#obimaul? sure if you like
kybercrystalhealing · 2 years
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“jedi maul au” you say without even stopping to consider what an absolute nightmare it would be to have both of them in the temple together. the diametrical opposite of “a joy to have in class”
(this started with maul doing the pigtail pulling and then i realized that in this scenario obi-wan is definitely the troublemaker between the two of them and maul is definitely the teacher’s pet)
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frigol · 2 years
Maul after obi wan beats him in a duel for the 10th time
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obimaulartfire · 1 year
Do you ever just...wake up and think about how Obi-wan was, for most of his life, Maul's reason to live?
Let me explain, and this is one of the main reasons I was drawn to ObiMaul in the first place. (long ramble below)
We're all aware of the events at the reactor fight, and it'd be an understatement to say it was a very hostile first encounter. But it's in the aftermath where the dynamic gets interesting.
Maul survived on his own, for years, with only his top half. As a former biology major, sometimes I think about how possible this would be in real life, if at all. It would be insanely uncomfortable at best, and impossible at worst. But through the excruciating pain, Maul survived, fueled purely by his intense hatred/obsession with Kenobi (and some star wars darkside magic, I'm sure).
Maul says this himself when first meeting Obi-wan again in season 4 of The Clone Wars:
"You would never imagine the depths I'd go to to stay alive, fueled by my singular hatred...for you."
Imagine being on the brink of death, with half of your circulatory system GONE, your heart beating irregularly, and your "lower half" being in constant pain, but still finding something to live for, and living...for YEARS. That's impressive. Hate-filled or not, it's hard to deny that for that time, thoughts of Obi-wan literally kept Maul alive for a decade.
Maul comes back to the series having been left for dead by Sidious, with spider legs he made himself, and no sense of time and a destroyed sense of sanity. Yet, he lives.
And additionally, revenge on Sidious is only second in his thoughts to his revenge on Obi-wan, even though Sidious is technically the one who left him for dead. Since Maul can't sit still, he did many other things during the Clone Wars in accordance with his own ambitions, likely to attempt to reclaim that part of his life that had been lost to Lotho Minor, but that's a tangent for another post.
He gets revenge on Obi-wan (I guess) by killing Satine, but even that isn't enough for him, as evidenced by the Satine hate shrine that we see in Rebels, when Ezra visits Maul's cave on Dathomir:
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(on a side note, there is no sane heterosexual explanation for this^, I'm sorry/j)
Why would you keep a memento of someone you've killed? Why would you cross out their eyes? Maul didn't hate Satine that much, and it's my opinion that he did this because she was important to Obi-wan.
And that brings me to my next point: Rebels Maul
Y'all.... there's a reason the title of my blog is "Twin Suns Changed My Brain Chemistry", because I vaguely had feelings about these two in Clone Wars, but Rebels really cemented this dynamic for me.
I cannot emphasize enough that in Rebels, Maul thinks Obi-wan Kenobi is dead. Whether he got killed in Order 66 or when Vader and the Inquisitors started purging Force Users, there was maybe a .000001% chance that any Jedi, especially Obi-wan, would have survived that. And yet. When we enter Rebels, we find Maul on Malachor, stuck on the planet looking for the Sith holocron.
WHY is he trying to find the Sith holocron? In Maul's own words:
"As for me, I...seek something much simpler, yet equally elusive... Hope."
Hope? That surely isn't a Sith ideal. It's revealed later that the only reason Maul wants to combine these ancient artifacts is to learn whether or not Obi-wan Kenobi is alive. I shit you not.
This implies that Maul has had Hope that Obi-wan has been alive for what... 15 years? That's a long time. At this point, Maul may be like, 49 or 50. He has been fixated on Obi-wan for 30 years of his life. Thoughts of Obi-wan kept him going and going and going for 3/5ths of his life. Even when he thinks Obi-wan has died, he spends 15 years trying to find him, just hoping that he is alive. But for what?
It's unclear to me what Maul, in canon, really desires from Obi-wan. But one thing for sure is that Obi-wan acts as a...source of emotions for Maul. A source of feelings, and a reason to keep going through times that other characters would give up.
Other characters may have survived, but Maul lived because of Obi-wan. Through being bisected, the Clone Wars, being chased by Vader and the Inquisitors, and through periods of despair.
And before the end, he just wants to find his reason to live again, and dies in his arms.
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charmwasjess · 5 months
2, 4 and 21 for the ask please :D
Catching up on these wonderful asks!! My work deadline got away from me earlier in the week. <3
2) a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!
Oooh. Okay: Permanently Stationed at the Temple Sifo-Dyas.
At first it felt sort of like sidelining my boy for something disability coded, and then I realize I was sort of missing the point? Not just in the fact of writing the Temple as a gigantic accessibility aide, but also in the roles of the many, many Jedi who stay there as a part of a flourishing and inclusive community that has many different important jobs to do beyond "go out and be a sword in the galaxy."
I actually wrote the central conflict in my fic Milk Run about this doublethink around what a Temple-based or nontraditional Jedi roles means and what they can do and add to the Order. That was me figuring that out in real time.
4) say something nice about a ship you don't ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual's OTP, etc)
Stupid sexy Obimaul, keeping me up all night like a tortured Victorian in the throes of sexual metaphor.
I don't ship it, really, but it's so weird and hot. I love how Maul looks like one of those alarming bright bugs you're not supposed to eat, but in an erotic way, and Obi-Wan is like "I don't know what's going on" and everyone is confused and covered in blood?? And I like the Jedi Maul AU version too, because Maul, poor Maul, his voice is so soft in TPM and he was never given any chance to have a good life.
Anyway, it's all very compelling. I actually have legitimately never read anything Obimaul. And that sounds like a joke like I'm goofing on the fact that I have read a lot of it, but I really haven't. Maybe I should. Maybe it would change me. Or fuck me up more idk
21) a fandom you're not active in anymore but that you still really like
A Song of Ice and Fire. That's where I was for part of the time I was taking my little gentleman's intermission from Star Wars. It's where I learned to write such long disgusting essays on even more rancid topics.
It was a real wild west of a fandom. I remember this one time I was in the middle of some big comment war with a really combative dude over Tyrion's trial and at a certain point I just sort of politely and nicely excused myself from it. So he private messages me to apologize for his behavior and getting too steamed up about the topic because "he, too, had been falsely accused of murder." Ahh, good! Reasonable! :D Another time, I made some benign comment on another thread about how Jon Snow's decision to sleep with Egret as collateral for her vouching for him as a true Wildling would read much different if the genders were reversed. A different guy private messaged me to say I'd get what was coming to me on January 6th. AND SURE ENOUGH, the failed insurrection happened the next day!
Sometimes I wonder how that guy is doing.
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nicolabarth · 11 months
Trick or Treat!
Give me ObiMaul, post-ROTS pleaaasee :D :D
This is mean, because there are so man good fics for this already and the obvious answer would be something along the lines of "Maul moves in with Obi-wan in his desert hideout", but that has been done already and I'm not going to repeat it. I do have a different idea for this stuck in my head for a while, though. So here it is:
When Ezra and the Ghost crew find Maul on Malachor, they also find a weird old Sith artifact. In their fight against the Inquisitors, the artifact gets triggered and binds Maul to Ezra in a way that he has to do what Ezra says. Which means, no double crossing, no attacking Kanan. He becomes a very unwilling and grumpy new member of the crew.
He's still secretly working on the thing with the holocrons and manages to corrupt Ezra a little bit for a while, but in the end, Ezra gets his shit together and Maul is forced to admit what he's looking for: Obi-wan Kenobi.
Ezra is like: "Fuck yeah, let's go find him!" So they do.
Obi-wan has been hiding on Tattooine in the meantime, but the whole thing with Leia and Reva attacking Luke and all that has convinced him that maybe he should train Luke so the boy can defend himself.
So when they find Obi-wan, not only does Maul not attack Obi-wan, because Ezra is all: "Bad Sith! Stand down!" but also Ezra and Luke meet and get a really cute crush on each other.
And Obi-wan is not convinced at first that Maul is harmless, so to prove to him that he is, Ezra transfers the Sith artifact power over Maul to Obi-wan. And Maul is really not sure how to feel about that. On the one hand, he's finally not being ordered around by a teenager anymore, on the other hand, he's suddenly at the mercy of his old enemy. Obi-wan is also not sure how to feel about this, because Maul has hurt him a lot in the past, but he's a Jedi, so he doesn't get to hold a grudge, and he can see how much Maul has suffered over the years. Plus, there's a lot of sexual tension between them, because first of all it has always been there, but second of all the power dynamics on top of that trigger some Nightbrother instincts in Maul.
In the end, Obi-wan uses his power over Maul to force him to talk everything out. Then A New Hope happens, but they have Maul, and Luke is already trained in the force and constantly space-texting with Ezra. Obi-wan doesn't die, because Maul goes absolutely feral at Vader when he tries to kill him. In the process, the Sith artifact and Obi-wan's power over Maul are destroyed. Everyone is worried for a second there, but Maul doesn't even seem to notice that anything has changed and keeps following every single order from Obi-wan.
In the end Obi-wan asks Maul if he's aware he doesn't have to do that anymore, and Maul is just like: "I know, but do you want me to stop?"
Obi-wan considers that for a moment. "Actually, no," he says.
"Then better don't expect to get rid of me any time soon."
Send me a Trick or Treat message to get a fic idea as a treat this Halloween
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withercrown · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @spicedrobot!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total A03 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars. I wrote OFMD and some Tolkien but I don't often stray outside my main.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Curse of Hospitality, an OFMD Stede x Izzy fic about Stede taking care of Izzy while he's sick. I wrote it for the approximate one month I was into the show haha.
Found, a BobaDin fic where Boba is deaf. Actually one of the first fics I did for Star Wars!
Mand'alor Darasuum, a DinMaul longfic where Maul saves Grogu from Gideon instead of Luke. This is probably the fic I'm proudest of and enjoyed writing the most. :)
Stardust Legacies, a DinLuke fic that I'm always very close to deleting. I am glad I wrote it for a lot of reasons, but it needed way more work than it got and I don't have the energy nor desire to improve it. But hey, some people really like it.
Memories of Water, an ObiMaul longfic where they train Luke on Tatooine together. Super happy with this one.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond always. I just think it's good form. I'm also looking for community in the fandom, not just one-sided praise.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Fateful Absence, most likely. It's not really angsty? It's just not a happy ending. I'm not a whump person tbh.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Ferine Love Language! It's the sweetest ending more than the happiest I think, but it's the one that makes me happiest.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes, on DinLuke fics, from DinLuke fans. Outright flames, weird/entitled comments, pestering for updates or bitching about creative choices. I stopped being interested in the pairing once I discovered TCW thankfully, because honestly it just wasn't a nice community.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! But not often. I tend to write awkward sex. I think it's more fun to write about first times realistically.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not for a long time. In my former fandoms I had some stuff translated into Chinese but that's all I remember.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Again, a long time ago. I would absolutely love to collaborate on Star Wars fics sometime though. :)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Realistically, probably ObiMaul. But DarthFett is an extremely close second. They're both wonderful but in completely different ways.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
An ObiMaul (or) JangObi dating sim. I wrote/coded probably 70k of it and it was good, but dating sims are obviously a bit more likely to get litigated against, among other things. I'd really love to do something with it, given that we had some great art for it, but I'm not sure how that will pan out.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Long stories. I feel like I'm good at pacing a story and bringing together plot threads into a cohesive ending.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
SHORTER STORIES. I really struggle with oneshots. I've written quite a few but it always takes so much longer. I can sit on a oneshot for months and months before feeling like it's finished.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it can be done well, but don't just stick stuff into google translate and hope for the best. I think using Mando'a words for texture, for instance, can be really good.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Oh man. Silence of the Lambs, I think?
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Faith's Fetters. It's the only fic that I've really done a deep dive into the potential relationship between Vader and Maul. I think it's the most interesting fic I've written, too.
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bokkicat · 2 years
Hello There!
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Hi hi! Thought I’d do a quick get to know me post for this new account So hi, my name is Bokki, I’m a veteran Tumblr user from many many years ago before the great purge. I enjoy Star Wars, BTS and Splatoon. I’m an artist, cosplayer, vtuber and occasional streamer.
Making a return to Tumblr as I miss the fandom vibes and you don’t get too much of that on other platforms.
What can you expect from this page?
Art (And commissions!)
Reblogs of artists and content from fandoms I like (Wanna support you all!!)
Do you have any fav Ships?
That’s right! I’m a shipper here’s the types of ships you can expect me shipping or types of content I might reblog~
(I’ll think of more I’m sure)
Anyway, great to be here and I’m excited to share cool stuff with you all! <3
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avarkriss · 3 years
what are your thoughts on an obimaul threeway 👁👄👁
and then i answered, you know, like a whore in 300 words
(warnings: m/m/gn threesome, exhibition/voyeurism, highly inappropriate use of the force, a m/m blowie, obi and maul are little shits on their own so putting them together would be a Time)
Obi-Wan's rings glistened in the light of the candledroids, his finger slowly circling the base of Maul’s horn. He moaned low, from somewhere deep in his chest as Maul sucked a dark mark into the side of his neck, fingernails trailing down his freckled chest.
When Maul returned to Obi-Wan’s lips he met them eagerly, kissing slow and deep as you whined from across the room. You watched a silvery string of saliva grow between them as they pulled apart, the rare sight of Maul dropping to his knees making you quiver below their invisible hold on you.
Obi-Wan hissed as Maul licked along his cock, dragging his piercing along the underside before sucking him into his mouth. You could feel yourself dripping onto the sheets, aching for relief. Maul’s tattooed hand was bold against Obi-Wan’s flesh, stroking along his length as he teased his head, eyes straying to you as you writhed below their force bonds.
Obi-Wan wrapped his hand around Maul’s jaw and redirected his gaze, a smirk playing on his lips before he began to roll his hips, his breathy moans filling the space you craved to occupy. You could tell he was close with his sharp intake of air and you licked your lips, trying to push your way though the weight pressing down on your chest.
Obi-Wan knelt next to Maul, kissing him as he bent.
“What do you think darling, have they earned it?”
Maul laughed - a cold sound.
“Wasn’t your only directive for them to stay still and watch?”
Obi-Wan hummed in agreement, turning his head to fit into the crook of Maul’s neck, making a show of licking along his clavicle.
“Then I think you have your answer,” he replied, wrapping his fingers in Obi-Wan’s gentle auburn waves, teeth shining in the low droid light as he grinned at you.
“Let them watch a little longer.”
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trixree · 3 years
Sent a ko-fi commission! If you're still taking them, maybe some Obimaul where Obi-Wan's doing the caretaking and such? XD It's still a rare beast in the wild. Can be physical, emotional, whatever.
Obi-Wan does not strike a killing blow.
He halts his saber, right at the neck, close enough that it must burn, and—
The sith no longer looks like a sith. He looks scared. He looks young.
So, Obi-Wan hesitates. His Master lay dying on the floor—dying right now—and Obi-Wan hesitates for his enemy, for the man who struck the killing blow.
The sith bears his teeth. “Do it,” he says. They are the first words he has spoken. His voice is low and beautiful. Steady and certain. “You grant me no mercy in sparring my life, padawan,” the sith spits. “So do it.”
And the Force screams at him for even thinking of it.
“No,” Obi-Wan says. He deactivates his saber.
With a wordless snarl, the sith tackles him to the floor. They fight with fists and legs and ruthless grapples. An elbow to the chest, a collarbone that is surely fractured, a blow that chips a horn—they fight, two bodies; nothing but hands and teeth and punishing grips. A ruthless, writhing struggle. And somehow, somehow, Obi-Wan—the clearly inferior one in hand-to-hand—somehow…
He wins.
When it is clear that Qui-Gon will pull through—that Obi-Wan’s efforts at Force-healing had managed to keep him tethered to life long enough for a medevac to arrive, despite Qui-Gon’s frantic plea that Obi-Wan must train the boy, must—Obi-Wan goes to find the dungeons of Naboo.
The sith is in ray-shielded containment, sat on the ground against the farthest wall. His yellow eyes track Obi-Wan’s slow progress towards the shields. No one has treated his wounds. His dark skin does not show the bruises, but Obi-Wan knows that they are there.
He put them there.
“Well?” the sith mutters, after a long moment. “Come to gloat, Jedi?” His voice is rough from where Obi-Wan had choked him into unconsciousness with a lock around his neck; he doesn’t even remember how he managed it. The sith’s voice is still strangely beautiful.
“No,” Obi-Wan says.
The sith watches him impassively. He makes not even the slightest hint of movement. They are again on opposite sides of a red shield, waiting for the inevitable.
“You said it wouldn’t be a mercy,” Obi-Wan repeats. The words are all he has heard in his own head since they were spoken—that and you must train the boy, but if he thinks about those words, the words his Master intended to be his last, he’ll sob until there’s nothing left of him, so instead he chooses this. “Why?” he asks.
“I am Sith,” he replies.
“Yes, I had gathered that, actually,” Obi-Wan snaps. “That doesn’t answer my question.”
The sith’s eyes narrow. His lips pull back into a sneer. “Do you know nothing? Truly, are the Jedi so foolish? So naïve?” He stands, slowly, and prowls forward to the shielding that separates them. “I failed, padawan. My Master will not smile on me for that.” Tattooed hands flex at his side. Obi-Wan watches his fingers, long and elegant, bend and clench. “Failure is unacceptable. A wasted investment is unacceptable.”
“You’re afraid of him,” Obi-Wan realizes, and blurts it without meaning to. The sith makes a subvocal sound, something that Obi-Wan feels instead of hears, and the sneer becomes a clenched jaw.
“I hate him,” the sith hisses. “And through my hate, I grow stronger.” A sound of frustration. “Why are you here, Jedi?”
Obi-Wan swallows. He is here because—he needs to know. He needs to understand what he saw that made him stop, what made him hesitate. And he has to know, despite how the answer might terrify him to the point of paralysis, what makes someone Dark.
Did I Fall, when I saved Master Qui-Gon when he didn’t want to be saved; when I forced him to live?
“I won’t be made into a specimen for your study,” the sith rumbles, pulling the words deep from his chest. There is so much tension in him that he trembles with it, hands still clenching and unclenching at his sides.
“I don’t want to study you,” Obi-Wan says. He doesn’t—not really. But he’d thought that there would be answers down here; if not a why, then a how, a what.
“What do you want?”
Obi-Wan swallows. “To talk to you.”
“Why?” There’s so much in that single word.
He fishes in the pocket of his robe and pulls a small tube of bacta from its depths. He’d swiped it from the ward where Qui-Gon is being treated. The medics had forgone topical bacta entirely, opting instead for a full submersion as soon as his Master was stable enough to survive it. Obi-Wan had palmed a tube on impulse, back when this plan was still half-formed—if it could even be called a plan at all.
“I have bacta,” Obi-Wan says, like an idiot.
“To treat your wounds. If you want that.”
A slow, sharp smile spreads across the sith’s face. “If you come in here, Jedi, I will tear your throat out.”
“Will you?” Obi-Wan pushes. “It won’t change your circumstances.”
“And letting you live would?” the sith huffs.
“Maybe.” A gamble. A risk he should not be taking. There’s a child upstairs that might need him—a child that will need him, given that Qui-Gon will likely not come out of bacta for a few days yet, and Obi-Wan is the only other Jedi in Anakin’s corner. “I guess it’s up to you to find out.”
“If you drop the shields, I will run,” the sith says.
“Will you? And go where? You’re—” a pause. Obi-Wan gathers himself as best as he can. “You said your Master, meaning you are the apprentice. Do you have the resources to outrun them? The skills? Will they pursue you?”
So many expressions flicker across the sith’s face, far too quickly for Obi-Wan to capture all of them. Minutes must pass with the two of them standing there, held apart by burning-red plasma, each of them watching the other, as still as prey before a predator.
“What’s your name?” Obi-Wan asks. He holds his breath.
The sith takes a single step backwards and says, “I am Maul.”
Obi-Wan drops the shields.
They sit across from each other, legs folded underneath their bodies in precisely the same way. Obi-Wan stares at Maul. Maul stares at Obi-Wan.
Maul is expressive. All of the snarling and grimacing and feeling that he has done during their conversation has opened a gash on his brow. It bleeds sluggishly.
Obi-Wan breaks the seal on the tube of bacta. He asks, quiet, as if raising his voice would break the spell that allows breath to still move in his lungs, “May I?”
Maul could do it himself. He is not so badly incapacitated as to be unable to smear bacta gel on his own hurts. But Obi-Wan… wants to. He wants to show him that he can help, that he can touch Maul without hurting him.
That trusting him to come close enough to strike can pay off.
His intentions must be obvious. Obi-Wan doesn’t know why Maul nods in acceptance, only that he does.
Obi-Wan scoots closer across the cold floor. The gel is cool and thick on his fingers. He reaches out, slowly, his heart pounding in his chest, and touches the broken skin on Maul’s face. There is an incredible heat to him; he must run warmer than Obi-Wan, maybe than humans in general. His skin is completely hairless and his tattoos have no discernable texture.
Obi-Wan applies the bacta carefully but thoroughly. When there is no more reason to linger on the shiny broken skin, he leans back out of Maul’s space, swallowing.
He asks, “Where else?”
And Maul, heart beating just as hard, shows him.
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shadowmaat · 3 years
The Hunt Begins
Since it's the Obimaul Creation Event month I figured I'd dust off my writing skills and try a little fic. I took a few grains of Stars, a dash of Journey, and a scruff of Animal for this prompt. And thanks to Steff for the reassurances.
Bee Kenobi, the best asset of the Exploracorp, shoved open the door to Master Levyn’s office, scowling.
“You can’t make me take this assignment.” He dropped into the chair across from Levyn’s desk, shoving one foot against the edge to tilt his chair back. “I have seniority, now.”
The stout lasat behind the desk flicked an ear. “So you do, Pilot Kenobi.” His voice was a deep rumble. “However, as you so often like to remind us, you’re one of our best assets and as such, the Order has need of your services.”
Bee rolled his eyes, reaching up to swipe a hand over his hair; metallic red, this month. Three years later and he still couldn’t break the nervous habit of making sure his Padawan braid was gone.
“The Order can shove it,” he said. “They’re just kissing ass to the Senate, anyway, and I’m not babysitting some snotty little warlord who had a vision of some lost tribe of Mandalorians and wants to go find them.”
“I’m not Mand’alor yet,” said a silky voice behind him. “And despite what you may think of my people, I do know how to wipe my nose.”
Bee startled, overbalancing his chair. His arms flailed before a gentle force caught the back, tipping the chair back upright. Bee was out and turning as Levyn failed to smother a laugh.
His armor was mostly black with a black fur ruff, which might be why Bee failed to notice him upon entering. His face, however, was uncovered and hard to miss.
Bee had seen one other Nightbrother during his apprenticeship. One of the senior pilots had scooped up a young couple fleeing Dathomir and hidden them away on one of Exploracorp’s designated Safe Worlds. That one had neon yellow skin with dark orange markings. The one regarding him now was dark red and black, almost matching his armor.
“Uh.” Words failed him. The Force around the Mandalorian almost glowed; mostly with Light, but with lots of sharp edges. His lagging brain realized that the Mando had also used the Force to stop his chair from tipping over.
Levyn chuckled. “That’ll teach you to pay more attention to your surroundings, pup.”
Bee felt heat rush to his face. “Sorry,” he managed. “Sorry, I…”
Gold eyes regarded him, unblinking. His heart was in his throat, fluttering wildly. Couldn’t be adrenaline. And despite the Mando’s appearance, there was no sense of threat from him.
“Senior Pilot Obi-Wan Kenobi.” Levyn’s rumbly voice oozed amusement. “Please meet Al’verde Maul Mereel, of Clan Mereel, adopted son of Mand’alor Jaster.”
“Oh.” His heart suddenly switched directions, plummeting to his toes.He bowed deep, hoping to make up for his mistake, and came up smiling. “Hello there.”
“The best your Explorers has to offer?” A faint smile curved Maul’s lips.
“Oh, well, I don’t like to brag…” Bee swiped a hand over his hair again, ignoring the loud snort behind him. “So what’s this about a missing tribe?”
The story turned out to be far more interesting than Bee had anticipated. Maul’s “visions” seemed to be a true sending of the Force. Maul himself had been doubtful, since they weren’t common for him and because as far as he knew there were no Mandalorian colonies beyond known space.
Jaster, however, had dug through the history archives and located scattered accounts of a Mandalorian expedition made of several clans who’d grown tired of all the fighting and decided to strike out and find a new world to settle. That had been nearly 4000 years ago and no one had heard from them since. They’d been presumed lost until Maul began dreaming of them.
It was a fascinating tale, and Al’verde Maul’s telling of it was passionate and enticing. Bee found himself leaning closer to the Mando several times, catching the occasional whiff of warm leather, armor oil, and something he couldn’t identify.
“Since it was my vision, Jaster insisted I should be the one to go looking,” Maul said, a pinch forming between his brows. “And if we were traveling along known routes, I’d be given a seasoned squad for the hunt. Heading into unknown space, however, requires a different skillset.”
He shrugged, almost dislodging his fur ruff, which opened its eyes and glared at Bee. A cat. It was some kind of feline, alive, draped around Maul’s neck.
“I, yes,” Bee said, dragging his attention back to Maul, who was also watching him. “You said you have clues? I’m good with those. We should be able to trace, uh, something, I’m sure, although don’t get your hopes up too high.”
“With a Jedi? Never.” Maul’s teeth flashed a brief grin.
“Not a Jedi,” Bee corrected. “I wasn’t good enough for them. Too hotheaded, they said.” He grinned and was rewarded with a chuckle from Maul.
“Their loss, then.” Maul held out his hand.
Bee moved to accept it, only for Maul to catch his forearm instead. Feeling a bit awkward, he returned the gesture, noting the slight tingle that went up his arm at the skin-to-skin contact.
“I need to check in with Jaster and see about feeding Chekar,” Maul said, reaching up to scritch the cat’s head. “And I’m sure Master Levyn has a great deal of information to impart on you.”
There was something almost threatening about the way he said that, but Bee’s witty retort was wasted on the door closing with a swish. He glanced at Levyn, who was indeed looking a bit predatory.
Bee groaned. It was going to be a long, long night. But at least his next mission seemed promising. Far more Political than he liked, but Maul might just be worth it. He had a good feeling about that.
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sl-walker · 3 years
For the short obimaul prompts:
gossiping about things you aren't supposed to tell anyone
letting your partner have their own drawer/things scattered all over the place if not living together
I’m really bad at decisions so maybe you choose what’s more your cup of tea out of these two? I love your writing!
"I don't know what I'll do if they offer me a seat," Obi-Wan murmured, fingers skating up and down Maul's forearm, even as Maul petted his beard with light fingertips, about a quarter of the way asleep.
They were in their bed on the Negotiator, the quilt Bail and Breha had gifted them over their legs and hips. Beyond that, Maul had his head on Obi-Wan's shoulder, his temple horn freshly cut so as not to preclude the position, which he'd gotten to like on Alderaan.
The one forehorn just right of center was still in velvet; every so often, Obi-Wan would reach up and fingertip stroke it. It was a strange sensation, though not unpleasant, so long as the touch was kept light. Now, his hand drifted that way again, as if he couldn't help the fascination.
"What would you want to do?" Maul asked, after a yawn, shoulder giving a little twitch as Obi-Wan rubbed his finger gently along that horn.
"I-- I don't know, honestly," Obi-Wan said, blowing a quiet but forceful breath out. "On one hand, being on the High Council means I have a voice I can use to speak up on your behalf--"
"--don't even consider doing it for just that reason--"
"--or on behalf of the clones, the war effort, our security, other things," Obi-Wan continued, plowing past Maul's objection, though he gave a squeeze on Maul to show he'd heard it. "On the other hand, I'm already taking on the entire Third Systems Army on top of the Seventh Sky and the Open Circle Armada. I'm not sure what else I have left to give."
Maul privately thought Obi-Wan had already long-since given enough to the Order. And he didn't honestly like the idea of Obi-Wan sitting on the Council no matter what that could have meant for their relationship.
But he also wasn't sure it was his place to speak out against it, either.
He rubbed his cheek against Obi-Wan's shoulder, tightening his arm around the man, and tried to think of what he could even say.
Ultimately, he could not find any of the right words, but they found out within the day that Obi-Wan was passed over for the position, and the look they exchanged across the bridge of the Negotiator was nothing but relief.
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mywitchcultblr · 2 years
I wouldn't call myself super new fan but I'm just recently more active on SW Tumblr, made this post just in case someone asking my opinion or want to debate me about Star Wars
Just here to ship Obikin, Obianidala, anidala, Obimaul and even Padme x Satine
I'm not gonna involve myself in the whole debate of star wars lore or whatever. If there's one god damn fandom that I'm not messing around with the discourse it's star wars, I can do it on Dragon Age, game of thrones or any other fandom but NOT THIS ONE.
There's one YouTuber called Swell Entertainment and she said "I'm not gonna review any star wars movie ever again because the fans often coming at me." I can feel her fear and dread even from another country
I don't give a damn about Jedi vs sith debate or anything. I'm just here for shipping tbh, if anyone ask my stance I'm like "I dunno man, dark side light side grey side. It's an energy? I don't care maaaan depends on how you use it. Whatever. Prequel Jedi order? Got flaws but can be improved, not irremediable faction ever.
Please don't involve me
The war that I involve myself so far are the mage + elves vs templar + chantry where I'm always be on mages + elves side FOREVER.
Also Divinity Original Sins 2 where I'm pro Source magic, also I'm pro magic, Zaun and pro mage in Arcane/League of Legends
The sith? At least Sith Lords or whatever that we know do a lot of bad stuff but... whatever i don't care. I don't care if you are simping for them or you have a more nuanced take about the sith, sure go for it. I'm cool.
Dark power/energy sexy tbh
But yeah Palpy fascist empire bad, I know that you don't have to accuse me as an 'apologist' just because i don't care about light vs dark
If I'm in star wars universe i just gonna hangout with alien strippers tbh the galaxy can implode for all I care and you guys will found me dead after snu snu-ing a hot Twi'lek
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This is coming from someone who's active in fandom lore and political discourse.
BUT I AIN'T MESSING AROUND WITH STAR WARS OH GOD NO. I'm here for shipping and art. Also don't ask my take about morality in star wars because i think for this universe I'm not the most reliable person for that.
I'm ruled by my obsessive shipping, horny-ness and crazy ass stories ideas.
I mean Dooku down bad with me? Sure. Obi wan? I'm going to kidnap this guy tied him in my basement and marry him. I'm obsessed
Anakin? Sure. Palpatine? He's not that bad looking. Padme? She's a sunshine and out of my league same thing with Satine. Simping for them. I'm not gonna refuse if Yoda down bad
I'm simply unhinged
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zabrak-show · 3 years
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I posted 1,843 times in 2021
178 posts created (10%)
1665 posts reblogged (90%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 9.4 posts.
I added 791 tags in 2021
#darth maul - 200 posts
#maul - 185 posts
#obimaul - 100 posts
#q - 75 posts
#star wars - 48 posts
#savage opress - 40 posts
#star wars oc - 39 posts
#obi wan kenobi - 37 posts
#lemon - 34 posts
#fluff - 33 posts
Longest Tag: 106 characters
#lol i forgot fiance bought this for me yesterday and it gave me a bit of a fright when i entered this room
My Top Posts in 2021
The Acclamation of Bonds
Darth Maul x Male Reader (no y/n)
Summary: As Maul’s apprentice, you are put to the test in more ways than one.
Words: 1.184k Words ~5min read time
Tags/Warnings: SFW, fluff, master/apprentice relationship, intense chase scene with monster, sensory deprivation, male reader perspective (though it reads pretty gender neutral tbh), not beta read, Sith in training (aka once again me making things up about the Sith as I deem necessary)
A/N: This was a request from @imp3riall0ser I hope you like it!
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Dull light flickered through the thick fabric covering your eyes. Beads of sweat formed on your forehead and soaked into the rough material. Echoes of your heavy boots pounding the pavement reverberated through the labyrinth maze of the catacombs. Your ragged breath and thumping heartbeat near deafened you.
You pushed past your cacophonous bodily functions to stay aware of everything around you. Drops of sweat ran refreshing trails down your neck. The cool metal of your lightsaber in your hand was already starting to warm up against your sweaty skin. Your grip on its dense and slender form was firm but relaxed. You had to stay calm not to let yourself miss any warning sign of the beast chasing after you.
The air was humid, a cloying scent of rot lay thick, and you were almost thankful to have your vision impaired by your Master's blindfold. It was all part of the test. He'd felt you were ready for this final test, but you struggled to comprehend what that meant. You'd been his apprentice for a year now. Moving beyond that felt rushed and premature. Though deep in your heart, you knew you were ready. It was hard to accept moving on from this life you'd grown to love.
The air changed around you; there was more movement and a crisp watery feel to it. You slowed your pace to reach out into the Force and see what your eyes could not. There was a body of water ahead, and though you couldn't see it, you were sure there was a thin bridge ahead. You'd seen this place in a dream before. A joint meditation with your Master had shown you. A wave of calm took over. He had given you the answer without your realization.
The creature was close. There was no doubt about it. But you couldn't feel it in the Force no matter how hard you tried. Frustration boiled up inside of you, souring your stomach with burning acid clawing its way upward. Were you so weak in the Force, you couldn't even sense what was chasing you? Though your pace had slowed, you continued to push forward.
Nearing ever closer to the bridge, you slowed your pace, feeling out for the bridge's opening. Your hands clasped the rope railing, and you stepped out with trepidation. It felt dilapidated below your heavy boots. The ropes crumbled on touch alone. You'd need to step light and fast to get over in time.
The fetid air now brought coolness and moisture. You knew better than to think falling into that water would be anything but a pure disgusting nightmare. One foot in front of the other, stepping light as you could across the small decaying bridge. Almost there, you sensed, hoped, wished, and prayed. Almost, almost, almost. Each step, a louder creak on the boards holding you up, it wasn't going to last much longer.
A snap. A hiss. Your breath wheezed inward, and you reached out with the Force for the solid ground ahead. So close, you had been so close. Utilizing the Force with all the strength you could muster, you pulled yourself up and over to the floor while the bridged collapsed below. Your feet still scrambled for anchorage in a futile attempt on the air around you. You pulled yourself up to the edge of the cliff and ripped the blindfold off to see what you had left behind.
A worm-like creature, large as a land speeder, bellowed as it clung to the cascading bridge. It clawed the decaying rot with its too many legs to count as it made its gradual fall to the depths below. Its skin was orange and yellow iridescent that you swore you could see through to the insides of its guts. You stood awestruck, watching the beast fall to its death. The noxious water splashed unceremoniously as the creature disappeared into the murky depths.
A million questions raced through your mind. Why couldn't you feel its Force signature? What was it? Why was this your final test?
"Excellent work, my apprentice," your Master's voice cut through the chatter in your head as his face lit up out of the shadows.
"What was that thing?" you hadn't realized how out of breath you were until you rasped the words out.
"A taozin. They hide their Force signature and are naturally resistant to blaster fire or lightsaber strikes."
Anger bubbled inside of you. How could your Master be so cruel? The monster could have easily killed you. You were blind in more than one sense, and he stood by and watched as you stumbled into safety based on pure luck. No question, the anger showed on your face.
"I understand your anger. This was part of the test. Do you not see that? I knew you'd pass. Your instincts are stronger than you give yourself credit for."
His voice was calm, and you hated to admit how soothing it was even against your rage.
"I won because I got lucky," you looked down at your boots, your eyebrows knitted in anger. Maul grabbed your chin, your stubble scratching against the smooth leather of his gloves.
"No," he tilted your head up to look into his bloodshot amber eyes, "No, you won because I trained you to win. Because you followed your instincts and didn't falter."
You searched his eyes for the truth, getting lost in the swirls of red around his yellow irises. A revelation found indeed, though not what you expected. Your emotions betrayed you. It was not anger you were feeling; it was sadness. Anger gave you focus, strength, and courage, what you needed to drive yourself to survive the test. It was a sensical tactic, but not one you outright controlled, and this gave you unease.
"I fear as though my emotions are betraying me. I'm far from ready to be on my own." You gulped down the shame of such an admittance.
Your Master stepped back from you with an arched tattooed brow. He clasped your broad shoulder with a gentle firmness he was so fond of using.
"On your own? You passed the test, which means you belong with me as my apprentice. What did you think it meant?"
"I thought it meant graduation of sorts. That we wouldn't be working together anymore." The embarrassment of the misunderstanding kept growing, but you had nothing to hide from your Master.
"Unfortunately for you, it means we will be working even closer together from now on." With his arm around your shoulders, he led you both out of the catacombs. Your cheeks warmed from the affection, and you couldn't help the smile curving up your mouth.
"I wouldn't have it any other way." you beamed at him, unashamed. He had become your everything and the thought of losing him, even just a little bit, brought you more sorrow than you expected.
"Is that so?" Maul smirked, "You did well today. You still have much to learn in the ways of the Sith."
"I'm grateful to be of your service, Lord Maul."
if you made it this far, would you consider a reblog? :D thanks for reading xo
taglist: (message me if you’d like to be added or removed or your username has changed)
@spookiifi​ @maulieber​ @botherbother-blog​ @emissarydecksetter​ @wolfpack-arts-industries99 @a-dorin​ @savagesbonergarage​ @beefygoth​  @always-on-tatooine​ @cobb--vanth​ @peach-darth-maul @dinsbeskar​ @maulpunk​ @hornystarwarsbisexual​ @thundershield​ @simping-for-clones @andreamaul​ @lestrange2703 @mock-ing-bird​​ @notvalidblogname​​
66 notes • Posted 2021-06-10 22:05:39 GMT
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Obi wan fell asleep reading and his sleep paralysis demon pays him visit
69 notes • Posted 2021-10-25 01:46:09 GMT
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based on this tweet
101 notes • Posted 2021-02-24 05:03:46 GMT
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This was such a sweet moment when Maul and Obi-Wan went for their nightly stroll together and Maul got so tired he had to take a little nap and Obi-Wan just held him. ❤️️💖🖤
135 notes • Posted 2021-02-07 00:53:52 GMT
Maul: There will be more innocent blood on your hands, Kenobi, unless you come here, face me.
Kenobi: Darling, if you missed me so much why didn’t you just call?
228 notes • Posted 2021-02-19 21:22:10 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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binaryeclipse · 3 years
5, 15, 17 for the ask game? ♥
(Also I was trying to get to the ask and I accidentaly unfollowed you I'M SO SORRY </3)
(Don't worry about it, dear, I've done it more than once myself lol)
Thanks for the ask! 💕
5. Is Obikin your OTP in the Star Wars verse? Or do you love other ships just as much?
Obikin is definitely my Star Wars OTP but I am a multishipper! I love a lot of other ones such as Anidala (but I ship it like it's not canon, ya feel?), Obidala, Obianidala, Rexwalker, Obimaul (in a comedic way) and Obitine (though I only trust @twilightofthe to write it).
15. If you could describe the Obikin ship in 3 words, what would they be?
Gut Wrenching Pain
17. Do you have any Obikin playlist recommendations?
Sure do!
The Path of Thorns (Terms) by Sarah McLachlan
There's no more coming back this way The path is overgrown and strewn with thorns They've torn the life-blood from your naked eyes Cast aside to be forlorn
Wrap Your Arms Around Me by The Barenaked Ladies
I put my hands around your neck and you wrap your arms around me... I regret every time I raised my voice And it wouldn't be that bright of me to say I had no choice. I can kiss your eyes your hair your neck until we forget
Fish by Wye Oak
They who made you, they made me too Quiet like you, violent like you I see you there, wild in my dreams When you return, go to the sea Air is your permanent struggle to breathe When you return, go to the sea Gone, gone, gone, you were never alone I'll come home and raise you up to what's left Gone, gone
Lovers In A Dangerous Time by Bruce Cockburn
When you're lovers in a dangerous time, Sometimes you're made to feel as if your love's a crime Nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight You gotta kick at the darkness till it bleeds daylight
Superstar by MARINA
You never judge me for any of my fears Never turn your back, always keep my body near All of the days that we spend apart My love is a planet revolving your heart
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aces-to-apples · 3 years
Oh man oh man, for the writing prompt: 5 + 17 for either ObiMaul or MaulRex?
5. Enemies to lovers + 17. Sex then love Well now if that aint the most quintessential maulrex experience......
(Warnings for violence and implied sexual content ig? And also past Jessex and unrequited JesseMaul and however you warn for thinking of someone else while banging.)
Ahsoka leaves; Maul comes back. That's what it comes down to in the end.
It isn't abandonment—they agree that it will be safer for them both if they split up—but deep in Rex's heart, it feels like being abandoned. It feels like his only vod left in the galaxy is leaving him, walking away without marching, and part of him resents her for it. It isn't fair, but there it is.
And then Maul, again, alone, without weapons, without even his melodic hissing trying to turn Rex's mind inside-out. He sits next to Rex in the dingy cantina and says, "Lady Tano has left you?" As if it's a question; as if he's surprised.
"Why are you here," Rex mutters, slurs, three sheets to the wind because Ahsoka is gone and his vode are gone and his general is gone and everything is kriffing gone.
Maul hesitates, is the thing.
Not for effect, not to be dramatic or to manipulate. He sounds kriffing careful as he begins, "The lieutenant, Jesse—"
But he doesn't get farther than that because Jesse is dead, they're all kriffing dead, and Rex does his ARC Trooper best to put Maul's head through the damned wall. He gets a few good smashes in before he hits the wall himself, held a few inches off the ground by an immovable band around his torso, pinning him.
Rex wishes, viciously, that Maul was Human or an Iridonian hybrid, so he could see the spectacular bruising blooming all over Maul's face. He knows his own strength, he knows the damage he's done, even hidden by ink and blood.
"I know the lieutenant is dead," Maul snarls as the cantina quickly clears out, and he sounds—angry. Angry in the way that Rex feels; angry in the way that hides grief. "He wasn't meant to. I didn't want him to."
And isn't that a kriffing laugh, since Maul is the one who killed him.
Maul's fierce expression wavers.
"Jesse was already gone," he says, softly, looking tired and wrung out. And maybe that's what gets Rex to slump down, to give up fighting. Probably is, in fact. That even Maul is tired of being angry.  "His body may have been moving, but he was Jesse no longer. That I can promise you, Commander."
Rex looks blearily up at him, on the floor now and when did that happen, and laughs. It sounds watery. But it's funny, Maul making him promises and talking about Jesse as if he knew him, as if he cared.
"Didn't you hear?" he says, laugh turning into a hiccup. "I got demoted."
The cold fire in Maul's eyes warms slightly, and between one long blink and the next, Rex is on his feet, a warm around his shoulders, gripping firmly at one of his elbows. Damned if he knows which one. "Captain suits you better," Maul's soft voice murmurs into his ear, warm breath tickling and making him shiver. "Come now, Rex. Jesse wouldn't want this for you..."
Part of him balks at that. Half-dragged out of the cantina and towards a ship, Rex can still summon up some offense.
"How the—the frip would you know what Jesse would want."
It's too loud, echoing around the little shuttle.
Maul slings him down on a cot and looks down at him, head tilted to the side. He looks... curious, maybe? And still so damnably soft. "Because he loved you very dearly, Rex. Now go to sleep."
“Kark you,” Rex tries to say, tries to snarl, but Maul is walking away and even just a shuttle cot is making him well up. Because it smells like a barracks cot. Because it smells like home.
He presses his face to the pillow and doesn’t bother—pretending, he supposes.
Doesn’t bother pretending to be strong, pretending to be okay. Just lets whatever happens next... happen.
Cried out, half-suffocated, and mostly asleep, a body warm and cold slips in behind him. Chilled legs pressing up against his, warm arm wraps around his chest.
It isn’t a vod.
Rex pretends anyway.
It’s funny, is the thing. Because he’s pretty sure Maul pretends too. Sometimes, at least.
When he’s not being disturbingly intense whenever Rex crawls on top of him or presses him down—and Maul always lets him, is the thing, always goes with it, never says no—then he’ll sometimes close his eyes, press his head back and let Rex use him. He doesn’t say Rex, or Captain, and that’s how Rex knows.
It’s odd to think about, so he usually doesn’t.
(Somehow, they both lost Jesse. If he thinks about that, he’ll have to break things. And breaking things might turn into breaking people. Rex doesn’t want to break people. Not even Maul.)
It takes almost two years, before he realizes.
Ironically, it’s because they both end up saying Jesse. And part of Rex wants to scream, wants to bite and scratch and curse. Instead, he kisses Maul over and over, whispering Jesse all the while, until he’s ready to go again. Maul does the same, touching him with fervor Jesse and Rex and Jesse falling from his lips.
After, Rex realizes that he hasn’t commed Ahsoka in months. Hasn’t even looked for her. He wonders when that happened, and why, then looks over at Maul, covered in bites and bruises, even thought he can’t see them.
And, oh.
It’s because all his vode are gone, but Maul—is here.
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kybernecklace · 3 years
give me more obimaul divorce hc pleas
hiiii i woke up and saw this and went in a frenzy❤️
a significant portion of their relationship is basically a game of chicken. they got married like three months into their relationship because obiwan was reading some romance novel and said "we should get married" thinking it would upset maul but maul said "okay lets go" thinking it would upset obiwan and they got married that afternoon.
they host a weekly watchparty for some like obscure british period drama show. little fancy snacks and everything. obiwan goes all out host-mode for it and maul acts like its the stupidest thing in the world but if you look at him during any of the romance scenes hes making this exact face: 🥺
one of their usual fights is that maul will purposefully leave the trash cans uncovered and sit on the porch in the dark all night so he can see the raccoons. he has named them and one will sit on his lap sometimes but he has not told obiwan this because he knows he would try to power wash him down for it and still never let him back inside after
they ruined three family barbeques in a row so now ahsoka and anakin have to figure out a time theyre sure maul will be too busy to make it before planning. the first two times were just because of their nauseating pda but the third time was because the dish maul brought got one more compliment than obiwans so he caused a whole scene about how under-appreciated he is. maul said something along the lines of "maybe they would appreciate you more if you didnt act like a child" which was just like pouring gasoline on a fire. all three bbqs managed to end with them making out against the side of the house where any of the neighbors could see
obiwan gets mad at maul for putting them on a government watchlist because he made several posts about setting fire to the post office for losing his package on their joint facebook account
leia is mauls biggest fan and nobody understands it because they manage to keep their horror movie marathons under wraps so well until one halloween she says she wants to dress up as pinhead and all hell breaks loose
obiwan makes maul drive everywhere. even if maul has no reason to go. if maul doesnt drop everything to take him to walgreens whenever he asks he will threaten divorce with the reasoning of "what the point of having a husband if he wont even drive me anywhere?" however they will always argue over who gets to push the shopping cart
their cats name is Percival Slaughter. it has no cute nicknames. if anyone tries to call him anything but that both obiwan and maul will say flatly in sync "that is not his name."
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