mxmoth · 1 month
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mistyfoxxy · 2 years
in case mine is one of the ones that got deleted, the huntlow prompt i sent was essentially willow giving hunter physical affection and him not being used to it and also discovering that he's very touch starved :3
“What.. is this?” The blonde asked, tense shoulders and rapid heart- galderstone. As he had learned in the last few days… but titan was it hot in here? She was touching him. They both were touching him! Like… squished up against him. But something about it felt… so warming. So nice. So different. So familiar? But he knew he hadn’t experienced it before.
He’d have to research about this.
And he did.
In fact, ever since that day, the days leading up to the day of unity, he’d run to the library and look for any kind of information he could find on this physical thing Gus had called affection. The thing Willow had been doing a lot of.
Titan was it making him feel… so wierd. He thought it was weird, well the feeling he got was weird whenever him and the captain texted back in forth. The way he felt himself smile like an idiot anytime she sent those symbols shaped as hearts or complimented him. But this. This was a whole different level.
Ever since the school was invaded and they had fought the guards off, Hunter couldn’t catch a break. Anytime the captain had seen him, she’d place a hand on his shoulder, or nudge him with her elbow. Or even give him one of those things called ‘hugs’. And no, he wasn’t stupid, he knew what it was… now. It was a form of this thing called affection. He just wasn’t used to it. Sure him and Gus had made their own hand shake and playfully nudged eachother or even leaned on eachother in something Willow had called ‘brotherly’ but something about Willows touches made him feel so… happy?
No no, oh titan that was not the word. He felt himself get nervous, hot, titan he couldn’t even think straight any time he was around her! Sure before the whole situation with… Belos, he found himself distracted by thoughts of the captain a couple of times. Ok that was a lie. More often than not was she on his mind. And any time he had a mission, well smaller missions that he wouldn’t get in trouble for, he always took the time to glance around, hoping he’d run into her. And then of course he’d freak out. Because what would he do if he did run into her? Would he stand there like an idiot? Would he be at a loss for words like the first time she had called him? Or would he pose cool like he had practiced all those times. Would he try flexing? He had worked out quite a bit some since that flyer derby game. Oh! Would he start talking about plants? He had read up on quite a bit of that too.
But nope. He had felt very unfortunate. It went like the first two lines. He had stood there like an idiot at loss for words. Much to his disappointment that hadn’t actually been her. The way that actor portrayed her was quite sad actually. The captain was tough. Very strong and wise and not afraid to say something that she feels needs to be said.
She definitely wouldn’t shake and squeal like a little girl. If he wasn’t so in guard, he probably would’ve have laughed at the poor job they did in bringing her characters to life.
Shame on them.
He then thought about the day before. A slight blush crossing his cheeks as he remembered waking up, head leaned on her shoulder.
He never really slept. Not unless he felt safe enough too. And after the whole incident in Belos mind, he had not been sleeping. Something about her presence had caused him to lower his guard. And quite literally his conscious guard too. From what he was told, he had been out for hours. The poor captain had to have had a neck ache or something after sitting in that awful sitting position. Gus had said she tried to be still as she could to not wake him.
It made him feel so good but so bad at the same time. He kind of wished he could do that again. But it would be wrong to her. He was used to the lack of sleep anyways. But he could go for another hug.
He found that he really liked those. Like he realllllly liked them.
He felt himself craving them more in more each day, and it was weird. He had not grown up with them. These hugs. But he felt like they were so fulfilling too.
“Hey Hunter.”
Hunter whipped his head around to the source of the voice. The captain. “H-hi!” He called out quite louder than necessary.
And titan the soft smile she gave him made him feel so mushy inside.
“Whatcha thinking about? You’ve been staring for a while.” She asked. Not a hint of sarcasm or disdain in her voice. She was genuinely curious.
“Oh… well. It’s. Weird?”
She laughed out loud at this. “Ok. I can handle weird. Hit me.”
“What no! I’m not going to hit you. Sorry captain, but those are orders I won’t follow.” He stated matter of a factly.
Her eyes widened in confusion before crinkling at the sides in mirth, another laugh escaped her throat. “It’s just a matter of speech. Don’t worry.”
The captain then nudged him softly. His heart… well he guessed galderstone now but that didn’t matter! Atleast that’s what he told himself.
“Hugs.” He stated quickly.
He could tell she wasn’t sure at first what he meant but presumed she put two and two together when the large grin spread across her face. “You like them don’t you?”
He nodded slowly, feeling the heat rush up to his face at the honesty.
“Me too. I love them so much, I could probably hug someone all day if they’d let me.”
“I’d let you.” He stated way too quickly.
She laughed again. “I’d accept that. But I think I’d fall asleep. It would probably end up as cuddling or something.”
“Yeah. It’s like a hug. But mainly couples and stuff do it. It’s a very affectionate thing to do, I think. But you don’t have to be in a relationship. It’s just. Well you have to be comfortable with that person I guess. You basically just lay or sit while cuddled up next to the other, like a body hug I guess, and relax. I haven’t done it with anyone except for Gus when we had a sleepover years ago. But I… well. When I feel asleep I accident kicked him off the bed so we never did again.”
“That seems. Nice.”
“Yeah. We were watching a sphere and he’s quite the little cuddle bug himself. He fell asleep first.”
Hunter thought about this while cuddling thing. His mind then led him to thoughts of him and the captain cuddling. Would that be… appropriate? Could he do that? He knew he’d sleep for sure if she was right next to him. And it’s like a hug. He really likes hugs.
“You want a hug?”
Willow snorted. “You we’re thinking about them so I assumed.”
“Oh. Yeah! I mean- if you want to?”
She chuckled and grabbed him around the shoulders. Pulling him close. She wrapped her arms around his neck and put her face in the crook.
He melted.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face in her hair. He didn’t realize it until she started giggling but he did something with his nose against her.
“Ah! You’re a nuzzler too!” She giggled.
She then pulled away and touched his nose with hers.
He felt his face heat up, but also realized he really liked this. He ‘nuzzled’ back.
Sending them both in a fit of giggles and chuckled before they were interrupted.
“Little prince. I have a mission for you.”
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leaderlamby · 1 year
I am so dogbrained right now. giving you nuzzles.
Nuzzled accepted! ~
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Sorry if I didn't draw your character very well it was a quick sketch-
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notacluedo · 2 months
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lil gods own country Andrew and Neil
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fullychaotichell · 4 months
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SO, I wanted to draw the fakeout-makeout scene from the latest chapter of Of Saints and Sinners but I think I got a biiit carried away pfpf
@morningstarwrites you really fed us with this one, ngl 😳
(EDIT: Oh my god, forgot Alastor's stupid antlers in almost every single drawing dndnddm so, uh, replaced now lol (second edit: how did I miss Lucifer's cheeks too? This is what I get for staying up late to draw lmaoo)
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untitled-tmnt-blog · 4 months
Quick reminder of how adorably excited Leo and Mikey are to see Donnie in this scene.
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... that is all.
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meatexe · 4 months
i love being touched i want to be touched why is nobody touching me
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lizardkingeliot · 2 months
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Give him all your heart and I'll do the rest. I can't do that. I'll lose myself in him.
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wattemeer · 2 months
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IDK I'm obsessed with snake Luci sobs
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nocturnalnewsiestrash · 2 months
Nothing changes my brain chemistry like these two head nuzzles
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Like what do you mean they BOTH exist?? what do you mean I just get to have my brain teetered off kilter like a fucking teeter totter every time I look at them?? They make me insane
Credit to @sasakisniko for these BEAUTIFUL gifs
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voidheartkisses · 2 months
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novaneondream · 4 months
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k9emote · 6 months
cat mojis ? anything is fine, just silly little cat guys [ devious expression ] also would be really cool to see sable emotes in your style, i cant find any anywhere !!
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Silly car
little polite guy
playful stance
poofy stance
purring & being pet
Boop / Bap
Cat kiss
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khickuwa · 6 months
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Dear God, won't you look at me? Even for a moment, won't you let me pretend you're mine?
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technically-human · 12 days
Absolutely adore your art of the boys as orbs. Please know that every time you post a new comic with them my day gets 120% better
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Thank you!! Hope it still works with tiny versions :)
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mightbebobbie · 7 months
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