#objectively bad when really YOU just didn’t like it lol
twinklebitch · 1 month
idk if it’s just me but i feel like so many criticisms of this season boil down to expecting an actual play improv show to be as coherent and cohesive as a scripted piece of media.
and also i don’t think some of you have ever played dnd and it shows
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thelostboys87 · 5 months
purple prose might be another term that needs to be put on the high shelf of writing advice cause why does nobody seem to agree on what it actually means 😭😭😭
#atp does the ‘correct’ definition even matter? within community it’s already wildly used ooc and unhelpfully#like is it all ‘elaborate’ prose or is it when prose is overdone? who decides when prose is overdone?#I don’t really use the term at all for myself personally bc I think like pantsing it doesn’t say anything#and is too broad you know#I also don’t think it’s wise to have a term that’s essentially going to be used to mean Style Is Bad And Invalid#teenage me felt fucking awful when I realised people would consider my prose purple!!!#and even if my prose was in hindsight hard to understand - purple prose as an idea didn’t give me the tools#to unpack that for myself and understand better how to approach the balance of style and clarity#(I’m even gonna go and say clarity is not an objective thing either and in some cases#writers will have the intention to challenge clarity#also I think clarity as an idea is interesting when you think about prose vs poetry#imagine a ​guy who reads a poem and says well that’s purple prose )#overall I just hate the idea of categorising and adding value to prose styles#prose is such a fluid thing#I like the spectrum of maximalist to minimalist but I’d say even then I go across it in a single project sometimes#also prose style and what is popular and what ‘works’ is something that#is very often connected to culture and language#what if we told writeblr how many ideas of good writing are just rooted in anglo/western centrism LOL
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twirlyleafs · 2 months
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“Gold-digger.” (Pt2) (pt1 here)
Max Verstappen x reader
TW: nothing really, angsty? lol
A/N: oml so many of you asked for a part 2 and I’m just so happy you liked the first part!! thank uuu!!
To say that you slept bad was an understatement. The moment Daniel let you in to his and Heidi’s hotel room you had started crying and it took almost half an hour before the couple got a sense of what had happened. They’d been at the dinner, hearing Maxs comments, and after piecing it together with what you were telling them now they began to see the bigger picture. Heidi sat with you on the balcony while Daniel made up the couch, insisting you should share the bed with his girlfriend despite your objection.
You hadn’t been able to sleep that much, and it wasn’t because Daniel’s snoring or Heidi’s tossing and turning. Every time you were about to fall asleep you could hear Maxs voice telling you what a shitty girlfriend you were, or you imagined him complaining to his friends that you used up his money like some sort of gold digger. You knew he didn’t think quite like that, and he definitely wouldn’t do any of those things but the knowledge of how he saw your whole relationship had you spiraling.
When Daniel woke, he was always an early riser, he found you already wide awake and anxious. The Aussie knew by the look on your face that you didn’t want to leave the safety of the hotel room alone and he quickly invited you to breakfast. Said and done, Daniel kissed his sleeping girlfriend goodbye before the two of you trudged out in the hallway. It was still early enough that everything was quiet and empty, the only sound being your yawn and Danny typing on his phone.
“You think they have pancakes?” You asked, rubbing your eyes as you walked. He hummed, looking up from his phone with a small smile.
“I hope so. I need some.”
“Yeah.” You scoffed. “Me too. And I need them to practically be swimming in chocolate sauce and-“ You stopped, both talking and walking, when you saw a door open further down the hallway. Daniel walked a few more steps, glancing between Max stepping out of the room and you with an apologetic pout. He must’ve told Max you were coming. Asshole. You met his gaze and he mouthed a sorry, making you shake your head before carefully looking over at the man standing in the doorway. He offered an unsure smile. Daniel grabbed your arm, giving you no choice but to start walking again. When the two of you reached Max he gave you an encouraging squeeze and patted Max on the shoulder before he disappeared down the hallway. You should’ve known you couldn’t trust Daniel.
“Hey.” Max said softly, making you look up at him. You took note of the dark circles under his eyes and judging by the way his face fell he probably noticed how red yours were.
“You wanna talk?” Max opened the door a bit wider and with a soft nod you snuck past him into the room. You heard him let out a breath of relief and you found yourself being almost grateful that he seemed to be just as nervous as you were. You sunk down on the edge of the bed, watching as Max sat down in one of the chairs. He rubbed his hands over his face before leaning forward, elbows resting on his knees. “How are you feeling?”
You shrugged and pulled your legs up under yourself, casting your gaze down on your fiddling fingers. “Not to good, I guess.” You answered honestly, Max answering with a soft hum, agreeing. Things were quiet for a while before he spoke up.
“Are you still angry?” You would’ve been annoyed at the question if it wasn’t for the genuine sadness in his voice. Instead you shook your head.
“No. Just a bit sad I think.”
“I didn’t mean to make you sad schatje.” His words were almost whispered. You looked up at him through lashes.
“Do you still believe we’re only together because you’re paying me?”
“That was never- that not what I meant.” He practically whined, shaking his head. “I love you.”
“You just don’t think I actually love you? I’m just using you for your money?” Max gave you a defeated look, shaking his head quickly.
“That’s not-“
“It’s exactly what you said Max!” You exclaimed, interrupting him. You felt the tears pressing behind your eyes again. “Do you know how much of a bad fucking girlfriend I feel like knowing that’s how you see us? Me?” His eyes widened slightly but he didn’t have time to say anything before you started talking again. “I mean, I would’ve paid for my own food, my own travels- everything! If I just knew you felt like that I wouldn’t have let you spend your money on me but you always insist and you’ve always told me you wanted to-“
“I do want to.” He intervened quickly.
“But you want to for the wrong reasons. You want to because you think you need to, because you think I want you to.” When your eyes met again you could tell Max didn’t know what to say. His mouth opened and closed again, no words coming out as his gaze faltered to the ground. You reached up and quickly wiped a stray tear, sniffing quietly as the silence settled. It felt like forever before you heard Maxs voice again.
“I don’t know what to say.”
“I don’t either.” You agreed.
“Let’s just-“ Max sighed, scratching the stubble on his cheek. “Let’s just go home, yeah?” When you didn’t answer he leaned forward slightly, trying to get your attention. You slowly raised your gaze to met his, both your eyes portraying to much emotions to process.
“I think I need to be alone for a bit.”
“Yeah, okay. Yeah sure.” He nodded, swallowing harshly. “I’ll- eh, I’ll go down to breakfast and you can order up? If you want to? And then I’ll text you when it’s time to leave for the airport?”
“No, Max.” You shook your head, face contorting in a sad frown. He paused, offering an encouraging nod. He wanted you to tell him what you needed, how to fix this. He was willing to do whatever you wanted. Or at least he thought so. “I think I need to be alone for more than a few hours. Like, I think I should travel alone back home, maybe even back to my parents for a bit. Just to-“
“Wait.” You hated the look of panic mixed with pure hurt that flashed across his face as he sat up a bit straighter. “Wait, no, y/n please.”
“I’m not saying that we’re breaking up Max.” You assured him, watching with a heavy heart as he stood, quickly making his way over to you. The second he sat down next to you on the edge of the bed his hands found yours and you could feel the panic seeping through his fingers.
“I get that I fucked up. I get that. I shouldn’t have said what I said, I didn’t mean it. Liefje please don’t-“
“Please don’t leave me. You know I love you, right?” With every word his voice lost its steadiness and you could practically hear his heart beating out of his chest. “I love you so much-“
“Max.” You interrupted him again, pulling your hand from his grasp to reach up and cup his cheek. “I know, alright? I know. I love you too.” His eyes flickered between yours, unconsciously leaning into your palm.
“Don’t leave.”
With a soft breath you leaned in to press a light kiss against his lips before shuffling closer, letting him wrap his arms around your body. When you placed your head against his chest he tightened his grip, terrified of letting go. The two of you sat like that, just holding each other for what felt forever. You thought back on the past twelve hours. The words that had been said, the insecurities that’d bubbled up. You knew Max never meant to hurt you, you knew that even before you entered his hotel room this morning but the conversation you just had cemented it. The man currently holding you tightly against his chest was the love of your life, no doubt about it, but that didn’t change the fact that all you could think about right now was money. His money, your money, how you could ever let him spend even one euro on you ever again. The thought had your insides churning and that’s why you knew you needed time. Time to process and figure this out before you could come back to him.
“How long?” You snapped out of your thoughts at Maxs voice, so quiet and gentle that you barely caught it at first. When you asked what he meant he let out a breath. “How long do you need? How long til you come back?”
“I don’t know Max. But I’ll come back. I promise.”
Ten days. For ten days the only contact between you and Max had been an occasional phone call and a few pictures. He sent you updates on Jimmy and Sassy and you answered with pictures of your parent’s dog, Bongo. Other than that he gave you the space you’d asked for, no matter how much it hurt him not to constantly beg you to come home.
During your time at your parent’s house you’d spent your time just being. Going back to your roots. You hadn’t been brought up traveling the world in private jets or expensive boats and despite loving your life with Max it felt nice to just trudge around your parents backyard in your pajamas, throwing sticks for your dog to fetch. Your father was the most logical person in your life, he’d always been the one you’d turn to when you needed advice and this time it was no different. Your parents both loved Max and they were obviously upset when you came home crying, but after a few days spent talking and reasoning with them you finally saw the situation in a different light. Your dad’s words echoed in your head as you carefully slipped the keys into the door of your apartment, a deep breath leaving your lips when you stepped inside. You were relived to finally be home and you could almost feel yourself buzzing at the thought of seeing Max again. You spoke his name as you walked through the apartment, frowning slightly at the stillness of it. It took you a few minutes before you finally made it to Maxs office, stopping in the doorway when you saw him. He was in his gaming chair, one knee tucked against his chest and chin resting tiredly against it. The computer was turned off, instead his attention was on the toy in his hand as he bounced it slightly for Sassy to play with. You smiled softly at the sight, feeling your chest swell when you heard Max mumble something to the cat.
“Where’s Jimmy?” Despite your words coming out soft and quiet Max flinched, dropping the toy to the ground as he looked up at you. His eyes were wide and lips parted slightly as he took you in, trying to convince himself you were really there.
“You’re home.” He stated and you couldn’t help but let out a breathy laugh, nodding.
“I told you I’d come back, right?” Max just shook his head, rising from the chair. In a few quick strides he reached you, immediately wrapping his arms around your body and pressing you tightly against his chest. Without a thought your arms snaked around his waist, feeling your whole body relax completely for the first time since before all this. You didn’t know exactly what it was that had you suddenly feel your throat closing up, the tears pressing behind your eyes as you turned your face even deeper into his shirt, but you knew they were good tears.
“Fuck.” Maxs voice was shaky, you could tell he was on the verge of crying too, and you squeezed him even tighter. “Fuck I missed you.”
“I missed you too Maxie.” You mumbled against his chest, breathing in his scent. You���d known you’d missed him while at your parents, but somehow you hadn’t expected to be quite this emotional reuniting with him. The two of you held each other for a moment, only separating slightly when Sassy pushed her way between your legs, loud noises leaving her small frame. As you leaned away from Max you chuckled down at the furry creature, softly assuring her that you’d missed her too, before your gaze moved up to your boyfriend. You found him already staring down at you, one hand reluctantly leaving your body to reach up and cup your cheek. When you leaned slightly into his palm you noticed him release a breath, finally a small smile making its way to his face. It disappeared too soon for your liking, a light frown taking its place.
“I’m so sorry.” He began, voice serious.
“Max-“ you sighed, but he shook his head and you pressed your lips together, deciding to let him talk. By the look on his face it seemed like he really needed to get this out.
“I realized a few days ago that I never actually apologized. I wanted to call and tell you straightaway but I didn’t want to disturb, I didn’t want to say it over text either but- baby I’m so sorry.” Max spoke slowly, he needed you to really hear him. “I never should’ve said any of that shit and even though I didn’t mean it like you think I did I should’ve realized how it sounded.” He paused for a second, hand slipping from your face to gently hold yours between your bodies. You nodded encouragingly, gently swiping your thumb across his knuckles as he continued. “For me it has always been sort of obvious that the things I have I’ve gotten because of racing. My dad always said that if I wanted something I had to be the best and I guess that just fucked with my head, fucked with the way I see myself and people around me. I’m used to people wanting something from me and somehow I applied that to you too, despite the fact that I’ve actually never felt like that with you. I fell in love with you because you made everything seem so effortless, like you just needed me and nothing else. You’ve never asked me for anything, even if you could and I’d happily give it to you, and I can’t for my life figure out why I would say what I said. I think it was my own insecurities, my fears, that had me place those thoughts on you and I can’t stress enough how fucking sorry I am for that.” He swallowed hard, bottom lip stuck between his teeth as he waited for you to answer. Your eyes trailed over his face and you contemplated carefully how to respond before eventually speaking up.
“I know you didn’t mean it like- like I thought in the beginning. I realize that now, after some time. I understand your point of view- or maybe I don’t understand it but I accept it. I know you Max, I know the way your mind works and your insecurities. But you also know me and it really hurt me to know that even the thought of me being with you for your money crossed your mind.” His gaze dropped down to your hands at your words, nodding. He was ashamed, you knew he was, and despite knowing he might deserve it you really didn’t want him to. Not anymore. With a soft breath you pulled your hand from his, reaching up to cup both his cheeks. When Max met your gaze again you offered a small smile, thumbs moving over his skin. “We all let stupid thoughts cloud our minds sometimes, that’s human. I’m not holding it against you as long as you promise me you’ll tell me if you ever actually feel like I’m somehow taking advantage of you. Or your money.”
“I promise.” He nodded quickly and you couldn’t help but let out a light laugh. Without another word you reached up on your toes, capturing his lips in a long awaited kiss. Despite the fact that it was supposed to be a short and sweet peck the both of you craved more, having been away from each other for way too long. Max deepened the kiss and it didn’t take long until he hoisted you up in his arms, lips instead attacking your neck and shoulder as he mumbled scattered declarations of love against your skin.
Later that evening the two of you laid curled up in bed, legs tangled together and Maxs head placed securely on your chest. As your fingers combed their way through his hair his drew random shapes against your skin, both of you enjoying the sounds of Jimmy and Sassy’s purring from the other side of the bed.
“I’d love you every time.” Max mumbled suddenly, making you pause for a second before continuing your movement.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean I’d find you no matter what, I’d love you in every timeline and every universe. No matter what any of us were doing I’d find a way to be with you.” His words were almost a bit slurred, the sleepiness thick in his voice, but you heard him loud and clear and it made your heart swell.
“I’d find you too Max. Even if you worked at a gas station.”
Tagging ppl who asked for pt2 <33 @brod16 @spookystitchery @witchsbitchestime @bingussthirdtoe @itsjustkhaos @tylerstacobell @ironmaiden1313 @bitchreader @sp1rl @marvelfangirl04 @kravitzwhore @darleneslane @amberpanda99
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jay7543 · 3 months
Hey.. So, TF141+König who discover that the Reader has a hidden profile on OnlyFans and realize that the most recent videos were recorded on the Base with some object or clothing of theirs, they then decide that they need to help the pathetic and stupid little thing to create better content and show your subscribers what she looks like with a real dick:3
Ghost and könig discover your only fans
Feel free to request/ make suggestions!!
Thank you so much for my first ever request!!! This is an amazing idea and I couldn’t wait to wrack my stupid, horny mind to figure something out lol. Now I did change something. It’s gonna just be ghost and könig instead of all of 141, 2 is easier to manage for me instead of like 5 lol. I hope you enjoy!!!
This is also my first attempt at a m4f story so please forgive me if it’s not as good as my other stuff.
When you first joined 141 you figured you’d be making the big bucks, but sadly, you weren’t. Lucky for you, you had been blessed by god, and your mothers genes, so you were pretty busty. You thought the best way to make some extra money was to obviously make an only fans, you already had a few dildos so why not right? At first you’d just do it while you were on leave and off base, but recently you’ve gotten more adventurous, especially after seeing how much you made. And your most recent endeavor was two bad ideas, taking some of your teammates stuff to use in the videos, and to film it on base, in your room, surely they don’t know right? Right?
You just uploaded your newest video, in this one you were riding your dildo, cowgirl position so the camera could see it all, you also….were wearing one of ghosts masks… you know it wasn’t a good idea but the rush was just too good, he left it out, and you took it. You just had too. You watched the money roll in as people paid for the video, you sat there smiling, but unbeknownst to you, two men on the other side of base have realized your scheme.
Ghost walked up to könig with his phone in his hand and a surprised look in his eye
König-“what do you need?”
Ghost just flips his phone around and lets the video of you play, your sopping wet pussy slamming down on your dildo over and over, rubbing your clit with your thumb at the same time, all while wearing ghosts mask. König watched the video, eyes wide and breathing staring to speed up from arousal. He cleared his throat to snap himself out of it.
König-“what is this huh? You’re Freundin or something? I did not need to see”
He laughs in his face
Ghost-“don’t be a prick. Look at the room, and that’s one of my masks, that went missing recently”
He says seriously. König looks back at the video, noticing the decoration of the room, your decorations, your weird pink pillow that you were obsessed with, and…your fucking uniform, your name wasn’t on it but any of your teammates would recognize it, especially these two. And of course he recognized those perky tits, even if he’s only ever seen them through your shirts.
König-“is that-“
Ghost it cuts him off
Ghost-“it is, she has an only fans apparently, she has for a while”
König chuckles
König-“really? Well I guess she needed more money, and that is one hell of a body to show off, Nein?”
Ghost-“well…you are right there mate, the perky tits, and her pussy is soaked”
Ghost stares at the video again for a second before looking back up at könig
Ghost-“I have an idea, how about we give her some real cock to show her viewers?”
König smiles under his mask and nods slightly
König-“I Liebe that idea”
With that they both start walking towards your room
König-“wait. Why do you know about the porn that she sells? And why do you pay for it”
Ghost stops in his tracks for a second
Ghost-“don’t judge me mate, I have my vices, and I didn’t even know it was her till this”
They start walking again. On the other side of the base you sit there, letting the money roll in as you wonder what to do for your next video before hearing a knock on the door. You jump a bit, not expecting it before closing your laptop and walking to the door to open it, you see ghost and könig standing there.
Reader-“oh, hey guys, what’s up”
You say nervously
König-“ah, hello maus, how are you”
He says in a weirdly seductive tone
Ghost-“I’m not gonna beat around the bush. We saw the video, and I saw that you had my mask”
You stand there stunned, wondering how did they uncover your perfect scheme? It was foolproof! No it wasn’t, you were just too horny to realize
Reader-“I uh-I’ll stop, I’m sorry”
König-“oh, no no no. We don’t want you to stop, we want to give you some real cock, so your viewers can see how you really get fucked”
You stand there shocked yet again, you look over at ghost, he nods
Ghost-“he’s right, look, it was hot watching you ride that dildo, but that’s nothing compared to my cock, can’t say about Jerry over here”
König glares at him
König-“I’m Austrian you Pimmel. And I’m sure my cock is more that sizable enough for maus”
Ghost shrugged and looked back at you before leaning in and whispering in your ear
Ghost-“I’ll make you squirt your pretty little brains out”
You can’t help but nod, who wouldn’t wanna be fucked by the two hottest and mysterious guys on base.
Reader-“I-yeah, sure”
You walk back into your room and set the camera up pointed at your bed and start recording, you can cut it down later. Ghost and könig walk in behind you, stripping off there pants as they go. Before even having time to respond, you’re pushed down onto your bed and have your clothes ripped off by the two of them. They both pull their masks up just above their mouths and start kissing you in different places, könig starts with gently kissing your lips, ghost goes straight for your tits, kissing and sucking on your nipples. You can’t help but moan as they both kiss you, könig pulls away
König-“don’t worry maus, it’ll only get better from here”
He chuckles and as you lay flat on the bed he gets up onto it himself and positions his cock right next to your face, he was rock hard and smelled so strong, his scent filling your nose. Your eyes roll as you take it all in. When he sees this he chuckles and slowly pushes his cock into your mouth, you start to suck and lick greedily as he just stays there, having to do less work than he originally thought.
König-“Mein Gott maus, you act like such a slut, so different from how you are in missions”
He groans a bit as he feels your tongue run over his tip, that’s now leaking some thick, delicious pre cum. Ghost watches in envy
Ghost-“no mate, you’re not allowed to have all the fun”
He moves from your breasts down to your pussy, that’s now soaking wet and dripping onto the bed. Simon puts his mouth onto your needy cunt, his tongue moving around all your folds, and sometimes rubbing against your clit. You moan and königs cock slips out of your mouth. He grabs the back of your head and pushes you back onto it, cutting your moan short
König-“no, I don’t care how good he makes you feel, that mouth does not come off my cock”
He says sternly, now thrusting into your mouth
Ghost-“you taste so bloody good love, I can’t wait longer”
With that he pulls his mouth away and licks his lips, getting the rest of your juices off of his mouth before positioning his cock directly at your pussy, that’s now wet enough for him to slip the whole way in. He pushes the whole way in with one thrust, followed by a loud grunt before he starts thrusting. You moan and pant as your mouth and pussy get filled by these two men. You’ve dreamt about this, and now it’s happening, and you’re gonna get paid for it on your only fans, it’s perfect!
König-“maus I’m close”
He grunts put as he thrusts into your mouth harder and faster, which makes you gag and slobber over it even more than before.
Ghost-“ha, quick shot”
He blurts out as he thrusts into you, your folds wrapping around him as tight as possible, not wanting him to ever pull out
König-“shut up, bastard”
He grunts out as he thrusts into your mouth one more time as he shoots out his load into you, filling your mouth with his thick potent seed. He moans with every shot until your mouth is full. After he finally stops cumming he pulls out of your mouth, his cock now softening. You swirl his cum around in your mouth a bit before gulping it down. He chuckles and pants as your mouth opens to moan because of ghost, showing that you swallowed it all
König-“good to know you swallow maus”
He lays back on the bed to catch his breath and watch you and ghost.
Ghost-“now I can really have some damn fun”
He grabs your hips and slams you into his, filling the room with the sound of flesh slapping together, as well as grunts and moans that could easily be mistaken for wild animals.
Reader-“oh fuck, ghost. Your cock is so big, it’s so much better than my dildos”
You scream out between moans, he chuckles
Ghost-“that’s nothing”
With that he lifts your legs as if to put you in missionary, but he puts you into a mating press instead, his cock burying itself deep inside you, filling you up completely, and on top of all that, he starts rubbing your clit with his thumb. You scream out in pleasure
Reader-“oh fuck!”
He smiles and thrusts even harder, pressing against your deepest parts with each thrust. He starts to speed up as you know what’s coming next, he starts to pull away but you wrap your legs around him
Reader-“no! Cum in me, fill me up”
Not a single man on this planet can resist that request, so he obliges, he slams his cock the whole way in one last time before you feel thick, milky shots of cum filling you up, you feel so warm deep inside and start to squirt around his cock, just like he said he’d make you. Some cum even starts to leak out. After that he falls over you exhausted and pants before planting a kiss on your forehead
Ghost-“bloody hell love, that pussy was perfect”
König chimes in
König-“wow, just wow, I call her pussy next time”
Reader-“next time?”
You ask, completely out of breath and lightheaded, covered in your and their juices. Ghost nods
Ghost-“oh yeah, we’re doing this a lot more from now on, and we want a cut”
You all share a chuckle
Reader-“fine, it’s not like I can say no to those cocks anyway”
They both get up and put their pants back on before leaving the room. You lie there exhausted as you think.
Reader-“I’m pretty sure I’m gonna be making even more now”
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2knightt · 1 year
The boys reactions if you asked to do their makeup?
the gangs reactions to you wanting to do their makeup!
2.mentions of putting concealer and foundation on, so like just imagine you bought ones that match them lol
3.swearing and minor violence at the end.
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Johnny Cade ;
“johnnycakes, would you let me do your makeup?”
you said looking at your boyfriend sitting on your bed as you did your own makeup at your vanity.
“h-huh? like..on me?”
“yes johnny, on you.”
johnny wanted to object he really did but when you just stared at him he got nervous.
he just nodded his head yes because he didn’t want to disappoint you.
so you smiled as wide as you could and shot up out of your seat.
“really?! you’d let me?”
“huh uh…”
“EEK! well, sit down!!”
johnny sighs as he makes his way over to the chair.
johnny didn’t know what you were gonna do to him!
well, he did have an idea. he watches you do your makeup so often that he’s memorized your routine.
he has to admit, he was scared at first, but when you started to do his makeup he immediately relaxed.
johnny didn’t know you doing his makeup could be this relaxing.
he almost fell asleep!
johnny’s scared of the eyelash curler. he doesn’t like how close it is to his eye.
when you’re finished and you show him the finished product, he can’t help but look at himself at all angles!
“so? did i do good?”
“yeah, real good.”
Dallas Winston ;
only way you’re gonna do his makeup is if you have pity points!
if he forgot something special or you guys just finished settling an argument and he feels bad? you just got yourself dallas winston pity points!
put ‘em to good use.
but if you’re askin’ to do his makeup, i think you are!
“can i do your makeup?”
expect him to slowly turn his head towards you with shock and disgust.
he has dignity!! he’s a cool tuff grease, what makes you think he’s gonna put ANY sort of makeup on??
“well, do you remember the time that you got mad at me for like no reason? you still gotta make it up to me..”
“FINE. i’ll let you do my makeup. just don’t bring that up again.”
you smile as you grab your makeup bag while dallas groans.
if you have one of those cute lil headbands with animal ears on them please put them on him?? it’d be so funny??
“y/n are you fucking kidding me?”
“what do you mean dal? you look so cute!”
dallas has ZERO clue on what you do for makeup.
he doesn’t even know what concealer is.
when your finished he just blankly stares into the mirror while you laugh your ass off.
“this isn’t funny.”
“no-no you’re absolutely right! i-it’s just the fact that thee dallas winston is wearing makeup!”
Ponyboy Curtis ;
“gee, pony. im realll bored..”
when you started anything with ‘gee’ ponyboy knew you were gonna suggest something stupid.
“*sigh* what do you want to do, y/n?”
“you should let me do your makeup!”
ponyboy scrunched his face up at the idea, but the longer he thought about it, the more okay he was.
“okay, just don’t make it wear it out in public as some cruel prank.”
“i would never!”
ponyboy would also be another one to find you doing his makeup relaxing.
he doesn’t close his eyes though, he’s too busy asking and trying to guess what you do with everything.
“oh! what’s that for? is it to like…pluck my eyebrows?”
“no pony, it’s to curl your lashes.”
he thinks you beating his face with a beauty blender is ticklish.
“stop moving!! im trying to blend out the foundation!!”
“it ain’t my fault it tickles!”
but when you’re done he definitely forgets it’s on and goes into the living room with the gang in there.
“you got something to tell us, kid?”
“OH SH-“
and now he’s running to his room to tell you to take it off as you hear the gang laughing like hyenas in the other room.
“y/n, y/n please take this off. i need to go get a pepsi.”
Sodapop Curtis ;
he is absolutely for the idea of you doing makeup on him!
when you asked him he smiled so bright, you could’ve sworn you looked right into the sun!
“love…you should like, let me do your makeup.”
“yeah!! let’s do it!!”
when you get your makeup out, expect him to be touching everything.
the second you put something down, it’s already in his hands.
“ew, why is it sticky?!”
“cause it’s a primer, babe. it’s supposed to be sticky.”
he puts you on his lap while you do his makeup so, ‘you can see better.’
yeah right.
so the whole time while you’re doing his makeup he has his hands around your waist with his eyes closed.
he may pick ugly colours that totally clash, but it’ll make him happy.
“uhh, oh! i like this red and…that purple!”
if you put lipstick on him, expect him to try to be kissing you all the time.
“soda!! stop tryin’ to kiss me, i’m trying to put the makeup away!”
“aweee, y/n doesn’t want my kisses…??”
let him have at least one and he’ll feel better.
he DEFINITELY keeps it on all day.
“what the fuck are you wearing?”
“you don’t like it stevey wevey?🥺”
he says while making duck lips in steves direction.
Darry Curtis ;
you have to ask when he’s tired.
because when he’s with you and tired, he’ll let anything you do slide.
so while he’s sitting on his chair with his head thrown back after ponyboy and soda are sleep, it’s the best time to ask.
“hey darry?”
“since you ain’t doing much, can i..do your makeup?”
his eyebrows immediately tighten at the thought, but after 10 seconds he realizes theres no use in putting up a fight.
“sure doll. just be quick.”
and on that que, you’re rushing to get everything you need!
i don’t see darry liking the feeling of makeup, so this does infact have to be a speedy process.
he doesn’t ask what anything is, he trusts you enough to know what you’re doing.
he does not let you ANYWHERE near his eyes though, it freaks him out too much. but if you’re dead set on doing full glam, expect a long conversation of trying to convince him.
“do you really have to?”
“yes darry, eyeshadow and mascara is the KEY to any makeup look! especially with these pretty browns you have!”
when your done he’ll go look in the bathroom mirror and laugh a little before he asks for you to take it off.
if you’re feeling a little silly funny and goofy, do not take the lipstick off. let it stay there and pray it stays on ‘till the morning.
and if it does? you and the gang will have a field day oh my god.
“wow, super man! what do you do at night?”
Steve Randle ;
unlike his best friend, steve isn’t one for makeup.
he’s ‘too tuff for any of that!’
all you gotta do is twirl your pretty hair and flutter those lashes and he’ll do it.
“aw, c’mon steve! it won’t be too long..”
“fine. but speak of this to anyone and i’ll tell them about last tuesday.”
and that’s how you got steve to sit down all nice and pretty to do his makeup!
he stares at you while you do his makeup.
he doesn’t have a goddamn clue what’s going on.
he barely understands foundation, so please be patient. he will ask what everything does too.
“whats that do?”
“this is blush steve, can’t have you lookin’ like a ghost.”
another one that picks out the eyeshadow colour, expect he actually picks good colours.
he is very aware of the what colours clash and what doesn’t, and he cannot be looking like a clown around you.
“pick which colours!”
“the cream and this blue.”
he is very nervous about the mascara, very.
but once you do one eye, he’ll even blink to help you!
when you’re done he thinks you did a great job!
he might even go terrorize sodapop for the jokes.
“don’t ya think i look pretttttyyy mr.curtis?”
“steve, get out of my house and never come back.”
Two-bit Matthews ;
he isn’t new to makeup in any shape or form.
so if you ask him to do his makeup, he’ll nod his head real aggressively.
“babyy…you should let me do your makeup.”
“i thought you’d never ask!”
his little sister has definitely put makeup on him before, but like, only kiddie makeup.
so when he seen the makeup you had?? he was astonished to say the least.
“woahh! you have actual eyeshadow, and real blush!”
he will sit there looking pretty, kicking his feet as you apply the highlighter to his face.
he licks off the lipstick as soon as you put it on.
he doesn’t mean too! he’s used to his little sisters chapstick that tastes like cherries.
when you’re finished his look, he WILL keep it on with pride.
he doesn’t care.
“two-bit, are you fucking serious.”
“yes i am. my wonderful girlfriend put it on, isn’t she just the sweetest?”
“I SAID, isn’t she just the sweetest.”
and now he’s a man with makeup, holding a switchblade, threatening someone to call his girlfriend sweet.
author notes ;
taglist-ish LMFAO:
@diorgirl444 - i remember you asked to be tagged..TELL ME IF U DONT LOL🙏
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may 14th, 2023.
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chilschuck · 2 months
Hear me out...
Witch/mage half-foot reader x chilchuck? Iy would be cute i think?
Maybe they have that carefree, mad hatter-y vibe that makes chil grow white hairs every single moment lol
(sorry for any mistakes, english isnt my first language)
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ THIS IS SUCH A CUTE IDEA and i hope i did it justice!!! struggling to write for some reason lately but i got this out for you and i’m so happy that i finished it!!
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— CHILCHUCK: x mage half-foot!reader.
꒰ warnings: ꒱ none, sfw + gn!reader!
꒰ wc: ꒱ 570
✦ hope this turned out okay!!! i am trying to get out at least one request a day! <3 enjoy!!
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✦ You made it very known you were interested in joining the party, and Laios suggested it wouldn’t be too bad to have another magic user around. Since no one had really any objections to it, you became the party’s second half-foot member.
✦ With a smaller amount of mana than other races, you used your magic in smaller bursts. Even with having to be more observant of when you used it, you were definitely more of a carefree soul than the other members.
✦ Running headfirst into whatever monster made an appearance was common for you, and Chilchuck grabbing you by the collar and pulling you to safety with him was as well. You seemed to have a knack for making Chilchuck grow more gray hairs, whether it be by scaring the hell out of him with reckless behavior or disappearing for a span of time before popping up right behind him. (He didn’t want to guess what exactly you went off to do.)
✦ Chilchuck, when given the chance, would grab you by your shoulders to get onto you about your reckless behavior. To his dismay, you usually gave him that sly, carefree grin you always did. You two were definitely polar opposites in some regards, and Chilchuck had to routinely keep his heart from stopping when you put yourself in danger.
✦ That isn’t to say you weren’t skilled at what you do: even Chilchuck knew you had talent. It was more so that you had a bit more fun than needed, which caused the already older half-foot to feel like he’s aging more.
✦ All his concerns and reprimanding aside, he really did enjoy your company. Maybe it was your whimsical sort of outlook or the way you carried yourself, but he was definitely drawn to you. The first time he realized this was when you scared him so badly that he thought he had lost you. After letting him know you were fine and that it’s nothing some healing won’t fix up, he knew you had begun to grow on him.
✦ You made sure to tease him about his concern over your wellbeing, letting him know you were more than capable of taking care of yourself. Maybe even purposefully putting him on edge with some of your shenanigans just to see him freak out a little.
✦ Secretly, Chilchuck admired how gutsy you were, even if your mad hatter-like personality gave him heart palpitations. He wondered what it must be like to not have any concerns like that, sometimes catching his attention being solely on you and your work.
✦ It didn’t help that you and your personality were pretty charming, after all. Maybe he even found it cute how engrossed in certain aspects of magic you’d get. And how excited you got when you succeeded at something. Also how you’d sometimes catch yourself daydreaming and get lost in thought. The list goes on, much to his dismay.
✦ The half-foot would always deny it, but sometimes Marcille sees the way he looks at you and absolutely teases him. Apparently, it reminds her of a romance novel she read once, about a grumpy man and this mage that taught him how to live life to the fullest. Chilchuck swatted her away, trying his best to ignore the feeling in his chest at that. He definitely has some thinking to do… (And feelings to acknowledge!!)
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— dividers by @/cafekitsune! <3
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st-eve-barnes · 5 months
Leverage (Michael Gavey x fem Reader)
Chapter 6 (the final one)
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Summary: When your ex threatens to release some very personal videos you are left with no choice but to do what he asks: seduce the biggest nerd on campus, Michael Gavey. Will you rock his world or will he fundamentally change yours?
This chapter: Basically angst central, confrontations all around, things get worse before they get better. And smut of course ;)
Word count: +5000
Warning for the entire fic: 18+ for explicit content and language. Kissing, oral sex (male & fem receiving), dry humping, hand job, fingering, p in v sex. First kiss and loss of virginity. Experienced reader. Enemies to lovers vibes.
Fluff, smut and of course angst (my favorite combination! lol)
This is the last chapter and I want to thank everyone for all the love on this fic! I really did not expect this little nerd to be so popular but I guess he owns us all❤️ I hope you guys like the ending, I feel like I edited too much but I really needed to send it into the world now so I can move onto another muse ;)
Read the first chapters Here
All my fics are also on AO3
The rain was pouring down hard over Oxford that week, it was barely three in the afternoon yet it was almost completely dark outside.
Inside the Bodleian library the lights were cozy and warm. It was quiet except for a handful of students sitting at the tables to read and study.
You and Michael were doing neither of those. Instead you were hiding in the back between two book shelves, his hand tangled into your hair while his lips trailed a path down your neck, leaving sloppy wet kisses all over your skin.
He had your back pressed up against his chest, trapping you between him and the books.
“Fuck,” he breathed into your ear,”I just wanna push that skirt up and shove my cock into you right here.”
To accentuate his words he moved his hips, pushing his rock hard erection against your ass.
“You wouldn’t,” you finally managed to speak, your words contradicting your actions because you were grinding back against him just as desperately.
Michael used your hair to pull you back against him, his lips grazing the shell of your ear as he whispered,”I will if you beg me.”
His hand moved from your hip down to your thighs and in between your legs, cupping your pussy over your panties, his fingers pushing just hard enough to let you feel him. He smirked at the wetness pooling through the fabric.
“Wet means you want me, right?” he teased, kissing your neck again,”Come on, sweetheart.”
“I am not going to beg, Michael, we’re in the fucking library,” you objected in a heavy whisper.
You wanted him to stop, but you also didn’t. You never should have followed him back here. You were a bad influence on him, you were both a bad influence on each other.
“Oh, so you don’t want my cock?” Michael asked with a little teasing chuckle.
He started kissing the spot right below your ear while his hand slipped inside your panties.
And again you were not stopping him, your brain was yelling at you to quit it right now and step back but your body clearly wasn’t on board with that plan.
“Michael…not in here,” you protested but then you moaned when his fingers found your clit. He circled it slowly and so skillfully you had to bite your lip to keep from moaning out loud.
He was laughing into your ear now,”Sweetheart, stop pretending, you are fucking soaked.”
You moaned again,”God, Michael, please.” 
Were you begging him to stop or to keep going? You couldn’t tell anymore, you were completely at his mercy at this point.
The nerd you had sex with for the first time less than two months ago was no longer, this Michael was a whole new man and he was the one in control now. 
You had created a monster. A monster you wanted to fuck every hour of every day.
“Michael,” you whimpered,”We shouldn’t do this in here…”
Your protest was weak and you both knew it. There was nobody around in the area of the library where you two were but you could hear voices of other students and staff way too close for comfort. If anyone caught you two the consequences could be severe, you could both lose your scholarship and get kicked out of the university.
Yet Michael didn’t seem to care at all, making no attempts to stop or slow down as he pushed a finger inside of you and made you grab the bookshelves in front of you for support.
“Fuck,” you moaned,”Why do you feel so fucking good?”
He grabbed your neck with his free hand and started kissing your shoulders while he slowly pumped his finger in and out of you, thumb teasing your clit. 
“I learned from the best,” he whispered into your ear.
“We could get kicked out,” you tried to object again but Michael just added another finger and ignored your plea, his warm mouth sucking bruises into your skin.
“Please,” you tried again,”Michael…please, we have to stop, it’s not worth….fuck…”
“I don’t care,” he moaned softly against your neck,”I’m going to fuck you right here…if we get caught we get caught…fuck it.”
You’re not sure why exactly those words made you come back down to reality but you were quick to grab his hand and finally really stop him this time.
“No. Stop,” you insisted and this time Michael obeyed instantly, sensing the urgency in your tone.
He pulled back, letting you turn around to face him. “What’s wrong?” he asked, confused.
“You do care,” you pointed out, looking into his eyes,”You could lose your scholarship, how can you say you don’t care?”
Michael just shrugged and your only reaction was to hit him on the chest.“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“It’s your fault!” he defended himself,”I want you so bad it makes me stupid.”
You knew he didn’t mean it the way it came out but the words still cut right through you. Michael knew he fucked up. He moved his hand through his hair and sighed,”I said the wrong thing again, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, you did.”
He placed his hands on your waist and pulled you closer,”Come here, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that, I’m sorry.”
His lips found yours in a soft kiss and your irritation melted away immediately.
“You’re right,” he then whispered,”I wasn’t thinking, and that isn’t your fault at all, I just…I’ll be more careful around campus, I promise. Are we good? Please tell me we’re good?”
You pressed your forehead against his, smiling softly when he kissed your lips again. ”Yeah, we’re good.”
“I don’t have classes for another two hours. Want to come up to my room and finish this?”
Your lips curled up into an eager smile and you nodded. Michael grabbed your hand and pulled you with him through the library and out into the rain. You stopped a few times on the way to Michael’s apartment to make out in the middle of the street, rain falling down heavily over the both of you but neither of you cared, having only eyes for each other.
As soon as you entered Michael’s room he made good on his promise. Pulling you into his arms and fucking you right there against the wall, his cargo pants down to his ankles and your panties pushed to the side. It was rushed and quick and absolutely perfect.
He made you come three more times that afternoon. Afterwards you both fell asleep on his bed, forgetting all about the studying you both had planned that day.
You were having coffee near the university later that week when Michael slipped into the seat opposite you, his blue eyes glowing with mischief.
He didn’t wait for you to greet him before he started rambling,“Okay, so I have this friend of a classmate who’s into IT and some other, less official, computer stuff and I told him about…your issue and he’s convinced he can help us out.’
You looked up at him over your coffee cup.”Define less official? Do you mean illegal?”
“Well,…if he can get into Ben’s computer he can delete every single file on there.”
“You mean hacking. Michael, that’s illegal,” you sighed.
“He’s done it before, it’s no big deal.”
“No big deal?” you asked, shocked,”It’s a literal crime. You’re friends with a criminal now?”
Michael gave you an annoyed glare,”He’s not my friend, and he is not a criminal, he only does this to help people out. What’s wrong? Do you not want my help now?”
“Not if it’s going to get you in trouble.”
“I won’t get in trouble.”
“Okay, I don’t want your acquaintance, the criminal, to get in trouble.”
He couldn’t help but grin at your sassy words but then he was quickly shaking his head,”We won’t get caught, and if we do…it’ll be worth it. I’m not letting that prick ruin your life.”
“What does your not-friend want in return?” you asked.
“Just some tutoring lessons,” he explained.
You sighed deeply, looking up at him.”Michael…”
“Come on, we can fix this, let me fix this for you, baby,” he begged.
“It’s illegal, Michael,” you reminded him.
“I don’t care,” he insisted.
You looked at him, at his honest eyes and the nervous yet excited smile on his lips. His cheeks blushed under your gaze and the cozy nerdy sweater he was wearing made you want to crawl into his lap and cuddle with him. 
He was so eager to help you and play the knight in shining armor. It was the library all over again, he would put all his morals and beliefs aside for you without even thinking twice about it. You knew you should feel flattered but another feeling was rapidly taking over.
The feeling that Michael was undeniably too good for you, and that you could ruin everything he’s ever wanted and worked for. 
And that it had already taken you way too long to put a stop to it.
“I can’t let you do that for me,” you then spoke softly and Michael’s face fell.
“But I want to do this for you,” he reassured you, reaching across the table to grab your hand but you didn’t take his.
“No,” you insisted,”I want you to stop.”
“Stop what? Looking out for you? Trying to protect you against that twat?”
“All of it, Michael,” you sighed,”I want to stop all of it.”
He stared at you, panic now settling in his pretty blue eyes,”All of it?”
You hadn’t even realized it until you heard yourself say the words just now but you knew it was the only way.
“That test is tomorrow, right?” you asked.
Michael nodded, still confused by your words.
“You should take the rest of the day and study.”
“I don’t need to study,” Michael interrupted you,”You know that. I'm a..."
"Genius," you interrupted him right back,"Yes I know. Then take the day to rest and get into focus. I don’t think we should hang out today.”
“Just today or…?” he asked carefully.
“You should focus on what you’re here for, Michael,” you sighed,”We both know that isn’t me.”
“You’ve changed,” you continued,”I can see it every day, you’re more and more distracted, you’re taking risks that could impact the rest of your life and…it’s all because of me.”
Michael stayed quiet for a moment.
“Of course it’s all because of you,” he then spoke softly,”And of course I’ve changed, how can I not be? How can I spend all these weeks with you and not have it change me?”
This time you were the one who stayed silent.
“Do you think you haven’t changed?” he asked,”Because if you really haven’t then…what’s the point of all of this? What have we been doing all this time? And don’t say fucking because we both know it was more than that!”
“But it wasn’t,” you lied,”Not to me, Michael.”
You could see the exact moment his heart broke at your words.
“You’re lying,” he whispered.
“No, I’m not,” you shook your head, sounding a lot more convincing than you felt,”I used you, right from the start, and you knew that. You knew what this was."
He was fighting back tears but you couldn't stop now that you'd started.
"I liked how I felt when I was with you but that’s all it was," you added,"And I feel guilty about it now because…I realize it was cruel. And you don’t deserve that. So I’m letting you off the hook.”
“But…I…I don’t want off the hook…I…I really fucking like you…and…fuck,” Michael was struggling to find his words, shaking his head and doing his best to hide his tears from you.
“I don’t like you that way, Michael,” you whispered, as if that would somehow make your words less harsh,”I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong idea. I should have never gotten you involved in this. I’m so sorry, I really am.”
Michael was too stunned to say or do anything else but watch you leave. 
You held it together well until the door of the coffee shop closed behind you. For once you were grateful for the rain, for at least now nobody could see your tears.
Weeks passed after that, without Michael. And without Ben, you kept waiting for the bomb to drop, for him to share that video and ruin your last year in Oxford. 
But it didn’t come.
You started going out with your friends again from time to time, and focussed on studying and graduating. For whatever reason Ben had kept his distance from you and as the weeks passed you were starting to forget about the whole thing. Maybe he had been all bark and no bite after all, maybe he never even intended to do anything to begin with and it was all just scare tactics. You felt bad for ever believing him but more than anything you felt relief. It was all over now.
You didn’t see Ben for an entire month, nor did you see Michael.
But without your knowledge they did see each other, once. The day after Michael’s friend of a friend hacked into Ben’s computer.
Michael was sitting in his usual spot in the library when Ben aggressively grabbed a chair and sat right next to him.
Michael kept his calm and didn’t look up to acknowledge him at first.“What do you want?” he then asked, annoyed.
“I fucking know it was you!” Ben hissed.
“You know more than I do then,” Michael stated calmly, still not looking at him.
“I know it was one of those IT computer nerds and all you fucking nerds stick together, it’s fucking obvious.”
Michael finally laid down his pen to look at him, a smug calm smile on his face,”Prove it.”
“If I could I’d have you kicked out already,” Ben sighed annoyed.
Michael just nodded,”Then why are you here?”
Ben moved his chair closer to his and looked into his eyes, his anger replaced by a smug grin,”Because…you overlooked one small thing, genius…I would have thought you computer nerds would follow your own advice but…”
“What…advice?” Michael asked, trying not to show the sudden panic caused by Ben’s words.
“Always have a back up,” Ben stated, making Michael’s stomach twist.
“You have another copy?” he realized.
“I do, yeah,” Ben smiled,”It’s on a hard drive that you guys will never get your hands on.”
“Fuck,” Michael breathed.
Ben leaned back in his chair to look at him, his grin so smug Michael wanted to punch him in the face right there.”So, I just came by to say nice try, loser.”
He got up from the chair and wanted to walk away but Michael was quick to follow him.
“Wait! Is that…is that the only other copy you have?” he asked.
Ben laughed,”It is for now, but as soon as I get my computer up and running again I guess I should make some back ups of my back up. You never know when it could come in handy.”
Michael had to stop himself from punching him in the face but Ben just walked away, not even paying Michael any more attention.
This couldn’t be how it ended, the rich kid does not get to win.
Michael was balling his fists and biting his tongue but he soon realized there was only one other thing he could do, and it played right into Ben’s hand. But it was the only way to destroy the last evidence of that video and have you be free of him.
“I can get you in!” Michael yelled after him, making Ben turn around.
“In where?” Ben asked with a laugh.
“Charter Inc.”
Ben stopped in his tracks to look at him.”You got the job,” he realized.
Michael nodded,”I got the letter last week and I had the interview on Monday.”
“Fuck, I knew I should have heard something by now,” Ben sighed,”Damned!”
“They told me in the interview they’re always on the lookout for new people, asked me if I could recommend anyone.”
“Are you serious right now? Are you making this shit up?”
”I’m serious. And I’ll be happy to recommend you.”
“You would?” Ben laughed.
“No of course not, I’d rather fucking die,” Michael confessed,”But…I’ll do it, if you do two things for me.”
 “Name it.”
“You take me up to your room right now and we destroy that copy.”
“Alright,” Ben sighed,” And the other thing?”
“You leave her alone from now on,” Michael stated firmly,“I promise to do my utter best to get you in if you do these two things for me. You have my word on that. Do we have a deal?”
Ben looked at him and then caved, nodding his head,”Fine, sure, whatever, man. If there’s a chance you can get me the job I always wanted I don’t give a fuck about some stupid sex video. But you’d better not be lying to me, Gavey, or I’m coming for you.”
Michael followed Ben out of the library and into the hallway.“That’s fine, you can come after me all you want, just…leave her alone.”
“Look at you playing the knight in shining armor,” Ben teased,”Why are you doing all this? Didn’t she dump you?”
“Yeah, she did,” Michael whispered.
“Aww, you think she’s gonna come running back into your arms when you tell her how you saved her? That’s pathetic, man.”
“No, I don’t,” he sighed.
“Then why go through all this trouble, dude? You love her or something?”
Michael shook his head and blushed,”You would’t get it.”
He didn’t tell Ben anything else.
And he didn’t tell you anything either. Not then or during the weeks after.
It was the day of graduation when you ran into Ben, literally, on your way out of the courtyard. The both of you dressed up to the nines to celebrate. Ben didn’t have the usual smug smile or big mouth on him this time, he just congratulated you and reassured you everything else was in the past, which was of course very easy for him to say as he hadn’t been the one on the receiving end of his empty threats.
But you couldn’t be bothered wasting any more time or thoughts on him so you just congratulated him back and then walked away.
“Hey, how’s Gavey?” he asked before you could turn your back on him.
“I wouldn’t know, I haven’t seen him,” you confessed.
You didn’t want to talk to Ben to begin with and you definitely didn’t want to talk to him about Michael.
“Huh,” Ben looked at you confused for a moment and then smiled,”Oh wait, he never told you, didn’t he?”
“Told me what, Ben?” you asked impatiently,”I swear to god if this is another one of your tricks…”
“It’s not, I don’t…I don’t do that shit anymore, it was stupid and childish.”
“No shit, Sherlock,” you sighed annoyed,”What then?”
“You might want to thank the nerd. You dumped him and he still saved your ass, I guess I underestimated the power of your pussy, I should apologize to her.”
You wanted to punch him in the face again and this time there was nothing or nobody stopping you so you did. Your fist hit him right on the nose and he jumped back with a painful yelp.
“Apology accepted,” you nodded and turned your back on him for the very last time.
You searched for over an hour to find Michael, making your way through the partying crowd outside. People were cheering and drinking everywhere and you were about to give up when you suddenly noticed him standing by himself, a proud happy smile on his face as he watched the people around him.
You took a moment to just look at him from a distance. He looked just as awkward and out of place as you remembered, fiddling with his glasses and not getting too close to other people. It reminded you of that first night you’d met with him in the pub.
But despite his awkwardness he also looked genuinely happy and for a moment you contemplated just walking away and letting things be. Clearly he was doing fine without you now. Did you really have the right to put yourself into his life again after months of nothing?
But the choice was taken from you when Michael noticed you. At first he just stared with a blank expression on his face, then his hand lifted in a little hesitant wave. When you waved back he broke into a smile and walked up to you.
“Hey,” his voice was soft and so kind it made your heart soar.
“Hey,” you smiled back, and then without thinking you wrapped your arms around his neck to give him a quick hug.
Michael didn’t freeze this time. Much to your surprise he grabbed your waist to pull you close to him and hug you back, his face buried into your hair. When you pulled him even closer he followed your lead, fully enveloping you into his arms, hands caressing your back and your hair.
You could hear him sigh deeply, holding you tight while he breathed you in.
“How have you been?” he asked eventually, breaking the spell and the hug.
You leaned back to look at him,“I’m okay. You?”
He nodded shyly,”Yeah, I’m okay too.”
“Ben told me what you did.”
“Oh…that was nothing, everyone would have done it.”
You shook your head with a sad smile,”No, they wouldn’t have, Michael, especially not after what I did…I don’t deserve any of it. I was horrible to you.”
He just gave you another smile and shrugged, finally taking his hands off you and it took everything in you not to grab them tight and hold onto him.
”You were just trying to get yourself out of a difficult situation,” Michael spoke,”I’m not mad, I never was. What happened…happened.”
His kindness only made you feel even more sad.
“And it all turned out for the best, I guess?” he then added,”Ben’s gone, you’re free of him. And of me…and I’m no longer a virgin. We all won in the end, didn’t we?”
“Did we?” you sighed quietly.
Michael’s eyes rested on yours, genuinely confused by your words,”Are you sure you’re okay? You don’t…seem okay.”
You bit your lip but it was too late, tears had started falling from your eyes and you couldn’t stop them. You did your best to wipe them away quickly.
Michael stepped closer to you, looking deeper into your eyes while hesitantly placing a hand back on your waist,”What’s wrong? You can tell me.”
You bit your lip and shook your head, looking down to avoid his eyes but Michael placed a hand in your neck and forced you to look at him.
“Tell me,” he insisted, softer.
You nodded but then shook your head,”Not here.”
“Okay,” Michael agreed,”Your place or mine?”
“Yours,” you whispered.
Michael’s room was as immaculately clean as ever, some things clearly never changed. His suitcase was packed next to the bed, ready to leave Oxford, and you, behind.
“I’d offer you some tea but I already packed everything, I’m sorry,” Michael apologized,”Was going to head on home right after graduation.”
“You weren’t going to stay and celebrate?”
“With who?” he laughed bitterly and sat down on the sofa, eyes avoiding yours. You followed his lead and sat down next to him.
“I’m glad you got the job,” you said to break the silence between you two.
Michael nodded. “I’m not sure if it’s what I want yet.”
“Why not?” you asked surprised.
He shrugged.”It’s a big corporate firm, biggest of the country, I’d be settled for life if I do well there but…I don’t know, been thinking a lot about life and what I want lately.”
You looked at him and he didn’t hesitate to look back this time,”Being with you changed me, Y/N,” he then confessed,”I know that’s not what you want to hear but…it's a good thing. Even if it didn't end the way I'd hoped. The change is still good, and I'll never be sorry.”
“Being with you changed me too,” you confessed, shutting him up,”I’ve been trying to deny it for so long because...it's scary as fuck. But you were right, being with the right person should change you.”
Michael held your gaze, his lips curling up into the tiniest of smiles.”I was the right person for you?” he then whispered.
You nodded, unable to deny it any longer.”I think you still might be,” you sighed.
Michael didn’t speak, he only stared at you for the longest time with a serious expression on his face.
“I miss you,” you added in a whisper, tears forming in your eyes but they didn’t get a chance to fall this time because Michael caught them. His hand gently cupped your cheek, thumb brushing your skin and then he pressed his lips to yours in a soft lingering kiss.
“I miss you too,” he breathed,”Missed you every day since you left.”
He kissed you again, deeper this time, his tongue searching for yours and when you moaned into the kiss his hands moved down to your waist, pulling you close to him.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him down on top of you on the couch and he followed eagerly, lips never leaving yours as he took his rightful spot in between your legs, where he belonged.
You kissed for several minutes, making up for lost time. Michael’s weight on you felt so perfect, his hands were soft as they made their way underneath your dress, pulling your panties down, just enough so he could slip his fingers underneath the thin fabric. 
You moaned his name when he started circling your clit, hips bucking up against his hand immediately, seeking his touch.
“Please,” you whimpered,”Please, I need you.”
“Hmm, I can tell,” Michael smirked,”My fingers are soaking wet and I’ve barely touched you, you missed me that much, sweetheart?”
You couldn’t help but smile in relief at the use of his pet name and the sudden confidence in him,”Yes,” you confessed,”I’ve missed you that much.”
The big grin on Michael’s face made you smile even more and just before he was about to slip a finger inside of you, you grabbed his hand to stop him, eyes locking with his.”No, not your hand this time,” you breathed and leaned in to whisper into his ear,”I need your cock.”
Michael whimpered at your words. You could have cried with how good it felt to hear those sounds coming out of his mouth again. You kissed him and your hands moved down over his ass, pushing his pants down and freeing his erection. You didn’t want to waste any more time so your hand wrapped around his length to stroke him, slow but firm, making him moan and whimper some more.
“Fuck, you’re killing me,” Michael whined,”I need…I need to be inside of you, please.”
You bit your lip and smiled, pressing your forehead to his.”I forgot how pretty you are when you beg,” you teased him, aligning the head of his cock with your entrance. 
For a long moment neither of you moved, Michael just looked at you, his eyes filled with so much longing. His thumb brushed your chin and then he placed a featherlight kiss to your lips.
“Open up to me,” he whispered and you obeyed, opening your mouth to allow him to kiss you deeper. He pushed his tongue inside of you at the same time his cock slipped into your welcoming walls.
He didn’t fuck you right away, instead he took his time just kissing you, slow and deep while he bottomed out, filling you up to the hilt. You tried to move your hips but Michael’s hand kept you in place. You wouldn’t be able to stand it for much longer, you needed friction, needed to feel him.
“Shhh,” he shook his head,”Stop fighting me.”
You whimpered in protest but nodded your head.
“Why did you come looking for me today?” he then asked.
“Michael,” you whined,”Seriously, you wanna talk now?”
“Answer the question,” he insisted.
“Fuck,” you breathed,”You know why.”
He gently cupped your cheek, taking the time to control his own breathing. You knew he was struggling just as much as you were but he seemed determined to see this through.
“Want to hear you say it,” he whispered.
“I missed you,” you confessed.
“Me? Or my cock?”
He couldn’t stop himself from smiling at your answer.“So, what? You want one last good fuck before we both go our separate ways and you tell me to fuck off again?” he then asked and with that question his confidence crumbled. 
And suddenly it was all you could see, not the confident man but that shy insecure boy who’d never been kissed, who turned your world upside down just by being his weird, amazing self. The boy who always said the absolute wrong thing at the wrong time. He was still right there.
The boy who fundamentally changed you. Your lips curled up into a smile and you shook your head.
“No,” you cupped his face with both hands,”I don’t want one good fuck. I want all of them, every single day, from now on, with you. If you still want me.”
Michael’s eyes closed in a heavy, relieved sigh as he leaned into you, letting you pull him into your arms.
“I still want you,” he breathed. 
It didn’t take long after that for him to finally start moving, bucking his hips against yours, slowly but with an undeniable desperation to it. The both of you were clinging to each other, breathing in each other’s moans and then Michael took up the pace, fucking you deeper and faster.
It didn’t take long for you to fall apart and Michael followed suit quickly, spilling himself deep inside of you with another delicious whine before he collapsed in your arms.
The room was quiet after that, nothing but your heavy breaths mingling and Michael’s heartbeat fast against yours. He kissed your jaw and your neck, lazy and soft until he could feel you smile against his cheek. He took off his fogged up glasses to look at you properly, the happiest of smiles on his face, warming your heart.
“So, got any plans for the summer?” you asked.
“Yeah, I do now,” he smirked before placing another lingering kiss in your neck,”You.”
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slut4thebroken · 4 months
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | Neil Lewis x reader
Summary | He’s a perv and lowkey a bad friend lol
Warnings | Smut, technically non con, masturbating, objectification, degradation, misogyny?, perv neil (again).
Words | 1.5 k
Notes | Ty to whoever sent the ask for this 🙌 Also this is barely proofread btw
Ao3 link | <3
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“Give me a sec, I need to finish getting dressed.” You said, with only your head in the frame. Your hair was still wet so you must have just gotten out of the shower. He smiled and watched your head disappear, listening to the sound of clothes rustling until you were finally sitting down in front of your computer. “Hi.” You said through a breath of exertion from rushing to get dressed. 
“Hi.” He chuckled, but it trailed off when he noticed your top. You were wearing a very tight, very low cut tank top and no bra— He knew because he could just barely see your nipples poking through the fabric. 
“How was your day?” You asked and he had to force his gaze to move back to your face, finding a small smile on your lips. 
“Same as always. Went to work, came home. Nothing new.” He shrugged. “What about you? You were telling me about something earlier over text,”
“Right..” You groaned, already getting annoyed again at just the reminder of it. “You know that one coworker I hate?” 
“Yeah.” He chuckled quietly. 
“Well, she was there today.” You said bitterly, then started droning on about what happened. Honestly, he couldn’t listen to a word you were saying. He was watching your tits through the screen as his cock started fattening up in his pants— In his defense though… he hasn’t touched himself in like.. two days. So it’s only natural he’d get worked up so easily— especially because it’s you. He palmed his bulge beneath the camera, being careful not to move his arm too much. 
He waited as long as he could… Honestly, he did. 
“Hang on, I gotta turn my camera off really quick. I’m still listening though.”
“Okay.” You said, thinking nothing of it. He turned the camera off and you continued talking, gesturing with your hands, making your tits move in a way that had his mouth watering. Unable to wait any longer, he pushed his pants and underwear down just enough to free his cock and immediately started stroking it. His eyes fluttered shut and he bit his lip to stifle a moan as his head fell back. 
He was barely listening to your words, just wanting to hear your sweet voice and imagine you were saying something else instead… something far dirtier. Wanting to watch you again, he leaned his head back up and opened his eyes to study your face. Your lips looked so pink and pouty, and so fucking kissable— it drove him crazy. 
“Neil..” You called out, snapping him out of his trance. 
“Yeah?” He cleared his throat when he heard how raspy it already was. 
“I asked if you were listening.” You giggled— fucking giggled. 
“Sorry… I promise I am now.” It was so hard to talk with his cock in his hand, throbbing with need. 
“Why can’t you turn your camera on?” You suddenly asked, making him freeze. He never thought you’d actually confront him about it…
“I- Uh… I spilled soda all over myself and I’m still trying to clean it up, while being mostly nude… I can turn it back on if you want.” He said suggestively. 
“Okay okay, sorry.” You laughed, then continued talking. “Oh- I wanted to show you what I got the other day. It reminded me of you.” You smiled and then stood up, making his jaw drop. The tank top didn’t even reach your belly button and the shorts you were wearing rested low on your hips. 
When you turned around, he choked on a moan and squeezed the base of his cock, trying not to come right then and there. No wonder the shorts were so low… If you pulled them up any higher, they’d expose more than just the very bottom of your ass. You must not have heard him because you walked a few more steps to your bookcase, then started looking for the mystery object. His hand had a mind of its own and started stroking again as he watched your hips sway while you looked through different drawers and shelves. 
You bent down to look through the bottom half, sticking your ass out as if you were teasing him on purpose. He cursed under his breath when he could just barely see the outline of your pussy in the skin tight shorts. When you leaned back up, the fabric was even higher up on your ass now and when you turned around to walk back to the computer, he saw that your tank top shifted as well, exposing more of your cleavage and the swell of your breasts. They jiggled as you sat back down in the chair.  
“Are you sure you’re listening?” He suddenly heard through the trance he was in.  
“Mhm.. just keep talking. Promise I’m listening.” He tried not to say the words through a moan. 
“Okay…” You said skeptically, but continued anyway. He was enjoying the view of your tits, but he desperately wanted to see your ass again, so he bit his lip and tried to think of a way to get you out of the chair again. 
He waited until you were done talking before asking, “Is that thing up there new?” Your brows furrowed and you turned around to see what he was talking about. 
“The figurine thing? I guess yeah. You haven’t been over in a while.” 
“Can I see it?” You smiled and agreed and he watched you stand up and turn around, only letting you take two steps before stopping you. “Wait,” You froze and turned back around, leaning down into the frame so he could see your face. 
“What?” The way you were bent over exposed even more of your tits and he stifled a groan at the sight. 
“Nevermind, sorry.” He chuckled, playing it off. You seemed suspicious but eventually leaned back up and turned around to continue walking. You got up on your toes and reached up, making your tank top raise even more, now showing your entire lower back. He imagined seeing that when he had you bent over instead, squirming and moaning under him until he came on the cute little dimples you have. 
“I used a stool to get it up here.” You laughed, dropping your heels, making your ass bounce, and twisting around to face the computer. 
“It looks like you’re almost there.” 
“Really?” You turned back around and looked up, then started reaching again, making little groans of effort that had his cock throbbing. 
“Try jumping.” 
“Neil, do you have to see it?” You huffed, already getting tired of this. “Can’t you just wait until the next time you come over?” 
“But I want to see it now.” He made sure to make his pout show in his tone since you couldn’t see his face. You let out a loud, exaggerated groan in response, but kept trying. The first time you jumped, your fingers almost brushed it. He watched in awe and cursed under his breath at the way your ass moved when you landed. Is that how it would move when he plowed into you from behind? 
You jumped again, just barely touching it. When you landed, you pulled your top down, embarrassed by how much of your midriff was showing. Neil muted his computer for a moment, needing to let out the sounds while you couldn’t see that he turned his sound off. 
The tip of his cock was completely red now, pulsing and twitching in his hand as he neared his orgasm. He moaned loudly when you jumped again and his hips bucked up into his hand. 
“Fuuuck..” He groaned, tilting his head back, but not too far so that he could still see the screen. When you jumped again, you finally grabbed it and he turned the audio back on as you walked over. Just before sitting, you pulled your tank top down again when you noticed how much of your stomach was showing. You didn’t seem to mind that the added coverage on your stomach was at the expense of the coverage on your tits. Or you just didn’t know. 
You started talking about the figurine and where you got it, and he let out little uh huh’s or grunts in response. He genuinely had no idea what you were saying, but there wasn’t even a small part of him that cared. You put it down and suddenly stretched your arms up, leaning back in the chair to stretch your back with a low moan. 
He felt his balls tighten up instantly and he got to his feet, knowing exactly what he wanted to do. He rapidly fisted his cock as you leaned back up, your top even lower now. With a stifled groan, his orgasm finally crashed over him. Rope after rope of come painted the computer screen, right on your tits. 
“Neil?” You asked, but he couldn’t talk, not when his body was literally shaking from the intensity of the pleasure. “Are you okay?” He started panting quietly as he stroked the last bead of come out, then released his cock. 
“Yeah.” He said through a breath, flopping back down onto the chair. His cock was still twitching with the aftershocks of his orgasm, especially when he saw your come covered tits though the screen. 
“Are you sure?” You were so cute when you got all concerned like this. So cute, but so dumb. 
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wednesday, seok matthew— phys. ed
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⋆˙⟡ zbully1 smut series masterlist! hanbin, jiwoong, hao, matthew, and taerae included. game day (group) chapter here. all 7 endings here.
⋆˙⟡ wc: 2.7k
⋆˙⟡ reader: femme afab (listed first, she/her are used a couple times) // gender neutral (alternate version listed second, no pronouns used at all to describe reader— scroll down)
⋆˙⟡ series summary: five bullies. six days. it's gonna be a hell of a week, babe. stay hydrated.
⋆˙⟡ wednesday summary: it's hump day... *ahem*. unfortunately you're being forced to play contact sports under the leadership of team captain matthew seok. no matter how many times he's made a fool of you in front of your whole gym class, it never gets old for him. oh shit. uh, (y/n)? you might wanna duck...
⋆˙⟡ warnings: explicit smut. 18+. minors do not interact. please read specific smut warnings under the cut! swearing. angst. slight dub-con. small injury/blood warning, no graphic descriptions. bullying. red-pilled, muscle pig soccer player matthew. please rest up for thursday. smut in gn and fem versions are slightly different due to logistics/circumstance. also i KNOW it's called football. chill. we can't all be from a cool country.
⋆˙⟡ bully scale: ★★★★☆(4.0)
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EXPLICIT SMUT 18+ WARNINGS: spanking (reader receiving), petting (reader receiving), pussyjob (google it if unfamiliar), slight dub-con but reader's honestly really fast to come around to this one lol, girthy!matthew, bullying/misogynistic.
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˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦ 
you stand in a straight line with your other classmates, facing the soccer field and your physical education teacher. eyes glued to your sneakers, you’re completely lost in thought. could anyone blame you after the past couple of days you’d had? 
unable to give hao an answer to his question yesterday, he’d simply laughed at you and left you in the orchestra storage closet to redress yourself in shame. you’d thought monday was bad, but tuesday was certainly your lowest point since starting university.
you’d made a vow that evening that something like this would never happen again...
right after you’d gotten off to the memory of it one last time.
your gym teacher, coach yang, blows his whistle to direct the class’s attention towards him. while you’re able to keep your eyes trained on him, your brain is another thing. to be fair, it’s not like you paid much attention during your wednesday afternoon gym class even without such a heavy distraction weighing on you.
signing up for a physical education class had been the last thing you’d planned on doing while at university, but after a small hiccup with class registration left you shut out of all of your best alternatives, you’d had to settle on the last course available: physical education studies— team sports.
though you didn’t mind exercising and even found it fairly enjoyable when on your own and blasting your favorite music, you’d thought you’d be finished with the stress and chaos of team sports when you finished your high school requirements. you understood each sport enough, but could never seem to put that understanding into practical use.
lightly jogging back and forth and pretending to look engaged until class was over had become your signature specialty. except when an object started speeding towards your face.
no matter how many times a gym coach practiced catching a ball with you, the newly implanted knowledge would always just dissipate moments later. when the recreational game would start and a ball came flying at you...
you’d just duck.
“i’ll take ducky,” a voice suddenly calls. your eyes dart to find the source of the dreaded nickname, unsurprised at the culprit they land on. but why had he just called you?
you blink at him, brow furrowed in confusion. “wh-... what?”
“were you paying attention, (y/n)-sshi?” coach yang asks, shaking his head and looking back at his clipboard. “can you explain it again, matthew-sshi?”
“oh, i’d be happy to,” matthew replies with a smirk. “we’re picking teams for soccer drills. wonhee and i are team captains.”
this unfortunately doesn’t answer any of your questions. if matthew was picking teammates of his own free will, why would he call your name?
“and you... want me?” you stumble, shaking your head when you realize how your question sounds. “on—... on your te—?”
“yeah, ducky,” matthew affirms, brow raised in a challenge as he smiles at you. “i do.”
you feel your palms begin to sweat as matthew’s fox eyes stare you down. this had to be connected to jiwoong and hao. you just weren’t sure how yet.
“(y/n)-sshi,” coach yang barks, pointing to the grass next to matthew. “let’s get moving.”
taking a deep breath, you walk over with your head down and stand behind your new team captain. he turns over his shoulder and winks at you.
oh help.
after about an hour or so of various training drills, you’re surprised to find yourself still in one piece. but so far, matthew had treated you like he was treating everyone else on your team: which is to say, not great but... tolerable.
you’d almost let yourself settle into the feeling of just being one of matthew’s undervalued teammates when a harsh blow of a whistle jolts you from your peace.
“listen up,” coach yang calls from the bleachers. “we’ll be moving on to shooting drills now.”
matthew’s eyes find yours, brow piquing as he smirks. “will we need a goalie, coach?”
fuuuuuck no.
“yep, every team should choose a goalie,” coach yang confirms, leaning back even further on the bleacher behind him. 
matthew walks toward you, smile growing wider with every step. you shake your head, eyes pleading with him to let you live. because that’s what putting you inside a goal was: attempted murder.
“please, matt,” you whisper, breathing getting shakier as he closes the distance. “please, don’t do this.”
he puts a hand on your shoulder and shakes you happily, announcing to the team, “lucky for us, we’ve got a volunteer right here! thanks for helping out the team, ducky.”
matthew slaps your back, encouraging you to take your place in the goal. 
“uh, hyung? should (y/n) really—?” a boy from your calculus class tries to save you, but it’s no use.
“yeah,” matthew interrupts, nostrils flared. “ducky really should. in five seconds or less.”
you dart off down the field toward the goal— which reaching in five seconds would be impossible, mind you— scrambling to make it in time before matthew makes an even bigger fool out of you.
when you finally reach the goal, you turn around and ready yourself for the drill to start. only, unbeknownst to you, the drill has already started.
and a soccer ball is hurtling through the air towards your head at 70 mph. 
you duck.
it’s who you are.
the ball flies so fast past you, hitting the back of the net and bouncing to the ground. you sigh in relief after narrowly avoiding a collision. you’re so nervous, you suddenly feel a bit of sweat forming at your temples. you reach up and wipe it with your forearm, bringing it back down to see that the liquid from your forehead is not clear...
it’s red.
“(y/n)-sshi!” coach yang yells, laboredly getting up from his reclined position on the bleachers. “oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.”
he (lightly) jogs over to where you’re sat in the goal, bending down to examine the injury. holding up a finger, he has you follow it back and forth and up and down until he shrugs.
“pretty sure the ball just grazed your skin,” coach yang deduces, holding out a hand for you and helping you to your feet. “who kicked that ball?”
all eyes dart to matthew. he nudges the grass with his sneaker shamefully. “i’m sorry, coach. she looked ready.”
“which part of her looked ready to you? the back of her head?” coach yang asks, rolling his eyes. maybe he sees more from his perch than he lets on. “take (y/n) to my office and get her fixed up.”
“but—,” you start to protest; the last thing you want is to be alone with matthew after all this.
“now,” coach yang asserts, throwing matthew his key ring. you start to walk back towards the gymnasium, wiping your forehead as it begins to feel damp again.
“yes, coach,” matthew agrees before falling into step beside you. he doesn’t speak, just fidgets with the key ring in his hand until you step through the door to the gym and find coach yang’s office.
he unlocks the door, holding it open for you. you step inside, looking around at all of the different sports equipment and trophies littering your teacher’s office. you jump as the door slams shut behind you and he notices your unintentional display of fear.
“jesus. am i gonna have to change your nickname to jumpy?” matthew snorts at his own joke before walking over to the cabinet beside coach yang’s desk. when he realizes you haven’t followed him, he turns around. “seriously, what’s your problem?”
“what’s—... what’s my problem?” you repeat, blinking back at him unbelievingly. “you kicked a ball at my head on purpose!”
“aw c’mon, ducky,” he says with a cute smile, taking a step towards you. “not like it’s the first time. maybe something else is on your mind?”
your body stiffens, at the taunting look in his eyes. “if you so much as put a hand on me, i’ll—.”
“me? touch you?” matthew interjects incredulously, tongue in his cheek as he grins. “the star of the soccer team has bigger dreams than putting his hands on you.”
the tiniest bit of confidence flickers in you as you think of the perfect reply. “th-thought hanbin was the star of the soccer team...”
“hanbin hyung is NOT—...” matthew starts to rage before seeing your expression. he exhales annoyedly and pats coach yang’s desk, “just shut up and sit down.”
“on—... on the desk?” you ask with frown. “there’s a chair right here.”
“easier to see with you closer to the light,” he answers dismissively, patting the desk again. 
you oblige warily, hopping up onto the open space on coach yang’s desk— feet dangling slightly off the ground. the position feels a little too vulnerable and you eagerly await for this all to be over.
“that’s what i hate about you intellectual types,” matthew says, bending down to open the filing cabinet drawer to the right of coach yang’s desk. he pulls out a small first aid kit, lifting the white box onto the desk beside you. “who the hell doesn’t know how to catch a ball? you think you’re so fucking smart, but you have no clue when it comes to the real world.”
as matthew opens the first aid kit and pulls out an alcohol wipe, he tears the packaging open with his teeth— his biceps flexing as he throws the wrapper into the waste bin by your coach’s desk. 
“then again, i’ve heard a rumor or two that you might know more than you let on,” he says with a soft smirk, gently dabbing the wipe to your bleeding temple. you flinch slightly at the sting. “i just find it hard to believe, ya know? honestly i’m kind of surprised that you have sexual impulses at all.”
matthew laughs to himself as he pulls out an anti-infection topical, twisting the cap off with his fingers. he lifts a q-tip from the kit and covers one side in the topical serum.
“was convinced that was the case after i tried to bag you last year,” he says, dragging the q-tip across your now-clean cut. “only to find out this week that you apparently do wanna spread your legs. just not for me.”
“you... you what!?” you shout, matthew putting the index finger of his free hand to your lips to keep you quiet. you glare at him until he finally removes it. “didn’t you just say you had more important people to—?”
“and i do. but ducky, think about the story of it all. the nerdy little prude letting the jock make a mess of her for the first time behind the bleachers. scared. helpless... euphoric,” matthew muses far too casually, tossing the q-tip in the trash and pulling out a bandage from the kit. he opens the wrapper, scrunching the paper up and laying it down on the desk next to you. “now that i know you’re... tainted... i’m just not as eager.”
“tainted?” you repeat angrily, shifting a bit on the desk. this is exactly the kind of shit you’d expect from matthew. “you really are nothing but a protein-addicted, misogynistic pig.”
he nods slowly, humming as he places the small, clear bandage on your cut— veiny hands delicately smoothing out the edges. “but you like that, don’t you, ducky?”
“no,” you deny quickly with a frown, head tilting slightly in confusion as matthew’s fingers linger at your temple. “i d-don’t...”
“mm, nice try. but this cute little wet spot right here says otherwise,” he retorts, placing a hand on each of your knees and pulling your legs apart with ease so he can get a better look at your clothed center. “i think you more than like it, actually.”
matthew starts to slide his hands up your thighs, thumbs grazing the insides as your cheeks flush. not again.
“two days in a row and you still want more?” he whispers, squeezing each of your thighs in his palms. “what? hyungs couldn’t satisfy you?”
you find yourself shaking your head involuntarily, matthew’s eyes lighting up with this news.
“can i quote you on that?” he asks with a grin, fingers on his right hand now brushing against your still-covered heat. “jiwoong hyung said you like this.”
he applies a little more pressure and, though you try to steady your breathing, a little whimper escapes as he finds your clit. 
“and hao hyung said you like surprises,” matthew says, looking up at you with lidded eyes— the tiny mole above his cheek visible in the fluorescent school light. if you didn’t know any better, you would swear he was about to kiss you. but instead, he takes a step back and folds his arms across his chest. “you’re all fixed. get up.”
luckily, you stop the pout from reaching your lips, sighing as you hop off of coach yang’s desk and onto the tile floor.
“oh, can you grab the bandaid wrapper?” he asks, putting the first aid kit back in the cabinet drawer. you turn around, looking for the paper wrapper and spotting it on the desk. 
you bend over slightly to reach it, yelping in pain when a harsh smack suddenly comes down across your ass. you fall slightly onto the top of the desk, chest flush against the wood and short-shorts riding up your thighs.
“were you surprised enough?” matthew teases, hands pushing at the seam of your shorts to expose more of you to him. “cause i’d really like you to let me fuck you now.”
“i’m—... i s-said i wasn’t gonna let something like this happen again,” you reply, shaking your head. couldn’t you just use your brain for once this week? 
“aw, ducky. that’s really fucking pathetic,” he coos patronizingly, hooking his fingers around the crotch of your shorts and panties and pushing them to the side. “making me so hard.”
“matthew, i can’t—,” you whimper, resolve fading fast as another sickening smack ripples across your ass cheek. “oh my god.”
you feel something start to rub against your dripping folds; it’s warm, veiny and thick. you hear a low, throaty moan escape the boy behind you, his hands gripping into your hips on either side. 
“so fucking wet for me, hm?” matthew rasps and, as you turn your head to catch a glimpse of him, he bites his lip. “bet you’ve thought about this for a long time.”
of course he’s full of himself even now. you don’t care much at this moment though. the first part of his statement is embarrassingly correct: you need him right now. arrogance and all.
you buck your hips back, wanting more friction. though he smacks your ass again in punishment, he can’t hide his hungry panting.
“fuuuck,” he breathes, grinding his length against your slit more passionately. with each rut, the tip of his cock hits your clit— rendering you a moaning mess. “easy. fucking told them it’d be easy.”
your high is steadily approaching as the abuse continues on your swollen clit, ears only filled with lust as you block out his mumbling. “matthew, please. i think... ‘m gonna—.”
“let go for me, little duck,” he coaxes, rhythm starting to falter. “yeah? then i can fuck y—.”
“matthew-sshi!?” coach yang’s voice suddenly bellows through the locked office door. “open this door right NOW!”
“no fucking way,” matthew whines loudly as you scramble off of your teacher’s desk— shifting the crotch of your shorts back into place as he slams a fist down on the filing cabinet next to you. “we weren’t finished! i thought i was gonna be the one to—.”
“one... two...” coach yang starts counting down, causing matthew to run to the door and open it immediately. such a petulant child, you think as you ignore the feeling of your arousal starting to drip down your thigh.
“are you kidding me!? this is the third person i’ve caught you doing this with in here this semester alone, matthew-sshi,” coach yang reprimands as soon as he steps inside, throwing his clipboard down on the floor and removing his baseball cap. 
was matthew about to face serious consequences for this? i mean, he did purposely injure you as a ruse to have sex with him... probably. 
“but you’re the team’s best centre-back. you’ve gotta support hanbin out there,” coach yang says with a sigh, matthew subtly rolling his eyes at the mention of his superior hyung. “i just can’t bench you for saturday’s game.”
“oh my god,” you whisper, eyes wide at matthew’s ability to evade punishment. it’s not just infuriating: it’s impressive.
“thank you coach,” matthew says, suddenly turning on that cute charm like the gumiho he must truly be. “i won’t let you down.”
“(y/n)-sshi,” coach yang calls, turning to look at you. “you’ll be cleaning soccer balls after every class until the end of the unit.”
“WHAT!?” you screech in shock. you’ve never received so much as a disciplinary warning in your entire academic career. “but—... but—.”
“you can clean the tennis balls next unit too, if you like,” he says, picking up his clipboard from off the ground and replacing his baseball cap onto his head. “and stop with the ducking, will you? i don’t need a lawsuit on my hands.”
you nod, your entire face burning as your coach looks anywhere but at you. you can’t say you blame him.
“c’mon, matthew-sshi. team meeting in fifteen minutes,” he instructs, walking out of his office. matthew starts to follow, but turns around in the doorway.
“meet me after practice, we can—,” he whispers, until a hand latches around the collar of his shirt and pulls him away, leaving you all on your lonesome in the small gymnasium office.
so... wednesday hadn’t gone how you’d hoped. no use crying over spilled milk (or spilled blood). thursday would be a better day.
but maybe purchasing a chastity belt wouldn’t be such a bad idea in the mean time.
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦ 
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gender neutral version below
EXPLICIT SMUT 18+ WARNINGS: spanking (reader receiving), heavy petting/stroking (reader receiving), assjob/intergluteal (google it if unfamiliar, it's not anal; no anal penetration), slight dub-con but reader's honestly really fast to come around to this one lol, girthy!matthew, bullying.
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˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦ 
you stand in a straight line with your other classmates, facing the soccer field and your gym teacher. eyes glued to your sneakers, you’re completely lost in thought. could anyone blame you after the past couple of days you’d had? 
unable to give hao an answer to his question yesterday, he’d simply laughed at you and left you in the orchestra storage closet to redress yourself in shame. you’d thought monday was bad, but tuesday was certainly your lowest point since starting university.
you’d made a vow that evening that something like this would never happen again...
right after you’d gotten off to the memory of it one last time.
your gym teacher, coach yang, blows his whistle to direct the class’s attention towards him. while you’re able to keep your eyes trained on him, your brain is another thing. to be fair, it’s not like you paid much attention during your wednesday afternoon gym class  even without such a heavy distraction weighing on you.
signing up for a physical education class had been the last thing you’d planned on doing while at university, but after a small hiccup with class registration left you shut out of all of your best alternatives, you’d had to settle on the last course available: physical education studies— team sports.
though you didn’t mind exercising and even found it fairly enjoyable when on your own and blasting your favorite music, you’d thought you’d be finished with the stress and chaos of team sports when you finished your high school requirements. you understood each sport enough, but could never seem to put that understanding into practical use.
lightly jogging back and forth and pretending to look engaged until class was over had become your signature specialty. except when an object started speeding towards your face.
no matter how many times a gym coach practiced catching a ball with you, the newly implanted knowledge would always just dissipate moments later. when the recreational game would start and a ball came flying at you...
you’d just duck.
“i’ll take ducky,” a voice suddenly calls. your eyes dart to find the source of the dreaded nickname, unsurprised at the culprit they land on. but why had he just called you?
you blink at the muscular boy, brow furrowed in confusion. “wh-... what?”
“were you paying attention, (y/n)-sshi?” coach yang asks, shaking his head and looking back at his clipboard. “can you explain it again, matthew-sshi?”
“oh, i’d be happy to,” matthew replies with a smirk. “we’re picking teams for soccer drills. wonhee and i are team captains.”
this unfortunately doesn’t answer any of your questions. if matthew was picking teammates of his own free will, why would he call your name?
“and you... want me?” you stumble, shaking your head when you realize how your question sounds. “on—... on your te—?”
“yeah, ducky,” matthew affirms, brow raised in a challenge as he smiles at you. “i do.”
you feel your palms begin to sweat as matthew’s fox eyes stare you down. this had to be connected to jiwoong and hao. you just weren’t sure how yet.
“(y/n)-sshi,” coach yang barks, pointing to the grass next to matthew. “let’s get moving.”
taking a deep breath, you walk over with your head down and stand behind your new team captain. he turns over his shoulder and winks at you.
oh help.
after about an hour or so of various training drills, you’re surprised to find yourself still in one piece. but so far, matthew had treated you like he was treating everyone else on your team: which is to say, not great but... tolerable.
you’d almost let yourself settle into the feeling of just being one of matthew’s undervalued teammates when a harsh blow of a whistle jolts you from your peace.
“listen up,” coach yang calls from the bleachers. “we’ll be moving on to shooting drills now.”
matthew’s eyes find yours, brow piquing as he smirks. “will we need a goalie, coach?”
fuuuuuck no.
“yep, every team should choose a goalie,” coach yang confirms, leaning back even further on the bleacher behind him. 
matthew walks toward you, smile growing wider with every step. you shake your head, eyes pleading with him to let you live. because that’s what putting you inside a goal was: attempted murder.
“please, matt,” you whisper, breathing getting shakier as he closes the distance. “please, don’t do this.”
he puts a hand on your shoulder and shakes you happily, announcing, “lucky for us, we’ve got a volunteer right here! thanks for helping out the team, ducky.”
matthew slaps your back, encouraging you to take your place in the goal. 
“uh, hyung? should (y/n) really—?” a boy from your calculus class tries to save you, but it’s no use.
“yeah,” matthew interrupts, nostrils flared. “ducky really should. in five seconds or less.”
you dart off down the field toward the goal— which reaching in five seconds would be impossible, mind you— scrambling to make it in time before matthew makes an even bigger fool out of you.
when you finally reach the goal, you turn around and ready yourself for the drill to start. only, unbeknownst to you, the drill has already started.
and a soccer ball is hurtling through the air towards your head at 70 mph. 
you duck.
it’s just who you are.
the ball flies so fast past you, hitting the back of the net and bouncing to the ground. you sigh in relief after narrowly avoiding a collision. you’re so nervous, you suddenly feel a bit of sweat forming at your temples. you reach up and wipe it with your forearm, bringing it back down to see that the liquid from your forehead is not clear...
it’s red.
“(y/n)-sshi!” coach yang yells, laboredly getting up from his reclined position on the bleachers. “oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.”
he (lightly) jogs over to where you’re sat in the goal, bending down to examine the injury. holding up a finger, he has you follow it back and forth and up and down until he shrugs.
“pretty sure the ball just grazed your skin,” coach yang deduces, holding out a hand for you and helping you to your feet. “who kicked that ball?”
all eyes dart to matthew. he nudges the grass with his sneaker shamefully. “i’m sorry, coach. (y/n) looked ready.”
“which part looked ready to you? the back of the head?” coach yang asks, rolling his eyes. maybe he sees more from his perch than he lets on. “go to my office and get (y/n) fixed up.”
“but—,” you start to protest; the last thing you want is to be alone with matthew after all this.
“now,” coach yang asserts, throwing matthew his key ring. you start to walk back towards the gymnasium, wiping your forehead as it begins to feel damp again.
“yes, coach,” matthew agrees before falling into step beside you. he doesn’t speak, just fidgets with the key ring in his hand until you step through the door to the gym and find coach yang’s office.
he unlocks the door, holding it open for you. you step inside, looking around at all of the different sports equipment and trophies littering your teacher’s office. you jump as the door slams shut behind you and he notices your unintentional display of fear.
“jesus. am i gonna have to change your nickname to jumpy?” matthew snorts at his own joke before walking over to the cabinet beside coach yang’s desk. when he realizes you haven’t followed him, he turns around. “seriously, what’s your problem?”
“what’s—... what’s my problem?” you repeat, blinking back at him unbelievingly. “you kicked a ball at my head on purpose!”
“aw c’mon, ducky,” he says with a cute smile, taking a step towards you. “not like it’s the first time. maybe something else is on your mind?”
your body stiffens, at the taunting look in his eyes. “if you so much as put a hand on me, i’ll—.”
“me? touch you?” matthew interjects incredulously, tongue in his cheek as he grins. “the star of the soccer team has bigger dreams than putting his hands on you.”
the tiniest bit of confidence flickers in you as you think of the perfect reply. “th-thought hanbin was the star of the soccer team...”
“hanbin hyung is NOT—...” matthew starts to rage before seeing your expression. he exhales annoyedly and pats coach yang’s desk, “just shut up and sit down.”
“on—... on the desk?” you ask with frown. “there’s a chair right here.”
“easier to see with you closer to the light,” he answers dismissively, patting the desk again. 
you oblige warily, hopping up onto the open space on coach yang’s desk— feet dangling slightly off the ground. the position feels a little too vulnerable and you eagerly await for this all to be over.
“that’s what i hate about you intellectual types,” matthew says, bending down to open the filing cabinet drawer to the right of coach yang’s desk. he pulls out a small first aid kit, lifting the white box onto the desk beside you. “who the hell doesn’t know how to catch a ball? you think you’re so fucking smart, but you have no clue when it comes to the real world.”
as matthew opens the first aid kit and pulls out an alcohol wipe, he tears the packaging open with his teeth— his biceps flexing as he throws the wrapper into the waste bin by your coach’s desk. 
“then again, i’ve heard a rumor or two that you might know more than you let on,” he says with a soft smirk, gently dabbing the wipe to your bleeding temple. you flinch slightly at the sting. “i just find it hard to believe, ya know? honestly i’m kind of surprised that you have sexual impulses at all.”
matthew laughs to himself as he pulls out an anti-infection topical, twisting the cap off with his fingers. he lifts a q-tip from the kit and covers one side in the topical serum.
“was convinced that was the case after i tried to bag you last year,” he says, dragging the q-tip across your now-clean cut. “only to find out this week that you apparently do want dick. just not mine.”
“you... you what!?” you shout, matthew putting the index finger of his free hand to your lips to keep you quiet. you glare at him until he finally removes it. “didn’t you just say you had more important people to—?”
“and i do. but, to be honest, ducky, i couldn’t help but think about the story of it all. the nerdy little prude letting the jock make a mess of you for the first time behind the bleachers. scared. helpless... euphoric,” matthew muses far too casually, tossing the q-tip in the trash and pulling out a bandage from the kit. he opens the wrapper, scrunching the paper up and laying it down on the desk next to you. “now that i know you’re... tainted... i’m just not as eager.”
“tainted?” you repeat angrily, shifting a bit on the desk. this is exactly the kind of shit you’d expect from matthew. “you really are nothing but a protein-addicted, red-pilled pig.”
he nods slowly, humming as he places the small, clear bandage on your cut— veiny hands delicately smoothing out the edges. “but you like that, don’t you, ducky?”
“no,” you deny quickly with a frown, head tilting slightly in confusion as matthew’s fingers linger at your temple. “i d-don’t.”
“mm, nice try. but this cute little wet spot right here says otherwise,” he retorts, placing a hand on each of your knees and pulling your legs apart with ease so he can get a better look at your clothed center. “i think you more than like it, actually.”
matthew starts to slide his hands up your thighs, thumbs grazing the insides as your cheeks flush. not again.
“two days in a row and you still want more?” he whispers, squeezing each of your thighs in his palms. “what? hyungs couldn’t satisfy you?”
you find yourself shaking your head involuntarily, matthew’s eyes lighting up with this news.
“can i quote you on that?” he asks with a grin, fingers on his right hand now brushing against your still-covered heat. “jiwoong hyung said you like this.”
he applies a little more pressure and, though you try to steady your breathing, a little whimper escapes as he finds your most sensitive part. 
“and hao hyung said you like surprises,” matthew says, looking up at you with lidded eyes— the tiny mole above his cheek visible in the fluorescent school light. if you didn’t know any better, you would swear he was about to kiss you. but instead, he takes a step back and folds his arms across his chest. “you’re all fixed. get up.”
luckily, you stop the pout from reaching your lips, sighing as you hop off of coach yang’s desk and onto the tile floor.
“oh, can you grab the bandaid wrapper?” he asks, putting the first aid kit back in the cabinet drawer. you turn around, looking for the paper wrapper and spotting it on the desk. 
you bend over slightly to reach it, yelping in pain when a harsh smack suddenly comes down across your ass. you fall slightly onto the top of the desk, chest flush against the wood and short gym shorts riding up your thighs.
“were you surprised enough?” matthew teases, hands pulling at the seam of your shorts to expose more of you to him. “cause i’d really like you to let me fuck you now.”
“i’m—... i s-said i wasn’t gonna let something like this happen again,” you reply, shaking your head. couldn’t you just use your brain for once this week? 
“aw, ducky. that’s really fucking pathetic,” he coos patronizingly, hooking his fingers around the crotch of your shorts and underwear and pushing them to the side. “making me so hard.”
“matthew, i can’t—,” you whimper, resolve fading fast as another sickening smack ripples across your ass cheek. “oh my god.”
you feel something start to rub lightly in between your cheeks; it’s warm, veiny and thick. you hear a low, throaty moan escape the boy behind you, his hands gripping into your hips on either side. 
“so fucking ready for me, hm?” matthew rasps and, as you turn your head to catch a glimpse of him, he bites his lip. “bet you’ve thought about this for a long time.”
of course he’s full of himself even now. you don’t care much at this moment though. the first part of his statement is embarrassingly correct: you need him right now. arrogance and all.
you buck your hips back, demanding more. though he smacks your ass again in punishment, he can’t hide his hungry panting as he reaches his hand around to start working at your aching core.
“fuuuck,” he breathes, grinding his length against you more passionately. with each shallow rut, both the tip of his cock and his meaty fingers stimulate the arousal between your thighs even more— rendering you a moaning mess. “easy. fucking told them it’d be easy.”
your high is steadily approaching as the abuse continues on your swollen heat, ears only filled with lust as you block out his mumbling. “matthew, please. i think... ‘m gonna—.”
“let go for me, little duck,” he coaxes, rhythm starting to falter. “yeah? then i can fuck y—.”
“matthew-sshi!?” coach yang’s voice suddenly bellows through the locked office door. “open this door right NOW!”
“no fucking way,” matthew whines loudly as you scramble off of your teacher’s desk— shifting the crotch of your shorts back into place as he slams a fist down on the filing cabinet next to you. “we weren’t finished! i thought i was gonna be the one to—.”
“one... two...” coach yang starts counting down, causing matthew to run to the door and open it immediately. such a petulant child, you think as you ignorie the feeling of your arousal starting to drip down your thigh.
“are you kidding me!? this is the third person i’ve caught you doing this with in here this semester alone, matthew-sshi,” coach yang reprimands as soon as he steps inside, throwing his clipboard down on the floor and removing his baseball cap. 
was matthew about to face serious consequences for this? i mean, he did purposely injure you as a ruse to have sex with him... probably.
“but you’re the team’s best centre-back. you’ve gotta support hanbin out there,” coach yang says with a sigh, matthew subtly rolling his eyes at the mention of his superior hyung. “i just can’t bench you for saturday’s game.”
“oh my god,” you whisper, eyes wide at matthew’s ability to evade punishment. it’s not just infuriating: it’s impressive.
“thank you coach,” matthew says, suddenly turning on that cute charm like the gumiho he must truly be. “i won’t let you down.”
“(y/n)-sshi,” coach yang calls, turning to look at you. “you’ll be cleaning soccer balls after every class until the end of the unit.”
“WHAT!?” you screech in shock. you’ve never received so much as a disciplinary warning in your entire academic career. “but—... but—.”
“you can clean the tennis balls next unit too, if you like,” he says, picking up his clipboard from off the ground and replacing his baseball cap onto his head. “and stop with the ducking, will you? i don’t need a lawsuit on my hands.”
you nod, your entire face burning as your coach looks anywhere but at you. you can’t say you blame him.
“c’mon, matthew-sshi. team meeting in fifteen minutes,” he instructs, walking out of his office. matthew starts to follow, but turns around in the doorway.
“meet me after practice, we can—,” he whispers, until a hand latches around the collar of his shirt and pulls him away, leaving you all on your lonesome in the small gymnasium office.
so... wednesday hadn’t gone how you’d hoped. no use crying over spilled milk (or spilled blood). thursday would be a better day.
but maybe purchasing a chastity belt wouldn’t be such a bad idea in the mean time.
307 notes · View notes
sicbaby · 6 months
sended this to another acc i really like but ill send this here too :p
vendetta!leon with the biggest corruption kink ever and the girl (reader) that lives in the house just next to his, that always make sure to wish him to "have a good day" when she sees him and gets all red when he says it back, that when she bakes something she always make sure to save some to give it to him, and she tries to have a "friendship" with him so bad but he always seems to ignore her
and he does tries to ignore her because he knows he is def not a good man, he knows it so he always try to show to her that he is not a person, but shes just too stupid to realize that to the point that it makes him a little annoyed and worried for her, it still makes him hard lol
i love vendetta leon cause let’s be real he’s the biggest piece of shit alive and he’s an alcoholic so added bonus! i fantasize about him treating me like shit… anyways.
i imagine reader being a bit of a bimbo of some sort. like so dumb in the brain that there’s absolutely no room for sad or depressing or actual real thoughts that would ruin her day. and leon’s the exact opposite. all he thinks about is sad, fucked up shit that would probably make you vomit on the spot. but he likes that about you, your innocence. it makes him a bit sick, realizing he wants to do nothing but take advantage of you and expose you to the dark thoughts he has.
he can’t deny you’re sexy. those short skirts and low cut tops that have your breasts practically spilling out when you wave good morning to him. the crush you have on him is so painfully obvious. leon isn’t used to that. are you his type? not exactly. but he thinks he could have some fun with you.
he doesn’t start getting annoyed until you start leaving shit on his porch. cute notes, food items, weird love letters that look like a middle schooler made them with cute stickers and heart doodles all over. he’s a grown ass adult for christ sake. he rips up the letters, leaves the remnants on the porch for you to see.
you do see it, makes your heart wrench. yet you keep trying. you really, really like him.
in one last attempt at trying to get his full attention, you take over some food to his house, not just leaving it on the porch this time.
leon answers the door with a scowl on his face. he sees the food and your hopeful smile. “come in.” he grumbles, no greeting necessary. it ticks him a bit that you genuinely think you could win him over this way. your heart flutters as you walk in, taking in his messy house, setting the food down on the counter.
“you know, sweetheart. i’m not an easy man to please. yet, here you are…” he trails off.
you’re so nervous, face burning and throat so dry you feel like throwing up. “i-i just.. wanted to be a good neighbor, you know?”
“bullshit.” he responds quickly, makes you flinch slightly. he couldn’t help himself.
“a good neighbor,” he repeats, a dark chuckle following it. “is that really what you think? you think leaving me food and love letters makes you some kind of saint? don’t kid yourself, sweetheart. this isn’t about being a good neighbor. it’s about you wanting something from me. something you can’t seem to get through that empty, pretty little head of yours.”
he enjoys watching your facial expressions. your smile faltering, face turning into uncertainty. he knows he has the power to turn you into anything he wanted. it was too easy. he called you pretty, though!
“you think i’m some prize, some object to be won, don’t you?” he continues. you’re stunned, mouth open slightly, wanting to interject but nothing comes out.
“relax,” he chuckles. “i’ll let you have me. but i want something from you, first.” he says, inching closer to you, trapping you against the counter. his words were not a promise, merely a trick to get you to give yourself up to him. but he probably didn’t even have to “trick you.” one word and you’d be on his knees for him, wouldn’t you?
you nod eagerly, just as predicted. god, it makes him laugh, it makes him hard. how’d he get so lucky? you didn’t even put up a fight. “anything. i’ll do anything.”
those words triggered something in his brain. and you had absolutely no idea what he was going to do to you. he grabs you by the wrist roughly, leading you to his dark bedroom, throwing you on the bed. he starts degrading you, calling you “slut” and commands you to address him as “sir,” or maybe even “master.” (he’s a sick fuck let’s be real, wants you to be his dumb little pet.)
he could see the flicker of uncertainty in your eyes, but you both know you had already given yourself up to him. but that didn’t really matter to him anyway.
he crawls over you, pinning your arms up above your head, kissing at your neck. you could smell the alcohol on his breath as he did so. it made your stomach churn but made your panties wet.
he continues to practically rip your clothes off, muttering things along the lines of “you’re mine now,” “such a pretty little slut,” etc,. every single movement he makes is rough. including spanking, choking, unleashing all his pent up anger, his darkest desires onto you. your pleasure comes second to his.
you’re completely at his mercy, almost like a toy to him. but you like him so much, so you let him :(. you just wanna be his dumb girl.
he ends up fucking you in every single position until you’re a drooling, senseless mess.
not only were you his dumb girl, but you were his slut, his toy, his possession. and in the end, that’s all that mattered to you. at least now, you were finally his.
161 notes · View notes
nalyra-dreaming · 28 days
COMMENTS on 2x04 - SPOILERS ahead, obviously^^
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
God that play is really…. and to see the joy just leave Claudia
And the foreshadowing with her soul leaving her body!!!!!! Holy shit.
Louis’ face mirroring the disillusionment.
Lol, Santiago getting a BJ while getting ready and bitching about the play. 💀
Armand and Louis in Dubai saying different things about that time…
Armand’s notes threw😬 me - and to call her lack of enjoyment of this play after 500 performances sabotage? Definitely a choice.
Ah, I see that is where that Santiago outfit comes in^^ - I would not have expected it to be Claudia there. I so feel for her there, it is so bitter. And Santiago having her back there and challenging Armand (and his relationship with Louis) damn. Also, Louis being so… IDK. Happy to ignore the warning signs now??? Ouch.
The coven going at each other, lol
That discussion “after”. And Louis’ “inner Lestat” commenting on it all - bitter
“Do you notice how hot the room gets”!!!!! FUCK
“I try to find the vulnerability in the object.” DAMN
The laughter. And Louis calling himself out there lmao.
They didn’t like Daniel changing track that’s for sure^^.
Santiago and Claudia 😭 - god I wished. And his warning her… damn.
Oh…. so THAT is where the “tender” comes in. Ouch again.
Madeleine and Claudia
The mimicry at the banquet. Ohhhhh it’s going to go SO BAD
But it’s nice to see that when Louis snaps… he snaps^^. Canon, baby, canon.
I felt so bad for him at the photography evaluation…
The fragility comment re Armand.
The photographs mixed in!!!! Holy shit. What is going on there - has been going on there????
“This is a Stein”. LOL Armand… “Probably Rashid”. Yeah, sure.
The body in the plastic!!!! Oh we are going full horror next episode, aren’t we.
Louis letting his “inner Lestat” criticize him. Aw sweetie. “I end up eating them”…. yeah.
The laughter again. And ”Lestat” mocking Armand as being “barely Balthasar”. 💀 Oh Louis. (I do feel bad for Armand. He wants love so badly.)
Madeleine’s story. One of many I would think. I … liked how they did it.
The Louvre.
“Vintage Lioncourt” - and then his “inner Lestat”!!! That expression, lol. And also the “ha” later… that is interesting.
In sync. “Okay” Argh.
The coven abandoned by Magnus(??). And “Lestat” shaking his head.” Interesting.
I ALMOST thought we would get a Memnoch-type event!!!!! Damn, I wanted them to go there :))))
Armand threatening Claudia -.- . And letting her know. Talk about making things clear.
The thing about Santiago’s maker again...
Practicing the fire gift I see. Ah yisssss. *rubs hands*
“manipulative gremlin” LOOOOOLLLL LOUIS HOLY SHIT
God that scene with Claudia. Me and you, indeed.
“Bad decisions”. “Love makes you stupid”. “The wilderness that is our daughter”. 😭😭😭😭
Louis trying to say goodbye to Lestat there… heartbreaking. “An elicit couple out for the cheat”. Yeah. No double meaning at all. NONE. Their theme.The initials stitched in. Letting the rain pour down. Summoning Armand. “Mutiny brewing”. 😭 God Louis, why didn’t you just leave. “I used to be real good at running things”. Louis geeeeeeeeezzzzzz you are playing with FIRE. (Yes, I know, foreshadowing.)
And Santiago and the others using that moment to get the evidence they “need”. 💀
“You sure about that, Arun?” “Yes, Maitre.” Ohhhhh fuck. So fucking dangerous. “He is Louis’ creature indeed.” DAMN. Louis dammit you beeeeep Sorry, but honestly, that was… STUPID. You make your only protection look WEAK.
And them arguing in the bedroom. Louis probably having done that himself??!?!!!
Daniel using the time to go through the material - and remember. Oh the FORESHADOWING
And cut.
So in total:
Loved it, lots of very bitter foreshadowing once more. Loved all the little flashback hints. Knowing where the “tender” as a description for them comes from is… 😬. Louis trying to let Lestat go - I KNEW that would be a breakup scene, but I had guessed it would be another one that came later in the book^^, loved this change though. Unfortunately we already know it won’t quite work… Louis deciding to (try to) let Lestat go (which we know won’t work), and trying to take the “bull by its horns”… god. I mean. I get him. But that made my teeth hurt I clenched them so hard because that is literally… like, I said it above, but ARMAND calling HIM “maitre”? When the coven is already plotting? Oh boy. Not good in the long run. Not good.
So yeah. Loved it. So much in it!!!
And... my heart breaks for Armand.
And the EPISODE INSIDER. Spelling it out once more: (A gag order definitely dropped away^^)
“Lestat is just ruining Armand’s and Louis’ romantic evenings together.”
“He almost takes on the Lestat role in his relationship with Armand.” 😬
“Louis’ relationship is a response to his relationship with Lestat.” “Armand is a rebound. A rebound that lasts for 70 to 80 years.” 💀
“I think Louis knows he can get away with more.” “Like Armand is maybe a bit of a pushover. He realizes he can manipulate that relationship a little bit more.” (LOOOOOOL JACOB)
“Ghost Lestat [] is also like Louis’ doubts about Armand.” “He tries to accept Armand the way he is.”
“Armand will always see a little bit of Lestat in Louis.” “His paranoia is all encompassing.”(!!!!)
“It’s this really sad aspect of his life.” (indeed.)
And last, but not least:
“But it’s also seeing Louis slip faster with Armand than she had planned.”(!!)
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wososcripts · 6 months
My Hand and You
Stina Blackstenius x Reader ; Katie McCabe x Reader (platonic)
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Summary: You woke up with a feeling of indiscernible dread, indiscernible, that is, until your match with Man City.
Word count: 3.3k
Warnings ⚠️: injury description
A/N: I'm in my stina era lol - this can be read as a sort of companion to my other stina piece, but its not necessary to read to understand. As usual my work is not meant to depict or speculate on players personal lives!
You had a bad feeling about the day ahead the second you woke up.
The London air hung heavy outside of your window, the heat bearing down on you already. The other side of the bed was empty. Your girlfriend had flown in last night from Stockholm. You hadn’t seen her in nearly two weeks since she’d been back in Sweden to see her family during the break. You could’ve gone home to Germany, but opted to stay in London and train a bit more before your next game. It was a big one, and you still didn't feel that you were in good form. Katie had invited you over a couple times before she went to Ireland, but mostly you’d been alone.
Stina was worried, you knew. You got lonely easily, something you never had been able to grow out of no matter how old you were. Your sister joked occasionally that you had no object permanence, like a baby. When you couldn’t see anyone for a while, it was as if you were totally alone in the world.
So Stina had been texting often, and you had tried to call every other day. But she could tell you were still down. Especially when you hadn’t accepted her offer to stay the night when she landed. Your apartment was considerably farther from the airport than hers, and you knew she needed as much sleep as possible. You told yourself accepting would be selfish. You would see her in the morning.
Your second alarm went off, demanding you get out of bed. You pushed open the window and ran a brush through your hair, wishing you’d slept better. It didn’t take long to wash your face and pull your hair back in an updo. You had half an hour before you had to leave, and you spent most of it cleaning up your apartment for when Stina came over later. You were never really all that hungry early in the day—something your girlfriend and your coach admonished you for—so you decided just to have a cup of tea and a yogurt before throwing on your kit and heading out.
Practice was supposed to be light that day. You had a game against Man City that night, and there was no point in any injuries before any of you got into the stadium. You took the tube instead of your car, preferring the time to think with your headphones on instead of focusing on the morning traffic.
“Hey!” Katie wrapped you in a tight hug as you strolled into the locker room. You two were the only ones in so far, which was unusual. More often you two were the last ones to arrive. You returned her embrace, for some reason nearly on the verge of tears as she patted your back. Maybe the weeks alone had done more to your mood than you thought.
“How you feeling?” She asked, pulling her cleats out of her bag to lace them up.
You shrugged.
“Fine. Not much to report.” You chuckled, but it came out a bit hollow.
Katie looked like she was about to press the subject, but then in strolled a few of your other teammates, giving you a chance to slip out onto the field and begin stretching.
The sun was beating down on your back and you were sweating within minutes of starting your warm ups. Jonas seemed impressed at how early you were on the pitch, and the two of you joked a bit before he sent you off to pair up with Lia.
You liked the Swiss girl plenty. She was probably one of the nicest people you’d ever met, which meant of course she pulled you aside a few minutes into your warmup to ask if you were feeling okay. You explained that you hadn’t slept well last night, and she seemed to let it go and return to your drills.
You were so distracted you nearly missed Stina walking out onto the pitch.
She gave you a wave and a bright smile, and you wished you could run over and give her a kiss. But the two of you were keeping things secret(ish) for now. It wasn’t that you didn’t want your teammates to know, but for now it just felt more secure to keep things private. Stina was so reserved anyway, and you weren’t one to thrust your private life into the spotlight either. It was moments like these though where you knew being in the open would be easier. Then nobody would question why your eyes went to her every time she was on the field, or why you ran to her first when things went south.
Your sour mood alleviated slightly as you went through your drills and practiced your set pieces. You got to work with Stina and Katie in some stroke of dumb luck, and you always enjoyed watching your girlfriend shoot. Before you knew it, it was afternoon and time to eat, shower, and get on the bus for the match.
By the time you had arrived at the stadium, the game loomed heavily in your mind. You weren’t sure why. Usually you were overjoyed at the prospect of getting out in front of the fans and playing the sport you loved so much. But tonight you dreaded seeing your name in the starting nine. Sure enough though, there you were.
Stina sat with you in the locker room as the team prepped for the match. Katie, who was captaining tonight, gathered everyone together to say a few words and encourage you all before you went on the field. You sent her a smile and a thumbs up as people started filtering out into the tunnel, but you stayed behind to triple check your laces—a ritual you had to do before each game. Stina remained next to you quietly, letting you finish before she put a hand on your neck softly and pulled you close.
You cherished moments like this. They came so little when you were out in public together that you had to. Her fingers played with the wisps of hair at the nape of your neck and you could practically feel the concern rolling off of her in waves.
“Will you tell me what’s wrong tonight? Can we talk about it?”
You nodded, not wanting to hide anything from her.
“Don’t worry, it’s nothing serious. I’m just…” you weren’t sure how to describe it.
Stina placed a kiss on your knuckles and nodded.
“Come on, they’re gonna start wondering where we are.”
The first half was relatively uneventful. Alessia and Gio both scored, putting you in a good position by the time half was called. And you had played well, assisting Gio's goal. Your passes were strong. It was only your head that was the problem. Something was still nagging at you. Some intuition that told you something back was going to happen. Viv felt like that sometimes, you’d heard, and Beth told her not to pay attention to it. If you spent all your time worrying about what-ifs, you would never set foot on the pitch again.
So you tried to put your worries out of your mind. Stina sat next to you on the bench at half, discreetly holding your hand and rubbing her thumb across your skin. You knew the girls could tell you were off, and Jonas even asked if you needed to be subbed off. You assured him that no, you absolutely did not need to be subbed off. Your playing certainly wasn’t suffering, so why should you be asked to sit out?
You closed your eyes and took a few deep breaths, remembering what your therapist had recommended when you felt untethered. This wasn’t exactly like that, but you figured that it would help either way. That and the feeling of Stina so close to you, worrying and ready to jump to your defense at any moment, eased the feeling a bit. For the moment anyway.
Once the break was over and everyone was resuming their positions on the field, you felt the dread return. It moved through you like ice cold water. It was like being on a roller coaster, the drop of your stomach for no reason. But you swallowed the anxiety and pushed forward. Running for the ball, seeing your teammates out maneuver and best the Man City players brought a smile to your face. You loved this team, these girls.
The game was nearly over, the score 2-1 Arsenal with a win in sight, when everything went downhill.
Morgan was locked on you. You couldn’t take more than a few steps without her trailing you, and it was starting to piss you off. Finally, you got the chance to break away thanks to a great pass from Pelova that had you racing down the right side of the pitch so you could set up one of the forwards. Your adrenaline was pumping, the sound of the fans screaming filled your ears, you didn’t even have time to think as your body took over, pushing the ball forward in front of you and running as fast as you could.
You saw your chance with a flash of blonde hair out of the corner of your eye. Stina was coming up the middle, nearly unguarded. You shot the ball towards her, barely getting a chance to see her beautiful goal as you felt the weight of another player slam into you. For a split second, you weren’t worried. A late tackle wasn’t all that uncommon, and the player had just been trying to block the pass. But then you hear a crunch, and excruciating pain rippled upwards from your ankle. Immediately you went down, a scream forcing its way out of your mouth before you could even think of stopping it. You couldn’t really seem to think of anything except the pain. The cheers from the fans continued, your scream likely not as loud as you thought it had been.
The defender popped back up, and you caught a glimpse of her horrified face as she looked down at you. You didn’t even want to try to move, much less get up. The stadium seemed to quiet, and you weren’t sure if it was the pain blocking your senses as you went into shock, or reality. You rolled over onto your side, curling in on yourself to try and lessen the pain. You pressed your face into the grass, trying desperately not to cry. You knew the cameras would be on you any second, and you would rather nobody witness what you’d been reduced to.
A shaking hand picked up yours and held it tightly. You tried to open your eyes to see who it was, greeted by the sight of your girlfriend’s worried face looking down at you.
“Stina…” you whimpered.
She bit her lip and looked upwards, clearly trying not to cry as well as she heard the pain in your voice.
“Stina, I think it’s broken.”
You were crying now, trying to hide your face with your intertwined hands.
Stina had seen you go down just a split second after her goal. Caitlin had quickly jumped up to give her a hug, obscuring you from her view for a few seconds as she waited for you to pop back up. But you were still on the ground once Caitlin had let go, and you were still there after the defender got up and offered you her hand. It was then that she realized you weren’t going to get up, that perhaps you couldn’t. Then nothing else mattered. She started off towards you, all giddiness from her goal gone and replaced with dread. She thought about your mood all day, about how you’d been drifting away for the past two weeks, and now this. Stina rushed past everyone, running as fast as she ever had until she could get on the ground next to you.
The sight of you broke her heart. You hardly seemed to know what was going on, but tear tracks were evident on your face. Stina risked a glance at your ankle, which was swelling and bloody. Clearly the defender had caught it with her studs first before the two of you went down. White-hot rage coursed through Stina’s chest unlike she could ever remember feeling. But Katie was already doing more than enough to scream at the defender, and you needed her.
“It’s okay älskling,” She stroked your hair with her free hand, “everything is going to be okay.”
The medics were on their way over, a stretcher in hand. Stina had to bite her lip once more at the implication of it. You didn’t deserve this.
Before the medics arrived a blue kit appeared in Stina’s line of sight: it was the defender, coming back to see if you were all right. She looked genuinely upset, clearly having not intended your injury. But it didn’t matter. The defender leaned down to put a hand on your shoulder before Stina batted it away, snapping at her to get away. The Man City player looked sufficiently scared off, particularly since Stina was known for her calm demeanor.
The medics suddenly swarmed, rolling you over onto your back carefully and beginning to assess your ankle. Your face scrunched up in pain, a few more tears leaking out as they gently prodded at your injury. Stina let you squeeze her hand as hard as you needed, gritting her teeth when the medics began cleaning the bloody cuts.
Apparently they’d been asking Stina to back up so they could lift you, though she couldn’t hear a word.
“Come on, Stina, we’ve got to let them work.”
Katie’s hand came to rest on her shoulder, pulling her back gently.
“I can’t—I’m not letting her go off alone.”
“I know, I know.” Katie nodded, “But they’ve got to put her on the stretcher, hun.”
Stina let go of your hand and back up a step or two, still keeping an eye on you. She heard Amanda arrive behind her, speaking to her in Swedish quickly. But Stina didn’t reply—all she had the energy for was making sure you were okay.
“Okay, everyone give us some space!” The medics called, lifting the stretcher and beginning to move you. You moved your head slightly, searching for Stina’s eyes one last time before you left the field. She met your gaze, eyes teary, and quickly pursed her lips in a kiss. You tried to give her a smile, hoping desperately that this was not as bad as you thought it was.
Once you were off the field the players milled around, unsure what to do. There were still a few minutes on the clock, though nobody seemed enthused about continuing. Stina in particular, hadn’t moved from her spot, Amanda rubbing her back. Everyone knew how close the two of you were—well not quite how close—but it wasn’t all that surprising how intensely Stina reacted. She looked lost, plain and simple.
“She needs to be subbed off.” Katie said to Jonas quietly, pointing to Stina. Not that he needed the guidance, it was fairly obvious that the forward was going to be of no use to the team for the next few minutes.
Jonas gestured for Stina to come off and she did without protest. All she really wanted to do was follow you to the medical rooms. Katie opened her arms for Stina, letting the taller blonde fall against her and bury her face in Katie’s neck.
“She’s gonna be alright, Stina. Don’t you worry.”
Stina nodded against her skin, trying to pull herself together.
“Why don’t you go check on her in the med room?” Jonas suggested, giving Stina a firm pat on the shoulder. “We can hold it down here for the next few minutes.” He flashed her a reassuring smile.
You were sure your ankle was broken. There was no denying that. But fuck, you hadn’t imagined it hurting this bad.
You had come to a bit more after the shock wore off, all of the pain of your injury rushing into your chest at full force. The medics were doing their best to be gentle you knew, and the poor woman doing your stitches was having a hell of a time with all your twitching. Your ankle was the size of a fist, it was some miracle that they were even able to get your boot off. After they had cleaned up the blood on your skin it was clear you would need a couple stitches before they sent you to the hospital for x-rays.
You were pulled out of your head by a commotion outside the door, after which your girlfriend burst into the room. You felt like you might cry all over again, so relieved by the sight of her. She looked frazzled, eyes wide, still in her kit and sweaty from the game. You reached out a hand for her. Wanting her as close as possible.
One of the nurses stood up to tell her off, but the look in your eyes must have made her take pity on you because she just sighed and let Stina come closer.
“Oh älskling…” she brought a hand up to your hair and stroked your forehead. “Tut es sehr weh?” She asked you in German, wanting to keep the conversation private. In that moment you appreciated her ability to pick up what you were saying so quickly more than you ever had before.
You nodded. It did hurt, a lot. It felt like your entire leg was on fire every time someone so much as brushed against it.
“I’m going to start stitching the last cut, it’s the deepest so it’s going to take a little longer.” The medic told you. You gave a half hearted thumbs up in response, preparing yourself for the incoming pain. Stina readjusted her hand around yours.
“Just squeeze my hand. I’m here. Allt är okej, alles gut.” She pressed her forehead to yours softly, flashing you a smile.
You grimaced as they began. It took all of your willpower not to kick the medic away. It hurt too much to bear. Your eyes were closed and you just tried to focus on Stina’s soft words—a mixture of English, Swedish, and German—and her hand in yours.
Stina could hardly keep looking at you. Silent tears streamed down her face, finally let free after the stress of the past twenty minutes. She hated seeing you in so much pain, wanted to take it all from you desperately. She gladly would’ve switched positions with you, sure that a broken bone would hurt less than seeing you try not to scream in pain before her.
“All right, that’s it.” The medic assured you after what felt like a lifetime. You were sure Stina’s hand would be sore tomorrow, something you were going to have to apologize for.
“We’re going to take her to the hospital and have some scans done, but it’s my bet that the ankle is broken,” the medic spoke to Stina, “you can come, but you’re going to have to wait in the waiting room. You can’t come in with her.”
“Okay.” Stina said, her voice firm. The medic turned and left the room, leaving the two of you alone.
“Stina,” you whimpered for what felt like the hundredth time that day. Never did Stina think her heart would hurt at the sound of her name coming out of your mouth. “If it’s broken I’ll be out for months. I’ll miss half the season.”
Stina kissed your hand, pressing it to her chest.
“Whatever happens, I’m here. I’m here for you whether you’re playing or not. You aren’t going to have to do this alone, you hear me? I’m gonna be in the waiting room every time.”
A few tears leaked out of the corner of your eye and you nodded, feeling a bit more like the world wasn’t about to end. Or if it was, at least you’d be by her side.
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nejiverse · 1 year
I know that this could be kinda imposible, being in the bsd universe, but imagine s/o has parents, can i request hunting dogs meeting their inlaws?
Jouno, Tachihara, Tecchou
I thoroughly enjoyed writing this lol. Fem! Reader
cw: just the boys embarrassing you (both intentionally and unintentionally)
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775 words
When you told Jouno your parents would like to meet him, he had no objections at all
You had to make him pinky promise that he wouldn’t do anything to embarrass you because he had a really bad habit of doing that, he enjoys seeing you all flustered and embarrassed
He greets your parents normally with a handshake and a warm smile which makes you hopeful that everything would go smoothly
Spoiler it doesn’t
He’s comfortably sitting on the couch next to your mother as he rambles on about every single embarrassing thing you’ve done
Your mother on the other hand is doing the same thing except only telling stories of when you were younger
It’s as if both of them had a vendetta against your or something
“Mom please stop..”, you drawled out the last word of your sentence as you attempted to drag Jouno off the couch and out the door.
You two had stayed long enough and you were tired.
“Actually that reminds me of another time Y/n wasn’t looking where she was going”, Jouno remarked.
You knew what he was gonna say cause he always brought it up 25/8
You glared at him. “Don’t you dare!”.
“It was on a cold Winter’s day that—”, you placed your hands over his mouth, telling him to shush.
Your mother only laughed.
She didn’t need to know that when you two were walking idly one day that you were on your phone and weren’t looking in front of you which ended up with you bumping your head against a sign pole and a big bump on your forehead which Jouno laughed hysterically at every morning he saw it.
He did try to warn you but you were too immersed in your phone.
Your mother didn’t need to know that though.
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Tachihara is seen as a quite confident person but upon mentioning your parents wanting to meet him, he’s a nervous wreck at first but eventually he’ll calm down
He just wants to live up to the expectations your parents had for him cause if they didn’t approve of him, he wouldn’t know what to do with himself
His words are endearing
He promises them that he’ll take good care of you and that he’ll never make you cry
He’s very tense until you place a reassuring hand on his
“I would do absolutely anything for your daughter!”
If for some reason your parents didn’t approve of him best believe he’d get on his hands and knees and literally plead
“You’ll be fine, they don’t bite”, you patted Tachihara on the shoulder.
“I dunno. I’d say they would if worse comes to worst”, he began wringing his hands.
When you noticed this, you took on of his hands in between your own and placed a kiss on his knuckles, resulting in a light shade of pink coating the apples of his cheek.
“You haven’t even met them yet, how would you know?? Just calm down alright?”.
As expected, your actions and words were able to calm him down.
Tachihara was polite throughout and had his way with words. So much so that your parents immediately took a liking to him.
“See? All your worrying was for nothing!”.
He was smiling like an idiot all the way home.
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Tecchou is very formal about it
Like boy’s on his knees and everything
He ends up saying a lot of things that embarrass you but he doesn’t do it intentionally, he trying alright!
He firmly believes that all his respect should go to your parents since they were the ones who created you (his words not mine)
Tecchou immediately sat on his two knees and bowed his head.
Your parents blinked at you but you only avoided their confused gazes and put a hand over your face. You knew you should’ve warned him before leaving home..
“Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. L/n”.
Your parents were reluctant to as but “For..what?”.
Techhou raised his head and placed a hand on his chest. “For creating such an amazing woman like Y/n. I’m forever grateful”.
That was your queue to butt-in cause if you didn’t, who knows what words would come out of his mouth next.
“Woah would you look at the time! We have to go”, you chuckled haphazardly, pulling Tecchou behind you.
“Go where Y/n? It’s eight pm—”.
Despite the fact Tecchou was a bit over the top sometimes, you still found it a bit endearing.
Masterlist :)
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gunilslaugh · 3 months
Cassette Playlist
Goo Gunil
Summary: Your mom’s old cassette player somehow sent you back to the summer of 1990, where you meet a goofy, yet confident guy. Who might make it hard to leave. (non-idol au) 
If this flops I'm never writing a long fic ever again lol
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photo not mine credits to owner.
CRASH! SNAP! CRACK! Panic rages through your body as you stare at your mom’s old cassette player that is now in pieces.
“And why exactly have you decided to take a trip down memory lane?” you asked your mom. Letting out a heave as you set the heavy box down on your mom’s bed. 
“I watched Jetsons: The Movie yesterday and it got me feeling nostalgic,” your mom answers you, taking off the lid to the box. “My old cassette player!” your mom called out excitedly as she pulled the old device from the box. “I used to use this all the time,” she tells you. 
“I can tell. You used it so much it cracked.” You pointed to the crack that ran across the lid to insert a cassette. 
“I don’t remember it having a crack actually.” Your mom scratched her head trying to remember if she was forgetting how the player got the crack. 
“Maybe it happened while it was stored. We’re not always gentle with these boxes,” you chuckled. 
“You’re right that could be what happened. We should be more gentle with these,” she states gesturing to the boxes.
“I wonder if it still works?” you wondered, taking the cassette player from your mom. 
“It would definitely need batteries,” she says tapping the battery compartment. “We don’t have the type of batteries it takes right now. I’ll pick some up when I go to the store.”
“You still remember what batteries it takes?” You raised one of your eyebrows in shock. Your mom laughs. 
“I told you I used to use it all the time. I’ll probably never forget what batteries it takes. I bet I could still use this in my sleep,” she affirms. 
“I might have to test you on that,” you said playfully. Your mom smiles and shakes her head, looking into the box again. You join her in looking at the contents of the box. “Is this your year book?” you questioned pulling the book from the box.
“Yeah it’s from my junior year? I think.” You open the book, flipping through its pages. You stopped flipping through the pages when a picture of your mom with some guy caught your attention. Your mom had her arms affectionately wrapped around the guy’s middle. Her head tilted in the direction of the guy too.
“And who is this? One of your old boyfriends?” You nudge your mom with your elbow, showing her the picture.
“Oh um I think his name started with a G. I can’t remember right now, but no he wasn’t my boyfriend, not even a friend really. He was more like a nice acquaintance,” she informs. 
“So this picture is just for show?” you said. 
“Pretty much. That was the first day we met actually,” she tells you. You look at her with your head tilting to the side, as if asking her to explain more. 
“He came up behind me and gave me a really tight back hug. I pushed him away harshly because I didn’t know who he was. Then he began to profusely apologize explaining that he mistook me for someone else,” your mom tells you the story. 
“Oh my gosh that’s embarrassing. I would have died if I was him,” you laughed. 
“Yeah I felt bad for him. Anyway people for the yearbook were coming around, so I pulled him into this side hug to make us even,” she further explained. 
“How kind of you,” you remarked half sarcastically. To which your mom playfully shrugged in response. “Did he ever say who he mistook you for?” you questioned. 
“You’re so nosy and no I never asked,” she tells you. 
“Oh.” you look back down at the picture, wondering who this guy could have mistook your mom for.
After taking the little trip down memory lane you and your mom put the aged objects back inside the boxes, leaving out the cassette player since your mom was going to pick up batteries for it. Then you returned the boxes back to their places in the top shelf of the closet. Proceeding you returned to your bedroom to carry on with your day. You hopped onto your bed, opening your laptop to look for a show to watch. 
Later in the day your mom returned home from running some errands: buying groceries and batteries. You helped your mom put the groceries away. Once all the groceries were placed in their spots your mom excitedly ran to her bedroom to grab her old cassette player. 
“You’re like an excited kid who’s ready to play with their new toy,” you remark. “Well, I guess it’s an old toy in this case,” you added. 
“I am excited,” she states matter-of-factly, opening up the batteries she recently bought. She then opens the battery compartment of the cassette player and carefully places the batteries inside, making sure they're facing the right direction.  Succeeding hearing the satisfying click of the battery compartment closing your mom eagerly places one of the headphones into her ear then holds out the other one for you. You take it from her hand and place it into your ear. She looks at you to make sure you’re ready with her finger hovering over the play button. You nodded at her in confirmation and with that your mom pressed the button. Music began to play from the head phones filling the two of your ears. Your mom begins to excitedly jump up and down at her favorite nostalgic item still working. A smile makes its way to your face as you watch your mom’s happiness. While feeling impressed that the old device still works. 
“This brings back memories,” your mom says reminiscently as she listens to the song. 
“This song is nice,” you comment. 
“You like it?” your mom asked. You nodded your head. 
“You should keep this for a while then,” she suggested. 
“Huh? Why?” Your eyebrows raised in confusion. 
“It made me really happy as a teen. I would like to make you happy too. You’re a bit older than I was when I first got it, but that’s ok,” she explains. 
“Ok sure, why not?” you agreed. 
“Ooh I’ll go grab my other cassette so you can listen to them,” she takes the headphone from her ear before scurrying off to go grab the cassette. When she returns with the cassettes in hand she hands them over with a smile. You didn’t really know how much you would use the cassette player, but you figured you could at least listen to each cassette once. See what kind of music your mom used to listen to. You hit the stop of the cassette player and took off your headphone. You wrapped the headphones around the player as you walked to your room. You set the player on your bedside dresser planning to listen to it later.
Later in the evening you helped your mom make dinner. While waiting for your dad to get back from work. Your dad got home while you were dishing up dinner. 
“Perfect timing,” your mom said, greeting him. You all sat at the table together. “I gave y/n my old cassette player today,” your mom tells. 
“Oh really? That thing still works?” your dad asked surprised. 
“Just like it used to,” your mom says. 
“Except for the crack across the front,” you said. 
“I told you I don’t remember it having a crack. It’s a mystery how it got there,” she states. 
“Guess we’ll never know,” your dad shrugged. You all continued to eat, having the occasional side conversation. After dinner you did the dishes then headed to your room. You sat down on your bed. Your eyes fell over to your mom’s old cassette player. You reached over to your dresser and grabbed it, unwrapping the headphones around it. You put one headphone in each ear and hit play on the cassette. Music filled your ears and you rested against your headboard becoming fully immersed in the music. A couple songs played then you came across a song that you really liked. You wanted to listen to it again so you hit the rewind button, but nothing happened. You hit it again and once more nothing happened. You tried again only to be met with the same result. Growing a bit frustrated you smack the cassette player in hopes of getting it to work. You hit the rewind button another time and this time you hear the song begin to reverse. However your room began to look blurry. Like when you pass by something really fast. Then suddenly it all stopped and you were standing in a park? There were some kids running around playing on some playground equipment. Parents sitting on benches. A couple teenage boys were kicking a ball around out in the open grass. You walked around the park stopping under the shade of a tree, trying to gather your senses. Did you fall asleep while you were listening to the cassette? That’s when you notice that the cassette is in your hand and headphones are still in your ears. Much to your surprise the cassette player had been fixed. There was no longer a crack running across it. How was that possible? Was this all just a dream? Right then a ball lands by your feet. 
“Sorry, could you kick it back please?” you hear. You looked up to see one of the teenage boys. You looked back down at the ball then back at the boy. You gave the ball a swift kick sending it back over. “Thanks!” the boy shouted. You nodded in response. Quickly you went back to trying to figure out what was going on. This didn’t really feel like it was a dream, but what else could it be? You look around at your surroundings again. This time you notice that all the clothes people are wearing look like they're from the 90s. Certainly this was all a really weird dream. You began to leave the park not really knowing where you were going. Just trying to find some answers. Hopefully some confirmation that this was all indeed one weird dream. As you were walking you happened to come across a discarded newspaper. You pick it up and flip it around. Your eyes widened as they saw the date: June 3, 1990. You couldn’t really be back in the 90s could you? No, that would be crazy and impossible. There was absolutely no way. Your heart began to pound in fear. If you were really back in the 1990, what were you supposed to do? How did you get here? More importantly, how were you going to get home? You started to rack your brain. That’s when it hit you, the cassette player. You were trying to get the rewind button to work when you were suddenly transported here. You quickly brought up the cassette player. If rewind brought you back to the past  then fast forward should send you to the future as in back home. You couldn't hit the play and fast forward button soon enough. However much to your dismay it didn’t work. Well technically it did work. The song you were listening to began to speed up and fast forward, but you didn’t go anywhere. You weren’t back in your room. You were still standing about a block away from the park. You felt like crying, sinking down into the concrete pavement. 
“Oh hey it’s you again,” you heard a familiar voice. You look up to see the teenage boy from the park again.
“Hey,” you replied. 
“Why are you just sitting here?” he asked. Oh you know just having a crisis. No big deal. 
“Just…thinking.” is the word you decide to go with. 
“Shouldn’t you be headed home? It will be dark soon.” You didn’t even notice the setting sun. 
“Oh um…” If you could you would and really wish that you could. 
“Are you new around here? I don’t think I’ve seen you before?” he questioned. 
“Yeah I just got here,” you tell him. The boy has no clue how literal your statement is.
“Are you lost then? I can walk you home if you want? Just tell me your address,” he offered. 
“No, that’s ok.” I don’t have a home to go to.
“Did you run away from home?” he gasped. 
“What? No! I didn't, it's not like-” you sighed. “You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you,” you say.
“Try me?” he challenged. 
“Fine. I time traveled from the future,” you told him seriously. The boy looked at you for a few seconds before bursting out into laughter. 
“Oh, that’s a good one. Seriously, did you get in a fight with your parents or something?” He takes a seat beside you on the pavement. 
“Told you wouldn’t believe me,” you said. “Just go home, don’t worry about me.” Sensing your upsetness he decides to give you the upper hand. 
“Ok, let’s say I believe you. How did you get here and from where,when?” he questions. 
“I’m from 2024. My mom’s old cassette player somehow brought me back in time. I know that sounds crazy because it is, but it’s true,” you explained. 
“This cassette player?” He points to the cassette player in your hand. 
“Yeah.” You held it up a bit. 
“Can I see it?” He held his hands out. 
“Knock yourself out.” You handed the player over to him. At first he only glances over it, yet he begins to squint at the clear plastic lid of the cassette player. He proceeded to hit the open button on the lid. “What are you-”
“1993.” you hear him murmur. 
“What?” you asked. 
“1993,” he repeated. 
“What about it?”
“It’s 1990,” he reminded you. That’s when it clicked. 
“It’s 1990 and this cassette is from 1993!” you said excitedly. “You believe me now right?” you questioned hopefully. 
“Well it’s not, what did you say 2024?” You nodded. “But it is evidence that you are from the future, so…yeah I believe you,” he tells you. 
“Oh thank you!” you tell him. 
“So what are you gonna do?” he questioned handing you the cassette player back. Your excitement faded away as quickly as it came.
“I don’t know. I just wanna go home,” you answered. The boy looks at you sympathetically. He has no idea how you must feel right now, but it’s clear that you're very stressed about your situation. 
“How about you come stay with me. I could help you figure out how to get home,” he suggested. 
“Thanks, but would your parents be ok with you bringing some random girl home?” you ask. 
“I’ll tell them that you’re a friend who needs a place to stay for a while,” he tells you. 
“What if they ask about my parents? I mean they…haven’t even met yet. They’re both teenagers right now.” The gravity of your situation hits you even more. 
“We can figure that out later. Sitting on a sidewalk isn’t going to solve anything though, so will you come?” he questioned. You thought for a moment. It’s not like you had a better option. 
“You’re sure it’s ok for me to stay with you?” you double checked. 
“Absolutely we have a guest room that you can stay in,” he tells you. 
“Ok thanks uh… you’re?” Something hits you while you’re looking at the guy, whom you didn’t know the name of. He looked just like the guy from the yearbook photo with your mom. “Something with a G” you mouthed recalling your mom’s words.
“Oh that’s right we kinda skipped over introductions. I’m Gunil,” he introduced himself, sticking out his hand. 
“Gunil, with a G,” you didn’t mean to say it outloud. 
“Yep with a G. I don’t think it would quite work with a J,” he joked lightheartedly.
“I’m y/n,” you introduced yourself and finally shook his outstretched hand. That had been waiting an awkwardly long time. 
“Let’s go y/n.” He stands up from the pavement, dusting off his pants. Then he sticks out his hand to help you up. You take his hand standing up. You still had no clue how you were going to get home, but at least you had someone who was willing to help. 
The walk to Gunil’s house didn’t take too long. He lived relatively close to the park. 
“This is it,” Gunil announced when you reached the bottom of his driveway. You felt your nerves begin to bubble up again. 
“Are you sure this is ok? I can figure something else out,” you say feeling uneasy. 
“Like what? Sleeping on a park bench? I assure you it's fine. Now come on.” Gunil starts to walk up his driveway. You follow behind him, nervously fiddling with your hands. “Mom I’m back and-”
“You have a guest,” his mom finished his sentence. After seeing you standing behind him in the doorway. 
“This is my friend y/n and they need a place to stay for a bit,” Gunil said sheepishly. 
“Oh, of course you friends are always welcome here, you know that,” his mom smiled.
“Thank you,” you thanked her.
“Sure thing sweetie, but Gunil, is there any reason why we haven’t met her before?” his mom asks.
“Have you been hiding her from us?” His dad now joined the conversation with a teasing tone. 
“What? No I haven’t it-” Gunil began to sputter, feeling flustered by his dad’s teasing. 
“It’s because I only moved here recently,” you saved. 
“Oh I see. I hope you like it here, but if you’re going to stay with us why don’t you have a bag? Certainly you need more than just a cassette player.” Gunil’s mom looked around for your belongings. 
“I wanted to get permission first. I can go pack my stuff tomorrow,” you told her. You felt your heart pounding. 
“That’s right. I tried to tell her that you would understand, but she didn’t want to intrude,” Gunil backed you up. 
“You’re just a sweet little thing aren’t you? Come on, dinner is ready. I’m sure you both are hungry.” She guides both you and Gunil to the kitchen table. You felt awkward as you sat next to Gunil at the table.
“So y/n where did you move from?” Gunil’s dad questioned you, trying to create some small talk.
You swear you could feel Gunil tense up beside you. 
“Michigan.” Why was that the first place that popped into your head?
“Did you like it there?” he followed up. 
“The lakes were really pretty,” you said the one thing you knew about Michigan. 
“Oh yes! I’ve seen pictures of Lake Michigan I would love to see it in person one day,” Gunil’s mom chimed in. 
“Dinner is really good Mrs. Goo. Thank you,” you state, trying to change the topic. 
“I’m already letting you stay here. There is no need to butter me up.”
“I’m not,” you pronounced, shaking your head. 
“I like her,” Gunil’s mom says and shoots Gunil a look. To which Gunil quickly shakes his head at his mother. A silent plea to ask her to stop. His mother laughs lightly at him. Thankfully you aren’t asked anymore questions throughout the rest of dinner. 
After dinner Gunil showed you the guest room. His mom came into the room holding some pajamas. 
“They might not fit perfectly, but they should be ok for the night.” She smiled at you as she handed them over. 
“Oh, thank you. You didn’t have to,” you said, taking them from her. 
“Don’t be silly. You’re our guest. You should be comfortable,” she insisted. 
“Well thanks again,” you say. Gunil’s mom then steps out of the room, leaving just you and Gunil.  
“My room is right next door”– Gunil pointed towards his room– “And the bathroom is right across the hall. Let me know if you need anything,” he told you. 
“Mmh, thank you” you nod your head.
“No problem.” Gunil turned around and left the room. You looked at the cassette player sitting on the bed. You walked over to the bed, setting down the pajamas that were in your hand to pick up the cassette player. 
“Can’t you just take me home?” you said to the old or you guess it’s not so old right now cassette player. “Please,” you begged, placing a headphone in your ear. You placed in the other one and hit play. Music filled your ears. You pressed the fast forward button, the song played faster. You sighed. Your finger now hovers over the rewind button. What if you hit it and it sends you even farther back in the past? However, on the other hand, what if it sent you home? You took a breath, closed your eyes and hit the rewind button. The song began to rewind. You carefully popped one eye open. Nothing happened, you were still in the guest room. Feeling defeated, you pulled the headphones out of your ears. You changed into the pajamas Gunil’s mom had given you. She was right they weren’t a perfect fit, but they would do. 
Later in the night Gunil’s mom stopped by your door to wish you goodnight. Before you could respond to her you hear Gunil yelling you a goodnight as well through the thin walls. You yelled him a goodnight back which made his mom laugh. Then you wished her a goodnight as well. You made yourself comfortable underneath the covers. Closing your eyes and waiting for sleep to take you away and hopefully back home somehow. 
Upon waking up in the morning it takes you a second to remember where you are. Once you see your mom’s cassette player sitting on the edge of the bed you remember. You were still stuck in 1990. You sat up on the bed not quite knowing what to do. It would be awkward if you just walked out of the room as you are right now right? What if Gunil wasn’t up yet then you would be stuck with his parents. That didn’t seem all that ideal. Your bladder apparently had an answer for you though. The bathroom was right across the hall from you. You would just have to do a quick in and out. You opted for getting dressed first, changing back into the clothes you were wearing yesterday. You carefully opened the door as silently as possible, peeking your head out. When you didn’t see anyone you quickly beelined into the bathroom. You were ready to beeline back to your room however right when you opened the bathroom door someone called you.
“Oh y/n you’re up. How’d you sleep?” Gunil’s mom asked you. You awkwardly stepped into the hallway. 
“I slept good, thanks. You?” you returned.
“I slept good too. Gunil is still sleeping, but I can wake him up if you want,” she offered. 
“That’s ok he can keep sleeping,” you told her. You kinda regretted it though. Maybe it would be better to just wake him up.
“You can come out to the living room. I’m almost done making breakfast,” she tells you. You awkwardly followed her out to the living room. Where you now see Gunil’s dad sitting in the chair. He bid you a good morning as you did to him in return. You tentatively took a seat on the couch. 
“Y/n you never told us why you’re staying with us,” he dad said. You feel your heartbeat pick up as you took a moment to think.
“...Oh my parents are out of town and I don’t feel comfortable staying in our new house by myself yet,” you explained. 
“What’d they go out of town for?” He was probably just trying to make conversation, but you really wish he wasn’t.
“Work.” That sounded reasonable enough, you thought. 
“What do they do for work?” It was too early for your brain to make up these fake answers. 
“They work for a cassette manufacturer.” Gunil answered for you emerging from the hallway. He came and took a seat next to you on the couch. He was still wearing his pajamas and his hair was a bit messy. He looked oddly cute. 
“Gunil you’re up just in time. Breakfast is ready,” his mom informed, coming into the living room. 
You guys all headed to the kitchen, sitting down and eating the breakfast that Gunil’s mom had made.
“Thanks for breakfast mom. I’m gonna go change then I’ll take y/n to go pack her things,” Gunil stated. Just like that Gunil whisked away to his room. You returned to the guest room to grab the cassette player. You had barely grabbed the cassette player when Gunil appeared in the doorway. 
“You ready?” he checked.
“That was fast,” you remarked, taking in his tidied up appearance. His hair was no longer messy and he swapped his pajamas for a black t-shirt and jeans.
“I didn’t want you to wait,” he told you. 
“Thanks, and yeah I’m ready,” you answered him. The two of you walked out of Gunil’s house. “Gunil how are we gonna pack my things when I have no things to pack?” you questioned once you two reached the end of his driveway. Gunil reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet.
“We have some shopping to do.” He waved his wallet around. 
“Gunil no,” you say, footsteps coming to a stop. Gunil lets out a sigh. His footsteps coming to a stop as well. 
“Do you have a better idea? You can’t exactly wear the same clothes everyday,” he pointed out. 
“I know that, but I feel bad having you spend money on me,” you explained. Gunil takes a couple steps closer to you. 
“Don’t feel bad. I want to. I’ve been wanting to go shopping anyway, so this is the perfect opportunity,” he tells you. 
“Still, won’t it be too much-”
“Shush, your only concern should be figuring out how to get back home. Let me take care of the rest,” he silenced you. He swings one of his arms around your shoulder prompting you to start walking again. When you try to refute again he simply shushes you more.
“Can I ask where we’re going then?” you questioned. You turned your head to look at Gunil, who still had his arm wrapped around your shoulder.
“The mall. It’ll have everything we need,” Gunil answered casually. 
“I haven’t been to the mall in ages,” you say. 
“Really? Are malls not that popular in the future?” Gunil asked with slightly widened eyes. 
“I don’t think they're as popular as they used to be, but plenty of people still go to them,” you answered. Gunil nods at your answer. “How far is the mall?” you asked. 
“About a twenty minute walk,” Gunil answered. 
“Wanna listen to music?” You held up the cassette player. 
“Are you sure it won’t send us to the past?” Gunil jokes. You scoffed. 
“Honestly no I can’t be sure, but it should be fine,” you say. 
“I’ll risk it.” Gunil reaches to take one of the headphones and puts it in his ear. You put the other one in your ear. You hit play on the cassette player, letting the music fill either of yours and Gunil’s ears. To any onlookers you and Gunil probably look like a couple. With Gunil’s arm that he is yet to remove from around your shoulders and now sharing headphones on top of it. You felt oddly comfortable though. This is probably the most relaxed you felt since you had arrived in 1990. 
Upon arriving at the mall both you and Gunil remove the headphones from your ears. Gunil’s arm finally leaves your shoulders. It’s not until he removed his arm that you realized it was there the entire time. Gunil finds that his arm now feels empty that it’s not wrapped around you. 
“Where to first?” you questioned as the two of you walked inside the entrance of the mall. 
“I was thinking we should probably get you a bag first, then we can go get you some clothes,” he tells you. 
“Sounds good,” you agreed. Gunil led you to a shop that had a collection of bags that you could choose from. You ended up picking a blue duffle bag that had teal carrying straps. Next, Gunil takes you to a clothing store. He asked you about your preferences for what types of clothes you like to wear then proceeded to help you pick out some outfits. 
“How about this one?” Gunil asked, holding up a shirt in a color you specifically told him you disliked. You make a very unimpressed face at him. 
“Gunil, I specifically told you I don’t like that color,” you told him. 
“Why? I think it suits you. You look pretty.” He steps closer to you, holding the shirt up to your frame. You feel a warmth trying to make its way to your cheeks. You shook it off. 
“Gunil, no.” You pushed the shirt away from your frame. 
“Come on please. I’m buying anyway,” he pointed. He kinda had you there. He was paying for all your things, so you felt like the least you could do is get something that he liked. Even if it wasn’t something you would pick for yourself. 
“Fine, but don’t keep using that against me.” You pointed a finger at him. Gunil raised his hands in a playful surrender. 
“Ok, I won’t,” he said, happily tossing the shirt with the other clothes you were getting.
Three shops later you convinced Gunil that you really didn’t need anymore stuff. He seemed reluctant, but agreed with you. He insisted that you two get some food before you head back to his place though. You couldn’t deny that all the shopping didn’t work up your appetite, so you and Gunil made your way over to the food court. The two of you got food from a place that Gunil recommended. After getting your food you walked over to the seating area. 
“So how are you liking the 90s mall experience?” Gunil questioned making you laugh. 
“I mean, I don't think it's that different from a modern day mall, but it’s nice,” you say. 
“Yo Gunil! You didn’t tell us you were coming here today. Oh who’s this?” One of, who are assuming, is Gunil’s friends asked. 
“This is y/n. They’re new around here,” Gunil introduced. 
“She looks kinda familiar,” one of the notes.
“I was thinking the same thing,” another one says.
“The park!” One exclaimed pointing at you. “She’s the one who kicked the ball back to us.” 
“Oh, that’s right.” 
“You mean they’re the one-” 
“What are you guys doing here?” Gunil cut his friend off. 
“We were gonna see if they have any new music at the music shop,” One answered. 
“Well then don’t let us stop you guys,” Gunil motioned for them to get going.
“Wait! Wait! Wait! We haven’t introduced ourselves yet,” one says. “I’m Jooyeon,” he introduced himself. 
“I’m Jiseok,” another one said. 
“Seungmin.” The boy gave you a half wave. 
“Jungsu,” he smiled. 
“I’m Hyeongjun,” the last one says shyly. 
“Nice to meet you guys,” you state. 
“You like to listen to music?” Jiseok pointed to your cassette player. You nodded. 
“Yeah you could say that,” you answered. 
“Do you want to come to the music shop with us then?” Jiseok offered. 
“Maybe some other time. We should be heading back now,” Gunil interjected, standing up. 
“Oh don’t be silly Gunil. It’s not even late afternoon yet. Let me see what you listen to, the music store probably has it.” Jiseok reaches for the cassette player you had sitting on the table. Wasting no time in opening it and taking a look at the cassette before you could say anything. “You listen to them too! I-why don’t I recognize any of these songs?” Jiseok starts to look at the cassette closer. 
“Oh that’s be-”
“1993!” Jiseok’s eyes widened. “H-how do you have a cassette from 1993?” Jiseok looked at you in disbelief. You looked at Gunil in a panic. He looked back at you just as panicked. “What’s with those looks? What’s going on?” Jiseok interrogated. 
“Well, you see, I may or may not be from 34 years in the future,” you said. Jiseok’s face deadpans for a moment before he bursts out laughing. 
“That’s a good one. I didn’t think you’d be so funny, but seriously what is this a fake or something?” He waved the cassette in his hand. 
“Listen to it,” Gunil tells him. 
“What?” Jiseok responded. 
“Listen to it,” he gestured for Jiseok to put the cassette back in the player. Jiseok looked skeptical, but he did as he was told. His eyes widened again as he listened to the song he’s never heard before, but is unmistakably from the artist. 
“How is this possible?” Jiseok asked, removing the headphones from his ears. You reach over taking the cassette player back from him. 
“That’s what I want to know,” you sighed.
“Wait a second, are you actually saying that she’s from the future?” Seungmin speaks up. 
“I know it’s hard to believe, but yeah,” Gunil states. 
“Hard to believe? It’s completely crazy!” Seungmin declares. 
“You don’t have to believe it if you don’t want to, but Gunil and I should really get going now,” you say. Gunil gathers the bags of your recently bought items and makes his way to your side. 
“Hold on you can’t just leave after saying you're from the future,” Jooyeon followed after you and Gunil. 
“Ok then you can follow us, but I told my mom we're gonna go pick up y/n’s things. She’ll start to worry if we’re gone for too much longer,” Gunil tells. Like a group of ducklings Gunil’s friends started to follow after you two. 
“We should probably put the stuff into the duffle bag,” you tell Gunil.
“You’re right. Let’s stop for a second.” Gunil stepped aside and the two of you began to pull your recently bought items and put them into the duffle bag. 
“I take it your parents don’t know that she’s from the future?” Jungsu inferred. 
“No, she’s a friend, who moved here recently and is staying with us while her parents are away,” Gunil informed. 
“Do you know where your parents are?” Jooyeon randomly asked. You stopped loading clothes into the duffle bag to think. 
“Umm…if it’s 1990 then,” you pause to do some mental math. “My mom would be sixteen, so she’d be living with my grandparents. I know she goes to the same high school as you guys do,” you say.
“How do you know that?” Gunil asked as he finished putting the last piece of clothing into the duffle bag and zipped it up.
“I saw a picture of you in her old yearbook,” you tell him. It’s a bit ironic that you called the yearbook old considering that it hasn’t been made yet. You go to take the duffle bag from him, but he ignores you and swings it over his own shoulder.
“Oh, that’s how you knew my name started with a G,”’ Gunil commented as he began walking in the direction of his house. 
“Does the name Lee Jooyeon mean anything in the future?” Jooyeon quickly followed behind you both. 
“No, sorry,” you shook your head.
“What about Kwak Jiseok?” Jiseok cut in, appearing beside Jooyeon. Again you shook your head.
“How about Seungmin then? Oh Seungmin,” Jooyeon tried. 
“Oh Seungmin?” you repeated a bit louder. You did recognize that name. 
“Don’t tell us he’s the one who got famous?” Jiseok said. You laughed. While Seungmin let out an offended “Hey!”
“No, he’s not famous. I just know the name because my dad hated him,” you explained. 
“Why would your dad hate me?” Seungmin asked with a bit of hurt in his eyes. 
“I thought you didn’t believe her,” Hyeongjun commented. 
“I-I don’t, not entirely, but if someone hates me,” Seungmin stuttered. 
“Because you always beat him at track. My dad was the top track athlete at his school, but whenever it came to school competitions he could never beat Seungmin. He always came in second,” you explained. 
“So you’re saying your dad is d/n?” he said your father’s name. 
“Yeah, that’s him,” you confirmed. 
“No way,” Seungmin states in denial. 
“What? You don’t see the resemblance?” You turned to face Seungmin. Seungmin leaned closer to inspect your face. You slightly turned your head from side to side to give him a better look at your features. Suddenly Gunil reaches for your wrist pulling you up beside him. 
“It doesn’t matter if he believes you or not. Let’s hurry up and get home,” he quickly said. You can hear the rest of the boys joking about something behind you.
“Mom, we're back!” Gunil shouted upon entering his house. 
“That took a bit longer than I- oh the boys are with you,” his mom says.
“Yeah we ran into them along the way,” Gunil tells.
“Well make yourselves at home,” his mom smiles and steps aside. You all make your way to Gunil’s room, making a pit stop by the guest room you were staying in to set your bag down.
Jooyeon, Jiseok and Hyeongjun made themselves comfortable on Gunil’s bed. Jungsu sat at a desk. Seungmin sat on top of the desk. You stood there awkwardly until Gunil grabbed some pillows from his bed for you two to sit on.
“So if you’re from the future how did you get here?” Jooyeon was quick to ask you more questions.
“This,” you held up your mom’s cassette player. 
“And you let me listen to it!” Jiseok yelled. 
“It happened when she hit the rewind button, not just from listening to it,” Gunil defended. 
“Still,” Jiseok grumbled. 
“Since you’re still here I’m guessing pressing fast forward doesn’t send you back?” Jungsu presumed. 
“Nope,” you shook your head.
“How are you gonna get home then?” Jooyeon questioned. 
“That’s what I want to know,” you sighed. 
“We’ll figure it out,” Gunil told you comfortingly. 
“Maybe it’s cause the cassette is from 1993,” Jiseok spoke. 
“Huh?” you questioned, not understanding what he meant. 
“The cassette is from 1993, so it technically doesn’t exist here yet. Maybe that’s why you can’t go home,” he elaborated. 
“Are you saying I’m gonna be stuck here for three years!” you panicked.
“No,no, no. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” Gunil tried to console you, placing his hands on your knee. Meanwhile Jungsu was scolding Jiseok for what he said. 
“What he said kinda makes sense though,” you stated worriedly.
“No, what the others said is right. I’m an idiot, I don't know what I’m talking about.” Jiseok tried to fix the panic he caused you. Seungmin still doesn’t really believe that you’re from the future, but seeing the way you’re freaking out right now makes him want to. He definitely feels bad for you, cause even if you weren’t from the future your situation right now surely isn’t ideal. Gunil is still trying to ease your nerves.
“How about we go to the arcade?” Hyeongjun suggests amidst the bit of chaos happening. 
“I’m not sure now is really-” Jungsu started. 
“I’ve never been to an arcade,” you stated.
“You’ve never been to the arcade? Do they not exist in the future?” Jooyeon asked, astonished. 
“They exist. I’ve just never been,” you informed. 
“Oh, well we totally have to go then,” he said, hopping up from Gunil’s bed. 
“Right now?” Seungmin questioned. 
“Well we don’t know when y/n will return home, so if we want to do something with them we should do it now,” Jooyeon reasoned. 
With that you found yourselves walking to the nearest arcade. Jooyeon and Jiseok practically dragged you because they were excited to play games with you. While Gunil was trying to tell them to slow down, not wanting you to accidentally get hurt. 
The arcade was really fun. It managed to take your mind off your current situation for a while. Jooyeon and Jiseok were excited to teach you how to play the games and maybe tease you when you weren’t so good at one. Hyeongjun was much more chill and helpful when it came to games you had no idea how to play. Gunil stared at you admiringly. He felt like he could relax a bit seeing you genuinely smile and have fun. 
“Are you gonna confess to them before they go back home or are you gonna hide your feelings forever?” Jungsu asked, resting an arm on Gunil’s shoulder. 
“They want to go home. I shouldn’t complicate their situation any more,” Gunil said. 
“You’re allowed to be a little selfish you know?” Jungsu voices. 
“Even if I did confess it’s not like we can exactly be together. Plus I’m sure being in a relationship is the last thing on her mind,” Gunil notes.
“It’s a given that you can’t stay together, but do you really want to give up on being with her, even if it’s for a short amount of time?” Jungsu put to question.
Gunil saw you at the park on the day you first arrived. He thought that you were cute, so he may have accidentally sent the ball he and his friends were playing with your way. He was looking for an excuse to talk to you. When he saw you sitting on the sidewalk on his way home he couldn’t up the god given opportunity to talk to you again. Upon finding out about your situation it was clear that you were very stressed, but Gunil couldn’t help but feel a teensy bit glad. He was able to spend more time with you because of it. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t want that. Jungsu told him that he was allowed to be selfish, but he was already being selfish. He didn’t simply offer to help you out of the goodness of his heart. No, it was because he liked you. He was already being selfish with his actions, so he didn’t know how far he should go with selfishness. Would it be too selfish to tell you how he felt about you?
Gunil is interrupted from his internal struggle when he sees you excitedly jumping up and down at a claw machine, reaching down to claim your stuffed prize. 
“Gunil look!” You hurried over to him to show him the turtle you just won. Gunil falls for you even more, finding you adorable. 
“It’s cute,” he smiles at you. He means both you and the turtle. 
After your time spent at the arcade you part ways with Gunil’s friends. Gunil enjoys it being just you and him again. He watches you as you walk looking down at the stuffed turtle you just won. 
“What should I name it?” you asked Gunil for his opinion. 
“Umm?” Gunil thought. 
A loud honk interrupts his thinking. He looks at the sound of the honk seeing a truck fastly approaching you two as you're midway across the crosswalk. Gunil quickly pulls you out of the way of the vehicle. The truck goes wheezing past you two. 
CRASH! SNAP! CRACK! Panic rages through your body as you stare at your mom’s old cassette player that is now in pieces. It was haphazardly shoved in your pocket and the force of Gunil suddenly pulling you must’ve somehow made it pop out of your pocket. 
“Are you ok?” Gunil looks you over still not noticing what had just happened. 
“I’m. I’m. Uh, the- how am I?” Your non-coherently sputter out, pointing at the cassette player.
“What?” Gunil flows the direction of your finger and sees the broken cassette player. Gunil quickly goes to gather the broken pieces.
“It’s gonna be ok?” He tried to calm you. 
“How is it going to be ok? That- that’s my only way home and it’s-” you heaved.
“Look at me,” Gunil says calmly. Your eyes hesitantly tear away from the broken pieces in his hands to look at his face.
“It’ll be ok. There’s a repair shop we can take it too. They’ll fix it,” he tells you. 
“But what if-”
“They’ll fix it,” he told you firmly. 
“Ok,” you let out a shaky breath. 
Gunil and you arrived at the repair shop. You’re shaking with nerves. Fearing for the worst. That your mom’s cassette player will be unfixable and you’ll be stuck here forever. 
“I think it would be easier to buy a new cassette player,” the worker of the shop informed. It made your heart sink to your stomach. 
“It was a gift from her mom. You can surely fix it right?” Gunil told the worker in a passive aggressive voice. 
“Look man-” Gunil leaned whisper something to the guy. “Ok, I’ll see what I can do. Come back in a week to pick it up,” the worker says. 
“Great, thank you,” Gunil said to the worker. 
“Come on.” Gunil wrapped his arm around your shoulder leading you out of the store. 
“Can he really fix it?” you asked, doubtfully. 
“He’ll fix it,” Gunil said confidently. This was going to be the longest week of your life.
It indeedly was the longest week of your life. Gunil tried his very best to keep you distracted. He wanted to show you the joy of living in the 90s. He took out around town, showing you his favorite spots. He invited you out with his friends (who have started to grow close with you.) You  could never completely shake the anxious feeling in your stomach though. Yes, you were having fun thanks to Gunil and his friends, but having fun didn’t make your problem go away. You were simply making the best out of a bad situation. 
Currently you are sitting on the couch with Gunil, a movie playing on the t.v. It’s the night before you go pick up the cassette player. You bounced your leg anxiously as the fear of the worst began to set back in.
“Are you not interested in this movie?” Gunil asked you. It was an indirect way of asking if you were ok. 
“I don’t think I’ll be interested in any movie. I’m too nervous. What if it couldn’t be fixed?” you told Gunil your worries. 
“I told you it’ll be fixed.” Gunil scooted closer to you on the couch. 
“You can’t know that for sure. What if I’m stuck here forever?” your voice raised slightly. Not because you were mad at Gunil, but because you were terrified of never being able to get home.
“Then I’ll take care of you forever,” Gunil answered. He tenderly took your hands in his. 
“You can’t do that Gunil. You’ve already done so much, too much. I can’t keep burdening you, and your parents,” you argued. 
“You aren't a burden y/n. I took you here because I want to look after you,” he tells you. His thumbs run over your knuckles. 
“Realistically, how long can you do that? Your parents are bound to ask where my parents really are soon. What are we supposed to tell them? That I actually ran away from home? That my parents abandoned me? That I’m from the future?” you ranted. 
“I get that you're really scared and stressed right now, but can you please just trust me. Let me take care of you. We don’t know if the cassette player is fixed or not right now. Let’s at least see how it goes tomorrow,” Gunil proposed. 
“What if it couldn’t be fixed?” you asked again.
“Then you can have a mental breakdown, but I’ll take care of you during that too.” His thumbs stop rumbling your knuckles, but his grip remains grounding on your hands. 
“Why do you care so much?” you questioned.
“Because I like you,” Gunil confessed. Your hands go slack in his due to shock. 
“What do you mean?” you asked not being able to understand. 
“I like you,” he repeated. “That ball didn’t accidentally land at your feet when we were in the park. I purposely kicked it over to you cause I wanted your attention. I thought you were pretty and wanted to talk to you,” he revealed. 
“Then all this time you’ve…” You trailed off, not knowing exactly what you wanted to say. 
“I know that you don’t like the situation you're in right now and that romance is one of the last things that would be on your mind. Which is why I wasn’t sure if I should tell you how I feel, but I’ve really enjoyed being with you this entire time. It’s selfish cause I know how stressed and scared you are. I really want to be by your side as long as I can,” he continued on. 
“I feel most relaxed when you’re with me,” you tell him truthfully. “You’re right romance isn’t exactly on my to do list, but I like being with you too,” you say. A smile tugged at your lips. You moved your previously slack hand to hold Gunil’s hand back. Your words weren’t exactly a confession, but for Gunil they were more than enough. You liked being with him. That alone made him feel over the moon.
Gunil moved to lean against the back of the couch, pulling you along with him. His hands never left yours. Both of your eyes wandered back to the t.v that neither of you were paying attention to. Gunil being too wrapped up in the feeling of you leaning against him and the fact that you liked being beside him, just as he liked being beside you. Your nerves about finding out if your way home was fixed or not definitely keep you distracted. However you also found that the way Gunil was absentmindedly playing with your fingers and the calming warmth that radiated off of him proved to be an equally good distraction. 
Sometime during you and Gunil basking in each other's presence the two of you drifted off to sleep. Your head falling on Gunil’s shoulder and his head resting on yours. Gunil’s hands placed protectively over yours from where they fell in the small space between your two bodies on the couch. 
“He really tired to convince us that she’s just a friend,” Gunil’s mom said when her and Gunil’s dad returned home from their date night to find you and Gunil cuddled up on the couch. 
“The hearts in his eyes were never fooling us dear,” his dad stated. 
“They look so cute. I need to take a photo.” Gunil’s mom quickly and excitedly rushed off to grab the camera. She snapped a couple photos of you and Gunil. Then Gunil’s dad ushered her away from your sleeping forms, not wanting to wake the two of you and ruin the moment.
Your eyes cracked open in the morning, taking in the lighter room. You notice that the t.v has been turned off. Next you realize that your head is resting on Gunil’s shoulder and you can feel the weight of his head resting against yours. You slowly tried to remove your hands out from under Gunil’s. When they were almost free Gunil’s hands suddenly grasped onto your hands, bringing them back to his hold. 
“Gunil,” you softly called out his name. You carefully lifted your head up from Gunil’s shoulder, which resulted in Gunil’s head coming down onto your shoulder.
“Gunil,” you tried again. “Gunil.” You shook your shoulder. Gunil started to stir awake.
“Mmh,” he mumbled, opening his eyes. 
“Good morning,” you told him. Gunil now realizes the position that the two of you are in and sits up straight. Then he realizes that his hands are holding yours. A shade of pink dusts his cheeks. 
“Good morning,” he said. “Do you want some breakfast? We have cereal or I could make some eggs,” he offered standing up from the couch.
“Cereal’s fine,” you say, standing up from the couch too. Gunil and you walk over to the kitchen and make your bowls of cereal. He pulls your chair out for you before you sit down.
“Thanks,” you smiled. He nodded then pulled out the chair beside you to sit down in. 
“Look who’s up,” Gunil’s mom said as she entered the kitchen. You and Gunil each wished her a good morning. “Did you two sleep well?” she asked. You and Gunil share a glance. You both know she must’ve seen you two on the couch.
“Yeah, I slept well,” Gunil answered. 
“Me too,” you followed. Your answer makes Gunil smile and Gunil’s mom certainly doesn’t miss it.
“That’s good. I know sleeping on the couch isn’t always the most comfortable, but you two looked so cute I didn’t want to disturb you guys,” she says. Both yours and Gunil’s faces flared red at her comment. 
“Should we go pick up your cassette player now?” Gunil asked, changing the topic. 
“Yes, we should,” you eagerly nodded. The two of you hurried up eating your cereal then rushed out of the kitchen. Gunil’s mom could only smile, finding you two adorable. 
Once you and Gunil got ready you headed to the repair shop. The closer you got to the shop the more nervous you got. Gunil easily noticed how nervous you were and slipped his hand into your, giving it a reassuring squeeze. 
“I got you,” he tells you. 
The two of you arrive at the shop. You always thought the saying of feeling your heart in your throat was weird, but now you understand it cause it really did feel like your heart was in your throat. 
“We’re here to pick up the cassette player,” Gunil told the worker. 
“I know, I remember you,” the worker said, giving Gunil a look. The worker reaches under the counter and pulls out your mom’s cassette player. It looks like it’s fixed…accept for a crack that runs across the lid. “I couldn’t get rid of this crack, but it works,” the worker said. 
“The crack doesn't matter. Thank you for fixing it,” you told the worker, taking the cassette player in your hands.
“Just doing my job,” he replied. Then he turns to Gunil, so that he can pay. 
“Sorry about the crack,” Gunil says as you two exited the store. 
“It’s ok. It answered a question actually,” you disclosed. 
“What question?” Gunil asked. 
“Back in the future, my mom and I were going through boxes of her old things. This cassette player was in one of the boxes and it had this exact crack, but my mom had no clue how it got there. She never remembered it having a crack,” you told. 
“Well mystery solved then,” Gunil said. 
“Yeah, mystery solved.” You unwrapped the headphones from around the cassette player and handed one to Gunil. He gladly took it and placed it in his ear. He took this time to wrap his arm around your shoulder, just like the first time you two listened to the cassette together. 
Soon enough you arrived back at Gunil’s house to discover it empty, meaning his parents went out somewhere. The pair of you made yourselves comfortable on the couch.
“So what exactly happened when the cassette player brought you to the past,” Gunil questioned. 
“I told you I hit rewind,” you chuckled. 
“I know that, but did you hit any other button first or?” he clarified. You took a moment to think back.
“I smacked it,” you remembered. “When I first hit rewind it didn’t work, so I smacked it thinking it might get it to work,” you explained. 
“Have you tried smacking it again?” he asked. 
“No, but it just got fixed. I’m scared to smack it now,” you said. 
“I’m not saying to smack it with all you got, but it’s worth a shot,” he stated. You lift your hand to give the cassette player a smack then paused. 
“Are you that scared? Should I do it for you?” he offered. 
“It’s not that.” You lowered your hand. 
“Then what is it?” 
“It’s funny. Most of the time I’ve been here, I’ve been wanting to go home, but right now it feels hard to leave,” you say.
“Well you know I’m not going to tell you to go,” Gunil said lightheartedly. “There’s no guarantee that smacking it would work either,” he notes. 
“I know, but if it does. I think I’d rather try it later.” 
“You wanna go get ice cream?” he suggested. 
“Sounds good,” you agree. 
You spent the rest of the day out with Gunil. Having your ice cream then going to walk around the mall. After the mall you walk aimlessly around the town. 
“Well look who it is?” A voice spoke behind you two. Both you and Gunil turn your heads to see Jooyeon standing there with Jiseok. The pair of them had teasing smiles on their faces. 
“Yeah look who it is,” Gunil said. 
“It’s fixed,” Jiseok pointed to the cassette player in your hands. 
“Any ideas on how to get home?” he asked. 
“We have an idea, but we don't know if it will work,” you said. 
“How come you haven’t tried it yet?” Jooyeon questioned. 
“Do you want me to leave without saying goodbye?” you said, quasi offended. 
“Of course not. I’d be very sad if you just disappeared. You just always seem like you’re eager to go home, so I’d thought you’d jump at any chance,” he responded. 
“I thought so too, but it’s harder to leave than I expected,” you say looking at Gunil.
“Aww have you grown attached to us! We’ve gotten attached to you too,” Jooyeon and Jiseok pull you into a sandwiched hug. 
“You seriously can’t leave without saying goodbye ok?” Jiseok states pulling away. 
“But there’s no way to tell when I’ll be leaving,” you brought up. 
“We should have a goodbye party!” Jooyeon shouted. Jiseok immediately agreed. 
“If we have a goodbye party and I don’t go home wouldn’t it be awkward?” You asked. 
“Maybe a little, but with a goodbye party we won’t have to worry about not getting to say goodbye,” Jooyeon answered. 
That’s how you found yourself at the very park, where you first arrived in the 90s. Surrounded by Gunil's friends, who are also your friends now too. Pizza boxes litter the ground along with soda cans. 
“I still think this party is kinda stupid,” Seungmin said while taking a sip of soda. 
“So if y/n just disappears and goes back home one day you’re not going to miss them and wish that you could’ve said goodbye?” Jungsu interrogated.
“Whether you believe she is from the future or not. She is still leaving one day no matter what,” Hyeongjun added.  
“But we don’t know when that is, so having this party when we could still see them tomorrow seems kinda silly,” Seungmin defended. 
“Exactly. We don’t know when. She could leave tonight, tomorrow, next week. This way we don’t miss saying goodbye,” Jooyeon said. 
Goodbye parties typically are kinda sad, but you didn’t think this one would feel as sad as it did. You hadn’t really been in the 1990 all that long, yet you’ve made great friends, met a guy who makes your heart flutter and makes it hard to say goodbye. The boys taking the turns saying goodbye to you at the end of the party had all your eyes turning glossy. 
“If I find you in the future then you’ll have to believe me then right?” you asked Seungmin. 
“Yes, if you find me in the future. Looking as you do now. I’ll have no choice, but to believe you.”
“Then goodbye till then,” you told him. 
“Goodbye y/n.” The party ended with a group hug and maybe some spilled tears that no one would admit too. 
“Should I try smacking it?” you asked Gunil. The two of you were currently sitting on his bed. 
“Do you want to?” he followed. 
“With having the goodbye party I feel like I should at least try,” you say. 
“Then let me say goodbye before you do,” he said. 
“Hold on, let me go grab something,” you excused yourself. You went to your room and grabbed the stuffed turtle you won. You returned to Gunil’s room and handed him the turtle when you sat back down beside him. 
“You’re giving this to me?” he checked. 
“Mhm,” you hummed. “I always planned on giving it to you. I doubt it would come back to the future with me anyway, but I won it with giving it to you in mind,” you tell him. “Thank you.” Gunil hugs the stuffed turtle to his chest. 
“It still doesn’t have a name,” you pointed out. 
“I’ll think of one for it.” He already knew what he was gonna name it, but he felt too shy to name it after you right in front of you. He sets the turtle down on his pillow and turns to pull you into a hug. 
“I’m really going to miss you,” he says, resting his head over your shoulder. 
“I’m gonna miss you too,” you hug him back. “I like you too,” you confessed. Gunil pulled back enough to look at you. 
“I’m a little late to say it back, but I wanted to say it before I leave,” you give him a sentimental smile. Gunil smiles at you back and cups your face in his hands. He leans forward, pressing a warm, loving, gentle kiss on your forehead. You close your eyes basking in the feeling of his lips on you. Your hands come up to hold his wrist lovingly. The two of you stay like that for a few moments. Saying nothing, but also somehow saying everything. 
“Give it a try,” Gunil says, pulling away.
“Ok.” You put each side of the headphones in your ears. You hit play then gave the cassette player a smack. You took a breath and hit rewind. Nothing happened. Literally nothing happened. The rewind button didn’t work, the song kept playing like normal. 
“It doesn’t work,” you say. 
“We’ll just have to think of something else then,” Gunil said. 
“No, like the rewind button doesn’t work. Did smacking it break it? This is what I worried about,” you complained. 
“Hey it’s ok. Let me see.” Gunil takes the cassette player from your hands. This time he gives it a smack. “Try it now.” He handed it back over to you. You give Gunil one last look before hitting the button. The song began to play backwards and the room started to blur.
You were back in your bedroom. Only the cassette player wasn’t with you. 
“Y/n can you come help me with these boxes?” your mom asked you. Help her with boxes? Like on the day you time traveled. You checked the date, surely enough it was the morning of the day you left. 
“And why exactly have you decided to take a trip down memory lane?” you asked your mom. Letting out a heave as you set the heavy box down on your mom’s bed. 
“I watched Jetsons: The Movie yesterday and it got me feeling nostalgic,” your mom answers you, taking off the lid to the box. “My old cassette player!” your mom called out excitedly as she pulled the old device from the box. “I used to use this all the time,” she tells you. There it is the very cassette player that took you back in time. 
“So much that it cracked,” you joked. Despite knowing very well where the crack came from.
“I actually don’t remember it having a crack,” your mom said, scratching her head.
“Must’ve gotten dropped at some point,” you say, recalling the memory of Gunil pulling out of the way of the speeding vehicle. 
“I wonder if it still works. I’ll buy batteries for it when I go out later,” she says. You looked into the box and pulled out the year book, flipping to the page with Gunil and your mom. A sad smile appeared on your face. Your finger slowly rubbed over Gunil’s image. 
“He wasn’t my boyfriend if that’s what you’re wondering,” your mom pulls you from your gaze.
“Honey, are you ok? Your eyes are red,” your mom looked at you concerned.
“I think some dust got in my eyes when we pulled the boxes down,” you lied.
“Let me go get you a wet rag,” your mom hurried away. You missed Gunil. You missed him so much it hurt. You want to cry looking at his picture. Now you know he mistook your mom for you that day. That he was probably all excited to see you again, pulling you into a super tight back hug. Only to find out that it wasn’t you. “Here you go. Wipe your eyes,” your mom gives you the rag. You couldn’t hold the couple of stray tears that escaped as you held the rag to your eyes. 
Later in the day when your mom got back with the batteries you listened to the cassette with her.
“Can I keep this for a while?” you asked her. 
“Of course you can! Ooh I’ll go grab you my other cassettes to listen to.” She went to grab the other cassette. You didn’t plan on listening to them though. You were only going to listen to this one and remember your time spent in the 90s with Gunil. Still when she returned you brought the cassettes up to your room and sat them down.
“We found my old cassette player this morning,” your mom tells your dad as you all eat dinner. 
“Oh really? Does it still work?” he asked. 
“Yeah, but it has this crack across the lid that I don’t remember it having,” she answered. 
“Guess it's a mystery,” your dad said. 
“No, I dropped it when I time traveled back to 1990,” you say. 
“That’s a good one,” your dad chuckled. 
After dinner you headed up to your room. You laid down in your bed and listened to the cassette player. Tears cascaded down your face. 
For the next week you cooped up in your room. Feeling what you would call a heartbreak. The worst part was that you couldn’t talk about it. All you could do was listen to the cassette as you thought about your memories with Gunil and his friends. You wished that you could see Gunil one last time. You spent the bulk of your time there worrying about how to get back home, but now ironically enough all you want to do is go back, just one more time. 
“Please, please, just one more time,” you pleaded. 
“Y/n!” You opened your eyes and there Gunil is standing right in front of you. 
“Gunil!” You throw yourself into his arms. He crushes you in the tightest hug. “Wait, how is this possible? I didn’t hit rewind or anything.” 
“I need to do something I really regretted not doing before you left,” he said. 
“What’s that?” you questioned. 
Gunil cups your face just like he did when he was saying goodbye. Expect this time instead of leaning in and kissing your forehead, his lips land on yours. Your hands travel to his shoulders and one of his hands moves to cradle the back of your head. 
“That.” He pulls away to rest his forehead against yours. “I really regretted not doing that.”
Your eyes open and again and your back in your bedroom. You don’t know if what just happened was a dream or not. You decide to go with not because you wanted it to be real. 
“Honey, can you run to the store real quick? I realized I forgot something for dinner tonight,” your mom asked your dad.
“Does dinner really need it?” your dad asked. 
“Yes, why are you too lazy to go?” 
“No, Seungmin grocery shops today I don’t want to run into him,”
“Are you serious? After all these years do you still hate Seungmin that much?” Your mom asked in disbelief. 
“It’s not my fault I ran into him at the grocery store. He just had to bag his belongings quicker than me. He's a stupidly fast asshole,” your dad complained.
“I’ll go mom,” you speak up. You needed to see Seungmin. 
“Thank you,” your mom told you. 
You arrived at the store, found what your mom needed for dinner and then walked around looking for Seungmin, hoping that he was there. 
“Oh Seungmin!” you called out when you saw a guy that looked like he could be an older version of Seungmin. The dude turns around at you looking perplexed at who could be calling his name. 
“Y/n?” he said. 
“You believe me now right?”
“How is this possible?” 
“You know how it is. Time travel,” you sassed. 
“You look exactly the same,” he says. He’s still partly in denial.
“Yeah, it’s been 34 years for you, but It’s only been a week for me. Are you and Gunil still friends?” you asked, changing your tone. 
“We’re friends for life,” Seungmin stated “Give me your phone,” he told you. 
“Why?” you asked, still pulling out your phone nonetheless. Seungmin took it from you and began to type something in. 
“You should give him a call. He’s been waiting,” Seungmin said. You stare down at the number typed on your phone screen. 
You got into the car and sat down. You stared at the number once more before hitting the call button. You feel butterflies dancing in your stomach. 
“Hello?” he picked up. 
“Hey Gunil,” you say. 
“Y/n?” he asked. He looked over to the stuffed turtle that he still keeps on his bed even after all these years.
“You’ve been waiting a long time right?”
“I’d wait forever if I had too.”
Taglist: @purplelady85, @odesonnets, @gingerjunhan, @chewednails, @ezlynkisses, @mon2sunjinsuver , @mxlly143
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alder-saan · 1 year
His sister...
Larissa x normie! fem! reader
OKAY this is the second time I post it bcz... well that was a wip and I posted it... I hate myself right now. Anyway I have to re-wright it. All of it. But that's okay :) (no that's not I wanna end myself)
Warnings : smut (that's the first time I write smut lol (the second as I already wrote this fic)) (the smut isn't with Larissa)
You are Larissa's brother's wife.
word count: ~3000
(I know this will look a bit like Mme Bovary, but... well, it's not a classic of French literature for nothing)
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You had married Philip Weems two months earlier. You didn’t love him. He was eleven years older than you, and not really your type. In fact you didn’t really choose to be his wife and to live in his house. Your father and him wanted to reunite their companies, and you were only there to make it look less commercial. You were here to give an heir. Lovely mission, you were not a woman anymore, you were a baby machine. He had flirted with you before you took the deal, probably to build up your confidence and make it easier for you to accept the situation, but now that you were his, he didn't pay any attention to you.
In his big house, your life was boring. You didn't have a degree, school was never really for you and because your father was rich, you never had to work. So naturally you had resumed reading. It allowed you to live a different life through the eyes of all the characters. And all day long you would read more and more of those mushy novels, dreaming of a life that was no longer available to you. You also started writing, but without telling anyone. It was a bit of a secret. You wrote the romantic stories you imagined all day. And then every day you went out to see your friends in a café in your neighbourhood.
“I promise, Jess’, he doesn’t bother me. I mean, he’s respectful. And I don’t need to work. A win is a win.”
Your friend Jessica narrowed her eyes.
“You sure ? I mean… you always told me you wanted to marry the love of your life when you’d find him.”
“I was younger, Jess’. I don’t believe in this bullshit anymore.”
Yes, you did believe it. You wanted to cry about it. You wanted to know Love. The Real Love. You wanted to meet him by accident in a library, or in a hostel, on the other side of the world. You wanted him to be young, at the same age as you, and you wanted him to love you.
You also wanted to work, to earn your own money.
“Respectful, okay but is he good?” Mary asked
“He is kind, if this is your question.” You pretended not to understand.
“You know what I mean, Y/N.”
“Not really, I doubt he is really interested in me. I mean I am probably too young for him. We just do it because that was a part of the contract, but he never makes me finish. Anyway I don’t need him for that.”
“You don’t love him and he doesn’t look after you. What a nightmare…” Jessica said.
“That’s not that bad. I don't have to worry about money, I have all my days to myself. I can look after myself.“
That wasn’t a positive thing in your opinion. You wanted to be independent. You wanted to be able to do whatever you could want. This made you feel like you were an object, some kind of trophy that he could show off at the parties you attended. You were there to be beautiful and to be silent. 
No, the real positive thing was that you now understood your mother, and why she left you when you were a child. Your father always told you she was a bad mother and she didn’t love you. And before you got married, you were mad at her. But you knew, now you were married to a man you didn’t love. She didn’t love you, but she probably never wanted this marriage nor a child. You were thinking of leaving once you'd given Philip a child, the way she did before.
You wanted to find her, and to talk to her. You wanted to know the story of her life, of her marriage to your father. You also wanted to tell her that you understood her, and that you were no longer angry at her for abandoning you. If she hadn't wanted to be your mother, you wanted her to be your friend, because you were going through something she had gone through too..
“Alright girls, I gotta go. See you tomorrow!” You waved at them and left the café after paying for your drink.
It was time for you to go back to your home. Your husband would be home in less than half an hour. You had to help Livia cook. It wasn't in the contract, but you wanted to do it. Livia, although she spoke very little English, made you feel less lonely. She spoke to you in her half-Spanish English about her travels with her family. Even though she often told the same stories, you liked to hear her talk about places you had never seen. Especially when she talked about the sea of clouds over the Sierra Madre. You dreamed of going there. She told you that when she came back to visit her parents, she could take you there. But you knew your husband wouldn't let you go... And then you helped her to speak better English, she had made progress in the last two months. She taught you Spanish too, but for now, the only things you could say were "Soy Y/N, no me gusta mi marido" and some names of foods and ingredients.
Then, your husband would go home, and you would have dinner. He would watch tv, and the both of you would go to bed, and you would have to fuck. 
Soon, he would fall asleep next to you.
And every night, after that, you used to imagine another man. Sometimes it was an explorer who would tell you about his many journeys, a writer who would make you read his most intimate texts, a painter who would take you for his muse... 
But that night, he was a sailor. A handsome sailor you would have met in the inn where you were working. He would have asked for a room for the night and a meal. And while you were serving him, he would have made a few passes at you, to which you would have responded by teasing him. If at the beginning, it would have been innocent, you would have quickly come to the point where he would have proposed you to spend the night with him, at the end of your service. To which you would have replied with a "maybe", but as soon as your boss allowed you to leave, you would have knocked on his door.
“I was wondering when you’d come…” he would tell you.
Then he would take your waist and hold you close. You would kiss him, and it would become wilder as his hands would travel to your ass. He would gently but firmly push you against the wall.
“You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” He would whisper. You would know that was a lie, but you wouldn’t care. And he would know it.
He would kiss your neck while undressing you. And when you would be completely naked, he would sit you on the bed and spread your legs to kiss your inner thighs, then your clit. He would lick your arousal and you would moan his name.
In your bed, you were circling your clit, legs spread, a hand massaging your breast. You imagined his head facing your wet pussy, saying you were tasting divine, his hands all over your body, caressing your skin. You were already so close and as he would ask you to hold on a little, you waited a few seconds before allowing you to come. 
Next to you, your husband was sleeping.
Soon, you fell asleep too.
The sun was brushing your skin, slowly warming it. You opened your eyes. You were alone in your giant bed. Philip was already gone. You heard the clock striking nine. He used to leave the house near seven o’clock. You stretched your arms and legs and yawned. Watching towards the window, you could see the blue sky. This day promised to be good. You quickly showered and dressed up. Something simple. Black tights, dark skirt, white shirt. A safe bet. But to add a small personal touch, you clipped a blue tit pin on your shirt. 
You always liked blue tit. Firstly because they were cute. A tiny bird, yellow and blue, with a kind of large eye liner and white cheeks. Secondly because you wished to go to Europe once. You wanted to travel to Austria, or Germany, and this Eurasian tit symbolised this dream.
Maybe one day you would quit New Hampshire.
Something on the dresser caught your eye. Some 50 dollar notes had been put there by your husband. He had written a message on a piece of paper: "so you can go shopping today, we have a guest for lunch".
You frowned and crumpled the paper. So he wanted you to look good with his guest, uh? 
“I’m not a teen who needs pocket money.” you grumbled. 
You put on black shoes, music in your earphones, and went out of the house. In the streets, the sun was warming the asphalt, and your steps led you almost automatically to the little café bakery in which you usually  bought your breakfast.
Opening the door, a smell of butter, sugar and vanilla reached your nostrils. By 9 am, not many people were left. But you would have noticed her in a crowd of thousands of people. She was sitting on a chair, a big cup of hot chocolate and a croissant on the table in front of her. Her blonde hair in a perfect updo, she wore a clear blue dress. She was looking at the window, her phone in one hand. She was so tall… Your mouth went dry when you noticed her red lipstick as she turned her head towards you. She had caught you staring in the glass reflection. She gave you a smile, and you were sure your cheeks became as red as her lips. You turned your head to the counter to order, removing your earphones.
Were you just staring at a woman?
Did she just smile at you?
You glanced over your shoulder. She was still looking at you, her blue eyes fixed on you, crossing her legs. She took a sip in her cup.
“Hot…” you whispered.
“Excuse me, Y/N?” the waiter asked.
“Yes-yes, Nicolas, er, I-I want a-a hot chocolate please. And… and, er… a profiterole please. Takeaway.”
“Ready in a second.”
You couldn’t stand her look, it made your knees go weak. Was it what Jess called a “gay panic?”. You had to know and tipped a message.
: Hey, Jess
: What exactly is a gay panic?
She was quick to respond.
J: When you look at a girl and you want to like… kiss her. Immediately. And you can’t function properly bcz you think about her kissing you.
J: Why?
: There is this woman at Nic’ and Jane
: I never felt like this for a woman.
: She’s so beautiful, I want her lipstick on my lips and on my throat right now.
J: Oh my god
J: You’re gay!
: Am I?
J: You ARE.
“Y/N?” Nicolas said.
“Uh? Yes, it’s me”
“I have your hot chocolate and your profiterole.”
“Is everything okay? You seem distracted…”
“Yeah, I’m fine, thank you. Is it okay if I pay later? I forgot my wallet at home.”
“Of course, whenever you want.”
You took the paper bag he handed to you and went out of the café-bakery. The fresh air was really needed. You put your earphones back on.
Who was she?
You had never seen her. 
Walking the street, you arrived in the big park in which you always ate your breakfast. Your favourite place was in a sort of hidden place, under a badly pruned weeping willow. There was a bench, and a little pond in which ducks used to swim when you were a kid, but now, there were only frogs left. Sometimes, a grey heron you named Alex was fishing in it. A grey heron in New Hampshire. That was the local attraction. It escaped an aviary two years ago and settled up in the park. No one tried to catch it. And now, it was the star of the neighbourhood's children, who often tried to find it. Sometimes, when it was in the pond, you would talk to it, as if it could understand what you were saying. And for the only answer, Alex would keep fishing, at the other side of the pond.
But this day, no Alex in the pond. And the frogs were happily jumping in the grass. The sunshine passing between the branches of the willow tree made thousands of small sun spots on the now shimmering  water. You wiped the bench full of willow leaves with your hand and sat there.
While drinking your hot chocolate, you thought about this woman, in the café bakery… 
You wanted to see her again…
You had just finished your hot chocolate and ate your pastry when you heard footsteps in your back. You hoped no one would pass the curtain of leaves which hid you from the world. You liked to be alone, daydreaming about people you would never see again… Shit, they entered your secret garden. You sighed.
“What a pleasant surprise!”
You turned your head. That was her. She was there, next to you. Your eyes widened, your cheeks went red.
“Hi-uh… Hello.” You managed to say.
“Y/N, isn’t it? Can I sit here?”
“Y-yes, of course. How-how do you know my name?”
“I heard the waiter say it.” She sat, smiling at you. “My name is Larissa.”
“Larissa…” you whispered. Her name was quite unusual, and you liked it, you liked the way it sounded. You couldn’t look at her so you just fixed the water.  But in your peripheral vision you saw her smirk.
“And I paid your order.”
You turned your head towards her. Big mistake, now you couldn't take your eyes off hers.
“Oh no, you shouldn’t have…”
“And you should have sat with me in the bakery. I’m glad I found you.”
Her look went down on your lips. You felt your cheeks warming.
“I don’t know” she said “I thought you could show me a good time…”
“I-I want to pay you back.”
“You don’t have to.”
“But I want to.”
“Mh, if you really want to, there is something you could do.”
“And what is it?”
Her hand approached your cheek. You held your breath. Was she about to kiss you? Your heart hammered in your chest as she stared again at your lips. 
“I-I am a married woman.”
She froze. You held your breath. The wind blew and some willow leaves fell on you, the frogs and the pond.
“I’m sorry. I think I misunderstood your signals” She gave you a soft smile.
She started to pull her hand away from your cheek but you held it back.
“No you didn’t. I-I just thought that was unfair not to tell you.”
“I don’t understand…”
“That’s not a love marriage. I don’t love him, he doesn’t love me.”
“Oh. I’m so sorry.”
You shook your head. You didn’t like this pity gaze on you.
“Don’t. That’s okay.”
“You know, I was almost forced into a marriage, so I think I can understand what you feel.”
Her? Her, forced into a marriage? You suddenly felt understood, and safe with her. She took your hand.
“My former fiancé learnt I wasn’t a normie and refused the marriage.”
“What do you mean by a normie? You mean straight?”
“Yeah, I mean straight.” She didn’t want to tell you she was an outcast.
“To be honest I learnt I wasn’t today.”
“Am I your gay awakening?” Her smile grew bigger as you nodded.
She kissed you. Her lips were soft. Both of her hands on your cheeks, yours were on her hips. She left a last kiss on your cheekbone and smiled.
“How about a walk? Maybe you could show me the city.” She said.
“Of course, follow me.” You smiled.
You stood up and the both of you came out from under the willow.
“What was yours?” you asked, leading her on a path in the park.
“My gay awakening?”
You looked at her looking at the big trees. 
“My brother’s first girlfriend. He always had good tastes in women. By the way, are you from this town? Because I’m visiting him, and he said he would send me the address but he seemed to have forgotten. Can’t blame him, he has a lot of work.”
“Yes, of course, I live in the neighbourhood. I might know him, what’s his name?”
“Philip Weems.”
You frowned. What did she say?
“I didn’t hear, can you repeat, please?”
“His name is Philip Weems.”
That was official, you just kissed your husband’s sister. What were you supposed to say? Was she the guest for lunch? 
“Are you okay? If you don’t know where he lives, that’s okay.”
“I know where he lives.”
“Good morning Mrs Weems” a gardener said.
“Goo-good morning, Mr Johnson. How are you today?” you replied.
Larissa frowned. Did she know him?
And you cursed him for saying that right now.
“I’m fine, and you?”
“I’m fine.”
And he continued sweeping the path beside you.
“Mrs Weems, uh? You’re Philip’s wife.”
“I am.”
She chuckled.
“That only makes you more attractive…”
Hope you enjoyed <3
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bwabys-scenarios · 9 months
Kite hcs PLEASSEE i saw ur post abt him, the anon was right theres NOTHING on this man, if im lucky i can find a decent fic😔 ANYWAYS THANK U SMM
warnings: oral(female and male receiving), creampie, fingering, fem!reader
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-this man is so affectionate behind closed doors. he loves to hold you, give you tender kisses
-he has very long hair, and lets you do anything you want with it! he will 100% wear little pink hair bows to work if you put them there!
-he’s such a softy. can’t be mad at you or upset for more than a second. you’re just so cute, he’ll just pay your head and say how spoiled you are
-he enjoys taking you out for nice, quiet dinners where he gets to see you all dressed up
-kite prefers giving you more sentimental, hand made gifts! like photo albums of your time together, baked goods, or cards he cut out himself
-he has a hard time relaxing when he’s away from guy for long periods of time. he doesn’t want to involve you with his work, but tries to be with you as much as possible
-he’s very patient, and it takes him nearly two years to confess his feelings to you. he knew he was in love when he watched you save an animal, despite the fact it was trying to kill you. he smacked you over the head after, but was touched by your kindness. that didn’t stop him from scolding you for putting yourself in danger lol
-he actually dislikes receiving gifts! he’d much rather just bask in your presence and get extra kisses than receive a material object
-he’s really bad at cooking, but a decent baker! he likes to make you lots of different sweets when you’re sad to cheer you up! he’s pretty good at baking bread as well~
-he can get pretty jealous. he’s a bit insecure, feeling like he doesn’t give you enough attention due to his job, so when he sees you hanging out with other men he feels… possessive. he won’t do anything, but will be a bit cranky. this can be solved by cupping his cheeks and reassuring him how much you love him!
-would love to get married and settle down in the near future. he sees a future with you, and wants to slip a ring on your pretty little finger as soon as he deals with that chimera ant situation…
-he will let you use any pet names with him, no matter how cheesy, he finds it absolutely adorable
-he’s very much focused on your pleasure, making you cum on his tongue and fingers several times before he even THINKS about fucking you
-soft dom…
-he’s an ass guy, though feeling your thighs squishing his cheeks while he eats you out is also quite nice…
-likes to cum inside mostly, not for any particular reason, you just feel nice and warm and he’d prefer staying inside you as long as possible!
-he loves fingering you, curling them inside your cunt and feeling your walls tighten around them… makes him hard
-sex with Kite is slow, sensual, and sweet. he holds you hand, gives you lots of kisses and praise, and will do anything to make you feel good, comfortable, and loved
-he does have a thing for overstimulating you… seeing you cry and whine as he rubs at your puffy clit turns him on to no end. you’re really cute 🥰
-he’s pretty quite during sex, only speaking when praising you, or telling you how good you’re making him feel. otherwise it’s quite grunts, and soft moans
-you give him a blowjob and it’s the first time you’ve ever seen him look so flustered. he’s swallowing thickly, looking down at you with half lidded eyes as the prettiest pink blush takes over his cheeks…
-“fuck, sweetheart, that feels really good…”
-he prefers calling you pet names like sweetheart, love, dear, and darling(used occasionally)
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