#obey me luifer
squicksquak · 2 years
what i'd have the om characters saved as in my phone
Lucifer: My Sun ☀ (bc im sappy and infatuated with the sun/ moon dynamic)
Mammon: Mams (cute short and to the point<3)
Leviathan: Maidenless lass (bc let's be honest this man gets absolutely no bitches when hes not in his admiral attire)
Satan: Step son😟 (bc he would absolutely hate it and my mc is married to luci + loves to annoy him<3)
Asmodeus: Maiden slayer (bc unlike his brother he gets bitches)
Beelzebub: Cutie B (i like him hes nice<3)
Belphegor: Murder B (hes cute too, and i do like him but i will not let him live that down fuck him)
Solomon: saved him as his phone number to annoy him. imagine he sees his pfp pop up and then his nr he would be so offended LMFAO
Simeon: Simimimimimi (he needs a nap)
Luke: Cupcake (cute nickname plus he bakes)
Barbatos: Barbie💞 (not much to say ab this one i just think its cute)
Diavolo: Dia (again not much to say i just call him that a LOT)
Raphael: i wouldnt have his nr saved. fuck him.
Mephistopheles: Burble (his hair is purple and i think he'd find it funny)
Thirteen: Wife<3 (listen i am in love with her and i think my mc and her would get along splendidly and call eachother wife)
Michael: ik we dont have his nr but simeon sure does bc theres a chat with them so i would ask him for it JUST to block his nr. fuck you Michael you know what you did.
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