#and is a xion kinnie
krentle · 1 year
Xion can have littlea violence. A modicum of killing. A smidgen of murder. A pinch of ripping and tearing
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modpoppy · 6 months
U-Um we noticed you were feeling v-very down, and that you liked Vanitas/V-Ven and Vani fusion… U-Um we’re actually writing about them in our KH fic if you’d like something t-to write? Our friends r-really love it and maybe it’ll help you get through this ; . ;
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topical doodle in class
i do like vanitas (in a kinnie way) and ventus (in a i had a friend who was a ventus fictive forever ago so ventus is an important character to me) and venitas was very cool when it happened
uhhh is it the xion fic?? or a separate one?? id been meaning to read the xion fic bc pf that art of xion and sora trying on a dress it was cute and looked Pleasant
im just Going Thru It a little rn
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konohoshis · 1 year
Kaixi for the ship takes
going to be honest and say my xion kinnie brain is too clouded to focus on a different xion ship
i keep trying to think from a canon perspective on how they could work together, but i cant sorry
im sure they can be cute and i dont hate them together tho
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lovaboy · 4 months
a little homestuck talk as it pertains to old hs friendships
i will just never forgive home/stuck for making d/vekat canon in the end (or like basically good as canon) bc that was so disrespectful to me personally as a young karkat kinnie who had a falling out with her dave. it's not as bad anymore because obviously i am not ever in the homestuck tags bc i'm not into it anymore but having to see that shit EVERYWHERE at the end of it was so..... blugh. i'm glad i only really have good memories of karkat despite all the bullshit that surrounded my time with home/stuck in high school bc he really was, like. a massive comfort character. between him, bucky, and xion i had so many fucking identity issues in high school that it nearly ripped me open but i also wouldn't have been able to get through it without them. ykwim. so if you ever see me reblog karkat MIND YOUR BUSINESS.
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mystic-foxbox · 2 years
this lil sora, roxas, and ventus kinnie (with an aqua fictive headmate too) sure didn't expect to get reblogged by a system with kh fictives :D
alright! ⚧ + 🔀 for xion, axel, and vanitas
🔀So for this one we are all from the same cannon and we are all VERY much canon divergent to a point.. we don’t feel comfortable indulging details about our past other then Xion is a dragon/raptor shifter somehow, Axel never went back to being called Lea though gained his heart back, and Vani came from Sora instead of Ven somehow.. we’re still trying to dig up the answers in the memories for that one.
⚧ Xion - Non-binary and… honestly if I am non-binary i have no idea the proper term would be for dating a female so i’ll just say pan and that aligns with this lifetime
Axel - gay as hell and cis least in that lifetime. This lifetime stuck in a female body. >:| *insert frustrated noises here* but pan as well now
Vani- I was gay then. Am pan now. Same issue as with Axel currently.
So yeah. There’s that. Shorter answers honestly. Hopefully that fills your curiosity. Lol
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akolnoix · 5 years
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obishima has appeared for one chapter, and i have diagnosed her with 358/2 Days fan
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kaizokupolycule · 2 years
Once again thinking about the Marvelous and Joe pair rings and just *lays on ground*
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maybesortaahazel · 4 years
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xion kinnie.
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crisisgear · 5 years
nobodies didn’t rly need to eat in my canon (like, they could but it was just a sensory thing that provided no actual sustenance) and i didn’t either in my first body but like
once i had a human-like vessel its like i had years of backlogged hunger i was ALWAYS starving the first month or so
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This is a serious post. TWs include borderline p/dophilia, guilt tripping, possible acephobia, and sexualization of minors.
(May 8th, 2024 update. hey !! I wrote this in 2021 when I was 14 and angry so it’s a pretty bitter read    but that doesn't make a lot of it any less horrible!! It just makes the stuff towards the end look kinda salty and personal)
Hi. Jack here. I'm so sorry to suddenly get all serious but this needs to be discussed.
I used to be friends with tickinq-time, aka Kelli, but I am to no longer be associated with them after all the stuff they have done that I am detailing here today. We will start with the first segment
1) Borderline p/dophilia.
Kelli dated a 14 year old at the age of 17 (even admitting to wanting to run away with said 14 year old) and admitted they knew it was wrong when confronted.
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“As long as no one finds out,” eh?
2) Guilt tripping.
In a discord server, Kelli would allegedly spam in vent chats until they received responses, turn replies to others' vents into their own vents, talked about triggering topics in non vent chats
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beg for forgiveness when no one responded to said triggering topics (do ignore me being a blind idiot)
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Left servers (for attention) when called out for minor (sometimes major but mostly minor) things they did, leaving those they called friends heartbroken
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ask if anyone missed them in the server they left (also asking for invites back)
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and attempting to villainize those who called them out.
3) Self shipping. (HEY JACK FROM 2024 HERE. IF YOURE READING THIS. I HATE THIS SECTION I DONT LIKE WITH HOW I WORDED THIS (except the wholeeee drawing and sharing the nsfwww of themselves  that was crazy)  selfship all you want  don't draw nsfw of yourself when you're under 18 and share it with other minors   cheers !)
Before I get into this one, I'd just like to say that not all self shipping is bad!!! Just what Kelli does with their sona is!!!! It's harmless in most cases!!!!!  
Kelli shipped themselves with Tony. Doesn't sound bad until you take the fact that Kelli is a 17 year old minor and their Tony is a 30 year old man into consideration. The fact Kelli ages themselves up to ship themselves with Tony and heavily implies they did “the thing” to have baby Larry is disgusting. One look at their Tumblr page proves this.
They also allegedly drew NSFW of themselves and Tony but since the server it was posted in got deleted, I cannot show proof of this. (Also don't say it's just their s/i or persona, there's literally no difference between them.)
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4) Sexualization of minors (and possible acephobia.)
Things said in this segment were in a voice call and make me the most angry (because it’s about my OCs and that makes it kinda personal), so apologies if I get aggressive, but I do have a witness for it. 
Do you remember my first post about Ryan, Brian, and Xion the clock triplets, Tina's kids? Kelli saw that and took it upon themselves to ask if mean Steve (Tina's ex that she hates) was the father. The last time Tina and Steve were on good terms was in HIGHSCHOOL. That implies that they would've had to do it as minors, which is NOT OKAY.
What they said next could count as acephobia, but then they stated “Steve must have some good d!ck if he fucked an Asexual person.” Now, I'm all for sex jokes as the next guy, as long as they're about consenting adults, but again, the last time they were on good terms was in highschool, so this was not okay to say.
I have nothing else to sign off with other than please do not attack anyone mentioned, not even Kelli. Don't even interact with Kelli, just unfollow. I speak for myself and all my friends who have been subjected to their guilt tripping. Stay safe, planets.
-Your friendly neighborhood Colin kinnie.
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quirk-eraser · 3 years
god i miss axel and xion so much. being a kinnie sucks sometimes
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modpoppy · 6 months
favs from all my fandoms (new and old)
some of my favs from each fandom ive been in like ever
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genshin impact: my fav of all time kaeya alberich i love him Very Much So, hes just one of those characters who its like. UGH. where he just wants to be sweet but cant let himself get too comfortable where he is (literally in his case). i also relate to him irt my relationship with my family/sibling. hes just constantly aware of other people both to be cautious and to know the people he cares about more, hes been shown canonically to pay close attention and provide gifts that he knew people wanted
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runner up is ZHONGLI i related to him very much but i fogrgt why rn lol
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kingdom hearts: xion, not for very long but right around when i was finally actualizing my gender identity (id previously been very agender/masc) i rlly took to xion for like. Gender Inspo. i felt like even tho she got the short end of the stick she did her damndest to forge her own identity (roxas got his whole game and arc about it while xion bascially got fridged but its fine). when i finally let myself consider who i would be as a fem person, i pictured her :D
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one piece: sanji!! i already sorta liked him (okay maybe not in fishman island or thriller bark. that was. shit.) before heading into whole cake but. lord almighty. lemme tell ya i dont cry very easily over anime but whole cake took me OUT. sanji just tries so hard to be someone who doesnt cause the problems, hes cringe fail but he tries so hard to just be ALLOWED to exist bc hes fought so hard to believe he SHOULD uugggghhhhhhhhhhh. irt the straw hats i think he has some of the most unique and fleshed out philosophies (not wasting food) that his backstory perfectly contextualizes. also im on board with trans fem sanji
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runner up is YAMATO he is so beautiful AND hes a kinnie whats not to love im just mad hes not in the straw hats (yet)
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total drama: svetlana this was legit the only gif i could find of her on here. i dont need to explain myself svetlana sweep 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️
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jjba: doppio/diavolo its FINE it COUNTS but technically 90% just doppio..... back in 2021(?) i dyed my hair like diavolo (pink with green spots) i feel like thats. all i need to say
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ace attorney: to the surprise of absolutely no one THE PHANTOM ive just always attached to the whole. Not Being thing. in the past i struggled rlly hard with depersonalization/derealization/dissociation/basically every manifestation of the phantom, so id connect to them (which i dont think helped lol). nowadays, i focus rlly hard on the idea of the phantoms semi-redemption bc its like... being a person not being a required prerequisite to existing/being in society if that makes sense???? its complicated and probably only makes sense to me :P
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runner up is obviously UENDO+ i love them all tell no one but i think kisegawa is my fav i wish she got more lines i actually only watched soj for them bc at the time everyone said the game was literal ass
(dw athena is in close third place shes literally my daughter)
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rvb: if you asked me while i was a fan id probably say agent maine but in retrospect grif was clearly my fav, especially later in the show when he was one of the few leads who had a genuine character arc. he feels the most like a real person idk man
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silent hill: every fucking gif of henry is him busting his ass thats all that needs be said
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danganronpa: i changed favs very often bc i had zero idea what constituted well written characters lmao i have ~eclectic tastes~ but the main character i rlly liked was touko/syo, her arc in despair sisters afairc was decently well done and her relationship with komaru was sweet, even if dr is kinda an inescapable grease fire. in hindsight, i think i also related more to her than i realized bc of her self esteem and the way her trauma/phobias seemingly blocked her from basic self care/socialization but it was really more about her never having the courage to push her own boundaries (idk how well thats shown in the game but that was my experience)
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runner up: korekiyo bc i liked him a lot for longer than most othr characters but afairc my perception of him was VERY heavily based on headcanons/fanon so i doubt id like him at all on a replay. best guess is id only maybe like shuichi or something. pretty much everyone in dr is an asshole tbh i cannot emphasize enough how ass my taste used to be my ability to pick characters i like boiled down to someone telling me a character was cool and i immedaitely absorbed them
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pjo: okay so this bitch is in a book so ofc theres no gif for him but jason grace is the funniest motherfucker on the earth. half the time id say something out loud while reading and hed immediately say that exact thing. absolutely exquisite. bro had no idea what the fuck anyone was saying half the time
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twst: i started playing for ruggie but immediately deuce also proved to be the funniest motherfucker ever i dont think ive ever seen his gimmick in anything else its so fucking funny i live for characters who seem like the straight man but then turn out to be equally as batshit as their peers (i stopped playing bc i had been misinformed and thought this was a college but these are HIGH SCHOOLERS why am i being isekaid into HIGH SCHOOL WTF)
now for some misc favs bc theres not really a fandom for them per se
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i love him and he is me
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oh my god and i found a gif of my favorite scene i love steven i also want to . attack him sometimes
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team-avatar-kincare · 4 years
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Lovecore icons of Xion from Kingdom Hearts for Mod Mashiro at @magical-kinnies! Hope you enjoy!
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- Mod Ty Lee (Korra shift)
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ao3feed-soriku · 4 years
caelum institute: trigger happy havoc
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3igcXDc
by shuichis_eyelashes
" the way to get out of this school––to graduate––is to kill one of your classmates, and get away with it. "
caelum institute has long stood in the center of downtown radiant garden as a academic beacon of hope, producing "ultimates", or students who are the best of the best in their respective hobbies or professions, at a remarkable rate, with all graduates promised success in life. sora nomura, an ordinary boy from the destiny islands, is chosen through caelum institute's annual lottery system to be this admission cycle's "ultimate lucky student". howeever, when sora's first day at school involves finding out a sadistic, bug-like creature is the headmaster, fifteen other ultimate students, forced permanent residence at the academy, and a graduation system based on murder, he could hardly consider himself lucky.
tl;dr kingdom hearts characters are newly scouted students at a prestigious academy made to develop their individual talents. however, instead of a normal school year, they're forced into a killing game where the only options are to stay as residents of the school forever, or kill a classmate and get away with it to escape.
updates on wednesdays, usually.
Words: 5511, Chapters: 1/13, Language: English
Fandoms: Kingdom Hearts (Video Games)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen, M/M, F/F
Characters: Sora (Kingdom Hearts), Riku (Kingdom Hearts), Kairi (Kingdom Hearts), Roxas (Kingdom Hearts), Ventus (Kingdom Hearts), Ienzo (Kingdom Hearts), Marluxia (Kingdom Hearts), Larxene (Kingdom Hearts), Xion (Kingdom Hearts), Naminé (Kingdom Hearts), Hayner (Kingdom Hearts), Pence (Kingdom Hearts), Olette (Kingdom Hearts), Axel (Kingdom Hearts), Vanitas (Kingdom Hearts), Riku's Father (Kingdom Hearts)
Relationships: Riku/Sora (Kingdom Hearts), Vanitas/Ventus (Kingdom Hearts), Kairi & Sora (Kingdom Hearts), Axel/Roxas (Kingdom Hearts), Naminé/Xion (Kingdom Hearts), Kairi/Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Additional Tags: Murder Mystery, Angst, Character Death, Action, Survival Horror, Not Beta Read, We Die Like Men, Alternate Universe - High School, Danganronpa AU, ok i know i tagged vanven but vanven in this is one-sided and kind of problematic, platonic sokai, Dark, lots of murder!, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, not really focused on romance, i mean we're in a killing game, Suicide, the sequel to this? get these kids some fucking therapy, sora is a makoto kinnie, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, yes i made their last names after their voice actors, The Unversed (Kingdom Hearts), akuroku but you have to squint, namishi if you squint, like i said it's not really centered around romance, Roxas and Ventus Are Twins (Kingdom Hearts), Explicit Language, they cuss a lot, told through third person limited/through sora, sokai for the first chapter i guess, but obviously kairi is very important to sora even if it's not romantic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3igcXDc
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I am a Roxas from Kingdom Hearts. I'm a fictive who's been around since at least 2012 and has /always/ remembered being in a relationship (romantic) with Axel in my timeline. I think, later, too, we let Xion join our relationship. I have other memories of course, but the fact that I remember being in a relationship with Axel makes a lot of fanpol/anti kinnies really uspet. Anyway. I'm 21, if anyone KH kin is cool with this & wants to chat I'd be more than happy to. Thanks. -R
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lesbianroxas-moved · 4 years
okay i wanted to do both wc and kh but then this post would be way too long. its under a read more bc im not subjecting everyone and god to this.
💕 - favorite characters and why you like them?
riku’s terrible outfit choices in the earlier games... imagine wearing two pairs of pants in one game and then two zip up vests in the next. Then there’s also how he succumbs to darkness at first but through his journey he realizes that he doesn’t have to choose between light and dark, he can walk the road between them and accept that his powers come from darkness but he doesn’t have to use them for evil. i love characters who use light based powers for evil and dark based powers for good there’s just something about it...
💎 - are there any fun facts or trivia you’d like to share?
oh there’s so much i could say here.
there’s 5 different versions of one character. mickey mouse leaves someone to die in the realm of darkness. org xiii has 14 members. goofy dies. everything that happens in the toy story world is canon to toy story. drake bell is there. sora punches davy jones. sora was supposed to be a lion dude with a chainsaw sword. roxas’ best friend dies and he just says “who else will i have ice cream with?”
🍀 - do you have any kins or comfort characters from it?
what’s with my friends and outing me as a kinnie. yes its incredibly obvious, no i dont want to talk about it. anyways. i kin roxas and riku and then my ccs are basically everyone but if u wanna get more specific: sora, axel, xion, vanitas, marluxia, ventus, aqua, terra
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