#nasu squad
nicequalitymemoon · 1 year
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Nasu squad
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aishangotome · 3 months
Minamoto No Yoritomo: Chapter 21
Chapter 20 Normal Story
The next day–– Yoritomo once again had me ride his horse, and we set off with a small squad.
I looked back over my shoulder to check on the soldiers following us.
(Everyone looks tense.)
(But... it doesn't seem like anyone has been possessed by an ayakashi yet.)
I was a little relieved and looked forward,
Yoritomo: Yoshino.
The edge of the hood I was wearing was gently pulled back from behind, and lips were pressed to my ear.
His breath tickled my ear as he called my name, and I couldn't help but flinch.
Yoshino: What is it...?
Yoritomo: Did you sleep well last night?
Yoshino: Ah... yes, thanks to you.
Yoritomo: Of course you did. You were drooling in your sleep.
Yoshino: No way!?
Yoritomo: Just kidding, you fool.
Yoshino: Oh, good! No, not good because you tricked me...
Yoritomo: Haha, you're a busy woman.
The hand that had been wrapped around me from behind took hold of the reins and adjusted our course slightly.
The warmth of Yoritomo's body pressed against my back suddenly reminded me of last night.
(...It seems like Yoritomo has already forgotten.)
I felt a little sad, but the resolve I had made at that time and the warmth I had offered were for me alone to know.
Yoritomo: It's creepy when you suddenly get quiet.
Yoshino: Creepy is an exaggeration.
The reason why my chest tightened when I was irritated by his mean words was because I felt Yoritomo's strength, who never wavered even in this situation.
(Yoritomo never stops and fights to protect many people.)
(That's why... I'm going to protect him.)
The flame that had been lit last night was quietly burning my chest.
And, after descending the mountain for a while...
Yoritomo: ––Stop.
The squad stopped at his quiet command.
Yoritomo pointed to the middle of the mountain through a gap in the thick trees.
Yoritomo: Can you all see it?
In a slightly open area below, the flag of the Yoshitsune army fluttered, and I could see a few dozen troops encamped there.
The captain of the soldiers hesitantly opened his mouth.
Soldier: ...It seems that there are no big names like Musashibo Benkei or Nasu no Yoichi.
Soldier: However, their numbers are more than double ours... Are we going to avoid them, Yoritomo-sama?
Yoritomo: No.
Yoritomo: I've considered several routes to join Morinaga's squad, but in any case, we cannot avoid encountering the enemy forces.
Yoritomo: If we are outnumbered, we will take them by surprise and break through them.
Soldier: Will it work...?
Yoritomo: Of course it will.
Yoritomo: To do that, I will lead the charge.
Yoshino: Yoritomo-sama....?
I turned around in surprise to look at Yoritomo.
Soldier: But, it's dangerous.
Yoritomo: It's worth the risk.
Yoritomo: The enemy won't expect the commander-in-chief to be leading such a small squad.
Yoritomo: If I appear when they are already flustered by a surprise attack, their judgment will be dulled.
Yoritomo: They will mistakenly think we are a large army and become hesitant.
(I see...)
Soldier: Certainly, if that's the case...
The soldiers stared intently at Yoritomo's face.
Yoritomo: The important thing is that you all follow me without fear.
Yoritomo: The more bravely we attack, the more we can confuse the enemy.
Soldiers: Yes, sir!
The soldiers' faces came alive at Yoritomo's voice.
(This will surely succeed! It will be alright.)
As I was convinced of this and gazing at his handsome profile, our eyes met.
Yoritomo: Yoshino, what about you?
Yoritomo: Are you afraid to ride at the front with me?
Although his words were those of an actor, the light in his eyes was sincere.
Yoshino: ...No, I'm not afraid.
(I don't want to show weakness to the one who runs in front of everyone.)
I pushed away my anxiety with determination and looked straight back at Yoritomo.
Yoshino: I believe in you, Yoritomo-sama.
The surrounding soldiers nodded silently and deeply.
Yoritomo: ––Then I shall live up to your expectations.
Yoritomo's large hand gently rested on my head and then quickly moved away.
Yoritomo: Everyone, get ready.
Everyone gripped their reins and lowered their posture.
Yoritomo held my body firmly from behind and urged the horse down the slope.
(It's quite steep...)
The warmth of Yoritomo's body behind me encouraged me as I was about to get scared.
I stared down the slope and made up my mind––
Yoritomo: Charge!
Soldiers: Yes, sir!
The horse's front legs lifted, and I held back a scream so as not to bite my tongue.
With a powerful leap, the horse galloped down the slope at a tremendous speed.
The sound of hooves echoed like thunder, and the enemy below looked up at us in astonishment.
Rebel Soldiers: ...! E-enemy attack––!
Rebel Soldiers: Minamoto no Yoritomo is here!
In no time, the horse reached the bottom and plunged into the enemy camp without slowing down.
Yoritomo: Attack!
Rebel Soldiers: Oh...!
(...It's begun...)
In the dust, the sound of swords and spears clashing rang out loudly.
Yoritomo jumped out in front of the Yoshitsune army, who were hurriedly grabbing their weapons.
Yoritomo: Those who seek the head of Minamoto no Yoritomo, come forward!
Rebel Soldiers: Wh-why is Yoritomo here!?
The enemy soldier who raised his voice in agitation was immediately cut down, along with several others.
The Yoshitsune army was losing control like ants whose nest had been disturbed.
It didn't take long for the balance of the short battle to completely collapse.
Rebel Soldiers: Retreat... retreat! We'll be killed!
Yoritomo: Pursue them!
In response to his voice, which resonated well even on the battlefield, the shogunate soldiers chased the enemy's backs and struck them down.
(Even though they have far more men than us...)
Amidst the fleeing enemy soldiers and the emboldened allies, Yoritomo alone had a calm look in his eyes.
After a while––
Yoritomo: That's enough.
Yoritomo muttered quietly as he watched the enemy soldiers, cornered at the riverbank, cross the water on horseback.
Yoritomo: Stop the pursuit!
Yoritomo signaled to his soldiers while adjusting his course.
The troops followed his lead, galloping like the wind.
Yoritomo: The path is clear! Let's head for Morinaga's squad.
Soldiers: Yes, sir!
The soldiers raised their voices in joy.
(We did it...)
Yoshino: Yoritomo-sama! We made it through...!
Yoritomo: Yes. It went well. That is, if nothing else happens.
(As always, Yoritomo is calm.)
Yoshino: Is there a possibility of something happening?
Yoritomo: Who knows. But it's part of my job to consider the worst-case scenario.
Perhaps because he was someone who had seen the "worst-case scenario," Yoritomo's words were surprisingly heavy, even though they were meant to be ironic.
Yoritomo: What is it?
Yoritomo, who had sensitively noticed my gaze, had a nonchalant smile on his lips.
Yoritomo: You look like a dog trying to read its master's mood.
(He's calling me a dog again!?)
Yoritomo: If you were a dog, I guess it would make sense why you're so comfortable to hug.
Yoritomo looked down at my body nestled in his arms.
Don't use weird phrasing
Dogs are fluffier
I think I've been overeating lately ----------------
Yoshino: I think I've been overeating lately.
(Ah, it's a little depressing to say it myself.)
Yoritomo: You're fluffy even when I do this.
Yoshino: ...You don't have to pat my head every time.
(I've been brushed off again...)
I shrugged and was readjusting my hood, which had been blown by the wind, when...
Yoritomo: Yoshino.
Yoshino: Yes?
I turned around again when he called my name in an unexpectedly quiet voice.
Yoritomo: I'm sorry.
Yoshino: Um... Did you eat something bad by any chance?
Yoritomo: Of course not. What kind of response is that?
(Because Yoritomo-sama apologizing is...)
Yoshino: It's true that it's not right to treat people like dogs, but Yoritomo-sama's harsh words are a regular occurrence, aren't they?
Yoritomo: You fool. That's not what I'm talking about.
Yoshino: Then, what is it...?
Yoritomo gave a wry smile to me as I blinked.
Yoritomo: I'm going to end up putting you through more than I expected.
Yoritomo: It was my selfishness that dragged you, who was living a peaceful and happy life, into this turmoil.
Yoritomo: I intended to take responsibility and protect your safety from the beginning, though.
Yoshino: ...What's wrong? It's not like you to say such things.
Yoritomo: Maybe so.
His midnight blue eyes were clear to their depths, as if all the unnecessary things had been burned away by a cold flame.
Yoritomo, with a gentle lift of his lips, touched my cheek.
Yoritomo: Yoshino, I will make sure you return alive. ––No matter what.
(...Why are you looking at me with such sincere eyes?)
Yoshino: I... I want you to live too.
Yoritomo: How cheeky.
Even after his fingertips slowly left, my cheeks remained warm.
(I hope nothing happens...)
The change began when we had been riding along the riverbank for about an hour.
Yoshino: ...Yes, I think this will make you feel better.
Soldier 1: Ugh... Yoshino-san, thank you very much.
(There seems to be a lot of people being possessed by ayakashi.)
Since we couldn't stop in a place with such a good view, I was forced to take away the ayakashi's curse power while still on horseback.
The soldier, whose complexion had improved a little, straightened his posture, supporting himself on the neck of his horse.
Soldier 1: Yoritomo-sama, I apologize for the trouble I have caused you.
Yoritomo: I'm glad you're alright. I'm sorry I can't give you a rest, but I need you to hold on a little longer.
Yoritomo, who had been watching the whole thing behind me, replied calmly.
Soldier 1: Not at all! I am the one who has caused you great trouble.
As the soldier retreated to the back of the line, looking apologetic...
Soldier 2: Yoritomo-sama! Yoshino-san, there are three more people who are not feeling well...
Yoshino: ...! Understood.
As I pulled my hood back down to hide my changed hair and eyes,
I was hit with dizziness, and my body swayed.
Yoritomo: ...!
Yoritomo immediately supported me from behind.
Yoritomo: Are you alright?
Yoshino: Y-Yoritomo-sama...
Yoshino: Ah, thank you very much.
Yoritomo: You look terrible.
Yoritomo peered closely at my face and coughed.
Yoritomo: Did I push you too hard?
Yoshino: No... I'm still fine.
I shook my head, trying to ignore the strange feverishness in my body, but...
Yoritomo: No.
Yoritomo gently patted my head through the hood.
Then, he called out to the soldier who had come to report.
Yoritomo: If we ride for another hour, we can rest more safely than now. Please tell everyone to endure until then.
Yoritomo: Place those who are unwell in the middle of the line and slow down. Report back if anyone's condition worsens.
Soldier 2: Yes, sir! Understood.
The soldier nodded and went to inform the others.
Yoshino: ...I'm sorry, Yoritomo-sama.
Yoritomo: You've been using your fox spirit powers repeatedly during this forced march. It's no wonder you're exhausted.
Yoritomo: Close your eyes for a bit.
Yoshino: But...
Yoritomo: Don't get the wrong idea. I'm not giving you a real break.
Yoritomo: I'll wake you up if anything happens. So rest until then.
Yoritomo's hand gently covered my eyes.
His body enveloped me from behind, and my chest tightened.
(Yoritomo is kind.)
(I'll try to recover as much as I can and work harder.)
Yoshino: ...Thank you very much.
Yoritomo: Hmm.
As I leaned against Yoritomo, a deep breath naturally escaped me at the comforting warmth.
Perhaps I was more tired than I thought, as sleep soon came over me...
???: ––Yo.
Yoritomo: Wake up, Yoshino.
Yoshino: Hmm...
How much time had passed? I was shaken awake gently.
(The scenery has changed before I knew it.)
The squad had advanced to a place where the path narrowed by a cliff.
Yoritomo: We're under attack.
My hazy consciousness was instantly pulled back, and at the same time, I heard the sound of footsteps pounding the ground from behind.
Yoritomo: Hold on tight.
Yoshino: Yes!
Yoritomo kicked the horse's belly hard.
As the scenery sped up, I lowered my body and looked back,
???: I won't let you go.
Yoshino: That person is––!
From beyond the swirling dust, an unforgettable, mysterious voice echoed.
Yoshitsune: I will fulfill my long-cherished wish here, Yoritomo-sama.
Chapter 21 His POV
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mozillavulpix · 4 months
wrote out a bunch of traum thoughts on reddit but it became too long so let's do it here:
Okay, now I'm done. Might as well list out a bunch of stray thoughts.
On a meta point of view, this has helped me figure out what parts of FGO have been Higashide. Really, this whole thing is about as so obviously Higashide as Heian-Kyo was for Sakurai. It ends up being a sequel to Orleans, Shinjuku, Anastasia, Atlantis Fate/Apocrypha and Fate/Extella Link all at the same time. It's like when a Nasu chapter randomly brings up something from Hollow Ataraxia. They all have their favourites and comfort zones so it becomes pretty obvious when you see what character stories they choose to continue.
Seriously though, "we're sorry we did everyone dirty in Fate/Apocypha" keeps happening and keeps being kind of hilarious. Astolfo gets to show off more of his insane side while also doing cool stuff instead of being reduced to Sieg's cheer squad, and Siegfried gets to do Feats that show he really is strong instead of just...giving his power to Sieg and not everything bad in Apocrypha is Sieg's fault but still-
Don Quixote was great. Expected, but great. Genderbending Sancho is a bit boring but gacha be gacha and fate be fate. I liked the twist in the end of them being summoned to Atlantis this whole time and just ran away. There's a whole bunch of stuff there that implies there were a lot of stories that happened off-screen.
Wish Roland could have done more. If he's really the strongest of the Paladins, it's kind of wild all he ended up doing was opening a door. And the sacrifice at the end almost felt artificially tragic. It's messed up, but it happened so fast that it didn't really get me.
Charlie is cool. And if anything, the whole "I'm not the standard version of Charles the Great so I generally don't get to stay summoned for long" makes him even cooler. Like he's just so powerful he can only appear for a limited time. Except for gacha.
Didn't really feel for Salome, her story just felt like the typical female Berserker story where they'll always try and kill the person they love and I swear we've seen this a lot in Fate so it just kinda blended in to me
I like how instead of playing up Xu Fu's Disaster Lesbian energy, her personality here is Being a Slacker. That's such a mood.
The weird thing is despite there being so much Holmes here, his death felt a bit rushed? Like the reveal of him being a Foreign God Disciple is almost so obvious is feels like a joke. (You showed up out of nowhere with weird abilities and no one knows who summoned you. of course it'd be the villain. what else could it possibly be). But also he just tries to fight Moriarty for 2 turns and then bam. he's dead. It would have hit harder if it happened after the final Moriarty fight instead of before. It doesn't make it feel like a climax.The most interesting thing was the implication that the 'real' Sherlock Holmes wouldn't have been an ally to Chaldea because he'd be too impartial, so the Ruler Holmes we know is a creation he made. Like a literal Alter Ego. Or even a Phantom Spirit. Which is a cool parallel with Archer of Shinjuku. Hopefully we'll get a new Holmes version one day.
Kadoc was fun. Honestly, not too much to talk about him, his role was kind of what I expected. He had some great lines.
Konstantinos was done dirty. Not only did he get the worst kit and his banner had no SRs on rate-up, but he got taken out really quickly and anticlimactically. He deserved more.
There was a part where Johanna and Bradamante were talking where I was like "I see, this is Traum's version of passing the Beschdel test" and then the next time they had a girl-to-girl talk it was about a man lol. It's fine, but it's funny when writers try to have the women speak and it ends up falling into a trope without them meaning to.
I do think Johanna would have been better without Konstantinos. The whole thing about the pope is that he has no romantic partner, right? Why not have her actually committed to that instead of keeping her waifu material. because gacha.
I can't believe they ended it on a cliffhanger, the balls on them. I applaud it and also hate it because now I'm just gonna be wondering what this means for the next 6 months.
The chapter was fine. It was definitely no lostbelt, but going from Lostbelt 6 to this did give me a bit of whiplash when I had to remember that no they don't always spend so much time on the lore implications of everything. Sometimes they're just gonna make a chapter that showcases the Servants that'll get drip-fed over the next 2 years.
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The High School Heroes Whumplist
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Plot: To save his school from majins lurking within, superhero fan recruits five other students to form their own sentai hero squad.
Genre: Tokusatsu
Language: Japanese
Episodes: 08
Watch on: Subber
Majin: Monster of the week
Manaka Taisei/AkaHero played by Iwasaki Taisho
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Ep 01:
Attacked and beaten up by MoTW
Collaspe from exhaustion from fighting the MoTW
Ep 02:
Tied up with MoTW's hair
Ep 05:
Framed and arrested
Locked in a cell
grabbed by Collar
Ep 07:
Flashback: attacked by majin
Emotional whump: Witness his father's death due to majin's power
Fight alone again majin and gets curbstomp
Hits his head on a rock during fight
Ep 08:
In coma for three days & loses his memory
Takigawa Yusuke/AoHero played by Nasu Yuto
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Ep 01:
Bleeding fingers from practicing too much
Ep 02:
Tied up with MoTW's hair
Ep 08:
Attacked by Majin
Morimura Naoya/MidoHero played by Fuji Naoki
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Ep 02:
Slapped by Hana
Ep 08:
Attacked by Majin
Domon Ryuhei/KiHero played by Sato Ryuga
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Ep 03:
Gets his pride taken away, making him easy to manipulate
Ep 08:
Attacked by Majin
Sakurai Ichika/MomoHero played by Kanasashi Issei
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Ep 03:
Beaten by Majin
Ep 05:
Attacked by majin
Grabbed by collar and threatened
Ep 08:
Attacked by Majin
Oura Hyuma/GinHero played by Ukisho Hidaka
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Ep 05:
Weakened from becoming a majin
Ep 06:
Flashback: In a teacher-student relationship, Lured into a fight and then betrayed by said teacher.
Attacked by majin trying to dispose him
Forcefully turned into majin
Ep 08:
Attacked by Majin
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Accepted Characters 10/14/2023
Nasu Rei from World Trigger
Chandra Makisig (The Raccoon) from Kiwi Blitz
Bernie from Dungeon Dogs
Xena from Odd Squad
Sir Wilford IV from the Henry Stickmin Collection
Wetbeard from Castle Cats
Dusty from the Henry Stickmin Collection
Geoffrey Plumb from the Henry Stickmin Collection
Volewhisper from the Warriors series
Unnamed teacher from Sleepless Domain
Parlez from Bella Sara
Wildfur from the Warriors series
Stonepelt from the Warriors series
Dell Clawthorne from the Owl House
Serapio from Black Sun
Emilie Russo from Spindrift
57 Requests Remain
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uesugirondo · 2 years
My WT ships
TachiJin / AraJin / ToriJin
YumaOsa / HyuOsa / RinjiOsa / ToriOsa / NinoOsa / OjiOsa
ToriIzu / NinoIzu / YoneIzu / HyreIzu
KageInu / YubaInu / TsujiInu
Miwa and Sleep
Nasu Squad (do I even need to explain?)
Honorable Mentions:
Shinoda and Sawamura
Katori and Hana
Rokuro and getting his sh1te together
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zathong · 2 years
TFT Builds Set 8.5
Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about champions & comps build in TFT Set 8.5. I works hard to keep my’s Teamfight Tactics builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best champions (Synergies) build for the meta. Learn more about champions (Synergies)’s items and comps.
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Best champion TFT Set 8.5
Fiddlesticks, Janna, Leona, Mordekaiser, Nunu, Syndra, Urgot, Ultimate Ezreal.
Best comps TFT set 8.5 
The Underground
Comps guide:
5 Underground + 4 Aegis: Ezreal, Kayle, Samira, Sona, Vi, Leona, Alistar, Ekko.
3 InfiniTeam + 2 Spellslingers: Pantheon, Pyke, Leblanc, Warwick, Riven, Shen, Sona, Twisted Fate.
5 Anima Squad + 2 Aegis: Lucian, Nasus, Jinx, Alistar, Riven, Vayne, Miss Fortune, Ekko.
4 Threat + 3 Mecha Prime + 2 Aegis:  Wukong, Aatrox, Belveth, Ekko, Garen, Fiddlesticks, Leona, Urgot.
5 Gadgeteen + 2 Spellslingers: Lulu, Poppy, Annie, Alistar, Gnar, Sona, Ekko, Nunu.
3 InfiniTeam + 3 Hacker + 2 Spellslingers: Pantheon, Pyke, Leblanc, Riven, Shen, Sona, Twisted Fate, Warwick.
5 LaserCorps + 4 Brawler: Ashe, Blitzcrank, Renekton, Vi, Yasuo, Riven, Warwick, Mordekaiser.
5 Star Guardian + 4 Spellslinger: Lux, Annie, Kaisa, Alistar, Ekko, Neeko, Janna, Syndra.
Best Items tft set 8.5
Archangel’s Staff, Bloodthirster, Gargoyle Stoneplate, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Morellonomicon, Spear of Shojin, Tactician’s Crown.
Source: https://zathong.com/tft-build/
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madaratheestallion · 3 years
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My girls!
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saaraofthesand · 3 years
⚠️minor manga spoilers for the B-rank wars⚠️
Rating Border Combatants’ Uniforms B-Rank Edition (Part 2):
Nasu Squad: B-Rank 007
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Rei Nasu. Squad Captain, Shooter, and fashion icon. She pulled off the greatest feat of design since Border’s founding. Something other squad captains can only dream of doing. Absolutely incredible. There isn’t another uniform that tops it. The futuristic vibes, the purple accents against the black and white, it’s everything. 1000/10.
Yuba Squad: B-Rank 008
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70s off-duty cop vibes. The three neutral colors look weird together. Yuba just kind of looks like an asshole. Obishima was done so dirty. Yuba, get her in some high waisted pants and a cropped version of the jacket! She looks so awkward! 3/10.
Suzunari-1: B-Rank 009
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Disgusting. The cropped jackets and Ko’s 3/4 sleeves do not work here. Honestly, 3/4 sleeves don’t work anywhere. Never wear a top with them. Whoever let these poor boys choose this look deserves a prison sentence. If you’re going to crop the jacket then you should either crop the shirt underneath or wear high-waisted bottoms. Otherwise you end up looking like that one girl in middle school whose mother was against crop tops so she made her wear a camisole underneath them. On top of that, the color choice looks weird with Ko and Tatsuya’s hair. Lastly, someone should take Taichi’s hat and burn it. 0/10
Arafune Squad: B-Rank 010
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It’s giving me designer tracksuit vibes. Like I feel like its Louis Vuitton or something. Rin’s hair looks super good so bonus points for that. But we all know Arafune is super hot without the baseball cap. Give the people what they want. Let us see his hair. 7.5/10.
Katori Squad: B-Rank 011
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I hate this. First, it’s canon that Katori purposely ripped off aspects of both Nasu Squad and Konami’s uniforms. Second, it’s just horrible. It fits the boys so awkwardly. It only sort of works on Katori because hers is a little different. It’s something straight out of my nightmares. It’s like if Barbie went to space (in a very bad way). 3/10.
Suwa Squad: B-Rank 012
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The way this uniform is simultaneously a mess and also SO Suwa. Like if the look worked I’d be worried. It’s ugly as you can see, but also the mismatched undershirts just add that extra chaos to it. *Chef’s kiss* Ugly, but on theme. 5.5/10
Kizaki Squad: B-Rank 013
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I like the matching headphones, but the color is no good. They look like traffic cones. The jacket design is boring. They should have at least added stripes or something. Plain, boring. 4/10.
Part 1
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stray-inu-writes · 4 years
Heyo! In honor of Hiura in the last 2 chapters, could we have some Nasu squad headcanons?
Yes ! Nasu squad ! I was rooting for them for the last chapters and I’m so glad they won, honestly. These girls deserved it at 100%. So, moving on to the headcanons…
According to the BFF’s graphs (as always), Kumagai was the first to enlist so she was the one who brought the squad together. However, Nasu became the captain because of two things : first, Kumagai doesn’t like to be in the spotlight, secondly, because some people seem to be unable to read the characters in her name and she doesn’t want to cause problems in Rank Wars (yeah, I’m looking at you Kei Tachikawa)
The one who designed the squad’s uniform is Sayoko, who likes to do digital drawing in her free time. The girls wanted an elegant and distinctive design, being one of the two female-only squads in Border and obviously looking up to Kako squad.
Since they are either an only child or have only brother, the girls consider themselves sisters and when they’re not busy with Border stuff, bond like a family. That’s why Akane’s departure is so hard to stomach for the others : it’s like seeing their little sister leave.
One of their main rules is solidarity. If one of them has a problem, the others will drop everything to go and help her, not matter what they’re doing. Whether it’s some creepy guy harassing Nasu or Akane’s urgent homework, they can be sure to get support. Sayoko probably advises Kumagai to punch Jin harder because of his disrespectful behavior towards women. There was this one time where he did the same to Nasu when she was in her trion body : he never, ever, tried again.
Sayoko actually leaves her house for other things than Border duty (she did for Akane’s departure, after all) : birthdays are one of these special occasions. The team also celebrates the formation of the squad’s birthday at Nasu’s house every year.
Nasu is hinted to have some kind of disability that prevents her to have full mobility (maybe paraplegy ? Since when she’s at home she just lays down in bed) so she is in her trion body most of the time. The others member knew of her disability since the beginning and they will kick the ass of anyone who tries to make fun of her for not being « normal ».
Once every three months, they have a sleepover where they are forbidden to talk about Border stuff and just have fun together like four normal teenagers. They usually play games that Sayoko took with her and talk about everything.
Sometimes, Nasu invites her cousin Narasaka to their meetings. It’s always useful to have the advice of a senpai from an A-Rank unit and weirdly enough, Kumagai always dresses up when she knows he’s coming. They eat together but he can’t enter Nasu’s room.
Narasaka is overall a good mentor to Akane, similar to Reiji and Chika minus the trion monster part. He’s very patient with her, but he expects of her to always do her best. Under his mentorship, Akane talked a lot with Kodera, since they’re both Narasaka’s pupils. He doesn’t tolerate excuses and when they have a training scheduled, is never late. Sayoko finds this no-nonsense attitude very funny, although she never really interacted with him.
It’s known that Kumagai and Sayoko are the strategist of the team, so they probably have their own « brainstorming » sessions without involving the two others. Said sessions are always online meetings via video chat and it’s not uncommon that they end up talking about something completely unrelated at the end, after they spent a long time analyzing various strategies depending on the map. Consequently, when they have to choose the map, Kumagai and Sayoko are always the ones who do so.
Nasu and Kumagai have a similar hair length because it’s more practical in the battlefield, especially for a swordswoman like Kumagai. They decided together to cut it after a match where one of the opponents tried to grab Kuma’s hair (that was long at the time) to throw her off-balance, an experience that they don’t want to have again, hence the relatively short hair. Additionally, Akane dyed her hair pink once she got into Border because she thought it looked cool and she wanted to be like a manga heroine.
It’s canon that Nasu has got a lot of admirers within Border so every year at Valentine’s day she’s gifted a lot of chocolat that she shares with the team. Occasionally, boys ask her out and every time they have to undergo a careful investigation by the other members of Nasu squad. However, these dates seldom work out in the end.
Akane owns a large amount of cat plushies that her teammates gifted to her and she absolutely loves them.
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m-feys · 3 years
kageura has so many problems I love him
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holdharmonysacred · 2 years
I have an idea for how F/GO should be handling its Artorias. I have an idea. Instead of Lancer Artoria hogging all the story content with the Round Table Gang, I think that the writers should be using all of the Artorias, and which Artoria you’re going to get in a given interlude or event is completely random. Some events could have Saber Artoria, others could have Artoria Alter, others still could have Lancer Artoria, sometimes you get Artoria Lily, others you get Lancetoria Alter, and seasonal episodes give the seasonal alts. The Round Table Lads all give funny confused comments about the Artorias and these wild shifts in appearance and personality and “oh god, what has happened to our king????”, but all the Artorias function in the same role (as adjusted for each individual Artoria) and all get screentime with The Squad. Artoria Caster, Heroine X, and Arthur are a separate but similar joke where the confusion is that they’re Not The Right Artoria.
This would give Saber Artoria something to do in the story besides Funny Joke About Eating, but it would also fill in the relationship gaps for the other Artorias as well, because the Round Table knights inexplicably have nothing to say about Artorias like Alter or Lily besides generic blanket statements about Artoria In General. It’d also let the other Artorias get out of their Designated Cast Herds and let them talk to people they should be talking to but haven’t yet for some reason. And it’d be a funny way to play with all the Artorias we’ve got now. Come on Nasu, do it.
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desk-gun · 2 years
sorry if someone already posted this but holy shit the wt twitter account is actually answering qnas again which is big since the last question at all was in 2019 about a character theme, and then the time before that was 2015? 2016?, christ
but they will post qnas for 5 days total (today + 4 more days) which for today's qna, the last question has spoilers for volume 23 which hasn't been animated at all (also there are 5 questions)
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Q: Who was the Operator of Former Azuma Squad (Ninomiya / Kako / Miwa)?
A: It's Tsukimi-san. (it says just tsukimi, but it is extremely likely that it is ren tsukimi, the operator of miwa squad)
Q: I heard that Izumi was the only one who could challenge Ninomiya. If they fought, would his master, Izumi, win? I would like to know the winning percentage!
A: I think Ninomiya would win about 60% of the time in a one-on-one match. In a team fight, Tachikawa Squad would win by a wide margin, in addition there were many occasions when Izumi beat Ninomiya.
Q: Did Shiki-san of Nasu Squad become an operator because she is not good with men?
A: I think it's because I'm not good at jumping and running.
Q: Would Arafune be afraid of Raijinmaru if she were introduced as a dog?
A: I would say, "It looks like a rodent," but if someone said, "This one bites ......," I think I would brace myself.
Q: Was Raijinmaru present when Yōtarō was born?
A: Raijinmaru was not born until after Ruka and her family had defected to Meeden, which is a little later than Yōtarō's birth.
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runeterrankhaleesi · 2 years
*Busts down your door🚪 💥*
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Also, I'll fix the door Zed😅. Sorry about that😆.
Yoooooooooooo, Nasus, looking good my man!!
Wait, is that a tie-
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worldtriggereview · 3 years
Chapters 196-198
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B) B)
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Konami once again, a mood
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Usami doesn’t get enough love! She’s a wonderful character, and as we’ve seen, a very skilled operator. If Border had operator wars, I’m sure she’d be in the top tier!
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I’m with Toonoka here lol
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Again!! Chika made the call on her own!
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Katori’s getting her own character development!
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I think Wakamura now is in a sort of similar position in the story to how Osamu was at the start of rank wars. Katori basically told him “You come up with the strat lol”, so he’s being exceedingly cautious as compared to Katori squad’s usual “Katori goes ape shit” strat. Since Wakamura is shaping up to being a major player during this next selection arc, this is his starting point!
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And if the Wakamura Osamu parallels weren’t clear enough, here’s Katori with spider for ya
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And Katori’s already using spider very well! I also love the way she grabs Suwa’s guns to swing herself forward for the kill. This spread really demonstrates just how skilled Katori really is!
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Using spider to go for the legs somehow just feels so perfectly right for Katori. It’s unique, hard to counter, and really good against mid ranged fighters. Osamu uses spider in a unique way, but Katori has already found a unique end incredibly effective way to utilize spider as well. You can really see how Katori used to be in the top ranked squads with the strategy of Katori going off doing whatever she feels like, since it’s clearly working quite well for her here
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Ashihara let Katori have her moment, but also let Nasu squad have their moment!!
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