#obi wan x fox
adhd-coyote · 13 days
And for the last day of SithyWan Week, we have some FoxObi! Today's prompt was Emperor Obi-Wan Kenobi
Changing Colors - adhd_coyote - Star Wars - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own] Rating: T Paring: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Commander Fox Summary: Fox arrives at his Chancellor shift and finds an unexpected gift.
The Chancellor — or what was left of him — was on the floor. More specifically, his torso was by his desk, his legs had fallen near his chair, and his head seemed to have rolled to a stop next to the potted plant by the window, eyes still wide with shock. That wasn’t what drew Fox’s attention, though. No, that honor went to the man standing behind the now-dead Chancellor’s desk, idly rifling through files with an almost bored expression.
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chyarui · 2 months
Little homage to my favourite commander, clone, and character in all of Star Wars. This is for you Commander Cody, Kote. After drawing Fox I couldn’t not draw this man. His ability to balance his competence with his insanity is just fuckin incredible. This man will one second snap at a shiny for breaking Obi-Wans concentration, and in the next sucker punch a droid and dog pile Grievous. Icon. Also hm I wonder what the ring around his neck is all about. And his keychain for that matter…
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NOW ABOUT THE TATTOO. Though Cody’s the commander, I can’t imagine that he wouldn’t have gotten at least one tattoo. This one was inspired by a fic I read a while ago (The Things You Didn’t Say by Anonymous on ao3, highly recommend) where ***SPOILER*** Cody reveals to Obi-Wan his tattoo, half the open circle fleet. As the open circle fleet directly symbolises Anakin and Obi-Wan, the fact that Cody would explicitly only get Obi-Wans half tattooed over his heart… It makes me feral guys, I couldn’t get the idea out of my head.
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The last drawing is just a design idea I had that didn’t really work out when I added colour, but still really enjoyed. I thought about just drawing a full helmet like I did for Fox, but I needed you guys to see his side profile. I love this man so much. Also the stress caused by Rex, Anakin and Ahsoka combined caused him and Obi-Wan to have matching greying temples, just endless suffering with those 3.
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deserthusbands · 4 months
obi-wan: ugh.
quinlan: did you do what i said? did you tell him?
obi-wan : i did.
quinlan: aaand what did he say?
obi-wan: “thank you.”
quinlan: you’re totally welcome. what’d he say?
obi-wan, more or less covering the entirety of his face: he said, “thank you.” i said “i love you” and cody said, “thank you.”
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tattycoram · 5 months
Rex: Where have you two been? Wolffe: We were helping Cody with his wedding vows and got kicked out for making it inappropriate Fox: How is "Nice ass, Kenobi" inappropriate?
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darthmalewife · 5 months
The clones like to slip song lyrics into conversation to see if they can get people to notice.
Wolffe has managed to get a few lines of The Final Countdown in before anyone noticed.
Fox once slipped the names of seven Deftones songs into conversation before the senator he was talking to noticed.
Ponds has, on multiple occasions, got Windu with Nickelback songs.
Rex targets civilians for the sheer sake of he's a menace and it's funny. Furthest he's gotten is like an entire verse of In The End. Only reason he had to stop was because Anakin ruined it accidentally.
Cody goes for country songs. Man has gotten through the entirety of Highwaymen by telling someone that each verse was some prophetic force vision that Obi-Wan had.
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maybe-murphy · 1 year
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headbonk might be my new favorite thing to draw
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bon-sides-sw · 7 months
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Younger Days before Uni
You need to read @babygirlbridger 's Jangobi fic (E) too to see how Obi got into that situation :3
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obes-kenobes-benos · 1 year
Fox: Okay, no more talking about Kenobi
Cody: But you told me to get it out of my system
Fox: I didn’t know how much you had in your system
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weirdnotal · 4 months
Somewhere in the multiverse, Ben Solo, Rey, Fin, Poe, and Grogu have tons of great uncles and an amazing great aunt
Luke thinks he's gonna freak, but Dins just like: obviously this what every family unit should look like duh
No, Hans does not know how to feel about all the Boba fett lookalikes. He doesn't wanna talk about it.
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yuripira4e · 1 year
I just think Cody showing up to debrief with crazy beard burn and refusing to acknowledge it
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kotemf · 1 month
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adhd-coyote · 6 months
Hi there ! For the WIP game, can you tell us more about the Tooka Wan and the Corries one ? If you didn't talk about it already 😅
You are in fact the first person to ask!!
More often than not, Fox would find Prudii at his side not long after he woke up from a blackout. The tooka seemed to always know where he was, would find him shortly after he surfaced, and then walked with him back to the Warren. "You're a cabur'ika, huh?" Fox smiled tiredly at the small tooka on his chest. He was exhausted, laying on his bunk with full lucidity back. Prudii nuzzled his neck and purred. He stroked a hand — still trembling slightly — through Prud’ika’s fur. Prudii snuggled further into his chest and leaned forward slightly to give Fox’s jaw a small lick. "Aw," Fox cooed. "I love you too, Prud'ika." Prudii’s answering meow sounded like an agreement, so Fox took it as one. He yawned and Prudii gently pawed at his shoulder. He’d learned that that was the ginger tooka’s way of telling him to get to sleep. "Lek, I'm goin' t'sleep," he yawned again and snuggled the warm furred body. "Such a good Prud'ika, a good cabur'ika, keeping my nightmares away," Fox praised as he closed his eyes.
This is another fic I'm co-writing with the lovely @darknight-brightstar! Obi-Wan, while investigating some inconsistencies in the GAR's budget and spending, stumbles across the intel that Palpatine is a Sith. Before he can get that intel out to anyone, though, he's promptly turned into a tooka and has to flee for his life. One thing leads to another, and Obi-Wan ends up staying with the Corries, who name him Prudii - Shadow - because of how he sticks to Fox's side like a shadow. Don't worry, he gets turned back into his normal self after Palpatine dies, and he and Fox live happily ever after <3
Ask game
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tesalicious2 · 3 months
Kesett Modern AU Headcanons:
Boba is the youngest of his fam, with his dad being Jango then goes Cody (married to Obi, both 26), Bly 25 (married to Aayla 25), Ponds 24, Wolffe 22, Fox 22 (married to Quinlan 24), Rex 20, Boba 18 (other clones are 1st cousins)
Cal and Boba were 16 when they met each other
All Mandalorians live in a community, kinda like Arabic Communities, just sprinkled around with Mandalorian Shops nearby and some neighborhoods with large groups of them
They all know each other and talk/gossip, especially about the younger Gen.
Because of this, Boba keeps his social life away from all that
Cal attends the same high school and they share a few classes (that’s how they met)
They both went to a party, got high, and made out/mostly talked in the backyard for several hours
The Monday of school, Boba asked Cal out on a date and they’ve been together ever since
They both really like each other but Boba keeps it a secret from his fam (Cal’s fam knows and have met Boba)
They are able to keep it a secret for a long time with the help of their friends
Bobas family have met Cal but under the pretense of being friends
At first they kept it a secret because they didn’t know how serious they were. When they were ready, it was hard to bring it up
Cal is adopted by Jaro Tapal, who isn’t home during the week due to work, but he is home on weekends
Boba and Cal are eventually caught by Bossk, Boba’s other father (not in a relationship with Jango but Jango needed help and Bossk was there a lot)
Boba and Cal were kissing outside of the school at the end of the day and Bossk went to pick Boba up (Boba’s car was being borrowed by Wolffe) and Bossk came too early
Bossk is like ‘okay why do I care’ and doesn’t tell anyone bc he thinks Boba’s panicked face is funny
Bossk’s condition for keeping it a secret is that he gets to be there when Boba tells everyone
It ends up during a large family party (a lot of relatives are there, not his brothers spouses, just his brothers), one of Boba’s cousins who hates Boba asked about Boba’s boyfriend at the table, like everyone knew
He pretended to be shocked that Boba hadn’t told anyone (he eavesdropped on them talking about dates and sneaking out)
You could hear a pin drop
It was quickly a brawl between the two, with Boba winning via breaking his nose
He ran out with his brothers clamoring after him, stopping when his father came into the yard and yelled at them
Boba ended up at Cal’s place, spending the night there
Both of them went over the next day, to introduce Cal quietly
Unfortunately, all his brothers and their partners were still there so it was more
Boba walks in and calls for his dad, everyone peaks out to see them, Cal pales and tries to walk out, Jango seats them all away and talks to the boys outside
it goes pretty well, Jango likes Cal but doesn't give him the shovel talk because Cal already looks like he's about to keel over and die
Jango doesn't pity him enough to save him from his children and has Cal go inside while talking to Boba outside
Cal looks traumatized after that and has yet to say a word without seeming like it was under duress
The whole night goes well but no one really *knows* anything about cal by the end of it
Fett Fam: we aren’t that intimidating, whys he so afraid? Cal: *inside his head* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA but also Boba asked me to be here so imma do my best :D but also AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
It isn’t until a few more meetings that they actually start to get to know him
Unfortunately, due to his fam knowing, Boba and Cal are more limited in their dates (and other more intimate activities, tho no one knows about this)
Bad to worse when a month or so later Rex walks in on them making out that’s more bordering on having sex with clothes on
Cue the ‘use protection talk’ that turns into ‘you’ve been doing this how long’ to ‘my baby brother is innocent and is a baby!’
So now they are limited to any fun activities outside of either home which has caused problems but they deal
Cal has a chance to meet the Fett family spouses during a family dinner turned storm hideout for the weekend
It was raining hard and supposed to be bad but as dinner continued the power went out and the streets were undrivable so no one could get home
Cal bonded surprisingly well with Aayla Obiwan and Quinlan and they eased him about being a part of the family
Despite being introduced to both families, they keep it rather private and just between them
A few weeks before leaving for college, both families decide to have a whole get together to meet (though Boba limited them to just his direct family, no cousins or aunts/uncles)
Cal and Boba are nervous but Jaro and Jango do the ‘dad’ thing and talk shop about whatever dads talk about and that eases everyone
To no one surprise, they get married after college and move into an apartment an hour from Jango’s home
They use Mandalorian traditions for the wedding, gifting knives, the vows, and exchange arm cuffs worn on the upper arm (instead of the vambrance, a modern substitute. Cal gets a set of armor later.)
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deserthusbands · 4 months
quinlan, full on staring at cody as the commander sat chewing on dry oats beside obi-wan, tapping away at his datapad: why the oats.
obi-wan, fondly: he likes them that way.
quinlan: seriously?
cody, nonchalantly: it's efficient.
quinlan: ugh, does foxy do this?
cody: no.
quinlan: good.
cody: ..but he does have a caffeine addiction, im sure you've noticed it. i would think that is more concerning. he practically inhales it.
obi-wan, humming in agreement as though he doesn't drink an abnormal amount of tea when he has the time: cody is quite right.
quin: DRY oats. obes that's..
cody, flatly: at least i'm not like skywalker.
obi-wan, shuddering, squeezing cody's now oat-free hand: thankfully. and please.. do refrain from having an appetite for bugs, if possible.
cody, raising an eyebrow, just pressing a soft kiss to obi-wan's cheek.
quinlan, still just stood in front of them: wtf.
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tattycoram · 6 months
*the command group chat* Cody: Time sensitive question: how flirt boy Fox: Throw rocks at he Bly: Hot dogs Wolffe: Kill him Cody: Thanks guys
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honeyed-pines · 1 year
Quinlan being a dick about clones around Aayla, (Maul in the Jedi Maul AU), and Obi-wan all like “I don’t get why so many of you are so attracted to them. They all have the same face yada yada yada.” And then he gets a lecture from them about how that’s a shitty thing to say but
Then cut to a couple months later and it’s him laying in bed next to Fox who is just smoking a cigarette before he desperately grabs his holopad to text them all “I get it now”
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