#obey me advice
devildomwriter · 2 years
How To Get the Most Out of HAPPY DEVIL DAY
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1. The nightmares last for 22 days so don’t panic when you don’t get them right away.
2. After ten 10x pulls you are guaranteed a UR+ which means EVERYONE gets a UR+. To do this make sure you claim your free 10x every day
Main Event
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1. If you haven’t already, SAVE UP your energy drinks for the extra chapters in the game. As always there will be a route harder to unlock so save it for that
2. Celestial Blessing events are MUCH easier to get the cards
3. There will likely be rewards other than the card like special backgrounds. If you want those don’t move on to the next box because you CANNOT go back to get them EVER
AP For Event
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1. Make sure to collect your AP twice daily
2. Play the event when the day refreshes in the morning and come back later for when the AP is replenished.
3. Make sure to complete ALL your daily missions for your 18 total devil points so when the special offer pops up you have enough devil points to get 200 AP
Charge Mission
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1. Charge mission requires ALOT of money. However you have until JANUARY 2 to complete them so a little bit at a time will help. You get cool rewards even if you don’t get the cards. If you don’t get the cards be thankful you still have money in your bank account because I sure won’t
Pint Sized Challenge
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1. The pint size challenge only last ELEVEN Days. To finish the challenge you HAVE to have the Lucifer UR+ which means if you have the vouchers or money to buy the vouchers you should use them carefully. And like I mentioned for the nightmare you do have time to get the cards but not as much to get the Lucifer UR+
2. This memory card DOES come with a story in devilgram
The Sale
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These are the awesome things you get with the “sale” (the crossed out prices have never actually been prices it’s just a marketing thing) however you do get useful things for the event.
There is also an 80 USD one but I impulsively bought it so I don’t have a picture for it. It does come with a UR+ voucher and lots of demon vouchers but if you’re like me you may just end up with the same one twice
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Main Take Aways
1. Be careful with your demon vouchers/AP/Log in bonuses/Real world money
2. Players without VIP accounts will still be able to get rewards from the event and a guaranteed UR+ Card. It also wouldn’t hurt to sign up for VIP for just one month to get even better rewards
3. The event lasts TWENTY-TWO days but it’s split into two events so keep an eye out on which ones that includes (It goes for the pint sized challenge for sure)
Have Fun and try not to be too impulsive :D
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PLEASE give me tips on how to beat the level 40 boss level 😭 I've been stuck in this level for like a month
lol i dunno when i became the instruction manual for OM (/j), but i'll be happy to answer!
One: Use glowsticks. if you have glowsticks, especially the rainbow ones, that'll get you out of any pinch. If you're really desperate, use the rainbow glowsticks on all the characters
Two: Make sure all the characters' special skill meters are full. And when they are, MAKE SURE YOU CLICK ALL THREE CHARACTERS. It will give you a bunch of those little hearts that appear on the screen and MAKE SURE YOU GET THOSE HEARTS. They'll give you a lot of extra points! click on the hearts ANY time they appear!
Three: Level up your cards and unlock the Devil Tree spaces for the cards the game recommends that you play with! Especially memory cards! It'll also give you an extra boost!
I'm not the best at giving advice tbh, so I hope I didn't tell you anything you already knew! If it doesn't help, you can rate me one star for bad service haha 😅
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crimpleflesh · 6 months
I’ve started to play obey me, I really like it, like a lot.
But at the same time, I feel like I’m cringe. Not because the game is cringe, but because how much I like it. Obviously there’s no shame in liking and being obsessed with a game or a piece of media, but I can’t help but feel ashamed?
It’s been really eating at me, I can’t quite explain why I feel so bad for LIKING a game and the experience it’s providing??
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shootingstarrfish · 28 days
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he's cursed
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autism-corner · 8 months
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its his emotional support animal MC. you wouldnt get it >:/
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radarchives · 3 months
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cnl0400 · 1 year
Lesson 3-14 HARD
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Well I guess demons could use something like that...
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... oh GOD
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devildom-fashion-week · 3 months
The banner (header) is so real love it lmao 👏👏
Thank you anon, I made another version of it for you 😌
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Not sure if you've played season two of the original yet, but in lesson 38 hard mode Diavolo is a little too delighted at Lucifer scolding him, so yeah. He definitely would have celebrated with Demonus if he had the chance to lol
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obeymepolls · 6 months
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inhuman-obey-me · 8 months
🌑 + Simeon + MC = ?
"Embrace the shadow following behind." - Simeon/MC
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An angel’s fall is often painted as one of disgrace, of shame. Once a beloved creature, now a despicable monster. A being of light now immersed in the shadows.
The story of the Great Celestial War can always be found in the whispers of the Celestial Palace, in the teachings of the angels, in the way that several large portraits in the halls had been removed but how nothing ever replaced them – a constant reminder of them. Those who dared to oppose their Father, those who dared doubt him. 
Simeon is beginning to wonder if he, too, might soon become a warning tale. 
It had already been set into motion long ago, with his demotion to archangel after he refused to fight, after he covered for Lucifer. As the years passed, he often found himself wondering – Why didn’t you join them? Why didn’t you fight?
Had he been a coward? Or did he want to so desperately believe that, at the end of it all, Father did everything for a reason? His guiding light is all he had ever known, all he had ever worshipped. 
He does not have anything else.
That’s a lie. 
He struggles to silence the voice in the back of his mind, but it has become more and more difficult as time passes, a shadow constantly clinging to him. You have them, it reminds. His long lost friends in the Devildom, new friends as well – and one particular human who has ensnared him, enamored him. 
You have them.
“Simeon? Got something on your mind?” 
Snapped out of his thoughts, he turns to be greeted by the most recent subject of his musings. 
“Oh, nothing important.” He flashes that warm smile of his, trying to ease your worry – though his gaze can’t help but fall on the Ring of Light adorning your hand. The ring that now has further embroiled him in Michael’s ire, in Father’s. 
“You know, I’m always here to listen.” You aren’t convinced, and take a few slow steps towards him. Placing a hand on his arm, you look into those cerulean-sun eyes as you try to read him. He has always made that difficult. “You’ve been out on the balcony for a while.” 
“I know.” Simeon’s smile softens, as does his gaze. With a sigh, he looks back out to the quiet Devildom forest. “Just…thinking about the future.”
“That sounds important.” You tilt your head to the side, lips curved in a teasing smirk. “What future are you thinking of?”
“...Of the Three Realms. Of mine.” He runs his fingers through his hair, trying to choose his words carefully. “Trying to figure out what it is that I want.” 
“What you want, hm? Well, I was told some great advice once. Maybe it’ll help?” You bring your hands up to cup his face, earning a look of surprise. “When in doubt, have a little talk with yourself. Close your eyes, and have a heart-to-heart.” 
Simeon can’t help but laugh, shaking his head slightly in your grasp. “Using my own words against me. Very clever, dear.”
“Hey, I know you’re the type who won’t listen to his own advice.” With a grin, you lean forward and place a gentle kiss on the tip of his nose, then his lips. “So, I’m going to make sure you do, okay?” 
“Okay.” He chuckles, feeling a warmth in his chest. As you move to cover his ears, he lets his eyes close and confronts that voice he tries to keep away. The voice that has followed him from eons ago, from that first inkling of what if? What if he had joined? What if he had done something else? What if he could be with those he held so dearly without fear or repercussion?
He thought all he had was the Celestial Realm. That all he had was what Father called love.  
You know that’s not true. You have everything you need, right here. 
As your hands eventually leave his ears, he hears the distant shouts of Lucifer and his brothers, the raucous laughter of Diavolo and Solomon, the yelping of Luke, and he’s sure he can hear Barbatos too. He then slowly opens his eyes, and in that moment all the affection he felt for you threatens to overflow. 
Perhaps it's time for him to finally embrace the shadow following behind.
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katboykirby · 11 months
I've never even participated in a Zine before, let alone so much as thought about starting one and/or running one myself
But should I...? Should I try to organise one? Or run an interest check for a hypothetical Zine...?
Because... 👀 Because I want a SatanxSolomon Zine to exist so badly. But if I don't do it, who will?
I don't remember ever seeing fan zines dedicated to either Satan or Solomon (I've seen Mammon zines, Lucifer zines, Diavolo zines, etc. But never a Satan zine or a Solomon zine) so there's a lot of temptation to try get the ball rolling on dedicated zines for either of them
But I can't stop imagining a SoloTan zine 👀
Like?? The fan art and fanfiction all revolving around SoloTan?? I would die 😭
I'm 100% open to suggestions and advice, especially from anyone who has worked on zines before. I would actually want to work on making this happen if there was any interest in it?
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I could call it "Pussy Magic" oh my god
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devildomwriter · 1 year
hey I just started playing Obey Me and downloaded both, I know a lot about the game from fandom and fics but do I need to play up to date on swd before playing nightbringer? (my understanding is they're connected?)
You don’t need to but it’s nice to know the whole story beforehand in my opinion
They are connected but one isn’t required to play the other.
If you okay the original first, in Nightbringer you can choose options that lead to Solomon interacting with you as if nothing has changed
If you play Nightbringer first, you can choose the options that lead to Solomon discovering you have amnesia and don’t remember your present timeline
However it will be much faster for you to get through Noghtbringer first rather than going through all 80 chapters in the original game
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mallleus · 1 year
Solomon: You can’t go and change the past or you risk creating a time paradox!
Also Solomon:
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cj2accountlost · 4 months
Excuse me artists, please provide assistance with these horns
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(Rainbow line art is just because I forgot to add my name)
Here is what they look like
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obey-me-angel-bros · 1 year
Love Advice
I'm too excited to share this so no waiting!!!
OK SO! Today I was doing my tasks with Sir Jophiel's guidance when~!
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Ah, Sir Morning Star! Of course. Would you like the little one to leave?
Yes, that would be preferable.
-Morning Star
Understood~ Asmodeus, would you mind practicing playing your harp with the choir outside? I will call you when we are finished.
-Asmo doesn't seem too fond of the idea but with a little sigh leaves the archangel's office, never completely leaving but instead staying within earshot-
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After that I ran away of course and pretended to look at flowers, and I saw big brother Lucy leaving.
I don't know what happened while I wasn't there, but somehow Sir Jophiel's mood was completely ruined after this conversation.
And even though he said everything was fine...I could tell it wasn't.
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
I wonder if Simeon would be able to help with writing since he's a published author, not necessarily writing it for us, but like for example helping us get out of writer's block or being proof reader/beta reader(or whatever it's called)
- 🦊
I definitely think Simeon would be able to do that kind of thing!
I mean, this guy has written an entire series of novels. You don't do that without learning a thing or two about writing.
He would certainly have some tips about writer's block and I think he'd definitely beta read if you wanted him to!
He might even have some publishing connections if he thought he could help you there. It often depends on genre and like... whether or not certain agents and publishers will like your stuff and junk like that. But I think if he thought he knew someone who could help you with that, he'd like introduce you or something.
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