would have jumped in shock if his Ghost Sense didn't already let him know she was right in front of him. Desiree looks down at him with her arms crossed. "What do you want, Phantom?" An enraged scowl on her face before she notices the books in his hand. "Oh, you didn't come for me!" She calms down a bit and even laughs. "Forgive me, I've not been in the best of moods."
Danny laughs, nearly dropping his books. "I was just as surprised to see you, Desiree! I almost went ghost like the old days out of habit." The former adversaries laugh at the whole situation. "So how are you, Desiree? By the get up I'm assuming you've gone legit like a lot of other ghosts."
"Yes I passed the bar exam and I'm now a lawyer." She clarifies with pride written on her face. "I happened to order two coffees and my date decided not to show up, care to join me?" 
Both of them return to the coffee shop and have a friendly conversation, like the hostilities of their past is now gone."Your date sounds like a real dumbass to stand you up. So you chose to be a lawyer? I have to admit I never saw that one coming. The Box Ghost working at FedEx I saw a mile away, but this takes me by surprise." The ghost boy admits to her.
"In the last three years, I've tried many different jobs but being a Lawyer had the most appeal, so I committed to law school. Getting a GED was the First real challenge because the last time I had a formal education was two-thousand years ago. " She points at Danny's books while taking a sip. "So how about you Phantom? You look like you are getting serious in your studies in these peaceful times."
"I want to be an astronaut one day and with the lack of Ghost fighting, I've had more time to study for it. Good riddance too, I never really liked all the non-stop fighting anyway. Like the first time we fought, You kicked my butt big time before I made a wish." 
"I hope one day my wishes can come true," Desiree mumbled to herself with some regret. "The one thing I can never have."
"Your own Kingdom if I remember that gypsy's story right." Danny muses out loud. Desiree shakes her head with a sad look on her face. 
"That was just a superficial legend, not the real story. What I really wish for is something I never had."                        
~Fenton labs~
Four years after Danny got his powers from the ghost portal, the constant battles always took their toll on him every time but he always bounced back. From the Box ghost to the former ghost King, he always came back stronger. However, he might have his hands full this time. His many enemies began the unthinkable. They somehow found a way to make his ability to feel the incoming presence of another ghost useless. Under the command of the new Ghost Queen, they went after his friends and family one by one. 
Wave after wave of the Ghost Queen's minions worn the now eighteen-year-old ghost boy down. Soon he was overpowered by her most fearsome henchmen, Beaten to the point he could not fight back. 
He is on his knees in a Burning laboratory as his two most powerful foes looming above him. The Fright Knight, the spirit of Halloween and an evil older copy of himself from another timeline called  Dark Danny. "Games over kid it's been over before it even began!" His evil parallel self-boast. Dark Danny lifts Danny by the neck, strangling his younger self while charging up a blast in his other hand. Danny is too beaten and bloody to fight back. "Time to DIE!!"     
Danny almost gets blasted through the stomach before the Fright Knight cuts Dark Danny's arm off. "Her Highness the Queen ordered us to bring him to her alive!!" The Knight snarls at his partner. An enraged Dark Danny throws a swing before the Fright Knight has a blast aimed at his head. "And I've been given the freedom to eliminate you if I see fit!"  
Dark Danny stops baring his teeth at the knight and regains his cool. "You know, I liked it better when you served me in my timeline." He drops Danny and reattaches his arm. 
A terrified Danny tries to crawl away but is too gravely injured to get far. "D-Danny?" His sister Jazz is buried under rubble, in tears and reaching out to him as she bleeds out. Dark Danny picks Jazz up off the ground by the hair. A sadistic smirk on his face as he looks down at Danny. "Hello sis, miss me?" Jazz spits blood in his face as a last act of defiance. "Go To Hell!"  
"You're already here Jazz, and you are about to meet the devil herself?" He puts her in an ectoplasmic bubble along with Danny. "Lucky for you, she did say to bring at least one living family member." 
He waves his hand to make a Ghost Portal. 
~Ghost Zone~
The two villains enter it, on the other side is a massive palace in the Ghost Zone. Various ghosts and humans on their knees in the throne room. A ghostly servant blows a horn, "Presenting The new Ghost Queen! Her Highness Queen..." A tall busty woman with an hourglass figure walks down a dark corridor, her red eyes shine in the darkness before she enters the light. Her skin is brown with glowing veins marks all over her arms, veins that change between red blue yellow and green. "...Desiree!"
The (Former) Wishing Ghost sets on her new throne, giving Danny a lustful leer. "Bring him closer and release him." She orders her henchmen, her eyes never leaving the ghost boy. Dark Danny makes his Ecto-Bubble vanish, he kicks his younger counterpart towards the foot of Desiree's throne. The barely conscious Danny can't keep his eyes open as The Ghost Queen gingerly caresses his face. "And I had this grand speech planned and you deliver him to me almost dead!?"
Dark Danny laughs smugly with fangs before a look of rage takes over him. He is looking at his hand as he is being removed from existence in green fire. "We had a deal! I give you what you want, you give me what I want!", He screams. 
Desiree picks Danny up bridal style, her expression is cold as she glares at Dark Danny. "Your results are unsatisfactory, enjoy existing no more." Dark Danny disappears, vanishing within the flames.
~Hours later~
Danny wakes up in a large bed with all his injuries healed. "Where am I?!" He gets out of the bed only to fall on his face, his legs feel like jelly. "Oh great, I'm in enemy territory and I can't walk or go ghost!" Arms wrap around him as a pair of soft lips kissed him on the cheek. He spots the Ring of Rage on her finger. He sees Desiree's new look like she is almost human again. The flaming crown of her head gives him a clue, much to his horror. 
"The numbness will subside in time, but you need to rest," Desiree whispers into his ear, her embrace getting tighter when Danny struggles to get loose. "Desiree, is this really you? What did you do to yourself!?"              
She puts him back in the bed. Danny then remembers Jazz was with him. "Jazz, what did you do to her?!", He shouts at her.
"Healed up and resting in another room. As for what I did to myself..." She puts her right hand up to Danny so he can see the glowing Ring. "...I transcended beyond a ghost or my original humanity, with the power of the former ghost king's ring and crown." 
Danny looks at her with abstract terror. "You took those from him?! Do you have any idea what those can do?! If your not careful you can destroy the whole ghost zone and the earth along with it!"
"Worth the risk, I am making an empire, one where ghosts and Humans can be equals. I'm just about finished all I need now is..." Queen Desiree forces him down onto the bed, She Kisses Danny while holding him down. She moans loudly, forcing her tongue down his thought.      "...a king to rule beside me!~"
All Danny can say is a flat, "W-What the fuck!? Those things are making you crazy!" His eyes were wide with shock and confusion. "What does this have to do with me anyway?!"  
Desiree while still on top smiles warmly, laying next to him.  "It's Very simple Danny.~" Her voice is sweet, yet has an undertone of insanity. "You and I marry then rule a glorious empire as Husband and Wife."
"I'm a little young for you, don't you think? I only just turned eighteen." He asks Desiree with a sliver of fear. 
"TIME OUT!!"  
Time is frozen in place and when it starts Danny is gone. "Oh, no Worries Your of age now. Wait..." The Ghost Queen looks around the room before flinging into a rage. She fires a blast that destroys a wall. "Clockwork!" 
Queen Desiree flies out so fast she makes a sonic boom.   
~Clockwork's Realm~      
Clockwork the master of time opens up a portal in time. A weakened and injured Danny has a Time medallion on him. "If you wish to Save all of the creation, go now!" The normally calm Master of time screams in panic. 
Danny limps into the Time portal and in a flash of light is gone. "DANNY!!!" The Ghost Queen screams blows open the wall. *BOOM!* She conjures skeletal arms to bind Clockwork and depower him. "Clockwork Your queen has questions regarding her consort! Return him to me and I'll show you mercy and even forgive your crimes!" 
"Danny is already gone and you can't get to him. You may be seemingly omnipotent with the power of the Ghost King but even You have no power over time!" Desiree blasts him into oblivion, leaving no trace of Clockwork. With a snap of her finger, The Fright Knight is Summoned. 
"Follow Danny and bring him to me no matter the cost!"
"At once your majesty!" Her knight with his orders enters the portal. 
Queen Desiree descends into maniacal laughter. "I will have you, Danny! Even if I have to rip apart time and space! So I wish it so shall it be!!"
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grandfather-time · 8 years
Time to Say Good-Bye
((Remember this? I suggest listening to something like this while reading.))
The sound of fabric rubbing together momentarily blocked out the sound of ticking as Dan picked at something on one of his gloves. He’d long since escaped his thermos, and Clockwork had let him stay at the clock tower so long as he didn’t destroy it or go messing around with time. Considering both that Dan liked being free and his existence was now tied to the timeless citadel, he begrudgingly avoided doing so.
Today, it was just Dan and Clockwork in the clock tower since Danny wasn’t visiting. Clockwork wasn’t the most talkative person by himself, and Dan wasn’t a conversationalist. Which meant that it was quiet. Dan was fine with that. Lounging in the top of the relatively stationary gears of the clock tower picking at his gloves was fine by him.
“Dan, I’m going to visit Danny,” cut through the silence. He looked down at Clockwork, who was floating in front of one of his screens. Pictures of Danny, his friends, and Clockwork over the years adorned the console below it. A few even included Dan. “Would you like to come with me?”
Dan thought on it for a moment. Most often, Clockwork didn’t care if he came along. In fact, normally he left right after telling Dan that he was leaving. Clockwork also never made a move to stop Dan from leaving unless something was going to happen.
Now that he thought about it, it was an odd time for Clockwork to ask him to join. Some years ago, before Dan had escaped the thermos, Danny had taken a selfie with Clockwork and printed it out to keep in his wallet. One week ago, Clockwork had asked for it, and had had the photo since. And just now he was going to visit Danny.
Clockwork knew something.
Dan flicked the thing off his glove. “Why not, at least it’ll give me something interesting to do.” Then he got up and flew down beside Clockwork.
Clockwork took his hand. A swing of that iconic staff, and they were surrounded by blue energy that made it feel like they were inside an actual clock. It almost looked like there were numbers and hands around them.
The next moment, they were inside a hospital room. Both of them were invisible. In front of them sat a bed with an old man on it. He had a few IVs in his arms, and several leads presumably stuck to his chest to monitor his heart. All he wore was a standard hospital gurney with a blanket on top of him. The monitor behind him beeped steadily, though the man’s heartbeat was weak.
Dan recognized his hair first. It was grey, but it was still that same reverse mullet. It was his younger self. It was Danny. Danny certainly wasn’t young now, but due to time travel mechanics, Dan was still-and would forever be-ten years older than Danny.
He didn’t recall Danny looking this frail last time. His hair had been grey and his skin wrinkled, but Danny had looked strong and ready to kick ass last week. He’d been spry. Now his eyes and cheeks were sunken, his skin was pale, and what could be seen of his arms was thin. It surprised Dan to see himself in any form like this. It surprised him even more that such a change had seemingly happened in just a week.
A cloud of blue mist left Danny’s mouth in the same moment a cold chill had passed through Dan’s sinuses and exited his nostrils as a red mist. Ghost sense. Danny glanced around, then his body tensed as he gripped the bed. A familiar white ring formed around his torso, crackling a moment before Danny  grimaced and turned to his ghost self.
The heart monitor’s beeping greatly increased.
“I may be old, but I’m still up for a fight, ghost!” He was still willing to fight. He was so weak, and yet he was willing to risk his life and fight. It almost made Dan smile.
Clockwork let go of Dan’s hand, holding his own up in surrender as he let his invisibility wear off. “No need to worry, Danny.”
Danny breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Clockwork. He grinned as the white ring appeared once more, and he quickly changed back to his human form. The monitor’s beeping eased. “Oh, it’s just you, Clockwork. You gave me a scare for a moment.”
“Myself and a friend,” Clockwork corrected, motioning over to Dan. Dan took that as his cue, and let his own invisibility fade as he idly crossed his arms. Danny’s smile vanished. Apparently after all this time, Danny still didn’t trust him.
“Relax, worm,” Dan told him before the heart monitor could start racing again, “we’re only here to visit. Besides,” he motioned to Clockwork, “I’ve got a chaperone.”
That got Danny to laugh. “Some hundred years old and you still need a chaperone, huh Dan?” Old as he was, Danny’s attitude hadn’t aged a day.
“At least I listen to him.”
“Hey, give me credit where it’s due. I started listening to Clockwork!”
“Only after I took you in,” Clockwork chimed in, shifting to his elderly form. Then he rose a hand. “But Dan’s right. We’re only here for a visit.”
Danny pointed a finger towards the door. “Well, you just missed the nurse.”
“That’s fine. We don’t plan to stay very long.”
Danny gave him a knowing smile. “Clockwork, you know guests are supposed to sign in. Even if they’re ghosts now.”
Clockwork smiled. “Only if they know we’re here.”
He arched an eyebrow in response. “Alright, Clockwork, why’re you here?”
“I just thought you’d want some company, and I didn’t want to get stuck in the lobby waiting to sign in.”
“Yeah, and my feet are green.”
“Technically,” Clockwork pointed to Dan, “they are in one timeline.”
Dan rolled his eyes in response, proceeding to look at the rest of the room. It was that obnoxious hospital white tile. It looked so boring and sterile. It felt sterile. And it smelled horrible. “It smells like death in here.” And Dan would know what that smelled like.
“Hey, at least it smells better than that cola’d ectoplasm that gave cheesehead his powers.” Danny chuckled to himself a little. “It smelled five times worse than this.”
Clockwork crossed his arms. Though his tone was stern, he was still smiling. “You wouldn’t have smelled it i you’d listened to me in the first place, child.”
“Hey, it was a great learning experience for me.”
“And you still tried to ask me to keep changing the past after I fixed the time stream.”
“It never hurts to ask. The first time I ever asked you anything, you gave me what I wanted.”
“You asked my name.”
Danny smiled sheepishly. “It was an important question at the time.”
Clockwork shrugged in response. “I suppose it was. At the very least, it set you on the right path.”
Danny laughed a bit, eyes sliding towards Dan. A soft, “Uh,” came out of his mouth. Though he didn’t say it, both ghosts clearly saw he wanted to ask, “Is that really a good idea to say around Dan?”
So Dan placed a hand on his chest and answered Danny’s question with a grin. “I acknowledge I’m not the most ‘good’ turnout of you that exists.”
Danny gave a few chuckles before quieting down. His eyes scanned the ceiling for a moment, as if he was searching for something. “Hey, Clockwork, you see everything, right?” The time master nodded in response. “You remember when Technus got into Doomed, right?”
“Yes.” He shifted back to his adult form. “Your friend Tucker didn’t recognize him somehow and nearly doomed technology by telling him he could access the internet after completing the game.”
“Yeah. And I had to retake that test.” A smile crossed his lips. “But we beat him ‘cause Technus wouldn’t stop talking.”
“He’s quite fond of hearing himself talk.”
“Sometimes I miss those long speeches he used to give. From his initial escape, to Doomed, and then when he drained the city of power. I’m surprised he wasn’t loud and all on Christmas.”
“I’m sure he’d be glad to give you one of his famous Technus speeches now.”
Danny shook his head. “He’d make me fall asleep faster than Mr. Lancer’s lectures used to.” Then he turned his attention to Dan, who in turn looked up. “Was he like that with you, too?”
Dan scoffed. “Yes. He was always the master of annoyingly loud lectures about himself. You would not believe how many times I beat him simply from interrupting his megalomaniac speeches.”
The man shook his head. “I guess some things never change.” A moment passed as Danny took a long breath and traveled down memory lane. “Remember when I got those chills and Undergrowth sent me flying over to Frostbite?”
Clockwork once again nodded. “You were surprised to learn the core of your being radiated ice. It was quite amusing.”
“I didn’t know much about ghosts back then. Cut me some slack. How was I supposed to know being cold and breathing mist was a part of my core being?”
“You could have asked any primordial ghost about that. We’re not unfamilar with ghosts having some kind of element at the core of their being.”
“I wouldn’t have known it was at the time.” When Clockwork didn’t offer him a reply, Danny was glad the time ghost had at least granted him that much. Then he turned his attention back to Dan. “How come you never got chills?”
“I’ll be honest,” the ghost held his hand out, a small grin appearing on his face again as a small flame ignited above it, “I have no idea.” Dan then clenched his hand into a fist, smothering the flame and briefly filling the room with the smell of ash and smoke.
“Alright, show off,” was all Danny said in reply.
Suddenly, light filled the room in the form of little tiny points along the walls and ceiling. Dan glanced around before both he and Clockwork looked towards a tiny machine sitting beside Danny’s bed.
Noticing their looks, Danny began to explain. “I told one of the nurses that I missed looking at the stars. Word must’ve gotten out to the ghosts since a few of them brought this the next day. Technus made it, with Ember helping with the colors and Nocturne helping with the details. It turns on at six so I can see the stars.” He then looked at Dan again, displeased. “Of course, the glow from your hair kinda...offsets part of it.”
His immediate response was, “I’m not dampening my hair for this.”
The heart monitor began to speed up again. Clockwork raised a hand, shifting to his elderly form again. “Take a deep breath, Danny. Don’t let him rile you up.”
The man gave Clockwork a look, and for a moment it looked like he wouldn’t listen. Then he closed his eyes and took a long, deep breath before opening his eyes again. Danny smiled for a moment. “It reminds me of when I used to watch the stars. I’d lay on the grass, or climb on a building and watch from a telescope.
“Sam and Tucker used to watch with me a lot. They were never as interested as I was, but they watched with me anyway. Jazz would, too, on occasion. Mom and dad even watched the stars with me once when I was little.” Danny seemed to lean even further back into his bed and pillow somehow as he sighed at the pleasant memories.
Dan was quiet. He remembered it all, too. He remembered all those years ago, back before he’d escaped, back before he’d fought Danny, back before he’d lost everyone in the explosion, that he gazed at the stars with his friends and family, too. He remembered the late nights watching the universe pass overhead. He remembered the conversations and teasing over wishes made on falling stars. He remembered the drinks of hot chocolate and tea as they theorized and wondered about the night. He remembered Jack and Maddie hoisting him up on their shoulders to show him the night sky. He remembered all of it.
Something deep, deep in his being resonated. There was no emotion, but there was a hollow ring of one, an echo of sorts awoken by these memories. An echo held by these memories he once considered so precious and now didn’t know what to do with.
It almost made him feel something.
Suddenly, Danny’s smile faded. “But they’re all gone now. ‘Been dead for years. I miss them, you know?”
Clockwork drifted over, setting a hand on Danny’s shoulder for comfort. “They’re gone, and that’s hard to deal with. But you have memories of them, Danny. Happy memories. Relish in that.”
“Yeah,” the half ghost mused to himself, “I guess you’re right, Clockwork.” Then he smiled. “I remember once we spent a hundred dollars on a telescope that didn’t even work. Jazz got so worked up about it.” Danny began to laugh.
Then he began to cough. It shook his whole body. It rattled and tore at his throat. The bed trembled. The heart monitor quickly began to race.
Clockwork pulled his hand away as the coughing subsided. “Danny,” he began, voice a tad quieter than usual, “why not take my hand? For luck.” He offered Danny his free hand. Danny contemplated it for a moment or two. Then he, grip weak, carefully took Clockwork’s hand in his own.
Then Clockwork smiled at him. “Why not take Dan’s as well? It never hurt to have a little more luck.” Both stared at him in bewilderment. The two of them still didn’t get along. And didn’t most movies about this say they’d explode? But Dan had touched Danny before and nothing had happened.
Hesitantly, Dan walked over. Danny slowly wiggled his other arm free, and the two held hands.
Danny’s expression turned serious. “Clockwork, I know you’re not here for no reason. I want you to be honest. Am I going to be okay?”
The time ghost closed his eyes, still smiling. “You’re going to be fine, Danny.” He opened his eyes once more. “You’re going to be just fine.”
The man smiled longingly in return, almost like he didn’t believe it. “Thanks, Clockwork.”
For a moment, they smiled warmly at each other while Dan watched, and it briefly occurred to him that a father was watching his child with pride. Then Clockwork glanced at his glove. “Oh.” He pulled a small slip of paper out from under it and showed it to Danny. “Speaking of memories.”
Danny’s eyes widened. “The selfie I kept in my wallet. You-you kept it.” Clockwork’s grin was enough of a reply as he shifted back to his adult form. “No fair, you two haven’t aged a day.”
“We’re special cases. Other ghosts age, just slower than humans.”
Something caught Dan’s attention. He looked up at the heart monitor. Its pace began to slow as the bumps signaling the pumping of the heart’s chambers shrank a little more with each beat. He glanced back at Danny.
The half ghost looked back up at the starry ceiling, mind drifting towards the future. When he spoke again, his voice was much quieter. “Man, when I get free of this place and I’m not sick anymore, I’m going to fly around space and explore a bunch of new worlds.”
Clockwork chuckled to himself. “Perhaps we’ll meet again in a different world, then.”
“Yeah...” Danny sank back into the bed as he closed his eyes, sighing in content. “That’d be nice...”
Suddenly there was a loud ringing that nearly made Dan flinch. He looked over at the heart monitor. The line was flat. Dan’s eyes widened. He looked back at Danny. The man was still. Completely still. And still smiling.
He looked over at Clockwork, who hadn’t even glanced towards the monitor. The time ghost simply let go of Danny’s hand and slipped the photo back under his glove. And that’s when it hit Dan. “You knew. You knew he was going to die now.”
Clockwork only nodded.
He’d said Danny was going to be fine knowing full well the half ghost would die here. He’d said they would meet again in a different world. Clockwork hadn’t been wrong; he’d lied to Danny’s face. Deceived him. With a smile. Somehow, in some way, Dan felt deeply betrayed.
A fire of rage began to build within his chest. He let go of Danny’s hand, fist clenching as he bared his teeth in a snarl. “You lied to him.”
“Yes, I lied.” The time ghost turned towards him, and for the first time in all the years he’d been free of the thermos, Dan witness the years and weight Clockwork carried with him in his red eyes. Though he tried to mask it, he was clearly exhausted and in pain. For once, it made Dan consider just how hard his job as the Master of Time really was.
Clockwork continued, “I would rather him die happy than die with despair. He was often alone in life; I didn’t want him to feel alone in death.”
And with that, the fire of rage died. Dan still felt betrayed, but he couldn’t blame Clockwork when he explained why. After all, When Dan had lost his family, the grief had caused him to become this. A small lie wasn’t much in comparison, was it?
He looked around. “Well, where is he?”
“You won’t find him here,” Clockwork answered him. “His soul moved on.”
Oh. Danny was gone. He really was gone for good. Dan didn’t know what to think of that. Dan hadn’t cared for Danny-he couldn’t feel love anymore-but Danny had been an interesting person to keep around. His reactions and attitude had always kept Dan entertained the most.
And he was gone.
He looked to Clockwork again. “Will we ever see him again?”
The Master of Time shook his head. “He’s in an entirely different world now. Maybe you will some day, but until time ends, Danny and I will never cross paths.”
The funeral was held the next day. The entire city gathered to mourn the loss of their hero. Ghosts of all kind gathered as well to mourn both a friend and valiant fighter. Even some of The Observants came, their eyes red as they threatened to drip with tears. Vortex kept the sky overcast, not too sunny but not raining, either. Ember and her band played songs of mourning while everyone arrived.
Ghost Writer stepped up to the podium beside Danny’s casket right as Clockwork and Dan appeared on the edge of the crowd from a blue clock-like portal. He rubbed an eye, setting a sheet of paper down. He hesitated. Then, voice strong and steady, he began.
“Citizens of Amity Park and The Ghost Zone, we gather here to day to mourn the loss of Daniel Fenton. Or better known to many of us, Danny Phantom. He was a valiant and relentless hero, fighting to keep this city safe, and in the end, Earth and The Ghost Zone as well. He fought not just for humans, but ghosts as well. Look around you.
“Many of us started off on the wrong foot. Years ago, all of us would have been fighting. Ghosts and ghost catchers would have been at each others throats. This park would have been leveled before I would have a chance to step up here. Now, thanks to his actions, we stand here together in peace, untied as one to celebrate and mourn the death of our hero and friend.
“Numerous eulogies have called their people brave, but Danny had true courage. He faced ghosts that had mastered their powers for years that were far stronger than he was to save his loved ones. He risked his life, his well being, his sanity, to keep others safe. Even when his friends and family died, he continued risking his life for everyone.
“If I ask you to think of a time Danny flew in to save you or your friend, or your family member, I guarantee you can think of at least two. If I ask you to think of a time Danny saved this city or this world, you can think of one. Has he not always been the hero we need?
“Danny was also kind. Despite fighting us ghosts, in the end he heard what we had to say, and put in motion the plans for us to walk here with humans peacefully. He learned to listen to us. He helped us learn how to live with humans. He stood as our ambassador. He cared for everyone here. He cared for everyone so much he risked all he had and gave all he could.
“And yesterday, Danny finally gave everything.”
With that, Ghost Writer picked up his sheet of paper and stepped away. A human stepped up to the podium and began to speak her tales of Danny’s, heroics.
Clockwork barely listened. He knew what was going to be said. He knew everyone in the crowd was either brimming with tears, or crying rivers. He knew how much Danny meant to everyone in Amity Park, how much his acts of bravery meant to everyone. And he knew how much Danny meant to anyone that had actually known him.
As speaker after speaker came up and recounted their experiences with Danny, Clockwork merely sighed. An ache in the back of his heart that he had long since become familiar with gradually began to grow. He did not cry, no. But his heart ached all the same.
Eventually, Pandora and Princess Dora walked up, carefully lifting his casket into the ground. Clockwork felt a sharp pang in his heart as the last remnants of Danny were placed and buried. The last bit of his friend was gone. No amount of time manipulation would change that. All Clockwork had now were memories and photographs.
People throughout the crowd began to wail and cry. Undergrowth moved up to Danny’s grave and held a hand over it, causing a small bunch of flowers to bloom.
He caught sight of Dan trying to hide himself wiping a small burning ember out of his eye. “Don’t tell me you actually cared for the boy.”
Dan glanced over in irritation. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“It’s not wise to hide from your emotions, Daniel. It causes more harm than good. You should know that.”
“It’s Dan. And I found him interesting, alright? Most interesting guy I ever knew. Now he’s gone, and I have find something else.” Dan promptly crossed his arms and looked at Clockwork, arching an eyebrow. “What about you? You were closer to Danny. Why aren’t you crying?”
He pulled out the photo of Danny’s selfie with him again. In it, Danny was grinning as he placed his head next to Clockwork, who was staring at the camera with just a hint of surprise. Danny looked so young. The ache worsened. In time, he knew it would ease until it was all but gone. But until then, this photo would join the others on his console at the clock tower.
Clockwork closed his eyes again. “In some ways, you and Danny were closer than he and I could ever hope to be.” A moment to breath. To level his voice. To ease the ache. “I’ve known this day was coming for a long time. Before Danny and I ever met. You could say...
“I’ve already done most of my grieving.”
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palettepainter · 3 years
Part of the family
Idk what Ecto’s birth name is so I’m going to have his parents/other characters refer to Ecto as Ekuto. It translates to ecto in Japanese, real creative but I’ll use it as his birth name till we get a cannon one confirmed
Higari scratched at the collar of his shirt, and then tugged uncomfortably at the waist of his trousers
“I’m really not used to wearing this monkey suit..” he said mostly to himself, looking down at his blazer he’d dusted off from his cupboard. Higari only owned one formal suit, and only ever wore it on rare occasions. Even after spending so many years teaching at UA and attending so many events or interviews, he’d never gotten used to all this fancy shmancy stuff.
“Well you look very handsome in one~” Ecto stood near by in the hotel room comparing bow ties, one hand on his hip and other on his chin. He too was also in a suit, the two both dressed up for a night out at a formal party event. The two had been invited as guests to a charity event by Ecto’s parents, who where two key supports of said event. Really they where attending as undercover security, so obviously they had to fit the part
Higari peered over to his husband, gave him a cheeky glance up and down before walking over. “You don’t look half bad yourself” he said with a lazed smirk, hand snaking it’s way over and around Ecto’s hips. Ecto hummed again him, raising one brow before he lifted up a red bow. “Hm..how about this one?” He asked
Higari shrugged “You know suits better then me, not like I got any clue which bow goes with what dress shirt”
“Oh stop it” Ectoplasm said, kneeling down to help tie the bow in place. With Higari’s altered finger tips it made things like tying bows all the more challenging, thankfully Ecto was skilled in the art and had the bow on Higari in a matter of seconds “You look wonderful!” he straightened out his blazer, and for good measure, nuzzled his nose on Higari’s forehead in the form of a kiss “Besides, it’s only for a few hours. When we get back you can change into something more comfortable”
“Or waddle around naked” Higari suggested, waiting eagerly to see Ecto’s reaction. Knowing it was oh so easy to get Ecto flustered
Ecto hummed, as if pretending to think it over, managing to remain calm before the corner of his mouth crinkled up into a smile “Hm..maybe~” Higari’s trade mark grin spread across his face with a giggle. Ecto tried to keep cool even if the face of his husbands adorable little laugh “But lets save that for after the party. I don’t want you causing mischief”
Higari hummed, humoured, sensing a challenge. Expertly he sauntered his way over and looped his arms around Ecto from behind, pressing his face into the small of Ecto’s back “Hm, are you calling me a bad boy?~”
Ecto turned as best he could to peer down at Higari, his brow cocked in amusement at his antics, struggling to keep a neutral tone despite how flustered he was actually feeling from Higari’s flirting - the sneaky mink “I won’t hesitate to put you in your place if that’s what you’re implying”
Ecto could tell Higari had one of those smiles on his face, but before Higari could say anymore Ecto pried his arms off him. Higari let out a small whine, disappointed the fun was over “However, we do have a charity event to get to” he said while releasing Higari’s hands, pulling on his blazer that he hung on the chair. Higari crossed his arms, hiding a pout behind his fringe “Mn, yeah I guess so..”
“Don’t whine” Ecto said, mocking a tone a mother would use with a child. “..It won’t be that bad” he reassured while looking himself over in the small mirror by the cupboard “They’ll be food and drinks, and all we have to do is mingle and be prepared if something calls for us to step in”
“Mm, yeah I guess” Higari said
He joined Ecto over at the door before the two walked out together into the hall. Higari had been to a few arguably fancy events, the fanciest it ever got at UA where interviews with the press outside UA grounds, or the UA prom for the third years, that was about it. Don’t get him wrong, Higari still preferred a pair of joggers to a suit and bow, but alas he’d signed up for this when he became a teacher at UA. As much as he didn’t like formal events, too crowded for his liking, they had to set a good example for UA
And going to a formal event with Ecto made it bearable.
Upon arriving at the venue the first thing he noticed was how bright everything was, didn’t help his sensitive eye sight. He tried to not let it bother him as he and Ecto stepped out of their car and made their way inside to a large main room where all the guests where gathered. Thank god Ecto was tall, at the very least he could navigate this maze, Higari couldn’t see over the top of all the other guests even if he tried! After checking in with the rest of the security and into the main hall Ecto grabbed for Higari’s hand
“Lets go and wait over at the side” Ecto said, already making his way through the crowd with Higari on his tail towards the side of the room, where the two where somehow able to find an unoccupied table in the sea of people. “Didn’t think it’d be this busy” Higari said while observing the room, he couldn’t help but feel a little weird - being in such a decorated room with all these fancy rich people.
“Me too” Ecto said, returning to the table with two wine glasses. “Regardless, we should try and enjoy ourselves” he handed Higari a glass, which he accepted with a small nod of thanks. He swigged it down in a swift gulp, Ecto blinked, taken a back. “Careful there..” he teased, drinking lightly from his own glass. “Sorry Ecto” Higari said, placing his glass back down onto the table “Big events like this always make me nervous..” he admitted, if it was anyone else other then Ecto he wouldn’t have shared such a personal fear
“It’s alright, just remember it’s only for a few hours. And if nothing goes wrong we may be allowed to leave early”
Higari hummed in reply, one hand tapping on the table while he idly glanced about the room, trying to see if their was anything else in here other then a crowd of bustling people. With his hair brushed aside it made seeing things a bit more easier, which is why it didn’t take him long to recognise an approaching face in the crowd.
“Angel!” Mrs. Kurōn, Ecto’s mother, happily emerged from the crowd and rushed over as quickly as she could towards the table, Ecto already standing from his chair to greet her. “Oh I’m so happy you two could make it!” She said, greeting Ecto with a quick hug before she looked to Higari “It’s so nice to see some familiar family faces! - and Higari, it’s lovely to see you could make it too dear!”
“Evening Mrs. Kurōn” Higari said, waving his hand. Despite having already met Ecto’s parents he was still a little shy around them, maybe it was added nervousness of the fancy party making him feel particular shy, he wasn’t sure.
“Where’s dad?” Ecto asked, looking around to try and identify his other parent “I haven’t see him yet, he’s not with you?”
“Your father is catching up with some old work colleagues” Mrs. Kurōn answered while she straighten out Ecto’s tie, smiling at the dorky spotty pattern he’d chosen. “I doubt he’ll be too long” she said “He’s a social butterfly, I’m sure you’ll bump into him at some point - you remember Mister Zeikin?”
Ecto thought for a moment before his eyes widened with realisation “Yes I remember, didnt dad say he was one of his old team members before you and him married? He came round for dinner a few times”
His mother nodded “Yes he was, he’s the one who helped organise the decorating for this event. Oh! And you remember Megumi? She’s here too!”
“Megumi?..” Ecto repeated, thinking once again before he smiled “I haven’t seen her since..god it must have been at our prom party at UA” he said, my how time flied. Higari looked to and from between them, not understanding who they where talking about but obviously seeing that Ecto must have clearly known of them “Seems like centuries ago doesn’t it? I still have those prom photos laying about somewhere at home” Mrs. Kurōn suddenly gasped, and put a hand on Ecto’s shoulder “Why don’t we go over and see them? You two where good friends back at UA, I’m sure she’d be very surprised to see you again!”
“Hm..well, mum-“ Ecto looked back towards Higari, who sensing Ecto’s worries raised his hand “Don’t worry about me, you can leave me alone for ten minutes” Higari smiled and gestured away “Go mingle, tell Mr. Kurōn I said hi”
“Are you sure?” Ecto repeated, clearly not convinced. “You could always come with us” Higari again simply repeated his gesture “I’ll be fine! I’m a grown man, don’t worry. Sides-“ he shrugged “I don’t her, I wouldn’t know what to say. I’d just be awkward”
“Hm..” Ecto threw a glance over his shoulder to the crowd and then to his mother, who smiled wider. He hummed again “..Well” his worry melted away, a relieved smile coming to his face “Alright then!” He turned around, his mother leading the way “I won’t be long!” He called to Higari just as they got swept up into the crowd. Higari waved goodbye until Ecto and Mrs. Kurōn was out of sight, guess it was just him now.
Thirty minutes passed, and Higari restrained himself from glancing down to his watch again.
“Hm..Ecto’s been gone a while” he said to the empty table, one hand holding his face while the other fiddled with the salad fork. Busying himself with tinkering away at one of his inventions was off the table with the current location he was in, he figured it wouldn’t be very ‘proper’ of him to suddenly start rebuilding a toaster in front of all these guests. Not like he needed to give them a reason to stare. “Maybe I’ll see what there is to eat” he suggested, sliding off his chair as he tried to locate the food table.
These kinds of parties always had the weirdest foods, and always in such small servings, Higari could never wrap his head around it. He’d hoped there’d be something at this food table that would satisfy his hunger until they could back to the hotel room, where he’d already decided he’d order the most greasiest take out junk food if this party food ended up being like all the rest. Reaching the table he was glad he kept his expectations low, as expected all the food was tiny, bowls of expertly prepared salads, a board full to the brim with cheeses, beautiful made sushi pieces, rice cakes - nothing he hadn’t seen before at fancy events.
Thinking it was better then nothing he picked up a plate and two rice cakes “Guess this’ll do” he muttered, and tried to make his way back towards his table...key word being try. Trying to navigate his way back from point B to A was harder then he thought, finding a needle in a hay stack seemed easier then this! With a snort he gave up on his mission, and instead made himself comfy on one of the balconies overlooking the venues garden, which was also lighted and decorated appropriately to match with the main hall.
He picked up a rice cake and munched into it, blinking slowly - god this was boring. At this rate he was starting to wish something would happen that required security to step in, at least that would give him something to do..
“Excuse me?”
Higari hummed, mouth full of rice cake as he turned to the owner of a voice. A fairly sizeable man stood at the entrance back inside the building, his shirt looked just a bit too tight over the skin of his stomach, his eyes looked at Higari with a somewhat studying look. It made Higari feel fidgety. He quickly swallowed his mouthful, trying to discreetly wipe his mouth to get rid of any rice that stuck onto his face “Uh, did you need something?” He asked, turning back up to the man who approached with a hum
“By chance are you..Higari?”
Higari rose a suspicious brow under his hair but tried to keep his suspicion hidden “Yes” he answered. The man stood next to Higari with a look he couldn’t place his finger on, there was something about it he didn’t like. It made a sickly familiar feeling of worry present inside him. His lips where pulled back into a smile, at least, Higari thought it was a smile - despite how it gave him the unfortunate impression that it was forced “Hm, my I didn’t think I’d get to see the man himself..” the man peered down at Higari for a long moment, as though he was a specimen under a microscope, it made Higari shudder
“I’m sorry, but I don’t think I know you..”
“I’m Mister Zeikin” the man seemed to puff out his chest, as if to symbolise his importance or his name was a grand title. Zeikin? That name sounded familiar “Hm..Oh yeah” Higari nodded lightly “Ecto’s m-Uh..Mrs Kurōn told me you where talking with her husband” the man nodded, turning his gaze to the horizon, one hand lightly swirling the wine in his glass. “Hm yes yes, my dear friend Akarui, known to you as Mr Kurōn, mentioned you when his wife and son came over.” He took an unhurried sip of his drink, eyes admiring his glass once he was finished “And I just had to see if his words held true”
Higari still didn’t understand, but the man was soon turning back to look at him before he could remain confused for much longer “Well done, Higari. You truly are a fascinating man” he praised warmly “So very charming from what I hear of, and sweeping Ekuto off his feet. Lucky him indeed”
Higari felt surprisingly flattered at the praise, growing sheepish at this flood of compliments. He awkwardly rubbed at his neck, smiling regardless “...Well, thank you.”
“But of course!” Zeikin pressed “Its astonishingly brave that you can be so open with displaying such affections..” His gaze slowly returned to Higari, his eyes lingering on him, a glint in his eye. “...Well, all things considered”
Higari bristled, though the man was still smiling, Higari felt attacked at the way he’d worded his sentence. His eyes narrowed “..Whats that supposed to mean?” He asked, leaning his head back to peer up at him.
Zeikin took another slow sip from his drink, smooth and slow as though Higari’s suspicion wasn’t noticeable. He had an air of confidence around him, as he turned back down to Higari “My fine fellow I mean no ill will. I’m sure you are a very...adorable lover” he offered politely “I just can���t help but think about the insecurities that come with the role”
“...Insecurities??” Higari blinked, his cheeks heating up “Theres nothing about our relationship that-“
“You’re from country aren’t you?” That cursed smile finally dropped, his tone all of a sudden flat “It leads a man to wonder just how it is Akarui’s son ever settled for..” Higari didn’t like the look he was giving him, regarding him with the same interest someone may give a piece of gum on the sidewalk “..someone so inferior”
“I...” Higari tried to bite back his temper, he’d hate himself if he lost his temper at an event that was so important to Ecto’s parents. He’d never forgive himself. He tried to take a calming breath, tried to think of happy things, but his insecurities - insecurities this man had targeted - they began to mock him, making his anger rise more. “That’s not any of your business sir” Higari tried to say without growling
“Ah, but it is” the man insisted with detached happiness, as though he was talking with a child. Higari stiffened “You see, Akarui and his family are dearly close to me, despite his.. imbecility” he casted a side ways scowl off into the distance “I would simply hate for something to taint their families image. Wouldn’t you agree?” He looked back down to Higari, who remained frozen, not seeming able to move, his legs not responding to his mind telling him to just walk away. Turn around and walk away! But he couldn’t, he felt offended, how dare he even think Ecto would view him that way!
Ecto would never!...r-right?..
“Ecto would never think of me that way” Higari was now furious, and it was becoming increasingly hard to keep his cool
“Oh well of course he wouldn’t” Zeikin held up his hand, trying to appear passive, and fixing Higari with a look that dropped with artificial sympathy “The dear Kurōn family are far too polite to ever show such disbain openly.”
“...I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about” Higari managed to conjure words despite still being paralysed, face hot, eyes shiny. “They wouldn’t-..” he corrected himself “Don’t think of me that way”
“Hm, perhaps” Zeikin nodded, peering skyward, not meeting Higari’s eyes. “Perhaps I am wrong, perhaps my years of knowledge through being their work colleague and associate do not mean a thing at all to you, perhaps the idea they may look at you differently is so foreign to you. You play the role very well, I commend you!” He gestured towards Higari with a titled head “Dressing up in that fancy suit, attending a formal gathering such as this, all for an attempt to fit in with a crowd not meant to house someone of your background. Yet, you try anyway. How very brave of you”
Higari’s throat suddenly felt tight, eyes stinging as tears swelled in the corners “Are you...mocking me?” His voice was shaky, something fragile behind the front he tried to put up.
“Heavens no” he looked offended at Higari’s weak question, scoffing “Conformity happens with everyone, I just find...amusement in your particular case.” He smiled, teeth an all, eyes narrowed cruelly at Higari, who looked timid. “To think you ever thought someone like you would ever be accepted.”
Higari stumbled back a foot, breathing going funny as he desperately tried to think of a response-
“I do hope we aren’t interrupting anything important.”
Higari startled, almost falling over his own feet. Behind him, standing less then three feet away was Akarui, Ectoplasms father. Brows creased like gathering thunder heads, mouth pressed into a thin frown with his arms crossed, not looking impressed. Behind him just off of the balcony, just looking to have caught up, was Ecto and Mrs Kurōn. At the sight of Ecto Higari flinched, curling up and looking away. Akarui’s look softened, concerned, before he fixed the business man across from his with a withering glare.
“I do hope you have a good explanation for this, Zeikin.” His eyes narrowed “For your sake.”
The man looked to do a double take, blinking “Ah, Akarui” his calm facade still held, but it was obvious the man standing behind Higari was not falling for it, cocking a bold brow. “So..wonderful you could join us” he smiled, walking closer. Akarui stepped forward without hesitation to shield Higari from view with his taller stature. Higari glanced up to him in confusion, blinking back tears
“We where simply having a talk amongst men” He assured, but Akarui’s frown only deepened. “It didn’t soundthat way” he stated, not subtly at all. Zeikin looked to him as though he’d been slapped, as Ecto and Mrs Kurōn hurried their way over.
“Higari? Are you okay?” Ecto asked, crouching down slightly to be at eye level with Higari, sensing almost instantly that something was wrong. Higari flinched away when Ecto reached for him, and he felt guilty immediately after. “Higari?..” Ecto said quietly, his hand lowering
Zeikin offered his colleague a grin, one that looked too wide “Whatever are you talking about Akarui?” He glanced down to Higari who Akarui stood in front of, he shot Zeikin a warning glare while Higari tried to hide himself from the mans sight. “It was but a simple conversation, a time for me to air some..thoughts on your..” Zeikin looked to be struggling to find the right words, everyone’s eyes (minus Higari’s) all on him.
“..new acquaintance-“
Akarui slapped away the others hand that was gesturing to Higari, eyes boring into him with a look that could kill. Zeikin baffled, pulling his hand back to him while fixing Akarui with a scowl. “I will have you know, that acquaintance you are referring to, has a name.” Zeikin opened his mouth to repomand Akarui for daring to hithim, but Akarui beat him to the punch, not giving him time to find his words.
“And he, Higari, happens to be my sons romantic other, and my son in law” he said sternly, loosing patience, what little of it had left for the fat cat before him.
Zeikin looked caught off guard, not expecting that kind of powerful reply from his work partner. He rose an unimpressed brow, fixing him with an equally icy look, Akarui failed to cower even as Zeikin took a step closer. “How very noble of you Akarui. Always playing the role of hero infront of your son aren’t you” he whispered, Akarui growled, a warning. “Can’t help but want to defend those who feel..out of place-“
Ecto had heard clearly what had been said, his mother gasping quietly. Ecto sneered, and leapt to speak-
“Perhaps I am not making myself clear enough.” Akarui stated calmly, closing his eyes “Allow me to say this once. Nicely.”
White, powerful light suddenly burst from Akauri’s eyes, like the birth of a new star. His eyes glowed hot with the heat of the sun, the light pouring from his eyes startling Zeikin, his own scared reflection staring back at him from Akauri’s empty white eyes. “My sons happiness, means everything to me and my wife. If you ever dare to try and intervene with that again, or try to approach Higari again..” he narrowed his eyes, his eyes glowing brighter, making him appear imposing, powerful. Eventually, Zeikin looked away, accepting defeat “You will be answering to me.”
Akarui blinked, and the light vanished, his cold merciless glare remaining as he fixed Zeikin with another deep frown “Do I make myself clear?”
“Good” Akarui said, his tone to the point. “...I think it’d be better if you took your leave Zeikin” Akarui stepped aside and tilted his head over towards the entrance back inside the building.
Zeikin looked stuck, refusing to admit his loss, he straightened his tie and stood up straight - pretending as though his scare mere minutes ago hadn’t happened “Hm..Yes, maybe I will.” He dusted off his arm, acting aloof “Company in the main hall will be far better then wi-“
“No” Mrs Kurōn, who had remained quite until now fixed the man with her own scowl, Ecto doing the same with his arms wrapped around Higari. “We think you should leave” she repeated. Even Higari was taken aback by her sudden shift in tone, not knowing the gentle women could be capable of sounding angry. Zeikin gawked, working his jaw and looking rapidly between the two, waiting for one of them to admit it was a joke.
“...Hurry along” Akarui said, tilting his head again towards the building, not flinching even as Zeikin got dangerously close to his face to glare at him. Akarui remained standing where he was, before Zeikin, with a small snort, hurried off back inside and out of sight
Akarui let out a breath, shoulders slumping.
“Higari are you okay?” Ecto’s hands cupped Higari’s cheeks, noticing how his eyes looked teary, his worry grew ten fold at the sight as his heart plummeted at seeing him so sad “He didn’t try anything did he?” Ecto shook his head “I shouldn’t have left you alone!..”
“N-No no!” Higari waved his hands, taking Ecto’s hands away from his face as he tried to desperately rid the tears that where close to pouring down his cheeks. “I’m- I-I’m fine, he just..don’t worry about it” Ecto didn’t look convinced, nor did his mother, who’s eyes widened when she caught sight of a single tear falling down his face. “Oh honey..” she quickly pulled a tissue out of her small bag and held it out to him, just as Higari sniffled, the dams beginning to break.
“Come on” Ecto gently held Higari’s hand, the feeling of something familiar, something tender and soft helped calm his racing heart beat. He accepted the tissue, drying his eyes, overcome with embarrassment at being seen crying of all things - he’d only ever cried in front of Ecto and his family back in the country. “Let’s head back inside” Ecto stood and began to guide Higari back towards the building “No point in staying out in the cold”
An hour had passed, Higari was now a little calmer.
He currently sat in the buildings parking lot, having some air, he needed to have a moment to himself to calm down and gather his thoughts. He felt ashamed, feeling to need to walk out of the party to properly calm down. Ecto and his mother had both been understanding aside from their worry, offering to come and keep him company - which he’d politely declined.
And though quite it was around him in the car park, his mind was screaming.
The mans words refused to leave him, and he hated it. He hated how right he was! he hated how out of place he felt just being near a place so fancy and posh, he hated how that small self conscious part of him constantly felt the need to prove his worth when around Ecto’s family, to prove he was more then just some..grungy looking engineer
Higari pulled his head from his hands and peered up to the side “..Mister Kurōn?” Mr Kurōn walked over to him but kept some space between them for Higari’s sake “I’m sorry, would you mind if I had a word?” He asked, pointing to the space on the edge of the pathway Higari was sitting on. Higari blinked “Uh, sure?” He said
Smiling Mr Kurōn took a place on the floor next to him, arms propped up behind him as he peered up into the sky, as if looking for stars. Higari gave him a sideways glance, before slowly looking away, tensing up, he really hoped he hadn’t come to talk about what had happened
“...How..” Higari nervously cracked his fingers, an old habit he’d developed since he was at UA. He didn’t want to talk about what had happened, but there was one thing he wanted to know “...How much did you hear?..”
Higari chewed his gum, all of sudden very interested in the floor as he avoided making eye contact with the older man.
“Higari?” Mr Kurōn was the first to break the silence, finally turning to Higari “May I ask you a..personal question?” He asked, watching Higari’s reaction carefully to make sure he didn’t step on a nerve. Higari turned to him, raising a brow “...Okay?” He said, slightly unsure
Mr Kurōn hummed, looking away again “...I don’t think there’s any way I can put this lightly” he admitted, Higari felt nervous at that. Mr Kurōn turned back to Higari and narrowed his eyes just a tiny bit, trying to read Higari as though he was a book. Higari felt his shoulders tense, after what had happened he’d been put off curious or studying gazes, and probably would be put of them for a while-
“Are you scared of me?”
Higari’s brain buffered, not quite understanding the question at first. Mr Kurōn said nothing, not removing his eyes from Higari as he waited for an answer. “.....Uh, well-“ Higari scratched at his neck “I don’t think- I...I wouldn’t say scared..” Higari admitted quietly, hand moving to tug at some strands of hair “I just..Uh..Well, I wanna make sure I don’t..” Higari’s tone became close to a mumble, yet Mr Kurōn continued to be patient “I just...really don’t want you two to be disappointed, I guess. I mean-..I don’t know the first thing about all...this” he gestured to his suit “I can’t make heads or tails or fancy of cocktails or caviar! A work bench and tools, a construction sight and mapping out underground tunnels, machine parts and dirty oil rags- those things I get!”
Higari had only opened up his worries about Ecto’s parents to Ecto himself, but before he knew was what happening, his worries where spilling from his mouth before he could stop them.
“And when I found you’d sent me an invite to this event too, I was...I didn’t want you to be..” Higari looked ashamed to even finish his sentence, and sheepishly turned his head away from Mr Kurōn to try and hide from his gaze “E-Embarressed by me..what that guy, Uh, Zeikin said. I..I hate to admit it but, most of what he said, ‘bout me being...insecure...most of it, held..some truth”
After he was finished there was a lengthy silence, then Mr Kurōn hummed, Higari tugged harder at his hair “.....Ekuto, he always tells us how happy you make him” he smiled, peering off at nothing before he smiled down at Higari “In school, at UA, I don’t think he had many friends” he said, shrugging “He didn’t really talk about it much with me and his mother, he always assured he had friends but, never wanted them round....Then you came along!” His smile widened, the light seeming to come back to his face “You where the first person from school that seemed to have changed him for the better! He was always so happy when he came back from school each day, after spending it with the mysterious friend he had”
Another pause
“...Do you make Ekuto happy?” He asked, looking to Higari.
Higari wasn’t sure if this was a trick question, so answered with a nervous “I...I like to think I do”
“You think?” Mr Kurōn titled his head “Or you know?”
“....I know” Higari said “...I really want to make Ecto happy, I try to keep him happy!”
Mr Kurōn seemed pleased with that answer “Then why would we want you to be some else?” He asked, leaning forward.
Higari’s eyes widened, his eyes darting up to him to see if what he had said was genuine. Mr Kurōn held nothing but honesty on his face, no trace of a facade or act anywhere, just..a genuine smile
he rose his brow at Higari, as if his thought on the matter should have been obvious.
“..I-I..” Higari tripped over his words, stuttering like a fool “I-I-..I-Uh..T-That’s-“
“You have nothing to prove Higari” Mr Kurōn insisted, saying the words he knew Higari needed to hear - and probably wanted to hear for a long time. He placed his hand on Higari’s shoulder, giving him a friendly shake “You are very easily likeable!”
If Higari’s eyes had been wide before, now they had shot open to the size of plates. Turquoise pupils staring at Mr Kurōn in shock, mouth hung open in a small o shape, causing Mr Kurōn to chuckle a little. Higari’s mouth snapped shut, realising he must have been gawking in his surprise. “Uhm-that’s-“ Higari turned away, feeling embarrassed, praying it wasn’t as obvious as if felt “T-Thank you..”
“You’re welcome”
Me Kurōn stood to his feet, stretching his arms out above his head before they flopped to his side, hands resting in his pockets “Hm..I think I’ve had enough of parties for one evening” He stated, looking down to Higari who craned his neck just to peer up at him. “Why don’t we all go out, get some proper food - my treat!” He said “...It’s the least I could do to make up for what happened. I can assure you, Zeikin will not be hosting business with us any time soon”
He offered out a hand “Come on, let’s not hang around in the cold. Besides-“ he looked back in the direction of the building “Ecto is starting to get worried, I’m sure you know at this point how he can be when worried”
....Higari chuckled, letting Mr Kurōn help pull him to his feet “Yeah” he said with a nod “He can be a bit of a worry wort” he admitted with a laugh, Mr Kurōn joining in lightly.
One meal later and drinks down at a small pub and Higari was feeling more like himself, the way he’d always tense up when Ecto’s parents so much as looked his way vanished entirely, for the whole evening he seemed to forget all about trying to uphold a certain image in front of them. He’d had a drink, he’d ordered what he wanted, he’d taken off his bow and untucked his shirt - and he’d had fun!
He and Ecto returned to the hotel room, and flopped back tiredly onto the hotel bed in sync “Well..” Ecto said, eyes on the ceiling “That was...something” he said. Higari hummed, eyes closed behind his frazzled hair, he’d given up trying to keep it neat once they’d all gone out for food. Shyly, Ecto peered down to his partner, nagging guilt knawing at his consciousness “Higari I...I’m so sorry about what ha-“
He was silenced when Higari had lazily shuffled his way up the bed and smashed a kiss confidently to Ecto’s lips. Half of Ecto’s next words where muffled into the kiss, body jolting on the bed before he kissed back. Higari pulled away, leaving Ecto wide eyed, red faced and panting
“Ecto...” Higari let himself become comfy on top of Ecto’s chest, nuzzling his nose into the crook of his neck as he let out a sigh “I’m fine, really” he said “You don’t have to worry about me all the time..” he reassured, still half sprawled ontop of him while Ecto peered to him “B-But-“
Higari gently pressed a finger to Ecto’s mouth “Shhhh..” he gently shushed him, his eyelids feeling heavy as his body registered how tired he was from the night out “We’re good Ecto, I’m good, you’re parents are good..” he slowly slid off Ecto’s chest, curling up into his side like a puppy, his body unconsciously seeking out Ecto’s warmth “In fact, despite what happened..” Higari smiled up at his boyfriend “...I really enjoyed tonight!”
Ecto blinked, not used to seeing Higari act so soft, but a tender smile soon took its place on his face “...I’m glad” his hand moved to Higari’s hair, sweeping aside his fringe to peer down into Higari’s half lidded sleepy eyes. He pressed another one of his kisses to Higari’s cheek, his heart jumping in his chest at the giggle Higari let out
He pressed another kiss to Higari’s other cheek, Higari let out a snicker.
Ecto pressed one of his kisses to Higari’s nose, Higari bit his lip to try and stifle his laughter.
Ecto then moved to Higari’s neck, where he knew he was terribly sensitive. So when he nuzzled his face into the crook of his neck, Higari let out an honest god squeal from shock - Ecto could hardly contain himself as he chuckled, before counting his nuzzling assault on his small husband who cackled and tried to escape Ecto’s death trap hug “Ectooo!~”
Maybe people like Zeikin would have his opinions, no questions there: but you know what, if Ecto and his parents loved him the way he was
Why should he care anyway??
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