#observer qsmp
cosmicisbored · 9 months
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he do be observing (creds to @/ sickoblitz on twitter for the au)
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qsmpwarriorcatsau · 9 months
now the observer from purgatory is something I'm still unsure about, like should I make him some sort of eldtrich horror feline or some giant wolf like bear?
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tomfrogisblue · 7 months
Big fan of whenever a creator from one of the other languages meets Bad for the first time and he tells them his name is BadBoyHalo and explains it to them
Then they fucking hit it off and later the creator explains to him that no, he is not a bad boy, he is a good boy, he is GoodBoyHalo
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soups-archive · 8 months
Honestly, I don't think people give qCellbit enough credit. As much as he can be blinded by his own self depreciation, he knows his husband.
And there is something deeply wrong with "Roier."
Props to cc!Roier for his acting, because as someone who's been watching the both of them for almost a year now, the way he plays Doied with qCellbit makes my stomach churn a little bit.
It's an almost perfect impression of qRoier, but it's wrong in the ways that matter. He's a little too careless. A little too surface level in his portrayal.
He feels like if someone watched Roier's pov and took his attitude at face value without bothering to consider any of the nuances underneath. Which is, I guess, what Doied actually did.
He hits Cellbit with a sword when he's under-geared just "for fun". He stands back in fights when Cellbit's calling out for help. He nonchalantly brings up Bobby in order to convince the eggs and Cellbit to leave. He tells Pepito that he's Pepito's only parent and that Pepito is only his son. The small details all add up together and the result is something immensely off.
It's VERY well acted, and it's the kind of difference that only someone who spent a long time with a character could pick up on, which is exactly why I think qCellbit seems to have caught on so quick.
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mmyashas · 1 year
i'm going to be so so honest i love all the family dynamics the qsmp represented (possibly unintentionally)
grandparents/other family members taking care of the kids while the parents are working unable to visit (qphil w tallulah and qwilbur) (qroier & qjaiden w tilin and sometimes juana)
single parents in all varieties all for different reasons (qfit, qbbh and q²)
divorced parents that despite it all they both love their kid (qslimeriana)
parenting with someone else, romantic or not (qfooligetta and qroier & jaiden) (and everyone at the start of the egg event, too)
it takes a village to raise a child (brasilian polycule and The French) (and. well. the server in general)
hell even parents that went to go get cigarettes
idk to me its the reason why everyones so attached and why it feels so real . because these are all situations that happen and seeing them in rp is like :']
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pamela-lntt · 10 months
Fascinating how time “stopped” on Quesadilla Island after the residents were sent to Purgatory.
Today’s updates say it’s Day 227, which is strange considering the day before Purgatory was Day 226. Even in the Cucurucho livestreams the reports were titled “226+*number of days islanders have been gone*”
(also I say “stopped” with quotes because we know from the Cucurucho livestreams that the island has been active during those two weeks Purgatory was happening, but even so the days weren’t really counted)
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tsukana · 9 months
we are literally 3 for 3 on category 5 sugarduo/philever moments.
when he came back after his break to happy pills forever. the gun scene. the everything. forever showing phil the fake richas. phil immediately knowing somethigns wrong and externally affecting him and going along with what he needed to to help.
when forever was getting taken away by fed and to the nether. phil instantly knew something was wrong bc of the shouting and when forever tried to wave it away he was like hm. no. "of course i'm worried. you're my friend."
FUCKING TODAY. finding this out from tallulah. "thats not our forever" getting the tiniest clues and instantly deducing it was the black infection and possessing him and defending the fuck out of him and the argument with tubbo. "we can love the forever inside"
yeah im ok and normal abt them a normal amount wdym.
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ghostly-omens · 10 months
oh i was right that's fun. eye dude really did get shipped the quesadilla island residents to look after and instead of doing his job and giving them a perfect island experience he went rogue and started the hell-games and the federation has no idea lmao. the federation thinks its a third party interfering but so far it seems all signs point to it being egg island's equivalent of cucurucho becoming the joker
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jeanjacklet · 8 months
which minecraft trio is it?
featuring person #1
drawn with a red shirt and wavy fluffy blonde hair
extremely extroverted
a bit of a prankster
good at bringing other cc’s together
commonly headcannoned as an “avian”
the main character of SO MUCH fanfiction
black suit with white shirt and red tie
freakishly tall irl
a little sheepish
joined a big server when they were 17
had a very fun but unsuccessful election campaign
associated with fast japanese music (is this just me?)
very distinct speech patterns (again this might just be me)
and #3
drawn with green shirt and straight fluffy brown hair
often drawn with yellow flowers
says lots of accidental innuendos (dyslexic)
likes first person shooters
used to be surprisingly good at a sport
really likes a particular minecraft animal
can infodump so much about their favorite media
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beecryptic · 8 months
Time is a spiral. Everything is destined to happen again and again… From slightly different angles. How long has it been? Days? Weeks? It's hard to say. Why do we continue to survive after all? Maybe just to annoy him. If a friend had been there… Their words never would have had much effect. This is hell. But if things keep repeating… It means that eventually… Maybe… We will have the opportunity to start again.
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kadextra · 1 year
y’know q!bad really does make a lot of references to playing games, especially when he’s unhinged
there’s the well-known “do you like being the pawn of someone else’s game?” that he said when lassoing cucurucho, the “why don’t you come down in survival mode, lets play a game!” to the code entity. he is treating the tests he’s doing on his friends rn like chess, a big game to find the puppet
but today the lore itself did it to him too. the maze puzzles they had to complete were all created to be like fun games, and at the end q!bad was singled out, brought to the center and forced to roll the dice. then in his descent into madness at the end of stream he deluded himself that cucurucho was in his walls playing hide and seek, and ended stream saying “I know what game you’re playing and I’m going to win.” hm
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cosmicisbored · 9 months
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throwing him
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mcyt-crack · 9 months
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all aboard the waist guy island trip
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sweet-potato-42 · 10 months
I want the admins to do more lores treams where they drag some group of people into it. Like the first maze one where we had the random but very fun xyz trio. So i have a list of dynamics id like to see (Do mind I watch tubbo and other morning time people so):
i need aypierre and tubbo to be forced to do a lore stream. Even better if its like create puzzles. It would be so funny with the amount of bickering we would see. Maybe add bbh as well for some extra spice
Morning crew obviously, anything with them would be fun
Foolish, Ironmouse and bbh would be such a fun trio to observe and they could cook up some cool lore
Antoine, Ironmouse and tubbo would also be fun. A very silly trio. Also an intersting one since we dont see these interact as much
Roier and tina seem like they could be a fun duo but i dont think theyve ever interacted much
Bagi, cellbit and tubbo would be SUCH a cool trio for a lore stream. It would be so fun to see them decypher shit and also have rp and drama.
Pac, Mike, Tubbo, Aypierre and Fit for the ultimate CRIME team. These five do not know what barriers are, they don't comprehend the concept of private property and belongings and they have the power to simple get into any place they want to.
BBH, Forever and Philza so maybe the gays get their shit together for once. Or they devolve into more gay chaos. both are fun
Etoiles could be put with anyone and it would be fun
Maybe some more that are just with people that speak one language. I feel like the french would be a fun gang to watch. They would get through everything with ease.
idk who else but tis fun to think abut
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thesmpisonfire · 1 year
I ooen twt and i immediately see so many qsmptwt ppl screaming crying saying "THE FANDOM IS DYING EVERYONE IS JUMPING SHIP EVERYONE IS LEAVING"
And then I look at tumblr and i see we trending AGAIN
It's also so funny how ppl are saying the qsmp lore feels stale and slow like besties??? 😭 we just had the happy pills arc, we have bad torturing a guy in his basement, we have baghera lore + fit engaging in, bagi lore drop + her being the key to the main frame, etoiles with a new task, tubbo finding a new bit of the maze that is for cellbit to solve plus his whole fred secret relationship
Okay that without the eggs the streams are being condensed to their main focus such as lore and all and it means ccs leaving earlier, but it doesn't mean the story is slow?? Its funny ngl
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glitchedgirly · 6 months
Every day on Qsmp, they get closer and closer to speaking their own type of Pidgin
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