#obsessive mf 4 obsessive mf
helianthus21 · 1 month
Armand: maybe I'll even grow bored and forget you exist entirely
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liaisun · 3 months
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the only way i can express my feelings after reading son nefes
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kikigeh · 10 months
Want to know how I know Frozen 3 will most definitely not be great? The announcement of a Frozen 4.
The problem with Frozen 2 was that it had many, many ideas and they attempted, and utterly failed, to condense them into one singular linear story; the problem with Frozen 3 is that they "have so many ideas" that they realized they can't realistically condense them into one singular movie so their solution to "not repeat a frozen 2" is to instead push for ALL ideas to move forward which in turn has given them an overly lengthy cut.
Watching Frozen 1 in cinemas for the first time in a long while really reminded me how Frozen worked because it was very very simple and most of its heart was in the two "main" characters and how they navigated through life after a horrendous situation they were put through.
The heart of Frozen is not all the mystical and mythical elements that they can't get enough of attempting to push, hell, the most compelling part of Elsa as a character was just how raw and human she felt DESPITE having otherworldly powers.
I truly don't know which road they're taking the franchise through, but if the podcast and the books that have come out are anything to go by, it's straying way too far from what made the first movie compelling and enjoyable: its freaking simplicity.
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gigifluidcat · 3 months
I am both ashamed and honored to tell you all that I am the ONLY Nate Howard simp in the world. You may give me all the cookies and throw all the tomatoes.
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original video: 'Being a Jerk in Fallout 4's DLC' - ICEnJAM
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teatinker · 1 year
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Some Fallout 4 doodles I did in a whiteboard (featuring my B OYFRIEND’S OC)
Gonna try and draw some stuff I feel comfortable posing??? Been drawing a lot of self insert shit recently I love Kent sm
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rabid-citrus · 2 months
assorted ouppet + some of their fangame pals (horrifically distorted by my silly headcannons) things
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relatabletrait · 10 months
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bear got promoted!!!
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sleepitawaydear · 1 year
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tunnelsnacks · 2 years
hi! I finished binging all of "The Noble Lie", and I want you to know that you've tripled the feelings I already had for Deacon, and that I'm now going to finish my playthrough (the like, fiftieth) having only him as my stable companion.
I absolutely loved the stuff tho, and I can't wait to read more of it! the sweet moments gave me life.
Oh dios mio…. I haven’t rewritten like 80% of those yet, I promise I’ve gotten much better at writing (any of em where the sosu’s name is Norah are ones that’ve been gussied up) I saw your kudos this morning and they made my day!
I’m going through and rewriting the ones out from like 2020 before I write anything new (probably) so sorry for the wait but on the bright side any that you reread will be amazing (hopefully)
This was really sweet of you xx thanks for taking the time to send this in, I don’t get a lot of feedback so I worry they’re not that good constantly
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ectospasms · 2 years
why pray tell do I quit every job when being unemployed makes me literally suicidal
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starrysea666 · 2 years
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btsugarush · 10 months
GANGSTA | myg - 004
summary: rough sex, blood money, drugs, and gang related activity; four things you never predicted to experience in your simple life. not until you opened your mouth and caught his attention.
pairings: gang leader!yoongi x f!reader
warnings: smut, gunplay, drugs, drug addiction, dark!yoongi, drug lord!yoongi, strong language, gang violence, blood and gore, murder, manipulation, possessive/obsessive behavior, abuse, cheating, angst, fluff, dubcon, implied noncon (not from yoongi but within his gang with his knowledge), 18+, minors dni.
word count: 3.5K
authors note: yes, it is here. it only took me 76 years lmao. y’all best give me all the love since y’all wanted to be on my ass about this mf. anyway, enjoy the drama. also this was prewritren with the tags a long time ago so if you no longer wanted to be tagged or if you’re new and wanted to be tagged i’m sorry. the taglist got full but i try to switch out who i tag every chapter.
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“Now, are you sure you’re okay? I can personally file a report for you.” Mr. Kim asked for the 6th time. You roll your eyes, fed up with the badgering. You didn’t understand why he cared so much anyway. He was the one that refused to listen to you when you tried to explain why it wouldn’t be a great idea for you to deliver in Gongdan.
You didn’t go into detail about the assault, or even bother to mention Yoongi being the reason it didn’t escalate. You simply just stated to him that you were attacked and managed to slip free.
Luckily for you though, the old man’s guilt for the attack led him to giving you the rest of the day off and you snatched that offer up immediately. Not like he needed your assistance, seeing as the restaurant was practically dead with only about 4 customers. “I’m fine, Mr. Kim. I promise.” You assure him one last time. “Alright then. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow.” You exit the shop, the door dinging as you do. You spot Mina’s car sitting in front of the restaurant, and she smiles cheerfully as you climb inside. “Hey. Thanks for picking me up so early.” You sigh, buckling your seatbelt. “No problem… But why am I picking you up so early? And…” she leans forward, peaking at your ripped shirt. “Why is your shirt ripped?”
You scratch your head, the thought of explaining the situation to Mina made your brain itch. “I had to deliver at the Devil’s playground again, and got attacked.” You kept it short and sweet. Mina’s eyes widened in shock. “What?! Was it that Yoongi guy again?!”
You shake your head. “It wasn’t him, it was this group of guys. Yoongi was actually the one that saved me…” you twiddle with your fingers as your mind wanders about the raven. Mina arches a brow at the gentleness in your voice. “He saved you?” You nod slowly in response. “My god, what does he expect from you now? Sexual favors?”
Of course Mina has to be the most dramatic and think the worst possible thought of everything. “No, he didn’t ask me for any favors. Which I guess is surprising for someone with his track record.” You admit, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. Mina starts up the car, finally moving from the restaurant premises. “Please don’t tell me you’re buddy buddy with that thug now?”
You scoff, letting your eyes roll back. “Of course not! The guy is a criminal, and stalker. I’d never befriend him,” You argue, crossing your arms. Yoongi may have saved you, but you weren’t swayed by his heroic charm. “Anyway, enough about me and my shitty day, it’s too traumatic to talk about. Did you have a talk with Jin like I suggested?” You change the subject. Mina’s face drops at the mention of her boyfriend’s name. “Yeah, we talked for about 2 minutes before it all blew up. Now we’re not on speaking terms,” She sighs. “I think maybe I should break up with him…”
You frown. ‘There she goes being the most dramatic again…’
“Mina, don’t be so damn hasty all the time.” You try to reason with the blonde. “I’m not!” She defended herself. “I’m just tired, y/n. I’m tired of trying to figure him out. I’d rather break up with him before he breaks up with me.”
Mina had never been the girl to get her heart broken. In high school she was the one always doing the heart breaking, so you could tell that it genuinely killed her to love someone as much as she loved Jin, and not know where his head was at regarding their relationship. “I don’t know, Mina… I just know if I was in your shoes with Kookie, I’d try to work things out before I think of the worst possible outcome.”
Mina pouts, but she doesn’t continue to speak. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, you were right. She shouldn’t just jump the gun and break up with Jin. Although he was acting strangely and it was confusing the hell out of her. “You know… I’m jealous of your relationship with Kookie.” She suddenly blurts, causing you to turn to her with a raised brow. “Huh?”
“I’m jealous,” she repeats. “Of you and Jungkook.”
You tilt your head to the side, your eyebrows now scrunched in curiosity. “Why?”
Mina simply shrugs, sitting quietly for a couple of minutes before answering. “You two match, and have an unbeatable connection. You started off as best friends, which played in your favor. I met Jin in the hospital because he had a broken arm. We don’t have the history you and Jungkook have.”
You smile at the compliment towards your relationship, but quickly shake your head. “History isn’t everything. Some people marry their high school sweethearts and breakup. You and Seokjin just need to be mature– or you at least.” Mina whips her head in your direction, her brows furrowed. “What do you mean by ‘or you at least’?”
“I mean that sometimes you’re immature. You tend to freak out when things don’t go your way and storm off like a child.” Mina snarls. “I’m not immature.” She muttered to herself, practically proving your point. The car finally slows down in front of your apartment before coming to a complete stop. “Thanks for the ride again, Mina. I appreciate you.”
“Of course. I’m mature enough to pick up my best friend when she needs me.” She glares, your previous comment still not sitting well with her. You shake your head, paying no mind to her attitude. “Bye, Mina. I hope everything works out with Jin.” You pushed open the car door, climbing out.
“Yeah, you and me both.” She mutters her last words before she waits for you to close the car door, speeding off into the distance with you standing there to watch. You let out a sigh, shrugging. What was the point of her asking for your advice if she was always going to dislike what you had to say?
You turn on your heels, walking up the steps that lead to your building entrance. As you venture down the hall to your apartment, you spot a shaggy haired man placing a bouquet of flowers right in front of your front door. A smile forms your face as you see the one person you longed to see after such a horrendous experience. “Kookie?”
The brunette jumps slightly, your sudden appearance catching him off guard. Once he registers that it’s you, he smiles as well. “Well shit, I wanted to surprise you with something sweet when you got off. Guess that’s a fail.” He scratches the back of his neck, chuckling. You shake your head, instantly embracing him with a hug. “It’s not a fail. I’m so happy to see you.” Even though you pretty much talked on the phone with Jungkook everyday, it felt like you hadn’t seen him in weeks.
Jungkook’s tattooed arms wrap around your waist, returning your gentle embrace. “I’m happy to see you too, angel. What’re you doing home so early though? I thought you weren’t off till 8:00?”
You bit down on your bottom lip. You wanted to start crying right there just thinking about what almost happened to you today. You hadn’t told him about your trip to Gongdan yesterday because you didn’t want him to worry, but now you felt as though he deserved to know this time. “I got attacked today.” You take a step back, showing him your torn shirt. Jungkook looks down, dumbfounded at how he hadn’t clocked your ripped shirt when you first walked in.
“By who?!” He shouts. “If it was Yoongi and his gang I swear to god–”
You shush Jungkook, looking around to make sure none of your neighbors were in the hallway eavesdropping. “Let’s talk about this inside, okay?” The brunette is pissed, but he nods, awaiting for you to open your apartment door. He grabs the flowers from the floor as you dig through your purse for your key. ‘I really need to get a keychain for this thing," you thought, finally finding the piece of metal in your bag.
You open the door, and Jungkook wastes no time storming in. He places the flowers on your kitchen table, pulling out a chair for you to sit and explain yourself. Even though he was angry he still focused on your wellbeing. You close the door, unsure if you really wanted to recite the situation. Too late to change your mind now though.
You shuffle to the seat that Jungkook pulled out for you, plopping down. “So? Was it Yoongi’s doing?”
How do you even begin to explain all of this? Yes, but not really? While Yoongi was the reason you ended up in Gongdan, he isn’t the one that attacked you. But he has taken a weird interest in you ever since the Makoto showdown between you and his trusty stooge. If you told Jungkook that though, he'd just spend every moment trying to protect you and probably do something unnecessary to get himself hurt. You didn’t want that.
So, maybe it was best to embellish the truth a bit and leave Yoongi out of it.
“I had a delivery in Gongdan today. Jimin was out sick, and I was the only one that could deliver it. A group of guys attacked me on my way back to the restaurant.” Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows. “You had a delivery at the devil’s playground and you took it? What the hell were you thinking?”
“I was thinking that I had to do my job. I had no choice, Kookie. Mr. Kim wasn’t letting me out of it. Believe me, I tried.” The brunette scoffed, redirecting his anger to Mr. Kim. “I should go down there and kick that old man’s ass,” He muttered. Jungkook was never too fond of Mr. Kim. He thought the old man could be a bit misogynistic.
“Did they hurt you?” His voice is now more tender. You shook your head. “No. I’m fine,” You assure him. “The only thing that got hurt is my precious shirt.” You laugh a bit, trying to lighten the mood. “Did they just let you go? How’d you get free?” He pressed on.
“Umm…” you trail off, your thoughts once again wandering to the raven haired man.
“So Wonder Woman, you ready to accept that ride today?”
“They got scared off by someone that happened to be walking by. Lucky me, huh?”
Jungkook sighs smoothly, crouching down in front of your chair. He takes your hands in his, interlocking your fingers. “I’m glad you’re okay, y/n. I hate to know you experienced that and I wasn’t there.” He frowns, leering down at your hands. “Jungkook, you’re not gonna be able to be there for everything, and that’s okay. You’re here now, when I need you the most.”
Jungkook looks up at you. “And I’ll stay here.”
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“Please remind me to stop letting you pick out movies. You always pick the cheesiest ones.” Jungkook grimaced as you two reached the end of your movie. You wiped stray tears from your eyes, glaring over at your soon-to-be boyfriend. “The Princess Diaries is a classic. I love it.” Jungkook snorts, shaking his head. “Yeah, well next time I’m picking the movie. Your selection sucks.”
You gasp, taking a pillow from the other end of the couch. “Take that back.” You cock the pillow, ready to deliver a blow. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry… that you’re ass at picking movies.” You swing the pillow down on him, and his hands go up in self defense as he laughs, his back landing on the couch cushions to better protect his face. You take this advantage to straddle the brunette’s waist, continuing your attack until he ultimately surrenders. “Okay, I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” You finally toss the pillow back down to the end of the couch, a victory smirk plastered on your face. “I knew you’d see it my way.”
“Hard not to when I’m being attacked by a pillow.” He looks up at you, still straddling his waist. Jungkook’s hands slowly roam up your legs, stopping to grip your hips. “You’re so beautiful, you know that?” Your cheeks heated up with the compliment, and you felt a sudden wave of warmth between your legs that made you anxious. This was it. There was no better time than this to lose your virginity to Jungkook.
You lean forward, pressing your lips to his pierced ones, the metal was cold against you; Jungkook didn’t hold back, or hesitate the moment your lips were against his. Your mouths moved in sync, but sloppily at the same time as though you both wanted it real bad– and you did. Jungkook’s hands moved from your hips, reaching back to cup your ass in his hands, giving your cheeks a squeeze.
You moaned softly into his mouth, rolling your hips over the rough fabric of his jeans until you felt his cock harden underneath you. Jungkook made sure to assist you, his hands pressing you down harder against his confined length. Your panties were soaked, and your mind was in a daze. You were sure that you had dampened his jeans by now. “Fuck, Y/n…” he muttered in between kisses. “We have to stop before I can’t stop.”
“Then don’t stop, I want this.” You whine, rolling your hips faster. Jungkook moans, eyes squeezing shut. “Fuck, I can’t.” He grabs your hips, forcing you to stop. You take the hint, but you can’t help the pang in your chest. Was there something wrong with you? You didn’t get it. What was he waiting for? You climb off of him, taking your place back on the couch.
It’s silent as Jungkook sits up on the couch, running his fingers through his hair. “Y/n…”
“Save it,” You cut him short. “You don’t want to have sex with me, I get it.” Jungkook shakes his head. “That’s not true. I do.” He argued. You scoff, rolling your eyes. “So then what’s the problem? I’m always practically giving signals that I’m ready and you’re holding back. You have never done that with any girl you’ve dated before me.”
“You’re not any girl I’ve dated before you.”
“Right, I’m y/n, the girl that’s been your best friend for years and the truth is that’s probably all you see me as.” Jungkook says nothing, he doesn’t even bother to argue because that’s just something he hates doing with you. “I uh… I should go.”
“Then go.” You snapped. Jungkook nods, standing up from the couch. As he walks to the front door, he looks back at you. You don’t look his way, you just continue to stare forward. “You’re not any girl I’ve dated before you.” He repeats; those are his final words before he opens the door and leaves.
Your eyes brim with tears as you finally turn, looking towards the table where Jungkook’s bouquet of flowers sat.
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“Well well well, look who made a full recovery today.” You eye Jimin taking orders as you walk into Makoto. Jimin smiles at you, happy to see you in what felt like forever since you two worked together. “Y/n, it’s good to see you too.” He greets. You cross your arms, not in a greeting mood. “I have a bone to pick with you once you’re done here.” You say, walking back to the kitchen to clock in.
“Y/n, good afternoon. How are you feeling today?” Mr. Kim asks you as you grab an apron from the hook, tying the black fabric around your waist. “It’s a Monday, how am I supposed to be feeling?” You speak dreadfully. You barely got any sleep after what happened last night with Jungkook, and now you were at work. Jungkook hadn’t even called or texted you. Not that you wanted him to right now.
“Well, I meant everything that happened yesterday, how are you feeling today?” He reiterates. You grab a time card, swiping it through the clock. “I’m fine, Mr. Kim.” You walk past him, taking a notepad and pen from the cup holder. Jimin walks back into the kitchen, his face suddenly pale like he was ready to puke. Maybe he was sick.
“Hey, um, there’s someone out there at table three that’s requesting for you to take their order.” He says, scratching the back of his neck. You raise a skeptical brow. ‘Requesting me? Could it be Jungkook?’ You thought. Maybe he wanted to talk in person instead of over the phone. You didn’t see why he couldn’t have waited until your shift was over and come to your apartment, but you didn’t argue with the gesture.
“Okay…?” You walk out of the kitchen towards the dining area. As you scope out table three, you don’t see Jungkook, but in fact, Yoongi, Joon, and two other guys you don’t know. That’s why Jimin looked so sickly. You shake your head, sauntering over to their table. “What’re you doing here? Was yesterday not enough?” You snap at Yoongi.
“Nice to see you too,” the raven laughs, leaning back in his chair. “Yesterday is the reason I’m here in person, sweetheart. Wouldn’t want you getting your pretty self into any more trouble in my hood.” He smirked. “You remember my boy Joon, don’t you?”
“Wonder Woman, it’s good to see you again.” You glare at Joon, rolling your eyes. You didn’t have time for this. Yoongi was the last person you cared to see right now, and you definitely never wanted to see Nam-joon again. “So are you here to order something or are you here to be the bane of my existence?”
“Depends… are you on the menu?” He bites his bottom lip, looking you up and down. Joon, and Yoongi’s other two minions snicker and you’ve decided you’ve had enough of this pig fest. “Okay, goodbye.” You turn to head back to the kitchen, but Yoongi stops you by grabbing your wrist. “I’m just joking around, sweetheart. I’m here to ask you something.” You pull your wrist from his grip, turning back to face him. “Ask me what?”
“Well, I’m having this kickback at my place tonight. I want you to slide through.” You scrunch your eyebrows together in confusion. “What on earth would make you think I’d dare to step foot into Gongdan again? And what makes you think I’d go to your shifty ass warehouse?”
“Well, I just thought after my heroism the other day you would want to thank me more properly.” You scoffed. Mina was right. He was expecting some kind of sexual favor from you. “I knew it. You only helped because you thought you could use me later on. I should’ve expected that from someone like you.” You leave their table, making your way back towards the kitchen, but this time Yoongi stands up from his seat to follow you.
“Princess,” He stops you again, his hand grazing your waist, but he doesn’t fully touch you in a manner that came across as though he was trying to respect your boundaries–for once. He steps in front of you, blocking your way to the kitchen. “It’s not like that. I helped you because I wanted to.”
“Is that so? Because it truly didn’t seem like it just a second ago.” You snarled, crossing your arms. The raven makes a “tsk” sound before continuing on. “Sweetheart, if that’s all I wanted from you then I would’ve made you give it to me right there in the alleyway. Regardless of what happened,” His face was stone cold serious. He meant that. You stood silent, not knowing what to say next.
“Listen… sometimes I have these kickbacks, and they’re a vibe, but it would be better if I saw your pretty face there.” His voice is soft, so soft that you didn’t think someone like Yoongi could produce such a tone. “I don’t think it would be a good idea for me to take a bus through Gongdan at night.”
“So don’t. I’ll pick you up.”
You sigh, slowly feeling yourself ready to cave in and you didn’t know why. You literally could not stand this man. He was a stalker for fuck sakes. A criminal. And yet… here you were ready to accept his invitation because of one good gesture, and a sudden softness to his voice. Yoongi’s eyes search for yours until they lock, a smile forming his face. For a moment as you're looking into the raven’s eyes you begin to question is he really the monster he makes people believe? Or is that all for looks?
“Hey, can we get the check please?” A customer calls out. Your eyes snap away from Yoongi’s. You had almost forgotten you were at work. “Look, I have to get back to work. I’ll… I’ll let you know.” You take your notepad, writing down your phone number. As you rip the paper from the pad, you actually begin to question your sanity. You hand the paper to Yoongi, his lips tilting in a sly smirk as he takes it.
“I look forward to hearing from you, princess.”
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@everestwho @sukonsukuna @ejaeee @oppa-agust-d @softlore23 @empty-and-nameless @darkphoenix5037 @agustdsslutt @nepheleindreamland @pennyellee @fairy-jojo @mysweetpianoo @elodieeluvsjk @acquiescence804 @niamscraic @secfir @judebellinghamswife @prettybitxc @forevercarpediem227 @noraaaru @bangtanxcoffee @pamzn @addictedtohobi @bex-92br @mindairy @milomai19 @wolfvmin @wertaix @hanadulset714 @honeynicoole @catlove83 @polipiper @sophiroth @kooslilhoe @legit-min-yoongi-trash-tho @guesswhatimthinking @cynicalbitch666 @cuntessaiii @aloverga @slut4jeon @mamidescarada @officialholyagua @wobblewobble822 @purest-expressionofgrief @multiasf @annacroft23114 @digitalstalker @sugaslittlekookies @rosquilleta @kooksbunnnn
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old-skulls · 2 years
love the way fallout 4 factions work. my girl does barely anything for a quest and someone goes yo you wanna help us? and she goes Nah. Bye
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honestlywynter · 8 months
Stop Obsessing Over The Void And Subliminals (kinda rude rant)
as a person who started interest in the loa in late 2020 discovering subliminals. LOA is simple, idk why it took me 4 years to understand. manifesting is easy.
if you have struggles with manifesting. don't panic imma help you from being like me 😜.
1. Realize you are in control
Stop STOP and i mean fucking STOP. Giving the void and subliminals so much fucking power and bitching about it " OH MY GOSH i didnt enter the void wtf am i gonna doooo 😪 " or " THE SUBLIMINAL SAID 5 Seconds and it would work where is my SP? "
like gorl u sound desperate as fuckkkkk lol
but heres how we change this. first the problem is YOU. why the fuck you depending on some tool? thats like me depending on my feet to make my decisions and getting mad when my feet dont say shit back to me. LOL
but no you just need to strengthen your self concept. you can do this BYYYYY
- repeating affirmations during the day
- changing your thoughts
- Rampages
- &&&& Drumroll pleaaaaseeeee .... 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
Sleep affirmations. they slip into your consciousness at night :)....At the end i will link my FAVORITE VIDEOS, for the self concept.
oh shit you thought this was gon be long huh? no bookie its just two things. better your self concept and start manifesting. NOW i am gonna some tips.
stop giving the 3d power when you make the 3d...
you start your day saying " oh i have my ideal body im soooo freaking happy i finally did it, like i been x pounds for everrr and i love my body "
and then the second you look in the mirror you like " damn bruh i wish i had my ideal body "
cause like why tf did you just ruin your fucking manifestation, why did you fucking react????
When you look in that mirror this is what they mean by " old story ".
Instead, look in the mirror and close your eyes and imagine your ideal body, or just deny it. " who the fuck is that in the mirror, gorll ik thats not me cause i got my ideal body ive had it since 1823 "
dont let your thoughts rule u, u rule them. if you are in public and think " omg they looking at me cause think im big" NO dont do that...
instead say
" Girl they looking at me bc i got my ideal body, and i been had it since a baby in da tummy ahh"
exactly change that mindset. thats it. all you have to do is catch yourself, improve your thoughts and your self concept will be thru the mf roof. So den you can manifest in a snap of a fingerrr. period thats the magic 🪄 sauce bookie. also dont say will say have cause you already have it bookie bear ;)
im open for questions and i am open to telling what ive manifested WITHOUT some dumb ass void or subliminal lol.
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logansargey · 3 months
Rating the F1 current teammates based on if they've fucked or if they will.
Haasbands (Nico x Kevin.) Kevin literally said "suck my balls" and I'm 100% sure Nico did. They're too lovely and nice with each other for Nico not to have. Kevin is like, one penalty away from no longer being allowed to be anywhere near a track and he's still committing crimes for Nico.
Lance and Fernando. (Strollonso) These two mfs have the nastiest sex known to mankind and are proud of it. Lance has a thing for dilfs and men like 3 times his age. Lance has too many older men wrapped around his finger oml.
Charlos (Charles x Carlos) These mfs are acting too much like a divorced married couple to not have fucked at least once in their lives. They probably fucked nasty, too.
Chestappen. (Max x Checo) I'm sorry guys, but I have to put them in spot 4 just bc they honestly deserve it. Max has a thing for older guys and Checo has a thing for cheating. These two definitely fucked once. (Maybe drunk or not, but they fucked.)
Pierre and Esteban. (Pierresteban) These two remind me of two exes that just have WAY too much sexual tension. Their relationship is if Pierre took Esteban's virginity, and never called back and ignored him for years after until they got reunited as teammates. I feel like seven minutes in heaven will do them good. (You're either gonna open the door to them fucking or one of them dead. No in between)
Lolex(?) (Logan x Alex) Hey, they gotta get their anger from the team out somehow... They fucked once when they were drunk or just angry at each other. They didn't talk about it after but neither of them can't stop thinking about it.
Landoscar. (Lando x Oscar) Someone get them a room ASAP. They probably want to fuck each other but doesn't know the other one wants it. But Lando looks at him too fondly for there not to be something.
Gewis (George x Lewis) they should probably be higher but to me, they're where they belong. George probably wants to fuck him, but Lewis is still stuck up in his ex to want to feel intimate. They probably did hook up once or twice but Lewis cut it off.
Valterri and Zhou. These dudes are NOT doing the nasty. They probably kissed once just to know what it felt like, and will never do it again.
Daniel and Yuki. Let's be honest, these guys can barely stand each other. Yuki would rather give up cooking than hook up with Daniel. Yuki also wants to have his husband (Pierre) or his boyfriend (Liam) back. Daniel is also too obsessed with Max to think about anyone else.
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vixenveil · 2 months
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How Does The Karmic View You vs. Your Person 18+
This is for adults only. Minors DNI. 9 piles (quick read)
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"No one watches you as much as the man who fumbled you and the woman he ran to." – Unknown
The Karmic: 2 of swords, 2 od wands, Queen of Cups
They aren't sure what to make of you. They see you as a loving and compassionate person. They stalk your socials. They are confused. Do they need to worry about you or not? They can't make up their mind. They see you as a genuinely loving person.
The karmic is insecure as fuck and still casting witchcraft toward you or sending the evil eye. It is not working. My guides and your guides want to emphasize this person is nothing. Especially compared to you.
You're intuitive as fuck and she knows that, but you choose to be a decent person anyway. Her insecurities are driving her. Don't get too mad at her, she is with someone who does not cherish and value her. She is trying to stay with that person and holy rubbery blue balls, it's not working out well.
Your Person: 9 of wands, 5 of cups, the Devil.
They are obsessed with you. They are grieving the loss of you and watching from afar. They keep an eye on you and are seriously crying about it. They may hide this, but tears are coming out of that mf's eyeballs and streaming down their cheeks. You aren't the only who was hurt in this situation (if you were).
They know they have responsibilities with someone they chose over you. They know it was a "f*cking mistake" (they wanted me to say it like that), but understand that your person is learning the hardest lesson of their life.
They lost you.
They know your defenses are up and they miss you. They want to hold you.
They are stuck with the 3rd party.
There may be children involved?
They are grieving and crying in private.
The karmic knows about this person's obsession with you. Not because they caught your person or saw them looking into you, but because the karmic is intuitive as well. They are both on a karmic path. No matter how hard either of them try to hurt you, it will be curved by the universe.
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"True love stories never have endings." – Richard Bach
The Karmic: knight of wands. 9 of cups. 10 of wands. 4 of wands.
The karmic feels burdened pile 2. They see you having your celebrations, enjoying your life and all that. They see or know about you having a good life and they see it like "Pile 2 is living their best life, enjoying the breeze, basking in the sun, frolicking in flowers and wearing cute little sundresses and is smug as f* about it!" Basically. They are jealous as fuck. They see you going out and enjoying life. You aren't down bad, you're not pathetic as fuck. You're living it up! If that isn't the case, this is what the Karmic believes. Oh well. Your life if going amazing (in the karmic's eyes anyway).
They feel like you are living your dreams with or without your person, the karmic knows they have the person but feels like "well damn, I won, why does it feel like pile 2 won instead?!"
Probably because they were having an invisible competition with you. You're the main character and no matter what they "win" from you, you still live life joyfully. They will never succeed.
They are seething from seeing you out there being beautiful and enjoying something life has to offer you. If you are trying to rub something in their face, it's working. They're BIG MAD at you for having the perfect life.
They aren't invited to live your dreams? How dare you pile 2, lmao.
Your Person: knight of cups. 8 of cups. the hierophant. 5 of pentacles.
Your person sees you going after what you want and leaving them in the cold. They see you moving on from them. They view you as married or getting married soon. Your Person is feeling left out in some way. This could be a friend who feels neglected or a family member. This doesn't have to be romantic at all. They don't feel like your giving them much energy right now. You left everything on the table with person and just left.
The hierophant is technically the Pope and the people on the 5 of pentacles are outside of a church. This tells me that your person and the karmic both have to just keep it pushing, as they aren't allowed inside the cozy warm church where you are. You and your new boo-thang or whoever else you are with right now.
I'm wondering if you invited your person and the karmic to your wedding.
For some of you, you may just be contemplating doing that or have posted on socials and they saw you there. You will know what resonates. <3
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"The best relationships are the ones where you can be yourself and feel that you're still loved and valued." – Unknown
The Karmic: knight of wands. page of swords. the chariot.
The karmic can tell you're gathering information for something. Probably a new project you're working on. You've set a goal to go after and the karmic can see that you are taking charge of the direction things are going in. You selected a destination and are headed that way.
The karmic thinks you're destroying anything in your path. If they or anyone get in your way, they will get mowed down.
They karmic thinks you're dangerous.
If you want your person bad enough, you're going to pursue them. You're still in the "learning about your person" phase, most likely. Once you've made a decision, you're going after what you want. The karmic is scared. They know you could take their person if you really put your mind to it. They want to call you a homewrecker.
You aren't. Unless you are, but I won't tell.
They know the sexual tension between you and your person is palpable. They don't want you to take what they feel belongs to them, pile 3.
They are pretty upset, stressed and depressed about this. They feel bad about life due to this situation.
Your Person: page of wands. queen of wands. justice.
I think they're looking at photos of you online and … you know. They see you as the sexiest creature they've ever met in their life, if they've met you that is.
They want you to grab their "wand" so to speak. They think of this often.
They want rough sex with you. They see you as someone who can take what they have to give. You seem like you take pain well. I'm seeing your hair wrapped around their fist. This person wants to be your dom. They seem like the hyper-masculine type. They think you'd be perfect as their hyper-feminine sub, basically.
They may be a pleasure dom or a brat tamer. I haven't ever met both, but they really fantasize about you sexually. You do stand out too. If you're the masculine, reverse the roles. please daddy. c':
Are one of both of you into the whole true crime or horror movies thing? If so, you may have a knife-play kink or someone here has a mask fetish or kink. You all are the freaky pile. I love it.
Same. <3
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"In the end, you shouldn't have to sacrifice who you are for the relationship you want." – Unknown
The Karmic: ace of pentacles, 5 of wands, page of wands, the lovers. The cards came out in that order. The page of wands of wands is off to herself and looking up at the angel who is on the lovers card. The page of wands isn't engaging in the competition. She is her own being, peaceful and doing her own thing, allowing the Divine to make the call. The judgement card briefly flipped over, but I didn't feel called touse it in this spread.
The karmic sees that you have left this situation up to the divine. With or without someone else, you'll be fine.
The karmic sees a financial opportunity being offered, but you aren't sweating it. While everyone else is fighting over these material goods, you are just standing by and keeping your eyes on your spiritual pursuits. You aren't fighting with others for their lover or their lover's material things.
For a very very select few of you, the karmic may have tried to offer you something to make you go away.
This karmic may have thought you were competition, but you decided it wasn't worth it. Believe it or not, this makes things clear for your person. The karmic doesn't like it that you aren't competing. This karmic is baffled by your behavior. You're not competing for your person. Even if your person seems like they're the prize. You look so confident in yourself and the karmic is not even close to feeling like that. At least, not when it comes to this person.
For some of you: The karmic likes to make themself appear to be more confident and competent than they really are. They like to look like they know best and will fight to defend their stance. You look like you are just holding on to your ideas, not sharing them with anyone and standing off to yourself. The karmic doesn't see you as a team player. They may tell others they think you're too dumb or too inexperienced to engage and compete. This isn't true.
You just see how foolish everyone else is being in the situation and are not participating in the f*ckery. The karmic doesn't realize how stupid they look. They are clearly trying too hard. You don't think it's worth it to engage. If you're considering it, don't. This karmic would be frothing to fight with you. They want to have a brawl.
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No matter what happens with the competition, you are universally beautiful and don't have to engage. You are gorgeous and you seem to know that, so you don't compete. You know you don't have to.
Your Person: 2 of wands rv. 4 of wands. justice. the king of swords. They feel that you have met your divine counterpart are happy with them. They think you and your current partner are judging them in a fair way. They believe you see the truth and your partner is helping you in some way. Like your current partner might be skilled with people and see through bullshit easily.
If this isn't romantic, maybe you have a mentor who is fair with you and is helping you to see opportunities you otherwise would have missed.
Their plans to get you flopped. They may have tried to get you into some legal agreement, but you knew it was sketchy so you didn't fall for their plot. They may still be plotting to get you as a romantic partner, or potentially a business partner.
They see that you are celebrating something you deserve and however you are treating them is completely fair. You could seem like you're innocently minding your business and they are watching you from afar.
They think you're perfectly happy and fine and don't want to engage in the conflict.
You didn't take the bait because you can see clearly what was happening. Your person is impressed. They like that you can see things clearly, but might feel embarrassed that they tried to trick you. Sometimes people misdirect their feelings of humiliation and project those onto us. If your person was cruel, it was because they got upset with themself.
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"The greatest relationships are the ones you never expected to be in." – Unknown
The Karmic: 8 of cups. 7 of pentacles. 5 of pentacles.
They saw you leave your person and jumped on that asap. They realize they are both left out in cold now and neither one of them are on your level in some way. This could be spiritually, maturity level, financially and so on.
They may have a hard time getting anything to grow. Any manifestations they plant, they feel, will end up withering away and dying.
They see you focused on some project or personal goal and know they can't be a part of it.
The karmic and your person may be having a hard time, but are too prideful to ask for help. They know you will flourish and won't look back. You are just in the beginning stages of something and the karmic knows they aren't allowed to touch it.
Like, yeah you got pile 5's person, but now you're stuck and unhappy. You can't satisfy this person, Karmic.
Pile 5 is on to new and better things.
This pile feels more like coworkers or classmates than romantic, but take what resonates.
Your Person: ace of swords. 9 of cups. 8 of cups.
Your person feels like you found something out. You found out through gossip or observing them. They believe you received this information and moved away from them because of whatever it is. You received some divine guidance or wisdom about this person or situation. You took your cups and left into the night.
They feel like you accomplished something or whatever you learned was enough to give you more than they could give you. You received a better offer, for some of you. You received more from the divine or you manifested it. This person saw that you left something good for something great.
Maybe you learned they were up to something that you didn't like very much? That is only for a few of you.
They know you are happy. They think you might never come back. They aren't thrilled about it.
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"True love stories never have endings." – Richard Bach
The Karmic: 6 of swords. 9 of cups. 4 of wands.
The 5 of swords fell out of the deck very briefly, but spirit wanted me to put it back in the deck lol.
This tells me that whatever psychological games the karmic was playing or about to try, you noped tf out before it could even start.
You could see it coming, likely because you are gifted and protected.
You're living the dream and are enjoying your blessings every day.
Your person left the karmic for you. You and your person seem to be living it up. Living the dream together. You're enjoying each other's company.
Your Person: strength. 5 of pentacles. temperance. the world.
Your person has seen you go through tough times and come out better than before. You may have been patient with your person while they ended things with the karmic.
They could hardly wait to see you and be with you.
If you aren't together yet, your person is getting ready and making the necessary changes for this.
You both might be leaving karmic situations and moving toward each other.
Your person views you as their ride or die, their entire world, the love of their life, their angel. You are their pride and joy. You are the most important person in the world to them. They cherish and love you to the ends of the earth. Until the day they die they will love you.
They know you are there in hard times and they want to be your pillar of strength. However, you've proven to them that you are their pillar of strength. They can't help looking at you and feeling like they want to be strong for you.
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The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." – Mahatma Gandhi
The Karmic: wheel of fortune. ace of swords. knight of cups. the chariot.
They think you are your person's destiny. They can see that this is divinely guided and your person is going to choose you over them.
The karmic knows your person is moving away from them and in your direction.
Your Person: 2 of pentacles. 7 of cups. king of pentacles. queen of wands.
They see that you balance them out. This is a well-balanced and smooth connection. The energy flows well between you two. You're both what the other wants and can learn so much from each other. Your person can tell you are highly desired and highly sought after. Others want you badly, but you have so many options that (your person thinks) you won't settle for just anyone.
The person you want has to bring their all. They think you may have wealthier suitors and wonder if they can actually offer you anything you'd want. Anything that would be useful to you or beneficial to your life in anyway.
They can offer you a little bit of several things, but not much of one thing. They are working to get their money right. Once their money is right they want to spend it on you. They are going to make an offer soon.
They may let you know they have a crush on you. They might also just offer frienship or … anything they can.
They know you're busy and don't want to waste your time. They respect you enough to stay back until they get their life and their self right.
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"Sometimes it takes a break-up to realize how much you really want to be with someone." – Unknown
The Karmic: King of Wands. Knight of Pentacles. Queen of Cups. Ace of Wands. I feel like the "karmic" for this pile is a group of jealous people. They want commitment from your person, but your person isn't the "marrying type." At least, that's what he tells them. The karmics wonder why in the fuck you can get your person so hard, so fast and they can't. They can tell that your person is aroused by you. You are on your person's mind a lot. In fact, that cocky mf is probably bragging to other women/men about how you'd be perfect for them. After using said men/women to satisfy their sexual appetite.
Your person is making a futile attempt to get the karmics to look and act like you. This triggers tf out of these people.
The karmics know who you are or know of you. They have an inkling. Your person is not seriously entertaining others. They know you're the only person capable of taking it. I'm fucking blushing so hard rn. Help.
The Karmics can see you are actually loving and have compassion. They see you doing well in a "boss babe" kinda way. They know you're on your person's level and they can't compare.
Sure, your person will fuck them and your person is sexy as hell, but they won't commit. They nut then bolt with these people.
But you seem to be on a whole other level. You take your time to vet who is and isn't a good partner. Your person was perplexed by this, whether the karmics know it or not.
You are wife material and you are a sexy one as well. When you are with your person, you both give the vibe that you are meant to "rule" together. Basically the all-knowing matriarch and the high-earning patriarch of the family. President and his wife vibes.
You inspire a lot of these people. They actually like you and, if they aren't a group of jealous people, then they are coworkers or community members who just feel that you two go together.
But they can't piece things together because they are missing information. They just don't know certain details of things.
Your Person: Knight of Swords. The Devil. Ace of Wands. 4 of Wands. Thinking about you. They miss you. They have spent too much time away from you.
They are toying with the idea of just going and getting you. You are theirs. In their mind. They think you're mad at them, but this cocky mf is like "where is my pile 8?" This isn't the type of person (getting heavy masculine vibes) who will just let you walk away from whatever you had going on.
If they saw you in their future or you were close to them at one point, they aren't gonna let this situation stagnate. They want to put this in the past, but they have an overly-confident way of doing it. This is probably arousing to you.
They want to have make-up sex, after having angry sex. Y'all will make up, probably. They view you as theirs and there's nothing you can do about it. You're meant to be, in their mind, and they won't just let you go.
They want to put the bullshit in the past and not bring it up. They don't want to hash it out. They want to go back to being the sexy power-couple they saw you as, or (if it's not romantic or sexual) the dynamic business partners or besties or whatever you were before something made you take a long fuckin' break from each other. Their sexual appetite, for most of you, is unhinged. They want to experience you (again, if you've already hooked up).
They like that you are acting so stern. It is the only way to match their energy without getting bulldozed. Keep acting mad though, giving them the silent treatment. They love the mean-ass energy you bring. It tempers their energy…. tempers is not the right word. It actually makes their temper worse, but it flows well with yours.
They love getting you riled up. It's their favorite thing to watch you get mad. They can't help but smile when you lose your shit. They find it exhilarating.
This asshole is in love with you. Though they wouldn't say it that way most likely. When God humbles this motherfucker, they will realize you were a gem. This will force them to change. It might be a long break, but you'll maintain your decorum and dignity, as Dita Von Tease once said in an interview.
You will see this person's changed-self and you will reunite.
And, the asshole version of them wants to say that you are the sex toy they want to marry.
Is this person that immature??? Anyway, you're mature enough to handle their bullshit and not dumb enough to stay for the abuse.
You're the perfect sex partner to them and they want to
All theirs forever so you can't escape. They actually want to be romantic with you too. Hmm. How sweet and awkward.
If they saw you being happy with someone else they got hella jealous. They would never say it out loud. They want you back, dammit. They are willing to do almost anything to get you back.
If this person is in any way abusive, leave them. Never ever let tarot cards convince you to stay with an abusive ass wipe. If they hurt you without your consent and it doesn't give you pleasure, you leave. I don't ever do readings with the intention of channeling abusers, but I feel like giving a warning. A lot of abusive men do behave this way. Unless they stop being abusive and objectifying their partner, they aren't shit.
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"The best relationships are the ones where you can be yourself and feel that you're still loved and valued." – Unknown
The Karmic: What karmic? Spirit didn't want you to focus on this for this reading. So … go figure lol.
Your Person: They want to write you love letters and sing you songs. They want to wake up in the morning and see you there beside them. They want you to go away somewhere with them. The also want cuddles and hand holding and snuggling together.
For a good portion of you: They love you. They are in love love with you. This is long-lasting commitment type of energy.
Their soul knew as soon as they saw you. You're the one. They want to have the wedding, hold hands, do those cute family tiktoks with you and be famous.
I heard "famous in a small town." Awe… how cute. They are probably v popular in town. You might be as well, but less aware of it. Switch roles if you need to.
You all are or will be known as that couple around town or in your local area. You're perfect for each other and are adorable.
You look good together and are so sweet. Others feel comforted in the presence of you both, especially when you're together. They get "I'm safe here" vibes.
I'm getting those vibes from your person. Your person probably helps others to heal, but you are their anchor.
You help keep them afloat. Your person may have had a hard life and want to make a difference in the lives of others. You see them over-extending themself and you can reach out to help them.
You are their support.
If this is just a crush they fantasize about all of this with you. They think you are cute as hell.
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That's all for this reading. I hope you liked it. :')
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