#obishima yukari
nicequalitymemoon · 1 year
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Happy birthday Obishima! ; v ;)
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uesugirondo · 2 years
Fave WT charas (in sections ofc)
All Time Top 5 faves (FIXED)
Jin Yuuichi
Izumi Kouhei
Tachikawa Kei
Ikoma Tatsuhito
Konami Kirie
Top 6-13 : Inner Faves (In any order)
Arashiyama Jun
Yoneya Yousuke
Murakami Kou
Oki Kouji
Inukai Sumiharu
Kageura Masato
Kuga Yuma
Suwa Kotaro
Top 14-22 : Outer Faves (In any order)
Obishima Yukari
Kunichika Yuu
Yuba Takuma
Touma Isami
Nasu Rei
Tsuji Shinnosuke
Kazama Souya
Azuma Haruaki
Shinoda Masafumi (dilf)
Chara not in my top faves but I WILL fight for: Mikumo Osamu
I swear this cast is so likeable I love all of them
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shizukais · 2 years
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5water-kohaku · 2 years
In the spider zone...!
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saaraofthesand · 3 years
⚠️minor manga spoilers for the B-rank wars⚠️
Rating Border Combatants’ Uniforms B-Rank Edition (Part 2):
Nasu Squad: B-Rank 007
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Rei Nasu. Squad Captain, Shooter, and fashion icon. She pulled off the greatest feat of design since Border’s founding. Something other squad captains can only dream of doing. Absolutely incredible. There isn’t another uniform that tops it. The futuristic vibes, the purple accents against the black and white, it’s everything. 1000/10.
Yuba Squad: B-Rank 008
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70s off-duty cop vibes. The three neutral colors look weird together. Yuba just kind of looks like an asshole. Obishima was done so dirty. Yuba, get her in some high waisted pants and a cropped version of the jacket! She looks so awkward! 3/10.
Suzunari-1: B-Rank 009
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Disgusting. The cropped jackets and Ko’s 3/4 sleeves do not work here. Honestly, 3/4 sleeves don’t work anywhere. Never wear a top with them. Whoever let these poor boys choose this look deserves a prison sentence. If you’re going to crop the jacket then you should either crop the shirt underneath or wear high-waisted bottoms. Otherwise you end up looking like that one girl in middle school whose mother was against crop tops so she made her wear a camisole underneath them. On top of that, the color choice looks weird with Ko and Tatsuya’s hair. Lastly, someone should take Taichi’s hat and burn it. 0/10
Arafune Squad: B-Rank 010
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It’s giving me designer tracksuit vibes. Like I feel like its Louis Vuitton or something. Rin’s hair looks super good so bonus points for that. But we all know Arafune is super hot without the baseball cap. Give the people what they want. Let us see his hair. 7.5/10.
Katori Squad: B-Rank 011
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I hate this. First, it’s canon that Katori purposely ripped off aspects of both Nasu Squad and Konami’s uniforms. Second, it’s just horrible. It fits the boys so awkwardly. It only sort of works on Katori because hers is a little different. It’s something straight out of my nightmares. It’s like if Barbie went to space (in a very bad way). 3/10.
Suwa Squad: B-Rank 012
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The way this uniform is simultaneously a mess and also SO Suwa. Like if the look worked I’d be worried. It’s ugly as you can see, but also the mismatched undershirts just add that extra chaos to it. *Chef’s kiss* Ugly, but on theme. 5.5/10
Kizaki Squad: B-Rank 013
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I like the matching headphones, but the color is no good. They look like traffic cones. The jacket design is boring. They should have at least added stripes or something. Plain, boring. 4/10.
Part 1
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sukopion-mantisu · 2 years
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prayers and wishes for kai!🙏he died as he lived, as a dumbass ❤️
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judith-works · 2 years
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No se 
Alguién en Twitter una vez dijo ¿Midorikawa X Obishima? y yo dije simón 
 Ayuda, no se dibujar a Obishima, me sale como Chika pero sin su antenita 
Es Obi, lo juro
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t-meteora · 4 years
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senkukogetsu · 3 years
WT 30 Day Challenge
Created by Hanamakkii
Day 11 - Favorite All-Rounder
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This is another one where I had planned on using different characters than what I have on here. Though, this time it was only one that’s different than what I’d planned. I planned on using Miwa instead of Obishima, but then I reread the last rank battle chapters and Obishima just- stuck out to me.
Obishima is a young all-rounder who’s still learning and growing. I feel like she is growing in her own way, she is learning at her own pace. That much was proven when she thought Yuma was pulling the same trick before realizing that he wouldn’t use the same trick twice. And though she didn’t know this trick, she still had time to think “Yuma’s pulling another trick, but what is it this time?” And I just think that that shows her growth, and how she’s taking Yuba’s training to heart and always learning from those around her. She’ll grow so much stronger, she’ll be an amazing agent one day, and she might even rise up to being a captain one day.
And then there’s Tokieda, a solid all rounder who supports his team so well. We’ve only seen him fight like, what, twice? Once against Miwa Squad in the Black Trigger Retrieval Arc, and a second time in the anime only arc, the Fugitive Arc on the ship. Have we seen more? I honestly can’t remember. ): Anyways, I just think he’s a really cool character who would be a solid teammate. Like when he provided Kitora with a shield from Izumi’s bullets and sacrificed himself instead of Kitora with Toma’s snipe. The way he is with Yuma and how Yuma calls him Kitora’s Senpai before calling him Tokieda senpai. And the way his captain relies on him. I just love Tokieda’s dynamics w everyone. 😭🤍
Anyways, those are some reasons why I love Tokieda and Obishima.
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hoshisoul · 4 years
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May I just say I love Obi-nyan, I love her design and her agility and the 8th round.
Thank you for this precious girl, sensei~
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akolnoix · 5 years
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obishima has appeared for one chapter, and i have diagnosed her with 358/2 Days fan
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etrosgate · 5 years
obishima dab
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nicequalitymemoon · 2 years
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I like to think when they get older, Obishima has longer hair
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shizukais · 3 years
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5water-kohaku · 2 years
I love watching Yuma getting creative every single time.
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pinkalala-art · 2 years
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Tonoobi gift for @nicequalitymemoon
Glad I finished it in time <33
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